
Publication Sitemap


1-butene/n-butane Separation using fixed carrier membranes
1.5°, 2°, and 3° global warming: Visualizing European regions affected by multiple changes
10 New Insights in Climate Science 2020
10 New Insights in Climate Science 2021
10-Punkte Manifest: So kann Deutschland den Klimawandel bewaeltigen
1000 m unter Wasser
1100 m subsea robot starts wet working
11B{15N} REDOR and 11B spin echo studies for structural characterization of Si-B-C-N precursor ceramics
13CO emission in the irregular galaxy NGC 55 and in the IR-luminous galaxy NGC 3256
14 MeV neutron activation analysis
14 MeV neutron activation cross-sections
14 MeV neutron activation cross-sections
14 MeV neutron activation cross-sections of Cu and Ag
1D ecosystem-biogeochemical modelling and data synthesis of mesocosm experiments


2-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethyl acetate: Natural aroma compounds produced in an integrated bioprocess
2. Schulungsworkshop zum Projekt NEMO FSW-MV
20 Hz synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis in laser-pulsed WC-Co hard metal reveals oscillatory stresses and reversible composite plastification
20 Years ESIS TC10 on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking
20 Years of High Temperature Interaction Chromatography – A Personal Perspective
20 Years of Polyolefin HPLC: Accomplishments and Challenges
20 years of RERTR – Where we are and were to go?
200 NL H2 hydrogen storage tank using MgH2–TiH2–C nanocomposite as H storage material
2023 Report of the Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON, outputs from 2023 meeting)
222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa
222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa
222Rn-calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surface of southern Africa
24. ICPMS Anwendertreffen und 11. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren Elementspurenanalyse 2014
25th World Forum on Advanced Materials (POLYCHAR-25)
26th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology, SMIT 2014 - Influence of a silicon (Si14)-based coating of nitinol on fibroblast growth, human C5a
2D/3D local strain analysis of layered metal composites with a strength-ductility synergy
2LiBH4MgH2 in a ResorcinolFurfural Carbon Aerogel Scaffold for Reversible Hydrogen Storage
2LiBH4–MgH2 nanoconfined into carbon aerogel scaffold impregnated with ZrCl4 for reversible hydrogen storage
2nd GKSS / DESY Workshop : High Energy Materials Science at PETRA III


3-D atmospheric flow simulation with McCormacks method on a staggered terrain-following coordinate system
3-D growth of a short fatigue crack within a polycrystalline microstructure studied using combined diffraction and phase-contrast X-ray tomography
3-D microstructural and micromechanical characterization of nanoporous gold/epoxy composites
3-D microstructure analysis of nanoporous Au/epoxy composites for understanding mechanical response
3-D model simulation of orographic clouds and snowfall over Funka Bay- Part I: Formation of cloud street by topography and air mass transformation
3-D Modelsimulation of oceanographic clouds and Snowfall over Funka Bay. Part II: Bulk Parameterization of Snowfall over Funna Bay
3-D numerical simulation of cirrus clouds
3-D simulation of clouds with subgrid fluctuations of temperature and humidity
3-dimensional strain fields from tomographic measurements
3-dimensional strain fields from tomographic measurements
3. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar : Zur Belastung der Elbe
35 million-year-old solid-wood-borer beetle larvae support the idea of stressed Eocene amber forests
35 Years of Vegetation and Lake Dynamics in the Pechora Catchment, Russian European Arctic
3CaH2 + 4MgB2 + CaF2 Reactive Hydride Composite as a Potential Hydrogen Storage Material: Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Pathway
3D analysis of bone formation around titanium implants using micro computed tomography (µCT)
3D analysis of bone formation around titanium implants using micro computed tomography (µCT)
3D characterisation of hydrogen environmentally assisted cracking during static loading of AA7449-T7651
3D Characterization of Beta-Phases AZ91D by Synchrotron-Radiation Based Microtomography
3D Characterization of Beta-Phases AZ91D by Synchrotron-Radiation Based Microtomography
3D Effects on Radiative Transfer Simulations for Cloud Fields Measured in the BBC Campaign
3D FEM study on an austenitic stainless steel for verification the engineering treatment model (ETM)
3D geometric cues regulate stem cell self-renewal, migration and differentiation
3D mesh model and raw images of a drifting iceberg in Dickson Fjord (NE Greenland) on 20 August 2018 at 12:41 UTC [Data set]
3D mesoscale numerical studies of Cirrus and Stratus clouds by their time and space evolution
3D mesoskalige Cirrusmodellierung
3D Microstructural Evolution on Solidifying Mg–5Nd–5Zn Alloy Observed via In Situ Synchrotron Tomography
3D Microstructural Evolution on Solidifying Mg–5Nd–5Zn Alloy Observed via In Situ Synchrotron Tomography
3D microstructure characterization of polymer battery electrodes by statistical image analysis based on synchrotron X-ray tomography
3D Numerical Simulation of Clouds During the 1993 EUCREX1
3D printed spherical environmental chamber for neutron reflectometry and grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering experiments
3D printing using fused deposition modeling – Current materials application and mechanical performance
3D reconstruction of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy via synchrotron radiation tomography
3D simulation of clouds accounting for subgrid fluctuations of temperature and humidity
3D Spatial Distribution of Nanoparticles in Mice Brain Metastases by X-ray Phase-Contrast Tomography
3D stochastic bicontinuous microstructures: Generation, topology and elasticity
3D Structured Hydrogels with Enzymatically-Induced Shape Shifting
3D Structured Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Switching Segments Based on Oligo (ε-caprolactone)
3D Verifizierung fuer ein „konstantes“ Kohaesivmodell als lokales Bruchkriterium fuer duktile Bruchvorgaenge
3D-analysis of deformation in a metal matrix composite based on microtomographic data
3D-Druck von Mangesium durch das Laserauftragschweissen
3D-mesoscale cirrus simulation for ICE207


4. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar: Die Situation der Elbe
40 Years of Magnesium Research - Assessment of Contribution to the Progress in Magnesium Technology
45 Years of Polymer HPLC – A Personal Account
45 years of polymer HPLC: a short review
4C* – an upcoming open-source software for multiphysics computer simulations
4D Printing of Electroactive Triple-Shape Composites
4D-actuators by 3D-printing combined with water-based curing
4D-CLOUDS - An approach to enhance scale dependent cloud-radiation parameterizations in dynamical models
4D-Printing of Smart, Nacre-Inspired, Organic-Ceramic Composites


5. FSW Workshop Ruehrreibschweissen
5. Rahmenprogramm: Eine Uebersicht ueber Vorschlaege zur Durchfuehrung des 5. RP der EG
57Fe-Moessbauer-Spektroskopie an jungen Sedimenten: Entwicklung einer Anwendungstechnik zur Bestimmung individueller Eisenbindungsformen (Dissertation)


6th German ADCP User Workshop


70 Jahre Betrieb der Forschungsreaktoren Geesthacht
70 years operation of the FRG-research reactors, ready for the future
7000-year human legacy of elevation-dependent European fire regimes
7th Study Conference on BALTEX, Changes in Energy, Water and Matter Cycles, 20 Years of BALTEX Research


8 - Spatially resolved electrochemical tools: micropotentiometry and scanning vibrating electrode technique to detail localized corrosion problems in coated parts
80 Jahre Polymerforschung in Teltow-Seehof
80 Jahre Polymerforschung in Teltow-Seehof - 20 Jahre Institut fuer Chemie der GKSS
87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio measurements by laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: Reconsidering matrix interferences in bioapatites and biogenic carbonates


95-GHZ Radar/720-NM Lidar Simultaneous Measurements of Clouds at GKSS
95-GHZ Radar/720-NM Lidar Simultaneous Measurements of Clouds at GKSS
δ98/95Mo as tracer for past and current redox conditions in sediment samples from the Skagerrak


A 1-Dimensional Sympagic–Pelagic–Benthic Transport Model (SPBM): Coupled Simulation of Ice, Water Column, and Sediment Biogeochemistry, Suitable for Arctic Applications
A 1200-year multiproxy record of tree growth and summer temperature at the northern pine forest limit of Europe
A 1D physical–biological model of the impact of highly intermittent phytoplankton distributions
A 4-Arm PEG-Thiodepsipeptide Precursor Enables Gelatinase-promoted Hydrogel Formation
A 40 Years Hindcast of Wind, Sea Level and Waves in European Waters
A 40-year coupled hindcast of ocean and atmosphere in the North Sea region
A 40-year high-resolution wind anf wave hindcast for the Southern North Sea
A 450-Year Perspective on California Precipitation “Flips”
A 6-axes subsea robot for diverless work
A barotropic 3-d model for the study of currents around the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsular
A basis for mapping the erodibility of tidal flats by optical remote sensing
A basis for mapping the erodibility of tidal flats by optical remote sensing
A Bayesian approach to fit Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to neutron and X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy data on the example of water
A Bayesian Approach to the Estimation of Parameters and Their Interdependencies in Environmental Modeling
A Bell-Jar system for in-situ measurement of material fluxes across the sediment-water interface
A biomechanical and optimality-based derivation of prey-size dependencies in planktonic prey selection and ingestion rates
A Blend of Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) and Poly[(Epsilon-caprolactone)-co-glycolide] with Remarkable Mechanical Features and Wide Applicability as Biomaterial
A Blend of Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) and Poly[(Epsilon-caprolactone)-co-glycolide] with Remarkable Mechanical Features and Wide Applicability as Biomaterial
A Calibration-Free Methodology to Estimate Significant Wave Height Using Time-Sequences of X-Band Marine Radar Images
A Calibration-Free Methodology to Estimate Significant Wave Height Using Time-Sequences of X-Band Marine Radar Images
A capital approach for assessing local coastal governance
A Case Study in Atmospheric Lead Pollution of North German Coastal Regions
A case study of the radiative processes and microphysics of cirrus and stratus clouds
A case study on variational soil moisture analysis from atmospheric observations
A case study review of membrane applications to separate organic vapors from gas streams
A case study to investigate the influence of turbulence by numerical simulations of cirrus clouds
A CDM-based Approach to Creep Damage and Component Lifetime
A cell culture model for identification of novel biomarkers of pollutant influence on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)
A cheap and simple mercury filter for Brazilian gold mining areas
A chondrule formation experiment aboard the ISS: microtomography; scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy on Mg2SiO4 dust aggregates
A Climate-Economy Model with Endogenous Carbon Intensity
A closure study of ocean inherent optical properties using flow cytometry measurements
A Cloud Classification Scheme Based on 183,31 GHz Radiometric Measurements from Satellites
A Coherent on Receive X-Band Marine Radar for Ocean Observations
A Combination of In Situ Synchrotron Diffraction and In Situ Synchrotron Tomography Techniques to Study the Solidification Behaviour of Mg-5Nd-5Zn Alloy
A Combination of In Situ Synchrotron Diffraction and In Situ Synchrotron Tomography Techniques to Study the Solidification Behaviour of Mg-5Nd-5Zn Alloy
A combined chemical imaging approach using (MC) LA-ICP-MS and NIR-HSI to evaluate the diagenetic status of bone material for Sr isotope analysis
A combined cluster-dynamic and deterministic description of decomposition kinetics in binary alloys with a tendency for clustering
A combined compression and indentation study of mechanical metamaterials based on inverse opal coatings
A combined computational/experimental study of anode-concerned voltage drop in aqueous primary Mg-air batteries
A combined experimental-numerical approach for elasto-plastic fracture of individual grain boundaries
A combined membrane and adsorption unit in a hybrid process for the recovery of organic vapours
A Combined Pulse EPR and Monte Carlo Simulation Study Provides Molecular Insight on Peptide−Membrane Interactions
A combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar for measurements of cloud optical properties
A combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar for moisture, aerosol extinction, backscatter and lidar ratio profiling
A Combined Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration Step Facilitates the Purification of Cyanovirin-N From Transgenic Tobacco Extracts
A common European database for underway data from FerryBoxes
A common European database for underway data from FerryBoxes
A Comparative investigation of the bolt load retention behaviour of some selected Mg-alloys
A comparative study between computational prediction and biophysical characterization of antibacterial peptides
A comparative study of manganese dynamics in the water column and sediments of intertidal systems of the North Sea
A Comparative Study on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Hot Deformation of Magnesium Alloys Containing Zinc, Calcium and Yttrium
A Comparative Study on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Hot Deformation of Magnesium Alloys Containing Zinc, Calcium and Yttrium
A comparison between the deformation behaviour of dissimilar AA2024-T3/AA7050-T7651 welds produced by Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding and standard Friction Stir Welding
A comparison between the deformation behaviour of dissimilar AA2024-T3/AA7050-T7651 welds produced by Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding and standard Friction Stir Welding
A Comparison Between the Deformation Behaviour of Dissimilar AA2024-T3/AA7050-T7651 Welds Produced By Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding and Standard Friction Stir Welding
A Comparison of Climate Related Changes in the Freshwater Runoff of the Elbe and Weser Rivers and Effects of the Estuaries
A comparison of deep learning segmentation models for synchrotron radiation based tomograms of biodegradable bone implants
A comparison of ductile damage models with application to LCF
A Comparison of Laser and Resistance Spot Welding of Steel Sheets; Fatigue Lives and Residual Stresses
A comparison of ligament geometries in real and computer-generated nanoporous gold based on cross-section descriptors
A comparison of properties of indirect and hydrostatic extruded AZ31
A comparison of properties of indirect and hydrostatic extruded AZ31
A comparison of quasi-millennial extratropical winter cyclone activity between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere
A comparison of sea salt emission parameterizations in northwestern Europe using a chemistry transport model setup
A Comparison of Simulated Clouds to ISCCP Data
A Comparison of Solar Radiation Budgets in the Mackenzie River Basin from Satellite Measurements and a Regional Climate Model
A comparison of two identification and tracking methods for polar lows
A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean colour satellite applications – version three
A comprehensive comparison of the corrosion performance, fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed MgZnCa and MgZnGe alloys
A Comprehensive Eularian Modeling Framework for Airborne Mercury Species: Model Developement and Applications
A comprehensive eulerian modeling framework for airborne mercury species: developement and application of a Tropospheric Chemistry Module
A comprehensive Eulerian modeling framework for airborne mercury species: development and testing of the Tropospheric Chemistry Module (TCM)
A Comprehensive Eulerian Modelling Framework for Airborne Mercury Species: Model Development and Applications in Europe
A Comprehensive Eulerian Modelling Framework for Airborne Mercury Species: Model Development and Applications in Europe and North America
A comprehensive model inter-comparison study investigating the water budget during the BALTEX-PIDCAP period
A Comprehensive Modeling Framework for Airborne Mercury Species: Development and Testing of a Tropospheric Chemistry Module (TCM)
A Comprehensive Modelling Framework for Airborne Mercury Species: Model Development and Applications in Europe
A comprehensive study on lithium-based reactive hydride composite (Li-RHC) as a reversible solid-state hydrogen storage system toward potential mobile applications
A computational framework for modeling cell–matrix interactions in soft biological tissues
A computational investigation of a model of single-crystal gradient thermoplasticity that accounts for the stored energy of cold work and thermal annealing
A computational investigation of hardening relations for gradient single-crystal plasticity
A computational procedure for rate-dependent gradient extended crystal plasticity
A computational study of a model of single-crystal strain-gradient viscoplasticity with an interactive hardening relation
A computational UV–Vis spectroscopic study of the chemical speciation of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole corrosion inhibitor in aqueous solution
A Concept for Scaling JR-Curves by Plastic Constraint Factors
A Concept for Scaling JR-Curves by Plastic Constraint Factors
A concept for scaling JR-curves by plastic constraint factors
A conprehensive Eulerian modelling framework for airborne mercury species: Comparison of model results with data from measurements campaigns in Europe
A constitutive law for the thermo-mechanical modelling of magnesium alloy extrusion
A constitutive model for sheet forming simulation of Mg alloys
A continuum damage model for multi-axial low cycle fatigue of porous sintered metals based on the critical plane concept
A continuum mechanical model for the description of solvent induced swelling in polymeric glasses: thermomechanics coupled with diffusion
A contribution to the distribution of some chemical elements in Molinia caerulea and Eriophorum vaginatum during reinstatement of the Leegmoor, Emsland, F.R.G.
A contribution to the threshold determination
A contribution to the Ti-Al-Cr ternary phase diagram
A correlation between structural features of an amphiphilic diblock copolymer in solution and the structure of the porous surface in an integral asymmetric membrane
A coupled isotropic elasto-plastic damage model based on incremental minimization principles
A coupled isotropic elasto-plastic damage model based on incremental minimization principles
A coupled model system: The atmospheric model and coupling effects
A Coupled System in the Odra Lagoon - Hindcast of Wind, Wave and Water Level Fields
A covalent phospholipid-based surface coating for titanium implant materials
A critical consideration of magnetism and composition of (bcc) Cu precipitates in (bcc) Fe
A critical evaluation of microstructure-texture-mechanical behavior heterogeneity in high pressure torsion processed CoCuFeMnNi high entropy alloy
A critical look at interpretation of electrochemical impedance spectra of sol-gel coated aluminium
A critical overview of stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloys
A Critical Review of the Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) of Magnesium Alloys
A critical verification of post-threshold non-propagation(Hysteresis in fatigue crack propagation) utilizing compression pre-cracking on Al-2024T3 alloy
A cross-sectoral analysis of climate change risk drivers based on companies’ responses to the CDP’s climate change : Working Paper Series in Economicsinformation request
A custom built lathe designed for in operando high-energy x-ray studies at industrially relevant cutting parameters
A Damage Mechanics based Evaluation of Dynamic Fracture Resistance in Gas Pipelines
A damage mechanics based procedure for evaluation of crack arrest capability in gas pipelines
A Data-Based Estimation Method for Deriving Plankton Size-Density Distribution Functions
A dataset combining microcompression and nanoindentation data from finite element simulations of nanoporous metals
A Description of a 1260-Year Control Integration with the Coupled ECHAM 1/ LSG General Circulation Model
A design study of a 1-m2 Multi-Wire-Proportional-Chamber Position-Sensitive-Neutron-Detector (MWPC-PSND)
A detailed study on the transition from the blocked to the superparamagnetic state of reduction-precipitated iron oxide nanoparticles
A device for erosion measurements on naturally formed, muddy sediments: the EROMES-System
A diagnostic evaluation of modeled mercury wet depositions in Europe using atmospheric speciated high-resolution observations
A Diazirine-Modified Membrane Lipid to Study Peptide/Lipid Interactions – Chances and Challenges
A diffusion model for affinity adsorption of glycoprotein on immobilized lectin
A diffusion model for affinity adsorption of glycoprotein on immobilized lectin
A Diffusion Model for Desorption of Hazardous Components from Solids
A Digital Twin modelling framework for the assessment of seagrass Nature Based Solutions against storm surges
A directional modification of the Levkovitch–Svendsen cross-hardening model based on the stress deviator
A Discourse About Quasi-realistic Climate Models and Their Applications in Paleoclimatic Studies
A discourse about the local scale in climate modelling
A double helical structure formed from an amorphous, achiral ABC triblock terpolymer
A double-layer patch design for local and controlled drug delivery as an intraoperative custom-made implant-coating technology
A dynamcial reconstruction of detailed atmospheric and related regional variability, 1958-2000
A Dynamic Flight Model for Slocum Gliders and Implications for Turbulence Microstructure Measurements
A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Representation of Policy Implementation Processes in a Multi-Actor World
A Dynamical Downscaling Case Study for Typhoons in Southeast Asia Using a Regional Climate Model
A dynamical downscaling strategy to simulate polar lows and tropical cyclones
A dynamical link between the Arctic and the global climate system
A dynamical reconstruction of detailed atmospheric and related regional variability in Europe, 1958-2000
A dynamical reconstruction of detailed atmospheric and related regional variability, 1958-2000
A European approach for assessing ongoing and future storm climate change
A Facile Method to Prepare Double-Layer Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membrane by In Situ Hydrogen Bond Formation in the Spinning Line
A facile way to archive biomimetic laminin networks on substrates
A fast computational scheme for inverse modelling of multispectral radiances
A Fast Sequential Injection Analysis System for the Simultaneous Determination of Ammonia and Phosphate
A FE-Analysis of Anisotropic Creep Damage and Deformation in the Single Crystal SRR99 under Multiaxial Loads
A filtration/refiltration hollow fibre module system for plasma detoxification
A finite elastic-viscoelastic-elastoplastic material law with damage: Theoretical and numerical aspects
A finite element modelling approach of mimicking the morphological characteristics of nanoporous metals with the aim of a detailed understanding towards their deformation mechanisms
A finite strain crystal plasticity model based on strong discontinuities - Comparison to standard crystal plasticity theory
A finite strain crystal plasticity model based on strong discontinuities - Comparison to standard crystal plasticity theory
A finite strain viscoplastic law with anisotropic damage
A finite strain viscoplastic law with anisotropic damage
A first comprehensive study in zinc isotopic variation of water and sediment surface sediment samples from the Elbe River
A first low-resolution difference Fourier map of phosphorus in a membrane protein from near-edge anomalous diffraction
A First Principles Analysis of the Charge Transfer in Magnesium Corrosion
A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean
A first-principles analysis of the charge transfer in magnesium corrosion
A Five-Century Reconstruction of Hawaiian Islands Winter Rainfall
A fixed-site carrier composite membrane for NH3/N2-separation
A forecast experiment in the Balearic Sea
A formula for the background in TXRF as a function of the incidence angle and substrate material
A formula for the background in TXRF as a function of the incidence angle and substrate material
A Fortran 90 based integrated modeling and analysis system for the solution of control problems
A fossil biting midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from early Eocene Indian amber with a complex pheromone evaporator
A Framework for Assessing Social Structure in Community Governance of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: Insights from a Literature Review
A framework for estuarine future sea level scenarios: Response of the industrialised Elbe estuary to projected mean sea level rise and internal variability
A framework for geometrically non-linear gradient extended crystal plasticity coupled to heat conduction and damage
A framework for the evaluation of the South Asian summer monsoon in a regional climate model applied to REMO
A Framework to Generate; Store; and Publish FAIR Data in Experimental Sciences
A Framework to Generate; Store; and Publish FAIR Data in Experimental Sciences
A frequency-optimised temperature record for the Holocene
A fully automated simultaneous single-stage separation of Sr, Pb, and Nd using DGA Resin for the isotopic analysis of marine sediments
A fully variational algorithmic formulation for wrinkling at finite strains
A fully variational algorithmic formulation for wrinkling at finite strains
A Generalized Direct-Particle-Deletion Scheme for the Calculation of Chemical Potential and Solubilities of Small- and Medium-Sized Molecules in Amorphous Polymers
A Generalized Model for Adaptation and Stress Reaction in Biosystems (Habilitation)
A GEOSS perspective on Air Quality and Health in Europe: The EGIDA Methodology
A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research
A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records
A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985–2009
A globally relevant stock of soil nitrogen in the Yedoma permafrost domain
A grating interferometer for materials science imaging at a second-generation synchrotron radiation source (Dissertation)
A High Content Screening Assay for Evaluation of Biomaterial-Mediated Cell Fusion Processes
A High Content Screening Assay for Evaluation of Biomaterial-Mediated Cell Fusion Processes
A high performance neutron velocity selector
A high performance neutron velocity selector
A high performance neutron velocity selector
A high performance neutron velocity selector
A high resolving eulerian current and lagrangian transport model of the Lagoon Valle Vallona near Venice, Italy
A High-Throughput Assay for Quantifying Phenotypic Traits of Microalgae
A Highly Efficient One-Pot Method for the Synthesis of Carbon Black/Poly(4,4′-Diphenylether-1,3,4-Oxadiazoles) Composites
A Highly Photostable Hyperbranched Polyglycerol-Based NIR Fluorescence Nanoplatform for Mitochondria-Specific Cell Imaging
A Highly Selective Polymer Material using Benzo-9-Crown-3 for the Extraction of Lithium in Presence of Other Interfering Alkali Metal Ions
A history of human perception of anthropogenic climate change in the past 1000 years
A history of human perceptions of anthropogenic climate change in the past 1000 years
A history of human perceptions of anthropogenic climate change in the past 1000 years
A homogenized constrained mixture model of cardiac growth and remodeling: analyzing mechanobiological stability and reversal
A hybrid meshfree discretization to improve the numerical performance of peridynamic models
A hybrid variational-ensemble data assimilation scheme with systematic error correction for limited-area ocean models
A hybrid variationally consistent homogenization approach based on Ritzs method
A hydraulic sediment corer
A hydrological model for the Odra watershed
A Kinetic and Heat Balance Model for Anionic Batch Block Copolymerization of Styrene and Isoprene
A kinetic model to describe the effecht of soil temperature and soil moisture on mercury emission fluxes from soils
A Lagrangian Logarithmic Strain Space Formulation of Glass-Rubber Constitutive Model for Amorphous Polymers
A land surface scheme for atmospheric and hydrologic models: SEWAB (Surface Energy and Water Balance)
A large Streamer Chamber muon tracking detector in a high-flux fixed-target application
A large-scale horizontal routing model to be coupled to land surface parametrization schemes
A large-scale horizontal routing model to be coupled to land surface parametrization schemes
A Laser Plasma X-ray Source for the Analysis of Wafer Surfaces by Grazing Emission X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
A Laser Plasma X-ray Source for the Analysis of Wafer Surfaces by Grazing Emission X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
A laser powder bed fusion system for in situ x-ray diffraction with high-energy synchrotron radiation
A lattice-fluid model for the determination of water/polymer interaction parameter from water uptake measurements
A laves phase-body-centered cubic structural relationship determined using high voltage electron microscopy
A leverage points analysis of a qualitative system dynamics model for climate change adaptation in agriculture
A Liquid Ring Vakuum Pump Combined with Pervaporation Unit to Ensure a Steady Suction Capacity
A load frame for in situ tomography at PETRA III
A load frame for in situ tomography at PETRA III
A load frame for in situ tomography at PETRA III
A load frame for in situ tomography at PETRA III
A long term comparison between ERS-1 satellite data and numerical wind and wave model forecast results
A long-term climatology of medicanes
A long-term climatology of North Atlantic polar lows
A Look at new Sources and Sinks in the Global Mercury Cycle: is the Arctic a Missing Sink?
A look at the hierarchy of non-local turbulance closures for convective boundary layers
A Marine Radar Wind Sensor
A Marine-Radar Wind Sensor
A Marine-Radar Wind Sensor
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to fit Molecular Dynamics simulations to neutron and X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy data on the example of water
A Material with Electrically Tunable Strength and Flow Stress
A mathematical model describing the surface evolution of Mg anode during discharge of aqueous Mg-air battery
A mechanism-driven plasticity model for deformation by glide and twinning and its application to magnesium alloys
A mechanism-driven plasticity model for deformation by glide and twinning and its application to magnesium alloys
A Mechanistic Understanding of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Mg Alloys (Dissertation)
A Mechanistic Understanding of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Mg-Al Alloys
A Mechanistic Understanding of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Mg-Al Alloys
A mechanochemical route for the synthesis of VNbO5 and its structural re-investigation using structure solution from powder diffraction data
A mesoscale model of overland lead transport of particle-bound substances in the Elbe basin catchment over four decades
A mesoscale model of overland lead transport of particle-bound substances in the Elbe basin catchment over four decades
A Method for Computing Calibrated Ocean Wave Spectra from Measurements with a Nautical X-Band Radar
A Method for Detection and Transparency Classification of Clouds over Water
A Method for Enhancing Capacity of Local Governance for Climate Change Adaptation
A method for the in-situ study of solid-state joining techniques using synchrotron radiation - observation of phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V after friction surfacing
A method of assessing user capacities for effective climate services
A method to compare samples of soft bottom communities
A method to determine site-specific, anisotropic fracture toughness in biological materials
A Method to Determine the Damping Behaviour of Coatings on Cast Magnesium Alloy AZ91
A Method to Determine the Damping Behaviour of Coatings on Cast Magnesium Alloy AZ91
A Methodlogy to Reconsruct Aspects of the Recent Environmental History of a Coastal Zone
A Methodology for Attributing the Role of Climate Change in Extreme Events: A Global Spectrally Nudged Storyline
A methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline
A methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline
A methodology for spatial data selection for statistical downscaling purposes: A case study of precipitation in southwestern Europe
A methodology to uncertainty quantification of essential ocean variables
A metrologically traceable protocol for the quantification of trace metals in different types of microplastic
A microcompression study of Gum Metal
A microcompression study of Mg single crystal
A Microgel Construction Kit for Bioorthogonal Encapsulation and pH-Controlled Release of Living Cells
A microstructural hydrogen permeation model of ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating
A microstructural hydrogen permeation model of ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating
A Midlatitude Cirrus Cloud Climatology from the Facility for Atmospheric Remote Sensing. Part V: Cloud Structural Properties
A model describing the growth of a PEO coating on AM50 Mg alloy under constant voltage mode
A model for ductile failure applied to anisotropic Al 2024
A model for ductile failure applied to anisotropic Al 2024
A model for ocean wave imaging by a single pass cross track interferometric SAR (InSAR): The SINEWAVE experiment
A model hindcast of bottom environmental conditions in the North Atlantic Ocean 1948 to 2014
A model of anisotropic ductile damage applied to Al 2024
A model of anisotropic ductile damage applied to Al 2024
A model of anisotropic ductile damage applied to Al 2024
A model of anisotropic ductile damage applied to Al 2024
A Model of the Quaternary Structure of the Escherichia coli F1 ATPase from X-ray Solution Scattering and Evidence for Structural Changes in the Delta Subunit during ATP Hydrolysis
A model of using the asymmetric polydopamine thin film for mimicking epithelial folding in vitro
A model setup of COSMO-CLM for Siberia - Ongoing efforts
A model study on the large-scale effect of macrofauna on the suspended sediment concentration in a shallow shelf sea
A model-based climatology analysis of wind power resources at 100-m height over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea
A model-based climatology of typhoons for SE Asia
A model-based projection of historical state of a coastal ecosystem: Relevance of phytoplankton stoichiometry
A Modeling Approach for the Fatigue Behavior of Laser Drilled Micro Perforated Structural Panels
A modeling approach to predict the mechanical response of materials to irradiation damage from external sources: Nanoindentation of Pb-implanted ZrSiO4
A modelling study of temporal and spatial pCO2 variability on the biologically active and temperature-dominated Scotian Shelf
A modified isolation protocol for human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPV)
A modified isolation protocol for human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPV)
A modular and mobile, multi purpose lidar system for observation of tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols
A modular flow-chamber bioreactor as a tool for the analysis of degradable materials
A modular flow-chamber bioreactor concept as a tool for continuous 3D-culture
A molecular dynamic analysis of gelatin as an amorphous material: Prediction of mechanical properties of gelatin systems
A molecular dynamics simulation study of pervaporation of aromatic/aliphatic compounds
A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Interface Behaviour of Pervaporation Membranes
A Molecular Simulation Approach to Bond Reorganization in Epoxy Resins: From Curing to Deformation and Fracture
A Molecular Simulation Study on Beta-Cyclodextrins Included in PEEK membrane
A molecular simulation study on gas diffusion in a dense poly(ether-ether-ketone) membrane
A molecular simulation study on gas diffusion in a dense poly(ether-ether-ketone) membrane
A multi tethersonde/radiosonde receiving system
A multi-collocation method for coastal zone observations with applications to Sentinel-3A altimeter wave height data
A multi-decadal medium-resolution wind, wave and storm surge hindcast suitable for coastal applications
A multi-decadal wind-wave hindcast for the North Sea 1949–2014: coastDat2
A multi-grid peridynamic corrosion model to simulate Mg-based bone implants
A multi-layer land surface energy budget model for implicit coupling with global atmospheric simulations
A multi-model climate response over tropical Africa at +2 °C
A multi-scale hybrid morphodynamic model for investigation of long-term climate impacts on submarine and subaerial depocentres
A multi-scaled process study of dissimilar friction stir welding of Eurofer RAFM steel to PM2000 ODS alloy
A multifunctional bilayered microstent as glaucoma drainage device
A multifunctional multimaterial system for on-demand protein release
A multifunctional system for on-demand protein release
A multigrid approach for variational data assimilation into hyperbolic model equations
A multigrid approach to an optimization problem from meteorology
A multigrid approach to optimizing the initial values of hyperbolic model equations
A multimodel evaluation of the potential impact of shipping on particle species in the Mediterranean Sea
A multiscale approach of analytical ecogeochemistry in climate change research: background and tools in the context of aquatic ecosystems
A multiscale method for the prediction of the volumetric and gas solubility behavior of high -Tg polymers
A Nanoplastic Sampling and Enrichment Approach by Continuous Flow Centrifugation
A nanoporous gold-polypyrrole hybrid nanomaterial for actuation
A Network of HF Surface wave Radars for Maritime Surveillance: Preliminary Results in the German Bight
A Network of HF Surface wave Radars for Maritime Surveillance: Preliminary Results in the German Bight
A Neural Network Based Atmospheric Correction Procedure for the Retrieval of Water Constituent Concentrations in Turbid Case II Water from MERIS Data
A neutron goniometer study of the preferred orientation of calcite in fine-grained deep-sea carbonate
A new additive manufacturing technique for layered metal-composite hybrid structures
A new amphiphilic block copolymer to prepare integral asymmetric isoporous membranes via SNIPS
A new approach for the absolute quantification of peptides using capillary LC-ICP-MS
A new Approach in Data Management for an Integrated Coastal Observation System
A new Approach in Data Management for an Integrated Coastal Observation System
A new approach of the permeation method for the characterization of porous membranes
A new approach to measure the volume scattering function
A new attempt of Neutron Scattering data driven Molecular Dynamics Simulations
A New Bioreactor Design as Biohybrid Liver
A new concept for corrosion inhibition of magnesium: Suppression of iron re-deposition
A new concept of the third-order transport and non-local turbulence closure for convective boundary layers
A New Data Set of Historical Coastal Climatology: Signal Stations of the German Marine Observatory Hamburg
A new dynamic framework is required to assess adaptation limits
A new enzyme-assay for PLA2 activity in jellyfish venom based on phosphorus detection using HPLC-CC-ICP-MS
A New Flow-Regulating Cell Type in the Demosponge Tethya wilhelma – Functional Cellular Anatomy of a Leuconoid Canal System
A new fossil inchworm moth discovered in Miocene Dominican amber (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
A new free machining titanium alloy containing lanthanum
A new free machining titanium alloy containing lanthanum
A new fully automated sample preparation system for the isotopic analysis of Sr, P band Nd via MC ICP-MS and its application to sediment digests
A New Generation of Cyclodextrin Based Cage-Tube Stuctures
A new generation of ultrathin membranes made from different amphiphile-polymer-complexes
A new hypothesis for the existence of superheavy elements in the earth crust
A new instrument for sediment temperature measurements
A new interface for combining capillary electrophoresis with inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry
A new magnesium alloy system: TEXAS
A new magnesium alloy system: TEXAS
A new maritime spatial plan for the German EEZ: Navigating multiple aspirations and spatial developments
A new measurement of the spin-dependent structure function g1(x) of the deuteron
A new method for radiometric calibration of SAR and its global monitoring
A new method for texture measurement based on an X-ray imaging plate system
A new method for the absolute calibration and the determination of the sample volume at real aircraft speed
A new method for the determination of the dehydration coefficient of ethylene oxide groups of non-ionic surfactants in mixed micelles
A new method for the identification of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds in biota using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry
A New Method for the Separation of Different Types of Nematocysts from Scyphozoa and Investigation of Proteinaceous Toxins Utilizing Laser Catapulting and Subsequent Mass Spectrometry
A new method for the separation of different types of nematocysts from Scyphozoa and investigation of proteinaceous toxins utilizing laser catapulting and subsequent mass spectrometry
A new method of hybrid friction stir welding assisted by friction surfacing for joining dissimilar Ti/Al alloy
A new method to study biogeochemical processes in sediments by a percolation technique
A new method to test the adhesion in fibre reinforced materials and for coastings by sharing action
A new model to estimate the Young contact angle from contact angle hysteresis measurements
A new model to estimate the Young contact angle from contact angle hysteresis measurements
A New Modular and Mobile Lidar System Design for Raman Lidar Application Based on a 10-Channel Filter Polychromator
A new module arrangement for plasma apheresis
A new module arrangement for plasmapheresis
A new module for plasma detoxification
A new mutually destabilized reactive hydride system: LiBH4–Mg2NiH4
A new option for joining light metal structures on aircraft construction: Friction Stir Welding
A new option for joining light metal structures on aircraft construction: Friction Stir Welding
A new polarized target for neutron scattering studies on biomolecules: first results from apoferritin and the deuterated 50S subunit of ribosomes
A new potassium-based intermediate and its role in the desorption properties of the K–Mg–N–H system
A new procedure for the determination of mercury in air using neutron activation
A new procedure for the determination of mercury in air using neutron activation
A New Process for Sludge and Sediment Decontamination
A new project AFTER investigates the impacts of climate change in the Europe-Russia-Turkey region
A new radio continuum study of the large Magellanic cloud
A new radio continuum study of the large Magellanic Cloud
A new radio continuum study of the Magellanic clouds
A new sea ice albedo parameterisation in ECHO-G and its global consequences
A new sea ice albedo parameterisation in ECHO-G and its global consequences
A new sensor for underwater hydrocarbon monitoring
A new spatially distributed added value index for regional climate models: the EURO-CORDEX and the CORDEX-CORE highest resolution ensembles
A New System for Automatic Measurements of Biological-Chemical Parameters from Ferry Boats
A new technique for depth profiling on a nanometer scale
A New Technique for the Elimination of Gradient Related Effects During the Absolute Quantification of Phosphorylated Peptides Using RP-ICP-MS
A new work diagram suitable for pervaporation and gas separation under cross flow
A Newton Algorithm for Solving Non-linear Problems in Mechanics of Structures Under Complex Loading Histories
A NiTi alloy-based cuff for external banding valvuloplasty: a six-week follow-up study in pigs
A nitrate budget of the Bohai Sea based on an isotope mass balance model
A nitrate sink in estuaries? An assessment by means of stable nitrate isotopes in the Elbe estuary
A noodle, hockey stick, and spaghetti plate: a perspective on high-resolution paleoclimatology
A North Sea-Baltic Sea regional coupled models: Atmosphere; wind waves and ocean
A note on electrodiffusion and nonlinear reactions in heterogeneous media
A note on the improvement of TIROS operational vertical temperature retrievals above the antarctic snow and ice fields
A novel and easy to use sintering model for practical process optimization – introduction and first experimental results
A novel and easy to use sintering model for practical process optimization – introduction and first experimental results
A Novel Approach for the Determination of Growth Increments of Artica Isklandica
A Novel Approach to Robustly Determine Residual Stress in Additively Manufactured Microstructures Using Synchrotron Radiation
A Novel Approach to the Synthesis of High Performance and Functional Polymers
A novel bilayer system comprising LDH conversion layer and sol-gel coating for active corrosion protection of AA2024
A novel biocatalytic membrane reactor
A novel catalytic route for hydrogenation–dehydrogenation of 2LiH + MgB2via in situ formed core–shell LixTiO2 nanoparticles
A Novel Correlation for Protein Diffusion Coefficients Based on Molecular Weight and Radius of Gyration
A novel cytotoxin from Cyanea capillata (L.) with structural homology to Cubozoan hemolysins
A Novel Emergency Gas-to-Power System Based on an Efficient and Long-Lasting Solid-State Hydride Storage System: Modeling and Experimental Validation
A novel gas-filled detector for pulsed X-ray sources
A novel gas-filled detector for pulsed X-ray sources
A Novel Highly Selective Separation Process Applied to Low Concentrated Bioactive Marine Glycoconjugates
A novel homogenization method for phase field approaches based on partial rank-one relaxation
A novel in situ composite structure in TiAl alloys
A Novel in-situ Composite Structure in TiAl Alloys
A Novel in-situ Composite Structure in TiAl Alloys
A Novel in-situ Composite Structure in TiAl Alloys
A novel inert gas atomization facility for the production of intermetallic titanium-based alloy powders
A novel inert gas atomization facility for the production of intermetallic titanium-based alloy powders
A novel internal dissipation inequality by isotropy and its implication for inelastic constitutive characterization
A novel isotropic quasi-brittle damage model applied to LCF analyses of Al2024
A novel lean alloy of biodegradable Mg–2Zn with nanograins
A Novel Metal Hydride Compressor Concept based on Hydrogen as Heat Transfer Medium
A novel method for the preparation of composite membranes for gas separation
A novel method to produce hydroxyapatite objects with interconnecting porosity that avoids sintering
A novel multilayered membrane for the separation CO2 from biogas and other permanent gas streams: Process investigations
A novel organic solvent-free method for manufacturing polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes using melt extrusion
A Novel Poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne)/TiO2 Hybrid Nanocomposite Membrane for Natural Gas Conditioning: Butane/Methane Separation
A novel poly(xylitol-co-dodecanedioate)/hydroxyapatite composite with shape-memory behaviour
A novel proteinaceous cytotoxin from the northern Scyphozoa Cyanea capillata (L.) with structural homology to cubozoan haemolysins
A novel selection strategy for antibody producing hybridoma cells based on a new transgenic fusion cell line
A novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element coupling scheme for fluid–structure interaction: The sliding boundary particle approach
A novel solution for controlling hardware components of accelerators and beamlines
A novel solvent resistant membrane
A novel technique for preparation of aminated polyimide membranes with microfiltration characteristics
A Novel, One-Pot Synthesis of Novel 3F, 5F, and 8F Aromatic Polymers
A Novell Membrane Process for the Dehydration of Natural Gas
A numerical circulation model of Hamburg Port
A numerical model for simulating pollutant transport from a single point source
A numerical model for the entire Wadden Sea: skill assessment and analysis of hydrodynamics
A Numerical Simulation of a Contrail
A numerical simulation of a contrail
A numerical simulation of clouds and rain in the vicinity of Hawaii with parameterized microphysics: Report of the Second International Cloud Modelling Workshop
A numerical study of contrail development
A numerical study of pollutant dispersion over a land-water-land area
A numerical study on the correlation between the work of separation and the dissipationrate in ductile fracture
A parameterization of broad band radiative transfer properties of water, ice and mixed clouds
A parametric study of laser spot size and coverage on the laser shock peening induced residual stress in thin aluminium samples
A participatory approach for Integrated River Basin Management in the Elbe catchment
A participatory framework for conservation payments
A Particle Transport Study Focussing on Gasoline Lead in Europe and its Political Implications
A partitioned computational framework for damage evolution in stress corrosion cracking utilizing phase-field
A partitioned computational framework for damage evolution in stress corrosion cracking utilizing phase-field
A pathway for fabrication of inside selective isoporous hollow fiber membranes
A Pathway to Fabricate Hollow Fiber Membranes with Isoporous Inner Surface
A peptide based latent crosslinker activated by thiol-thioester exchange reaction
A Peridynamic Diffusion Model for Unbounded Problem Domains
A perturbation analysis of combined mode I and III dynamic crack propagation
A Physical Interpretation of the Wind-Wave Instability as Interacting Waves
A polymeric multifunctional glaucoma implant
A polymeric multifunctional glaucoma implant
A porous TiAl6V4 implant material for medical application
A positivity method for the determination of complete orientation distribution functions
A possible indication of anthropogenic climate change in the wave climate in the central North Sea
A potential remote impact of air-sea coupling over the North and Baltic Sea on precipitation simulated over Central Europe
A potential remote impact of air-sea coupling over the North and Baltic Sea on precipitation simulated over Central Europe
A Practical Approach to Ontology-Based Data Modelling for Semantic Interoperability
A Precise "Smile-Correction" for MERIS Oxygen Band
A precondition for a successful climate communication?
A predictive modeling scheme for wear in pin-on-disc and twin-disc tribometers
A predictive modeling scheme for wear in pin-on-disc and twin-disc tribometers
A preliminary comparison between measurements of ice water content and crystal concentration made by the CVI and the PMS 2-D probe during ICE-89
A Preliminary Investigation on the Static Properties of Friction Stir Spot Welds
A preliminary study of calcium containing plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy
A preliminary study on the application of Friction Welding in structural repairs
A preliminary study on the creep behavior of Ti-45Al-10Nb alloy
A previously unknown feeding mode in millipedes and the convergence of fluid feeding across arthropods
A principle curvature analysis to reveal the isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold
A principle curvature analysis to reveal the isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold
A principle curvatures analysis of the isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold: Quantifying the characteristic length-scales
A probabilistic model of decision making regarding the use of chemical dispersants to combat oil spills in the German Bight
A procedure for determining the fracture behaviour of materials - the unified fracture mechanics test method EFAM GTP 94
A prospect for LiBH4 as on-board hydrogen storage
A quantitative evaluation of wind fields driving the WAM model for the Labrador Extreme Waves Experiment (LEWEX)
A quantitative investigation of phase formation during annealing of cold-extruded elemental powder mixtures Ti-48 at.% Al and Ti-48 at.% Al-2 at.% Cr
A question of origin: dioxin-like PCBs and their relevance in stock management of European eels
A rapid and sensitive method for sampling and determination of gas-phase PAH species in ambient air
A Rapid Response Nowcast / Forecast System using Multiply Nested Ocean Models and Distributed Data Systems
A rate-dependent model of gradient-extended crystal plasticity for size-effects in magnesium
A recipe for producing pseudo-proxies for the last 21000 years
A recipe for producing pseudo-proxies for the last 21000 years
A Reconstruction of Emissions; Pathways and Depositions of Gasoline Lead in Europe, 1958-1997
A Reconstruction of Emissions; Pathways and Depositions of Gasoline Lead in Europe, 1958-1997
A regional atmosphere–ocean climate system model (CCLMv5.0clm7-NEMOv3.3-NEMOv3.6) over Europe including three marginal seas: on its stability and performance
A regional climate model hindcast for Siberia – Added value assessment of snow water equivalent
A regional climate model hindcast for Siberia: Analysis of snow water equivalent
A regional climate palaeosimulation for Europe in the period 1500–1990 – Part 1: Model validation
A regional climate palaeosimulation for Europe in the period 1500–1990 – Part 2: Shortcomings and strengths of models and reconstructions
A regional climate simulation over the Iberian Peninsula for the last millennium
A regional earth radiation budget product by synergy of ScaRaB and NOAA AVHRR
A regional earth radiation budget product for the BALTEX area from ScaRaB
A Reversible Nanoconfined Chemical Reaction
A Review of Experimentally Informed Micromechanical Modeling of Nanoporous Metals: From Structural Descriptors to Predictive Structure–Property Relationships
A Review of Friction Stir Welding of Mg Alloys at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht: The Way to High Speed Friction StirWelding and Friction Stir Processing
A review of hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment frameworks and indicators in the context of nature-based solutions
A Review of Ocean Color Algorithms to Detect Trichodesmium Oceanic Blooms and Quantify Chlorophyll Concentration in Shallow Coral Lagoons of South Pacific Archipelagos
A Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Downwelling Irradiance for the Validation of Satellite Remote Sensing Data over Water
A Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of WaterLeaving Radiance for Validation of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data over Water
A review of studies on corrosion of magnesium alloys
A Review of studies on corrosion of magnesium alloys
A Review of the Application of Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches in Continuum Materials Mechanics
A Review of the MSCA ITN ECOSTORE—Novel Complex Metal Hydrides for Efficient and Compact Storage of Renewable Energy as Hydrogen and Electricity
A review of worldwide atmospheric mercury measurements
A review on 3D printing by fused deposition modeling: materials and application
A review on direct assembly of through‐the‐thickness reinforced metal–polymer composite hybrid structures
A review on magneto-mechanical characterizations of magnetorheological elastomers
A review on regional convection-permitting climate modeling: Demonstrations, prospects, and challenges
A Revised Exposition of the GreenNaghdi Theory of Heat Propagation
A RIP-based SAR retracker and its application in North East Atlantic with Sentinel-3
A roadmap for high-resolution satellite soil moisture applications – confronting product characteristics with user requirements
A roadmap for Ocean Negative Carbon Emission eco-engineering in sea-farming fields
A robust comparison of dynamical scenarios in a glass-forming liquid
A role for calcium hydroxide and dolomite in water: Acceleration of the reaction under ultraviolet light
A Round Robin Test exercise on hydrogen absorption/desorption properties of a magnesium hydride based material
A sampling technique to compare climate simulations with sparse satellite observations: Performance evaluation of a CMIP5 EC-Earth forced dynamical wave climate ensemble with altimeter observations
A SANS Study of Micelles formed in Mixtures of an Anionic (SDS) and a Nonionic Surfactant (Decyl-b-D-Pyranoglucoside)
A SANS Study of Micelles formed in Mixtures of an Anionic (SDS) and a Nonionic Surfactant (Decyl-b-D-Pyranoglucoside)
A SANS Study of Ternary D2O-Polyfluorene-Amphiphile System
A satellite study on cloud radiative heating of the atmosphere
A scenario of storm surge statistics for the German Bight at the expected time of doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
A scenario of storm surge statistics for the German Bight at the expected time of doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
A search for new Mg- and K-containing alanates for hydrogen storage
A search for new Mg- and K-containing alanates for hydrogen storage
A semi-implicit, semi-langrangian scheme for the compressible nonhyrostatic equations of the atmosphere
A sensitivity study on bidirectional reflection functions for broken cloud fields
A Sequential Injection Analysis Method for the Determination of Glyphosate and Aminomethylphosphonic Acid in Water Samples
A settling tube for measuring suspended matter settling velocities in the German Bight
A settling tube for measuring suspended matter settling velocities in the German Bight
A shallow water wave model with non-linear dissipation: academic test cases and first applications
A shallow water wave model with non-linear dissipation: application to small scale systems
A ship emission modeling system with scenario capabilities
A short introduction into downscaling
A short review about GKSS membrane research especially in bioprocessing
A similarity-theory model for wind profile and resistance law in stably startfield planetary boundary layers
A simple and efficient method for the purification of membrane-bound levansucrase from Zymomonas mobilis
A simple approach to characterize constraint effects on Delta5-R-curves
A simple approach towards the efficient generation of 3D blood vessels organoids
A Simple Empirical Model for Decadal Climate Prediction
A simple Lagrangian model to simulate temporal variability of algae in the Elbe River
A Simple Method for Retrieving Significant Wave Height from Dopplerized X-Band Radar
A simple model for long-time degradation of magnesium under physiological conditions
A simple model for the growth of ramificated leaf structures
A simple model for the growth of ramified leaf structures
A simple nitrate box model for an East Friesian Wadden Sea bight
A Simple Pathway toward Quantitative Modification of Polybutadiene: A New Approach to Thermoreversible Crosslinking Rubber Comprising Supramolecular Hydrogen Bonding Networks
A simple setup for episcopic microtomy and a digital image processing workflow to acquire high-quality volume data and 3D surface models of small vertebrates
A simulated sea-breeze circulation system in nothern Germany
A simulation of the Neolithic transition in the Indus valley
A simulation of the Neolithic transition in Western Eurasia
A sintered porous Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy – correlation between powder size fraction, porosity and bone cell growth
A six DOF robot allows diverless intervention
A six DOF robot allows diverless intervention
A six-axes robot for deep water applications
A Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Micelles Formed in Aqueous Mixtures of a Nonionic Alkylglucoside and an Anionic Surfactant
A smart plasmonic transparent conductor with a gas sensing ability
A smart plasmonic transparent conductor with a gas sensing ability
A spatial two-dimensional discrete filter for limited-area-model evaluation purposes
A spectral nudging technique for dynamical downscaling purposes
A statistical analysis of climate variability and ecosystem response in the German Bight
A statistical analysis of rogue waves in the southern North Sea
A stochastic weather generator to estimate the recent and future wave climate at the German North Sea coast
A storyline attribution of the 2011/2012 drought in Southeastern South America
A Strategy for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Analysis applied to Microstructure-Property Relationships of Nanoporous Metals
A Strategy for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Analysis applied to Microstructure-Property Relationships of Nanoporous Metals
A Strategy for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Analysis Applied to Microstructure–Property Relationships of Nanoporous Metals
A Stress Tensor-based Failure Criterion for Ordinary State-based ‎Peridynamic Models‎
A structural explanation for the membrane destruct-tion mechanism of the peptide antibiotic NK-2
A strut graft substitute consisting of a metal core and a polymer surface
A study for an earth radiation budget radiometer for a geostationary platform; Eine Untersuchung ueber ein Strahlungsbilanz-Radiometer auf einem geostationaeren Satelliten
A study for the diffusion of coefficient for pervaporation
A Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget in Preparation of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
A Study of Carbon Redistribution During Plasma Nitriding of Steel
A study of cloud generated radiative heating and its generation of available potential energy
A study of cloud generated radiative heating and its generation of available potential energy. Part I: Theoretical background
A study of cloud generated radiative heating and its generation of available potential energy. Part II: Results for a climatological zonal mean january
A study of degradation resistance and cytocompatibility of super-hydrophobic coating on magnesium
A study of mechanical anisotropy of Mg–Zn–Rare earth alloy sheet
A study of mechanical anisotropy of ZE10 magnesium alloy sheet
A study of quasi-millennial extratropical winter cyclone activity over the Southern Hemisphere
A study of reactive phase formation in sputter deposited Nb-Al multilayer thin films
A Study of Recrystallization and Phase Transformations in Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides by In-Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
A study of the carbon distribution in bainitic ferrite
A study of the hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking of a low alloy steel using fracture mechanics techniques
A study of the mechanism for the irradiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels
A study of the parameters influencing mechanical properties and the fatigue performance of refill friction stir spot welded AlMgSc alloy
A study of the transition from intercrystalline to transcrystalline fatigue crack propagation in different ageing conditions of the alloy Cu-35%Ni-3.5%Cr
A study on bidirectional reflectance models for satellite scenes with variable cloudiness
A study on cloud-generated radiative heating
A study on cloud-radiation interaction
A study on dissimilar friction stir welds between Al and Mg alloys
A study on dissimilar friction stir welds between Al and Mg alloys
A study on local thermal and strain phenomena of high-speed friction stir-processed Mg AZ31
A study on material flow in FSW of an AA2024-T351 and AA6056-T4 alloys
A study on material flow in FSW of an AA2024-T351 and AA6056-T4 alloys
A study on nanocomposites made of a conducting polymer and metallic nanoparticles
A study on ship route optimization: measurement and simulations
A study on stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement of AZ31 magnesium alloy
A study on the effect of plasma electrolytic oxidation on the stress corrosion cracking behaviour of a wrought AZ61 magnesium alloy and its friction stir weldment
A Study on the Hot Deformation Behavior of Cast Mg-4Sn-2Ca (TX42) Alloy
A study on the SCC susceptibility of friction stir welded AZ31 Mg sheet
A study on the transport of dissolved and particulate matter through the Hamburg Harbour
A study on the transport of pollutants through the Hamburg Harbour
A sub-structural analysis of friction stir welded joints in an AA6056 Al-alloy in T4 and T6 temper conditions
A survey of fracture mechanics based scc standards and drafts
A survey of statistical downscaling techniques
A survey of the perceptions of climate scientists 2013
A survey of the perceptions of regional political decision makers concerning climate change and adaptation in the German Baltic Sea region
A sustainable flywheel: opportunities from insurance' business to support nature-based solutions for climate adaptation
A synchrotron X-ray and electron backscatter diffraction based investigation on deformation and failure micro-mechanisms of monotonic and cyclic loading in titanium
A synopsis on hysteresis in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation
A synopsis on hysteresis in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation
A synopsis on hysteresis in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation
A synopsis on hysteresis in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation
A synopsis on hysteresis in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation
A synopsis on hysteresis in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation
A synthesis of atmospheric mercury depletion event chemistry in the atmosphere and snow
A synthesis of progress and uncertainties in attributing the sources of mercury in deposition
A system in balance? – Implications of deep vertical mixing for the nitrogen budget in the northern Red Sea, including the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat)
A system to monitor ocean wave fields
A system to monitor ocean wave fields
A TEM study of deformation processes and microstructural changes during long-term tension creep of a two-phase Gamma-titanium aluminide alloy
A TEM study of inverse melting in Nb45Cr55
A Temperature-Scaling Approach for Projecting Changes in Short Duration Rainfall Extremes from GCM Data
A theoretical model for vertical distribution and horizontal transport of suspended sediment in geophysical planetary boundary layers
A thermodynamic study of CO2 sorption and thermal transition of PolyActive™ under elevated pressure
A thermodynamical model for the nucleation of mechanical twins in TiAl
A thermodynamically and variationally consistent class of damage-type cohesive models
A thermodynamically consistent cohesive zone model for low cycle fatigue including interface plasticity and damage
A thermodynamically consistent cohesive zone model for low cycle fatigue including interface plasticity and damage
A Thermomechanically Consistent Constitutive Theory for Modeling Micro-Void and/or Micro-Crack Driven Failure in Metals at Finite Strains
A thermosensitive morphine-containing hydrogel for the treatment of large-scale skin wounds
A three-dimensional coupled model of the western Black Sea plankton dynamics: Seasonal variability and comparison to SeaWiFS data
A three-dimensional current and transport model system with applications to Hamburg Port
A three-dimensional simulation of marine cumulus and stratocumulus clouds
A three-dimensional stem cell culture system by polyurethane scaffold material
A time for rejuvenation of the journal after the first seven years
A trait-based approach for downscaling complexity in plankton ecosystem models
A trait-based approach for downscaling complexity in plankton ecosystem models
A Trait-Based Framework for Explaining Non-additive Effects of Multiple Stressors on Plankton Communities
A transmission electron microscopy and three-dimensional atom probe study of the oxygen-induced fine microstructural features in as-sintered Ti–6Al–4V and their impacts on ductility
A transmission electron microscopy investigation of inverse melting in Nb45Cr55
A transport model for non-aqueous nanofiltration
A transport model for organophilic nanfiltration
A tunable focusing monochromator for Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectrometers
A two magnetron sputter deposition chamber equipped with an additional ion gun for in situ observation of thin film growth and surface modification by synchrotron radiation scattering
A two magnetron sputter deposition chamber equipped with an additional ion gun for in situ observation of thin film growth and surface modification by synchrotron radiation scattering
A two-dimension discrete filter for limited area model evaluation purposes
A Two-Period Model of Coastal Urban Adaptation Supported by Climate Services
A Two-Scale Approach for Modeling of Fiber-Reinforced PMMA
A Unique Quenching and Deformation Dilatometer for Combined In Situ Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Engineering Materials
A Universal Approach to Crosslinked Hierarchical Polymer Multilayers as Stable and Highly Effective Antifouling Coatings
A US perspective on closing the carbon cycle to defossilize difficult-to-electrify segments of our economy
A user’s guide for selected autonomous biogeochemical sensors
A user’s guide for selected autonomous biogeochemical sensors : An outcome from the 1st International IOCCP Sensors Summer Course – Instrumenting Our Oceans for Better Observations
A validation of the cloud parameterization in the regional model SN-REMO
A variational formulation for finite deformation wrinkling analysis of inelastic membranes
A variationally consistent approach for crack propagation based on configurational forces
A variationally consistent approach for crack propagation based on configurational forces
A Variationally Consistent Approach for Non-Associative Thermoplasticity at Finite Strain
A Variationally Consistent Approach for Nonassociative Thermoplasticity at Finite Strain
A vegetation control on seasonal variations in global atmospheric mercury concentrations
A verification study and trend analysis of simulated boundary layer wind fields over Europe (Dissertation)
A verification study of the global WAM model: December 1987 - November 1988 (Technical Report No. 63)
A versatile approach for the processing of polymer nanocomposites with selfassembled nanofibre templates
A versatile SPH modeling framework for coupled microfluid-powder dynamics in additive manufacturing: binder jetting, material jetting, directed energy deposition and powder bed fusion
A vertically discretised canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes
A vesicle-to-sponge transition via the proliferation of membrane-linking pores in ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing lipid assemblies
A Violent Midlatitude Storm in Northern Germany and Denmark, 28 October 2013
A Water-Processable and Bioactive Multivalent Graphene Nanoink for Highly Flexible Bioelectronic Films and Nanofibers
A wave model with a nonlinear dissipation source function
A wave model with a nonlinear dissipation source function: Test runs for the swamp cases
A Wavelength-dispersive Arrangement for Wafer Analysis with Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry using Synchrotron Radiation
A wavelength-dispersive arrangement for wafer analysis with total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometryusing synchrotron radiation
A wind direction analysis for the Baltic Sea region: Is it possible to draw conclusions from mean wind statistics onextreme wind statistics?
A wind direction analysis for the Baltic Sea region: Is it possible to draw conclusions from mean wind statistics onextreme wind statistics?
A wind proxy based on migrating dunes at the Baltic coast: statistical analysis of the link between wind conditions and sand movement
A zone melting device for the in situ observation of directional solidification using high-energy synchrotron x rays editors-pick
A1-Dimensional Ice-Pelagic-Benthic transport model (IPBM) v0.1: Coupled simulation of ice, water column, and sediment biogeochemistry
Ab initio analysis and thermodynamic assessment of FeTi hydrogenation
Ab initio investigation of surface stress response to charging of transition and noble metals
Ab-initio investigation and thermodynamic assessment of FeTi hydrogenation
Ab-initio modeling of electromechanical coupling at Si surfaces
Ab-initio modeling of electromechanical coupling at Si surfaces
AB-polymer Networks with Cooligoester and Poly(Eta-butyl acrylate) Segments as a Multifunctional Matrix for Controlled Drug Release
ABA triblock copolymer based hydrogels with thermo-sensitivity for biomedical applications
ABA triblock copolymer based hydrogels with thermo-sensitivity for biomedical applications
Abbau von Stickstoffverbindungen im Sediment
Abbau von Stickstoffverbindungen in Sedimenten der Unterelbe
Abbaubare metallische Implantate
Abbaubare metallische Implantate - eine Standortbestimmung / Degradable metallic implants - assessment of the current situation
Abbaubare Polymere als Biomaterialien
Abbaubare Polymere in der Medizin
Abbildung von Nanostrukturen an kristallinen und amorphen Polymeren
Abbildung von submariner Bodentopographie auf Luft- und Satellitenbildern im Mikrowellenbereich und im sichtbaren Bereich des elektromagnetischen Spektrums (Dissertation)
Abfall und Altlastensanierung
Abfall und Altlastensanierung
Abfallminimierung in der abrasiven Hochdruckwasserstrahl-Technik
Abfallminimierung in der Wasserabrasivstrahltechnik durch Recycling (Dissertation)
Abgasreinigung in Tanklaegern und in der chemischen Industrie mit Loesungs-Diffusionsmembranen
Ability to Control the Glass Transition Temperature of Amorphous Shape-Memory Polyesterurethane Networks by Varying Prepolymers in Molecular Mass as well as in Type and Content of Incorporated Comonomers
Ability to Control the Glass Transition Temperature of Amorphous Shape-Memory Polyesterurethane Networks by Varying Prepolymers in Molecular Mass as well as in Type and Content of Incorporated Comonomers
Ableitung hydrologischer Parameter aus Mikrowellenbeobachtungen von Satelliten
Ableitung vertikaler Strahlungsfluss-Divergenzprofile aus MSG-Daten
Abnormal Cells Appeared in Early Passage Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells Show Aberrant Genotype, Karyotype and Metabolism
Abnormal Cells Appeared in Early Passage Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells Show Aberrant Genotype, Karyotype and Metabolism
Abnormal extrusion texture and reversed yield asymmetry in a Mg–Y-Sm-Zn-Zr alloy
About Downscaling
Abrasive jet cutting down to 600 m water
Abrasive jet cutting for deep water pipeline repair
Abrasive jet cutting for subsea application
Abrasive jet cutting for subsea application
Abrasive wear Mechanisms of Nanocrystalline TiC-NiCo Coatings
Abrasive wear mechanisms of the VPS- and HVOF-sprayed TiC-Ni-based nanocrystalline coatings
Abrasive wear mechanisms of the VPS- and HVOF-sprayed TiC-Ni-based nanocrystalline coatings
Abrasives Hochdruck-Wasserstrahlschneiden
Abrupt emergence of a large pockmark field in the German Bight, southeastern North Sea
Abschaetzung der Untergrenze des Bruchwiderstandes im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich
Abschaetzung des Eintrags von Tschernobyl-Fallout (Sr-90, Cs-137) ueber die Elbe in die Nordsee
Abschaetzung einer zukuenftigen Niederschlagsentwicklung mit statistischen Methoden unter Einbezug raeumlicher Differenzierungsverfahren am Beispiel des suedwesteuropaeischen Raums (Diplomarbeit)
Abschlussbericht des BMBF-Verbundprojektes 02WT9014/3: Umweltverhalten von Sedimenten; Teilprojekt: Untersuchungen der Spurenmetallmobilitaet im diagenetischen Umwandlungsprozess von Sedimenten - Teil A 5.1.2; Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg
Abschlussbericht ueber die Arbeiten der GKSS zum Projekt 'Compositmembranen aus mesoskopischen Blockcopolymeren mit Bipyridinstrukturen und Cu(I)-Komplexsalzen fuer die Abtrennung von Olefinen aus Gasgemischen durch Komplexbildung', Foederkennzeichen 03C0
Abschlussbericht zum BMFT-Vorhaben Thermoanalytische Untersuchungen an Titanaluminiden' Foerderkennzeichen NTS90008'
Absence of the spin-flip transition on Cr(001): A combined spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy and neutron scattering study
Absolute Calibration of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data of a Double-Crystal Diffractometer
Absolute Calibration of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data of a Double-Crystal Diffractometer
Absolute Molmassendetektion in der Groessenausschlusschromatographie mit Hilfe eines schnellen Durchflussosmometers
Absolute quantification of phosphorylated peptides using HPLC-ICP-MS – A New approach to eliminate gradient related effects
Absolute quantification of transferrin in blood samples of harbour seals using HPLC-ICP-MS
Absorption assisted pervaporation for solvent dehydration
Absorption correction of peak positions for neutron strain measurements
Absorption correction of peak positions for neutron strain measurements
Absorption reaction of LiH/MgB2 composites for hydrogen storage investigated by in situ powder X-ray diffraction
ABSTRACTS - 4th Workshop on Functional Materials: Synthesis and Charakterisation of Mesoscalic Systems
'Abteilung Radarhydrographie' Broschuere
Abtrennen sehr feiner Pulverteilchenfraktionen durch Windsichten
Abtrennen sehr feiner Pulverteilchenfraktionen durch Windsichten
Abtrennen von Wasserdampf aus Gasstroemen mit Hilfe von Polymermembranen (Dissertation)
Abtrennung organischer Daempfe mit Membranen
Abtrennung organischer Komponenten aus waessrigen Vielstoffgemischen mittels Pervaporation
Abtrennung und Rueckgewinnung von organischen Daempfen mit Hilfe von Membranen: Grundlagen ueber Membranen, Module und Verfahrensauslegung
Abtrennung von CO2 aus Kraftwerksrauchgasen mit Supported Ionic Liquid Membranen (SILM) (Masterarbeit)
Abtrennung von Fluessiggaskomponenten aus Raffineriegasen
Abtrennung von Kohlendioxid aus Biogas: Verfahrenscharakterisierung durch Pilotanlagenversuche (Diplomarbeit)
Abtrennung von Loesemitteln aus der Abluft der Membranproduktion (Diplomarbeit)
Abtrennung von schweren Kohlenwasserstoffen und Wasserdampf aus Erdgas und Erdoelbegleitgasen
Abundance ratios of mercury isotopes by 6s6p3P1-intermediate state excitation with resonance ionization mass spectometry
Abwasser- und Trinkwasserbehandlungsverfahren
Abwasserreinigung mit Membranen
AC potential measurement of hydrogen-induced geometrical crack closure during fatigue crack growth
Accelerated enzymatic degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in a thickness-dependent manner
Accelerated fracture mechanics based scc test procedure
Accelerated microfluidic production of polymer particles
Accelerated solvent extraction combined with in-line cleanup and GC-MS/MS with isotope dilution techniques to determine trace-level carbazoles in sediment
Accelerating deployment of offshore wind energy alter wind climate and reduce future power generation potentials
Accelerating the distance-minimizing method with adaptive hyperparameters for data-driven elasticity problems
Accessing Colony Boundary Strengthening of Fully Lamellar TiAl Alloys via Micromechanical Modeling
Accessing Diverse Data Comprehensively – CODM the COSYNA Data Portal
Accounting for subgrid fluctuations in cloud modelling by a Monte-Carlo-method
Accumulation of mercury(II) and methylmercury by microbial biofilms
Accumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds in Tibetan Mountain Snow: Temporal Patterns from 1980 to 2010
Accumulation Rates of the Heavy Metals Lead, Mercury and Cadmium in Ombrotrophic Peatlands in the West of Ireland
Accuracy of anisotropic reflectance factors determined from METEOSAT observations
Accuracy of Bathymetric Assessment by Locally Analyzing Radar Ocean Wave Imagery (February 2008)
Accuracy of Wave Direction Estimation from Directional Wave Rider Buoy Time Series
Accuracy of Wave Direction Estimation from Directional Wave Rider Buoy Time Series
Accurate estimation of the backscattering coefficient by light scattering at two backward angles
Acetic Acid Etching of Mg-xGd Alloys
Achievements in deep drawing of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
Achievements in deep drawing of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
Achievements in deep drawing of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
Achieving advanced elevated-temperature strength by tailoring precipitates in Mg-Sn-Y alloys
Achieving enhanced mechanical properties in Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn alloy by altering dynamic recrystallization behavior via pre-ageing treatment
Achieving high strength and ductility in a heterogeneous bimodal grain structured TiC/AZ61 magnesium nanocomposites via powder metallurgy
Achtzig Jahre Polymerkolloidforschung in Teltow-Seehof
Acidic Mining Lakes: Acid Mine Drainage, Limnology and Reclamation
Acidification and its long-term impact on metal mobility
Acid‐Mediated Autocatalysis in Vinylogous Urethane Vitrimers
Acoustic backscatter analysis of ground-fishing activity in the German North Sea sector
Acoustic Emission Analysis of Plane Strain-Compressed Mg Single Crystals
Acoustic Emission Analysis of Plane Strain-Compressed Mg Single Crystals
Acoustic emission during stress relaxation of pure magnesium and AZ magnesium alloys
Acoustic emission during tensile testing of Magnesium AZ Alloys
Acoustic emission generated during tensile deformation of an AZ 31 magnesium sheet
Acoustic emission study of Mg-Mn extruded alloys with perspective mechanical properties
Acoustic emission study of Mg-Mn extruded alloys with perspective mechanical properties
Acoustic emission study of Mg-Mn extruded alloys with perspective mechanical properties
Acoustic Emission Study of the Deformation Behavior of Mg-Mn Alloys Containing Rare Earth Elements
Acoustic emission study of the deformation behavior of Mg-Mn alloys containing rare earth elements
Acoustic emission study of the deformation behaviour of magnesium sheets
Acoustic emission study of the deformation behaviour of magnesium sheets
Acoustic Emission Study of the Mechanical Anisotropy of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Acoustic Emission Study of the Mechanical Anisotropy of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Acoustic emission study of the mechanical anisotropy of extruded AZ31
Acoustic Emission Study of the Mechanical Anisotropy of Extruded AZ31
Acoustic emission study of the mechanical anisotropy of extruded AZ31
Acoustic emission study on the activity of slip and twin mechanisms during compression testing of magnesium single crystals
Acoustic Levitation Device for Sample Pretreatment in Microanalysis and Trace Analysis
Acoustic levitation in the field of analytical, physical and atmospheric chemistry
Acquisition and reduction of differential absorption and scattering lidar data
Acrylnitrilpolymere fuer Hochleistungsmaterialien
Act now - Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions : Workshop Report : Online Expert Workshop January 25th -26th 2022
Action potentials in primary osteoblasts and in the MG-63 osteoblast-like cell line
Activation cross sections related to nuclear heating of high TCsuperconductors
Activation cross sections related to nuclear heating of high TCsuperconductors
Activation of CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells proceeds normally in the absence of B cells during EAE
Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-Delta as Novel Therapeutic Strategy to Prevent In-Stent Restenosis and Stent Thrombosis
Activation of the reactive hydride composite 2NaBH4 + MgH2
Active and Passive synergetic cloud remote sensing from space: Simulation of the Earth CARE mission
Active Biomaterials
Active Biomaterials
Active Biomaterials
Active Biomaterials
Active Biomaterials
Active Biomaterials
Active Biomaterials
Active biomaterials for growing robots
Active Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Active Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Active corrosion protection coating for ZE41 magnesium alloy created by combining PEO and sol-gel techniques
Active Corrosion Protection for Light Alloys and Multi Materials Structures in Transportation Industries
Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study
Active Particulate Polymer Carriers
Active Particulate Polymer Carriers
Active Polymer Substrates for 3D Printable Biology
Active Polymers
Active Polymers and Carriers
Active Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Active Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Active protection of Mg alloy by composite PEO coating loaded with corrosion inhibitors
Active Protective Coatings - New-Generation Coatings for Metals, Springer Series in Materials Science
Active Protective Coatings: New-Generation Coatings for Metals
Active protective PEO coatings on AA2024: Role of voltage on in-situ LDH growth
Active protective sealing for PEO treated magnesium alloys (Masterarbeit)
Active self-healing coating for galvanically coupled multi-material assemblies
Active sensing coating for early detection of corrosion processes
Active-Strain Electromechanics for the Computational Modelling of Gastric Peristalsis
Active-Strain Electromechanics for the Computational Modelling of Gastric Peristalsis
Actively Moving Polymers
Actively Moving Polymers
Actively Moving Polymers
Actively Moving Polymers
Actively Moving Polymers
Actively Moving Polymers
Activities at GKSS related to Detection & Attribution problems
Activities in underwater robotics at GKSS
Activities of the ESIS TC 10 (Environmentally assisted cracking)
Activities of the EURACHEM/D WG Education and Training – Tutorial Material for Teaching Quality in Chemical Measurement
Activities with the ARGOS-lidar during 1992
Activity of integrins on model biomaterial surfaces
Activity-footprints, pressures-footprints and effects-footprints – Walking the pathway to determining and managing human impacts in the sea
Actual Concepts for Gamma-TiAl alloy and process development
Actual concepts for Gamma-TiAl alloy and process development at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Actuating micro-bowls with a temperature-memory
Actuation by hydrogen electrosorption in hierarchical nanoporous palladium
Actuation with High-Surface-Area Materials
Actuators Based on Oligo[(epsilon-caprolactone)-co-glycolide] with Accelerated Hydrolytic Degradation
Acute phase protein haptoglobin in blood plasma samples of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) of the Wadden Sea and of the isle Helgoland
Acute Toxicity of single PAH and mixtures in the Microtox assay
AD-MSCS change their morphology and secretion profile as a response to changes in substrates`elastic properties in combination with inflammatory stimuli
Adaptation as Climate Risk Management : Methods and Approaches
Adaptation of society to climate change
Adaptation strategies: Looking for best practices only can lead to deadlock
Adaptation to changing water resources in the Ganges basin, northern India
Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain & Coastal Areas - Building an interface between providers and users of climate change knowledge, Insights from a Transatlantic Dialogue : CSC Report
Adaptation to climate change under changing urban patterns: The climatic perspective of migration
Adapting CMAQ to investigate air pollution in North Sea coastal regions
Adapting CMAQ to investigate air pollution in North Sea coastal regions
Adapting CMAQ to investigate air pollution in North Sea coastal regions
Adapting energy infrastructure to climate change – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations within the German “Energiewende”?
Adapting energy infrastructure to climate change – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations within the German “Energiewende”?
Adapting to Climate Change: Methods and Tools for Climate Risk Management : CSC Report
Adaptive dynamics shapes predator-prey cycles
Adaptive phase or variant formation at the austenite/twinned martensite interface in modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite?
ADCP-measured fluxes through channels of the North Frisian Sea and modelling results
ADCP-Vermessung ueber Sandwellen im Lister Tief (Diplomarbeit)
Added Value and regional effects in the multidecadal trends of a very high-resolution regional climate long-term model simulation at the coasts of Northern Germany (Dissertation)
Added Value Generated by Regional Climate Models
Added Value Generated by Regional Climate Models
Added value generated by regional climate models
Added value of convection-permitting simulations for understanding future urban humidity extremes: case studies for Berlin and its surroundings
Added value of high-resolution regional climate model: selected cases over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea areas
Added Value of Including Waves into a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model System within the North Sea Area
Added value of limited area model results
Added value of limited area model results
Added value of the regionally coupled model ROM in the East Asian summer monsoon modeling
Adding to the mix – challenges of mixed fisheries management in the North Sea under climate change and technical interactions
Addition of Rare Earth Elements to MIM-Processed TiAl6V4
Addition of Rare Earth Elements to MIM-Processed TiAl6V4
Additional ground-based and airborne measurements during CNN 1.
Additive manufacturing of dissimilar aluminum alloys via multi-layer friction surfacing
Additive processing of titanium and magnesium powders by binder-based sintering technologies
Additive repair process for Ti-structures
Additively manufactured biomedical Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr lattices with tunable Young's modulus: Mechanical property, biocompatibility, and proteomics analysis
AddJoining: a novel additive manufacturing approach for layered metal-polymer hybrid structures
AddJoining: Additive manufacturing of metal-polymer hybrid structures
Addressing Long-Term Operational Risk Management in Port Docks under Climate Change Scenarios—A Spanish Case Study
Addressing the Complexity of the Earth System
Adhaesionsarbeit, Benetzung und Kontaktwinkelhysterese
Adhaesionsarbeit, Benetzung und Kontaktwinkelhysterese
Adherence and shear-resistance of primary human endothelial cells on smooth poly(ether imide) films
Adherence and shear-resistancy of primary human endothelial cells on smooth poly(ether imide) films
Adherence and viability of primary human dermal keratinocytes and primary human dermal fibroblasts on acrylonitrile-based copolymers with systematic variations of positively and negatively charged functional groups
Adherence and viability of primary human keratinocytes and primary human dermal fibroblasts on acrylonitrile based copolymers with increasing amounts of AEMA
Adherence and viability of primary human keratinocytes and primary human dermal fibroblasts on acrylonitrile-based copolymers with different concentrations of positively charged functional groups
Adhesion and activation of platelets from subjects with coronary artery disease and apparently healthy individuals on biomaterials
Adhesion and Surface Layers on Silicon Anodes Suppress Formation of c-Li3.75Si and Solid-Electrolyte Interphase
Adipogenic differentiation of human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells in 3D architectured gelatin based hydrogels (ArcGel)
Adipogenic differentiation of human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells in 3D architectured gelatin based hydrogels (ArcGel)
Adipogenic differentiation of human adipose derived mesenychmal stem cells in 3D architectured gelatin-based hydrogels (ArcGel)
Adipose tissue-derived stem cells from affected and unaffected areas in patients with multiple symmetric lipomatosis show differential regulation of mTOR pathway genes
Adipose-derived human mesenchymal stem cells induce long-term neurogenic and anti-inflammatory effects and improve cognitive but not motor performance in a rat model of Parkinson's disease
Adjungierte Modellierung von Strahlungsuebertragungsprozessen zur Bestimmung des Zustands minimaler Entropieproduktion
Adjusting shape-memory properties of amorphous polyether urethanes and radio-opaque composites thereof by variation of physical parameters during programming
Adjuvant effect of microencapsulated NOD ligands studied in a human phagocytic cell line
Adjuvant effect of microencapsulated NOD ligands studied in a human phagocytic cell line
Adjuvant loaded polymeric microparticles as vaccine carriers
ADOPT DSS - Ocean Environment Modelling for Use in Decision Making support
ADOPT DSS - Ocean Environment Modelling for Use in Decision Making support
Adsorbed surfactant layers at liquid/liquid interfaces, A neutron reflectivity study
Adsorption and conformation of von Willebrand factor from fresh human plasma on to polymer-based biomaterials
Adsorption and conformational changes of the human von Willebrand factor on polymer-based biomaterials
Adsorption and conformational changes of the human von Willebrand factor on polymer-based biomaterials
Adsorption capacity of poly(ether imide) microparticles to uremic toxins
Adsorption capacity of poly(etherimide) microparticles to uremic toxins
Adsorption of Acetone on Rutile TiO2: A DFT and FTIRS Study
Adsorption of Human Plasma Proteins on Polymeric Nanoparticles
Adsorption of Malodorour Air in Food Industry - I. Fat Refinery Waste Gas at Inorganic Surfaces
Adsorption of oleic acid on magnetite facets
Adsorption of Proteins on Degradable Magnesium - Which Factors are Relevant?
Adsorption of proteins to functional polymeric nanoparticles
Adsorption of Water and Methanol on a NaZSM-5 Zeolite - A temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) study
Adsorption von Polyelektrolyten an fest/fluessig Grenzflaechen
Adsorption von Proteinen an polymeren Nanopartikeln
Adsorption-induced deformation of hierarchical organised carbon materials with ordered; non-convex mesoporosity
Adsorptionskinetik von geruchsaktiven Substanzen an funktionalisierten Silicagelen und Aktivkohle
Adsorptive dead-end filtration for removal of Cr(vi) using novel amine modified polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes
Adsorptive Membranen für die Wasseraufbereitung
Advance in environmental analysis using elemental mass spectrometry hyphenated to chromatographic and electrophoretic separation techniques
Advanced alumina composites reinforced with Nb-based alloys
Advanced alumina composites reinforced with titanium-based alloys
Advanced analysis of the deformation mechanisms in extruded magnesium alloys containing neodymium or yttrium
Advanced characterization of two novel Fe-rich high entropy alloys developed for laser powder bed fusion in the Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Zr system
Advanced development of automated remote handling
Advanced direct extrusion process with real-time controllable extrusion parameters for microstructure optimization of magnesium alloys
Advanced Friction-based Joining Technologies for Lightweight Hybrid Structures
Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine
Advanced functional polymers for medicine: Multifunctional biomaterials
Advanced industrial robot for underwater work
Advanced joining technologies for next generation lightweight structures
Advanced lidars for airborne measurements of atmospheric parameters
Advanced Magnesium Castings
Advanced Magnesium Technology: New Alloys, Optimized Processes, Nanocomposites and Sustainable Corrosion Protection Concepts
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing. Panel Debate: Initiation of EMCC roadmapping activities
Advanced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites
Advanced Nanocrystalline Materials and Potential Applications
Advanced New Wrought Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications in Vehicles
Advanced polycrystalline γ´ strengthened CoNiCr-based superalloys
Advanced porous polymer membranes from self-assembling block copolymers
Advanced Processing and Application Properties of Gamma-TiAl by Microstructure Design
Advanced techniques for the characterization of blood compatibility of dialysis membranes
Advanced Testing and Modelling of Hydrogen Embrittlement
Advanced Testing and Modelling of Hydrogen Embrittlement
Advanced TiAl6Nb7 bone screw implant fabricated by metal injection moulding
Advanced Titanium Aluminides for Structural Applications
Advanced Tools for Molecular Characterization of Bio-Based and Biodegradable Polymers
Advanced Tools for Molecular Characterization of Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers
Advanced Topics in Polymer Synthesis
Advanced Topics in Polymer Synthesis – Biopolymers
Advancement of transition metal dichalcogenides for solar cells: a perspective
Advances in actively moving polymers
Advances in air quality research - current and emerging challenges
Advances in bioorganic molecules inspired degradation and surface modifications on Mg and its alloys
Advances in contrast variation for macromolecular structure determination by polarized neutron scattering and anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation X-rays
Advances in detectors for single crystal neutron diffraction
Advances in instrumented indentation: “Conventional” mechanical testing at the micron scale
Advances in Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Advances in Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Advances in manufacturing processes for magnesium alloys
Advances in Manufacturing Processes for Magnesium Alloys
Advances in Manufacturing Processes for Magnesium Alloys
Advances in Manufacturing Processes for Magnesium Wrought Alloys
Advances in Modern Magnesium Matrix Composites
Advances in molecular modelling of polymer-based materials with controlled permeability
Advances in molecular modelling of polymer-based membrane materials
Advances in NE-Atlantic coastal sea level change monitoring by Delay Doppler altimetry
Advances in Observing and Understanding Small-Scale Open Ocean Circulation During the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Era
Advances in smart/shape-memory polymers for biomedical applications
Advances in solvent-free manufacturing of polymer membranes
Advances in solvent-free manufacturing of polymer membranes
Advances in structural design of lipid-based nanoparticle carriers for delivery of macromolecular drugs, phytochemicals and anti-tumor agents
Advances in Textures Analysis from Diffraction Spectra
Advances in the Development and Processing of Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Advances in the Development and Processing of Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Advances in the Metal Injection Moulding of Mg-Ca alloys for biomedical applications
Advances in the sintering of MIM magnesium alloys
Advances in wet welding technology
Advances in Wrought Magnesium Alloys and Processes for Structural Applications
Advances of Molecular Modelling for polymer based materials with controlled permeability
Advancing and receding water contact angle measurement with drops, bubbles and plates
Advancing community-led research into the climate of the Common Era
Advancing community-led research into the climate of the Common Era
Advancing integrated research on European river–sea systems: the DANUBIUS-RI project
Advancing the Damage Tolerance of Laser Beam Welded Steels Using the Crenellation Technique
Advancing the Damage Tolerance of Laser Beam Welded Steels Using the Crenellation Technique
Advancing wind-waves climate science - The COWCLIP project
Advantage of a Forced-Flow Catalytic Membrane Reactor for Isobutene Dimerization
Advantages and Applications of Neutron Texture Analysis
Advantages of a combined GTAW- and GMAW-orbital system for mechanised underwater welding
Advantages of a Topographically Controlled Runoff Simulation in a Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer Model
Adverse effect of 2,5PDC corrosion inhibitor on PEO coated magnesium
Advice on describing Bayesian analysis of neutron and X-ray reflectometry
Aenderungen im Publikationswesen
Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget from Satellite Data - A Study in Support of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
Aerosol climatology from ground-based measurements for the southern North Sea
Aerosol Deposition of BiVO4 Films for Solar Hydrogen Generation
Aerosol Deposition of BiVO4 Films for Solar Hydrogen Generation
Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget - A Study in Preparation on the Geostationary Earth Budget Experiment (GERB)
Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget with satellite data
Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget: A Study in Support of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of EARLINET: Part III - Raman lidar algorithm for aerosol extinction, backscatter and lidar ratio
Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 1. Instruments
Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 2. Aerosol backscatter algorithms
Aerosol optical thickness and its spectral dependence derived from sunphotometer measurements over the southern North Sea coastal region
Aerosol optical thickness and its spectral dependence derived from sunphotometer measurements over the southern North Sea coastal region
Aerosol retrieval from MERIS and ground-based radiometers for the German Bight, turbid coastal waters
Aerosol retrieval from MERIS and ground-based radiometers for the German Bight, turbid coastal waters
Aerosol, Clouds and Radiation in Weather and Climate
Aerosol-Deposited BiVO4 Photoelectrodes for Hydrogen Generation
Aerosol/Cloud Effects: Implication on the Radiation Budget and Atmospheric Correction
Aerosols as Transport Vehicles of Persistent Pollutants
AES study of the effect of segregated sulfur on the oxidation of an Fe-6 at % Si alloy surface
Aetzen von Schwarz-Weiß-Verbindungen
Aetzen von Schwarz-Weiß-Verbindungen
Affinitaetsverfahren zur Gewinnung von Glycokonjugaten
Affinity Membranes as a Tool for Life Science Applications
Afforestation impact on soil temperature in regional climate model simulations over Europe
AFM Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Stem Cells During Differentiation
AFM Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Stem Cells During Differentiation
AFM Study of the Crystallization Behavior of Temperature-Memory Polymers Containing Different Weight Contents of Crystallizable Poly(ε-caprolactone) Switching Segments
Age dependent differences in the kinetics of GammaDelta T cells after influenza vaccination
Age-related morphology and function of human arterial endothelial cells
Age-related morphology and function of human arterial endothelial cells
Ageing Effects on Exhaust Gas Catalysts: Microscopic Changes Captured by X-Ray Tomography
Ageing Effects on Exhaust Gas Catalysts: Microscopic Changes Captured by X-Ray Tomography
Aggregate development in C60/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solution and its mixture with water as revealed by extraction and mass spectroscopy
Aggregate Structure in Concentrated Liquid Dispersions of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Aggregation behaviour of a single-chain, phenylene-modified bolalipid and its miscibility with classical phospholipids
Aging of a Pt/Al2O3 exhaust gas catalyst monitored by quasi in situ X-ray micro computed tomography
Agreement between observed rainfall trends and climate change simulations in the southwest of Europe
Agreement of Analytical and Simulation-Based Estimates of the Required Land Depth in Climate Models
Agriculture and water management: Lectures UNEP/UNESCO Course Water management
Aiding multi-level decision-making processes for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Air concentrations and particle–gas partitioning of polyfluoroalkyl compounds at a wastewater treatment plant
Air Pollution in China in January 2013
Air pollution in China in Januray 2013
Air pollution in harbour cities - Contributions from shipping and how they can be reduced
Air Pollution, Health and Economic Assessment Report - Periodic Compliance Activity WP3
Air quality improvements caused by COVID-19 lockdown measures in Central Europe – contributions of emission sectors and the meteorological situation
Air sea interaction in coastal areas including generation of surface gravity waves
Air-mass modification over Europe: EARLINET aerosol observations from Wales to Belarus
Air-sea exchange fluxes of synthetic polycyclic musks in the North Sea and the Arctic
Air-stable metal hydride-polymer composites of Mg(NH2)2–LiH and TPX™
Air/sea gas exchange of PCBs in the southern Baltic Sea
Air/water exchange of mercury in the North Atlantic Ocean during Arctic summer
Air/water exchange of mercury in the North Atlantic Ocean during Arctic summer
Airborne Backscatter Lidar: LITE Validation and co-located ground-based radar measurements during CLARE 98
Airborne Heavy Metals over Europe: Emissions, Long-range Transport and Deposition Fluxes to Natural Ecosystems
Airborne LiDAR Measurements of Sea Surface Properties in the German Bight
Airborne measurements of mercury emissions from a modern coal fired power plant in central Europe
Airborne mercury measurements in the plume of the Mt. Etna volcano (Italy) in July/August 2012
Airborne particulate mercury in the southern Baltic Sea Region
Airborne polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the marine atmosphere - comparison of concentrations between Northern Germany and remote regions
Airborne polyfluorinated alkylated compounds – latitudinal trends between Europe and South Africa
Aircraft measurements in high-altitude contrails during ICE 89
Aircraft measurements of atmospheric mercury over South and East Germany
Aircraft Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury over South and East Germany
Aircraft measurements of atmospheric mercury over southern and eastern Germany
Aircraft Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury over the Antarctic Shelf Ice and the Atka Bay
Aircraft Structures of the Future: Recommendations from Materials Engineering for the Design
Airflow measurements at a wavy air–water interface using PIV and LIF
Air–sea exchange and atmospheric deposition of phthalate esters in the South China Sea
AISIT: A new device for remote-controlled sampling of dissolved and particle-bound trace elements in surface waters
Aktiv bewegliche Kunststoffe
Aktive Biomaterialien
Aktive Biomaterialien fuer regenerative Therapien
Aktive Biomaterialien fuer regenerative Therapien
Aktive Oberflächen und Inhibitoren für den Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumlegierungen
Aktive Polymersysteme
Aktive Polymersysteme
Aktive, multifunktionale, polymerbasierte Biomaterialien
Aktivierungsparameter der plastischen Verformung von Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Mg-Technik im Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Aktuelle Fragen der Umweltchemie und Nachhaltigen Chemie
Aktuelle Herausforderungen fuer (Meeresraum)planung und Management am Beispiel der Entwicklung in der Deutschen Nordsee
Aktuelle Herausforderungen fuer (Meeresraum)planung und Management am Beispiel der Entwicklung in der Deutschen Nordsee
Aktuelle Probleme der Trinkwasserversorgung in den neuen Bundeslaendern
Aktuelle Situation der regenerativen Medizin in Deutschland
Aktuelle Themen der Polymerchemie
Aktuelle Trends der Wasser- und Sedimentbelastung im Elbeeinzugsgebiet: Stickstoff- / Phosphorpestizide und schwerfluechtige chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe
Aktueller Stand der Membranentwicklung
Al und Cu Textur eines Al90-Cu10 Verbundwerkstoffes
Al-Foam Microtomography
Al2 03-kurzfaserverstaerkte und hybridverstaerkte Magnesium-Legierungen unter dynamischer Druckbeanspruchung
Alan/Alken-Trennung mit Hilfe von Membranen
Albumin solder covalently bound to a polymer membrane: New approach to improve binding strength in laser tissue soldering in-vitro
Algal Accumulation Decreases Sediment Nitrogen Removal by Uncoupling Nitrification-Denitrification in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes
Algal induced sediment stabilization: Process studies using implanted diatoms films
Algal induced sediment stabilization: Process studies using inoculated diatoms films
Algal Physiology and Biooptics, Cruise Report ANT XXI/3 „EIFEX“
Algal Pigments as Tracers for Biological Variability in the Elbe River and Estuary; Algenpigmente als Tracer fuer die biologische Variabilitaet in der Elbe und dem Elbe-Aestuar
Algal Pigments – A Measure for Erosion Stability?
Algal pigments: A measure for erosion stability?
Algorithms for Filtering Insect Echoes from Cloud Radar Measurements
Algorithms for Filtering Insect Echoes from Cloud Radar Measurements
Aligned Nafion nanocomposites: preparation and morphological characterization
Alignment of Block Copolymers in External Fields
Aliphatic 1,2,4-Polytriazoles: Synthesis and Characterization
Alkalinity and nitrate dynamics reveal dominance of anammox in a hyper-turbid estuary
Alkalinity generation from carbonate weathering in a silicate-dominated headwater catchment at Iskorasfjellet, northern Norway
Alkalinity responses to climate warming destabilise the Earth´s thermostat
Alkalinität: die unterschätzte Köchin in der „Klimaküche Ozean“
Alkene/Alkane separation using fixed carrier membranes
Alkoholabtrennung aus organischen Mischungen mittels Pervaporation
Alkynyl-functionalized chain-extended PCL for coupling to biological molecules
All options, not silver bullets, needed to limit global warming to 1.5 ◦C: A scenario appraisal
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation studies of fully hydrated gel phase DPPG and DPPE bilayers
All-Diamond Microelectrodes as Solid State Probes for Localized Electrochemical Sensing
Alleviation of Hydrogen Embrittlement to Delay Effective Hydrogen Diffusion Against MA Constituent Formation Due to Mo Solutes for 420 MPa Grade Offshore Steels
Allgemeine Bodenkunde
Allgemeine Bodenkunde
Allgemeine Chemie
Allgemeine Chemie
Allgemeine Chemie
Alloy Design Concepts for Gamma-TiAl Cast Materials
Alloy design concepts for refined gamma titanium aluminide based alloys
Alloy design for improved corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys
Alloy Development
Alloy Development and Processing for the European Project MagForge
Alloy Development and Processing for the European Project MagForge
Alloying and Processing Effects on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Degradation Behavior of Extruded Magnesium Alloys Containing Calcium, Cerium, or Silver
Alloying effect of silver in magnesium on the development of microstructure and mechanical properties by indirect extrusion
Alloying effects on the microstructure and texture of rolled magnesium
ALOMAR RMR lidar 1996-1997 winter measurements: an overview and the analysis of January 7 case study in the frame of LEEWAVE project
Alongshore Variability of Shoaling Internal Bores on the Inner Shelf
Alpha-Fe2O3 films for photoelectrochemical water oxidation – insights of key performance parameters
Alpha2/O-phase Domains in Nb Containing Lamellar Gamma-TiAl
Alpha2/O-phase Domains in Nb Containing Lamellar Gamma-TiAl
Altered vitronectin receptor (av integrin) function in fibroblasts adhering on hydrophobic glass
Alternative and Legacy Perfluoroalkyl Substances: Differences between European and Chinese River/Estuary Systems
Alternative Halogenated Flame Retardants versus PBDEs in the Global Marine Environment – Occurrence, Distribution and Long-Range Atmospheric Transport toward the Polar Regions (Dissertation)
Alternative Lead Emission Policies
Alternative metallische Korrosionsschutzschichten fuer Magnesiumlegierungen
Alternative metallische Korrosionsschutzschichten fuer Magnesiumlegierungen
Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress
Aluminia – Aluminide – Alloys (3A): Phasenentwicklung im System Al2O3/ZrO2 – FexAly
Aluminium twin roll castings transfers benefits to magnesium
Aluminium-Rich Coring Structures in Mg-Al Alloys with Carbon Inoculation
Aluminium-Rich Coring Structures in Mg-Al Alloys with Carbon Inoculation
Aluminum Anodization in Deionized Water as Electrolyte
AM of degradable Mg-implants by sintering
Am runden Tisch
AM60-AlN Nanocomposite and AM60 Alloy Corrosion Activity in Simulated Marine-Coastal Ambience
Amides as Non-polymerizable Catalytic Adjuncts Enable the Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide With Ferrous Acetate Under Mild Conditions
Amination of Poly(ether imide) Membranes Using Di- and Multivalent Amines
Amination of polyimide membranes using bi- or multivalent amines
Amination of polyimides - A new wet-chemical route for surface functionalization
Amination of polyimides - A new wet-chemical route for surface functionalization
Amine-Terminated PAN Membranes as Anion-Adsorber Materials
Aminofunktionalisierte, GMA gepfropfte PAN Membranen zur Aromaten/Aliphaten-Trennung
Ammonia emissions in Europe, Part I: Development of a dynamical ammonia emission inventory
Ammonia emissions in Europe, part II: How ammonia emission abatement strategies affect secondary aerosols
Amorphe, bioabbaubare Poly(esterurethan)netzwerksysteme mit Formgedaechtniseigenschaften (Dissertation)
Amorphization by mechanical alloying in metallic systems with positive Gibbs energy of formation
Amorphization of Ti/Cr multilayers by solid state reaction
Amorphous and crystalline phase formation in Ni/Al multilayer thin films
Amorphous Biodegradable Shape-Memory Poly(esterurthane) Networks as Stimuli-sensitive Implant Materials
Amorphous Glassy Perfluoropolymer Membranes of Hyflon AD®: Free Volume Distribution by Photochromic Probing and Vapour Transport Properties
Amorphous phase formation by mechanical alloying: thermodynamic and kinetic requirements
Amorphous phase formation in the Fe-W system
Amorphous phase-segregated copoly(ether)esterurethane thermoset networks with oligo(propylene glycol) and oligo[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] segments: synthesis and characterization
Amorphous Polymer Network combining Three Functionalities – Shape-memory, Biodegradability, and Drug Release
Amorphous Polymer Networks Combining Three Functionalities - Shape-Memory, Biodegradability, and Drug Release
Amorphous Polymer Networks Combining Three Functionalities - Shape-Memory, Biodegradability, and Drug Release
Amorphous polymer networks combining three functionalities – Shape-memory, biodegradability, and drug release
Amorphous Thin Films Consisting of Ternary MgZnCa-Alloys
Amorphous Thin Films Consisting of Ternary MgZnCa-Alloys
Amorphous to crystalline phase transition in carbon induced by intense femtosecond x-ray free-electron laser pulses
Amorphous, Biodegradable Poly(ester-urethane) Networks with Shape-Memory Properties
Amorphous, biodegradable Poly(esterurethane) Networks with Shape-Memory
Amorphous, Biodegradable Polymer Networks with Shape-Memory
Amorphous, Biodegradable Shape-Memory Polymer Networks: Characterization with Solid-State NMR
Amorphous, Elastic AB Copolymer Networks from Acrylates and Poly[(L-lactide)-ran-glycolide]dimethacrylates
Amphipathic Solvation of Indole: Implications for the Role of Tryptophan in Membrane Proteins
Amphiphilic block copolymers via blue-light-induced iniferter RAFT ab initio emulsion polymerization in water-alcoholic media
Amphiphilic Branched Polymers as Antimicrobial Agents
Amphiphilic depsipeptide-based block copolymers as nanocarriers for controlled release of ibuprofen with doxorubicin
Amphiphilic depsipeptide/PEG block copolymer Microspheres and release of doxorubicin
Amplification and Modulation of Compliant Mechanisms by Shape Memory Polymers
Amplification of Australian Heatwaves via Local Land‐Atmosphere Coupling
Amyloid fibril-based membranes for PFAS removal from water
An adapting, trait-based ecosystem model for phytoplankton succession
An adaptive thermo-mechanical peridynamic model for fracture analysis in ceramics
An additively manufactured and direct-aged AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy with superior strength and ductility: micromechanical mechanisms
An advanced control concept and algorithm for long-term data acquisition in high-temperature fracture mechanics tests
An advanced subsea robot - results of underwater operation
An advanced towed CTD chain for physical-biological high resolution in situ upper ocean measurements
An aerosol climatology over the North Sea for an atmospheric correction of MERIS imagery
An affordable and miniature ice coring drill for rapid acquisition of small iceberg samples
An Algorithm for Operational Wind Field Retrieval Using RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Images
An Algorithm for Solving Non-linear Problems in Mechamis of Structures Under Complex Loading Histories
An Algorithm for Surface Current Retrieval from X-band Marine Radar Images
An Alternative Means of Assessing Climate Models
An analysis of creep deformation parameters, Part 2: Experimental Study
An analysis of creep deformation parameters, Part 3: Numerical Evaluation
An analysis of creep deformation parameters, Part I: Background
An Analysis of Modelled Long-Term Trends of Sulphur in the Atmosphere
An analysts approach to total reflection XRF: Features and applications
An analytical fracture mechanics model for estimation of S–N curves of metallic alloys containing large second phase particles
An analytical model of open-ocean deep convection with multiple steady states
An analytical similarity-theory model for wind profile and resistance law in stably startfield planetary boundary layers
An analytical strategy for challenging members of the microplastic family: Particles from anti-corrosion coatings
An annulus fibrosus closure device based on a biodegradable shape-memory polymer network
An application of a large scale conceptual hydrological model over the Elbe region
An Application of a Large Scale Conceptual Hydrological Model over the Elbe Region
An approach for modelling electro-chemo-mechanical induced damage
An Approach to Temporally Disaggregate Benzo(a)pyrene Emissions and Their Application to a 3D Eulerian Atmospheric Chemistry Transport Model
An approach towards a 40-year high-resolution wave hindcast for the southern North Sea
An assessment of impact strength and corrosion behaviour of shielded metal arc welded dissimilar weldments between UNS 31803 and IS 2062 steels
An assessment of the SCC susceptibility of Ti-6Al-4V in IPA
An assessment of water management measures for climate change adaptation of agriculture in Seewinkel
An asymptotic analysis of static and dynamic crack extension along a ductile bimaterial interface/anti-plane case
An asymptotic solution coupling damage and deformation near a notch tip for nonlinear material
An atmosphere-wave regional coupled model: improving predictions of wave heights and surface winds in the southern North Sea
An Atomistic and Quantum Mechanical Approach to the Hydrolytic Degradation of Polyesters
An Atomistic Modeling and Quantum Mechanical Approach to the Hydrolytic Degradation of Aliphatic Polyesters
An attempt to deconstruct recent climate change in the Baltic Sea Basin
An attempt to deconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea Basin
An attempt to distinguish between very porous ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes
An attempt to reconstruct emissions, pathways and depositions of gasoline lead in Europe, 1958-1997
An attempt to reconstruct emissions, pathways and depositions of gasoline lead in Europe, 1958-1997
An attempt to reconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea Basin
An Earth Radiation Budget Instrument on Second Generation METEOSAT
An Earth System Science Program for the Baltic Sea Region
An Earth-System Prediction Initiative for the Twenty-First Century
An eco-friendly pathway to thermosensitive micellar nanoobjects via photoRAFT PISA: the full guide to poly(N-acryloylpyrrolidin)-block-polystyrene diblock copolymers
An effect of side chain length on the solution structure of poly(9,9-dialkylfluorene)s in toluene
An effective activation method for industrially produced TiFeMn powder for hydrogen storage
An effective method for reducing porosity in the titanium aluminide alloy Ti52Al48 prepared by elemental powder metallurgy
An efficient algorithm for the inverse problem in elasticity imaging by means of variational r-adaption
An efficient peridynamic framework based on the arc-length method for fracture modeling of brittle and quasi-brittle problems with snapping instabilities
An efficient quantitative ultrasonic elastography based on variational mesh refinement
An efficient quantitative ultrasonic elastography based on variational mesh refinement
An electron microscope study of deformation and crack propagation in (a2 + g) titanium aluminides
An Electron Microscope Study of Diffusion Assisted Dislocation Processes in Intermetallic Gamma TiAl
An Electron Microscope Study of Diffusion Assisted Dislocation Processes in Intermetallic Gamma TiAl
An Electron Microscope Study of Diffusion Assisted Dislocation Processes in Intermetallic Gamma TiAl
An Electron Microscope Study of Diffusion Assisted Dislocation Processes in Intermetallic Gamma TiAl
An Electron Microscope Study of Low-Cycle Fatigue of a High Niobium Containing and Precipitation Hardened TiAl Alloy
An Electron Microscope Study of Low-Cycle Fatigue of a High Niobium Containing and Precipitation Hardened TiAl Alloy
An Electron Microscope Study of Mechanical Twinning and Fracture in a Precipitation–Hardened TiAl Alloy
An Electron Microscope Study of Mechanical Twinning and Fracture in a Precipitation–Hardened TiAl Alloy
An electron microscope study of mechanical twinning and fracture in TiAl alloys
An electron microscope study of the origin of latent hardening in NaCl
An Electron Microscope Study of Twin Propagation in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
An elementary simulation model for neck growth and shrinkage during solid phase sintering
An ellipsometric approach towards the description of inhomogeneous polymer-based Langmuir layers
An Empirical Approach for Estimating Macroturbulent Heat Transport Conditional upon the Mean State
An energy approach to the formation of twins in TiAl
An Entropy–Elastic Gelatin-based Hydrogel System
An Enzymatic Continuous-Flow Reactor Based on a Pore-size Matching Nano- and Isoporous Block Copolymer Membrane
An error-estimate-free and remapping-free variational mesh refinement and coarsening method for dissipative solids at finite strains
An estimate of the effects of climate change on the rainfall of mediterranean Spain by the late twenty first century
An evaluation of crack front effect on threshold and crack propagation
An evaluation of long-term physical and hydrochemical measurements at the Sylt Roads Marine Observatory (1973–2019), Wadden Sea, North Sea
An evaluation of the creep characteristics of an AZ 91 magnesium alloy composite using acoustic emission
An evaluation of the North Sea circulation in global and regional models relevant for ecosystem simulations
An evaluation of two WAM model hindcasts in conjunction with wind field variations for the Labrador Extreme Waves Experiment (LEWEX)
An evaluation of wave model performances with linear and nonlinear dissipation source terms in Lake Erie
An evaluation of wave model performances with linear and nonlinear dissipation source terms in Lake Erie
An Example of Texture Influence in Stress Analysis
An Example of Texture Influence in Stress Analysis
An experimental and numerical lifetime assessment of Al 2024 sheet
An experimental and numerical lifetime assessment of Al 2024 sheet
An experimental and numerical lifetime assessment of Al2024 sheet
An experimental and theoretical investigation of a catalytic membrane reactor for the oxidative dehydration of methanol
An experimental assessment of hysteresis in near-threshold fatigue crack propagation regime of a low alloy ferritic steel under closure-free testing conditions
An Experimental Investigation of SCC of Magnesium
An Experimental Investigation of SCC of Magnesium
An extended Chaboche viscoplastic law at finite strains and its numerical implementation
An extended Chaboche's viscoplastic law at finite strains: Theoretical and numerical aspects
An Extended Chaboche’s Viscoplastic Law at Finite Strains: Theoretical and Numerical Aspects
An extended continuum crystal plasticity theory with geometrically necessary dislocation densities
An FE-Analysis of Anisotropic Creep Damage and Deformation in the Single Crystal SRR99 under Multiaxial Loads
An ice cristal nucleation scheme applying by 3-D simulation of cirrus clouds
An Implicit Integration Method for Solving Non-Linear Problems in Mechanics of Structures Under Complex Loading Histories
An improved evaluation scheme for the determination of oxygen consumption rates in sediments using microprofile and incubation data
An improved method for the analysis of volatile polyfluorinated alkyl substances in environmental air samples
An improvement of the IGMK model to derive total and diffuse solar radiation at the surface from satellite data
An in lake reactor to treat an acidic mining lake: The effect of substrate overdosage
An in situ and ex situ study of χ phase formation in a hypoeutectic Fe-based hardfacing alloy
An In Situ High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of Directional Solidification in Binary TiAl Alloys
An in situ investigation of the deformation mechanisms in a Beta-quenched Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr alloy
An In Situ Synchrotron Dilatometry and Atomistic Study of Martensite and Carbide Formation during Partitioning and Tempering
An in vitro test for corrosion and cytocompatibility of two magnesium alloys
An in vivo study on the metabolism and osteogenic activity of bioabsorbable Mg–1Sr alloy
An in-lake reactor to treat an acidic lake: The effect of substrate overdosage
An in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction study on the hot-deformation behavior of a Beta-phase containing TiAl alloy
An inactivating human TRPC6 channel mutation without focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
An incremental minimization principle suitable for the analysis of low cycle fatigue in metals: A coupled ductile–brittle damage model
An indentation system for determination of viscoplastic stress–strain behavior of small metal volumes before and after irradiation
An inhibitor-loaded LDH and MOF-based bilayer hybrid system for active corrosion protection of aluminum alloys
An Innovative Approach for Sorptive Separation of Amphiphilic Biomolecules Applying High Hydrostatic Pressure
An innovative integrated process for helium and NGL recovery and nitrogen removal
An innovative joining technology for thermoplastics and lightweight alloys
An Innovative Laser Analytical Method for Data Records from Mussel Shells
An Insight into Environment-Conscious (ECO) Magnesium: A Review
An Insight into Environment-Conscious (ECO) Magnesium: A Review
An insitu and exsitu study of chi phase formation in a hypoeutectic Fe-based hardfacing alloy
An installation for the irradiation of large silicon monocrystals for the production of power thyristors
An instrument for protein crystallography with soft X-rays
An instrument for the survey of ocean wave fields
An instrument for the survey of the directionality of the ocean wave field
An instrument intercomparison exercise in the Skagerrak allows extending the FerryBox pCO2 observational coverage across the Central and Southern North Sea
An integral asymmetric isoporous membrane for separation of bovine serum albumin and hemoglobin
An integrated atmospheric/hydrological flood forecasting system for the Odra watershed
An integrated atmospheric/hydrological flood forecasting system for the Odra watershed
An integrated data and modelling approach for spatial and seasonal characteristics of the German Bight ecosystem
An integrated data and modelling approach for spatial and seasonal characteristics of the German Bight ecosystem
An integrated modeling and analysis system for the solution of control problems
An integrated modeling approach for the ODRA watershed
An integrated observation system for tidal flat areas
An integrated proxy and simulation data initiative for the Holocene and the last deglaciation
An integrated proxy and simulation data initiative for the Holocene and the last deglaciation
An intelligent framework for forecasting and investigating corrosion in marine conditions using time sensor data
An inter-comparison of regional climate models for Europe: model performance in present-day climate
An interactive dynamic multi-objective programming model to support better land use planning
An intercomparison of in vitro chlorophyll a determinations for MERIS level 2 data validation
An intercomparison of regional climate simulations for Europe: assessing uncertainties in model projections
An intercomparison of three state-of-the-art ocean wave models applied to Lake Erie
An Interferometer for Cold Neutrons
An interlaboratory comparison on whole water samples
An interlinked coastal observatory network for Europe
An internal dissipation inequality for finite thermomechanical changes
An internal energy theorem for the atmosphere and its association with turbulent (potential) temperature variances
An introduction to the ‘Oceans and Society: Blue Planet’ initiative
An inverse approach to analyse soil moisture from observations of atmospheric temperature and humidity
An Inverse Shape-Memory Hydrogel Scaffold Switching Upon Cooling in a Tissue-Tolerated Temperature Range
An investigation of spatial wind direction variability and its consideration in engineering models
An Investigation of the Fracture Behaviour of Diffusion Bonded Ti6Al4V/TiC/10p
An investigation of the ultrasonic joining process parameters effect on the mechanical properties of metal-composite hybrid joints
An investigation on Friction Spot Welding in AA6181-T4 Alloy
An Investigation on Hot Tearing of Mg-4.5Zn-(0.5Zr) Alloys with Y Additions
An Investigation on Low Cycle Lifetime of Al2024 Alloy
An Investigation on Low Cycle Lifetime of Al2024 Alloy
An investigation on the application of a non-destructive optical strain measurement system to fracture toughness testing
An investigation on the influence of rotary bending and press fitting on stress intensity factors and fatigue crack growth in railway axles
An Investigation on the Structure/Property Relationships of Solid State Welding Processes in a Titanium Matrix Composite Alloy (Ti6Al4V + 10 wt.% of TiC) (Dissertation)
An Isopycnal Ocean Circulation Model of the North Sea for Dynamical Downscaling
An Iterative Technique to Determine the Near Surface Current Velocity from Time Series of Sea Surface Images
An object-oriented approach to program a meteorological model and its adjoint in Fortran 90
An object-oriented approach to program a meteorological model and its adjoint in Fortran 90
An object-oriented approach to program a meteorological model and its adjoint in Fortran 90
An Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Regional Model for climate simulation over Baltic Sea and North Sea Regions
An Ocean-Colour Time Series for Use in Climate Studies: The Experience of the Ocean-Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI)
An Omnidirectional Transparent Conducting-Metal-Based Plasmonic Nanocomposite
An Operational Algorithm for SAR Wind Field Retrieval
An operationalized classification of Nature Based Solutions for water-related hazards: From theory to practice
An optical component model for training of a neural network case 2 water algorithm
An optical component model for training of a neural network case 2 water algorithm
An optical particle size spectrometer for aircraft-borne measurements in IAGOS-CARIBIC
An optimization procedure for spatial and density resolution in hard X-ray micro-computed tomography
An Original Machine Learning-Based Approach for the Online Monitoring of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding: Weld Diagnostic and Tool State Prognostic
An overview of chromium in the marine environment
An overview of ecological status, vulnerability and future perspectives of European large shallow, semi-enclosed coastal systems, lagoons and transitional waters
An Overview of Europe’s Current Automotive R&D Programs and Future Market Needs
An overview of failure assessment methods in codes and standards
An Overview of GEMS Research Facilities at DESY and In-House XRD Research Highlights
An overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazards
An overview of small scale mechanical testing and its application in plastic instability studies
An overview of the European flaw assessment procedure SINTAP and its validation
An overview on the materials and mechanical behavior used in fused deposition modeling
An overview on the materials and mechanical behavior used in fused deposition modeling
An Overview on the Numerical Modelling of “Self-Protection” Processes in Concrete: Application to Layered Double Hydroxides
An Overview: TiAl-based alloys prepared by elemental powder metallurgy
An SPH framework for fluid–solid and contact interaction problems including thermo-mechanical coupling and reversible phase transitions
An underestimated negative cloud feedback from cloud lifetime changes
Analise da viabilidade da uniao de estruturas hibridas polimero-metal atraves de rebitagem por injecao baseada em energia friccional (Bachelorarbeit)
Analise Microestrutural e Avaliacao Mecanica de Juntas Soldadas por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica (Fsw) do Aco Inoxidavel Duplex Uns S31803 (Masterarbeit)
Analyse akustischer Durchflussmessungen in der Tideelbe
Analyse der Bildungskinetik von Kriechporen in glasphasehaltiger Aluminiumoxid-Keramik mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Analyse der Bildungskinetik von Kriechporen in glasphasehaltiger Aluminiumoxid-Keramik mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (Dissertation)
Analyse der Daten der Unterweser-Einleiter 1982-1992
Analyse der interannualen Niederschlagsvariabilitaet im Nordatlantischen Sektor aus den NCEP-Reanalysen
Analyse der Kronentraufe mit der TRFA
Analyse der Verwendbarkeit von Schwebstoffdaten aus MERIS/ ENVISAT-Szenen im Bereich des Wattenmeers (Bachelorarbeit)
Analyse der Wirkung von Umwelteinfluessen und Drift auf das Messsignal von Unterwassermethansensoren (Diplomarbeit)
Analyse des Elementgehalts der Kronentraufe unter Fichten in einem geschaedigten Waldgebiet (Diplomarbeit)
Analyse des Erstarrungsverhaltens von Gamma-Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Analyse des Fliessverhaltens waessriger Schluffsuspensionen unter dem Einfluss von Feststoffgehalt und -zusammensetzung sowie Korngroessenverteilung (Diplomarbeit)
Analyse des Fließverhaltens der Aluminiumlegierung 6082, sowie den Magnesiumlegierungen AZ31 und ZX10
Analyse des Vorkommens und der Verteilung von Mikrokunststoffen im tropischen Indischen Ozean mittels Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging und mikrowellenunterstützter Probenaufbereitung
Analyse einer wissenschaftlichen Organisationseinheit im Hinblick auf Publikationsoutput und -qualitaet (Bachelorarbeit)
Analyse eines geschweissten T-Stosses
Analyse extremer Sturmfluten an der deutschen Nordseeküste und ihrer möglichen Verstärkung
Analyse mikromechanischer Bruchversuche an einzelnen Korngrenzen mit Hilfe eines Kristallplastizitaetsmodells
Analyse toxischer Polypeptide der Gelben Haarqualle (Dissertation)
Analyse von Bodenfeuchten aus bodennahen atmosphaerischen Beobachtungen: Verbesserungen von Kurzfristvorhersagen
Analyse von Bodenfeuchten mittels Assimilation atmosphaerischer Beobachtungen
Analyse von Laengsschnitten der Unterweser hinsichtlich Sauerstoffhaushalt und Naehrstoffen
Analyse von Radarsignaturen der Meeresoberflaeche mittels auf Wavelets basierender Kantenerkenung und Regularitaetsbestimmung (Diplomarbeit)
Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Kueste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone
Analysing Covariance Structures in Water-Quality Data
Analysing decadal scale variabilities in the AOGCM ECHO-G focussing on impacts on the Arctic hydrological cycle
Analysing hysteresis and residual strains in thermal cycling curves of short fibre reinforced Mg-MMCs
Analysing potential impacts of offshore wind farms on regional economic development
Analysing regional climate change in Africa in a 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C global warming world
Analysis and comparison of two finite element algorithms for dislocation density based crystal plasticity
Analysis and interpretation of 18 years of mercury observations since 1996 at Mace Head on the Atlantic Ocean coast of Ireland
Analysis and interpretation of 18 years of mercury observations since 1996 at Mace Head, Ireland
Analysis and Modeling of Deformation Mechanism in Sub-micron Sized Metallic Glasses
Analysis and separation of different types of nematocysts from Cyanea capillata and mass spectrometry of capsule contents
Analysis and simulation of alkoxide corrosion occurring in automotive metals with Biofuels
Analysis and upgrade of instrumentation and control systems for the modernization of research reactors
Analysis and upgrade of instrumentation and control systems for the modernization of research reactors
Analysis by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF)
Analysis for metal complexes with metallothionein in rat liver by capillary zone electrophoresis using ICP double-focussing sector-field isotope dilution MS and electrospray MS detection
Analysis of wintertime atmospheric moisture transport and its variability over southern Europe in the NCEP Reanalyses
Analysis of a high-resolution regional climate simulation for Alpine temperature: Validation and influence of the NAO (Dissertation)
Analysis of anthropogenic Gd emissions into the German North Sea and potential new insights by the analysis of Gd isotope ratios in MRI contrast agents
Analysis of Arsenic Species using an on-line Capillary HPLC and ICP-MS System
Analysis of brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in sediments from the German Bight and Laizhou Bay, China using GC-MS (Diplomarbeit)
Analysis of Brominated Flame Retardants in Marine Environmental Samples Using ICP-MS as Complementary Detection Technique
Analysis of climate Variability, Applications of Statistical Techniques
Analysis of climate Variability, Applications of Statistical Techniques
Analysis of climate Variability, Applications of Statistical Techniques
Analysis of compaction and life-time prediction of porous polymer membranes: Influence of morphology, diffusion and creep behavior
Analysis of Compound Climate Extremes and Exposed Population in Africa Under Two Different Emission Scenarios
Analysis of conditional independence structures in multivariate observations and corresponding model simulations
Analysis of Creep Crack Growth Data of Weldments
Analysis of creep pore formation in liquid-phase sintered alumina
Analysis of creep pore formation in liquid-phase sintered alumina
Analysis of cyclic phase transformations during additive manufacturing of hardenable tool steel by in-situ X-ray diffraction experiments
Analysis of deformation and fracture mechanisms in Mg-AZ31 sheet material
Analysis of deformation and fracture mechanisms in Mg-AZ31 sheet material
Analysis of deformation-induced twinning at finite strains based on energy minimization
Analysis of deformation-induced twinning at finite strains based on energy minimization
Analysis of Deformation-Induced Twinning in Magnesium based on Incremental Energy Minimisation
Analysis of different modes of TAL effector-mediated transcriptional regulation (Dissertation)
Analysis of diluted sea-water at the ng L-1 level using an ICP-MS with an octopole reaction cell
Analysis of dislocation activity of Mg-Zn-Y alloy by using synchrotron radiation under tensile loading
Analysis of dissolved trace metals in North Sea water: How to obtain reliable data using ICP-MS/MS?
Analysis of Ductile to Brittle Fracture Toughness of Steel Laser Welds
Analysis of Endotoxin Content and Evaluation of Angiogenic Effects of Desaminotyrosine- and Desaminotyrosyl Tyrosine-Functionalized Gelatin
Analysis of ENSEMBLES multimodel simulations forced by ERA40
Analysis of ERA40-driven CLM simulations for Europe
Analysis of estrogenic activity in coastal surface waters of the Baltic Sea using the yeast estrogen screen
Analysis of fertilizer phosphates using reactor neutrons and 14 MeV neutrons
Analysis of fertilizer phosphates using reactor neutrons and 14 MeV neutrons
Analysis of fracture behaviour of mis-matched welds on tensile panels: experimental and numerical study
Analysis of fracture behaviour of undermatched welds on tensile panels
Analysis of glass transition and relaxation processes of low molecular weight polystyrene-Beta-polyisoprene diblock copolymers
Analysis of Hg-species in sediments
Analysis of historical Ship-Log-books to reconstruct the changing in Sea Ice at Arctic and Subartic Seas
Analysis of Historical Storms and Storm surges
Analysis of hyperbaric weldments
Analysis of inhomogeneous and instationary surface wave fields with radar and optical imaging sensors
Analysis of instantaneous thermal expansion coefficient curve during thermal cycling in short fiber reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi composites
Analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic size effects in metallic glasses
Analysis of Joint Properties and Mechanical Evaluation of Friction Spot Welds on Polymethyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) (Masterarbeit)
Analysis of Long Duration Radar Image Sequences
Analysis of magnesium degradation by artificial neural networks (ANN)
Analysis of marine Microplastics using the 8700 LDIR Imaging System
Analysis of mercury-species in sediments
Analysis of MonoPEGylated Human Galectin-2 by Small-Angle X-ray and Neutron Scattering: Concentration Dependence of PEG Conformation in the Conjugate
Analysis of Morphodynamical Processes with a Nautical X-Band Radar
Analysis of n(87Sr)/n(86Sr), δ88Sr/86SrSRM987 and elemental pattern to characterise groundwater and recharge of saline ponds in a clastic aquifer in East Austria
Analysis of Natural and Engineered Amyloid Aggregates by Spectroscopic and Scattering Techniques
Analysis of Neutron Double Crystal Diffractometer Scattering Curves Including Multiple Scattering
Analysis of nickel species in cytosols of normal and malignant human colonic tissues using two dimensional liquid chromatography with ICP sector field MS detection
Analysis of offshore steel weldments: significance of strength mis-matching from the toughness point of view
Analysis of particles on surfaces by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Analysis of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in air samples from Northwest Europe
Analysis of phytoplankton distribution and community structure in the German Bight with respect to the different size classes
Analysis of pollutant-induced protein expression in marine mammals
Analysis of pollutant-induced protein expression in primary hepatocytes from harbour seals (phoca vitulina)
Analysis of poly- and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in landfill effluent using HPLC-MS/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Analysis of poly- and perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in surface water of the River Rhine using HPLC-MS/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb)-induced modification of protein expression in primary hepatocytes from harbour seals
Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb)-induced modification of protein expression in primary hepatocytes from harbour seals
Analysis of proton-conducting organic–inorganic hybrid materials based on sulphonated poly(ether ether ketone) and phosphotungstic acid via ASAXS and WAXS
Analysis of Radial Roller Bearing Rating Life in Complex Loading Conditions
Analysis of Recent Changes and Potential Future Developments of the Wind, Wave and Storm Surge Climate: The North Sea Area
Analysis of recurring patchiness in satellite-derived chlorophyll a to aid the selection of representative sites for lake water quality monitoring
Analysis of Residual Stress and Crack Propagation Behaviour in Laser Welded Aerospace Aluminium T-Joints (Dissertation)
Analysis of Residual Stress in Laser Welded Aluminium T-joints by Neutron Diffraction and Finite Element Modelling
Analysis of Residual Stress in Laser Welded Aluminium T-joints by Neutron Diffraction and Finite Element Modelling
Analysis of Resuspension of Sediment from Underwater Glider Observations (Masterarbeit)
Analysis of secondary inorganic aerosols over the greater Athens area using the EPISODE–CityChem source dispersion and photochemistry model
Analysis of sediment resuspension under a pycnocline in the German Bight from combined glider and scanfish observations
Analysis of Seventeen Certified Water Reference Materials for Trace and Technology-Critical Elements
Analysis of small droplets with a new detector for liquid chromatography based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Analysis of small-angle neutron scattering from Fe-18Cr-10Mn-16Ni-0.5N and Fe-21Cr-10Mn-17Ni-0.5C austenites
Analysis of stability and viscoelastic properties of melts of polystyrene-block-polyisoprene diblock copolymers in oscillatory shear and creep-recovery experiments
Analysis of stability and viscoelastic properties of melts of polystyrene-block-polyisoprene diblock copolymers in oscillatory shear and creep-recovery experiments
Analysis of Surfaces, Thin Surface Films and Near-Surface Layers using Grazing X-Ray Fluorescence Techniques
Analysis of the acoustic emission signal recorded during the deformation of extruded ZK10 magnesium alloy
Analysis of the acute-phase protein Transferrin in blood plasma of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)
Analysis of the bone ultrastructure around biodegradable Mg–xGd implants using small angle X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction
Analysis of the cometary spectra by the 2-components fractal dust model
Analysis of the effect of abiotic stressors on BVOC emissions from urban green infrastructure in northern Germany
Analysis of the Effects of Reaction Parameters upon the Molecular Weight of an Aromatic Poly(hydrazide) through Experimental Design
Analysis of the Effects of Reaction Parameters upon the Molecular Weight of an Aromatic Poly(hydrazide) through Experimental Design
Analysis of the fracture behaviour of surface cracked wide plates containing overmatching weld metal
Analysis of the Influence of Fibers on the Formability of Metal Blanks in Manufacturing Processes for Fiber Metal Laminates
Analysis of the material behaviour of metal-matrix composites under tension by synchrotron radiation based microtomography and FE-calculations
Analysis of the material behaviour of metal-matrix composites under tension by synchrotron radiation based microtomography and FE-calculations
Analysis of the Microstructure Role in the Yield Asymmetry of Extruded Mg-LPSO Alloys Using In Situ Diffraction Experiments
Analysis of the multistage phase separation reaction in Fe–25 at%Co–9 at%Mo
Analysis of the position and strength of westerlies and trades with implications for Agulhas leakage and South Benguela upwelling
Analysis of the precipitation behaviour in a high-speed steel by means of small-angle neutron scattering
Analysis of the response of bone cells towards magnesium alloys by proteomics
Analysis of the response of bone cells towards magnesium alloys by proteomics
Analysis of the response of bone cells towards magnesium alloys by proteomics
Analysis of the sea-level variability along the chinese coast and estimation of the impact of global climate change
Analysis of the small-scale spatial patterns of free-living marine nematodes from tidal flats in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Analysis of the Solidification Microstructure of Multi-Component Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Analysis of the Solidification Microstructure of Multi-Component Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Analysis of the solidification microstructure of multi-component Gamma-TiAl alloys
Analysis of the Solidification Microstructure of Multi-Component gamma-TiAl Allyos
Analysis of the structure of aqueous ferrofluids by the small-angle neutron scattering method
Analysis of the structure of nanocomposites of triglyceride platelets and DNA
Analysis of the upscaling problem – A case study for the barotropic dynamics in the North Sea and the German Bight
Analysis of the variability of extra-tropical cyclones at the regional scale for the coasts of Northern Germany and investigation of their coastal impacts
Analysis of the variability of extra-tropical cyclones at the regional scale for the coasts of Northern Germany and investigation of their coastal impacts
Analysis of the variability of extra-tropical cyclones at the regional scale for the coasts of Northern Germany and investigation of their coastal impacts
Analysis of thematic mapper data for studying suspended matter distribution in the coastal area of the German bight
Analysis of thematic mapper data for studying the suspended matter distribution in the coastal area of the German Bight (North Sea)
Analysis of thermal cycling curves of short fibre reinforced Mg-MMCs
Analysis of Transport Processes in the North Sea
Analysis of transport processes in the North Sea
Analysis of two dimensional sea surface elevation fields using spaceborne and ground based remote sensing techniques
Analysis of two dimensional sea surface elevation fields using spaceborne SAR
Analysis of VHCF damage in a duplex stainless steel using hard X-ray diffraction techniques
Analysis of welds of offshore steels
Analysis of Wind and Sea State in SAR data of Hurricanes
Analysis on the influence of vapor capillary aspect ratio on pore formation in laser beam welding of aluminum
Analytical and legal aspects of the threshold limit concept
Analytical and legal aspects of the threshold limit value concept
Analytical challenges of origin determination of food with initial chemical composition modified by production practices
Analytical description of the scattering of cellulose nanocrystals in tracheid wood cells
Analytical methods for the determination of emerging organic contaminants in the atmosphere
Analytical model and Monte Carlo simulations of polymer degradation with improved chain cut statistics
Analytical prediction of wall thickness reduction and forming forces during the radial indentation process in Incremental Profile Forming
Analytical stress solutions of a closed deformation path with stretching and shearing using the hypoelastic formulations
Analytical Yield Load Solution for Overmatched Center Cracked Tension Specimen
Analytik metallorganischer Verbindungen in der Umwelt
Analytik organischer Spurenstoffe in der Elbe
Analytik organischer Spurenstoffe in der Elbe
Analytik und Chemometrie zur Elementverteilung im Laengsprofil der Elbsedimente (Diplomarbeit)
Analytik verschiedener Quecksilber-Spezies in Luft durch differenzierte Adsorption an festen Adsorbern (Diplomarbeit)
Analytik von atmosphaerischen Quecksilberspezies
Analytik von DNA Nucleotiden unter Verwendung von CE und HPLC gekoppelt mit Kollisionszellen ICP-MS
Analytik von gasfoermigen PAK aus Luftproben mittels Mikrowellendesorption und GC/MS-Detektion
Analytik von Meerwasserproben aus Offshore Windparks mittels ICP-MS unter Verwendung des Aufkonzentrierungssystems seaFAST®
Analytik von Pestiziden im Muendungsbereich der Elbe
Analytik von Pestiziden im Muendungsbereich der Elbe
Analytik von Quecksilber und seinen Verbindungen
Analytik von Schwermetallen in der Elbe
Analytik von Schwermetallen in der Elbe
Analytische Biochemie
Analytische bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung - Stand und Perspektiven
Analytische bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung - Stand und Perspektiven
Analytische Chemie im anorganisch-chemischen Grundpraktikum - neue Konzepte und Ausbildungsziele
Analytische Feldionenmikroskopie
Analytische Herausforderungen in der Kuestenforschung
Analytische Simulation von stabilem Rissfortschritt in duennwandigen Strukturen mit der europaeischen Fehlerbewertungsprozedur SINTAP
Analytische Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung der Bindungsformen (Speciation) des Zinns in Elbesedimenten unter Zuhilfenahme von GC-AAS, GC-MS, TRFA und GFAAS (Dissertation)
Analyzing cyclic loading behavior of concrete structures: A peridynamic approach with softening models and validation
Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly using seven models
Analyzing the Mechanical Properties of Free-Standing PACA Thin Films Using Microindentation Technique
Analyzing the quality of carbon nanotube dispersions in polymers using scanning electron microscopy
Anatomy of the murine and human cochlea visualized at the cellular level by synchrotron-radiation-based microcomputed tomography
Anatomy of the murine and human cochlea visualized at the cellular level by synchrotron-radiation-based microcomputed tomography
Anatomy, function, and evolution of jaw and hyobranchial muscles in cryptobranchoid salamander larvae
Anbindung von LabVIEW an Redmine
Anemoi: Investigating Chemical Emissions from Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea
Anforderungen an die Rohwasserbeschaffenheit bei der Trinkwassergewinnung im Vergleich zu den Gewaesserbelastungen
Anforderungen an ein satellitengetragenes Wolkenradar
Anforderungen an ein satellitengetragenes Wolkenradar
Anforderungen und Moeglichkeiten im Rahmen der Zertifizierung von REDD+
Anforderungen und Moeglichkeiten im Rahmen der Zertifizierung von REDD+
Angewandte Hydromelioration
Angewandte Neutronenstreuung: Materialforschung
Angewandte Werkstoffanalytik mit Roentgenstrahlung, Neutronen, Elektronen und Ionen
Angewandte Werkstoffanalytik mit Roentgenstrahlung, Neutronen, Elektronen und Ionen
Angiogenesis and healing with non-shrinking, fast degradeable PLGA/CaP scaffolds in critical-sized defects in the rabbit femur with or without osteogenically induced mesenchymal stem cells
Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis in Embryonic Stem Cell derived Embryoid Bodies
Angiogenesis during wound healing: an in vitro model
Angiogenic potential of endothelial and tumor cells seeded on gelatin–based hydrogels in response to electrical stimulations
Angiogenic potential of endothelial and tumor cells seeded on gelatin–based hydrogels in response to electrical stimulations
Angiogenically stimulated alternative monocytes maintain their pro-angiogenic and non-inflammatory phenotype in long-term co-cultures with HUVEC
Angiogenically stimulated intermediate monocytes maintain their proangiogenic and non-inflammatory phenotype in long time co-cultures with HUVEC
Angle dispersive neutron diffraction
Angle-differential cross sections for Rayleigh scattering of highly linearly polarized hard x rays on Au atoms
Anionic and pseudoanionic polymerization of lactones: a comparison
Anisotropic Composites of Desaminotyrosine and Desaminotyrosyl Tyrosine Functionalized Gelatin and Bioactive Glass Microparticles
Anisotropic Composites of Desaminotyrosine and Desaminotyrosyl Tyrosine Functionalized Gelatin and Bioactive Glass Microparticles
Anisotropic constitutive model incorporating multiple damage mechanisms for multiscale simulation of dental enamel
Anisotropic continuum damage modeling for single crystals at high temperatures
Anisotropic Deformation and Damage in Aluminium 2198 Sheets
Anisotropic Deformation and Damage in Aluminium 2198 T8 Sheets
Anisotropic Deformation and Damage in Aluminium 2198 T8 Sheets
Anisotropic Deformation and Damage in Aluminium 2198 T8 Sheets
Anisotropic ductile fracture of Al 2024 alloys
Anisotropic Elastic Properties of Cellulose Measured Using Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Anisotropic fractal magnetic domain pattern in bulk Mn1.4PtSn
Anisotropic Hysteresis During Alternate Cyclic Loading of Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Anisotropic Hysteresis During Alternate Cyclic Loading of Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Anisotropic Plastic Behavior in an Extruded Long-Period Ordered Structure Mg90Y6.5Ni3.5 (at.%) Alloy
Anisotropic plastic Deformation and Damage in commercial Al 2198 T8 Sheet Metal
Anisotropic Plastic Deformation and Damage in Commercial Al 2198 T8 Sheet Metal
Anisotropic plastic Deformation and Damage in commercial Al 2198 T8 Sheet Metal
Anisotropic Properties of Magnesium Sheet AZ31
Anisotropic Properties of Magnesium Sheet AZ31
Anisotropic stiffness and tensional homeostasis induce a natural anisotropy of volumetric growth and remodeling in soft biological tissues
Anisotropie mechanischer Eigenschaften einer Gamma-Titanaluminid-Legierung nach dem Heissstrangpressen
Anisotropie mechanischer Eigenschaften einer Gamma-Titanaluminid-Legierung nach dem Heissstrangpressen
Anisotropy and mechanical properties of dissimilar Al additive manufactured structures generated by multi-layer friction surfacing
Anisotropy Effects in the Shape‐Memory Performance of Polymer Foams
Anisotropy on structures and properties of hot worked gamma titanium aluminide alloys
Anisotropy on structures and properties of hot worked gamma titanium aluminide alloys
Anlagerung und Aktivierung von Blutkomponenten auf Biomaterialoberflaechen unter statischen und Fliessbedingungen
Anmerkungen zur Herausforderung der Kommunikation für physikalische Klimaforscher
Annealing effects on the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline FeNbB alloys
Annealing-assisted high-pressure torsion in Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 metallic glass
Annex 2: Climate Model Simulations for the North Sea Region
Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
Annual Time Series of Air Concentrations of Polyfluorinated Compounds
Anodic Oxidation of Technical Aluminium Alloys – Relating Oxide Layer Morphology to Wear and Friction Properties
Anodizing treatments for magnesium alloys and their effect on corrosion resistance in vaious environments
Anomale Thermodynamik unterkuehlter Schmelzen in entmischenden Systemen
Anomalies in the vertebral column and ilio-sacral articulation of some anuran amphibians
Anomalous compliance and early yielding of nanoporous gold
Anomalous compliance of nanoporous gold: on the influences of the ligament connectivity and surface effects
Anomalous compliance of nanoporous gold: on the influences of the ligament connectivity and surface effects
Anomalous creep behaviour of aluminium high current joint materials
Anomalous diffraction at the M5-edges of uranium and bismuth and at the K-edges of chlorine, sulphur and phosphorus
Anomalous diffraction data from riboflavine binding protein (RfBB)
Anomalous Diffraction With Soft X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation
Anomalous Diffraction With Soft X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation
Anomalous diffraction with soft X-Ray synchrotron radiation: DANES from pentakismethylammonium undecachlorodibismuthate at the K absorption edge of chlorine
Anomalous Diffusion in Glassy Polymers
Anomalous Diffusion in Glassy Polymers
Anomalous dispersion with edges in the soft X-ray region: First results of diffraction from single crystals of ribosomes near the K-absorption edge of phosphorus
Anomalous Dispersion with Edges in the Soft X-Ray Region: First Results of Diffraction from Single Crystals of Trypsin near the K-Absorption Edge of Sulfur
Anomalous growth of dislocation density in titanium during recovery
Anomalous low Total Gaseous Mercury readings after rain events
Anomalous scattering in membrane studies
Anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering characterization of composites based on sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone), zirconium phosphates and zirconium oxide
Anomalous x-ray diffraction from bacteriorhodopsin
Anomalous X-ray diffraction with soft X-Ray synchrotron radiation
Anomalous X-ray scattering
Anomalously low modulus of the interpenetrating-phase composite of Fe and Mg obtained by liquid metal dealloying
Anorganisch chemisches Grundpraktikum
Anorganisch- chemiches Grundpraktikum 2
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Analytik in der Medizin
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Analytik in hochreinen Materialien
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Bodenbelastung und Bodenanalytik
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Meereschemie
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Meereschemie
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Organisch gebundener Kohlenstoff (DOC) und seine Wechselwirkungen in Oberflaechenwasser
Anorganische und analytische Praxis: Schadstoffe im System Boden/Sediment/Wasser
Anorganische und organische Membranmaterialien: Membranmodifizierung und Charakterisierung
Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in der Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung – Der GERICS- Stadtbaukasten : GERICS - CSC Report
Anpassung des Tourismus an den Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa
Anpassung eines Roboterteilsystems fuer den Seewassereinsatz und Erprobung bis 1100 m Wassertiefe
Anpassung eines Werkzeugwechselsystems an den Unterwassereinsatz
Anpassung ueberparametrisierter Prozessmodelle an Daten und der Informationsgehalt von Simulationsergebnissen
Anpassung und Vermeidung
Anpassung und Vermeidung - Wie gehen wir mit der Erwartung einer anthropogenen Klimaaenderung um?
Anpassung und Vermeidung oder von der Illusion der Differenz - Reaktion auf H. Ziegler. 2008 –Zur Begriffspolitik in der Klimadebatte
Ansaetze zur Arbeit mit dem Regelkreismodell
Ansätze und Fallstricke in der transferorientierten Forschung aus Sicht des Wissenschaftlers
Antarctic glaciation and shelf exposure explains ocean de-acidification at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (ca. 34 Ma)
Antarctic springtime depletion of atmospheric mercury
Antarctic springtime depletion of atmospheric mercury
Antarctic temperatures over the past two centuries from ice cores
Anthracene Maleimide Based Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity
Anthropogenic changes of nitrogen loads in a small river: external nutrient sources vs. internal turnover processes
Anthropogenic climate change - a reason for concern since the 18th century and earlier
Anthropogenic Climate Change - Proceedings of the First GKSS School on Environmental Research
Anthropogenic climate change impact on future North Sea wave and surge conditions
Anthropogenic climate change shown by local wave conditions in the North Sea
Anthropogenic Climate Change: A Reason for Concern Since the 18th Century and Earlier
Anthropogenic climate change: The concern and fear is centuries old
Anthropogenic forcing is a plausible explanation for the observed surface specific humidity trends over the Mediterranean area
Anthropogenic impacts on estuarine oxygen dynamics: A model based evaluation
Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition alters growth responses of European beech (Fagus sylvativa L.) to climate change
Anthropogenic Noise as a Stressor in Animals: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
Anti-Invar properties and magnetic order in fcc Fe–Ni–C alloy
Anti-tumour activity of Mg-6%Ag and Mg-10%Gd alloys in mice with inoculated melanoma
Antibacterial biodegradable Mg-Ag alloys
Antibacterial Mg-Ag Biodegradable Alloys (Dissertation)
Antibacterial peptidomimetics and their influence on membrane structure
Antibakterielle Peptide und ihre Wirkweise: Was wir von dem synthetischen Peptid NK-2 lernen koennen
Anticipating and transforming futures: a literature review on transdisciplinary coastal research in the Global South
Anticoagulant Potential of Regioselective Derivatized Cellulose
Anticorrosive properties of chitosan-derivatives coatings on Mg AZ31 alloy in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution
Antimicrobial activity of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole released from environmentally friendly nanostructured layered double hydroxides
Antimicrobial peptides and the disruption of model membranes
Antimicrobial peptides and their interactions with model membranes
Antimicrobial peptides as potential therapeutic agents – Development of new NK-CS analogues
Antimicrobial surfaces grafted random copolymers with REDV peptide beneficial for endothelialization
Antrittsvorlesung (Selbst-)heilende Kunststoffe
Anwendung bruchmechanischer Fehlerbewertungskonzepte auf Komponenten der Schienenverkehrstechnik
Anwendung bruchmechanischer Konzepte auf Eisenbahnkomponenten
Anwendung bruchmechanischer Konzepte auf Eisenbahnkomponenten
Anwendung bruchmechanischer Untersuchungsmethoden zur Ermittlung der Spannungsrisskorrosionsbestaendigkeit von hochfesten Aluminiumwerkstoffen - Erfahrungen aus einem europaeischen Ringversuch
Anwendung der Analogmethode in komplexem Terrain: Klimaaenderungsszenarien auf Tagesbasis fuer Oesterreich
Anwendung der Bruchmechanik in der Schweisstechnik
Anwendung der Bruchmechanik: Moeglichkeit und Grenzen
Anwendung der Diskreten Dipol-Approximation zur Modellierung von Radar-Rueckstreuung an Eiskristallen bei 94 GHz (Diplomarbeit)
Anwendung der maximalen Rissoeffnungsverschiebungswerte fuer die indirekte Risslaengenmessung bei der Ermuedungsrissausbreitung an mittig angerissenen Zugproben der luftfahrtspezifischen Aluminiumlegierung AA6056 - Utilizing CODmax as an indirect fatigue crack length measurement parameter for M(T) specimens of an aerospace aluminium alloy AA6056
Anwendung der Michelson-Interferometrie bei der Temperaturfernmessung
Anwendung der Neutronenbeugung in der Texturanalytik
Anwendung der Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie zur Darstellung von Festkoerperoberflaechen
Anwendung der Supercritical Fluid Extraction in der Umweltanalytik: Extraktion von schwerfluechtigen Chlorkohlenwasserstoffen (SCKW) aus Sedimenten (Magisterarbeit)
Anwendung der Wechselstrommethode bei der Untersuchung von kurzen Rissen in Staehlen
Anwendung der Wechselstrompotentialmethode zur Untersuchung kleiner Risse waehrend des Ermuedungsrisswachstums
Anwendung des Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) auf gekerbte Strukturen
Anwendung des Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) auf Schweissverbindungen
Anwendung des Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) auf Schweissverbindungen
Anwendung des ETM auf Schweissverbindungen
Anwendung des nicht-hydrostatischen mesoskaligen Stroemungsmodells GESIMA zur Windpotentialbestimmung im orographisch komplexen Gelaende
Anwendung des R-Kurvenkonzeptes auf die bruchmechanische Pruefung von Polymeren
Anwendung ingenieurmaessiger bruchmechanischer Methoden zur Bauteilbewertung: Die SINTAP-Prozedur
Anwendung statistischer Methoden in der Umweltanalytik
Anwendung statistischer Methoden in der Umweltanalytik
Anwendung von Enzym-Membranen
Anwendung von Kapillar-LC gekoppelt mit Kollisions-Zellen ICP-MS als komplementaerer Ansatz fuer den Nachweis von posttranslatorisch veraenderten Proteinen ueber Phosphor-spezifische Detektion
Anwendung von Lectinadsorbentien zur biospezifischen Gewinnung von Meerrettichperoxidase (Diplomarbeit)
Anwendung von Makro- und Mikroalgen zur Biosorption von Schwermetallen
Anwendung von Membranverfahren zur Reduzierung von Kohlenwasserstoff-Emissionen in der chemischen, petrochemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie
Anwendung von Neutron- und Synchrotronstrahlung in den Life Sciences, Teil Ia
Anwendung von Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplexen in der Membrantrenntechnik
Anwendungen Bayes'scher Statistik im Zusammenhang mit numerischer Modellierung in Meterologie und Klimaforschung
Anwendungen der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenz-Analyse in der Umweltforschung
Anwendungen des Kohaesivmodells auf die Simulation von duktilem Risswachstum
Anwendungen des Kohaesivmodells auf die Simulation von duktilem Risswachstum
Anwendungen des mesoskaligen Atmosphaerenmodells GESIMA
Anwendungen des Raman-Lidar-Prinzips auf stratosphaerisches Aerosol nach Ausbruch des Vulkans Pinatubo
Anwendungen von Molecular Modelling in der Membranforschung
Anwendungsbestimmungen fuer den sicheren Gebrauch von Elektrizitaet unter Wasser
Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten und -grenzen des Flachwasser-ADCP
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Prinzipien der Selbstorganisation
Anwendungsorientierte Gaspermeationsforschung am Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Anwendungsorientierte Texturanalytik unter Verwendung der Neutronenbeugung
Anwendungspotentiale neu entwickelter organischer Membranen
AP0128 - Magnesium Nitride Phase Formation Through New Ion Beam Implantation Technique
Aperfeicoamento da Tecnica de Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (FSpW) de Termoplasticos e Compositos Atraves da Otimizacao da Ferramenta - Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) of Polyamide 6 and Polyamide 6.6/Carbon Fiber Laminates: Process Improvement by Optimization of Process Parameters and Tool Size
Aperfeicoamento da Tecnica de Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (FSpW) de Termoplasticos e Compositos Atraves da Otimizacao da Ferramenta - Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) of Polyamide 6 and Polyamide 6.6/Carbon Fiber Laminates: Process Improvement by Optimization of Process Parameters and Tool Size
Aperiodic variations of the turbidity maxima of two german coastal plain estuaries
Aperiodic variations of the turbidity maxima of two german coastal plain estuaries
APFIM study of the compositional inhomogeneity of sputtered Co-Cr magnetic thin film
Aplicacao do Processo de Soldagem a Ponto por Friccao em Estruturas Aeronauticas: Otimizacao de Parâmetros de Processo e Avaliacao da Integridade das Soldas para a Liga de Aluminio 2198-T8 (Dissertation)
Aplicacion de modelos policristalinos y de elementos finitos a aleaciones metalicas anisotropas (Dissertation)
Aplicaciones biomedicas de nanogeles dendriticos termosensibles
Apparatus for the investigation of microbial reaction rates in sediment suspensions
Appearance of 5-Lipoxygenase and Leukotriene Receptors in Differentiating Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Embryoid Bodies
Applicability of Conventional Scatterometer Model Functions to High-Resolution SAR Wind Retrievals: The Effect of Spatial Averaging
Applicability of Conventional Scatterometer Model Functions to High-Resolution SAR Wind Retrievals: The Effect of Spatial Averaging
Applicability of One-Sided Nd: YAG Laser Beam Welding for Slip-Skin Joints of Airframe Aluminium Alloys
Applicability of PolyActive™ Thin Film Composite Membranes for CO2 Separation from C2H4 Containing Multi-Component Gas Mixtures at Pressures up to 30 Bar
Applicability of the cohesive model to engineering problems: On Parameter identification for ductile materials
Applicability of the cohesive model to engineering problems: On Parameter identification for ductile materials
Applicability of the cohesive model to fractureof integral light-weight structures
Applicability of the cohesive model to fractureof integral light-weight structures
Application and optimization of inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for ultra-trace element analysis of undiluted seawater
Application and Possibilities of ICP-QQQ for Marine Environmental Research
Application Examples of Adjoint Modelling
Application of a cohesive zone model on elastic-plastic crack growth
Application of a FerryBox: Automatic Measurements in the North Sea
Application of a FerryBox: Automatic Measurements in the North Sea
Application of a Forced-Flow Catalytic Membrane Reactor for Hydrogenation and Dimerisation
Application of a Forced-Flow Catalytic Membrane Reactor for Hydrogenation and Dimerisation
Application of a Forced-Flow Catalytic Membrane Reactor for the Dimerisation of Isobutene
Application of a Gradient Crystal Plasticity Model to Numerical Analysis of Metal Part of Nanoporous Metal – Polymer Composites
Application of a machine learning and data mining approach to determine relationships in materials science
Application of a machine learning and data mining approach to determine relationships in materials science
Application of a machine learning approach for the correction of experimental measured residual stresses based on the incremental hole drilling technique
Application of a new algorithm using Doppler information to retrieve complex wind fields over the Black Sea from ENVISAT SAR images
Application of a new automatic event-controlled sampler for heavy metals: studies on the behaviour of particle bound heavy metals in the Elbe estuary
Application of a new automatic event-controlled sampler for heavy metals: studies on the behaviour of particle bound heavy metals in the Elbe estuary
Application of Adaptive Element-Free Galerkin Method to Simulate Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum
Application of Adaptive Element-Free Galerkin Method to Simulate Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum
Application of advanced underwater technology during an extended series of deep saturation dives at GUSI
Application of an ontology based process model construction tool for active protective coatings: Corrosion inhibitor release
Application of an Ontology-Based Process Model Construction Tool for Active Protective Coatings: Corrosion Inhibitor Release
Application of an Ontology-Based Process Model Construction Tool for Active Protective Coatings: Corrosion Inhibitor Release
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Friction Spot Welds in Al-Alloys
Application of Autoassociative NN's for Monitoring and for Model Inversion
Application of Autoassociative NN's for Monitoring and for Model Inversion
Application of Broadband Fluxes from ScaRaB and AVHRR Narrowband Radiances for BALTEX and MAGS
Application of Broadband Fluxes from ScaRaB for BALTEX and MAGS
Application of CE-ICP-MS and CE-ESI-MS in Metalloproteomics - Challenges, Developments and Limitations
Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation
Application of COSMO-CLM in international projects and to regions outside of Europe
Application of Danckwerts-type boundary conditions to the modeling of the thermal behavior of metal hydride reactors
Application of data assimilation to three-dimensional hydrodynamics: the case of the Odra lagoon
Application of Dedicated Membrane Contactors for Humidity Control During Storage of Perishable Good
Application of design of experiments for laser shock peening process optimization
Application of Different Diffraction Peak Profile Analysis Methods to Study the Structure Evolution of Cold-Rolled Hexagonal α-Titanium
Application of eddy current techniques to inspect friction spot welds in aluminium alloy AA2024 and a composite material
Application of fracture mechanics principles to austenitic steels
Application of fracture mechanics principles to austenitic steels
Application of fracture mechanics techniques to the environmentally assisted cracking of a structural steel
Application of fracture mechanics techniques to the environmentally assisted cracking of aluminium 2024
Application of fracture mechanics to railway components - An overview
Application of fracture mechanics to railway components - An overview
Application of Friction Riveting technique for the assembly of electronic components on printed circuit boards (PCB)
Application of Friction Stir Welding in Civil Engineering (Dissertation)
Application of friction surfacing for solid state additive manufacturing of cylindrical shell structures
Application of FSW and FSSW on Advanced Automotive Structures
Application of gradient crystal plasticity model to the numerical analysis of anisotropic hardening in nanoporous metal - polymer composites
Application of High Wind Speed Algorithm in Hurricane Ivan
Application of High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation for Investigating the Phase Transformation in Hot-Rolled TRIP-Aided Steels
Application of hot air heating for single point incremental forming of different lightweight construction materials
Application of hot air heating for single point incremental forming of different lightweight construction materials
Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives
Application of ICP-MS in a research centre - examples and experiences
Application of ICP-QQQ for environmental analysis and its perspectives for life sciences - First results
Application of In Situ Neutron and X-Ray Measurements at High Temperatures in the Development of Co-Re-Based Alloys for Gas Turbines
Application of in-situ high energy X-ray diffraction and small-angle scattering for the understanding and development of advanced intermetallic multi-phase gamma-TiAl based alloys
Application of interface elemements for material separation to shell structures
Application of interface elemements for material separation to shell structures
Application of lake marl at Lake Arendsee, NE Germany: First results of a geochemical monitoring during the restoration experiment
Application of low temperature devices at modern photon sources
Application of machine learning approaches in the context of processes and materials with focus on artificial neural networks
Application of Machine Learning for Prediction of Microstructure and Mechanical Performances in Solid-State Joining Processes
Application of membranes in biohybrid organ technology
Application of micro-mechanical constitutive models for structural steels
Application of Mixed-Mode Oasis MCX Adsorbent for Chromatographic Separation of Selenomethionine from Antarctic Krill After Enzymatic Digestion
Application of neural network method to case II water
Application of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Application of neutron diffraction to measure preferred orientations of geological materials
Application of non-traditional stable isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry assessed by MC ICP-MS - A critical review
Application of novel constrained friction processing method to produce fine grained biomedical Mg-Zn-Ca alloy
Application of Photons and Neutrons for the Characterization and Development of Advanced Steels
Application of polymer membranes in separation processes
Application of position sensitive detectors for neutron diffraction texture analysis of hematite ore
Application of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy to structure investigations of glassy polymer membranes an comparison with transport properties
Application of proteomics for investigating the impact of magnesium implants on bone tissue
Application of proteomics for investigating the impact of magnesium implants on bone tissue
Application of regional climate models to the Indian winter monsoon over the western Himalayas
Application of remelted Post Consumer Scrap for Structural Magnesium Parts
Application of remelted Post Consumer Scrap for Structural Magnesium Parts
Application of response surface methodology for optimization of hybrid friction diffusion bonding of tube-to-tube-sheet connections in coil-wound heat exchangers
Application of SANS analysis to irradiated RPV steels – merits, limitations and perspectives
Application of Satellite Imagery on the results of a generic ecosystem model within a brackish-water lagoon
Application of scanning electrode techniques for the evaluation of iron–zinc corrosion in nearly neutral chloride solutions
Application of seam tracking systems in robotic hyperbaric welding
Application of SEAWAB to the James River focussing on winter conditions
Application of SEC/FTIR Coupling for Polymer Characterization
Application of Sentinel-2 MSI in Arctic Research: Evaluating the Performance of Atmospheric Correction Approaches Over Arctic Sea Ice
Application of statistical methods and stochastic models in modern climate research
Application of stress intensity factor superposition in residual stress fields considering crack closure
Application of synchrotron-radiation-based computer microtomography (SRμCT) to selected biominerals: embryonic snails, statoliths of medusae, and human teeth
Application of the adjoint technique to assess hydrological model results
Application of the adjoint technique to sensitivity studies in SVAT-modelling
Application of the CALPHAD method for the prediction of amorphous phase formation
Application of the cohesive model for predicting the residual strength of a large scale fuselage structure with a two-bay crack
Application of the eigenstrain approach to predict the residual stress distribution in laser shock peened AA7050-T7451 samples
Application of the engineering treatment model (ETM) to mismatched welded joints
Application of the engineering treatment model (ETM) to mismatched welded joints
Application of the engineering treatment model (ETM) to mismatched welded joints
Application of the Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) to tension loaded tubular t-joints
Application of the engineering treatment model (ETM) to the prediction of the behaviour of a circumferentially cracked pipe
Application of the engineering treatment model (ETM) to the prediction of the behaviour of a circumferentially cracked pipe
Application of the European flaw assessment Procedure SINTAP to pipes
Application of the European flaw assessment procedure SINTAP to thin wall structures subjected to biaxial and mixed mode loadings
Application of the European Flaw Assessment Procedure SINTAP to thin Wall Structures: Analytical Assessment Levels
Application of the European SINTAP procedure to the failure analysis of a broken forklift
Application of the Gurson model to ductile tearing resistance
Application of the local approach to fracture in the ductile-to-brittle transition
Application of the local approach to fracture in the ductile-to-brittle transition
Application of the Master Curve Method and the Engineering Lower Bound Toughness Method to Laser Welded Steel
Application of the Neural Network to OCTS Data
Application of the Physico-Chemical Desorption Technology for Soil Decontamination
Application of the rising displacement test to SCC investigations
Application of the stereographic projection in texture analysis
Application of the two-timing method to rapid diffusion problems in nonlinear electrochemical and ecological reaction systems
Application of the Work Hardening Model for Mechanical Anisotropy Study of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Application of the Work Hardening Model for Mechanical Anisotropy Study of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Application of the work hardening model for study of mechanical anisotropy of magnesium alloy sheets
Application of the zero-deficiency theorem to continuous and compartmental Lotka-Volterra systems
Application of Third Generation Shallow Water Wave Models in a Tidal Environment
Application of total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis for metallic trace impurities on silicon wafer surfaces
Application of two approaches for the determination of airborne Reactive Gaseous Mercury in the picogram / m3 range
Application of two- and threedimensional high resolving models to a small section of the Elbe estuary: A comparative study
Application of TXRF in environmental analysis and related fields
Application of TXRF in environmental research
Application of underwater video and imaging sonar in ecological investigations in the subtidal zone of the Wadden Sea
Application of wind turbine energy yield data to verification of simulated wind fields
Application of X-ray Microcomputed Tomography for the Static and Dynamic Characterization of the Microstructure of Oleofoams
Application Potential of Wrought Magnesium Alloys - Extruded and Forged
Applications for metal hydrides current projects and challenges
Applications for metal hydrides – current projects and challenges
Applications of analytical synchrotron radiation techniques in friction-based joining methods
Applications of Block Copolymers: Membranes through Self-Assembly
Applications of dynamical and statistical downscaling methods to small-scale wave climate simulations for coastal areas
Applications of isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry
Applications of Magnesium Alloys
Applications of Magnesium Alloys in Automotive lndustry
Applications of Membranes for Hydrogen Separation
Applications of Membranes to Control VOC Emissions
Applications of Microtomography in Materials Science at the HARWI-2 Beamline at DESY
Applications of microtomography in materials science at the new HARWI-2 beamline at DESY
Applications of non-crystalline diffraction with microfocus to carbon fibres
Applications of powder metallurgy in biomaterials
Applications of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in Trace Element and Surface Analysis
Applications of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in Trace Element and Surface Analysis
Applications of TXRF to trace- and microanalysis
Applications: magnesium-based metal matrix composites (MMCs)
Applied biomaterials, implants, polymers, scaffolds, gels in 3D - Introduction BSRT
Applying a membrane reactor to hydrogenate acetophenone with simultaneous product separation
Applying Satellite Data for Validation of the Hydrodynamic Model for the Arctic Ocean
Applying Science to Society: the Climate Service Center, Germany : Climate Services Partnership Technical Report
Applying wash coating techniques for swelling-induced stress reduction and thermal improvement in metal hydrides
Approach of autogenous fibre-laser beam welding of Al-Cu alloys (Masterarbeit)
Approaches of combining a 3D-printed elastic structure and a hydrogel to create models for plant-inspired actuators
Approaches to analyse and model changes in impacts: reply to discussions of “How to improve attribution of changes in drought and flood impacts”
Approaches to improve high temperature creep resistance of magnesium alloys by alleviating the segregation of primary alloying elements
Approaches to improve high temperature creep resistance of magnesium alloys by alleviating the segregation of primary alloying elements
Approaches to measure mercury and mercury species in air
Approaching Bolt Load Retention Behaviour of AS41 Through Compliance and Creep Deformation
Approaching Bolt Load Retention Behaviour of AS41 Through Compliance and Creep Deformation
Approaching “stainless magnesium” by Ca micro-alloying
Approx-2: ein Programm zum Anpassen benutzereigener Funktionen an einen Satz von Messwerten
Aptamer supported in vitro endothelialization of poly(ether imide) films
AQA in analytical Research Laboratories
Aqoustic Emission During Stress Reflaxation of Pure Magnesium and AZ Magnesium Alloys
Aquatische Oekosysteme: Nordsee, Wattenmeer, Elbeaestuar und Ostsee
Aqueous corrosion behavior of creep resistant Mg-Al-Ba-Ca alloys in sodium chloride solutions
Aqueous Mg Batteries
Aqueous Solution Behavior of Anionic Fluorene-co-thiophene-Based Conjugated Polyelectrolytes
Aqueous Solution Properties of Polyglycidol-Based Analogues of Pluronic Copolymers. Influence of the Poly(propylene oxide) Block Molar Mass
Aqueous Solutions of Poly[2-(N-morpholino)ethyl methacrylate]: Learning about Macromolecular Aggregation Processes from a Peculiar Three-Step Thermoresponsive Behavior
Aqueous-organic seperations by pervaporation
Arabian Sea upwelling over the last millennium and in the 21st century as simulated by Earth System Models
Arachnids in Bitterfeld amber: A unique fauna of fossils from the heart of Europe or simply old friends?
Arbeiten mit der LUDWIG PRANDTL in der Umweltforschung
Arbeiten unter Ueberdruck in kontaminierter Umgebung
Arbeitsschutzmassnahmen gegen Schadgase und Staeube in der Unterwassertechnik
Arc-based directed energy deposited Inconel 718: role of heat treatments on high temperature tensile behavior
Architecture of the E.coli 70S ribosome
Architectured Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Switching Segments Based on Oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone)
Architektur und Benutzungsschnittstelle eines Zugriffssystems fuer heterogene, verteilte Umweltdaten
Arctic and Nordic krill circuits of production revealed by the interactions between their physiology, swimming behaviour and circulation
Arctic mercury cycling
Arctic Ocean heat impact on regional ice decay - a suggested positive feedback
Arctic Ocean Water Mass Transformation in S–T Coordinates
Are European birds migrating earlier?
Are extreme weather events becoming more common? - The case of NE Atlantic storminess
Are geotextile scour protections of offshore wind turbines a source of environmental contaminants?
Are metal-induced hypersensitivities in harbor seals associated with liver function?
Are temperature-sensitive proxies adequate for North Atlantic Oscillation reconstructions?
Are there sufficient standards for the in vitro hemocompatibility testing of biomaterials?
Are We at Risk of Losing the Current Generation of Climate Researchers to Data Science?
Are we observing realistic size spectra in clouds?
Area-Averaged Surface Fluxes Over the Litfass Region Based on Eddy-Covariance Measurements
Area-averaging of surface fluxes in a neutrally stratified, horizontally inhomogeneous atmospheric boundary layer
Area-wide mapping of submarine habitats in shallow waters by combining acoustical multi-beam seabed classification with video imaging ground truth
Area-wide mapping of subtidal benthic habitats by combining acoustical multi-beam technique with video imaging ground truth
ARGOS - Advanced remote gaseous oxides sensor
ARGOS - Mobile lidar for ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the lower troposphere
ARGOS - Mobile lidar for remote air pollution measurements
ARGOS design characteristics for the depth-resolved measurements of tropospheric ozone
ARGOS pollution-gas remote measurement system
ARGOS: a differential absorption lidar for the depth-resolving measurement of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone
ARGOS: a mobile lidar for measurements of SO2, NO2 and O3
ARGOS: a vanborne system for remote air pollution measurements
ARGOS: ein automatisiertes ortsaufloesendes Fernmesssystem fuer die Bestimmung von Luftschadstoffen
ARGOS: ein ortsaufloesendes Fernmesssystem fuer die Schadgase Schwefeldioxid, Stickstoffdioxid und Ozon
ARGOS: mobile lidar for the remote measurement of tropospheric ozone
Aroma recovery from off-gas
Aromatic Polyimide Membranes - A Theoretical Study
Arrangements with transit countries
Arrays of interacting ferromagnetic nanofilaments: Small-angle neutron diffraction study
Arsenic in marine mammals
Arsenic speciation in bodily fluids of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Arsenic speciation in developing seals (Phoca vitulina) using HPLC-ICP-MS
Arsenic speciation in Seal-blood using HPLC-ICP-MS
Arsenic speciation in urine and blood of selas (Phoca vitulina) using HPLC-ICP-MS
Artifact-free measurement of residual dipolar couplings in DMSO by the use of cross-linked perdeuterated poly(acrylonitrile) as alignment medium
Artifacts suppression in biomedical images using a guided filter
'Artificial Ice Core Accumulation' derived from Large-Scale GCM Data: Development and Description of the Regression Model for One North Greenland Ice Core
Artificial neural network for correction of effects of plasticity in equibiaxial residual stress profiles measured by hole drilling
Artificial sandbanks in the Elbe Estuary mouth: A method for surge mitigation?
Artificial tendrils mimicking plant movements by mismatching modulus and length in multimaterial polymeric systems
Artificial tendrils mimicking plant movements by mismatching modulus and strain in core and shell
As cast microstructures on the mechanical and corrosion behaviour of ZK40 modified with Gd and Nd additions
As solidified microstructure investigation of Mg15Y and MgxYyGd (x+y=15 wt.%) ternary alloys
As solidified microstructure investigation of Mg15Y and MgxYyGd (x+y=15 wt.%) ternary alloys
As-sintered AISI 440C stainless steels with improved hardness and corrosion resistance
ASAXS and SAXS/USAXS Investigations of Metal Hydrides for Reversible Hydrogen Storage
ASAXS characterization of functionalized polyoxadiazoles and polytriazoles
ASAXS investigations of Zr- and V-based additives in hydrogen storage materials
ASAXS measurements on ferritin and apoferritin at the bioSAXS beamline P12 (PETRA III, DESY)
ASAXS Studies on SPEK Nano-Composites Containing Phosphotungstic Acid
ASAXS study of the catalyst distribution in nanostructured MgH2/MexOy
Ascorbic Acid stimulates cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells – Investigating the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
Aspects of Biomaterials
Aspects of cleaning environmental material for multielement analysis: F. e. plant samples
Aspects of damage tolerance of aircraft fuselage structures
Aspects of damage tolerance of aircraft fuselage structures
Aspects of multi-functionality and clinical translation in biomaterial application
Aspects of oxidation/deoxidation reactions of weld metals deposited under hyperbaric conditions
Aspects of RVE topolgy, mesh discretization and boundary conditions in practical multiscaling for matrix inclusion composites
Aspects of RVE topolgy, mesh discretization and boundary conditions in practical multiscaling for matrix inclusion composites
Aspects of RVE topolgy, mesh discretization and boundary conditions in practical multiscaling for matrix inclusion composites
Aspects of SCC testing using fracture mechanics techniques
Aspects of the spray forming of Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Aspects of the Threshold Limit Concept
Aspects of the Threshold Limit Concept
Aspekte der Analytischen Qualitaetssicherung im Hochschulbereich
Aspekte der Digitalisierung in der Werkstoffforschung: Materialmodellierung – Prozesssimulation – maschinelles Lernen
Aspekte der RVE Topologie, Diskretisierung und Randbedingungen bei der praktischen Homogenisierung von Matrix-Einschluss-Kompositen
Aspekte der theoretischen Biophysik
Aspekte der theoretischen Biophysik
Aspekte in der Biomaterialforschung fuer die Regenerative Medizin
Aspekte instrumenteller Multielementanalytik in terrestrischen Oekosystemen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung pflanzlicher Matrizes (Habilitation)
Assemblies in Complex Block Copolymer Systems
Assessing and anticipating recent, ongoing and future change of marine weather and its impact
Assessing and anticipating recent, ongoing and future change of marine weather and its impact
Assessing changes in extreme sea levels along the coast of China
Assessing collaboration, knowledge exchange, and stakeholder agency in coastal governance to enhance climate resilience
Assessing Fluorescent Organic Matter in Natural Waters: Towards In Situ Excitation–Emission Matrix Spectroscopy
Assessing governance performance : CSC Report
Assessing mean climate change signals in the global CORDEX-CORE ensemble
Assessing model predicted vertical cloud structure and cloud overlap with radar and lidar ceilometer observations for the Baltex Bridge Campaign of CLIWA-NET
Assessing present and future coastal risks - the CoastDat project for the NE Atlantic and first results for the SE Asian region
Assessing present and future coastal risks - The CoastDat project for the NE Atlantic and first results for the SE Asian region
Assessing the Bonding Interface Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy Joints
Assessing the chemical anthropocene – Development of the legacy pollution fingerprint in the North Sea during the last century
Assessing the effectiveness of Multi-Sector Partnerships to manage droughts: The case of the Jucar river basin
Assessing the effects of significant activity changes on urban-scale air quality across three European cities
Assessing the fracture and fatigue resistance of nanostructured thin films
Assessing the grain structure of highly X-ray absorbing metallic alloys
Assessing the Influence of Temperature‐Memory Creation on the Degradation of Copolyesterurethanes in Ultrathin Films
Assessing the interface ultrastructure of bone around biodegradable implants
Assessing the interface ultrastructure of bone around biodegradable implants
Assessing the interface ultrastructure of bone around biodegradable implants
Assessing the interface ultrastructure of bone around biodegradable implants
Assessing the long-term effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions under different climate change scenarios
Assessing the long-term in vivo degradation behavior of magnesium alloys - a high resolution synchrotron radiation micro computed tomography study
Assessing the magnitude of CO2 flux uncertainty in atmospheric CO2 records using products from NASA's Carbon Monitoring Flux Pilot Project
Assessing the microstructure and in vitro degradation behavior of Mg-xGd screw implants using µCT
Assessing the performance of statistical downscaling setups in Cameroon
Assessing the potential impacts of the Canal Istanbul on the physical oceanography of the Turkish Straits System
Assessing the robustness of projected precipitation changes over central Africa on the basis of a multitude of global and regional climate projections
Assessing the Toxicity of Environmental Contaminants with Early Life Stages of Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes)
Assessing the Transferability of the Regional Climate Model REMO to Different COordinated Regional Climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX) Regions
Assessing the weather conditions for urban cyclists by spatially dense measurements with an agent-based approach
Assessing uncertainties in scattering correction algorithms for reflective tube absorption measurements made with a WET Labs ac-9
Assessing water renewal time scales for marine environments from three-dimensional modelling: A case study for Hervey Bay, Australia
Assessment and Calibration of ERA5 Severe Winds in the Atlantic Ocean Using Satellite Data
Assessment and economic valuation of air pollution impacts on human health over Europe and the United States as calculated by a multi-model ensemble in the framework of AQMEII3
Assessment of acute toxicity, mutagenicity and embryotoxicity of sediment extracts in a bioassay-directed chemical analysis of a Bilina sediment after different sample pretreatments
Assessment of added value using a regional climate model for Siberia
Assessment of alternative joining techniques for Ti–6Al–4V/CFRP hybrid joints regarding tensile and fatigue strength
Assessment of AZ31 for wrought processing
Assessment of AZ31 for wrought processing
Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Resources in the Upper Senegal Basin (West Africa)
Assessment of climate dynamics in the Okavango region using high-resolution ERA-40 reanalysis data - Bewertung der Klimadynamik in der Okavango-Region unter Verwendung von hochaufloesenden ERA-40 Reanalyse-Daten
Assessment of Coarsening of Perovskite Precipitates in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Assessment of Components in High Temperature Service
Assessment of Components in High Temperature Service
Assessment of Cracks in Thin-Walled Structures
Assessment of critical fracture conditions in rolled Al 2024 T351 plate using the Rice and Tracey void growth approach
Assessment of electrochemical data for calculation of degradation of Mg and Mg-alloys
Assessment of electrochemical data for calculation of degradation of Mg and Mg-alloys
Assessment of electrochemical data for calculation of degradation of Mg and Mg-alloys
Assessment of Eutrophication Abatement Scenarios for the Baltic Sea by Multi-Model Ensemble Simulations
Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-Based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area
Assessment of Fracture and Fatigue Crack Propagation of Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welded Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys
Assessment of grating-based X-ray phase-contrast CT for differentiation of invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ in an experimental ex vivo set-up
Assessment of Health Status of Harbour Seals (PHOCA VITULINA) From German waters around two Phocine Distemper Virus mass mortalities
Assessment of high-temperature deformation mechanisms of TiAl alloys by stress relaxation tests
Assessment of Hot Processing for Gamma Titanium Aluminide Compressor Blades
Assessment of Hot Processing for Gamma Titanium Aluminide Compressor Blades
Assessment of Laser Welded Steels using Structural Integrity Assessment Procedure - SINTAP
Assessment of Laser Welded Steels using Structural Integrity Assessment Procedure - SINTAP
Assessment of Mis-matched Welded Joints Using ETM-MM
Assessment of North Sea phytoplankton via molecular sensing - A method evaluation
Assessment of pipeline flaws using the European SINTAP procedure
Assessment of Primary Production by Statistical Analysis of Water-Quality Data
Assessment of Primary Production by Statistical Analysis of Water-quality Data
Assessment of requirements for a proposed space-borne cloud profiling radar
Assessment of simulated rainfall and temperature from the regional climate model REMO and future changes over Central Africa
Assessment of skill and portability in regional marine biogeochemical models: Role of multiple planktonic groups
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Changes from VHR Images in Three Different Permafrost Areas in the Western Russian Arctic
Assessment of Stiffened Shell Structures using Advanced Fracture and Damage Mechanics Methods
Assessment of the Black Sea observing system. A focus on 2005-2012 Argo campaigns
Assessment of the blood compatibility of modified cellulose membranes
Assessment of the blood compatibility of modified cellulose membranes
Assessment of the capability of Zr, Y, La, Gd, Dy, C, and Si to enhance the creep strength of gamma titanium aluminide alloys based on their effect on flow stress and thermal activation parameters
Assessment of the European Climate Projections as Simulated by the Large EURO‐CORDEX Regional and Global Climate Model Ensemble
Assessment of the hydrogen absorption/desorption properties of AB2-hydride forming alloy in an industrial amount: Design of scale-up devices
Assessment of the Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Mg-1Zn-0.6Ca/Diamond Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications
Assessment of the Present Nutrient Variations at the Elbe Estuary Outflow: Seasonal and Interannual variations
Assessment of the SCC susceptibility of light metal alloys
Assessment of the summer-autumn bloom in the Bohai Sea using satellite images to identify the roles of wind mixing and light conditions
Assessment of thickness-dependent gas permeability of polymer membranes
Assessment of thin-walled structures based on delta5 using ETM and SINTAP procedures
Assessment of three temperature reconstruction methods in the virtual reality of a climate simulation
Assessment of uncertainties in reanalysis datasets in reproducing thermodynamic mechanisms in the moisture budget’s provision in the Congo Basin
Assessment of Uncertainties in Scenario Simulations of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Baltic Sea
Assessment of UV Filters and Parabens in a Small Portuguese Peri-Urban Catchment
Assessment of value added applying a regional climate model for Siberia - Potential use of ESA DUE products
Assessment of Value Added for Surface Marine Wind Speed Obtained from Two Regional Climate Models
Assessment of Water flow and the impact on Sediment Motion in a Tidal Channel of North Sylt basing on Radar Observation (Diplomarbeit)
Assessments of regional climate change and its impacts in Northern Europe
Assignment of high resolution wind directions in SAR images using local gradients
Assimilating stats – the problem and experience with the DATUN approach
Assimilation of altimeter data in a global third generation wave model
Assimilation of altimeter data in a global third generation wave model (ECMWF-67)
Assimilation of FerryBox data in a circulation model of the North Sea
Assimilation of satellite data in a Suspended Particulate Matter transport model
Assimilation of satellite data in a Suspended Particulate Matter transport model
Assimilation of Sea Level Observations for Multi-Decadal Regional Ocean Model Simulations for the North Sea
Associate Structures for hydration lubrication
Asymmetric Block Copolymer Structures and Block Copolymer based Nanocomposites
Asymmetric Block Copolymer Structures and Block Copolymer based Nanocomposites
Asymmetric magnetization reversal on exchange biased CoO/Co bilayers
Asymmetric magnetization reversal on exchange biased CoO/Co bilayers
Asymmetric mechanical properties and tensile behaviour prediction of aluminium alloy 5083 friction stir welding joints
Asymmetric membranes for gas separation. Different techniques to determine the active dense skin thickness
Asymmetric superstructure in a block copolymer via phase separation
Asymmetrische Katalyse mit Hetero-Dimetall-Verbindungen
Asymptotic analysis of steady-state crack extension of combined modes I and III in elastic-plastic materials with linear hardening
Atemversorgung fuer Taucher in grossen Wassertiefen
Atlantic Inflow to the North Sea Modulated by the Subpolar Gyre in a Historical Simulation With MPI‐ESM
Atlantic Origin of Decadal Predictability in Barents Sea Cod Stock
Atlas der Stroemungen und Wasserstaende in der Sylt-Romo-Bucht
ATM-Datenuebertragungsmodul mit dem Texa TMS 320C40 (Diplomarbeit)
Atmoshaerische Wasserbilanz in BALTEX-Gebiet: Vergleich zwischen Modellrechnungen und Messungen
Atmoshaerische Wasserbilanz in BALTEX-Gebiet: Vergleich zwischen Modellrechnungen und Messungen
Atmosphaerenkorrektur von Thematic Mapper-Messungen ueber Wattengebieten der Deutschen Bucht (Diplomarbeit)
Atmosphaerische Eintraege von Quecksilber in Arktis und Antarktis
Atmosphaerische Modelle in der Umweltmeteorologie
Atmosphaerische Quecksilbereintraege in die Polar-Regionen – Was geschieht an den Kuesten von Arktis und Antarktis ?
Atmosphaerische Spurenstoffe
Atmosphaerische Spurenstoffe
Atmosphaerische Spurenstoffe
Atmosphaerische Spurenstoffe / Umweltchemie 1
Atmosphaerische Strahlungserwaermung: Der Wolkenanteil
Atmosphaerische Stroemung in Eem und Holozaen in einem gekoppelten GCM
Atmosphaerische Stroemung in Eem und Holozaen in einem gekoppelten GCM
Atmosphaerischer Eintrag von Stickstoff- und Quecksilberverbindungen im Elbeeinzugsgebiet
Atmosphaerisches Quecksilber in Nordwest-Europa - Raum-zeitliche Variabilitaet und Grenzflaechenprozesse
Atmosphere Ocean Exchange of Mercury in a Coupled Regional Model for the North and Baltic Sea Area
Atmosphere-Ocean interaction of the past 500 years within a simulation within the climate model ECHO-G
Atmosphere-Sea Ice interaction during the Dalton Minimum within a historical simulation with ECHO-G
Atmosphere–ice forcing in the transpolar drift stream: results from the DAMOCLES ice-buoy campaigns 2007–2009
Atmospheric Accumulations of the Heavy Metals Lead, Mercury and Cadmium in Ombrotrophic Peatlands in the west of Ireland
Atmospheric Aerosols - what they are and how they are represented in Chemistry Transport Models
Atmospheric annular modes in simulations over the past millennium: No long-term response to external forcing
Atmospheric boundary layer rolls: Quantification of their effect on the hydrodynamics in the German Bight
Atmospheric circulation changes simulated by five GCMS under IPCC scenario A
Atmospheric concentrations and air-sea exchanges of nonylphenol, tertiary octylphenol and nonylphenol monoethoxylate in the North Sea
Atmospheric concentrations and air-sea exchanges of nonylphenol, tertiary octylphenol and nonylphenol monoethoxylate in the North Sea
Atmospheric concentrations and air-sea exchanges of phthalates in the North Sea (German Bight)
Atmospheric concentrations and gas/particle partitioning of neutral poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in northern German coast
Atmospheric concentrations of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizer in the German coast: case study at Buesum
Atmospheric correction algorithm for MERIS above case‐2 waters
Atmospheric Cycling of Mercury in Polar Regions
Atmospheric Cycling of Mercury in Polar Regions
Atmospheric Cycling of Mercury in Polar Regions
Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals to North European marginal seas: Scenarios and trend for lead
Atmospheric deposition of particulate Nitrogen, Sulphur and Benzo(a)pyrene into the Baltic Sea between 1995 and 2005 considering the influence of ship emissions
Atmospheric deposition of particulate Nitrogen, Sulphur and Benzo(a)pyrene into the Baltic Sea between 1995 and 2005 considering the influence of ship emissions
Atmospheric deposition, seasonal variation, and long-range transport of organophosphate esters on Yongxing Island, South China Sea
Atmospheric Distribution and Seasonality of Airborne Polyfluorinated Compounds: Spatial and Temporal Concentration Variations from Ship- and Land-Based Measurements in North Germany, the Atlantic Ocean, and Polar Regions (Dissertation)
Atmospheric Emissions of Anthropogenic Lead in Europe: Improvements, Updates, Historical Data and Projections
Atmospheric Fluxes of Heavy Metals to the Baltic Sea Basin
Atmospheric forcing of decadal Baltic Sea level variability in the last 200 years: A statistical analysis (Dissertation)
Atmospheric Impact of Mercury Species to the Baltic Sea, Modelling and Measurement Results
Atmospheric input of mercury to the Baltic Sea
Atmospheric input of mercury to the North Sea
Atmospheric input of organic trace substances into the North and the Baltic Seas
Atmospheric mercury concentrations from several observatory sites in the Northern Hemisphere
Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network
Atmospheric mercury in northwestern and central Europe - Sources, regional distribution and trends
Atmospheric mercury in the Southern Hemisphere – Part 1: Trend and inter-annual variations in atmospheric mercury at Cape Point, South Africa, in 2007–2017, and on Amsterdam Island in 2012–2017
Atmospheric mercury in the Southern Hemisphere – Part 2: Source apportionment analysis at Cape Point station, South Africa
Atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern hemisphere from 56° to 82,5° N latitude
Atmospheric mercury measurements onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft
Atmospheric Mercury Modelling in Europe: Progress and Problems
Atmospheric Mercury Modelling on Regional and Hemispheric Scales
Atmospheric mercury over Europe
Atmospheric mercury over Europe – experimental strategies for remote regions and „hot spot“ areas
Atmospheric mercury over sea ice during the OASIS-2009 campaign
Atmospheric mercury speciation and mercury in snow over time at Alert, Canada
Atmospheric mercury species over central and northern Europe, model calculations and comparison with observations from the nordic air ans precipitation network for 1987 and 1988
Atmospheric mercury species over central and northern Europe, model calculations and comparison with observations from the nordic air ans precipitation network for 1987 and 1988
Atmospheric mercury species over Europe
Atmospheric modelling of energy and water cycle versus observations and remote sensing at GKSS
Atmospheric occurrence and air-sea exchange of phthalate esters in the North Sea (German Bight)
Atmospheric occurrence and deposition of nonylphenol and phthalates in the Northeast Atlantic
Atmospheric occurrence and fate of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizer at the German coast
Atmospheric Pathways, Transport and Fate
Atmospheric Raman depolarization-ratio measurements
Atmospheric regional climate models (RCMs): A multiple purpose tool?
Atmospheric science: Early peak in Antarctic oscillation index
Atmospheric surface layer above the marginal ice zone: internal boundary layers
Atmospheric temperature profiling in the presence of clouds with a pure rotational Raman lidar by use of an interference-filter-based polychromator
Atmospheric Temperature Profiling with Rotational Raman Lidar
Atmospheric transport of persistent pollutants and nutrients in North Sea coastal regions
Atmospheric water vapour over oceans from SSM/I measurements
Atmospherically forced regional ocean simulations of the South China Sea: Scale-dependency of the signal-to-noise ratio
Atom probe tomography study of a gamma-TiAl based Ti-Al-Nb alloy containing C
Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie, Atomemissionsspektrometrie und Atomfluoreszensspektrometrie
Atomare Grenzflaechenprozesse und Designkonzepte fuer hochfeste Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Atomdampffilter fuer ein Temperaturlidar
Atomic layer deposition enables multi-modal three-dimensional electron microscopy of isoporous membranes
Atomic Layer Deposition for Gradient Surface Modification and Controlled Hydrophilization of Ultrafiltration Polymer Membranes
Atomic layer deposition of nanometric alumina for corrosion protection of heterogeneous metallic surfaces – The case of aeronautical grade aluminium alloy 2024-T3
Atomic Level Observation of Mechanical Damage in Shot Peened TiAl
Atomic level observations of fatigue structures in lamellar Ti-45Al-8Nb-0.2C (TNB-V2)
Atomic level observations of fatigue structures in lamellar Ti-45Al-8Nb-0.2C (TNB-V2)
Atomic level observations of mechanical damage in shot peened TiAl
Atomic modelling of Nb, V, Cr and Mn substitution in Gamma-TiAl. I: c/a ratio and site preference
Atomic site occupancy of alloying elements and Laves phase stability in γ-γ′ Co-base superalloys
Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)
Atomistic Bulk Models for Polyglycolide and Poly(L-lactide)
Atomistic Computer simulation for Gas-Induced Swelling Processes in Glassy Polymers
Atomistic Insight into the Hydration States of Layered Double Hydroxides
Atomistic insights into the inhomogeneous nature of solute segregation to grain boundaries in magnesium
Atomistic insights into the thermo-mechanical behavior of TiAl alloys
Atomistic modeling of electromechanical coupling at metal surfaces
Atomistic modeling of small molecule diffusion and solution processes in dense amorphous membrane polymers
Atomistic Modelling and Simulation of Membrane Phenomena
Atomistic Modelling and Simulation of Membrane Phenomena
Atomistic Molecular Modelling of Biomaterials
Atomistic Molecular Modelling of Biomaterials
Atomistic molecular modelling of biomaterials
Atomistic molecular modelling of hydrolytic degradation utilizing Materials Studio
Atomistic packing model and free volume distribution of a polymer with intrinsic microporosity (PIM-1)
Atomistic Packing Model For A Gas Seperation Membrane Polymer With Intrinsic Microporosity
Atomistic packing models for experimentally investigated swelling states induced by CO2 in glassy polymers
Atomistic packing models for experimentally investigated swelling states induced by CO2 in glassy polymers
Atomistic packing models for experimentally investigated swelling states induced by CO2 in glassy polysulfone and poly(ether sulfone)
Atomistic Polymer Simulations
Atomistic Processes of Phase Transformation and Dynamic Recrystallization during Hot-Working of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Atomistic Processes of Phase Transformation and Dynamic Recrystallization of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Atomistic simulation of pVT data of amorphous polymers in the rubbery range
Atomistic simulation of tension deformation behavior in magnesium single crystal
Atomistic Simulation of the Shape-Memory Effect in Dry and Water Swollen Poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] and Copolyester Urethanes Thereof
Atomistic simulation of the shape-memory effect of switching segments in poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] polyesterurethanes
Atomistische Modellierung von Diffusions- und Loeslichkeitsprozessen kleiner Molekuele in dichten amorphen Polymeren
ATR-FTIR in Kretschmann configuration integrated with electrochemical cell as in situ interfacial sensitive tool to study corrosion inhibitors for magnesium substrates
Attempting immortality: What problems does old age bring to research ractors and their operators, and how can they be overcome?
Attenuation Corrections in Neutron Texture Experiment
Attenuation Corrections in Neutron Texture Experiment
Attitudes of young scholars in Qingdao and Hamburg about climate change and climate policy – The role of culture for the explanation of differences
Attributing differences in the fate of lateral boundary ozone in AQMEII3 models to physical process representations
Attribution of extreme weather and climate-related events
Attribution of single storm surge events in the Baltic Sea
Attribution of Space-Time Variability in Global-Ocean Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
Attribution of the 1995 and 2006 storm surge events in the southern Baltic Sea
Aufarbeitung und Reinigungsverfahren
Aufarbeitungs- und Produktreinigungsverfahren (fuer Biotechnologen)
Aufbau des Rissschliessens waehrend der Lastabstufung bei der Schwellwertbestimung
Aufbau einer Hochdruck-Kavitationsanlage zur Reduzierung von Tributylzinn in Baggergut (Studienarbeit)
Aufbau einer Versuchsanlage und Untersuchungen zur Permeation von Gas-Kohlenwasserstoff-Gemischen (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbau eines in vitro Testsystems zur Bestimmung der Komplementaktivierung an Hohlfaeden
Aufbau und Betrieb der Kalten Neutronenquelle am FRG-1
Aufbau und Betrieb der Kalten Neutronenquelle am FRG-1
Aufbau und Erprobung einer Anlage zur Herstellung von bipolaren Mehrschichtmembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbau und Erprobung einer Anlage zur Herstellung von bipolaren Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbau und Erprobung freier Anlagen zur Reduzierung von PAK und MKW in Bodenmaterial mittels Kaviation (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme einer Pilotanlage fuer die Pervaporation (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbau und Testung eines Flachmembran-Bioreaktors als Modell fuer Miohybrid-Organe (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbereitung kontaminierter Schluffe - Untersuchungen zur Feststoffabscheidung mit Zyklonen
Aufbereitung und Verwertung von Baggergut
Aufbereitung von Deponiesickerwasser mit Membran-Technologie
Aufbereitung von Materialien mit natuerlicher Radioaktivitaet aus der Erdoel- und Erdgasindustrie (Diplomarbeit)
Aufbereitung von Meerwasserproben für die Messung der Metallgehalte mittels seaFAST-ICP-MS: Einfluss von Filtrationsmethode und Lagerung auf die Ergebnisse
Aufgaben des Instituts für Küstenforschung, moegliche kuenftige Kooperationen
Aufklaerung von komplexen intermetallischen Gamma-TiAl Legierungssystemen fuer Hochtemperaturanwendungen mittels hochenergetischer Synchrotronstrahlung (Dissertation)
Aufnahme und Umwandlung von Quecksilber(II)- und Methylquecksilberchlorid durch Schwebstoffbakterien und mikrobielle Biofilme: Untersuchungen zum Speziesverhalten des Quecksilbers in waessrigen Systemen (Dissertation)
Aufnahme von Quecksilber und Organozinn-Spezies durch Biofilme
Aufreinigung mizellarer Lösungen mit Hilfe der Pervaporation (Diplomarbeit)
Aufstellung und Auswertung oekosystemarer Element-Konzentrations-Kataster
Aufstellung von Element-Konzentrations-Katastern in Pflanzen unterschiedlicher Oekosysteme der Erde
Ausbau der Unter- und Aussenweser: Morphologie und Hydrologie
Ausbau der Unter- und Aussenweser: Morphologie und Hydrologie
Ausbildung im Unterwasser-Schweissen und -Schneiden
Ausblick: Rekonstruktionen und Szenarien
Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen in den Polarregionen
Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen in die Polarregionen
Ausdünnung von Zirren um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken?
Ausgewaehlte Ergebnisse experimenteller Untersuchungen mit Lysimeteranlagen
Ausgewaehlte Kapitel der Toxikologie und Umweltmedizin
Ausgewaehlte Methoden der Datenauswertung
Ausgewaehlte Methoden der Datenauswertung
Ausgewaehlte Methoden der Instrumentellen Analytik am GKSS-Institut fuer Physikalische und Chemische Analytik Geesthacht
Ausgewaehlte technische Prinzipien zur Verminderung staub- und gasfoermiger Emissionen
Auslegung von Mess- und Drosselblenden
Ausscheidungshaertung zweiphasiger Titanaluminide
Ausscheidungskinetik – unser Verstaendnis heute
Aussergewoehnliche Seegangsverhaeltnisse in der oestlichen Ostsee und im Finnischen Meerbusen waehrend des Sturms Gudrun
Ausseruniversitaere Forschungseinrichtungen in Brandenburg – Zusammenarbeit mit Wirtschaft und Hochschulen
Aussichten fuer die Bewertung und Bestaetigung mariner Oekosystemmodelle
Austauschprozesse im Sylt-Romo Wattenmeer: Zusammenschau und Ausblick
Austauschprozesse im Sylt-Romo Wattenmeer: Zusammenschau und Ausblick
Austenite carbon enrichment and decomposition during quenching and tempering of high silicon high carbon bearing steel
Austenite decomposition and carbon partitioning during quenching and partitioning heat treatments studied via in-situ X-ray diffraction
Austrag von organischen Stoffen aus waessrigen Loesungen durch Pervaporation
Austrag von radioaktiven Komponenten mittels Membrantechnik
Auswahl und Erprobung von Membranen fuer Biohybridsysteme
Auswahl von Kondensatoren
Auswahlkriterien fuer Kondensatoren und Verdampfer in Chemieanlagenbau
Auswertung phaenologischer Zeitreihen der Metropolregion Hamburg mit Fokus auf die Niedersaechsische Elbtalaue
Auswertung von ADCP-Rueckstreusignalen zur Bestimmung der Filtrationsaktivitaet von Miesmuschelkulturen im Limfjorden, Daenemark
Auswertung von ADCP-Rueckstreusignalen zur Bestimmung der Filtrationsaktivitaet von Miesmuschelkulturen im Limfjorden, Daenemark
Auswirkungen auf landwirtschaftlich genutzte Lebensraeume
Auswirkungen auf landwirtschaftlich genutzte Lebensraeume
Auswirkungen auf landwirtschaftlich genutzte Lebensraeume
Auswirkungen auf marine Lebensraeume
Auswirkungen der Agrarstrukturreform in den neuen Bundeslaendern auf die Veraenderung des diffusen Stoffeintrages in die Elbe
Auswirkungen der Elbwasserbeschaffenheit auf Ueberschwemmungsflaechen
Auswirkungen der Fischerei auf das Plankton und die Wasserbeschaffenheit von Seen; UBA-Forschungsbericht 102 04 221
Auswirkungen der Oberflaecheneigenschaften in REMO auf die Simulation der unteren Atmosphaere : CSC Report
Auswirkungen der Sanierung und Restaurierung des Meerfelder Maares auf das Phytoplankton
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Energiesektor in Deutschland
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Metropolregion Hamburg
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wasserverfuegbarkeit von Oekosystemtypen
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die zukünftige Grundwassernutzung - Betroffenheiten, Handlungsbedarfe und Lösungsansätze : Climate change impacts on groundwater use - impacts and action needs
Auswirkungen des Schiffsverkehrs auf die Stickstoffdeposition in der Nordsee
Auswirkungen einer Klimaaenderung auf die Hydrodynamik im Jade-Weser-Gebiet
Auswirkungen einer Klimaaenderung auf die Hydrodynamik im Jade-Weser-Gebiet
Auswirkungen einer Pipeline-Verlegung auf das marine Benthos im Tidebecken von Baltrum.Langeoog
Auswirkungen einer veraenderten Albedo der Kryosphaere der Nordhalbkugel auf die Meereisbedeckung und die globale atmosphaerische Zirkulation: Eine Modellstudie
Auswirkungen magnetischer Korrosionsprodukte
Auswirkungen magnetischer Korrosionsprodukte
Auswirkungen magnetischer Korrosionsprodukte
Auswirkungen von Extensivierungsmassnahmen im Droemling auf den Stickstoffgehalt im Boden sowie im Grund- und Oberflaechenwasser
Auswirkungen von Klimaaenderungen auf Sturmentwicklung und Extremwasserstaende in der Nordsee
Auswirkungen von Klimaszenarien auf Wasserstand und Seegang in der Nordsee
Auswirkungen von Luftschadstoffen auf Oberflaechengewaesser
Auswirkungen von Nutzungsaenderungen auf den Stoffaustrag
Auto-Oscillation of Surface Tension
Automated Classification of an Environmental Sensitivity Index
Automated determination of the center of rotation in tomography data
Automated High-Pressure Plant for Continuous Flow Through a Fixed Bed – Investigation of Hydrodynamic Behaviour
Automated image-based analysis of adherent thrombocytes on polymer surfaces
Automated image-based analysis of adherent thrombocytes on polymer surfaces
Automated intervention by underwater robotics with aid of Offline programming
Automated measuring stations in the German Wadden Sea
Automated measuring stations in the German Wadden Sea
Automated Measuring System for Monitoring of Coastal Waters: Synthesis of Results of the EU funded FerryBox Project
Automatic generation and meshing of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusions composites
Automatic generation and meshing of periodic RVEs
Automatic generation of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusions composites and their efficiency in multiscaling
Automatic generation of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusions composites and their efficiency in multiscaling
Automatic melt pool recognition in X-ray radiography images from laser-molten Al alloy
Automatic monitoring and sampling of harmful substances in estuaries and coastal waters
Automatic three-dimensional geometry and mesh generation of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusion composites
Automation of fettling using abrasive water jet cutting
Automation of foundry fettling operations using abrasive water jet cutting - Final report for the EU-Project SPRINT 002
Automatische Messung und Probenahme von Schadstoffen in Aestuarien und Kuestengewaessern
Automatische Messung und Probenahme von Schadstoffen in Aestuarien und Kuestengewaessern
Automatische Messung und Probenahme von Schadstoffen in Aestuarien und Kuestengewaessern
Automatische Messung und Probennahme von Schadstoffen in Aestuarien und Kuestengewaessern
Automatisierte Arbeitstechniken im Mittelpunkt der Entwicklung
Automatisierte Arbeitstechniken in grossen Wassertiefen
Automotive applications of magnesium and its alloys
Autotrophic Stoichiometry Emerging from Optimality and Variable Co-limitation
Avaliacao da Degradacao da Poliamida 6 no Processo de Soldagem Pontual Por Friccao
Avaliacao da Resistencia a Corrosao em Junta Soldadas de Ligas Resistentes a Corrosao (CRA) produzidas Atraves da Soldagem por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica
Avaliacao da Resistencia a Corrosao em Junta Soldadas de Ligas Resistentes a Corrosao (CRA) produzidas Atraves da Soldagem por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica
Avaliacao Mecanica-Estrutural de Juntas Hibridas de Aluminio Aa6181-T4 e Laminado Composito de PPS e Fibra de Carbono Produzidas por Uniao Pontual por Friccao (FSpJ)
Avaliacao Mecanica-Estrutural de Juntas Hibridas de Aluminio Aa6181-T4 e Laminado Composito de PPS e Fibra de Carbono Produzidas por Uniao Pontual por Friccao (FSpJ)
Avoiding Extremes: Benefits of Staying below +1.5 °C Compared to +2.0 °C and +3.0 °C Global Warming
Awareness of sea-level response under climate change on the coast of Ghana
Axial fatigue testing of Ti–6Al–4V using an alternative specimen geometry fabricated by metal injection moulding
Azide- and diazirine-modified membrane lipids: Physicochemistry and applicability to study peptide/lipid interactions via cross-linking/mass spectrometry
Azide-Modified Membrane Lipids: Miscibility with Saturated Phosphatidylcholines
Azide-Modified Membrane Lipids: Synthesis, Properties, and Reactivity
Azimuthal Dependence of the Radar Cross Section and the Spectral Background Noise of a Nautical Radar at Grazing Incidence


B1-Mobilstor: Materials for Sustainable Energy Storage Techniques – Lithium Containing Compounds for Hydrogen and Electrochemical Energy Storage
B2 order transformation in a Fe - 25 at% Co - 9 at% Mo alloy
BACC and IPCC - Global and regional assessments of knowledge about climate, climate change and climate impact
BACC II - Ein neuer regionaler Sachstandsbericht zum Klimawandel im Ostseeraum
BACC II - Eine wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme des Klimawandels im Ostseeraum
BACC results: Climate change and impacts
BACC results: Climate change and impacts
BACC-II: Summary
BACC: Assessing knowledge of regional climate change - The example of the Baltic Sea region
Backfitting measures in the FMRB, FRG-1 and FRG-2 research reactors
Backfitting of the FRG reactors
Backfitting-Massnahmen bei den Forschungsreaktoren FMRB, FRG-1 und FRG-2
Background and Direction of Monitoring
Backscatter Characteristics of Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Assessing the Potential of Polarimetric Radar Measurements
Backscattering of radar waves by non-spherical atmospheric ice crystals: An application of the discrete dipole approximation
Bacterial attachment on poly[acrylonitrile-co-(2-methyl-2-propene-1-sulfonic acid)] surfaces
Bacterioplankton response to the spring bloom at 47°N, 20°W
Baggergut-Management im Hafen Rotterdam - Erfahrungen aus dem POR II-Projekt
Baicalin loaded in folate-PEG modified liposomes for enhanced stability and tumor targeting
Bakterien "fressen" Schwefelsaeure - Sanierung saurer Tagebaurestloecher in der Lausitz
Bakterioplankton: Expedition Plankton 89; Benthos 89 Reise Nr. 10, 19. Maerz - 31. August 1989
Balance of assimilative and dissimilative nitrogen processes in a diatom-rich tidal flat sediment
Ball milling of intermetallic phases in the Nb-Al system
Ball milling of intermetallic phases in the Nb-Al system
Ball Milling of Systems with Positive Heat of Mixing: Effect of Temperature in Ag-Cu
Ballasted Flocs Capture Pelagic Primary Production and Alter the Local Sediment Characteristics in the Coastal German Bight (North Sea)
BALTEX - An interdisciplinary research network for the Baltic Sea region
BALTEX - derzeitige Ergebnisse und Ausblick
BALTEX - Studien des Wasserkreislaufs im Klimasystem am Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes der Ostsee
BALTEX assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin (BACC)
BALTEX water and energy budgets in the NCEP/DOE reanalysis II
BALTEX: Baltic Sea Experiment
BALTEX: Baltic Sea Experiment
BALTEX: Ein Beitrag fuer Regionalisierung
Baltic Earth – Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea region
Baltic Holocene Climate and regional sea-level change: A statistical analysis of observations, reconstructions and simulations within present and past as analogues for future changes
Baltic Sea extreme sea levels 1948-2011: Contributions from atmospheric forcing
Baltic Sea extreme sea levels 1948-2011: Contributions from atmospheric forcing
Baltic Sea level variability in the last 500 years estimated from climate reconstructions and long tide gauge records
Baltic Sea Level: Past, Present, and Future
Baltic Sea wave conditions in a changing climate
Baltic Sea wave conditions under climate change scenarios
Baltic Sea wave conditions under climate change scenarios
Baltic Sea wave conditions under climate change scenarios
BaltSeaPlan Vision 2030: Towards the sustainable planning of Baltic Sea space
Barium as alloying element for a creep resistant magnesium alloy
Barium as alloying element for a creep resistant magnesium alloy
Barrel Finishing of Magnesium Alloys
Barrel Finishing of Magnesium Alloys
Barrier properties of poly(benzimidazole)-layered silicates nanocomposite materials
Barriers and enablers for upscaling coastal restoration
Barriers in the science-policy-practice interface: Toward a knowledge-action-system in global environmental change research
Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas in Germany : GERICS - CSC Report
Baseline concentrations of As, Ba, Be, Li, Nb, Sr and V in surface soils of Poland
Basic concepts of climate research related to global warming
Basic hydromechanical information for risk assessment of coastal defences in the Jade-Weser area (Germany)
Basic investigation of integrating a membrane unit into high-pressure decaffeination processing
Basic Organic Chemistry
Basic Organic Chemistry
Basic principles of analytical flaw assessment methods
Basics for the operationalization of the new urban climate model PALM-4U
Basics of Metal Matrix Composites
Basics of Molecular Simulation of Polymers for Bioengineering
Basics of Small-Angle Scattering Methods
Basics on Data, Models, and Bayes' rule
Basics on Polymeric Membranes-types, properties and performance
Basics on Prior, Metrics, and Asymmetry
Batchwise and continuous organophilic nanofiltration of Grubbs type olefin metathesis catalysts
Batchwise and Continuous Organophilic Nanofiltration of Grubbs-Type Olefin Metathesis Catalysts
Bau und Test einer triggerbaren uniaxialen Zugversuchseinrichtung (Diplomarbeit)
Bayes Mix Identification of Important Docking Parameters, Exemplified for Calpain Inhibitors
Bayesian multivariate mixture (BMM) model: An upgraded classification method
Bcl-2 Engineered MSCs Inhibited Apoptosis and Improved Heart Function
Beam attenuation, scattering and backscattering of marine particles in relation to particle size distribution and composition in Hudson Bay (Canada)
Beam model for hydraulic fracturing
Beansprucht, geschunden, zerstoert: schaedigungsmechanische Modelle in der Praxis
Bed shear stress in the southern North Sea as an important driver for suspended sediment dynamics
Bedarfsanalyse Klimawandel - Fragen an die Land- und Wasserwirtschaft : CSC Report
Bedeutung der Biodiversität für Ökosystemfunktionen und Küstenformen
Bedeutung der Zyklonenzugbahnen auf die Sturmfluthoehe in der Ostsee
Bedeutung und Zukunft der Bruchmechanik
Bedeutung von Materialinnovationen für Gesundheit und Lebensqualität
Bedeutung von schwerfluechtigen Chlorkohlenwasserstoffen an Restschwebstoffen im Klaeranlagenablauf
Bedienerfreundliche Software fuer SANS-Datenreduktion
“Beef or Chicken?” On the Burden of choosing the appropriate Material Model
Beeinflussung der Abundanzdynamik pelagischer Cyanophyceen durch Massnahmen zur Seerestaurierung
Beeinflussung der Aktivitaet von in Membranen immobilisierten Enzymen
Beeinflussung der Biovertraeglichkeit von Plasmaseparationsmembranen
Beeinflussung der Elbtalaue durch Hochflutsedimente
Beeinflussung der Produktivitaet von Fermentationsprozessen durch integrierten Saeureentzug mittels Membranextraktion (Pertraktion) (Diplomarbeit)
Beeinflussung des Pervaporationsverhaltens hochsiedener Aromastoffe durch Permeaterwaermung (Diplomarbeit)
BEER-The Beamline for European Materials Engineering Research at ESS
BEER-The Beamline for European Materials Engineering Research at ESS
Befragung politischer Entscheidungstraeger zur Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels und zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel an der deutschen Ostseekueste
Begleitseminar zum biochemischen Praktikum fuer Biologen
Behandlung feinkoerniger Abfaelle mit dem GRR-Verfahren
Behandlung kontaminierter Boeden durch thermische und chemisch-physikalische Verfahren: Etablierte Verfahren und neue Verfahrensentwicklungen
Behavior of bone cells due to contact to magnesium implant material
Behavior of bone cells due to contact to magnesium implant material
Behavior of bone cells in contact with magnesium implant material
Behavior of microstructure and mechanical properties in the stir zone of friction stir welded ME21 magnesium alloy
Behavior of scaled-up sodium alanate hydrogen storage tanks during sorption
Behavior of stress corrosion cracking in a magnesium alloy
Behavior of TRIP-aided medium Mn steels investigated by in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiments and microstructure-based micromechanical modelling
Behavior of volumetric core defects in friction extrusion of wires from Al-Cu alloy
Behavior of volumetric core defects in friction extrusion of wires from Al-Cu alloy
Behaviour of fibroblasts on water born acrylonitrile based copolymers with different densities of positive and negative surface charges
Behaviour of fibroblasts on water born acrylonitrile based copolymers with varying hydrophilicities
Behaviour of fibroblasts on water born acrylonitrile-based copolymers containing different cationic and anionic moieties
Behaviour of mercury compounds in soils
Behaviour of Microphytobenthos and its Role for Stabilization of Intertidal Surface Sediments
Behaviour of organomicropollutants and selected heavy metals in the Elbe estuary
Behaviour of organomicropollutants and selected heavy metals in the Elbe estuary
Behaviour of osteoblastic-like MG-63 cells cultured with hydroxyapatite and biphasic (Hap/beta-Tcp) porous granules
Behaviour of osteoblastic-like MG-63 cells cultured with hydroxyapatite and biphasic (Hap/beta-Tcp) porous granules
Behaviour of primary human keratinocytes and fibroblasts on soft poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with tailored mechanical properties
Behaviour of primary human keratinocytes and fibroblasts on soft poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with tailored mechanical properties
Behaviour of Saffil-fibre reinforced ZE 41 magnesium hybrid MMC in creep and thermal cycling
Behaviour of turbidity maxima in the Tamar (UK) and Weser (FRG) estuaries
Behaviour of water-ethanol mixtures in the bulk and in the interfacial region of different polysiloxane membranes – a molecular dynamics simulation study
Behind the scenes of an interdisciplinary effort: conception, design and production of a flyer on climate change for the citizens of Hamburg
Beitraege hydrodynamischer Modellierung und multivariater Statistik zur Interpretation der Helgoland Reede Daten
Beitraege zur Regenerativen Medizin
Beitrag der Kraftmikroskopie zur thermodynamischen Interpretation der Adhaesion
Beitrag zum CNC-gesteuerten, hyperbaren WIG-Schweissen bis 280 m Wassertiefe (Dissertation)
Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines neuen Fuegeverfahrens fuer Kunststoff und Leichtbaulegierungen
Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines neuen Fuegeverfahrens fuer Kunststoff und Leichtbaulegierungen
Beitrag zur Morphogenese des marinen Ciliaten Diophrys scutum (Dujardin, 1841) (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida)
Beitrag zur Studie ueber den Schutz und die Gestaltung der Gewaesserstrukturen und Uferrandregionen entlang der Elbe-Staustufen aus oekologischer Sicht
Bekannte und neue Moeglichkeiten zur Verwendung von Schweissdraehten – Laserstrahlschweissen und laser-additive Fertigung
Belastung der Aussenweser durch Schwermetalle und organische Mikroverunreinigungen
Belastung der Gewaesser: Trends, Prognosen, Sanierungskonzepte
Belastung mit anthropogenen Stoffen - Das Beispiel 'Blei' und seine Emission und Verbleib in Europa, 1958-1995
Belastung von Nord- und Ostsee durch oekologisch gefaehrliche Stoffe am Beispiel atmosphaerischer Quecksilberverbindungen: Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit - Luftreinhaltung - 104 02 726
BELAWATT - Die hydrodynamische Belastung von Wattggebieten
BELAWATT I: Modellierung der seegangsinduzierte Energieeintraege in der Hoernumer Bucht
BELAWATT II: Beeinflusst die hydrodynamische Belastung das Sediment-Regime und die Benthos-Lebensgemeinschaft im Hoernumer Tidebecken?
Belegen Vogelfunde einen Rueckgang der chronischen Oelverschmutzung? Langfristmodellierung zur Unterstuetzung von Monitoring
BELINDA: Broadband Emission Lidar with Narrowband Determination of Absorption, a new concept for measuring waer vapor and temperature profiles
BELINDA: ein neues Lidar-Konzept zur Bestimmung des Wasserdampf- bzw. Temperaturprofils der Troposphaere
Bell-Jar experiments and suspension measurements for the quantification of oxygen consumption and nitrogen conversion in sediments of the Elbe estuary
Bemannte Unterwasserarbeiten in kalten Gewaessern
Bemerkungen zur umweltgerechten Verbringung von kommunalen Klaerschlaemmen in den neuen Bundeslaendern
Benchmarking Simulation-Based Inference
Bending strength and crack propagation in cast Mg10Gd influenced by corrosion
Bending strength and crack propagation in cast Mg10Gd influenced by corrosion
Benefit from using atmosphere-ocean coupled systems for summer dry bias of regional climate models over Central Europe
Benefit from using atmosphere-ocean coupled systems for summer dry bias of regional climate models over Central Europe
Benefit from using atmosphere-ocean coupled systems for summer dry bias of regional climate models over Central Europe
Benefits and limitations of biodegradable Mg implants and parts, produced by MIM (Metal Injection Moulding)
Benefits and limitations of biodegradable Mg implants and parts, produced by MIM (Metal Injection Moulding)
Benefits and Perspective of interdisziplinary research
Benefits of simulating precipitation characteristics over Africa with a regionally-coupled atmosphere–ocean model
Benthic alkalinity fluxes from coastal sediments of the Baltic and North seas: comparing approaches and identifying knowledge gaps
Benthic ecosystem functioning under climate change: modelling the bioturbation potential for benthic key species in the southern North Sea
Benthic microbial biogeographic trends in the North Sea are shaped by an interplay of environmental drivers and bottom trawling effort
Benthic remineralisation rates in shelf and slope sediments of the northern Benguela upwelling margin
Benthos as a key driver of morphological change in coastal regions
Benzolfreies Benzin durch Membranverfahren?
Benzolfreies Benzin durch Membranverfahren?
Benzo[a]pyrene in the Ambient Air in the Czech Republic: Emission Sources, Current and Long-Term Monitoring Analysis and Human Exposure
Beobachtung und Beschreibung von Seegang
Beobachtung und Beschreibung von Seegang
Beobachtung von Klima und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa und Deutschland
Beobachtung von Seegang auf See und an der Kueste
Berechnung der Anfangsbedingungen fuer den Stofftransport in mesoskaligen Zirkulationsmodellen
Berechnung der Waermedurchgangskoeffizienten von Glatt- und Rippenrohren
Berechnung des Ermüdungsrisswachstums in Laser-Shock-Peening-induzierten Eigenspannungsfeldern mittels durchgängiger Simulationskette
Berechnung von Auslaufzeiten aus Behaeltern
Berechnung von Auslaufzeiten aus Behaeltern unter Beruecksichtigung von Ablaufleitungen
Berechnung von Loeslichkeitskoeffizienten in Polymer-Materialien (Dissertation)
Berechnung von Seegangsszenarien fuer die Nordsee
Berechnung von Siede- und Taupunkttemperaturen von Mehrstoffgemischen als Grundlage zur Auslegung von Verdampfern und Kondensatoren
Berechnung von Tau- und Siedetemperaturen idealer und nichtidealer Mehrstoffgemische und Bestimmung von Kondensations- und Flashkurven
Berechnung von turbulenten Fluessen in der neutral geschichteten, horizontal inhomogenen, bodennahen Atmosphaere
Berechnung von Wind, Wasserstand und Seegang im Kuestenbereich
Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe Handhabungstechnik des SFB 264
Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe Handhabungstechnik des SFB 264
Bericht der Messexkursion nach Zingst
Berlin Statement on Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions
Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies
Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies – BCRT, Polymer-based Biomaterials
Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies – BCRT, Polymer-based Biomaterials
Bermuda Corals as Proxies for the Sargasso Sea SST and the North Atlantic Climate
Beruecksichtigung von Eigenspannungen
Beruehrungslose Dehnungsmessung mittels Laserscanner
Berufe in der Forschung
Beschaffenheitsaenderungen in ostdeutschen Seen im Gefolge von Sanierungsmassnahmen
Beschichtung von Poly(D,L-lactid-co-glycolid)-Mikropartikeln mit doppelsträngiger RNA
Beschichtung von Polyethylenterephthalat-Membranen durch Mikrowellen-Plasmapolymerisation von Acrylsaeure
Beschichtungen mit Potenzial fuer die Applikation von Mg-Legierungen als Biomaterialien?
Beschleunigte Spannungsrisskorrosionspruefung
Beschreibung des Risswiderstandsverhaltens von Aluminiumblechen durch Schaedigungsmodelle
Beschreibung des Risswiderstandsverhaltens von Aluminiumblechen durch Schaedigungsmodelle
Beschreibung des Verhaltens von Al3Ti-partikelverstaerktem Aluminium durch zwei verschiedene Schaedigungsmodelle
Besonderheiten bei der Strukturbildung von Bikomponentenmembranen
Besonderheiten der Strukturbildung bei der Koagulation von Polymermischungsloesungen 1. Mitt.: Voraussetzungen und Mechanismuns des Entstehens hochporoeser Strukturen
Besonderheiten der Strukturbildung bei der Koagulation von Polymermischungsloesungen 2. Mitt.: Einfluss der Konzentration Art und Menge an Zusatzpolymeren auf die Porositaet
Besonderheiten der Strukturbildung bei der Koagulation von Polymermischungsloesungen 3. Mitt.: Polymer (A) / Copolymer (AB) / Loesungsmittel-Systeme
Besonderheiten der Strukturbildung bei der Koagulation von Polymermischungsloesungen 4. Mitt.: Membranen aus phasenbildenden, unvertraeglichen Polymermischungsloesungen
Besonderheiten und Merkmale regionaler Klimamodelle im Hinblick auf die weitere Kopplung mit Impaktmodellen : CSC Report
Best practices for experiments and reporting in photocatalytic CO2 reduction
Best Practices for Statistical Inference in the Atmospheric Sciences: Ingredients of statistical hypothesis testing - and their significance
Best Practices on High Frequency Radar Deployment and Operation for Ocean Current Measurement
Bestimmung der arktischen Oberflaechenenergiefluesse durch Assimilation von Satellitendaten mit dem adjungierten Modell ADAM (Dissertation)
Bestimmung der Bruttokinetik von Loesungspolymerisationen mit Hilfe eines automatischen rechnergekoppelten Dilatometriemessstandes
Bestimmung der in situ Struktur der Proteine L3 und L4 in der ribosomalen 50S Untereinheit mit Hilfe der Kernspinkontrastvariation (Dissertation)
Bestimmung der Kinetik von Loesungspolymerisationen mit Hilfe einer verbesserten dilatometrischen Messmethode
Bestimmung der lokalen Eigenschaften von Aluminium Tailored Welded Blanks aus dem einachsigen Zugversuch
Bestimmung der lokalen Eigenschaften von Aluminium Tailored Welded Blanks aus dem einachsigen Zugversuch
Bestimmung der Sinkgeschwindigkeit von Schwebstoff-Flocken mit Owen-Rohr und Vertikalschoepfern
Bestimmung der Vorwaermetemperaturen zum Schweissen mikrolegierter Feinkornbaustaehle
Bestimmung der Wassertiefe und der oberflaechennahen Stroemung mit einem nautischen Radar (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung der Weibull-Verteilung fuer die Windgeschwindigkeit
Bestimmung des Mie/Rayleigh-Streuverhaeltnisses mit Hilfe eines Michelson-Interferometers
Bestimmung des Temperaturprofils der Troposphaere mit einem Zwei-Frequenz-LIDAR (Dissertation)
Bestimmung des Windenergiepotentials ueber komplexem Gelaende
Bestimmung einzelner polychlorierter Biphenyl-Kongenere (PCBs) mit Hilfe der Multidimensionalen Gaschromatographie (MDGC) am Beispiel von Elbe-Aestuarproben
Bestimmung einzelner Zinnverbindungen in Toluol-Extrakten aus Elbewasser
Bestimmung elementarer Fingerabdrücke von Korrosionsschutzbeschichtungen mittels ICP-MS/MS als wichtiger Baustein für die Mikroplastikanalytik
Bestimmung kinetischer Parameter bei der Phaseninversion von Polysalfonloesungen zu Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung lokaler Texturen mittels Neutronenbeugung
Bestimmung mikrophysikalischer Eigenschaften von Cirrus-Wolken
Bestimmung ribosomaler Strukturparameter mit Hilfe der Kernspinkontrastvariation (Dissertation)
Bestimmung und Charakterisierung von Druck-Konzentrations-Isothermen zur Auslegung und Berechnung eines Wasserstoffkompressors
Bestimmung von Alkylphenolethoxylaten und deren Abbauprodukten in Klaeranlagen mittels HPLC-MS/MS
Bestimmung von Alkylphenolethoxylaten und deren Abbauprodukten in Klaeranlagen mittels HPLC-MS/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung von Arsen-, Selen-, Antimon-, und Tellurspezies in Urin und Fischextrakten mittels HPLC /ICP-MS
Bestimmung von atmosphaerischer Truebung, Chlorophyllgehalt und Meeresoberflaechentemperatur aus Thematic Mapper Satellitendaten
Bestimmung von Bruchzaehigkeiten an zweiphasigen Titanaluminid-Legierungen (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung von Element- und Isotopenmustern in Sedimentproben aus verschiedenen Offshore Windparks der deutschen Nordsee zur Untersuchung möglicher stofflicher Freisetzungen aus Korrosionsschutzsystemen
Bestimmung von Elementen in verschiedenen Geweben von Schweinswalen (Phocoena phocoena) der Nord- und Ostsee mittels induktiv gekoppelter Plasma Massenspektrometrie und Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung von estrogen wirenden Schadstoffen in der Gallenfluessigkeit der Fischspezies Aalmutter (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung von Explosivstoffen und ihre Biotransformationsprodukten in waessrigen Matrizes
Bestimmung von Feststoff-Sinkgeschwindigkeiten: Auswertung einer Messung nach Bodenabzugs-Methode anhand eines Beispiels
Bestimmung von funktionellen Gruppen in MSA-Copolymeren mit Hilfe der Potentiometrie
Bestimmung von hochaufgeloesten Windfeldern mit Hilfe von Boden und Satellitengestuetzten Radar Geraeten
Bestimmung von Intensitaetsfaktoren an vielkristallinen, texturierten Proben
Bestimmung von Konzentrationsprofilen mit der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse (Dissertation)
Bestimmung von Methylquecksilber in Sedimenttiefenprofilen mit einem HPLC/AFS-Verfahren
Bestimmung von Methylquecksilber mit der Hochdruckfluessigkeitschromatographie und UV-Detektion
Bestimmung von mikrostrukturellen Parametern in Schaedigungsmodellen fuer duktile Metalle (Dissertation)
Bestimmung von oestrogen wirksamen Substanzen und Pharmaka im Kuestenbereich mittels HPLC-ESI-MS/MS
Bestimmung von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylverbindungen mittels Fluessigkeitschromatographie - Elektrospray Ionisation - Tandem Massenspektrometrie in Wasser
Bestimmung von Pestiziden in Flusswasser im ng/L- und sub-ng/L-Bereich mittels Fluessigchromatographie-Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (LC-MS/MS) - Verfahrensentwicklung, Validierung und Anwendung fuer die Untersuchung der Elbe (Dissertation)
Bestimmung von Pestiziden in Oberflaechengewaessern mittels Fluessigkeitschromatographie-Tandemmassenspektrometrie (HPLC-MS/MS)
Bestimmung von Phosphorpestiziden und insektiziden Carbamaten mittels Cholinesterasehemmung: 2. Mitt.: Abschaetzung von Nachweisgrenzen der Insektizidbestimmung durch Anreicherung, Oxidation und Hemmwirkung
Bestimmung von phosphorpestiziden und insektiziden Carbamaten mittels Cholinesterasehemmung: Mitt. 1: Hemmwirkung von Phophorpestiziden und insektiziden Carbamaten auf immobilisierte Cholinesterase
Bestimmung von polyfluorierten Alkylverbindungen in der Gas- und Partikelphase der kuestennahen Atmosphaere mittels GC/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung von Quecksilber in Luft mit der Methode der Instrumentellen Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Zinn als Anreicherungssubstanz (Diplomarbeit)
Bestimmung von Quecksilber in Umgebungsluft mit Hilfe von zeitlich hochaufloesenden on-line Verfahren
Bestimmung von Quecksilber in Umgebungsluft mit Hilfe von zeitlich hochaufloesenden on-line Verfahren
Bestimmung von Siede- und Taupunkt von Mehrstoffgemischen als Grundlage zur Auslegung von Kondensatoren und Verdampfern
Bestimmung von Spurenelementen in Flusswasser mit Hilfe der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse (TRFA)
Bestimmung von viskoplastischen Werkstoffparametern aus der instrumentierten Eindringpruefung unter Verwendung von neuronalen Netzen
Bestimmung von viskoplastischen Werkstoffparametern aus der instrumentierten Eindringpruefung unter Verwendung von neuronalen Netzen
Bestimmung von Windfeldern mit mesoskaligen Modellen
Bestimmung von Zinnorganylen in Umweltproben mit GC-AAS
Bestimmung von Zustandsdiagrammen metastabiler Legierungen
Bestueckungsautomat mit Bildverarbeitung
Bestueckungsautomat mit Bildverarbeitung (Diplomarbeit)
Beta-Solidifying TiAl-Alloys - Phase Constitution, Metastable Phases and Nucleation Processes
Betrachtung des Verhaeltnisses zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Oeffentlichkeit am Beispiel der Diskussion um anthropogene Klimaaenderungen (Diplomarbeit)
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement und sportliche Aktivitaet - Eine Bestandsaufnahme (Magisterarbeit)
Betriebserfahrungen mit Membranverfahren zur Abtrennung organischer Daempfe
Betriebserfahrungen mit Membranverfahren zur Abtrennung organischer Daempfe
Between hype and decline: recent trends in public perception of climate change
Between tinkering and transformation: A contemporary appraisal of climate change adaptation research on the world's islands
Bevorzugte Randschichtaushaertung: neue Verfahren zur Verbesserung des Dauerschwingverhaltens mechanisch belasteter Bauteile
Bewertung abflussverbessernder Nature-based Solutions anhand ausgewaehlter Oekosystemleistungen von Auen - Fallbeispiel Schnackenburg unter sich aendernden Klimabedingungen (Masterarbeit)
Bewertung des diffusen Austrags von Quecksilber aus kontaminierten Auen in die Elbe und ihr Einzugsgebiet
Bewertung des Sauerstoffeintrags von Hohlmembranen unterschiedlicher Morphologie (Diplomarbeit)
Bewertung eines druckbeaufschlagten Hohlzylinders
Bewertung von 'Friction Stir Welding' geschweissten Verbindungen von Al-Legierungen (Studienarbeit)
Bewertung von Dehnungsmessungen an der Oberfläche eines Metallhydridtanks zur stationären Speicherung von Wasserstoff
Bewertung von Energieeffizienztechnologien mit der Methodik EDUAR&D an zwei Beispielen : Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Technologies with the EDUAR&D Method on Two Exemplary Technologies
Bewertung von Membranen fuer die Trocknung von Erdgas (Diplomarbeit)
Bewertung von Membranmaterialien fuer die Trennung organischer Stoffsysteme mit dem Membranverfahren Dampfpermeation (Diplomarbeit)
Bewertung von Mismatch in geschweissten Konstruktionen
Bewertung von reperaturgeschweissten Grosszugplatten mit dem ETM-MM
Bewertung von Veraenderungen in der Gewaesserqualitaet der Elbe durch statistische Auswertung von Gewaesserdaten
Beyond shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) and representative concentration pathways (RCPs): climate policy implementation scenarios for Europe, the US and China
Beyond the Surface: Spotlight on Plastic Metal(loid) Additive Leaching and Unseen Contaminants
Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Suspect Screening Reveals Point Source-Specific Patterns of Emerging and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in German and Chinese Rivers
Beyond vulnerability assessment
Beziehungen zwischen landwirtschaftlicher Bodennutzung und Gewaesserschutz in den neuen Bundeslaendern
Beziehungen zwischen landwirtschaftlicher Bodennutzung und Stoffaustrag
Beziehungen zwischen unterirdischer Abflussbildung und Ertrag
Bias reduction in decadal predictions of West African monsoon rainfall using regional climate models
Biases in Structure Functions from Observations of Submesoscale Flows
Biaxial Deformation Behaviour of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy: Crystal-Plasticity-Based Prediction and Experimental Validation
Biaxial Deformation Behaviour of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy: Crystal-Plasticity-Based Prediction and Experimental Validation
Biaxial Deformation Behaviour of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy: Crystal-Plasticity-Based Prediction and Experimental Validation
Biaxial fatigue testing of crenellated fuselage panels
Biaxial fatigue testing of crenellated fuselage panels
Bicompatibility of a Degradable Poly[(L-lactide)-coglycolide] Network
Bicomponent membranes 4.: influence of membrane formation principles on the structure of the active layer of membranes
Bidirectional shape-memory effect at human body temperature
Bidirectional Shape-memory Effect of Poly (Ɛ-caprolactone) Based Polymer Networks
Bifurkation, chaotische Bewegung, dissipative Strukturen, Entropieproduktion, Feigenbaumsequenz, Rayleigh-Benard-Instabilitaet, Selbstorganisation, Synergetik
Big ET-1 derived peptides enhances endothelial cell shear resistancy
Bikomponentenmembranen 2.: Herstellung von Bikomponentenmembranen unter Einsatz einer Bikomponentenbreitschlitzduese
Bikomponentenmembranen 3.: Diffusion und Strukturbildung bei der Koagulation von Polymerloesungen unter Einsatz einer Bikomponentenbreitschlitzduese
Bikomponentenmembranen: eine Moeglichkeit zur Beeinflussung der Porengroessenverteilung
Bilanzierung der Elementvorraete und Elementfluesse innerhalb der Oekosystemkompartimente Krone, Stamm, Wurzel und Boden eines belasteten Fichtenbestandes am Standort 'Postturm'
Bilanzierung von Schweb- und Spurenstoffen im Tidebereich der Elbe
Bilanzierung von Schweb- und Spurenstoffen im Tidebereich der Elbe
Bilanzierungsexperimente in der Truebungszone der Elbe
Bilanzierungsexperimente zum Schweb- und Spurenstofftransport im Aestuar
Bilayer carbon /polymer membrane for DMFC application
Bilayer coatings for temporary and long–term corrosion protection of magnesium–AZ31 alloy
Bilder der Kueste & Coastal Governance im Wandel
Bildung metastabiler Phasen im System Ti-Al
Bildung orthorhombischer Phasen in einer neuen TiAl-Legierung mit modulierter Mikrostruktur untersucht mit in situ Synchrotron Beugung
Bildung orthorhombischer Phasen in einer neuen TiAl-Legierung mit modulierter Mikrostruktur untersucht mit In situ Synchrotron Beugung
Bildverarbeitung mit dem TMS320C80 fuer einen Bestueckungsautomaten (Diplomarbeit)
Binder development for Magnesium Powder Injection Moulding
Binder development for Magnesium Powder Injection Moulding
Binder-based Mg- and Ti-biomaterials - comparison between FGF and MIM
Bindungsformen des Quecksilbers in kontaminierten Boeden
Bindungsformen von Phosphor in Sedimenten der Deutschen Bucht (Bachelorarbeit)
Bindungsformen von Schwermetallen in der aquatischen Umwelt
Bio - Engineering
(Bio)aktive polymere Materialien
Bio- und Medizintechnik (Teil 1)
Bio- und Medizintechnik (Teil 1)
Bio- und Medizintechnik (Teil 2)
Bio- und Medizintechnik (Teil 2)
Bio-based composites from plant based precursors and hydroxyapatite with shape-memory capability
Bio-based Polymer Systems with Multifunctionality
Bio-Engineering technology platform for regenerative therapies
Bio-geo-optical modeling of natural waters
Bio-hybrid organs and tissues for patient therapy: A future vision for 2030
Bio-inspired and computer-supported design of modulated shape changes in polymer materials
Bio-inspired magnetically controlled reversibly actuating multimaterial fibers
Bio-inspired polymer-based actuators for soft robots
Bio-instructive hydrogel expands the paracrine potency of mesenchymal stem cells
Bio-Optical Characterization and Ocean Colour Inversion in the Eastern Lagoon of New Caledonia, South Tropical Pacific
Bio-optical properties of the marine cyanobacteria Trichodesmium spp.
Bio-optical provinces in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and their biogeographical relevance
Bioabbaubare Polymere
Bioabbaubare Polymere als Wirkstofffreisetzungssysteme (Diplomarbeit)
Bioabbaubare polymere Nahtmaterialien im Kontakt zu Gewebezellen und Blut
Bioabbaubare polymere Nahtmaterialien im Kontakt zu Gewebezellen und Blut
Bioabbaubare Polymernetzwerke mit kontrollierter Wirkstofffreisetzung und Formgedaechtnis
Bioabbaubare, amorphe Copolyester-urethannetzwerke mit Formgedaechtniseigenschaften
Bioabsorbable carriers - Learning from coronary stents
Bioaccumulation and changes of trace metals over the last two decades in marine organisms from Guangdong coastal regions, South China
Bioactive organic–inorganic poly(CLMA-co-HEA)/silica nanocomposites
Bioactive plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg-Ca alloy to control degradation behaviour
Bioaktive Peptide und Glycokonjugate - HIV-Entry-Inhibitoren, Calpain-Inhibitoren und Biomimetik
Bioassay-directed Chemical Analysis of River Elbe Sediments - Identification of Major Toxic Compounds
Bioassay-directed Chemical Analysis of River Elbe Sediments – Identification of Major Toxic Compounds
Bioassay-Directed Chemical Analysis Utilizing LC-MS: A Tool for Identifying Estrogenic Compounds in Surface Waters?
Bioassay-directed chemical analysis: A tool to identify estrogenic compounds in water samples
Bioassay-directed fractionation for analyzing estrogens in surface waters of the German Baltic Sea
Biobased Polycarbonate as a Gas Separation Membrane and “Breathing Glass” for Energy Saving Applications
Biochemie fuer Chemiker - Wahlpflichtpraktikum
Biochemische Analytik
Biochemische Analytik
Biochemisches Kolloquium
Biochemisches Praktikum fuer Biologen
Biocompatibility and characterization of polyglycerol-based thermoresponsive nanogels designed as novel drug-delivery systems and their intracellular localization in keratinocytes
Biocompatibility and electrochemical evaluation of ZrO2 thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering on MgZnCa alloy
Biocompatibility and Functional Evaluation of Nanoparticulate Contrast Agents for Photoacoustic Imaging
Biocompatibility and inflammatory response in vitro and in vivo to gelatin-based biomaterials with tailorable elastic properties
Biocompatibility of a novel zinc stent with a closed-cell-design
Biocompatibility of a novel zinc stent with a closed-cell-design
Biocompatibility of blood-contacting materials
Biocompatibility of Degradable Shape-Memory Multiblock Copolymers with Polydepsipeptide- and Poly(ε-caprolactone)segments in vitro
Biocompatibility of Materials – Introduction into Biomaterial and Cyto-compatibility testing
Biocompatibility Testing of Biodegradable Shape-Memory Polymers in Vivo
Biocompatibility Testing of Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applictions in Head and Neck Surgery: An Overview
Biocompatible Magnetic Nanoparticles for Treatment of Brain Cancer
Biocompatible Magnetic Nanoparticles for Treatment of Brain Cancer
Biocompatible Polymers
Biocompatible, Degradable Multiblock Copolymers with Polydepsipeptide-segments and Shape-memory Properties
Biodegradable carrier/gene complexes to mediate proliferation and migration of human vascular endothelial cells
Biodegradable carrier/gene complexes to mediate the transfection and proliferation of human vascular endothelial cells
Biodegradable Depsipeptide-based Biomaterials
Biodegradable depsipeptide–PDO–PEG-based block copolymer micelles as nanocarriers for controlled release of doxorubicin
Biodegradable magnesium alloys for tissue engineering and other biological applications: unexpected findings from a mouse model
Biodegradable magnesium alloys for tissue engineering and other biological applications: Unexpected findings from a mouse model
Biodegradable magnesium alloys for tissue engineering and other biological applications: unexpected findings from a mouse model
Biodegradable Magnesium Implants - How Do They Corrode in-vivo?
Biodegradable Magnesium Implants - How Do They Corrode in-vivo?
Biodegradable magnesium-based implants in bone studied by synchrotron radiation microtomography
Biodegradable magnesium-based implants in bone studied by synchrotron radiation microtomography
Biodegradable magnesium–hydroxyapatite metal matrix composites
Biodegradable Materials
Biodegradable Materials
Biodegradable Mg implants: Assessment of the current situation
Biodegradable Mg Implants: How to bring them into the clinics
Biodegradable Mg implants: Material science meets biology
Biodegradable Mg implants: material science meets biology
Biodegradable Multi-Block Polymers in Contact with Blood and Tissue Cells
Biodegradable Multiblock Copolymers Based on Oligodepsipeptides with Shape-Memory Properties
Biodegradable PEI modified complex micelles as gene carriers with tunable gene transfection efficiency for ECs
Biodegradable polymer for sealing porous PEO layer on pure magnesium: An in vitro degradation study
Biodegradable Polymer Networks with Shape-Memory
Biodegradable Polymeric Materials
Biodegradable polymers at the water-air-interface - Morphologies and degradation behavior
Biodegradable Polymers with Shape-memory Effect
Biodegradable scaffolding for tissue structuring
Biodegradable Shape-Memory Polymer Networks: Characterization with Solid-State NMR
Biodegradable Shape-Memory Polymers
Biodegradable shape-memory polymers as implant materials
Biodegradable shape-memory polymers as implant materials
Biodegradable, Amorphous Copolyester-Urethane Networks Having Shape-Memory Properties
Biodegradable, Elastic Shape-Memory Polymers for Potential Biomedical Applications
Biodegradation behaviour of Fe-based alloys in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solutions: Part I. material characterisation and corrosion testing
Biodegradation behaviour of Fe-based alloys in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solutions: Part II. The evolution of local pH and dissolved oxygen concentration at metal interface
Biodegradation Behaviour of Thermo-Sensitive Dual Shape Polymers desired for Biomedical Applications
Biodegradation of wood exposed in the marine environment: Evaluation of the hazard posed by marine wood-borers in fifteen European sites
Biodegradation studies of aliphatic polyesters using the Langmuir monolayer technique
Biodegradation Study of Magnesium-based Implant Materials under Physiological Conditions (Dissertation)
Biodiversity and interactions within pelagic nutrient cycling and productivity
Bioengineering - Abstracts: Membranes for Biohybrid Organs
Bioengineering - Membranes for Biohybrid Organs
Biofunction of Polydopamine Coating in Stem Cell Culture
Biofunctional Polymer-based Materials in Regenerative Medicine
Biofunctionalized nanofibrous membranes as super separators of protein and enzyme from water
Biofunctionalized nanofibrous membranes mimicking carnivorous plants
Biofunctionalized nanofibrous membranes mimicking carnivorous plants
Biofunktionale Implantate
Biofunktionale Materialsysteme fuer die Medizintechnik
Biofunktionale Materialsysteme fuer die Medizintechnik
Biogasaufbereitung mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus CO2-selektiven Membranen (Bachelorarbeit)
Biogenic silica cycling in the Skagerrak
Biogeochemical consequences of a changing Arctic shelf seafloor ecosystem
Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Dynamics: Global human-nature interactions (in the past)
Biogeochemical Cycles and Earth System Science: Part 12: Modelling the Neolithic transition
Biogeochemical cycles and Earth system science: Part 3: Nitrogen Cycle
Biogeochemical cycles and Earth system science: Part 4: Atmosphere - Radiation balance & ozone chemistry
Biogeochemical cycles and Earth system science: Part 5: Land vegetation, soils and carbon fractionation
Biogeochemical cycles and Earth system science: Part 5: Ocean Acidification
Biogeochemical cycles and Earth system science: Part 8: Global human-nature interactions
Biogeochemical Cycles and EarthSystem Science: Part 10: Anthropocene
Biogeochemical Cycles and EarthSystem Science: Part 4
Biogeochemical Cycles and EarthSystem Science: Part 5: Land
Biogeochemical cycles in two major European estuaries: the Shannon and the Elbe
Biogeochemical modelling and data synthesisat the Gotland Deep monitoring site
Biogeochemical processes and turnover rates in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System
Biogeochemische Prozessuntersuchungen zum Transportverhalten von Spurenelementen in der Tide-Elbe (Dissertation)
Biogeochemische und biogeophysikalische Effekte von Landnutzungsänderungen
Biogeodynamics of contaminated sediments and soils: perspectives for future research
Biogeodynamics of pollutants in soils and sediments: Risk assessment of delayed and non-linear responses - Environmental Science
Biogeography of Wood-Boring Crustaceans (Isopoda: Limnoriidae) Established in European Coastal Waters
Biogeophysical impacts of forestation in Europe: first results from the LUCAS (Land Use and Climate Across Scales) regional climate model intercomparison
Bioinspired Universal Monolayer Coatings by Combining Concepts from Blood Protein Adsorption and Mussel Adhesion
Biokompatibilitaet und Zytotoxitaet von medizinischen und zahnmedizinischen Werkstoffen -Biokompatibilitaet von Dentalwerkstoffen und Zell-Biomaterial-Wechselwirkungen
Biokompatibilitaet und Zytotoxizitaet von medizinischen und zahnmedizinischen Werkstoffen - Eine Einfuehrung
Biokompatibilitaet von Dentalwerkstoffen und Zell-Biomaterial-Wechselwirkungen
Biokompatibilitaet von medizinischen und zahnmedizinischen Werkstoffen: Eine Einfuehrung
Biokompatibilitaet von medizinischen und zahnmedizinischen Werkstoffen: Eine Einfuehrung
Biokompatibilitaet von Polymeren – Materialeigenschaften, Proteinadsorptionsschichten und zellulaere Reaktionen
Biokompatibilitaetstestung von bioabbaubaren Shape Memory Polymeren in vivo
Biokompatibilitaetstestung von bioabbaubaren Shape Memory Polymeren in vivo
Biokompatibilitaetsuntersuchungen an modifizierten Cellulosemembranen und Referenzmaterialien
Biokompatible Abbaubare Formgedaechtnispolymersysteme als Intelligente Implantatmaterialien
Biokompatible Abbaubare Formgedaechtnispolymersysteme als Intelligente Implantatmaterialien
Biological assessment of biomaterial
Biological evaluation of degradable, stimuli-sensitive multiblock copolymers having polydepsipeptide- and poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) segments in vitro
Biological Evaluation of polymer-based Biomaterials
Biological Evaluation of very Smooth, Hydrophobic Poly (Ether Imide) Films for Endothelialization
Biological Multi-layer Systems as Implant Surface Modification
Biological Multi-layer Systems as Implant Surface Modification
Biological structure research with spin contrast variation
Biologisch Abbaubare Kunststoffe
Biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe – Forschen fuer die Zukunft
Biologisch vertraegliche Werkstoffe in der Medizintechnik und Endochirurgie: Literaturrecherche
Biologische Auswirkungen magnetischer Korrosionsprodukte
Biologische Multilayer zur Oberflaechenmodifikation von Implantaten
Biologische Quecksilberumsetzungen in der Elbe
Biologische Strukturanalyse mit Neutronen
Biologische Strukturforschung mit Spinkontrastvariation
Biologische Strukturuntersuchungen mit Neutronen
Biologische Umsetzungen von Quecksilber in der Elbe
Biologische Werkstoffpruefung
Biologischer Abbau von TNT
Biology of interleukin-10
Biolubrication synergy: Hyaluronan – Phospholipid interactions at interfaces
Biomass burning controlled modulation of the solar radiation in Brazil
Biomass burning controlled modulation of the solar radiation in Brazil
Biomass size spectra of the pelagic food web of Lake Constance
Biomaterial Degradation
Biomaterial Science @ HZG
Biomaterial Science II
Biomaterial Testing in vitro and in vivo
Biomaterial-based Regenerative Therapies and Carrier Systems
Biomaterial-microvasculature interaction on polymers after implantation in mice
Biomaterialentwicklung am Institut fuer Chemie der GKSS in Teltow
Biomaterialentwicklung bei GKSS
Biomaterialforschung bei HZG
Biomaterialforschung bei HZG, Perspektiven fuer die Zukunft
Biomaterialien - Einfuehrung
Biomaterialien fuer die Regenerative Medizin - Aktueller Status und Perspektiven
Biomaterialien für die Medizin
Biomaterialien in der Regenerativen Medizin
Biomaterialien quo vadis? Innovative Materialien für die Biomedizin
Biomaterialien: Ein Gewinn fuer die Regenerative Medizin und den Gesundheitsstandort Berlin-Brandenburg
Biomaterialien: Von der Synthese zum intelligenten Implantat
Biomaterials and Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration
Biomaterials and Translational Technologies
Biomaterials for Cardiovascular Applications - Challenges and Concepts
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials for Stem Cell Regulation
Biomaterials for Stem Cell Regulation
Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration
Biomaterials functionalised Polymer Systems
Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
Biomaterials in Technology and Medicine
Biomaterials in Technology and Medicine, Institute of Biomaterial Science
Biome changes in Asia since the mid-Holocene – An analysis of different transient Earth system model simulations
Biomedical Application of Polyetherimide: Membrane Material for Biohybrid Organs
Biomedical Application of Polyetherimide: Membrane Material for Biohybrid Organs
Biomedical polymer research on special scaffolds for tissue engineering – the EU STREP VascuPlug
Biomedical x-ray imaging with a GaAs photon-counting detector: A comparative study
Biomedizinische Anwendungen von Membranen
Biomimetic design of amphiphilic polycations and surface grafting onto polycarbonate urethane film as effective antibacterial agents with controlled hemocompatibility
Biomimetic Fibronectin Fibrillogenesis at Air/Water interface
Biomimetic gelatine coating for less-biodegradable and surface bioactive Mg alloys
Biomimetic gelatine coating for less-biodegradable and surface bioactive Mg alloys
Biomimetic hard and tough nanoceramic Ti–Al–N film with self-assembled six-level hierarchy
Biomimetic Hemo-compatible Surfaces of Polyurethane by Grafting Copolymer Brushes of Poly(ethylene glycol) and Poly(phosphorylcholine methacrylate)
Biomimetic Hemo-compatible Surfaces of Polyurethane Obtained by PEG and MPC Grafted Copolymer Brushes
Biomimetic Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Biomimetic Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Biomimetic scaffold systems to support regeneration of bone defects having overcritical size
Biomimetic scaffold systems to support regeneration of bone defects having overcritical size
Biomimetic Scaffolds supporting Bone Regeneration in Critical Defects
Biomimetic surface modification of polycarbonateurethane film via phosphorylcholine-graft for resisting platelet adhesion
Biomimetic techniques in tissue engineering bones and orthopaedics implants
Biomimetic Transferable Surface for a Real Time Control over Wettability and Photoerasable Writing with Water Drop Lens
Biomimetische Beschichtungen von permanenten Implantaten
Biomolekuele an strukturierten Membranen
Biomolekulare Strukturanalyse mit polarisierten Neutronen
Biomonitoring - Quo Vadis
Biomonitoring: kontinuierliche Gewaesserueberwachung mit dem Fischtestgeraet AFT 1
Bioperspectives for Shape-Memory Polymers as Shape Programmable, Active Materials
Biophysikalische Aspekte der Physiologie und Pathophysiologie des Menschen
Biopolymer-based Biomaterials
Biopolymer-based hydrogels and their evaluation as biomaterials
Biopolymer-Based Materials for Medical Applications
Biopolymere im Bereich biomedizinische Therapieentwicklungen
Biopolymers and their interaction with Immune System
Biopolymers; Master of Polymer Science - Advanced Topics
Bioprocess Engineering for Medical Applications / Tissue Engineering
Bioreactor Test Set Up for in vitro Cytocompatiblity Testing of Magnesium Materials
Bioreaktoren und Sensoren fuer die Biotechnologie
Biorecycling: Biologische Entsorgung schwermetallbelasteter Boeden durch Pflanzen
Bioreducible, hydrolytically degradable and targeting polymers for gene delivery
Bioresorbable, heparinized polymers for stent coating:in vitro studies on heparinization efficiency, maintenance of anticoagulant properties and improvement of stent haemocompatibility
BioSAXS Measurements Reveal That Two Antimicrobial Peptides Induce Similar Molecular Changes in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria
Biospecific Affinityseparation for the Preparation of Glycoconjugates from Microalgae
Biospecific Affinityseparation for the Preparation of Glycoconjugates from Microalgae
Biospezifische Adsorbentien - Herstellung und Einsatz zur selektiven Stofftrennung
Biosurfactant production by thermophilic dairy streptococci
Biotest-geleitete chemische Analyse (BDCA) oestrogen wirksamer Substanzen in der Wismarer Bucht
Biotest-geleitete chemische Analyse oestrogen wirksamer Substanzen in Oberflaechengewaessern (Dissertation)
Biotest-geleitete chemische Analyse von Sedimenten (Dissertation)
Biotest-geleitete chemische Analyse von Sedimenten unterschiedlicher Belastung
Biotransformation of 2,4-toluenediamine in human skin and reconstructed tissues
Bipolar membrane characterization
Bipolar membrane characterization ( Chapter 5 Handbook Netzwerk )
Bipolar Membranes – Preparation and Characterization
Bipolar membranes: preparation and characterization
Bipolare Membranen - Quell fuer Saeure und Lauge (WTZ-TSR-095-97)
Bistability and spatial pattern formation induced by concentration dependence of reaction rates and diffusion in a nonlinear reaction-electrodiffusion system
Bistability, electric potentials and sensor behaviour in an enzymatic reaction system
Black carbon concentration and deposition estimations in Finland by the regional aerosol-climate model REMO-HAM
Black Sea biogeochemistry: Response to decadal atmospheric variability during 1960-2000 inferred from numerical modeling
Black Sea Observing System
Black Sea Waves Analysis and Forecast (CMEMS BLK-Waves 2016-present) (Version 1)
Black Sea Waves Reanalysis (CMEMS BLK-Waves) (Version 1)
Black Shales and Sapropels
Blei in der Umwelt 1958 - 1997. Umweltbelastung und Umweltpolitik in der Retrospektive
Bleibt die Bekaempfung der globalen Erwaermung eine politische Prioritaet?
Blend Membranes of ionic liquid and polymers of intrinsic microporosity for Improved gas separation applications
Blend membranes of ionic liquid and polymers of intrinsic microporosity with improved gas separation characteristics
Blended vinylogous urethane/urea vitrimers derived from aromatic alcohols
Blending of Degradable Multiblock Copolymers creates Shape- Memory Materials
Blending Surface Currents from HF Radar Observations and Numerical Modeling: Tidal Hindcasts and Forecasts
Blends aus PMMA und P(alphaMS-co-AN) oder was koennen Neutronen und Loeslichkeitsparameter
Blends containing Pebax® 1657 and Polyactive™ with morpholine based polymers for gas separation
Blends from hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials for membranes (Dissertation)
Blick in die Zukunft der Membrantechnik
Blicke in unsichtbare Tiefen - Neutronen in der Werkstofforschung
Blind Ozone Differential-Absorption Lidar Comparison
Block Copolymer Blends: From Fine Tuning of Morphologies to Novel Superstructures
Block Copolymer Film Morphologies
Block Copolymer Membranes
Block copolymer membranes
Block Copolymer Membranes
Block Copolymer Membranes
Block Copolymer Membranes - Progress and Challenges
Block Copolymer Membranes as a Potential Tool for Separation of Biological Macromolecules
Block Copolymer Membranes for Gas Separation and Ultrafiltration
Block Copolymer Membranes from Polystyrene-b-poly(solketal methacrylate) (PS-b-PSMA) and Amphiphilic Polystyrene-b-poly(glyceryl methacrylate) (PS-b-PGMA)
Block Copolymer Membranes – Casting, Spinning, Spraying
Block Copolymer Morphologies in Bulk and Thin Fibres
Block Copolymer Nanocomposite Membranes for CO2 Separation (Dissertation)
Block Copolymer Nanocomposites Based on Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes: Effect of the Functionalization of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes on the Morphology of the Block Copolymer
Block Copolymer Self-Assembly
Block copolymer self-assembly in internal and external fields
Block copolymer self-assembly: from solution to nanoporous membranes with tailored size pores
Block Copolymers I, Series: Advances in Polymer Science
Block Copolymers II, Series: Advances in Polymer Science
Block Copolymers in the Condensed State
Block Copolymers with Crystallizable Blocks: Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Applications
Block Copolymers – Useful Materials for Science and Engineering
Block Copolymers: Self-assembly as a key to structured materials
Block Copolymers: Structures in Bulk, Films and Solutions
Blockcopolymere im ungeordneten und schwach mikrophasensepariertem Bereich
Blockcopolymere in Scheerfeldern und elektrischen Feldern
Blood compatibility of cellulose membranes modified by reactive polymers
Blood compatibility of magnesium and its alloys
Blood metal levels and metal-influenced immune functions of harbour seals in captivity
Blood triggered corrosion of magnesium alloys
Blood triggered corrosion of magnesium alloys
Blood vessel staining in the myocardium for 3D visualization down to the smallest capillaries
Blood-contacting Properties of Biodegradable Multi-Block Polymers
Blood-contacting Properties of Biodegradable Multi-Block Polymers
Blood-derived angiogenic cells (BDACs) resemble a hematopoietic pericyte population and are a promosing candidate for therapeutic angiogenesis
BloodSurf 2017: News from the blood-biomaterial frontier
Blue diode lasers: Evaluation of capillary and melt pool dynamics
Blue light-induced iniferter RAFT polymerization in aqueous-alcoholic media as a universal tool for the homopolymerization of various monomer families: kinetic investigations in different scales
Blutvertraeglichkeit von Biomaterialien
Blutwaesche und Benzindampfrueckgewinnung, Moeglichkeiten der Stofftrennung mit Membranen
BMBF-Verbundprojekt: In vitro Kulturen differenzierter Hautaequivalente fuer die klinische Anwendung
Bobbin Tool FSW - A Moving Geometry Model
Bobbin Tool FSW - A Moving Geometry Model
Boden / Luft Austauschprozesse von Quecksilber
Bodenkunde : Probleme des Bodenschutzes
Bolaamphiphil-modifizierte Polymeroberflaechen und deren Charakterisierung
Bolalipid fiber aggregation can be modulated by the introduction of sulfur atoms into the spacer chains
Bolt Load Retention and Creep Response of AS41 Alloyed with 0.15 % Ca
Bolt load retention and creep response of AS41 alloyed with 0.15% Ca
Bolt load retention and creep response of AS41 alloyed with 0.15% Ca
Bolt Load Retention Response and Creep of AS41 Mg-Alloy (Dissertation)
Bonded interactions and the crystal chemistry of minerals: A review
Bonding mechanisms of polymer joints: Results of μCT studies
Bone regeneration induced by a 3D architectured hydrogel in a rat critical-size calvarial defect
Book Review
Book Review: "Introduction to Three-Dimensional Climate Modelling" by Warren Washington and Claire L. Parkinson
Book Reviews - Benestad, R., I. Hanssen-Bauer, D. Chen: Empirical-Statistical Downscaling
Boosting gas permeability of polymers by blending with metal organic frameworks (MOFs)
Boosting the Performance of Magnesium Batteries: Data-Driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives
BOR4STORE – Boron Based Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen SuPPLY of SOFC
BOR4STORE – Development of a Boron Hydride based Integrated SOFC – Hydrogen Store
BOR4STORE – Development of a Boron Hydride based Integrated SOFC – Metal Hydride Tank System
BOR4STORE: Fast, Reliable and Cost effective Boron Hydride based high capacity Solid state Hydrogen Storage Materials
BOR4STORE: Fast, Reliable and Cost effective Boron Hydride based high capacity Solid state Hydrogen Storage Materials
Bora Events over the Adriatic Sea and Black Sea Studied by Multi-sensor Satellite Imagery
Bora Events over the Adriatic Sea and Black Sea Studied by Multi-sensor Satellite Imagery
Borate-sugar Complexation-Induced Charging of Eta-Octyl-Beta-D-glucopyranoside Micelles. Investigation of Structure Alteration Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Boron and strontium isotope ratio analysis of the Rhine river – tracer for anthropogenic boron emissions?
Boron carbide coatings for neutron detection probed by x-rays, ions, and neutrons to determine thin film quality
Boron nitride sample carriers for Total-Reflection X-Ray Flourescence
Boron nitride sample carriers for Total-Reflection X-Ray Flourescence
Boundaries and Internal Structure of Mixed Phase Clouds as Deduced from Ground-Based 95-GHz Radar and Airborne Lidar Measurements
Boundary condition identification for structural process simulation via artificial neural networks
Boundary condition identification for structural process simulation via artificial neural networks
Boundary conditions and treatment of topography in limited-area models
Boundary control data assimilation for Ekman-type equations
Boundary layer flow above a rough heated island
Boundary layer structure and pollution dispersion over the Øresund Strait
Boundary layer structure over an inhomogeneous surface: Simulation with a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model
Boundary Layer Turbulence over Surface Waves in a Strongly Forced Condition: LES and Observation
Bovine serum albumin selective integral asymmetric isoporous membrane
Bragg-edge transmission as an additional tool for strain measurements
Branched Polyethersulfones and Polyetherketones with Pendant Functional Groups
Branching of {110) twin boundaries in five-layered Ni-Mn-Ga bent single crystals
Brazilian-German cooperation in underwater technology
Brazing of Gamma-TiAl for High Temperature Applications
Break through the strength-ductility trade-off dilemma in aluminum matrix composites via precipitation-assisted interface tailoring
Breaking the continuity of the Al2O3 oxide scale by additions of Cr in Co-Al-W-based superalloys
Bricks and urbanism in the Indus Valley rise and decline
Bridging critical size defects applying tissue engineering
Bridging critical size defects applying tissue engineering
Bridging Nanoindentation and Microcompression to Study Microstructural Length-Scale Effects inMetals
Bridging the gap between mechanistic and purely statistical approaches in environmental modelling
Bridging the Gap between Observational Oceanography and Users
Brief communication: Climate science as a social process – history, climatic determinism, Mertonian norms and post-normality
Brief communication: Implications of outstanding solitons for the occurrence of rogue waves at two additional sites in the North Sea
Briefing Note on Systemic Risk : Opportunities for research, policy and practice from the perspective of climate, environmental and disaster risk science and management
Brilliant light for materials science: industrial applications of synchrotron radiation-based microtomography at the tomography instruments by GEMS at PETRA III
Bringing Dicynodonts Back to Life: Paleobiology and Anatomy of a New Emydopoid Genus from the Upper Permian of Mozambique
Brittle Coating Layers for Impact Detection in CFRP
Brittle Coating Layers for Impact Detection in CFRP
Broccoli: Sprinkling Lightweight Vocabulary Learning into Everyday Information Diets
Broccoli: Sprinkling Lightweight Vocabulary Learning into Everyday Information Diets
Brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in air and seawater from the German Bight, North Sea
Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechlorane Plus in the Marine Atmosphere from Southeast Asia toward Antarctica
Brominated flame retardants and dechloranes in eels from German Rivers
Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes in Eels from German Rivers (Diplomarbeit)
Brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in European and American eels from glass to silver life stages
Brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in European and American eels from glass to silver life stages
Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes throughout the Life Cycle of the European Eel
Brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Antarctic food web
Brominated Flame Retardants in Seawater and Atmosphere of the Atlantic and the Southern Ocean
Bromine and iodine chemistry in a global chemistry-climate model: description and evaluation of very short-lived oceanic sources
Brucea javanica oil-loaded nanostructure lipid carriers (BJO NLCs): Preparation, characterization and in vitro evaluation
Bruch- und schaedigungsmechanische Bewertung von Leichtbaustrukturen
Bruchmechanik als Werkzeug fuer schadenstolerante Bauteilauslegung
Bruchmechanik als Werkzeug fuer schadenstolerante Bauteilauslegung
Bruchmechanik duennwandiger Strukturen
Bruchmechanik und Schwingfestigkeit
Bruchmechanik und Schwingfestigkeit
Bruchmechanik und Schwingfestigkeit
Bruchmechanik und Schwingfestigkeit
Bruchmechanik und Schwingfestigkeit
Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung
Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung - 2. Die europaeische SINTAP-Prozedur
Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung - 1. Grundprinzipien bruchmechanischer Bauteilbewertung
Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung - 3. Beruecksichtigung von Eigenspannungen
Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung bei elastisch-plastischem Verhalten
Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung mittels SINTAP-Prozedur
Bruchmechanische Bewertung druckfuehrender Komponenten mittels ingenieurmaessiger Bewertungsverfahren
Bruchmechanische Bewertung einer geschweissten Platte ohne und mit Beruecksichtigung von Schweisseigenspannungen - ein Fallbeispiel
Bruchmechanische Bewertung einer geschweissten Platte ohne und mit Beruecksichtigung von Schweisseigenspannungen - ein Fallbeispiel
Bruchmechanische Bewertung geschweisster Rohrknoten
Bruchmechanische Bewertung heterogener Schweissverbindungen
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Fehlern in gefuegten Bauteilen
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Fehlern in gefuegten Bauteilen
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Fehlern in Schweissverbindungen
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Fehlern in Schweissverbindungen - DVS-Merkblatt 2401
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Fehlern in Schweissverbindungen - Ueberarbeitete Version des Merkblatts DVS 2401
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Laserschweissverbindungen durch numerische Rissfortschrittsimulation mit dem Kohaesivzonenmodell
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Laserschweissverbindungen durch numerische Rissfortschrittsimulation mit dem Kohaesivzonenmodell (Dissertation)
Bruchmechanische Bewertung von Schweissverbindungen
Bruchmechanische Bewertungskonzepte fuer Bahnkomponenten - Untersuchungen an den sicherheitsrelevanten Bauteilen Radsatzwelle, Rad und Schiene
Bruchmechanische Charakterisierung von Staehlen im duktil sproeden Uebergangsbereich - Normungsaktivitaeten bei der ESIS und der ASTM
Bruchmechanische Charakterisierung von Staehlen im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich - Normungsaktivitaeten bei der ESIS und der ASTM
Bruchmechanische Eigenschaften Strahlgeschweisster Aluminiumlegierungen (Diplomarbeit)
Bruchmechanische Kennwerte unter Medieneinfluss
Bruchmechanische Kennwerte unter Medieneinfluss
Bruchmechanische Kennwertermittlung an Schweissverbindungen
Bruchmechanische Kennwertermittlung bei geringer Dehnungsbehinderung - Normungsaktivitaeten bei ASTM und ISO
Bruchmechanische Methoden zur Bestimmung der Restfestigkeit von Flugzeugrumpfstrukturen
Bruchmechanische Sicherheitsanalyse
Bruchmechanische Sicherheitskonzepte in der Bauteilauslegung
Bruchmechanische Sicherheitskonzepte in der Bauteilauslegung
Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen an nach dem RFW-Verfahren reibgeschweissten TiAl6V4-Rohren (Diplomarbeit)
Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen an reibruehrgeschweissten Aluminiumlegierungen
Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen der Rissoeffnung bei stabilem Risswachstum in duennem Blech aus Al 5083 (Dissertation)
Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen von Schweissverbindungen bei verschiedenen Prueftemperaturen (Diplomarbeit)
Bruchmechanisches Bewerten duennwandiger Strukturen - Analytische Simulation des stabilen Rissfortschritts in duennwandigen Strukturen mittels SINTAP
Bruchverhalten von gewalztem Al2024 T351
Bruchverhalten von Laserschweissverbindungen
Bruchverhalten von Mis-Match-Schweissverbindungen
Bruchverhalten von Si3Ni4 unter ueberlagerter Biegung und Torsion bei Raumtemperatur
Bruchzaehigkeit zweiphasiger intermetallischer TiAl(Cr) Legierungen
BSc Molecular Life Science
BSc Molecular Life Science
BSc Molecular Life Science
BSRT Einfuehrungskurs
Buchrezension "Biomimetic Materials and Design"
Buchverhalten von gewalztem Al 2024 T351
Buchverhalten von gewalztem Al 2024 T351
Building urgent intergenerational bridges: assessing early career researcher integration in global sustainability initiatives
Bulk and local textures of pure magnesium processed by rotary swaging
Bulk sensitive determination of the Fe3+/FeTot-ratio in minerals by Fe L2/3-edge X-ray Raman scattering
Bunt- und Edelmetallmatrix-Verbundwerkstoffe
Business Strategies and Climate Change—Prototype Development and Testing of a User Specific Climate Service Product for Companies
Bypass-Pervaporation von 6-Pentyl-alpha-pyron (6-PP) waehrend der Fermentation von Trichoderma spp


C-reactive protein in blood plasma and serum samples of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)
C60 fullerene enhances cisplatin anticancer activity and overcomes tumor cell drug resistance
Ca(BH4)2 + MgH2: Desorption Reaction and Role of Mg on Its Reversibility
Ca(BH4)2–Mg2NiH4: on the pathway to a Ca(BH4)2 system with a reversible hydrogen cycle
Ca(BH4)2−MgF2 Reversible Hydrogen Storage: Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetic Properties
Ca-based micro-alloying enabling high-performance Mg anodes for aqueous batteries
Ca/In micro alloying as a novel strategy to simultaneously enhance power and energy density of primary Mg-air batteries from anode aspect
Cabauw experimental results from the project for intercomparison of landsurface parameterization schemes (PILPS)
Cactus-inspired design principles for soft robotics based on 3D printed hydrogel-elastomer systems
Caecilian jaw-closing mechanics: integrating two muscle systems
CAGW Peptide Modified Biodegradable Cationic Copolymer for Effective Gene Delivery
CAGW Peptide- and PEG-Modified Gene Carrier for Selective Gene Delivery and Promotion of Angiogenesis in HUVECs in Vivo
Caiundo - Climate
Calcification-driven CO2 emissions exceed “Blue Carbon” sequestration in a carbonate seagrass meadow
Calcite covering of sediments as a possible way of curbing bluegreen algae
Calcite incorporated in silica/collagen xerogels mediates calcium release and enhances osteoblast proliferation and differentiation
Calcium and zirconium as texture modifiers during rolling and annealing of magnesium–zinc alloys
Calcium sulfate hemihydrate is the inorganic mineral in statoliths of Scyphozoan medusae (Cnidaria)
Calculation of neutron and X-Ray scattering data from Molecular Dynamics simulations through optimal use of computation resources
Calculation of neutron and X-Ray scattering data from Molecular Dynamics simulations through optimal use of computation resources
Calculation of Schmid factor in Mg alloys: Influence of stress state
Calculation of the Radial Distribution Function of Bubbles in the Aluminum Hydrogen System
Calculation of the water budget over the Baltic Sea catchment area using the regional forecast model REMO for June 1993
Calculations of CTOD or J-R curve foe a crack in residual stress zone
Calibrating Chemcatcher ® passive sampler for selected nonpolar substances in tap- and salt water
Calibrating SANS data for instrument geometry and pixel sensitivity effects: Access to an extended Q range
Calibration and multi-source consistency analysis of reconstructed precipitation series in Portugal since the early 17th century
Calibration and uncertainty analysis of a simple model of silica-limited diatom growth in the Elbe River
Calibration of an Atmospheric/Hydrological Model System for Flood Forecasting in the Odra Watershed
Calibration of an Atmospheric/Hydrological Model System for Flood Forecasting in the Odra Watershed
Calibration of Chemcatcher® passive sampler for selected highly hydrophobic organic substances under fresh and sea water conditions
Calibration of straight total reflection x-ray flourescence spectrometry - results of a European Round Robin test
Calibration of the University of Wyoming 95 GHz airborne radar during CLARE '98
Calibration of total-reflection X-ray fluorescence using a nickel bulk sample
Calibration of TXRF Equipment
Calibrations of Bermuda corals against large-scale SST- and SLP-pattern time series and implications for climate reconstructions
Calorimetric determination of NiAl3-growth kinetics in sputter-deposited Ni/Al diffusion couples
Calorimetric determination of purity by simulation of DSC curves
Calorimetric determination of purity by simulation of DSC curves 2
Calorimetry & Simulation: Heat Balance of Batch Polymerizations
Calorimetry & Simulation: Heat Balance of Batch Polymerizations
Calpain Inhibitoren zur Behandlung von Katarakten
CALPHAD informed design of multicomponent CoNiCr-based superalloys exhibiting large lattice misfit and high yield stress
CALPHAD-based modeling of Al, Cu and Li unary systems at high pressure
CALPHAD-based modeling of pressure-dependent Al, Cu and Li unary systems
Can BioSAXS detect ultrastructural changes of antifungal compounds in Candida albicans? –an exploratory study
Can climate models explain the recent stagnation in global warming?
Can defects improve properties of metallic biomaterials
Can defects improve properties of metallic biomaterials
Can defects improve properties of metallic biomaterials
Can Environmental Conditions at North Atlantic Deep-Sea Habitats Be Predicted Several Years Ahead? Taking Sponge Habitats as an Example
Can Synthetic Aperture Radar improve Hurricane forecast?
Can Synthetic Aperture Radars Be Used to Estimate Hurricane Force Winds?
Can the variance in membrane performance influence the design of organic solvent nanofiltration processes?
Can tools contribute to integration in MSP? A comparative review of selected tools and approaches
Can unsupervised machine learning boost the on-site analysis of in situ synchrotron diffraction data?
Can wave coupling improve operational regional ocean forecasts for the north-west European Shelf?
Can we predict phytoplankton community size structure using size scalings of eco-physiological traits?
Canola Oil Extraction in Conjunction with a Plastic Free Separation Unit Optimises Microplastics Monitoring in Water and Sediment
CaO dissolution during melting and solidification of a Mg–10 wt.% CaO alloy detected with in situ synchrotron radiation diffraction
Capabilities of Hydrides as Alternative to Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage
Capability of the 14 MeV neutron activation analysis at 3. 1010 n cm-2 s-1 with respect to sensitivities and interferences of all useful reactions
Capillarity and active cell movement at mesendoderm translocation in the Xenopus gastrula
Capillarity of solids and its impact on porous material deformation
Capillary bleeding under oral anticoagulation
Capillary bleeding under oral anticoagulation
Capillary condensation and gelling of microemulsions with clay additives
Capillary HPLC-ICP-MS using ion exchange polymer resins for the determination of organoarsenic compounds
Capillary LC hyphenated to ICP-MS and on-line micro-fraction collection for MALDI-TOF analysis – New combined analytical approach for the hetero(atom) specific determination of phosphorylated peptides
Capillary membranes for medical application
Capillary-discharge 46.9-nm laser-induced damage to a-C thin films exposed to multiple laser shots below single-shot damage threshold
Capillary-discharge 46.9-nm laser-induced damage to a-C thin films exposed to multiple laser shots below single-shot damage threshold
Capture of Prey, Feeding, and Functional Anatomy of the Jaws in Velvet Worms (Onychophora)
Capturing shrinkage and neck growth with phase field simulations of the solid state sintering
Caracterizacao de Composito Termofixo Aplicado em Junta Hibrida Composito/Metal Rebitada por Friccao
Caracterizacao de Depositos Realizados Pelo Processo de Deposicao por Friccao em Chapas de Aco de Alto Carbono (Dissertation)
Caracterizacao de Juntas Soldadas da Liga de Aco Naval Gl E36 Obtidas Atraves do Processo de Soldagem Por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica (Dissertation)
Caracterización de membranas modificadas mediante microscopía de barrido de fuerzas
Caracterización de membranas modificadas mediante microscopía de barrido de fuerzas
Carbide evolution and its potential reduction methods in Ti-22Nb based alloys prepared by metal injection moulding
Carbide precipitation in TiAl alloys
Carbide-Free Bainite Transformations Above and Below Martensite Start Temperature Investigated by In-Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
Carbides in Ti-45Al-5Nb alloys with different carbon contents
Carbides in Ti-45Al-5Nb alloys with different carbon contents
Carbohydrates as additives for the formation of isoporous PS-b-P4VP diblock copolymer membranes
Carbon and nutrient mixed layer dynamics in the Norwegian Sea
Carbon Capillary Molecular Sieve Membranes Used for High Temperature Gas Separation
Carbon dioxide capture for the oxidative coupling of methane process – A case study in mini-plant scale
Carbon export from seaweed forests to deep ocean sinks
Carbon Molecular Sieves as a Fuel Barrier in DMFC Membranes
Carbon monitoring system flux estimation and attribution: impact of ACOS-GOSAT XCO2 sampling on the inference of terrestrial biospheric sources and sinks
Carbon Nanomembranes (CNMs) Supported by Polymer: Mechanics and Gas Permeation
Carbon Nanomembranes Engineered from Molecular Monolayers
Carbon Redistribution Process in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) During Heat Treatment—APT and Synchrotron Diffraction Study
Carbon solubility and thermal stability of carbides in high Nb containing TiAl alloys
Carbon solubility and thermal stability of carbides in high Nb containing TiAl alloys
Carbon system in the Elbe Estuary and German Bight
Carbonaceous components and major ions in PM10 from the Amazonian Basin
Carbonate-Associated Organic Matter Is a Detectable Dissolved Organic Matter Source in a Subtropical Seagrass Meadow
Carburization and Stress Profiles Characterized by High-Energy X-ray Diffraction in 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel After Exposure at 500 °C and 600 °C in Carburizing Liquid Sodium
Cardiac computed tomography screening for tricuspid transcatheter annuloplasty implantation
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Complicated by an Indirect Annuloplasty Device Blocking Targeted Side Branch
Cardiomyocyte differentiation after ascorbic acid treatment – investigation of mechanisms of action
Cardiovascular Differentiation from Embryonic Stem Cells
Cardiovascular differentiation from embryonic stem cells
Cardiovascular Implant Design - from Clinical Need to Device Design
Caribbean island states in a social-ecological panarchy? Complexity theory, adaptability and environmental knowledge systems
CARIBIC aircraft measurements of Eyjafjallajoekull volcanic clouds in April/May 2010
CARIBIC observations of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
CARIBIC observations of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
Carriermembranen zur Olefin-/Parafintrennung - Molecular Modelling von metallhaltigen Carriereinheiten
Cascading ocean basins: numerical simulations of the circulation and interbasin exchange in the Azov-Black-Marmara-Mediterranean Seas system
Case studies on topology optimization for AddJoining metal-polymer hybrid structures
Case study for the assessment of the biogeophysical effects of a potential afforestation in Europe
Case Study North Sea
Case study review of vapor permeation applications
Casein micelle formation as a calcium phosphate phase separation process: Preparation of artificial casein micelles through vacuum evaporation and membrane processes
Castability of Magnesium Alloys
Castability of Magnesium Alloys
Castability of some Magnesium Alloys in a Novel Castability Die
Castability of some Magnesium Alloys in a Novel Castability Die
Castability of some Magnesium Alloys in a Novel Castability Die
Catalysis with homogeneous membranes loaded with nano-sized metallic particles and their preparation
Catalysis with homogeneous membranes loaded with nanoscale metallic clusters and their preparation
Catalysis with Non-Porous Membranes Loaded with Nanoscale Metallic Clusters
Catalytic activity of nanostructured Au: Scale effects versus bimetallic/bifunctional effects in low-temperature CO oxidation on nanoporous Au
Catalytic Asymmetric Fluorination of Copper Carbene Complexes: Preparative Advances and a Mechanistic Rationale
Catalytic combustion of hydrogen in diving
Catalytic effect of oxides for decomposition of magnesium hydride explained by the gateway model
Catalytic mechanism of transition-metal compounds on Mg hydrogen sorption reaction
Catalytic membrane reactor for nitrate removal from portable water
Catalytic membrane reactor for the selective hydrogenation of edible oil: Pd versus Pt catalyst
Catalytic membrane reactor for the selective hydrogenation of edible oil: Platinum versus Palladium catalyst
Catalytic Membrane Reactor to Simultaneously Concentrate and React Organics
Catalytic membrane reactors (Dissertation)
Catalytic membrane reactors based on polymeric membranes
Catalytic membrane reactors based on polymeric membranes
Catalytic Membranes: Alkene Dimerisation by means of Acidic Porous Thin-film Composite Membranes
Catalytic Membranes: Alkene Dimerization by means of Acidic Porous Thin-film Composite Membranes
Catalytic membranes: sense or nonsense?
Catalytic Pervaporation: Hydrogenation of acetophenone in a catalytic membrane reactor with mass spectrometer as an online detector
Catalytic Pervaporation: Hydrogenation of acetophenone in a catalytic membrane reactor with mass spectrometer as an online detector
Catalytic Polymer Membranes for high Temperature Hydrogenation of viscous Liquids
Catalytically active (Pd) nanoparticles supported by electrospun PIM-1: Influence of the sorption capacity of the polymer tested in the reduction of some aromatic nitro compounds
Catalytically active (Pd) nanoparticles supported by electrospun PIM-1: Influence of the sorption capacity of the polymer tested in the reduction of some aromatic nitro compounds
Catalytically active CNT–polymer-membrane assemblies: From synthesis to application
Catalytically active membranes
Catalytically active membranes from new poly(amide imide) polymers incorporating nano-sized noble metal or semiconductor particles
Catalytically active nanofibres for hydrogenation
Catalytically active nanofibrous mats tested in the hydrogenation of methy-cis-9-octadecenoate
Catalytically active poly(amideimide) nanofibre mats with high activity tested in the hydrogenation of methyl-cis-9-octadecenoate
Catalyzed Na2LiAlH6 for hydrogen storage
Catalyzed Na2LiAlH6 for Hydrogen Storage
Catchment-coastal zone interaction based upon scenario and model analysis: Elbe and the German Bight case study
Cathepsin K deficiency partially inhibits, but does not prevent, bone destruction in human tumor necrosis factor-transgenic
Cathodic Protection of Mild Steel Using Aluminium-Based Alloys
Cationic LNP-formulated mRNA expressing Tie2-agonist in the lung endothelium prevents pulmonary vascular leakage
Causes for Atlantic Freshwater Content Variability in the GECCO3 Ocean Synthesis
Cavitation erosion of Cr60Ni40 coatings generated by friction surfacing
Cavitation erosion of NiAl-bronze layers generated by friction surfacing
Cavitation erosion of NiAl-bronze layers generated by friction surfacing
CCLM contribution to CORDEX Australasia: Results from evaluation and scenario simulations
CCLM Simulations over Southern Africa - Impact of the Agulhas Leakage on precipitation and sea surface temperatures
CCLM simulations over Southern Africa – impact of the Agulhas Current system on precipitation in Southern Africa
CCLM-TRIM-NP-CICE a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice model for climate simulations over the North- and Baltic Sea
CD14+ CD163+ IL-10+ monocytes/macrophages: Pro-angiogenic and non pro-inflammatory isolation, enrichment and long-term secretion profile
Cell adhesion at implant surfaces
Cell adhesion at implant surfaces
Cell and Blood Compatibility of Polyacrylnitrile (PAN) and PAN-Copolymers
Cell and Blood Compatibility of Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and PAN-Copolymers
Cell attachment and activity on different polymer membranes
Cell behaviour towards different wettable biomaterial surfaces
Cell behaviour towards different wettable biomaterials surfaces
Cell Interaction with Phospholipid Implant Coatings
Cell Interaction with Phospholipid Implant Coatings
Cell layer formation and shear-resistance of human endothelial cells on gelatin-based hydrogels with tailorable elasticity
Cell number in mesenchymal stem cell aggregates dictates cell stiffness and chondrogenesis
Cell proliferation and cellular activity of primary cell cultures of the oral cavity after cell seeding on thesurface of a degradable, thermoplastic block copolymer
Cell- and Tissue Specific Polymer-Based Biomaterials
Cell-based detection of microbial biomaterial contaminations
Cell-based detection of microbial biomaterial contaminations
Cell-biomaterial interaction
Cell-Material Interactions 2022
Cell-surface interactions and the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Cellular immunity of newborn Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and metal-induced immunmodulation
Cellular Polymers Based on Polystyrene-block-Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Diblock Copolymers: Synthesis, Processing and Characterization
Cellular response of blood-borne immune cells to PEEU fiber meshes
Cellular-Based Immunotherapies for Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme
Cellulose Acetate Reverse Osmosis Membranes Made by Phase Inversion Method: Effects of a Shear Treatment Applied to the Casting Solution on the Membrane Structure and Performance
Cellulose hollow fiber membranes for blood purification
Cellulose hollow fiber membranes for blood purification
Cellulose hollow fibre membranes for blood purification
Cellulose nanofibril/titanate nanofiber modified with CdS quantum dots hydrogel with 3D porous structure: A stable photocatalytic adsorbent for Cr(VI) removal
Celluloseacetat als Membranpolymer
Celluloseether als Trennschichten hydrophiler Polymermembranen
Celluloseether-Kompositmembranen zur Nanofiltration organisch hoch kontaminierten Prozessloesungen
Cellulosehohlfasermembranen fuer die medizinische Anwendung
Celluloseimplantate: Biostabilitaet und Gewebereaktion
Cellulosic membranes: Surface and permeability properties
Centennial Variations of the Global Monsoon Precipitation in the Last Millennium: Results from ECHO-G Model
Central America urgently needs to reduce the growing adaptation gap to climate change
Central ice station
Cephalic anatomy and three-dimensional reconstruction of the head of Catops ventricosus (Weise, 1877) (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae)
Ceramic composite membranes for gas separation
Ceramic nanoparticles doped Polymeric nanofibrous membranes - An electrospun nanocomposite mat for water filtration
Ceramic zeolitic membranes
Ceramic-Reinforced γ-TiAl-Based Composites: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties
Cerium-based sealing of PEO coated AM50 magnesium alloy
CFA-device for the on-line determination of total mercury in seawater
CFD-Simulation of Membrane Modules in Gas an Vapor Permeation: Comparison of the Influence of different Geometries on Mass Transfer through Membranes
Chain configuration, nanostructure of free volume and functional properties of high permeable 1,2-disubstituted polyacetylenes
Chain configuration, nanostructure of free volume and functional properties of high permeable 1,2-disubstituted polyacetylenes
Chain Extension and Cyclization of Telechelic Polysarcosines
Chain Scission Kinetics of Polymers Derived from Langmuir-Monolayer- and Bulk Degradation
Chain Topology: Linear versus (hyper)branched
Challenges and Advances in Optimizing the Property Profile of Materials and Resulting Application Perspectives
Challenges and best-practices of co-creation: A qualitative interview study in the field of climate services
Challenges and possiblities in coupling climate, ecological, and socio-economic models: overview and examples from two German research projects : CSC Report
Challenges and Prospects for Numerical Techniques in Atmospheric Modeling
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Magnesium Sheet for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Magnesium Sheet for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Magnesium Sheet for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts
Challenges for accurate determination of rare earth elements in degradable Mg alloys
Challenges for accurate determination of rare earth elements in degradable Mg alloys
Challenges for accurate determination of rare earth elements in degradable Mg alloys
Challenges For Implementation Of Magnesium Into More Applications
Challenges for implementation of magnesium into more applications
Challenges for marine spatial planning in the context of multiple sea uses, policy arenas and actors based on experiences from the German North Sea
Challenges for the Baltic regional environment: Changing climate and pollution patterns
Challenges for the Baltic Regional Environmental Research: Reconstruction of Changing Climate and Changing Pollution Patterns
Challenges in science – Stakeholder interactions: Regional climate service and Knowledge competition
Challenges in sintering of Mg-Gd alloy using master alloy powders and powder blends
Challenges in sintering of Mg-Gd alloy using master alloy powders and powder blends
Challenges in the development of degradable Mg implant materials
Challenges in the Evaluation of Observational Data Trustworthiness From a Data Producers Viewpoint (FAIR+)
Challenges in Welding of Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
Challenges of in vitro testing of magnesium alloys
Challenges of in vitro testing of magnesium alloys
Challenges of reliable in vitro testing of magnesium alloys
Challenges of Transfer from Basic Research into Application of New Magnesium Alloys and Processes
Challenging the current climate change – migration nexus: exploring migrants’ perceptions of climate change in the hosting country
CHAMP / GPS Water Vapor Compared with a NWP Model and with AMSU / B Data
Chancen und Herausforderungen der Pulvermetallurgie
Chancen und Risiken von Magnesium als Implantatmaterial
Chancen und Wege zur Kostenreduzierung bei der Produktion von Magnesium
Changes in atmospheric nitrate deposition in Germany – An isotopic perspective
Changes in austenitic steel surface induced by thermal and implantation treatments studied by Moessbauer spectroscopy
Changes in Compound Flood Event Frequency in Northern and Central Europe under Climate Change
Changes in extreme wave events in the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean
Changes in Fe-B Amorphous Alloy Driven by Nitrogen Implantation
Changes in intense tropical cyclone activity for the western North Pacific during the last decades derived from a regional climate model simulation
Changes in long-term variability of regional sea level rates with focus on the southern Baltic coasts
Changes in North Sea storm surge conditions for four transient future climate realizations
Changes in Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks, Attributed to the 1.5°C and 2°C Levels of Global Warming
Changes in oxygen consumption at the sediment-water interface formed by settling seston from the Elbe estuary
Changes in platelet morphology and function during 24 hours of storage
Changes in processing characteristics and microstructural evolution during friction extrusion of aluminum
Changes in Storm Climate
Changes in surface solar radiation in Northeastern Spain over the past six centuries recorded by tree-ring Delta13C
Changes in the subcutaneous tissue and the chorioallantois membrane of eggs caused by poly(p-dioxanone)- and poly(ε- caprolactone) multiblock copolymers
Changes in the Winter-Time Storminess over the North Atlantic, Associated with the 1.5°C and 2°C Levels of Global Warming
Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity for the Western North Pacific during the Last Decades Derived from a Regional Climate Model Simulation
Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific, Downscaledfrom Ncep/Ncar and Era 40 Reanalysis
Changes in Typhoons Over the Last Decades As Given in Observations and Climate Model Simulations
Changes in universal thermal climate index from regional climate model projections over European beaches
Changes in weather extremes: Assessment of return values using high resolution climate simulations at convection-resolving scale
Changes of Molar Mass and Chemical Composition in Polymers Induced by Tempering or Mechanical Milling
Changes of storm surges in the Bohai Sea derived from a numerical model simulation, 1961–2006
Changes of the hydrodynamical impact in the Jade-Weser area (Germany) for an anticipated climate change scenario
Changes within the stabilizing layer of ZnO nanoparticles upon washing
Changing coastal weather and extremes
Changing extreme sea levels along European coasts
Changing Holocene coastal zones of the Baltic Sea - A history of interrelation between geological processes, changing climate and socioeconomic development
Changing Holocene coastal zones of the Baltic Sea - A history of interrelation between geological processes, changing climate and socioeconomic development
Changing human-environment interactions at the transition from foraging to farming
Changing Human-Environment interactions in regional transitions to agriculture
Changing mechanical properties of nanomaterials by surface modification and the impact of capillarity
Changing mechanical properties of nanomaterials by surface modification and the impact of capillarity
Changing North Sea storm surge climate: An increasing hazard?
Changing PEO coating formation on Mg alloys by particle additions to the treatment electrolyte
Changing readiness to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 steered long-term epidemic and social trajectories
Changing storminess, ocean waves and storm surges – myths, facts and perspectives
Changing the dehydrogenation pathway of LiBH4–MgH2 via nanosized lithiated TiO2
Changing wave climate in the Northeast Atlantic? Results of the WASA hindcast experiment
Changing Waves and Storms in the Northeast Atlantic?
Channel curvature improves water quality and nutrient filtering in an artificially deepened mesotidal idealized estuary
Chaotic behaviour of a model plankton community in a heterogeneous environment
Chapter 11: Changes in liquid and atmospheric inputs to the marine environment from land (including through groundwater), ships and offshore installations
Chapter 5 - Titanium and titanium alloys in drones and other small flying objects
Characterisation and corrosion behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on high pressure die cast Mg–5Al–0.4Mn–xCe (x = 0, 0.5, 1) alloys
Characterisation and quantification of metallothionein isoforms using capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma-isotope-dilution mass spectrometry
Characterisation of a novel cytotoxin from the lion's mane jellyfish by bioassay-combined mass spectrometry
Characterisation of a Phospholipid Coating for Titanium Implant Materials
Characterisation of deformation property distribution in Friction Stir Welds using spherical indentation testing and micro-tensile testing
Characterisation of deuteriated 50S from E.coli with a protonated 5 SRNA
Characterisation of Diffusion Bond TiAl-Ti6242 Joints
Characterisation of Ductile Tearing Resistance by the Energy Dissipation Rate: Effects of Material, Specimen Shape and Size
Characterisation of Electron Beam Welded Al-Alloys
Characterisation of Fusion Reactor Materials by Instrumented Indentation
Characterisation of Irradiated Material by Instrumented Indentation
Characterisation of laser additive manufactured magnesium components
Characterisation of Micromechanical Deformation Systems of Magnesium based on Energy Minimisation
Characterisation of Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour of Thin Section AISI 430 Stainless Steel Gas Tungsten Arc Weldment
Characterisation of microstructure with sizes from the sub.nm to the µm-range by extended small-angle neutron scattering
Characterisation of microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of an AA2219 friction stir weldment
Characterisation of Nano-scaled Precipitates in a Peak Aged Mg-8Gd-2Dy Alloy
Characterisation of Nanostructured MgH2/MexOy for Reversible Storage of Hydrogen Using ASAXS/(U)SAXS
Characterisation of neurotoxic polypeptides from Cyanea capillata medusae (Scyphozoa)
Characterisation of Novel Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Storage
Characterisation of Polymer Based Biomaterials
Characterisation of side wall functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Characterisation of soft (Nano)materials@GKSS
Characterisation of stable crack extension in aluminium-sheet material usind the crack tip opening angle determined optically and by the delta 5 clip gauge technique
Characterisation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of Mg–Al alloys
Characterisation of Structure and Aggregation Processes of Aquatic Humic Substances Using Small-Angle Scattering and X-Ray Microscopy
Characterisation of TG-SCC in Pure Mg and AZ91 alloy
Characterisation of TG-SCC in Pure Mg and AZ91 alloy
Characterisation of the Effect of Simulated Space Debris on Polymers Using X-ray Microtomography
Characterisation of the Hydrogen Distribution in Metal Hydride Tanks Using Neutron Radiography and Tomography
Characterisation of thin section dissimilar weld joint comprising austenitic and ferritic stainless steels
Characterisation of tribological and corrosion behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AM50 magnesium alloy
Characterising the dispersion of nanoparticles in a polymeric matrix - using different methods
Characterising the relaxation distance of nearshore submarine morphology: A southern Baltic Sea case study
Characteristic regional differences in trace element pattern of 2014 German North Sea surface Wadden sediments – A judge and assessment
Characteristics and Challenges of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) Solution Electrospinning
Characteristics and impact of a gale-force storm field over the Norwegian Sea
Characteristics of Gas Permeation Behaviour in Multilayer Thin Film Composite Membranes for CO2 Separation
Characteristics of intermetallic phases in Cu/(Sn,Ni) diffusion couples annealed at 220 °C
Characteristics of membrane transport for high pressure gas permeation
Characteristics of mixed-phase clouds. I: Lidar, radar and aircraft observations from CLARE´98
Characteristics of the tensile flow behavior of Ti–46Al–9Nb sheet material – Analysis of thermally activated processes of plastic deformation
Characteristics of Thermal Cycling in a Magnesium Alloy Composite
Characterization and application of composite membranes in DMFC
Characterization and corrosion behavior of binary Mg-Ga alloys
Characterization and In Vitro Behavior of PEO Coated Mg Modified with Antibacterial Ag(I) and Cu(II) Complexes
Characterization and modeling of the influence of artificial aging on the microstructural evolution of age-hardenable AlSi10Mg(Cu) aluminum alloys
Characterization and Modeling of the Influence of the Ageing Treatment on the Precipitation Process and the Mechanical Behavior of the AlSi10Mg(Cu) Aluminum Alloy (Dissertation)
Characterization and variability of particle size distributions in Hudson Bay, Canada
Characterization and wear behaviour of PEO coatings on 6082-T6 aluminium alloy with incorporated α-Al2O3 particles
Characterization Methods for Shape-Memory Polymers
Characterization of multilayer membranes in terms of concentration potential and electrolytic resistance
Characterization of a double-sided Si(Li) strip Compton polarimeter
Characterization of a double-sided Si(Li) strip Compton polarimeter
Characterization of a New Flat Sheet Membrane Module Type for Gas Permeation
Characterization of a new series of Mg-Sn-Ca alloys
Characterization of Acidic OH Groups in Zeolites of Different Types: An Interpretation of NH3-TPD Results in the Light of Confinement Effects
Characterization of acrylonitrile polymerization by dilatometric and modeling
Characterization of acrylonitrile polymerization by dilatometry and modeling
Characterization of Adsorbents for Odour reduction
Characterization of alloying components in galvanic anodes as potential environmental tracers for heavy metal emissions from offshore wind structures
Characterization of alpha2/O-phase domains in a gamma-based lamellar Ti-Al-Nb alloy
Characterization of an Extruded Mg-Dy-Nd Alloy during Stress Corrosion with C-Ring Tests
Characterization of bi-layered magnetic nanoparticles synthesized via two-step surface-initiated ring-opening polymerization
Characterization of bi-layered magnetic nanoparticles synthesized via two-step surface-initiated ring-opening polymerization
Characterization of Block Copolymer Self-Assembly: From Solution to Nanoporous Membranes
Characterization of Block Copolymers by Synchrotron Radiation
Characterization of calcium containing plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy
Characterization of calcium-modified zinc phosphate conversion coatings and their influences on corrosion resistance of AZ31 alloy
Characterization of carbides in Q&P steels using a combination of high-resolution methods
Characterization of carbides in Ti-45Al-5Nb alloys with different carbon contents
Characterization of carbon films as total-reflection mirrors for XUV Free Electron Lasers
Characterization of carbon mirror coatings for X-ray Free Electron Lasers
Characterization of ceramic membranes by means of noncontact AFM
Characterization of ceramic membranes by means of noncontact AFM
Characterization of chloroacetylated/sulfonated cellulose membranes for Hemodialysis by spectroscopical methods
Characterization of cleavage fracture in the ductile to brittle fracture transition region using side grooved CT-specimen
Characterization of closely crystallographically related phases in gamma-TiAl alloys by HEXRD and TEM imaging
Characterization of copolymerization kinetics of different methacrylates with reactive monomer triethoxyvinylsilane
Characterization of core-shell nanoparticles by small angle neutron scattering
Characterization of cryopreserved CD14+-human monocytes after differentiation towards macrophages and stimulation with VEGF-A165
Characterization of degradation processes in situ using time-lapse SRuCT
Characterization of degradation processes in situ using time-lapse SRuCT
Characterization of different mirror coatings for the VUV FEL
Characterization of dissimilar friction stir welded lap joints of AA5083 and GL D36 steel
Characterization of elemental pollution and its variations in sediments and suspended particulate matter from the River Elbe via multi-element analysis combined with chemometric data evaluation
Characterization of engineering ceramics by electron microscopy
Characterization of flight model 1 of the scanner for radiation budget (ScaRaB) instrument in the solar spectral domain
Characterization of galvanic anode material for corrosion protection of offshore wind farms by (laser ablation) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Characterization of Gamma-TiAl sheet material for aeroengine application
Characterization of Gas Sorption in Glassy Polymers Combining Experimental and Molecular Modeling Techniques
Characterization of H defects in the aluminium-hydrogen system using small-angle scattering techniques
Characterization of Haptoglobin in the Blood Plasma of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina)
Characterization of High Performance/High Temperature Polytriazoles and Composites thereof by X-Ray Scattering
Characterization of high temperature materials
Characterization of Hydrogen Storage Materials and Systems with Photons and Neutrons
Characterization of hydrogen storage materials both at the laboratory level and at the scale of prototype tanks
Characterization of Interfaces
Characterization of interfaces between Polymers and liquids
Characterization of interfaces by contact angle measurements
Characterization of interfacial fracture of diffusion bonded bi-material joints of Ti-alloys
Characterization of La/B4C multilayer mirrors for x.rays below 190EV
Characterization of La/B4C multilayer systems by geometric phase method
Characterization of Langmuir Films Prepared from Copolyesterurethanes Based on Oligo(Ômega-pentadecalactone) and Oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) Segments
Characterization of Langmuir Layers Prepared from Copolyesterurethanes Containing Different Poly(ε-caprolactone) Moieties
Characterization of Laser and Electron Beam Welded Al-Alloys
Characterization of laser cladded Al-Cu Alloys - Production and Characterization (Diplomarbeit)
Characterization of LiBH4–MgH2 Reactive Hydride Composite System with Scattering and Imaging Methods Using Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation
Characterization of metal hydrides by in-situ XRD
Characterization of micro-mechanical deformation systems of magnesium based on energy minimization
Characterization of microstructures with sizes from the sub-nm to the µm-range by extended small-angle neutron scattering
Characterization of mirror coatings for X-ray Free Electron Lasers
Characterization of molar mass and chemical composition of poly(styrene-co-glyidyl metrcrylate) after ultrasonic treatment
Characterization of Morphology in Shape Memory Compounds and their Warming and Deformation Upon Inductive Heating
Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and their Derivates
Characterization of multiblock copolymers by chromatographic techniques
Characterization of Multiblockcopolymers by Chromatographic Techniques
Characterization of multilayer membranes in terms of concentration potential and electrolytic resistance
Characterization of nanocomposites of carbon nanotube containing polymer membranes
Characterization of near surface layers by means of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Characterization of Ni-Ti (Shape memory alloy) thin film by in-situ XRD and complementary ex-situ techniques
Characterization of novel materials and systems for H2 storage
Characterization of Oligo(ethylene glycol) and Oligoglycerol functionalized Poly(ether imide) by Angle-dependent X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Characterization of Oligo(ethylene glycol) and Oligoglycerol functionalized Poly(ether imide) by Angle-dependent X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Characterization of outer membrane surfaces by means of streaming potential investigations - prospects and limitations
Characterization of Partially Sulfonated Polyoxadiazoles and Oxadiazole-triazole Copolymers
Characterization of particles on surfaces using X-ray fluorescence methods with grazing geometries
Characterization of PCL-BA copolymer networks for application as vascular patch
Characterization of Phospholipid Bilayers on Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb
Characterization of Polycrystalline Materials Using Synchrotron X-ray Imaging and Diffraction Techniques
Characterization of Polyelectrolyte Complex Membranes based on Sodium Cellulose Sulfate and Various Cationic Components
Characterization of Polymer Biomaterial and Membrane Interfaces Using Wetting Measurements and Scanning Force Microscopy
Characterization of polymer materials by elastic-plastic crack growth resistance curves
Characterization of Polymer Membranes by MALDI Mass-Spectrometric Imaging Techniques
Characterization of Polymeric Membranes by Means of Pneumatic Scanning Force Microscopy
Characterization of polymeric membranes by means of Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) in comparison to results of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Characterization of polymeric membranes by means of Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) in comparison to results of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Characterization of polyurethane scaffolds using synchrotron radiation computed microtomography
Characterization of polyurethane scaffolds using synchrotron radiation computed microtomography
Characterization of Poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] and Oligo[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] Based Polyesterurethane Langmuir Layers by BAM and Ellipsometry
Characterization of precipitates in a stainless maraging steel by three-dimensional atom probe and small-angle neutron scattering
Characterization of primary, secondary and tertiary {202¯1}<1¯014> successive internal twins in the D019 ordered hexagonal α2-Ti3Al phase
Characterization of protein-adjuvant coencapsulation in microparticles for vaccine delivery
Characterization of Proton-Conducting Organic–Inorganic Polymeric Materials by ASAXS
Characterization of rapidly solidified Al-Mg-Sc alloys with Li addition
Characterization of reactive phase formation in sputter-deposited Ni/Al multilayer thin films using transmission electron microscopy
Characterization of residual stresses in compressor discs for aeroengines
Characterization of residual stresses in IN 718 turbine discs by neutron diffraction and finite element modeling
Characterization of residual stresses in IN 718 turbine discs by neutron diffraction and finite element modeling
Characterization of residual stresses in IN718 turbine discs by neutron diffraction and finite element modelling
Characterization of residual stresses in IN718 turbine discs by neutron diffraction and finite element modelling
Characterization of residual stresses in turbine discs by neutron and high-energy X-ray diffraction and comparison to finite element modeling
Characterization of ScaRaB FM1 in the Solar Spectral Domain
Characterization of silicon polymers (silsesquioxanes, dendrimers and copolymers) by means of different modes of Liquid Chromatography and MALDI-TOF-MS
Characterization of Silicon-Polymers by Liquid Chromatography and MALDI-TOF-MS
Characterization of Silicon-Polymers by Liquid Chromatography and MALDI-TOF-MS
Characterization of Sputtered Shape Memory Alloy Ni-Ti Films by Cross-sectional TEM and SEM
Characterization of stress in reinforcements in magnesium based squeeze infiltrated cast hybrid composites
Characterization of Structure and Coagulation Behaviour of Humic Substances with Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) and X-Ray Microscopy
Characterization of structure and interfaces of new multilayer x-ray mirrors
Characterization of structure and interfaces of new multilayer x-ray mirrors
Characterization of Surface Species on Mesoporous TiO2 Prepared by TiC Oxidation
Characterization of Surface Species on Mesoporous TiO2 Prepared by TiC Oxidation
Characterization of Surfaces, Thin Surface Films and Near-Surface Layers Using X-Ray Fluorescence Methods
Characterization of susceptibility of metallic materials to environmentally assisted cracking
Characterization of susceptibility of metallic materials to environmentally assisted cracking
Characterization of the cytosolic distribution of priority pollutant metals and metalloids in the digestive gland cytosol of marine mussels: Seasonal and spatial variability
Characterization of the deformation state of magnesium by electrical resistance
Characterization of the degradation behaviour of bioresorbable shape memory polymers
Characterization of the degradation behaviour of bioresorbable shape memory polymers
Characterization of the diffusion bonded interface between Ti and Al
Characterization of the Elevated-Temperature Deformation Behavior of Wrought Magnesium Alloy MN11 (Mg-1Mn-1Nd (wt%))
Characterization of the Microstructure Evolution in IF-Steel and AA6016 during Plane-Strain Tension and Simple Shear
Characterization of the new developed high temperature VDM Alloy 780 Ni-base superalloy
Characterization of the Porosity of Coagulated Montmorillonite by SANS
Characterization of the Precipitation Process in Fe-Cu Model Alloys by SANS
Characterization of the rainy season in Burkina Faso and it’s representation by regional climate models
Characterization of the ScaRaB - Resurs Model in the Solar spectral domain - an update
Characterization of the ScaRaB spare model and ScaRaB FM2 in the solar spectral domain
Characterization of Ti6Al4V/Al7020-T6 friction welds using SRMueCT
Characterization of Tissue Transglutaminase as a Potential Biomarker for Tissue Response toward Biomaterials
Characterization of transport properties on SPEEK-CNT composites
Characterization of Vapor Capillary Geometry in Laser Beam Welding of Copper with 515 nm and 1030 nm Laser Beam Sources by Means of In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Imaging
Characterization, Optimisation and Perspectives of Light Weight Metal Hydride Materials and Systems based thereon for Hydrogen Storage
Characterizing Mercury Depletion Events in Ny-Alesund, 2003
Characterizing model particle surfaces with different cellular uptake behaviour
Characterizing shape-memory effects of polymeric micro-scale objects
Characterizing the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a in the German Bight
Characterizing uncertainties in the ESA-CCI land cover map of the epoch 2010 and their impacts on MPI-ESM climate simulations
Charakteriserung von Membranen
Charakterisierung CO2-selektiver Membranen zur Biogasaufbereitung (Diplomarbeit)
Charakterisierung der Biokompatibilität neuartiger Partikel für die therapeutische Apherese
Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften von Polyelektrolytkomplexschichten
Charakterisierung der Festigkeitseigenschaften von Gamma-Titanaluminiden durch Mikrohaerte und die Aktivierungsparameter der plastischen Verformung
Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Titanlegierungen als Strukturwerkstoffe
Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Titanlegierungen als Strukturwerkstoffe
Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Titanlegierungen als Strukturwerkstoffe
Charakterisierung des Akute-Phase Proteins Transferrin in Blutproben von Seehunden (Phoca vitulina)
Charakterisierung des Umformverhaltens von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen fuer geschmiedete Fahrzeugraeder (Dissertation)
Charakterisierung diffusionsgeschweisster Titanaluminide. Characterisation of diffusion-welded titanium aluminides
Charakterisierung einer Beta- erstarrenden Gamma-TiAl Basislegierung
Charakterisierung einer Kompositmembran fuer die Konditionierung von Raffinerie- und Erdgas (Diplomarbeit)
Charakterisierung einer pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten TNM-Titanaluminid Legierung mittels komplementärer quantitativer Methoden
Charakterisierung einer pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten TNM-Titanaluminid Legierung mittels komplementärer quantitativer Methoden
Charakterisierung einer pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten TNM™-Titanaluminid-Legierung mittels komplementärer quantitativer Methoden - The Characterisation of a Powder Metallurgically Manufactured TNM™ Titanium Aluminide Alloy Using Complimentary Quantitative Methods
Charakterisierung eines neuen Flachmembranmodultyps fuer die Gaspermeation
Charakterisierung feuchter Polymermembranen mittels mechanischer Spektroskopie
Charakterisierung galvanischer Anodenmaterialien zur Identifizierung potentieller Tracer für anorganische Kontaminanten aus Offshore-Windparks
Charakterisierung kryokonservierter humaner CD14+ Monozyten nach Differenzierung zu Makrophagen und nach Stimulierung mit VEGF-A165
Charakterisierung magnetischer Materialien mit Neutronendepolarisation
Charakterisierung Polymer basierter Biomaterialoberflaechen
Charakterisierung Polymer basierter Biomaterialoberflaechen
Charakterisierung und Anwendung unterschiedlich immobilisierter Enzymmembranen im Reaktor
Charakterisierung und Anwendung von Enzymmembranen
Charakterisierung und Eigenschaften einer neuen loesungsmittel- und saeurestabilen Polymermembran
Charakterisierung und Nachstellung historischer Gipse und Vergleich mit heute bekannten Praeparaten
Charakterisierung und Optimierung von Hohlfadenmembranmodulen fuer die Druckluftentfeuchtung (Diplomarbeit)
Charakterisierung von Acrylnitril/Maleinsaeureanhydrid/Styren-Copolymeren hinsichtlich ihrer Reaktivitaet gegenueber H-aktiven Verbindungen
Charakterisierung von aquatischen Huminstoffen mit Hilfe von Streumethoden (Synchrotronstrahlung und Neutronen) und Roentgenmikroskopie
Charakterisierung von carboxylhaltigen Plasmapolymerschichten
Charakterisierung von carboxylhaltigen Plasmapolymerschichten
Charakterisierung von Cellulosederivaten durch Loeslichkeitsuntersuchungen
Charakterisierung von Cellulosederivaten durch Loeslichkeitsuntersuchungen
Charakterisierung von Constrainteffekten bei Risswiderstandskurven mit der Delta BL-Methode
Charakterisierung von Endgruppen-modifizierten Oligoetherestern mittels MALDI-TOF
Charakterisierung von Festkoerper-Gas- und Festkoerper-Fluessigkeit-Grenzflaechen mittels Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie
Charakterisierung von funktionalisierten Membranpolymeren mit Hilfe der IR-Spektroskopie
Charakterisierung von Gradienten-Multischichtsystemen mittels Roentgenstreuung
Charakterisierung von Hochtemperatur-Verformungsmechanismen in zweiphasigen Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Charakterisierung von hydrolytisch teilabgebauten Polymilchsaeure-Folien
Charakterisierung von laser-additiv gefertigten Strukturen (CALMS)
Charakterisierung von Membranen
Charakterisierung von Membranen
Charakterisierung von Membranen mittel Rasterelektronenmikroskopie
Charakterisierung von Membranen mittels Multi-Mode-Scanning Force Microscopy
Charakterisierung von Membranoberflaechen
Charakterisierung von Membranoberflaechen (P)
Charakterisierung von Membranpolymeren - Methoden und Anwendungen
Charakterisierung von Metallhydrid-Wasserstoffspeicher-Systemen mit Neutronen und Roentgenstrahlung
Charakterisierung von Metallhydriden für einen möglichen Einsatz in einem Wasserstoffkompressor auf Metallhydrid-Basis
Charakterisierung von Mg-Verbundstoffen mittels TOF
Charakterisierung von Mg-Verbundstoffen mittels TOF
Charakterisierung von Polymeren mittels kernresonanzspektroskopischer Methoden (NMR)
Charakterisierung von Rodex-Zustaenden in Sedimenten (Diplomarbeit)
Charakterisierung von Struktur und Koagulationsverhalten refraktaerer organischer Saeuren (ROS) mit Hilfe der Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (SANS), Roentgenkleinwinkelstreuung (SAXS) und Roentgenmikroskopie
Charakterisierung von Struktur und Koagulationsverhalten von Refraktaeren Organischen Saeuren (ROS) mit Hilfe von Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (SANS), Roentgenkleinwinkelstreuung (SAXS) und Roentgenmikroskopie (Dissertation)
Charakterisierung von Strukturen im Stroemungsfeld gemessen mit einem Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (Masterarbeit)
Charakterisierung von TiFeMn Legierungen zur Speicherung von Wasserstoff
Charakterisierung von Wasserstoffspeichermaterialien mit Neutronen und Roentgenstrahlung
Charakterisierungsmethoden fuer Membranen
Charakterisierungsmoeglichkeiten von Metall-Oberflaechen
Charakterisierungsmoeglichkeiten von Metall-Oberflaechen
Charakterisierungsmoeglichkeiten von Metall-Oberflaechen
Charakteristika der Metropolregion Hamburg
Charakteristika des Modellgebietes Lueneburger Heide
Charge Air Separation for the Reduction of Marine Diesel Engine Emissions by Means of Poly(Vinyl Trimethylsilane) Membranes
Charge Air Separation for the Reduction of Marine Diesel Engine Emissions by means of Poly(vinyl trimethylsilane) membranes
Charge and hydration structure of dendritic polyelectrolytes: molecular simulations of polyglycerol sulphate
Charge and size selective thin film composite membranes having tannic acid – Ferric ion network as selective layer
Charge transfer processes and magnetoresistance in strontium ferromolybdate with dielectric barriers
Charge-Induced Unilamellar Vesicle Formation and Phase Separation in Solutions of Di-n-Decylmethylamine Oxide
Charged Dendrimers Revisited: Effective Charge and Surface Potential of Dendritic Polyglycerol Sulfate
CHARISMA: Results of a European Project on Rising Load/Rising Displacement Testing of EAC
Chelating agent-assisted in situ LDH growth on the surface of magnesium alloy
Chemical and microstructural study of the oxygen passivation behaviour of nanocrystalline Mg and MgH2
Chemical and photoelectrochemical instability of amorphous TiO2 layers quantified by spectroscopic ellipsometry
Chemical Changes in Polyetherimide (PEI) Joined by Friction-based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) Technique
Chemical Changes in Polyetherimide (PEI) Joined by Friction-based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) Technique
Chemical Changes in Polyetherimide (PEI) Joined by Friction-based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) Technique
Chemical characteristics of plants growing on different soils in central Europe
Chemical contaminants in the Wadden Sea: Sources, transport, fate and effects
Chemical functionalization of cellulosic membrane surfaces
Chemical heterogeneities in tungsten containing TiAl alloys processed by powder metallurgy
Chemical interface damping by electrochemical oxidation of gold
Chemical labels and natural element tags for the quantitative analysis of bio-molecules
Chemical Modification and Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy of Polystyrene-block-Polyisoprene diblock copolymers
Chemical modification of cellulose membranes with impoved blood compatibility
Chemical modification of cellulose membranes with improved blood compatibility
Chemical modification of cellulosic membranes and their blood compatibility
Chemical Modification of Poly(1-Trimethylsylil-1-Propyne) for the Creation of Highly Efficient CO2-Selective Membrane Materials
Chemical modification of polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes for enzyme immobilization
Chemical modification of uridine modulates mRNA-mediated proinflammatory and antiviral response in primary human macrophages
Chemical Modification, Thermal Characterization and Dielectric Spectroscopy of Polystyrene-block-Polyisoprene Diblock Copolymers
Chemical modified cellulose membranes
Chemical ozone loss in a chemistry-climate model from 1960-1999
Chemical State, Distribution, and Role of Ti- and Nb-Based Additives on the Ca(BH4)2 System
Chemical surface alteration of biodegradable magnesium exposed to corrosion media
Chemical surface alteration of biodegradable magnesium exposed to corrosion media
Chemical Transport Modelling
Chemical, toxicological und genotoxicological characterisation of sediments from the river Elbe, Germany
Chemically and morphologically defined ultrafiltration membrane surfaces prepared by heterogeneous photo-initiated graft polymerization
Chemically and thermally resistant nanofiltration membranes
Chemically Tailored Multifunctional Asymmetric Isoporous Triblock Terpolymer Membranes for Selective Transport
Chemically-tailored multifunctional asymmetric isoporous triblock terpolymer membranes for selective transport
Chemie ist nicht nur wenn es knallt und stinkt! Intelligente Kunststoffe
Chemie ist nicht nur wenn es knallt und stinkt! Intelligente Kunststoffe
Chemie ist nicht nur wenn es knallt und stinkt! Intelligente Kunststoffe : Chemische Stimuli und deren Anwendung
Chemie ist nicht nur wenn es knallt und stinkt! Intelligente Kunststoffe, Chemische Stimuli und deren Anwendung
Chemie ist nicht nur wenn es knallt und stinkt! - Intelligente Kunststoffe
Chemie ist nicht nur; wenn es knallt und stinkt! Intelligente Kunststoffe
Chemie und Transport von atmosphaerischen Spurenstoffen: Das chemische Anthroprozaen
Chemieanlagen und Umweltschutz
Chemieanlagen und Umweltschutz
Chemiesorption und physikalische Absorption zur Abtrennung anorganischer Schadstoffe aus Abgasstroemen
Chemische Analysen zur Charakterisierung der Wasserguete des Baikalsees und eines benachbarten Zellulosewerkes
Chemische Analytik und Toxizitaetstests - Werkzeuge/Kriterien fuer eine Beurteilung der Qualitaet von Sedimenten und Baggergut
Chemische Behandlung von Sediment und Wasser
Chemische Behandlung von Sediment und Wasser
Chemische Funktionalisierungen von synthetischen Membranen fuer Stofftrennungen
Chemische Homogenitaet und Gefuege von Nb-haltigen Gamma-TiAl-Legierungen
Chemische Modifizierung von Cellulosemembranen
Chemische Modifizierung von Cellulosemembranen
Chemische Modifizierungen von Ultrafiltrations-Membranen aus Polyacrylnitril zur Enzym-Immobilisierung
Chemische Oelbekaempfung an der Deutschen Nordseekueste?
Chemische Speziation von Xenobiotika und neue Wege in der aquatischen Toxikologie
Chemische Umweltbelastung - Umweltverhalten von Xenobiotika
Chemische Umweltbelastung - Umweltverhalten von Xenobiotika
Chemische Umweltbelastungen
Chemische und biologische Prozesse bezueglich des Sauerstoff- und Naehrstoffhaushalts beim Uebergang der Elbe in den Tidebereich
Chemo-mechanical Coupling in Nanoporous Palladium-hydrogen (Dissertation)
Chemo-responsive Polymer Networks Based on Rhodium Coordination Bonds
Chemo-responsive Polymer Networks Containing Coordination Crosslinks and Covalent Netpoints
Chemometric tools for determining site-specific elemental and strontium isotopic fingerprints in raw and salted sturgeon caviar
Chemometrische Auswertung von Elbewasseranalysen zur Untersuchung der raeumlichen und zeitlichen Entwicklung der Elementbelastung in Schwebstoffen
Chemoresponsive Shape-Memory Effect of Rhodium–Phosphine Coordination Polymer Networks
Chinese lockdown as aerosol reduction experiment
Chinese student work on storms done at HZG
Chiral criticality in the doped helimagnets Mn1-GammaFeGammaSi
Chiral Properties of Structure and Magnetism in Mn 1-x Fe x Ge Compounds: When the Left and the Right are Fighting, Who Wins?
Chirality effects in transition metal monogermanides and silicides (Dissertation)
Chitosan coatings crosslinked with genipin for corrosion protection of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
Chloride transportation and deposition model in marine atmospheric corrosion
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in sediments of the Elbe catchment area: Analytical methods and status of pollution
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in sediments of the Elbe river and the Elbe estuary
Chlorophyll Alpha concentration as an index of sediment surface stabilisation by microphytobenthos ?
Chlorophyll-a specific volume scattering function of phytoplankton
Chondrocyte re-differentiation on ethyl lysine diisocyanate cross-linked gelatin based 3-D scaffolds: Application in cartilage tissue engineering
Chondrocyte re-differentiation on ethyl lysine diisocyanate cross-linked gelatin based 3-D scaffolds: Application in cartilage tissue engineering
Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5-cells under the influence of Magnesium and Magnesium alloy degradation
Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5-cells under the influence of Magnesium and Magnesium alloy degradation
Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5-cells under the influence of Mg and Mg alloy degradation
Chopped graphite nanofibrous membranes for water treatment
Chromate-Free Corrosion Protection Strategies for Magnesium Alloys—A Review: Part III—Corrosion Inhibitors and Combining Them with Other Protection Strategies
Chromate-Free Corrosion Protection Strategies for Magnesium Alloys—A Review: Part II—PEO and Anodizing
Chromate-Free Corrosion Protection Strategies for Magnesium Alloys—A Review: PART I—Pre-Treatment and Conversion Coating
Chronic Oil Pollution in the North Sea: a Drift Climatology Represented by a Bayesian Network
Ciliaten im Sediment eines Mittelgebirgsbaches
Circular dichroism: A powerful tool for studying biomineralization promoter proteins
Circulation dynamics and its influence on European and Mediterranean January–April climate over the past half millennium: results and insights from instrumental data, documentary evidence and coupled climate models
Circulation of the European northwest shelf: a Lagrangian perspective
Circulation variability and temperature representativity during the last interglacial - results from simulations with the AOGCM ECHO-G
Circulation variability and temperature representativity during the last interglacial - results from simulations with the AOGCM ECHO-G
Circumglobal wave train and the summer monsoon over northwestern India and Pakistan: the explicit role of the surface heat low
Cirrus Dynamics
Cirrus Dynamics
Cirrus Dynamics: Turbulence Measurements
Cirrus particle scattering profiling: validity assessment of the Klett solution with combined lidar measurements
Cirrus: The Future
Cities on the Coast and Patterns of Movement between Population Growth and Diffusion
City Scale Modeling of Ultrafine Particles in Urban Areas with Special Focus on Passenger Ferryboat Emission Impact
City-scale Chemistry Transport Model - User Guide CityChem-EPISODE version 1.0
Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere based on an Instrumented Container: The new CARIBIC system
Claisen thermally rearranged (CTR) polymers
Clarify the forming mechanism and afecting factors of defects in semi-stationary shoulder bobbin tool friction stir welding
Clarifying the decisive factors for utilization efficiency of Mg anodes for primary aqueous batteries
Clarifying the influence of albumin on the initial stages of magnesium corrosion in Hank's balanced salt solution
Classical Fracture Mechanics Methods
Classification of Dynamic Dispersive Surfaces: A Proposal to Transfer a Method Which Determines Hydrographic-Parameter Maps from Images Sequences of the Ocean-Sea Surface to Solid-Matter Physics
Classification of Dynamic Surfaces: a Proposal to Transfer a Method Which Determines Hydrographic-Parameter Maps from Image Sequences of the Ocean-Sea Surface to Solid-Matter Physics
Classifying calpain inhibitors for the treatment of cataracts: a Self Organising Map (SOM) ANN/KM approach in drug discovery
Clean Production with Membrane Technology
Clean Production with Membrane Technology
Clicked gelatin hydrogels - Multifunctional networks showing enzymatic surface degradation
Climat de l’Afrique centrale : passé, présent et futur
Climate action as a multi-dimensional challenge
Climate Adaptation and Successful Adaptation Definitions: Latin American Perspectives Using the Delphi Method
Climate and Coast: Overview and Introduction
Climate and environmental context of the Mongol invasion of Syria and defeat at ‘Ayn Jālūt (1258–1260 CE)
Climate and Human Induced Impacts on the Coastal Zone of the Southern North Sea
Climate and Society - Climate as Resource, Climate as Risk
Climate as a construct
Climate based multi-year predictions of the Barents Sea cod stock
Climate change adaptation in key social-ecological systems
Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German “Energiewende” – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations? : Working Paper Series in Economics
Climate change and adaptation in Central Africa: past, scenarios and options for the future
Climate change and alterations of the hydrodynamic impact in the Jade-Weser area
Climate change and hydrodynamic impact in the Jade-Weser area: a case study
Climate change and hydrodynamic impact in the Jade-Weser area: a case study
Climate change and hydrodynamic impact on the Jade-Weser region
Climate change and North Sea storm surge extremes - an ensemble study (PRUDENCE)
Climate change and North Sea storm surge extremes: An ensemble study of storm surge extremes expected in a changed climate projected by four different regional climate models
Climate change and regional ocean water mass disappearance: Case of the Black Sea
Climate change and sea level: From a global to a Baltic perspective
Climate change and the implications to coastal regions and harbor cities
Climate Change and Variability in Coastal Regions
Climate change and violent conflict in Europe over the last millennium
Climate Change as a interdisciplinary challenge for natural and sciences
Climate Change as a regional challenge - the role of science
Climate Change Assessment for the Baltic Sea Basin
Climate change assessments as a service to society: The BACC example
Climate Change Attribution of Extreme Weather Events
Climate change attribution of extreme weather events using spectrally nudged event storylines
Climate Change Challenges and Problems
Climate change during the last 200 years - Sea level and wind waves
Climate change effects on marine protected areas: Projected decline of benthic species in the North Sea
Climate change impact estimates for extreme marine events in the german Bight (North Sea)
Climate Change Impact Estimates for North Sea Storm Surge and Wave Conditions
Climate change impact on barrier island freshwater lenses and their transition zones: a multi-parameter study.
Climate change impact on extreme wave conditions in the North Sea: An ensemble study
Climate change impact on North Sea wave conditions: a consistent analysis of ten projections
Climate Change Impact on the Arctic Economy
Climate change impacts on the power generation potential of a European mid-century wind farms scenario
Climate Change in the Baltic Sea region - The BACC assessments
Climate Change in the Baltic Sea region - The BACC assessments
Climate Change in the Baltic Sea region - What do we know?
Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary
Climate Change in the Wadden Sea
Climate change related risks, opportunities and adaptation actions in European cities – Insights from responses to the CDP cities program : Working Paper Series in Economics
Climate change scenarios
Climate change scenarios at Ausrtian National Forest Inventory sites
Climate change scenarios for storm surges in the North Sea
Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin - Final Report : CSC Report
Climate Change Scenarios — Purpose and Construction
Climate change, Comment on Roger A Pielke's "What is climate change?"
Climate Change: facts and myths
Climate change: The necessary, the possible and the desirable Earth League climate statement on the implications for climate policy from the 5th IPCC Assessment
Climate changes in historical times and societal consequences: The dispute at the turn of the last century
Climate Dynamics: The Dichotomy of Stochastic Concepts and Deterministic Modeling
Climate Engineering - Rettung oder Risiko
Climate Engineering – Rettung oder Risiko?
Climate evaluation of storminess at the German Bight and at the southwestern coast of Baltic Sea
Climate evolution in the last five centuries simulated by an atmosphere-ocean model: global temperatures, the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Late Maunder Minimum
Climate extremes relevant for permafrost degradation
Climate for Culture – Assessing Climate Change Impacts Resulting from Modelled Future Indoor Climates in Historic Buildings
Climate for Culture – Assessing Climate Change Impacts Resulting from Modelled Future Indoor Climates in Historic Buildings
Climate for Culture: assessing the impact of climate change on the future indoor climate in historic buildings using simulations
Climate hazard indices projections based on CORDEX-CORE, CMIP5 and CMIP6 ensemble
Climate impacts in Europe under +1.5°C global warming
Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy : School of Environmental Research - Organized by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Climate Information for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Needs and Challenges
Climate Information for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Needs and Challenges
Climate mode simulation of North Atlantic polar lows in a limited area model
Climate Model Bias Correction und die Deutsche Anpassungsstrategie
Climate model simulates global cold climate and large-scale North Atlantic sea-ice anomalies during Late Maunder Minimum (1675-1710)
Climate model simulates global cold climate and large-scale North Atlantic sea-ice anomalies during Late Maunder Minimum (1675-1710)
Climate Model Simulates Global Cold Climate During Late Maunder Minimum (1675-1710)
Climate modelling in the context of policy guidance and risk-assessments.
Climate modelling with quasi-realistic models - experiences in describing climate during the Holocene and the Eemian and in designing scenarios of plausible future climate change.
Climate models and modeling: an editorial essay
Climate research and policy advice: scientific and cultural constructions of knowledge
Climate Research in Society
Climate research under post-normal conditions
Climate research under post-normal conditions
Climate Research – A type of physics?
Climate Research: The Case for the Social Sciences
Climate Research: The case for the social sciences in climate research
Climate risk information: An essential service for planning
Climate Science - Can we overcome the big divide?
Climate science and climate scientists - what can we contribute to the process of determining political goals?
Climate science and media; a personal account
Climate science and the Transfer of Knowledge to Public and Political Realms
Climate science and the Transfer of Knowledge to Public and Political Realms
Climate Science in a Postnormal Context
Climate Science in Society
Climate Science in Society
Climate Science in Society
Climate Science in the EU
Climate science, IPCC, postnormality and the crisis of trust
Climate Science: An empirical example of postnormal science
Climate science: the shrinking middle - Klimapolitik: In der Zange der Extremisten - Science et changement climatique: les scientifiques pris en tenaille
Climate services for marine applications in Europe
Climate services for sustainable resource management: The water—energy—land nexus in the Tărlung river basin (Romania)
Climate Services to Improve Public Health
Climate services under post normal conditions
Climate Services under Post-Normal Conditions
Climate Servicing - limits and obstacles
Climate Simulation for 125 kyr BP with a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Model
Climate simulation for the last millennium. Implications for the Baltic Sea
Climate simulations for the last interglacial period by means of climate models of different complexity (Dissertation)
Climate simulations of the past millennium with the global climate model ECHO-G: results for the Baltex area
Climate simulations of the past millennium with the global climate model ECHO-G: results for the Baltex area
Climate Variability and Improved Sea Ice and Snow Albedo Parameterisation within the Global Ocean Atmosphere Model ECHO-G
Climate variability during the Dalton Minimum within different historical simulations with the climate model ECHO-G
Climate variability in comprehensive climate simulations at the beginning of the Common Era over Europe
Climate variability in Scandinavia for the past millennium simulated by an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
Climate variability in the Baltic Sea Basin over the last 12,000 calendar years: Lessons from the past for the future (solicited)
Climate variability in the Baltic Sea Basin over the last 12,000 calendar years: Lessons from the past for the future (solicited)
Climate Variability wihtin the climate model ECHO-G during the Dalton Minimum
Climate variability within historical ensemble climate simulations with the climate model ECHO-G with respect to the Dalton Minimum
Climate variability within the climate model ECHO-G during the Dalton Minimum
Climate Variants of the MM5 and REMO Regional Climate Models
Climate Works: An Anatomy of a Disbanded Line of Research
Climate Works: An Anatomy of a Disbanded Line of Research
Climate Workshop urges interdisciplinary paleo simulations, analyses
Climate, Coast, and Morphology
Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development
Climateurope Festival: An innovative way of linking science and society
Climatic responses of tree-ring width and Delta13C signatures of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) on soils with contrasting water supply
Climatic threats determining future adaptive forest management – A case study of Zala County
Climatic trends in the North Atlantic region during the last 2,000 years in an orbitally forced AOGCM simulation
Climatological estimates of evaporation at the surface of the Baltic Sea
Climatology of North Sea wind energy derived from a model hindcast for 1958-2012
Climatology of North Sea wind energy for 1958 – 2012
Clinical and angiographic results after implantation of a passive-coated coronary stent in patients with acute myocardial infarction
CliSci2008: A Survey of the Perspectives of Climate Scientists Concerning Climate Science and Climate Change
Closed-form formulas for the effective properties of random particulate nanocomposites with complete Gurtin–Murdoch model of material surfaces
Closed-loop control of product geometry by using an artificial neural network in incremental sheet forming with active medium
Closing the water balance in a regional coupled system model over the North and the Baltic Sea
Closing the water balance in a regional coupled system model over the North and the Baltic Sea
Closure free hysteresis in FCP: effect of load increase on the post-threshold non-propagation
Cloud and precipitation physics - An introduction
Cloud and precipitation physics – An introduction
Cloud boundaries and structure in mixed phase clouds as deduced from ground-based 95-GHz radar and airborne lidar measurements
Cloud boundaries and structure in mixed phase, mid-level clouds as deduced from groud-based 95GHz radar and airborne lidar measurements during CLARE 98
Cloud effective particle size and water content profile retrievals using combined lidar and radar observations: Part II: Comparison with IR radiometer and in-situ measurements of ice clouds
Cloud formation within a sea-breeze circulation system
Cloud generated radiative heating from METEOSAT data
Cloud inhomogeneity effects on radiative transfer simulations for clouds measured in the BBC field campaign
Cloud Layer Overlap and the Influence of Vertical and Temporal Resolution of Radar Data
Cloud Layer Statistics During BBC
Cloud layer statistics during BBC
Cloud measurements with a polarization Raman elastic-backscatter lidar
Cloud physics and the role of clouds in the climate system
Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) for HALO
Cloud Radar Projects in Europe
Cloud radar projects in Europe
Cloud Radar Remote Sensing and related Projects in Europe
Cloud Remote Sensing by Combining Synergenetic Sensor Information
Cloud remote sensing by combining synergetic sensor information
Cloud response to summer temperatures in Fennoscandia over the last thousand years
Cloud scene accurancy by radiance and flux measurements from GERB and SEVIRI
Cloud Structure and Cloud Boundaries as Measured by a 95 GHz Radar and a Lidar: Results of Conventional Interpretation and Wavelet Analysis
Cloud-generated radiative flux divergence from Meteosat imagery data and ICE 207 measurements
Cloud-generated radiative heating and its generation of available potential energy
Cloud-generated radiative heating determined from satellite measurements
Cloud-Radiation Studies During the European Cloud and Radiation Experiment (EUCREX)
Clouds and the radiative heating of the earth surface-atmosphere system
Cluster-cluster interaction in nanodiamond hydrosols by small-angle scattering
Clusteranalyse zur Erkennung kohaerenter Strukturen in Umweltdaten (Diplomarbeit)
Clusterdynamische Modellierung der Fruehstadien der Entmischung in Ni-Al-Legierungen
CMAQ simulations of the benzo(a)pyrene distribution over Europe for 2000 and 2001
CMEMS-Based Coastal Analyses: Conditioning, Coupling and Limits for Applications
CMIP5-Derived Single-Forcing, Single-Model, and Single-Scenario Wind-Wave Climate Ensemble: Configuration and Performance Evaluation
Cnidom analysis combined with an in vitro evaluation of the lytic, cyto- and neurotoxic potential of Cyanea capillata (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa)
CO (1-0) observations of Magellanic-type irregular dwarf galaxies Sextans B and IC 1613
(Co-)Polyesters Derived from Isosorbide and 1,4-Cyclohexane Dicarboxylic Acid and Succinic Acid
Co-Benefits and Trade-Offs in the Water–Energy Nexus of Irrigation Modernization in China
Co-delivery of genes can be confounded by bicistronic vector design
Co-Extrusion of Compound-Cast AA7075/6060 Bilayer Billets at Various Temperatures
Co-Re-based alloys a new class of material for gas turbine applications at very high temperatures
Co-self-assembly of cationic microparticles to deliver pEGFP-ZNF580 for promoting the transfection and migration of endothelial cells
Co-transfection Strategies for In Vitro Transcribed mRNA
Co-transfection Strategies for In Vitro Transcribed mRNA
CO2 capture with membranes - Options and limitations
CO2 enrichment from flue gas for the cultivation of algae – A field test
CO2 Removal from Power Plant Flue Gases: Gas Permeation Pilot Plant Experiments
CO2 Removal from Power Plant Flue Gases: Gas Permeation Pilot Plant Experiments
CO2 reutilization for methane production via a catalytic process promoted by hydrides
CO2 Selective Membrane Materials on the Basis of Poly(Vinyltrimethylsilane)-graft-poly(Ethylene Glycol)
CO2 selective membrane materials on the basis of poly(vinyltrimethylsilane)-graft-poly(ethylene glycol)
CO2 Selective Membrane Technology for Regenerative Energy Applications
CO2 selective membranes for coal power plants
CO2 Selective PolyActive Membrane: Thermal Transitions and Gas Permeance as a Function of Thickness
CO2 selektive Polymermembranen und ihre Anwendungen
CO2 separation by membrane technology: Application in the cement industry based on pilot scale research
CO2 Sorption induced Dilation in Polysulfone: Comparative Analysis of Experimental and Molecular Modeling Results
CO2-Philic Polymer Membrane with Extremely High Separation Performance
CO2-sensitivities: DOC production and acidification
Coarsening of secondary hardening carbides in a hot-work tool steel: experiments and simulation
Coarsening of secondary hardening carbides in a hot-work tool steel: experiments and simulation
Coastal Cultural Ecosystem Services and Adolescents’ Subjective Well-being
Coastal flooding: impact of waves on storm surge during extremes. A case study for the German Bight
Coastal Governance im Wandel: Die Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Schleswig-Holstein
Coastal Governance im Wandel: Die Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Schleswig-Holstein
Coastal high resolution wind fields retrieved from RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR
Coastal horizontal wind speed gradients in the North Sea based on observations and ERA5 reanalysis data
Coastal impacts on offshore wind farms - a review focussing on the German Bight area
Coastal landscapes: The relevance of researching coastscapes for managing coastal change in North Frisia
Coastal Meteorology
Coastal Monitoring Network - Remotely Controlled German System Alerts Operators To METOC Events - Provides Monitoring und Analysis Data - New Technologies
Coastal observatories: observation, modelling and analysis of global change in coastal waters
Coastal observing and forecasting system for the German Bight – estimates of hydrophysical states
Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas: User interactions in COSYNA
Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) - Part II
Coastal Ocean Forecasting: science foundation and user benefits
Coastal ocean model applications that serve the needs of the coastal impacts community
Coastal Research as an Applied Science
Coastal Research as an Applied Science
Coastal Research as an Applied Science
Coastal science - Issues and potentials
Coastal seas: Resources and risks
Coastal vegetation and estuaries are collectively a greenhouse gas sink
Coastal wind fields retrieved from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar images in comparison to numerical models
CoastColour Round Robin data sets: a database to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters
CoastDat - Model Data for Science and Industry
CoastDAT at IfK of GKSS; Part I: Detailed description and assessment of coastal climate change since 1958 in N Europe
CoastDAT at IfK of GKSS; Part II: Detailed projections of coastal climate change until 2100 in N Europe
CoastDat: Baltic Sea wave conditions in a changing climate
CoastDat: Data for Marine Science and Offshore Industry
Coastline Changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East - Coastal Research Library
Coastline Reports - Forschung fuer ein Integriertes Kuestenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermuendungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee
Coating Degradation in Marine Atmospheric: Analysis of Real-Time Data Acquired from On-Site Sensors
Coating Influence on SCC Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy
Coating Influence on SCC Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy
Coating Nanoporous Gold by pulsed electrodeposition
Coatings for FEL optics: preparation and characterization of B4C and Pt
Coatings from Cold Gas Spraying of Semiconductor Precursors for the photooxidation of water
Coaxial electrospinning of Gelatin/PEEU to fiber meshes with enhanced mesenchymal stem cell attachment and proliferation
Coaxial electrospinning of PEEU/gelatin to fiber meshes with enhanced mesenchymal stem cell attachment and proliferation
Coaxial laser directed energy deposition with wire of thin-walled duplex stainless steel parts: Process discontinuities and their impact on the mechanical properties
Code of Practice for Creep Crack Growth Testing of Industrial Specimens
Code of Practice for Creep Crack Growth Testing of Industrial Specimens
Code of Practice for Creep Crack Growth Testing of Industrial Specimens
Code of practice for high-temperature testing of weldments
Code-less Frontpanel - GUI's ohne Code
Code-less Frontpanel - GUI's ohne Code
Codegenerator fuer das Erstellen einer VI-Hierarchie aus SD-Diagramm mit VI-Scripting
Codegenerator fuer das Erstellen einer VI-Hierarchie aus SD-Diagramm mit VI-Scripting
Coexistence of competitors mediated by nonlinear noise
Coherency stresses and interface-related deformation phenomena in two-phase titanium aluminides
Coherent charge and magnetic ordering in Ho/Y superlattice revealed by element-selective x-ray scattering
Coherent phase change in interstitial solutions: a hierarchy of instabilities
Cohesive Elements for Thin-Walled Structures
Cohesive elements for thin-walled structures
Cohesive elements for thin-walled structures
Cohesive Strength and Separation Energy as Characteristic Parameters of Fracture Toughness and Their Relation to Micromechanics
Cohesive Strength and Separation Energy as Characteristic Parameters of Fracture Toughness and Their Relation to Micromechanics
Cohesive Strength and Separation Energy as Characteristic Parameters of Fracture Toughness and Their Relation to Micromechanics
Cohesive Strength and Separation Energy in Ductile Crack Growth
Cohesive zone model for ductile fracture
Cohesive zone model for ductile fracture - comparison of prediction with experiment
Cokulturtestsystem fuer die Untersuchung des Einflusses physikochemischer Eigenschaften von Copolymeren auf das Verhalten von Keratinozyten und Fibroblasten (Dissertation)
Cold Adapted Nitrosospira sp.: A Potential Crucial Contributor of Ammonia Oxidation in Cryosols of Permafrost-Affected Landscapes in Northeast Siberia
Cold formability of extruded Magnesium bands
Cold Formability of Extruded Magnesium Bands
Cold Gas Sprayed Semiconductor-Based Electrodes for the Photo-Induced Water Oxidation
Cold Gas Sprayed TiO2-Based Electrodes for the Photo-Induced Water Oxidation
Cold Gas Sprayed TiO2-Based Electrodes for the Photo-Induced Water Oxidation
Cold gas spraying of semiconductor coatings for the photooxidation of water
Cold gas spraying of semiconductor coatings for the photooxidation of water
Cold gas spraying of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb intermetallic for jet engine applications
Cold gas spraying – A promising technique for photoelectrodes: The example TiO2
Cold Gas Traps for Ice Particle Formation
Cold Gas Traps for Secondary H2O Cluster Formation in Stationary Ultrasonic Fields
Cold Neutrons in BNCT Radiobiological Research
Cold rolling textures in AZ31 wrought magnesium alloy
Cold Spraying of MAX Phases
Cold Spraying of Ti2AlC MAX-Phase Coatings
Cold-Gas Traps in Stationary Ultrasonic Fields
Cold-Spraying of Ti2AlC MAX-Phase Coatings
Cold-Spraying of Ti2AlC MAX-Phase Coatings
Collaborative development of protective coatings in a B2B2B environment using the VIPCOAT Open Innovation Platform
Collaborative Industrial Innovation along Production Chain of Active Protective Coatings
Collagen and Fibronectin Substrates Mediated Local SDF-1 Gene Expression Induces Stem Cells Homing
Collagen and Fibronectin Substrates Mediated Local SDF-1 Gene Expression Induces Stem Cells Homing
Collagen Fiber Orientation Is Coupled with Specific Nano-Compositional Patterns in Dark and Bright Osteons Modulating Their Biomechanical Properties
Collagen Peptide Upregulates Osteoblastogenesis from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells through MAPK-Runx2
Collagen type-IV Langmuir and Langmuir-Schaefer layers as model biointerfaces to direct stem cell adhesion
Collagen type-IV Langmuir-Schaefer films as substrates to direct mesenchymal stem cell adherence
Collecting Oceanography Data from Ferries
Collecting Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Climate Data as Service for Adaptation Projects
Collection of human and environmental data on pesticide use in Europe and Argentina: Field study protocol for the SPRINT project
Collective action and agency in Baltic Sea marine spatial planning: Transnational policy coordination in the promotion of regional coherence
Collisional Gas-Flow Cooling Cell – A Powerful Tool for FTIR-Spectroscopy
Colossal Light-Induced Refractive-Index Modulation for Neutrons in Holographic Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals
Colour-Value Based Method for Polydopamine Coating-Stability Characterization on Polyethersulfone Membranes
Combination of Cooling Curve And Micro-Chemical Phase Analysis of Rapidly Quenched Magnesium AM60B Alloy
Combination of Cooling Curve And Micro-Chemical Phase Analysis of Rapidly Quenched Magnesium AM60B Alloy
Combinations of biopolymers and synthetic polymers for bone regeneration
Combined Aerosol-Ozone Raman Lidar
Combined analysis of field and model data: A case study of the phosphate dynamics in the German bight in summer 1994
Combined analysis of world data on nucleon spin structure functions
Combined Analytical and Numerical Process Modeling for Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding
Combined bioassay-chemical fractionation scheme for the determination of toxic organic chemicals in river sediments
Combined caloric effects in a multiferroic Ni–Mn–Ga alloy with broad refrigeration temperature region
Combined Computational and Experimental Study on the Influence of Surface Chemistry of Carbon-Based Electrodes on Electrode–Electrolyte Interactions in Supercapacitors
Combined ESI and ICP-MS approach for the quantification of bio-molecules using natural element tags
Combined experimental-numerical analysis of the temperature evolution and distribution during friction surfacing
Combined experimental-numerical studies along process-structure-property-performance chain
Combined experimental–numerical study on residual stresses induced by a single impact as elementary process of mechanical peening
Combined experimental–numerical study on residual stresses induced by a single impact as elementary process of mechanical peening
Combined lidar measurement of cloud properties, stratospheric aerosol and ozone profiles over Geesthacht (53.4°N, 10.4°E)
Combined lidar measurement of cloud properties, stratospheric aerosol and ozone profiles over Geesthacht (53.4°N, 10.4°E)
Combined lidar remote sensing of ozone in the planetary boundary layer and SF6 tracer dispersion experiments during Schauinsland 95''
Combined neutron scattering, neutron capture gamma ray and positron annihilation studies on materials under elastic and plastic deformation
Combined NMR and computational study for azide binding to human manganese superoxide dismutase
Combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar for the independent measurement of aerosol backscatter and extinction profiles
Combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar for vertical profiling of moisture, aerosol extinction, backscatter and lidar ratio
Combined Raman lidar for aerosol, ozone and moisture measurements
Combined Synchrotron and Neutron Structural Refinement of R-Phase in Ti(50.75) Ni(47.75) Fe(1.50)Shape Memory Alloy
Combined Time-Position Controlled Friction Riveting of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6 and Aluminum Alloy 6056 Hybrid Joints
Combined Time-Position Controlled Friction Riveting of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6 and Aluminum Alloy 6056 Hybrid Joints
Combined transcatheter treatment of severe mitral regurgitation and secundum atrial septal defect in an inoperable patient: a case report
Combined usage of neural net technology and minimization procedure allows us to improve the retrieval accuracy and to obtain error estimates of concentrations of water constituents from MERIS data
Combined use of small-angle neutron scattering and atom probe tomography for the analysis of precipitatesin a Fe-15 m%Co-25 m%Mo alloy
Combined x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies of the LiBH4–MgH2 reactive hydride composite with and without a Ti-based additive
Combinig complementary techniques to study precipitates in steels
Combining Bow-Ties and BBNs to inform environmental decision-making
Combining experimental CO2-sensitivities and ecosystem models
Combining fibrinogen and magnesium to produce immunomodulatory biomaterials: impact on macrophages and their crosstalk with mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
Combining fibrinogen and magnesium to produce immunomodulatory biomaterials: impact on macrophages and their crosstalk with mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
Combining hardness measurements of a heat-treated crankshaft bearing with cross-sectional residual stress and retained austenite distributions measured by HEXRD
Combining High-Resolution Hard X-ray Tomography and Histology for Stem Cell-Mediated Distraction Osteogenesis
Combining micro computed tomography and three-dimensional registration to evaluate local strains in shape memory scaffolds
Combining model simulations and observations: Benefits and observations
Combining paleclimate simulations and proxy records
Combining Paleoclimatic Evidence and GCMS by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
Combining peridynamic and finite element simulations to capture the corrosion of degradable bone implants and to predict their residual strength
Combining Radar, Passive Microwave and Ceilometer data from 4D-Clouds field phase
Combining social network analysis and agent-based model for enabling nature-based solution implementation: The case of Medina del Campo (Spain)
Coming together – symbiont acquisition and early development in deep-sea bathymodioline mussels
Comment on "Crystallization kinetics''
Comment on "Trends and low frequency variability of extratropical cyclone activity in the ensemble of twentieth century reanalysis" by Xiaolan L. Wang, Y. Feng, G. P. Compo, V. R. Swail, F. W. Zwiers, R. J. Allan, and P. D. Sardeshmukh, Climate Dynamics, 2012
Comment on 'Improved global maps and 54-year history of wind-work on ocean inertial Motions' by M.H. Alford
Comment on error analysis of backscatter from discrete dipole approximation for different ice particle shapes
Comment on “Hockey sticks, principal components, and spurious significance” by S. McIntyre and R. McKitrick
Comment on “Monoclonal Antibody Discovery based on precise selection of single transgenic hybridomas with an On-Cell-Surface and Antigen-Specific Anchor”
Comment on “Robustness of proxy-based climate field reconstruction methods” by Michael E. Mann et al.
Comment on: “Hemocompatibility of Superhemophobic Titania Surfaces”
Comment to “Skeletonization-based beam finite element models for stochastic bicontinuous materials: Application to simulations of nanoporous gold” by C. Soyarslan et al. [J. Mater. Res. 33(20), 3371 (2018)]
Comment: On Detection and Attribution
Comment: The visiting artist researcher experiment
Comment: Visiting artist researchers as therapists for climate scientists
Commentary: “Prediction” or “Projection”? - The Nomenclature of Climate Science
Comments on 'A New Second-Order Turbulance Closure Scheme for the Planetary Boundary Layer'
Comments on the future activities of the RERTR program
Comments on the future activities of the RERTR program – Part II
Comments to a publication of T.I. Savjolova concerning domains of dependence in pole figures
Comments. Clarifying the Attribution of Recent Disaster Losses: A Response to Epstein and McCarthy
Commercialization of Shape-Memory Polymers
Commissioning experience with two in-vacuum undulators at PETRA III
Commissioning experience with two in-vacuum undulators at PETRA III
Common views on the effects of yield strength mis-match on testing and structural assessment
Communicating climate change
Communicating Climate Science in Europe
Communicating Maritime Spatial Planning: The MSP Challenge approach
Community Ecology
Compact and modular autonomous surface vehicle for water research: The Naval Operating Research Drone Assessing Climate Change (NORDACC)
Compact and safe hydrogen storage in metal hydrides
Compact direct m(ethanol) fuel cell for portable applications - MOREPOWER
Compact High-Resolution Michelson Interferometer for Mie-to-Rayleigh Scattering Ratio Measurements
Compact, modular, high-throughput ten-channel filter polychromator for Raman lidar applications
Compaction of high-energy milled TiAlSi powders by HIP: Simple estimation of the finest grain size achievable in fully dense materials
Compaction pressure influence on density, sorption behaviour and surface morphology for LiBH4-MgH2 composite
Compaction pressure influence on material properties and sorption behaviour of LiBH4–MgH2 composite
Comparacao Entre as Tecnicas de Soldagem por Friccao e Soldagem por Friccao com Ombro Parado (Bachelorarbeit)
Comparative analysis of adeno-associated virus serotypes for gene transfer in organotypic heart slices
Comparative analysis of CLM simulations using different soil information
Comparative analysis of spatial and seasonal variability: Austrian precipitation during the 20th century
Comparative analysis of the structure of sterically stabilized ferrofluids on polar carriers by small-angle neutron scattering
Comparative biogeochemistry–ecosystem–human interactions on dynamic continental margins
Comparative estimation of the different methods for KIscc determining of the structural steels
Comparative Forecast Evaluation: Graphical Gaussian Models and Sufficiency Relations
Comparative investigation of the determination of pore size and pore size distribution of ultrafiltration membranes
Comparative micro computed tomography study of a vertebral body
Comparative micro computed tomography study of a vertebral body
Comparative Structural Characterization of the Water Dispersions of Detonation Nanodiamonds by SmallAngle Neutron Scattering
Comparative structure analysis of non-polar organic ferrofluids stabilized by saturated mono-carboxylic acids
Comparative study of desktop- and synchrotron radiation-based micro computed tomography analyzing cell-seeded scaffolds in tissue engineering of bone
Comparative study of desktop- and synchrotron radiation-based micro computed tomography analyzing cell-seeded scaffolds in tissue engineering of bone
Comparative study of different digestion procedures using supplementary analytical methods for multielement-screening of more than 50 elements in sediments of river Elbe
Comparative Study of Different Probing Techniques for the Analysis of the Free Volume Distribution in Amorphous Glassy Perfluoropolymers
Comparative Study of Macroporous Silica- and Cellulose-based Sorbents for Lectin Affinity Chromatography
Comparative study of mechanical properties using standard and micro-specimens of base materials Inconel 625, Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V
Comparative study of microstructure and texture of cast and homogenized TX32 magnesium alloy after hot deformation
Comparative study of multi-element determination using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and neutron activation analysis
Comparative study of oxygen permeation through polymers and barrier films
Comparative Study of Process Characteristics and Coating Properties of Al-Alloys 6082 and 5083 during Friction Surfacing
Comparative study of severe plastic deformation at elevated temperatures of two aluminium alloys during friction surfacing
Comparative study of the X-ray reflectivity and in-depth profile of a-C, B4C and Ni coatings at 0.1-2 keV
Comparative study on degradation behaviour of Magnesium alloys Mg-Y-RE and Mg-Ca-Zn in a dynamic bioreactor testing setup
Comparative study on degradation behaviour of Magnesium alloys Mg-Y-RE and Mg-Ca-Zn in a dynamic bioreactor testing setup
Comparative study on degradation behaviour of Magnesium alloys Mg-Y-RE and Mg-Ca-Zn in a dynamic bioreactor testing setup
Comparative study on microstructure and corrosion behavior of nanostructured hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by high velocity oxygen fuel and flame spraying on AZ61 magnesium based substrates
Comparative study on the cell toxicity and enzymatic activity of two northern scyphozoan species Cyanea capillata (L.) and Cyanea lamarckii (Péron & Léslieur)
Comparing a 41-year model hindcast with decades of wave measurements from the Baltic Sea
Comparing different cloud schemes of a single column model by using mesoscale forcing and nudging technique
Comparing Downscaling Schemes: Sufficiency and Evaluation of Relative Information
Comparing medium pressure dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasmas and classic methods of surface cleaning/activation of pure Mg for biomedical applications
Comparing reconstructed past variations and future projections of the Baltic Sea ecosystem—first results from multi-model ensemble simulations
Comparing techniques for drug loading of shape-memory polymer networks–effect on their functionalities
Comparing the backfilling of mesoporous titania thin films with hole conductors of different sizes sharing the same mass density
Comparing the Euro 2k reconstruction to a regional climate model simulation
Comparing the fatigue performance of Ti-4Al-0.005B titanium alloy T-joints, welded via different friction stir welding sequences
Comparing the local-global deformation mechanism in different friction stir welding sequences of Ti-4Al-0.005B titanium alloy T-joints
Comparing the microstructure and texture development of rolled sheets and extruded bands of rare earth or calcium containing magnesium alloys
Comparing the microstructure and texture development of rolled sheets and extruded bands of rare earth or calcium containing magnesium alloys
Comparing three sea salt emission parameterizations in the North-Western European domain
Comparing x-ray phase-contrast imaging using a Talbot array illuminator to propagation-based imaging for non-homogeneous biomedical samples
Comparing quasi-local precipitation reconstructions to forward modelled pseudo tree growth from regional climate simulation output
Comparisom of atmospheric water vapor over Antarctica derived from CHAMP/GPS and AMSU-B data
Comparison and uncertainty evaluation of two centrifugal separators for microplastic sampling
Comparison between CARIBIC Aerosol Samples Analysed by Accelerator-Based Methods and Optical Particle Counter Measurements
Comparison between DDA and MG-Mie in the scattering by irregularly shaped particles
Comparison between morphological and DNA barcode-suggested species boundaries among shallow-water amphipod fauna from the southern European Atlantic coast
Comparison between morphological and DNA barcode-suggested species boundaries among shallow-water amphipod fauna from the southern European Atlantic coast
Comparison between the thermodynamic work of adhesion and the protein adsorption on modified polysulfone membranes
Comparison between the thermodynamic work of adhesion and the protein adsorption on modified polysulfone membranes
Comparison concept of satellite derived wind and wave data with ground truth
Comparison of 20th century and pre-industrial climate over South America in regional model simulations
Comparison of 2D and 3D Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO)-Based Coating Porosity Data Obtained by X-ray Tomography Rendering and a Classical Metallographic Approach
Comparison of a low carbon steel processed by Cold Rolling (CR) and Asymmetrical Rolling (ASR): Heterogeneity in strain path, texture, microstructure and mechanical properties
Comparison of As-Cast and Plasma Deposited Commercial Magnesium Alloys
Comparison of As-Cast and Plasma Deposited Commercial Magnesium Alloys
Comparison of asymmetric and thin-film composite membranes having Matrimid 5218 selective layer
Comparison of asymmetric and thin-film composite membranes having Matrimid 5218 selective layer
Comparison of bathymetric changes observed by radar on different time scales
Comparison of bathymetric changes observed by radar on different time scales
Comparison of cloud microphysical parameters derived from conbined RADAR-LIDAR measurements and IN-SITU probes over the east China Sea
Comparison of Cloud Parameters Derived from ISCCP-DX Satellite Data with Results of the Regional Atmospheric Model, REMO, over the BALTEX Area
Comparison of Cloud Parameters with Results of the Regional Model, REMO over the BALTEX Area
Comparison of Contrast-to-Noise Ratios of Transmission and Dark-Field Signal in Grating-Based X-ray Imaging for Healthy Murine Lung Tissue - Vergleich des Kontrast-zu-Rausch-Verhaeltnisses von Transmissions- und Dunkelfeld-Signal in der gitterbasierten Roentgenbildgebung fuer gesunde Maeuselungen
Comparison of conventional and synchrotron radiation based microtomography of bone around dental implants
Comparison of conventional and synchrotron radiation based microtomography of bone around dental implants
Comparison of corrosion properties of as cast and plasma deposited commercial magnesium alloys
Comparison of Corrosion Properties of Squeeze Cast and Thixocast MgZnRE Alloys
Comparison of Corrosion Properties of Squeeze Cast and Thixocast MgZnRE Alloys
Comparison of Deformation Behaviour in Tension and Torsion of a Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposite and Its Monolithic Si3N4 Variant
Comparison of different distortional hardening models suitable for the analysis of magnesium
Comparison of different distortional hardening models suitable for the analysis of magnesium
Comparison of Different Ductile Failure Models for Al2024-T351 (Diplomarbeit)
Comparison of different HPLC-ICP-MS methods for the quantification of Transferrin glycoforms in seal blood samples
Comparison of different in vitro tests for biocompatibility screening of Mg alloys
Comparison of different mass spectrometric techniques for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls by isotope dilution using 37Cl-labelled analogues
Comparison of different methods for sampling and determination of Reactive Gaseous Mercury (RGM) in ambient air
Comparison of different methods for the absolute quantification of harbour seal transferrin glycoforms using HPLC-ICP-MS
Comparison of different stress-state dependent cohesive zone models applied to thin-walled structures
Comparison of different titanium alloys welded by Yb:YAG fibre laser for thin sheet applications used for T-ducts in bleed air systems
Comparison of different variable chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques to determine photosynthetic parameters of natural phytoplankton
Comparison of diffrent cells for resistance determination of freely standing polymer membranes developed for direct methanol fuell cell (DMFC) applications
Comparison of EARLINET vertical extinction profiles and global aerosol modeling with LMDzT-INCA for the year 2000
Comparison of EARLINET vertical extinction profiles and global aerosol modeling with LMDzT-INCA for the year 2000
Comparison of edge cracking and tensile cracking in in-situ deformation at 150°C of Mg-2Zn-1.5Mn alloy sheet
Comparison of Elastomers and Glassy High Free Volume Polymers for Carbon dioxide Membrane Separation
Comparison of electrochemical corrosion behaviour of MgO and ZrO2 coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Comparison of ERS-SAR with numerical wind wave and current model results in a coastal area
Comparison of ESA climate change initiative land cover to CORINE land cover over Eastern Europe and the Baltic States from a regional climate modeling perspective
Comparison of eutrophication processes and effects in different European marine areas based on the results of the EU FP-5 FerryBox Project
Comparison of exercise electrocardiography and magnetocardiography for detection of coronary artery disease using ST-segment fluctuation score
Comparison of experimental 41 J shifts with the predictions of German KTA 3203 and U.S. NRC regulatory guide 1.99.
Comparison of fatigue precracking methods for fracture toughness testing of weldments: local compression and step-wise high R-Ratio
Comparison of Fatigue properties of Ti-6Al-4V; processed by Metal Injection Moulding and Composite Extrusion Modelling
Comparison of finite element results and experimental measurements of CTOD Delta5 in CT-specimens
Comparison of Friction Extrusion Processing From Bulk and Chips of Aluminum-Copper Alloys
Comparison of Friction Extrusion Processing from Bulk and Chips of Aluminum-Copper Alloys
Comparison of Friction Surfacing Process and Coating Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti Grade 1
Comparison of GC/MS/MS and GC/MS of residues of explosives in groundwater using an ion-trap and mass selective detector
Comparison of GC–NCI MS, GC–ICP-MS, and GC–EI MS–MS for the determination of PBDEs in water samples according to the Water Framework Directive
Comparison of Heat and Momentum Fluxes Over Sea Derived From Laser-scintillation and Eddy-correlation Measurements
Comparison of HOAPS, QuikSCAT, and Buoy Wind Speed in the Eastern North Atlantic and the North Sea
Comparison of Interfacial Width of Block Copolymers of d8-Poly(methyl methacrylate) with Various Poly(n-alkyl methacrylate)s and the Respective Homopolymer Pairs as Measured by Neutron Reflection
Comparison of ISCCP-DX cloud parameters with regional atmospheric model results over the BALTEX area
Comparison of Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour of a High-temperature Titanium Alloy and a Third Generation TiAl Intermetallic
Comparison of Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour of a High-temperature Titanium Alloy and a Third Generation TiAl Intermetallic
Comparison of Laser Welded and Resistance Spot Welded Overlap Joints of Magnesium AZ31B Sheets (Masterarbeit)
Comparison of lidar and radar cloud measurements at Geesthacht: an example for active-instrument synenergy in studies of atmospheric processes
Comparison of Lidar/Radar Ice cloud parameter retrievals with in-Situ Measurements
Comparison of long-term trends and seasonal variations of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the two European coastal monitoring stations Mace Head, Ireland, and Zingst, Germany
Comparison of magnetic properties in LixCoO2 and its decomposition products LiCo2O4 and Co3O4
Comparison of mass transfer rates in systems with enzymes immobilized in membranes, hollow fibers and porous particles
Comparison of measured and simulated wind speed data in the North Atlantic (Dissertation)
Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Joints in AA7050-T7451 Using Different FSW Tools (Masterarbeit)
Comparison of memory effects in multiblock copolymers and covalently crosslinked multiphase polymer networks composed of the same types of oligoester segments and urethane linker
Comparison of memory effects in multiblockcopolymers and covalent polymer networks
Comparison of Mercury Chemistry Models
Comparison of mercury concentrations measured at several sites in the Southern Hemisphere
Comparison of Microfocus- and Synchrotron X-ray Tomography for the Analysis of Osteointegration around Ti6Al4V-Implants
Comparison of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Indirect and Hydrostatic Extruded Magnesium Alloys
Comparison of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Indirect and Hydrostatic Extruded Magnesium Alloys
Comparison of microstructure and texture evolution of MX20, conventional rolled and rolled from twin rolled cast strip
Comparison of Microstructure and Texture Evolution of MX20, Conventionally Rolled and Rolled from Twin Roll Cast Strip
Comparison of model estimates of the effects of aviation emissions on atmospheric ozone and methane
Comparison of model predicted cloud parameters and surface radiative fluxes with observations on the 100 km scale
Comparison of Modified Supports on the Base of Glycoprotein Interaction Studies and of Adsorption Investigations
Comparison of molecular dynamics simulations of water with neutron and X-ray scattering experiments
Comparison of molecular dynamics simulations of water with neutron and X-ray scattering experiments
Comparison of newly developed techniques for separation PAH and metall-organic compounds (e.g.TBT) from soils and sludges
Comparison of offshore wind park sites using SAR wind measurement techniques
Comparison of osteoblasts and osteosarcoma cell lines in reaction to enhanced Mg2+ concentrations
Comparison of particulate carriers for dexamethasone with oligodepsipeptide or OLGA as matrix material
Comparison of procedural characteristics of percutaneous annuloplasty and edge-to-edge repair for the treatment of severe tricuspid regurgitation
Comparison of Purification Efficiencies of Different Affinity Separation Techniques
Comparison of Quasistatic and Cyclic Plastic Behaviour of Wrought Magnesium Alloys
Comparison of Quasistatic and Cyclic Plastic Behaviour of Wrought Magnesium Alloys
Comparison of RADARSAT-1 SAR retrieved wind fields to QuikSCAT and numerical models
Comparison of random and gradient amino functionalized poly(2‐oxazoline)s: Can the transfection efficiency be tuned by the macromolecular structure?
Comparison of remotely measured and modelled currents in coastal areas of Norway and Spain
Comparison of ScaRaB ground calibration in the short wave and long wave spectral domains
Comparison of ScaRab narrowband visible channel with other satellite instruments
Comparison of ScaRaB with other satellite instruments
Comparison of six PMS 2D probes during a preparatory experiment within the International Cirrus Experiment
Comparison of Small-Angle Scattering Methods for the Structural Analysis of Octyl-Beta-maltopyranoside Micelles
Comparison of submarine relief features on a radar satellite image and on a Skylab satellite photograph
Comparison of synchrotron radiation diffraction and micromagnetic stress analysis in straightened steel pipes
Comparison of synchrotron radiation diffraction and micromagnetic stress analysis in straightened steel pipes
Comparison of tensile and compressive creep data of AE42 magnesium alloy and its short fiber composite
Comparison of tensile and compressive creep data of AE42 magnesium alloy and its short fiber composite
Comparison of the antibacterial properties of Mg, Mg-2Ag, and Ti intramedullary implants in a murine model of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia-related periprosthetic osteomyelitis
Comparison of the catalytic effects of V,V2O5, VN, and VC on the hydrogen sorption of nanocrystalline Mg
Comparison of the degradation behaviour of binary Mg-Ag and Mg-Gd alloys in PBS and in physiological conditions
Comparison of the degradation behaviour of binary Mg-Ag and Mg-Gd alloys in PBS and in physiological conditions
Comparison of the dynamics of the turbidity maxima in two coastal plain estuaries
Comparison of the erosion shear stress of oxic and anoxic sediments in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Comparison of the heavy metal burden in soils between agricultural intensively used arable lands and flood areas of the Elbe-river in the Federal State of Germany – Sachsen/Anhalt
Comparison of the Impact of Ship Emissions in Northern Europe and Eastern China
Comparison of the Influence of Phospholipid-Coated Porous Ti-6Al-4V Material on the Osteosarcoma Cell Line Saos-2 and Primary Human Bone Derived Cells
Comparison of the Linearly Increasing Stress Test and the Constant Extension Rate Test in the Evaluation of Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium
Comparison of the mechanical properties and forming behavior of two texture-weakened Mg-sheet alloys produced by twin roll casting
Comparison of the Microstructure and Properties of AlN-Reinforced Nanocomposites Based on Elektron21 and AM60
Comparison of the Microstructure and Properties of AlN-Reinforced Nanocomposites Based on Elektron21 and AM60
Comparison of the reaction of bone-derived cells to enhanced MgCl2-salt concentrations
Comparison of the reaction of bone-derived cells to high magnesium concentrations
Comparison of the Supramolecular Structures of Two Glyco Lipids with Chiral and Nonchiral Methyl-Branched Alkyl Chains from Natural Sources
Comparison of the surface solar netflux from SCARAB with observations
Comparison of the surface solar netflux from SCARAB with observations
Comparison of the synergistic effects of inhibitor mixtures tailored for enhanced corrosion protection of bare and coated AA2024-T3
Comparison of the thermochemical and mechanochemical transformations in the 2NaNH2–MgH2 system
Comparison of Tropospheric Water Vapour over Antarctica derived from AMSU-B data, Ground Based GPS data and the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis
Comparison of two different modes of UV-B irradiation on synthesis of some cellular substances in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803
Comparison of Two Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Methods for the Measurement of Lipoprotein Particle Concentrations
Comparison of two sample pretreatment procedures for Sn-organyle analysis
Comparison of two substrate materials used as negative control in endothelialization studies: Glass versus polymeric tissue culture plate
Comparison on crack propagation under tension at 150 °C of Mg-2Zn-1.5Mn alloy sheets with and without crack notch
Comparison on Hot Tearing Behavior of Binary Mg–Al, Mg–Y, Mg–Gd, Mg–Zn, and Mg–Ca Alloys
Comparisons of Wave Measurements from the EuroROSE Fedje Experiment
Comparisons of Wave Measurements from the EuroROSE Fedje Experiment
Compatibilisation of PPE/SAN blends by triblock terpolymers - Correlation between block terpolymercomposition, morphology and properties
Compatibility of a statistical copolymer P(EMA-Co-MMA) with PS and PMMA
Compatibility of a statistical copolymer P(EMA-co-MMA) with PS and PMMA
Compatibility of a statistical copolymer P(EMA-Co-MMA) with PS and PMMA
Compatibility of Different Commercial Alloys in High-Temperature, Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Compatibility of P(alphaMS-co-AN) and P(MA-co-MMA)
Compatibility of Poly (alpha - methyl styrene - CO - acrylonitrile) with PMMA - a Neutron and Cloud Point Study
Compendium of yield load solutions for strength mis-matched DE(T), SE(B) and C(T) specimens
Compensation of gradient related effects when using capillary liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the absolute quantification of phosphorylated peptides
Competing knowledge systems and adaptability to sea‐level rise in The Bahamas
Competing scientific and cultural constructions of the coast
Competition between stable and metastable phases during mechanical alloying and ball milling
Competition of mechanisms contributing to the texture formation in metastable austenitic steel under compressive load
Competitive adsorption of multiple proteins to nanoparticles: the Vroman effect revisited
Competitive Protein Adsorption to Soft Polymeric Layers: Binary Mixtures and Comparison to Theory
Compilation of backfitting measures for the FRG-1 and FRG-2 research reactors
Complementary contributions of neutron scattering and electron microscopy towards understanding functioning ribosome
Complementing ERA5 and E-OBS with high-resolution river discharge over Europe
Complementing ERA5 and E-OBS20 with high resolution river discharge
Complete exhaustion of dissolved nutrients in a large lowland river
Complex and liquid hydrides for energy storage
Complex Chiral Modulations in FeGe close to Magnetic Ordering
Complex Chiral Modulations in FeGe Close to Magnetic Ordering
Complex Dental Structure and Wear Biomechanics in Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs
Complex ductile deformation of KTB paragneisses
Complex effect of ethyl branching on the supramolecular structure of a long chain neoglycolipid
Complex EOs
Complex hydrides for energy storage
Complex hydrides for hydrogen storage – New perspectives
Complex movements enabled by triple-shape hydrogels
Complex pattern formation by phase separation of polymer blends in thin films
Complex pattern formation by phase separation of polymer blends in thin films
Complex solutions under shear and pressure: a rheometer setup for X-ray scattering experiments
Complexity and emergence – Key concepts in non-linear dynamic systems
Complexity and Extreme Events in Geosciences: An Overview
Compliance variations in the fatigue threshold regime of a low alloy ferritic steel under closure-free testing conditions
Composing two-dimensional wave energy spectra from marine radar and buoy measurements: SAXON FPN 90
Composite gas-separation membranes with ultrathin asymmetric coatings
Composite Membranes for Gas Separation
Composite Membranes for Gas Separation - Ultrathin Coatings from Glassy Polymers
Composite Membranes for Gas Separation: Ultrathin Coatings from Glassy Polymers
Composite membranes for methanol separation with pervaporation
Composite Membranes for PRO, NF and RO (Dissertation)
Composite membranes with Cross-Linked Matrimid Selective Layer for Gas Separation
Composite nanofiltration membranes prepared by in situ polycondensation of amines in a poly(ethylene oxide-b-amide) layer
Composite structure of α phase in metastable β Ti alloys induced by lattice strain during β to α phase transformation
Composite surface pre-treatments: improvement on adhesion mechanisms and mechanical performance of metal-composite friction spot joints with additional film interlayer
Composite surface pre-treatments: Improvement on adhesion mechanisms and mechanical performance of metal-composite friction spot joints with additional film interlayer
Composites of Nanoporous Gold and Polymer
Composites of Nanoporous Gold and Polymer
Composites of Nanoporous Gold and Polymer (Dissertation)
Composition dependent protein-material interaction of poly(methyl methacrylate-co-styrene) nanoparticle series
Composition of dissolved organic matter along an Atlantic Meridional Transect from fluorescence spectroscopy and Parallel Factor Analysis
Composition optimization of low modulus and high-strength TiNb-based alloys for biomedical applications
Composition-dependent skin penetration and toxicity of a series of poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)] nanoparticles
Compositional optimization of Mg–Sn–Al alloys for higher age hardening response
Compositos Polimericos para Celulas Combustiveis
Compositos Polimericos para Celulas Combustiveis
Compound Events in South America Using the CORDEX-CORE Ensemble: Current Climate Conditions and Future Projections in a Global Warming Scenario
Compound flood events: analysing the joint occurrence of extreme river discharge events and storm surges in northern and central Europe
Compound flood impacts from Hurricane Sandy on New York City in climate-driven storylines
Comprehensive characterization of commercial nanofiltration membranes
Comprehensive characterization of commercial nanofiltration membranes
Comprehensive Method for the Assessment of Thin-Walled Structures Exhibiting Duc tile Crack Extension
Comprehensive Method SIAM for Strucutral Assessment with Particular Reference to Thin-walled Strucutres Exhibiting Ductile Crack Extension
Comprehensive screening of Mg corrosion inhibitors
Comprehensive structure investigation of Langmuir Blodgett films of disc-shaped molecules
Comprehensive structure investigation of Langmuir Blodgett films of disc-shaped molecules
Comprender el pasado como guia para predecir el futuro
Compression behaviour of nanoporous gold studied by molecular dynamics simulation
Compression behaviour of niobium rich gamma-TiAl alloys with different carbon contents
Compression Behaviour of Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Structures
Compression creep at 240°C of extruded magnesium alloys containing Gadolinium
Compression creep at 240°C of extruded magnesium alloys containing Gadolinium
Compression creep at 240°C of extruded magnesium alloys containing Gadolinium
Compression Creep of AE42 based MMCs
Compression creep of short fibre reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Compression creep of short fibre reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Compression texture of powdered rock-salt
Compression-creep response of magnesium alloy DieMag422 containing barium compared with the commercial creep-resistant alloys AE42 and MRI230D
Compressive creep behavior and microstructural evolution of sand-cast and peak-aged Mg–12Gd–0.4Zr alloy at 250 °C
Compressive creep behaviour of high-pressure die-cast aluminium-containing magnesium alloys developed for elevated temperature applications
Compressive creep study of creep resistant magnesium alloys at 200°C
Compressive deformation of as-extruded LPSO-containing Mg alloys at different temperatures
Compressive deformation of lamellar microstructures – A short review
Compressive Failure of UD-CFRP containing void defects:In situ SEM Microanalysis
Compressive Strength and Hot Deformation Behavior of TX32 Magnesium Alloy with 0.4% Al and 0.4% Si Additions
Compressive Strength and Hot Deformation Behavior of TX32 Magnesium Alloy with 0.4% Al and 0.4% Si Additions
Compressive strength and hot deformation behavior of TX32 magnesium alloy with 0.4% Al and 0.4% Si additions
Compressive strength and hot deformation mechanisms in as-cast Mg-4Al-2Ba-2Ca (ABaX422) alloy
Computation of Ocean Wind Vectors using RADARSAT ScanSAR and ERS SAR Images
Computation of Wind Vectors over the Ocean using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Computation of Wind Vectors over the Ocean using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Computation of continuum material parameters of material interfaces and surfaces based on molecular statics simulations
Computation of Diameter and Mechanical Properties of Interconnected Structures
Computation of nitrate concentrations in coastal waters using an in situ ultraviolet spectrophotometer: Behavior of different computation methods in a case study a steep salinity gradient in the southern North Sea
Computation of surface fluxes in heterogenous terrain
Computation of suspended matter in a Wadden Sea bight (Koenigshafen, Sylt)
Computation of the X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns of mesoscopic continuum simulations
Computation of Thickness and Mechanical Properties of Interconnected Structures: Accuracy, Deviations, and Approaches for Correction
Computation of X-ray and Neutron Scattering Patterns to Benchmark Atomistic Simulations Against Experiments
Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics
Computational assisted Mg anode design for post Li energy storage devices
Computational damage modelling of PEO coated extruded magnesium tested in slow strain rate configuration
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of the roll‐to‐roll coating process for the production of thin film composite membranes including validation
Computational Fracture Mechanics
Computational investigation of multi-axial damage modeling for porous sintered metals with experimental verification
Computational Investigation of Size Effects in Porous Metallic Glasses
Computational Materials Research
Computational model of gastric motility with active‐strain electromechanics
Computational Modeling and Experimental Study of the Deformation Behavior of Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloys
Computational modeling and simulation of single crystals at small scales
Computational modeling and simulation of single crystals at small scales
Computational modeling of amorphous polymers: A Lagrangian logarithmic strain space formulation of a glass–rubber constitutive model
Computational modeling of anionic and zwitterionic lipid bilayers for investigating surface activities of bioactive molecules
Computational modeling of anionic and zwitterionic lipid bilayers for investigating surface activities of bioactive molecules
Computational modeling of c-axis compression of magnesium single crystal using gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity
Computational modeling of degradation process of biodegradable magnesium biomaterials
Computational modeling of intrinsically induced strain gradients during compression of C-axis-oriented Magnesium single crystal
Computational modeling of intrinsically induced strain gradients during compression of c-axis-oriented magnesium single crystal
Computational modeling of intrinsically induced strain gradients during compression of c-axis-oriented magnesium single crystal
Computational Modeling of Size Effects in Metallic Glasses
Computational modeling of the mechanical behavior of dental enamel
Computational modeling of the plastic behavior of gold-polymer-nanocomposite
Computational modeling: prediction of formability and forming processes of metals with phenomenological and micromechanical models
Computational Modelling and Structural Characterization of Peptide Antibiotics and their Interaction with Model Membranes
Computational Modelling and Structural Characterization of Peptide Antibiotics and their Interaction with Model Membranes
Computational Modelling of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) for Tuning Surface Roughness andCurvature
Computational Modelling of Gold-Epoxy Nanocomposites
Computational modelling of magnesium degradation in simulated body fluid under physiological conditions
Computational Modelling of Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites
Computational Modelling of Polymer Composites
Computational modelling of submicron-sized metallic glasses
Computational modelling of the mechanical behavior of nanocomposites
Computational Recipes for High-Throughput Screening of Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Computational study of the geometric properties governing the linear mechanical behavior of fiber networks
Computational thermodynamics and kinetics-guided re-engineering of a high-performance tool steel
Computer aided test methods for stress corrosion cracking
Computer aided test methods for stress corrosion cracking
Computer Modelling in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Computer simulation of imaging ocean wave fields with a marine radar
Computer simulation of segregation kinetics in ternary alloys
Computer-aided analysis of earthworm burrows from sectioned soil columns
Computer-aided design of short peptide ligands targeting tumor necrosis factor-alpha for adsorbent applications
Computer-aided sampling of the environment (CASE) for multi-element analysis
Computer-assisted polarography and voltammetry: applications to kinetic studies of metal complexation
Computer-Controlled Biaxial Bioreactor for Investigating Cell-Mediated Homeostasis in Tissue Equivalents
Computer-Simulation der nichtstationaeren Keimbildung in Systemen mit negativer Paaraustauschenergie
Computer-Simulation der nichtstationaeren Keimbildung in Systemen mit positiver Paaraustauschenergie
Computerized electroanalysis: Application to studies of trace metal complexation
Computersimulation - Molecular Modelling zu Struktur und Transportprozessen in duennen organischen Schichten
Computersimulation zur Beurteilung von Sickerstroemungen in Deichen im Nicht-Tide-Bereich der Elbe bei extremem Hochwasser
Computersimulationen mit Zellularautomaten fuer Wolkenbildung (Dissertation)
Computing climate-smart urban land use with the Integrated Urban Complexity model (IUCm 1.0)
Comunication: Metodos de soldadura manual y mecanizada para aplication hiperbarica
Conbined Raman lidar for the measurement of atmospheric temperature, water vapor, particle extinction coefficient, and particle backscatter coefficient
Concentration and distribution of microplastics in the deep-sea sediments of the Congo Canyon System
Concentration Polarization in Gas Permeation
Concentration Polarization in Gas Permeation
Concentration-depth profiling using toal-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in combination with ion-beam microsectioning techiques
Concentration-Specific Constitutive Modeling of Gelatin Based on Artificial Neural Networks
Concentrations of Reactive Gaseous Mercury (RGM) in ambient air at a background site in Germany
Concentrations of essential and non-essential elements in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North and Baltic Seas
Concentrations of Selected Essential and Non-essential Elements in Blood of Harbor Seal ( Phoca vitulina ) Pups of the German North Sea
Concept, Design and Manufacture of a Prototype Hydrogen Storage Tank Based on Sodium Alanate
Conception and state of realization referring to the EUROMAR-MERMAID project
Concepts for efficient preparation of particulate polymer carrier systems by droplet-based microfluidics
Concepts of Downscaling and cases dealing with in Chinese coastal regions
Concepts of downsscaling
Concepts of regional climate servicing
Concepts, data and perspectives – The utility of coastal, marine and climate science
Conceptual and methodical issues of downscaling
Conceptual basis and applications of Regional Climate Modelling
Conceptual challenges of climate servicing
Conceptual challenges of climate servicing
Conceptual Design Report Jülich High Brilliance Neutron Source (HBS)
Conceptual Models for Ecology-Related Decisions
Conceptual Models for Ecology-Related Decisions
Conceptualizing the link between marine ecosystem services and human well-being: the case of offshore wind farming
Concerning the two magnetic correlation lengths above Tc in an Invar iron-nickel alloy
Conclusions: The usefulness of applying a multi-scale systems approach
Concurrence of High Corrosion Resistance and Strength with Excellent Ductility in Ultrafine-Grained Mg-3Y Alloy
Condensed matter research at GKSS
Conditional repair by locally switching the thermal healing capability of dynamic covalent polymers with light
Conditional Statistical Models: A Discourse about the Local Scale in Climate Simulations
Conditional stochastic model for generating daily precipitation time series
Conditional stochastic model to generate daily precipitation time series
Conditional Ultrasound Sensitivity of Poly[(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-(vinyl imidazole)] Microgels for Controlled Lipase Release
Conditioning, conductivity and permselectivity of free standing polymer membranes developed for DMFC applications
Conductive and radiative heat transfer inhibition in YSZ photonic glass
Conductivity and Morphology Correlations of Ionic-Liquid/Lithium-Salt/Block Copolymer Nanostructured Hybrid Electrolytes
Confinement effects on the chain conformation in this polymer films
Confinement effects on the crystallization and SSA thermal fractionation of the PE block within PE-b-PS diblock copolymers
Conformation of the mammalian translation elongation factor eEF-1Aef1a in solution
Conformation of Thermus thermophilus Ribosomal Protein S1in Solution at Different Ionic Strengths
Conformational transition of peptide functionalized cryogels enabling shape-memory capability
Confrontation Cultures of embryonic stem cells with multicellular tumor spheroids to study tumor-induced angiogenesis
Conjugated polyelectrolyte (CPE) poly[3-[6-(N-methylimidazolium)hexyl]-2,5-thiophene] complexed with aqueous sodium dodecylsulfate amphiphile: synthesis, solution structure and “surfactochromic” properties
Conjugated Polyelectrolyte (CPE) Poly{3-[6-(N-methylimidazolium)hexyl]-2,5-thiophene} Complexed with DNA: Relation between Colloidal Level Solution Structure and Chromic Effects
Connected Process Design for Hot Working of a Creep-Resistant Mg–4Al–2Ba–2Ca Alloy (ABaX422)
Connected Process Design for Hot Working of a Creep-Resistant Mg–4Al–2Ba–2Ca Alloy (ABaX422)
Connecting thermodynamic properties of the Wadden Sea with residual estuarine circulation
Connections between Topology and Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Open-Pore Materials
Connections Between Topology and Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Open-Pore Materials
Connectivity evolution during coarsening of nanoporous gold via kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
Cononsolvency in the ‘drunken’ state: the thermoresponsiveness of a new acrylamide copolymer in water–alcohol mixtures
Consecutive modelling of galvanic corrosion for hybrid joints in aircraft supported by advanced experimental methods
Consensus Building in Oil Spill Response Planning Using a Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Consensus forecasting of intertidal seagrass habitat in the Wadden Sea
Consensus oriented fuzzified decision support for oil spill contingency management
Consequence of the introduction of lead-free gasoline on lead concentration in Elbe and North Sea
Consequences of 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming levels for temperature and precipitation changes over Central Africa
Consequences of a cumulative perspective on marine environmental impacts: offshore wind farming and seabirds at North Sea scale in context of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Consequences of EU Directives for the Wadden Sea Ecosystem: Do EU Directives support the Wadden Sea Ecosystem?
Considerations on arc observation systems for hyperbaric welding
Considerations on developmental aspects of biocompatible dialysis membranes
Considerations on Fatigue Life Prediction by Means of Fracture Mechanics
Considerations on Robotic Friction Stitch Welding for the repair of marine Structures
Considerations on the power generation for remote subsea wellheads including safety and reliability
Considerations on welding procedures for hyperbaric FCAW down to 450msw
Considering scale and scaling for vulnerability and adaptation studies in the water sector Case studies in four geographies : CSC Report
Considering socio-political framings when analyzing coastal climate change effects can prevent maldevelopment on small islands
Consistency and complementarity of different coastal ocean observations: A neural network-based analysis for the German Bight
Consistency between Sea Surface Reconstructions from Nautical X-Band Radar Doppler and Amplitude Measurements
Consistency of observed mean sea level pressure trends with climate change projections over the Mediterranean area
Consistency of observed near surface temperature trends with climate change projections over the Mediterranean region
Consistency of observed winter precipitation trends in northern Europe with regional climate change projections
Consistency of ongoing change and scenarios of possible future change
Consistency of recent climate change and expectation as depicted by scenarios over the Mediterranean region
Consistency of recent climate change and expectation as depicted by scenarios over the Mediterranean region (Dissertation)
Consistency of recently observed trends over the Baltic Sea basin with climate change projections
Consistency of recently observed trends over the Baltic Sea basin with climate change projections
Consistency of visible turbidity and buried nanometer structures in block copolymer films
Consistent analysis of cloud points and spinodal-compatibility of P(Alpha MS-CO-AN) and P(MA-CO-MMA)
Consistent data set of coastal sea level: The synergy between tidal gauge data and numerical modelling
Constant potential simulations on a mesh
Constitutive and fracture behavior of ultra-strong supercrystalline nanocomposites
Constitutive artificial neural networks: A fast and general approach to predictive data-driven constitutive modeling by deep learning
Constitutive Behaviour and Crack Tip Opening Angle of Ultra High Strength Steel Sheets
Constitutive Behaviour and Crack Tip Opening Angle of Ultra High Strength Steel Sheets
Constitutive modeling of micromechanical behavior of lamellar TiAl alloys at elevated temperatures
Constrained Friction Processing of AM50 magnesium alloy
Constraint effect on fracture behavior on strength mis-matched weld joints
Constraint effect on fracture behavior on strength mis-matched weld joints
Constraints on the plutonium recovery achievable in homogeneous pressurized water reactors
Constructing Records of Storminess
Construction and Characterization of a Novel Sustained-Release Delivery System for Hydrophobic Pesticides Using Biodegradable Polydopamine-Based Microcapsules
Construction of a surface air temperature series for Qingdao in China for the period 1899 to 2014
Construction of consistent ice core accumulation time series from large-scale meteorological data: development and description of a regression model for one North Greenland ice core
Construction of Functional Coatings with Durable and Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Potential Based on Mussel-Inspired Dendritic Polyglycerol and in Situ-Formed Copper Nanoparticles
Construction of the ocean surface from SAR images
Contact activation of plasmatic coagulation on polymeric membranes measured by the activity of kallikrein in heparinized plasma
Contact activation on artificial surfaces measured by a modified chromogenic assay in relation to surface properties
Contact angle measurements on surface modified cellulose membranes
Contact-Biocide TiO2 Surfaces by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization with Chemically Stable Phosphonate Initiators
Contaminants in German lakes and rivers; interactions between soil using and water quality
Contaminants, Pollution and Potential Anthropogenic Impacts in Chagos/BIOT
Contamination found in the living quarter in hyperbaric diving systems
Contamination of the European EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) with Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes Throughout its Life Cycle
Contamination of the European EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) with Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes Throughout its Life Cycle
Contamination with heavy metals in soils and surface waters in the range from the sewage fields of Magdeburg
Contemporary Challenges in Quasi-Realistic Climate Modelling
Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia
Continental-scale temperature variability in PMIP3 simulations and PAGES 2k regional temperature reconstructions over the past millennium
Continous backfitting measures for the FRG-research reactors
Continuous bipolar membrane preparation
Continuous day and night aerosol optical depth observations in the Arctic between 1991 and 1999
Continuous dynamic recrystallization during hot torsion of an aluminum alloy
Continuous Equilibrated Growth of Ordered Block Copolymer Thin Films by Electrospray Deposition
Continuous Kinetic Sampling of Flow Polymerizations via Inline UV–Vis Spectroscopy
Continuous measurements of total gaseous mercury at Mace Head, Ireland
Continuous measurements of total gaseous mercury at Mace Head, Ireland
Continuous observations of biological and environmental parameters by optical absorption and fluorescence – special focus on an integrating cavity approach
Continuous observations of biological and environmental parameters by optical absorption and fluorescence – special focus on an integrating cavity approach
Continuous pervaporation of aqueous phenol on a pilot plant scale
Continuous Production of Macroporous Films: an Alternative to Breath Figure Assembly
Continuous Protein-Density gradients: A new approach to correlate physical cues with cell response
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along HEINCKE cruise track HE331
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along HEINCKE cruise track HE407
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along HEINCKE cruise track HE445
Continuum damage model simulating the failure mechanisms in hard biological materials: The role of interface strength on damage evolution
Continuum damage modeling and simulation of hierarchical dental enamel
Continuum mechanical modeling of laser-pulsed heating in polycrystals: A multi-physics problem of coupling diffusion, mechanics and thermal waves
Continuum mechanical modeling of laser-pulsed heating in polycrystals: a multi-physics problem of coupling diffusion, mechanics and thermal waves
Continuum mechanical modeling of laser-pulsed heating in polycrystals: A multi-physics problem of coupling diffusion, mechanics, and thermal waves
Continuum mechanics based simulations of metal forming processes
Continuum Mechanics of Deformation Twinning - A Review
Continuum modeling approach for metallic glasses
Continuum modeling of material interfaces and surfaces based on molecular statics computations
Continuum modeling of material interfaces and surfaces based on molecular statics computations
Continuum modeling of material interfaces and surfaces based on molecular statics computations
Continuum modeling of the deformation behavior of amorphous materials
Continuum Modelling of Corrosion Processes in Reinforced Concrete at Microscale
Contrast control by concentration dependence of diffusion in nonlinear ionic reaction systems
Contrast Enhancement
Contrast enhancement by nuclear spin polarisation
Contrast Variation in Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Fluids Stabilized by Different Mono-Carboxylic Acids
Contrast variation in X-ray and neutron scattering
Contrast Variation SANS Investigation of Composition Distributions in Mixed Surfactant Micelles
Contrast Variation X-ray and Neutron Structural Studies of the 70S Ribosome from E. coli and Thermus Thermophilus
Contrasting behavior of covalent and molecular carbon allotropes exposed to extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray free-electron laser radiation
Contrasting the rRNA of the small subunit of ribosomes from thermus thermophilus by anomalous dispersion of phosphorus
Contribution of atmospheric circulation to recent off-shore sea-level variations in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea
Contribution of cold fronts to seasonal rainfall in simulations over the southern La Plata Basin
Contribution of future wide-swath altimetry missions to ocean analysis and forecasting
Contribution of GELS-158-calculations to the NEARCP burnup benchmark for high conversion light water reactor lattices
Contribution of regional climate drivers to future winter Baltic Sea-Level changes: An application of statistical downscaling to the output of global climate model simulations
Contribution of regional climate drivers to future winter sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea estimated by statistical methods and simulations of climate models
Contribution of regional climate drivers to future winter sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea estimated by statistical methods and simulations of climate models
Contribution of sediments to the nitrogen budget of the Elbe estuary
Contribution of sediments to the nitrogen budget of the Elbe estuary
Contribution of solitons to enhanced rogue wave occurrence in shallow depths: a case study in the southern North Sea
Contribution to a bio-optical model for remote sensing of Lena River water
Contribution to Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society
Contribution to symposium Circling the Square
Contribution to understanding the formation process and corrosion protection of the PEO coating on AM50 magnesium alloy (Dissertation)
Contributions from Changing Large-Scale Atmospheric Conditions to Changes in Scandinavian Temperature and Precipitation Between Two Climate Normals
Contributions of Alloy Development for Extending the Range of Applications of Magnesium Alloys
Contributions of Alloy Development for Extending the Range of Applications of Magnesium Alloys
Contributions of meteorology and nutrient to the surface cyanobacterial blooms at different timescales in the shallow eutrophic Lake Taihu
Contributions of shipping and traffic emissions to city scale NO2 and PM2.5 exposure in Hamburg
Contributions of traffic and shipping emissions to city-scale NOx and PM2.5 exposure in Hamburg
Control of cell-surface interactions by photo-grafting of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)
Control of cell-surface interactions by photo-grafting of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)
Control of cell-surface interactions by photo-grafting of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)
Control of chirality of transition-metal monosilicides by the Czochralski method
Control of eutrophication in inland waters
Control of HPNS with Trimix 5 (5 %N2/He/O2) to 600 m and more
Control of laser and friction stir weld distortion by thermal tensioning
Control of Mechanical Properties in Biopolymer-Based Biomaterials
Control of Mg alloy corrosion/degradation by PEO processing
Control of phosphorus and blue greens by nutrient precipitations; long-term study
Control of protein and cell interactions with polymeric films and membranes by photo-grafting of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)
Control of the Mechanical Asymmetry in an Extruded MN11 Alloy by Static Annealing
Control of the Mg alloy biodegradation via PEO and polymer-containing coatings
Control over phase behavior and solution structure of hairy-rod polyfluorene by means of side-chain length and branching
Control Stem Cell-Biomaterial Interactions
Controllable degradable PEO coatings for magnesium and its alloys as biomaterials
Controllable fabrication of carbon nanotubes on catalysts derived from PS-b-P2VP block copolymer template and in situ synthesis of carbon nanotubes/Au nanoparticles composite materials
Controllable recrystallization of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 based PEO into ZIF-8 as a route for the formation of multifunctional coatings
Controlled Actuation of Shape-Memory nanocomposites by Application of an Alternating Magnetic Field
Controlled Actuation of Shape-Memory nanocomposites by Application of an Alternating Magnetic Field
Controlled Change of Mechanical Properties during Hydrolytic Degradation of Polyester Urethane Networks
Controlled deformation of polymer substrates with negative poisson ratio
Controlled degradation of amagnesium alloy in simulated body fluid using hydrofluoric acid treatment followed by polyacrylonitrile coating
Controlled drug release from antibiotic-loaded layered double hydroxide coatings on porous titanium implants in a mouse model
Controlled Drug Release from Biodegradable Shape-Memory Polymers
Controlled grafting to modification of polystyrene surfaces for enhancing biocompatibility
Controlled Nanoparticle Functionalization for Structuration in Block Copolymers
Controlled Self-Assembly in Thin Block Copolymer Films
Controlled Self-Assembly in thin Block Copolymer Films
Controlling actuation behaviour in shape-memory polymer blends by tailoring supramolecular interactions
Controlling Actuation Behaviour in Shape-Memory Polymer Blends by Tailoring Supramolecular lnteractions
Controlling Actuation Performance in Physically Cross-Linked Polylactone Blends Using Polylactide Stereocomplexation
Controlling intermetallic compounds formation during laser welding of NiTi to 316L stainless steel
Controlling Lead Concentrations in human Blood by Regulating the Use of Lead in Gasoline
Controlling Major Cellular Processes of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells using Microwell Structures
Controlling Mechanical Properties of Biopolymer-based Materials
Controlling surface properties and permeability of polyglycerol network films
Controlling the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction to alter the chiral link between structure and magnetism for Fe 1−x Co x Si
Controlling the Mg – Anode degradation in aqueous electrolyte systems via additives
Controlling the Pore Size and Functionality of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membrane by Using Metal Oxides
Controlling the shape of Janus nanostructures through supramolecular modification of ABC terpolymer bulk morphologies
Controlling the Shape-Memory Properties in Polymeric Foams by Microstructural Design
Controlling the Switching Temperature of Biodegradable, Amorphous, Shape-Memory Poly(rac-lactide)urethane Networks by Incorporation of Different Comonomers
Controlling thermal emission with refractory epsilon-near-zero metamaterials via topological transitions
Conversion coating on magnesium alloy sheet (AZ31) by vanillic acid treatment: Preparation, characterization and corrosion behavior
Conversion of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Data using High Performance Computing
Cooligomers from morpholine-2,5-dione and para-dioxanone and catalyst complex SnOct2/2-hydroxyethyl sulfide
Cooling and societal change during the Late Antique Little Ice Age from 536 to around 660 AD
Cooperation model research and development: underwater technology
Coordinated Experiments of coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Regional Climate Models for North Sea and Baltic Sea regions
Coordination of Europe’s climate-related knowledge base: Networking and collaborating through interactive events, social media and focussed groups
Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 3
Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5 : Climatology and 2019 anomaly of maximum waves in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Coping with ageing effects in research reactors
Copolyesterdimethacrylate-derived Networks combine Shape-memory, Biodegradability, and Controlled Drug Release
Copolymer nanoparticles: effects of polymer composition and inflammatory conditions on endocytosis by endothelial cells
Copolymer Networks Based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)Segments as a Versatile Triple-Shape Polymer System
Copolymer Networks From Oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) and n-Butyl Acrylate Enable a Reversible Bidirectional Shape-Memory Effect at Human Body Temperature
Copolymer Networks with Triple-shape Capability
Copolymere in der GPC - Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung
Copolymerisation and Polymeranalogeous Reactions with Modified Cyclodextrins for new Composite Membranes
Copolymerisation of Modified Cyclodextrines with Acrylic Monomers for New Enantioselective Composite Membranes with Different Thick Separationlayers
Copolymerisationsfaehige Cyclodextrine - Neue Moeglichkeiten in der Enantiomerentrennung mit Polymermembranen
Copolymers from 1-(3,3,3-Trifluoropropyldimethylsilyl)-1-propyne and 1-Trimethylsilyl-1-propyne as Membrane Materials for the Separationof Gas Mixtures Containing Hydrocarbons
Copolymers in Solutions with Tailored Properties: Responsive Particles and Selective Phase Transfer Agents
Copolymers of High Free Volume Ladder Polymers and Comparison of Various Synthetic Methods
Copolymers of 1,2-disubstituted acetylenes containing trifluoropropyl groups synthesized in the presence of NbCl5-based catalyst systems: Structure and gas-transport behavior
Copolymers of PIM-Polymers: Syntheses and Properties
Copper Nanoparticles with High Index Facets on Basal and Vicinal ZnO Surfaces
Coral climate history of the subtropical North Atlantic (Corclim)
CORDATA: an open data management web application to select corrosion inhibitors
Core-Shell-Structured Highly Branched Poly(ethylenimine amide)s: Synthesis and Structure
Core/Shell Gene Carriers with Different Lengths of PLGA Chains to Transfect Endothelial Cells
Coronary Artery Dimensions in Endurance Athletes by Computed Tomography Angiography: A Quantitative Analysis
Correcting a major error in assessing organic carbon pollution in natural waters
Correcting surface winds by assimilating high-frequency radar surface currents in the German Bight
Correction of aerosol influence in LANDSAT 5 thematic mapper data
Correction of inter-mission inconsistencies in merged ocean colour satellite data
Correction: Crosslinked Redox-Responsive Micelles Based on Lipoic Acid-Derived Amphiphiles for Enhanced siRNA Delivery
Correlated Magnetic Reversal in Periodic Stripe Patterns
Correlated occurrence of ozone depletion and cirrus clouds
Correlating PEG-depsipeptide cross-linking and degradation kinetics using ultrathin hydrogel networks at the air-water interface
Correlating the Uptake and Dendritic Cell Activation by MDP-loaded Microparticles
Correlation and Return Interval Analysis of Tree Rings Based Temperature and Precipitation Reconstructions
Correlation between Deformation Mechanisms and Yield Surfaces of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) Metals (Diplomarbeit)
Correlation between fractographic observations and finite element calculation
Correlation between fracture strain and mean free path in P/M
Correlation between imposed deformation and transformation lattice strain on α variant selection in a metastable β-Ti alloy under isothermal compression
Correlation between in-situ growth conditions and thermodynamic stability criteria for Y1Ba2Cu3O4
Correlation between magnetic fabric and chlorite preferred orientation in clay sediments: New insights from Neuton Diffraction Analysis
Correlation between measured mechanical and microphysical parameters for an irradiated pressure vessel material
Correlation between mechanical behaviour and microstructure in the Mg-Ca-Si-Sr system for degradable biomaterials based on thermodynamic calculations
Correlation between mechanical behaviour and microstructure in the Mg-Ca-Si-Sr system for degradable biomaterials based on thermodynamic calculations
Correlation between metal body burden and disease mortality in harbour porpoises of the German and danish coasts
Correlation between microstructure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline FeNbB and FeNbCrBCu alloys
Correlation between Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Polystyrene-b-Polybutadiene-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) in Dependency of the Polybutadiene’s Block Microstructure (Dissertation)
Correlation between Phase Behaviour and Mechanical Properties of Copolymers of Poly(styrene-b-butylmethacrylate)
Correlation between Phase Behaviour and Tensile Properties of Diblock Copolymers
Correlation between postischemic vasodilation of the arteria brachialis and of the postischemic hyperemia in the adjacent microvascular bed
Correlation between standard laboratory coating tests and field testing
Correlation between texture and corrosion properties of magnesium coatings produced by PVD
Correlation between the In Situ Growth Conditions of YBCO thin films and the thermodynamic stability criteria
Correlation Between the Microstructural Defects and Residual Stress in a Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy During Different Creep Stages
Correlation of Cv and drop-weight transition temperature increase caused by irradiation
Correlation of gas permeation and free volume in new and used high free volume thin film composite membranes
Correlation of microstructure and creep behaviour of MRI230D Mg alloy developed by two different casting technologies
Correlation of microstructure and local mechanical properties along build direction for multi-layer friction surfacing of aluminum alloys
Correlation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Rolled Magnesium Sheet AZ31
Correlation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Rolled Magnesium Sheet AZ31
Correlation of processing parameters, microstructure and properties of PEO coatings on magnesium alloys
Correlation of transition temperature shifts measured by different mechanical tests on irradiated pressure vessel steels
Correlations among the optical properties of cirrus-cloud particles: Implications for spaceborne remote sensing
Correlations between standard accelerated tests for protective organic coatings and field performance
Correlations of microstructure and corrosion properties in HPDC AZ91
Correlations of microstructure and corrosion properties in HPDC AZ91
Correlative 3D anatomy and spatial chemistry in animal-microbe symbioses: developing sample preparation for phase-contrast synchrotron radiation based micro-computed tomography and mass spectrometry imaging
Correlative 3D anatomy and spatial chemistry in animal-microbe symbioses: developing sample preparation for phase-contrast synchrotron radiation based micro-computed tomography and mass spectrometry imaging
Correlative characterization of degradable Mg-based implants
Correlative cross-sectional characterization of nitrided, carburized and shot-peened steels: synchrotron micro-X-ray diffraction analysis of stress, microstructure and phase gradients
Correlative GKSS lidar measurements during the LITE/ELITE campaign
Corrigendum to ‘‘Pelagic molybdenum concentration anomalies and the impact of sediment resuspension on the molybdenum budget in two tidal systems of the North Sea” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 119 (2013) 198–211]
Corrigendum to “Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelf” [Mar. Geol. 409 (2019) 15–30]
Corrigendum to"A review of worldwide atmospheric mercury measurements" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10 ( 2010) 8245–8265
Corrigendum to: "A fossil biting midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from early Eocene Indian amber with a complex pheromone evaporator" published in Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 34352
Corrigendum to: “Enhanced gas permeability by fabricating mixed matrix membranes of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes and polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIM)” published in J. Membr. Sci. 436 (2013) 109–120
Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys
Corrosion and Creep Resistance of Thixomolded® Magnesium Alloys
Corrosion and Creep Resistance of Thixomolded® Magnesium Alloys
Corrosion and discharge properties of Ca/Ge micro-alloyed Mg anodes for primary aqueous Mg batteries
Corrosion and its Context in Service-Life
Corrosion and mechanical properties of a novel biomedical WN43 magnesium alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering
Corrosion and Surface Engineering of Magnesium: An Overview
Corrosion and Wear Behavior of PEO Coatings on D16T Aluminum Alloy with Different Concentrations of Graphene
Corrosion and wear performance of La2O3 doped plasma electrolytic oxidation coating on pure Mg
Corrosion and Wear Protection of Mg Alloys by PEO Processing
Corrosion and Wear Protection of Mg Alloys by PEO Processing
Corrosion Behavior and Microstructure of a Broad Range of Mg-SnX Alloys
Corrosion Behavior of As-Cast Binary Mg-Dy Alloys
Corrosion Behavior of As-Cast Binary Mg-Dy Alloys
Corrosion Behavior of As-Cast Binary Mg-Dy Alloys
Corrosion Behavior of Extruded AM60-AlN Metal Matrix Nanocomposite and AM60 Alloy Exposed to Simulated Acid Rain Environment
Corrosion behavior of metal–composite hybrid joints: Influence of precipitation state and bonding zones
Corrosion behavior of Mg wires for ureteral stent in artificial urine solution
Corrosion behavior of Mg–Gd–Zn based alloys in aqueous NaCl solution
Corrosion behavior of multi-layer friction surfaced structure from dissimilar aluminum alloys
Corrosion Behavior of TiO2 Coating on Magnesium Alloy AM60 in Hank’s Solution
Corrosion Behavior of TiO2 Coating on Magnesium Alloy AM60 in Hank’s Solution
Corrosion behaviour and cytocompatibility of selected binary magnesium-rare earth alloys
Corrosion behaviour of 3 Mg-alloys in one: A high-resolution investigation
Corrosion behaviour of 3 Mg-alloys in one: A high-resolution investigation
Corrosion behaviour of 3 Mg-alloys in one: A high-resolution investigation
Corrosion behaviour of a nominally high purity Mg ingot produced by permanent mould direct chill casting
Corrosion behaviour of as-cast ZK40 with CaO and Y additions
Corrosion behaviour of creep-resistant AE42 magnesium alloy-based hybrid composites developed for powertrain applications
Corrosion behaviour of electropolished magnesium materials
Corrosion Behaviour of High Pressure Die Cast Mg-5al-0.4mn-Xce(X=0, 0.5, 1) Alloys
Corrosion Behaviour of High Pressure Die Cast Mg-5al-0.4mn-Xce(X=0, 0.5, 1) Alloys
Corrosion Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys
Corrosion Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys with RE Additions in Sodium Chloride Solutions
Corrosion Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys with RE Additions in Sodium Chloride Solutions
Corrosion behaviour of medical CoCr alloy after nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation
Corrosion Behaviour of Mg-Alloys with RE additions in ASTM Water
Corrosion Behaviour of Semi-Solid Processed Mg-Zn-Ca-RE Alloys
Corrosion behaviour of sintered biodegradable Mg-Ca alloys
Corrosion behaviour of TiO2 coating on magnesium alloy in Hank’s solutions
Corrosion behaviour of WC-10% AISI 304 cemented carbides
Corrosion Estimation From Optical Images Via Generative UNET-Based Neural Networks
Corrosion fatigue assessment of creep-resistant magnesium alloy Mg–4Al–2Ba–2Ca in aqueous sodium chloride solution
Corrosion inhibition and acceleration by rare earth ions in galvanic couples
Corrosion inhibition mechanism of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylate depending on magnesium surface treatment
Corrosion inhibition of copper in aqueous chloride solution by 1H-1,2,3-triazole and 1,2,4-triazole and their combinations: electrochemical, Raman and theoretical studies
Corrosion inhibition of decylphosphonate on bare and PEO-coated Mg alloy
Corrosion inhibition of Elektron WE43 magnesium alloy in NaCl solution
Corrosion inhibition of pure Mg containing a high level of iron impurity in pH neutral NaCl solution
Corrosion inhibition synergies on a model Al-Cu-Mg sample studied by localized scanning electrochemical techniques
Corrosion Inhibitors Intercalated into Layered Double Hydroxides Prepared In Situ on AZ91 Magnesium Alloys: Structure and Protection Ability
Corrosion layer growth on Magnesium galvanic coupled to Aluminium simulated by FEM
Corrosion layer growth on Magnesium galvanic coupled to Aluminium simulated by FEM
Corrosion morphologies on the extruded magnesium alloy ZK60 component
Corrosion morphologies on the extruded magnesium alloy ZK60 component
Corrosion of an extruded magnesium alloy ZK60 component - The role of microstructural features
Corrosion of AZ 91 secondary magnesium alloy
Corrosion of experimental magnesium alloys in blood and PBS: A gravimetric and microscopic evaluation
Corrosion of experimental magnesium alloys in blood and PBS: A gravimetric and microscopic evaluation
Corrosion of Friction Stir Welded Magnesium Alloy AM50
Corrosion of innovative magnesium (Mg) alloys
Corrosion of Magnesium
Corrosion of Magnesium and its Alloys
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Stress corrosion testing - Part 9: Preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for tests under rising load or rising displacement
Corrosion of Mg-9Al alloy with minor alloying elements (Mn, Nd, Ca, Y and Sn)
Corrosion of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings on Mg-Ca Alloy in Hank`s Solutions
Corrosion of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings on Mg-Ca Alloy in Hank`s Solutions
Corrosion of the fuel elements in FRG-2
Corrosion performance, corrosion fatigue behavior and mechanical integrity of an extruded Mg4Zn0.2Sn alloy
Corrosion Properties of Conversion Plasma Coated Magnesium Alloys
Corrosion Properties of Conversion Plasma Coated Magnesium Alloys
Corrosion Properties of PVD-coated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91D - Part I: Investigation of the Corrosion Properties and the Corrosion Mechanisms of PVD Coated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91 for Tribological Applications
Corrosion Properties of PVD-coated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91D - Part I: Investigation of the Corrosion Properties and the Corrosion Mechanisms of PVD Coated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91 for Tribological Applications
Corrosion Properties of PVD-coated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91D - Part II: Contact Corrosion Properties of Differently PVD treated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91
Corrosion Properties of PVD-coated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91D - Part II: Contact Corrosion Properties of Differently PVD treated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91
Corrosion properties of secondary AZ91 alloys
Corrosion properties of secondary AZ91 alloys
Corrosion properties of skin and bulk of semi-solid processed and high pressure die cast AZ91 alloy
Corrosion properties of skin and bulk of semi-solid processed and high pressure die cast AZ91 alloy
Corrosion properties of skin and bulk of semi-solid processed and high pressure die cast AZ91 alloy
Corrosion Properties of Supersaturated Magnesium Alloy Systems
Corrosion Properties of Supersaturated Magnesium Alloy Systems
Corrosion Properties of the Skin of High Pressure Die Cast AZ91 Alloy
Corrosion Properties of the Skin of High Pressure Die Cast AZ91 Alloy
Corrosion protection of AA2024 by sol–gel coatings modified with MBT-loaded polyurea microcapsules
Corrosion protection of AA2024-T3 by LDH conversion films. Analysis of SVET results
Corrosion protection of magnesium alloy AZ31 by coating with poly(ether imides) (PEI)
Corrosion Protection of Magnesium alloy AZ31 Sheets by Spin Coating Process with Poly(ether imide) [PEI]
Corrosion protection of magnesium alloy by PEO-coatings containing sodium oleate
Corrosion Protection of Magnesium AZ31 alloy by Coating with Poly(ether imide) PEI
Corrosion Protection of Magnesium AZ31 alloy by Coating with Poly(ether imide) PEI
Corrosion protection of magnesium AZ31 alloy sheets by polymer coatings (Dissertation)
Corrosion protection of magnesium AZ31 alloy using poly(ether imide) [PEI] coatings prepared by the dip coating method: Influence of solvent and substrate pre-treatment
Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: A new potential source of inorganic contaminants for the marine environment?
Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging contamination source for the marine environment?
Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging contamination source for the marine environment?
Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging inorganic contamination source for the marine environment?
Corrosion protection of steel cut-edges by hot-dip galvanized Al(Zn,Mg) coatings in 1 wt% NaCl: Part I. Experimental study
Corrosion protection of steel cut‐edges by hot‐dip galvanized Al(Zn,Mg) coatings in 1 wt% NaCl: Part II. Numerical simulations
Corrosion protection properties of inhibitor containing hybrid PEO-epoxy coating on magnesium
Corrosion resistance of aged die cast magnesium alloy AZ91
Corrosion resistance of cerium-doped zinc calcium phosphate chemical conversion coatings on AZ31 magnesium alloy
Corrosion Resistance of the Skin and Bulk of Die Cast and Thixocast AZ91D Alloy in Cl- Solution Using Electrochemical Techniques
Corrosion Resistant Magnesium Recycling Alloys
Corrosion Resistant Magnesium Recycling Alloys
Corrosion Sensing for Mg alloys by Nanocontainer including Coatings
Corrosion Sensing for Mg alloys by Nanocontainer including Coatings
Corrosion Simulations for Automotive Applications : Korrosionssimulationen für automobile Anwendungen
Corrosion Study of the Skin and Bulk of Die-Cast and Thixocast AZ91D Alloy in CI-Solution Using Electrochemical Noise Technique
Corrosion Study of the Skin and Bulk of Die-Cast and Thixocast AZ91D Alloy in CI-Solution Using Electrochemical Noise Technique
Corrosion Testing and Coating of Magnesium Alloys
Corrosion-fatigue in the titanium alloy Ti-2.5Cu
Corrosion-induced mechanical properties degradation of Al-Cu-Li (2198-T351) aluminium alloy and the role of side-surface cracks
COSMO-CLM regional climate simulations in the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) framework: a review
Cost calculation for the fuel cycle of research reactors
Cost of decarbonizing an aviation manufacturing site by green hydrogen
Cost of decarbonizing an aviation manufacturing site by green hydrogen
Cost Profile of Membranes That Use Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs)
Cost-affordable, high-performance Ti–TiB composite for selective laser melting additive manufacturing
Cost-effective Biodiversity Conservation: Procurement Auctions and Payment-by-Results - Kosteneffiziente Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt: Beschaffungsauktionen und ergebnisorientierte Honorierung
Cost-Effective Hyperspectral Transmissometers for Oceanographic Applications: Performance Analysis
COSTRICE An atmosphereoceansea ice model coupledsystem using OASIS3
COSTRICE - A coupled system for atmosphere, ocean and sea ice simulations
COSTRICE - A Two-Way Online Coupled Regional Model System for Climate Simulation
COSTRICE - Three model online coupling using OASIS: problems and solutions
COSY - Complex Solid State Reactions for Energy Efficient Hydrogen Storage
COSY - Complex Solid State Reactions for Energy Efficient Hydrogen Storage
COSYNA (Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas) - Ein "Community System" zur Beobachtung und Modellierung der Nordsee
COSYNA - Coastal Observing System of Northern and Arctic Seas
COSYNA Datenmanagement
COSYNA Datenmanagement
COSYNA, a German Initiative for an Integrated Coastal Observation System
COSYNA, a German Initiative of an Integrated Coastal Observating System
COSYNA, an Integrated Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas
COSYNA, an Integrated Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas
COSYNA, an Integrated Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas
Cotton Textile/Iron Oxide Nanozyme Composites with Peroxidase-like Activity: Preparation, Characterization, and Application
Counterion-Release Entropy Governs the Inhibition of Serum Proteins by Polyelectrolyte Drugs
Coupled Finite-Volume and Microstructural Length-Scale Effects on the Deformation of Metals
Coupled Modeling Approach for Laser Shock Peening of AA2198-T3: From Plasma and Shock Wave Simulation to Residual Stress Prediction
Coupled modelling of hydrodynamical parameters in the Greifswalder bodden
Coupled regional Earth system modeling in the Baltic Sea region
Coupling an SOFC System with a High-Performing Metal Hydride Storage
Coupling an SOFC System with a High-Performing Metal Hydride Storage
Coupling Aspects in the Simulation of Hydrogen-Induced Stress-Corrosion Cracking
Coupling Aspects in the Simulation of Hydrogen-Induced Stress-Corrosion Cracking
Coupling Aspects in the Simulation of Hydrogen-Induced Stress-Corrosion Cracking
Coupling aspects in the simulation of hydrogen-induced stress-corrosion cracking
Coupling Atmosphere and Ocean Models for climate simulation over Baltic Sea and North Sea Regions
Coupling CE with ICP Spectrometry: Development and technical details of a new interface
Coupling diffusion, temperature and deformation in polymers: Continuum modelling and computational simulation
Coupling of CCM and PD in a meshless way
Coupling of microbial fermentation and respiration processes in an intertidal mud flat of the Elbe Estuary
Coupling of numerical models for waves and water levels
Coupling of the Subpolar Gyre and the Overturning Circulation During Abrupt Glacial Climate Transitions
Coupling of wave and circulation models in coastal–ocean predicting systems: a case study for the German Bight
Coupling Techniques and Orthogonal Combination of Mass Spectrometric Techniques
Coupling the discrete element method and solid state diffusion equations for modeling of metallic powders sintering
Covalent Attachment of Polymersomes to Surfaces
Covalent immobilization of amylosucrase within different functinalized membranes
Covalent immobilization of enzymes in different porous polymer membranes
Covalent immobilization of hirudin improves the haemocompatibility of polyactide-polyglycolide in vitro
Covalent linking of model biomembranes to titanium implant surface
Covalently closed microemulsions in presence of triblock terpolymers
Covalently coupled nanoparticles in capillary pores as enzyme carrier and as turbulence promoter to facilitate enzymatic polymerizations in flow-through enzyme-membrane reactors
Covalently Modified Graphene Oxide and Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) in Mixed Matrix Thin-Film Composite Membranes
Covalently Modified Graphene Oxide and Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1)  in Mixed Matrix Thin Film Composite Membrane
Cover Picture - Stem Cells: Controlling Major Cellular Processes of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells using Microwell Structures
Covering of surfaces with lipid layers alters cell adhesion behavior
CP39, CP75 and CP91 are major structural components of the Dictyostelium centrosome’s core structure
CppyABM: An open-source agent-based modeling library to integrate C++ and Python
Cr-Ka Goebel Mirrors for Improved Resolution in X-Ray Reflectometry Investigations
Crack closure mechanisms in residual stress fields generated by laser shock peening: A combined experimental-numerical approach
Crack driving force estimation methods
Crack extension at an interface: prediction of fracture toughness and simulation of crack path deviation
Crack extension in aluminium welds
Crack extension in aluminium welds: A numerical approach using the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model
Crack extension in laser weld material
Crack formation during dealloying of Au25Cu75
Crack Growth in Aluminium Welds: Computational Simulation
Crack growth investigations on reactor pressure vessel steels in a running power reactor (BWR)
Crack growth resistance at surface cracks in three aluminium alloys
Crack growth resistance at surface cracks in three aluminium alloys
Crack growth simulation of constrained ductile layer using a cohesive zone model
Crack growth under plane strain conditions and in sheet metal - Numerical modelling
Crack growth under plane strain conditions and in sheet metal - Numerical modelling
Crack initiation and crack growth resistance of Ti-48Al-2Cr sheet material
Crack Kinking in Laser Welds - Experiments and modelling
Crack Kinking in Laser Welds - Experiments and modelling
Crack Mitigation during Dealloying of Au25Cu75
Crack nucleation and elastic / plastic deformation of TiAl alloys investigated by in-situ loaded atomic force microscopy
Crack path and fracture toughness prediction in aluminium welded sheets
Crack Path and Fracture Toughness Predictions for Welded Aluminium Sheets
Crack Path and Fracture Toughness Predictions for Welded Aluminium Sheets
Crack Path and Microstructure in Al-Alloy 2024-T351
Crack Path and Microstructure in Al-Alloy 2024-T351
Crack propagation analyses with CTOA and cohesive model: Comparison and experimental validation
Crack propagation analyses with ctoa and cohesive model: comparison and experimental validation
Crack propagation analyses with ctoa and cohesive model: comparison and experimental validation
Crack Propagation in As-Extruded and Heat-Treated Mg-Dy-Nd-Zn-Zr Alloy Explained by the Effect of LPSO Structures and Their Micro- and Nanohardness
Crack propagation in filled elastomers: 3D study of mechanisms involving the filler agglomerates
Crack Propagation under Bending in Cast Mg10GdxNd-T4 Alloys
Crack Propagation under Bending in Cast Mg10GdxNd-T4 Alloys
Crack resistance behaviour of an intermetallic Ti-Al-Si-Nb alloy at room temperature
Crack retardation mechanism due to overload in base material and laser welds of Al alloys
Crack retardation mechanism due to overload in base material and laser welds of Al alloys
Crack tip opening angle testing of sheet materials for automotive applications
Cracking during High-Temperature Deformation of a High-Strength Polycrystalline CoNi-Base Superalloy
Cracking mechanism in a laser powder bed fused cold-work tool steel: The role of residual stresses, microstructure and local elemental concentrations
Cracking of Ti2AlNb-based alloy after laser beam welding
Cracks and Plasticity
Cracks and Plasticity
Cracks at interfaces of different cohesion
Cracks at the ferrite-austenite interface
Crashworthiness of Magnesium Sheet Structures
Crashworthiness of Magnesium Sheet Structures
Crashworthiness of Magnesium Sheet Structures
Creating and Combining Functions in Polymeric Biomaterials
Creating and Combining Functions in Polymeric Biomaterials
Creation of an 'Artificial Ice Core' in Greenland by Means of Statistical Downscaling
CREDVW-Linked Polymeric Micelles As a Targeting Gene Transfer Vector for Selective Transfection and Proliferation of Endothelial Cells
Creep and Corrosion Properties of monolithic Squeeze-Cast Mg-RE alloys
Creep and Failure of Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites
Creep and Hot Working Behavior of a new Magnesium Alloy Mg-3Sn-2Ca
Creep and Hot Working Behavior of a new Magnesium Alloy Mg-3Sn-2Ca
Creep and Internal Friction of Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloys
Creep and Internal Friction of Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloys
Creep and microstructure of hybrid reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Creep and microstructure of hybrid reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Creep and thermal loading of in situ processed magnesium metal matrix composites
Creep Behavior and Microstructural Changes During Short-Term Creep in a y-TiAl Based Alloy with Fully Lamellar Microstructure
Creep Behavior and Microstructural Changes During Short-Term Creep in a y-TiAl Based Alloy with Fully Lamellar Microstructure
Creep Behavior and Microstructural Stability of Lamellar Gamma-TiAl (Cr, Mo, SI, B) with Extremely Fine Lamellar Spacing
Creep Behavior and Microstructural Stability of Lamellar Gamma-TiAl (Cr, Mo, SI, B) with Extremely Fine Lamellar Spacing
Creep behavior and microstructural stability of Ti-46Al-9Nb material with different microstruktures
Creep Behavior and Microstructure Stability of the Ti-46Al-9Nb Sheet Material (Dissertation)
Creep behavior of AE42 based hybrid composites
Creep behavior of Gamma-TiAl sheet material with differently spaced fully lamellar microstructures
Creep Behavior of Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloys with Fully Lamellar Microstructure
Creep behavior of magnesium alloy ZE10 reinforced with ceria and produced using ultrasonic stirring
Creep behavior of magnesium alloy ZE10 reinforced with ceria and produced using ultrasonic stirring
Creep behavior of Mg-RE alloys for automotive applications
Creep behavior of Mg-RE alloys for automotive applications
Creep behavior of Mg–10Gd–xZn (x=2 and 6wt%) alloys
Creep Behavior of Niobium Alloyed Gamma TiAl Alloys
Creep behavior of TiAl Alloys with enhanced high-temperature capability
Creep Behaviour and Microstructural Stability of Ti-46Al-9Nb with Different Microstructures
Creep Behaviour and Microstructural Stability of Ti-46Al-9Nb with Different Microstructures
Creep behaviour and related high temperature microstructural stability of Ti-46Al-9Nb sheet material
Creep behaviour of a near Gamma-TiAl alloy Ti-48Al-2Cr: Effect of Microstructure
Creep behaviour of a QE22-SiC particle reinforced composite investigated by acoustic emission and scanning electron microscopy
Creep behaviour of dual-phase intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3
Creep behaviour of dual-phase intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3
Creep Behaviour of Magnesium Monolithic Alloys and Composites
Creep Behaviour of Magnesium Monolithic Alloys and Composites
Creep Behaviour of MgZnRE Alloys Formed by Semi-Solid-Casting
Creep Behaviour of TiAl Alloys with Enhanced High-Temperature Capability
Creep behaviour of TiAl alloys with enhanced high-temperature capability
Creep Behaviour of TiAl Alloys with Enhanced High-Temperature Capability
Creep Behaviour Under Compressive Stresses of Calcium and Barium Containing Mg-Al-based Die Casting Alloys
Creep Behaviour Under Compressive Stresses of Calcium and Barium Containing Mg-Al-based Die Casting Alloys
Creep Behaviour Under Compressive Stresses of Calcium and Barium Containing Mg-Al-based Die Casting Alloys
Creep Characteristics of Metal Matrix Composites
Creep Characteristics of Metal Matrix Composites
Creep crack growth behaviour of titanium alloy Ti-6242
Creep crack growth in brittle materials
Creep crack growth in creep-brittle Ti-6242 alloys
Creep Crack Growth of High Temperature Weldments
Creep Crack Growth of High Temperature Weldments
Creep Crack Growth of High Temperature Weldments
Creep Deformation and Failure Assessment of Steel Weldments
Creep Deformation and Failure Assessment of Steel Weldments
Creep deformation in two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
Creep Deformation in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Creep deformation of Co-Re-Ta-C alloys with varying C content–investigated in-situ by simultaneous synchrotron radiation diffraction
Creep Deformation of Materials, Testing and Applicability of Fracture Mechanics Parameters
Creep deformation of polysynthetically twinned (PST) Ti-48mol%Al
Creep Demage and Crack Groth in Steel Welds
Creep Demage and Crack Groth in Steel Welds
Creep Mechanisms in a L12 hardened Co-Base Superalloy
Creep Mechanisms in Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminides
Creep Module of the FITNET FFS procedure and Case studies
Creep of Gamma-TiAl Sheet Material with a High Niobium Content
Creep of Gamma-TiAl Sheet Material with a High Niobium Content
Creep of Magnesium Composites Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique
Creep of Materials: Pecularities of tests and applicability of fracture mechanical parameters
Creep of Reinforced and Unreinforced QE22 Magnesium Alloy
Creep Properties and Texture of a High Niobium Containing Gamma TiAl Sheet Material
Creep Properties and Texture of a High Niobium Containing Gamma TiAl Sheet Material
Creep Properties of a High Niobium Containing Gamma-TiAl Alloy Sheet Material
Creep properties of different Gamma'-strengthened Co-base superalloys
Creep Properties of Squeeze-Cast Mg-Zn Alloys with Ca and Rare Earth Additions
Creep rates and stress exponents of unreinforced and short fiber reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Creep rates of tensile and compressive creep of magnesium alloy AE42 as a consequence of different twinning behaviour
Creep rates of tensile and compressive creep of magnesium alloy AE42 as a consequence of different twinning behaviour
Creep resistance improvement of a polycrystalline Ni-based superalloy via TiC particles reinforcement
Creep resistance of intermetallic TNB-V5 alloy processed by Metal Injection Moulding
Creep resistance of intermetallic TNB-V5 alloy processed by Metal Injection Moulding
Creep resistant magnesium alloys for power train applications
Creep Resistant Silicon Nitrate Ceramics - Approaches of Microstructural Design
Creep Strength and Microstructure of Polycrystalline Gamma’–Strengthened Cobalt-Base Superalloys
Creep Strength and Microstructure of Polycrystalline Gamma’–Strengthened Cobalt-Base Superalloys
Creep strength of different Gamma/Gamma′- strengthened Co-base superalloy variants
Creep-induced ωo phase precipitation and cavity formation in a cast 45.5Ti-45Al-9Nb-0.5B alloy
Crenellation Patterns for Fatigue Crack Retardation in Fuselage Panels Optimized via Genetic Algorithm
Crenellation Patterns for Fatigue Crack Retardation in Fuselage Panels Optimized via Genetic Algorithm
Cretaceous black shales as active bioreactors: A biogeochemical model for the deep biosphere encountered during ODP Leg 207 (Demerara Rise)
CRETE Code of Practice for European Creep Crack Growth Testing of Industrial Specimens
CRETE Code of Practice for European Creep Crack Growth Testing of Industrial Specimens
Critical and strategic factors for scenario development and discontinuity tracing
Critical Assessment and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Mg-H System
Critical Consideration of Precipitate Analysis of Fe–1 at.% Cu Using Atom Probe and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Critical fluctuations in MnSi near TC: A polarized neutron scattering study
Critical hematocrit and oxygen partial pressure in the beating heart of pigs
Critical hematocrit and oxygen partial pressure in the beating heart of pigs
Critical hematocrit and oxygen partial pressure in the beating heart of pigs
Critical magnetic scattering in invar Fe65Ni35 alloy
Critical oxygen partial pressure for the In-Situ' preparation of high Tc-thin films'
Critical oxygen pressure for the In-situ Growth of High-Tc superconducting thin films
Critical scattering of polarized neutrons in the invar FE65Ni35 alloy
Critical small-angle scattering of polarised neutrons in MnSi
Critical Transitions in Socio-econo-ecological Systems
CRITTERBASE, a science-driven data warehouse for marine biota
Cross sectoral impacts on water availability at +2 °C and +3 °C for east Mediterranean island states: The case of Crete
Cross Validation of Water Vapour Retrievals from Ground Based GPS and Satellite Radiometric Measurements over Antarctica
Cross-Chapter Box 3: Governance of the Ocean; Coasts and the Cryosphere under Climate Change
Cross-Chapter Box 9: Integrative Cross-Chapter Box on Low-Lying Islands and Coasts
Cross-Chapter Box FEASIB | Feasibility Assessment of Adaptation Options: An Update of the SR1.5
Cross-linking of polyetherimide by bi- and tetrafunctional nucleophiles in ultrathin layers
Cross-linking of Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) via nitrene reaction and its effect on gas transport property
Cross-sectional structure-property relationship in a graded nanocrystalline Ti1−xAlxN thin film
Crosslinked Redox-Responsive Micelles Based on Lipoic Acid-Derived Amphiphiles for Enhanced siRNA Delivery
Crosslinking of Collagen Through Molecular Recognition by Biomimetic; Decorin-Derived Peptides
Crosslinking of gelatin by ring opening metathesis under aqueous conditions - An exploratory study
Crucible- and Ceramic-Free Melting and Atomization of Ti-Based Alloys
Crucible- and Ceramic-Free Melting and Atomization of Ti-Based Alloys
Cryo-polymerization: a simple and efficient technique for advanced macroporous cryogels
Crystal Handedness and Spin Helix Chirality in Fe1-xCoxSi
Crystal Plasticity for Hexagonal Structured Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Creep in Alloys with Lamellar Microstructures at the Example of Fully Lamellar TiAl
Crystal plasticity modeling of fully lamellar titanium aluminide alloys
Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Fully Lamellar Titanium Aluminide Alloys (Dissertation)
Crystal Plasticity Study on Work Hardening and Recovery in Fully Lamellar Titanium Aluminides
Crystal Spin in Two-Site Self Consistent Models: From Kinematics to Kinetics
Crystal structure solution of KMg(ND)(ND2): An ordered mixed amide/imide compound
Crystallinity and lateral crystallite size of different UHMW-PE materials
Crystallisation and Distribution of Phosphomolybdic acid in Proton-Conducting Polyelectrolyte Membranes: An SAXS/WAXS Study
Crystallite size and lattice distortions of polymer: applications of a new single line method
Crystallizable Polymer Networks Capable of Reversible Shape-Memory- Effects
Crystallization and degradation behaviour of multiblock copolyester blends in Langmuir monolayers
Crystallization and Phase Segregation of Multifunctional Multiblock Copolymers in Spin Coated Thin Films Altered by Diurethane Junction Units
Crystallization Behavior and Phase Separation in Spin Coated Copolyetherester Urethane Films with Different Diisocyanate Linkers
Crystallization Behavior of Copolyesterurethanes Containing Different Weight Contents of Crystallizable Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Segments
Crystallization Behaviors of Biodegradable Multiblock Copolymers Based on Oligodepsipeptides in Spin-coated Films
Crystallization in mesophases: triblock terpolymers with one and two crystallizable blocks
Crystallization Kinetics of Homogeneous and Melt Segregated PE Containing Diblock Copolymers
Crystallization Kinetics of PEO and PE Blocks in Triblock Terpolymers: Microdomain Geometry and Confinement
Crystallization Kinetics of PEO and PE in Different Triblock Terpolymers: Effect of Microdomain Geometry and Confinement
Crystallization of F68 micelles
Crystallization of micelles at chemically terminated interfaces
Crystallization of poly(sebacic acid) at the air-water interface
Crystallographic Characterization on Polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys with Strong Preferred Orientation
Crystallographic modulation of B19 and alpha2 phases in gamma-TiAlX alloys (X=Nb, Mo, B, C)
Crystallographic orientation-dependent deformation characteristics of additive manufactured interstitial-strengthened high entropy alloys
Crystallographic preferred orientation and microstructure of experimentally deformed Braubach galena ore with emphasis on the relation to diffusional processes
Crystallographic studies of benzamidine inhibited bovine beta-trypsin using anomalous dispersion of sulphur
Crystallographic studies of the ribosomal subunit 30S from thermus thermophilus using anomalous dispersion of phosphorus
Crystallographic studies of the ribosomal subunit 30S from thermus thermophilus using anomalous dispersion of phosphorus
Crystallographic Studies on the Small Ribosomal 30 S Subunit from Thermus Thermophilus and Bovine Pancreatic Typsin - Contrast Variation and Phasing with Anomalous Dispersion of Phosphorous and Sulfur (Dissertation)
Crystallographic texture and lattice strain evolution during tensile load of swaged brass
Crystallographic texture gradient along the wall thickness of an SF-copper tube
Crystallographic Texture in Bobbin Tool Friction-Stir-Welded Aluminum
Crystallographic texture investigations of Cu-Nb tubes for industrial applications
Crystallographic texture of an Al90-Cu10 cold extruded composite
Crystallographic texture of an Al90-Cu10 cold extruded composite
Crystallographic texture of dissimilar laser welded Al5083-Al6013 sheets
Crystallographic texture of dissimilar laser welded Al5083-Al6013 sheets
Crystallographic texture of semi-finished products
CSC student work on storms done in Geesthacht
CT based studies of a nitinol vein cuff in minipigs: patency and stability
CTOA and dd5/da
CTOD (delta5) estimate on tension loaded wide plates by using the engineering treatment model (ETM)
CTOD and wide plate testing of welds with particular emphasis on mis-matched welded joints
CTOD testing of HAZ and analysis of pop-in behaviour
CTOD testing of HAZ and analysis of pop-in behaviour
CTOD toughness evaluation of hyperbaric repair welds with shallow and deep notched specimens
Cultivation and spontaneous differentiation of rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on polymeric surfaces
Cultivation of Kidney Epithelial Cells on Asymmetric Polymer Membranes
Cultivation of rat mesenchymal stem cells on poly(ether imide) surfaces with different microscaled roughness
Cultivation of the marine basidiomycete Nia vibrissa (Moore und Meyers)
Cultivation of the marine basidiomycete Nia vibrissa (Moore und Meyers)
Cultural and demic diffusion of first farmers, herders, and their innovations across Eurasia
Cultural ecosystem services in the context of offshore wind farming: A case study from the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein
Cultural Identity in the Wadden Sea Region of Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands - Results from the online survey of July 2012 to December 2012
Culture Contributes to Perceptions of Climate Change
Culture surface influence on T-cell phenotype and function
Cumulative Effects
CURAE – bridging the gap between regional CMEMS forecasts and coastal high-resolution applications
Curbing the Omnipresence of Lead in the European Environment Since the 1970s - A Successful Example of Efficient Environmental Policy
Curbing the Omnipresence of Lead in the European Environment Since the 1970s: A Successful Example of Efficient Einvironmental Policy
Curcumin- and Fish Oil-Loaded Spongosome and Cubosome Nanoparticles with Neuroprotective Potential against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Differentiated Human SH-SY5Y Cells
Current Advances in Friction-Based Joining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures
Current and Future Policies and Regulatory Framework, Part D
Current and sea level control the demise of shallow carbonate production on a tropical bank (Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean)
Current development of creep-resistant magnesium cast alloys: A review
Current issues in teaching quality in chemical measurement (Meeting report)
Current issues in teaching quality in chemical measurement (Meeting report)
Current Measurements in the Sylt-Romo-Bight
Current predictive capabilities of detailed atomistic molecular modelling techniques for transport/separation properties of polymeric materials
Current research activities on Gamma-titanium aluminides
Current Research on Atmospheric Mercury in the European Union: The MOE Project
Current state of the European Round Robin on stress corrosion testing
Current State of the Magnesium Industry
Current State of the Magnesium Industry
Current state of the numerical round robin on micro-mechanical models
Current Status and Recent Developments in Porous Magnesium Fabrication
Current status of Langmuir monolayer degradation of polymeric biomaterials
Current topics in the application of neutron scattering to materials science problems
Current work on total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry at the GKSS Research Centre
Current work on total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry at the GKSS Research Centre
Currently used pesticides, hexachlorobenzene and hexachlorocyclohexanes in the air and seawater of the German Bight (North Sea)
Currents and suspended particulate matter in the tidal channels of the Sylt-Romo Basin
Currents and suspended particulate matter in the tidal channels of the Sylt-Romo Basin
Currents and transport in water
Cusseque – Climate
Customizing the microstructure in three-dimensional Mg structures
Customizing the microstructure in three-dimensional Mg structures
CVI measurements on small crystals in cirrus clouds
Cyanobacterial Diazotroph Distributions in the Western South Atlantic
Cyclic and Telechelic Ladder Polymers derived from Tetrahydroxytetramethylspirobisindane and 1,4-Dicyanotetrafluorobenzene
Cyclic deformation and microstructure of the spinodal alloy Cu-35%Ni-3.5undCr
Cyclic deformation of newly developed Magnesium cast alloys in corrosive environment
Cyclic deformation of newly developed Magnesium cast alloys in corrosive environment
Cyclic deformation of newly developed Magnesium cast alloys in corrosive environment
Cyclic deformation of the alloy Cu-35%Ni-3.5%Cr in the homogenized condition
Cyclic Ladder Polymers Based on 5,5’,6,6’-Tetrahydroxy-3,3,3’,3’-tetramethylspirobisindane and 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoropyridines
Cyclic Ladder Polymers by Polycondensation of Silylated Tetrahydroxy-tetramethylspirobisindane with 1,4-Dicyanotetrafluorobenzene
Cyclic Plasticity of a High-Strength Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Cyclic stability and structure of nanoconfined Ti-doped NaAlH4
Cyclic Water Storage Behavior of Doubly Thermoresponsive Poly(sulfobetaine)-Based Diblock Copolymer Thin Films
Cycling and thermal stability of nanostructured MgH2-Cr2 O3 composite for hydrogen storage
Cycling capacity recovery effect: A coulombic efficiency and post-mortem study
Cycling of Atmospheric Mercury in Polar Regions
Cyclo-stationary Maximum Cross Convariance Analysis for Exogenously Forced Environmental Systems
Cyclo-stationary Maximum Cross-Convariance Analysis: Concept and Application for the Assessment of the Predictability of a Lake Ecosystem from Meteorological Variables (Dissertation)
Cyclodextrins and Derivatives in Membrane Technology - Ways to Enantioselective Membranes
Cyclone impact on sea ice in the central Arctic Ocean: A statistical study
Cytocompatibility of a free machining titanium alloy containing lanthanum
Cytocompatibility of free machining Titanium alloys containing Lanthanum
Cytocompatibility testings using cell culture modules fabricated from specific candidate biomaterials using injection molding
Cytokine and acute phase protein expression in blood samples of harbour seal pups
Cytokine expression in blood samples of harbour porpoises: T-helper-(th)-cell cytokines as marker of the health status?
Cytokine mRNA Expression in Whole Blood of Harbour Porpoises: Indicator of Inflammatory diseases?
Cytokines and acute phase proteins as markers for infection in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Cytotoxic and Immunological Effects of Magnesium Alloy Elements on Cells
Cytotoxic and Immunological Effects of Magnesium Alloy Elements on Cells
Cytotoxicity and antibacterial property of Mg-Ag alloys
Cytotoxicity and antibacterial property of Mg-Ag alloys
Cytotoxicity and antibacterial property of Mg-Ag alloys
Cytotoxicity and in-vitro test-systems for evaluation of biodegradable metals
Cytotoxicity of biodegradable magnesium alloy WE43 to tumor cells in vitro: Bioresorbable implants with antitumor activity?
Cytotoxicity of biomaterials - basic mechanisms and in vitro test methods: a review
CZE-ICP-MS separation of metallothioneins in human brain cytosols: comparability of electropherograms obtained from different sample matrices


Daempferueckgewinnung aus Abluft mit Hilfe von Membranen
Daempfung und Streuung von Blasenschleiern auf Unterwasserschall im Frequenzbereich von 30-70 kHz - Messungen im Wassertank und Vergleich mit der Theorie der Schallstreuung an Luftblasen in Wasser (Dissertation)
Daempfungspotential der Magnesiumlegierung AZ91 bei Raumtemperatur (Dissertation)
Daily characteristics of Central African rainfall in the REMO model
Daily precipitation statistics in a EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble: added value of raw and bias-corrected high-resolution simulations
Daily scale wintertime sea surface temperature and IPC-Navidad variability in the southern Bay of Biscay from 1981 to 2010
Damage analysis of a ship collision with a finite element method
Damage analysis of a ship-glider collision with a finite element method
Damage and fracture mechanisms investigations of an aluminium laser beam weld (Dissertation)
Damage coupled to gradient extended crystal plsticity
Damage Mechanics – Constitutive Models, Implementation into FEA and Parameter Identification
Damage Mechanisms in Rolled Al 2024 Plates
Damage Modeling of Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Damage modeling of nanostructured hierarchical material
Damage Modeling of Random Materials
Damage modeling of small-scale experiments on dental enamel with hierarchical microstructure
Damage modelling of small scale experiments on dental enamel with hierarchical microstructure
Damage Models for Cyclic Loading
Damage Models for Cyclic Loading
Damage Models for Cyclic Loading
Damage Models for Cyclic Plasticity
Damage Models for Cyclic Plasticity
Damage Models for Cyclic Plasticity
Damage Models for Cyclic Plasticity
Damage Models for Cyclic Plasticity
Damage Models for Monotonous and Cyclic Loading
Damage Models for Monotonous and Cyclic Loading
Damage of amorphous carbon induced by soft x-ray femtosecond pulses above and below the critical angle
Damage threshold of amorphous carbon mirror for 177 eV FEL radiation
Damage thresholds of various materials irradiated by 100-ps pulses of 21.2-nm laser radiation
Damage thresholds of various materials irradiated by 100-ps pulses of 21.2-nm laser radiation
Damage Tolerance Analyses of Laser Welded "Skin-Clip" Joints for Aerospace Applications
Damage tolerance analysis of dissimilar butt-joints obtained by Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding
Damage tolerance behaviour of integral aircraft structures obtained by SSFSW
Damage Tolerance Improvement of Laser Beam Welded Fuselage Structures via Crenellations
Damage Tolerance Improvement of Laser Beam Welded Fuselage Structures via Crenellations
Damage tolerance improvement of load-bearing metallic structures via laser shock peening
Damage Tolerance Investigations on Rails
Damage tolerance investigations on rails
Damage Tolerance Investigations on Railway Axles
Damage Tolerance of a Railway Axle
Damage tolerance: fracture mechanics in design
Damage tolerant design of additively manufactured metallic components subjected to cyclic loading: State of the art and challenges
Dampfpermeation bei hoeherem Systemdruck
Dampfpermeation mit Polymermembran fuer die Entwaesserung von Ethanol und anderen organischen Fluessigkeiten - Ein Technologiepaket (Dissertation)
Damping behaviour of AZ91 magnesium alloy with cracks
Damping Measurements of the Magnesium Wrought Alloys AZ31, AZ61 and AZ80 after Indirect and Hydrostatic Extrusion
Dansgaard–Oeschger events in climate models: review and baseline Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) protocol
Danske forskere er dygtige
Darstellung der Morphologie von Celluloseregeneratfasern
Darstellung der Morphologie von Celluloseregeneratfasern
Darstellung der Morphologie von Celluloseregeneratfasern
Darstellung der Morphologie von Celluloseregeneratfasern
Darstellung erwarteter Klimaaenderungen (Stuerme und Niederschlaege)
Darstellung und Charakterisierung von Silesquioxanen und silesquioxan-modifizierten Hybridmaterialien
Darstellung unterschiedlicher Praeparationsmethoden fuer Magnesiumwerkstoffe
Darstellung, Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von integral-asymmetrischen Blockcopolymermembranen (Dissertation)
Das Auftreten von dissipativen Strukturen an Membranoberflaechen bei der Membranbildung durch Phaseninversion
Das Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX): Ein Beitrag zur Erfassung von Energie- und Wasserkreislaeufen im Klimasystem
Das Berlin-Brandenburger Centrum fuer Regenerative Therapien
Das Berlin-Brandenburger Centrum fuer Regenerative Therapien als Beispiel fuer Technologie-orientierte Ansaetze in der Medizin
Das Datenbanksystem FAIRS-Umwelt
Das Diffusionsverhalten von Wasserstoff in einem niedriglegierten Stahl unter Beruecksichtigung des Verformungsgrades und der Deckschichtbildung in alkalischen Medien
Das Diffusionsverhalten von Wasserstoff in einem niedriglegierten Stahl unter Beruecksichtigung des Verformungsgrades und der Deckschichtbildung in alkalischen Medien (Dissertation)
Das Doppelfiltermodul - ein Hohlfasermodulsystem mit integrierten Filtrations- und Refiltrationsabschnitten (Dissertation)
Das Elbe-Ästuar : Natur-, Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraum unter Nutzungsdruck
Das Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) als einfache Methode zur Abschaetzung der bruchmechanischen Beanspruchung
Das Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) als ingenieurmaessiges Abschaetzungsverfahren fuer die bruchmechanische Beanspruchung
Das Fernmesssystem ARGOS' des GKSS-Forschungszentrums'
Das Forschungsprogramm Waldschäden am Standort Postturm
Das Forschungsschiff „Coriolis“ – Plattform für die Wasserstofftechnologie und Küstenforschung
Das Geheimnis der Riesenwellen
Das GKSS-95-GHz Wolkenradar: Systembeschreibung und Messbeispiele
Das GKSS-Institut fuer Gewaesserforschung in Magdeburg: Forschungsziele
Das GKSS-Institut fuer Kuestenforschung
Das Globale Energie- und Wasserkreislauf-Experiment (GEWEX) innerhalb des Weltklimaforschungsprogramms und daraus resultierende Anforderungen an die hydrologische Forschung
Das Goer in der Badewanne
Das hydrographische Messsystem HYDRA
Das Institut fuer Biomaterialforschung der HZG in Teltow
Das Kaltreckverhalten von luftgetrockneten UHMW-PE-Gelfaeden
Das Klima der Region und moegliche Aenderungen in der Deutschen Bucht
Das Klima ernst und sachlich behandeln
Das Klima in den Koepfen der Menschen
Das Klimaproblem
Das Klimasystem und seine Modellierung
Das klimawissenschaftliche Einvernehmen
Das Leiden der Klimaforschung und der Klimapolitik
Das Lichtbogen-Schweissen in nasser Umgebung: Ein Fuegeverfahren mit wachsenden Zukunftschancen
DAS lidar data acquisition and reduction at GKSS
DAS lidar data acquisition and reduction procedure: A contribution to the EUROTRAC subproject TESLAS
Das Meerfelder Maar: Beispiel fuer eine Sanierung und Restaurierung eines Sees
Das Menetekel 'Pallas' und die Bringeschuld der Naturwissenschaft
Das Menetekel 'Pallas' und die Bringschuld der Naturwissenschaft
Das mobile Lidarsystem ARGOS zur ortsaufgeloesten Fernmessung gasfoermiger Luftschadstoffe
Das mobile ortsaufloesende Schadgasfernmesssystem ARGOS
Das modulare GKSS-Datenerfassungs- und Steuerungssystem
Das Modulare System fuer Schelfmeere und Kuesten (MOSSCO) - Konzepte und Infrastruktur zum Zusammenwirken verschiedener Modelle fuer die Kuestenforschung
Das neue Neutronendiffractometer ARES fuer die Analyse von Eigenspannungen
Das Neutron: ein dreizehnminuetiges Leben im Dienste der Forschung
Das Norddeutsche Klimabuero – Partner fuer Klimafragen in Norddeutschland
Das Norddeutsche Klimabuero – Partner fuer Klimafragen in Norddeutschland
Das ortsaufloesende Schadgas-Fernmesssystem ARGOS
Das Projekt Sylter Wattenmeer Austausch Prozesse
Das Projekt TIDE-Werkzeuge fuer eine einheitliche Sicht auf heterogene, verteilte Umweltdaten
Das querschnittsgemittelte Modell FLUSS und Beispiele fuer seine Anwendung auf die Unterweser
Das Roboterkonzept an STRESS-SPEC
Das Rotations-Raman-Spektrum von Stickstoff, Sauerstoff und Wasserdampf
Das Schwebstoff-Regime der Elbe waehrend der erhoehten Wasserfuehrung im Maerz - April 1992
Das soziale Konstrukt des Klimas
Das Strahlungsbilanzradiometer ScaRaB (Scanner for Radiation Budget) : Abschlussbericht
Das Strahlungsmanagement im Climate Engineering – ein Überblick
Das Ultraschallfeld als Kaltgasfalle
Das Umweltueberwachungsprogramm der GKSS in der Elbmarsch
Das Verhalten modifizierter Stahlmembranen und ihre Anwendung in Membranreaktoren bei Temperaturen bis 1000° C.
Das Wattenmeerinformationssystem WATiS
Das Wattenmeerinformationssystem WATiS
Das Wattenmeerinformationssystem WATiS
Das Wissen ueber den Klimawandel im Norddeutschen Raum
Das Wissen ueber den Klimawandel im Norddeutschen Raum – Beitrag regionaler Klimaberichte
Das Wissen zum Klimawandel im norddeutschen Raum – Der Beitrag regionaler Klimaberichte
Data acquisition and transfer through Open Innovation Environment
Data Analysis and Exploration with Computational Approaches
Data Analysis and Exploration with Scientific Workflows
Data Analysis and Exploration with Visual Approaches
Data analysis of the influence of microstructure, composition, and loading conditions on stress corrosion cracking behavior of Mg alloys
Data and Model - Mathematical Modeling
Data Assimilation and Geostatistics in Ecological modeling
Data Assimilation and Geostatistics in Ecological modeling
Data Assimilation and Sensitivity Studies with the Soil Model of the DM/EN/REMO
Data assimilation for hydrodynamical modeling of the Odra lagoon
Data assimilation of ocean wind waves using Neural Networks. A case study for the German Bight
Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN) for reconstructing climate from paleodata
Data Documentation and Interoperability Support at Open Innovation Environment
Data for Data-driven and physics-based modelling of process behaviour and deposit geometry for friction surfacing
Data for Processability of Mg-Gd alloys via friction extrusion
Data for: Behavior of volumetric core defects in friction extrusion of wire from Al-Cu alloy
Data for: Changes in Processing Characteristics and Microstructural Evolution during Friction Extrusion of Aluminum
Data for: Comparison of Friction Extrusion Processing from Bulk and Chips of Aluminum-Copper Alloys
Data from Signal Stations along the German Coastline
Data from: Application of friction surfacing for solid state additive manufacturing of cylindrical shell structures
Data from: Combined experimental-numerical analysis of the temperature evolution and distribution during friction surfacing
Data from: Correlation of Microstructure and Local Mechanical Properties Along Build Direction for Multi-layer Friction Surfacing of Aluminum Alloys
Data from: Experimental Investigation of Efficiency and Deposit Process Temperature during Multi-Layer Friction Surfacing
Data from: Fatigue crack propagation in AA5083 structures additively manufactured via multi-layer friction surfacing
Data from: Fundamental study of multi-track friction surfacing deposits for dissimilar aluminum alloys with application to additive manufacturing
Data from: Temperature-dependent mechanical behavior of aluminum AM structures generated via multi-layer friction surfacing
Data interpretation and numerical modelling of the mud and suspended sediment experiment (MASEX) in 1985
Data interpretation and numerical modelling of the mud and suspended sediment experiment (MASEX) in 1985
Data Management in COSYNA
Data Management in the Coastal Observing System COSYNA
Data Management in the Coastal Observing System COSYNA
Data Management in the Coastal Observing System COSYNA
Data Quality
Data Science and Earth System Sciences
Data Science Based Mg Corrosion Engineering
Data-Assimilation: Soil Moisture Retrieval
Data-based analysis of nanoporous metals: From structural descriptors to structure-property relationships using FE simulations
Data-driven and physics-based modeling to utilize process-property relationships in materials mechanics and processing
Data-driven and physics-based modelling for friction surfacing to identify and utilize process-structure relations under different environmental conditions
Data-driven and physics-based modelling of process behaviour and deposit geometry for friction surfacing
Data-driven and Physics-based Modelling to Predict Process Behaviour and Deposit Geometry for Friction Surfacing under Different Environmental Conditions
Data-Driven Modeling of the Elasto- Plastic Behaviour of Nanoporous Metals
Data-Driven Modeling of Yield Surfaces of Nanoporous Metals
Data-Driven Modeling of Yield Surfaces of Nanoporous Metals in Multiaxial Stress Space
Data-driven modelling of the multiaxial yield behaviour of nanoporous metals
Data-driven Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium
Data-Driven Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium
Data-driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives for Aqueous Magnesium Batteries
Data-driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives for Aqueous Magnesium Batteries
Data-driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives for Aqueous Magnesium Batteries
Data-driven Simulations of Synoptic Circulation and Transports in the Tunisia-Sardinia-Sicily region
Data-enhanced hybrid machine learning model for solid-state friction surfacing process
Database enhanced acceleration method based on multivariate simplicial interpolation for material-dominated calculations
Datamanagement in COSYNA
Dataset and scripts for publication Property design of extruded magnesium-gadolinium alloys through machine learning
Dataset from healthy and defective spot welds in refill friction stir spot welding using acoustic emission
Dataset of five years of in situ and satellite derived chlorophyll a concentrations and its spatiotemporal variability in the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes, New Zealand
Datasets for the microstructure of nanoscale metal network structures and for its evolution during coarsening
Datenassimilation fuer numerische Modelle als durch Einfluss der Diskretisierung schlecht gestelltes Optimierungsproblem
Datenerfassung und Speicherung auf dem Forschungsschiff L. Prandtl
Datenerfassung und Speicherung auf dem Forschungsschiff Ludwig Prandtl
Datenerfassungs- und Steuerungssystem fuer LIDAR-Anwendungen
Datenflut erwuenscht
Datenmanagement in COSYNA
Datenverarbeitung zur Bauteilerkennung und Positionierung fuer einen Bestueckungsautomaten (zum Dispensen und Bestuecken von gedruckten Schaltungen) (Diplomarbeit)
Dauerfestigkeit galvanisch verzinkter Teile
Dauerfestigkeit von MIM-Bauteilen
Daytime temperature lidar based on rotational Raman scattering
De-hydrogenation/Rehydrogenation Properties and Reaction Mechanism of AmZn(NH2)n-2nLiH Systems (A = Li, K, Na, and Rb)
Dealing with impact of anthropogenic Climate Change - the case of storm surges in the German Bight/Hamburg
Dealing with the Specter of Anthropogenic Climate Change
Dealloyed nanoporous materials with interface-controlled behavior
Dealloying-based interpenetrating-phase nanocomposites matching the elastic behavior of human bone
Dealloying-based metal-polymer composites for biomedical applications
Dealloying-based nanoporous metallic materials for orthopedic implant applications
Debottlenecking a Multi-enzymatic Cascade Reaction in a 2-Phase System
Debottlenecking of an enzyme cascade reaction for synthesis of Cinnamyl Cinnamate
Decadal and multi-year predictability of the West African monsoon and the role of dynamical downscaling
Decadal patterns and trends in benthic-pelagic exchange processes
Decadal Sea level Variability in the subtropical South Pacific
Decadal sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea
Decadal to centennial variability of daily wind over Northern Europe and its application to migrating dunes in the Baltic Sea region (Dissertation)
Decadal variability and trends of the Benguela upwelling system as simulated in a high-resolution ocean simulation
DECHEMA-Jahrestagung 1999: Fachsektion Membrantechnik
Decision making of oil spill contingency options wit hfuzzy comprehensive evaluation
Decision Support Tools as Instruments to facilitate Climate Change Adaptation - The case of the BalticClimate Toolkit for adaptation in the German Baltic Sea region : CSC Report
Decision-support tools to build climate resilience against emerging infectious diseases in Europe and beyond
Decline of the Black Sea oxygen inventory
Decoding Temperature - Memory Effects in Copolymer Networks Having Crystallizable Controlling Units
Decommissioning of the FRG-2 reactor
Decomposition of organic matter in aggregated seston from the Elbe estuary: redox dependency and production of low molecular weight DOC compounds
Decomposition of unstable supersaturated CU90CO10 solid solutions
Decomposition pathways in nano-lamellar CVD Ti0.2Al0.8N
Decomposition routes and strain evolution in arc deposited TiZrAlN coatings
Decompression options for tunnel work at more than 3 bars (Gauge) pressure
Deconstructing recent regional climate change: Is CO2 a sufficient driver?
Decontamination of dredged Harbor-Sediments by Steam-Stripping-Process
Decontamination of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons from Soil by Steam Stripping - Mathematical Modelling of the Mass Transfer and Energy Requirement
Decontamination of Residues from the Soil Washing Process by Steam Stripping Technique
Deconvolution of synthetic mRNA expression: nucleoside chemistry alters translatability
Decoupling Optical Properties in Metallo-Supramolecular Poly(p-phenylene ethynylene)s
Decrease of Tg of polymers from morpholinediones by modification with hexyl groups
Decreased frequency of North Atlantic polar lows associated with future climate warming
Decreasing the glass transition temperature (Tg) of poly(ethylene terephthalate) films at the air-water interface by reducing sample dimensions
Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2009
Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2009
Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2011
Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2011
Dedifferentiation of mature adipocytes with cold cycling
Dedifferentiation of mature adipocytes with periodic exposure to cold
Deep carbon export from a Southern Ocean iron-fertilized diatom bloom
Deep Emulators for Differentiation, Forecasting, and Parametrization in Earth Science Simulators
Deep Learning with Data Limitations: A Use Case of Predicting Inhibition Efficiencies for Magnesium Dissolution Modulators
Deep pore water profiles reflect enhanced microbial activity towards tidal flat margins
Deep Rolling for Tailoring Residual Stresses of AA2024 Sheet Metals
Deep saturation dives at GUSI
Deep saturation diving chamber technology
Deep saturation diving chamber technology
Deep soil temperature as a proxy for surface air-temperature in a coupled model simulation of the last thousand years
Deep-learning-based real-time prediction of acute kidney injury outperforms human predictive performance
Defeating antibiotic-resistant bacteria with protein-resistant polyGGE film
Defect Assessment Procedure for Low to High Temperature Range
Defect Assessment Procedure for Low to High Temperature Range
Defect Assessment Procedures for Plants
Defect Assessment Procedures for Plants
Defect density-based modeling of work hardening and recovery in fully lamellar TiAl alloys
Defect particles in an irradiated RPV steel studied by a systematic variation of irradiation and annealing conditions: preliminary results by small angle neutron scattering
Defect Structures Observed after Low-Cycle Fatigue of a High Strength TiAl Alloy
Defect-rich GaN interlayer facilitating the annihilation of threading dislocations in polar GaN crystals grown on (0001)-oriented sapphire substrates
Defects and plasticity in ultrastrong supercrystalline nanocomposites
Defektfreie Matrimid® Aktivkohle Mixed-Matrix-Membranen fuer die Gastrennung
Defektfreie Mixed‐Matrix‐Membranen aus Matrimid® und Aktivkohle für die Gastrennung : Defect‐Free Mixed‐Matrix Membranes from Matrimid® and Activated Carbon for Applications in Gas Separation
Defending Automotive Components Against Corrosive Destruction
Defined pH-sensitive nanogels as gene delivery platform for siRNA mediated in vitro gene silencing
Defining 'pre-industrial climate': Past global changes during the most recent two millennia
Defining New Benchmarks of Low CTAB-Concentration-Based Gold Nanorod Synthesis: The Underestimated Potential of Polymer-Directed Anisotropic Growth
Deformation and Anchoring of AA 2024-T3 rivets within thin printed circuit boards
Deformation and Crack Initiation in Ti-6242Si Alloys
Deformation and Crack Initiation in Ti-6242Si Alloys
Deformation and Creep Crack Growth Behavior of P91 Steels
Deformation and Creep Crack Growth Behavior of P91 Steels
Deformation and Creep Crack Growth of P91-Steel Welds
Deformation and Failure of light-weight Metals
Deformation and Fracture Analysis of Stainless Steel and Titanium Foams
Deformation and Fracture Analysis of Stainless Steel and Titanium Foams
Deformation and fracture behaviour of gamma intermetallics
Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of P91 Steel Weldments at High Temperatures
Deformation and fracture behaviour of TiAl and TiAlCr intermetallics
Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of TiAl Base Intermetallic Alloys
Deformation and fracture behaviour of TiAl intermetallics
Deformation and fracture ot two-phase layered materials: Numerical simulation and experimental observation
Deformation and orientation behavior of polystyrene-b-polybutadiene-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) triblock terpolymers: Influence of polybutadiene microstructures and the molar masses
Deformation and phase transformation behaviors of a high Nb-containing TiAl alloy compressed at intermediate temperatures
Deformation and Recrystallization Mechanisms and Their Influence on the Microstructure Development of Rare Earth Containing Magnesium Sheets
Deformation and Recrystallization Mechanisms and Their Influence on the Microstructure Development of Rare Earth Containing Magnesium Sheets
Deformation and Recrystallization Texture of Extruded NiAl
Deformation and texture evolution in AZ31 magnesium alloy during uniaxial loading
Deformation behavior and acoustic emission response on uniaxial compression of extruded rectangular profile of Mg- Zn-Zr alloy
Deformation behavior and strengthening effects of an eutectic AlCoCrFeNi2.1 high entropy alloy probed by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and post-mortem EBSD
Deformation Behavior of Weakly Segregated Block Copolymers.- 2.Correlation between Phase Behavior and Deformation Mechanisms of Diblock Copolymers
Deformation Behavior of Cross-Linked Supercrystalline Nanocomposites: An in Situ SAXS/WAXS Study during Uniaxial Compression
Deformation Behavior of Gamma Titanium Aluminides-Micromechanical Modeling of Polycrystalline Materials
Deformation Behavior of Gamma Titanium Aluminides-Micromechanical Modeling of Polycrystalline Materials
Deformation behavior of Mg from micromechanics to engineering applications
Deformation behavior of Mg from micromechanics to engineering applications
Deformation Behavior of ZE10 Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Deformation behaviour and microstructure of TiAl-based alloys
Deformation behaviour of a lamella-free dual-phase gamma-base titanium aluminide alloy
Deformation Behaviour of an in-situ Composite Based on a Modulated Structure of Intermetallic Phases
Deformation Behaviour of an in-situ Composite Based on a Modulated Structure of Intermetallic Phases
Deformation Behaviour of AZ Alloys at High Strain Rates
Deformation Behaviour of Differently Processed Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Deformation Behaviour of Differently Processed Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Deformation behaviour of nanoporous metals - Access to mechanical properties on the nanoscale through a combined experimental and modelling approach
Deformation behaviour of TiAl-based alloys: effects of composition and microstructure
Deformation Behaviour of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Deformation behaviour of wrought Mg alloys: Influence of rare-earth elements addition
Deformation by design: data-driven approach to predict and modify deformation in thin Ti-6Al-4V sheets using laser peen forming
Deformation characteristics of the intermetallic alloy 60NiTi
Deformation characteristics of ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline iron and pearlitic steel - An in situ synchrotron investigation
Deformation kinetics of a TRIP steel determined by in situ high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Deformation mechanism in nanoporous metals: effect of ligament shape and randomization
Deformation Mechanisms and Formability Window for As-Cast Mg-6Al-2Ca-1Sn-0.3Sr Alloy (MRI 230D)
Deformation mechanisms in an AZ31 cast magnesium alloy as investigated by the acoustic emission technique
Deformation mechanisms in cast AZ31 cast magnesium alloy as investigated by the acoustic emission technique
Deformation Mechanisms in Metastable Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steels under Compressive Load Studied by in situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction
Deformation mechanisms in nanoporous metals: Effect of ligament shape and disorder
Deformation Mechanisms in Ni-Based Superalloys at Room and Elevated Temperatures Studied by In Situ Neutron Diffraction and Electron Microscopy
Deformation Mechanisms in TiAl Intermetallics - Experiments and Modeling
Deformation mechanisms in TiAl intermetallics - Experiments and modeling
Deformation mechanisms in TiAl/Ti3Al structures
Deformation Mechanisms of Magnesium Alloys with Rare-Earth and Zinc Additions Under Plane Strain Compression
Deformation mechanisms of β-Li in Mg-Li dual-phase alloy and effects of surface oxide layer
Deformation Microstructures and Textures of Cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy under Uniaxial Hot Compression
Deformation Microstructures and Textures of Cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy under Uniaxial Hot Compression
Deformation of nanoporous gold: The importance of topology
Deformation of Ni–Mn-Ga 7M modulated martensite through detwinning/twinning and forward/reverse intermartensitic transformation studied by in-situ neutron diffraction and interrupted in-situ EBSD
Deformation processes of additively manufactured interstitial-strengthened high entropy alloy: In-situ high-energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction and microstructural appraisal
Deformation processes related to interfacial boundaries in two-phase Titanium Aluminides
Deformation twinning in polycrystalline NiMnGa alloys
Deformation Twinning of AZ31 Alloy in Quasistatic and Dynamic Compression Tests
Deformation Twins - Their Nucleation and Development in TiAl
Deformation Twins - Their Nucleation and Development in TiAl
Deformation-induced dynamic precipitation during creep in magnesium-tin alloys
Deformation-induced dynamic precipitation during creep in magnesium-tin alloys
Deformation-induced homogenization of the multi-phase senary high-entropy alloy MoNbTaTiVZr processed by high-pressure torsion
Deformation-induced internal stresses in multiphase titanium aluminide alloys
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion: Comparison surface vs. bulk
Deformation-induced phase transformation in a Co-Cr-W-Mo alloy studied by high-energy X-ray diffraction during in-situ compression tests
Deformation-Induced Phase Transformations and Microstructural Degradation of Two-Phase Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Degassing of Water with Membranes
Deglacial pattern of circulation and marine productivity in the upwelling region off central-south Chile
Degradable biomaterials based on magnesium corrosion
Degradable depsipeptide-based multiblock copolymers with polyester or polyetherester segments
Degradable Elastomers for Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Degradable implants based on magnesium - What do we need for translation to clinics?
Degradable Magnesium Implants - Assessment of the Current Situation
Degradable Magnesium Implants - Assessment of the Current Situation
Degradable magnesium-hydroxyapatite interpenetrating phase composites processed by current assisted metal infiltration in additive-manufactured porous preforms
Degradable metallic implants - Assessment of the current situation
Degradable metallic implants - Assessment of the current situation
Degradable metallic implants: Details of the Magnesium-Bone Interface
Degradable Mg implant materials
Degradable Mg Implants for osteosynthesis
Degradable Mg-Based Implans: Impact on the Ultrastructure of Bone
Degradable Multiblock Shape-Memory Copolymers Having Polydepsipeptide- and Poly(ε-caprolactone)segments as Biomaterials
Degradable polymeric carriers for parenteral controlled drug delivery
Degradable Polyurethane/Soy Protein Shape-Memory Polymer Blends Prepared Via Environmentally-Friendly Aqueous Dispersions
Degradable shape-memory polymer networks as drug carriers
Degradable shape-memory polymer networks as drug carriers
Degradable Shape-Memory Polymer Networks from Oligo[(L-lactide)-ran-glycolide]dimethacrylates
Degradable Shape-memory Polymers
Degradable Thermosensitive hydrogels based on grafted pectin or chondritin sulfate
Degradable, Multifunctional Cardiovascular Implants: Challenges and Hurdles
Degradable, Multifunctional Polymeric Biomaterials with Shape-memory
Degradable, Multifunctional Polymeric Biomaterials with Shape-memory
Degradation Adaptability Assessment of Semisolid Powder Molded Mg–Zn–Mn Alloys for Orthopedic Applications.
Degradation Analysis of Thin Mg-xAg Wires Using X-ray Near-Field Holotomography
Degradation and cytocompatibilty of magnesium-based biomaterials prepared by metal injection moulding
Degradation Behavior and Mechanical Integrity of a Mg-0.7Zn-0.6Ca (wt.%) Alloy: Effect of Grain Sizes and Crystallographic Texture
Degradation behavior and osseointegration of Mg–Zn–Ca screws in different bone regions of growing sheep: a pilot study
Degradation behavior of as cast and powder metallurgy processed Mg-Ca alloys
Degradation behavior of as cast and powder metallurgy processed Mg-Ca alloys
Degradation behavior of PEO coating on AM50 magnesium alloy produced from electrolytes with clay particle addition
Degradation Behavior of Porous Copolyester Microparticles in the Light of Dynamic Changes in Their Morphology
Degradation behaviour of Mg-4Ag and Mg-5Gd alloys under in-vitro conditions and different time-frames
Degradation behaviour of porous co-polyester microparticles in the light of dynamic changes in their morphology
Degradation kinetics of oligo(ε-caprolactone) ultrathin films: Influence of crystallinity
Degradation kinetics of oligo(ε-caprolactone) ultrathin films: Influence of crystallinity
Degradation Kinetics of Polymers obtained via the Lanmuir-Monolayer method
Degradation mechanisms of pcBN tool material during Friction Stir Welding of Ni-base alloy 625
Degradation morphology and pitting factor compared to degradation rate
Degradation morphology and pitting factor compared to degradation rate
Degradation of 2D Materials Formed by Crosslinking of Hydrophilic Macromolecules
Degradation of and angiogenesis around multiblock copolymers based on poly(Rho-dioxanone)/poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) subcutaneously implanted in the rat neck
Degradation of and angiogenesis around multiblock copolymers containing poly(Rho-dioxanone)- and poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)-segments subcutaneously implanted in the rat neck
Degradation of and angiogenesis around multiblock copolymers containing poly(Rho-dioxanone)- and poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)-segments subcutaneously implanted in the rat neck
Degradation of brick masonry walls in Europe and the Mediterranean: Advantages of a response-based analysis to study climate change
Degradation of magnesium alloys by “physiological” corrosion – setups and influencing factors
Degradation of Magnesium Implant Materials
Degradation of Titanium Sintered with Magnesium: Effect of Hydrogen Uptake
Degradation rates and products of pure magnesium exposed to different aqueous media under physiological conditions
Degradation testing of Mg alloys in Dulbecco's modified eagle medium: Influence of medium sterilization
Degraded creep resistance induced by static precipitation strengthening in high-pressure die casting Mg–Al–Sm alloy
Degrading Mg Implants - What is special about this material?
Dehnrheologie von Polymerschmelzen
Dehnrheologie von Polymerschmelzen
Dehnrheologie von Polymerschmelzen und Polymerloesungen
Dehnrheologie von Polymerschmelzen und Polymerloesungen
Dehnrheologie von Polymerschmelzen und Polymerloesungen
Dehnungsverfestigung und Stabilitaet von Defektstrukturen bei der plastischen Verformung von Titanaluminiden
Dehnungsverfestigung und Stabilitaet von Defektstrukturen bei der plastischen Verformung von Titanaluminiden
Dehydration and Hydrocarbon Dewpointing of Natural Gas by Membrane Technology
Dehydration and Hydrocarbon Dewpointing of Natural Gas by Membrane Technology
Dehydration of compressed natural gas for fuelling station applications
Dehydration of compressed natural gas for fuelling station applications
Dehydration of organic compounds with SYMPLEX composite membranes
Dehydration of organic compounds with SYMPLEX composite membranes
Dehydration of organic compounds with SYMPLEX composite membranes
Dehydration of organic solutions by vapor permeation with temperature stable polymeric membranes
Dehydration of organic solutions by vapor permeation with temperature stable polymeric membranes
Dehydration of organic solvents by pervaporation with polyelectrolyte complex membranes: new aspects concerning the separation mechanism
Dehydration of organics by pervaporation with polyelectrolyte complex membranes: Some considerations concerning the separation mechanism
Dehydration of pressurized air by means of membranes
Dehydration of Process- and Natural Gas by Means of Composite Membranes and Application of Vacuum on the Permeate Side
Dehydrogenation reactions of 2NaBH4 + MgH2 system
Dekadische Variabilitaet des arktischen Klimas der letzten 1000 Jahre in dem Ozean-Atmosphaerenmodell ECHO-G
Deletion of the RNA-binding proteins ZFP36L1 and ZFP36L2 leads to perturbed thymic development and T lymphoblastic leukemia
Deliverable 5.1: Industry- and policy-driven conceptual frameworks of climate change impacts on aquaculture and fisheries
Delivery Systems for Self Healing Protective Coatings
Delta 5 and CTOA - Experimental and Numerical Observations
Delta 5 and SCC - A New Approach to an Old Problem
Delta5 and ETM – the basis for the flaw assessment method EFAM
Delta5 and ETM – the basis for the fracture mechanics assessment method EFAM
DeltaPFAS – An inter-lab working group to explore the unknown PFAS space
Demand Behaviour for Weather Index Insurance Products in Regions Prone to Agricultural Droughts
Demixing Dynamics of a Binary Liquid Mixture in Controlled Pore Glass
Demonstrating the influence of water on shape-memory polymer networks based on poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] segments in vitro
Demonstration of a three-dimensional dynamically adaptive atmospheric dynamic framework for the simulation of mountain waves
Demystifying the Semiconductor-to-Metal Transition inAmorphous Vanadium Pentoxide: The Role ofSubstrate/Thin Film Interfaces
Den globalen Waldschutz finanzieren - Stand und Entwicklung des Klimaschutzprogramms REDD+ - Financing Global Forest Protection. State and Development of the Climate Programme REDD+
Den Klimawandel ernst nehmen
Den Klimawandel ernst nehmen
Den Klimawandel ernst nehmen, heißt…
Den Korrosionsprozessen auf der Spur - Simulation galvanischer Korrosion bei hybriden Komponenten
Dendrimer to Linear Polymer Transition
Dendritic cell responses towards clinically used polydimethylsiloxane and polytetrafluoroethylene
Dendritic cell responses towards clinically used polydimethylsiloxane and polytetrafluoroethylene
Dendritic Core-Multishell Nanocarriers in Murine Models of Healthy and Atopic Skin
Dendrons and Dendritic Terpolymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Self-Assembly Comparison
Denkmalschutz und Anpassung an den Klimawandel : Stadtplanerische Herausforderungen am Beispiel zunehmender Hitzebelastungen in Boizenburg/Elbe.
Dense hydrophilic composite membranes for nanofiltration
Dense hydrophilic composite membranes for ultrafiltration
Densification of nanoporous metals during nanoindentation: The role of structural and mechanical properties
Density driven circulation as a mean of sustained suspended sediment import into the Wadden Sea
Density estimation of plankton size spectra: A reanalysis of IronEx II data
Density-driven bottom currents control development of muddy basins in the southwestern Baltic Sea
Department of Hydrogen Technology - Research activities
Dependence of salinity and oxygen concentrations in the Baltic Sea on large-scale atmospheric circulation
Dependence of thin film morphology on blend compatibility
DEPIC-2D: Eine Komponente zur depiktionalen Repraesentation und Verarbeitung raeumlichen Wissens
Depletion of Atmospheric Mercury Concentrations in the Antarctic
Deployment of Negative Emissions Technologies at the National Level: A Need for Holistic Feasibility Assessments
Deposit by friction surfacing and its applications
Deposition and properties of novel microcrystalline Mg alloy coatings
Deposition atmosphaerischen Ozons und ihre Wirkung auf ein Waldoekosystem
Deposition atmosphaerischer Spurenstoffe und Stofffluesse im Oekosystem Wald
Deposition fluxes of atmospheric mercury over Central and Northern Europe
Deposition fluxes of atmospheric mercury over Central and Nothern Europe
Deposition of atmospheric pollutants into a North German forest ecosystem
Deposition of atmospheric trace metals to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Deposition of heavy metals to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the North Pacific and the Arctic
Deposition von Luftschadstoffen im Ratzeburger Forst
Depositional architecture and evolution of basin-floor fan systems since the Late Miocene in the Northwest Sub-Basin, South China Sea
Depositional Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms of Deep-Water Canyon Systems along the Northern South China Sea Margin
Depositionsmessungen an der Lysimeteranlage in Colbitz (Sachsen/Anhalt)
Depsipeptide submicron particles of different sizes as drug delivery systems
Depsipeptides - An innovative nanocarrier system
Depth Profiling in Surfaces Using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence
Depth profiling in surfaces using TXRF
Depth profiling in the uppermost surface zones using total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Depth profiling using total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry alone and in combination with ion beam sputtering
Depth resolved near-surface residual stresses in Gamma-based TiAl before and after high temperature exposure
Depth-averaged instantaneous currents in a tidally dominated shelf sea from glider observations
Depth-resolved residual stress analysis by means of high energy synchrotron radiation
Depth-resolved residual stress analysis with conical slits for highenergy X-rays
Depth-resolved residual stress analysis with conical slits for highenergy X-rays
Depth-resolved residual stress analysis with high-energy synchrotron X-rays using a conical slit cell
Depth-resolved residual stress analysis with high-energy synchrotron X-rays using a conical slit cell
Depth-resolving remote lidar sensor of gaseous pollutants for diffusion model verification
Depth-resolving remote sensing methods for pollution measurements
Der abrasive Hochdruck-Wasserstrahl als Werkzeug zum Gussputzen
Der Arbeitskreis "Regenerative Medizin"
Der Aufbau der Wattenmeerdatenbank WADABA
Der Belastungszustand von Vordeichlaendern der Elbe mit organischen Schadstoffen
Der beschleunigte Meeresspiegelanstieg und die Kuestenschutzsysteme: Methoden der erweiterten Risikoanalyse
Der beschleunigter Meeresspiegelanstieg und die Kuestenschutzsysteme: Ergebnisse der erweiterten Risikoanalyse
Der bisherige und der zukuenftige Klimawandel in Norddeutschland
Der bisherige und der zukuenftige Klimawandel in Norddeutschland
Der Blick auf die organischen Schadstoffe in Sedimenten
Der deutsche Energiesektor und seine moegliche Betroffenheit durch den Klimawandel - Synthese der bisherigen Aktivitaeten und Erkenntnisse : CSC Report
Der die Welt rettende Professor ist gescheitert
Der Doppelmodul: eine einfache Alternative zur Kaskadenfiltration
Der Duofilter - On-line Fraktionierung einfach gemacht
Der Duofilter - On-line Fraktionierungen einfach gemacht
Der Einfluss der Gezeiten auf die Stickstoffumsetzung in Wattsedimenten des Elbe-Aestuars
Der Einfluss des Faellungsprozesses auf die Eigenschaften von UF-Membranen aus Polyacrylnitril
Der Einfluss des Festigkeits-Mis-Matchs auf das Bruchverhalten von Elektronenstrahlschweissnaehten
Der Einfluss des Giesswalzprozesses auf die Eigenschaften des Vormaterials fuer das Walzen von Magnesiumblechen
Der Einfluss des Giesswalzprozesses auf die Eigenschaften des Vormaterials fuer das Walzen von Magnesiumblechen
Der Einfluss des Giesswalzprozesses auf die Eigenschaften des Vormaterials fuer das Walzen von Magnesiumblechen
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die terrestrischen Wassersysteme in Deutschland - Eine Analyse ausgesuchter Studien der Jahre 2009 bis 2013. : GERICS - CSC Report
Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Faellbedingungen auf Eigenschaften einer Poly-(hydroxyethylacrylat-co-acrylnitril)-[HEAAN]-Membran und eine nachgelagerte Propfmodifizierung
Der Einfluss verschiedener Verkehrsträger auf die Luftqualität von Hamburg
Der Einfluss von Diatomeen auf die Erosionsfestigkeit von Wattsedimenten unter Beruecksichtigung des Sedimenttyps (Diplomarbeit)
Der Einfluss von Extensivierungs- und Renaturierungsmassnahmen an ausgewaehlten Standorten im Droemling auf die Verlagerung von Makronaehrstoffen in den Kompartimenten Boden und Wasser. GKSS-Vertrags-Nr.: V 9335 (Erster Zwischenbericht)
Der Einfluss von Flaechenstillegung und Extensivierung auf den Stickstoffaustrag mit dem Sickwasser
Der Einfluss von Flaechenstillegung und Extensivierung auf den Stickstoffaustrag mit dem Sickwasser
Der Einfluss von Gefuegestrukturen auf die Mechanismen der Rissausbreitung in zweiphasigen Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Der Einfluss von Legierungszusaetzen auf die Mikrostruktur und die mechanischen Eigenschaften von stranggepressten AZ31-Profilen (Dissertation)
Der Einfluss von Mikroorganismen auf das Erosionsverhalten von Wattsedimenten (Diplomarbeit)
Der Einfluss von nichtkonservativen Versetzungsprozessen auf die Fliessspannung und Verfestigung von zweiphasigen Gamma-Titanaluminiden
Der Einsatz der INAA zur Untersuchung der Belastungszustaende und Transportvorgaenge in Tidefluessen
Der Einsatz einer neuen ICP-MS Technik zur direkten Bestimmung von Spurenelementen in Meerwasser
Der Einsatz von Lysimetern differenzierter Bauart zur qualitativen und quantitativen Bestimmung von Stoffstroemen in Boeden
Der Einsatz von temperaturstabilen Polymermembranen in der Dampfpermeation
Der Enzymmembran-Reaktor in der Biotechnologie
Der Gewaesserguetezustand der Unterweser und der Eintrag der Unterweser in die Nordsee
Der Gewaesserguetezustand der Unterweser und der Eintrag der Unterweser in die Nordsee
Der Gewaesserguetezustand der Unterweser und der Eintrag der Unterweser in die Nordsee
Der Gewaesserzustand der Elbe 1991: Ergebnisse einer Bereisung mit dem Hessischen Mess- und Laborschiff Argus' zwischen Veletov und Geesthacht'
Der Gewaesserzustand der Elbe im internationalen Vergleich
Der HGF-Arbeitskreis 'Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen'
Der HGF-Arbeitskreis 'Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen'
Der Hochdruckwasserstrahl: ein Werkzeug zur Bearbeitung technischer Werkstoffe
Der klimatische Einfluss auf Meeresspiegelaenderungen der suedlichen Ostsee
Der Klimawandel - Ursachen und Antworten fuer die Zukunft
Der Klimawandel in der Ostseeregion - Eine wissenschaftliche Abschätzung
Der Klimawandel in Vergangenheit und Zukunft, und was sagen Regionalmodelle fuer Norddeutschland voraus?
Der Klimawandel schreitet voran - welche Handlungsoptionen werden diskutiert?
Der Klimawandel und das Wasser - Was ist zu tun?
Der Klimawandel und die zukuenftige Verfuegbarkeit von Wasser
Der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen in unserer Region
Der Klimawandel und seine regionale Auspraegung: Die Metropolregion Hamburg
Der Klimawandel: Auswirkungen auf Winde und Zyklonen
Der Klimawandel: Sichtweisen und Interpretation
Der Klimawandel: Ursachen und Folgen in Niedersachsen
Der Kuesten- und Meeresraum zwischen traditionellen Kuestenbildern und neuen Steuerungsformen fuer eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
Der Leuchtbakterientest in der Biotest-geleiteten chemischen Analyse von Sedimenten
Der Meeresspiegelanstieg. Ursachen, Tendenzen und Risikobewertung
Der neue Weg der Spurenanalytik. Analyse der Bindungsformen von Schwermetallen in Oberflaechengewaessern
Der Norseeklimabericht – ein Ueberblick
Der oekologische Ansatz in den Standards zur Klassifizierung von Fliessgewaessern in der ehemaligen DDR
Der Rhein unter Klimadruck – Kueste, Industrielandschaft und Alpen
Der Sauerstoffhaushalt der Tideelbe
Der Schifftransport und sein Beitrag zum Klimawandel
Der selbstknotende Faden - Neue Entwicklungen
Der Strahlungshaushalt unserer Erde - Das europaeische Radiometer ScaRaB wird erprobt
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
Der Vergleich von modellierten Windgeschwindigkeiten mit Produktionsdaten von Windkraftanlagen und die Energieertragsaenderung in der Zukunft am Beispiel Windpark Beeskow (Dissertation)
Der Wasserstrahl als Werkzeug
Der wissenschaftliche Hintergrund fuer die Realisierung eines Euromar-Pilotprojektes: Umwelt- und Schadstoffmessungen/Management im Meer
Derivation of Phillips a-parameter from turbulent diffusion as a damping mechanism
Derivation of Phillips a-parameter from turbulent diffusion as a damping mechanism
Derivation of Photosynthetically Available Radiation from METEOSAT data in the German Bight with Neural Nets
Derivation of separation laws for cohesive models in the course of ductile fracture
Derivation of the Photosynthetically Available Radiation from METEOSAT Data
Derivatisierte und beschichtete PAN-Membranen: Arbeitsbericht zum Fortsetzungsantrag DFG Hi 487/-1
Deriving mechanical property changes from Mg corrosion modelling
Deriving pre-eutrophic conditions from an ensemble model approach for the North-West European seas
Deriving Space-time Information of the organic fraction of suspended particular matter in a coastal environment
Deriving user-informed climate information from climate model ensemble results
Deriving user-informed climate information from climate model ensemble results
Deriving water cloud properties from vertical pointing and scanning 95 GHz polarimetric Doppler radar
Describing the macroscopic behavior of surfaces based on atomistic models
Describing the macroscopic behaviour of interfaces based on atomic models
Describing the temperature-dependent yield point of polysynthetically twinned TiAl crystals by means of a thermomechanically coupled crystal plasticity model
Describing, assessing and envisaging changing costal hazards
Describing, assessing and envisaging changing costal hazards
Description and evaluation of the community aerosol dynamics model MAFOR v2.0
Desemvolvimento do Proceso Friction Stir Welding para a Liga Inconel 625 (Dissertation)
Desenvolvimento de Metodologia para Determinaçao de Curvas de Resistencia a Fratura de Materiais Elasto-plasticos pela Analise do Campo Deformacional a Frente da Ponta da Trinca (Dissertation)
Desenvolvimento de Nova Geometria de Rebite Para uso Aeronautico em Estruturas Hibridas Composito-Metal Obtidas Atraves do Processo de Rebitagem por Friccao (Masterarbeit)
Design and Advanced Manufacturing of Aircraft Structures using Friction Stir Welding (Dissertation)
Design and analysis of scattering data driven molecular dynamics simulation on the example of water and selected crystals
Design and application of the membrane processes vapour permeation and pervaporation
Design and Applications of Pervaporation, Vapour and Gas Permeation Processes
Design and Applications of Pervaporation, Vapour and Gas Permeation Processes
Design and applications of pervaporation, vapour and gas permeation processes
Design and Applications of Pervaporation, Vapour and Gas Permeation Processes
Design and assessment of solid hydrogen storage tank for transport applications
Design and control of microstructure and texture by thermomechanical processing of a multi-phase TiAl alloy
Design and Deposition of Corrosion Protective Supersaturated Magnesium Alloy Systems by PVD Processes
Design and Deposition of Corrosion Protective Supersaturated Magnesium Alloy Systems by PVD Processes
Design and development of polysaccharide hemostatic materials and their hemostatic mechanism
Design and fabrication of fiber mesh actuators
Design and fabrication of multifunctional polymeric devices
Design and implementation of a composite scaffold for tissue engineering – The EU project VascuPlug
Design and mechanical integrity of friction riveted joints of thermoplastic composite
Design and performance of a full-scale prototype of the outer z-drift chamber for the H1 experiment at HERA
Design and preparation of polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering
Design and processing of advanced functional polymers for medicine
Design and Processing of TiAl Alloys Towards Improved Strength Properties
Design and Properties of Advanced Gamma(TiAl) Alloys
Design and Properties of Advanced Gamma(TiAl) Alloys
Design and Properties of Novel Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloys
Design and Properties of Novel Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloys
Design and synthesis of 3-arm MMP-sensitive thio-depsipeptide hydrogel precursor
Design aspects for drug releasing degradable shape-memory polymers
Design Consideration for Wet Welded Joints
Design Considerations - European Boilers
Design Criteria and Fabrication Schemes for Fiber-Based Actuators
Design Guidelines for Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Alloys
Design Methodology for the Optimization of Membrane Separation Properties for Hybrid Vapor Permeation-Distillation Processes
Design methods for water quality monitoring in estuaries
Design of a laboratory scale test facility for cross flow micro- and ultra-filtration membranes (Masterarbeit)
Design of a Nanometric AlTi Additive for MgB2-Based Reactive Hydride Composites with Superior Kinetic Properties
Design of a nitrogen-implanted titanium-based superelastic alloy with optimized properties for biomedical applications
Design of a novel Extrusion system for Manufacturing Microcellular Polymer
Design of a Novel Extrusion System for Manufacturing Microcellular Polymer
Design of a Perfect Black Absorber at Visible Frequencies Using Plasmonic Metamaterials
Design of a reference model for fast optimization of photo-electrochemical cells
Design of block copolymers for multifunctional carriers
Design of Controlled Release PLGA Microspheres for Hydrophobic Fenretinide
Design of controlled release PLGA microspheres for hydrophobic fenretinide
Design of coupled systems for the energy transition: Green hydrogen storage; Compression and Conversion
Design of hybrid Mg/Al components for the automotive body - Preventing general and galvanic corrosion
Design of hybrid Mg/Al components for the automotive body - Preventing general and galvanic corrosion
Design of Hydrogels with Inverse Shape-Memory Effect for Biomedical Applications (Dissertation)
Design of Microphase Morphologies Using Hierarchic Self-Assembly in Blends with block Copolymers
Design of Microphase Morphologies Using Hierarchic Self-Assembly in Blends with block Copolymers
Design of Microphase Morphologies using Hierarchic Self-Assembly in Block Copolymers
Design of Modified Polymer Membranes Using Machine Learning
Design of Multifuncational Biomaterials by Chemical Integration of Functions
Design of multifunctional bio-based polymers in technology and medicine
Design of poly(rac-lactide)-b-poly(propylene glycole)-b-poly(rac-lactide) dimethacrylate derived networks as degradable materials for biomedical application
Design of Polycationic Micelles by Self-Assembly of Polyethyleneimine Functionalized Oligo[(ε-caprolactone)-co-glycolide] ABA Block Copolymers
Design of Polycationic Micelles by Self-Assembly of Polyethyleneimine Functionalized Oligo[(ε-aprolactone)-co-glycolide] ABA Block Copolymers
Design of polycationic micelles by self‐assembly of polyethyleneimine functionalized oligo[(ε‐caprolactone)‐co‐glycolide] ABA block copolymers
Design of polymer scaffolds to support dermal and epidermal reconstruction
Design of Reservoirs Enabling Stress-Induced Sequential Release Systems
Design of semi-interpenetrating networks based on poly(ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) and oligo(ethyleneglycol) diglycidyl ether
Design of semi-interpenetrating networks based on poly(ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) and oligo(ethyleneglycol) diglycidyl ether
Design of semi-interpenetrating networks based on poly(ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) and oligo(ethyleneglycol) diglycidyl ether
Design of the high energy materials science beamline at PETRA III
Design polymerer Traegerstrukturen zur Wiederherstellung von Dermis und Epidermis
Design polymerer Traegerstrukturen zur Wiederherstellung von Dermis und Epidermis
Design Principles for Key Functions of Polymer-based Implant Materials
Design Principles for Multifunctional, Polymer-based Biomaterials
Design principles for polymers as substratum for adherent cells
Design Principles of Multifunctional Materials Interacting With Cells
Design revision, upgrade and evaluation of a bobbin tool for friction stir welding (Diplomarbeit)
Design scenario analysis for porous substrate photobioreactor assemblies
Design Strategy for the Elucidation of Protein-Protein-Binding Epitopes; and Application of the Derived Peptides in Biomaterials
Design und Modellierung eines integrierten Bioprozesses zur Produktion natuerlicher Aromastoffe (Dissertation)
Design von Decorin-basierten Peptiden, die an Kollagen I binden, und ihr Potenzial als Adhaesionssequenzen in Biomaterialien
Design, construction, operation and safety of the cold neutron source at the GKSS research centre
Design, Eigenschaften und Verarbeitung von intermetallischen Gamma-Titanaluminiden
Design, Properties and Processing of Novel TiAl Alloys
Design, Properties and Processing of Novel TiAl Alloys
Design, sorption behaviour and energy management in a sodium alanate-based lightweight hydrogen storage tank
Design, Synthesis, and Analysis of CD4 Binding Peptidomimetics – Development of HIV Entry Inhibitors
Design, synthesis, characterization and optimization of PTT-Beta-PEO copolymers: A new membrane material for CO2 separation
Designed fully lamellar microstructures in a Gamma-TiAl based alloy: Adjustment and microstructural changes upon long-term isothermal exposure at 700 and 800 °C
Designing (multi)functional polymer networks and exploring their application potential for regenerative therapies
Designing advanced functional polymers for medicine
Designing an AB2-Type Alloy (TiZr-CrMnMo) for the Hybrid Hydrogen Storage Concept
Designing an AZ Based Secondary Magnesium Alloy for High Pressure die Casting Applications - A Critical Review
Designing an Fe-Ni-Ti maraging steel tailor-made for laser additive manufacturing
Designing Cardiovascular Implants Taking in View the Endothelial Basement Membrane
Designing Degradable Polymer Networks with Tailored Properties and Functions
Designing Materials with Multiple Functions with regard to structure-function as well as function-function relations
Designing Mg alloys with high strength and ductility by reducing the strength difference between the basal and non-basal slips
Designing Microenvironments for Selective CO2 (Photo)Electroreduction
Designing Multifunctional Polymers and Exploring their Application Potential in Regenerative Therapies
Designing multifunctional polymers for cardiovascular implants
Designing Multifunctional Polymers for Implants
Designing Multifunctional Polymers for Medical Application
Designing Multifunctional Shape-Memory Polymers and Exploring their Application Potential in Implants
Designing multifunctionality in polymers to create effects required in biomedical applications
Designing polymeric biomaterials to instruct cells by physical cues
Designing the microstructural constituents of an additively manufactured near β Ti alloy for an enhanced mechanical and corrosion response
Designkonzepte fuer die Entwicklung hochfester Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Designkonzepte fuer intermetallische Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Desorption of Contaminants with High Boiling Points in Sludge Treatment
Desorption of odour-active compounds by microwaves, ultrasound and water
Desorption Reactions in Reactive Hydride Composites
Desorption von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK) aus einer Bodenmatrix im Dampfstripp-Verfahren (Diplomarbeit)
Destabilization of LiBH4 by nanoconfinement in PMMA–co–BM polymer matrix for reversible hydrogen storage
Destratifikation und Tiefenwasserbelueftung
Destroying activity of magnetoferritin on lysozyme amyloid fibrils
Destruction of Lysozyme Amyloid Fibrils Induced by Magnetoferritin and Reconstructed Ferritin
Detailed evaluation of the agarose diffusion test in biocompatibility study with a microscopic image analysis system. Effect of plasma sterilization on biocompatible of an improved photoset polymer
Detailed Investigation of Separation Performance of a MMM for Removal of Higher Hydrocarbons under Varying Operating Conditions
Detailed Investigations of Tsunami Scenarios in Coastal Areas and Onshore
Detailed Patterns of Methane Distribution in the German Bight
Detailed projections of coastal climate change until 2100 in N Europe
Detailed simulation of a vapor permeation module
Detailed-atomistic molecular modelling of small mulecule diffusion and solution processes in polymeric membrane materials
Detailing the influence of PEO-coated biodegradable Mg-based implants on the lacuno-canalicular network in sheep bone: A pilot study
Detaillierte Simulation eines Dampfpermeationsmoduls
Details of the Magnesium-Bone Interface
Detectability of Artificial Ocean Alkalinization and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection in MPI‐ESM
Detectable Anthropogenic Shift toward Heavy Precipitation over Eastern China
Detecting acceleration in Baltic sea-level records
Detecting acceleration in long time series of Baltic Sea level
Detecting acceleration in long time series of Baltic Sea level
Detecting and Quantifying Biomolecular Interactions of a Dendritic Polyglycerol Sulfate Nanoparticle Using Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements
Detecting anomalous sea-level states in North Sea tide gauge data using an autoassociative neural network
Detecting anthropogenic effects in the observational evidence of climate change
Detecting anthropogenic footprints in sea level rise
Detecting critical choke points for achieving Good Environmental Status in European seas
Detecting relationships between the interannual variability in climate records and ecological time series using a multivariate statistical approach - four case studies for the North Sea region (Dissertation)
Detecting relationships between the interannual variability in ecological time series using a multivariate statistical approach - a case study on Helgoland Roads zooplankton
Detecting small–scale horizontal gradients in the upper ocean using wavelet analysis
Detection and Attribution
Detection and attribution - Second thoughts
Detection and attribution of change
Detection and attribution of climate change for the Baltic Sea Region
Detection and attribution of climate change for the Baltic Sea Region
Detection and attribution of climate change for the Baltic Sea Region
Detection and Prediction of Extreme Waves
Detection and Prediction of Extreme Waves
Detection and quantification of CO2 seepage in seawater using the stoichiometric Cseep method: Results from a recent subsea CO2 release experiment in the North Sea
Detection and separation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from marine sediments samples using centrifugal-Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS-MS
Detection in-situ du methane dans leau de mer
Detection of an anthropogenic influence on the observed near-surface temperature and precipitation trends over the Mediterranean area
Detection of an anthropogenic influence on the observed changes in near-surface temperature and precipitation in Northern Europe (Dissertation)
Detection of cloud-top height from backscattered radiances within the Oxygen A Band. Part 1: Theoretical study
Detection of cloud-top height from backscattered radiances within the Oxygen A Band. Part 2: Measurements
Detection of extreme ocean waves
Detection of Extreme Waves in SAR Images and Radar-Image Sequences
Detection of Extreme Waves using Radar-Image Sequences
Detection of extreme waves using synthetic aperture radar images
Detection of Homogeneous Precipitation Regions in Austria during the 20th Century
Detection of jet contrails in satellite images
Detection of Ligand- and Solvent-Induced Shape Alerations of Cell-Growth-Regulatory Human Lectin Galectin-1 in Solution by Small Angle Neutron and X-Ray-Scattering
Detection of microplastics in the human penis
Detection of Particulate and Metal(loid) Emissions from Offshore Wind Farms
Detection of wave groups in SAR images and radar image sequences
Detection, isolation and partial characterization of an immunostimulating glycoprotein from Rhodococus fascians
Detektion von mikrobiellen Kontaminationen und immunologische Charakterisierung von polymer-basierten Biomaterialien
Deteriorated corrosion performance of micro-alloyed Mg-Zn alloy after heat treatment and mechanical processing
Determination of airborne polyfluorinated organic compounds
Determination of airborne polyfluorinated organic compounds
Determination of airborne polyfluorinated organic compounds in Northern Germany
Determination of Arsenic, Selenium, Antimony and Tellurium Species in Urine and Extracts of Soils, Sediments and Fish by HPLC / ICP-MS
Determination of atmospheric mercury and aerosol black carbon
Determination of atmospheric mercury during the North Sea Experiment
Determination of atmospheric mercury species
Determination of average dislocation densities in metals by analysis of digitally processed TEM images- Bestimmung von durchschnittlichen Versetzungsdichten in Metallen durch Analyse digital bearbeiteter Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie-Aufnahmen
Determination of Bathymetric and Current Maps by the Method DiSC Based on the Analysis of Nautical X-Band Radar Image Sequences of the Sea Surface (November 2007)
Determination of Bulk and Solution Morphologies by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Determination of Bulk and Solution Morphologies by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Determination of Carbazoles in Sediment from Environmental Water Bodies Using GC-MS/MS with Isotope Dilution Techniques
Determination of carbazoles in the German Elbe River and wastewater treatment plants (Masterarbeit)
Determination of Case II Water Constituents using Radiative Transfer Simulation and its Inversion by Neural Networks
Determination of Challenging Elements in the Context of Marine Environmental Analysis: Exploring the Potential of ICP-MS-MS
Determination of complete ODFs with an optimized positivity method
Determination of concentration depth profiles using total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in combination with ion-beam etching
Determination of crack growth resistance and its structural relevance
Determination of critical crack tip opening angle using the CTOD measurement technique
Determination of crystallographic preferred orientations by neutron diffraction
Determination of element species at trace levels using capillary electrophoresis - inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry
Determination of fluxes of water and suspended matter in estuaries from platform-based measurements
Determination of Fracture Mechanisms Under Tensile Loading in a Commercial Available Engineering Thermoplastic Material Joined by Fricriveting
Determination of Fracture Toughness in the Ductile to Brittle Transition Regime of Laser Beam Welded Ferritic Steel
Determination of high-frequency wind variability from observations and application to North Atlantic wave modeling
Determination of Indoor Air Concentrations of Polyfluorinated Compounds with Passive Samplers (Diplomarbeit)
Determination of inorganic and organic pollutants in a dated sediment core of the Skagerrak (North Sea)
Determination of kinetic data during the phase inversion of polymer solutions and their influence at the formation of membranes
Determination of low-temperature interfacial energies from a pair interaction model
Determination of macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses in friction stir welded metal matrix composites via neutron diffraction
Determination of magnetic textures in ferromagnetics by means of neutron diffraction
Determination of mechanical properties of laser welded steel joints with microtensile specimens
Determination of mercury in ambient air using highly time resolved on-line methods
Determination of metallic impurities in the surface of silicon wafers by total reflection x-ray fluorescence analysis
Determination of micelle structure of octyl-Beta-glucoside in aqueous solution by small angel neutron scattering and geometric analysis
Determination of Octanol−Air Partition Coefficients (KOA) of Fluorotelomer Acrylates, Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonamids, and Perfluoroalkylsulfonamido Ethanols
Determination of organic mercury species in soils by high performance chromatography with ultraviolet detection
Determination of organometallic species by gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Determination of organometallic species by gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Determination of organophosphorus compounds and carbamates by their inhibition of cholinesterase: Part 3 The cholinesterase inhibition test and its experimental realisation for detecting insecticides in water
Determination of oxygen partial pressure for High-Tc oxide superconductors
Determination of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in the river Elbe
Determination of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in water samples
Determination of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in water samples
Determination of phosphorus in phosphorylated deoxyribunucleotides using capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with an octopole reaction cell
Determination of Pinatubo-aerosol optical depth and microphysical parameters without critical assumptions
Determination of plagioclase textures with optimized 20 resolution
Determination of plastic zone size in front of a fatigue crack tip using digital image correlation
Determination of poly- and perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in the marine atmosphere of the Baltic Sea
Determination of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in water and suspended particulate matter in the River Elbe and North Sea, Germany
Determination of pore size distribution of membranes by gel permeation chromatography
Determination of preferred orientation textures in Al2O3 Ceramics
Determination of protein position within the E. coli ribosome by means of polarized SANS
Determination of residual stress fields with high local resolution
Determination of residual stress gradient in a Ti-stabilized austenitic stainless steel cladding candidate after carburization in liquid sodium at 500 °C and 600 °C
Determination of SCC Threshold in Ferritic RPV Steel by Constant Load and Constant Strain Rate Methods
Determination of sea level change along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
Determination of soil moisture from atmospheric data
Determination of solvent/polymer interaction parameters of moderately concentrated polymer solutions by vapor pressure osmometry
Determination of sulfur and selected trace elements in metallothionein-like proteins using capillary electrophoresis hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with an octopole reaction cell
Determination of surface level concentrations of atmospheric mercury in antarctica
Determination of surface level concentrations of atmospheric mercury in Antarctika
Determination of Surfactant Aldehyde Structure by Sans
Determination of Surfactant Aldehyde Structure by SANS
Determination of Surfactant Aldehyde Structure by Sans
Determination of Surfactant Aldehyde Structure by SANS
Determination of technology-critical elements in seafood reference materials by inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry
Determination of Temperature-Dependent Elastic Constants of Steel AISI 4140 by Use of In Situ X-ray Dilatometry Experiments
Determination of the absolute configuration of selenomethionine from antarctic krill by RP-HPLC/ICP-MS using chiral derivatization agents
Determination of the absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from underway spectrophotometry
Determination of the bulk temperature from NOAA/AVHRR satellite data in a midlatitude lake
Determination of the chemical potentials of highly supersaturated Cu-Co alloys
Determination of the Creep Rate in Gamma Titanium Aluminide by Stress Relaxation Tests
Determination of the fracture properties from size effect in ceramic-fibers-reinforced PMMA
Determination of the fracture properties from size effect in ceramic-fibers-reinforced PMMA
Determination of the free energy of equilibrium and metastable phases in the Cu-Zr system
Determination of the free energy of metastable crystalline and amorphous Nb-Co alloys and its application to metastable phase formation
Determination of the freshwater budget of tidal flats from measurements near a tidal inlet
Determination of the gurson parameters by numerical simulations
Determination of the Interaction Between a Synthetic Peptide Antibiotic and Model Membranes
Determination of the interaction between a synthetic peptide antibiotic and model membranes
Determination of the magnetic particle distribution in tumour tissue by means of x-ray tomography
Determination of the mean neutron energy using the Zr/Nb and the Ni method
Determination of the Near Surface Current Field from Doppler Shift of the Coherent Radar Backscatter Under Grazing Incidence
Determination of the near surface current field out of the Doppler shift of the coherent radar backscatter
Determination of the Octanol-Air Partition Coefficients (KOA) of Fluorotelomer Alcohols
Determination of the optimum MM5 configuration for long term CMAQ simulations of aerosol bound pollutants in Europe
Determination of the particulate absorption of microalgae using a point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter: verification with a photometric technique
Determination of the radial crystallite microstrain distribution within an AlMg3 torsion sample using monochromatic synchrotron radiation
Determination of the Sea Surface Current Field out of the Doppler Shift of the Radar Backscatter Under Grazing Incidence
Determination of the Structure of Complexes Formed by a Cationic Polymer and Mixed Anionic Surfactants by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Determination of the thermodynamic functions and calculation of phase diagrams for metastable phases
Determination of the traverse force in friction stir welding with different tool pin profiles
Determination of the Young`s equilibrium contact angle on rough homogeneous solids with different pure liquids
Determination of thermodynamic and structural quantities of polymers by scattering techniques
Determination of thermodynamic quantities by scattering techniques
Determination of thermodynamic quantities by scattering techniques
Determination of trace element deposition into a forest ecosystem using total-reflection X-ray flourescence
Determination of trace element deposition into a forest ecosystem using total-reflection X-ray flourescence
Determination of trace element impurities in ultrapure acids by totalreflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
Determination of trace element impurities in ultrapure reagents by total reflection X-ray spectrometry
Determination of trace elements in river water using Total-Reflection X-Ray Flourescence
Determination of trace elements in river water using Total-Reflection X-Ray Flourescence
Determination of vapor-phase PAH in ambient air
Determination of water/polymer interaction parameter for membrane-forming systems by sorption measurement and a fitting technique
Determination of wave fields properties in the spatial domain from Space borne SAR images
Determination ofTrace elements in Human Hair by TXRF and SRXRF
Determining baroclinic storminess in the European/Atlantic Sector in the 20th century
Determining loading kinetics of drug releasing degradable shape-memory polymers
Determining loading kinetics of drug releasing degradable shape-memory polymers
Determining loading kinetics of drug releasing degradable shape-memory polymers
Determining sea level change in the German Bight
Determining the added value of Regional Climate Modelling
Determining the mechanic properties of electrospun Polyesteretherurethane (PEEU) microfibers using AFM
Determining the Structural Parameters of Fractal and Nonfractal Objects in Multiple Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Experiments
Detwinning-mediated hardening in Mg: A microcompression study of a single twin boundary
Deuter Wissenschaft in Konkurrenz mit anderen Wissensformen
Developement of a combined drug release and scaffold system for articular cartilage regeneration
Developement of high temperature testing and analysis code of practice for weldments
Developement of hollow fiber membranes for gas and liquid separation processes
Developement of polymer membranes directed by COSMO-RS property predictions
Developing a die casting magnesium alloy with excellent mechanical performance by controlling intermetallic phase
Developing a Holistic Approach to Assessing and Managing Coastal Flood Risk
Developing a quantitative-based phase-field model for the FeTi hydrogenation
Developing Advanced Functional Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Developing Cell Selectivities of Acrylonitrile Based Copolymers and Porous Bodies from Poly(ether imide)
Developing Cell Selectivities of Acrylonitrile Based Copolymers and Porous Bodies from Poly(ether imide)
Developing climate information portals with users: Promises and pitfalls
Developing criteria for a stakeholder-centred evaluation of climate services: the case of extreme event attribution for storm surges at the German Baltic Sea
Developing criteria of successful processes in co-creative research. A formative evaluation scheme for climate services
Developing discourse coalitions to incorporate stakeholder perceptions and responses within the Tyndall Integrated Assessment
Developing European operational oceanography for Blue Growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and ecosystem-based management
Developing hypotheses about the variability of climate variables using Erik den Røde data – the case of extra-tropical storminess
Developing standards and test protocols for testing the hemocompatibility of biomaterials
Developing sustainable FeTi alloys for hydrogen storage by recycling
Developing the concept of regional climate service - 10 years of coastal applications
Development a novel Reverse osmosis CNTs composite membrane
Development and Analysis of a New Joining Method for Polymer–Metal Hybrid Structures
Development and Application of a Laboratory Flux Measurement System (LFMS) for the Investigation of the Kinetics of Mercury Emissions from Soils
Development and application of a simplified sampling method for volatile polyfluorinated alkyl substances in indoor and environmental air
Development and application of an osteoblast/osteoclast co-culture as a model to investigate in vitro effects of magnesium degradation products
Development and application of an osteoblast/osteoclast co-culture as a model to investigate in vitro effects of magnesium degradation products
Development and application of an osteoblast/osteoclast-based co-culture model for the investigation of magnesium degradation products
Development and application of analytical methods to sample; isolate and characterize nano- and microplastics in aquatic environments and associated trace metals
Development and application of ICP-MS in Elbe river research
Development and application of new analytical methods to describe transport processes within the German Bight using selected non-traditional isotopic systems (Dissertation)
Development and Application of Refill FSSW in combination with an Adhesive Sealant in Lightweight Integral Aircraft Structures
Development and Application of the MERMAID Water Quality Monitoring Station in the Brantas River, Java, Indonesia
Development and characterisation of a new interface for coupling capillary LC with collision-cell ICP–MS and its application for phosphorylation profiling of tryptic protein digests
Development and characterisation of novel materials and systems for hydrogen storage
Development and Characterization of a New Mg-Sn-Y Alloy and its Nanocomposite
Development and Characterization of a New Mg-Sn-Y Alloy and its Nanocomposite
Development and characterization of a series of Mg-Sn-Ca alloys
Development and characterization of a series of Mg-Sn-Ca alloys
Development and Characterization of Ceramic Polymer Composite Membranes prepared by Gas Phase Polymerization
Development and characterization of defect-free Matrimid mixed-matrix membranes containing activated carbon particles for gas separation
Development and characterization of defect-free Matrimid mixed-matrix membranes containing activated carbon particles for gas separation
Development and Characterization of Defect-Free Matrimid® Mixed-Matrix Membranes Containing Activated Carbon Particles for Gas Separation
Development and Characterization of Mechanically Durable Silicone-Polythiourethane Composites Modified with Tetrapodal Shaped ZnO Particles for the Potential Application as Fouling-Release Coating in the Marine Sector
Development and Characterization of Novel Hydrogen Storage Materials and Systems
Development and characterization of polymeric gas separation membranes for catalytic reactions
Development and design of novel multifunctional PEO coatings
Development and Evaluation of Affinity Adsorbents using Lectins as Ligands
Development and evaluation of possible upscale designs of metal hydride storage systems for coupling with fuel cells
Development and evaluation of scattering data driven molecular dynamics simulations of water models with experimental data
Development and experimental validation of kinetic models for the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of Mg/Al based metal waste for energy storage
Development and field test of a mobile continuous flow system utilizing Chemcatcher for monitoring of rare earth elements in marine environments
Development and Implementation of a Nanotomography Setup at the PETRA III Beamline P05 (Dissertation)
Development and optimization of an extraction process for the semi quantitative determination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in environmental samples using cFFF hyphenated to ICP-MS/MS
Development and Processing of High Temperature Magnesium Alloys
Development and prospects of degradable magnesium alloys for structural and functional applications in the fields of environment and energy
Development and Qualification of Sampling Systems and Noble Gas Monitoring Radioactive Discharges in the Event of an Accident
Development and Research of a Magnesium Alloy Expert System (Dissertation)
Development and safety aspects of future diving
Development and strengthening mechanisms of a hybrid CNTs@SiCp/Mg-6Zn composite fabricated by a novel method
Development and testing of a freely programmable robot for work in deep water
Development and Testing of Membranees for Biohybrid Systems
Development and Testing of Membranes for Biohybrid Systems
Development and validation of a coupled model system in the Baltic region-BALTIMOS
Development and validation of a method for the determination of plastic additives in sediments
Development and validation of a method for the determination of trace alkylphenols and phthalates in the atmosphere
Development and Validation of a suitable digestion method for the determination of technology-critical elements in waste printed circuit boards
Development and Validation of High-Throughput Methods for the Sampling, Extraction and Analysis of Marine Microplastics
Development and validation of methods for the sampling; extraction and analysis of marine microplastics
Development for deep water robot work
Development in underwater robotics at GKSS
Development in underwater robots
Development of a Basic Procedure to Design Sorption Processes
Development of a bio-optical model for the Barents Sea to quantitatively link glider and satellite observations
Development of a bioreactor for the immobilization of polar organized tissue cells
Development of a bioreactor for the immobilization of polar organized tissue cells
Development of a bioreactor-coupled flow-cell setup for 3D in situ nanotomography of Mg alloy biodegradation
Development of a diffusion brazing process for TiAl alloys
Development of a digital model of a stationary hydrogen storage tank based on room temperature (TiFe) hydride
Development of a downscaling model for estimation of an 'artificial ice core' derived from large parameters of a 1000 year GCM run
Development of a LC-MS/MS method to determine synthetic antioxidants from plastic products in the marine environment
Development of a Magnesium Recycling Alloy Based on AM50
Development of a Magnesium Recycling Alloy Based on AM50
Development of a Magnesium Recycling Alloy Based on the AM Alloy System
Development of a Magnesium Recycling Alloy Based on the AM Alloy System
Development of a magnesium secondary alloy system for mixed magnesium post-consumer scrap
Development of a method for the simultaneous determination of Polyfluorinated Phosphate Esters (PAPs) and other Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in sediments
Development of a microstructural model for damage and failure in hard biomaterials with hierarchical microstructure
Development of a microwave-assisted digestion protocol for trace metal analysis in different types of polymers using ICP-MS/MS
Development of a modular room-temperature hydride storage system for vehicular applications
Development of a morphologically realistic mouse phantom for pre-clinical photoacoustic imaging
Development of a Multi-Isotope Tracer Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems on the Example of the German Wadden Sea
Development of a Multi-Isotope Tracer Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems on the Example of the German Wadden Sea
Development of a Neural Network Algorithm for Retrieving Concentrations of Chlorophyll, Suspended Matter and Yellow Substance from Radiance Data of the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner
Development of a new approach for the kinetic modeling of the lithium reactive hydride composite (Li-RHC) for hydrogen storage under desorption conditions
Development of a novel phospholipid-based biomimetic implant surface modification for orthopedic applications
Development of a novel phospholipid-based biomimetic implant surface modification for orthopedic applications
Development of a parameter window for fibre-laser beam welding of aluminium-lithium alloy without filler material
Development of a positioning sensor for a subsea robot
Development of a prioritization tool for climate change adaptation measures in the forestry sector - A Nicaraguan case study : GERICS - CSC Report
Development of a Prioritization Tool for Climate Change Adaptation Measures in the Forestry Sector—A Nicaraguan Case Study
Development of a robot for subsea intervention
Development of a Standard Test to Evaluate Bolt-Load Retention of Magnesium Alloys
Development of a Standard Test to Evaluate Bolt-Load Retention of Magnesium Alloys
Development of a sustainable, creepresistant magnesium die casting alloy by avoiding rare earth elements
Development of a TiCp Reinforced Ni-Based Superalloy MMC, with High Creep Resistance and Reduced Weight
Development of a TiCp Reinforced Ni-Based Superalloy MMC, with High Creep Resistance and Reduced Weight
Development of a versatile analytical protocol for the comprehensive determination of the elemental composition of smartphone compartments on the example of printed circuit boards
Development of a workflow to calculate the X-ray and neutron diffraction pattern from continuum simulations of macroscopic structures
Development of Advanced Joining Technologies for 12%Cr Supermartensitic Stainless Steel Line Pipes - JOTSUP
Development of Advanced Joining Technologies for Supermartensitic Stainless Steel Line Pipes - JOTSUP
Development of advanced magnesium cast alloys and technologies
Development of an accelerated fracture mechanics based SCC test procedure
Development of an Adiabatic Hydrogen Storage System Based of Lithium Reactive Hydride Composite
Development of an AI-assisted multi-spectral photoacoustic imaging for volumetric molecular tissue composition: a multi-frequency translational approach
Development of an AI-assisted multi-spectral photoacoustic imaging for volumetric molecular tissue composition: a multi-frequency translational approach
Development of an AM50 Based Magnesium Recycling Alloy
Development of an AM50 Based Magnesium Recycling Alloy
Development of an analytical approach using centrifugal field-flow-fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS/MS for the detection and characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the environment
Development of an analytical method for the determination of more than 300 pesticides and metabolites in the particulate and gaseous phase of ambient air
Development of an Arcan test fixture for mixed-mode loading of sheet metals (Masterarbeit)
Development of an automated process control for mechanized underwater welding
Development of an ensemble prediction system for ocean surface waves in a coastal area
Development of an Environmental Sensitivity Index of Coastal Resource Vulnerability in Relation to Hydrocarbon Pollution
Development of an HPLC-ICP-MS method for the speciation analysis of different contrast agents in environmental samples
Development of an improved emission model for the reconstruction of past and projection of future atmospheric concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene over Europe (Dissertation)
Development of an optimised shielding strategy for laser beam welding of Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo
Development of an optimised shielding strategy for laser beam welding of Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo
Development of an optimised shielding strategy for laser beam welding of Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo
Development of an orbital GMAW procedure for the use in hyperbaric atmosphere
Development of an urban dynamic exposure model - Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic atmospheric emissions on urban populations in Europe
Development of Biocompatible Magnetic Ferrofluids for Therapy of Brain Cancer
Development of biodegradable hyperbranched core-multishell nanocarriers for efficient topical drug delivery
Development of Capillary-HILIC/ICP-MS for the determination of Gadolinium-based contrast agents in the aquatic and estarine environments (Masterarbeit)
Development of catalytically reactive membranes and first tests for selective hydrogenation of sunflower oil
Development of catalytically reactive porous membranes for the selective hydrogenation of sunflower oil
Development of CO2 selective poly(ethylene oxide) based membranes: from laboratory to pilot plant scale
Development of CO2 Selective Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Based Membranes: From Laboratory to Pilot Plant Scale
Development of complex hydride systems for high pressure hydrogen stores, Symposium A Materials for Energy Storage
Development of computational models to predict the mechanical behavior of Friction Riveting joints
Development of Computational Tool for Data Analysis Automation of Sorption Experiments
Development of Creep Resistant Magnesium Alloys
Development of Creep Resistant Monolithic and Composite Magnesium Materials for Automotive Application
Development of cross-linked polymeric thin-film composite membranes for high temperature gas separations
Development of decorative and corrosion resistant plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy
Development of Electrolyte Additives for Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries
Development of European Creep Crack Growth Testing Code of Practice for Industrial Specimens
Development of European Creep Crack Growth Testing Code of Practice for Industrial Specimens
Development of extrusion and rolling textures during ECAP of Mg-alloys
Development of facilitated transport membranes for the separation of olefins from gas streams
Development of facilitated transport membranes for the separation of olefins from gas streams
Development of Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Procedure in European Thematic Network (FITNET)
Development of Fiunctionalised Polyoxadiazole Nanocomposites (Dissertation)
Development of functional coatings for the controlled degradation and corrosion protection of biocompatible Mg alloys
Development of functionalized Polyoxadiazole Nanocomposites
Development of haemocompatible membranes for biohybrid organs
Development of High Performance Single-Phase Solid Solution Magnesium Alloy at Low Temperature
Development of high strength-ductility Mg-Er extruded alloys by micro-alloying with Mn
Development of highly formable magnesium sheet via twin roll casting technology
Development of highly porous microparticles from poly(ether imide) prepared by a spraying/coagulation process
Development of Hydrogen Storage Materials and Systems
Development of Hydrogen Storage Systems using Sodium Alanate (Dissertation)
Development of Intermolecular Structure and Beta-phase of Random Poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)fluorene]-co-(9,9-dioctylfluorene) in Methylcyclohexane
Development of isoporous integral-asymmetric block copolymer membranes with high thermal and chemical stability and their post-functionalization
Development of isoporous membranes based on block copolymers
Development of Joining Concepts for Titanium-CFRP Parts
Development of laser beam welding concepts for fuselage panels
Development of laser beam welding concepts for fuselage panels
Development of laser straightening (LS) strategies to remove distortion in welded aeronautical structures
Development of Magnesium Alloys for Use in Transportation Industry
Development of magnesium sheet via twin roll casting technology
Development of Magnesium-based Materials with High Corrosion Resistance
Development of Magnetic Ferrofluids for Glioblastoma Treatment
Development of magnetic Ferrofluids for Treatment of Glioblastoma
Development of membrane processes - From material to pilot plant
Development of membranes for application in a bioartificial kidney
Development of membranes for application in a bioartificial kidney
Development of membranes for bioartifical organs
Development of Membranes for Bioartificial Liver Support
Development of Membranes for Bioartificial Organs
Development of membranes for biohybrid organs
Development of membranes for biohybrid organs
Development of Membranes for Biohybrid Organs
Development of membranes for biohybrid organs
Development of membranes for CO2 separation
Development of membranes for the cultivation of kidney epithelial cells
Development of membranes for the immobilization of polar organized tissue cells
Development of Membranes for the Separation of Valeraldehyde in the Hyfroformylation Reaction in Membrane Reactors
Development of Mg-Gd-(Ag, Ca) alloys as biodegradable implant materials (Dissertation)
Development of Mg-RE alloys for medical applications (Dissertation)
Development of microstructure and texture during forming processes of magnesium alloys
Development of Microstructure and Texture in Pure Shear deformed Salt
Development of Mixed Matrix Membrane with Functionalized Carbon Nanotube
Development of Mixed Matrix Membrane with Functionalized Carbon Nanotube
Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes with two rubbery Polymers and Activated Carbon for the Separation of higher Hydrocarbons
Development of modulated structures in a GammaTiAlNb-alloy produced by powder metallurgy
Development of Nanoparticles for Therapeutical Apheresis
Development of nanostructured additives for detection of corrosion in alloys used in aeronautical applications
Development Of New Antimicrobial Peptides And Their Interaction With Model Membranes
Development Of New Antimicrobial Peptides And Their Interaction With Model Membranes
Development of new antimicrobial peptides based on the synthetic peptide NK-2 (Dissertation)
Development of new magnesium alloys for high temperature applications (Dissertation)
Development of New Polymer Materials with Electrical Conductivity and Stimuli-sensitive Attributes
Development of novel anofiltration membranes (Magisterarbeit)
Development of novel antimicrobial peptides with improved activity
Development of novel antimicrobial peptides with improved activity
Development of novel poly (ether imide) particles for the adsorption of proteins from plasma
Development of novel poly(ether imide) particles
Development of Novel Poly(etherimide ) particles for the adsorption of proteins from plasma
Development of Novel Polymeric Particles for the Adsorption of Proteins from Plasma
Development of novel polymeric/ inorganic composite membranes for the application in gas phase membrane reactors
Development of open-porosity magnesium foam produced by investment casting
Development of PLGA-Based Injectable Delivery Systems For Hydrophobic Fenretinide
Development of poloymer membranes with controlled pore size in flat sheet and hollow fiber geometry
Development of Poly(ether-block-amide) / PEG-DME coated composite membranes for CO2 separations
Development of Poly(ether-block-amide) / PEG-DME coated composite membranes for CO2 separation
Development of Poly(ether-block-amide) / PEG-DME coated composite membranes for CO2 separation
Development of polymer membranes for biohybrid liver support systems
Development of polymer membranes for biohybrid organs
Development of Polymer Membranes for Gas and Liquid Phase Separations
Development of polymer membranes in Geesthacht: a contribution to a sustainable society
Development of Polymer Membranes in Geesthacht: A Contribution to a Sustainable Society
Development of polymer membranes with controlled pore size in flat sheet and hollow fiber geometry
Development of polymer membranes with improved haemocompatibility for biohybrid organ technology
Development of polymer membranes with improved haemocompatibility for biohybrid organ technology
Development of polyoxadiazole nanocomposites for high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Development of Pore-Free Ti-Si-C MAX/Al-Si Composite Materials Manufactured by Squeeze Casting Infiltration
Development of PPO-composite membrane for gas separation
Development of Recyclable Mg-Based Alloys: AZ91D and AZC1231 Phase Information Derived from Heating/Cooling Curve Analysis
Development of Recyclable Mg-Based Alloys: AZ91D and AZC1231 Phase Information Derived from Heating/Cooling Curve Analysis
Development of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding for Aluminum-Copper Dissimilar Joints
Development of Residual Stresses and Texture in Drawn Copper Tubes
Development of shape-memory polymer-based Implants at HZG
Development of Solubility Selective Mixed Matrix Membranes for Gas Separation
Development of sputtered Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Ni–Ti films for actuation in ice cooled environments
Development of sputtered Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Ni–Ti films for actuation in ice cooled environments
Development of temperature stable thin film composite membranes (Masterarbeit)
Development of test practice requirements for a standard method on fracture toughness testing in the transition range
Development of the city-scale chemistry transport model CityChem-EPISODE and its application to the city of Hamburg
Development of the Euro Fracture Toughness Dataset
Development of the microstructure and texture of magnesium alloy ZEK100 during rolling
Development of the microstructure and texture of magnesium alloy ZEK100 during rolling
Development of the Microstructure and Texture of RE containing Magnesium Alloys during Hot Rolling
Development of the Microstructure and Texture of RE containing Magnesium Alloys during Hot Rolling
Development of the water budget for three extra-tropical cyclones with intense rainfall over Europe
Development of thin-film total-reflection mirrors for the XUV-FEL
Development of thin-film total-reflection mirrors for the XUV-FEL
Development of Ti-22Nb-xZr Using Metal Injection Moulding for Biomedical Applications
Development of Ti-22Nb-xZr Using Metal Injection Moulding for Biomedical Applications
Development of underwater robots
Development of Wet-Bulb-Temperatures in Germany with special regard to conventional thermal Power Plants using Wet Cooling Towers
Development of wire drawing textures in Cu-Fe: the influence of macroscopic and microscopic heterogeneities
Development of Wrought Magnesium Alloys and Processes for Structural Applications in Transportation Industries
Development of x-ray optics for advanced research light sources
Development of x-ray optics for advanced research light sources
Development, characterisation and testing of materials and systems for hydrogen storage
Development, Upscaling and Testing of nanocomposite Materials for Hydrogen Storage
Developments and prospects for wrought and cast TiAl-based components
Developments and prospects for wrought and cast TiAl-based components
Developments in Advanced Magnesium Materials for Aerospace and Automotive Applications
Developments in element and element speciation analysis of environmental samples - Recent trends and future perspectives
Developments in hyperbaric welding technology for pipeline repairs beyond 600msw
Developments in Laser Beam Welding of Metallic Materials and Characterization of the Joints
Developments in Laser Welding of Metallic Materials and Characterization of the Joints
Developments in manual wet SMA-welding
Developments in Membrane Research: from Material via Process Design to Industrial Application
Developments in the MPI‐M Earth System Model version 1.2 (MPI‐ESM1.2) and Its Response to Increasing CO2
Develpoment of green technology - Desarrollo de tecnologias limpias
Deviation of early stage of spinodal decomposition from the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook theory observed in an isotopic polymer blend
Device for the in-situ determination of methane in sea water
Device-based tissue regeneration by multifunctional polymers
Dew pointing of natural gas by means of membranes
Dew pointing of natural gas by means of membranes
Diagnosing and Mapping Pulmonary Emphysema on X-Ray Projection Images: Incremental Value of Grating-Based X-Ray Dark-Field Imaging
Diagnostic and analysis of aggregation stability of magnetic fluids for biomedical applications by small-angle neutron scattering
Diagnostic and analysis of aggregation stability of magnetic fluids for biomedical applications by small-angle neutron scattering
Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury Chemistry
Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury Chemistry
DIAL revisited: BELINDA and white-light femtosecond lidar
DIAL Temperature Measurements: Influence of Rayleigh Brillouin Scattering
Dialysis experiments with asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes
Dialytic transport of carboxylic acids through an anion exchange membrane
Dialytischer Transport von Carbonsaeuren durch Anionenaustauschermembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Dicarboxy-telechelic cooligomers with sequence structure tunable light absorption
Die Abhaengigkeit der Filmeigenschaften von der molekularen Zusammensetzung der Staerke
Die Absorptionseigenschaften des marinen Phytoplanktons
Die Anreicherungsreduktion des Forschungsreaktors FRG-1 (Voraussetzungen, Hintergruende, Ergebnisse, Folgerungen fuer den FRM-II)
Die Anwendung der iterativen Reihenentwicklungsmethode zur quantitativen Texturanalyse
Die Anwendung von Variationsverfahren auf Probleme der Datenassimilierung
Die Atmosphaere
Die Aussagekraft von Klimaprojektionen fuer zukuenftige Herausforderungen der Trinkwasserversorgung in Deutschland
Die Ausserbetriebnahme des Forschungsreaktors FRG-2
Die Auswirkungen eines Klimawandels auf Hydrografie und Gewaesserguete der Unterweser
Die Bedeutung der historischen Dimension fuer die Klimadiskussion
Die Bedeutung der Volumen- und Oberflaecheneigenschaften von Biomaterialien fuer die Adsorption von Proteinen und nachfolgende zellulaere Reaktionen (Habilitation)
Die Bedeutung von Transaktionskosten und Verfuegungsrechten - Eine Wuerdigung zum 100. Geburtstag von Ronald H. Coase
Die Belastung der Elbe im Vergleich zu anderen deutschen Fluessen
Die Belastung der Elbe im Vergleich zu Rhein, Weser und Ems
Die Belastung der Elbe mit organischen Inhaltsstoffen und ihre Auswirkungen
Die Belastung der Elbe mit Stickstoff-/Phosphorpestiziden
Die Belastung der Elbsedimente mit Schadstoffen: Herkunft, Auswirkungen und Sanierungsziele
Die Belastung der Sedimente im Elbeeinzugsgebiet mit schwerfluechtigen chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen (SCKW)
Die Belastungssituation der Elbe
Die Belastungssitution der Oka, Ergebnisse einer Messkampagne
Die Benutzung der Weser als Vorfluter: die Rolle der Frachten (Vortragszusammenfassung)
Die Berechnung des Implosionsvorganges in kompressiblen Fluessigkeiten innerhalb abgeschlossener Behaelter (Dissertation)
Die Bestimmung der elastischen und plastischen Eigenschaften duenner Metallfolien mit laseroptischen Methoden
Die Bestimmung des Windenergieangebotes in verschiedenen Hoehen am Beispiel Pellworm
Die Bestimmung von Methylquecksilber in Umweltproben durch HPLC mit photometrischem Detektor
Die Bestimmung von Phosphor und Schwefel mit ICP-MS mit integrierter Kollisionszelle
Die Bestimmung von phosphor-, schwel- und chlorhaltigen Pestiziden mit GC- ICP-MS mit integrierter Kollisionszelle
Die Bestimmung von Phytoplanktongruppen durch Fernerkundung in Küstengewässern
Die Bewertung von Gefahren, Expositionen, Verwundbarkeiten und Risiken
Die Bilanzierungsexperimente 1984 und 1985 (BILEX '84 und BILEX '85) auf der oberen Tideelbe
Die bodennahe Stroemung ueber der Eisrandzone
Die Charakterisierung von Membrangrenzflaechen mittels Benetzungsuntersuchungen und Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie
Die Ciliatenfauna in einem Mittelgebirgsbach: qualitative und quantitative Aspekte
Die deutsche Foerderung erneuerbarer Energien - Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven vor dem Hintergrund des europaeischen Emissionszertifikatehandels
Die deutsche Nordseekueste und der Klimawandel
Die deutsche Nordseekueste und der Klimawandel
Die Einbindung von Praxisakteuren in transdisziplinaere Forschung als sozialer Prozess
Die Einbindung von Praxisakteuren in transdisziplinaere Forschung als sozialer Prozess
Die Elbe - Heimat und Regionalentwicklung aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Die Elbe - Heimat und Regionalentwicklung aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Die Elbe im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökologie und Ökonomie : 6. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar Internationale Fachtagung in Cuxhaven vom 8. bis 12. November 1994
Die Elbe von der Quelle bis zur Muendung: Bewertung der Belastungssituation auf der Basis von Elementverteilungsmustern
Die Elbe: zur frueheren, heutigen und zukuenftigen Belastungssituation
Die Entwicklung der Unterweser in den letzten 100 Jahren (eine Literaturstudie)
Die Entwicklung der Unterweser in den letzten 100 Jahren (eine Literaturstudie)
Die Entwicklung eines Schadenstoleranzkonzeptes fuer Bahnkomponenten am Beispiel von Radsatzwellen
Die Entwicklung selektiver Polymermembranen fuer die Trennung von Gasen und Daempfen
Die ersten Ergebnisse der CloudSat Mission und ihr moeglicher Nutzen fuer die Bewertung von Modellen zum Stofftransport und des photolytisch relevanten Strahlungsangebots
Die Fernerkundung der Strahlungsbilanz mittels geostationaerer und polarumlaufender Satelliten
Die Filmeigenschaften nachbehandelter Markerbsenstaerken
Die Flockenbildung von Elbeschwebstoff: Untersuchungen mit Fraktionen unterschiedlicher Sinkgeschwindigkeit
Die Forging of Commercial and Modified ZK60 Magnesium Alloys
Die Forging of Commercial and Modified ZK60 Magnesium Alloys
Die Forging of Magnesium Materials
Die Forging of Magnesium Materials
Die Forging of Magnesium Wrought Alloys ZK- and AZ-series
Die Forging of Magnesium Wrought Alloys ZK- and AZ-series
Die Forging of the Alloys AZ80 and ZK60
Die Forging of the Alloys AZ80 and ZK60
Die Forging of the Commercial and Modified Magnesium Alloys
Die Forging of the Commercial and Modified Magnesium Alloys
Die Fruehdiagenese und ihr Einfluss auf die Mobilitaet der Spurenelemente As, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb und Zn in Sediment- und Schwebstoff-Suspensionen (Dissertation)
Die fruehmittelalterlichen Fundstellen von Thunau am Kamp (NÖ) und ihre bioanthropologischen Evidenzen – eine Zusammenfassung
Die fruehmittelalterlichen Fundstellen von Thunau am Kamp (NÖ) und ihre bioanthropologischen Evidenzen – eine Zusammenfassung
Die Funktion des ribosomalen Proteins L2
Die Genesis des regionalen Klimas
Die Geochemie des Bayerischen Pfahlquarzes, INAA-, H2O-, Dekrepitations- und Isotopen-Analysen (Diplomarbeit)
Die gesamte Elbe auf einen Blick: Elementverteilungsmuster der Elbe von der Quelle bis zur Muendung
Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Klimaforschung
Die Grenzflaeche zwischen unvertraeglichen Polymeren – eine Herausforderung an die Neutronenreflexion
Die Helmholtz Graduiertenschule Macromolecular Bioscience - ein Kooperationsprojekt außeruniversitärer und universitärer Forschung und Lehre
Die Helmholtz-Graduiertenschule "Macromolecular Bioscience" - Ein Kooperationsprojekt ausseruniversitaerer und universitaerer Forschung und Lehre
Die Herausforderung der gesellschaftlichen Relevanz
Die Herausforderung Klimaskeptiker
Die industrielle Anwendung bruchmechanischer Konzepte vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Bewertungsvorschriften und Regelwerke
Die industrielle Anwendung bruchmechanischer Konzepte vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Bewertungsvorschriften und Regelwerke
Die internationalen Aktivitaeten zur Anreicherungsreduktion bei Forschungsreaktoren und der deutsche Beitrag
Die Jahrhunderflut in Deutschland und andere Katastrophen: Stehen wir vor einem Klimawechsel?
Die K-Vitamine: ernaehrungsphysiologische Exoten
Die Kaeltedecke - ein Membranverfahren zur Raumluftkonditionierung
Die Kalte Neutronenquelle am Forschungsreaktor FRG-1
Die Kartografierung der grossen ribosomalen Untereinheit
Die Kinetik der Festkoerperreaktion in Vielfachschichten
Die Kinetik der Festkoerperreaktion in Vielfachschichten
Die Klimafalle
Die Klimafalle - Das schwierige Verhaeltnis von Politik und Wissenschaft
Die Klimafalle - Die gefaehrliche Naehe von Politik und Klimaforschung
Die Klimafalle – Die gefaehrliche Naehe von Politik und Klimaforschung
Die Klimafalle – Die gefaehrliche Naehe von Politik und Klimaforschung
Die Klimafalle – Die gefaehrliche Naehe von Politik und Klimaforschung
Die Klimaforschung - Welche Rolle faellt ihr bei der politischen Willensbildung zu?
Die Konditionierung saurer Erdgase mit Hilfe der Gaspermeation
Die konsistente Fortfuehrung aller Daten im Wattenmeerinformationssystem WATiS
Die konsistente Fortfuehrung aller Daten im Wattenmeerinformationssystem WATiS
Die Konzentration von Gold in Blut, Plasma, Galle, Urin und Stuhl nach einmaliger peroraler Zufuhr des Antirheumatikums Auranofin, bestimmt mit der Methode der instrumentellen Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse (INAA)
Die Koordinatenverwaltung im Wattenmeerinformationsystem
Die Kueste als Lebensraum: Forschungsaufgaben zur nachhaltigen Nutzung
Die Kueste: Wo Oekologie und Physik sich treffen!
Die Meere und der Klimawandel
Die Membranabsorption - ein Verfahren zur Raumluftentfeuchtung
Die MIM-Technologie - Einsatzpotential und Verfahrenstechnik, Ergebnisse einer Literaturrecherche
Die Nachhaltigkeit der Klimaforschung
Die Nanowelt der Blockcopolymere
Die Natur als Vorbild: Peptidantibiotika zur Abwehr von Mikroorganismen
Die Natur der Alpen und ihr Einfluss auf das Klima
Die Natur nachgeahmt: Seekreide gegen Algen
Die Natur ueberlisten: Biologische Modellmembranen verbessern Zell-Implantat Interaktion
Die neurophysiologischen Vorgaenge waehrend der Photorezeption in der Netzhaut des Wirbeltierauges
Die Nordseekueste: Heimat und Risikoraum
Die Nordseekueste: Heimat und Risikoraum
Die oekologische Situation in den neuen Bundeslaendern: militaerische und bergbaubedingte Altlasten, Gewaesserbelastung und Luftverunreinigung
Die optischen Eigenschaften der ozeanischen Schwebstoffe und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Fernerkundung von Phytoplankton (Dissertation)
Die Pariser Klimaziele und die Netto Negativen Emissionen – ein Blick in die Forschungslandschaft
Die Pariser Klimaziele und die Netto Negativen Emissionen – Ein Blick in die Forschungslandschaft
Die Pinatubo-Wolke ueber Geesthacht
Die Planktongemeinschaft als dynamisches System
Die projektorientierte Struktur des Watteninformationssystems WATiS
Die Pulververduesungsanlage PIGA 1/300 zur Herstellung von intermetallischen Titan-Basislegierungen
Die Reichweite einer ordnenden Wirkung eines in eine rekristallisierende YBaCuO-Schmelze implantierten Saatkristalles
Die Relevanz von Klimawandelfolgen fuer Kritische Infrastrukturen am Beispiel des deutschen Energiesektors : Working Paper Series in Economics
Die repraesentative Probenahme pflanzlicher Matrizes als Grundvoraussetzung fuer Stoffflussbetrachtungen in Oekosystemen
Die RNA-Welt
Die Roentgendurchleuchtung in der zerstoerungsfreien Pruefung
Die Rolle der Huminstoffe in quecksilberkontaminierten Boeden und Sedimenten
Die Rolle der RNA in der Evolution
Die Rolle nachhaltiger Prozesstechnologien bei der Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Magnesium-Werkstoffe
Die Rolle nachhaltiger Prozesstechnologien bei der Enwicklung fortschrittlicher Magnesium-Werkstoffe
Die Rolle nachhaltiger Prozesstechnologien bei der Enwicklung fortschrittlicher Magnesium-Werkstoffe
Die Rolle von nicht-extrahierbar im Boden festgelegten PAK-Rueckstaenden fuer die Bewertung biologischer Bodensanierungen
Die Rueckkehr der Klimaforschung in die Kasernen
Die Schadstoffbelastung der Elbe
Die Schadstoffbelastung der Elbe: ausgewaehlte Aspekte
Die schweigende Stimme der Wissenschaft
Die Signalstationen der Deutschen Seewarte Hamburg, eine Datenquelle fuer die Untersuchung von Klimatrends und Extremereignissen an den Kuesten von Nord- und Ostsee
Die Sinkgeschwindigkeit von Elbeschwebstoff bei Lauenburg und Bunthaus
Die SINTAP-Prozedur
Die Situation der Elbe im Vergleich zu anderen deutschen Fluessen
Die Suender, der Sturm und die Strafe - Rungholt in 2070
Die Suender, der Sturm und die Strafe. Rungholt in 2070
Die Synergie von Klimaforschung und Kuesteningenieurwesen
Die thermodynamische Interpretation der Adhaesion unter besonderer Beachtung der Folgerungen aus der theorie von GIRIFALCO und GOOD (Dissertation B / Habilitationsschrift)
Die thermodynamische Interpretation der Adhaesion zwischen festen Phasen
Die Tide-Elbe – ein Kultur-, Natur- und Wirtschaftsraum aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Die Trilaterale Wattenmeerkooperation - ein Vorbild fuer die Umsetzung von MRO und MSRL?
Die Trilaterale Wattenmeerkooperation - ein Vorbild fuer die Umsetzung von MRO und MSRL?
Die Trilaterale Wattenmeerkooperation − Ein Vorbild fuer die Umsetzung von MRO und MSRL?
Die Trilaterale Wattenmeerkooperation − Ein Vorbild fuer die Umsetzung von MRO und MSRL?
Die Truebungszone im Weser-Aestuar: Messungen und Interpretationen (Dissertation)
Die uebermolekulare Struktur hochfester/hochmoduliger PE-Faeden
Die unterschiediche Aktivitaet des an eine Polymermembranoberflaeche gebundenen Enzyms
Die Unterweser - Ein Ueberblick ueber Hydrographie und Gewaesserguete
Die Validierung von Analysenverfahren als Beispiel fuer die Integration Analytisch-Chemischer Qualitaetssicherungskonzepte in die universitaere Lehre
Die Veraenderung der Gewaesserguete und ihre Ursachen
Die Veraenderung unserer heimischen Stuerme - Jetzt und spaeter im 21ten Jahrhundert
Die Wasserbeschaffenheit des Arendsees. Naehrstoffeintrag und die Folgen: Entwicklung und aktueller Stand der Wasserguete
Die Wasserbewirtschaftung in Saudi-Arabien
Die Wechselwirkung der Land-Seewind Zirkulationssysteme von Nord- und Ostsee
Die Wechselwirkung von Seegang und Stroemung: Eine theoretische Grundlegung mit Modellanwendung (Dissertation)
Die Wesermuendung: eine Literaturstudie ueber die Veraenderungen in den letzten 100 Jahren in wasserbaulicher, hydrographischer und oekologischer Hinsicht
Die Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft - Klima, Klimawandel und Klimapolitik
Die Wissenschaft in der «Klimafalle»
Die Zug-Druck-Anlage am Neutronendiffraktometer TEX-2
Die Zukunft der Zellulose-Membran in der Dialyse
Die Zukunft in / fuer Bielefeld
Die zwei Identitaeten des Klimas
Dielectric barrier formation and tunneling magnetoresistance effect in strontium iron molybdate
Dielectric characteristics of novel composite nanomaterial
Dietary-induced responses in the phagotrophic flagellate Oxyrrhis marina
Difference in formation of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on MgLi alloy in comparison with pure Mg
Differences in binding behavior of (−)-epigallocatechin gallate to Beta-lactoglobulin heterodimers (AB) compared to homodimers (A) and (B)
Differences in growth and morphology of chondrocytes and stem cells on native and lipid covered metal implants
Different Cooling Rates and Their Effect on Morphology and Transformation Kinetics of Martensite
Different Cooling Rates and Their Effect on Morphology and Transformation Kinetics of Martensite
Different coupling methods for regional atmosphere - Ocean simulations
Different coupling methods for regional atmosphere - Ocean simulations
Different coupling methods for regional atmosphere - Ocean simulations
Different effects of single protein vs. protein mixtures on magnesium degradation under cell culture conditions
Different ice sheets - different AMOC? Revisiting the ice-sheet effect on the LGM AMOC
Different mechanisms shaped the transition to farming in Europe and the North American Woodland -
Different nudging techniques in dynamical downscaling. Assessment of model system dependent retained and added value.
Different organization of vitronectin receptor (av Integrin) in fibroblasts adhering on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces
Different polymer surfaces influence in vitro cultivation of rat mesenchymal stem cells
Different types of polyacrylonitrile membranes for ultrafiltration
Different Underlying Corrosion Mechanism for Mg Bulk Alloys and Mg Thin Films
Different Underlying Corrosion Mechanism for Mg Bulk Alloys and Mg Thin Films
Differential absorption and scattering lidar for the depth-resolved, remote measurement of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone
Differential absorption lidar measurements of atmospheric temperature profiles: theory and experiment
Differential effects of hydrographic and biogeochemical properties on the SAR11 clade and Roseobacter RCA cluster in the North Sea
Differential effects of nutrient-limited primary production on primary, secondary or tertiary consumers
Differential Hematology Profiles of Free-Ranging, Rehabilitated, and Captive Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) of the German North Sea
Differential Hemograms of free-ranging and rehabilitated harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina) of the German North Sea
Differential phase contrast – New imaging method for HARWI-II beamline at DESY using hard x-ray grating interferometer
Differential phase contrast – New imaging method for HARWI-II beamline at DESY using hard x-ray grating interferometer
Differential sensitivity of assays for determining vein endothelial cell senescence
Differential sensitivity of assays for determining vein endothelial cell senescence
Differentiating detection of carbamate insecticides and their metabolites by cholinesterase and bispyridiniumoximes
Differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells cultured on collagen sponges for cartilage repair
Difficulties in the up-scaling of TiAl component size - A novel solution
Diffraction Enhanced Imaging, a new X-ray method for detecting internal pearl structures
Diffraction Gratings for Neutrons from Polymers and Holographic Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals
Diffraction on heavy samples at STRESS-SPEC using a robot system
Diffraction on Lysozyme Crystals with Soft X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation
Diffraction on Lysozyme Crystals with Soft X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation
Diffraction-based determination of single-crystal elastic constants of polycrystalline titanium alloys
Diffraction-based residual stress analysis applied to problems in the aircraft industry
Diffraction-Based Residual Stress Analysis Applied to Problems in the Aircraft Industry
Diffractive determination of thermo-elastic single crystal constants using polycrystalline samples. I. Thermal expansion of Gamma-TiAl from 300 to 900 K
Diffractive determination of thermo-elastic single crystal contants using polycrystalline samples
Diffrent cells for resistance determination of polymer membranes developed for DMFC applications
Diffusion Approach for Suspended Sand Transport under Waves
Diffusion Assisted Dislocation Climb in Intermetallic Gamma TiAl
Diffusion Bonding of Fine Grained Gamma-TiAl Sheet
Diffusion Bonding of Gamma(TiAl) Alloys: Influence of Composition, Microstructure, and Mechanical
Diffusion Bonding of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
Diffusion Bonding of Gamma-TiAl Sheets
Diffusion bonding of gamma-titanium aluminides
Diffusion Bonding of Investment Cast Gamma-TiAl
Diffusion bonding of rolled Gamma-TiAl-alloys
Diffusion Bonding of Ti6242 to Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Diffusion Bonding of Ti6242 to Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Diffusion bonding of TiAl using Ni/Al multilayers
Diffusion bonding of TiAl using Ni/Al multilayers
Diffusion bonding of TiAl using reactive Ni/Al nanolayers and Ti and Ni foils
Diffusion bonding of two phase Gamma-TiAl alloys with duplex microstructure
Diffusion brazing of Gamma-TiAl-alloys: Investigations of the joint by electron microscopy and high-energy X-ray diffraction
Diffusion brazing of Gamma-TiAl-alloys: Investigations of the joint by electron microscopy and high-energy X-ray diffraction
Diffusion Coefficients and Hydrogen Assisted Crack Growth of High Strength Steels
Diffusion of gas molecules in poly(imide) and poly(amide imide): a computational investigation
Diffusion of small gas molecules: a computational investigation
Diffusion processes coupled with deformation in polymeric materials
Diffusion- and flow-induced instabilities in electrochemical and population dynamics
Diffusion- and flow-induced instabilities in electrochemical and population dynamics
Diffusion-driven microstructure evolution in OpenCalphad
Diffusionsschweissen feingegossener Titanaluminide
Diffusionsschweissen von Gamma (TiAl)-Legierungen: Einfluss von Zusammensetzung, Mikrostruktur und mechanischen Eigenschaften (Dissertation)
Diffusive Convection under Rapidly Varying Conditions
Diffussion Assisted Dislocation Climb in Intermetallic Gamma-TiAl
Digi-HyPro - Digitalisierte Wasserstoffprozesskette für die Energiewende
Digi-HyPro - Digitalisierte Wasserstoffprozesskette für die Energiewende
Digi-HyPro Digital hydrogen process chain for energy transition
Digital development of an optimized heat management design for an integrated solid-state H2-storage reservoir
Digital development of an optimized heat management design for an integrated solid-state H2-storage reservoir
Digital image analysis in underwater technology: an application to hyperbaric weld
Digital modelling of the galvanic corrosion behaviour of a self–piercing riveted AZ31 - AA5083 hybrid joint - Digitale Modellierung galvanischer Korrosion an stanzgenieteten AZ31-AA5083 Hybridverbunden
Digital Support of Advanced Nano Technologies for Active Protective Coatings
Digital Twins of Controlled Polymerizations in Micro-Scale Reactors
Digitale Bildverarbeitung mit dem Texas-Signalprozessor TMS 320C80 (Diplomarbeit)
Digitaler Norddeutscher Klimaatlas informiert ueber kuenftigen Klimawandel
Digitaler Norddeutscher Klimaatlas informiert ueber kuenftigen Klimawandel
Digitales Signalverarbeitungssystem zur Kompensation von akustischen Rückkopplungen (Diplomarbeit)
Digitalisierung aus der Perspektive fachdidaktischer Forschung und ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Lehrpraxis
Digitalisierung aus der Perspektive fachdidaktischer Forschung und ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Lehrpraxis
Digitalization of Scaled-Up Block Copolymer Syntheses via RAFT Polymerization
Digitalization of Scaled-Up Block Copolymer Syntheses via RAFT Polymerization
Digitalteil eines Systems zur optischen Partikelmessung in Cirruswolken (Diplomarbeit)
Dihydroxy terminated teroligomers from morpholine-2,5-diones
Diluted and concentrated organosols of fullerene C60 in the toluene–acetonitrile solvent system as studied by diverse experimental methods
Dimensionally Stable Scaffolds from Gelatin-Based Polymer System
Dimensionierung von Mess- und Drosselblenden in verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen
Dimensions of coastal research
DIN 51003: The Standard of TXRF Basics and Definitions
DIN SPEC 35810:2014-11 : Stakeholderbeteiligung - Empfehlungen für Entscheidungsprozesse im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel - Stakeholder Engagement - Guidelines for decision making processes dealing with climate change
Diode laser spectroscopy of complex molecules with enclosive flow cooling for spectral simplification
Diodenlaser-Spektroskopie und Huellstromkuehlung: Spurenanalytischer Nachweis mehratomiger gasfoermiger Molekuele
Diodenlaserspektroskopie an der Huellstromkuehlzelle: Vereinfachung komplexer Molekuelspektren
Diodenlaserspektroskopie gekuehlter Gase mit der Huellstromkuehltechnik - Vergleich von Theorie und Experiment am Beispiel von CH4 und CHF3
Diodenlaserspektroskopie mehratomiger Molekuele - Einsatz der Huellstromkuehltechnik zur Vereinfachung komplexer Spektren
Diodenlaserspektroskopie mehratomiger Molekuele durch Einsatz der Huellstromkuehltechnik
Dipole-field–induced spin disorder in a nanocomposite soft magnet
Direct Analysis of Seawater using a new ICP-MS with a Collision Cell
Direct and Broadband Plasmonic Charge Transfer to Enhance Water Oxidation on a Gold Electrode
Direct and semi-direct effects of aerosol climatologies on long-term climate simulations over Europe
Direct comparison of capillary electrophoresis and capillary liquid chromatography hyphenated to collision-cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the investigation of Cd-, Cu- and Zn-containing metalloproteins
Direct downscaling of Central European phenological time series using two empirical techniques
Direct Energy Deposition of TiAl for Hybrid Manufacturing and Repair of Turbine Blades
Direct evidence for eoarchean iron metabolism?
Direct insights into phase transformations in nano-scaled microstructures - Observation of orthorhombic phase formation in an advanced Gamma-TiAl alloy
Direct Localization of the tRNAs Within the Elongating Ribosome by Means of Neutron Scattering (Proton-spin Contrast-variation)
Direct methanol and ethanol fuel cell
Direct Observation of Coupled Geochemical and Geomechanical Impacts on Chalk Microstructure Evolution under Elevated CO2 Pressure
Direct oceanic emissions unlikely to account for the missing source of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
Direct Plasmonic Excitation of the Hybridized Surface States in Metal Nanoparticles
Direct quantification of dual protein adsorption dynamics in three dimensional systems in presence of cells
Direct Synthesis of Electrowettable Carbon Nanowall–Diamond Hybrid Materials from Sacrificial Ceramic Templates Using HFCVD
Direct volumetric measurement of crystallographic texture using acoustic waves
Direct-Friction Riveting of Metal-CFRP Overlap Joints
Direct-Friction Riveting of Metal-CFRP Overlap Joints
Direct-Friction Riveting of polymer composite laminates for aircraft applications
Directed Crystallization turns Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone)-based Multiphase Polymer Networks into Active Polymers
Directed Self-Assembly of Star-Block Copolymers by Topographic Nanopatterns through Nucleation and Growth Mechanism
Directing nanoparticle-loaded brain cancer cells by a magnetic field
Direction of modulation during twin boundary motion
Directional Analysis of SAR Images Aiming at Wind Direction
Directional solidification of beta-solidifying and peritectic TiAl alloys based on the gamma phase
Directional spectra from shipboard navigation radar
Directional spectra from shipboard navigation radar during LEWEX
Directly measured currents and estimated transport pathways of Atlantic Water between 59.5°N and the Iceland–Faroes–Scotland Ridge
Direkte oder indirekte Kondensation zur Abluftreinigung
Direkte und indirekte Kondensation zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Direkte und indirekte Kondensation zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Dirichlet absorbing boundary conditions for classical and peridynamic diffusion-type models
Dirichlet-type absorbing boundary conditions for peridynamic scalar waves in two-dimensional viscous media
Disagreement between predictions of the future behaviour of the Arctic Oscillation as simulated in two different climate models: Implications for global warming
Disclosing the truth: Are models better than observations?
Discovery of Lebambromyia in Myanmar Cretaceous Amber: Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Implications (Insecta, Diptera, Phoroidea)
Discrepancies in kinematic calculations of HOLZ lines
Discrimination between Particulate and Film Type Contamination on Surfaces by Means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Disentangling coastal groundwater level dynamics in a global data set
Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach
Disentangling Obstacles to Knowledge Co-Production for Early-Career Researchers in the Marine Sciences
Disentangling the climate divide with emotional patterns: a network-based mindset reconstruction approach
Disentangling the effects of climate change and reoligotrophication on primary production in a large lake
Dislocation densities in a low-carbon steel during martensite transformation determined by in situ high energy X-Ray diffraction
Dislocation density evolution of AA 7020-T6 investigated by in-situ synchrotron diffraction under tensile load
Dislocation dipole-induced strengthening in intermetallic TiAl
Dislocation dynamics and fracture processes in two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
Dislocation dynamics in carbon-doped titanium aluminide alloys
Dislocation dynamics in carbon-doped titanium aluminide alloys
Dislocation Dynamics in Solid Solution and Precipitation Hardened Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Dislocation sources in ordered intermetallics
Disordered Conformation with Low Pii Helix in Phosphoproteins Orchestrates Biomimetic Apatite Formation
Dispergatoren als Option bei der Oelunfallbekaempfung
Dispersion, stratification and transport of tropospheric ozone observed by lidar and tracer experiments
Dispersive surface classification: local analysis of optical image sequences of the water surface to determine hydrographic parameter maps
Disruption of amyloid aggregates by artificial ferritins
Dissecting the influence of cellular senescence on cell mechanics and extracellular matrix formation in vitro
Dissimilar Al to Mg Friction Stir Welds
Dissimilar Friction Spot Welding of Al/Mg Alloys
Dissimilar laser welding of a CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy to 316 stainless steel
Dissimilar metal joints on macro- and micro scales: Impact on PEO processing-A review
Dissimilar titanium and titanium aluminide joints manufactured by laser beam welding and laser additive manufacturing
Dissimilar Welding of Aluminum to AlSi-coated Steel Sheets Using Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding: A Feasibility Study
Dissipative pattern formation in nonlinear reaction systems with density-dependent diffusion
Dissipative pattern formation in reaction-electrodiffusion systems
Dissipative pattern formation in ternary nonlinear reaction-electrodiffusion systems with concentration-dependent diffusivities
Dissipative Strukturbildung in Reaktions-Elektrodiffusionssystemen
Dissolution of MWCNTs by using polyoxadiazoles, and highly effective reinforcement of their composite films
Dissolved and particulate reactive nitrogen in the Elbe River/NW Europe: a 2-yr N-isotope study
Dissolved nitric oxide in the lower Elbe Estuary and the Port of Hamburg area
Dissolved organic matter at the fluvial–marine transition in the Laptev Sea using in situ data and ocean colour remote sensing
Dissolved trace elements and nutrients in the North Sea – a current baseline
Distance-based mixing models of δ18 NNO3− and δ18 ONO3− in a marsh-lined estuary with multiple, distinct NO3− sources (Murderkill Estuary, Delaware, USA)
Distinct Mechanisms Underlying Interannual to Decadal Variability of Observed Salinity and Nutrient Concentration in the Northern North Sea
Distinct microbial communities associated with buried soils in the Siberian tundra
Distortion control in welding by mechanical tensioning
Distribution and air-sea exchange fluxes of novel emerging organic contaminants in the North Sea and the Arctic
Distribution and Air–Sea Exchange of Current-Use Pesticides (CUPs) from East Asia to the High Arctic Ocean
Distribution and air–sea exchange of organochlorine pesticides in the North Pacific and the Arctic
Distribution and Dynamic Pathway of Selenium Species in Selenium-deficient Mice Injected with 82Se-enriched Selenite
Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German Bight
Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German Bight
Distribution and long-range transport of polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Arctic, Atlantic Ocean and Antarctic coast
Distribution and mobility of organic micropollutants in river Elbe floodplains
Distribution and sources of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the River Rhine watershed
Distribution and trajectories of floating and benthic marine macrolitter in the south-eastern North Sea
Distribution and transport of water in the atmosphere
Distribution Characteristics of Constituent Particles in Thick Plate of 2024 Al-T351
Distribution characteristics of constituent particles in thick plate of 2024 Al-T351
Distribution Characteristics of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Riverine and Marine Sediments of Laizhou Bay, North China
Distribution characteristics of wave energy in the Zhe-Min coastal area
Distribution of 210Pb and 210Po in the Arctic water column during the 2007 sea-ice minimum: Particle export in the ice-covered basins
Distribution of actin of the human erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton after interaction with radiographic contrast media
Distribution of airborne polyfluorinated compounds in the marine atmosphere of the Atlantic and Southern Ocean
Distribution of atmospheric mercury species in Northern Europe: final results from the MOE project
Distribution of benzotriazoles and benzothiazols in surface waters of German Rivers and the German Bight
Distribution of brominated flame retardants and dechloranes between sediments and benthic fish — A comparison of a freshwater and marine habitat
Distribution of chemical elements in Vaccinium myrtillus (blueberry): Basic problems for representative sampling of plants for multi-element analysis in ecosystems
Distribution of elements binding to molecules with different molecular weights in aqueous extract of Antarctic krill by size-exclusion chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Distribution of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere as observed by CARIBIC flights
Distribution of Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed by CARIBIC flights
Distribution of intermediate water masses in the subtropical northeast Atlantic
Distribution of Mercury over the Atlantic Ocean in 1996 and 1999 - 2001
Distribution of organic UV-filters in surface water of the River Elbe
Distribution of organophosphate esters between the gas and particle phase – model predictions vs. measured data
Distribution of organophosphate esters between the gas and particle phase – model predictions vs. measured data
Distribution of perfluoroalkyl compounds in seawater from Northern Europe, Atlantic Ocean, and Southern Ocean
Distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in water, suspended particulate matter and sediment from Tokyo Bay, Japan
Distribution of total gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
Distribution patterns of beached, oil-contaminated seabirds (Guillemot)
Diurnal production of gaseous mercury in the alpine snowpack before snowmelt
Diurnal variability of the earth radiation budget: sampling requirements, time integration aspects and error estimates for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)
Diver assisted mechanised welding in greater water depths
Diver monitoring: Vortrag anlaesslich des Besuches einer Gruppe von Marine-Taucheraerzten aus Kiel in der GKSS/GUSI
Diver monitoring: Vortrag anlaesslich des Besuches einer Gruppe von Marine-Taucheraerzten aus Kiel in der GKSS/GUSI
Diverless pipeline welding beyond 600msw
Diversity of Ammonia oxidizing microorganisms in permafrost-affected soils on Samoylov Island in the Lena River Delta, Siberia
Diversity of schizomids (Arachnida: Schizomida) revealed by new fossil genera and species from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber with implications for a Gondwanan origin of the Burma Terrane Get access Arrow
Diversity, environmental requirements, and biogeography of bivalve wood-borers (Teredinidae) in European coastal waters
Diving into the Past: A Paleo Data-Model Comparison Workshop
Diving into the Past: A Paleo Data–Model Comparison Workshop on the Late Glacial and Holocene
Diving operation at great depth
Divorced Eutectic Solidification of Mg-Al Alloys
DMFC nanocomposite membranes containing sulfonated inorganic filler
DNA barcodes of polychaetes (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the southern European Atlantic coast underscores the incipient state of the global reference library for this taxon
DNA barcodes of polychaetes (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the southern European Atlantic coast underscores the incipient state of the global reference library for this taxon
Do Marine Mammals Experience Stress Related to Anthropogenic Noise?
Do N-isotopes in atmospheric nitrate deposition reflect air pollution levels?
Do radiographic contrast media (Iodixanol or Iomeprol) induce a perturbation of human arterial and/or venous endothial cells in vitro on extracellular matrix?
Do radiographic contrast media (Iodixanol or Iomeprol) induce a perturbation of human arterial and/or venous endothial cells in vitro on extracellular matrix?
Do we need a cloud profiling radar in space?
Do we need alloying elements for Mg implant materials?
Do we need alloying elements for Mg implant materials?
Dobutamine stress magnetocardiography for the detection of significant coronary artery stenoses – A prospective study in comparison with simultaneous 12-lead electrocardiography
Doctor's orders? Less oxygen = more life for titanium MIM
Does Spectral Nudging Have an Effect on Dynamical Downscaling Applied in Small Regional Model Domains?
Does the nutrient stoichiometry of primary producers affect the secondary consumer Pleurobrachia pileus?
Domain Check for Input to NN Emulating an Inverse Model
Domain Check for Input to NN Emulating an Inverse Model
Domain-specific metadata standardization in materials modelling
Domain-specific metadata standardization in materials modelling
Doping-induced temperature evolution of a helicoidal spin structure in the MnGe compound
Double Layer Porous Structures by an Injection Molding/Particulate Leaching Approach
Double Perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 Films Prepared by Electrophoretic Deposition
Double Stimuli-Responsive Conducting Polypyrrole Nanocapsules for Corrosion-Resistant Epoxy Coatings
Double Stimuli-Responsive Isoporous Membranes via Post-Modification of pH-Sensitive Self-Assembled Diblock Copolymer Membranes
Double thermoresponsive block–random copolymers with adjustable phase transition temperatures: From block-like to gradient-like behavior
Double thermoresponsive graft copolymers with different chain ends: feasible precursors for covalently crosslinked hydrogels
Double-Cavity etalon in the near infrared
Double-diffusion in the Mediterranean Sea: Observation and paramerization of salt finger convection
Double-diffusive interfaces in Lake Kivu reproduced by direct numerical simulations
Double-Layer Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membrane Fabrication by in-situ H-bond Formation between Layers in the Spinning Line
Double-Ligand Strategy to Construct an Inhibitor-Loaded Zn-MOF and Its Corrosion Protection Ability for Aluminum Alloy 2A12
Downscaled climate change projections with uncertainty assessment over India using a high resolution multi-model approach
Downscaled GCM projections of winter and summer mass balance for Central European glaciers (2000–2100) from ensemble simulations with ECHAM5-MPIOM
Downscaling / Regional models
Downscaling and regional modelling
Downscaling of GCM scenarios to assess precipitation changes in the little rainy season (March-June) in Cameroon
Downscaling of wind statistics
Downscaling studies in Chinese coastal regions
Downscaling tropical cyclones from global re-analysis and scenarios: Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia
Downstream effect of Hengduan Mountains on East China in the REMO regional climate model
Doxorubicin hydrochloride-oleic acid conjugate loaded nanostructured lipid carriers for tumor specific drug release
Draft definitive statement on the significance of mis-match of strength in welds
Draft EGF recommendations for determining the fracture resistance of ductile materials: EGF procedure EGF P1-87D
Drahtziehen von der Magnesiumnegierung Mg-4Ag (Bachelorarbeit)
Drahtziehstudie an Magnesium-Silber-Legierungen für medizinische Implantate (Masterarbeit)
Dramatisierte Darstellung
Dredged Material - A Challenge for Interdisciplinary Research
Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Interface between Rhine Catchment Area and North Sea
Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Interface between Rhine Catchment Area and North Sea - Appendix to Project report
Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Interface between Rhine Catchment Area and North Sea - Project report
Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Interface between Rhine Catchment Area and North Sea Extended Summary
Drei Perspektiven auf die Nordseemodellierung
Drei-Spiegel-Interferometer fuer ein DAS-Lidar mit breitbandiger Emission und schmalbandigem Nachweis (Diplomarbeit)
Drift bottles in the southern Baltic Sea – an experiment-of-opportunity
Drifter observations and Lagrangian tracking of the 2018 easterly wind event in the North Sea
Drifter observations of submesoscale flow kinematics in the coastal ocean
Driftsimulationen zur Unterstuetzung der Interpretation von Messdaten in der suedlichen Nordsee
Driven by Vision - Transforming Polymers
Drivers of decadal drought in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean in the past millennium as simulated in two CMIP5 models
Drivers of deep-water renewal events observed over 13 years in the South Basin of Lake Baikal
Drivers of Particle Sinking Velocities in the Peruvian Upwelling System
Drivers of the 2013/14 winter floods in the UK
Drivers of the decadal variability of the North Ionian Gyre upper layer circulation during 1910–2010: a regional modelling study
Driving Force and Failure Assessment Diagram Methods for Defect Assessment
Druckkriechverhalten der kurzfaserverstaerkten Magnesiumlegierung AE42
Druckkriechverhalten der kurzfaserverstaerkten Magnesiumlegierung AE42
Druckkriechverhalten moderner aluminiumhaltiger Magnesiumlegierungen fuer den Druckguss
Druckluftentfeuchtung: Verfahrensparameter fuer die Einstellung verschiedener Drucktaupunkte
Drucklufttrocknung und Gasetrocknung mit Membranen
Druckverlust in spacergefuellten Feed- und Permeatkanaelen
Druckverlustkorrelation fuer laengsangestroemte Gewebe in der Membrantechnik
Drug-free selection of Recombinase-mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) events (Diplomarbeit)
Drug-releasing shape-memory polymers – The role of morphology, processing effects, and matrix degradation
Dry deposition of Asian mineral dust over the Central North Pacific
Dry depositions in source grid elements and wet depositions over sea areas
Dry sliding wear behaviour of a conventional and recycled high pressure die cast magnesium alloys
Dry sliding wear behaviour of magnesium oxide and zirconium oxide plasma electrolytic oxidation coated magnesium alloy
Dry sliding wear behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AZ91 cast magnesium alloy
DSC-Reinheitsbestimmung durch Kalorimetersimulation
Du mercure aux poles
Dual and Triple Shape Capability of AB Polymer Networks based on Poly(e-caprolactone)dimethacrylates
Dual and Triple Shape Capability of AB Polymer Networks based on Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)dimethacrylates
Dual and Triple-Shape Properties of Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone)-based Polymer Networks
Dual layer inorganic coating on magnesium for delaying the biodegradation for bone fixation implants
Dual-mixed finite element analysis of crystalline sub-micron gold
Dual-mixed finite element analysis of crystalline sub-micron gold
Dual-modified bufalin loaded liposomes for enhanced tumor targeting
Dual-scale phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidification
Dual-scale phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidification
Dual-Shape Hydrogels with Crystallizable; Oligomeric Switching Segments
Dual-Shape Properties of Triple-Shape Polymer Networks with Crystallizable Network Segments and Grafted Side Chains
Ductile crack extension in thin-walled structures
Ductile Crack Growth in Sheet Metals: Global and Local Modeling Approaches
Ductile Crack Growth in Sheet Metals: Global and Local Modeling Approaches
Ductile crack growth under plane stress conditions: Size effects and structural assessment; I. Size and geometry effects on crack growth resistance
Ductile crack growth under plane stress conditions: Size effects and structural assessment; II. Assessment of circumferential through-cracks in austenitic steel pipes using the ?5 technique and the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Ductile Damage Models Applied to Anisotropic Fracture of Al2024 T351
Ductile Damage Models Applied to Anisotropic Fracture of Al2024 T351
Ductile fracture under dynamic loading using a strain-rate dependent cohesive model
Ductile fracture under dynamic loading using a strain-rate dependent cohesive model
Ductile Materials: Flaw Assessment
Ductile rupture of aluminium sheet materials
Ductile rupture of aluminium sheet materials
Ductile Rupture of Aluminium Sheets
Ductile Rupture of Aluminium Sheets
Ductile Rupture of Aluminum Sheets
Ductile Tearing Resistance of Metal Sheets
Ductile Tearing Resistance of Metal Sheets
Ductile Tearing Resistance of Metal Sheets
Ductile to Brittle Transition of P91 Steel in Small Punch Test and Its Phenomenological Modeling
Ductilization of brittle amorphous alloys and reversible changes of free volume by thermal treatments
Duenne Filme aus Polymeren - Herstellung und Untersuchung spannender Polymereigenschaften
Duenne Filme von Copolymeren: Inseln, X, eingeschraenkte Dimension
Duenne Polymerfilme und deren Herstellung durch Spin Coating - eine Methode zur schnellen Molekulargewichtsbestimmung
Duenne Schichten und verborgene Grenzflaechenstrukturen – eine Herausforderung an die Neutronenreflektometrie
Duktilitaet und Bruchverhalten von TiAl Legierungen
Durability of metal – Composite friction spot joints under environmental conditions
Durability of Metal-Composite Friction Spot Joints under Environmental Conditions
Durch Beobachtungen das Meer verstehen
Durchflussmessungen mit dem 1,2 MHz BBADCP zwischen Pellworm und der Hallig Suedfall
Durchfuehrbarkeitsstudie zur Technik der spurenanalytischen Bestimmung von Acetaldehyd mit dem Dioden-Laserspektrometer: ein Beitrag zur Waldschadensforschung
Durchfuehrung von Sicherungsmassnahmen an 106 Gebinden aus der Landessammelstelle der norddeutschen Kuestenlaender auf dem Gelaende des GKSS-Forschungszentrums (Technischer Zwischenbericht)
Durchsickerungsraten und Element-Austraege verschiedener Boeden in Abhaengigkeit von der klimatischen Wasserbilanz und der Bewirtschaftung dargestellt anhand der Lysimeterstationen Falkenberg und Colbitz in Sachsen-Anhalt
Durchstrahlungspruefung im GKSS-Forschungszentrum
Dye-Mediated Growth of 2D Coppercarbodiimide (CuNCN) Nanostructures and their Metamorphosis into a 3D Cu@CxNy Hybrid
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Contributions to Late 21st Century Projected Rainfall Change in the Congo Basin: Impact of a Regional Climate Model’s Formulation
Dynamic Behaviour of Magnesium Matrix Composites in Elevated Temperatures
Dynamic chlorophyll and nitrogen:carbon regulation in algae optimizes instantaneous growth rate
Dynamic control of nanofluidic channels in protein drug delivery vehicles
Dynamic control of nanofluidic channels in protein–loaded cubosomes
Dynamic crack growth across an interface
Dynamic electro-chemo-mechanical analysis during cyclic voltammetry
Dynamic evolution of internal stress, grain growth, and crystallographic texture in arc-evaporated AlTiN thin films using in-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction
Dynamic hydrological discharge modelling for coupled climate model simulations of the last glacial cycle: the MPI-DynamicHD model version 3.0
Dynamic in vitro hemocompatibility testing of poly(ether imide) membranes functionalized with linear, methylated oligoglycerol and oligo(ethylene glycol)
Dynamic in vivo monitoring of fracture healing process in response to magnesium implant with multimodal imaging: Pilot longitudinal study in a rat external fixation model
Dynamic Light Scattering Studies on the Structural Behaviour of Copolymers with Stimuli-responsive Properties in Water-based Solvents
Dynamic Recovery and Recrystallization during Hot-working in an Advanced TiAl Alloy
Dynamic Recovery and Recrystallization during Hot-working in an Advanced TiAl Alloy
Dynamic recovery and recrystallization of a multi-phase TiAl alloy during thermomechanical processing
Dynamic Recrystallisation of Mg-3Al-1Zn
Dynamic Recrystallisation of Mg-3Al-1Zn
Dynamic Simulation Modeling for the Social Sciences in the Context of Environmental Issues
Dynamic Strain Ageing During Stress Relaxation in Selected Magnesium Alloys Containing Rare Earth Elements
Dynamic synthesis of Malthus and Boserup at work in a global model of the transitions to agriculture
Dynamic tensile properties and microstructural evolution of extruded EW75 magnesium alloy at high strain rates
Dynamic V / A characteristics of bipolar membranes
Dynamical and thermodynamical measurements during a Three Aircraft Intercomparision Flight ICE 211
Dynamical downscaling of ERA40 reanalysis data over southern Africa: added value in the simulation of the seasonal rainfall characteristics
Dynamical downscaling of historical climate over CORDEX Central America domain with a regionally coupled atmosphere–ocean model
Dynamical downscaling of precipitation fields and evaluation of applicability for the Odracatchment
Dynamical Downscaling over Siberia: Is there an added value in representing recent climate conditions?
Dynamical Downscaling: Assessment of model system dependent retained and added value
Dynamical downscaling: Assessment of model system dependent retained and added variability for two different regional climate models
Dynamical modelling of North Sea storm surge extremes under climate change conditions - an ensemble study
Dynamical Processes in Cirrus Clouds: A Review of Observational Results
Dynamical Processes in Cirrus Clouds: Concepts and Models
Dynamical Projections of the Mean and Extreme Wave Climate in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea
Dynamically polarized hydrogen target as a broadband, wavelength-independent thermal neutron spin polarizer
Dynamics of Beta1-Integrins in Living Fibroblasts - Effect of Substratum Wettability
Dynamics of Cu release during early aerobic degradation in aggregated seston from the Elbe estuary
Dynamics of flood-regulating ecosystem services in urban areas: modelling heavy rainfall, climate change impacts and benefits of nature-based solutions
Dynamics of glyphosate and AMPA in the soil surface layer of glyphosate-resistant crop cultivations in the loess Pampas of Argentina
Dynamics of porous and amorphous magnesium borohydride to understand solid state Mg-ion-conductors
Dynamics of small molecules in the bulk and the surface region of amorphous polymers
Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter in the North Sea: Fusing Waves, Ocean Circulation and Transport Models with Remote Sensing Data
Dynamics of the Baltic Sea straits via numerical simulation of exchange flows
Dynamics of the benthic and pelagic dissolved inorganic carbonate systems, and the stability of benthic carbonates in tidal areas of the North Sea: First results of field and experimental approaches
Dynamics of trace elements carries by atmospheric aerosols in precipitating mesoscale systems
Dynamics of water confined in mesoporous magnesium carbonate
Dynamics of Water-Constrained Economies Affected by Climate Change: Nonlinear and Stochastic Effects
Dynamik der Bildung und des Wachstums von Co-Clustern in einer Cu-Co-Legierung: polarisierte Neutronenstreuung und clusterdynamische Beschreibung
Dynamik der Sedimente im Lister Tidebecken
Dynamik der Sedimente im Lister Tidebecken
Dynamik und Bilanz der mikrobiellen Atmungsprozesse innerhalb der raeumlichen Struktur von Suesswasserwattsedimenten des Elbe-Aestuars (Dissertation)
Dynamische Erholung und Rekristallisation waehrend der Warmverformung in einer TiAl-Hochleistungslegierung - Dynamic Recovery and Recrystallization During Hot-Working in an Advanced TiAl Alloy
Dynamische Kontaktwinkelhysterese an Oberflaechen von Siliconcopolyestern
Dynamischer Separator zur Vermeidung von Slug-Flow in Mehrphasentransport-Pipelines


E ects of heat input on weld microstructure and properties in keyhole TIG welding of Invar 36 alloy
EAC Testing of Titanium Risers for Deepwater Developments
Earliest Onychophoran in Amber Reveals Gondwanan Migration Patterns
Earliest Stage of the Tetrahedral Nanochannel Formation in Cubosome Particles from Unilamellar Nanovesicles
Early and late extracellular matrix formation and the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Early Martensitic Transformation in a 0.74C–1.15Mn–1.08Cr High Carbon Steel
Early osteoimmunomodulatory effects of magnesium–calcium–zinc alloys
Early oxidation of organic matter in freshwater seston after sedimentation on a sediment surface
Early oxidation of organic matter in freshwater seston after sedimentation on a sediment surface
Early recognition of toxic substances with mussels in an dynamic flow-test
Early stage decomposition kinetics in Ni-Al alloys: I. Small and wide-angle neutron scattering investigation on Ni-13at% Al and clusterdynamic modelling
Early stage decomposition kinetics in Ni-Al alloys: II. Clusterdynamic modelling of former experimental results
Early stages of solid-state reactions
Early stages of the phase reaction in Nb/Al multilayers
Early states of spinodal decomposition in polymer blends studied with SANS
Earth observation and coastal climate services for small islands
Earth observation: An integral part of a smart and sustainable city
Earth Radiation Budget Data for Evaluation of Regional Models
Earth Radiation Budget Data from Geostationary Orbit
Earth Radiation Budget derived with ScaRaB for validation purposes in BALTEX
Earth Radiation Budget derived with ScaRaB for validation purposes in BALTEX
Earth Remote Sensing for the Next Decade: Some Aspects of Satellite Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
Earth system changes in marginal seas
Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) v2.0 – an extended set of large-scale diagnostics for quasi-operational and comprehensive evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP
Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE)
East Frisian Wadden Sea hydrodynamics and wave effects in an unstructured-grid model
Easy up-scaleable approach to improve the properties of metal-alloys for hydrogen storage
Easy up-scaleable approach to improve the properties of metal-alloys for hydrogen storage
EBSD and EDX studies of the microstructural features occurring in the interdiffusion zone of diffusion bonded Gamma-TiAl-based alloys
EBSD Technique Visualization of Material Flow in Aluminum to Steel Friction-stir Dissimilar Welding
ECHAM4/HOPE-G = ECHO-G runs, forcings, results so far
Eco-engineering approaches for ocean negative carbon emission
Ecological and conceptual consequences of Arctic pollution
Ecological mapping of mud flat areas in the German Wadden Sea
Ecology and Environmental Chemistry
Ecomorphology of the pectoral girdle in anurans (Amphibia, Anura): Shape diversity and biomechanical considerations
Economic analysis of integral laser beam welded structures (Diplomarbeit)
Economic Impacts of Environmental Policies in Germany - The case of Gasoline Lead Content Reductions
Economic potential of complex hydrides compared to conventional hydrogen storage systems
Economic potential of solid state hydrogen storage
Economical and engineering scalability of complex hydrides as new promising hydrogen storage materials
ECOSMO II hindcast simulations for the North Sea and Baltic Sea (1948-2008)
ECOSMO II(CHL): a marine biogeochemical model for the North Atlantic and the Arctic
ECOSUPPORT - Different Ecosystem Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios in the Baltic Sea
Ecosystem approach to harvesting in the Arctic: Walking the tightrope between exploitation and conservation in the Barents Sea
Ecosystem management in estuaries: costs and benefits
Ecosystem responses to chemical pollution
Ecosystems and a Variable Physical Environment - The Role of Model Simulations
Ecotechnologies for improving water quality
ECToNAS: Evolutionary Cross-Topology Neural Architecture Search
Eddies in the Red Sea as seen by Satellite SAR Imagery
Eddy covariance observations of CO2, latent heat, and sensible heat fluxes at the Spiekeroog Coastal Observatory
Edel- und Buntmetall-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffe
Edelmetallcluster in Polymeren: Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Anwendung
Edge sharpness of geometric microcavity enhances contractility and osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells via ROCK signaling
Editirial: The 2nd Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling Workshop
Editorial for climate variability, its impacts on hydropower, agriculture, food security and adaptation strategies in Ethiopia and republic of South Sudan
Editorial for special issue on developments of magnesium alloys for structural and functional applications
Editorial for the CORDEX CORE Experiment I Special Issue
Editorial: 31 Years of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
Editorial: 36th Conference of the German Society for Clinical Microcirculation and Hemorheology
Editorial: A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2016
Editorial: A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2017
Editorial: Advanced Functional Polymers Addressing the Needs of Modern Medicine
Editorial: Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine
Editorial: Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine
Editorial: Advanced Functional Polymers in Medicine (AFPM)
Editorial: Atmosphere: An International and Interdisciplinary Scientific Open Access Journal
Editorial: Coastal Extension of CMEMS Products. Models, Data and Applications
Editorial: Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers
Editorial: Designing advanced functional polymers for medical applications
Editorial: Developments in the application of high resolution ultrasound in clinical diagnostics
Editorial: Editorial on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ing. Friedrich Jung
Editorial: Emerging Methods in Mechanical Behavior
Editorial: ESIS Technical Committee 10 Environmentally Assisted Cracking
Editorial: Fishing for Human Perceptions in Coastal and Island Marine Resource Use Systems
Editorial: Fishing for human perceptions in coastal and island marine resource use systems; volume II
Editorial: Foreword - Integrity of Thin-walled Light-weight Structures - Concepts and Applications
Editorial: Foreword - Special Issue on the Damage Tolerance of Railway Rails
Editorial: Functional nanocarriers by miniaturization of polymeric materials
Editorial: Future Climate Scenarios: Regional Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Editorial: Has Science started to go wrong?
Editorial: IMPACT2C – An introduction
Editorial: Introduction to papers on mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change: protecting nature from society or protecting society from nature?
Editorial: Latest Developments in the Field of Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications
Editorial: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Materials Science
Editorial: Membrantechnik – Eine noch immer unterschaetzte Technologie
Editorial: Modelling; Simulating and Forecasting Regional Climate and Weather
Editorial: Modelling; simulating and forecasting regional climate and weather Volume 2
Editorial: Multifunctional materials: concepts, function-structure relationships, knowledge-based design, translational materials research
Editorial: Nanocarriers: Architecture, transport, and topical application of drugs for therapeutic use
Editorial: Offshore wind energy: Modeling and measurements
Editorial: Polymers in Biomedicine
Editorial: Polymers in Biomedicine and Electronics
Editorial: Progress in actively moving polymers
Editorial: Role of blood viscosity in the microcirculation
Editorial: Sensors for Coastal Monitoring
Editorial: Special Issue on Fracture Toughness of Steel in the Ductile to Brittle Transition Regime
Editorial: Stimuli-Sensitive Polymers
Editorial: Summary of the panel discussions at the 2nd Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, Maratea, Italy, 2010
Editorial: The microcirculation in hypoxia: The center of the battlefield for oxygen
Editorial: The Regional Climate Model COSMO-CLM (CCLM)
Editorial: Trend to move from permanent metals to degradable, multifunctional polymer or metallic implants in the example of coronary stents
Eduard Brueckner - The Sources and Consequences of Climate Change and Climate Variability in Historical Times
Eduard Brueckner's analysis of climatic change and climate impact
Eduard Brueckner: The Sources and Consequences of Climate Change and Climate Variability in Historical Times
EEG-frequency analysis in deep simulated chamber dives during rest and the performance of mental tasks
EEG-Umlage: Eine kurze Einordnung
EEG-Umlage: Im Visier der EU
EFAM ETM 97 - the ETM method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in engineering structures, comprising the versions ETM 97/1 and ETM 97/2
EFAM ETM-CREEP 03 - The Engineering Flaw Assessment Method for Creep
EFAM ETM-MM 96 - the ETM Method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in joints with mechanical heterogeneity (strength mismatch)
EFAM GTP 02 - The GKSS Test Procedure for Determining the Fracture Behaviour of Materials
EFAM GTP-CREEP 02 - The GKSS Test Procedure for Determining the Creep Crack Extension of Materials
EFAM GTP-SCC 02 - The GKSS Test Procedure for Performing Stress Corrosion Tests Using Pre-Cracked Specimens
Effect and Correction of Ligament Diameter Estimation on Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Gold
Effect of 6-Aminohexanoic Acid Released from Its Aluminum Tri-Polyphosphate Intercalate (ATP-6-AHA) on the Corrosion Protection Mechanism of Steel in 3.5% Sodium Chloride Solution
Effect of a bell-shaped cover in spin coating process on final film thickness
Effect of a CaF2-xHx solid solution formation in the mixed system CaH2+CaF2 +MgB2
Effect of a CaF2-xHx solid solution formation in the mixed system CaH2+CaF2 +MgB2
Effect of aging on damping of the magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys
Effect of Al content and Nb addition on the strength and fault energy of TiAl alloys
Effect of Al Content on Texture Evolution and Recrystallization Behavior of Non-Flammable Magnesium Sheet Alloys
Effect of Alloy Composition on Microstructure in Mg-Sn Alloys
Effect of Alloying with Rare-Earth Metals on the Degradation of Magnesium Alloys Studied Using a Combination of Isothermal Calorimetry and Pressure Measurements
Effect of alloying with rare-earth metals on the degradation of magnesium alloys studied using a combination of isothermal calorimetry and pressure measurements
Effect of AlN nanoparticles added by intensive melt shearing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an extruded AM60 magnesium alloy nanocomposite
Effect of AlN nanoparticles added by intensive melt shearing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an extruded AM60 magnesium alloy nanocomposite
Effect of aluminium and calcium on the microstructure, texture, plastic deformation and related acoustic emission of extruded magnesium–manganese alloys
Effect of Aluminum Addition on the Strengthening and High Temperature Deformation Behaviour of Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy
Effect of Aluminum Addition on the Strengthening and High Temperature Deformation Behaviour of Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy
Effect of aluminum on microstructural evolution during hot deformation of TX32 magnesium alloy
Effect of Applied Compressive Stress and Impregnation Material on Internal Strain and Stress State in Nb3Sn Rutherford Cable Stacks
Effect of B addition on the superelasticity in FeNiCoAlTa single crystals
Effect of backplate diffusivity on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded joints
Effect of biaxial compressive stress state on the microstructure evolution and deformation compatibility of rolled sheet Mg alloy AZ31 at room temperature
Effect of biodegradable magnesium degradation on the immune response in vitro
Effect of Borides on Microstructure Evolution in Cast Beta-solidifying Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Effect of Borides on the Beta/Alpha Phase Transformation Kinetics in Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Effect of Ca and Nd on the microstructural development during dynamic and static recrystallization of indirectly extruded Mg–Zn based alloys
Effect of carbon addition on solidification behavior, phase evolution and creep properties of an intermetallic Beta-stabilized Gamma-TiAl based alloy
Effect of cationic structure of surface active ionic liquids on their micellization: A thermodynamic study
Effect of Cerium Oxide additions to the welding electrodes on weld metal microstructures and mechanical properties
Effect of climatic parameters on marine atmospheric corrosion: correlation analysis of on-site sensors data
Effect of coherency stresses on the stability of lamellar (a2+g) Titanium Aluminides
Effect of cohesive law and triaxiality dependence of cohesive parameters in ductile tearing
Effect of cohesive law and triaxiality dependence of cohesive parameters in ductile tearing
Effect of Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treated Medium on Dermal Cancer Cells in Vitro
Effect of composition on the microstructure and properties of Mg-Si-Sr alloys for resorable material applications
Effect of composition on the microstructure and properties of Mg-Si-Sr alloys for resorable material applications
Effect of composition on the microstructure and properties of Mg-Si-Sr alloys for resorable material applications
Effect of compressive load on the martensitic transformation from austenite to 5M martensite in a polycrystalline Ni–Mn-Ga alloy studied by in-situ neutron diffraction
Effect of copper on C-Mn weld metal microstructure and toughness
Effect of crack depth (a/W) on weld metal fracture toughness
Effect of current density on the microstructure and corrosion properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coatings on AM50 Mg alloy produced in an electrolyte containing clay additives
Effect of current density on the microstructure, corrosion behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation treated AM50 magnesium alloy
Effect of cytochrome P450-dependent epoxyeicosanoids on Ristocetin-induced thrombocyte aggregation
Effect of D2O Solvent on the Micellization Behavior of 2-Hydroxy-1,1,2,3-pentahydroperfluoroundecyldiethyl-ammonium Halides
Effect of Deformation Conditions on Microstructure and Texture During Compression of Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Si Alloy
Effect of Deformation Conditions on Microstructure and Texture During Compression of Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Si Alloy
Effect of Deformation Speed on Stress Corrosion and Fracture Toughness of Extruded Mg10Dy and Mg10Dy1Nd Using C-Ring Tests
Effect of Deformation Speed on Stress Corrosion and Fracture Toughness of Extruded Mg10Dy and Mg10Dy1Nd Using C-Ring Tests
Effect of different iron oxide nanoparticles on human glioblastoma cells
Effect of diisocyanate linkers on the degradation characteristics of copolyester urethanes as potential drug carrier matrices
Effect of displacement rates on EAC of AISI 4340 steel
Effect of Droplet Size in Acrylamide-Based Microgel Formation by Microfluidics
Effect of Dual-Laser Beam Welding on Microstructure Properties of Thin-Walled gamma-TiAl Based Alloy Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2C-0.2B (TNB)
Effect of Dual-Laser Beam Welding on Microstructure Properties of Thin-Walled gamma-TiAl Based Alloy Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2C-0.2B (TNB)
Effect of ECAP process on the activation of deformation mechanisms during subsequent uniaxial tension of Mg-ZEWK2000 sheets
Effect of ECAP process on the activation of deformation mechanisms during subsequent uniaxial tension of Mg-ZEWK2000 sheets
Effect of ECAP processing route on microstructure, texture and mechanical behavior of AZ31 and ZE10 Mg-alloy sheets
Effect of elastic and plastic mismatching on interfacial crack-tip fields in contained yielding
Effect of Elastic-Plastic Material Behaviour on Determination of Laser Shock Peening induced Residual Stress Profiles using the Hole Drilling Method
Effect of elasto-plastic material behaviour on determination of residual stress profiles using the hole drilling method
Effect of electrical stimulation on vascular endothelial and tumor cells on angiogenic response
Effect of electrolyte composition on the formation of PEO coatings on AA2024 aluminium alloy
Effect of Endothelial Culture Medium Composition on Platelet Responses to Polymeric Biomaterials
Effect of equal channel angular pressing on in vitro degradation of LAE442 magnesium alloy
Effect of erbium modification on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion characteristics of binary Mg–Al alloys
Effect of eutectics on plastic deformation and subsequent recrystallization in the single crystal nickel base superalloy CMSX-4
Effect of extracts of poly(ether imide) microparticles on cytotoxicity, ROS generation and proinflammatory effects on human monocytic (THP-1) cells
Effect of extrusion and rotary swaging on the microstructural evolution and properties of Mg-5Li-5.3Al-0.7Si alloy
Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Plastic Deformation of an Mg-Y-Zn Alloy Containing LPSO Phase Using In Situ Neutron Diffraction
Effect of Fe additive on the hydrogenation-dehydrogenation properties of 2LiH + MgB2/2LiBH4 + MgH2 system
Effect of fetal calf serum on the corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloys
Effect of fetal calf serum on the corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloys
Effect of filler materials on the tensile properties and fracture toughness of laser beam welded AA2198 joints under different ageing conditions
Effect of filler wire and post weld heat treatment on the mechanical properties of laser beam-welded AA2198
Effect of filler wire on the fracture toughness of laser beam welded 2198 joints
Effect of fluoride-mediated transformations on electrocatalytic performance of thermally treated TiO2 nanotubular layers
Effect of Fracture Path on the Toughness of Weld Metal
Effect of friction extrusion parameters on microstructure, texture and properties of two precipitation hardened Al alloys
Effect of friction spot welding (FSpW) on the surface corrosion behavior of overlapping AA6181-T4/Ti-6Al-4V joints
Effect of friction spot welding parameters on the joint formation and mechanical properties of Al to Cu
Effect of functional groups on the thermal degradation of phosphorus- and phosphorus/nitrogen-containing functional polymers
Effect of gadolinium content on the corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloys in 1% NaCl solution
Effect of gadolinium content on the corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloys in 1% NaCl solution
Effect of Gd and Nd Additions on the Thermo-Mechanical Response of a MgMn Alloy
Effect of Gd solutes on the micromechanical response of twinning and detwinning in Mg
Effect of grain boundary segregation on microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-fine grained Mg–Al–Ca–Mn alloy wires
Effect of Grain Size and Structure, Solid Solution Elements, Precipitates and Twinning on Nanohardness of Mg-RE alloys
Effect of Grain Size and Structure, Solid Solution Elements, Precipitates and Twinning on Nanohardness of Mg-RE alloys
Effect of Grain Size and Structure, Solid Solution Elements, Precipitates and Twinning on Nanohardness of Mg-RE alloys
Effect of grain size on cyclic microplasticity of ECAP processed commercial pure magnesium
Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelet Content on Mechanical and Elevated-Temperature Tribological Performance of Self-Lubricating ZE10 Magnesium Alloy Nanocomposites
Effect of group IV elements on the thermodynamic property of NaH + Al
Effect of heat treatment on K3, K3XF and MTwo endodontic files
Effect of heat treatment on K3, K3XF and MTwo endodontic files
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Behavior of Mg-10Gd Alloy in 0.5% NaCl Solution
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Mg–15Dy–1.5Zn Alloy with LPSO Phase
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Mg-Sn-Ca Alloys
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Mg-Sn-Ca Alloys
Effect of heat treatment on the precipitation hardening in FeNiCoAlTaB shape memory alloys
Effect of heat treatments on 316 stainless steel parts fabricated by wire and arc additive manufacturing : Microstructure and synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis
Effect of heat treatments on Inconel 625 fabricated by wire and arc additive manufacturing: an in-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction analysis
Effect of Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Silicon Nitride Based Ceramics
Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Corrosion of Cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy
Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Corrosion of Cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy
Effect of high pressure torsion on crystallization and magnetic properties of Fe73.9Cu1Nb3Si15.5B6.6
Effect of hot extrusion on microstructure and mechanical properties of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy
Effect of hot extrusion on microstructure and mechanical properties of quasicrystal-reinforced Mg-Zn-Y alloy
Effect of hot forging on microstructure and tensile properties of Ti–TiB based composites produced by casting
Effect of hot rolling and primary annealing on the microstructure and texture of a Beta-stabilised Gamma-TiAl based alloy
Effect of hydrodynamic flow on the separation properties of PAN-Membranes
Effect of hydroxides on the corrosion properties of magnesium alloys coated by plasma electrolytic oxidation process
Effect of hydroxides on the corrosion properties of magnesium alloys coated by plasma electrolytic oxidation process
Effect of Immobilization of Phenolic Antioxidant on Thermo-Oxidative Stability and Aging of Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) in View of Membrane Application
Effect of in situ charging on micellar structure of n-octyl-Beta-D-glucopyranoside
Effect of integrated Pervaporation on Product Formation Rates of natural Aroma Compounds
Effect of intermetallic layer on mechanical properties of dissimilar friction spot welds of Al to Mg alloys
Effect of Internal Defects on Tensile Properties of A356 Casting Alloys
Effect of Internal Defects on Tensile Properties of A356 Casting Alloys
Effect of iodinated contrast media on renal perfusion: A randomized comparison study in pigs using quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)
Effect of iodinated contrast media on the oxygen tension in the renal cortico-medullary region of pigs
Effect of ionic groups on copolymerization and coagulation behaviour
Effect of Ioxaglate on the cutaneous microcirculation in patients with coronary artery disease: Randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study
Effect of Ioxaglate on the cutaneous microcirculation in patients with coronary artery disease: Randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study
Effect of iron oxide loading on magnetoferritin structure in solution as revealed by SAXS and SANS
Effect of iron-carbide formation on the number of active sites in Fe–N–C catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic media
Effect of Kind of Deformation on Young's Modulus, Damage Parameter, Texture and Structure of Alloy Mg – 5% Li (wt)
Effect of land use changes on metal solubility and speciation in soils
Effect of laser beam mode on the microstructural evolution in AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel weldment
Effect of laser beam welding on microstructure, tensile strength and fatigue behaviour of duplex stainless steel 2205
Effect of laser heating on mechanical properties, residual stresses and retardation of fatigue crack growth in AA2024
Effect of laser peen forming process parameters on bending and surface quality of Ti-6Al-4V sheets
Effect of Laser Peening Process Parameters and Sequences on Residual Stress Profiles
Effect of Laser Shock Peening on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour in AA2024
Effect of Laser Shock Peening Processing Parameters on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour in AA2024
Effect of laser shock peening without protective coating on the surface mechanical properties of NiTi alloy
Effect of laser surface treatment on corrosion and wear resistance of ACM720 Mg alloy
Effect of laser surface treatment on microstructure and properties of MRI 230D Mg alloy
Effect of laser surface treatment on microstructure and properties of MRI 230D Mg alloy
Effect of Laser Surface Treatment on the Adhesive Properties of Bonded CFRP Joints
Effect of laser surface treatment on the adhesive properties of bonded CFRP joints
Effect of laser welding parameters on the austenite and martensite phase fractions of NiTi
Effect of lipopolysaccharide on the adherence of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on a natural substrate
Effect of lipopolysaccharide on the adherence of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on a natural substrate
Effect of load Ratio and Temper on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Al-Alloy AA6056
Effect of load Ratio and Temper on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Al-Alloy AA6056
Effect of Local Laser Surfacing on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate of Al-alloy 6056 and its Laser beam Weld
Effect of Local Laser Surfacing on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate of Al-alloy 6056 and its Laser beam Weld
Effect of Long-term Oxidation on Creep and Failure of Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites
Effect of low concentration electrolytes on the formation and corrosion resistance of PEO coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy
Effect of magnesium degradation on titanium: hydrogen uptake
Effect of magnesium extracts on the chondrogenic diffentiation of HUCPV cells
Effect of magnesium extracts on the chondrogenic diffentiation of HUCPV cells
Effect of magnesium extracts on the chondrogenic differentiation of HUCPV cells
Effect of magnesium on osteoclast differentiation
Effect of magnesium on the crosstalk between human umbilical cord perivascular cells and monocytes
Effect of magnesium on the crosstalk between human umbilical cord perivascular cells and monocytes
Effect of magnesium-degradation products and hypoxia on the angiogenesis of human umbilical cord vein-derived endothelial cells
Effect of magnesium-degradation products and hypoxia on the angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Effect of magnesium-degradation products on mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis
Effect of magnesium-degradation products on the coculture of Human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells and human umbilical cord perivascular cells
Effect of Magnetic Nanoparticles on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Shape-Memory Polymer Networks
Effect of mechanical surface pre-treatment on interlocking phenomenon of AA2024-T3 / CF-PPS friction spot joints
Effect of mechanical surface pre-treatment on interlocking phenomenon of AA2024-T3 / CF-PPS friction spot joints
Effect of medium renewal mode on the degradation behavior of Mg alloys for biomedical applications during the long-term in vitro test
Effect of Membrane Curvature on Antibacterial Activity of Peptide Antibiotics
Effect of Mg alloys on ATDC5-cells chondrogenic differentiation
Effect of Mg and Si Content in Aluminum Alloys on Friction Surfacing Processing Behavior
Effect of Mg and Si Content in Aluminum Alloys on Friction Surfacing Processing Behavior
Effect of Microstructural Inhomogeneity on Creep Response of Mg-Sn Alloys
Effect of microstructural modification on tensile and fatigue properties of Cu-35wt%Ni-3.5wt%Cr alloy
Effect of Microstructure on the Creep Behaviour of Beta-solidifying Nb containing Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Effect of Microstructure on Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of an Engineering y-TiAl Based Alloy During Long-Term Exposure at 700°C and 800°C in Air
Effect of Microstructure on Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of an Engineering y-TiAl Based Alloy During Long-Term Exposure at 700°C and 800°C in Air
Effect of microstructure on weld metal toughness
Effect of Microstructure Transformations on Fatigue Properties of Laser Beam Welded Ti‐6Al‐4V Butt Joints Subjected to Postweld Heat Treatment
Effect of Minor Additions of Al and Si on the Mechanical Properties of Cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloys in Low Temperature Range
Effect of Minor Additions of Al and Si on the Mechanical Properties of Cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloys in Low Temperature Range
Effect of Mo content on microstructure and corrosion behavior in HCl of ultra-high strength maraging steels
Effect of Mo on Phase Stability and Properties in FeMnNiCo High-Entropy Alloys
Effect of NaH/MgB2 ratio on the hydrogen absorption kinetics of the system NaH + MgB2
Effect of Nanoparticles on Glioblastoma Cells
Effect of nanosized oxides on MgH2 (de)hydriding kinetics
Effect of nanosized oxides on MgH2 (de)hydriding kinetics
Effect of Nb Addition on the Phase Transformation of Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Effect of Nb2O5 content on hydrogen reaction kinetics of Mg
Effect of Nb2O5 on MgH2 properties during mechanical milling
Effect of Nd Additions on Extrusion Texture Development and on Slip Activity in a Mg-Mn Alloy
Effect of Nd Additions on the Mechanical Properties of Mg Binary Alloys
Effect of Nd Content on Tension-compression Yield Asymmetry of Mg–Nd Alloys
Effect of Nd Content on Tension-compression Yield Asymmetry of Mg–Nd Alloys
Effect of Nd:YAG laser beam welding on weld morphology and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V butt joints and T-joints
Effect of Nitrogen on SANS in Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni-N Austenite
Effect of Nitrogen on SANS in Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni-N Austenite
Effect of nitrogen on strain age embrittlement of shielded metal arc weld metal
Effect of nitrogen on strain age embrittlement of shielded metal arc weld metal
Effect of nitrogen on toughness and strain age embrittlement of ferritic steel weld metal
Effect of nitrogen, titanium and strain ageing on the toughness of weld metals
Effect of nodal mass on macroscopic mechanical properties of nanoporous metals
Effect of nucleotide chemistry on expression of in vitro transcribed mRNA
Effect of overload on fatigue crack retardation of aerospace Al-alloy laser welds using crack-tip plasticity analysis
Effect of Oxygen Scavenging by Yttrium Addition on Fatigue Properties of MIM Ti-6Al-4V Using HDH-Powder
Effect of Oxygen Scavenging by Yttrium Addition on Fatigue Properties of MIM Ti-6Al-4V Using HDH-Powder
Effect of partial filling of the structural vacant sites on the thermoelectric properties of Zr0.25Hf0.75NiSn half-Heusler alloy
Effect of partial filling of the structural vacant sites on the thermoelectric properties of Zr0.25Hf0.75NiSn half-Heusler alloy
Effect of particulate content on the thermal cycling behaviour of the magnesium alloy based hybrid composites
Effect of phytoplankton size diversity on primary productivity in the North Pacific: trait distributions under environmental variability
Effect of plasma electrolytic oxidation coating on the stress corrosion cracking behaviour of wrought AZ61 magnesium alloy
Effect of plasma electrolytic oxidation treatment on the corrosion and stress corrosion cracking behaviour of AM50 magnesium alloy
Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Toughness Behaviour of Radial Friction Welds in Ti6Al4V0.1Ru Titanium Alloy
Effect of Polypyrrole Coating on the Elasticity of Nanoporous Gold
Effect of polystyrene and polyether imide cell culture inserts with different roughness on chondrocyte metabolic activity and gene expression profiles of aggrecan and collagen
Effect of Porosity on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour of a Laser Beam Welded Aluminium Alloy
Effect of post heat treatment after squeeze casting on the micro-strain induced by thermal stress in the short fiber reinforced piston alloy
Effect of post heat treatment after squeeze casting on the micro-strain induced by thermal stress in the short fiber reinforced piston alloy
Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Beam Welded TiAl-based Alloy
Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser-beam-welded TiAl-based alloy
Effect of potential difference between nano-Al2O3 whisker and Mg matrix on the dispersion of Mg composites
Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales
Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales
Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales
Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales
Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales - using EBSD data to characterize local dislocation densities prior to nanoindentation
Effect of pre-heating and post-weld heat treatment on structure and mechanical properties of laser beam-welded Ti2AlNb-based joints
Effect of precipitation in the compressive behavior of high strength Mg-Gd-Y-Zn extruded alloy
Effect of pressure on fracture properties of hyperbaric weldments
Effect of prior austenite grain size on the tensile properties and fracture toughness of nano-structured bainite
Effect of process parameter on mechanical properties of friction stir welded tailored blanks from aluminium alloy 6181-T4
Effect of process parameters and alloy composition on microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of rolled magnesium sheets
Effect of Process Temperature on the Texture Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Rolled and Extruded AZ31 Flat Products
Effect of processing history on corrosion behaviours of high purity Mg
Effect of processing route on texture and cold formability of AZ31 Mg alloy sheets processed by ECAP
Effect of processing temperature on the microstructural characteristics of Cu-Ag nanocomposites: From supersaturation to complete phase decomposition
Effect of pulse frequency on the microstructure, phase composition and corrosion performance of a phosphate- based plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AM50 magnesium alloy
Effect of Radiation on the Cirrus and Stratus Cloud Structure
Effect of radiographic contrast media (Iodixanol, Iopromide) on hemolysis
Effect of radiographic contrast media (Iodixanol, Iopromide) on the spectrin/actin-network of the membranous cytoskeleton of erythrocytes
Effect of radiographic contrast media on renal perfusion – First results
Effect of radiographic contrast media on renal perfusion – First results
Effect of Radiographic Contrast Media on the Spectrin/Band3-Network of the Membrane Skeleton of Erythrocytes
Effect of rare earth additions on microstructure and texture development of magnesium alloy sheets
Effect of rare earth elements on the microstructure and texture development in magnesium–manganese alloys during extrusion
Effect of residual stresses on in-service performance of friction stir welded joints
Effect of reverse material flow on the microstructure and performance of friction stir welded T-joints of an Al-Mg alloy
Effect of rotary swaging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength Mg-Mn-Al-Zn alloys
Effect of rotational speed and double-sided welding in friction stir–welded dissimilar joints of aluminum alloy and steel
Effect of sea salt emissions on anthropogenic air pollution and nitrogen deposition in northwestern Europe
Effect of Sea Salt Emissions on Anthropogenic Air Pollution and Nitrogen Deposition in Northwestern Europe
Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation Behaviour of Aluminium Alloys on Friction Surfacing Process Characteristics
Effect of shielding gas on the microstructural evolution in laser beam welded AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel
Effect of Shot Peening on Fatigue Performance of a Lamellar Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Effect of Si on bainitic transformation kinetics in steels explained by carbon partitioning, carbide formation, dislocation densities, and thermodynamic conditions
Effect of Silica Nanoparticles Particle Size on Surface Modification by ATRP, and their Inclusions in Block Copolymer Matrices
Effect of Silica Nanoparticles Particle Size on Surface Modification by ATRP, and their Inclusions in block Copolymer Matrices
Effect of Silica-Coated Poly(butyl methacrylate)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) Double-Shell Particles on the Mechanical Properties of PMMA Composites
Effect of silicon content on hot working, processing maps, and microstructural evolution of cast TX32–0.4Al magnesium alloy
Effect of Sn additions on the age hardening response, microstructures and corrosion resistance of Mg-0.8Ca (wt%) alloys
Effect of Sn additions on the age hardening response, microstructures and corrosion resistance of Mg-0.8Ca (wt%) alloys
Effect of Sn to Ca Ratio on the Processing Maps and Hot Deformation Mechanisms in Mg-Sn-Ca Alloys
Effect of Sn to Ca Ratio on the Processing Maps and Hot Deformation Mechanisms in Mg-Sn-Ca Alloys
Effect of sodiumallylsulfonate on radical acrylonitrile copolymerization
Effect of solute clusters on plastic instability in magnesium alloys
Effect of solution heat treatment on the internal architecture and compressive strength of an AlMg4.7Si8 alloy
Effect of Solution Treatment on Precipitation Behaviors, Age Hardening Response and Creep Properties of Elektron21 Alloy Reinforced by AlN Nanoparticles
Effect of strain rate and temperature on the tensile properties of magnesiums sheets AZ31 and ZE10 at elevated temperatures
Effect of strain rate and temperature on the tensile properties of magnesiums sheets AZ31 and ZE10 at elevated temperatures
Effect of Strain Rate on the Nanostructure and Shape-Memory Properties of Semi-crystallineMultiblock Copolymers
Effect of Strength Mismatch on Crack Driving Forces for Dissimilar Joints
Effect of stress axis on the creep deformation behaviour of Ti-48at%Al polysynthetically twinned (PST) crystals
Effect of Surface Pre-Treatments on the Formation and Degradation Behaviour of a Calcium Phosphate Coating on Pure Magnesium
Effect of surface rolling and shot peening on notched fatigue strength in Al 2024
Effect of Synthesis Conditions of the Micro- and Mesostructure of Monodisperse Y(OH)CO3 Powders
Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate on Formability of Titanium Alloy KS1.2ASN
Effect of temperature on platelet adherence
Effect of temperature on tensile properties of hot rolled AZ31 Mg alloy sheets
Effect of testing frequency on fatigue behavior of base materials AA2024; Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718
Effect of the Anodic Titania Layer Thickness on Electrodeposition of Zinc on Ti/TiO2 from Deep Eutectic Solvent
Effect of the as-built microstructure on the martensite to austenite transformation in a 18Ni maraging steel after laser-based powder bed fusion
Effect of the beta/alpha transformation on the microstructure in gamma TiAl alloys
Effect of the dope composition on the morphological structure of hollow fiber membranes prepared from polyetherimide
Effect of the Fixation Temperature Tlow on the Crystallization Behavior and Shape-Memory Performance of Crystallizable Copolyesterurethanes
Effect of the friction riveting process parameters on the joint formation and performance of Ti alloy/short-fibre reinforced polyether ether ketone joints
Effect of the Gap Width in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Joints Obtained by Friction Stir Welding
Effect of the Onsager coefficient and internal relaxation modes on spinodal decomposition in the high molecular isotopic blend polystyrene/deutero-polystyrene studied with small angle neutron scattering
Effect of the Partial Replacement of CaH2 with CaF2 in the Mixed System CaH2 + MgB2
Effect of the particle size evolution on the hydrogen storage performance of KH doped Mg(NH2)2 + 2LiH
Effect of the peptide NK-2 on the lipid orientation in DPPE monolayers on various subphases
Effect of the Porosity of a Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM) on Its Intrinsic Fluorescence
Effect of the Process Parameters on the Energy Transfer during the Synthesis of the 2LiBH4-MgH2 Reactive Hydride Composite for Hydrogen Storage
Effect of the reactive amino and glycidyl ether terminated polyethylene oxide additives on the gas transport properties of Pebax® bulk and thin film composite membranes
Effect of the Shear Strain on the Microstructure and Texture of Mg-3Al-1Zn Sheets Processed by Differential Speed Rolling and Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Effect of the structure of cellulose acetate membranes on their permeability, electrical conductivity and rejection
Effect of the Tool Rotational Speed in Friction Stir Welding of Inconel 625
Effect of the Zn Content on the Compression Behaviour of Mg5Nd(Zn): An In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Study
Effect of the Zn Content on the Compression Behaviour of Mg5Nd(Zn): An In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Study
Effect of thermal and mechanical treatments on the hot working response of Mg-3Sn-1Ca alloy
Effect of thermal cycling on QE 22 + 20 VOL % short fibre MMCS
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy Based Hybrid Composites
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy Based Hybrid Composites
Effect of thermo-mechanical conditions during constrained friction processing on the particle refinement of AM50 Mg-alloy phases
Effect of Thermomechanical Treatment on Subsequent Deformation Behavior in a Binary Z1 Magnesium Alloy Studied by the Acoustic Emission Technique
Effect of three-dimensional deformation on the limit load of highly weld strength undermatched specimens under tension
Effect of TiBor on the grain refinement and hot tearing susceptibility of AZ91D magnesium alloy
Effect of tin dioxide sol on the peculiarities of electrodeposition and structure of copper and nickel coatings
Effect of tool geometry and process parameters on material flow in FSW of an AA2024-T351 alloy
Effect of tool geometry and process parameters on material flow in FSW of an AA2024-T351 alloy
Effect of tool rotational speed on the microstructure and mechanical properties of bobbin tool friction stir welding of Al-Li alloy
Effect of transcatheter edge-to-edge repair device position on diastolic hemodynamic parameters: An echocardiography-based simulation study
Effect of Transition Metal Fluorides on the Sorption Properties and Reversible Formation of Ca(BH4)2
Effect of transition metal fluorides on the sorption properties of the Ca(BH4)2 and Ca(BH4)2 + MgH2 composite system (Dissertation)
Effect of Trapped Solvent on the Interface between PS-b-PMMA Thin Films and P(S-r-MMA) Brush Layers
Effect of unequal levels of deformation and fragmentation on the electrochemical response of friction stir welded AA2024-T3 alloy
Effect of Water on Crystallization and Melting of Telechelic Oligo(ε‐caprolactone)s in Ultrathin Films
Effect of waves and currents on the dynamics and seasonal variations of suspended particulate matter in the North Sea
Effect of weld metal mis-match on toughness requirements: some simple analytical considerations using the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Effect of weld metal mis-match on toughness requirements: Some simple analytical considerations using the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Effect of weld metal mis-matching on crack driving force
Effect of weld metal mis-matching on defect assessment procedures
Effect of weld metal mis-matching on toughness requirements: some simple analytical considerations using the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Effect of weld metal strength mis-match on fracture behaviour and structural integrity of weldments
Effect of welding speed on friction stir welds of GL E36 shipbuilding steel
Effect of Welding Speed on Friction Stir Welds of PM2000 Alloy
Effect of yield stress and environment on fatigue crack propagation of aged Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
Effect of yttrium addition on lattice parameter, Young's modulus and vacancy of magnesium
Effect of Zn addition on hot tearing behaviour of Mg–0.5Ca–xZn alloys
Effect on Crack Front Curvature and Side Grooving on CTOD Delta5 and J-integral in CT and 3PB-Specimens
Effect on ignition temperature and burning behaviour of some materials under hyperbaric diving condition
Effective 3D failure simulations by combining the advantages of embedded Strong Discontinuity Approaches and classical interface elements
Effective bulk moduli of materials containing stochastically distributed nano-inhomogeneities with surface stresses
Effective bulk moduli of materials containing stochastically distributed nano-inhomogeneities with surface stresses
Effective nanoconfinement of 2LiBH4–MgH2 via simply MgH2 premilling for reversible hydrogen storages
Effective Optical Properties of Plasmonic Nanocomposites
Effectiveness of the Radar Doppler Current Profiler for the validation of coastal models
Effects and Constraints of Optical Filtering on Ambient Light Suppression in LED-Based Underwater Communications
Effects of Oil Pollution from Drilling in the North Sea
Effects of a specific climate change scenario on the hydrography and transport of conservative substances in the Weser estuary, Germany: A case study
Effects of abiotic processes on the fate of contaminants
Effects of acrolein in comparison to its prodrug cyclophosphamide on human primary endothelial cells in vitro
Effects of air-sea coupling over the North Sea and the Baltic Sea on simulated summer precipitation over Central Europe
Effects of anticoagulants on blood cell interactions with polymers
Effects of Burning of Biomass on Satellite Estimations of Solar Irradiation in Brazil
Effects of Ca and Nd addition on plastic instability in extruded Mg-Mn alloy deformed under various conditions
Effects of Calcium on Texture Evolution and Plastic Anisotropy of the Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Effects of Calcium on Texture Evolution and Plastic Anisotropy of the Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Effects of Carbon Content, Annealing Condition and Internal Defects on the nucleation, growth and coarsening of P-type Carbides in High Niobium Containing TiAl Alloys
Effects of Carbon Content, Annealing Condition and Internal Defects on the nucleation, growth and coarsening of P-type Carbides in High Niobium Containing TiAl Alloys
Effects of ceramic inoculants and rare earth phases on microstructure and related mechanical properties of magnesium alloys
Effects of ceramic inoculants and rare earth phases on microstructure and related mechanical properties of magnesium alloys
Effects of chemical dispersants on oil spill drift paths in the German Bight—probabilistic assessment based on numerical ensemble simulations
Effects of cloud fraction on derived ERBE albedos
Effects of CO2 on particle size distribution and phytoplankton abundance during a mesocosm bloom experiment (PeECE II)
Effects of confined geometry and substrate interaction on the initial stages of interdiffusion in polystyrene films
Effects of Corroded and Non-Corroded Biodegradable Mg and Mg Alloys on Viability, Morphology and Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 Cells Elicited by Direct Cell/Material Interaction
Effects of corrosion environment and proteins on magnesium corrosion
Effects of current regimes and oxygenation on particulate matter preservation on the Namibian shelf: Insights from amino acid biogeochemistry
Effects of decomposition route and microstructure on h-AlN formation rate in TiCrAlN alloys
Effects of degradable magnesium on paracrine signaling between human umbilical cord perivascular cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Effects of desmopressin on platelet membrane glycoproteins and platelet aggregation in volunteers on clopidogrel
Effects of different components of the extracellular matrix on endothelialization
Effects of different components of the extracellular matrix on endothelialization
Effects of different wave conditions on SPM distribution patterns in highly variable tidal environments
Effects of Dislocation Dynamics and Microstructure on Crack Growth Mechanisms in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Effects of Dislocation Dynamics and Microstructure on Crack Growth Mechanisms in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Effects of dislocation dynamics and microstructure on crack growth mechanisms in two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
Effects of dissolved oxygen and nutrients from the Kuroshio on hypoxia off the Changjiang River estuary
Effects of doping FeCl3 on hydrogen storage properties of Li-N-H system
Effects of dust aerosols on tropospheric chemistry during a typical pre-monsoon season dust storm in northern India
Effects of dynamic flow rates on degradation deposition behavior of Mg scaffold
Effects of entrainment and mixing on droplet size distributions in warm cumulus clouds
Effects of enzymes on biomaterial surfaces evaluated by Langmuir Monolayer Techniques
Effects of essential fatty acids on the reproduction of a generalist herbivore
Effects of extracellular magnesium extract on the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblasts and osteoclasts in coculture
Effects of extracellular magnesium extracts on the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblast-osteoclast co-cultures
Effects of extracellular magnesium extracts on the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblast-osteoclast co-cultures
Effects of extracellular magnesium on the differentiation and function of human osteoclasts
Effects of extracellular magnesium on the differentiation and function of human osteoclasts
Effects of extracts prepared from modified porous poly(ether imide) microparticulate absorbers on cytotoxicity, macrophage differentiation and proinflammatory behavior of human monocytic (THP-1) cells
Effects of extrusion ratio and annealing treatment on the mechanical properties and microstructure of a Mg–11Gd–4.5Y–1Nd–1.5Zn–0.5Zr (wt%) alloy
Effects of Film Thickness on Density and Gas Permeation Parameters of Glassy Polymers
Effects of finish turning on an austenitic weld investigated using diffraction methods
Effects of Friction Surfacing on the Characteristics of Consumable Rods of Ti-6Al-4V
Effects of Future Ship Emissions in the North Sea on Air Quality
Effects of future ship emissions in the North Sea on air quality
Effects of Future Ship Emissions in the North Sea on Air Quality
Effects of Gd solutes on hardness and yield strength of Mg alloys
Effects of Geometry and Material on the Energy Dissipation Rate
Effects of graphene nanosheets on the ceramic coatings formed on Ti6Al4V alloy drill pipe by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Effects of graphene on structure and corrosion resistance of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings formed on D16T Al alloy
Effects of heat transfer on the sorption kinetics of complex hydride reacting systems
Effects of heat treatment on the microstructural evolution and creep resistance of Elektron21 alloy and its nanocomposite
Effects of Hf on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiAl base Alloys
Effects of Hf on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiAl base Alloys
Effects of Hot Working on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Two-Phase TiAl Alloy
Effects of increased respiratory or skin heat losses on thermal balance during simulated wet diving at 46 bar
Effects of inhibitors on corrosion behaviour of dissimilar aluminium alloy friction stir weldment
Effects of interfaces on cracks – Characterization and structural relevance
Effects of Interfacial Reactions During Solidification Process on Mechanical Properties in Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Composites
Effects of Interfacial Reactions During Solidification Process on Mechanical Properties in Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Composites
Effects of Intermetallic Microstructure on Degradation of Mg-5Nd Alloy
Effects of Iodinated contrast media on the microcirculation
Effects of laser peening on residual stresses and fatigue crack propagation properties of AA2024 (Masterarbeit)
Effects of laser processing on the transformation characteristics of NiTi: A contribute to additive manufacturing
Effects of laser shock peening on the microstructure and fatigue crack propagation behaviour of thin AA2024 specimens
Effects of levan and dextran sulfates on mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation in vitro
Effects of Ligands in Rare Earth Complex on Properties, Functions, and Intelligent Behaviors of Polyurea–Urethane Composites
Effects of Long-Term Aging in Arsenical Copper Alloys
Effects of lowered breathing gas temperature on thermal balance during a dive to 360 msw
Effects of lowered breathing temperature on thermal balance during a dive to 360 msw at GKSS Underwater Simulator (GUSI): Hypothermia' programme - a joint project between GKSS
Effects of magnesium alloys on chondrogenic differentiation of HUCPV
Effects of magnesium alloys on chondrogenic differentiation of HUCPV
Effects of magnesium alloys on chondrogenic differentiation of HUCPV
Effects of magnesium degradation products on mesenchymal stem cell fate and osteoblastogenesis
Effects of magnesium-based materials on immune response mediated osteogenesis
Effects of Measuring Devices and Sampling Strategies on the Interpretation of Monitoring Data for Long-Term Trend Analysis
Effects of mechanical surface pre-treatment on integrity and corrosion of bare and coated AA6082 substrates
Effects of mental task load on fronto-central theta activity in a deep saturation dive to 450 msw
Effects of metal-based additives on dehydrogenation process of 2NaBH4 + MgH2 system
Effects of methyl-, phenyl-, ethylmercury and mercurychlorid on immune cells of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)
Effects of Microbeam Irradiation on Rodent Esophageal Smooth Muscle Contraction
Effects of Minor Gadolinium Addition and T4 Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of Magnesium
Effects of Mn and Zn Solutes on Grain Refinement of Commercial Pure Magnesium
Effects of Mn and Zn Solutes on Grain Refinement of Commercial Pure Magnesium
Effects of Ni and Cr on the high-temperature oxidation behavior and mechanisms of Co- and CoNi-base superalloys
Effects of Ni-loading contents on dehydrogenation kinetics and reversibility of Mg2FeH6
Effects of nitrogen and strain age embrittlement on toughness of MMA welds: A Final Report on the Joint Research Project - GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany, and Oerlikon Welding Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland
Effects of nitrogen on the microstructure of C-Mn steel all-weld metal
Effects of notch position and weld metal matching on CTOD of HAZ
Effects of Nutrient Management Scenarios on Marine Eutrophication Indicators: A Pan-European, Multi-Model Assessment in Support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Effects of Observed Horizontal Inhomogeneities within Cirrus Clouds on Solar Radiative Transfer
Effects of observed horizontal inhomogeneities within cirrus clouds on solar radiative transfer
Effects of organic acid pickling on the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet
Effects of poor food quality on copepod growth are dose dependent and non-reversible
Effects of preparation condition of photoinduced graft filling-polymerized membranes on pervaporation performance
Effects of Preparation Condition of Photo-induced graft filling-polymerized Membranes on Pervaporation Performance
Effects of pressure on fracture toughness and microstructure of hyperbaric weldments
Effects of proteins on magnesium degradation - static vs. dynamic conditions
Effects of Protonation on Tetradecyldimethylamine Oxide Micelles
Effects of Radiographic Contrast Media on the Micromorphology of the Junctional Complex of Erythrocytes Visualized by Immunocytology
Effects of Rh on the thermoelectric performance of the p-type Zr0.5Hf0.5Co1−xRhxSb0.99Sn0.01 half-Heusler alloys
Effects of Roughness on Angiogenesis of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells
Effects of Ruthenium and Rhenium on the local Properties of the - and -Phase in Nickel-Base Superalloys
Effects of samarium content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–0.5Zn–0.5Zr alloy
Effects of segregation of primary alloying elements on the creep response in magnesium alloys
Effects of semi-solid structure on interface formation of dissimilar aluminum to galvanized steel welds produced by load-controlled Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding
Effects of shielding gas composition on the properties of hyperbaric weld metals (60 bar to 110 bar abs.)
Effects of shielding gas composition on the properties of weld metals deposited under hyperbaric conditions
Effects of ship emissions on air quality in the Baltic Sea region simulated with three different chemistry transport models
Effects of Simulated Forest Cover Change on Projected Climate Change - A Case Study of Hungary
Effects of size and geometry of fracture toughness in the upper shelf and transition regime
Effects of size and geometry of fracture toughness in the upper shelf and transition regime
Effects of small scale turbulence on growth of phytoplankton species
Effects of Sn segregation and precipitates on creep response of Mg-Sn alloys
Effects of Solute and Second-Phase Particles on the Texture of Nd-Containing Mg Alloys
Effects of some parameterson numerical simulation of coastal bed morphology
Effects of Stoichiometry on the H2-Storage Properties of Mg(NH2)2–LiH–LiBH4 Tri-Component Systems
Effects of structural hierarchy and size on mechanical behavior of nanoporous gold
Effects of surface diffusion and surface roughness on plastic behavior of nanoporous gold
Effects of tacrolimus or sirolimus on the adhesion of vascular wall cells: controlled in-vitro camparison study
Effects of Tacrolimus or Sirolimus on the adhesion of vascular wall cells: controlled in-vitro comparison study
Effects of Tacrolimus or Sirolimus on the adhesion of vascular wall cells: Controlled in-vitro comparison study
Effects of Tacrolimus or Sirolimus on the adhesion of vascular wall cells: Controlled in-vitro comparison study
Effects of Temperature and Polymer Composition upon the Aqueous Solution Properties of Comblike Linear Poly(ethylene imine)/Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-Based Polymers
Effects of Temperature, Salt, and Deuterium Oxide on the Self-Aggregation of Alkylglycosides in Dilute Solution. 2. Eta-Tetradecyl-Beta-D-maltoside
Effects of Temperature, Salt, and Deuterium Oxide on the Self-Aggregation of Alkylglycosides in Dilute Solution.1.Eta-Nonyl-Beta-D-glucoside
Effects of the 2018 European heatwave and drought on coastal biogeochemistry in the German Bight
Effects of the Cyclodehydration of an Aromatic Polyhydrazide on the formation of Chemically and thermally resistant Polymers
Effects of the Cyclodehydration of an Aromatic Polyhydrazide on the formation of Chemically and thermally resistant Polymers
Effects of the Heat Treatmenton the Corrosion Behaviorof Mg-Ag Biodegradable Alloys
Effects of the large-scale uncontrolled fertilisation process along the continental coastal North Sea
Effects of the Tube-Building Polychaete Lanice conchilega (Pallas) on Benthic Macrofauna and Nematodes in an Intertidal Sandflat
Effects of Thermomechanical Microstructure Modification on Sliding Wear Behaviour of the High-Temperature Alloy Cr60Ni40
Effects of thermomechanical processing on texture formation in titanium aluminides
Effects of thermomechanical processing on texture formation in titanium aluminides
Effects of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a Ti-V-N steel
Effects of tool rotational and welding speed on microstructure and mechanical properties of bobbin-tool friction-stir welded Mg AZ31
Effects of Twinning and Detwinning on the Mechanical Behavior of Mg and Mg-Gd Alloy at the Micron Scale
Effects of vertical ship exhaust plume distributions on urban pollutant concentration – a sensitivity study with MITRAS v2.0 and EPISODE-CityChem v1.4
Effects of wave-induced forcing on a circulation model of the North Sea
Effects of Wave-Induced Processes in a Coupled Wave–Ocean Model on Particle Transport Simulations
Effects of weld metal strength, microstructure and notch orientation of HAZ toughness
Effects of Welding Conditions on Microstructural Transformations and Mechanical Properties in AE42HP Friction Welded Joints
Effects of welding residual stresses on fatigue precracking of CTOD specimens
Effects of welding speed on the multiscale residual stresses in friction stir welded metal matrix composites
Effects of Welding Technique, Material and Loading on the Fatigue Strength of Butt Joints Welded with Wide Gaps
Effects of Welding Technique, Material and Loading on the Fatigue Strength of Butt Joints Welded with Wide Gaps
Effects of Y Additions on the Microstructures and Mechanical Behaviours of as Cast Mg–xY–0.5Zr Alloys
Effects of Zn Addition and Twin Roll Casting Process on the Microstructure, Texture, and Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Al-Mn-Ca Sheet
Effects of extracellular magnesium on the differentiation and function of human osteoclasts
Effekt von Röntgenkontrastmitteln auf die in vitro Angiogenese mikrovaskulärer Endothelzellen in 3-dimensionalen organtypischen Kokulturen
Effektive Verfahren der Klaerschlammverwertung
Efficacy of CD14+ blood monocytes/macrophages isolation: Positive versus negative MACS™ protocol
Efficiency of artificial sandbanks in the mouth of the Elbe Estuary for damping the incoming tidal energy
Efficiency of artificial sandbanks in the mouth of the Elbe Estuary for damping the incoming tidal energy
Efficiency of working divers in depths down to 600 m
Efficient analysis of stress concentrations in laminated composite structures with geometric discontinuities
Efficient analysis of stress concentrations in laminated composite structures with geometric discontinuities
Efficient and safe use of oxygen in decompression
Efficient and stable coupling of the SuperdropNet deep-learning-based cloud microphysics (v0.1.0) with the ICON climate and weather model (v2.6.5)
Efficient Application of Hanging-Node Constraints for Matrix-Free High-Order FEM Computations on CPU and GPU
Efficient computation of the elastography inverse problem by combining variational mesh adaption and a clustering technique
Efficient distributed matrix-free multigrid methods on locally refined meshes for FEM computations
Efficient generation of osteoclasts from human induced pluripotent stem cells and functional investigations of lethal CLCN7-related osteopetrosis
Efficient modeling of localized material failure by means of a variationally consistent embedded strong discontinuity approach
Efficient modeling of microstructure evolution in magnesium by energy minimization
Efficient parameter development and optimisation for laser welding of different Ti alloys
Efficient supply with carbon dioxide from flue gas during large scale production of microalgae: A novel approach for bioenergy facades
Efficient Synthesis of Alkali Borohydrides from Mechanochemical Reduction of Borates Using Magnesium–Aluminum-Based Waste
Efficient synthesis of pure monotosylated beta-cyclodextrin and its dimers
Efficient variational constitutive updates by means of a novel parameterization of the flow rule
Effiziente Inhibierung der Magnesiumkorrosion
Effiziente Kommunikation
EGF P1-90: ein europaeischer Entwurf fuer eine Bruchmechanik-Pruefnorm
EGF Procedure P1-90 for determining the fracture resistance of ductile materials: analysis of the Validation Round Robin, Part C: Blunting Line and Initiation
Egg size and density estimates for three gadoids in Icelandic waters and their implications for the vertical distribution of eggs along a stratified water column
EGTWA : 'Technische Prozesse im Umweltschutz' /Teil 1
EGTWA : 'Technische Prozesse im Umweltschutz' /Teil 2
Ehrendoktorwuerde - Ehrendoktor der Fakulaet fuer Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen
Eifel maar lakes: The historical side of Thienemanns studies
Eigenschaften der Trennschichten; Atomic Force Microscopy, Kontaktwinkelmessungen
Eigenschaften und Anwendungen organischer Schichten in der Membrantrenntechnik
Eigenschaften und Potential von Magnesium und Magnesium-Legierungen
Eigenschaften von FSW-Verbindungen in Stahl und Aluminium
Eigenschaften von FSW-Verbindungen in Stahl und Aluminium
Eigenschaften von in hyperbarer Atmosphaere mit Fuelldrahtelektroden metall-aktivgasgeschweissten Verbindungen
Eigenschaften von ruehrreibgeschweissten Aluminium-Mischverbindungen
Eigenschaften von ruehrreibgeschweissten Aluminium-Mischverbindungen
Eigenschaften von Ruehrreibgeschweissten Verbindungen an E36 Schiffbaustahl
Eigenschaftskorrelation verschiedener Umformprozesse von Mg-2Gd-xAg Legierungen fuer die Medizintechnik (Masterarbeit)
Eigenschaftsprofile von stranggepressten Zink-Drähten
Eigenspannungen in einer Turbinenscheibe aus IN718 nach der Warmformgebung und anschliessender Waermebehandlung
Eigenspannungen in Laser-geschweissten Verbindungen von AA6056 Aluminium-Blechen
Eigenspannungen, Ermuedung, Ausscheidungen – Mosaiksteine auf dem Weg zum geschweissten Flugzeug
Eigenspannungsanalyse mit Neutronen - Grundlagen und Beispiele
Eigenspannungsanalyse mit Neutronen und ihre Anwendung auf Schweissverbindungen
Eigenspannungsanalyse mit Neutronen und ihre Anwendung auf Schweissverbindungen
Eigenspannungsanalyse mittels hochenergetischer Synchrotronstrahlung an der Beamline HARWI II
Eigenspannungsmessung mit Neutronen
Eigenspannungsmessungen mittels hochenergetischer Synchrotronstrahlung - Leichtbaumaterialien
Eigenstrain method in simulations of laser peen forming of curved surfaces
Eigenstrain method in simulations of laser peen forming of curved surfaces
Ein Auswerteverfahren der TRFA zur Oberflaechen- und Strukturbestimmung an Festkoerpern
Ein automatisiertes Verfahren zur Korrosionsprüfung von Beschichtungssystemen auf Magnesiumlegierungen - An automated method for corrosion testing of coating systems on magnesium alloys
Ein Bewertungsmass fuer die amplitudentreue regressive Abbildung von verrauschten Daten im Rahmen einer iterativen„Errors in Variables“-Modellierung (EVM)
Ein Bleibilanz fuer die Deutsche Bucht
Ein dreidimensionales, numerisches Schwebstoff-Transportmodell mit Anwendung auf die Deutsche Bucht (Dissertation)
Ein dynamisches Simulationsmodell als Beitrag zur post-normal Science
Ein einfaches Metadatenformat fuer ein Datensystem vielfaeltiger Projekte
Ein einfaches Synapsenmodell zur Simulation erregender Transmitterschuettungen und zur Erklaerung der Wirkungsweise einiger Nervengifte fuer den Biologieunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II
Ein guter Ort fuer Polymere
Ein Interpreter als Benutzerschnittstelle fuer naturwissenschaftliche Modelle
Ein mechanistisches Spaltgasfreisetzungsmodell fuer oxidische Kernbrennstoffe unter LWR-Bedingungen (Dissertation)
Ein Messsystem fuer den lokalen und momentanen Methangehalt in Meerwasser (Dissertation)
Ein Messsystem fuer turbulente Fluesse in der bodennahen Grenzschicht
Ein mobiles Fernmesssystem fuer Luftschadstoffe
Ein neuer Filtrationsmodul fuer die Blutreinigung
Ein neuer Membransensor für die Gasanalytik
Ein neues automatisiertes in-situ Verfahren zur Identifizierung von Quellen und Senken von Naehrstoffen in der Elbmuendung
Ein neues bruchmechanisches Rechenmodell zur Bewertung von Rissen in Werkstoffen und Bauteilen
Ein neues Flachmembranmodulkonzept fuer die Gasseparation
Ein neues Modulsystem mit integrierten Permeations-/Repermeationsabschnitten
Ein neues Verfahren zur Verbesserung des Abgasverhaltens von Dieselkolben-Maschinen, insbesondere zur Vermeidung fester Bestandteile im Abgasstrom
Ein Neutronenselektor mit hoher Drehzahl
Ein numerisches Modell fuer den dreidimensionalen Schwebstofftransport in der Unterelbe (Dissertation)
Ein Prozessmodell zur Berücksichtigung zukunftsgerichteter Klimaänderungsinformationen in Unternehmen
Ein Raman-Lidar zur unabhaengigen Bestimmung von Extinktions- und Rueckstreuprofilen
Ein REMPI TOF Experiment mit Paulfalle fuer umweltanalytische Anwendungen
Ein Schwebstofftransportmodell der Nordsee
Ein Seegangsueberwachungssystem
Ein spezieller Umformungsprozess: Penetration von Schiffswaenden
Ein statistisch numerisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Windpotentials
Ein stochastischer Wettergenerator zur Simulation der dreistuendigen lokalen Wellenhoehen und Wellenrichtungen in der Nordsee konditioniert auf das grossskalige Bodenluftdruckfeld und die CO2-Konzentration (Dissertation)
Ein System zur automatischen und ferngesteuerten Probennahme von organischen Verunreinigungen in Kuestengewaessern: Untersuchungen zur Festphasenextraktion ausgewaehlter chlorierter und polycyclisch-aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Einflusses von Huminstoffen (Dissertation)
Ein Verfahren zur Extrapolation von Daten mit Erhaltungsneigung und dessen Anwendung fuer die Kurzfristprognose von meteorologischen Einpunktmessungen
Ein Vergleich von GEOSAT-Altimeterdaten mit Ergebnissen numerischer ozeanographischer Modelle
Ein Versuch der Rekonstruktion der Bleibelastung in Europa, 1958 - 1995
Ein Versuch der Rekonstruktion der Bleibelastung in Europa, 1958 - 1995
Ein Versuch zur Erkennung von Kondensstreifen in Satellitenbildern unter Verwendung kuenstlicher neuronaler Netzwerke. Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben Einfluss von Kondensstreifen auf den Strahlungshaushalt ueber Nordwesteuropa und dem Nordatlantik
Ein zweidimensionales hochaufloesendes Modell der oberen Tideelbe und des Hamburger Stromspaltungsgebietes (Diplomarbeit)
Einbindung des BCRT in die Forschungsaktivitaeten der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Einblick ins Auge des Sturms, Untersuchung von Hurrikanen mit Radarsatelliten
Einblicke in den Beruf eines Chemikers
Einblicke in die Proteinfabriken der Zellen: Ribosomale Strukturforschung mit Kleinwinkelstreuung
Eindimensionale oekologisch-biogeochemische Modellierung & Datensynthese von Mesokosmosexperimenten
Eine Analyse des traegervermittelten Transports durch Membranen
Eine lange Zeitreihe der Meereisverhaeltnisse an der Suedspitze Groenlands
Eine Langzeituntersuchung ueber Stroemung und Schwebstoff im Elbeaestuar
Eine Methode zur Variation sturmflutrelevanter Wetterlagen ueber der Ostsee
Eine Modelbasierte Ableitung einer Taifun-Klimatologie fuer Suedostasien seit ca. 1960
Eine Multiparametersonde fuer Hydrographie und Oekologie als Teil des integrierten Messsystems HYDRA
Eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung von Relaxationsprozessen in Polymethacrylat
Eine neue Modulkonstruktion mit integrierter Filtrations-/Refiltrationsstufe zur Intensivierung und Vereinfachung der Plasmadetoxifikation
Eine objektorientierte Darstellung von Depiktionen auf der Grundlage von Zellmatrizen
Eine regionale Klimasimulation fuer Europa zur Zeit des spaeten Maunder-Minimums 1675-1705 (Dissertation)
Eine Schnellmethode zur Bestimmung von Sr-90 in Umweltproben
Eine verbesserte Praeventionskultur in der EU - Forderung einer integrativen und prozessualen Betrachtung des Risikos von Naturgefahren
Eine verbesserte Praeventionskultur in der EU - Forderung einer integrativen und prozessualen Betrachtung des Risikos von Naturgefahren
Eine Wissenschaft in der Falle der eigenen Wichtigkeit
Einfaches Membranmodell zur Erklaerung der Ursachen von Ruhe- und Aktionspotential
Einfaches Modell zur Modellierung des Versagens einer Probe mit stochastisch verteilten Korngrenzfestigkeiten
Einfachstreuung an atmoshaerischen Eiskristallen
Einfahren einer rechnergesteuerten Implant-Zeitstand-Versuchsanlage anhand der Ermittlung der Mindestvorwaermtemperatur eines E StE 690 VA (Diplomarbeit)
Einfluss der Alterung von Polyacrylnitril - Loesungen auf die Eigenschaften daraus hergestellter Membranen
Einfluss der Blocksequenz und des Molekulargewichts auf die rheologischen und dielektrischen Eigenschaften von Polystyrol-Polyisopren-Triblockcopolymeren
Einfluss der Blocksequenz und des Molekulargewichts auf die rheologischen und dielektrischen Eigenschaften von Polystyrol-Polyisopren-Triblockcopolymeren
Einfluss der eingeschraenkten Dimension auf die Kettenformation von Polystyrol
Einfluss der eingeschraenkten Dimension auf die Kettenkonformation von Polystyrol
Einfluss der Enzymverteilung in Polymermembranen auf das Zusammenwirken von Trennprozess und Stoffumwandlung
Einfluss der Erderwärmung auf die Trinkwasserversorgung in Südhessen
Einfluss der Fruehdiagenese auf die Austauschprozesse von Spurenelementen an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenzflaeche
Einfluss der Intensitaet der Landnutzung auf den anorganischen N-Gehalt im Boden und im oberflaechennahen Grundwasser von flachgruendigen Niedermoorstandorten im Droemling
Einfluss der Intensitaet der Landnutzung auf den anorganischen N-Gehalt im Boden und im oberflaechennahen Grundwasser von flachgruendigen Niedermoorstandorten im Droemling
Einfluss der Klaeranlage Seehausen auf den Sauerstoll- und Naehrstoffgehalt der Unterweser
Einfluss der Mikrostruktur auf Schaedigung und Bruch von Titanaluminiden bei Raumtemperatur: Stochastische Modellierung und experimentelle Ergebnisse
Einfluss der Neutronenbestrahlung auf die Risszaehigkeit von Reaktordruckbehaelterstaehlen
Einfluss der Partikelgröße von Metallhydriden auf die mechanische Kraftauswirkung auf Druckbehälter
Einfluss der Probenform auf die Globaltextur von gewalztem Kupfer
Einfluss der Probengeometrie auf Textur und Reflexprofil gewalzter Kupferproben (Studienarbeit)
Einfluss der Probengroesse auf das stabile Risswachstum bei Verwendung des J-Integrals, des Jm-Integrals oder der Rissspitzenverschiebung Delta5 als Bruchparameter
Einfluss der Probengroesse auf die Streuung der Risszaehigkeit in der Tieflage - Untersucht mit CT-Proben und Zugscheiben mit Oberflaechenriss
Einfluss der Probengroesse auf die Werkstoffcharakterisierung im duktil sproeden Bruchuebergangsbereich
Einfluss der Prozessfuehrung auf Nahtqualitaet und Design
Einfluss der Prozessparameter auf die Eigenschaften von stranggepressten Magnesiumprofilen aus ME21
Einfluss der Scherbedingungen auf das Koagulationsverhalten von Loesungen aus Polyacrylnitril unterschiedlicher Molmasse
Einfluss der Schornsteinhoehen von Schiffen auf die Schadstoffausbreitung in Hafengebieten (Bachelorarbeit)
Einfluss der Testdauer auf Beurteilung der Hämokompatibilität gemäß EN ISO 10993-4
Einfluss der thermomechanischen Behandlung auf die Mikrostruktur und Textur von Magnesiumflachhalbzeugen
Einfluss der veraenderten Schadstoffbelastung in der Elbe auf den Sauerstoffgehalt
Einfluss des Herstellungsverfahrens und der Legierungsentwicklung auf das Ermuedungsverhalten von Magnesiumlegierungen
Einfluss des Landesoberflaechenmodells auf die Simulation der Wasserfluesse im Einzugsgebiet der Ostsee
Einfluss des Phasenverhaltens auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Blockcopolymeren
Einfluss des Realgasverhaltens auf die Abtrennung hoeherer Kohlenwasserstoffe aus verdichteten Gasstroemen
Einfluss des Schwebstoffregimes auf die Schwermetallbelastung der Tideelbe bei Hamburg
Einfluss des Siliziums auf die Umwandlungstemperatur und die Ordnungskinetik in der intermetallischen Phase Fe3Al
Einfluss des Spannungsarmgluehens auf das Bruchverhalten eines hochreinen Schweissgutes im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich
Einfluss einer Entmischung auf das Verhalten der Legierung Cu-35%Ni-3,5%Cr unter Wechselbeanspruchung
Einfluss einer galvanischen Verzinkung auf die Dauerfestigkeit des Stahles 42 CrMo 4 V
Einfluss einer galvanischen Verzinkung auf die Dauerfestigkeit des Stahls 42 CrMo 4 V
Einfluss makroskopischer Inhomogenitaet auf das Verformungsverhalten von rissbehafteten Strukturen
Einfluss orientierungsabhaengiger Gleitmechanismen auf die Texturveraenderung in experimentell verformtem Pyrrhotin
Einfluss von Aenderungen des Oberwassers auf die Truebungszone der Weser in Messungen und Modell
Einfluss von Atmosphaere-Ozean Wechselwirkungen auf Starkniederschlaege über Europa
Einfluss von Deformations- und Separationstemperatur auf das Formgedaechtnisverhalten von polymeren Mikroquadern
Einfluss von Deformations- und Separationstemperatur auf das Formgedaechtnisverhalten von polymeren Mikroquadern
Einfluss von Eikosanoiden auf die spontane und die Kollagen-, Ristocetin- und ADP-induzierte Thrombozytenaggregation
Einfluss von Elektrostimulation auf Kollagen und Knochenstrukturen
Einfluss von Festigkeitsmismatch auf die bruchmechanische Bewertung von Schweissverbindungen
Einfluss von Festigkeitsmismatch auf die bruchmechanische Bewertung von Schweissverbindungen
Einfluss von keramischen Partikeln auf die Texturausbildung von Magnesiumknetlegierungen (Dissertation)
Einfluss von Korrosion auf das Ermuedungsverhalten der Magnesiumlegierung DieMag422
Einfluss von Korrosion auf das Ermuedungsverhalten der Magnesiumlegierung DieMag422
Einfluss von Magnesium auf Zellen des Skelettsystems
Einfluss von Magnesium auf Zellen des Skelettsystems - Influence of magnesium on skeletal cells
Einfluss von Metallen auf das Immunsystem bei Meeressaeugern
Einfluss von Metallen auf das Immunsystem von Meeressaeugern (Dissertation)
Einfluss von Mikrostruktur und Textur auf das Schwingungsrisskorrosionsverhalten der (a+b)-Titanlegierung Ti-6Al-4V
Einfluss von Neutronenbestrahlung auf das Sproedbruchverhalten des Druckbehaelterstahls 20MnMoNi55
Einfluss von Oelen auf marine Organismen und Lebensraeume
Einfluss von Roentgenkontrastmittel (Iodixanol, Iopromide) auf das Spektrin/Aktin-Netzwerk des Membranzytoskeletts von Erythrozyten
Einfluss von Roentgenkontrastmittel auf die Ischaemiedetektion mittels Lactatdehydrogenase
Einfluss von Roentgenkontrastmitteln auf die Morphologie humaner venoeser Endothelzellen
Einfluss von Schadstoffen auf das Immunsystem der Meeressaeuger der Nordsee
Einfluss von Schutzgas und Umgebungsdruck auf die chemische Zusammensetzung des hyperbar erstellten Schweissgutes
Einfluss von Verformung und Waermebehandlung auf die Gusstextur von Gamma-TiAl
Einfluss von Xantinolnikotinat auf die kutane Mikrozirkulation bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung und Hyperlipoproteinaemie
Einflussfaktoren auf das Schadenstoleranzverhalten von Radsatzwellen
Einflussfaktoren auf das Schadenstoleranzverhalten von Radsatzwellen
Einflussparameter beim UW-Nassschweissen und deren Auswirkung – insbesondere auf die Kaltrissbildung
Einfluß von Metallen auf das Immunsystem von Meeressaeugern
Einfuehrung / Praktikum Technische Physik
Einfuehrung des Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) und dessen Anwendung auf experimentelle Ergebnisse und einen Satz Finite Element-Rechnungen
Einfuehrung in das Thema Schadensanalyse
Einfuehrung in die Biomaterialien
Einfuehrung in die Biomaterialien
Einfuehrung in die Biomaterialien
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD – Methode: Oberseminar
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD – Methode: Oberseminar
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD – Methode: Oberseminar
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD – Methode: Oberseminar
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD-Methode: Kompaktseminar
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD-Methode: Kompaktseminar
Einfuehrung in die CALPHAD-Methode: Kompaktseminar
Einfuehrung in die Dynamik und Selbstorganisation nichtlinearer Systeme
Einfuehrung in die Elektrodialyse
Einfuehrung in die Gewaesseroekologie (Limnologie)
Einfuehrung in die Grundlagen der nichtlinearen Analyse
Einfuehrung in die Grundlagen der nichtlinearen Analyse
Einfuehrung in die Grundlagen der nichtlinearen Finite-Element-Analyse
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie - Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie - Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Einfuehrung in die Makromolekulare Chemie- Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Einfuehrung in die Membrantechnologie
Einfuehrung in die Membrantechnologie
Einfuehrung in die Nutzung von Streumethoden in der Werkstofforschung
Einfuehrung in die Nutzung von Streumethoden in der Werkstofforschung
Einfuehrung in die Nutzung von Streumethoden in der Werkstofforschung
Einfuehrung in die Nutzung von Streumethoden in der Werkstofforschung
Einfuehrung in die Polymerwerkstoffe
Einfuehrung in die Polymerwerkstoffe
Einfuehrung in die Polymerwerkstoffe
Einfuehrung in die Schaedigungsmechanik
Einfuehrung in die Wolken- und Niederschlagsphysik
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde I
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde II
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde II
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde II
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde II
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde II
Einfuehrung in Werkstoffkunde II
Einfuehrung und angewandte Limnologie
Einfuehrung und angewandte Limnologie
Einfuehrung und angewandte Limnologie
Einfuehrung und angewandte Limnologie
Einfuehrung und angewandte Limnologie
Einfuehrung: Rekonstruktionen und Szenarien
Einführung in die Makromolekulare Chemie (CHE 62-007.3) - Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Einführung in die Makromolekulare Chemie - Module 62-007.3 und 62-007.5
Eingabedaten fuer die numerische Gewaessermodellierung: Problemanalyse iund Loesungsversuche
Einige Anwendungen von Molecular Modelling in der Membranforschung
Einige Ergebnisse zum Probengroesseneinfluss im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich
Einige neue Aspekte der Bestimmung der Oberflaechenspannung von Polymeren aus Randwinkelmessungen
Einleitung und Zusammenfassung
Einrichtung eines zentralen e-mail Systems (PMDF E-Mail Interconnect V6.0, ein skalierbares Multitalent)
Einsatz autoklavierbarer und loesungsmittelstabiler Membranen zur Immobilisierung von Enzymen
Einsatz autoklavierbarer und loesungsmittelstabiler Membranen zur Immobilisierung von Enzymen
Einsatz der Bruchmechanik im Bereich der Eisenbahntechnik
Einsatz der Gaspermeationstechnik bei der Abluftreinigung von Vakuumpumpen (Diplomarbeit)
Einsatz der Kavitation zur Reduzierung des Schadstoffgehaltes (TBT) in feinkoernigen Suspensionen (Diplomarbeit)
Einsatz der Lektin-Affinitaetstrennung fuer die Analytik und die Aufreinigung von Glykoproteinen
Einsatz der Membrantrenntechnik zur Aufbereitung von Gibberellinsaeure
Einsatz der Membrantrenntechnik zur Aufbereitung von Gibberilinsaeure
Einsatz der Pervaporation zur Regeneration der Betriebsfluessigkeit von Fluessigkeitsringpumpen
Einsatz der Ultraschall-Levitation in der Mikroanalyse und zur Simulation von Phasenumwandlungs- und Streuprozessen in der Atmosphaere
Einsatz des Hochgeschwindigkeits-Flammspritzens unter Wasser
Einsatz einer Gaspermeationsanlage fuer die Abtrennung von CO2 aus dem Rauchgas eines BHKWs
Einsatz eines mobilen Lidar-Systems
Einsatz eines modifizierten Industrieroboters im Unterwasserbereich
Einsatz eines Nahtfuehrungssystems fuer das hyperbare Schweissen mit einem Industrieroboter
Einsatz und Moeglichkeiten von Kopplungstechniken fuer die Multielementspeciation
Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Dampfstrippern
Einsatz von automatisierten Quecksilber-Luftanalysatoren in Umweltforschung und -monitoring
Einsatz von Membrantechnik zur Wassereinsparung bei Flaschenwaschanlagen
Einsatz von Membrantechniken in der Abwasserbehandlung
Einsatz von Membranverfahren zur Gasseparation fuer sich aendernde Rohstoff- und Energieversorgungsszenarien
Einsatz von Neutronen in der Texturanalytik geologischer Proben
Einsatz von Neutronen zur Texturanalyse metallischer Materialien
Einsatz von Plasmen in der Umweltanalytik
Einsatz von Polymermembranen zur Aufbereitung von Methangas (Dissertation)
Einsatzmoeglichkeiten der Neutronenradiographie
Einsatzmoeglichkeiten der numerischen Seegangsvorhersage
Einsatzmoeglichkeiten numerischer Seegangsmodelle
Einsatzpotential des Hochddruck-Wasserstrahls zur Herstellung von Mikrobauteilen
Einsatzpotential des Wasserstrahlschneidens in der Feinstbearbeitung (Diplomarbeit)
Einsatzpotenzial des Hochdruckwasserstrahls fuer die Verarbeitung von Leichtmetall-Verbundwerkstoffen
Einsatzpotenzial des Hochenergiemahlens fuer die Herstellung nanokristalliner Werkstoffe (Dissertation)
Einsatzpotenziale des Hochdruckwasserstrahls zur Bearbeitung von Magnesiumverbundwerkstoffen (Diplomarbeit)
Einsatzverhalten von Polyethylenoxid-enthaltenden Blockcopolymermebranen fuer die Abtrennung von Kohlendioxid aus verschiedenen Gasgemischen bei erhoehten Druecken bis 30 bar (Masterarbeit)
Einschmelzen von ZnS-Leuchtpigmenten in Emailleglaeser als Witterungsschutz
Einseitiges Nd:YAG-Laserstrahlschweissen zum Herstellen von T-Stossverbindungen aus Aluminiumlegierungen fuer den Flugzeugbau
Eintraege und Transport von Schadstoffen: Schweb- und Schadstofftransporte
Einzelvorhaben: Prozessentwicklung zum Yb:YAG-Faserlaserstrahlschweißen von Ti-Basislegierungen für ein Bleed-Air-Rohrsystem (BAR) und werkstoffmechanische Charakterisierung im Rahmen des Verbundvorhabens: Wirtschaftliche Herstellung von Titan Bleed-Air-Systemkomponenten durch Präzisionsumformen und nachfolgende, automatisierte NC-Folgeverfahren für Beschnitt, Schweißung und QS : Schlussbericht gemäß Nr. 8.2 NKBF 98 : Laufzeit: 01.07.2016 – 30.09.2019
Einfluss von Langleinen-Aquakulturen auf die Verteilung des Schwebstoffes in einem Ria an der Kueste Galiziens(Ria de Vigo, Spanien) (Diplomarbeit)
Eisen und Schwefel Diagenese in Oberflaechen-Sedimenten der Tide-Elbe (Diplomarbeit)
Eispartikel in Labor und Atmosphaere
Eispartikelbildung in stehenden Ultraschallfeldern
Ektogene, krenogene und biogene Meromixie in Maarseen der Eifel
El Nino–Southern Oscillation influence on tropospheric mercury concentrations
Elastic and plastic behavior of nanoporous gold as a function of the surface state
Elastic and plastic Poisson’s ratios of nanoporous gold
Elastic multiblock copolymers for vascular regeneration: Protein adsorption and hemocompatibility
Elastic multiblock copolymers for vascular regeneration: Protein adsorption and hemocompatibility
Elastic properties and microstructure in a gamma-TiAl alloy alloyed with niobium
Elastic strain induced abnormal grain growth in graphene nanosheets (GNSs) reinforced copper (Cu) matrix composites
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics test method EGF P1-90 on the background of other existing methods
Elasticity and Plasticity of Nanoporous Gold: Implications of Molecular Dynamics Simulations (Dissertation)
Elasticity and plasticity of nanoporous metals can be tuned by electric potentials
Elasticity and plasticity of nanoporous metals can be tuned by electric potentials
Elasticity of fiber meshes from multiblock copolymers influences endothelial cell behavior
Elasticity of fiber meshes from multiblock copolymers influences endothelial cell behaviors
Elasticity of fiber meshes from multiblock copolymers influences endothelial cell behaviors
Elastizitaetsmodul in Al2 O3-partikelhaltigen HSS-Stahl-Verbundstoffen
Elastomeric Nanocomposites
Elastoplastic crack analysis for pressure-sensitive dilatant materials. Part I: Higher-order solutions and two-parameter characterization
Elbestaustufen: Gueteprobleme und landeskulturelle Folgen
Electric resistivity testing for medical magnesium wires
Electrical Actuation of Coated and Composite Fibers Based on Poly[ethylene‐co‐(vinyl acetate)]
Electrical Double Layer Capacitance of Curved Graphite Electrodes
Electrical Resistivity of Binary Mg Alloys
Electrical resistivity testing
Electrical safety of wet welding with open circuit voltages up to 150 Volts d.c.
Electrical stiffness modulation—confirming the impact of surface excess elasticity on the mechanics of nanomaterials
Electrically Conductive Composite Materials from Carbon Nanotube Decorated Polymer Powder Particles (Dissertation)
Electrically conductive polymers – Synthetic routes and morphological aspects
Electrically driven membrane processes
Electrically Tunable Nanoporous Carbon Hybrid Actuators
Electro-chemo-mechanical coupling of lithium in gold electrodes
Electro-chemo-mechanical coupling of nanoporous gold at the microscale
Electro-deposition as a sample preparation technique for total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis
Electro-sorption and -desorption characteristics of electrically conductive polyacrylonitrile membranes to remove aqueous natural organic matter in dead-end ultrafiltration system
Electrocapillarity of Solids and its Impact on Heterogeneous Catalysis
Electrocapillary Coupling at Metal Surfaces from First Principles: On the Impact of Excess Charge on Surface Stress and Relaxation
Electrocapillary coupling at rough surfaces
Electrocapillary coupling coefficients for hydrogen electrosorption on palladium
Electrocapillary Coupling during Electrosorption
Electrocatalytic methanol oxidation with nanoporous gold: microstructure and selectivity
Electrochemical actuation and tunable stiffness of hierarchical nanoporous gold via surface modification
Electrochemical and electrokinetic characterization of polymer membranes developed for direct methanol fuel cell applications
Electrochemical behavior of magnesium alloys in simulated body fluids
Electrochemical Behavior of Nanoporous Gold/Polypyrrole Supercapacitor under Deformation
Electrochemical behaviour of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Electrochemical behaviour of polyelectrolyte membranes
Electrochemical behaviour of the MA8 Mg alloy in minimum essential medium
Electrochemical characterization and degradation of carbon fibre reinforced polymer in quiescent near neutral chloride media
Electrochemical characterization of charged membranes and membrane systems
Electrochemical characterization of charged membranes and membrane systems
Electrochemical characterization of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) membranes
Electrochemical Characterization of Ionically Conductive Polymer Membranes
Electrochemical Characterization of Magnesium-Silver Alloys Using the Mini-cell System
Electrochemical characterization of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Electrochemical characterization of polymer membranes developed for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) application
Electrochemical corrosion behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy formed in silicate and phosphate based electrolytes
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of WE54 Magnesium Alloy
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of WE54 Magnesium Alloy
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of WE54 Magnesium Alloy
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of ZE41 and QE22 Magnesium Alloys
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of ZE41 and QE22 Magnesium Alloys
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of ZE41 and QE22 Magnesium Alloys
Electrochemical deposition of zinc from deep eutectic solvent on barrier alumina layers
Electrochemical evaluation of TiO2 coatings deposited on biodegradable MgZnCa alloy
Electrochemical properties of membranes made of poly(1,4-phenylene sulfide)
Electrochemical properties of membranes made of poly(1,4-phenylene sulfide)
Electrochemical properties of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Electrochemical properties of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Electrochemical properties of polymeric Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) membranes
Electrochemical properties of polymeric Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) membranes
Electrochemical Recovery of Heavy Metals from Concentrated Soil-Leachates
Electrochemical storage of hydrogen in Nb2O5 and FeF3 magnesium nanocomposites
Electrochemical Surface Structuring for Strong SMA Wire–Polymer Interface Adhesion
Electrochemical tuning of the optical properties of nanoporous gold
Electrochemically tunable mechanical behavior of bulk nanoporous gold/polypyrrole
Electrochemically Tunable Resistance of Nanoporous Platinum Produced by Dealloying
ELECTRODE: An electrochemistry package for atomistic simulations
Electrodeposited Na2Ni[Fe(CN)6] Thin-Film Cathodes Exposed to Simulated Aqueous Na-Ion Battery Conditions
Electrodeposition as a sample preparation techniques for TXRF analysis
Electrodeposition of Fe-C Alloys from Citrate Baths: Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Thermal Stability
Electrodeposition of Zinc Nanorods from Ionic Liquid into Porous Anodic Alumina
Electrokinetic and impedance spectroscopic characterization of polymer membranes developed for fuel cell applications
Electrokinetic charakterization of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Electroleaching of Residues Containing Mercury. Part I: A Pilot Plant Experience in the Amazon Region
Electroleaching process for remediation of mercury contaminated soils
Electroleaching: a Mobile Cleanup Process for Mercury Contaminated Materials
Electrolyte additives as effective way to improve aqueous Mg-air battery performance
Electromechanical Coupling and Interface Elasticity Effects in Metal-Polymer Composites
Electromechanical Coupling and Interface Elasticity Effects in Metal-Polymer Composites
Electromechanical coupling coefficients of sp-bonded metals from first principles
Electromechanical coupling coefficients of sp-bonded metals from first principles
Electromechanical properties of lightweight metals
Electron and atomic force microscopy as tools to characterize polymer membranes
Electron density distribution and bond critical point properties for forsterite, Mg2SiO4, determined with synchrotron single crystal X-ray diffraction data
Electron density distribution in Co-olivine, CO2SiO4, from D3 and BW5 data
Electron Diffraction Studies of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 After Charge-Discharge Cycling
Electron microscope characterization of low cycle fatigue in a high-strength multiphase titanium aluminide alloy
Electron microscope characterization of low cycle fatigue in a high-strength multiphase titanium aluminide alloy
Electron microscopy and 3D microtomography of biominerals and biomaterials
Electronic Handbook for Mature Platforms: Mooring-HF Radar-FerryBox–Glider. Version 1.1.
Electronic Lab Notebooks compiling Big Datasets for Machine Learning Analysis
Electrons, Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for Engineering Materials
Electrophoretic deposition of multilayered (cubic and tetragonal stabilized) zirconia ceramics for adapted crack deflection
Electrophysical Properties of Sr2FeMoO6–δ Ceramics with Dielectric Shells
Electrophysical Properties of Sr2FeMoO6–δ Ceramics with Dielectric Shells
Electrospinning of Biocompatible Shape-Memory Polymer
Electrospinning of Poly(acrylonitrile-co-glycidyl methacrylate) Nanofibrous Mats and their Applications (Dissertation)
Electrospinning of Poly[acrylonitrile-co-(glycidyl methacrylate)] Nanofibrous Mats for the Immobilization of Candida Antarctica Lipase B
Electrospinning of solvent-resistant nanofibers based on poly(acrylonitrile-co-glycidyl methacrylate)
Electrospun fiber meshes of multiblock copolymers differing in elasticity affects osteogenic differentiation of hADSCs
Electrospun hemocompatible PU/gelatin-heparin nanofibrous bilayer scaffolds as potential artificial blood vessels
Electrospun PCL-PIBMD/SF blend scaffolds with plasmid complexes for endothelial cell proliferation
Electrospun poly(carbonate-urea-urethane)s nonwovens with shape-memory properties as a potential biomaterial
Electrospun Poly(lactide-co-glycolide-co-3(S)-methyl-morpholine-2,5-dione) Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
Electrospun PPDO- Patches With Incorporated RGD Constructs
Electrospun scaffolds of silk fibroin and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) for endothelial cell growth
Elektro-Transformation von Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae R32
Elektrochemische Charakterisierung von Polymermembranen
Elektrochemische Charakterisierung von Polymermembranen
Elektrochemische Charakterisierung von Polymermembranen
Elektrochemische Eigenschaften unterschiedlich getemperter CAMs
Elektrochemische Membranverfahren
Elektrodeposition aus salzhaltigen Matrices: Eine neue Probenvorbereitungsmethode fuer TXRF-Messungen
Elektrolaugung zur Abtrennung von Quecksilber aus Reststoffen (P)
Elektrolaugung zur Dekontamination quecksilberbelasteter Boeden und Reststoffe. Entwicklung eines hydrometallurgischen Kreislaufprozesses (Dissertation)
Elektrolytische Gewinnung von Quecksilber aus gelaugten Reststoffen (P)
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung der Ausscheidungshaertung zweiphasiger Gamma-Titanaluminide durch Perovskit-Ausscheidungen
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung der Ausscheidungshaertung zweiphasiger Gamma-Titanaluminide durch Perovskit-Ausscheidungen
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung der Ausscheidungshaertung zweiphasiger Gamma-Titanaluminiden durch Perovskit-Ausscheidungen
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung von chemisch aktivierten PAN-Membranen
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung von Defekten und Verformungsmechanismen in Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung von Punktdefektmechanismen der Hochtemperaturverformung von Titanaluminiden
Elektronenmikroskopische Charakterisierung von Punktdefektmechanismen der Hochtemperaturverformung von Titanaluminiden
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von PAN-Membranen
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von Verformungs- und Versagensmechanismen in zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von Verformungsmechanismen in zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zu Verformungsmechanismen in Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Element and Element Speciation Analysis of Environmental Samples: Current Challenges and Solutions
Element concentration cadasters in ecosystems (ECCE)
Element concentration cadasters in ecosystems: Methods of assessment and evaluation
Element concentration cadasters in ecosystems: State of the art and further plans for the development of an international research program till 1990
Element concentrations in blood in harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina) of the German North Sea
Element distribution in the corrosion layer and cytotoxicity of alloy Mg–10Dy during in vitro biodegradation
Element Speciation and the Threshold Limit Concept
Element- und Isotopenanalytik in der marinen Umweltanalytik – Anwendungsgebiete und neue Entwicklungen zur Probenvorbereitung
Elemental fingerprint analysis of (micro) plastics via ICP-MS/MS – A possible tool for source tracing?
Elemental Mapping in (Alpha2/O)-Phase Lamellae of a Gamma-TiAl Alloy
Elemental mapping of biodegradable magnesium-based implants in bone and soft tissue by means of Mue X-ray fluorescence analysis
Elemental partitioning in medium Mn steel during short-time annealing: An in-situ study using synchrotron x-rays
Elemental powder metallurgy of titanium aluminide alloys
Elemental Segregation and O-Phase Formation in a Gamma-Tial Alloy
Elemental Segregation and O-Phase Formation in a Gamma-TiAl Alloy
Elemental tagging in inorganic mass spectrometric bioanalysis
Elementfingerprint von Sedimentproben der Weser sowie Methodenentwicklung zur Messung von stabilen Pb-Isotopenverhaeltnissen mittels ICP-MS/MS (Bachelorarbeit)
Elementfingerprints von Sedimentproben aus der Deutschen Bucht und deren potentielle toxikologische Auswirkungen (Bachelorarbeit)
Elementspezifische Charakterisierung von Metallothioneinen unter Verwendung einer On-Line Kopplung zwischen CE und Kollisionszellen ICP-MS
Elementspurenabtrennung und Anreicherung aus natuerlichen Waessern mit saeulenchromatographischen Methoden und anschliessender Bestimmung mit der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse (TRF)
Elementspurenanalytik und multivariate Statistik zur Untersuchung und Bewertung des Belastungszustandes von Fliessgewaessern (Dissertation)
Elevated temperature and varied load response of AS41 at bolted joint
Elevated temperature and varied load response of AS41 at bolted joint
Elevated temperature deformation behaviour of RE modified ZK40 alloys
Elimination of gradient related effects during the absolute quantification of phosphorylated peptides using rp-capillary-lc-icp-ms
Elimination of Hazardous Components from Fine-grained Particles and Sludges by the Application of the Steam Stripping Process
Eliminationswege von Gold beim Menschen nach einmaliger Gabe des Antirheumatikums Auranofin (Triethyl-Phosphin-Gold)
Elongational Rheology of Structured Complex Fluids
Elucidating Curvature-Capacitance Relationships in Carbon-Based Supercapacitors
Elucidation of density profile of self-assembled sitosterol + oryzanol tubules with small-angle neutron scattering
Embedding of radiographic media molecules in the membrane of erythrocytes
Embrittlement of TiAl after high temperature exposure
Embrittlement of TiAl after high temperature exposure: overview of the literature in view of new findings
Embryonale Stammzellen - Grenzen und Moeglichkeiten
Embryonic shell formation in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata: a comparison between scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and synchrotron radiation micro computer tomography (SRµCT)
Embryonic stem cells utilize reactive oxygen species as transducers of mechanical strain-induced cardiovascular differentiation
Embryonic stem cells utilize reactive oxygen species as transducers of mechanical strain-induced cardiovascular differentiation
Embryonic stem cells: a novel tool for the study of antiangiogenesis and tumor-induced angiogenesis
Emergence of Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Structures Due to Atmospheric Offshore Wind Farm Wakes
Emergent α- corundum nano-Al2O3 material for Eriochrome Black T removal
Emerging and re-emerging KPC-producing hypervirulent Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST697 and ST463 between 2010 and 2021
Emerging Hot Topics and Research Questions in Wrought Magnesium Alloy Development
Emerging patterns of simulated regional climatic changes for the 21th century due to anthropogenic forcings
Emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in surface water and sediment of the North and Baltic Seas
Emission and fate of lead in the European Environment, 1958 - 1995
Emission and local deposition of atmospheric mercury in north western and central Europe based on measurements and model estimates
Emission factors and environmental implication of organic pollutants in PM emitted from various vessels in China
Emission factors for gaseous and particulate pollutants from offshore diesel engine vessels in China
Emission of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from a textile manufacturing plant in China
Emission of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from a textile manufacturing plant in China
Emission properties of fractal aggregates
Emission properties of fractal aggregates: Equilibrium temperatures of the Near-Solar aggregates
Emission sources, local and regional distribution atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of classical and new Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)
Emission sources, regional and global distribution of „classical“ and „new“ POPs
Emission sources; regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury
Emission sources; regional and global distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Emission von NO und Deposition von O3 in einem Waldoekosystem
Emissions of gaseous mercury from biomass burning in South America in 2005 observed during CARIBIC flights
Emissions of mercury in southern Africa derived from long-term observations at Cape Point, South Africa
Emissions of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in a Textile Manufacturing Plant in China and Their Relevance for Workers’ Exposure
Emissions, regional and global distribution of “classical” and “new” POPs
Emissions, regional and global distribution of „classical“ and „new“ POPs
Emissionshandel: Rettung in Sicht?
Emisssion and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry
Emisssion and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry
EMK-Messungen an nanokristallinem Pd
Emphysema diagnosis using X-ray dark-field imaging at a laser-driven compact synchrotron light source
Empirical Downscaling in the Tropics - possible changes of the little rainy season (March-June) in Cameroon
Empirical kinetic model of sodium alanate reacting system (I). Hydrogen absorption
Empirical kinetic model of sodium alanate reacting system (II). Hydrogen desorption
Empirical modal decomposition in coastal oceanography
Empirical modal decomposition in coastal oceanography
Empirical model to estimate permeability of surface sediments in the German Bight (North Sea)
Empirisches Downscaling - Ueberblick und zwei Beispiele
Employing the enhanced Regional Tourism Sustainable Adaptation Framework with a case study of climate change vulnerability in Mombasa, Kenya
Empowering Materials Processing and Performance from Data and AI
Emulsionspolymerisate fuer medizintechnische Anwendungen
En meningsmaling blandt danske klimaforskere om deres anskuelser med hesyn til globale klimaforandringer og dens betydning for politik og samfund
Enabling Alternative Stimuli in Shape-memory Polymers
Enabling Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
Enabling intelligent Mg-sheet processing utilizing efficient machine-learning algorithm
Enantiomers of the muscarinic antagonist 1-cyclohexyl-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-piperidino-1-butanol (p-Fluoro-hexahydro-difenidol): synthesis, absolute configuration and enantiomeric purity
Encapsulation of Al and Ti-Al alloy 1-D nanorods into oxide matrix by powerful pulsed discharge method
Encasement of metallic cardiovascular stents with endothelial cell-selective copolyetheresterurethane microfibers
Enclosive flow cooling: concept of a new method for simplifying complex molecular spectra
Enclosive flow cooling: spectral simplification of supercooled gases
End Functionalized Polymers for "Clicking" with Liqiud Crystal Molecules
End group functionalized starshaped oligo(ethylene glycols) and their biological evaluation
Endothelial cell differentiation from human fat-derived stem cells
Endothelial cell migration on different polymer-based biomaterials
Endothelial cell migration, adhesion and proliferation on different polymeric substrates
Endothelial cell migration, adhesion and proliferation on different polymeric substrates
Endothelial cell response to (co)polymer nanoparticles depending on the inflammatory environment and comonomer ratio
Endothelial cell response to (co)polymer nanoparticles depending on the inflammatory environment and comonomer ratio
Endothelial function and hemorheological parameters modulate coronary blood flow in patients without significant coronary artery disease
Endothelial function and hemorheological parameters modulate coronary blood flow in patients without significant coronary artery disease
Endothelialisation of gelatin- based hydrogels with different elasticity and degradation time
Endotoxin adsorbents based on modified reactive polystyrene for plasmasorption treatment
Endotoxin binding in saline and plasma on functionalised nanodisperse polystyrene
Endstaendige Neutronenreflektometrie am FRG-1
Energie- und Feuchtehaushalt im nichthydrostatischen Mesoskalamodell GESIMA bei Nestung in das Regionalklimamodell REMO (Dissertation)
Energie- und Umwelttechnik
Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Teil 1)
Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Teil 1)
Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Teil 2 u. 3)
Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Teil 2 und 3)
Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Teil 2)
Energiebedarf bei der Aufbereitung der Betriebsfluessigkeit von FluessigkeitsrinGamma-Vakuumpumpen mittels der Pervaporation
Energy and Variance Budgets of a Diffusive Staircase with Implications for Heat Flux Scaling
Energy and Water Budget Over the BALTEX Domain From a Suite of Atmospheric Regional Climate Models (Present and Future)
Energy and Water Budget Over the BALTEX Domain From a Suite of Atmospheric Regional Climate Models (Present and Future)
Energy and water cycle components from remote sensing and atmospheric data
Energy and Water Cycle over the Baltic Sea (Regional Modelling and Measurements)
Energy and water vapour fluxes over a heterogeneous land surface:The EVA-GRIPS project
Energy and Waterycle Components over a Heterogeneous Land Surface: Status and Results from LITFASS
Energy and Waterycle Components over a Heterogeneous Land Surface: Status and Results from LITFASS
Energy driven crack propagation at finite strains based on the embedded strong discontinuity approach
Energy driven crack propagation at finite strains based on the embedded strong discontinuity approach
Energy Efficiency Based Analysis and Optimization of Friction Riveting (Dissertation)
Energy, Equipment and Cost Savings by Using a Membrane Unit in an Amine-Based Absorption Process for CO2 Removal
Energy, Equipment, and Cost Savings by Use of Membranes in Amine-Based Absorption-Desorption Processes for CO2 Removal
Energy, Equipment, and Cost Savings by Use of Membranes in Amine-Based Absorption-Desorption Processes for CO2 Removal
Energy-Efficient Elastocaloric Cooling by Flexibly and Reversibly Transferring Interface in Magnetic Shape-Memory Alloys
Energy-efficient PEO process of aluminium alloys
Energy-equivalent inhomogeneity approach to analysis of effective properties of nanomaterials with stochastic structure
Energy-resolved visibility analysis of grating interferometers operated at polychromatic X-ray sources
Engineering Adaptation Strategies and Infrastructure Design Requirements to Deal with Climate Uncertainty - Uncertainty, Certainty (and the Case of Coastal Defense)
Engineering analysis for oil-gas transport in pipe (and its computer program)
Engineering applications of friction stitch welding
Engineering artificial casein micelles for future food: Is casein phosphorylation necessary?
Engineering Aspects of Membrane Technology
Engineering aspects of the plant design to separate volatile organic carbons by vapor permeation
Engineering biodegradable micelles of polyethylenimine-based amphiphilic block copolymers for efficient DNA and siRNA delivery
Engineering estimation of the lower bound toughness in the transition regime of ferritic steels
Engineering Failure Assessment Methods Applied to Pressurized Components
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Engineering Fracture Mechanics (ME 583) – Graduate Course
Engineering Fracture Mechanics (ME 583) – Graduate Course
Engineering Fracture Mechanics - HT Materials Databank
Engineering Materials Research with Neutrons and Photons: Contributions to better Lightweight Structures
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering of cell-laden gelatin-based microcapsules for cell delivery and immobilization in cell-based regenerative therapies
Engineering of cell-laden gelatin-based microcapsules for cell delivery and immobilization in regenerative therapies
Engineering of cell-laden gelatin-based microcapsules for cell delivery and immobilization in regenerative therapies
Engineering Soft Nanochannels in Isoporous Block Copolymer Nanofiltration Membranes for Ion Separation
Engineering Solutions in Scale-up and Tank Design for Metal Hydrides
Engineering Solutions in Scale-up and Tank Design for Metal Hydrides
Engineering Solutions in Scale-up and Tank Design for Metal Hydrides
Engineering treatment model (ETM) for crack diving force estimation of structures with stress concentration
Enhanced CO2 uptake of the coastal ocean is dominated by biological carbon fixation
Enhanced corrosion protection of AZ31 magnesium alloy by duplex plasma electrolytic oxidation and polymer coatings
Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of AZ91 Alloy Produced by Semisolid Metal Processing
Enhanced cytocompatibility of magnesium alloy AZ91D by the addition of hydroxyapatite
Enhanced degradation performance and promoted bone regeneration of novel CaCO3-based hybrid coatings on magnesium alloy as bioresorbable orthopedic implants
Enhanced detectability of added value in limited area model results separated into different spatial scales
Enhanced detection of technologically critical elements in sediment digestions via ICP-MS/MS utilizing N2O as a reaction gas
Enhanced electrochemical actuation of nanoporous gold-polypyrrole hybrid under load
Enhanced Gas Permeability by Fabricating Mixed Matrix Membranes of Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM)
Enhanced hydrogen sorption kinetics of magnesium by destabilized MgH 2-delta
Enhanced Hydrogen Storage Properties of Li-RHC System with In-House Synthesized AlTi3 Nanoparticles
Enhanced hydrogen uptake/release in 2LiH–MgB2 composite with titanium additives
Enhanced hydrogen uptake/release in 2LiH–MgB2 composite with titanium additives
Enhanced Insecticidal Effect and Interface Behavior of Nicotine Hydrochloride Solution by a Vesicle Surfactant
Enhanced mechanical behavior and reduced mechanical anisotropy of AZ31 Mg alloy sheet processed by ECAP
Enhanced mechanical stability of Langmuir-Blodgett composite membranes
Enhanced Mixing of Heat in the Arctic Ocean Halocline in Weakly Turbulent Conditions
Enhanced monitoring of life in the sea is a critical component of conservation management and sustainable economic growth
Enhanced multiscale modeling of macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses evolution during multi-thermo-mechanical processes
Enhanced phase separation after annealing of neutron-irradiated amorphous Fe40Ni40P20: a small angle neutron scattering study
Enhanced predictive corrosion modeling with implicit corrosion products
Enhanced Predictive Modelling of Steel Corrosion in Concrete in Submerged Zone Based on a Dynamic Activation Approach
Enhanced Production of Natural Aroma Compounds through Process-Integrated Pervaporation
Enhanced Stability of Li-RHC Embedded in an Adaptive TPX™ Polymer Scaffold
Enhanced tensile plasticity of a CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composite induced by ion irradiation
Enhanced thoracic gene delivery by magnetic nanobead-mediated vector
Enhanced tissue compatibility of polyethylenterephtalat membranes by plasma aminofunctionalisation
Enhanced UV Penetration and Cross-Linking of Isoporous Block Copolymer and Commercial Ultrafiltration Membranes using Isorefractive Solvent
Enhanced volumetric hydrogen density in sodium alanate by compaction
Enhanced Wear Performance of Hybrid Epoxy-Ceramic Coatings on Magnesium Substrates
Enhancement Effect of Bimetallic Amide K2Mn(NH2)4 and In-Situ Formed KH and Mn4N on the Dehydrogenation/Hydrogenation Properties of Li–Mg–N–H System
Enhancement of discharge performance for aqueous Mg-air batteries in 2;6-dihydroxybenzoate-containing electrolyte
Enhancement of enzymatic digestion of Antarctic krill and successive extraction of selenium organic compounds by ultrasound treatment
Enhancement of Fatigue-Properties of MIM-Processed Ti-6Al-4V by Addition of Yttrium and Characterization by In Situ X-Ray Scattering
Enhancement of Fatigue-Properties of MIM-Processed Ti-6Al-4V by Addition of Yttrium and Characterization by In Situ X-Ray Scattering
Enhancement of human induced pluripotent stem cells adhesion through multilayer laminin coating
Enhancement of human induced pluripotent stem cells adhesion through multilayer laminin coating
Enhancement of Mg-air Battery Performance by Controlling the Mg Electrode-Electrolyte Interface with Additives
Enhancement of strength and ductility of Fe–13Al–16Mn–5Ni −0.8C steel by annealing at high temperature
Enhancement of Strength and Hot Workability of AZX312 Magnesium Alloy by Disintegrated Melt Deposition (DMD) Processing in Contrast to Permanent Mold Casting
Enhancement Of Thermal Debinding And Sintering Of Biodegradable MIMMagnesium Parts For Biomedical Applications
Enhancement Of Thermal Debinding And Sintering Of Biodegradable MIMMagnesium Parts For Biomedical Applications
Enhancement of Workability in AZ31 alloy - Processing maps: Part 1, Cast material
Enhancing Autonomy for Climate Change Adaptation Using Participatory Modeling
Enhancing data locality of the conjugate gradient method for high-order matrix-free finite-element implementations
Enhancing Europe’s Capability in Marine Ecosystem Modelling for Societal Benefit
Enhancing molecular dynamics simulations of water in comparison to neutron scattering data with algorithms
Enhancing the creep resistance of AlN/Al nanoparticles reinforced Mg-2.85Nd-0.92Gd-0.41Zr-0.29Zn alloy by a high shear dispersion technique
Enlarging the computing capacity of an ES 1057 by developing devices based on transputers
Enrichement reduction activities for the FRG-1 and FRG-2 research reactors
Enrichment of angiogenic stimulated CD14+ monocytes/macrophages (type II) to promote endothelialization on different extracellular matrices
Enrichment reduction for research reactors
Enrichment reduction of the FRG-1 research reactor
Ensemble perturbation smoother for optimizing tidal boundary conditions by assimilation of High-Frequency radar surface currents – application to the German Bight
Ensuring the in vitro degradation reproducibility of powder metallurgy processed Mg-0.6Ca system
Entfernung von PAK aus feinkoernigen Boeden durch Niedertemperatur-Desorption
Entfernung von PAK aus feinkoernigen Boeden durch Niedertemperatur-Desorption
Entfeuchtung von Raumluft mit Membranverfahren
Entfeuchtung von Raumluft mittels Membranabsorption
Entfeuchtung von Raumluft mittels Membranabsorption (Diplomarbeit)
Entfeuchtung von Raumluft mittels Membranverfahren
Entmischung in Co-20 At% Cr – Legierungen
Entmischung in Legierungen
Entmischungsuntersuchungen in einer Cu-0,8at%Co Legierung mit Hilfe polarisierter Neutronenkleinwinkel- streuung
Entnahme und Vorbereitung von Proben
Entrepreneurs for Renewables - Emergence of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Complex Social Systems
Entropy production by atmospheric scattering of light
Entsorgungsmassnahmen im Rahmen des Betriebes FRG-1 und Rueckbau von kerntechnischen Einrichtungen der GKSS Forschungszentrum GmbH
Entwaesserung organischer Loesungsgemische durch Pervaporation mittels Symplexmembranen
Entwaesserung organischer Medien durch Pervaporation mit Membranen aus Polysacchariden
Entwicklung der internationalen Magnesium-Industrie und Produktionstechnologie ab den 1930er Jahren bis ins „Wirtschaftswunder"
Entwicklung der Meeresforschung und angewandte Meerestechnologien in Schleswig-Holstein
Entwicklung der Methoden der Neutronendiffraktometrie fuer die Eigenspannungsmessung
Entwicklung der Schaltung eines Time-to-Digital-Converters (TDC) zur Auswertung der von Vieldraht- Flaechendetektoren gelieferten Signale (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung des Reibnietens als neues Fuegeverfahren fuer Kunststoff und Leichtbaulegierungen - Development of FricRiveting as a new joining technique for polymer and lightweight alloys
Entwicklung einer HPLC-ICP-MS/MS-Methode zur Erfassung von ausgewählten Arsen-Spezies in marinen Sedimenten und deren Anwendung auf einen Sedimentkern aus dem Skagerrak
Entwicklung einer in verschiedenen organischen Modelloesungen resistenten strahlenchemisch modifizierten Nanofiltrationsmembran
Entwicklung einer Justiereinrichtung fuer die Polarisationselemente eines grossflaechigen Neutronen-Spin-Analysators (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Kompositmembran zur verfahrenstechnischen Abtrennung von Helium aus Erdgas (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Magnesium-Recyclinglegierung auf Basis der Legierung AM50 (Dissertation)
Entwicklung einer Membran zur Wasserabtrennung aus natuerlichem Erdgas (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von Bisphenol A in Flusswasser (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von organischen Plastikadditiven in wässrigen Proben mittels LC-MS/MS und GC-MSMS
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFASs) einschliesslich der polyfluorierten Phosphorsaeureester (PAPs) in Sedimenten (Masterarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von Plastikadditiven in Sedimenten mittels LC-MS/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von synthetischen Antioxidantien in der marinen Umwelt mittels LC-MS/MS(Masterarbeit)
Entwicklung einer neuartigen polymeren Traegermatrix fuer die Immunadsorption
Entwicklung einer neuartigen polymeren Traegermatrix fuer die Immunadsorption
Entwicklung einer poroesen Polyvinylidenfluoridmembran als Traeger für Kompositmembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer speziellen Membran zur Desorption von in Meerwasser geloestem Kohlendioxid (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer strahlenchemisch modifizierten Silikonkompositmembran
Entwicklung einer Ultrafiltrationsmembran aus Polyamidimid mit katalytischen Eigenschaften (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung einer Ultraschall-Levitations-Apparatur fuer die Probenvorbereitung in der Mikro- und Spurenanalyse (Dissertation)
Entwicklung einer Werkstoff-/Oberflaechenkombination zur Anwendung bei neuartigen mechanischen Herzklappenprothesen
Entwicklung eines adiabatischen Wasserstoffspeicher / Eine kurze Projektübersicht
Entwicklung eines adiabatischen Wasserstoffspeichersystems
Entwicklung eines Berechnungsverfahrens fuer die Simulation ueberbestimmter kinematischer Ketten
Entwicklung eines biospezifischen Trennverfahrens fuer die Fraktionierung und Aufreinigung von Glykokonjugaten (Dissertation)
Entwicklung eines clusterdynamischen Modells zur Beschreibung der Keimbildung in binaeren Legierungen mit Entmischungstendenz (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines dualen Empfangskanals fuer das DAS-Lidarsystem ARGOS (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines elektrochemischen Verfahrens zur Dekontamination von quecksilberbelasteten Böden in Brasilien und Deutschland
Entwicklung eines In-situ-Laserfluorometers (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines integrierten Bioprozesses zur Produktion natuerlicher Aromastoffe
Entwicklung eines integrierten Ruehrreibschweiss-Werkzeugkopfes fuer hochfeste Leichtbauwerkstoffe (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines miniaturisierten Verfahrens zur Bestimmung von partikulaer gebundenem Quecksilber in Umgebungsluft
Entwicklung eines miniaturisierten Verfahrens zur Bestimmung von partikulaer gebundenem Quecksilber in Umgebungsluft
Entwicklung eines neuen Interfaces fuer die Kopplung der Kapillarelektrophorese mit der HR-ICP-MS zur Bestimmung ionischer Elementspezies
Entwicklung eines Prototyps zur zuckerspezifischen Analyse in Mikrotiterplatten
Entwicklung eines Schadenstoleranzkonzeptes fuer Komponenten des Rad/Schiene-Sytems am Beispiel von Radsatzwellen
Entwicklung eines Schlammstechers zur Entnahme ungestoerter Sedimentproben aus Oberflaechengewaessern
Entwicklung eines schnellen Vor-Ort-Verfahrens zur Erkundung quecksilberkontaminierter Standorte mittels Bodenluftanalyse (Magisterarbeit)
Entwicklung eines Sensitivitaetsrasters der deutschen Nordseekueste fuer Schaeden durch grossraeumige Oelverschmutzungen
Entwicklung eines Simulationswerkzeuges fuer die Membranverfahren Gas- und Dampfpermeation (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur mikromechanischen Charakterisierung der Formgedaechtniseigenschaften von Polymeren (Masterarbeit)
Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Triazinen in Flusswasser (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines Versuchsaufbaues zur Erprobung einer Mehrstoffduese (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung eines Zellkulturmodells zur Untersuchung des Schadstoffeinflusses auf Seehunde (Phoca vitulina) (Dissertation)
Entwicklung fluessigkeitschromatografischer Verfahren zur Schwermetallbestimmung im Spurenbereich und deren Anwendung in der Elementspeziesanalytik waessriger Proben (Dissertation)
Entwicklung kriechfester Laufschaufeln aus Titanaluminiden
Entwicklung multi-stimuli sensitiver Materialien auf der Basis von fluessigkristallinen Elastomeren (Dissertation)
Entwicklung neuer Matrixmaterialien fuer Aphereseanwendungen
Entwicklung neuer Verfahren für die Erstellung dünner Polymerfilme in der Membranherstellung
Entwicklung neuer, intelligenter Nahtmaterialien mit Formgedaechtniseffekt fuer die Visceralchirurgie
Entwicklung neuer, intelligenter Nahtmaterialien mit Formgedaechtniseffekt für die Visceralchirurgie
Entwicklung sorptionsselektiver Mixed-Matrix Membranen zur Trennung von n-Butan und Methan
Entwicklung und Anwendung von katalytischen Polymermembranen (Dissertation)
Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur Gefaehrdungsabschaetzung quecksilberkontaminierter Standorte (Dissertation)
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer neuartigen Cellulosekompositmembran fuer die Ultrafiltration (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines feststoffverduennten Multielementstandards (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Magnesiumknetlegierungen
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Membranen zur Erdgasaufbereitung
Entwicklung und Erprobung einer neuartigen Ionenfalle fuer die Laser-Mehrphotonen-Ionisationsspektroskopie zur Ultraspurenanalytik (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Filterchromators fuer ein Raman-Lidar (Diplomarbeit)
Entwicklung und Grenzen der Wettervorhersage
Entwicklung und Herstellung von Membranen und Hohlfasern fuer medizinische Zwecke
Entwicklung und Qualifizierung autonomer Messsysteme fuer den pH-Wert und die Gesamtalkalinitaet von Meerwasser (Dissertation)
Entwicklung und Testung von Membranen fuer Biohybrid-Systeme
Entwicklung und Validierung schneller Methoden zur Bestimmung von Naehrstoffen im Kuestenbereich und deren Anwendung zur Quantifizierung der Naehrstoffgradienten im Wattenmeer (Dissertation)
Entwicklung von bioabbaubaren Materialien auf Staerkebasis; Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsthema in Kooperation mit FhG, gefoerdert vom Bundesminister fuer Landwirtschaft; Foerderkennzeichen 93 NRO 42
Entwicklung von Carriermembranen zur Olefinabtrennung aus Gasstroemen (Dissertation)
Entwicklung von druckstabilen Polyvinylidenfluorid Flachmembranen
Entwicklung von Dürren in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit
Entwicklung von Filtrationsmembranen auf der Basis von Polyacrylnitril (PAN)
Entwicklung von funktionalen Polymeren auf der Basis konjugierter Polymere und kristalliner Cellulose
Entwicklung von Gasseparationsmembranen
Entwicklung von Gross-Enclosures fuer die Durchfuehrung von see-internen Versuchen
Entwicklung von Gross-Enclosures: Vom Enclosure zum in situ-Reaktor
Entwicklung von hochselektiven Carriermembranen zur Abtrennung von Olefinen aus Gasstroemen
Entwicklung von hochselektiven Carriermembranen zur Abtrennung von Olefinen aus Gasstroemen
Entwicklung von intermetallischen Ti-Al-Si-Verbindungen fuer Hochtemperaturanwendungen
Entwicklung von intermetallischen Verbindungen fuer neue Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe
Entwicklung von legierungsmodifizierten intermetallischen Titan-Siliziden als Basis fuer neue Hochtemperatur-Werkstoffe. BMFT-Zwischenbericht (1.1.1988 - 30.6.1988), Programm-Nr. 03 M 3002
Entwicklung von legierungsmodifizierten intermetallischen Titan-Siliziden als Basis fuer neue Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe: Abschlussbericht zum BMFT Vorhaben Nr. 03M3002C2
Entwicklung von Materialien zur Bindung von Endotoxin
Entwicklung von Membranen fuer die extracorporale Blutentgiftung
Entwicklung von Membranmaterialien auf Basis aromatischer sulfonierter Polymere und deren Charakterisierung fuer die Anwendung in Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzellen (Dissertation)
Entwicklung von Mg Legierungen im MagIC
Entwicklung von multifunktionalen Biomaterialien
Entwicklung von Multilagen fuer Anwendungen in der Roentgenanalytik (Dissertation)
Entwicklung von neuen Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Entwicklung von Poly(amid-imiden) mit hoher Gaspermeabilitaet und Gasselektivitaet durch gezielte Strukturaenderung
Entwicklung von Polyenthylenoxid-basierten Membranen fuer die CO2-Abtrennung: Von der Laborerprobung zur Anwendungsreife
Entwicklung von Polymermembranen
Entwicklung von Polymermembranen als Trennmaterial
Entwicklung von Polymermembranen fuer die Abtrennung von Kohlendioxid aus Gasstroemen (Dissertation)
Entwicklung von Roentgenspiegeln fuer den VUV - Freie Elektronen Laser
Entwicklung von Spezialmembranen - Formierung und Charakterisierung
Entwicklung von Spezialmembranen: Formierung und Charakterisierung
Entwicklung von Sturmfluthaeufigkeit und -staerke in einem sich veraendernden Klima
Entwicklung von Titan-Aluminiden
Entwicklung von Ultrafiltrationsmembranen fuer katalytische Hydrierungen
Entwicklung von Vielfachschichten fuer roentgenoptische Anwendungen bei GKSS
Entwicklung von zweidimensional ortsempfindlichen Gasdetektoren fuer Neutronen- und Roentgenstrahlung am GKSS Forschungszentrum
Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und Funktionalisierung von isoporösen Blockcopolymermembranen
Entwicklungen im Bereich loesemittel- und temperaturstabiler Polymermembranen
Entwicklungen im Bereich loesemittel- und temperaturstabiler Polymermembranen und Modulsysteme
Entwicklungen im Bereich loesemittel- und temperaturstabiler Polymermembranen- und Modulsysteme
Entwicklungsstrategien fuer optimierte Magnesiumstrangpressprodukte
Entwicklungsstrategien fuer optimierte Magnesiumstrangpressprodukte
Entwicklungstendenzen in der Membranfiltration – Stand der Promotion
Entwicklungsziele E-Technik: Energieversorgung / Antriebstechnik
Entwurf und Bestimmung der thermischen Eigenschaften eines Polychromatorgehaeuses (Diplomarbeit)
Environment and socio-economic development: an application of the DPSIR scheme to integrated management of the River Elbe catchment
Environment and socio-economic development: the DPSIR approach aplied to the Elbe catchment
Environment and Socio-economic development: the DPSIR approach applied to the Elbe catchment
Environment and Socio-economic development: The DPSIR Approach applied to the Elbe Catchment (The EUROCAT Project approach)
Environment-COnscious Magnesium (ECO-Mg): A Review
Environmental aspects of magnesium materials for transportation industries
Environmental Change at Deep-Sea Sponge Habitats Over the Last Half Century: A Model Hindcast Study for the Age of Anthropogenic Climate Change
Environmental chemicals and human health
Environmental Cracking Behaviour of Submerged Arc-Welded Supermartensitic Stainless Steel Weldments
Environmental Crises: Science and policy - GKSS School of Environmental Research
Environmental distribution of nonylphenol and phthalates in the Northeast Atlantic
Environmental Engineering Seminar Series: Geoenvironmental modeling of past socio-technological change
Environmental Fate of Amitrole: Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter
Environmental impact of metals derived from mining activities: Processes, predictions, prevention
Environmental impacts of international shipping and aviation
Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in the sediment of Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas
Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of Laizhou Bay and Bohai Sea
Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in the sediment of the Bohai and Yellow Seas
Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in the sediment of the North and Baltic Seas
Environmental occurrence and hazard of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in the sediment of European North and Baltic Seas
Environmental oil sensitivity of the German North Sea coast
Environmental sampling for trace analysis
Environmental Sensitivity Indeces (ESI) - as Instrument for Precaution-Planning and Environmental Impact-Analysis with regard to Ship Accidents
Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) - A tool to support Integrated Coastal Zone Management?
Environmental Sensitivity Index - an instrument to support Coastal Zone Management?
Environmentally Assisted Cracking - Comparison of Standard and Accelerated Tests
Environmentally assisted cracking behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AZ31 magnesium alloy
Environmentally Assisted Cracking in High Strength Pipeline Steels
Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Environmentally enhanced initiation and reinitiation of fatigue cracks under fully compressive cyclic load
Environmentally friendly anodising process for structural bonding of titanium - Umweltfreundliches Eloxierverfahren fuer strukturelles Verkleben von Titan
Environmentally-assisted fatigue damage of metallic materials under fully compressive cyclic loading
ENVISAT ASAR measurements of marine parameters
Enzymatic action as switch of bulk to surface degradation of clicked gelatin-based networks
Enzymatic chain scission kinetics of poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) monolayers
Enzymatic degradation of Langmuir films based on star-shaped poly(Ɛ-caprolactone)
Enzymatic degradation of oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) based Langmuir films adjusted by variation of polymer structure
Enzymatic Degradation of Oligo(ε‐caprolactone)s End‐Capped with Phenylboronic Acid Derivatives at the Air–Water Interface
Enzymatic Langmuir monolayer degradation of phenylboronic acid end-capped oligo( -caprolactone)
Enzymatic Monolayer Degradation Study of Multiblock Copolymers consisting of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and Poly(p-dioxanone) Blocks
Enzymatic reactions within a solvent resistant membrane
Enzymatically Triggered Jack-in-the-Box-like Hydrogels
Enzymatische Herstellung von Polymeren in Membranen
Enzymatische Herstellung von Polymeren in Membranen
Eocene/Oligocene ocean de-acidification linked to Antarctic glaciation by sea-level fall
Eosinophils are required for the maintenance of plasma cells in the bone marrow
Epigenetic immune cell counting in human blood samples for immunodiagnostics
Epitaxial Growth of nickel on Si(100) by DC Magnetron Sputtering
EPO or PlacEPO? Science versus Practical Experience Panel discussion on efficacy of erythropoetin in improving performance
Epoxy Silane as a Suitable Binder for anchoring the ATRP Initiator and the following Size Effect of Silica Nanoparticles on Polymerization Reactions
Epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid analogs and Ristozetin-induced platelet aggregation
Equal channel angular pressing of magnesium alloy containing quasicrystal phase
Equipment for laboratory scale investigations of gas permeation membranes
Equipment of Polymers with Memory Effects by Physical Approaches
Equipping urban decision-makers with evidence-based information to safeguard against climate change impacts
Equity and ITQs: About Fair Distribution in Quota Management Systems in Fisheries
Erarbeitung biochemischer Aspekte der Phenylketonurie
Erarbeitung der Grundlagen zur Herstellung von Symplexmembranen sowie Aussagen zur Pervaporationsleistung
Erarbeitung der Grundlagen zur Herstellung von Symplexmembranen sowie Aussagen zur Pervaporationsleistung
Erarbeitung einer biotechnologischen Verfahrenskombination zur Erhoehung des Selbstreinigungsvermoegens der Warnow
Erarbeitung von Grundlagen zur Wassergütebewirtschaftung von Bergbaurestseen
Erfahrungen beim Aufbau und Betrieb des komplexen Betriebsdatenerfassungs- und Gasanalysesystems fuer die Unterwasser-Simulationsanlage GUSI
Erfahrungen beim Betrieb und dem Umgang mit dem Kompaktkern des FRG-1
Erfahrungen des GKSS Forschungszentrums aus Kooperationen in der Membrantechnik mit KMUs in China
Erfahrungen mit dem Taucherhilfsfahrzeug DAVID
Erfahrungen mit der akustischen Fernmessung von Wind- und Wassergeschwindigkeiten
Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung bruchmechanischer Methoden bei der Spannungsrisskorrosionspruefung
Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung des nichthydrostatischen mesoskaligen Stroemungsmodells GESIMA zur Windpotentialbestimmung im komplexen Gelaende
Erfahrungen mit der europaeischen Fehlerbewertungsprozedur SINTAP
Erfahrungen mit der Gewaesserentkrautung durch Graskarpfen (Ctenopharyngodon idella VAL.) in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage
Erfahrungen mit PMDF E-Mail Interconnect
Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse bei der Bearbeitung wasserwirtschaftlicher Fragestellungen durch den Einsatz von Lysimetern unterschiedicher Bauart
Erfassung und Beurteilung der Belastung der Elbe mit oekosystemrelevanten Organika, Band II: Pestizide mit niedrigen Effektkonzentrationen im aquatischen Bereich - Entwicklung eines Ion Trap GC/MS2 Verfahrens
Erfassung von Baggergutausbreitungen nach Verklappung vor dem Nesssand. Gutachten fuer Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Wirtschaftsbehoerde, Strom- und Hafenbau
Erforschung der kondensierten Materie mit Synchrotronstrahlung und Neutronen: Von der Oberflaechenphysik bis zur Materialforschung
Erforschung der kondensierten Materie mit Synchrotronstrahlung und Neutronen: Von der Oberflaechenphysik bis zur Materialforschung
Ergebnisbericht des Kooperationsprojekts 'Bilder der Pallas'
Ergebnisbericht des Projekts "Bilder der Flut - Bilderfluten: Einschaetzung der medialen Darstellung des Elbehochwassers im August 2002"
Ergebnisse bruchmechanischer Untersuchungen am austenitischen Stahl X6CrNi1811
Ergebnisse der chronischen Kompression viszeraler Arterien
Ergebnisse der Hochwassermessungen 1993/94
Ergebnisse der Membranforschung und -technik 1992-1994
Ergebnisse der Trenn- und Umwelttechnik 1995/1996
Ergebnisse des Oekologischen Freilandpraktikums
Ergebnisse des Oekologischen Freilandpraktikums
Ergebnisse des Oekologischen Freilandpraktikums
Ergebnisse eines europaeischen Ringversuchs ueber mikromechanische Modelle
Ergebnisse regionaler Szenarienlaeufe fuer Deutschland mit der statistischen Methode WETTREG auf der Basis der SRES Szenarios A2 und B1 modelliert mit ECHAM5/MPI-OM : CSC Report
Ergebnisse und abgeleitete Handlungsempfehlungen fuer das Modellgebiet Lueneburger Heide
Ergebnisse und Probleme bei der Entwicklung von M-Materialien
Ergebnisse und Probleme bei der Entwicklung von Membranmaterialien
Ergebnisse von Schwermetall-, CKW- und Radioaktivitaetsmessungen in der Elbe
Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen ueber diffuse Stoffeintraege in die Gewaesser
Ergebnisse wasserwirtschaftlicher Forschungen zur landwirtschaftlichen Klaerschlammverwertung in der ehemaligen DDR - Teil I: Situationsanalyse und Ergebnisse experimenteller Untersuchungen
Ergebnisse wasserwirtschaftlicher Forschungen zur landwirtschaftlichen Klaerschlammverwertung in der ehemaligen DDR - Teil II: Oekonomische Betrachtungen und Diskussion der Untersuchungsergebnisse
Ergebnisse zur Verteilung, Produktion und Aktivitaet des Bakterioplanktons waehrend edr METEOR – Reise 21 (Fahrtabschnitt 2 und 3)
Erhoehung der Neutronenflussdichte an den Strahlrohren des FRG-1
Erhoehung der Zellvertraeglichkeit der Magnesiumlegierung AZ91D durch die Zugabe von Hydroxylapatit
Erhoehung der Zellvertraeglichkeit der Magnesiumlegierung AZ91D durch die Zugabe von Hydroxylapatit - Enhanced cytocompatibility of magnesium alloy AZ91D by the addition of hydroxyapatite
Erhoehung der Zellvertraeglichkeit der Magnesiumlegierung AZ91D durch die Zugabe von Hydroxylapatit - Enhanced cytocompatibility of magnesium alloy AZ91D by the addition of hydroxyapatite
Erkundung neuer Herstellungsmoeglichkeiten fuer Membranen auf der Grundlage neuer Formierungsprinzipien - Composite-Membranen fuer die Wasseraufbereitung: Abschlussbericht fuer den Auftraggeber
Erkundung neuer Herstellungsmoeglichkeiten fuer Membranen auf der Grundlage neuer Formierungsprinzipien - Composite-Membranen fuer die Wasseraufbereitung: Bericht zur Themeneroeffnung (G1)
Erkundung neuer Herstellungsmoeglichkeiten fuer Membranen auf der Grundlage neuer Formierungsprinzipien - Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von PAN-Membranen als Traegerschicht fuer Composite-Membranen: Abschlussbericht (G4)
Erleichterte enzymatische Polyfructansynthese in Membranen
Ermittlung der Beziehung zwischen Art und Intensitaet der Landnutzung, der atmosphaerischen Deposition und dem Naehrstoffgehalt im Boden an ausgewaehlten Standorten des Droemlingsgebietes; Teil 1 (Abschlussbericht)
Ermittlung der Beziehung zwischen Art und Intensitaet der Landnutzung, der atmosphaerischen Deposition und dem Naehrstoffgehalt im Boden an ausgewaehlten Standorten des Droemlingsgebietes; Teil 2 (Zwischenbericht)
Ermittlung der Beziehung zwischen Art und Intensitaet der Landnutzung, der atmosphaerischen Deposition und dem Naehrstoffgehalt im Boden an ausgewaehlten Standorten des Droemlingsgebietes; Teil 3, GKSS-Vertrags-Nr.: V 9268 (Abschlussbericht)
Ermittlung der da/dN-Kurven im Threshold-Bereich fuer Staehle unterschiedlicher Festigkeit
Ermittlung der Kohlenstoffloeslichkeit in der Gamma-TiAl Phase (Masterarbeit)
Ermittlung der Korrelation zwischen Zusammensetzung und Struktur von Staerkepolysacchariden und den Filmeigenschaften
Ermittlung der Korrelation zwischen Zusammensetzung und Struktur von Staerkepolysacchariden und den Filmeigenschaften: 1. Bericht zum BMFT-Projekt Nr. 0319549 B
Ermittlung der mechanischen Eigenschaften laserumgeschmolzener Bereiche an Mehrstoffaluminumbronze CuAl10Ni5Fe5 fuer Schiffspropeller
Ermittlung lokaler Verformungseigenschaften in metallischen Schweissverbindungen mittels instrumentierter Eindringpruefung und neuronalen Netzen
Ermittlung lokaler Verformungseigenschaften in metallischen Schweissverbindungen mittels instrumentierter Eindringpruefung und neuronalen Netzen
Ermittlung thermischer, kalorischer und verfahrenstechnischer Eigenschaften eines speziellen Probenbehandlungsofens und Verbesserung der Konstruktion, Verfahrenstechnik und Steuerung (Diplomarbeit)
Ermittlung von da/dN DK (bzw. DKeff)-Kurven im Threshold-Bereich fuer Staehle unterschiedlicher Festigkeit an Luft und in synthetischem Meerwasser
Ermittlung von J-integral Werten mit ABAQUS
Ermittlung von J-integral Werten mit ABAQUS
Ermittlung von Kennwerten fuer Umformvorgaenge
Ermittlung von Kennwerten fuer Umformvorgaenge
Ermittlung von Modellparametern fuer die Simulation von stabilem Risswachstum in Al-Blechen
Ermittlung von Modellparametern fuer die Simulation von stabilem Risswachstum in Al-Blechen
Ermittlung von Pendelparametern zum mechanisierten hyperbaren Zwangslagenschweissen mit dem Roboter (Diplomarbeit)
Ermuedungsrissausbreitung von Titanlegierungen in Salzwasser
Ermuedungsrisswachstumsvorhersage in durch Laser-Schock-Peening-Behandlung induzierten Eigenspannungsfeldern
Ermuedungsrisswachstumsvorhersage in durch Laser-Schock-Peening-Behandlung induzierten Eigenspannungsfeldern
Ermuedungsverhalten der Legierung Cu-35%Ni-3,5%Cr in unterschiedlichen Entmischungszustaenden
Ermuedungsverhalten der Legierung Cu-35%Ni-3,5%Cr in unterschiedlichen Entmischungszustaenden (Dissertation)
Ermuedungsverhalten von Cu-35%Ni-3,5%Cr nach unterschiedlichen Waermebehandlungen
Ermuedungsverhalten von Magnesium-Legierungen
Ermuedungsverhalten von Magnesium-Legierungen
Ermuedungsverhalten von Magnesiumlegierungen
Erodibility of a mixed mudflat dominated by microphytobenthos and Cerastoderma edule, East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany
Erodibility of a mixed mudflat inhabited by Cardium edule and Heteromastus filiformis, EAST FRISIAN WADDEN SEA, GERMANY.
Erosion properties of intertidal mudflats
Erosion, Sedimentation und Schwebstofftransport im Lister Tidebecken: Ein Ueberblick
Erosion, Sedimentation und Schwebstofftransport im Lister Tidebecken: Ein Ueberblick
Erosional control on alkalinity release in a changing Arctic
Erosions- und Sedimentationsverhalten der Sedimente im Oderaestuar
Erprobung eines modifizierten Industrieroboters fuer Schweissaufgaben in Inertgasatmosphaere bis 110 bar
Erratum to: Evaluation of locked nucleic acids for signal enhancement of oligonucleotide probes for microalgae immobilised on solid surfaces
Erratum: Hadjixenophontos, E.; et al. A Review of the MSCA ITN ECOSTORE—Novel Complex Metal Hydrides for Efficient and Compact Storage of Renewable Energy as Hydrogen and Electricity. Inorganics 2020, 8, 17
Erratum: “Fluence thresholds for grazing incidence hard x-ray mirrors” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 241905 (2015)]
Error analysis of Raman differential absorption lidar ozone measurements in ice clouds
Error characteristics of high resolution regional climate models over the Alpine area
Error covariance modeling in sequential data assimilation
ERS-1 radar altimeter validation with the WAM model
ERS-1 radar altimeter, calibration and validation
ERS-1 satellite data in comparison with wind and wave model forecast results
Ersatzteile fuer den Koerper aus der Stammzellforschung - Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
Erschließung der „urbanen Miene“ – Entwicklung einer Aufschlussmethode für Leiterplatinen zur Bestimmung der Metallgehälter mittels ICP-MS/MS
Erste Ergebnisse der Experimente BILEX 89 und BILEX 90
Erste Ergebnisse vom Internationalen Cirrus Experiment: Pilot Phase
Erste Ergebnisse zum Einsatz eines abbaubaren, elastomeren Polymers zur Mukosarekonstruktion im Tiermodell
Erste Ergebnisse zum Einsatz eines abbaubaren Formgedaechtnispolymers zur Mukosarekonstruktion im Tiermodell
Erste Ergebnisse zur Simulation einer Cirruswolke mit einem 3D-mesoskaligen Modell
Erste Ergebnisse zur Untersuchung der Stabilitaet und Gewebeintegration eines abbaubaren, elastischen Copolymers im Tiermodell / First results of the investigation of the stability and tissue integration of a degradable, elastomeric copolymer in an animal model
Erste Ergebnisse zur Untersuchung von Zinkisotopenverhaeltnissen in Wasser- und Oberflaechensedimentproben der Elbe
Erste klinische Erfahrungen mit Magnesiumimplantaten - Quo vadis?
Erste mikrobiologische Ergebnisse der METEOR – Reise 21 (Fahrtabschnitt 2 und 3)
Erste Untersuchungen zur Erosionsfestigkeit von Sedimenten in einem Buhnenfeld bei Magdeburg-Westerhuesen
Erste Verteilungskoeffizienten Schwebstoff-Filtrat fuer Elemente im Elbelaengsschnitt
Erstellung einer Seegangsklimatologie fuer die Nordsee
Erstellung von Filmen aus den Bereichen Umwelttechnik und Biotechnologie - Projektarbeit, 2002 (Teile 1 bis 3)
Erstellung von Filmen aus den Bereichen Umwelttechnik und Biotechnologie - Projektarbeit, 2003 (Teile 1 bis 3)
Erstellung von Filmen aus den Bereichen Umwelttechnik und Biotechnologie - Projektarbeit, 2004 (Teile 1 bis 3)
Erwaermung der Ozeane: Moegliche Auswirkungen auf den „microbial loop“ und die biologische CO2-Pumpe
Erweiterte SMTP-Server-Funktionalitaeten
Erweiterung der Einsatzbereiche von Magnesiumwerkstoffen unter Beruecksichtigung moderner Verbindungstechniken
Erweiterung der Einsatzgrenzen der Magnesiumknetlegierung AZ31
Erweiterung der Einsatzgrenzen von Magnesiumlegierungen: Ziele und Stand der Arbeiten
Erweiterung der Einsatzgrenzen von Magnesiumlegierungen: Ziele und Stand der Arbeiten
Erweiterung der Prozessgrenzen beim Strangpressen von Magnesiumknetlegierungen der AZ-Reihe durch das hydrostatische Strangpressverfahren (Dissertation)
Erythropoietin attenuates the sequels of ischaemic spinal cord injury with enhanced recruitment of CD34+ cells in mice
Erythrozyten-Ghosts fuer die selektive Probennahme von Oxoanionen
Erzeugung duenner Schichten und ihre Charakterisierung mittels WILHELMY-Technik
Erzeugung frequenzverschobener Strahlung fuer ein Temperatur- und Feuchte-Lidar mit einem KrF-Laser unter Ausnutzung stimulierter Ramanstreuung (Diplomarbeit)
Erzeugung kleiner Van-der-Waals-Cluster in einer Stroemungskuehlzelle unterhalb 10 K
Erzeugung und Konditionierung von Pico- und Nanoliter-Proben für die Laser-Direktanalyse
Erzeugung von Molekuelclustern mit der Stroemungskuehltechnik bei 4 bis 300 K
Escherichia coli 70 S Ribosome at 15 A Resolution by Cryo-electron Microscopy: Localization of fMet-tRNAfMet and Fitting of L1 Protein
ESGCT XXV Anniversary Congress in Collaboration with the German Society for Gene Therapy - Optimisation of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in of large inserts into the AAVS1 safe harbor locus
ESGCT XXV Anniversary Congress in Collaboration with the German Society for Gene Therapy - Osteoclasts differentiated from iPS cells as a test system for gene therapeutic approaches for CLCN7-related autosomal recessive osteopetrosis
ESIS guidelines for fracture mechanics based stress corrosion testing
ESIS P4 - ein Vorschlag fuer beschleunigte Spannungsrisskorrosionspruefungen
ESIS recommendations for fracture mechanics based stress corrosion cracking testing
ESIS recommendations for fracture mechanics based stress corrosion testing
ESIS Technical Committee 10 „Environmentally Assisted Cracking“: a chairmans report
ESM-SnowMIP: assessing snow models and quantifying snow-related climate feedbacks
Essential and non-essential elements in tissues of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded on the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas between 2004–2006
Establishing a German-New Zealand Green Hydrogen Research Center
Establishing an agenda for social studies research in marine renewable energy
Establishing of reference plant' for inorganic characterization of different plant species by chemical fingerprinting'
Establishing the Resilience of a Coastal-marine Social-ecological System to the Installation of Offshore Wind Farms
Establishing the skill of climate field reconstruction techniques for precipitation with pseudoproxy experiments
Establishment of a workflow and Comparison of Neutron Scattering data driven Molecular Dynamics Simulations for two water models
Establishment of an in vitro thrombogenicity test system with cyclic olefin copolymer substrate for endothelial layer formation
Estimates of climate change in Southern Europe derived from dynamical climate model output
Estimates of current and future climate change in Belarus based on meteorological station data and the EURO-CORDEX-11 dataset
Estimates of historical atmospheric mercury deposition in the west of Ireland using ombotrophic peatlands
Estimates of Present‐Day and Future Climatologies of Freezing Rain in Europe Based on CORDEX Regional Climate Models
Estimates of the Air-Sea Exchange of Gaseous Mercury in the Southern Baltic Sea, Summer and Winter 1997 - 1998
Estimates of the Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury derived from the Lagrangian Experiment, Summer 1997
Estimates of the Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury in the Baltic Sea
Estimates of the Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury in the Baltic Sea Derived from Ship Measurements
Estimates of the Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury in the Baltic Sea Deriving from Summer and Winter Measurements
Estimates of variations in bottom shear stresses in the Weser-Jade area (Germany) for different forcing scenarios
Estimating changes of Central European phenological occurence dates on the basis of "direct downscaling"
Estimating chlorophyll concentrations from thematic mapper data
Estimating dry deposition and gas/particle partition coefficients of neutral poly-/perfluoroalkyl substances in northern German coast
Estimating larval fish growth under size-dependent mortality: a numerical analysis of bias
Estimating near-shore wave statistics from regional hindcasts using downscaling techniques
Estimating the climate significance of halogen-driven ozone loss in the tropical marine troposphere
Estimating the impact of jet condensation trails upon the earths radiation budget from AVHRR images
Estimating the load line displacement of cracked laboratory specimens using the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Estimating the sensitivity of a regional atmospheric model to a sea state dependent roughness using ensemble calculations
Estimating water exchange between tidal flats and Southern North Sea
Estimation of areally-averaged surface fluxes
Estimation of areally-averaged surface fluxes
Estimation of areally-averaged surface fluxes
Estimation of cloud microphysical parameters from radar, lidar and microwave radiometer during CLARE 1998
Estimation of Creep Rate in TiAl from Short-term Stress Relaxation Tests
Estimation of creep rates from short term tensile test relaxations
Estimation of Friction Velocity Using Tower Based Marine Radars
Estimation of Friction Velocity Using Tower Based Marine Radars
Estimation of Gaseous Mercury Emissions in Germany: Inverse Modelling of Source Strengths at the Contaminated Industrial Site BSL Werk Schkopau
Estimation of global radiation with the help of satellites
Estimation of long-term potential evaporation within the framework of the remediation of surface mine-sites
Estimation of lower bound fracture resistance of a pressure vessel steel based on different proposals
Estimation of lower bound fracture resistance of pressure vessel steel in the transition regime
Estimation of mercury content in tailings of the gold mine area of Pocone, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Estimation of precipitation by kriging in the EOF space of the Sea Level Pressure Field
Estimation of primary production by observation of solar-stimulated fluorescence
Estimation of sinking velocity using free-falling dynamically scaled models: Foraminifera as a test case
Estimation of sinking velocity using free-falling dynamically scaled models: Foraminifera as a test case
Estimation of Sr-90 and Cs-137 inputs from the Elbe into the North Sea before and after the Chernobyl accident
Estimation of Suspended Matter, Organic Carbon, and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations from Particle Size and Refractive Index Distributions
Estimation of the Human Impact on Nutrient Loads Carried by the Elbe River
Estimation of the impact of prevailing weather conditions on the occurrence of oil-contaminated dead birds on the German North Sea coast
Estimation of the influence of regional climate on the past and future sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea with statistical methods and simulations of climate models
Estimation of the influence of regional climate on the recent past and future sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea with statistical methods and simulations of climate models
Estimation of the influence of regional climate on the recent past and future sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea with statistical methods and simulations of climate models
Estimation of the specific absorption coefficients of turbid coastal water constituents using the AC-9 and asymptotic attenuation coefficients
Estrogene in Kuestengewaessern - Untersuchungen in der Ostsee mittels chemischer Analytik und einem in vitro-Biotest (Dissertation)
Estrogenic and pharmaceutical compounds - Investigations in the German Baltic Sea
Estuarine Circulation vs Tidal Pumping: Sediment Transport in a Well-Mixed Tidal Inlet
Estuarine residual flow induced by eddy viscosity-shear covariance: Dependence on axial bottom slope, tidal intensity and constituents
Estuarine suspended matter: optimization of turbidity based estimation
Estuarine turbidity maximum dynamics in the outer Weser Estuary for different runoffs including a river flood
Estuary-type circulation as a factor sustaining horizontal nutrient gradients in freshwater-influenced coastal systems
Estudio de la fosfonacion y sulfonacion de polifenilsulfona para producir membranas para celdas de combustible de metanol directo (Magisterarbeit)
Estudio de la metalurgia de la soldadura y su impacto en las propiedades mecánicas de una aleación de Titanio grado 5 (Ti-6Al-4V) unida por el proceso de soldadura en estado sólido Fricción-Agitación FSW (Friction Stir Welding) (Masterarbeit)
Estudo da Sensitizacao em Juntas Soldadas de Inconel® 625 Produzidas Atraves da Soldagem por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica - Sensitization Study in Friction Stir Welds of Inconel®625
Estudo da viabilidade da Soldagem Pontual, via estado solido, em juntas hibridas de aluminio e compositos termoplasticos (Diplomarbeit)
Estudo da Viabilidade da Tecnica de Rebitagem por Friccao Para Uniao de Polieterimida Reforcada com Fibra de Vidro com Alumínio 2024-T351 ou Titanio Comercialmente Puro Grau 2 (Bachelorarbeit)
Estudo da Viabilidade de Soldagem de Materiais Dissimilares Pelo Processo Ponto por Friccao (FSPW) Entre a Liga de Aluminio 5454 E o ACO Arbl (Bacherlorarbeit)
Estudo de Parametros de Soldagem e Caracterizacao Mecanica das Soldas Por Friccao e Mistura em Ligas de AlMgSc Aplicadas Para a Industria Aeronautica (Bachelorarbeit)
Estudo de Viabilidade Tecnica de Novo Metodo de Soldagem Pontual por Friccao de Termoplasticos (Diplomarbeit)
Estudo de Viabilidade Tecnica de Novo Processo de Uniao Pontual por Friccao de Metais a Compositos Termoplasticos (Diplomarbeit)
Estudo do Desempenho Mecanico de Solda(S) Ponto Por Friccao (Fspw) da Liga Aa6181-T4 - Evaluation of the mechanical performance of friction spot welds (FSpW) in an alloy (Dissertation)
Estudo do Perfil de Carbono na Camada Nitretada do Aço AISI M2
Estudo do Processo de Soldagem a Ponto por Friccao de Juntas Dissimilares Entre Ligas de Alumínio e Titanio (A Study on Friction Spot Welding of Dissimilar Joints Between Aluminium and Titanium Alloys) (Dissertation)
Estudos Preliminares na Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (Fspw) De Chapas De Poliamida 6
Et klima af iscenesat frygt
Ethanol Dampfpermeation: Mit Volldampf in eine innovative Trenntechnik
Ethanol/Wassertrennung durch Pervaporation
Ethylene oxide sterilization of electrospun poly(l-lactide)/poly(d-lactide) core/shell nanofibers
ETM format for creep deformation parameters
ETM-MM: The Engineering Treatment Model for Mis-Matched Welded Joints
EU Directives and their effects on the ecosystem of the Wadden Sea
EU-Verkehrspolitik: Viel Potenzial, Umsetzung offen : EU Transport Policy: Much potential, implementation open
EUCREX (The European Cloud and Radiation Experiment) Intern Report part I: Preparation of field campaigns, satellite and lidar data; Interpretation and cloud microphysical processesin 3D
Euro-Atlantic winter storminess and precipitation extremes under 1.5 °C vs. 2 °C warming scenarios
EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research
Eurobasin Workshop: Monitoring Strategies for the Next Century
EUROCAT: Socio-Economic and Environmental-Change Scenarios for the Elbe Catchment
EUROCAT: Socio-Economic and Environmental-Change Scenarios for the Elbe Catchment
EUROCAT: The Elbe Catchment as a part of the Rhine and Elbe (REBCAT) case study
EUROCAT: The Elbe Catchment as a part of the Rhine and Elbe (REBCAT) case study
EURODELTA III exercise: An evaluation of air quality models’ capacity to reproduce the carbonaceous aerosol
EuroGOOS roadmap for operational coastal downstream services
EUROMAR project MERMAID: conception and degree of realization
EUROMAR-MERMAID: an automatic, remote-controlled measuring and sampling system for environmental monitoring
EUROMAR-MERMAID: an automatic, remote-controlled measuring and sampling system for environmental monitoring
EUROMAR-MERMAID: Experimental Operation of the Prototype Network
Euromar-Pilotprojekt: Umwelt- und Schadstoffmessungen im Meer
Europaeischer Ringversuch zur Verifizierung der ESIS-Prozedur P4-92 D
Europaen Lead Politics and their Impacts
Europas Wetterabhaengigkeit
Europaweite Ablagerung von Schwefel- und Stickstoffverbindungen: Neue Ansaetze bei Trocken- und Nassdeposition (Dissertation)
Europaweite Depositionen von Schwefel- und Stickstoffverbindungen und Schwermetallen im EMEP-Gitter
Europe's Strategic Choices: Rethinking EU leadership in fighting climate change
Europe's Strategic Choices: Rethinking EU leadership in fighting climate change
European Lead Fluxes Reconstruction 1955 - 1995
European climate change at global mean temperature increases of 1.5 and 2 °C above pre-industrial conditions as simulated by the EURO-CORDEX regional climate models
European climate during the last decades – Atmospheric response to constant and transient aerosol forcing
European climate during the last decades – Atmospheric response to constant and transient aerosol forcing
European climate of the past 500 years: new challenges for historical climatology
European climate response to tropical volcanic eruptions over the last half millennium
European climate services markets – Conditions, challenges, prospects, and examples
European Cloud and Radiation Experiment (EUCREX): Final Report on the project EV5V-CT 92-0130 EUCREX-2
European Code of Practice for Creep Crack Initiation and Growth Testing of Industrially Relevant Specimens
European daily precipitation according to EURO-CORDEX regional climate models (RCMs) and high-resolution global climate models (GCMs) from the High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP)
European emissions of mercury derived from long-term observations at Mace Head, on the western Irish coast
European emissions of mercury derived from long-term observations at Mace Head, on the western Irish coast
European Ferry Box Project: From Online Oceanographic Measurements to Environmental Information
European Ferry Box Project: From Online Oceanographic Measurements to Environmental Information
European Ferrybox Project: From Online Oceanographic Measurements to Environmental Information
European FITness-for-Service NETwork (FITNET)
European Fitness-for-Service Procedure FITNET and its Application to Welded Aerospace Structures
European FITNET Fitness-for-Service Procedure: Application of its Fracture Module to the Stiffened Al-alloy Panels of Airframe Structures
European marginal seas in a regional atmosphere–ocean coupled model and their impact on Vb-cyclones and associated precipitation
European Perspective of Mg Production
European politics to Reduce Lead in Gasoline - How did they Affect German Economics and Various Environmental Systems
European Radar Ocean Sensing
European Radar Ocean Sensing (EuroROSE)
European regulations to reduce lead emissions from automobiles - Did they have an economic impact on the German gasoline and automobile markets?
European Semi-enclosed Seas: Basic Physical Processes and Their Numerical Modelling
European storminess: late nineteenth century to present
European summer temperature response to annually dated volcanic eruptions over the past nine centuries
European summer temperatures since Roman times
European temperature records of the past five centuries based on documentary/instrumental information compared to climate simulations
European warm-season temperature and hydroclimate since 850 CE
European winter temperature variability in a long coupled model simulation: the contribution of ocean dynamics
Europe’s forest management did not mitigate climate warming
Europipe-Development-Projekt: Oekologische Begleituntersuchungen zur Auswirkung der Baumassnahmen auf benthische Organismengesellschaften - Vorergebnisse zur Makrofauna
EuroRose: A project to support shipping in port approaches
EuroROSE: European Radar Ocean Sensing
Eurpean Fitness-for-Service Network (FITNET): Fatigue Module Development
Eurpean Fitness-for-Service Network (FITNET): Fatigue Module Development
Eutectic structures in friction spot welding joint of aluminum alloy to copper
Eutrophication hotspots, nitrogen fluxes and climate impacts in estuarine ecosystems: a model study of the Odra estuary system
Eutrophication related indicators for European coastal waters
Eutrophisierung und Gewaesserschutz
EVA-GRIPS - Evaporation over a Heterogeneous land surface
EVA-GRIPS Regional Evaporation at Grid and Pixel Scale over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces
EVA-GRIPS Regional Evaporation at Grid and Pixel Scale over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces
EVA-GRIPS Verdunstung auf der regionalen Skala ueber heterogenem Gelaende
EVA-GRIPS, Regional evaporation at the grid and pixel scale
EVA-GRIPS: Regional Evaporation at grid and pixel scale over heterogeneous land surfaces
EVA-GRIPS: Regional Evaporation at grid and pixel scale over heterogeneous land surfaces
EVA-GRIPS: Verdunstung ueber heterogenen Oberflaechen
Evaluating adaptation measures for reducing flood risk: A case study in the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Evaluating co-creation of knowledge: from quality criteria and indicators to methods
Evaluating co-creation of knowledge: from quality criteria and indicators to methods
Evaluating metallic artefact of biodegradable magnesium-based implants in magnetic resonance imaging
Evaluating Nature-Based Solution for Flood Reduction in Spercheios River Basin under Current and Future Climate Conditions
Evaluating parameterisations of subgrid-scale variability
Evaluating parameterisations of subgrid-scale variability
Evaluating polymeric biomaterial–environment interfaces by Langmuir monolayer techniques
Evaluating reanalysis-driven CORDEX regional climate models over Australia: model performance and errors
Evaluating the morphology of the degradation layer of pure magnesium via 3D imaging at resolutions below 40 nm
Evaluating the performance of land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN v1.0 on water and energy flux estimation with a single- and multi-layer energy budget scheme
Evaluating the Practicability of the new Urban Climate Model PALM-4U using a Living-Lab Approach
Evaluating the Success of the Digital Earth Project
Evaluating Uncertainties in Reconstructing the Pre-eutrophic State of the North Sea
Evaluation and comparison of scattering data driven molecular dy- namics simulations of water modelss
Evaluation and error apportionment of an ensemble of atmospheric chemistry transport modeling systems: multivariable temporal and spatial breakdown
Evaluation and Improvement of an Iterative Scattering Correction Scheme for in situ Absorption and Attenuation Measurements
Evaluation and multimodel projection of seasonal precipitation extremes over central Asia based on CMIP6 simulations
Evaluation der in vitro und in vivo Eigenschaften eines neuen, vollstaendig degradierbaren Nahtmaterials mit Formgedaechtniseffekt fuer die Visceralchirurgie
Evaluation of ECPC's Seasonal Forecats Over the BALTEX Region and Europe
Evaluation of New CORDEX Simulations Using an Updated Köppen–Trewartha Climate Classification
Evaluation of a degradable shape-memory polymer network as matrix for controlleddrug release
Evaluation of a degradable shape-memory polymer network as matrix for controlleddrug release
Evaluation of a flow cytometry method to determine size and real refractive index distributions in natural marine particle populations
Evaluation of a method to reduce uncertainly in wind hindcasts performed with regional atmosphere models
Evaluation of a Wind Farm Parametrization for Mesoscale Atmospheric Flow Models with Aircraft Measurements
Evaluation of ALARO-0 and REMO Regional Climate Models over Iran Focusing on Building Material Degradation Criteria
Evaluation of an air pressure based proxy for storm activity
Evaluation of an air pressure based proxy for storm activity
Evaluation of an Algorithm for Operational Wind Field Retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Evaluation of an ensemble of regional climate model simulations over South America driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis: model performance and uncertainties
Evaluation of an Operational SAR Wind Field Retrieval Algorithm for ENVISAT ASAR
Evaluation of an Operational SAR Wind Field Retrieval Algorithm for ENVISAT ASAR
Evaluation of Biodegradable Multi-Block Polymers in Contact with Endothelium and Blood
Evaluation of biodegradable shape-memory polymers as implant materials
Evaluation of cell affinity on poly(Jota-lactide) and poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) blends and on PLLA-Beta-PCL diblock copolymer surfaces
Evaluation of cellulose-based biospecific adsorbents as a stationary phase for lectin affinity chromatography
Evaluation of Climate Services: Enabling Users to Assess the Quality of Multi-model Climate Projections and Derived Products
Evaluation of CMIP5 models over the northern North Atlantic in the context of forthcoming paleoclimatic reconstructions
Evaluation of Component Tests on Welded Tubular T-Joints in the Ductile-to Brittle Range
Evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as an alternative technique to sample microplastic from water bodies
Evaluation of contrasting techniques for X-ray imaging of velvet worms (Onychophora)
Evaluation of Convection Resolving COSMO-CLM Runs for Northern Germany
Evaluation of crack diving force for HAZ of mis-matched weldments using direct J-integral measurements in tensile panels
Evaluation of CTOA from load vs. load-line displacement for C(T) specimen
Evaluation of DIAL measurements in presence of signal noise
Evaluation of Electrospun PCL-PIBMD Meshes Modified with Plasmid Complexes in Vitro and in Vivo
Evaluation of Er Doped CeO2-δ as Oxygen Transport Membrane
Evaluation of existing ecosystem models with regard to ocean acidification
Evaluation of fracture behaviour of strength mis-matched steel weld joints with surface cracked tensile panels and SENB specimens
Evaluation of fracture properties of cold deformed 450 YS TMPC steel
Evaluation of gas-particle partitioning in a regional air quality model for organic pollutants
Evaluation of Gelatin Hydrogels in their Interaction with Monocytic Osteoclast Precursor Cells
Evaluation of HAZ toughness by CTOD and tensile Panels
Evaluation of human mesenchymal stem cell senescence, differentiation and secretion behavior cultured on polycarbonate cell culture inserts
Evaluation of human mesenchymal stem cell senescence, differentiation and secretion behavior cultured on polycarbonate cell culture inserts
Evaluation of Humidity, Clouds and Precipitation in COSMO-CLM and MM5
Evaluation of Humidity, Clouds and Precipitation in COSMO-CLM and MM5
Evaluation of Humidity, Clouds and Precipitation in COSMO-CLM and MM5 over Germany
Evaluation of irradiation embrittlement by charpy impact and compact specimen tests
Evaluation of joint formation and mechanical performance of AA7075-T6/CFRP spot joints produced by frictional heat
Evaluation of Joint Formation and Mechanical Performance of the AA7075-T6/CFRP Spot Joints Produced by Frictional Heat
Evaluation of Laser-Doppler-Fluxmetry for the diagnosis of microcirculatory disorders
Evaluation of Laser-Doppler-Fluxmetry for the diagnosis of microcirculatory disorders
Evaluation of lead fluxes in Europe and thin response to gasoline regulations
Evaluation of locked nucleic acids for signal enhancement of oligonucleotide probes for microalgae immobilised on solid surfaces
Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches for the Mechanical Property Prediction of Friction Riveting Joints consisting of Dissimilar Materials
Evaluation of Magnesium Die-Casting Alloys for Elevated Temperature Applications: Castability
Evaluation of Malignant Liver Tumors: Biphasic MS-CT versus Quantitative Contrast Harmonic Imaging Ultrasound - Biphasisches Multislice-CT im Vergleich zum quantitativen Contrast-Harmonic-Imaging bei der Beurteilung von malignen Lebertumoren
Evaluation of marine litter transport simulations in the German Bight from monitoring perspective
Evaluation of marine spatial planning requires fit for purpose monitoring strategies
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Ferritic Stainless Steel AISI 410S soldier by “Friction Stir Welding” Process
Evaluation of mechanical property predictions of refill Friction Stir Spot Welding joints via machine learning regression analyses on DoE data
Evaluation of Mg SCC Using LIST and SSRT
Evaluation of Mg SCC Using LIST and SSRT
Evaluation of Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent for Photoacoustic Imaging in Living Cells
Evaluation of numerical models by FerryBox and fixed platform in situ data in the southern North Sea
Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts
Evaluation of phase-contrast CT of breast tissue at conventional X-ray sources – Presentation of selected findings - Phasenkontrast-CT von Brustgewebe an konventionellen Roentgenquellen – Praesentation ausgewaehlter Befunde
Evaluation of platelet adhesion and activation on polymers: Round-robin study to assess inter-center variability
Evaluation of Polyetherimide Blends as Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications
Evaluation of quantitative contrast harmonic imaging to assess malignancy of liver tumors: A prospective controlled two-center study
Evaluation of regional climate models ALARO-0 and REMO2015 at 0.22° resolution over the CORDEX Central Asia domain
Evaluation of SAW Welded 13%Cr Supermartensitic Stainless Steels using CTOD and Wide Plate Tests
Evaluation of scatter corrections for ac-9 absorption measurements in coastal waters
Evaluation of seagrass as a nature-based solution for coastal protection in the German Wadden Sea
Evaluation of seven chemistry transport models in the framework of eurodelta III intercomparison exercise
Evaluation of short-term effects of rare earth and other elements used in magnesium alloys on primary cells and cell lines
Evaluation of short-term effects of rare earth and other elements used in magnesium alloys on primary cells and cell lines
Evaluation of simulations with the regional climate model REMO over Central Africa and the effect of increased spatial resolution
Evaluation of statistical climate reconstruction methods based on pseudoproxy experiments using linear and machine-learning methods
Evaluation of steady state via thermography during laser and wire based directed energy deposition
Evaluation of steady state via thermography during laser-directed energy deposition with wire
Evaluation of surfactants for the formation of sub-micron depsipeptide particles
Evaluation of surfactants for the formation of sub-micron depsipeptide particles
Evaluation of Techniques for Assessing Corrosion Cracking in Dissimilar Metal Weldments
Evaluation of Techniques for Assessing Corrosion Cracking in Dissimilar Metal Welds (DISWEC)
Evaluation of Techniques for Assessing Corrosion Cracking of Dissimilar Metal Welds
Evaluation of Test Techniques for Stress Corrosion Cracking of Dissimilar Metal Weldments
Evaluation of Test Techniques for Stress Corrosion Cracking of Dissimilar Metal Weldments
Evaluation of the "Stationary Shoulder" Friction Stir Welding Process for Aircraft Applications (Masterarbeit)
Evaluation of the Application of Various Polymeric Membranes for CO2/CH4 Separation (Masterarbeit)
Evaluation of the ASTM and ESIS Multiple Specimen J Initiation Procedures Using the EURO Fracture Toughness Dataset
Evaluation of the biodegradation product layer on Mg-1Zn alloy during dynamical strain
Evaluation of the common format for Creep Deformation
Evaluation of the degradation behaviorof resorbable metal implants for in vivo osteosynthesis by synchrotron radiation based x-ray tomography and histology
Evaluation of the degradation behaviorof resorbable metal implants for in vivo osteosynthesis by synchrotron radiation based x-ray tomography and histology
Evaluation of the Delayed Hydride Cracking Mechanism for Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Evaluation of the effect of MgCl2 on human osteoclasts derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Evaluation of the fate and the behavior of anthropogenic Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in seawater and marine sediments using Centrifugal Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS/MS (CFFF-ICP-MS/MS)
Evaluation of the fracture toughness of hot rolled low alloy Ti-V plate steel
Evaluation of the HadGEM3-A simulations in view of detection and attribution of human influence on extreme events in Europe
Evaluation of the hydrological components added to an atmospheric land-surface scheme
Evaluation of the Impact of Air-Sea Exchange on Atmospheric Mercury Concentrations
Evaluation of the Impact of Air-Sea Exchange on Atmospheric Mercury Concentrations
Evaluation of the influence of post weld heat treatment on weld metal fracture toughness
Evaluation of the influence of post weld heat treatment on weld metal fracture toughness
Evaluation of the large EURO‐CORDEX regional climate model ensemble
Evaluation of the meteorological Component of a chemistry transport modelling system using a suite of active and passive remote sensing instruments
Evaluation of the meteorological forcing used for the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) air quality simulations
Evaluation of the North Sea joining in situ and remote sensed data with model results
Evaluation of the potential of phase-contrast computed tomography for improved visualization of cancerous human liver tissue - Evaluation von Phasenkontrast-Computertomographie zur verbesserten Visualisierung von Lebermetastasen
Evaluation of the Process-Properties Relationship of Al 2024 Friction Spot Welds
Evaluation of the Process-Properties Relationship of Al 2024 Friction Spot Welds
Evaluation of the relationship between C*, Delta 5 and Delta t during creep crack growth
Evaluation of the skill and added value of a reanalysis-driven regional simulation for Alpine temperature
Evaluation of the spectral behaviour of model wind data as used for chemistry transport modelling
Evaluation of the statistical cloud scheme in the ECHAM5 model using satellite data
Evaluation of the Weighted Mean X-ray Energy for an Imaging System Via Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Imaging
Evaluation of Toughness in Nitrided Layers by Indentation Method
Evaluation of Toughness in Nitrided Layers by Indentation Method
Evaluation of two different Concanavalin A affinity adsorbents for the adsorption of glucose oxidase
Evaluation of Wind Fields Retrieved from ENVISAT ASAR
Evaluation strategies and uncertainty calculation of isotope amount ratios measured by MC ICP-MS on the example of Sr
Evaluation transdisziplinaerer Forschung und deren Rahmenbedingungen. Vorueberlegungen zur Nutzung im Bereich von Klimaservice
Evaporation at the surface of the Baltic Sea
Evaporation at the surface of the Baltic Sea
Evaporation kinetics in highly porous tetrapodal zinc oxide networks studied using in situ SRµCT
Evaporation of Electrolyte During SVET Measurements: The Scale of the Problem and the Solutions
Evaporation over a heterogeneous land surface: The EVA-GRIPS project
Evaporation over a heterogeneous land surface: The EVA-GRIPS project
Evaporation over a heterogeneous land surface: The EVA-GRIPS project
Evaporation over a heterogenous land surface: EVA GRIPS and the LITFASS-2003 experiment - an overview
Evaporation over heterogeneous land surfaces - comparison between models and experiment
Evaporation rates of alkanes and alkanols from acoustically levitated drops
Evaporation-Induced Block Copolymer Self-Assembly into Membranes Studied by in Situ Synchrotron SAXS
Evaporation-induced self-assembly of diblock copolymer films in an electric field: a simulation study
Evidence for a chemical clock in oscillatory formation of UiO-66
Evidence for chemical decomposition of amorphous Fe40Ni40P20: an investigation by means of small angle neutron scattering
Evidence for cytostatic effect of cyclophosphamide on human vein endothelial cells in cancer therapy: Preliminary in vitro results
Evidence for deformation twinning of the D019-α2 phase in a high Nb containing TiAl alloy
Evidence for dependency of bacterial growth on enzymatic PON hydrolysis of particulate organic matter in the mesopelagic ocean
Evidence for High Concentrations and Maternal Transfer of Substituted Diphenylamines in European Eels Analyzed by Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography–Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography–Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Evidence for long-term memory in sea level
Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data and model simulations available within KIHZ
Evidence for the climate during the late Maunder Minimum from proxy-data available within KIHZ
Evidence for the formation of nanoprecipitates with magnetically disordered regions in bulk Ni50Mn45In5 Heusler alloys
Evidence of an orthorhombic transition phase in a Ti-44Al-3Mo (at.%) alloy using in situ synchrotron diffraction and transmission electron microscopy
Evidence of the critical layer mechanism in growing wind waves
Evidence of tidal straining in well-mixed channel flow from micro-structure observations
Evolution and performance of a MgO/HA/DCPD gradient coating on pure magnesium
Evolution of a laser shock peened residual stress field locally with foreign object damage and subsequent fatigue crack growth
Evolution of a Novel Muscle Design in Sea Urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
Evolution of a salt marsh in the southeastern North Sea region – Anthropogenic and natural forcing
Evolution of Composition and Fractal Structure of Hydrous Zirconia Xerogels during Thermal Annealing
Evolution of DC06 Yield Surface Under Cross Loading
Evolution of dissolved and particulate chromophoric materials during the VAHINE mesocosm experiment in the New Caledonian coral lagoon (South West Pacific)
Evolution of Grain Structure in Thin Film Reactions
Evolution of length scales and of chemical heterogeneity during primary and secondary dealloying
Evolution of Martensite Tetragonality in High-Carbon Steels Revealed by In Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
Evolution of microscopic strains, stresses, and dislocation density during in-situ tensile loading of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy
Evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture of Ni-Mn-Ga melt-spun ribbons exhibiting 1.15% magnetic field-induced strain
Evolution of microstructure and deformation mechanisms in a metastable Fe42Mn28Co10Cr15Si5 high entropy alloy: A combined in-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction and EBSD analysis
Evolution of microstructure and hardness of AE42 alloy after heat treatments
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties in gas tungsten arc welded dual-phase Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 high entropy alloy
Evolution of microstructure and texture in Ti–46Al–9Nb sheet material during tensile flow at elevated temperatures
Evolution of nano-pores during annealing of technically pure molybdenum sheet produced from different sintered formats
Evolution of nanoscale-modulated structures in a PM-TiAl-alloy
Evolution of nm sized, NB rich O-phase domains in alpha2 lamlellae of a gamma TiAl alloy
Evolution of O-phase domains within alpha2 lamellae of a gamma-TiAl alloy
Evolution of PEO coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy using phosphate-based electrolyte with and without glycerol and its electrochemical characterization
Evolution of precipitates in Al alloys using phase-field method
Evolution of size and composition of vehicle-exhaust nanoparticles from point of emission to city scale
Evolution of strain-induced hafnium carbides in a molybdenum base Mo–Hf–C alloy studied by small-angle neutron scattering and complementary methods
Evolution of texture in precision seamless tubes investigated by synchrotron and neutron radiation measurement
Evolution of the aerosol composition in the BASYS Network study and Lagrangian experiments in summer 1997 and winter 1998
Evolution of the Arabian Sea Upwelling from the Last Millennium to the Future as Simulated by Earth System Models
Evolution of the Arabian Sea upwelling in the past centuries and in the future as simulated by Earth System Models
Evolution of the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Sm-doped BiFeO3 ceramics across the phase boundary region
Evolution of the Loop Current System During the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Event as Observed with Drifters and Satellites
Evolution of the Microstructure during Hot Working of Gamma-based TiAl alloys
Evolution of the Omega o phase in a Beta-stabilized multi-phase TiAl alloy and its effect on hardness
Evolution of the Pinatubo Aerosol: Raman Lidar Observations of Particle Optical Depth, Effective Radius, Mass, and Surface Area over Central Europe at 53.4°N.
Evolution of twinning in extruded AZ31 alloy with bimodal grain structure
Evolutionary adaptation to steady or changing environments affects competitive outcomes in marine phytoplankton
Evolutionary Algorithms for Cross- Topology Neural Architecture Search and Network Optimization
Evolutionary Design of Cactus-inspired Soft Robotics Based on 3D-printed Multimaterial Construct
Evolutionary morphology of the antennal heart in stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea) and webspinners (Embioptera) (Insecta: Eukinolabia)
Evolutionary path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles in a variable ocean
Ex vivo and In vitro Investigation Of Biodegradable Magnesium-Gadolinium Implants
Ex vivo evaluation of an atherosclerotic human coronary artery via histology and high-resolution hard X-ray tomography
Ex-Situ Characterization of Phase Transformations and Associated Microstructures in Polycrystalline Thin Films
Exact Solutions and Stability Analysis of a Nonlinear Model of Open-Ocean Deep Convection that Allows Multiple Steady States
ExaDG: High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin for the Exa-Scale
EXAFS-spektroskopische Untersuchung von nanostrukturierten Pd/Pt-Clustern
Examination of layered Co-Cu-structure on float glass by total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
Examination of layered structures by total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
Examination of the Energy Phase Space of Mixed Copper Grain Boundaries by Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM) and Sphere-on-a-Plate Method
Examination of the Energy Phase Space of Mixed Cu Grain Boundaries by Orientation Imaging Microscopy and Sphere-on-a-Plate Method
Examination of the Forming Properties of Magnesium Wrought Alloys MRI301F and AZ80A
Examination of the Forming Properties of Magnesium Wrought Alloys MRI301F and AZ80A
Examination of the inflammatory response following implantation of titanium plates coated with phospholipids in rats
Examination of well ordered nanonetwork materials by real- and reciprocal-space imaging
Examining the influence of poly(etherimide) microparticles on cytotoxicity and proinflammatoryeffects on human monocytic cells as well as apoptosis of human aortic endothelial cells
Examples for the integration of self-organized nanowires for functional devices by a fracture approach
Examples for the modelling of nanostructured materials by FE simulation on the smallest scale, and development of material models for a homogenized compound
Examples of High-energy X-ray Structural Studies at PETRA III: High T C Superconductors, Real-time Surface and Thin Film Processes, and Design of Engineering Materials
Examples of neutron diffraction texture analysis on one and the same chalkopyrite sample before and after experimental deformation
Excellent age hardenability with the controllable microstructure of AXW100 magnesium sheet alloy
Exceptionally Ductile and Tough Biomimetic Artificial Nacre with Gas Barrier Function
Exceptionally strong, stiff and hard hybrid material based on an elastomer and isotropically shaped ceramic nanoparticles
Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons across the air-water interface in the Bohai and Yellow Seas
Exchange of trace elements at the sediment-water interface during early diagenesis processes
Exchange of trace elements at the sediment-water interface during early diagenesis processes
Exchange processes in sediments of the Elbe estuary
Exchange processes in sediments of the Elbe estuary
Excitability of Osteoblasts
Existing Policies in Relation to Preventation and Control of Oil Pollution and Pollution by Oil Industry Related Products and Services
Expected future changes in North Sea wave conditions due to anthropogenic climate change
Expected future changes in the joint distribution of storm surges and waves in the North Sea due to anthropogenic climate change
Expected futures as a guide for interpreting the present
Expedition to Iskoras in Fall 2020: Alkalinity Observations in a Degrading Permafrost Catchment
Experience in 14 MeV neutron activation analysis using short-lived nuclides
Experience made with the sampling strategy in the river Elbe
Experience with an offline programming and simulation system for an underwater handling system
Experience with Rising Load / Rising Displacement SCC Testing
Experience with Rising Load / Rising Displacement SCC Testing
Experience with Rising Load/Rising Displacement SCC Testing
Experience with some European flaw assessment procedurees
Experience with some European flaw assessment procedurees
Experiences of Brasil/German NDT-Trials at PETROBRAS Research Platform - PPL - 1 - TG in 1988
Experiences with vessel borne ADCPs in shallow waters
Experimental & Modelling Digital Twin Approach for Polymer Synthesis via Re-initiated Oxygen inhibited RAFT Polymerization
Experimental & Modelling Digital Twin Approach for Polymer Synthesis via Re-initiated Oxygen inhibited RAFT Polymerization
Experimental & Modelling Digital Twin Approach for Polymer Synthesis via Re-initiated Oxygen inhibited RAFT Polymerization
Experimental & Modelling Digital Twin Approach for Polymer Synthesis via Re-initiated Oxygen inhibited RAFT Polymerization
Experimental & Modelling Digital Twin Approach for Polymer Synthesis via Re-initiated Oxygen inhibited RAFT Polymerization
Experimental & Modelling Digital Twin Approach for Polymer Synthesis via Re-initiated Oxygen inhibited RAFT Polymerization
Experimental and computational studies on the formation of mixed amide-hydride solid solutions for CsNH2–CsH system
Experimental and numerical analysis of hot tearing susceptibility for Mg–Y alloys
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding of Thin AA7075-T6 Sheets
Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Bendability of Magnesium Sheets (Masterarbeit)
Experimental and Numerical Bendability Analysis of a 3rd Generation Magnesium Alloy
Experimental and Numerical Bendability Analysis of a 3rd Generation Magnesium Alloy
Experimental and Numerical Bendability Analysis of a 3rd Generation Magnesium Alloy
Experimental and numerical crushing analyses of thin-walled magnesium profiles
Experimental and numerical crushing analyses of thin-walled magnesium profiles
Experimental and Numerical Formability Analysis of AZ31 and ZE10 Sheets
Experimental and Numerical Formability Analysis of AZ31 and ZE10 Sheets
Experimental and numerical investigation of laser beam-welded Al–Cu–Li joints using micro-mechanical characteristics
Experimental and numerical investigation of LSP to retard the fatigue crack propagation in AA2024
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mg Alloy Sheet Formability
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mg Alloy Sheet Formability
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mg Alloy Sheet Forming (Dissertation)
Experimental and numerical investigation of residual stresses in laser shock peened AA2198
Experimental and numerical investigation of the forming zone in dieless wire drawing process of thin biometallic wires
Experimental and numerical investigation of the forming zone in dieless wire drawing process of thin biometallic wires
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Lithium Reactive Hydride Composite for Hydrogen Storage Applications
Experimental and numerical investigations of heterogeneous materials in technological processes
Experimental and numerical lifetime assessment of Al 2024 sheet
Experimental and numerical study of heterogeneous material behavior in technological processes at different scales
Experimental and numerical study of heterogeneous material behavior in technological processes at different scales
Experimental and numerical study of laser shock peening process of AA2198-T3 and AA2198-T8
Experimental and numerical thermo-mechanical analysis of wire-based laser metal deposition of Al-Mg alloys
Experimental and theoretical bond critical point properties for model electron density distributions for earth materials
Experimental and theoretical investigation of a novel flat sheet membrane module type (Masterarbeit)
Experimental and theoretical study of a laser beam-welded Al-Li AA2198 alloy under different artificial ageing conditions
Experimental Bond Critical Point and Local Energy Density Properties Determined for Mn−O, Fe−O, and Co−O Bonded Interactions for Tephroite, Mn2SiO4, Fayalite, Fe2SiO4, and Co2SiO4 Olivine and Selected Organic Metal Complexes: Comparison with Properties Calculated for Non-Transition and Transition Metal M−O Bonded Interactions for Silicates and Oxides
Experimental characterization of microstructure development during loading path changes in bcc sheet steels
Experimental Characterization of Single-Color Power LEDs Used as Photodetectors
Experimental Data - Computer Simulations
Experimental Design in Polymer Chemistry - A Guide towards True Optimization of a RAFT Polymerization Using Design of Experiments (DoE)
Experimental determination and micromechanical modelling of damage in nodular cast iron
Experimental Determination of Critical Crack Tip Opening Angle (CTOA) using the CTOD Delta 5 Measurement Technique
Experimental Determination of Critical Crack Tip Opening Angle (CTOA) using the CTOD Delta 5 Measurement Technique
Experimental determination of self-diffusivities through a polymer network for single components in a mixture
Experimental determination of strain partitioning among individual grains in the bulk of an aluminium multicrystal
Experimental determination of the interfacial tension and the interaction parameter in a LCST blend: effect of temperature and composition
Experimental determination of turbulent fluxes over the heterogeneous LITFASS area: Selected results from the LITFASS-98 experiment
Experimental determination of vitrification points in ternary polymer/solvent/non-solvent/ systems
Experimental Evaluation of Fatigue and Dynamic Tensile Properties of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welds
Experimental evaluation of Refill friction Stir spot Welds (RFSSW) as crack arrest features in co-consolidated thermoplastic laminates
Experimental Evaluation of the Range–Doppler Coupling on HF Surface Wave Radars
Experimental evidence for a low-T transition in thin polished strontium titanate platelets
Experimental evidence for estuarine circulation in the German Wadden Sea
Experimental evidence for net sediment transport caused by density gradients
Experimental Evidence for Nonthermal Contributions to Plasmon-Enhanced Electrochemical Oxidation Reactions
Experimental Evidence of Ca[B12H12] Formation During Decomposition of a Ca(BH4)2 + MgH2 Based Reactive Hydride Composite
Experimental experiences with the PMI-Porometer
Experimental High-Volume Hemofiltration With Predilutional Tris-Hydroxymethylaminomethane for Correction of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation-Induced Acidosis
Experimental investigation and numerical description of the damage evolution in a duplex stainless steel subjected to VHCF-loading
Experimental Investigation of an 8 kg-Alanate Hydrogen Storage Tank
Experimental investigation of crack propagation mechanism in refill friction stir spot joints of AA6082-T6
Experimental investigation of efficiency and deposit process temperature during multi-layer friction surfacing
Experimental Investigation of Efficiency and Deposit Process Temperature during Multi-Layer Friction Surfacing
Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Ti—Al—Zr System at 1000–1300 °C
Experimental investigation of temperature distribution during wire-based laser metal deposition of the Al-Mg alloy 5087
Experimental Investigation of Temperature Distribution during Wire-Based Laser Metal Deposition of the Al-Mg Alloy 5087
Experimental Investigation of Temperature Distribution during Wire-Based Laser Metal Deposition of the Al-Mg Alloy 5087
Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties in multi-layer friction surfacing using AA2024
Experimental investigations and modelling of sodium-concrete interaction
Experimental investigations of the erosional behaviour of naturally formed mud from the Elbe-estuary and adjacent Wadden sea, FRG
Experimental Measurement and Constitutive Model for Forming Process of Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Experimental Measurement and Constitutive Model for Forming Process of Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Experimental Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Forming Limits of Magnesium Sheet AZ31
Experimental observation of stress formation during selective laser melting using in situ X-ray diffraction
Experimental procedures for the fractionation of phosphorus in sediments with emphasis on anerobic techniques
Experimental programs for ADOM-GESIMA validation in Europe
Experimental Reports SANS-1 1998
Experimental Reports SANS-1 1999
Experimental research about the influence of agricultural fallow and extensivation on non point pollution
Experimental research on jet-cutting for subsea application
Experimental results about the behaviour of nitrogen in soils, ground water and surface water in an intensively farmed fen area
Experimental results about the influence on the nitrogen-wash out by changing from intensively farmed arable lands into extensivation measures
Experimental results of field experiments for the separation of gasoline vapors by means of membranes
Experimental results of mismatching effects of an extreme undermatching and their implications on CTOD-R curves and the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Experimental set-up for the determination of analytes contained in ultrasonically levitated drops
Experimental Setup of Dieless Drawing Process for Magnesium Wire
Experimental Studies and Thermodynamic Modeling of Phase Tranformations in Gamma TiAl Based Alloys
Experimental Studies and Thermodynamic Modeling of Phase Tranformations in Gamma TiAl Based Alloys
Experimental studies and thermodynamic simulation of phase transformations in high Nb containing Gamma-TiAl based alloys
Experimental Studies of Phase Transformations in a Carbon Containing Ti-45Al-7.5Nb Alloy and Related Thermodynamic Simulations
Experimental studies on dry deposition of heavy metals and gases
Experimental study of EUV mirror radiation damage resistance under long-term free-electron laser exposures below the single-shot damage threshold
Experimental study on incremental sheet forming of magnesium alloy AZ31 with hot air heating
Experimental study on incremental sheet forming of magnesium alloy AZ31 with hot air heating
Experimental textures of Al-Pb, Al-Cu, Fe-Cu metal-metal composites
Experimental-numerical study of laser-shock-peening-induced retardation of fatigue crack propagation in Ti-17 titanium alloy
Experimentally established correlation of friction surfacing process temperature and deposit geometry
Experimentally informed micromechanical modeling of nanoporous metals: From structural descriptors to predictive structure-property relationships
Experimentally validated multi-step simulation strategy to predict the fatigue crack propagation rate in residual stress fields after laser shock peening
Experimentalphysik I
Experimente zu biologisch abbaubaren Polymeren - Hydrolytischer Abbau von Polymilchsaeure-Folie und Nachweis der Abbauprodukte
Experimente zum Acht-Strahl-Fall von Si-888 in Rueckstreuung
Experimente zur atmosphaerischen Schadstoffdeposition in terristrische und aquatische Oekosysteme
Experimente zur Bodenfeuchtebestimmung durch Assimilation der 2m-Temperatur und -Feuchte in das Deutschlandmodell
Experimente zur Paarerzeugung und ihre Deutung
Experimentelle Analyse des Absorptions- und Desorptionsverhalten eines Metallhydridspeichers mit verschieden angepassten Legierungen im Labormaßstab
Experimentelle Bestimmung der Aufloesungsfunktion des Neutronenvierkreisdiffraktometers TEX-2 (Diplomarbeit)
Experimentelle Bestimmung der Aufloesungsfunktion des Neutronenvierkreisdiffratometers (Diplomarbeit)
Experimentelle Bestimmung und mikromechanische Modellierung der Schaedigung bei duktilen Gusseisenwerkstoffen
Experimentelle Deformation und Neutronentexturanalyse an polykristallinem Pyrrhotin (Dissertation)
Experimentelle und numerische Bestimmung der Streuung der Traglast einer additiv gefertigten, topologisch optimierten Teststruktur
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung der stochastischen Eigenschaften einer additiv gefertigten und topologisch optimierten Teststruktur
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Prozessstabilität des Einfach- und Mehrfachzugs beim matrizenlosen Drahtziehprozess von AZ31-Magnesiumdrähten
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Kaltstartverhaltens eines thermisch gekoppelten Metallhydrid-Wasserstoffspeichers für die automobile Anwendung
Experimentelle Untersuchung eines Hybridverfahrens zur Abtrennung von Dichlormethan aus Abluftstroemen (Diplomarbeit)
Experimentelle Untersuchung laserstrahlgeschweisster Titan-T-Stoesse und ihr Laserstrahlrichtprozess fuer die Anwendung in der Luftfahrtindustrie (Masterarbeit)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen an der Druckwechsel-Adsorptions-Stufe in einem Hybridprozess zur Rueckgewinnung von Benzindampf (Diplomarbeit)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Hochdruck-Wasserstrahl-Schneiden in der Unterwassermechanik
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Stofftransport in Fliessgewaessern
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Stoffuebergang beim Unterwasserschneiden und -schweissen (Dissertation)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Implosionsproblematik
Experimentiereinrichtungen am Forschungsreaktor FRG-1
Experiments and simulations by self-consistent models of texture developments in Cu-Fe powder composites
Experiments on the eight-beam case of Si-888 in backscattering
Experiments on the survival of six brackish macro-invertebrates from the Baltic Sea after dredged spoil coverage and its implications for the field
Experiments on variational soil humidity analysis by assimilation of near-surface atmospheric observations
Experiments push the limits of micromagnetic SANS theory
Experiments with the adjoint of a soil and atmospheric boundary layer model
Expiry date of a disaster: Memory anchoring and the storm surge 1962 in Hamburg, Germany
Explainable machine learning for labquake prediction using catalog-driven features
Explaining the abnormal dilatation behavior during the austenite formation in a microstructure of a low-carbon low-alloy steel containing retained austenite
Exploiting the Urban Mine - Methodology for TCE determination in electronic scrap material using ICP-MS/MS
Exploring Chemical Space using Computational Methods
Exploring Chemical Space using Computational Techniques
Exploring chemical space using computational techniques
Exploring Chemical Space Using Computational Techniques
Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta -The Netherlands as an example
Exploring interconnections: A comprehensive multi-country analysis of climate change, energy demand, long-term care, and health of older adults
Exploring key ionic interactions for magnesium degradation in simulated body fluid – A data-driven approach
Exploring mechanisms of material-mediated nanoparticle uptake by endothelial cells
Exploring Ocean Biogeochemistry Using a Lab-on-Chip Phosphate Analyser on an Underwater Glider
Exploring past and present dynamics of coastal protection as possible signposts for the future?
Exploring regional stakeholder needs and requirements in terms of Extreme Weather Event Attribution
Exploring strength at the nanoscale
Exploring strength at the nanoscale
Exploring strength at the nanoscale
Exploring Structural Changes, Manufacturing, Joining, and Repair of Intermetallic γ-TiAl-Based Alloys: Recent Progress Enabled by In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Techniques
Exploring structure-property relationships in magnesium dissolution modulators
Exploring supervised machine learning algorithms for predicting pitting corrosion damage of AA1050 exposed to ethanol-containing fuels.
Exploring Ternary and Quaternary Mixtures in the LiBH4-NaBH4-KBH4-Mg(BH4)2-Ca(BH4)2 System
Exploring the biogeophysical limits of global food production under different climate change scenarios
Exploring the contribution of oxygen reduction reaction to Mg corrosion by modeling assisted local analysis
Exploring the corrosion inhibition mechanism of 8-hydroxyquinoline for a PEO-coated magnesium alloy
Exploring the effect of microstructure and surface recombination on hydrogen effusion in Zn-Ni coated martensitic steels by advanced computational modeling
Exploring the effect of sodium salt of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as an electrolyte additive on electrochemical behavior of a commercially pure Mg in primary Mg-air batteries
Exploring the effects of organic molecules on the degradation of magnesium under cell culture conditions
Exploring the Feasibility of Regional Typhoon Modelling
Exploring the future of seas and coasts: Scenarios within the Joint Research Project „Zukunft Kueste - Coastal Futures“
Exploring the occurrence and distribution of contaminants of emerging concern through unmanned sampling from ships of opportunity in the North Sea
Exploring the Potential of Forecasting Fish Distributions in the North East Atlantic With a Dynamic Earth System Model, Exemplified by the Suitable Spawning Habitat of Blue Whiting
Exploring the Relationship Between Sputter-Deposition Conditions and Electrochemical Response of ZrO2 Films on Biodegradable MgZnCa Alloy
Exploring the usability of α-MSH-SM-liposome as an imaging agent to study biodegradable bone implants in vivo
Exploring the use of climate information as practice
Exploring two methods for statistical downscaling of Central European phenological time series
Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective
Explosive instability due to flow over a rippled bottom
Expression of MMPs and TIMPs in primary epithelial cell cultures of the upper aerodigestive tract seeded on the surface of a novel polymeric biomaterial
Expression pattern analysis and activity determination of matrix metalloproteinase derived from human macrophage subsets
Expression pattern analysis and activity determination of matrix metalloproteinase derived from human macrophage subsets
Extended Conformation of Mammalian Translation Elongation Factor 1A in Solution
Extended Fields of Application using a new technical concept for TXRF including Analytical Quality Assurance
Extending North Atlantic Oscillation reconstructions back to 1500
Extending the CoastDat datasets with high resolution river discharge
Extending the knowledge of the regional Earth system in the Baltic Sea region
Extending the Range of Applications for magnesium alloys
Extending the Range of Applications for magnesium alloys
Extending the Range of Applications for Magnesium Alloys - DFG Priority Programme 1168 - InnoMagTec
Extension of volcanic forcing data back to 100 BC using the Analog method
Extensional Flow Behavior of Aqueous Guar Gum Derivative Solutions by Capillary Breakup Elongational Rheometry (CaBER)
Extensional Flow Behavior of Guar Gum Derivatives by Capillary Breakup Elongational Rheometry
Extensional rheology of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers in the melt
Extensivation in agriculture and the effects on the nitrogen wash out with seepage water
Extensivierung der Fischerei: ein Beitrag zur Oligitrophierung von Seen
Extracellular matrix formation and the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Extracellular Matrix Formation on Biomaterials Surfaces is Related to Integrin Function and Biocompatibility
Extractable Free Polymer Chains Enhance Actuation Performance of Crystallizable Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Networks and Enable Self-Healing
Extracting Geophysical Parameters from Multi-Polarization SAR Imagery
Extracting Geophysical Parameters from Multi-Polarization SAR Imagery of the Ocean Surface
Extraction and analysis of structural features in cloud radar and lidar data using wavelet based methods
Extraction and analysis of structural features in cloud radar and lidar data using wavelet based methods
Extraction and analysis of structural features in cloud radar data using wavelet based methods
Extraction of adenine nucleotides from bacteria
Extraction of bioproducts with homogeneous membranes
Extraction of Liquid Water Signals from a Combination of a Cloud Radar and a Multi-Channel Microwave Radiometer
Extraction of Ocean Wind Fields using RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Images
Extraction of Wine-Must Aroma Compounds by Means of Pervaporation
Extraordinarily water permeable sol-gel formed nanocomposite nanofibrous membranes
Extreme cold years in Europe generated by internal climate variability in Earth System Model simulations over the past millennium
Extreme Flood Impact on Estuarine and Coastal Biogeochemistry: the 2013 Elbe Flood
Extreme marine events in the North Sea and their changes due to expected anthropogenic climate change
Extreme natural abundance variation of multiple isotopes in the estuaries of large rivers to the North Sea
Extreme Nordseesturmfluten und mögliche Auswirkungen: Das EXTREMENESS Projekt
Extreme reduction of the capillary lumen in segments of the venular legs of human cutaneous capillaries
Extreme segmentale Einengungen kutaner Kapillaren beim Menschen
Extreme separations of bottle posts in the southern Baltic Sea –tentative interpretation of an experiment-of-opportunity
Extreme spatial variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic signatures and 48 element mass fractions in surface sediment of the Elbe River Estuary - Suitable tracers for processes in dynamic environments?
Extreme storm tides in the German Bight (North Sea) and their potential for amplification
Extreme summer precipitation in Central Europe over the past millennium: role of external forcing in enseble of simulations with Earth System models
Extreme waves detected by satellite borne synthetic aperture radar
Extreme Waves Detected by Satellite Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Extreme Waves Observed by Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Extreme westward surface drift in the North Sea: Public reports of stranded drifters and Lagrangian tracking
Extreme Winds, Storm Surges and Ocean Waves - The Example of the North Sea Coast 1960-2000 and 1970-2100
EXTREMENESS: Extreme Nordseesturmfluten und mögliche Auswirkungen
Extremereignisse in der Zukunft - Welche Aussagen sind durch Klimaprojektionen möglich?
Extremereignisse in der Zukunft – Welche Aussagen sind durch Klimaprojektionen moeglich?
Extremereignisse in der Zukunft – Welche Aussagen sind durch Klimaprojektionen möglich?
Extremes and predictability in the European pre-industrial climate of a regional climate model
Extremes of near-surface wind speed over Europe and their future changes as estimated from an ensemble of RCM simulations
Extremes, Abrupt Changes and Managing Risks
Extruded Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
Extruded Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
Extrusion of AZ-Series Magnesium Alloys
Extrusion of AZ-Series Magnesium Alloys
Extrusion of Microcellular Foams and Application
Extrusion of Microcellular Polysulfone Using Chemical Blowing Agents
Extrusion of Wrought Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
Eyesight to AI: Discovery of efficient corrosion modulators via predictive machine learning models


FABM-NflexPD 1.0: assessing an instantaneous acclimation approach for modeling phytoplankton growth
Fabric Analyses on Natural Rock-Salt
Fabricating novel solvent-resistant nanofibers for catalytic application
Fabrication and analysis of laminin-111 Langmuir-Blodgett films with biophysical gradients for screening cellular adhesion
Fabrication and characterization of electrospun gelatin-heparin nanofibers as vascular tissue engineering
Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured hydroxyapatite coating on Mg-based alloy by high-velocity oxygen fuel spraying
Fabrication and compressive behavior of monolithic nanoporous niobium at macroscale
Fabrication and compressive behavior of monolithic nanoporous niobium at macroscale
Fabrication and function of polymer membranes
Fabrication and Modelling of a Reservoir-Based Drug Delivery System for Customizable Release
Fabrication and Processing of Magnesium Sheets
Fabrication and Processing of Magnesium Sheets
Fabrication and quantitative analysis of laminin111 Langmuir-Blodgett film with biophysical gradients
Fabrication Composite Membrane with Functionalized Carbon Nanotube
Fabrication of a high strength Mg–11Gd–4.5Y–1Nd–1.5Zn–0.5Zr (wt%) alloy by thermomechanical treatments
Fabrication of honeycomb films from highly functional dendritic structures: electrostatic force driven immobilization of biomolecules
Fabrication of Inside-out Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membranes
Fabrication of Inside-Out Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membranes via Spinning and Coating Methods
Fabrication of magnesium alloy with high strength and heat-resistance by hot extrusion and ageing
Fabrication of membranes of polyethersulfone and poly(N‐vinyl pyrrolidone): influence of glycerol on processing and transport properties
Fabrication of Polymer Membranes
Fabrication of Polymer Membranes
Fabrication of PU/PEGMA crosslinked hybrid scaffolds by in situ UV photopolymerization favoring human endothelial cells growth for vascular tissue engineering
Fabrication of reprogrammable shape-memory polymer actuators for robotics
Fabrication of RPM-titanium-aluminides toughened by ductile reinforcements
Fabrication of Si/N-doped carbon nanotube composite via spray drying followed by catalytic chemical vapor deposition
Fabrication of thermoresponsive nanogels by thermo-nanoprecipitation and in situ encapsulation of bioactives
Fabrication, microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-rolled ZW31/PMMCs laminate
Fabrics and Textures of Precambrian Iron Ores from Brazilian Deposits
Fabrics and Textures of Precambrian Iron Ores from Brazilian Deposits
Facetted O-Phase domains in a lamellar Ti-42Al-8.5Nb alloy
Facetted O-Phase domains in a lamellar Ti-42Al-8.5Nb alloy
Fachuebergreifende Forschung und Planungspraxis - eine Herausforderung
Facilitated Structure Formation in Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes upon Controlled Evaporation by Gas Flow
Facilities for sedimentation and erosion measurements
Facilities for sedimentation and erosion measurements
Factor analysis and classification of remotely sensed data for monitoring tidal flats
Factor analysis of thematic mapper data for mapping surface characteristics of the Wadden Sea
Factors affecting nanoindentation derived activation parameters for PLC effects
Factors affecting the measurement of mercury emissions from soils with flux chambers
Factors affecting the occurence of mercury and methylmercury in sediments
Factors controlling the morphology and internal sediment architecture of moats and their associated contourite drifts
Factors controlling the onset of spring blooms in the German Bight 2002–2005: Light, wind and stratification
Factors influencing magnesium corrosion in vitro – environment, proteins and oxygen
Factsheet No. 08 : Thema: Wasserstoff
Faellungsstrukturen aus Polymerloesungen fuer Trennmaterialien
Faellungsstrukturen aus Polymermischungsloesungen
Failure Analysis of Gap Filling Welds for Ship Structures using the European Fitness-for-Service Procedure FITNET
Failure and Failure Prevention in Transport Industries
Failure and fracture micro-mechanisms in metal-composite single lap joints produced by welding-based joining techniques
Failure Asessment Concepts for Thin-Walled Structures
Failure Asessment Concepts for Thin-Walled Structures
Failure Assessment of a Thin-Walled Pipe Subjected to an Overload During Manufacturing
Failure behaviour of laser spot welds of TRIP800 steel sheets under coach–peel loading
Failure Criteria for the Magnesium Alloys AZ31 and ZE10 and their Application to Forming Simulations
Failure of Magnesium Sheets Under Monotonic Loading: 3D Examination of Fracture Mode and Mechanisms
Failure of Magnesium Sheets under static Loading: Fracture Mode and Mechanisms
Failure of Magnesium Sheets under static Loading: Fracture Mode and Mechanisms
FAIR Modelling Recipes for High-Throughput Screening of Metal Hydrides
Fakten und Hypothesen zum Schwebstoff- und Schadstofftransport in der Elbe
Fallbeispiel 2: Bewertung eines Bauteils unter Einbeziehung von Schweisseigenspannungen
Fallbeispiel: Bruch einer Stapler-Gabel
Fallbeispiel: Bruch einer Stapler-Gabel
Fallout und Sedimentation der Pinatubo-Tephra 1991 im Suedchinesischen Meer (Dissertation)
False positives on self-healing by SVET
Far-infrared spectrum of irregularly shaped particles
Farewell FRG-2
Faserlaserschweissen des Duplex-Stahls 1.4462 und Charakterisierung der Verbindungen (Bachelorarbeit)
Faserverstaerkte Magnesiumlegierungen - Einfluss der Grenzflaechen auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften
Fashionable Climate Services: The Hats and Styles of User Engagement
Fast and highly efficient one-pot synthesis of polyoxadiazole/carbon nanotube nanocomposites in mild acid
Fast Escape of Hydrogen From Gas Cavities Around Corroding Magnesium Implants
Fast hydrogen sorption kinetics of nanocrystalline Mg using Nb2O5 as catalyst
Fast in situ phase and stress analysis during laser surface treatment: A synchrotron x-ray diffraction approach
Fast neutron radiography (FNR) with track etch technique
Fast, Automated Microplastics Analysis Using Laser Direct Chemical Imaging : Characterizing and quantifying microplastics in water samples from marine environments
Fast-Transmission Diffraction as a new neutron scattering tool
Faster Droplet Production by Delayed Surfactant-Addition in Two-Phase Microfluidics to form Thermo-Sensitive Microgels
Fate and Distribution of Total Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed on Transcontinental Flights by CARIBIC Measurements
Fate of Land-based Oil Discharges in Coastal and Marine Environments
Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation of Laser Beam Welded AA2198 Joints and Integral Structures
Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation of Laser Beam-Welded AA2198 Joints and Integral Structures
Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation of Nd:YAG Laser Beam Welded Magnesium AZ31-HP Sheet Material
Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation of Nd:YAG Laser Beam Welded Magnesium AZ31-HP Sheet Material
Fatigue and Fracture Assessment of Advanced Light-weight Welded Structures
Fatigue and Fracture Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloy AA6056-T6
Fatigue and Fracture Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloy AA6056-T6
Fatigue and fracture strength of ship block joints welded with large gaps
Fatigue behavior of friction spot welds in lap shear specimens of AA5754 and Ti6Al4V alloys
Fatigue behavior of micro-alloyed MgZnCa with PEO-coating
Fatigue behaviour of a laser beam welded CoCrFeNiMn-type high entropy alloy
Fatigue behaviour of cold worked Al2 O3p/ Al 6061 with different surface treatment
Fatigue behaviour of cold worked Al2 O3p/ Al 6061 with different surface treatment
Fatigue behaviour of laser shock peened AISI D2 tool steel
Fatigue behaviour of multi-spot joints of 2024-T3 aluminium sheets obtained by refill Friction Stir Spot Welding with polysulfide sealant
Fatigue crack behaviour in solution treated Cu-35%Ni-3.5%Cr
Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in Friction Stir Welded Aluminium–Lithium Alloy Subjected to Biaxial Loads
Fatigue crack growth behaviour of crenellated AA2198 panels under biaxial loading conditions (Masterarbeit)
Fatigue crack growth retardation by laser shock peening - a combined experimental numerical investigation
Fatigue crack growth retardation by laser shock peening – a combined experimental numerical investigation
Fatigue crack initiation and growth in homogenized Cu-35%Ni-3.5%Cr
Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in plain and notched PBF-LB/M, WAAM, and wrought 316L stainless steel specimens
Fatigue crack propagation behavior of a micro-bainitic TRIP steel
Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Mg-Al Alloys
Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Mg-Al Alloys
Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour of Laser Welded Skin-Clip Joints
Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour of Laser Welded Skin-Clip Joints for Aluminium Alloy Aircraft Structures
Fatigue crack propagation in AA5083 structures additively manufactured via multi-layer friction surfacing
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Gamma-TiAl Sheets: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contributions to the Fatigue Resistance
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Gamma-TiAl Sheets: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contributions to the Fatigue Resistance
Fatigue crack propagation in titanium alloys
Fatigue crack propagation influenced by laser shock peening introduced residual stress fields in aluminium specimens
Fatigue Crack Propagation Influenced by Laser Shock Peening Introduced Residual Stress Fields in Aluminium Specimens
Fatigue crack propagation into the residual stress field along and perpendicular to laser beam butt-weld in aluminium alloy AA6056
Fatigue crack propagation of AA2024-T3 in panels produced by Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding: A numerical and experimental investigation
Fatigue damage in copper polycrystals subjected to ultrahigh-cycle fatigue below the PSB threshold
Fatigue damage in copper polycrystals subjected to ultrahigh-cycle fatigue below the PSB threshold
Fatigue damage under fully compressive cyclic loading with periodic overloads
Fatigue life assessment of friction spot welded 7050-T76 aluminium alloy using Weibull distribution
Fatigue Life Comparison For T And Cruciform Welded Joints
Fatigue life extension of airframe structures by combining geometrical modifications and laser heating
Fatigue Life Improvement of Metallic Aerospace Structures via Crenellations
Fatigue Life Improvement of Metallic Aerospace Structures via Crenellations
Fatigue lifetime assessment of metal foils in multifunctional composites via combined experiments and simulations
Fatigue of Die-Cast Magnesium Alloys
Fatigue of Die-Cast Magnesium Alloys
Fatigue of die-cast magnesium alloys
Fatigue of Magnesium Alloys
Fatigue of Magnesium Alloys
Fatigue peculiarity of metals treated by laser shock impact
Fatigue performance of hybrid overlap friction stir welding and adhesive bonding of an Al‐Mg‐Cu alloy
Fatigue performance of metal-composite friction spot joints
Fatigue performance of metal-composite friction spot joints
Fatigue performance of metal-composite friction spot joints
Fatigue precracking and fracture toughness testing of TiAl intermetallics
Fatigue Property of Ti-6Al-4V Components Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding
Fatigue Property of Ti-6Al-4V Components Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding
Fatigue resistance of Gamma-TiAl(Cr)
Fatigue threshold regime of a low alloy ferritic steel under closure-free testing conditions. Part I: compliance variations in the threshold regime
Fatigue threshold regime of a low alloy ferritic steel under closure-free testing conditions. Part II: hysteresis in near-threshold-fatigue crack propagation; an experimental assessment
Fatigue, Fatigue Crack Propagation and Mechanical Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam-Welded AZ31 Magnesium Sheets
Fatigue, Fatigue Crack Propagation and Mechanical Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam-Welded AZ31 Magnesium Sheets
Fatigue, Fatigue Crack Propagation and Mechanical Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam-Welded AZ31 Magnesium Sheets
Fatigue-related damping in some cellular metallic materials
Fault-tolerant composite protective coating for WE43 magnesium alloy
Fault-tolerant composite protective coating for WE43 magnesium alloy
Faunistic studies on the ciliates of three Eifel maar lakes
Faunistische Untersuchungen an Plankton- und Aufwuchsciliaten dreier Eifelmaare (Diplomarbeit)
FE mesh modelling for tubular T-joint: Application and perspectives of a selfconsistent 3D crack box
FE-Analysis of Anisotropic Creep Damage with User-Defined Material Models
FE-beam modelling as efficient tool for predicting macroscopic mechanical properties of architectured materials
Fe-Moessbauer-Spektroskopie an jungen Sedimenten
FE-Simulation of Anisotropic Damage Development in Creep Process
FE-Simulation of Damage Evolution In cyclic Plasticity (Master Thesis report) (Diplomarbeit)
FEA and Failure Assessment of Bi-Metallic Welded Joint
Feasibility and Review of Anomalous X-Ray Diffraction at Long Wavelengths in Materials Research and Protein Crystallography
Feasibility of Deriving Damage Functions from Radar Measurements
Feasibility of Deriving Damage Functions from Radar Measurements
Feasibility of energy transport Iceland continent: electricity or hydrogen
Feasibility of energy transport Island-Continent, electricity or Hydrogen
Feasibility of orbital friction stir welding on clad pipes of API X65 steel and Inconel 625
Feasibility of the determination of the aerosol extinction correction to differential absorption and scattering lidar ozone measurements from Raman lidar data
Feasibility study for calculating cloud-generated radiative flux divergence from Meteosat imagery data
Feasibility study of friction spot welding of dissimilar single-lap joint between poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(methyl methacrylate)-SiO2 nanocomposite
Feasibility study of friction stir joining of aluminium with carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite
Feasibility Study of the Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) Process in Thermoplastics
Feasibility study of the Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) process in thermoplastics - Estudo de viabilidade da soldagem de termoplásticos por "Friction Spot Welding" (FSpW)
Features of ceramic nanoparticle deformation in aerosol deposition explored by molecular dynamics simulation
Features of FEL optics
Feed forward cycle of hypotonic stress-induced ATP release, purinergic receptor activation and growth stimulation of prostate cancer cells
Feedforward-Backpropagation Neural Net Program ffbp1.0
Fehlerbewertung einer geschweissten bi-metallischen Rohrverbindung: Vorhersage mit ETM und FEA
Fehlerbewertung einer geschweissten bi-metallischen Rohrverbindung: Vorhersage mit ETM und FEA
Fehlerbewertung von geschweissten bi-metallischen Rohrkomponenten (BIMET, EU-Projekt)Auszug von TG 5 'Analysis' -Vorhersage mit EAM und FEA
Fehlerbewertung von Reparaturschweissverbindungen fuer Stahlkonstruktionen im Wasser
Fehlerbewerung von geschweissten bi-metallischen Rohrkomponenten - Vorhersage mit Engineering Treatment und Finite-Elemente-Analyse
Fehlstellenanalyse an Membranen mittels Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie
Feldtheoretische Analysen
FEM analysis of the measurement of the diffusion coefficient of carbon dioxide in polymers through sorption experiments
FEM based studies of a Mg/Al hybrid component joint regarding corrosion prediction
FEM modelling of a coaxial three-electrode test cell for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in lithium ion batteries
FEM-Analysen von Rissproblemen bei nicht-linearem Materialverhalten
FEM-Analysen von Rissproblemen bei nichtlinearem Materialverhalten
FEM-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung ausgewaehlter Strukturen: Rohrknoten, Oberflaechenrisse an einem Rohr, Beulverhalten einer Zylinderschale
FEM-micromecanics simulation of texture development of Cu-Fe composites
Fernerkundung atmosphaerischer und ozeanischer Truebung im Bereich der Deutschen Bucht mit Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper Messungen (Diplomarbeit)
Fernerkundung der planetaren Strahlungsbilanz
Fernerkundung des Fluessigwassergehaltes von Wolken (Dissertation)
Fernerkundung des Meeres mit Boden und Satellitengestuetzen Radargeraeten
Fernerkundung des solaren Strahlungshaushaltes am Erdboden
Fernerkundung stratiformer Bewoelkung mit 94-GHz-Dopplerradars
Fernerkundung stratiformer Bewoelkung mit einem 95 GHz polarimetrischen Dopplerradar
Fernerkundung stratiformer Bewoelkung mit einem 95 GHz polarimetrischen Dopplerradar
Fernerkundung von Chlorwasserstoff in Abgasfahnen von Verbrennungsschiffen
Fernerkundung von Substanzen im Wasser, von Wolken und der Strahlungsbilanz
Fernmess-System: Lichtblitze in die Atmosphaere senden - Neue Wege in der Wetter- und Klimaforschung
Fernmessung aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe in Flugzeugabgasen mittels Fluoreszenz
Fernmessung atmosphaerischer Temperaturprofile in Wolken mit Rotations-Raman-Lidar (Dissertation)
Fernmessung gasfoermiger Emissionen in die Atmosphaere
Fernmessung troposphaerischer Parameter mit Lasern
Fernmessung umwelt- und klimarelevanter Parameter in der Troposphaere mit Hilfe von Lasern
Fernmessung vertikaler Ozonkonzentrationsprofile am Schauinsland mit dem ARGOS-Lidar
Fernmessung von Luftschadstoffen mit Lasern
Fernmessung von O3, NO2 und H2O
Ferrite recrystallization and austenite formation during annealing of cold-rolled advanced high-strength steels: In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and modeling
Ferry Boxes - Vessels of opportunity
Ferry-Box Systems for Monitoring Coastal Waters
Ferry-Box Systems for Monitoring Coastal Waters
FerryBox - A “Mature” System for Operational Monitoring - Automated Observations of Coastal Waters and Estuaries by Ships of Opportunity
FerryBox - Application of continuous water quality observations along transects in the North Sea
FerryBox and Automated Ships of Opportunity as Operational Tools for Ocean Observing Tasks
FerryBox and MERIS – Assessment of coastal and shelf sea ecosystems by combining in situ and remotely sensed data
FerryBox Data in the North Sea from 2002 to 2005
FerryBox observations in the Southern North Sea – Application of numerical models for improving the significance of the FerryBox data
FerryBox observations in the Southern North Sea – Application of numerical models for improving the significance of the FerryBox data
Ferrybox record of transect Cuxhaven-Harwich 2002-03 to 2005-10 in NetCDF-format
FerryBox System Presentation
FerryBox systems: State-of-the-art in Europe and future development
FerryBox systems: State-of-the-art in Europe and future development
FerryBox: An Operational System on Board of Ferryships
FerryBox: From On-line Oceanographic Observations to Environmental Information
FerryBox: State-of-the-art and future incorporation in an European observational network
FerryBox: Using Automated Water Measurement Systems to Monitor Water Quality: Perspectives for the Yangtze River and Three Gorges Dam
Fertigung von Implantaten aus Titan und Magnesium mittels additiver Verfahren
Fertigungspotentiale fuer die spanende Bearbeitung von Gamma-TiAl (Potential of the Machining of Gamma-TiAl Alloys)
FESOM-C v.2: coastal dynamics on hybrid unstructured meshes
Festigkeit degradierbare Biowerkstoffe auf der Basis von Magnesium-Hydroxylapatit-Verbundwerkstoffen - Strength of degradable biomaterials based on Magnesium Hydroxy Apatite Composites
Festigkeit von mit grossem Luftspalt verschweissten Stoessen von Schiffssektionen
Festigkeitsmismatch in Schweissverbindungen
Festphasenextraktion von Explosivstoffen und ihren Biotransformationsprodukten aus waessrigen Matrizes an Polystyrol-Divenylbenzol-Adsorbentien
Feststoffspeicherung von Wasserstoff: Stand der Technik, Weiterentwicklungen und Potentiale
Feststoffverduennte Standards (FVS): Konzept und Anwendungen
Feststoffverduennte Standards - ein neues Konzept zur Herstellung von Kalibrier-Loesungen
Feststoffverduennte Standards – ein neues Konzept zur Herstellung von Kalibrier-Loesungen
Feststoffverduennte Standards: Konzept und Anwendungen
Feststoffverduennte Standards: Konzepte und Anwendungen
Fettling by abrasive water jetting
Fettling of TiAl - Automotive Valves Using Abrasive Water Jetting
FFF of Mg-alloys for Biomedical Applications
FFF of Mg-alloys for Biomedical Applications
FIA-device for the on-line determination of total mercury in seawater
Fiber diameter as design parameter for tailoring the macroscopic shape-memory performance of electrospun meshes
Fiber Laser Beam Welding of Ti-6242 - Effect of Processing Parameters on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties
Fiber Laser Beam Welding of Ti-6242 - Effect of Processing Parameters on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties
Fiber Laser Beam Welding of Ti-6242 - Effect of Processing Parameters on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties
Fiber laser beam welding of Ti-6242: effect of parameter variation on microstructural and mechanical properties (Diplomarbeit)
Fiber laser beam welding of Ti-6Al-4V: Effect of parameter variation on microstructural and mechanical properties (Diplomarbeit)
Fiber laser beam welding with linear and wobbling technique of AZ31B magnesium alloy (Masterarbeit)
Fiber laser welding of dissimilar titanium (Ti-6Al-4V/cp-Ti) T-joints and their laser forming process for aircraft application
Fibre laser beam welding parameters and their influence on the geometrical and mechanical properties of light-alloys
Fibre laser welding of high-alloyed Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys
Fibre-laser welding of AZ31B sheets: Mechanical performance and gap bridging capacity
Fibre-laser welding of AZ31B sheets: Mechanical performance and gap bridging capacity
Fibrinogen adsorption and platelet interactions on polymer membranes
Fibrinogen adsorption and platelet interactions on polymer membranes
Fibrinogen and magnesium combination biomaterials modulate macrophage phenotype, NF-kB signaling and crosstalk with mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
Fibrinogen Matrix remodelling by HUVEC-effect of subtratum wettability
Fibroblast origin shapes tissue homeostasis, epidermal differentiation, and drug uptake
Fibronectin Films-Mediated SDF-1 Gene Release Recruits Stem Cells
Fibronectin Films-Mediated SDF-1 Gene Release Recruits Stem Cells
Fibronectin matrix formation and signaling via integrins on biomaterials
Fibronectin matrix formation and the biocompatibility of materials
Fibronectin matrix formation and the biocompatibility of materials
Fibronectin matrix formation by human fibroblasts on surfaces varying in wettability
Fibronectin, fibronectin receptor and the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Field B: Bio- Engineering
Field intercomparison of atmospheric mercury measurement methods
Field intercomparison of mercury measurements in ambient air and precipitation within EMEP
Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation
Field Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400–900 nm Range
Field intercomparison on the determination of volatile and semivolatile polyfluorinated compounds in air
Field measurements for better understanding of transport processes in the Weser estuary
Field measurements of suspended matter transport processes in the Weser estuary
Field Test Experiences with Membrane Modules based on Poly(octylmethylsiloxane)/Activated CarbonMixed Matrix Membranes
Field-induced reorientation of the spin helix in MnSi near Tc
Filaments, Fronts and Eddies in the Cabo Frio Coastal Upwelling System, Brazil
Filmbildende Reaktivpolymere fuer Hochleistungsmembranen
Filmbildung von endfunktionalisierten Polystyrolen und Bestimmung der Segmentverteilung mit Reflexionsmethoden (Dissertation)
Filme aus dem Biopolymer Staerke und deren Eigenschaften
Filter polychromator for the measurement of atmospheric water vapor and elastic backscatter by Raman lidar
Filter-Polychromator fuer ein Raman-Lidar
Filtration potential and mechanical performance of an electrospun nanofibrous composite membrane used for liquid filtration
Filtrationsmembranen und spezifische Adsorber auf der Basis von maßgeschneiderten Blockcopolymeren
Filtrationsmembranen und spezifische Adsorber auf der Basis von maßgeschneiderten selbst-organiserenden Blockcopolymeren
Final positivity correction in the harmonic method
Final report on Project UWT 3 Hyperbaric welding''
Final Report: TESLAS - Tropospheric Environmental Studies by Laser Sounding
Finding the Minimum Potential Energy State by Adiabatic Parcel Rearrangements with a Nonlinear Equation of State: An Exact Solution in Polynomial Time
Fine-tuning of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Senescence via Microtopography of Polymeric Substrates
Fine-tuning of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Senescence via Microtopography of Polymeric Substrates
Fingerprint analysis of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in North Sea sediments
Fingerprinting Helgoland Roads data: Parameter interactions driven by hydro-climatic forcing
Finite Element Analyse fuer ingenieurmaessige Fehlerbewertungsverfahren: Verifizierung am Rohrknoten fuer den ESIS TC1.3 Round Robin
Finite element analyses to determine calibration curves for the measurement of the depth of semicircular and ellipsoideal surface cracks by d.c. potential method
Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Behaviour in Laser Welded Stiffened Panels (Masterarbeit)
Finite element and simplified analytical calculation of an underwater glider-ship collision
Finite element and simplified analytical calculation of an underwater glider-ship collision
Finite element based simulation of dry sliding wear
Finite Element damage analysis of an underwater glider-ship collision
Finite element damage analysis of an underwater glider–ship collision
Finite Element Modeling and Geometrical Analysis of Nanoporous Gold Based on Skeletonization of 3D FIB-SEM Tomography Data
Finite element modeling of laser beam welding for residual stress calculation
Finite element modeling of laser beam welding for residual stress calculation
Finite Element Modelling
Finite Element Modelling
Finite Element Modelling
Finite Element Modelling
Finite Element Modelling
Finite Element Modelling of Nanoporous Gold Based on Skeletonization of 3D FIB-SEM Tomography Data
Finite element phase-field simulations of precipitation in Al alloys
Finite Element Simulation of Damage Evolution in Specimens and Components (Diplomarbeit)
Finite Elements Modelling
Finite Elements Modelling
Finite Elements: Concept and Potential of the popular Simulation Method
Finite-Element Modelling in the Mechanics of Materials
Finite-Element-Analyse zur Beurteilung des Beulverhaltens einer Zylinderschale unter einer konzentrierten aeusseren Last mit lastabhaengiger Kontaktflaeche
Finite-Element-Analysen an Schweissverbindungen
Finite-Element-Analysen zum Beurteilen der Beanspruchung eines geschweissten T-Stosses mit Doppelkehlnaht und Einbrandkerben bei Belastung durch Biegung
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Berechnung von Eichkurven fuer die Messung des Rissfortschrittes von ellipsenfoermigen Oberflaechenrissen
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung einer Laengsschweissnaht mit Einbrandkerben und einer Imperfektion durch Aufdachung bei einem zylindrischen Behaelter unter Innendruck
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Spannungsverteilung und Energiefreisetzungsrate im Bereich eines Oberflaechenrisses auf der Innenseite eines Rohres: Zwischenbericht zu den Arbeiten in der DFG-Forschergruppe Schadensforschung und Schadensbeseit
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Spannungsverteilungen und des J-Integrals bei einem Oberflaechenriss in der Schweissnaht einer Flachprobe und eines Rohrsegmentes
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung des Beulverhaltens von Zylinderschalen bei konzentrierten aeusseren Einzellasten mit lastabhaengigen Kontaktflaechen: Zwischenbericht zu den Arbeiten in der DFG-Forschergruppe Schadensforschung und Schadensbedeitigung
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung von Fluid-Struktur-Systemen
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung von Fluid-Struktur-Systemen
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung von Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkungen
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung von Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkungen
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Ermittlung von Eichkurven fuer das Messen der Tiefe von halbkreis- und ellipsenfoermigen Oberflaechenrissen mit der Gleichstrom-Potential-Methode
Finite-Element-Analysen zur Schadensbeurteilung bei einem zylindrischen Behaelter unter Innendruck mit einer Imperfektion (Aufdachung) und mit Einbrandkerben im Bereich der Laengsschweissnaht
Finite-Elemente-Simulation des Laser-Shock-Peening-Prozesses für AA2198 mit experimenteller Validierung
Finite-size Effecton Magnetic Ordering Temperatures in Long-Period Antiferromagnets: Holmium Thin Films
Fire hazard modulation by long-term dynamics in land cover and dominant forest type in eastern and central Europe
First annual time series of TGM measurements at Cape Point GAW station (34°21´S, 18°29´E)
First annual time-series of atmospheric mercury concentration measurements at Neumayer Station, Antarctica
First Assessment of C-Band Polarization Ratio from ENVISAT ASAR Imagery
First Direct Study of the Ammonolysis Reaction in the Most Common Alkaline and Alkaline Earth Metal Hydrides by in Situ SR-PXD
First evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as a novel straightforward and non-size-discriminating sampling technique for microplastic in waters
First evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as a novel straightforward and non-size-discriminating sampling technique for microplastic in waters
First evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as a novel straightforward and non-size-disriminating sampling technique for microplastic in waters
First evidence of neurons in the male copulatory organ of a spider (Arachnida, Araneae)
First health and pollution study on harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) living in the German Elbe estuary
First in situ evidence of wakes in the far field behind offshore wind farms
First International Workshop on Structure Research of the Ribosome and its Functional Complexes
First investigations regarding the interaction of methylmercury and biofilms
First lab-scale feasibility study on the enrichment of nanoplastic particles from water samples by continuous flow centrifugation using metal-doped nanoplastics and ICP-MS/MS detection
First measurements of ozone profiles in the presence of polar stratospheric clouds with a Raman differential absorption lidar at ESRANGE/Kiruna in winter 1997
First measurements of the methane concentration in the North Sea with a new in-situ device
First multi-year assessment of Sentinel-1 radial velocity products using HF radar currents in a coastal environment
First Principles Modeling of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Magnesium Corrosion
First record of the spider family Hersiliidae (Araneae) from the Mesozoic of Europe (Bakony Mts, Hungary)
First records of the warm water shipworm Teredo bartschi (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) in Mersin, southern Turkey and in Olhao, Portugal
First results of a biofilm/methylmercury interaction experiment
First Results of the BELINDA Approach
First Results of the Mucosa Reconstruction in an Animal Model with a Polymeric Implant Material
First Results of the Retrieval of Concentrations of Water Constituents from MERIS Data: Concentration and Related Error Maps
First results of the ScaRaB ground calibration in solar spectral domain
First Results on Lead in Arctica islandica Shells using Laser Ablation and Resonance Ionization
First results with inorganic modified catalytic polymer membranes
First runs with the ORPHEUS dark Matter detector
First stages of plasticity in three-point bent Au nanowires detected by in situ Laue microdiffraction
First steps in applying Quantum-Cascade-Laser Imaging for microplastic analysis in environmental samples
First steps toward suctorial feeding in millipedes: Comparative morphology of the head of the Platydesmida (Diplopoda: Colobognatha)
First steps towards a continuum informed machine learning approach for modeling the anisotropic yield surface of nanoporous metals
First test of a two-step Neural Network Inverse Modelling Technique using MOS Data
First time DNA barcoding of the common shipworm Teredo navalis Linnaeus 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae): Molecular-taxonomic investigation and identification of a widespread wood-borer
First- and higher- order dynamical controls on water exchanges between tidal basins and the open ocean. A case study for the East Frisian Wadden Sea
First-Principles Calculations of Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties for Multi-component Co-based Superalloys
First-principles melting of krypton and xenon based on many-body relativistic coupled-cluster interaction potentials
First-principles study on interfacial property in MgB2-based reactive hydride composites
First-time deployment of gliders in the German Bight
Fisch, Meeresfrüchte und Algen im Klimawandel - „Blaue“ Lebensmittel als Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung
Fischerei in Naturschutzgebieten
Fist Test of a Three-stepp Neural Network Inverse Modelling Technique for Retrieval of Water Constituent Concentrations from Case II Water Using Meris Data
Fit-for-Purpose Information for Offshore Wind Farming Applications Part-I: Identification of Needs and Solutions.
Fit-for-Purpose Information for Offshore Wind Farming Applications—Part-II: Gap Analysis and Recommendations
Fitness for Service Analysis of Structures using the FITNET Procedure: an Overview
Fitness for Service Analysis of Structures using the FITNET Procedure: an Overview
Fitness-for-Service analysis of structures using the Fitnet procedure: An Overview
Fitness-for-Service Analysis of structures using the Fitnet procedure: An overview
Fitness-for-Service analysis of structures using the Fitnet procedure: An Overview
Fitness-for-Service Analysis of Structures using the Fitnet Procedure: Overview and Validations
Fitness-for-Service Fracture Assessment of Structures Containing Cracks - A Workbook based on the European SINTAP/FITNET Procedure
Fitnet FITNESS-for-Service Procedure: An Overview
Fitnet FITNESS-for-Service Procedure: An Overview
Fitnet Fitness-for-Service Procedure; An Overview
Fitting discretized hyperbolic equations to measurements
Fitting Molecular Dynamics simulations to neutron and X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach on the example of water
Fitting Molecular Dynamics water model parameters to neutron scattering experiments
Five critical questions of scale for the coastal zone
Five years measurements of Mercury Deletion Events (MDEs) at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard
Five-year records of mercury wet deposition flux at GMOS sites in the Northern and Southern hemispheres
Fixed site carrier membranes for selective carbondioxide separation from gas streams
Fjord light regime: Bio-optical variability, absorption budget, and hyperspectral light availability in Sognefjord and Trondheimsfjord, Norway
Flachmembranen aus Polyelektrolytkomplexen
Flaechendeckende Abschaetzung der stroemungsbedingten Bodenschubspannungen im Flachwasser auf Basis von Radarmessungen
Flaechenhafte Abschaetzung der Bodenschubspannung im Flachwasser mittels Dopplerradar (Diplomarbeit)
Flaechenstillegung und Extensivierung in den neuen Bundeslaendern
Flaechige Formkoerper aus ACN-Polymeren
Flash-PEO as an alternative to chromate conversion coatings for corrosion protection of Mg alloy
Flaw assessment in structural components with elastic-plastic behaviour
Flaw assessment of components based on CTOD concept
Flaw assessment of components based on CTOD concept
Flaw assessment of components based on CTOD concept
Flaw assessment of components based on CTOD concept
Flaw assessment of components based on CTOD concept
Flexible Manufacturing of Concave–Convex Parts by Incremental Sheet Forming with Active Medium
Flexible Plenoptic X-ray Microscopy
Flexible polymer networks: rubber elasticity and segmental orientation
Flip of spin helix chirality and ferromagnetic state in Fe 1−x Co x Ge compounds
Flocculation under the control of shear, concentration and stratification during tidal cycles
Flooding extremes – human sins and Global Warming
Floods have become less deadly: an analysis of global flood fatalities 1975-2022
Flow Injection Electrochemical Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FI-EHG-AAS) for the Speciation of Inorganic Arsenic
Flow pattern and pressure drop in tees
Flow system device for the on-line determination of total mercury in seawater
Flow- and locomotion-induced pattern formation in nonlinear population dynamics
Flow-chamber bioreactor for the analysis of biodegradable materials
Flow-Cytometry of Phytoplankton during The EIFEX Cruise
Flow-Induced Structures in Complex Fluids (Joint DRG & DPG symposium 2015)
Flow-through PSICAM: a new approach for determining water constituents absorption continuously
Fluctuations of element concentrations during the growing season of Polytrichum formosum (Hedw.)
Fluence thresholds for grazing incidence hard x-ray mirrors
Flugzeugmessungen der Eiskristallkonzentration und -groessenverteilung mittels optisch abbildender Sonden in Cirrus-Wolken (Diplomarbeit)
Flugzeugmessungen der Turbulenz im Cirrusniveau
Flugzeugmessungen der Turbulenzstruktur in Cirruswolken
Flugzeugmessungen der Turbulenzstruktur in Cirruswolken (Diplomarbeit)
Flugzeugmessungen mikrophysikalischer und dynamischer Groessen in Cirruswolken -Fallstudie ICE 207
Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkungen bei akustischen Fluiden
Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkungen bei nichtstroemendem Fluid
Fluidity of magnesium alloys, an experimental and numerical approach
Fluidity of magnesium alloys, an experimental and numerical approach
Fluidmechanische Analyse zur Festlegung der Auslegungsparameter fuer die Mehrphasen-Transport- Versuchsanlage: Ergebnisbericht im Rahmen des MTT-Verbundforschungsprojektes
Fluoride conversion coatings for magnesium and its alloys for the biological environment
Fluorinated oxadiazole copolymers for proton transport in fuel cells
Fluorinated polyoxadiazole for high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Fluorine Substitution in Complex Hydrides as Hydrogen Storage Materials
Fluorine-free superwetting systems: construction of environmentally friendly superhydrophilic, superhydrophobic, and slippery surfaces on various substrates
Flux coupling approach on an exchange grid for the IOW Earth System Model (version 1.04.00) of the Baltic Sea region
Flux measurements with the chamber technique at a marine background location in Western Europe
Fluxes over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces: The Litfass-1998 Experiment
FLYHY - Fluorine Substituted High Capacity Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage at Low Working Temperatures
Foaming of block copolymers: A new approach to prepare multiscale structured polymer foams
Foaming of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) diblock copolymers: Thermal, rheological and processing properties
Foaming of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers: Thermal, rheo-logical and processing properties
Focus on climate projections for adaptation strategies
Foerutsaettningar, trender och effekter av klimatfoeraendringar – Sammanfattning av BACC II slutsatser
Folate receptor mediated genetic modification of human mesenchymal stem cells via folic acid-polyethylenimine-grafted poly(N-3-hydroxypropyl)aspartamide
Folate receptor mediated genetic modification of human mesenchymal stem cells via folic acid-polyethylenimine-grafted poly(N-3-hydroxypropyl)aspartamide
Folate receptor targeted bufalin/β-cyclodextrin supramolecular inclusion complex for enhanced solubility and anti-tumor efficiency of bufalin
Folgewirkungen der Bewaesserungen mit kommunalen Abwaessern, dargestellt am Beispiel der Magdeburger Rieselfelder
Follow-up structural evolution of Ni/Ti reactive nano and microlayers during diffusion bonding of NiTi to Ti6Al4V in a synchrotron beamline
Food chain effects of nutrient limitation in primary producers
Food Quality Affects Secondary Consumers Even at Low Quantities: An Experimental Test with Larval European Lobster
Foraminifera Trace Anthropogenic CO2 in the NW Atlantic by 1950
Force-control Friction Riveting of Ti-6Al-4V/ carbon-fiber reinforced polyether-etherketone overlap joints
Forecast experiments with Principal Predictor Patterns
Forecast opportunities for European summer climate ensemble predictions using Self-Organising Maps
Forecast opportunities for European summer climate ensemble predictions using Self-Organising Maps
Forecast skill score assessment of a relocatable ocean prediction system, using a simplified objective analysis method
Forecasting system for Urban Air Quality with automatic correction and web service for public dissemination
Foreward to WASA special issue
Foreword for the IJHE Special Section on E-MRS 2017 Fall Meeting Symposium C on “Multifunctionality of metal hydrides for energy storage – Developments and perspectives”, Warsaw-Poland, 18-21 September 2017
Foreword: Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Advanced Materials
Forgeability of Modified AZ and ZK Wrought Magnesium Alloys
Forgeability of Modified AZ and ZK Wrought Magnesium Alloys
Forging of cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Si magnesium alloy using processing map
Forging of Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al alloy assisted by its processing map and validation through analytical modelling
Forging of Mg–3Sn–2Ca–0.4Al Alloy Assisted by Its Processing Map and Validation Through Analytical Modeling
Formability and mechanical properties of magnesium sheets AZ31
Formability of Extruded Magnesium Alloy Sheets With Different Textures
Formability of Extruded Magnesium Alloy Sheets With Different Textures
Formability of magnesium sheet ZE10 and AZ31 with respect to initial texture
Formability of magnesium sheet ZE10 and AZ31 with respect to initial texture
Formability of Magnesium Sheets
Formability of Magnesium Sheets
Formation and corrosion behaviors of calcium phosphate coatings on plasma electrolytic oxidized Mg under changing chemical environment
Formation and Corrosion Properties of Mg-Ti Alloys Prepared by Physical Vapour Deposition
Formation and decay of a deep convective chimney
Formation and decomposition of methylmercury in the presence of bacteria
Formation and Evolution of a Freshwater Plume in the Northwestern Tropical Atlantic in February 2020
Formation and evolution of silver clusters in nanoporous gold: Views from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
Formation and functionalization of integral asymmetric isoporous block copolymer membranes and their performance in ultra- and nanofiltration
Formation and Growth of Ice Particles in Stationary Ultrasonic Fields
Formation and modification of special shaped bodies
Formation and Postfunctionalization of Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes for Separation and Catalysis
Formation and size distribution of pores in poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) foams prepared by pressure quenching using supercritical CO2
Formation and structure of ZIF-8@PEO coating on the surface of zinc
Formation kinetics of creep pores in liquid-phase sintered alumina investigated by SANS
Formation mechanism and packing options in tubular anodic titania films
Formation mechanism of the abnormal texture during extrusion in Mg-Y-Sm-Zn-Zr alloy
Formation mechanism of ß1 phase in age-hardenable magnesium-rare earth alloys: Insight from in-situ and ex-situ observations with HAADF-STEM
Formation of a quasicrystalline phase in Al–Mn base alloys cast at intermediate cooling rates
Formation of an 18R long-period stacking ordered structure in rapidly solidified Mg88Y8Zn4 alloy
Formation of Block Copolymer Membranes for Ultrafiltration
Formation of block-copolymer-templated mesoporous silica
Formation of Ca(BH4)2 byHydriding CaH2-MgB2 Composites
Formation of Ca(BH4)2 from Hydrogenation of CaH2+MgB2 Composite
Formation of diamond and lonsdaleite in ureilites by impact shock processing of graphite
Formation of Diblock Copolymers at Surfaces and Interfaces
Formation of diblock copolymers in thin films
Formation of fibrillar adhesions in human fibroblasts is dependent on the chemistry of self assembled monolayers
Formation of fibrillar adhesions in human fibroblasts is dependent on the chemistry of the substratum
Formation of Foams from Biodegradable Artificial Materials and Biopolymers
Formation of gold nanoparticles in triblock terpolymer-modified inverse microemulsions
Formation of High Thermally Stable Isoporous Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes
Formation of hollow fiber membranes from Poly(ether imide) at wet phase inversion using binary mixtures of solvents for the preparation of the dope
Formation of integral asymmetric block copolymer membranes
Formation of Integral Asymmetric Membranes of AB Diblock and ABC Triblock Copolymers by Phase Inversion
Formation of Intermetallic Compounds in Dissimilar Friction Spot Weld of Al to Mg Alloys
Formation of Intermetallic Compounds in Dissimilar Friction Spot Weld of Al to Mg Alloys
Formation of Intermetallic Compounds in Dissimilar Friction Spot Weld of Al to Mg Alloys
Formation of iron containing aggregates at the liquidair interface
Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat and Hollow Fibre Geometries
Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat and Hollow Fibre Geometries
Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat and Hollow Fibre Geometries
Formation of Isoporous Membranes from Block Copolymers in Flat Sheet and Hollow Fibre Geometries
Formation of Isoporous Membranes from Block Copolymers in Flat Sheet and Hollow Fibre Geometries
Formation of L10 Ordering in FeNi by mechanical Alloying and Field-Assisted Heat Treatment: Synchrotron XRD Studies
Formation of Li-Al LDH conversion layer on AA2024 alloy for corrosion protection
Formation of lower bainite in a high carbon steel – an in-situ synchrotron XRD study
Formation of maghemite nanostructures in polyol: tuning the particle size via the precursor stoichiometry
Formation of Mg2Si by Infiltration of C-Fibres-Si-Hybrid-Preforms
Formation of Mixed Micelles in Salt-Free Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and C12E6
Formation of multi-functional PEO Coatings on Mg alloy
Formation of multi-functional TiO2 surfaces on AA2024 alloy using plasma electrolytic oxidation
Formation of Nanoporous Membranes from Block Copolymer Solutions
Formation of Nanoporous Membranes from Block Copolymer Solutions
Formation of nanostructured films by the inhomogeneous collapse of swollen polymer networks - A novell route to polymer membranes
Formation of Nonextractable Soil Residues: A Stable Isotope Approach
Formation of photocatalytic plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on magnesium alloy by incorporation of TiO2 particles
Formation of photocatalytic plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy by incorporation of TiO2 particles
Formation of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on pure niobium in different electrolytes
Formation of Poly(acrylnitrile) membranes (P)
Formation of poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) scaffolds loaded with small molecules by integrated processes
Formation of Polysulfone membranes modified by addition of small solid particles
Formation of Porous Bilayer Hollow Fibre Membranes
Formation of self-healing PEO coatings on AM50 Mg by in-situ incorporation of zeolite micro-container
Formation of self-lubricating PEO coating via in-situ incorporation of PTFE particles
Formation of square lamellae by self-assembly of long-chain bolaphospholipids in water
Formation of superlattices in blends of 3-miktoarm star terpolymers with diblock copolymers
Formation of Supersaturated Solid Solutions in the Immiscible Ni-Ag System by Mechanical Alloying
Formation of the first phase in sputter-deposited Nb/Al multilayer thin films
Formation of the intermetallic phases Al12Mg17 and Al3Mg2 during heating of elemental Al-Mg composites studied by high-energy X-ray diffraction
Formation of thermodynamically unstable solid solutions by mechanical alloying of Cu-Co and Cu-Fe powder blends
Formation of thermodynamically unstable solid solutions in the Cu-Co system by mechanical alloying
Formation of Thin, Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes by an Upscalable Profile Roller Coating Process - A Promising Way to Save Block Copolymer
Formation of titanium aluminides by heat treatment of extruded elemental powders
Formation, Long-Term Stability and Fate of Nonextractable 14C-Patt Resiolues in Contaminated Soils
Formgebungs- und Anwendungseigenschaften silizidhaltiger TiAl-Legierungen (Dissertation)
Formgedaechtnis - Polymere als Beispiel fuer ein multifunktionalisiertes Materialsystem
Formgedaechtnis Nahtmaterial
Formgedaechtniseffekt in Polymercompounds - Magnetisierbare Nanopartikel
Formgedaechtniseigenschaften von Polymernetzwerken mit Oligo (e-caprolacton)-Schaltsegmenten
Formgedaechtniskunststoffe fuer die Medizin
Formgedaechtnismaterialien fuer die Chirurgie
Formgedaechtnismaterialien in der Chirurgie
Formgedächtnispolymere - von Wärmeschrumpfartikeln zu künstlichen Muskeln
Forming of Magnesium - Crystal Plasticity and Plastic Potentials
Forming of Magnesium - Crystal Plasticity and Plastic Potentials
Forming of Magnesium - Crystal Plasticity and Plastic Potentials
Forming of Magnesium Alloys at 100 °C by Hydrostatic Extrusion
Formulation of drug-loaded oligodepsipeptide particles with submicron size
Formulierung der Finite-Element-Matrizen, zwei- und dreidimensionale finite Elemente, finite Elemente fuer den ebenen Spannungs- und Dehnungszustand
Formulierung der Finite-Element-Matrizen, zwei- und dreidimensionale finite Elemente, finite Elemente fuer den ebenen Spannungs- und Dehnungszustand
Formulierung der Finite-Element-Matrizen: zwei- und dreidimensionale finite Elemente fuer den ebenen Spannungs- und Dehnungszustand
Forschung an Membranen für die Energietechnik
Forschung bei Hereon - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei Hereon - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei HZG - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei HZG - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei HZG - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei HZG - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei HZG - Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung bei HZG – Polymere in der Medizin
Forschung fuer die Zukunft - Der Forschungsstandort Teltow-Seehof
Forschung fuer die Zukunft - Der Forschungsstandort Teltow-Seehof
Forschung in der Tide-Elbe
Forschung mit Neutronen- und Synchrotronstrahlung: Von Nanostrukturen zum Bauteil
Forschung mit Neutronen- und Synchrotronstrahlung: Von Nanostrukturen zum makroskopischen Bauteil
Forschung mit Neutronen- und Synchrotronstrahlung: Von Nanostrukturen zum makroskopischen Bauteil
Forschungen ueber den Beitrag der Cirrusbewoelkung zum Treibhauseffekt der Atmosphaere
Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten im Forschungsschwerpunkt Unterwassertechnik des GKSS-Forschungszentrums
Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten im Forschungsschwerpunkt Unterwassertechnik des GKSS-Forschungszentrums
Forschungsfeld B - Polymerbasierte Biomaterialien
Forschungsplattform ACE „Light-weight materials Assessment, Computing, and Engineering Centre”
Forschungsreaktoren fuer die Entwicklung von Reaktorwerkstoffen
Forschungsschwerpunkt Unterwassertechnik mit der GKSS-Unterwassersimulationsanlage GUSI
Forschungsstandort Teltow-Seehof - Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft
Fortschritt beim hyperbaren Schweissen in trockener Atmosphaere bis in grosse Wassertiefen
Fortschritte beim Ruehrreibschweissen von Aluminium, Magnesium und Stahl
Fortschritte beim Ruehrreibschweissen von Aluminium, Magnesium und Stahl
Fortschritte in der Magnesium-Technologie: Ueber Nano-Composites, neuen Prozessen und Korrosionsschutzkonzepten zu optimierten Bauteilen
Fortschrittliche Fertigungstechnologien fuer Magnesiumwerkstoffe in der Verkehrstechnik
Fossil (Holocene) and living Ostracoda and Cladocera (Crustacea) from Lake Arendsee, Germany
Foundations for decision making
Foundations for decision making
Four Decades of Gasoline Lead Emissions and Control Policies in Europe: A Retrospective Assessment
Four decades of gasoline lead emissions and control policies in Europe: A retrospective assessment
Four years measurements of mercury depletion events (MDEs) at Ny Alesund, Svalbard
Four-Phase Morphologies in Blends of ABC and BAC Triblock Terpolymers
Fourier optics with linearly tapered waveguides: Light trapping and focusing
Fourth-order strain-gradient phase mixture model for nanocrystalline fcc materials
Fourth-order strain-gradient phase-mixture model for nanocrystalline fcc and bcc materials
FP6 specific targeted research project: VascuPlug
Frachtbestimmung an ungleichmaessig belasteten Querprofilen
Fracking - Viel Laerm um wenig Potenzial
Fractal Aggregates of Polyfluorene-Polyaniline Triblock Copolymer in Solution State
Fractal Dynamics of Beta 1-Integrins in Living Fibroblasts
Fractional Effects in Organophilic Pervaporations
Fractionated Crystallization and Fractionated Melting of Confined PEO Microdomains in PB-Beta-PEO and PE-Beta-PEO Diblock Copolymers
Fractography of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Mg-Al Alloys
Fracture Analysis of Small Interfaces
Fracture analysis of strength undermatched Al-Alloy welds in edge cracked tensile panels using FITNET procedure
Fracture Analysis of Strength Undermatched Welds of Thin-walled Aluminium Structures using FITNET Procedure
Fracture Analysis of Strength Undermatched Welds of Thin-walled Aluminium Structures using FITNET Procedure
Fracture analysis of strength undermatched welds of thin-walled aluminium structures using FITNET procedure
Fracture Analysis of thin Walled Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welded Al-Alloys using FItnet Procedure
Fracture Analysis of thin Walled Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welded Al-Alloys using FItnet Procedure
Fracture and damage mechanics modelling of thin-walled structures – An overview
Fracture and ductility of intermetallic Gamma-titanium aluminides
Fracture and ductilization of Gamma-titanium-aluminides
Fracture aspects of the under- and overmatched weld joints
Fracture assessment of a clad steel using various SINTAP defect assessment procedure levels
Fracture Assessment of Electron Beam Welded 13%Cr Supermartensitic Stainless Pipe Steels
Fracture Assessment of Flaws in Weldments using FITNET FFS Procedure: An Overview
Fracture Assessment of Laser Beam Welded Al-alloys
Fracture assessment of laser beam welded aluminium panels
Fracture assessment of welded aerospace Al-alloys using SINTAP route
Fracture Assessment of welded Aerospace Al-Alloys using SINTAP Route
Fracture Behavior of a Laser Beam Welded High-strength Al-Zn Alloy
Fracture behavior of a laser beam welded high-strength Al-Zn alloy
Fracture Behavior of Diffusion Bonded Titanium Alloys with Strength Mismatch
Fracture behaviour of a Ti-48.5Al-1.5Mn alloy
Fracture behaviour of an aluminium laser weld: a numerical study
Fracture behaviour of diffusion bonded bimaterial Ti-Al joints, mis-matching of interfaces and welds
Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam Welded Ti-Alloys; Bruchverhalten von lasergeschweissten Titanlegierungen
Fracture behaviour of mis-matched welds: weld metal undermatching
Fracture behaviour of surface cracked wide plates of high strength steel containing overmatched repair welds
Fracture behaviour of the diffusion bonded bi-material (Ti-Al) joints
Fracture behaviour of the diffusion bonded Ti-alloys
Fracture behaviour of the local brittle zones of offshore weldments
Fracture behaviour of Ti-Al intermetallics
Fracture behaviour of TiAl (Mn)
Fracture behaviour of titanium aluminides: micromechanics and statistical approach
Fracture behaviour of two-phase Gamma-titanium aluminides
Fracture behaviour of undermatched weld joint with short surface crack
Fracture behaviour of undermatched weld joints
Fracture Experiments of Single Grain Boundaries in Ductile Metals (Dissertation)
Fracture in lamellar TiAl simulated with the Cohesive Model
Fracture in PST crystal of TiAl: Experiments and numerical simulations
Fracture Integrity Assessment of Gap Filling Welds for Ship Structures using the European FFS Procedure FITNET
Fracture Integrity Assessment of Gap Filling Welds for Ship Structures using the European FFS Procedure FITNET
Fracture mechanical behavior of different low alloyed titanium thin sheets welded by Yb:YAG fibre laser for T-ducts in bleed air systems
Fracture mechanics analysis based on a local simulation principle
Fracture mechanics analysis of the BIMET welded pipe tests
Fracture mechanics analysis of the BIMET welded pipe tests
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue I
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue II
Fracture mechanics and wide plate tests for analysis of nitogen and strain aging effects on weld metal fracture properties
Fracture mechanics and wide-plate tests for analysis of nitrogen and strain aging effects on weld metal fracture properties
Fracture Mechanics Applications to SCC beyond K
Fracture Mechanics Applications to SCC beyond K
Fracture Mechanics Approach for the Assessment of a Damaged Pipeline
Fracture Mechanics Approach for the Assessment of a Damaged Pipeline
Fracture Mechanics Assessment of a Bi-Metallic Welded Joint
Fracture Mechanics Assessment of a Bi-Metallic Welded Joint
Fracture mechanics assessment of austenitic steel pipes using the ETM
Fracture Mechanics Assessment of Laser Welds by Numerical Simulation of Ductile Crack Growth
Fracture mechanics based prediction of fatigue properties in the high cycle regime
Fracture Mechanics Based SCC Testing of Aerospace Materials
Fracture Mechanics Based SCC Testing of Aerospace Materials
Fracture mechanics based structural assessment
Fracture mechanics in practical use
Fracture Mechanics in Railway Application
Fracture Mechanics in Railway Applications
Fracture Mechanics in Railway Applications - An Overview
Fracture mechanics of metallic biomaterials
Fracture mechanics of weldments: microstructural, experimental and mechanical aspects
Fracture mechanics of weldments: properties and application to components
Fracture mechanics SCC testing of weldments
Fracture mechanics testing on specimens with low constraint - standardisation activities within ISO and ASTM
Fracture of a pressure vessel steel in the ductile to brittle transition region
Fracture of bi-material joints: effect of strength mis-match on crack resistance curves
Fracture of surface-cracked undermatched weld joint in high-strength steel
Fracture of surface-cracked undermatched weld joint in high-strength steel
Fracture of weld joints: mis-match effect
Fracture prediction based on a two-surface plasticity law for the anisotropic magnesium alloys AZ31 and ZE1
Fracture properties of bio-inspired ceramic-polymer-composites -modeling and experimental investigation
Fracture simulation of undermatched interleaf in bending using a cohesive zone model
Fracture Toughness Analysis of Laser-Beam-Welded superalloys Inconel 718 and 625
Fracture Toughness Behavior of FSKI Joints on Aluminium Alloys
Fracture toughness characterisation in the ductile-to-brittle transion and upper shelf regimes using pre-cracked Charpy single-edge bend specimens
Fracture toughness determination in the ductile to brittle transition regime - pre-cracked Charpy specimens compared with standardard compact specimens
Fracture toughness determination in the ductile to brittle transition regime - pre-cracked Charpy specimens compared with standardard compact specimens
Fracture toughness evaluation of repair welded joints for offshore applications
Fracture toughness evaluation of repair welded joints for offshore applications
Fracture toughness of a constrained metal layer
Fracture toughness of Al-Li alloy 2198 and its laser beam-welded joints (Diplomarbeit)
Fracture Toughness of low Constrain Geometry Specimens using Delta5 and CTOA Concepts
Fracture toughness of two phase intermetallics
Fracture toughness properties of similar and dissimilar electron beam welds
Fracture toughness testing of intermetallic alloys
Fracture toughness testing of local brittle zones of welds
Fracture toughness testing of local brittle zones of welds
Fracture toughness testing of TiAl base intermetallic alloys
Fragen der Klimaforschung an Kultur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Fraktionierung von Stoffgemischen mittels Doppelfiltermodulen. Untersuchungen zur Trennschaerfe von Filtermodulen mit integrierter Adsorptionsstufe (Diplomarbeit)
Framework for improving land boundary conditions in regional ocean products
Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping
Framework of cloud parameterization including ice for 3-D mesoscale models
Framing Extreme Event Attribution from the Bottom up – an Enquiry into the Social Representations of key stakeholders, of the Press and of Climate Scientists
Framing future trajectories of human activities in the German North Sea to inform cumulative effects assessments and marine spatial planning
Free Volume and Gas Permeation in Anthracene Maleimide-Based Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity
Free volume and intrinsic microporosity in polymers
Free volume and transport properties in highly selective polymer membranes
Free Volume changes in polymers induced by mechanical milling
Free volume distributions in conventional and ultra-high free volume polymers: molecular modeling and positron studies
Free Volume Distributions in Glassy Polymer Membranes: Comparison between Molecular Modelling and Experiments
Free Volume Distributions in Ultra-High and Lower Free Volume Polymers: Comparison between Molecular Modeling and Positron Lifetime Studies
Free Volume Distributions in Ultrahigh and Lower Free Volume Polymers: Comparison between Molecular Modeling and Positron Lifetime Studies
Free volume in Polyimides: positron annihilation experiments and molecular modeling
Free volume in polymeric membranes: comparison of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and evaluation of MD simulations
Free Volume Investigation of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs): PIM-1 and PIM1 Copolymers Incorporating Ethanoanthracene Units
Free Volume Size Distributions Of Glassy Amorphous Polymers And The Diffusion Of Small Molecules
Free-carrier detection in a silicon slab via absorption measurement in 2D integrating cells
Free-edge stress fields in cylindrically curved symmetric and unsymmetric cross-ply laminates under bending load
Free-riders to forerunners
Freestanding biohybrid systems made of polydopamine film and human keratinocytes
Freeze-Thaw Risk in Solid Masonry Walls: Impact of Climate Change over Europe and the Mediterranean subjected to RCP 4.5
Freeze-Thaw Risk in Solid Masonry Walls: Impact of Climate Change over Europe and the Mediterranean subjected to RCP 4.5
Freeze-thaw risk in solid masonry: The difference between a climate-based and response-based analysis to study climate change
Freies Volumen in Membranpolyimiden: Variation der Diamin-Geometrie
Freiheit fuer Ti- und Mg-Bauteile mittels Pulvermetallurgie
Freisetzung von Distickstoffoxid aus Wattsedimenten: untersucht am Beispiel der Tide-Elbe (Muehlenberger Loch) und eines kuestennahen Wattgebietes (Koenigshafen/Sylt) (Dissertation)
FRG Compact Core - One Year Experience
FRG-1 Compact Core with Higher Density Fuel - Experience from the first to the equilibrium core
FRG-1: Increasing the neutron flux
FRG-1: Mit neuem Kompaktkern ins neue Jahrtausend
FricRiveting of aluminum 2024-T351 and polycarbonate: Temperature evolution, microstructure and mechanical performance
Fricriveting of Civil Engineering Composite Laminates for Bridge Construction
Fricriveting of Civil Engineering Composite Laminates for Bridge Construction
FricRiveting – A novel riveting method for industrial applications
FricRiveting: A new joining technique for thermoplastics-lightweight alloy structures
FricRiveting: A new joining technique for thermoplastics-lightweight alloy structures
FricRiveting: A new technique for joining polymer-metal hybrid structures
FricRiveting: A new technique for joining polymer-metal hybrid structures
FricRiveting: A new technique for joining thermoplastics to lightweight alloys
FricRiveting: A new technique for joining thermoplastics to lightweight alloys
FricRiveting: A new technique for joining thermoplastics to lightweight alloys
FricRiveting: An innovative joining technology for thermoplastics and lightweight alloys
Friction and wear properties modification of Ti–6Al–4V alloy surfaces by implantation of multi-charged carbon ions
Friction Based Spot Welding Processes - Literature Review
Friction extrusion processing of aluminum powders: microstructure homogeneity and mechanical properties
Friction extrusion processing of aluminum powders: microstructure homogeneity and mechanical properties
Friction Hydro Pillar Processing - Ein neues Fuegeverfahren zur Erhoehung der Gewindetragfaehigkeit im modernen Automobilleichtbau
Friction Hydro Pillar Processing – Bonding Mechanism and Properties (Dissertation)
Friction riveting (FricRiveting) – An innovative technology for joining hybrid polymer-metal and composite-metal structures / Nituirea prin frecare (FricRiveting) – O tehnologie inovativă pentru îmbinarea structurilor hibride polimer-metal și compozit-metal
Friction Riveting (FricRiveting). Development of a New Joining Technique for Polymer-Metal Hybrid Joints. Part I: Process and Microstructure - Rebitagem por friccao ("FricRiveting"). Desenvolvimento de uma nova tecnica de uniao para juntas hibridas do tipo polimero-metal. Parte I: processo e microestrutura
Friction Riveting (FricRiveting). Development of a New Joining Technique for Polymer-Metal Hybrid Joints. Part II:Thermal and Mechanical Properties - Rebitagem por friccao ("FricRiveting"). Desenvolvimento de uma nova tecnica de uniao para juntas híbridas do tipo polimero-metal. Parte II: propriedades termicas e mecanicas
Friction Riveting (FricRiveting): Development of a new joining technique for polymer-metal hybrid joints - Rebitagem por Fricção (“FricRiveting”): Desenvolvimento de uma nova técnica de união para juntas híbridas do tipo polímero-metal
Friction Riveting (FricRiveting): Development of a new joining technique for polymer-metal hybrid joints - Rebitagem por Fricção (“FricRiveting”): Desenvolvimento de uma nova técnica de união para juntas híbridas do tipo polímero-metal
Friction riveting (‘FricRiveting’) of 6056 T6 aluminium alloy and polyamide 6: influence of rotational speed on the formation of the anchoring zone and on mechanical performance
Friction Riveting development and analysis of a new joining technique for polymer-metal multi-material structures - Rivettatura a frizione: sviluppo ed analisi de una nuova tecnologia per la giunzione di strutture composite polmero-metalliche
Friction Riveting of 3D Printed Polyamide 6 with AA 6056-T6
Friction Riveting of 3D Printed Polyamide 6 with AA 6056-T6
Friction Riveting of Aluminum Alloy 6056 T6 and Polyamide 6: Role of the Rotation Speed on the Formation of the Anchoring Zone and Mechanical Performance
Friction Riveting of Aluminum Alloy 6056 T6 and Polyamide 6: Role of the Rotation Speed on the Formation of the Anchoring Zone and Mechanical Performance - Rebitagem por Friccao (“FricRiveting”) de Liga de Alumínio 6056 T6 e Poliamida 6: Influencia da Velocidade de Rotacao na Formacao da Zona de Ancoragem e no Desempenho Mecanico
Friction Riveting of composie-metal hybrid structures
Friction Riveting of FR4 substrates for printed circuit boards: Influence of process parameters on process temperature development and joint properties
Friction Riveting of glass-fibre-reinforced polyetherimide composite and titanium grade 2 hybrid joints
Friction Riveting of pultruded glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting polyester laminates for emergency bridge construction
Friction Riveting of Pultruded Thermoset Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composite and Ti6Al4V Hybrid Joints
Friction Riveting of Pultruded Thermoset Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composite and Ti6Al4V Hybrid Joints
Friction Riveting of Ti-6Al-4V/ carbon-fiber reinforced polyether-ether-ketone overlap joints: microstructure and mechanical properties
Friction Riveting: development and analysis of a new joining technique for polymer-metal multi-materials structures (Dissertation)
Friction spot joining (FSpJ) of aluminum-CFRP hybrid structures
Friction Spot Joining of AA 2024 to Carbon Reinforced PPS Composite; A Feasibilioty Study
Friction Spot Joining of Aluminum 6181-T4 and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Poly(Phenylene Sulfide)
Friction Spot Joining of Aluminum 6181-T4 and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Poly(Phenylene Sulfide)
Friction Spot Joining of Aluminum 6181-T4 and Carbon Fiber Reinforced PPS: Effects of Process Parameters on Microstructure and Strength
Friction spot joining of aluminum 6181-T4 and carbon fiber-reinforced poly(phenylene sulfide): Effects of process parameters on microstructure and strength
Friction Spot Joining of aluminum AA2024/carbon-fiber reinforced poly(phenylene sulfide) composite single lap joints: Microstructure and mechanical performance
Friction spot joining of aluminum AA6181-T4 and carbon fiber-reinforced poly(phenylene sulfide): Effects of process parameters on the microstructure and mechanical strength
Friction Spot Joining of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 and carbon-fiber-reinforced poly(phenylene sulfide) laminate with additional PPS film interlayer: Microstructure, mechanical strength and failure mechanisms
Friction Spot Joining of CF-PPS / AA 2024-T3 with Additional PPS Film Interlayer
Friction Spot Joining of Metal-Composite Hybrid Structures (Dissertation)
Friction Spot Joining – A new way to join metals to composites
Friction Spot Welding and Tool Wear
Friction Spot Welding of 7050-T76 Aluminium Alloy (Masterarbeit)
Friction Spot Welding of AA2024 T3 Aluminum Alloy - A Feasibility Study
Friction spot welding of Al-based materials in similar and dissimilar joints
Friction spot welding of carbon fiber-reinforced polyamide 66 laminate
Friction Spot Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy AA5754 to Ti-6Al-4V
Friction spot welding of PMMA with PMMA/silica and PMMA/silica-g-PMMA nanocomposites functionalized via ATRP
Friction Spot Welding of Similar AA5754 to AA5754 Aluminum Alloys and Dissimilar AA5754 Aluminum to AZ31 Magnesium Alloys
Friction Spot Welding of Similar Aluminum Alloys AA6082-T6 for Application in Automotive Industry
Friction Spot Welding of Thermoplastics: A Preliminary Study on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Overlap Joints
Friction Spot Welding: An alternative process for joining similar aluminum alloys and dissimilar aluminum/high-strength steel in automotive industries
Friction Spot Welding: Optimisation of Process Parameters for Aircraft Al-Alloys
Friction Staking: A Novel Staking Joining Method for Hybrid Structures
Friction Staking: A Novel Staking Joining Method for Hybrid Structures
Friction Stir Lap Welding of Inconel 625 and a High Strength Steel
Friction Stir Spot Welding of a Trip Steel: Microstructural Characterization - Soldagem a Ponto por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica de um Aco Trip: Caracterizacao Microestrutural
Friction Stir Welding - FSW of aluminium alloys - Soldagem por Friccao Linerar-FSW Friction Stir Welding de Ligas de Alumínio
Friction stir welding development of aluminium alloys for structural connections
Friction Stir Welding of Al 2024-T351 Using a Self-Reacting Bobbin Tool (Dissertation)
Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum-Silicon-Coated Steel
Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum-Silicon-Coated Steel
Friction stir welding of precipitate hardenable aluminium alloys: A review
Friction Stir Welding of Shipbuilding Steel with Primer
Friction Stir Welding of Shipbuilding Steels: Fracture Toughness Assessment of GL E36 Joints
Friction stir welding of structural steel S235 and S355
Friction stir welding of thermoplastics with a new heat-assisted tool design: mechanical properties and microstructure
Friction Stir Welding of various Aluminium Alloys and Titanium
Friction stir welding processes in AA7050 thick plates (Masterarbeit)
Friction surfacing - A review
Friction Surfacing Layer Deposition (FSLD) of Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys (Masterarbeit)
Friction Surfacing Layer Deposition for Additive Manufacturing: Microstructural and Mechanical Analysis
Friction surfacing of Alloy 625 on AISI 4140: effect of process parameters on coating geometry and microstructure
Friction surfacing of aluminium alloys on Ti6Al4V
Friction surfacing of aluminum to steel: influence of different substrate surface topographies
Friction Surfacing of Titanium Grade 1 and Ti-6Al-4V (Dissertation)
Friction surfacing of Ti–6Al–4V: Process characteristics and deposition behaviour at various rotational speeds
Friction Surfacing – Adding Layers with Special Properties
Friction Velocity Measurements using a Marine Radar
Friction Welding of a Titanium Matrix Composite Ti-6Al-4V + 10% TiC
Friction Welding of a Titanium Matrix Composite Ti-6Al-4V + 10% TiC
Friction Welding of Gamma-TiAl based Alloy Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) in Investment Cast Condition - Process Development and Joint Properties
Friction Welding of Magnesium: Microstructural Characterisation
Friction Welding of Magnesium: Microstructural Characterisation
Friction-Based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Pa66 and Aluminum Hybrid Structures
Friction-Based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Pa66 and Aluminum Hybrid Structures
Friction-Based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Pa66 and Aluminum Hybrid Structures
Friction-based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ): A new joining method for hybrid lightweight structures (Dissertation)
Friction-Based Injection Clinching Joining of Plastics to Metals
Friction-based joining of metal-composite multi-material structures: the future is hybrid
Friction-based Joining Technologies for Polymer-Metal Structures in Transportation
Friction-based mechanical fastening of hybrid metal-composite joints for industrial applications. Case studies and example of analyses for Friction Riveting
Friction-based processes for hybrid multi-material joining
Friction-spot welding of AlMgSc alloy
Friction-stir dissimilar welding of aluminium alloy to high strength steels: Mechanical properties and their relation to microstructure
Frictional heat induced morphological responses at the interface in rotary friction welding of austenitic alloys: corona-bond and heat-pattern
Friedel-pair based indexing method for characterization of single grains with hard X-rays
Friedrich Rudolf Schwarzl (1925 - 2020)
From advanced biomedical coatings to multi-functionalized biomaterials
From Casting to Semi-Finished Products:Magnesium Wrought Alloys
From Dual-Shape Polymers to Temperature-Memory Polymer Actuators
From dynamic in vivo to multimodal ex vivo: exploring comprehensive approaches in preclinical research of magnesium implants for fracture repair
From emission to deposition - developments and improvements along the air quality modelling chain
From ESM to Archeology: Bridging the Modeling Gap
From ESM to Archeology: Bridging the Modeling Gap
From feature selection to neural architecture search: Development and implementation of AI-based algorithms to enhance AI-driven research
From headwaters to estuary: Distribution and fate of halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) in a river basin near the largest HFR manufacturing base in China
From hemorheology to microcirculation and regenerative medicine: Fahraeus Lecture 2009
From macromolecules to materials to systems
From MIM to AM: the flexibility of binder based sintering technologies
From Modeling to Simulation
From mono- and bilayer vesicular membranes to gas separation membranes
From Monodisciplinary via Multidisciplinary to an Interdisciplinary Approach Investigating Air-Sea Interactions – a SOLAS Initiative
From Nature to Technology: Exploring Bioinspired Polymer Actuators via Electrospinning
From nuclear spin contrast to the basic scattering functions
From Observation to Information and Users: The Copernicus Marine Service Perspective
From offshore wind to green Power-to-X products – how ICP-MS can help to monitor potential emerging chemical emissions
From offshore windfarms to microplastics – Challenges and new analytical tools to decipher environmental impacts related with recent anthropogenic activities within the coastal zones
From participatory to inclusive climate services for enhancing societal uptake
From powder to demanding components – Titanium and powder metallurgy
From rivers to the sea: determination and tracing of TCEs in natural waters
From Science To Policy: Climate Change perceptions in the German Context
From Science to Policy: Climate Chnage Perceptions
From simple to very complex Mg implants: different processing routes for Ca containing Mg-alloys
From State-Centred Decision-Making to Participatory Governance – Planning for Offshore Wind Farms and Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Northern Germany
From the basic scattering functions to the „in situ“ structure of ribosomal components
From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environment
From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environment
From the gas phase to the solid state: The chemical bonding in the superheavy element flerovium
From Titanium to Magnesium - Processing by Advanced Metal Injection Moulding
From Titanium to Magnesium – Processing by Advanced Metal Injection Moulding
From unlikely pairings to functional nanocomposites: FeTi–Cu as a model system
Front induced transitions: refractive index fronts in dispersive waveguides
Front Matter: Klimawissenschaften aus transdisziplinaerer Perspektive. Anmerkungen eines Klimaforschers zum oeffentlichen Diskurs ueber den Klimawandel.
Front-induced intraband indirect photonic transition in slow-light waveguide
Front-induced transitions
Frozen spin targets in ribosomal structure research
Fructan-Biosynthese durch in Membranen immobilisierte Levansucrase
Fructan-Biosynthese durch in Membranen immobilisierte Levansucrase
Fruehe Zustaende der Spinodalen Entmischung in binaeren Polymerenschmelzen, untersucht mittels Neutronen-Kleinwinkelstreuung
Fruehstadien der Entmischung in einer Ni-13at%Al-Legierung - polarisierte Neutronen-Kleinwinkelstreuung und clusterdynamische Modellierung (Dissertation)
Fruehstadien der Festkoerperreaktion in Ti/Al Vielfachschichten
Fruehstadien der Phasenbildung im System Ti-Al
Fruehstadien der Phasenbildung im System Titan-Aluminium (Dissertation)
FSS: a novel RTOF-diffractometer optimized for residual stress investigations
FSS: Ein optimiertes Neutronenflugzeitspektrometer zur Messung von inneren Spannungen in Werkstoffen
FSW and FSP of Magnesium Alloys - A Report
FT-IR Spectroscopic Investigations of Photochemical Grafting of Amphiphiles onto Polyacrylonitrile Surface
FT-IR-Spekrometrie und Stroemungskuehlung: IR-Teilspektren der unterkuehlten Gase CO2, CH4, CHF3 bei 100 K mit Clusterbildung
FT-IR-Spektroskopie und Huellstromkuehlung – IR-Spektren und Clusterspektren der unterkuehlten Gase CO2, CH4 und CHF3
FTIR Investigation of CO2 and binary H2O/CO2 nanoparticles and their temporal evolution at 80 K
FTIR investigation of H2O-, CO2- and binary H2O/CO2-nanoparticles in a collisional cooling cell
FTIR Spectroscopy of H2O, D2O, CHF3, CO2 and CO2/H2O Clusters Generated in a Multireflectional Flow-Cooling Cell
FTIR spectroscopy of supercooled molecules and nanoparticles using the gas-flow cooling technique
FTIR Spectroscopy of Van der Waals Clusters with the Enclosive Flow Cooling Technique
FTIR Study of CO2 and H2O/CO2 Nanoparticles and Their Temporal Evolution at 80 K
FTIR-spektrometrische Charakterisierung von Phasenuebergaengen an Wasser-bzw. Eisaerosol
FTIR-spektrometrische Charakterisierung von Phasenuebergaengen an Wasser-bzw. Eisaerosol
FTIR-Spektroskopie von H2O- und CO2-Clustern mit einer Mehrfachreflexions-Stroemungskuehlzelle
FTIR-Tieftemperaturspektroskopie an unterkuehlten Gasen und Molekuelclustern zur Verbesserung des spektroskopischen Nachweises
Fuege- und Verbindungstechnik I
Fuege- und Verbindungstechnik II
Fuegen von Magnesium
Fuegen von Magnesium
Fuegen von Metall-Polymer-Hybridstrukturen: Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Festphasenfuegeprozesse
Fuel cycle of research reactors
FUELS – HYDROGEN STORAGE - High Temperature Hydrides
Full characterization and statistical comparison of commercially available TiO2 nanoparticles using a combined approach of size-distribution and elemental composition analysis using ICP-MS based techniques
Full size element irradiations in the FRG-1
Full-coverage spatial distribution of epibenthic communities in the south-eastern North Sea in relation to habitat characteristics and fishing effort
Full-Field and Scanning Microtomography Based on Parabolic Refractive X-Ray Lenses
Full-Field and Scanning Microtomography Based on Parabolic Refractive X-Ray Lenses
Full-field structured-illumination super-resolution X-ray transmission microscopy
Fully periodic RVEs for technological relevant composites: not worth the effort!
Fully plastic crack-tip fields for plane strain shallow-cracked specimens under pure bending
Function and mechansim of additives in Reactive Hydride Composites
Function-function relations in multifunctional materials
Function-Function Relationships in Multifunctional Material Systems
Function-Function Relationships in Multifunctional Material Systems
Function-function relationships in multifunctional soft actuators
Functional and multiscale 3D structural investigation of brain tissue through correlative in vivo physiology, synchrotron microtomography and volume electron microscopy
Functional Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes for water filtration (Dissertation)
Functional groups at branched polyethers: simple syntheses and unexpected results
Functional hydrogels and particles from crosslinked polymeric telechelics
Functional Macromolecular Systems: Kinetic Pathways to Obtain Tailored Structures
Functional Materials and Interfaces
Functional Materials for Hydrogen Technology
Functional micelles formed by branched polymeric surfactants: Synthesis, characteristics, and application as nanoreactors and carriers
Functional morphology of Tethya species (Porifera): 1. Quantitative 3D-analysis of Tethya wilhelma by synchrotronradiation based X-ray microtomography
Functional morphology of Tethya species (Porifera): 2. Three-dimensional morphometrics on spiculesand skeleton superstructures of T. minuta
Functional Nanoparticles and their Interactions with Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Functional Polymers and Carriers Systems
Functional Polymers and Carriers Systems
Functional Polystyrene Particles - Properties, Binding Mechanism and Endotoxin Removal in Various Media
Functional requirements for polymeric implant materials in head and neck surgery
Functional soft materials and their properties: Block copolymers & vitrimers
Functionalisation of Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes via ATRP and their Application as Additives for SAN/PPE Blends
Functionalised Carbon Nanotube Mixed Matrix Membranes of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) for Gas Separation
Functionalised Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Modification of SAN/PPE Blends: Morphological, Rheological and Dielectric Properties
Functionality of MDCK Kidney Tubular Cells on Flat Polymer Membranes for Biohybrid Kidney
Functionality of MDCK kidney tubular cells on flat polymer membranes for biohybrid kidney
Functionality of MDCK kidney tubular cells on flat polymer membranes for biohybrid kidney
Functionality of whey proteins covalently modified by allyl isothiocyanate. Part 1 physicochemical and antibacterial properties of native and modified whey proteins at pH 2 to 7
Functionalizable coaxial PLLA/PDLA nanofibers with stereocomplexes at the internal interface
Functionalization and Blending of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Functionalization and Polymerization on the CNT Surfaces
Functionalization Degree of Telechelics as a Structural Parameter to Influence the Properties of Enzymatically Formed Polyethylene Glycol Based Networks
Functionalization of Carbon Materials using Diels-Alder Reaction
Functionalization of Carbon Materials using Diels-Alder Reaction
Functionalization of Gelatin with Tyrosine Moieties: A Supramolecular Approach to Biomaterials
Functionalization of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Localization of Functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in SAN/PPE Blend (Dissertation)
Functionalization of MWCNT with P(MMA-co-S) copolymers via ATRP: Influence on localization of MWCNT in SAN/PPE 40/60 blends and on rheological and dielectric properties of the composites
Functionalization of PAN ultrafiltration membranes for the removal of chromate and arsenate from water
Functionalization of Poly(ether Imide) Membranes with Amines
Functionalization of Poly(ether Imide) Membranes with Amines
Functionalization of Polycarbonate Surfaces by Grafting PEG and Zwitterionic Polymers with a Multicomb Structure
Functionalization of Polymers with the Amino Acid derived Moieties Desaminotyrosine and Desaminotyrosyl Tyrosine
Functionalization of POSS nanoparticles and fabrication of block copolymer nanocomposite membranes for CO2 separation
Functionalization of Silica for the Immobilization of Lectins
Functionalized acrylic copolymers in membrane application fields
Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Mixed Matrix Membranes of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) for Gas Separation
Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Mixed Matrix Membrane of Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) for Gas Separation
Functionalized carbon nanotubes mixed matrix membranes of polymers of intrinsic microporosity for gas separation
Functionalized material production via multi-stack Upward Friction Stir Processing (UFSP)
Functionalized nano- and microparticles for the effective extra- and endocorporeal removal of endotoxin
Functionalized Nanoparticles for Endotoxin Binding in Aqueous Solutions
Functionalized polyoxadiazoles for fuel cells
Functionalized polyoxadiazoles for use in fuel cells
Functionalized polyoxazole and polytriazole membranes for fuel cell application
Functioning of the climate system, climate modelling and the link to impacts work
Fundamental and application studies with hydrophobic and solvent resistant membranes
Fundamental Characteristics of FricRiveted Multi-Material Joints
Fundamental characteristics of FricRiveted multi-material joints (Dissertation)
Fundamental characteristics of FricRiveted multi-material joints - Effect of Process Parameters on Joint Formation and Performance
Fundamental hydrogen storage properties of TiFe-alloy with partial substitution of Fe by Ti and Mn
Fundamental insights in PLGA degradation from thin film studies
Fundamental investigations of the precipitation behavior of Fe-25 at% Co-9 at% Mo (Dissertation)
Fundamental Material Properties of the 2LiBH4-MgH2 Reactive Hydride Composite for Hydrogen Storage: (I) Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Properties
Fundamental Material Properties of the 2LiBH4-MgH2 Reactive Hydride Composite for Hydrogen Storage: (II) Kinetic Properties
Fundamental Principles for Designing Degradable Polymers
Fundamental Research into the Role of Intermetallic Phases in Joining of Aluminium Alloys to Steel (Dissertation)
Fundamental studies on the performance of a hydrophobic solvent stable membrane in non-aqueous solutions
Fundamental study of material properties of aluminum additively manufactured via multi-layer friction surfacing
Fundamental study of multi-track friction surfacing deposits for dissimilar aluminum alloys with application to additive manufacturing
Fundamental study on additive manufacturing by Friction Surfacing using aluminum alloys
Fundamental study on additive manufacturing by Friction Surfacing using aluminum alloys
Fundamental Study on Additive Manufacturing of Aluminum Alloys by Friction Surfacing Layer Deposition
Fundamental Study on Additive Manufacturing of Aluminum Alloys by Friction Surfacing Layer Deposition
Fundamental Understanding of the Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloys
Fundamental Understanding of the Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloys
Fundamentals and Applications of Fracture Mechanics
Fundamentals of Force-Controlled Friction Riveting: Part I - Joint Formation and Heat Development
Fundamentals of Force-Controlled Friction Riveting: Part II - Joint Global Mechanical Performance and Energy Efficiency
Fundamentals of Magnesium Alloy Metallurgy
Fundamentals of pervaporation
Funktionale Schichtsysteme - Verbesserter Schutz fuer Magnesiumoberflaechen
Funktionale Werkstoffsysteme in der Gesundheitswirtschaft
Funktionalisierte Azo-Initiatoren und deren Einfluss auf die Kinetik der Loesungspolymerisation von Acrylnitril
Funktionalisierte Materialien
Funktionalisierte Membrangrenzflaechen: Herstellung und Charakterisierung
Funktionalisierte Polymere fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Funktionalisierte Polymersysteme fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Funktionelle Acrylcopolymere fuer spezielle Membranentwicklungen
Funktionspolymere fuer Membranen
Future challenges: simulating climatic millennial timescales and combining paleoclimatic evidence and GCM-based dynamical knowledge
Future changes in annual precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia under global warming of 2°C
Future Changes in European Severe Convection Environments in a Regional Climate Model Ensemble
Future Changes in Wave Conditions at the German Baltic Sea Coast Based on a Hybrid Approach Using an Ensemble of Regional Climate Change Projections
Future changes of circulation types and their effects on surface air temperature and precipitation in the SMHI large ensemble
Future climate change in the Northern Indian Ocean as simulated with a high-resolution regional earth system model
Future directions of integrated distillation-permeation processes
Future Global Meteorological Drought Hot Spots: A Study Based on CORDEX Data
Future of membranes – technological and economical aspects
Future of membranes – technological and economical aspects
Future Perspectives for the Lower Elbe Region 2000-2030: Climate Trends and Globalisation (Dissertation)
Future Playbook of Complementary University - Industry Linkages
Future projections of the surface heat and water budgets of the Mediterranean Sea in an ensemble of coupled atmosphere-ocean regional climate models
Future Requirements for Deep Water Remote Intervention: Proposal for a Remotely Operated Repair Station
Future Ship Emission Scenarios with a Focus on Ammonia Fuel
Future trends of the North Atlantic oscillation simulated by two climate models
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the optimal management of responding to oil spill
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the optimal management of responding to oil spill


Gadolinium accumulation in organs of Sprague–Dawley® rats after implantation of a biodegradable magnesium-gadolinium alloy
Gaensebluemchenwelt - Erarbeitung und Kritik eines (Klima-)Modells
Gaining Insight into the Deformation of Achilles Tendon Entheses in Mice
Gains and losses of coral skeletal porosity changes with ocean acidification acclimation
Galvanic corrosion of Ti6Al4V -AA2024 joints in aircraft environment: Modelling and experimental validation
Galvanic corrosion properties of differently PVD-treated magnesium die cast alloy AZ91
Galvanically Stimulated Degradation of Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites: A Critical Review
Gamma In Addition to Neutron Tomography (GIANT) at the NECTAR instrument
Gamma Prime-Phase Properties, Stability and Morphology Development
Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys: Science and Technology
Gamma titanium aluminide research and applications in Germany and Austria
Gamma Titanium Aluminides: Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Structural Materials Division (SMD) of TMS held during the TMS'95 Annual Meeting
Gamma Titanium Aluminides: processing, properties and applications (keynote lecture)
Gamma-TiAl (X) powder and compacts produced by plasma melting inertgas atomisation and subsequent hot isostatic pressing
Gamma-TiAl (X) powder and compacts produced by plasma melting inertgas atomisation and subsequent hot isostatic pressing
Gamma-Titan-Aluminium-Legierungen: Wissenschaft und Technologie : Gamma钛铝合金:科学与技术
Gamma-Titanaluminid-Legierungen: Legierungsentwicklung und Eigenschaften
Gamma-Titanaluminid-Legierungen: Status und Perspektiven
Gamma-Titanaluminide: Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven
Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys: Alloy Design and Properties
Gas and Vapor Separation
Gas Atomization of Gamma TiAl Alloy Powder and Related PM Processing Routes
Gas Atomization of High Melting Reactive Metals by a Crucible- and Ceramic-free Technique
Gas Atomization of High Melting Reactive Metals by a Crucible- and Ceramic-Free Technique
Gas Atomization of Titanium Based Alloys and Related Powder Metallurgical Processing Routes
Gas Atomization of Titanium Based Alloys and Related Powder Metallurgical Processing Routes
Gas Induced Dilation in Glassy Polymers - Combining Experiment, Phenomenological Models and Simulation
Gas induced Dilation of Glassy Polymeric Systems - Experimental Evaluation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Gas Induced Structural Changes in Glassy Polymers Relating Experimental and Modelling Results
Gas Induced Structural Changes in Polymeric Membrane Materials Combining Experiment, Phenomenological Models and Simulation
Gas permeabilities of elastomeric imide polymers
Gas permeability and free volume in poly(amide-b-ethylene oxide)/polyethylene glycol blend membranes
Gas Permeance through Semicrystalline PolyActiveTM Membranes: Contradiction with the Gibbs-Thomson equation?
Gas Permeance through Semicrystalline PolyActiveTM Membranes: Contradiction with the Gibbs-Thomson equation?
Gas permeation measurement under defined humidity via constant volume/variable pressure method
Gas permeation of carbon nanomembranes
Gas permeation parameters and other physicochemical properties of a polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM-1)
Gas permeation parameters and other physicochemical properties of a polymer of intrinsic microporosity: Polybenzodioxane PIM-1
Gas Permeation Parameters and Other Physicochemical Properties of a Polymer With Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1)
Gas permeation processes for H2 recovery in fossil fueled power plants and related systems
Gas Permeation Processes in Fossil Fuelled Power Plants and Related Systems
Gas Permeation Processes in Fossil Fuelled Power Plants and Related Systems
Gas permeation properties of carbon molecular sieve membranes prepared in alkali metal-organic solvent systems
Gas permeation properties of carbon molecular sieve membranes prepared in alkali metal-organic solvent systems
Gas Permeation Research at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Gas permeation through a glassy polymer membrane: chemical potential gradient or dual mobility mode?
Gas permeation through composite membranes
Gas permeation through PDMS membranes covered by 1 or 3 nm thick carbon nanomembranes (CNMs)
Gas Permeation through PDMS Membranes Covered by 1 or 3 nm Thick Carbon Nanomembranes (CNMs)
Gas permeation through polymers and polymer-glass composites
Gas Permeation, Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems
Gas Permeation, Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems
Gas Permeation, Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems
Gas Permeation, Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems
Gas Permeation, Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems in Unit Operations for Biorelated Systems
Gas Permeation; Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems
Gas phase photo graft polymerization of acrylic acid onto polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes
Gas Separation
Gas separation by nanostructured membranes
Gas Separation Membranes for CO2 - Free Fossil Fuel Power Plants
Gas separation membranes for zero-emission fossil power plants: MEM-BRAIN
Gas separation membranes from polyimides incorporating spiro-centers
Gas separation membranes from polymers of intrinsic microporosity
Gas Separation Membranes: Advanced Praparation Methods and New Applications
Gas Separation Properties of Polyimide Thin Films on Ceramic Supports for High Temperature Applications
Gas separation with membranes: New developments
Gas sorption isotherms in swelling glassy polymers - Detailed atomistic simulations
Gas Transport in Polymer/Zeolite Composite Membrane Materials - A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach
Gas Transport properties in a novel poly(trimethylsilylpropyne) composite membrane with nanosized organic filler trimethylsilylglucose
Gas transport properties of novel mixed matrix membranes with the organic filler trimethylsilyl-glucose
Gas Transport Properties of Poly(trimethylsilylpropyne) and Ethylcellulose Filled with Different Molecular Weight Trimethylsilylsaccharides: Impact on Fractional Free Volume and Chain Mobility
Gas Transport Properties of Segmented Poly(ether siloxane urethane urea) Membranes
Gas Transport Properties of the Metal–Organic Framework (MOF)-Assisted Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) Thin-Film Composite Membranes
Gas transport properties of ultrathin carbon and porous organic framework based composite membranes
Gas tungsten arc welding of as-cast AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy alloy
Gas tungsten arc welding of as-rolled CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy
Gas- und Daempfetrennung mit Membranen – neue Entwicklungen
Gas-atomized eutectic intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3: Part I: Microstructural studies
Gas-atomized eutectic intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3: Part II: Microstructure and properties of consolidated powders
Gas-Dampf-Permeation: Permeationskoeffizienten, Flusskopplung und Grenzschichteinfluesse
Gas-induced structural changes in polymeric membrane materials combining experiment, phenomenologicalmodels and simulation
Gas-solid particles two-phase flow theory and its application in the investigation of implosion phenomena
Gasdruck-dilatometrische Untersuchungen an glasigen Polymeren
Gasdurchlaessigkeit von Luftschiffhuellenmaterial und Traggasreinigung mit Membranen
Gase, Aerosole, Tropfen und Partikel in stehenden Ultraschallfeldern: Eine Untersuchung zur Anreicherung schwerer Gase, Verdampfung levitierter Tropfen, Kristall- und Partikelbildung (Dissertation)
Gaseous elemental mercury depletion events observed at Cape Point during 2007–2008
Gaseous mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere observed onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft
Gasoline Lead Content Reduction Policies - A Successful Case of Environmental Policies in the European Union?
Gasoline Vapor Recovery in the Chain of Gasoline Distribution
Gasoline Vapor Recovery in the Chain of Gasoline Distribution
Gaspermeationsprozesse fuer die Anwendung in fossil befeuerten Kraftwerken
Gastkommentar: Potenziale von Magnesium
Gastransport in Polymeren - Experiment und Computersimulation
Gastrennung durch Polymermembranen
Gastrennung mit Hilfe synthetischer Membranen: gegenwaertige und zukuenftige Anwendungen
Gastrennung mit Polymermembranen
Gastrennung mit synthetischen Membranen
Gastrennungsmembranen im Kraftwerksbetrieb
Gastrocknung mit Membranen
GATSBI: Generative Adversarial Training for Simulation-Based Inference
Gaussian Process Regression - A tool for improved climate index reconstructions
GC-AAS-Kopplung zur Bestimmung von zinnorganischen Verbindungen
GC/AAS for the simultaneous determination of Sn, Pb, Hg and Se-organyles
GCM Simulations of the last Millennium with Data Assimilation and Nudging (Datun)
GCMeval – An interactive tool for evaluation and selection of climate model ensembles
GCOAST: Skill assessments of coupling wave and circulation models (NEMO-WAM)
Gebaeudebegruenung und Klimawandel. Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels durch klimawandeltaugliche Begruenung : GERICS - CSC Report
Gebuendeltes Licht entlarvt die Suender, ARGOS - ein mobiles Schadgasfernmesssystem setzt Massstaebe in der Ueberwachung
Geeansceneerde klimaatangst
Geesthacht Polymer Days Rheology and Mechanics of Polymer Materials
Geesthacht Polymer Days: Rheology of Polymers for Research and Application
Geesthachter Schweisstage '06 - Festphase-Fuegeverfahren
Gefaessersatz / Endothelialisierung
Gefrierbruch unter Schutzgas als Methode zur Praeparation von Carriermembranen
Gefrorener Boden und Schneebedeckung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des hydrologischen Verhaltens der Landoberflaeche (Dissertation)
Gefuege und Eigenschaften metallischer Werkstoffe
Gefuege und Eigenschaften technischer Legierungen
Gefuege und Eigenschaften technischer Legierungen
Gefuege und Eigenschaften technischer Legierungen
Gefuege und Eigenschaften technischer Legierungen
Gefuege und Ermuedung in der a-Titanlegierung Ti-2,5 Cu
Gefuege und mechanische Eigenschaften technischer Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Gefuege und mechanische Eigenschaften von Magnesium-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffen
Gefuege und mechanische Eigenschaften von Magnesiumknetlegierungen
Gefuege und Zaehigkeit von ferritischem Schweissgut aus hyperbaren Schweissverbindungen (Dissertation)
Gefuege- und Textureinfluss auf die Schwingungsrisskorrosionin Ti-6Al-4V
Gefuegebewertung an einem martensitischen Werkstoff durch Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) und Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (SANS)
Gefuegebewertung an einem martensitischen Werkstoff durch Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) und Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (SANS)
Gefuegeentwicklung als Werkzeug zur Optimierung von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Gefuegeentwicklung als Werkzeug zur Optimierung von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Gefuegeentwicklung und Eigenschaften intermetallischer TiAl-Feinguss- und Schmiedelegierungen
Gefuegeentwicklung und Phasentransformation in thermomechanisch behandelten Titan-Aluminiden
Gefügeuntersuchung zum Fließverhalten von Aluminium (6082) und Magnesium (AZ31) im miniaturisierten Strangpressversuch
Gegenueberstellung von konventioneller unf oekologischer Landwirtschaft in Schleswig-Holstein
Gegenwaertige und zukuenftige Aenderungen des maritimen Klimas
Geht uns das Wasser aus ? Der Klimawandel und die Verfuegbarkeit der wichtigsten Naturressource
Geht uns das Wasser aus? - Der Klimawandel und die Verfuegbarkeit der wichtigsten Naturressource
Gekoppelte regionale Atmosphaeren-Ozean Modellsysteme
Gel/Sol/Gel – Behandlung gelfeuchter Hohlmembranen – ein Weg zur Formierung von Hochleistungsmembranen
Gelatin Functionalization with Tyrosine Derived Moieties for Increasing the Interaction with Hydroxyapatite Fillers
Gelatin-based biomaterials with tailorable mechanical properties as promising matrices for soft tissue replacement
Gelatin-based Hydrogel Degradation and Tissue Interaction in vivo: Insights from Multimodal Preclinical Imaging in Immunocompetent Nude Mice
Gelatin-based hydrogels as versatile tools for tissue engineering: insights from multimodal imaging in vivo and ex vivo
Gelatine mit definierten physikalischen Netzpunkten als Basis fuer supramolekulare, multifunktionale Biomaterialien
Gelatine-basierte Hydrogele mit Einschlussverbindungen als definierte Netzpunkte (Diplomarbeit)
GEM-based thermal neutron beam monitors for spallation sources
GEM-based thermal neutron beam monitors for spallation sources
GEMS Instruments at the MLZ
Gender differences of bone formation during fracture healing in response to magnesium implants: preliminary study in a rat external fixation model.
Gene Delivery to the heart by magnetic nanobeads
Gene expression profile of multicellular tumor spheroids (MTS) with evolving necrosis
Gene regulatory network analysis identifies MYL1, MDH2, GLS, and TRIM28 as the principal proteins in the response of mesenchymal stem cells to Mg2+ ions
General and Localized Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys: A Critical Review
General Corrosion and Galvanic Corrosion Properties of differently PVD treated Magnesium Die Cast Alloy AZ91
General method for micromechanical based derivation of separation laws
General method for micromechanical based derivation of separation laws
General multi-fidelity framework for training artificial neural networks with computational models
General synthesis methods of polymeric membranes
Generalized pole figures from post-processing whole Debye–Scherrer patterns for microstructural analysis on deformed materials
Generating Aptamers Interacting with Polymeric Surfaces for Biofunctionalization
Generating WUDAPT Level 0 data – Current status of production and evaluation
Generation of 2.5D lung bud organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells
Generation of 3D representative volume elements for heterogeneous materials: A review
Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (BIHi002-A) from a patient with CLCN7-related infantile malignant autosomal recessive osteopetrosis
Generation of a selective layer on polyacrylonitrile membrane supports for separation of aromatic/non-aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures by pervaporation
Generation of integration free induced pluripotent stem cells from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) patients from urine samples
Genetic Engineering for the Analysis of Cell Interactions with their Environment (including Biomaterial)
Genetic engineering of mesenchymal stem cells by non-viral gene delivery
Genetic engineering of mesenchymal stem cells by non-viral gene delivery
Genetic regulation of bones cells upon increased magnesium salt concentrations
Genetic regulation of cells from the bone system in reaction to magnesium corrosion environment
GeNF - Experimental Report 2001
GeNF - Experimental Report 2002
GeNF - Experimental Report 2003
GeNF - Experimental Report 2004
GeNF - Experimental Report 2005
GeNF - Experimental Report 2006
GeNF - Experimental Report 2007
GeNF - Experimental Report 2008
Genomic-Phenomic Reciprocal Illumination: Desyopone hereon gen. et sp. nov., an Exceptional Aneuretine-like Fossil Ant from Ethiopian Amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)
Genus-Wide Transcriptional Landscapes Reveal Correlated Gene Networks Underlying Microevolutionary Divergence in Diatoms
Geochemical and structural aspects of the pycnocline in the Black Sea (R/V Knorr 134-8 LEG 1, 1988)
Geochemical characterization of suspended matter and sediment samples from the Elbe river by EPXMA
Geochemistry of sediments in the modern Aral Basin
Geoengineering - Was steckt hinter dieser hoch umstrittenen Option dem Klimawandel zu begegnen?
Geoengineering climate - An overview on suggestions and objections under discussion
Geoengineering climate: An overview on suggestions and objections under discussion
Geogene Hintergrundwerte
Geogene Hintergrundwerte als Bewertungsgrundlage der Schwermetallbelastungen im gesamten Elbeverlauf
Geogene Hintergrundwerte als Bewertungsgrundlage der Schwermetallbelastungen im gesamten Elbeverlauf
Geogene Hintergrundwerte und zeitliche Belastungsentwicklung
Geography of Small Islands - Outposts of Globalisation
Geometrical Accuracy in Two-Stage Incremental Sheet Forming with Active Medium
Geometrical Shape of Micelles Formed by Cationic Dimeric Surfactants Determined with Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Geometrically Controlled Triple-Shape Effect of Polymer Nanocomposites
Geometrically structured implants for cranial reconstruction made of biodegradable polyesters and calcium phosphate/calcium carbonate
Geometry as Design Concept for active Biomaterials
Geometry effects on corrosion-fatigue in offshore structural steels
Geometry of Biomaterial and the Influence on Stem Cell Developement
Geometry of Microwells modulate IL-6 secretion of human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells via ROCK signaling pathway
Geophysical Model Functions for the Retrieval of Ocean Surface Winds
GEOSAT satellite data in comparison with wave model results and ocean winds
GEOSAT satellite data in comparison with wave model results and ocean winds
Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Instrument Calibration Plans
Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (GERB)
Geothermal Convection and Double Diffusion Based on Profiling Floats in the Black Sea
GERB: A New Earth Radiation Budget Dataset
GERB: An Earth Radiation Budget Instrument on Second Generation METEOSAT
GERB: Ein geostationaerer Strahlungsbilanz-Sensor
GERB: Ein geostationaerer Strahlungsbilanz-Sensor
German Bight estuaries: An inter-comparison on the basis of numerical modeling
German Bight residual current variability on a daily basis: principal components of multi-decadal barotropic simulations
German Bight Storm Activity over the Last Century
German Bight storm activity; 1897-2018
German Bight Storminess over the Last Century
German Bight surface drifter data from Heincke cruise HE 445
German Climate Computing Centre Boosted by High-Performance Computing Capacities
German experience with shipment of research reactor spent fuel
German Neutron Researchers meet in Dresden
German Sustainability Science Summit 2021 : Conference Summary Report
Geschichte der Klimaforschung – Signifikanz jenseits des Interessanten
Geschweisste Platte
GESIMA 90 – an object-oriented approach to program a mesoscale model and its adjoint
Gesinterte Magnesiumlegierung fuer die biomedizinische Anwendung - Sintered Magnesium alloy for biomedical applications
Gesinterte Stahlmembranen fuer Reaktoren zur partiellen Oxidation von Biomasse
Gesunde Seeluft Fehlanzeige? Wie dicke Poette Hamburgs Luft belasten
Gesundheit - Programm Regenerative Medizin
Gesundheit der Ostee
Gewaesseranalytische Untersuchungen der Unterweser
Gewaesserforschung in Magdeburg
Gewaesserguete-Dauermessstellen und Einleiter-Ueberwachung: eine Probelmanalyse mit Blick auf die numerische Gewaesserguetemodellierung
Gewaesserkundliche Grundlagen fuer Sanierungsmassnahmen im Oberen Elbtal
Gewaesserschonender Einsatz von Guelle
Gewaesserschutz und -nutzung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Oekologie und Oekonomie
Gewaesserschutz – diffuse Stoffeintraege
GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) cirrus cloud working group: development of an observation-based case study for model evaluation
GEWEX, the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment: its importance for studies of desertification processes in the Mediterranean
Gewinnung intermediaerer CD163+ Monozyten/Makrophagen und deren Verwendung als zellulaeres Zytokin-Freisetzungssystem zur Unterstuetzung der Endothelialisierung von Oberflaechen (Dissertation)
Gezielte Gefuegeeinstellungen von neuartigen TiAl-Legierungen (Masterarbeit)
Giant compliance and spontaneous buckling of beams containing mobile solute atoms
Giant electrochemical actuation in a nanoporous silicon-polypyrrole hybrid material
Giant enhancement of the skyrmion stability in a chemically strained helimagnet
Giant molecular cloud complexes in irregular galaxies
Giant molecular clouds in dwarf galaxies
Gibt es Gefahren fuer unser Erdklima?
Giessverfahren zur Herstellung von gewebeverstaerkten Polymermembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Gill cell toxicity of northern boreal scyphomedusae Cyanea capillata and Aurelia aurita measured by an in vitro cell assay
GKSS als Partner der Membranmedizin
GKSS and EDF View on J and CTOD Testing of Strength Mis-matched Weldments
GKSS Experience with Determination and Application of the Crack-Tip Opening Angle
GKSS RundD in underwater robotics
GKSS-Arbeiten zur Hochdruckwasserstrahltechnologie
GKSS-Membranforschung (Uebersicht)
GKSS-Membranforschung (Uebersicht)
GKSS-Untersuchung auf schwebstoffgebundene Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe im aeusseren Aestuarbereich von Weser und Elbe
GKSS-Unterwassersimulationsanlage GUSI: eine moderne Grossforschungseinrichtung fuer die Unterwassertechnik
GKSS-Verfahren zur Bewertung von Rissfehlern in Werkstoffen und Bauteilen
GKSS-Workshop Kontaminierte Schlaemme - Behandlung und Nutzungsmoeglichkeiten feinkoerniger Reststoffe
GKSS-Workshop Reinigung (Hg)kontaminierter Schluffe
Glacial–interglacial changes and Holocene variations in Arabian Sea denitrification
Glioblastoma Cell Type-Specific Loading with Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles
Global and local mechanical properties and microstructure of Bobbin tool friction-stir-welded Al–Li alloy
Global and Regional Mercury Cycles: Sources, Fluxes and Mass Balances - NATO-ASI-Series
Global assessment of innovative solutions to tackle marine litter
Global climate change - which form may it take in Southeast Europe? Research needs and perspectives
Global climate changes during the most recent two millennia
Global climate goes regional, and vice versa: Reflecting on 14 years of the PAGES 2k Network
Global Coastal Zone: The Challenge
Global Distribution of Sea Surface Features from ERS-2 SAR Wave Mode Data
Global distribution of sea surface features from SAR Wave Mode data
Global emissions of terpenoid VOCs from terrestrial vegetation in the last millennium
Global Energy Supply and Emissions : an Interdisciplinary View on Effects, Restrictions, Requirements and Options
Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation
Global exposure of population and land-use to meteorological droughts under different warming levels and SSPs: A CORDEX-based study
Global high resolution versus Limited Area Model climate change projections over Europe: quantifying confidence level from PRUDENCE results
Global impacts of the 1980s regime shift
Global Land Use and Technological Evolution Simulations on New Paleoclimate data
Global Land Use and Technological Evolution Simulations on New Paleoclimate Data
Global Land Use and Technological Evolution Simulations on New Paleoclimate Data - Role of and usage of paleovegetation
Global Land Use and Technological Evolution Simulations to Quantify Interactions Between Climate and Pre-industrial Cultures
Global Land Use and Technology Evolution Simulator
Global land use and technology in the Neolithic - A numerical model tells a story of agrarianization
Global Measurements of Wind Using Complex Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Global Measurements of Wind using Complex Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Global Observations of Wind Speed and Sea Surface Features using SAR Wave Mode
Global ocean colour trends in biogeochemical provinces
Global ocean wave fields show consistent regional trends between 1980 and 2014 in a multi-product ensemble
Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems
Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Homogenized Constrained Mixture Model of Arterial Growth and Remodeling
Global state of Mg - Issues, Potential and Opportunities
Global statistics of extreme ocean waves derived from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar
Global Stokes Drift Climate under the RCP8.5 Scenario
Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change
Global tide simulations with ICON-O: testing the model performance on highly irregular meshes
Global tree-ring response and inferred climate variation following the mid-thirteenth century Samalas eruption
Global Trends in Air‐Water CO2 Exchange Over Seagrass Meadows Revealed by Atmospheric Eddy Covariance
Global Trends in Merged Ocean Colour Data and Correction of Inter-Mission Inconsistencies
Global Warming in perspective - Our concerns about global warming have an age-old resonance (Kommentar)
Global Wind and Ocean Wave Measurements with the ENVISAT ASAR Wave Mode
Global Wind fields from SAR data using Scatterometer Models and Neural Networks
Global Wind Measurements using Complex ERS-2 Wave Mode Data
Global Wind Retrieval from SAR
Global Wind Speed Retrieval from Complex SAR data using Scatterometer Models and Neural Networks
Global wind speed retrieval from SAR
Global-texture development in cold work of copper and brass by pass-rolling
Globale high resolution climate reconstructions
Globale Modellierung des Klimawandels
Globale Sicht des Klimawandels
Globaler Wandel, Klimawandel und regionale Anpassung
Globaler Wandel, Klimawandel und regionale Anpassung
Globales Energie-und Wasserkreislauf-Experiment
Globales Energie-und Wasserkreislauf-Experiment
Globally Consistent Quantitative Observations of Planktonic Ecosystems
Glucose-responsive shape-memory cryogels
Glucose-responsive shape-memory cryogels
Glycerol based polyether-nanogels with tunable properties via acid-catalyzed epoxide-opening in miniemulsion
Glycolipids from a colloid chemical point of view
Glycosylation Enhances the Calculated Binding Affinity of GP120 Derived Peptides and Peptidomimetics to CD4
GMES and Down-stream Services Following User Requirements: Examples on Regional And Coastal Scale
Gobal Magnesium Research: State-of-the-art and What's Next?
Gobal Magnesium Research: State-of-the-art and What's Next?
Going Beyond Compromises in Multifunctionality of Biomaterials
Going beyond Histology: Synchrotron CT as a Complementary Methodology for Biological TissueCharacterization
Going Ultra: How we can increase the length scales studied in small-angle neutron scattering
Going Ultra: How We Can Increase the Length Scales Studied in Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Gold nanoparticle surface designs for selective dispersion in polymers and block copolymers by melt blending
Gold nanoparticles interacting with synthetic lipid rafts: an AFM investigation
Gold Nanoparticles Nanostructured in Block Copolymers upon Melt Blending: Design of a Stable and Compatible Silica/Polymer Shell
Gold-silicon metamaterial with hyperbolic transition in near infrared
Goldrausch oder die Frage was schmiere ich mir da ins Gesicht? Charakterisierung von anorganischen partikulaeren Bestandteilen in einem Kosmetikprodukt
Good Governance - Synergy of Science and Coastal Development
Good governance – synergy of science and coastal development
Good Science, Bad Politics
Governance as a framework to theorise and evaluate marine planning
Governance Aspects of Offshore Wind Energy and Maritime Development
Governance barriers to sustainable energy transitions – Assessing Ireland's capacity towards marine energy futures
Governance challenges of marine renewable energy developments in the U.S. – Creating the enabling conditions for successful project development
Governing coastal risks as a social process - Facilitating integrative risk management by enhanced multi-stakeholder collaboration
Governing Large-Scale Control in Arctic Modelling
GPS Atmosphere Sounding Project - An Innovative Approach for the Recovery of Atmospheric Parameters -WP 232 - Validation of Regional Models - BALTEX - and Contributions to WP 341 and WP 344
GPS water vapour estimates compared with a NWP model within the BALTEX region
Graded Inconel-Stainless Steel Multi-Material Structure by Inter- and Intralayer Variation of Metal Alloys
Gradient Adaptive Dynamics Describes Innovation and Resilience at the Society Scale
Gradient Adaptive Dynamics from Daisyworld to the Neolithic Transition
Gradient adaptive dynamics: Aggregate modeling from Daisyworld to an ESM anthroposphere component
Gradient adaptive dynamics: Aggregate modeling from Daisyworld to an ESM anthroposphere component
Gradient adaptive dynamics: Aggregate modeling from Daisyworld to an ESM anthroposphere component
Gradient enhanced modeling of fcc and bcc nanocrystalline materials
Gradient nanostructure in Fe-based alloys produced by surface mechanical treatment
Gradient of atmospheric mercury concentration from central Germany to central Sweden
Gradient residual strain and stress distributions in a high pressure torsion deformed iron disk revealed by high energy X-ray diffraction
Grafisches 3D-Display mit LCD-Modulatoren
Grafted Carbon Nanotubes with Polyoxadiazoles
Grafting of a novel phosphorylcholine-containing vinyl monomer onto poly-carbonateurethane surfaces by ultraviolet radiation grafting polymerization
Grafting of phosphorylcholine functional groups on polycarbonate urethane surface for resisting platelet adhesion
Grafting of poly(ethylene glycol) monoacrylates on polycarbonateurethane by UV initiated polymerization for improving hemocompatibility
Grafting of Poly(Styrene-co-Maleic Anhydride) with Poly(Ethylene Glycol) for Membrane Preparation
Grafting of Poly(Styrene-co-Maleic Anhydride) with Polyethers as a New Possibility to Increase the Selectivity in Gas Separation
Grafting of polystyrene from commercial multiwall carbon nanotubes and their nanocomposites with a styrene-butadiene block copolymer
Grain Boundary Formation Through Particle Detachment During Coarsening of Nanoporous Metals
Grain boundary fracture at the micron scale: a combined experimental and FEM approach
Grain boundary fracture at the micron scale: a combined experimental and FEM approach
Grain refinement in cold drawn Mg-xAg wires
Grain Refinement in Gamma-TiAl-based Alloys by Solid State Phase Transformations
Grain refinement of intermetallic compounds in the Cu–Sn system under high pressure torsion
Grain Refinement of Mg-Al Alloys by Carbon Inoculation
Grain Refinement of Mg-Al Alloys by Carbon Inoculation
Grain refinement of Mg-Zn and Mg-Mn alloys by SiC inoculation (Dissertation)
Grain refinements of magnesium alloys inoculated by additions of external SiC particles
Grain refinements of magnesium alloys inoculated by additions of external SiC particles
Grain Rotation at the Nanoscale
Grain rotation by dislocation climb in a finite-size grain boundary
Grain size and solute effects on the deformation behaviour of extruded Mg-Zn alloys
Grain size distribution for sediment samples of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20160725
Grain size distribution for sediment samples of the cruise AT275
Grain size distribution for sediment samples of the cruise LP20200629
Grain size distribution for the sediment sample stations of the Elbe river campaign LP201508 in 2015
Grain Size-Related Strengthening and Softening of a Precompressed and Heat-Treated Mg–Zn–Ca Alloy
Grain structure evolution ahead of the die during friction extrusion of AA2024
Grain structure evolution ahead of the die during friction extrusion of AA2024
Grain-boundary-induced spin disorder in nanocrystalline gadolinium
Grain-scale investigation of the anisotropy of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Mg AZ91 alloy
Grain-wise simulation of stochastic damage and failure verified on a TiAl polycrystal
Grains boundaries form as nanoporous metals coarsen
Graphical models for the evaluation of multisite temperature forecasts: comparison of vines and independence graphs
Graphical models for the evaluation of multisite temperature forecasts: comparison of vines and independence graphs
Graphische Darstellung der Laengsprofile - Filtrate, Schwebstoffe, Sedimente
Graphische Modellierung als Werkzeug angewandter Statistik
Grating-based X-ray phase contrast for biomedical imaging applications - Gitterbasierter Roentgen-Phasenkontrast fuer die biomedizinische Bildgebung
Grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging at PETRA III
Grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging at PETRA III
Grating-based X-ray phase-contrast tomography of atherosclerotic plaque at high photon energies - Gitterbasierte Roentgen-Phasenkontrast-Computertomographie atherosklerotischer Plaques bei hohen Photonenenergien
Grazing incidence - X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry for the Compositional Analysis of Nanometer-thin High- dielectric HfO2 layers
Green chemistry and nanofabrication in a levitated Leidenfrost drop
Green nanosynthesis and nanopatterning using a drop on a hot plate
Grenzen der Klimamodellierung
Grenzen der Klimamodellierung, Limits of Climate Modelling
Grenzen der Uebertragbarkeit bruchmechanischer Kennwerte und Erweiteruingen auf Mehr-Parameter-Konzepte
Grenzen passiven Biomonitorings mit Hilfe von Polytrichum formosum
Grenzen und Chancen der Wissenschaftskommunikation - Die Havarie der 'Pallas' als Symbol
Grenzen und Herausforderungen der regionalen Klimamodellierung
Grenzflaeche zwischen Polymeren – eine Herausforderung an die Neutronenreflexion
Grenzflaechen und innere Spannungen in Titan-Aluminiden
Grenzflaechen und Vertaeglichkeiten von Polymeren mit Neutronen unter die „Lupe“ genommen
Grenzflaechenenergetische Charakterisierung hydrophiler Polymeren
Grenzflaechenenergie gequollener Polymermembranen
Grenzschichtwiderstaende bei der Pervaporation
Grenzschichtwiderstaende bei Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Grenzueberschreitende Luftverschmutzung: Ziele und Methoden der Belastungsreduzierung im Rahmen europaeischer Umweltschutzkonventionen
Grenzueberschreitende Luftverschmutzung: Ziele und Methoden der Belastungsreduzierung im Rahmen europaeischer Umweltschutzkonventionen
Grenzueberschreitende Luftverschmutzung: Ziele und Methoden der Belastungsreduzierung im Rahmen europaeischer Umweltschutzkonventionen
Grenzueberschreitende Luftverschmutzung: Ziele und Methoden der Belastungsreduzierung im Rahmen europaeischer Umweltschutzkonventionen
Grey, Green, Big Blue: three regional development scenarios addressing the future of Schleswig-Holstein
Grobporige Hohlmembranen aus Acrylnitrilpolymeren
Grobporige Hohlmembranen aus Acrylnitrilpolymeren
Groesseneffekte im Schaedigungsverhalten von Kurzfaserkompositwerkstoffen
Groesseneinfluss auf das stabile Risswachstum und auf die Probeneinschnuerung bei unterschiedlich schlanken CT-Proben
Gross-Enclosure fuer Seeversuche
Grossraeumige Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen in der Atmosphaere
Grosstechnische Erprobung des Verfahrens der Seekreideaufspuelung: Wissenschaftliche Begleitung und Auswertung
Ground based calibration facility for the scanner for radiation budget instrument in the solar spectral domain
Ground based radars - a breakthrough in coastal forecasting
Ground characterization of the Scanner for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB) Flight Model 1
Ground-based cloud radar and airborne oxygen A-band measurements at Geesthacht, Germany : A CloudSat component
Ground-based H2 observations toward N 160A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Ground-state structures for oxygen adsorption on Ir(100)-(1x1) investigated via the cluster-expansion method
Growth and coarsening kinetics of gamma prime precipitates in CMSX-4 under simulated additive manufacturing conditions
Growth and remodelling of living tissues: perspectives, challenges and opportunities
Growth Factor-Bearing Polymer Brushes - Versatile Bioactive Substrates Influencing Cell Response
Growth Kinetics of Guinier-Preston-Zones in Al-4 wt% Cu Studied by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Transmission Electron Microscopy
Growth of antiphase domains in DO3 long-range ordered iron-rich iron - silicon alloys
Growth of Extracellular Matrix tissue controlled by pore size and stiffness of scaffolds
Growth of Functionalized Layered Double Hydroxides on Light Metal Substrates
Growth of human cells on a novel polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane: A potential for use in tissue engineering
Growth of human cells on polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber membranes
Growth of nano-dots on the grazing incidence mirror surface under FEL irradiation: analytic approach to modeling
Growth of nano-dots on the grazing-incidence mirror surface under FEL irradiation
Growth of nano-dots on the grazing-incidence mirror surface under FEL irradiation
Großraeumige Aenderungen des Wind-, Sturmflut- und Seegangsklimas in der Nordsee und moegliche Implikationen fuer den Kuestenschutz
Großraeumige Aenderungen des Wind-, Sturmflut- und Seegangsklimas in der Nordsee und moegliche Implikationen fuer den Kuestenschutz
Großraeumige Verteilung von neuartigen Problemstoffen in der Meeresumwelt am Beispiel der Polyfluorierten Verbindungen
Gruenden aus einer Forschungseinrichtung - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis
Grundhochwasser in Deutschland – Was laesst sich aus regionalen Klimaprojektionen fuer zukuenftige Entwicklungen ableiten?
Grundhochwasser in Deutschland – Was laesst sich aus regionalen Klimaprojektionen fuer zukuenftige Entwicklungen ableiten?
Grundkonzepte zum umweltorientierten Design chemischer Produkte und Prozesse
Grundlagen der Elektrodialyse: Anwendung der Elektrodialyse
Grundlagen der Hochtemperaturfestigkeit und des Kriechens - Physics of High Temperature Strength
Grundlagen der inelastischen Analyse
Grundlagen der Lidar-Verfahren
Grundlagen der Metall-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffe – Teil I und II
Grundlagen der Metallmatrix-Verbundwerkstoffe
Grundlagen der Metallmatrix-Verbundwerkstoffe
Grundlagen der Metallphysik
Grundlagen der Metallphysik
Grundlagen der nichtlinearen Finite-Element-Analysen
Grundlagen der pervaporativen Stofftrennung
Grundlagen der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenz
Grundlagen der Werkstoffkunde
Grundlagen der Werkstoffkunde
Grundlagen der Werkstoffkunde
Grundlagen der Werkstoffkunde I
Grundlagen der Werkstoffkunde I
Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften
Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnologie
Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnologie
Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnologie
Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnologie
Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnologie
Grundlagen des Korrosionsschutzes
Grundlagen des regenerativen Energieangebots
Grundlagen fuer die Entwicklungen von Anpassungsstrategien an der deutschen Nordseekueste
Grundlagen in der inelastischen Analyse bei grossen Verschiebungen und Verformungen
Grundlagen und Anwendung der Gas- und Daempfeabtrennung mittels Membrantechnik
Grundlagen und Anwendung der Gas- und Daempfeabtrennung mittels Membrantechnik
Grundlagen und Anwendung der Membrantrennverfahren
Grundlagen und Anwendung der Membrantrennverfahren
Grundlagen zur Umweltphysik und zur Energiefrage
Grundlegende Aspekte des Transportmechanismus in der organophilen Nanofiltration
Grundlegende Untersuchungen ueber ein neues Schweissverfahren namens HFDB (Hybrid Friction Diffusion Bonding) (Dissertation)
Grundwasserreinigung eines kontaminierten Kokereigelaendes – Abbau von PAK mittels Membran-Biofilm-Reaktor
Grundzuege der Chemie
Grundzuege der Chemie
Grundzuege der Chemie
Grundzuege der Chemie
Grundzuege der Chemie
Grundzuege der Chemie
Grundzüge der Chemie
Grundzüge der Chemie
Guidance on Measuring, Modelling and Monitoring the Canopy Layer Urban Heat Island (CL-UHI)
Guide for the design and operation of spent fuel storage racks for research reactors
Guidelines for checking performance and verifying accuracy of rotational rheometers: viscosity measurements in steady and oscillatory shear
Guidelines for ground-based remote sensing of gaseous pollution, wind vector, and visibility with lidar
Guidelines for ground-based remote sensing of gaseous pollution, wind vector, and visibility with lidar
Guidelines for ground-based remote sensing of visibility, wind vector, and gaseous pollution with lidar
Guiding cities under increased droughts: The limits to sustainable urban futures
Gussputzen mit dem abrasiven Hochdruckwasserstrahl
Gut kombiniert - Multifunktionale Polymere
Gutachten zur Abwassersituation im Ruststeich unterhalb der Zuckerfabrik Elsnigk
Gutachten zur Beurteilung des Gewaesserguetezustandes der Unterweser: Teilgutachten Beurteilung des Guetezustandes des Weseraestuars
Gutachten zur Sanierung des Bindersees
Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zur Abwasserbehandlungsanlage in Gerswalde
Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zur Eiseneinleitung in den Muldestausee
Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zur Rekultivierung der Magdeburger Rieselfelder im Bereich Moeser - Koerbelitz
Gyroid-structured nanoporous polymer monolith from PDMS-containing block copolymers for templated synthesis


H-Sorption in MgH2 Nanocomposites Containing Fe or Ni with Fluorine
H2 Storage Tanks for RT and Complex Hydrides
H2-Antrieb auf der Coriolis
H2-Speichersysteme auf Basis von Leichtmetall-Hydriden - Eine wirtschaftliche und technische Bewertung
H2O masers in nearby irregular galaxies
Haemocompatibility testing of biomaterials using human platelets
Haemokompatibilitaet / Endothelialisierung
Hail potential in Europe based on a regional climate model hindcast
Haldenauslaugung als Teilschritt einer Bodendekontaminationstechnik fuer Quecksilber (Diplomarbeit)
Halogenated flame retardants in the marine atmosphere from Southeast Asia toward Antarctica
Hamburg: Hafen, Klima und Wissenschaft
Hamburg: Klimawandel und Umgang damit
hamsom_ecosmo_2e2 v1.0
Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Handbook of Climate Services
Handhabungssysteme fuer extreme Umgebungen: Ueberblick; Handhabungssyteme fuer extreme Umgebungen – Themenschwerpunkte
Handhabungssysteme fuer extreme Umgebungen: Ueberblick; Handhabungssyteme fuer extreme Umgebungen – Themenschwerpunkte
Handhabungssysteme fuer extreme Umgebungen: Ueberblick; Handhabungssyteme fuer extreme Umgebungen – Themenschwerpunkte
Handhabungssysteme fuer extreme Umgebungen: Ueberblick; Handhabungssyteme fuer extreme Umgebungen – Themenschwerpunkte
Handhabungssysteme fuer extreme Umgebungen: Ueberblick; Handhabungssyteme fuer extreme Umgebungen – Themenschwerpunkte
Handling Uncertainty Using Scenario Studio
Haptoglobin - A Multifunctional Protein in Harbour Seals
Hard X-ray full-field nanoimaging using a direct photon-counting detector
Hard X-ray nano-holotomography with a Fresnel zone plate
Hard X-ray nanotomography at the P05 Imaging beamline at PETRA III
Hard X-ray nanotomography at the P05 Imaging beamline at PETRA III
Hard- und Softwareentwicklung einer Fire Wire Interfacekarte mit speziellen Eigenschaften (Bildsynchronisation mehrerer Kameras fuer die Verhaltensforschung bei Delfinen) und die Integration in ein bestehendes Hardwarekonzept (Diplomarbeit)
Hardening mechanism of commercially pure Mg processed by high pressure torsion at room temperature
Harmonising Environmental Research and Monitoring of Priority Pollutants and Impurities in the Svalbard Atmosphere
Harmonization in the Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories - JERICO
Harmonization in the Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories - JERICO
Harvesting of oxygen dissolved in water with polymer membranes (Masterarbeit)
HARWI II – The new high energy materials science beamline of the GKSS at the HASYLAB / DESY
HARWI II: GKSS new high energy beamline at HASYLAB / DESY for bulk strain mapping
HARWI-II, The New High-Energy Beamline for Materials Science at HASYLAB/DESY
HARWI-II, The New High-Energy Beamline for Materials Science at HASYLAB/DESY
Has the "BALTEX" sofar met its original objection?
Has the "BALTEX" sofar met its original objection?
Has the eutrophic state of German Wadden Sea waters changed over the past 10 years due to nutrient reduction?
Has the project BALTEX so far met its original objectives?
Hasselmann reloaded: internal variability in marginal seas
HAZ fracture properties of Ti-microalloyed offshore steel in as-welded and simulated conditions
HAZ fracture toughness properties of Ti-microalloyed offshore steel grade StE 355
HCLIM38: a flexible regional climate model applicable for different climate zones from coarse to convection-permitting scales
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change - insigths from a summer school
Health costs and economic impact of wind assisted ship propulsion
Heat and mass transfer in the convective surface layer: Part I – Overview; Part 2: Non-local formulation: Theoretical model and experimental evidence
Heat flow in argon and helium tungsten arcs and workpiece thermal response at a pressure of 1 MPa
Heat flow in argon and helium tungsten arcs at high pressures (0.1 to 6.0 MPa)
Heat flow in argon tungsten arcs and workpiece thermal response at pressures up to 6 MPA
Heat treatment and mechanical behavior in Beta-C
Heat treatment and mechanical behaviour in Beta-CTM
Heat treatment of Mg-Y- based alloys with addition of Ca or Ag
Heat treatment of Mg-Y- based alloys with addition of Ca or Ag
Heat treatment of Mg-Y- based alloys with addition of Ca or Ag
Heat treatments and hot forming of titanium aluminide alloys studied by in situ synchrotron radiation experiments
Heat-pattern induced non-uniform radial microstructure and properties of Ti-6Al-4V joint prepared by rotary friction welding
Heat-treatment induced defect formation in α-Al matrix in Sr-modified eutectic Al–Si alloy
Heat/mass transfer in the convective surface layer: towards improved parameterization of surface fluxes in climate models
Heating and Stretching of Magneto-Sensitive and Mechanically Active Polymer Composites
Heavy metal content of soils and sediments of the river Elbe in selected parts of East Germany
Heavy metals in the Elbe estuary: historical conceptions, actual research and future perspectives
Heavy Metals: Problems and Solutions - Environmental Science
Heimat Kueste - Wahrnehmung durch die Bevoelkerung und nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung an Nordseekueste und Tideelbe
Heimat unter Windraedern - Die niederlaendische Wattenmeerkueste aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Heimat – A German concept of regional perception and identity as a basis for coastal management in the Wadden Sea
Heimat, Umwelt und Risiko an der deutschen Nordseekueste - Die Kuestenregion aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Heimat’ as a boundary object? Exploring the potentialities of a boundary object to instigate productive science-stakeholder interaction in North Frisia (Germany)
Helgoland Roads, North Sea: 45 Years of Change
Helical differential X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography
Helical Nanofibers of Self-Assembled Bipolar Phospholipids as Template for Gold Nanoparticles
Helical spin structure of Mn1−yFeySi under a magnetic field: Small angle neutron diffraction study
Helium recovery from deep diving atmospheres
Helix forming ternary triblock terpolymer: morphological behaviour in bulk and thin film
Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience
Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience
Helmholtz Graduate School of Macromolecular Bioscience
Helmholtz Virtual Institute „Multifunctional Materials for Medicine“
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Research Activities 2015
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Research Activities 2016
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Costal Research, Institute of Polymer Research
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon uses the Xeuss 3.0 SAXS/WAXS instrument to boost their research
Heloxsaturationstherapie: Erfahrungen
Hematite and quartz pole figures of Precambrian iron ores from Conceicao Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Hematite and quartz pole figures of Precambrian iron ores from Conceicao Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Hematopoietic stem-cell senescence and myocardial repair - Coronary artery disease genotype/phenotype analysis of post-MI myocardial regeneration response induced by CABG/CD133+ bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell treatment in RCT PERFECT Phase 3
Hemispheric temperature contrasts in a forced simulation with the climate model ECHO-G - Analysis of possible mechsnisms
Hemocompatibility of Biomaterials - Towards a Personalized Approach
Hemocompatibility of Biomaterials/cPnBA
Hemocompatibility of degradable poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] polymer network
Hemocompatibility of poly(ether imide) membranes functionalized with carboxylic groups
Hemocompatibility of polymer-based implant materials
Hemocompatibility testing of biomaterials - Approach for a standardized assessment of thrombogenic surfaces
Hemocompatibility Testing of Polymers and Hemo-/Histocompatible Polymers
Hemocompatible polyactide by surface-immobilisation of heparin: maintenance of the anticoagulant in contact with fluid
Hemocompatible polyurethane/gelatin-heparin nanofibrous scaffolds formed by a bi-layer electrospinning technique as potential artificial blood vessels
Hemocompatible surface of electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds by ATRP modification
HENRY GRANJON PRIZE COMPETITION 2009 Winner Category A: “Joining and Fabrication Technology”FRICTION RIVETING: development and analysis of a new joining technique for polymer-metal multi-material structures
Henry’s Law Constants measurements of technical nonylphenol between 278 and 293 K
Henry’s Law Constants measurements of the nonylphenol isomer 4(3´,5´-dimethyl-3´-heptyl)-phenol, tertiary octylphenol and Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane between 278 and 298 K
Heparinized polylactide co-polymers for stent coating: In vitro studies on heparin immobilization, maintenance of anticoagulant properties and improvement of stent hemocompatibility
Herausforderung Klimawandel - Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven der Klimaforschung
Herausforderung Klimawandel - Was wir jetzt tun muessen - Energiekonzepte fuer die Zukunft
Herausforderung Magnesiumleichtbau - Neue Ansaetze fuer alte Probleme
Herausforderungen an die Messtechnik bei Untersuchungen zum Schadstoffeintrag in die Nordsee
Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von Magnesium-Blechen: Legierungen - Processing - Beschichtungen
Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von Magnesium-Blechen: Legierungen - Processing - Beschichtungen
Herausforderungen fuer Rettungskraefte durch „Alternative Antriebstechnologien“
Herausforderungen fuer Rettungskraefte durch „Alternative Antriebstechnologien“ am Beispiel der Wasserstofftechnologie
Herausforderungen fuer Rettungskraefte durch „Alternative Antriebstechnologien“ am Beispiel der Wasserstofftechnologie
Herausforderungen fuer Rettungskraefte durch „Alternative Antriebstechnologien“ am Beispiel der Wasserstofftechnologie
Herkunft, Transport und Verbleib von Schadstoffen in der Umwelt: Uebersichtreferat zu Tagungsthema „Die oekologische Herausforderung in den neuen Bundeslaendern“
Herstellung chemisch modifizierter Membranen fuer die Aliphaten/Aromaten-Trennung (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung direkt verformbarer reaktiver Membrangiessloesungen
Herstellung einer komplexen Titan-Knochenschraube aus Metallpulverspritzguss
Herstellung elektrisch leitfaehiger Membranen und Stuetzstrukturen durch Sinterprozesse
Herstellung extrem instabiler Legierungen durch Ko-Kondensation
Herstellung geschaeumter teilkristalliner Polymere mit ueberkritischem Kohlendioxid durch thermische Extrusion (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung instabiler Cu50 Fe50-Mischkristalle und deren Entmischungsverhalten
Herstellung metallischer bioabbaubarer Implantate aus Mg-Ca Legierungspulvern mittels MIM (Metallpulverspritzgiessen)
Herstellung metastabiler Festkoerperphasen durch mechanisches Legieren
Herstellung Mg-Ca basierter bioabbaubarer Implantate mittels Metallpulverspritzgiessen
Herstellung nanokristaliner Werkstoffe über Hochenergiemahlen und technische Anwendungen
Herstellung neuartiger intermetallischer Legierungspulver und deren Weiterverarbeitung zu Bauteilen
Herstellung poroeser Formkoerper fuer biomedizinische Anwendungen
Herstellung und Anwendung technischer Membranen
Herstellung und Anwendung technischer Membranen
Herstellung und Anwendung von Membranen allgemein und Enzymmembranreaktoren im besonderen
Herstellung und Anwendung von Polymermembranen
Herstellung und Bewertung der Umformbarkeit von reibruehrgeschweissten Tailored Blanks aus Aluminiumlegierungen (Dissertation)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung katalytischer Membranen fuer die Nitratreduktion (Dissertation)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung neuartiger metallverstaerkter Al2O3-Verbundwerkstoffe (Dissertation)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Giessfilmen aus Staerke
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Giessfilmen aus Staerke
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von molekular gepraegten Affinitaetsmembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von polymeren Membranen
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Staerkefilmen
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Tensidmonolayern auf akustisch levitierten Tropfen
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Tensidmonolayern auf akustisch levitierten Wassertropfen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften intermetallischer keramischer Verbundwerkstoffe
Herstellung und Eigenschaften intermetallischer Titan-Aluminide und -Silizide
Herstellung und Eigenschaften thermodynamisch instabiler Phasen: Oberseminar
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Gamma-Titan-Aluminid
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von geladenen Ultrafiltrationsmembranen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von geladenen Ultrafiltrationsmembranen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Magnesium-Bauteilen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Magnesium-Bauteilen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Magnesium-Bauteilen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von partikelverstaerkten keramischen Schichten auf Magnesiumlegierungen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von partikelverstaerkten keramischen Schichten auf Magnesiumlegierungen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von schwach geladenen Polymermembranen
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von schwach geladenen Polymermembranen
Herstellung und Erprobung von IMP-Werkstoffen fuer hochbeanspruchte Triebwerkskomponenten: Abschlussbericht zum BMFT Teilvorhaben: Eutektische intermetallische Ti-Al-Si Werkstoffe; Foerderkennzeichen - Vorhaben Nr. 03M3019C6
Herstellung und Erprobung von intermetallischen Phasen-Werkstoffen fuer hochbeanspruchte Triebwerkskomponenten
Herstellung und Gebrauchseigenschaften intermetallischer Gamma-Titanaluminide
Herstellung und Gebrauchseigenschaften intermetallischer Gamma-Titanaluminide
Herstellung und Integration poroeser Formkoerper auf Polyacrylnitril-Co-Polymerbasis in ein modulares Zelltestsystem (Masterarbeit)
Herstellung und mechanische Eigenschaften eines AM60 basierten Metall Matrix Nanokomposits (MMNC)
Herstellung und mechanische Eigenschaften silizidhaltiger TiAl-Werkstoffe mit Korngroessen im Submikronbereich (Dissertation)
Herstellung und mechanische Eigenschaften ultrafeinkoerniger Ti-Al(-Si)-Legierungen
Herstellung und mechanische Eigenschaften ultrafeinkoerniger Ti-Al(-Si)-Legierungen
Herstellung und Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen hoeherfester und -steifer PETP-Materialien
Herstellung und Vergleich von Lectin-Adsorbentien zur Affinitaetstrennung von Glycokonjugaten (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung von Flach- und Hohlfadenmembranen
Herstellung von Flach- und Hohlmembranen
Herstellung von Flach- und Kapillarmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril fuer die Ultrafiltration und Umkehrosmose
Herstellung von Halbzeugen und Bauteilen aus einer Gamma-Titanaluminid-Legierung durch Warmumformung
Herstellung von Hohlschaufeln aus Gamma-TiAl – Vorgehensweise und Stand des Projektes
Herstellung von intermetallischen Titanlegierungspulvern
Herstellung von LPRO-Membranen auf der Basis von PAN: Ergebnisbericht fuer den Auftraggeber
Herstellung von Mehrschichtmembranen mit Hilfe einer Breitschlitzduese und deren Charakterisierung (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung von Metallchelat-Adsorbentien zur chromatographischen Aminosaeure-Aufarbeitung (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung von mikrozellulaeren Schaeumen aus thermoplastischen Polymeren und deren Charakterisierung (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung von Nanopartikeln unter Verwendung poröser Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Herstellung von Polymer-Metall Werkstoffverbunden mittels Reibnieten: Beschreibung einer neu Fuegetechnik
Herstellung von Polymerschaeumen auf Basis von Polystyrol und Styrolcopolymeren
Herstellung von Polymerschaeumen auf Basis von Polystyrol und Styrolcopolymeren (Bachelorarbeit)
Herstellung von Staerkefilmen und Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften, Teil 1
Herstellung von Staerkefilmen und Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften, Teil 2
Herstellung von TiAl-Legierungspulvern und deren Weiterverarbeitung zu Halbzeugen und Bauteilen
Herstellung von Titanaluminid-Motorventilen durch Reaktionssintern
Herstellung von Titanaluminium-Gruenblechen durch Walzen stranggepresster Elementarpulverhalbzeuge und deren Pruefung
Herstellung von Werkstoffen unter extremen Nicht-Gleichgewichtsbedingungen
Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Anwendung von Membranen
Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Entwicklungstrends von Membranen
Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Entwicklungstrends von Membranen
Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Entwicklungstrends von Membranen
Herstellung, Gefuege und mechanische Eigenschaften von intermetallischen Gamma-Titanaluminiden
Herstellung, Gefuegeoptimierung und Eigenschaften von intermetallischen Titan-Aluminiden
Herstellung, Mikrostruktur und Druckkriechverhalten der nanopartikelverstaerkten Magnesiumlegierung Elektron21
Herstellung, Struktur und Eigenschaften von Polymermembranen
Herstellung, Ver- und Bearbeitung von Magnesiumlegierungen
Herstellungsverfahren und Gefuegedesign von hochfesten TiAl-Legierungen
Herstellungsverfahren und Optimierungsmoeglichkeiten von Membranen
Herstellungsverfahren von pulvermetallischen Werkstoffen
Herzlich Willkommemn am HZG Campus Teltow-Seehof
Heterogene Katalyse mit Polymermembranen
Heterogeneity of lithium distribution in the graphite anode of 21700-type cylindrical Li-ion cells during degradation
Heterogeneous ion-exchange membranes based on sulfonated poly(1,4- phenylene sulfide)
Heterogeneous Ion-Exchange Membranes Based on Sulfonated Poly(1,4Phenylene Sulfide)
Heterogeneous Ion-Exchange Membranes Based on Sulfonated Poly(1,4Phenylene Sulfide)
Heterogeneous reaction-diffusion patterns
Heterogenous activation of dynamic recrystallization and twinning during friction stir processing of a Cu-4Nb alloy
Hexagonal to orthorhombic symmetry reduction in a lamellar Ti-42Al-8.5Nb alloy
Hexaphenylbenzene-based polymers of intrinsic microporosity
HEXMAX budgets of water vapour and heat exchange at the sea surface
Hexyl-modified morpholine-2,5-dione-based oligodepsipeptides with relatively low glass transition temperature
HF Radar Activity in European Coastal Seas: Next Steps toward a Pan-European HF Radar Network
Hg contamination and transformation in the Elbe river
Hg-Dekontamination: Analytik
Hg-Dekontamination: Verfahrenstechnik
Hg-Dekontamination: Versuchstechnik
Hg0 trends in the North and South Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
Hg0 trends in the North and South Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
HGF-Projekt "Gasturbine - Status und Perspektiven
Hidden climate change related risks for the private sector : Working Paper Series in Economics
Hidden quantum phase transition in Mn1−xFexGe evidenced by small-angle neutron scattering
Hierachical Multiscale Evaluation of Bone Adaptation around Magnesium-based Implants
Hierarchical architecture of spider attachment setae reconstructed from scanning nanofocus X-ray diffraction data
Hierarchical flexural strength of enamel: transition from brittle to damage-tolerant behaviour
Hierarchical Nested-Network Nanostructure by Dealloying
Hierarchical supercrystalline nanocomposites through the self-assembly of organically-modified ceramic nanoparticles
Hierarchically organized Li–Al-LDH nano-flakes: a low-temperature approach to seal porous anodic oxide on aluminum alloys
Hierarchically structuring multiphase polymer networks in layer systems for enabling thermally-triggered complex shape changes
Hierarchy of a hyperbranched polymer by SANS relexation of a hyperbranched polymer in a linear matrix after a large step strain deformation
High accuracy humidity measurements using the standardized frequency method with a research upper-air sounding system
High Amplification of Experimental Data Leverage by Translation to Materials Modelling and Simulation: Towards a Lean Approach Based On Ontology
High arsenic and selenium levels measured in marine mammals
High capacity metal hydrides - Development Towards Scaled-Up Tanks and Economical Evaluation
High Carbon Solubility in a gamma-TiAl based Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.5C Alloy and its Effect on Hardening
High concentration aqueous magnetic fluids: structure, colloidal stability, magnetic and flow properties
High Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Arctic Seawater Driven by Early Thawing Sea Ice
High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys
High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys
High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of MN11
High cycle fatigue behaviour of Ti–6Al–4V fabricated by metal injection moulding technology
High deformation and delamination mechanisms explained through mesoscale and nanoscale phenomena in pearlitic steel wires
High Density Storage of Hydrogen at Low Pressures in Metal Hydrides and Hydride Composites: Storage Materials and System Development
High Diazotrophic Diversity but Low N2 Fixation Activity in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System Confirming the Enigma of Nitrogen Fixation in Oxygen Minimum Zone Waters
High ductile as-cast Mg–RE based alloys at room temperature
High energy in-situ measurements and microstructure characterisation of an advanced TiAl alloy with modulated microstructure
High Energy Milling of Si-Doped Titanium Aluminides - General Problems and Potential Applications
High Energy Milling of Si-Doped Titanium Aluminides - General Problems and Potential Applications
High Energy Synchrotron Radiation and Its Impact on Characterizing Nanoparticles
High energy X-ray diffraction study of a dental ceramics–titanium functional gradient material prepared by field assisted sintering technique
High frequency measurements of reach scale nitrogen uptake in a fourth order river with contrasting hydromorphology and variable water chemistry (Weiße Elster, Germany)
High Frequency Radar
High frequency scattering measurements for mussel bed characterisation
High Hydrogen Mobility in an Amide–Borohydride Compound Studied by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
High Molar Mass Poly(trimethylene carbonate) by Ph2BiOEt and Ph2BiBr-Initiated Ring-Opening Polymerizations
High performance organic solvent nanofiltration membranes: Development and thorough testing of thin film composite membranes made of polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs)
High Performance Pervaporation Module With Heat Integration For Dewatering Organic Solvents
High Performance Polymer Materials based on Polyoxazoles
High Performance Polymer Materials based on Polyoxazoles
High performance vapour permeation with organic membranes for dewatering ethanol and other organic solvents
High performance vapour permeation with organic membranes for dewatering ethanol and other organic solvents
High Power Diode Laser (HPDL) surface treatments to improve the mechanical properties and the corrosion behaviour of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys for biodegradable implants
High Pressure Hydrogen Storage Materials: Infrastructure Development and Simulations
High Pressure Hydrogen Storage Materials: Infrastructure Development and Simulations
High Pressure Reactive Hydride Composite Systems
High pressure water jet cutting in deep water
High rate oxygen reduction reaction during corrosion of ultra-high-purity magnesium
High Resolution Discharge Simulations Over Europe and the Baltic Sea Catchment
High resolution european SRB from the SAF on Climate Monitoring
High Resolution Maps of Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration in the German Bight
High Resolution Measurements of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in the Elbe Estuary
High resolution microscopy and the early stage precipitation kinetics
High resolution microstructure analysis of the decomposition of Cu90 Co10 alloys
High Resolution Ocean Surface Wind Fields Retrieved from Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars Operating at C-Band
High Resolution Ocean Surface Wind Fields Retrieved from Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars Operating at C-Band
High Resolution Paleoclimate Simulations with the COSMO-CLM Model in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East
High resolution SAR derived wind fields in comparison to numerical models
High Resolution Sea Surface Current Maps produced by Scanning with Ground Based Doppler Radar
High resolution spectroscopy for remote sensing of ocean and atmosphere
High Resolution Wave and Current Measurements Using a Nautical Radar
High Resolution Wind Field Retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar: North Sea Examples
High Resolution Wind Fields and their Variation Extracted from ERS-SAR
High resolution wind fields and their variation extracted from ERS-SAR images
High Resolution Wind Fields for Offshore Wind Farms Retrieved from Synthetic and Real Aperture Radars
High resolution wind fields from satellite borne SAR
High Resolution Wind Fields from TerraSAR-X data
High resolution wind fields retrieved from RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR
High resolution wind fields retrieved from SAR in comparison to numerical models
High Resolution Wind Fields Retrieved from Satellite Borne Synthetic Aperture Radars
High resolution wind fields retrieved from spaceborn synthetic aperture radar images in comparison to numerical models
High resolution wind fields retrieved from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar images and numerical models
High Resolution Wind Fields Retrieved from Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Images in Comparison to Numerical Models
High Resolution Wind Fields Retrieved from Synthetic and Real Aperture Radars
High Resolution Wind Fields Retrieved from Synthetic and Real Aperture Radars
High Resolution Wind Fields Retrieved from Synthetic and Real Aperture Radars
High Resolution Wind Fields Retrieved from Synthetic and Real Aperture Radars
High resolution wind hindcast over the Bohai and Yellow Sea in East Asia: evaluation and wind climatology analysis
High spectral resolution CO observations of NGC 6814 and NGC 7793
High spectral resolution Fizeau interferometry of a pulsed Ti: Sapphire laser
High Speed Friction Stir Welding of a Wrought Magnesium AZ31 Alloy
High speed friction stir welding of a wrought magnesium AZ31 alloy
High speed laser beam welding of magnesium Alloy AZ31 for enhancing the mechanical properties
High Speed SSA Thermal Fractionation and Limitations to the Determination of Lamellar Sizes and Their Distributions
High strain and long duration cycling behavior of laser welded NiTi sheets
High strain rate formability of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets
High strain rate formability of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets
High Strength and High Ductility Components by Metal Injection Moulding of TiAlNb Alloy Powder
High strength nanocrystalline Cu–Co alloys with high tensile ductility
High strength nanocrystalline Cu–Co alloys with high tensile ductility
High Temperature Behaviour of P91-Steel Weldments
High Temperature Behaviour of P91-Steel Weldments
High temperature behaviour of similar and dissimilar weldments
High temperature constitution and phase transformation kinetics in Ti-Al alloys
High Temperature Crack Initiation and Defect Assessment of P22 Steel Weldments using Time Dependent Failure Assessment Method
High Temperature Crack Initiation and Defect Assessment of Power Plant Steel Weldments
High Temperature Crack Initiation and Defect Assessment of Power Plant Steel Weldments
High Temperature Cross-Weld Characterisation of Steel Weldments by Microtensile Testing
High Temperature Defect Assessment and Fracture of Ti-Base Alloys and Intermetallics
High Temperature Defect Assessment and Fracture of Ti-Base Alloys and Intermetallics
High Temperature Defect Assessment Procedures
High Temperature Defect Assessment Procedures for Plants
High Temperature Deformation and Crack Growth in Gamma-TiAl Base Intermetallic Materials
High Temperature Deformation and Crack Growth in gamma-TiAl Intermetallic Materials
High Temperature Deformation and Fracture Assessment of Similar Steel Welds (Dissertation)
High Temperature Deformation and Microstructural Features of TXA321 Magnesium Alloy: Correlations with Processing Map
High Temperature Deformation Behavior of a Newly Developed Mg Alloy Containing Al, Ba and Ca
High Temperature Deformation Behavior of a Newly Developed Mg Alloy Containing Al, Ba and Ca
High Temperature Deformation Behaviour of a New Magnesium Alloy
High Temperature Deformation Behaviour of a New Magnesium Alloy
High temperature deformation behaviour of the RPM alloy Ti52Al48Cr2 with different microstructures
High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms and Processing Map for Hot Working of Cast-Homogenized Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy
High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms and Processing Map for Hot Working of Cast-Homogenized Mg-3Sn-2Ca Alloy
High temperature deformation mechanisms of two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
High Temperature Deformation of Cast ZW11 Magnesium Alloy with Very Large Grain Size
High Temperature Deformation of Cast ZW11 Magnesium Alloy with Very Large Grain Size
High Temperature Deformation of Magnesium Alloy TX32-0.4Al-0.8Si
High Temperature Deformation of Magnesium Alloy TX32-0.4Al-0.8Si
High temperature deformation of titanium aluminides
High Temperature Deformation Processing of Dilute Magnesium Alloy Z1 for Bioimplant Application
High Temperature Deformation Processing of Dilute Magnesium Alloy Z1 for Bioimplant Application
High Temperature Design Approaches for Welds
High Temperature Design Approaches for Welds
High Temperature Failure Assessment of Weldments
High Temperature Failure Assessment of Weldments
High temperature fracture mechanics testing
High Temperature Hyperbolic Metamaterial for Selective Thermal Emission
High temperature In Situ texture analysis of cold extruded pure copper and Cu-10 vol%Al
High temperature in situ texture measurements at the neutron powder diffractometer D1B
High temperature materials testing and crack growth studies
High temperature mechanical behavior of an extruded Mg–11Gd–4.5Y–1Nd–1.5Zn–0.5Zr (wt%) alloy
High temperature mechanical behaviour of Mg–6Zn–1Y alloy with 1 wt.% calcium addition: Reinforcing effect due to I-(Mg3Zn6Y1) and Mg6Zn3Ca2 phases
High Temperature Optical Metamaterials
High Temperature Strength and Hot Working Technology for As-Cast Mg–1Zn–1Ca (ZX11) Alloy
High temperature tensile, compression and creep behavior of recycled short carbon fibre reinforced AZ91 magnesium alloy fabricated by a high shearing dispersion technique
High temperature texture analysis and phase transformation kinetics in extruded pure copper and Al-90 Vol.% Cu
High temperature texture investigation in steel
High temperature texture measurements at the neutron powder diffractometer D1B
High temporal and spatial resolution monitoring of the bathymetry and current field in coastal areas by using ground based X-Band radar
High temporal and spatial resolution monitoring of the bathymetry and current field in coastal areas by using ground based X-Band radar
High Thermally Stable Isoporous Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes
High Throughput Characterization of Polymer Libraries by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Spectroscopy
High-Antifouling Polymer Brush Coatings on Nonpolar Surfaces via Adsorption-Cross-Linking Strategy
High-Contrast Structural Color Based on Photonic Glass from Core-Shell Particles
High-efficiency electroporation of the plant pathogen Pseudomas syringae pv. syringae R32
High-energy and durable aqueous magnesium batteries: Recent advances and perspectives
High-energy X-rays: A tool for advanced bulk investigations in materials science and physics
High-frequency variability of CO2 in Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
High-intensity 14 MeV DT neutron generators: present achievments and future potential
High-Lying Bound Rydberg States of Excited Hg(6s6p3P1) Atoms Using Two-Color Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy
High-molecular-weight symmetrical multiblock copolymers: Synthesis by RAFT polymerization and characterization
High-order suppression by a mechanical velocity selector
High-order suppression by a mechanical velocity selector
High-oxygen MIM Ti-6Al-7Nb: Microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties
High-performance asymmetric isoporous nanocomposite membranes with chemically-tailored amphiphilic nanochannels
High-Performance Low-Temperature Li+ Intercalation in Disordered Rock-Salt Li–Cr–V Oxyfluorides
High-Performance Membranes from Polyimides with Intrinsic Microporosity
High-performance polymer pervaporation membranes for the separation of methanol/methyl-tert-butyl ether mixtures
High-pressure cell for in situ neutron studies of hydrogen storage materials
High-pressure induced phase formation in the CuGaS2–CuGaO2 chalcopyrite–delafossite system
High-pressure zinc oxysulphide phases in the ZnO–ZnS system
High-resolution and sensitivity bi-directional x-ray phase contrast imaging using 2D Talbot array illuminators
High-resolution atmospheric reconstruction for Europe 1948–2012: coastDat2
High-resolution bathymetry models for the Lena Delta and Kolyma Gulf coastal zones
High-resolution ex vivo analysis of the degradation and osseointegration of Mg-xGd implant screws in 3D
High-resolution grating interferometer for phase-contrast imaging at PETRA III
High-resolution land use and land cover dataset for regional climate modelling: a plant functional type map for Europe 2015
High-resolution land use and land cover dataset for regional climate modelling: historical and future changes in Europe
High-Resolution mapping of Bora winds in the Northern Adriatic Sea using synthetic aperture radar
High-resolution material characterization with synchrotron X-rays
High-resolution measurement of the SO2 absorption cross section between 277 and 290 nm
High-Resolution Micro-Tomography of Cortical Bone
High-Resolution Micro-Tomography of Orthodontically Loaded Dental Implants
High-Resolution Micro-Tomography of the Human Tooth/Bone Complex
High-resolution modelling of mid-Holocene New Zealand climate at 6000 yr BP
High-resolution monitoring of marine protists based on an observation strategy integrating automated on-board filtration and molecular analyses
High-Resolution Observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea: The REP14-MED Experiment
High-resolution quantitative phase-contrast x-ray imaging for biomedical samples at PETRA III
High-resolution quantitative X-ray microanalysis of Nb/Al multilayer thin films using the Zeta-factor approach
High-resolution simulation for the Alpine climate since 1958 - validation on monthly and daily timescales
High-resolution spatiotemporal modeling of daily near-surface air temperature in Germany over the period 2000–2020
High-resolution spectroscopy for remote sensing of physical cloud properties and water vapour
High-resolution spectroscopy with a collisional cooling cell
High-resolution wave climate analysis in the Helgoland area (Dissertation)
High-Resolution Wind Climate Evaluation and Analysis over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea Region (Dissertation)
High-resolution wind fields from synthetic aperture radars and numerical models for offshore wind farming
High-resolution wind fields from synthetic aperture radars and numerical models for offshore wind farming
High-resolution wind hindcast over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in East Asia: Evaluation and wind climatology analysis
High-resolution X-ray tomography of the human inner ear: synchrotron radiation-based study of nerve fibre bundles, membranes and ganglion cells
High-Resolution, Basin-Scale Simulations Reveal the Impact of Intermediate Zonal Jets on the Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zones
High-Speed Analysis Of Speckle-Based Imaging DataWith Unified Modulated Pattern Analysis (UMPA)
High-strain shape-memory effect of poly(carbonate-urea-urethane) networks
High-Strain Shape-Memory Properties of Poly(Carbonate-Urea-Urethane)s Based on Aliphatic Oligocarbonates and L-Lysine Diisocyanate
High-strength Mg-6Zn-1Y-1Ca (wt%) alloy containing quasicrystalline I-phase processed by a powder metallurgy route
High-Temperature CoNi-Based Superalloys Strengthened by γ′-(Ni,Co)3(Cr,Al,Ti,X): The Effect of Refractory Elements
High-temperature creep properties of an Gamma-TiAl based alloy - Ti-46Al-9Nb
High-temperature deformation mechanisms in solution and precipitation hardened two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
High-temperature deformation mechanisms in solution and precipitation hardened two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
High-temperature deformation of amorphous precursor-derived Si-C-O materials
High-temperature deformation of polysynthetically twinned TiAl crystals - Numerical modeling of yield point
High-temperature deformation of polysynthetically twinned TiAl crystals - Numerical modeling of yield point
High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Hot Isostatically Pressed and Forged Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloy Powder
High-Temperature Melt Stamping of Polymers Using Polymer/Nanoporous Gold Composite Stamps
High-Temperature Stable Zirconia Particles Doped with Yttrium, Lanthanum, and Gadolinium
High-Throughput and Combinatorial Approaches for the Development of Multifunctional Polymers
High-Throughput Synthesis as a Technology Platform for Copolymer Libraries
High-Throughput Synthesis as a Technology Platform for Copolymer Libraries
High-Throughput Synthesis of Oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) / Oligotetrahydrofuran Based Polyurethanes
Higher lead concentrations in the environment of former West Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall''
Highly Branched Polymer for Dental Composites
Highly Branched Sulfonated Polyethersulfones and Polyetherketones: Syntheses and Possible Application in Membrane Processes
Highly crystalline PCL ultrathin films as thermally switchable biomaterial coatings
Highly crystalline PCL ultrathin films as thermally switchable biomaterial coatings
Highly efficient anti-corrosion polyetherimide (PEI) coating encapsulated with aluminum di-hydrogen tri-polyphosphate
Highly efficient, scalable, aerosol sprayed BiVO4/WO3 heterojunction photoelectrodes for water splitting
Highly elastic poly(ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) based materials obtained by incorporation of oligo(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether as a softener
Highly Flexible Poly(ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) Based Materials Obtained by Incorporation of Oligo(ethylene glycol)diglycidylether
Highly Flexible Poly(ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) Based Materials Obtained by Incorporation of Oligo(ethylene glycol)diglycidylether
Highly gas permeable poly(amide imide)s
Highly ordered membrane structures from block copolymers
Highly oriented and ordered double-helical morphology in ABC triblock terpolymer films up to micrometer thickness by solvent evaporation
Highly selective gas separation membranes derived from a polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM)
Highly selective isoporous block copolymer membranes with tunable polyelectrolyte brushes in soft nanochannels
Highly selective photonic glass filter for saturated blue structural color
Highly Selective Polymer Materials for the Extraction of Lithium from Aqueous Media
Highly Time Resolved Measurements of Total Gaseous Mercury at Mace Head, Ireland from 1995 to 2000
Hightemperature vapour permeation for dewatering ethanol and other organic solvents
Hightemperature-permeation for Dewatering Ethanol and other organic solvents
Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe im Heilungsprozess durch Regenerative Therapien Tissue Engineering und induzierte Autoregeneration
Hindcast simulation of the North Sea by HAMSOM for the period of 1948 till 2007 - temperature and heat content
Hinterm Deich wuerde ich kein Haus bauen
HIP-nitriding of a solute-rich beta alloy - surface microstructural changes
HIP-synthesis of gamma-base titanium aluminide composites
HiRSE_PS activities at Hereon
Histological Comparison of New Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Implants for Maxillofacial Applications
Histone modification of osteogenesis related genes triggered by substrate topography promotes human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
Historia y futuro de la tecnica Friction Stir Welding y sus variantes
Historic record of atmospheric deposition: Mercury contamination of an ombotrophic peat bog in Western Ireland
Historical and future changes in global flood magnitude – evidence from a model–observation investigation
Historical Climatology in Europe - The state of the art
Historical increases in land-derived nutrient inputs may alleviate effects of a changing physical climate on the oceanic carbon cycle
Historical Review of European Gasoline Lead Content Regulations and Their Impact on German Industrial Markets
Historical Review of European Gasoline Lead Content Regulations and Their Impact on German Industrial Markets
Historical storm surges in the German Bight
Historical trends and the long-term changes of the hydrological cycle components in a Mediterranean river basin
Historical Variability of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Version 6 (CMIP6)-driven Surface Winds and Global Reanalysis Data for the Eastern Mediterranean
Historische Gipse, Charakterisierung hinsichtlich des Ordnungszustandes der Kristallite und ihre Nachstellung (Dissertation)
History of Northeast Atlantlic Storminess, 1800 - today
Hitzewellen und Starkregen - Welche Auswirkungen hat der Klimawandel und welche Anpassungsmaßnahmen eignen sich?
HMGB-1 induces c-kit plus cell microvascular rolling and adhesion via both toll-like receptor-2 and toll-like receptor-4 of endothelial cells
Hoch- und Niedrigwasser
Hochaufgeloeste Abbildung nicht leitender Proben im FEREM
Hochaufgeloeste Rekonstruktion taeglicher Windfelder ueber Nordeuropa ab 1850
Hochaufgeloeste Rekonstruktion taeglicher Windfelder ueber Nordeuropa ab 1850
Hochaufloesende Abbildung poroeser Membranoberflaechen im Rasterelektronenmikroskop
Hochaufloesende Elektronenmikroskopie von inneren Grenzflaechen in einer zweiphasigen TiAl Legierung: 25. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Elektronenmikroskopie e. V., 1.-7. September 1991 in Darmstadt
Hochaufloesende Fizeau-Interferometrie durch konvergente Beleuchtung (Diplomarbeit)
Hochaufloesende Messungen des Absorptionsquerschnitts von SO2
Hochaufloesende Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in der Membranentwicklung
Hochaufloesende Spannungsmessungen mit Neutronendiffraktometern
Hochaufloesende und flaechenhafte Vermessungen von Oberflaechenstroemungen mit einem Dopplerisierten Radar
Hochaufloesende und flaechenhafte Vermessungen von Oberflaechenstroemungen mit einem Dopplerisierten Radar
Hochaufloesendes Diffraktometer MINI-SFINKS (LINP-1277)
Hochdruck-Wasserstrahlen: leicht und sauber trennen
Hochdruck-Wasserstrahlenschneiden - Untersuchungen zur Verfahrenstechnik un der Anwendung in der Unterwassertechnik
Hochdruckpermeation fuer die Abtrennung von Wasserdampf aus Gasgemischen
Hochdruckpermeation gasfoermiger Gemische durch Polymermembranen
Hochdruckpermeation mit selektiven Polymermembranen fuer die Separation gasfoermiger Gemische (Dissertation)
Hochdruckpermeation von Gas-Dampf-Gemischen am Beispiel der Erdgasaufbereitung
Hochdruckwasserstrahlputzen – Verfahrenstechnik und Einsatz zum Grossputzen im Rahmen eines EG-Projektes
Hocheffizientes adiabatisches Wasserstoffspeichersystem
Hochfeste Titanaluminid-Legierung auf der Basis von TiAl: Nd - Eigenschaften und Anwendungen
Hochfrequenztrocknung von Polyacrylnitrilfaserkabel
Hochgeschwindigkeitsflammspritzen im Korrosionsschutz Offshore
Hochgeschwindigkeitsreibruehrschweissen von Al Tailored Blanks – Eine Alternative zum Schmelzschweissen
Hochgeschwindigkeitsreibruehrschweissen von Al Tailored Blanks – Eine Alternative zum Schmelzschweissen
Hochleistungs-Kompositmembran fuer die Trennung organischer Mischungen mittels Pervaporation
Hochporoese Faellungsstrukturen
Hochselektive Stofftrennungen mit Carriermembranen
Hochselektive Stofftrennungen mit Carriermembranen - Stand der Entwicklung und Erwartungen
Hochtemperatur-Eigenschaften von zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Hochtemperaturanwendungen von Titanaluminiden
Hochtemperatureigenschaften von Magnesiumlegierungen
Hochtemperatureigenschaften von Si-C-N Precursorkeramiken
Hochtemperaturhydride fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung
Hochtemperaturhydride: Energiespeicher fuer das emissionsfreie Automobil
Hochtemperaturhydride: Energiespeicher fuer das emissionsfreie Automobil
Hochtemperaturrisswachstum in Ti-6242Si Legierungen
Hochwasser und Eigenvorsorge - Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren persoenlicher Schutzmaßnahmen
Hockeysticks, the tragedy of the commons and sustainability of climate science
Hoeheren Genauigkeitsanspruechen genuegende Lageberechnung eines kuenstlichen Erdsatelliten
Hohlmembranen aus Acrylnitrilpolymeren fuer die Blutdetoxikation
Hohlmembranen aus PAN
Hohlmembranen aus PAN fuer die Blutdetoxikation: Einfluss der Lumenfuellerzusammensetzung auf die Eigenschaften von Hohlmembranen
Hohlmembranen aus PAN fuer die Membranplasmaseparation
Hohlmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril als Traeger von Composite-Membranen
Hohlmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril fuer die Blutplasmaseparation
Hohlmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril fuer die Membranplasmaseparation
Hohlmembranen fuer die Stofftrennung
Hohlmembranen nach dem Viskoseverfahren: vergleichende Charakterisierung
Hole Expansion Simulations of TWIP Steel Sheet Sample
Hole Expansion Simulations of TWIP Steel Sheet Sample
Holistic optical water type classification for ocean, coastal, and inland waters
Hollow fiber membrane contactor for air humidity control
Hollow fiber membrane contactor for air humidity control: Modules and membranes
Hollow fiber membranes for the plasmapheresis
Hollow fiber membranes from polyacrylonitrile for blood purification
Hollow fiber membranes from polyacrylonitrile for the plasma separation (P)
Hollow Fiber Membranes from Polymer Melt
Hollow Fiber Membranes of Blends of Polyethersulfone and Sulfonated Polymers
Hollow fibre membranes from Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
Hollow fibre membranes of polyacrylonitrile for use in blood detoxification
Hollow Fibre Spinning of Block Copolymers: Influence of Spinning Conditions on Morphological Properties
Hollow Fibre Spinning of PS-b-P4VP Diblock Copolymers for Membrane Applications
Hollow fibres for gas transfer into water
Holocene carbon emissions as a result of anthropogenic land cover change
Holocene climate fluctuations and their potential impact on cultural development
Holocene climate fluctuations and their potential impact on cultural development
Holocene climate simulations for the Baltic Sea Region - application for sea level and verification of proxy data
Holocene coastal morphongenesis at the southern Baltic Sea: An interplay of climate forcing and the geological environment - A case study of the Darsst-Zingst peninusula
Holocene coastal morphongenesis at the southern Baltic Sea: An interplay of climate forcing and the geological environment - A case study of the Darsst-Zingst peninusula
Holocene global mean surface temperature, a multi-method reconstruction approach
Holocene land-cover reconstructions for studies on land cover-climate feedbacks
Holocene monsoon and sea level-related changes of sedimentation in the northeastern Arabian Sea
Holocene morphogenesis at the southern Baltic Sea: Simulation of multi-scale processes and their interactions for the DarssZingst peninsula
Holocene sedimentary distribution and morphological characteristics reworked by East Asian monsoon dynamics in the Mekong River shelf, South Vietnam
Holographic gratings for cold neutron optics
Holographic gratings for cold neutron optics
Holographic measurements of ice crystals in cirrus clouds during ICE 89
Holographically prepared diffraction gratings in nanoparticle dispersed polymers for neutron optics
Holographische Messungen an Eiskristallen in Cirruswolken waehrend des Internationalen Cirrus Experiments ICE (Diplomarbeit)
Homepage der Abteilung fuer makromolekulare Strukturforschung
Homo-, Block and Random Copolymers with Stimuli-responsive (Meth)acrylic Monomer Units: Aggregation Behaviour in Water-based Solvents
Homoclinic orbit bifurcations in simple biological model systems
Homogene Wassergasreaktion im Membranreaktor
Homogeneity of monthly precipitation data in the Iberian Peninsula
Homogeneous second phase precipitation
Homogenization efficiency regarding variations of RVE size and geometry
Homogenization of the interfacial bonding of compound-cast AA7075/6060 bilayer billets by co-extrusion
Homopolymer and Block Copolymer Composites Based on Silica Nanoparticles Coated with Polymeric Single or Double Shells Synthesized by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (Dissertation)
Homopolymere und Blockcopolymere im direkten Vergleich – neue Neutronenreflexionsuntersuchungen
Homozygous Missense Variant in the N-Terminal Region of ANK3 Gene Is Associated with Developmental Delay, Seizures, Speech Abnormality, and Aggressive Behavior
Horizontal inhomogeneities in clouds and their effect on remote particle measurements
Horizontal inhomogeneities in clouds and their effect on remote particle measurements
Horizontal scales and structures of the temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence fields in the German Bight
Horizontale Inhomogenitaeten in Wolken und ihr Einfluss auf die Messung von Partikeln
Hot cracking behaviour of an autogenously laser welded Al-Cu-Li alloy
Hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution for dual-phase Mg–9Li–3Al alloys
Hot Deformation Behavior and Processing Map of Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Zn Alloy
Hot deformation behavior of Mg–2Sn–2Ca alloy in as-cast condition and after homogenization
Hot deformation behavior originated from dislocation activity and β to α phase transformation in a metastable β titanium alloy
Hot Deformation Mechanisms in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Extruded at Different Temperatures: Impact of Texture
Hot deformation of Gamma TiAl Alloys: Fundamentals and Application
Hot deformation of Mg-Y-Zn alloy with a low content of the LPSO phase studied by in-situ synchrotron radiation diffraction
Hot deformation studies of a creep resistant Mg alloy DieMag422
Hot extrusion approach to enhance the cyclic stability of elastocaloric effect in polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
Hot Forging Behavior of Mg−8Al−4Ba−4Ca (ABaX844) Alloy and Validation of Processing Map
Hot Forging Behavior of Mg−8Al−4Ba−4Ca (ABaX844) Alloy and Validation of Processing Map
Hot forging of cast magnesium alloy TX31 using semi-closed die and its finite element simulation
Hot forging of cast magnesium alloy TX31 using semi-closed die and its finite element simulation
Hot forging of cast magnesium alloy TX31 using semi-closed die and its finite element simulation
Hot forging of Mg-4Al-2Ba-2Ca (ABaX422) alloy and validation of processing map
Hot forging wire and arc additive manufacturing (HF-WAAM)
Hot forming of a multiphase TiAl alloy studied in situ with synchrotron radiation
Hot forming of titanium aluminide alloys studied by in situ synchrotron radiation experiments
Hot forming of titanium aluminide alloys studied in situ with synchrotron radiation
Hot spot Baltic Sea - Expected climate change and its impacts on Europe's first macro-region
Hot spots of nitrification in the Elbe Estuary and their impact on nitrate regeneration
Hot Tearing Characteristics of Binary Mg-Gd Alloy Castings
Hot tearing characteristics of Mg–2Ca–xZn alloys
Hot tearing mechanisms of B206 aluminum–copper alloy
Hot Tearing of Magnesium
Hot tearing of magnesium alloys
Hot Tearing of Magnesium Alloys
Hot Tearing of Magnesium Alloys
Hot tearing of Mg-Ca binary and Mg-Ca-Zn ternary alloys (Dissertation)
Hot tearing of Mg-Y and Mg-Y-Zn alloys (Dissertation)
Hot tearing susceptibility of binary MgY alloy castings
Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Magnesium–Gadolinium Binary Alloys
Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-5Nd-xZn Alloys
Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-5Nd-xZn Alloys
Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-Ca Binary Alloys
Hot workability characteristics of cast and homogenized Mg–3Sn–1Ca alloy
Hot working and resulting mechanical properties of Gamma TiAl Alloys with a high content of Nb
Hot working mechanisms and texture development in Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al alloy
Hot Working of Gamma TiAl alloys for Turbine Applications
Hot working of gamma-based TiAl alloys
Hot Working of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Hot Working of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
Hot working parameters and mechanisms in as-cast Mg-3Sn-1Ca alloy
Hot Working Routes for Novel Gamma Base Titanium Aluminides
Hot-forming of Gamma TiAl alloys studied during processing with synchrotron X-ray radiation
Hot-Forming of Silicide-Dispersion-Strengthened Titanium Aluminides (SDS-TiAl) with Grain Sizes in the Submicron Range
Hot-Workability of Gamma-Based TiAl Alloys during Severe Deformation
Hot-Workability of Gamma-Based TiAl Alloys during Severe Deformation
Hot-Workability of Gamma-Based TiAl Alloys during Severe Deformation
Hot-Workability of Gamma-Based TiAl-Alloys during Severe Torsional Deformation
Hot-working behavior of an advanced intermetallic multi-phase Gamma-TiAl based alloy
Hot-Working of Gamma TiAl Alloys
Hot-working of TiAl Alloys: Atomistic Processes of Phase Transformation and Dynamic Recrystallization
Hot-Working of TiAl-Alloys with Enhanced High-Temperature Capability
Hot-Working of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Hot-Working of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
How a two-way online coupled model system impacts regional climate simulations
How a two-way online coupled model system impacts regional climate simulations
How a two-way online coupled model system impacts regional climate simulations
How accurate does accuracy have to be?
How alloying and processing effects can influence the microstructure and mechanical properties of directly extruded thin zinc wires
How an urban parameterization affects a high‐resolution global climate simulation
How can climate model information be used to better preserve cultural heritage in times of anthropogenic climate change
How can climate model information be used to better preserve cultural heritage in times of anthropogenic climate change
How can scattering data improve computer simulations?
How could it get any worse? The ecotoxic legacy of plastic pollution and the role of plastic transport and distribution; fragmentation; degradation; and leaching of chemical additives
How critical are absorption corrections for phasing Bragg reflections with the MAD method at wavelengths between3 and 6 Angstroem ?
How Density Functional Theory Surface Energies May Explain the Morphology of Particles, Nanosheets, and Conversion Films Based on Layered Double Hydroxides
How do contact angles reflect adsorption phenomena?
How do ice crystal habits and size distribution characteristics affect 95 GHz radar signals?
How do ice crystal habits and size distribution characteristics affect 95 GHz radar signals?
How Do Organisms Affect and Respond to Climate Change?
How do scientists assess the skill of climate models?
How do statistics of the mean wind correspond to extreme wind statistics over the Baltic Sea?
How do Statistics of the Mean Wind Correspond to Extreme Wind Statistics over the Baltic Sea?
How do topography and thermal front influence the water transport from the northern Laotieshan Channel to the Bohai Sea interior in summer?
How do we know that human influence is changing the climate in the Baltic Sea region?
How do we know that human influence is changing the climate in the Baltic Sea region?
How Does a Regional Climate Model Modify the Projected Climate Change Signal of the Driving GCM: A Study over Different CORDEX Regions Using REMO
How does blood contact change Magnesium degradation?
How does blood contact change Magnesium degradation?
How does the synthetic peptide NK2 act on model membranes?
How fast can plankton feed? Maximum ingestion rate scales with digestive surface area
How humic substances dominate mercury geochemistry in contaminated floodplains and sediments
How humic substances dominate mercury geochemistry in contaminated floodplains and sediments
How International Policies Affect the Management of Dredged Material in the Area of the North Sea
How Is Climate Change Affecting Marine Life in the Arctic?
How ligament connectivity determines stiffness of nanoporous gold?
How Machine Learning Can Support the Design Process of Membranes
How much unnoticed merit is there in climate services?
How nanoporous silicon-polypyrrole hybrids flex their muscles in aqueous electrolytes: In operando high-resolution x-ray diffraction and electron tomography-based micromechanical computer simulations
How pollutants are transported - Distribution of organic and inorganic pollutants in different Elbe compartments
How present aerosol pollution from North America impacts North Atlantic climate
How shipping and agriculture impact air quality in coastal regions
How Si affects the microstructural evolution and phase transformations of intermetallic γ-TiAl based alloys
How the matrix dictates the distribution of major inorganic mercury species in soils and sediments
How thermotropic properties influence the formation of lyotropic aggregates near the critical micelle concentration
How to accelerate biomaterial development? Strategies to support the application of novel polymer-based biomaterials in implantable devices
How to adapt to climate change - challenges for cities
How to calculate the pressure in non-hydrostatic models
How to derive concentrations of chlorophyll, suspended matter and gelbstoff from multispectral radiances of case II water
How to develop new digital knowledge transfer products for communicating strategies and new ways towards a carbon-neutral Germany
How to discretize the pressure gradient for curvilinear MAC grids
How to engage and adapt to unprecedented extremes
How to improve attribution of changes in drought and flood impacts
How to make technically useful polymer membranes?
How to produce spatially defined proton spin domains and to detect them by small-angle polarized neutron scattering
How to set up a cell culture lab
How to shape climate risk policies after the Paris agreement? The importance of perceptions as a driver for climate risk management
How to use the features of total-reflection of X-rays for energy dispersive XRF
How unusual is the recent series of warm years?
How water wets and self-hydrophilizes nanopatterns of physisorbed hydrocarbons
HPLC technique for mercury speciation
HPLC/ICP-MS zur simultanen Bestimmung von Arsen-, Selen-, Antimon- und Tellurspezies
HREM studies of intermetallic phases in TiAl alloys
HRTEM analysis of the high-temperature phases of the newly developed high-temperature Ni-base superalloy VDM 780 Premium
Huellstromkuehlung: Ein Beitrag zur Tieftemperaturspektroskopie umweltrelevanter Gase und Molekuelcluster im Infraroten
Huellstromkuehlung: Ein Beitrag zur Tieftemperaturspektroskopie umweltrelevanter Gase und Molekuelcluster im Infraroten (Dissertation)
Huellstromkuehlung: eine neue Methode zur Unterkuehlung von Gasen fuer die Absorptionsspektrometrie
Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells increase endogenous neurogenesis in the rat subventricular zone acutely after 6-hydroxydopamine lesioning
Human agency in the Anthropocene
Human Dimensions in ICZM: Addressing Stakeholder Perceptions and Values in Determining Future Options for the Coast
Human Endothelial Cell Models in Biomaterial Research
Human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls embodied in global fish trade
Human impacts and their interactions in the Baltic Sea region
Human mesenchymal stromal cells and derived extracellular vesicles: Translational strategies to increase their proangiogenic potential for the treatment of cardiovascular disease
Human mobility, climate adaptation, and development
Human-Nature Interactions in the Anthropocene: Potentials of Social-Ecological Systems Analysis
Humification of PAH and TNT During Bioremediation - Evaluation of Long Term Risk and Sustainability
Hurricane Gonzalo and its extratropical transition to a strong European storm
Hurricane Watch: A Quasi-Operational High-Resolution Wind Field Retrieval from SAR Images at CSTARS
Hurricane Watch: Operational analysis of hurricane characteristics using synthetic aperture radar
Hurricane Winds Measured with Synthetic Aperture Radars
Hurricane Winds Measured with Synthetic Aperture Radars
Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels crosslinked by copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition with tailorable mechanical properties
Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels crosslinked by copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition with tailorable mechanical properties
Hyaluronic acid-coated liposome for active targeting on CD44 expressing tumors
Hybrid films of poly ( ethylene oxide-b -amide-6 ) containing sol-gel silicon or titanium oxide as inorganic fillers: effect of morphology and mechanical properties on gas permeability
Hybrid Friction Diffusion Bonding for Tube-to-Tube Sheet Welds – Process Principles and Joint Properties of a Novel Solid State Joining Method
Hybrid Friction Diffusion Bonding for Tube-to-Tube Sheet Welds – Process Principles and Joint Properties of a Novel Solid State Joining Method
Hybrid Friction Diffusion Bonding of Aluminium Tube-to-Tube-Sheet Connections in Coil-Wound Heat Exchangers
Hybrid high performance computing to convert the molecular Dynamics simulation to neutron and x-ray data
Hybrid high performance computing to convert the Molecular Dynamics simulation to neutron and X-Ray Data
Hybrid membrane materials with different metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for gas separation
Hybrid membrane process for removal of bacterial lipopolysaccharide from human serum proteins with chelating polymer supports coordinated with Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ ions
Hybrid membrane process for removal of bacterial lipopolysaccharide from human serum proteins with chelating polymer supports coordinated with Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ ions
Hybrid membranes based on SiO2 / polyether -b-polyamide: Morphology and applications
Hybrid Methods
Hybrid methods for material characterisation
Hybrid methods for material characterisation
Hybrid Modelling by Machine Learning Corrections of Analytical Model Predictions towards High-Fidelity Simulation Solutions
Hybrid modelling of 7449-T7 aluminium alloy friction stir welded joints
Hybrid Modelling via Analytical Model Predictions corrected with Machine Learning towards High-Fidelity Simulation Solutions
Hybrid modelling: analytical model predictions corrected towards high-fidelity simulation solutions via machine learning
Hybrid modelling: Combining physics-based and data-driven modelling by enhancing analytical model predictions towards high-fidelity simulation solutions via machine learning
Hybrid modelling: correction of analytical model predictions towards high-fidelity simulation solutions via machine learning
Hybrid modelling: improving physics-based predictions via machine learning
Hybrid modelling: using data-driven and physics-driven modelling for challenges in materials mechanics and its processes
Hybrid Nanocomposite Membranes with High Performance for Natural Gas Conditioning
Hybrid Nanomaterials for Strength and Function
Hybrid Nanomaterials for Strength and Function
Hybrid Nanomaterials for Strength and Function
Hybrid Organic–Inorganic–Organic Isoporous Membranes with Tunable Pore Sizes and Functionalities for Molecular Separation
Hybrid pervaporation - Absorption for the dehydration of organics
Hybrid processes for the production of ex-situ magnesium-based nanocomposites
Hybrid Processes using improved Vapour Permeation Membranes
Hybrid Processes using improved Vapour Permeation Membranes
Hybrid sailing to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the maritime transportation sector
Hybrid sailing to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the maritime transportation sector
Hybrid systems for the dehydration of organic compounds
Hybrid systems to treat off-gases from production plants
Hybride Membranprozesse fuer die Entwaesserung von Loesungsmitteln
Hybride Membranprozesse fuer die Entwaesserung von Loesungsmitteln
Hybride Werkstoffsysteme fuer hochfeste Leichtbau-Komponenten
Hybrides Reib-Diffusionsschweissen fürr ovale Verbindungen (Bachelorarbeit)
Hybrids for development of polymer membranes
Hybridsysteme aus Membranverfahren und Adsorption
Hybridsysteme aus Membranverfahren und Adsorption
Hybridverfahren in der Abluftreinigung
Hybridverfahren in der Abluftreinigung
Hybridverfahren zur Abluftreinigung
Hybridverfahren zur Trennung von Methanol/Isopropanol/Wasser-Gemischen
HYDRA: hydrographic measurement system
Hydration and Solvent Exchange Induced Swelling and Deswelling of Homogeneous Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgel Thin Films
Hydride Storage Tank Coupled with an Urban Concept Fuel Cell Vehicle
Hydride Storage Tank Coupled with an Urban Concept Fuel Cell Vehicle
HYDRIDE4MOBILITY: An EU HORIZON 2020 project on hydrogen powered fuel cell utility vehicles using metal hydrides in hydrogen storage and refuelling systems
Hydrierung von Acetophenon im Membranreaktor mit simultaner Produktabtrennung
Hydrierung von Speiseoel im Membranreaktor
Hydrierungsreaktor mit katalytisch aktiven organischen Membranen
Hydro- and Sediment-Dynamics in the German Bight: A Focus on Observations and Numerical Modelling
Hydro- and Sediment-Dynamics in the German Bight: A Focus on Observations and Numerical Modelling
Hydrocarbon vapor recovery by membrane separation
Hydrocarbon vapor recovery system based on polyetherimimide membranes
Hydrodechlorierung im Membranreaktor
Hydrodechlorination by means of a polymeric membrane reactor
Hydrodechlorination of Chloroorganic Compounds in Ground Water by Palladium Catalysts - PART 1. Development of polymer-based catalysts and membrane reactor tests
Hydrodechlorination of waste water by a polymeric membrane reactor
Hydrodynamic Effects of the 2002 River Flood in the Elbe Estuary
Hydrodynamic Impacts on the Fate of Polychlorinated Biphenyl 153 in the Marine Environment
Hydrodynamical modeling and data assimilation within the Odra estuary (Diplomarbeit)
Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in the German Bight. A focus on observations and numerical modelling in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in the German Bight. A focus on observations and numerical modelling in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Hydrodynamics of Canal Istanbul and its impact in the northern Sea of Marmara under extreme conditions
Hydrodynamik im Lister Tidebecken: Messungen und Modellierung
Hydrodynamik im Lister Tidebecken: Messungen und Modellierung
Hydrodynamik und Gewaesserguete der Unterweser vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher Nutzungen
Hydrodynamische Untersuchungen an einem Plattenmodul (Diplomarbeit)
Hydroforming of seamless niobium cavity of TESLA shape
Hydroforming test of back extruded niobium tube
Hydrogel Networks Based on ABA Triblock Copolymers
Hydrogel networks based on ABA triblock copolymers
Hydrogel networks by aliphatic dithiol Michael addition to glycidylmethacrylated gelatin
Hydrogele mit kristallisierbaren Seitenketten (Diplomarbeit)
Hydrogels with quadruple-shape capability
Hydrogen absorption and desorption of storage tanks based on sodium alanate material: simulations and experimental work
Hydrogen absorption in 3.0 nanometer sized palladium samples: did the structure matter?
Hydrogen absorption in 3.1 nanometre sized palladium samples: Does structure matter?
Hydrogen and the magnetic interlayer exchange coupling: Variable magnetic interlayer correlation in Ho/Y superlattices
Hydrogen as energy source for catalytic gas heating
Hydrogen as energy source for lost bell situations
Hydrogen Assisted Stress Cracking of Medium and High Grades of Supermartensitic Stainless Steel
Hydrogen Assisted Stress Cracking of Medium and High Grades of Supermartensitic Stainless Steel
Hydrogen assisted stress-cracking behaviour of electron beam welded supermartensitic stainless steel weldments
Hydrogen assisted stress-cracking behaviour of supermartensitic stainless steel weldments
Hydrogen assisted stress-cracking behaviour of supermartensitic stainless steel weldments
Hydrogen bonding and thermoplastic elastomers – A nice couple with temperature-adjustable mechanical properties
Hydrogen Compressors based on Metal Hydrides - State-of-the-Art Design and Own Developments
Hydrogen desorption mechanism of 2NaBH4 + MgH2 composite prepared by high-energy ball milling
Hydrogen dissociation on oxide covered MgH2 by catalytically active vacancies
Hydrogen effects at sputtered Tb-doped AlNxOy:H / c-Si(p) interfaces: A transient surface photovoltage spectroscopy study
Hydrogen Embrittlement and Wear of Magnesium Alloys
Hydrogen Embrittlement and Wear of Magnesium Alloys
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Biodegradable Magnesium
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Biodegradable Magnesium
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steels - Testing and Modelling as a Joint Effort
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steels - Testing and Modelling as a Joint Effort
Hydrogen embrittlement under cathodic protection of friction stir welded UNS S32760 super duplex stainless steel
Hydrogen for stationary applications: Coupling the electricity; gas and mobility sectors
Hydrogen in Pd-clusters
Hydrogen in stationary applications: Coupling the electricity, gas and mobility sectors (Digi-HyPro)
Hydrogen in stationary applications: Coupling the electricity; gas and mobility sectors
Hydrogen Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipeline Steel - Testing and Simulation
Hydrogen Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipeline Steel - Testing and Simulation
Hydrogen Motion in Magnesium Hydride by NMR
Hydrogen Permeation In Plastically Deformed Steel Membranes
Hydrogen permeation in plastically deformed steel membranes
Hydrogen production by steam reforming reactions in membrane reactors (Dissertation)
Hydrogen separation with polymeric membranes
Hydrogen sorption and structural properties of calcium based pure and fluorinated reactive hydride composites
Hydrogen sorption improvement of nanocrystalline MgH2 by Nb2O5 nanoparticles
Hydrogen sorption in elastically soft stabilized Pd-clusters
Hydrogen Sorption in the LiH–LiF–MgB2 System
Hydrogen sorption kinetics, hydrogen permeability, and thermal properties of compacted 2LiBH4single bondMgH2 doped with activated carbon nanofibers
Hydrogen sorption of nanocrystalline Mg at reduced temperatures by metal oxide catalysts
Hydrogen sorption properties of MgH2-LiBH4 Composites
Hydrogen sorption properties of the composite system 2NaBH4+MgH2
Hydrogen sorption properties of the composite system 2NaBH4+MgH2 (Dissertation)
Hydrogen storage activities at the Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht: Materials and scale-up
Hydrogen storage and compression - new innovation insight
Hydrogen Storage and Compression in Metal Hydrides
Hydrogen Storage based on Complex Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites: Materials and Systems
Hydrogen Storage based on Light Weight Metal and Complex Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites - Dedicated to the late Ruediger Bormann
Hydrogen storage by metal hydrides
Hydrogen Storage Characteristics and Cycling Stability of Nanostructured Mg H2-Cr2 O3 Composite
Hydrogen Storage Devices in general and Nanocrystalline Light Metal Hydrides in particular
Hydrogen Storage Devices in general and Nanocrystalline Light Metal Hydrides in particular
Hydrogen storage in a metal hydride: In situ produced polyurethane foam as a binder
Hydrogen storage in complex hydride tanks: Upscaling and testing
Hydrogen storage in complex hydrides: past activities and new trends
Hydrogen Storage in Doped Light Weight Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites
Hydrogen Storage in Light Weight Metal Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites
Hydrogen Storage in Light Weight Metal Hydrides: Mg-based Reactive Hydride Composites
Hydrogen storage in magnesium-based hydrides and hydride composites
Hydrogen storage in metal hydrides
Hydrogen storage in metal hydrides
Hydrogen storage in Mg–LiBH4 composites catalyzed by FeF3
Hydrogen storage in reversible metal hydrides
Hydrogen Storage Materials
Hydrogen Storage Materials
Hydrogen Storage Materials
Hydrogen Storage Materials: Scientific research towards application
Hydrogen storage properties and reaction mechanisms of K2Mn(NH2)4–8LiH system
Hydrogen storage properties of eutectic metal borohydrides melt-infiltrated into porous Al scaffolds
Hydrogen storage systems from Mg wastes
Hydrogen storage systems from waste Mg alloys
Hydrogen Storage using light metal hydrides: Testing, Scale-up and System Integration
Hydrogen Storage: Materials and Systems
Hydrogen Storage: Materials and Systems
Hydrogen substitution potentials at industry sites - Example for the energy systems of aviation production plant
Hydrogen substitution potentials inside the energy systems of aviation industry sites
Hydrogen transport into water via hollow fiber membranes for catalytic nitrate removal
Hydrogen-assisted actuation with nanoporous palladium
Hydrogen-based direct reduction of combusted iron powder: deep pre-oxidation; reduction kinetics and microstructural analysis
Hydrogen-based direct reduction of iron oxide at 700°C: Heterogeneity at pellet and microstructure scales
Hydrogen-induced-cracking in magnesium alloy under cathodic polarisation
Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation kinetic modelling and validation of the Li-RHC for storage applications
Hydrogenation in aqueous solution using a catalytic membrane in different modes
Hydrogenation of acetophenone in a pervaporative catalytic membrane reactor with online mass spectrometric monitoring
Hydrogenation of nanocrystalline Mg-based alloys
Hydrogenation of nanocrystalline Mg-based alloys
Hydrogenation Study of NaF/NaH/MgB2 Reactive Hydride Composites
Hydrogenation via a low energy mechanochemical approach: the MgB2 case
Hydrogen–deuterium exchange experiments to probe the decomposition reaction of sodium alanate
Hydrographic Parameter Maps Deduced From CCD Image Sequences of the Water Surface Supplemented by In-Situ Wave Gauges
Hydrographic Parameter Maps Determined From Optical Image Sequences of Dynamic Water Surfaces
Hydrographic Parameters Retrieved from Grazing Incidence Coherent Radars
Hydrographical measurements in the turbidity zone of the Weser estuary
Hydrographie und Klima im Lister Tidebecken
Hydrographie und Klima im Lister Tidebecken
Hydrographische Messtechnik zur Untersuchung von Transportvorgaengen in der Elbe
Hydrographische Multiparameter-Sonde fuer die Aestuar- und Meeresforschung
Hydrographische, meteorologische und sedimentologische Messungen im Aestuar- und Kuestenbereich
Hydrography and Circulation West of Sardinia in June 2014
Hydrography and the transport of toxic substances in the Elbe estuary
Hydrography-driven variability of optically active constituents of water in the South Brazilian Bight: biogeochemical implications
Hydrological activities in BALTEX - On coupling atmospheric and hydrologic models
Hydrological Changes in Late Antiquity: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Socio-Economic Impacts in the Eastern Mediterranean
Hydrological forecasting at impact scale: the integrated ParFlow hydrological model at 0.6 km for climate resilient water resource management over Germany
Hydrological fronts seen in visible and infrared MODIS imagery of the Black Sea
Hydrological processes in the land-surface scheme SEWAB linked to a horizontal routing scheme
Hydrological processes in the land-surface scheme SEWAB linked to a horizontal routing scheme
Hydrological risk: wave action, storm surge and coastal flooding
Hydrological variability in a comprehensive Earth System Model simulation of the past 2.000 years
Hydrologische Modellierung auf der regionalen Skala (Dissertation)
Hydrology and morphometry
Hydrolytic and Enzymatic Degradation Behaviour of Multiblock Copolymers with Different Fiber Dimension
Hydrolytic Degradation Behavior of Poly(rac-lactide)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(rac-lactide) Dimethacrylate Derived Networks Designed for Biomedical Applications
Hydrolytic Degradation of Actuators Based on Copolymer Networks From Oligo(ε-caprolactone) Dimethacrylate and n-Butyl Acrylate
Hydrolytic Degradation of Aliphatic Polyesters: Molecular Modeling and Quantum Mechanical Investigation (Dissertation)
Hydrolytic Degradation of Aliphatic Polyesters: Molecular Modeling and Quantum Mechanical Investigations
Hydrolytic degradation of poly(rac-lactide) and poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] at the air-water interface
Hydrolytic Fragmentation of Polymer Chains
Hydrolytic stability of aliphatic poly(carbonate-urea-urethane)s
Hydrolytic stability of aliphatic poly(carbonate-urea-urethane)s: Influence of hydrocarbon chain length in soft segment
Hydrolytic stability of polyetherimide investigated in ultrathin films
Hydrometalurgical Decontamination of Mercury Polluted Soils: Electroleaching - A Mobile Clean-Up Process
Hydroperoxide Traces in Common Cyclic Ethers as Initiators for Controlled RAFT Polymerizations
Hydrophilic composite membranes for nanofiltration
Hydrophilic Dual Layer Hollow Fiber Membranes for Ultrafiltration
Hydrophilic PCU scaffolds prepared by grafting PEGMA and immobilizing gelatin to enhance cell adhesion and proliferation
Hydrophilic poly(phenylene sulfone) membranes for ultrafiltration
Hydrophobic organic micropollutants in samples of coastal waters: efficiencies of solid-phase extraction in the presence of humic substances
HydroPy (v1.0): a new global hydrology model written in Python
Hydrostaic extrusion of magnsium alloys at 100°C and its influence in the grain refinement and mechanical properties
Hydrostatic and Indirect Extrusion of AZ-Magnesium Alloys
Hydrostatic extrusion of commercial magnesium alloys at 100°C and its influence on grain refinement and mechanical properties
Hydrostatic extrusion of magnesium alloys
Hydrostatic extrusion process for the efficient production of magnesium structural componenets: The MAGNEXTRUSCO project
Hydrostatic extrusion process for the efficient production of magnesium structural componenets: The MAGNEXTRUSCO project
Hydrothermal aging of friction riveted thermoplastic composite joints for aircraft applications
Hydrothermal Growth of Ceria Nanoparticles
HYMNE - Hydrographic Monitoring of the Neva Bight An Efficient, Matrix-free Finite-element Library for High-dimensional Partial Differential Equations
Hyperbare Abbranduntersuchungen - Abschlussbericht
Hyperbare Medizin: Statusreport
Hyperbaric FCAW: considerations on process behaviour above 60 bar
Hyperbaric fire safety experiments
Hyperbaric fire safety: A state of the art report; Edition January 1990
Hyperbaric flux cored arc welding (FCAW): weld metal microstructure
Hyperbaric flux cored arc welding in the depth range between 600 msw and 1100 msw
Hyperbaric flux cored arc welding in the depth range between 600msw and 1100msw: process behaviour and weld metal properties
Hyperbaric ignition and combustion behaviour for some selected diving chamber specific materials
Hyperbaric pipeline welding beyond 600msw: a conceptual proposal
Hyperbaric welding by the FCAW process
Hyperbaric welding: process behaviour beyond 600 m
Hyperbaric welding: process behaviour beyond 600 m
Hyperbranched poly(ethylenimine-co-oxazoline) by thiol–yne chemistry for non-viral gene delivery: investigating the role of polymer architecture
Hyperbranched Poly(p-phenylene ethynylene)s
Hyperbranched Polymers: Structure of Hyperbranched Polyglycerol and Amphiphilic Polyglycerolesters in Dilute Aqueous and Non-aqueous Solution
Hyperspectral Differentiation of Phytoplankton Taxonomic Groups: A Comparison between Using Remote Sensing Reflectance and Absorption Spectra
Hyperspectral measurements of light backscattering by particles in water with a fixed angle setup: proof of concept and instrument calibration
Hyperspectral optical absorption closure experiment in complex coastal waters
Hyperstimulation of CaSR in human MSCs by biomimetic apatite inhibits endochondral ossification via temporal down-regulation of PTH1R
Hyphenated Techniques for Elemental Speciation in Biological Systems
Hyphenated Techniques for the Characterization and Quantification of Metallothionein Isoforms
Hyphenation of capillary LC with ICP-MS and on-line micro fraction collection for MALDI-TOF analysis as complementary tools for protein analysis
Hyphenation of capillary-LC with ICP-MS and parallel on-line micro fraction collection for MALDI-TOF-TOF analysis—complementary tools for protein phosphorylation analysis
Hypoxia influences the effects of magnesium degradation products on the interactions between endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells
Hypoxic/Normoxic Preconditioning Increases Endothelial Differentiation Potential of Human Bone Marrow CD133+ Cells
Hysterese-Effekt bei der Rissausbreitung im Schwellwertbereich des hochfesten Stahls 21CrMoNiV57
Hysteresis Analysis and Control of a Metal-Polymer Hybrid Soft Actuator
Hysteresis in near-threshold fatigue crack propagation: a reconsideration
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
HZG in Teltow und Kunststoffe in der Medizin
Hämokompatibilität / Endothelialisierung von Biomaterialien


“I show you my coast…” - a relational study of coastscapes in the North Frisian Wadden Sea
IAEA CRP Phase 3 test results of neutron embrittlement of pressure vessel steels
ICCS 5 - Fifth International Conference on Climate Services, Innovation in Climate Services and Capacity Building - Conference report
ICE - EUCREX: What did we achieve so far?
Ice Core Accumulation in Greenland as Described by Large-Scale Atmospheric Fields: Development of Regression Models and Estimation of "Artificial Ice Core" Accumulation from O-AGCM Output (Dissertation)
Ice floe station
ICE International Cirrus Experiment: 1989 Field Phase Report
ICE: das Internationale Cirrus-Experiment 1989; Erste Ergebnisse
ICON in Climate Limited-area Mode (ICON release version 2.6.1): a new regional climate model
ICON Mesh Splitter version 1.0 - A program to create irregular computational meshes for ICON-O
ICON, an Integrated Coastal Observation Network in the German North Sea
ICOTOM 9 – TOPIC nichtmetallische Materialien
ICP-MS and hyphenated techniques for trace analysis of emerging contaminants in marine environmental samples
ICP-MS-basierte Elementanalytik zur Entwicklung neuer Probenahmetechniken für die Mikroplastikanalytik
ICP-MS/MS and LDIR as complementary technique in small micro- and nanoplastic Research - From method optimization to the study of environmentally relevant polymers as vector for trace metals
ICTS (Inter-CSE Transferability Study): An Application Of CEOP Data
ICTS (Inter-CSE Transferability Study): An Application Of CEOP Data
ICYESS2013: Uncertainty as an example of interdisciplinary language problems
ICZM - The Way Forward
ICZM – Global to Local Scales: Managing Changes in Sea Use Across Scales: North Sea and North Sea Coast of Schleswig-Holstein
Identification and analysis of the impact of large-scale climate patterns on regional sea-level variability and trends on the coast of Ghana
Identification and description of intermetallic compounds in Mg–Si–Sr cast and heat-treated alloys
Identification and reduction of unwanted stray radiation using an energy- and position-sensitive Compton polarimeter
Identification of appropriate autogenous laser welding parameters for Al-Li 2198 alloy
Identification of appropriate autogenous laser welding parameters for Al-Li 2198 alloy
Identification of Estrogen-like Acting Substances in Water Samples Utilising Bioassay-directed Chemical Analysis
Identification of Estrogen-like Acting Substances in Water Samples Utilising Bioassay-directed Chemical Analysis
Identification of extreme storm surges with high-impact potential along the German North Sea coastline
Identification of geomorphological dynamics from bathymetric time series acquired by radar (Diplomarbeit)
Identification of Johnson-Cook Material Model Parameters for Laser Shock Peening Process Simulation for AA2024, Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718
Identification of large channels in cationic PEGylated cubosome nanoparticles by synchrotron radiation SAXS and Cryo-TEM imaging
Identification of Laves phases in a Zr or Hf containing γ-γ′ Co-base superalloy
Identification of material parameters from tensile and indentation experiments
Identification of physiological and ecological processes that contribute most to uncertainties in ecosystem models
Identification of point sources of polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) along the River Rhine watershed and their transportation into the North Sea
Identification of Regional Persistent Patterns Through Principal Prediction Physics
Identification of the environmentally safe fairway in the South-Western Baltic Sea and Kattegat
Identification of the morbillivirus receptor SLAM on phocine lymphocytes
Identification of the morbillivirus receptor SLAM on phocine lymphocytes
Identification of toxic organic chemicals in river sediments using bioassay-directed chemical analysis
Identification of toxic relevant organic chemicals in sediments from Canada and Germany using a toxicity identification evaluation process
Identification of toxic relevant organic chemicals in sediments using bioassay-directed chemical analysis
Identification of unexpected hydrides in Mg-20 wt% Dy alloy by high-brilliance synchrotron radiation
Identification of wave breaking from nearshore wave-by-wave records
Identification of Xenoestrogens in Surface Waters Utilising Bioassay-Directed Chemical Analysis
Identifizierung organischer Schadstoffe in Elbsedimenten durch Kombination von Analytik und Toxizitaetstests
Identifizierung toxisch relevanter organischer Schadstoffe durch Kombination von Analytik und Biotests
Identifizierung von akut toxischen und mutagenen Verbindungen in Suesswassersedimenten
Identifizierung von Metallthioneinen aus humanen Cytosolen mit Hilfe der CE/ICP-MS
Identifying climate change information needs for the Himalaya region - Results from the GLACINDIA Stakeholder Workshop and Training Program
Identifying local governance capacity needs for implementing climate change adaptation in Mauritius
Identifying Strengths and Obstacles to Climate Change Adaptation in the German Agricultural Sector: A Group Model Building Approach
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Microwave (X- and S-Band) Marine Radars for Ocean Sensing
Il punto di vista delgi scienziati del clima sul Cambiamento Climatico Globale
IL-35-producing B cells are critical regulators of immunity during autoimmune and infectious diseases
Illustriertes Glossar zur analytisch-chemischen Terminologie
Image metrics for the automated alignment of microtomography data
Image metrics for the automated alignment of microtomography data
Image segmentation and analysis for densification mapping of nanoporous gold after nanoindentation
Image Sequence Analysis of Water Surface Waves in a Hydraulic Wave Tank
Image-based analysis of the internal microstructure of bone replacement scaffolds fabricated by 3D printing
Image-based analysis of the internal microstructure of bone replacement scaffolds fabricated by 3D printing
Imagerie 3D en mecanique des materiaux
Imaging Liver Lesions Using Grating-Based Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography with Bi-Lateral Filter Post-Processing
Imaging of Ru/C multi-layers designed for x-ray optics
Imaging of Ru/C multi-layers designed for x-ray optics
Imaging of Solid Materials by means of Scanning Force Microscopy
Imaging Spectrometry of Inland and Coastal Waters: State of the Art, Achievements and Perspectives
Imaging Spectrometry of Inland and Coastal Waters: State of the Art, Achievements and Perspectives
Imaging spectroscopy for detection of chlorophyll and suspended matter
Imaging X-ray fluoreszence analysis with synchrotron radiation: The SYXFA-microprobe
IMAS: ein Programmsystem zur inversen Modellierung
IMAS: Integrated Modeling and Analysis System - Release 1.0
IMAS: Integrated Modeling and Analysis System for the Solution of Control Problems
Imbibition of electrolytes into nanoporous gold and electrocapillary effects
Immiscible polydiene blocks in linear copolymer and terpolymer sequences
Immobilisierung verschiedener molekuelaufbauender Enzyme in Membranen
Immobilization of Candida antarctica lipase B on Polystyrene Nanoparticles
Immobilization of cells at gas permeable membranes
Immobilization of enzymes onto modified polyacrylonitrile membranes: Application of the acyl azide method
Immobilization of enzymes onto polyacrylonitrile membranes
Immobilization of Hirudin on Polylactide-Polyglycolide for Improvement of Haemocompatibility in vitro
Immobilization of Lectins on Cellulose Matrices Activated with Sodium Periodate
Immobilization of Lectins on Cellulose Matrices Activated with Sodium Periodate
Immobilized bioactive agents onto polyurethane surface with heparin and phosphorylcholine group
Immobilized Stationary Phases for Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography of Proteins
Immune response to electrospun PEEU fiber meshes
Immuno-compatibility of Amphiphilic ABA Triblock Copolymer Based Hydrogel Films for Biomedical Application
Immuno-compatibility of amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymer-based hydrogel films for biomedical applications
Immuno-compatibility of desaminotyrosine and desaminotyrosyl tyrosine functionalized star-shaped oligo(ethylene glycol)s with different molecular weights
Immuno-compatibility of desaminotyrosine and desaminotyrosyl tyrosine functionalized star-shaped oligo(ethylene glycol)s with different molecular weights
Immuno-compatibility of polystyrene and poly(ether imide) with different roughness
Immuno-compatibility of soft hydrophobic poly (n-butyl acrylate) networks with elastic moduli for regeneration of functional tissues
Immuno-compatibility of soft hydrophobic poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with elastic moduli for regeneration of functional tissues
Immuno-engineered mRNA combined with cell adhesive niche for synergistic modulation of the MSC secretome
Immuno-engineered mRNA technology for cell engineering with minmal footprint
Immunocompatibility and non-thrombogenicity of gelatin-based hydrogels
Immunocompatibility of biomaterials
Immunological aspects of membrane/blood interaction in dialysis
Immunological evaluation of polystyrene and poly(ether imide) cell culture inserts with different roughness
Immunological Impact of Metals in Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) of the North Sea
Immunological investigations of oligoethylene glycols functionalized with desaminotyrosine and desaminotyrosyltyrosine
Impact Behaviour of Magnesium Matrix Composites
Impact Forecasting to Support Emergency Management of Natural Hazards
Impact of a NECA on future air quality
Impact of a new albedo scheme on Arctic sea ice within the general circulation model ECHO-G
Impact of a nitrogen emission control area (NECA) on the future air quality and nitrogen deposition to seawater in the Baltic Sea region
Impact of a Warmer Climate on the Global Wave Field Preliminary Results
Impact of a Warmer Climate on the Global Wave Field Preliminary Results
Impact of air–sea coupling on the climate change signal over the Iberian Peninsula
Impact of Alkali Ions Codoping on Magnetic Properties of La0.9A0.1Mn0.9Co0.1O3 (A: Li, K, Na) Powders and Ceramics
Impact of Alkalinity flux from the Wadden Sea - First approaches of carbonate dissolution on the shelf
Impact of alloy and process parameters on the formability of extruded magnesium flat products
Impact of anthropogenic climate change on storm surge and wave conditions in the North Sea - Auswirkungen anthropogener Klimaaenderungen auf Sturmfluten und Seegang in der Nordsee
Impact of asymmetry deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31B alloy sheets deformed by on-line heating rolling
Impact of atmospheric stability on X-band and C-band synthetic aperture radar imagery of offshore windpark wakes
Impact of benthos on morphodynamics from a modeling perspective
Impact of biogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) loading on the molecular composition of wintertime PM2.5 in urban Tianjin: an insight from Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
Impact of biogeochemical glider data on modelling
Impact of block sequence on the phase morphology of multiblock copolymers obtained by high-throughput robotic synthesis
Impact of capillarity on mechanical behavior of solids in contact with a fluid
Impact of climate change on extreme wave conditions in the North Sea
Impact of climate change on the hydrodynamics in the Jade-Weser area
Impact of climate change on water resources status: A case study for Crete Island, Greece
Impact of climate change on wind and storm surge conditions in the outer Elbe estuary (North Sea)
Impact of confinement and polarizability on dynamics of ionic liquids
Impact of Contrasted Weather Conditions on CDOM Absorption/Fluorescence and Biogeochemistry in the Eastern Lagoon of New Caledonia
Impact of Decadal Trends in the Surface Climate of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre on the Marine Environment of the Barents Sea
Impact of degradable magnesium implants on osteocytes in single and triple cultures
Impact of Density Gradients on Net Sediment Transport into the Wadden Sea
Impact of Different Single Fiber Diameter and Variation of the Programming Temperature on the Shape-Memory Properties of Electro-spun Scaffolds Prepared from Amorphous Polyetherurethanes
Impact of Ebb-Delta Dynamics on Shoreline Evolution Along Inlet-Interrupted Coasts
Impact of Emission Reductions between 1980 and 2020 on Atmospheric Benzo[a]pyrene Concentrations over Europe
Impact of EnviSat Alternating-Polarization Mode Imagery on Rough-Surface Scattering Models and the Generation of High-Resolution Wind Maps
Impact of etching on the degradation of Mg-Gd alloys
Impact of etching on the degradation of Mg-Gd alloys
Impact of Fetuin on the behaviour of Mg-based metallic biomaterials
Impact of Fetuin on the in vitro degradation of Mg-based implants
Impact of Headgroup Asymmetry and Protonation State on the Aggregation Behavior of a New Type of Glycerol Diether Bolalipid
Impact of horizontal resolution on monsoon precipitation for CORDEX-South Asia: A regional earth system model assessment
Impact of Jet Condensation Trails Upon the Radiation Budget over Northwest Europe and the North Atlantic
Impact of Land-based Oil Pollution and Oil Industry Based Products on Marine and Coastal Living Resources
Impact of large-scale circulation changes in the North Atlantic sector on the current and future Mediterranean winter hydroclimate
Impact of large-scale climate patterns on sea-level variability in the Gulf of Guinea with focus on Ghana
Impact of large-scale climate patterns on sea-level variability in the Gulf of Guinea with focus on Ghana
Impact of large-scale climate patterns on the western Arabian Sea coastal upwelling system
Impact of large-scale climate variability on the Arabian Sea coastal upwelling system (Dissertation)
Impact of magnesium based degradable alloys on a coculture model of osteoblast and osteoclast
Impact of marine mercury cycling on coastal atmospheric mercury concentrations in the North- and Baltic Sea region
Impact of measurement uncertainties on determination of chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficient for marine phytoplankton
Impact of Mercury Chemistry on Regional Concentration and Deposition Patterns
Impact of mercury chemistry on regional concentration and deposition patterns
Impact of microstructure on elastic properties in the alloy Ti-42Al-8.5 Nb
Impact of microstructure on elastic properties in the alloy Ti-42Al-8.5Nb
Impact of model resolution on chemical ozone formation in Mexico City: application of the WRF-Chem model
Impact of modified soil thermal characteristic on the simulated monsoon climate over south Asia
Impact of Molecular Architectures on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Multi-Phase Polymer Networks
Impact of nitrification on the Nitrogen Cycle in the estuary region of River Elbe
Impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling on regional climate: the Iberian Peninsula case
Impact of Phenolic Antioxidants on Structural Properties of Micellar Solutions
Impact of physical and biological processes on temporal variations of the ocean carbon sink in the mid-latitude North Atlantic (2002–2016)
Impact of polyethylene glycol on aqueous micellar solutions of sodium oleate studied by small-angle neutron scattering
Impact of Polymer Network Architecture on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Multi-phase Polymer Networks Containing Crystallizable Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) Segments
Impact of possible future climate on coastal winds, storm surges and wave conditions in the North Sea
Impact of primary ice nucleation parameterizations on the formation and maintenance of cirrus
Impact of procedural variability and study design quality on the efficacy of cell-based therapies for heart failure - a meta-analysis
Impact of rapid urbanization on stream water quality in the Brazilian Amazon
Impact of rare-earth elements on the corrosion performance of binary magnesium alloys
Impact of route of access and stenosis subtype on outcome after transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Impact of serum on lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) rlease determination in vitro
Impact of statistical bias correction on the projected climate change signals of the regional climate model REMO over the Senegal River Basin
Impact of storage temperature and filtration method on dissolved trace metal concentrations in coastal water samples
Impact of Submesoscale Vertical Advection on Primary Productivity in the Southern East China Sea
Impact of Symmetry on Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Textured Ferromagnetic Thin Films
Impact of the Agulhas current on Southern African hydroclimate
Impact of the B2 ordering behavior on the mechanical properties of a FeCoMo alloy
Impact of volcanic eruptions on the climate of the 1st millennium AD in a comprehensive climate simulation
Impact of weather on a lake ecosystem , assessed by cyclo-stationary MCCA of long-term observations
Impact of wind parameters on suspended sediment concentration
Impact on demersal fishes and decapode crabs during the EUROPIPE construction activities
Impact on subtidal macrobenthic communities during the Europipe construction activities
Impact resistance of metal-composite hybrid joints produced by frictional heat
Impacts of a different sea ice and snow albedo scheme on the cryosphere and the atmospheric circulation in ECHO-G
Impacts of accelerating deployment of offshore windfarms on near-surface climate
Impacts of aerosol climatologies on the European climate during the last decades
Impacts of different aerosol climatlogies on the European climate during the last decades
Impacts of different aerosol climatlogies on the European climate during the last decades
Impacts of different coupling methods on regional atmosphere - Ocean simulations
Impacts of different coupling methods on regional atmosphere - Ocean simulations
Impacts of European Lead Regulations
Impacts of European Lead Regulations on Contamination Levels and German Gasoline and Automobile Markets
Impacts of Extreme River Discharge on Coastal Dynamics and Environment: Insights from High-Resolution Modeling in the German Bight
Impacts of land-cover changes on the regional climate of Northern Germany (Dissertation)
Impacts of morphological change and sea-level rise on stratification in the Pearl River Estuary
Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms on the Provision of Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being
Impacts of the Assimilation of Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Data on Volume and Heat Budget Estimates for the North Sea
Impacts of tourism on coastal areas
Impacts of yttrium on microstructure and tensile properties of biomedical β Ti-Nb-Zr fabricated by metal injection molding
Impfen von Wolken zur Erhöhung der Reflektivität - Konzepte, Potentiale und Risiken
Implant degradation of low-alloyed Mg–Zn–Ca in osteoporotic, old and juvenile rats
Implant Surface Modification by Biological Multi-layer Systems
Implant Surface Modification by Biological Multi-layer Systems
Implant Surface Modification using Biological Multi-layer Systems
Implantate im Spritzguss – Metal-Injection-Moulding
Implantation of pure magnesium beads in the subchondral bone plate to influence bone quality in osteoarthritic rabbits
Implantatmaterialien – Kunststoffe in Pharmazie und Medizin
Implantatmaterialien – Kunststoffe in Pharmazie und Medizin
Implantats: Plastics with Programmed Memory
Implants and Joint Fluids – Synergies of Medical Technology and Materials Research at the German Engineering Materials Science Center (GEMS) of Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG)
Implants and Prosthetics
Implants and Prosthetics - Introduction and Definitions
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive emission model for Europe
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive emission model for Europe
Implementation and validation at ECMWF
Implementation of a third generation ocean wave model at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Implementation of different big-leaf canopy reduction functions in the Biogenic Emission Inventory System (BEIS) and their impact on concentrations of oxidized nitrogen species in northern Europe
Implementation of Hardening Mechanisms in Gamma Base Titanium Aluminides
Implementation of Magnesium Alloys into Application - From Laboratory into Service
Implementation of New Magnesium Sheets into Application - From Laboratory into Service
Implementation of Phase Contrast Methods at the P05 Nanotomography Endstation at PETRA III : Enabling in situ experiments
Implementation of the CORINE land use classification in the regional climate model REMO
Implementing agile data workflows to unlock climate-resilient urban planning
Implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of a payment scheme for environmental services from agricultural land
Implementing and quantifying the shape-memory effect of polymeric micro/nanowires
Implementing and Quantifying the Shape-Memory Effect of Single Polymeric Micro/Nanowires with an Atomic Force Microscope
Implementing and Quantifying the Shape-Memory Effect of Single Polymeric Micro/Nanowires with an Atomic Force Microscope
Implementing multifunctionality in polymer-based biomaterials
Implementing multifunctionality in polymeric biomaterials for medical applications
Implications of contribution of cognitive criteria to EEG-theta generation in deep experimental diving
Implications of using chemical dispersants to combat oil spills in the German Bight – Depiction by means of a Bayesian network
Implosion phenomenon in high pressure chamber
Importance of microstructural stability in creep resistance of lamellar TiAl alloys
Importance of resuspended sediment dynamics for the phytoplankton spring bloom in a coastal marine ecosystem
Importance of salinity-induced stratification on flocculation in tidal estuaries
Important Future Research Topics in the Area of Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine
Impression creep behaviour of squeeze-cast Ca and Sb added AZ91 magnesium alloy
Improve the fatigue life of Titanium Alloys
Improve the fatigue of Titanium Alloys Part I
Improve the fatigue of Titanium Alloys Part II
Improved accuracy in the assessment of vertebral cortical thickness by quantitative computed tomography using the Iterative Convolution OptimizatioN (ICON) method
Improved alkali metal ion capturing utilizing crown ether-based diblock copolymers in a sandwich-type complexation
Improved analyzer multilayers for aluminium and boron detection with X-ray flourescence
Improved Boundary Values of Ocean Wave Fields Using a Data Assimilation Scheme
Improved Calculation of Nonlinear Near-Bed Wave Orbital Velocity in Shallow Water: Validation against Laboratory and Field Data
Improved corrosion response of squeeze-cast SiC nanoparticles reinforced AZ91-2.0Ca-0.3Sb alloy
Improved cytotoxicity testing of magnesium materials
Improved daily estimates of relative humidity at high resolution across Germany: a Random Forest approach
Improved dense catalytically active polymer membranes of different configuration to separate and react organics simultaneously by pervaporation
Improved Determination of Coastal Water Constituent Concentrations from MERIS Data
Improved determination of particulate absorption from combined filter pad and PSICAM measurements
Improved determination of technologically critical elements in sediment digests by ICP-MS/MS using N2O as a reaction gas
Improved Determination of Water Constituent Concentrations from Meris Data
Improved dynamic imaging of multiphase flow by constrained tomographic reconstruction
Improved fracture healing and concurrent bone-inhibitory effects from intramedullary magnesium implants: observations in a rat femoral model
Improved Graded Multilayer Mirrors for XRD Applications
Improved hemocompatibility of biodegradable polyactide by surface-immobilisation of heparin
Improved hemocompatibility of cellulose membranes by chemical modification
Improved hot workability of Gamma-TiAl-based composites by grain refinement
Improved hydrogen sorption of sodium alanate by optimized processing
Improved hydrogen transport into water by means of hollow fiber composite membranes for the process of catalytic nitrate removal
Improved In Vitro Test Procedure for Full Assessment of the Cytocompatibility of Degradable Magnesium Based on ISO 10993-5/-12
Improved in vitro Testing of Degradable Magnesium
Improved kinetic behaviour of Mg(NH2)2-2LiH doped with nanostructured K-modified-LixTiyOz for hydrogen storage
Improved mechanical properties of cast Mg alloy welds via texture weakening by differential rotation refill friction stir spot welding
Improved models, improved information? Exploring how climate change impacts pollen, influenza, and mold in Berlin and its surroundings
Improved Monthly and Seasonal Multi-Model Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts in Southwest Asia Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Improved Multilayer Optics and XRD Applications
Improved Preparation of Membrane Surfaces for Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
Improved sample manipulation at the STRESS-SPEC neutron diffractometer using an industrial 6-axis robot for texture and strain analyses
Improved Seasonal Prediction of European Summer Temperatures With New Five-Layer Soil-Hydrology Scheme
Improved simulation of a Vapour permeation module
Improved statistics of sub-mesoscale eddies in the Baltic Sea retrieved from SAR imagery
Improved thermal stability of zirconia macroporous structures via homogeneous aluminum oxide doping and nanostructuring using atomic layer deposition
Improved transfection in human mesenchymal stem cells: effective intracellular release of pDNA by magnetic polyplexes
Improved Transferability of Data‐Driven Damage Models Through Sample Selection Bias Correction
Improved ultrafiltration and gasseparation membranes prepared from chemically modified polyetherimide
Improved Voltage and Cycling for Li+ Intercalation in High-Capacity Disordered Oxyfluoride Cathodes
Improvement for the analysis of 2D probe data
Improvement in cold formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing
Improvement in H-sorption kinetics of MgH2 powders by using Fe nanoparticles generated by reactive FeF3 addition
Improvement in wet welding technology by advanced testing procedures (OG/422/92)
Improvement of a double crystal diffractometer at the Geesthacht Neutron Facility (GeNF) by means of perfect channel-cut silicon crystals
Improvement of biocoated porous titanium biocompatibility
Improvement of damage tolerance of laser beam welded stiffened panels for airframes via local engineering
Improvement of ductility at room temperature of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing
Improvement of ductility at room temperature of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing
Improvement of fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V components fabricated by MIM
Improvement of fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V components fabricated by MIM
Improvement of friction spot welding (FSpW) to join polyamide 6 and polyamide 66/carbon fibre laminate
Improvement of Load Carrying Capacity of Titanium Alloy-Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Hybrid Joints (Masterarbeit)
Improvement of Magnesium Sheet Formability by Alloying Addition of Rare Earth Elements
Improvement of Magnesium Sheet Formability by Alloying Addition of Rare Earth Elements
Improvement of mechanical behaviour in Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr by duplex aging
Improvement of mechanical properties by a polydopamine interface in highly filled hierarchical composites of titanium dioxide particles and poly(vinyl butyral)
Improvement of mechanical properties by a polydopamine interface in highly filled hierarchical composites of titanium dioxide particles and poly(vinyl butyral)
Improvement of severe plastic deformation realized by several passes rotary swaging in the microstructure and properties of Mg-0.6 Mn-0.5 Al-0.5 Zn-0.4 Ca alloy
Improvement of the biological Formation of Aroma Compounds by integrated Pervaporation
Improvement of the creep properties of TiAl alloys densified by Spark Plasma Sintering
Improvement of the double crystal diffractometer at the Geesthacht Neutron Facility (GeNF) by means of perfect channel-cut silicon crystals
Improvement of the Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) to join Polyamide 6 and Polyamide 66/Carbon Fiber Laminate - Aperfeicoamento da Tecnica de Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (FSpW) para Uniao de Poliamida 6 e Laminado de Poliamida 66 com Fibra de Carbono
Improvement of the gas separation performance in Claisen thermally rearranged (CTR) polymers
Improvement of the phase transition homogeneity of superheated superconducting tin granules
Improvement of thermal stability and reduction of LiBH4/polymer host interaction of nanoconfined LiBH4 for reversible hydrogen storage
Improvement on Fatigue Performance of Metal-Composite Friction Spot Joints Based on the Weld-Bonding Concept
Improvement on Fatigue Performance of Metal-Composite Friction Spot Joints Based on the Weld-Bonding Concept
Improvements to the Fracture Assessment of Welds using FITNET Fitness for Service Assessement Procedure
Improvements to the Fracture Assessment of Welds using FITNET Fitness for Service Assessement Procedure
Improving a Molecular Dynamics Water Model by Comparing it to Neutron and X-ray Scattering Data
Improving corrosion resistance of Mg10Gd alloy
Improving corrosion resistance of Mg10Gd alloy
Improving corrosion resistance of Mg10Gd alloy
Improving Corrosion Resistance of MRI 230D Mg Alloy by Hybrid Coating of Laser Surface Alloying and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Improving Corrosion Resistance of MRI 230D Mg Alloy by Hybrid Coating of Laser Surface Alloying and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Improving fermentation performance through acid recovery
Improving interfacial properties of a laser beam welded dissimilar joint of aluminium AA6056 and titanium Ti6Al4V for aeronautical applications
Improving microbial productivity through dialytic reclamation of inhibitory acids: The Propioni System
Improving Optical Measurements: Non-Linearity Compensation of Compact Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Spectrometers
Improving predictions and management of hydrological extremes through climate services:
Improving Regional Model Skills During Typhoon Events: A Case Study for Super Typhoon Lingling Over the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Improving science and policy in managing land-based sources of pollution
Improving seasonal predictions of German Bight storm activity
Improving the Creep Resistance of Elektron21 by Adding AlN/Al Nanoparticles Using the High Shear Dispersion Technique
Improving the ductility and toughness of nano-TiC/AZ61 composite by optimizing bimodal grain microstructure via extrusion speed
Improving the ductility in laser welded joints of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy to 316 stainless steel
Improving the fatigue performance of airframe structures via the hybridized application of geometrical modifications and laser heating
Improving the forming behavior and the precipitation hardness of the ductile Magnesium alloy ZAX210 by TRC
Improving the precipitation hardness of ductile magnesium alloys by twin roll casting
Improving the precipitation hardness of ductile magnesium alloys by twin roll casting
Improving the Process in Thermally Rearranged Polymers
Improving the productivity of fermentation processes through dialytic reclamation of inhibitory acids
Improving the sampling of red Noctiluca scintillans to understand its impact on coastal ecosystem dynamics
Improving the sheared edge in the blanking of commercial AZ31 sheet through texture modification
Improving the Young's modulus of Mg via alloying and compositing – A short review
Improving weld formability by a novel dual-rotation bobbin tool friction stir welding
Impulsaustausch zwischen Atmosphaere und Ozean im Kuestenbereich (Dissertation)
Impurities in the Production and Processing of Magnesium Alloys
Imrovement of Damage Tolerance of Laser Beam Welded Aerospace Structures via Local Engineering
In and ex situ investigations of the Beta-phase in a Nb and Mo containing Gamma-TiAl based alloy
In Cellulo Analysis of Huntingtin Inclusion Bodies by Cryogenic Nanoprobe SAXS
In Chinese: Simulated and reconstructed temperature in the eastern China during the last millennium
In depth analysis of the passive film on martensitic tool alloy: effect of tempering temperature
In der Glaubwuerdigkeitsfalle
In Honor of Reimund Stadler
In Mould Heating of Continuous Carbon Fibre Preforms for Reinforced High Pressure Die Casting Magnesium Parts
In Mould Heating of Continuous Carbon Fibre Preforms for Reinforced High Pressure Die Casting Magnesium Parts
In operando monitoring of wood transformation during pretreatment with ionic liquids
In search of social sustainability in marine spatial planning: A review of scientific literature published 2005–2020
In silico Discovery of Modulators of Magnesium Dissolution
In silico screening of modulators of magnesium dissolution
In silico studies of magnesium-based implants: A review of the current stage and challenges
In situ airborne measurements of atmospheric and sea surface parameters related to offshore wind parks in the German Bight
In situ analysis of PCBN cutting tool materials during thermo-mechanical loading using synchrotron radiation
In situ analysis of the effect of high heating rates and initial microstructure on the formation and homogeneity of austenite
In situ analysis of the forging process of a novel Gamma-TiAl alloy using synchrotron radiation - In situ Untersuchung des Schmiedeprozesses einer neuartigen Gamma-TiAl Legierung unter Verwendung von Synchrotronstrahlung
In situ analysis of the forging process of a novel Gamma-TiAl alloy using synchrotron radiation - In situ Untersuchung des Schmiedeprozesses einer neuartigen Gamma-TiAl Legierung unter Verwendung von Synchrotronstrahlung
In situ analysis of the tensile deformation mechanisms in extruded Mg–1Mn–1Nd (wt%)
In situ and atomic-scale investigations of the early stages of γ precipitate growth in a supersaturated intermetallic Ti-44Al-7Mo (at.%) solid solution
In Situ Characterization at Elevated Temperatures of a New Ni-Based Superalloy VDM-780 Premium
In Situ Characterization Techniques Based on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons Applied for the Development of an Engineering Intermetallic Titanium Aluminide Alloy
In situ compatibilization of polyamide 6/natural rubber blends with maleic anhydride
In situ compressive investigations on the effects of solid solution Gd on the texture and lattice strain evolution of Mg
In Situ Coupling Applied Voltage and Synchrotron Radiation: Operando Characterization of Transistors
In Situ Determination of Phase Stress States in an Unstable Medium Manganese Duplex Steel Studied by High-Energy X-ray Diffraction
In Situ Diffraction Experiments for the Investigation of Phase Fractions and Ordering Temperatures in Ti-44 at% Al-(3-7) at% Mo Alloys
In situ diffraction of CaO dissolution during melting and solidification of a Mg-20CaO alloy
In situ diffraction of the melting and the solidification of magnesium alloys containing CaO
In Situ Experiment for Laser Beam Welding of Ti Alloys Using High-Energy X-Rays
In Situ Experiment for Laser Beam Welding of Ti Alloys Using High-Energy X-Rays
In Situ Experiments with Synchrotron High-Energy X-Rays and Neutrons
In situ experiments with Synchrotron High-Energy X-rays of Ni-Ti alloys produced by powder metallurgy
In situ formation of LDH-based nanocontainers on the surface of AZ91 magnesium alloy and detailed investigation of their crystal structure
In Situ High Energy X-Ray Diffraction for Investigating the 3 Phase Transformation in Hot Rolled TRIP-Aided Steels
In situ high energy XRD study of the hot-deformation behaviour of a novel gamma-TiAl alloy
In Situ High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Reveals the Role of Texture on the Activation of Slip and Twinning during Deformation of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ti–6Al–4V
In Situ High-Energy X-ray Diffraction during Hot-Forming of a Multiphase TiAl Alloy
In situ high-energy X-ray diffraction of precipitation and dissolution reactions during heating of Al alloys
In situ high-energy XRD study during hot-forming of an advanced intermetallic gamma-TiAl based alloy
In Situ High-Energy XRD Study of the Hot-Deformation Behavior of a Novel Gamma-TiAl Alloy
In situ high-voltage electron microscope deformation study of a two-phase (a2 + g) TiAl alloy
In situ interlayer hot forging arc plasma directed energy deposition of Inconel® 625: microstructure evolution during heat treatments
In situ interlayer hot forging arc-based directed energy deposition of Inconel® 625: process development and microstructure effects
In situ Investigation during Low Pressure Carburizing by Means of Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction : In-situ-Untersuchung während der Niederdruckaufkohlung mittels Synchrotron-Röntgenbeugung
In Situ Investigation of Microstructure Evolution during Solidification of Mg10CaxGd (x=5, 10, 20) Alloys
In Situ Investigation of Microstructure Evolution during Solidification of Mg10CaxGd (x=5, 10, 20) Alloys
In situ investigation of phase transformations in friction stir welded steels using high-energy x-ray diffraction
In situ investigation of phase transformations in friction stir welded steels using high-energy X-ray diffraction
In situ investigation of precipitation in AA7449-O friction stir welds using high energy SAXS
In Situ Investigation of the Rapid Solidification Behavior of Intermetallic γ-TiAl-Based Alloys Using High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
In situ investigation on phase transformation of laser beam welded Gamma-TiAl-based joints
In Situ Investigation with Neutrons on the Evolution of Gamma' Precipitates at High Temperatures in a Single Crystal Ni-Base Superalloy
In Situ Investigation with Neutrons on the Evolution of γ ' Precipitates at High Temperatures in a Single Crystal Ni-Base Superalloy
In situ kinetics studies of Zn–Al LDH intercalation with corrosion related species
In situ measurement of lattice strains in mixed ceramic cutting tools under thermal and mechanical loads using synchrotron radiation
In situ measurements of texture variations during a tensile loading of Mg-alloy AM20 using synchrotron X-ray radiation
In situ mechanical analysis of hierarchical nanoporous metal-conductive polymer hybrids in electrolyte environment
In situ mechanical characterization and degradation of 2D MOFs
In situ mechanical testing of nanoporous gold: New insights into plasticity of nanostructures
In situ microcompression analysis of deformation in Mg and its alloys
In situ microcompression study of Mg deformation: Alloying and orientation effects during initial stages of loading
In situ microcompression study of Mg deformation: Alloying and orientation effects during initial stages of loading
In situ microstructure analysis of Inconel 625 during laser powder bed fusion
In Situ Microtomographic Monitoring of Discharging Processes in Alkaline Cells
In situ observation of competitive growth of α grains during β → α transformation in laser beam manufactured TiAl alloys
In situ observation of microscopic damage and crack initiation mechanisms in a filled EPDM
In situ Observation of Ternary Eutectic Growth in a Directionally Solidified Mo–Si–B Alloy Using High-Energy Synchrotron X-Rays
In situ observation of texture formation during hot forming of a multiphase gamma-TiAl based alloy with synchrotron radiation
In Situ Observation of Various Phase Transformation Paths in Nb-Rich TiAl Alloys during Quenching with Different Rates
In Situ Observation of γ′ Phase Transformation Dynamics During Selective Laser Melting of CMSX-4
In Situ Observations of Biological and Environmental Parameters by Means of Optics - Development of Next-Generation Ocean Sensors With Special Focus on an Integrating Cavity Approach
In situ observations of continuous cooling transformations in low alloy steels
In situ phase transition of microemulsions for parenteral injection of the antitumor drug bufalin
In situ phase transition of microemulsions for parenteral injection yielding lyotropic liquid crystalline carriers of the antitumor drug bufalin
In Situ powder X-ray diffraction of LiH/MgB2 composites for hydrogen storage
In situ propylation of ionic organotin and organolead species in water samples - Extraction and determination of the resulting tetraorganometallic compunds by gas chromatography-atomic adsorption spectrometry
In situ response of bay productivity to nutrient loading from a small tributary: The Delaware Bay-Murderkill Estuary tidally-coupled biogeochemical reactor
In situ small-angle neutron scattering study of the early stages of precipitation in Fe-25at% Co-9at% Mo and Fe-1at% Cu at 500 °C
In situ small-angle X-ray scattering study of the perovskite-type carbide precipitation behavior in a carbon-containing intermetallic TiAl alloy using synchrotron radiation
In situ solidifcation of a Mg-10 wt% CaO
In situ solidification of a Mg-10 wt% CaO
In situ structural characterization of functionally graded Ni-Ti shape memory alloy during tensile loading
In Situ Structural Characterization of Functionally Graded Ni–Ti Shape Memory Alloy During Tensile Loading
In situ structural characterization of laser welded NiTi shape memory alloys
In situ structure determination of L2
In situ structure determination of the ribosomal protein L14 in the large 50S subunit of Eschericia coli
In situ structure determination of the ribosomal protein L14 in the large 50S subunit of Eschericia coli
In situ studies at elevated temperatures on CoRe alloys for ultra-high temperature applications using X-ray/neutron diffraction and small-angle neutron scattering
In situ studies of light metals with synchrotron radiation and neutrons
In situ studies of light metals with synchrotron radiation and neutrons
In situ studies of light metals with synchrotron radiation and neutrons
In Situ Study of Gamma-TiAl Lamellae Formation in Supersaturated Alpha2-Ti3Al Grains
In situ study of phase transformations during laser-beam welding of a TiAl alloy for grain refinement and mechanical property optimization
In situ study of the beta/alpha phase transformation kinetics in gamma titanium aluminide alloys
In situ study of thermomechanical cycling of shape memory alloys
In situ study of thermomechanical cycling of shape memory alloys
In situ surface film evolution during Mg aqueous corrosion in presence of selected carboxylates
In situ synchroton radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg4Y2Nd and Mg4Y2Ag1Nd alloys
In situ synchroton radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg4Y2Nd and Mg4Y2Ag1Nd alloys
In situ synchroton radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg4Y2Nd and Mg4Y2Ag1Nd alloys
In situ synchrotron diffraction analysis of Zn additions on the compression properties of NK30
In situ synchrotron diffraction of the solidification of Mg-Al alloys containing CaO
In situ synchrotron diffraction of the solidification of Mg-RE alloys
In situ synchrotron diffraction of the solidification of Mg-RE alloys
In situ synchrotron diffraction of the solidification of Mg4Y3Nd
In situ synchrotron experiments using a quenching and deformation dilatometer
In situ synchrotron HEXRD study on the deformation mechanism of a nickel-based superalloy during medium-temperature compression
In situ synchrotron observation of the vapor capillary geometry in laser welding of copper with 1030 nm and 515 nm laser beam sources
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction during compression of a zkqx alloy
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction during compression of a zkqx alloy
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction during Melting and Solidification of Mg-Al Alloys Containing CaO
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction during Melting and Solidification of Mg-Al Alloys Containing CaO
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg15Gd
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg15Gd
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction during Solidification of Mg15Gd: Effect of Cooling Rate
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction during Solidification of Mg15Gd: Effect of Cooling Rate
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg4Y and Mg4YxGd alloys (x - 1, 4 wt.%)
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction during solidification of Mg4Y and Mg4YxGd alloys (x - 1, 4 wt.%)
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction investigation of the compression behaviour at 350 °C of ZK40 alloys with addition of CaO and Y
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction investigation on the deformation behaviour of ZKQX6000 and ZQX600 extruded alloys
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction of The Solidification of Mg-Dy(-Zr) Alloys
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction of The Solidification of Mg-Dy(-Zr) Alloys
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction of the solidification of Mg-Y-Nd alloys
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Study of Compression of AZ91 Composites Reinforced with Recycled Carbon Fibres
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction study of the role of Gd, Nd on the elevated temperature compression behavior of ZK40
In situ synchrotron radiation investigation of V2O5–Nb2O5 metastable compounds: transformational kinetics at high temperatures with a new structural solution for the orthorhombic V4Nb20O60 phase
In situ synchrotron radiation measurements of orthorhombic phase formation in an advanced TiAl alloy with modulated microstructure
In situ synchrotron radiation measurements of orthorhombic phase formation in an advanced TiAl alloy with modulated microstructure
In situ synchrotron radiation study during hot compressive deformation of a novel gamma-TiAl alloy
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Study during Hot Forming of a Nb-Rich TiAl Alloy
In situ synchrotron radiation study of texture formation during hot-forming of a Nb-rich TiAl alloy
In Situ Synchrotron Study of B19 Phase Formation in an Intermetallic Gamma-TiAl Alloy
In situ synchrotron tomographic investigation of the solidification of an AlMg4.7Si8 alloy
In Situ Synchrotron Tomography of the Solidification of an Elektron 21 Mg Alloy
In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and dilatometric study of austenite formation in a multi-component steel: Influence of initial microstructure and heating rate
In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction during High-Pressure Torsion Deformation of Ni and NiTi
In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Stress Analysis During Laser Surface Line Hardening of Samples with Specific Geometric Features
In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of continuous cooling transformations of TIMETAL 54M
In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of reaction routes in Ti-Al3Ti-based composites: The effect of transition metals on L12 structure stabilization
In situ synergistic strategy of sacrificial intermedium for scalable-manufactured and controllable layered double hydroxide film
In Situ Synthesis of Poly(4,4’-diphenylether-1,3,4-oxadiazoles)/MWCNTs composites: Synthesis, Structural and Thermal Properties
In situ synthesis of polyoxadiazoles (POD) and carbon black (CB) as an approach to POD/CB nanocomposites
In Situ Synthesis of ZIF-8 Loaded with 8-hydroxyquinoline Composite via a Host-Guest Nanoconfinement Strategy for High-Performance Corrosion Protection
In Situ Tensile Texture Analysis of a New Mg-RE Alloy
In situ Thin Film Growth for Polarized Neutron Reflectometry
In situ X-ray diffraction environments for high-pressure reactions
In Situ X-ray Diffraction Studies on the De/rehydrogenation Processes of the K2[Zn(NH2)4]-8LiH System
In situ X-ray phase contrast imaging of the melt and vapor capillary behavior during the welding regime transition on aluminum with limited material thickness
In Situ X-Ray Scattering Studies of Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Networks with Grafted Poly(ethylene glycol) Chains to Investigate Structural Changes during Dual- and Triple-Shape Effect
In situ X-ray scattering study of the cubic to hexagonal transformation of AlN in Ti1−xAlxN
In Situ X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, Tensile- and Biodegradation Testing of Redox-Alloyed and Sintered MgCa-Alloy Parts Produced by Metal Injection Moulding
In situ-Durchflussreaktoren fuer Tagebaurestseen am Beispiel des Restlochsees R111
In situ-polymerization of fluorinated polyoxadiazole with carbon nanotubes in poly(phosphoric acid)
In situ-reactor for the neutralisation of acid Lakes - Conception of a self-sufficient system supplied by wind and solar energy
In vitro 3D assay to test angiogenic effects of human CD14+ monocytes seeded on macroporous PLGA/CaP polymers with a CaP nanostructured surface
In vitro analysis of magnesium corrosion in orthopaedic biomaterials
In vitro and in vivo comparison of binary Mg alloys and pure Mg
In vitro and in vivo corrosion measurements of magnesium alloys
In vitro and in vivo degradation behavior of Mg-0.45Zn-0.45Ca (ZX00) screws for orthopedic applications
In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of a Multifunctional Hyaluronic acid based Hydrogel System for Local Application on the Retina
In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of a Multifunctional Hyaluronic acid based Hydrogel System for Local Application on the Retina
In vitro assessment of magnesium-based material with antitumour activity
In vitro assessment of magnesium-based material with antitumour activity
In vitro assessment of magnesium-based material with antitumour activity
In vitro assessment of polymer thrombogenicity: the effect of endothelial culture conditions on platelet responses
In vitro biodegradation testing of Mg-alloy EZK400 and manufacturing of implant prototypes using PM (powder metallurgy) methods
In vitro corrosion and cytocompatibility of Mg-2Gd-x(Ag, Ca) alloys
In vitro corrosion and cytocompatibility of Mg-2Gd-x(Ag, Ca) alloys
In vitro corrosion and cytocompatibility of two magnesium alloys
In vitro corrosion and cytocompatibility of two magnesium alloys
In vitro corrosion of a magnesium metal matrix composite – Dependence of corrosion medium and pH
In vitro corrosion properties of HTHEed Mg-Zn-Y-Nd alloy microtubes for stent applications: Influence of second phase particles and crystal orientation
In vitro cultured skin substitutes for clinical application
In Vitro Cytotoxicity Testing of AB-Polymer Networks Based on Oligo(e-caprolactone) Segments After Different Sterilization Techniques
In vitro Degradation Analysis of 3D-architectured Gelatin-based Hydrogels
In vitro degradation behavior of Mg scaffolds with three-dimensional interconnected porous structures for bone tissue engineering
In vitro degradation behaviour of a friction stir processed magnesium alloy
In vitro environments and assays relevance and applicability
In vitro evaluation of a nitinol based vein cuff for external valvuloplasty
In vitro evaluation of a nitinol based vein cuff for external valvuloplasty
In vitro evaluation of a nitinol based vein cuff for external valvuloplasty
In Vitro Evaluation of Biocompatibility of Uncoated Thermally Reduced Graphene and Carbon Nanotube-Loaded PVDF Membranes with Adult Neural Stem Cell-Derived Neurons and Glia
In Vitro Evaluation of Elastic Multiblock Co-polymers as a Scaffold Material for Reconstruction of Blood Vessels
In vitro evaluation of the ZX11 magnesium alloy as potential bone plate: Degradability and mechanical integrity
In vitro growth of hyaline-like cartilage on the mitogenic surface of hydroxyapatite using a new switch technique
In vitro hemocompatibility testing of left atrial appendage occlusion device
In vitro hemocompatibility testing of left atrial appendage occlusion devices
In Vitro Investigation on Degradable Mg-Based Biomaterial under the Impact of the Serum Glycoprotein Fetuin
In vitro investigation on the regenerative effect of Magnesium-based microparticles for osteoarthritis treatment
In vitro mechanical and corrosion properties of biodegradable Mg–Ag alloys
In Vitro Model of the Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell Envelope for Investigation of Anti-Infective Permeation Kinetics
In Vitro Resorption of Magnesium Materials and its Effect on Surface and Surrounding Environment
In vitro static and dynamic hemocompatibility testing of poly(ether imide) membranes functionalized with oligoglycerols (Dissertation)
In vitro strategies to mimic in vivo events after osseous implantation
In vitro strategies to mimic in vivo events after osseous implantation
In vitro Studien zur Thrombogenitaet von hydrophoben Poly(n-butylacrylat) Netzwerken mit einem Elastizitaetsmodul von 250 und 1100 kPa und Oberflaechenmodifikation (Bachelorarbeit)
In vitro study on the corrosion protective effect of cells adhesion on biodegradable Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy
In vitro study on the corrosion protective effect of cells adhesion on biodegradable Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy
In vitro testing of absorbable magnesium materials with current standards - Limitations and options
In vitro testing of angiogenic effects derived from polymer based biomaterials using the Hen’s egg test-chorioallantoic membrane method
In Vitro Testing of Magnesium Alloys - Challenges and Options
In Vitro Testing of Magnesium Alloys - Challenges and Options
In vitro testing of magnesium alloys – Challenges and options
In vitro Tests fuer metallische Materialien
In Vitro Thrombogenicity Testing of Biomaterials
In vitro transcribed mRNA immunogenicity induces chemokine-mediated lymphocyte recruitment and can be gradually tailored by uridine modification
In vitro-cell-based assays for the determination of toxic effects of northern scyphozoan species Cyanea spec. and Aurelia aurita
In vitro: Charakterisierung von Dialysehohlmembranen hoher Ultrafiltrationsleistung nach dem Viskoseverfahren
In vivo and in vitro degradation comparison of pure Mg, Mg-10Gd and Mg-2Ag: A short term study
In vivo assessment of biodegradable magnesium alloy ureteral stents in a pig model
In Vivo Assessment of Poly(ether imide) (PEI) Electrospun Scaffold and Film by Subcutaneous Implantation in Mice
In vivo biocompatibility assessment of poly (ether imide) electrospun scaffolds
In vivo biocompatibility study of degradable homo- versus multiblock copolymers and their (micro)structure compared to an established biomaterial
In vivo Biokompatibilitaet von Formgedaechtnispolymeren fuer die Anwendung als stimuli-sensitive Implantatmaterialien
In vivo degradability and biocompatibility of a rheo-formed Mg–Zn–Sr alloy for ureteral implantation
In vivo degradation behavior of PDC multiblock copolymers containing poly(para-dioxanone) hard segments and crystallizable poly(epsilon-caprolactone) switching segments
In vivo degradation behavior of PDC multiblock copolymers containing poly(para-dioxanone) hard segments and crystallizable poly(epsilon-caprolactone) switching segments
In vivo degradation of binary magnesium alloys – a long-term study
In vivo Evaluation of a Multifunctional Hydrogel System for Local Application on the Retina
In vivo evaluation of the angiogenic effects of the multiblock copolymer PDC using the hen's egg chorioallantoic membrane test
In vivo MRI for evaluation of rat fracture healing in response to intramedullary magnesium implant: Preliminary results involving multimodal imaging approaches and a mini-review of literature.
In Vivo Performance of a Cell and Factor Free Multifunctional Fiber Mesh Modulating Postinfarct Myocardial Remodeling
In vivo simulation of magnesium degradability using a new fluid dynamic bench testing approach
In vivo Studie zu Bioverträglichkeit bei Implantation von abbaubaren metallischen Biomaterialien (Mg, Mg-4Ag und Mg-10Gd)
In vivo Studie zu Bioverträglichkeit bei Implantation von abbaubaren metallischen Biomaterialien (Mg; Mg-4Ag und Mg-10Gd)
In vivo urinary compatibility of Mg-Sr-Ag alloy in swine model
In- and ex-situ study of the deformation behavior of the βo(ωo) phase in a Ti4Al3Nb alloy during high-temperature compression
In-Flight Calibration of the GERB-I Instrument
In-situ analysis of continuous cooling precipitation in Al alloys by wide-angle X-ray scattering
In-situ analysis of crystallographic textures using high-energy X-rays
In-situ analysis of crystallographic textures using high-energy X-rays
In-situ analysis of crystallographic textures using high-energy X-rays
In-situ analysis of the elastic-plastic characteristics of high strength dual-phase steel
In-situ analysis of the thermoelastic effect and its relation to the onset of yielding of low carbon steel
In-situ Bildung von Mg2Si beim Infiltrieren von C-Faser-Si-Hybrid-Preforms
In-situ characterization of continuous dynamic recrystallization during hot torsion of an Al–Si–Mg alloy
In-situ Charakterisierung von Erholungs- und Rekristallisationsprozessen in einer TiAl-Legierung
In-Situ EBSD Observations of Recrystallization and Texture Evolution in Rolled Mg-2Zn-xCe (wt.%)
In-Situ EBSD Observations of Recrystallization and Texture Evolution in Rolled Mg-2Zn-xCe (wt.%)
In-situ EBSD technique characterizes microstructure evolution of magnesium alloy
In-Situ growth conditions and anomalous results for YBCO thin films, studies of the Cu2O, CuO stability, and the characterization of compact ECRs for O2 ions and atomic oxygen
In-Situ Herstellung duenner Schichten von oxidischen Hoch-Tc Supraleitern
In-Situ High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Study and Quantitative Phase Analysis in the Alpha + Gamma Phase Field of Titanium Alumindes
In-situ High-energy X-ray Diffraction on an Intermetallic Beta-stabilised Gamma-TiAl Based Alloy
In-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction study of austenite decomposition during rapid cooling and isothermal holding in two HSLA steels
In-situ hot forging directed energy deposition-arc of CuAl8 alloy
In-situ incorporation of LDH particles during PEO processing of aluminium alloy AA2024
In-situ investigation of orientation changes during heating of extruded AZ31
In-situ investigation of the anisotropic mechanical behavior of rolled AA 7020-T6 alloy through lattice strain evolution during uniaxial tension
In-situ investigation of the oxidation behavior of metastable CVD-Ti1-xAlxN using a novel combination of synchrotron radiation XRD and DSC
In-Situ Investigation of the Oxidation Behaviour of Chemical Vapour Deposited Zr(C,N) Hard Coatings Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
In-situ Laserfluorometer zum Nachweis von Gelbstoff und Chlorophyll
In-situ LDHs growth on PEO coatings on AZ31 magnesium alloy for active protection: Roles of PEO composition and conversion solution
In-situ measurement of contact angles on single multifunctional; porous polymer microparticles utilizing ESEM
In-situ measurements of atmospheric aerosols in the Arctic during summertime
In-situ measurements of the acoustic emission during tensile testing of different magnesium alloys
In-situ Measurements of the Texture Variation of extruded Mg.AM20 during Tensile Loading
In-situ monitoring of thermal treatments and hot deformation of a gamma-TiAl alloy by high energy x-ray diffraction
In-situ monitoring of thermal treatments and hot deformation of a gamma-TiAl alloy by high energy x-ray diffraction
In-situ neutron diffraction during reversible deuterium loading in Ti-rich and Mn-substituted Ti(Fe,Mn)0.90 alloys
In-situ neutron diffraction study of magnesium amide/lithium hydride stoichiometric mixtures with lithium hydride excess
In-situ neutron diffraction study of martensitic variant redistribution in polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga alloy under cyclic thermo-mechanical treatment
In-situ Observation of Cross-Sectional Microstructural Changes and Stress Distributions in Fracturing TiN Thin Film during Nanoindentation
In-situ observation of the phase evolution during an electromagnetic-assisted sintering experiment of an intermetallic γ-TiAl based alloy
In-situ observation of the recrystallization process of massively transfornmed TiAl
In-situ optical detection of sediment type and phytobenthos of tidal flats: a basis for imaging remote sensing spectroscopy
In-situ real-time evolution of intrinsic stresses and microstructure during growth of cathodic arc deposited (Al,Ti)N thin films
In-situ SEM Microanalysis of Compressive Failure in Carbon-Fibre reinforced Polymers (CFRP)
In-situ strengthening of a high strength low alloy steel during Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)
In-situ study of damage mechanisms in Mg-6Li dual-phase alloy
In-Situ Study of Homogenization Thermomechanical Treatment of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys Produced by Powder Metallurgy
In-Situ Study of Homogenization Thermomechanical Treatment of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys Produced by Powder Metallurgy
In-situ study of Ni–Ti thin film growth on a TiN intermediate layer by X-ray diffraction
In-situ Study of Residual Strain in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
In-situ Study of Residual Strain in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
In-situ study of tensile deformation behaviour of medium Mn TWIP/TRIP steel using synchrotron radiation
In-situ study of the preferential orientation of magnetron sputtered Ni-Ti thin films as a function of bias and substrate type
In-situ study of the preferential orientation of magnetron sputtered Ni-Ti thin films as a function of bias and substrate type
In-situ study of the time–temperature-transformation behaviour of a multi-phase intermetallic Beta-stabilised TiAl alloy
In-situ synchrotron HEXRD study on the micro-stress evolution behavior of a superalloy during room-temperature compression
In-situ synchrotron investigation of the phases- and their morphology development in Mg-Nd-Zn allyos
In-situ synchrotron investigation of the phases- and their morphology-development in Mg–Nd–Zn alloys
In-Situ Synchrotron Profile Analysis after High-Pressure Torsion Deformation
In-situ synchrotron radiation study of the aging response of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with different starting microstructures
In-situ synchrotron X-ray analysis of metal Additive Manufacturing: Current state, opportunities and challenges
In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis of the elastic behaviour of martensite and H-phase in a NiTiHf high temperature shape memory alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction during quenching and tempering of SAE 52100 steel
In-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction investigation of martensite decomposition in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) processed Ti–6Al–4V
In-Situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Microstructural Evolutions During Low-Pressure Carburizing
In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction of Ti-6Al-4V During Thermomechanical Treatment in the Beta Field
In-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies in the chip formation zone during orthogonal metal cuttin
In-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies in the chip formation zone during orthogonal metal cuttin
In-situ texture analysis under applied load
In-situ texture analysis using hard X-rays
In-Situ Verformungs- und Dehnungsbestimmung im m-Bereich von Gefuegen (Diplomarbeit)
In-situ versus laboratory analysis of sediment stability from intertidal mudflats
In-situ x-ray diffraction studies during co-sputtering deposition of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy films
In-situ x-ray phase contrast observation of the full penetration spot welding on limited aluminum material thickness
In-situ x-ray tomography of the topological evolution of nanoporous gold during annealing
In-Situ' post weld heat treatment of wet welds'
In-situ-Charakterisierung von Werkstoffen im Rasterelektronenmikroskop
In-situ-Charakterisierung von Werkstoffen im Rasterelektronenmikroskop
In-situ-Charakterisierung von Werkstoffen im Rasterelektronenmikroskop
In-situ-Pervaporation bei der biotechnologischen Produktion natuerlicher Duft- und Aromastoffe mit Williopsis saturnus
In-situ-Pervaporation: Ein leistungsfaehiges Verfahren zur biotechnologischen Produktion natuerlicher Aromastoffe
In-situ-Pervaporation: Ein leistungsfaehiges Verfahren zur biotechnologischen Produktion natuerlicher Aromastoffe
In-situ-Verformung von zweiphasigen TiAl im HVEM
In-situ-Verformung von zweiphasigen TiAl im HVEM
In-vitro interactions of human chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells, and of mouse macrophages with phospholipid-covered metallic implant materials
In-vivo-Reparatur von Blutgefaessen durch alternierende Adsorption von Polyelektrolyten
Inbetriebnahme und Optimierung von GS-Modulen mit wasserdampfselektiven Membranen zur Raffineriegastrocknung (Diplomarbeit)
Incident Monitoring of Glyphosate and Aminomethylphosphonic Acid in Natural Waters – Experimental Set-up and Validation
Inclusion of radiation in mesoscale models
Inconel-steel multilayers by liquid dispersed metal powder bed fusion: Microstructure, residual stress and property gradients
Inconsistencies between long-term trends in storminess derived from the 20CR reanalysis and observations
Inconsistencies between observed, reconstructed, and simulated precipitation indices for England since the year 1650 CE
Incorporating the subgrid-scale variability of clouds in the autoconversion parameterization using a PDF-scheme
Incorporation of a solid phase extraction system for organic micropollutants into Mermaid, a european environmental monitoring initiative
Incorporation of biocides in nanocapsules for protective coatings used in maritime applications
Incorporation of LDH nanocontainers into plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy
Increase in the Mechanical Strength of Mg-8Gd-3Y-1Zn Alloy Containing Long-Period Stacking Ordered Phases Using Equal Channel Angular Pressing Processing
Increase of in vitro cell adhesion to magnesium and its alloys by preincubation
Increased control of vegetation on global terrestrial energy fluxes
Increased levels of sodium chloride directly increase osteoclastic differentiation and resorption in mice and men
Increased Mixing and Turbulence in the Wake of Offshore Wind Farm Foundations
Increased molecular mobility in humid silk fibers under tensile stress
Increased Room Temperature Formability of Mg AZ31 by High Speed Friction Stir Processing
Increased structural stability in twin-roll cast AZ31 magnesium alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing
Increases in mercury emissions from desert soils to rainfall and irrigation
Increasing Accumulation of Perfluorocarboxylate Contaminants Revealed in an Antarctic Firn Core (1958–2017)
Increasing interannual climate variability during crop flowering in Europe
Increasing nitrogen limitation during summer in the List Tidal Basin (Northern Wadden Sea)
Increasing skyrmion stability in Cu2OSeO3 by chemical substitution
Increasing the Depth of a Land Surface Model. Part I: Impacts on the Subsurface Thermal Regime and Energy Storage
Increasing the Depth of a Land Surface Model. Part II: Temperature Sensitivity to Improved Subsurface Thermodynamics and Associated Permafrost Response
Increasing the neutron flux after reduction of the core size of the FRG-1
Increasing the neutron flux at the beam tube positions of the FRG-1
Increasing use intensity in marine areas - Current developments, new perspectives and challenges for marine planning and management
Increasing use intensity in marine areas - Current developments, new perspectives and challenges for marine planning and management
Incremental diagnostic value of combined quantitative and qualitative parameters of magnetocardiography to detect coronary artery disease
Incremental sheet forming with active medium
Indentation response of a superlattice thin film revealed by in-situ scanning X-ray nanodiffraction
Indentation-Induced Structural Changes in Vitreous Silica Probed by in-situ Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
Independent measurement of extinction and backscatter profiles in cirrus clouds by using a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar
Indian Ocean marine biogeochemical variability and its feedback on simulated South Asia climate
Indications for the existence of superheavy elements in radioactive halos
Indikatoren für Open Science: Report des Helmholtz Open Science Forum
Indirect determination of the heat budget of tidal flats
Indirect improvement of high temperature mechanical properties of a Mg-based alloy Elektron21 by addition of AlN nanoparticles
Indirekte Messmethoden bei der Schwingungsrisskorrosion an Stahl
Indirekte und direkte Kondensation zur Loesungsmittelrueckgewinnung
Indium chloride as an electrolyte additive for primary aqueous Mg batteries
Individual Contribution of Zn and Ca on Age-Hardenability and Formability of Zn-Based Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Individual effect of Y and Nd on the microstructure formation of Mg-Y-Nd alloys processed by severe plastic deformation and their effect on the subsequent mechanical and corrosion properties
Individual Vessel Quotas in Germany and Denmark: A Fair Distribution Process?
Individual/synergistic effects of Al and AlN on the microstructural evolution and creep resistance of Elektron21 alloy
Inducing Domain Orientation in Spontaneously Formed Lipid Cubic Phases: Role of the Closed Water Channels
Inducing Stable Alpha + Beta Microstructures during Selective Laser Melting of Ti-6Al-4V Using Intensified Intrinsic Heat Treatments
Induction of cell hypertrophy in rat cardiac myocytes by alpha-2 macroglobulin (alpha-2M)
Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) for Quantitative Analysis in Environmental and Life Sciences: A Review of Challenges, Solutions, and Trends
Industrial Applications of Laser-Material Interactions for Coating Formation
Industrial applications of membrane systems to seperate hydrocarbon vapors from gas streams
Industrial applications of membranes for gas and vapor separations
Industrial applications of membranes to control hydrocarbon emissions
Industrial applications of membranes to control VOC emissions
Industrial Applications to Separate Volatile Hydrocarbon Vapor from Off-Gas Streams by Means of Membranes
Industrial applications to separate volatile organic compounds from industrial off-gas streams
Industrial production of light metal hydrides for hydrogen storage
Industrielle Anwendungen der Bruchmechanik: Gegenwaertiger Stand und Perspektiven
Industrieroboter-Einsatz unter Wasser bei Umgebungsstroemungen bis zu 1 m/s
Industry-relevant magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc ultra-high vacuum deposition system for in situ x-ray diffraction studies of thin film growth using high energy synchrotron radiation
Inelastic scattering from magnetic rare earth superlattices
Inference on the bulk response of a long crack to fatigue loading
Inferring causation from time series in Earth system sciences
Inflammatory Response to Magnesium Based Biodegradable Implant Materials
Inflammatory Response to Magnesium Based Biodegradable Implant Materials
Inflammatory response to magnesium-based biodegradable implant materials
Inflammatory responses of primary human dendritic cells towards polydimethylsiloxane and polytetrafluoroethylene
Inflammatory responses of primary human dendritic cells towards polydimethylsiloxane and polytetrafluoroethylene
Influence of a non-rotating shoulder on heat generation, microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar AA2024/AA7050 FSW joints
Influence of a polyester coating of magnetic nanoparticles on magnetic heating behavior of shape-memory polymer-based composites
Influence of a radiographic contrast media (Iopentol) with different viscosities on capillary perfusion in patients with coronary artery disease
Influence of a silicon (Si14)-based coating of nitinol on fibroblast growth, human C5a
Influence of a silicon (Si14)-based coating substrate for biomaterials on fibroblast growth and human C5a
Influence of a surfactant on structure and properties of PAN-UF-membranes made by phase inversion
Influence of a synthetic peptide antibiotic on phospholipid biomembranes analyzed by X-ray scattering and differential scanning calorimetry
Influence of a synthetic peptide antibiotic on the orientation of phospholipids at a liquid surface interface determined by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction
Influence of AC electric fields on the adsorption of plasma proteins onto nanofiber biomaterials
Influence of accessibility and reactivity on the enzyme coupling capacity in PAN membranes and the resulting catalytic effect
Influence of acetic acid etching on Mg-5Gd alloy (Masterarbeit)
Influence of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) on cutaneous microcirculation
Influence of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) on cutaneous microcirculation
Influence of aerosols from burning of biomass on the incident solar radiation estimates over Brazil
Influence of Ageing Treatment on Microstructure, Mechanical and Bio-corrosion Properties of Mg-Dy alloys
Influence of Ageing Treatment on Microstructure, Mechanical and Bio-corrosion Properties of Mg-Dy alloys
Influence of ageing treatment on microstructure, mechanical and bio-corrosion properties of Mg–Dy alloys
Influence of aging on damping of the magnesium–aluminium–zinc series
Influence of Al on the microstructural evolution and creep properties of Elektron21 processed by high shearing dispersion technique
Influence of Al on the microstructural evolution and creep properties of Elektron21 processed by high shearing dispersion technique
Influence of Al- and Nb-content on the diffusion bonding behaviour of gamma-titanium alloys
Influence of Al- and Nb-content on the diffusion bonding behaviour of gamma-titanium alloys
Influence of alloy composition and thermal history on carbide precipitation in Gamma-based TiAl alloys
Influence of alloying addition of rare earth elements on the microstructural evolution during recrystallization and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys sheets
Influence of alloying additions on L12 decomposition in Gamma-Gamma′ Co-9Al-9W-2X quaternary alloys
Influence of Alloying Additions on the Microstructure Development of Extruded Mg-Mn Alloys
Influence of Alloying Additions on the Microstructure Development of Extruded Mg-Mn Alloys
Influence of alloying elements and extrusion process parameters on the recrystallization process of Mg-Zn based alloys
Influence of Alloying Elements in Fatigue Properties of Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloys
Influence of Alloying Elements in Fatigue Properties of Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloys
Influence of alloying elements on the mechanical properties of extruded magnesium alloys
Influence of Alloying Elements on the Mechanical Properties of Zinc Containing Extruded Magnesium Alloys
Influence of Alloying Elements on the Mechanical Properties of Zinc Containing Extruded Magnesium Alloys
Influence of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-Zn based alloys (Dissertation)
Influence of Alloys Position, Rolling and Welding Directions on Properties of AA2024/AA7050 Dissimilar Butt Weld Obtained by Friction Stir Welding
Influence of AlN Nanoparticle Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Extruded Pure Magnesium and an Aluminum-Free Mg-Zn-Y Alloy
Influence of Alpha-phase field heat treatment on the tensile and primary creep resistance of a powder metallurgical processed Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C titanium aluminide alloy
Influence of Alumina Addition on the Optical Properties and the Thermal Stability of Titania Thin Films and Inverse Opals Produced by Atomic Layer Deposition
Influence of aluminum surface pre-treatments on the bonding mechanisms and mechanical performance of metal-composite single-lap joints
Influence of ammonia emissions on aerosol formation in northern and central Europe
Influence of ammonia emissions on aerosol formation in northern and central Europe
Influence of an antibacterial polymer on the phase behaviour of phospholipids
Influence of an antibacterial polymer on the phase behaviour of phospholipids
Influence of an extreme river flood on hydrodynamics, salinity and suspended particulate matter in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Influence of Annealing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Nanocrystalline CrCoNi Medium-Entropy Alloy
Influence of anthropogenic aerosols on the total and spectral irradiance on the sea surface during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) 1999
Influence of anthropogenic emissions and boundary conditions on multi-model simulations of major air pollutants over Europe and North America in the framework of AQMEII3
Influence of antibacterial peptides on the structure of PE model membranes
Influence of antimicrobial peptides on the curvature strain and lateral pressure of phosphatidylethanolamine model membranes
Influence of antimicrobial peptides on the lipid orientation in DPPE monolayers determined by GRID
Influence of atmospheric circulation and large-scale climate patterns on the Namibian upwelling system: analysis of atmosphere-ocean simulations
Influence of Atmospheric Circulation on the Baltic Sea Level Rise under the RCP8.5 Scenario over the 21st Century
Influence of atmospheric circulation on the Namibian upwelling system and the oxygen minimum zone
Influence of Aviation Emission on the Particle Number Concentration near Zurich Airport
Influence of Axial Force in the Ferritic Stainless Steel AISI 444 Soldier by Friction Stir Welding Process
Influence of binary magnesium alloys corrosion on morphology and adhesion of human undifferentiated cells
Influence of binary magnesium alloys corrosion on morphology and adhesion of human undifferentiated cells
Influence of block sequence and molecular weight on morphological, rheological and dielectric properties of weakly and strongly segregated styrene-isoprene triblock copolymers
Influence of borides on the phase transformation kinetics in titanium aluminide alloys
Influence of C and Nb concentrations on the high temperature deformation behaviour of Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys
Influence of C and Nb concentrations on the high temperature deformation behaviour of Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys
Influence of Ca addition on the dynamic and static recrystallization behavior of direct extruded flat profiles of Mg-Y-Zn alloy
Influence of Ca+Bi on tensile and strain hardening behaviour of AZ91 alloy
Influence of Carbon Dioxide on the Glass Transition of Styrenic and Vinyl Pyridine Polymers: Comparison of Calorimetric, Creep, and Rheological Experiments
Influence of carbon dioxide on the viscoelastic properties of polystyrene melts
Influence of casting solution concentration on structure and performance of cellulose acetate membranes
Influence of cathodic duty cycle on the properties of tungsten containing Al2O3/TiO2 PEO nano-composite coatings
Influence of Ce addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of high pressure die cast AM50 magnesium alloy
Influence of ceramic nanoparticles on strength and creep properties of magnesium alloys
Influence of cerium additions on the corrosion behaviour of high pressure die cast AM50 alloy
Influence of Cerium on Stress Corrosion Cracking in AZ91D
Influence of Cerium on Stress Corrosion Cracking in AZ91D
Influence of cerium on the formation of micro-galvanic corrosion elements of AZ91
Influence of cerium on the formation of micro-galvanic corrosion elements of AZ91
Influence of cerium on the formation of micro-galvanic corrosion elements of AZ91
Influence of chemical reaction on surface and morphology of different polymeric wet phase separation membranes
Influence of chemically crosslinked gelatin on the vasculature in the avian chorioallantoic membrane
Influence of chloride ion concentration on the electrochemical corrosion behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AM50 magnesium alloy
Influence of cholesterol on the structure of stratum corneum lipid model membrane
Influence of circumferential notch and fatigue crack on the mechanical integrity of biodegradable magnesium-based alloy in simulated body fluid
Influence of cloud water distribution on the passive microwave retrieval of humidity
Influence of co-monomer composition and covalent netpoint density on temperature-memory performance of crystallizable copolymer networks
Influence of co-monomer ratio on the chemical properties and cytotoxicity of poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinylpyrrolidone)] nanoparticles
Influence of Comesogens on the Thermal and Actuation Properties of 2-tert-Butyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone Based Nematic Main-Chain Liquid Crystalline Elastomers
Influence of Compatibility on the Morphology of ultra thin Polymer Blend Films
Influence of composition and microstructure on the electrical resistivity of binary magnesium alloys
Influence of composition on hot tearing in binary Mg‐Zn alloys
Influence of Compression Direction on the Shape-Memory Effect of Micro-Cylinder Arrays Prepared from Semi-Crystalline Polymer Networks
Influence of Corona Structure on Binding of an Ionic Surfactant in Oppositely Charged Amphiphilic Polyelectrolyte Micelles
Influence of Corrosion on Fatigue Properties of New Creep-Resistant Magnesium Alloy DIEMAG422
Influence of Corrosion on Fatigue Properties of New Creep-Resistant Magnesium Alloy DIEMAG422
Influence of corrosion on mechanical properties of Mg5Gd wire
Influence of corrosion on mechanical properties of Mg5Gd wire
Influence of corrosion on the fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed MgZnCa and MgZnGe alloys
Influence of corrosion on the mechanical strength of a magnesium alloy for bone implants
Influence of Coupling Agent on the Morphology of Multifunctional, Degradable Shape-Memory Polymers
Influence of Coupling Agent on the Morphology of Multifunctional, Degradable Shape-Memory Polymers
Influence of crackpath roughness on crackresistance in brittle materials
Influence of Cross-Linking and Process Parameters on the Separation Performance of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Nanofiltration Membranes
Influence of Cryogenic Temperatures on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloys: A Review
Influence of Crystallographic Texture on the High Cycle Fatigue of Extruded AZ31 and ZN11 Magnesium Alloys
Influence of Crystallographic Texture on the High Cycle Fatigue of Extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Influence of Crystallographic Texture on the High Cycle Fatigue of Extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Influence of Crystallographic Texture on the High Cycle Fatigue of Extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Influence of crystallographic texture on the microstructure, tensile properties and residual stress state of laser-welded titanium joints
Influence of Cu Addition and Microstructural Configuration on the Creep Resistance and Mechanical Properties of an Fe-Based α/α′/α″ Superalloy
Influence of Cu/Li ratio on the microstructure evolution of bobbin-tool friction stir welded Al–Cu–Li alloys
Influence of Cu/Li Ratio on the Welding Forces and Mechanical Properties of Two Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welded Al-Cu-Li Alloys
Influence of data uncertainty on cold season threshold-based climate indices
Influence of defects on damage tolerance of Metal-Injection-Molded β titanium alloys under static and dynamic loading
Influence of Deformation on Microstructure of Al4Si Alloy During Friction Stir Processing: A Multi-modal Microstructural Characterization Study
Influence of deformation temperature on structural variation and shape-memory effect of a thermoplastic semi-crystalline multiblock copolymer
Influence of Depolymerases and Lipases on the Degradation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Determined in Langmuir Degradation Studies
Influence of Die Lubricants on Pickling and Conversion Treatment of High-pressure Die-cast AM30 Magnesium Alloy
Influence of different Al-Cu substrates on the properties of laser metal deposited Al coatings
Influence of different Al-Cu substrates on the properties of laser metal deposited Al coatings
Influence of different Cytochrom-P450 Eicosanoids on the Ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation
Influence of Different Extrusion Methods on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31 Alloy (Dissertation)
Influence of different heating regimes on the shape-recovery behavior of poly(L-lactide) in simulated thermomechanical tests
Influence of different radiographic contrast media on the echinocyte formation of human erythrocytes
Influence of different radiographic contrast media on the echinocyte formation of human erythrocytes
Influence of different surface treatment of poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks on L929 mouse fibroblasts adhesion and viability
Influence of different surface treatments of poly(Eta-butyl acrylate) networks on fibroblasts adhesion, morphology and viability
Influence of diisocyanate reactivity and water solubility on the formation and the mechanical properties of gelatin-based networks in water
Influence of diisocyanate reactivity and water solubility on the formation of gelatin-based networks in water
Influence of diisocyanate reactivity and water solubility on the formation of gelatin-based networks in water
Influence of direct aging on the damping behaviour of the magnesium alloy AZ81
Influence of direct aging on the damping behaviour of the magnesium alloy AZ81
Influence of Distinct Manufacturing Processes on the Microstructure of Ni-Based Metal Matrix Composites Submitted to Long Thermal Exposure
Influence of Diurethane Linkers on the Langmuir Layer Behavior of Oligo[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide]-based Polyesterurethanes
Influence of Drying Procedures on Network Formation and Properties of Hydrogels from Functionalized Gelatin
Influence of drying procedures on network properties of physical gelatin hydrogels
Influence of Dy in solid solution on the degradation behavior of binary Mg-Dy alloys in cell culture medium
Influence of Dy on the bio-corrosion behavior of binary Mg-Dy alloys in cell culture medium
Influence of electrical parameters on particle uptake during plasma electrolytic oxidation processing of AM50 Mg alloy
Influence of electrolyte composition on the incorporation of clay particles and corrosion resistance of coatings on AM50 magnesium alloys prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Influence of electrolyte constituents on corrosion behaviour of PEO coatings on magnesium alloys
Influence of electrolyte on corrosion properties of plasma electrolytic conversion coated magnesium alloys
Influence of emissions on regional atmospheric mercury concentrations
Influence of Energy Input in Friction Stir Welding on Structure Evolution and Mechanical Behaviour of Precipitation-Hardening in Aluminium Alloys (AA2024-T351, AA6013-T6 and Al-Mg-Sc) (Dissertation)
Influence of enzymes on the degradation behavior of polyhydroxyalkanoates determined in Langmuir degradation studies
Influence of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing on the Microstructure and Texture of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr-RE Alloy Sheets
Influence of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing on the Microstructure and Texture of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr-RE Alloy Sheets
Influence of expansion cooling regime on morphology of poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) foams prepared by pressure quenching technique using supercritical CO2
Influence of expansion cooling regime on morphology of poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) foams prepared by pressure quenching using supercritical CO2
Influence of external climate forcing on coastal major upwelling systems analyzed by IPCC CMIP5 MPI-ESM climate simulations-Past and future -Einfluss externer Klimatreiber auf Kuestenauftriebssysteme, analysiert anhand von IPCC CMIP5 MPI-ESM Klimasimulationen-Vergangenheit und Zukunft
Influence of external climate forcing on coastal upwelling systems analysed in ensemble of past millennium climate simulations
Influence of external cooling configuration on friction surfacing of AA6082 T6 over AA2024 T351
Influence of extracellular matrix compounds and cell metabolites on magnesium degradation
Influence of extracellular matrix compounds and cell metabolites on magnesium degradation
Influence of extracts from hydrophilic modified poly(ether imide) microparticles on cytotoxicity; ROS generation and proinflammatory behavior of human monocytic (THP-1) cells
Influence of extrusion methods on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy
Influence of extrusion methods on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy
Influence of extrusion parameters on Mg-10Gd
Influence of extrusion parameters on Mg-10Gd
Influence of Extrusion Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy AM60 and an AM60-Based Metal Matrix Nanocomposite
Influence of extrusion rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy AM60 and an AM60-based metal matrix nanocomposite
Influence of Extrusion Ratio on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot Extruded AZ31
Influence of Feedstock Quality On the Rolling Behavior of the Magnesium Wrought Alloy ZM21
Influence of fiber diameter and orientation of electrospun copolyetheresterurethanes on smooth muscle and endothelial cell behaviour
Influence of fiber orientation in electrospun polymer scaffolds on viability, adhesion and differentiation of articular chondrocytes
Influence of fiber orientation in electrospun polymer scaffolds on viability, adhesion and differentiation of articular chondrocytes
Influence of fibre diameter and orientation of electrospun copolyetheresterurethanes on smooth muscle and endothelial cell behaviour
Influence of filler wire on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser beam welded Ti-6Al-4V butt joints (Diplomarbeit)
Influence of filler wire on the microstructure and mechanical properties of laser beam welded Ti-6Al-4V butt-joints
Influence of film thickness on the crystalline morphology of a copolyesterurethane comprising crystallizable poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) soft segments
Influence of Film Thickness on the Morphology of a Copolyesterurethane Comprising Crystallizable Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Segments
Influence of Freshwater Runoff on Salinity and Suspended Particulate Matter Dynamics in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Influence of Freshwater Runoff on Salinity and Suspended Particulate Matter Dynamics in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Influence of gases disolved in polymer solutions on the structure of solids formed thereof
Influence of glioblastoma multiforme cell lines on magnesium degradation
Influence of glycerol on plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings evolution and on corrosion behaviour of coated AM50 magnesium alloy
Influence of glycidylmethacrylate functional groups attached to gelatin on the formation and properties of hydrogels
Influence of glycidylmethacrylate functional groups attached to gelatin on the formation and properties of hydrogels
Influence of grain size and artificial ageing on the corrosion of an extruded magnesium alloy ZK60 component
Influence of Grain Size on Deformation Behaviour of Extruded AZ31 Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique
Influence of Graphene on Microstructure and Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Micro-Arc Oxidation Coatings on D16T Al Alloy Drill Pipe
Influence of Hatch Strategy on Crystallographic Texture Evolution, Mechanical Anisotropy of Laser Beam Powder Bed Fused S316L Steel
Influence of heat treatment on damping behaviour of the magnesium wrought alloy AZ61
Influence of Heat Treatment on Interfacial Bonding in Co-Extrusion of Compound-Cast AA7075/6060 Bi-layer Billets
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and deformation behaviour of the alloy Ti50Al48Cr2 prepared by reactive powder processing
Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31 Extruded with different Extrusion Ratios
Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure of Hot Extruded AZ31
Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure of Hot Extruded AZ31
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure of Ti-35wt.%Al35 prepared by elemental powder metallurgy
Influence of high hydrostatic pressure on solid supported DPPC bilayers with hyaluronan in the presence of Ca2+ ions
Influence of humic substances on sorption and methylation processes of inorganic- and organotin-species
Influence of hydrophobic segments on the enzymatic degradation of multiblock copolymer based Langmuir films
Influence of implant base material on secondary bone healing: an in silico study
Influence of impurities on the degradation performance of sintered and spark eroded Mg-0.9Ca alloy in an in vivo study
Influence of impurities on the degradation performance of sintered and spark eroded Mg-0.9Ca alloy in an in vivo study
Influence of impurities on the degradation performance of sintered and spark eroded Mg-0.9Ca alloy in an in vivo study
Influence of impurities on the milling process of MgH2
Influence of impurities on the milling process of MgH2
Influence of infection and stress on cytokine expression in blood samples of harbour porpoises
Influence of inhibitor adsorption on readings of microelectrode during SVET measurements
Influence of Initial Order on the Microscopic Mechanism of Electric Field Induced Alignment of Block CopolymerMicrodomains
Influence of inorganic acid pickling on the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet
Influence of inorganic fillers on the compaction behaviour of porous polymer based membranes
Influence of Interfaces on Effective Properties of Nanomaterials with Stochastically Distributed Spherical Inclusions
Influence of intermediate degradation products on the hydrolytic degradation of poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] at the air–water interface
Influence of intermetallic amount on the degradability of Mg-RE (Nd/Gd) alloys under physiological conditions
Influence of intermetallic phases and Kirkendall-porosity on the mechanical properties of joints between steel and aluminium alloys
Influence of iodine-containing radiographic contrast media on the phenotype of erythrocytes from different laboratory animal species
Influence of ion energy on morphology and corrosion properties of Mg alloys formed by energetic PVD processes
Influence of Ion Energy on Properties of Mg Alloy Thin Films Formed by Ion Beam Sputter Deposition
Influence of ion energy on properties of Mg alloy thin films formed by ion beam sputter deposition
Influence of Ions on the Properties of Swollen Gelatin-Based Networks
Influence of Iridium on the Properties of Gamma′-Strengthened Co-Base Superalloys
Influence of Lanthanum Concentration on the Corrosion Behaviour of Binary Mg-La Alloys
Influence of Lanthanum Concentration on the Corrosion Behaviour of Binary Mg-La Alloys
Influence of large-scale climate patterns on upwelling and the oxygen minimum zone off Namibia
Influence of large-scale climate variability on upwelling regimes off the Namibian coast: implications for past and future climate (Dissertation)
Influence of large-scale climate variability on upwelling regimes off the Namibian coast: implications for past and future climates
Influence of laser shock peening on low- and high-cycle fatigue of an OT4-0 titanium alloy
Influence of laser shock peening on the residual stresses in additively manufactured 316L by Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A combined experimental–numerical study
Influence of laser welding defects on the high cycle fatigue behavior of stainless duplex steel 1.4462
Influence of late Quaternary climate on the biogeography of Neotropical aquatic species as reflected by non-marine ostracodes
Influence of lattice misfit on the internal stress and strain states before and after creep investigated in rhenium and ruthenium containing nickel-base superalloys
Influence of LDH conversion coatings on the adhesion and corrosion protection of friction spot-joined AA2024-T3/CF-PPS
Influence of lipid coatings on cell adhesion behaviour
Influence of LSP on mechanical behaviour of laser beam welded AA2198 (Masterarbeit)
Influence of Magnesium Alloy Degradation on Undifferentiated Human Cells
Influence of magnesium alloys degradation on human undifferentiated cells
Influence of magnesium alloys degradation on human undifferentiated cells
Influence of magnesium alloys degradation on human undifferentiated cells
Influence of magnesium degradation on Schwannoma cell responses to nerve injury using an in vitro injury model
Influence of magnesium extracts on proliferating and differentiating bone-derived cells
Influence of magnesium extracts on proliferating and differentiating bone-derived cells
Influence of Materials on the Effectiveness of Crenellations in the Damage Tolerant Design
Influence of Materials on the Effectiveness of Crenellations in the Damage Tolerant Design
Influence of Mechanical Surface Treatments on the High Cycle Fatigue Performance of Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Influence of Mechanical Surface Treatments on the High Cycle Fatigue Performance of Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Influence of Metal Ions on the Mechanical Properties of Phosphine-based Coordination Polymer Networks
Influence of metal pollutants on health of marine mammals of the North Sea
Influence of metal softness on the metal-organic catalyzed polymerization of morpholin-2,5-diones to oligodepsipeptides
Influence of metal softness on the ring-opening polymerization of 2;5-morpholinediones and lactones
Influence of Mg content in Al alloys on processing characteristics and dynamically recrystallized microstructure of friction surfacing deposits
Influence of microspheres on the myocardial partial oxygen pressure in the beating heart of pigs
Influence of Microstructure Evolution During Twin-Roll Casting on the Properties of Magnesium Sheets
Influence of Microstructure Evolution During Twin-Roll Casting on the Properties of Magnesium Sheets
Influence of microstructure on magnetic and mechanical behaviour in amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe73.5Nb4.5Cr5Cu1B16 alloy
Influence of microstructure on tensile properties and fatigue crack growth in extruded magnesium alloy AM60
Influence of microstructure on the magnetic and mechanical behaviour of amorphous and nanocrystalline FeNbB alloys
Influence of mid-latitude circulation on upper Indus basin precipitation: the explicit role of irrigation
Influence of milling parameters on the sorption properties of the LiH-MgB2 system doped with TiCl3
Influence of milling parameters on the sorption properties of the LiH-MgB2 system doped with TiCl3
Influence of Mn addition on the corrosion resistance of Mg-10Gd alloy
Influence of molecular architecture and processing parameters on the characteristics of foams of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) diblock copolymers
Influence of nanoporous poly(ether imide) particle extracts on human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs)
Influence of nanoporous poly(ether imide) particle extracts on human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs)
Influence of Nb on Ti diffusion in γ-TiAl intermetallics studied by mechanical spectroscopy
Influence of Nb, Ta and Zr on the Interdiffusion Coefficients and Solid Solution Strengthening of γ-TiAl Single Phase Alloys
Influence of Nd in extruded Mg10Gd base alloys on fatigue strength
Influence of Nd in extruded Mg10Gd base alloys on fatigue strength
Influence of Nd in extruded Mg10Gd base alloys on fatigue strength
Influence of Nd or Ca addition on the dislocation activity and texture changes of Mg–Zn alloy sheets under uniaxial tensile loading
Influence of NK-2, a potent peptide antibiotic, on PE model membranes
Influence of NK-2, Magainin-II-amide, and Melittin on the lipid orientation in DPPE monolayers
Influence of number and arrangement of single orientation measurements on their statistical relevance
Influence of operation conditions on purification of polymeric nanoparticles by diafiltration through polusulfone/hydrophilic polymer asymmetric membranes
Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy
Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy
Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy
Influence of particle addition on wear and corrosion properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coatings
Influence of particle additions on corrosion and wear resistance of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy
Influence of particle size and particle volume fraction on crack resistance curves of metal matrix composites
Influence of particle size and volume fraction on damage and fracture in Al-Al3Ti composites and micromechanical modelling using the GTN Model
Influence of particle size on electrochemical and gas-phase hydrogen storage in nanocrystalline Mg
Influence of partitioning parameters on the mechanical stability of austenite in a Q&P steel: A comparative in-situ study
Influence of peptide antibiotics on the phase behaviour of biological model membranes
Influence of peptide inspired antibiotics on model membranes
Influence of pH on the deterioration of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AM50 magnesium alloy in NaCl solutions
Influence of physical and chemical properties of aerosols on clouds in mesoscale models
Influence of physically (DAT) crosslinked gelatin on the vasculature in the avian chorioallantoic membrane
Influence of physically crosslinked gelatins on the vasculature in the avian chorioallantoic membrane
Influence of Phytosphingosine-type Ceramides on the Structure of DMPC Membrane
Influence of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on fatigue performance of AZ31 Mg alloy
Influence of Poly(ethylene glycol) Segment Length on CO2 Permeation and Stability of PolyActive Membranes and Their Nanocomposites with PEG POSS
Influence of polymer membrane porosity on C3A hepatoblastoma cell adhesive interaction and function
Influence of polymeric microspheres on the myocardial oxygen partial pressure in the beating heart of pigs
Influence of poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] degradation fragments on hydrolytic Langmuir monolayer degradationexperiments
Influence of Porosity on the High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Laser Beam Welded Ti-6Al-4V Butt Joints
Influence of Porosity on the High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Laser Beam Welded Ti-6Al-4V Butt Joints
Influence of pre-annealing on the texture of a niobium tube
Influence of Pre-Compression on Tensile Behaviour in Wrought MgZnCe Alloy Studied by the Acoustic Emission Technique
Influence of Pre-Compression on Tensile Behaviour in Wrought MgZnCe Alloy Studied by the Acoustic Emission Technique
Influence of Precipitation Hardening in Mg-Y-Nd on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties
Influence of Process Parameters and Die Design on the Microstructure and Texture Development of Direct Extruded Magnesium Flat Products
Influence of Process Parameters and Die Design on the Microstructure and Texture Development of Direct Extruded Magnesium Flat Products
Influence of process parameters on mechanical performance and bonding area of AA2024/carbon-fiber-reinforced poly(phenylene sulfide) friction spot single lap joints
Influence of process parameters on mechanical properties of magnesium alloys by hydrostatic extrusioin
Influence of process parameters on the corrosion properties of electrolytic conversion plasma coated magnesium alloys
Influence of process parameters on the corrosion properties of electrolytic conversion plasma coated magnesium alloys
Influence of Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Rolled Magnesium ZM21-Sheets
Influence of Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Rolled Magnesium ZM21-Sheets
Influence of Process Parameters on the Sheet Properties of AZ31
Influence of Process Parameters on Twin Roll Cast Strip
Influence of Process Parameters on Twin Roll Cast Strip of the Alloy AZ31
Influence of Process Parameters on Twin Roll Cast Strip of the Alloy AZ31
Influence of Process Parameters on Twin Roll Cast Strip of the Alloy AZ31
Influence of process temperature on the formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
Influence of process temperature on the formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
Influence of processing parameters on mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloy fabricated by MIM
Influence of Processing Parameters on Microstructure and Properties of a Polyetherimide Joined by Fricriveting: Investigation of Rotational Speed
Influence of Processing Parameters on Microstructure and Properties of a Polyetherimide Joined by Fricriveting: Investigation of Rotational Speed
Influence of processing parameters on the foaming performance of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers
Influence of Processing Route on the Properties of Magnesium Alloys
Influence of programming strain rates on the shape-memory performance of semicrystalline multiblock copolymers
Influence of quasi-realistic high-frequency wind variability on wave modelling in the North Atlantic
Influence of quasicrystal I-phase on twinning of extruded Mg-Zn-Y alloys under compression
Influence of Quenching Rates on the Transformation of Ternary Phases in Nb-rich Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Influence of Quenching Rates on the Transformation of Ternary Phases in Nb-rich Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Influence of radiographic contrast media (Iodixanol und Iomeprol) on the morphology of human arterial and venous endothelial cells on extracellular matrix in vitro
Influence of radiographic contrast media on the secretion of vasoactive substances by primary human umbilical venous endothelial cells (HUVEC): Prospective, controlled, in vitro comparative study
Influence of randomized biomaterial micropatterning on platelet adhesion and activation
Influence of rare earth addition on texture development during static recrystallization and mechanical behaviour of magnesium alloy sheets
Influence of rare earth addition on texture development during static recrystallization and mechanical behaviour of magnesium alloy sheets
Influence of rare earth elements on the microstructure and texture development during rolling of magnesium alloy sheets
Influence of rare-earth addition on the long-period stacking ordered phase in cast Mg–Y–Zn alloys
Influence of RE elements on microstructure, texture and formability of rolled magnesium sheets
Influence of recycled carbon fiber addition on the microstructure and creep response of extruded AZ91 magnesium alloy
Influence of residual stresses induced by LSP on laser beam weldability of Al alloys AA2198T8 and AA2139T3 (Masterarbeit)
Influence of residual stresses on Youngs modulus in Fe-Cu composites
Influence of reverted austenite on static and dynamic mechanical properties of a PH 13-8 Mo maraging steel
Influence of rheological parameters on the velocity of erythrocytes passing nailfold capillaries in humans
Influence of rheology and morphology on foaming of PS-b-PMMA diblock copolymers and their composites with modified silica nanoparticles
Influence of ring-shaped laser beam during welding of AW-5083 and AW-6082
Influence of River-Induced Fronts on Hydrocarbon Transport: A Multiplatform Observational Study
Influence of Rolling Conditions on the Structure of AZ31-Magnesium Sheets
Influence of Rolling Conditions on the Structure of AZ31-Magnesium Sheets
Influence of rotation speed and axial force on the friction stir welding of AISI 410S ferritic stainless steel
Influence of Rotational Speed in the Friction Surfacing of Titanium Grade 1 on Ti-6Al-4V
Influence of rotational speed on process characteristics in friction surfacing of Ti-6Al-4V
Influence of rotational speed on process characteristics, material flow and microstructure evolution in Friction Surfacing of Ti-6Al-4V
Influence of rotational speed on process characteristics, material flow and microstructure evolution in Friction Surfacing of Ti-6Al-4V
Influence of Rotational Speed on the Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Friction-Riveted Thermosetting Composite Joints
Influence of Rotational Speed on the Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Friction-Riveted Thermosetting Composite Joints - Influencia da Velocidade de Rotacao do Rebite na Microestrutura e no Desempenho Mecanico de Juntas de Composito Termofixo Rebitadas por Friccao
Influence of sea level rise on the dynamics of salt inflows in the Baltic Sea
Influence of second phase on corrosion performance and formation mechanism of anodized coating on AZ91 Mg alloy
Influence of Secondary Phases of Al9Si3Cu Alloy on the PEO Coating Formation Process
Influence of secondary phases of AlSi9Cu3 alloy on the plasma electrolytic oxidation coating formation process
Influence of shielded metal arc weld metal nitrogen content on its fracture toughness behaviour
Influence of Si content on microstructure of TiAl alloys
Influence of Side Chain Length on the Self-Assembly of Hairy-Rod Poly(9,9-dialkylfluorene)s in the Poor Solvent Methylcyclohexane
Influence of similarity measures on the performance of the analog method for downscaling daily precipitation
Influence of SiO2 Particles on the Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation-Coated AM50 Mg Alloy
Influence of small amounts of Si and Cr on the high temperature oxidation behavior of novel cobalt base superalloys
Influence of sol-gel process parameters on the protection properties of sol–gel coatings applied on AA2024
Influence of solar radiation on mercury emission fluxes from soils
Influence of solar radiation on mercury emission fluxes from soils
Influence of Solution Heat Treatment on the Microstructure, Hardness and Stress Corrosion Behavior of Extruded Resoloy®
Influence of Solvent on the Structure of an Amphiphilic Block Copolymer in Solution and in Formation of an Integral Asymmetric Membrane
Influence of Solvent Quality on the Self-Organization of Archetypical Hairy Rods-Branched and Linear Side Chain Polyfluorenes: Rodlike Chains versus “Beta-Sheets” in Solution
Influence of solvent system and electric filed on the structure formation of block copolymer membranes
Influence of specimen preparation, microstructure anisotropy, and residual stresses on stress–strain curves of rolled Al2024 T351 as derived from spherical indentation tests
Influence of specimen size on J-, Jm -and ?5-R-Curves for side grooved compact tension specimens
Influence of spinodal decomposition and fcc→w phase transformation on global and local mechanical properties of nanolamellar CVD fcc-Ti1-xAlxN coatings
Influence of sterilization conditions on sulfate-functionalized polyGGE
Influence of sterilization on magnesium alloy Mg2Ag
Influence of sterilization on magnesium alloy Mg2Ag
Influence of sterilization on magnesium alloy Mg2Ag
Influence of Stoichiometry on the Hydrogen Sorption Behavior in the LiF–MgB2 System
Influence of Strain Rate on the Shape-Memory Performance of Multiblock Copolymers Comprising Crystallizable Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Switching and Poly[3-(S)-isobutylmorpholine-2,5-dione] Hard Segments
Influence of strain rate on the twin and slip activity of a magnesium alloy containing neodymium
Influence of stripping and cooling atmospheres on surface properties and corrosion of zinc galvanizing coatings
Influence of strontium concentration on in vitro corrosion property and cytocompatiblity of ternary Mg-Zn-Sr alloys
Influence of strontium concentration on in vitro corrosion property and cytocompatiblity of ternary Mg-Zn-Sr alloys
Influence of Strontium, Silicon and Calcium Additions on the Properties of the AM50 Alloy
Influence of Strontium, Silicon and Calcium Additions on the Properties of the AM50 Alloy
Influence of Surface Functionalization on Morphology and Rheology of SAN/PPE Blends Filled with Functionalized MWCNT
Influence of surface pre-treatment on the deposition and corrosion properties of hydrophobic coatings on a magnesium alloy
Influence of Surface Quality and Porosity on Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4 V Components Processed by MIM
Influence of surface rolling on notched fatigue strength of Al 2024 in two age-hardening conditions
Influence of surface roughness on neural differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells
Influence of surface roughness on neural differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells
Influence of surfactants on depsipeptide submicron particle formation
Influence of synthesis temperature on structural and magnetic properties of magnetoferritin
Influence of systemic hypothermia on the myocardial oxygen tension during extracorporeal circulation: Comparative study in German Landrace pigs
Influence of systemic hypothermia on the myocardial oxygen tension during extracorporeal circulation: Comparative study in German Landrace pigs
Influence of temperature and precipitation on decadal Baltic Sea level variations in the 20th century
Influence of temperature and precipitation on decadal Baltic Sea level variations in the 20th century
Influence of Temperature and Rolling Speed on Twin Roll Cast Strip
Influence of Temperature and Rolling Speed on Twin Roll Cast Strip
Influence of temperature and wind on Baltic Sea level in the instrumental period
Influence of temperature and wind on Baltic Sea level within the instrumental period
Influence of temperature and wind on Baltic Sea level within the instrumental period
Influence of temperature and wind on Baltic Sea level within the instrumental period
Influence of temperature upon properties of tailor-made PEBAX® MH 1657 nanocomposite membranes for post-combustion CO2 capture
Influence of Tempering on Macro- and Micro-Residual Stresses and Yield Stress of Ferritic-Pearlitic Drawn, Coiled, and Straightened Wires
Influence of testing environment on the resorption behavior of magnesium alloys for bioabsorbable implants
Influence of testing environment on the resorption behavior of magnesium alloys for bioabsorbable implants
Influence of Texture on Deformation Behavior of Rolled Magnesium Slabs and Twin Roll Cast Strips
Influence of Texture on Deformation Behavior of Rolled Magnesium Slabs and Twin Roll Cast Strips
Influence of texture on the properties of engineering materials
Influence of texture on the recrystallization mechanisms in an AZ31 Mg sheet alloy at dynamic rates
Influence of the addition of water to amorphous switching domains on the simulated shape-memory properties of poly(l-lactide)
Influence of the ageing conditions and the initial microstructure on the precipitation of Alpha phase in Ti-17 alloy
Influence of the Aluminum Pretreatment on the Mechanical Performance of Metal-Polymer Friction Spot Joints
Influence of the amount of intermetallics on the degradation of Mg-Nd alloys under physiological conditions
Influence of the Blend Compatibility on the Morphology of Thin Polymer Blend Films
Influence of the Blend Compatibility on the Morphology of Thin Polymer Blend Films
Influence of the blood exposure time in dynamic hemocompatibility testing on coagulation and C5a activation
Influence of the Boundary Forcing on the Internal Variability of a Regional Climate Model
Influence of the co-monomer ratio on the physical properties and cytotoxicity of poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinylpyrrolidone)]-based nanoparticles
Influence of the coating with extracellular matrix and the number of cell passages on the endothelialization of a polystyrene surface
Influence of the Composition and Imidization Route on the Chain Packing and Gas Separation Properties of Fluorinated Copolyimides
Influence of the copper content on microstructure and corrosion resistance of AZ91 based secondary magnesium alloys
Influence of the copper content on microstructure and corrosion resistance of AZ91 based secondary magnesium alloys
Influence of the deposition process and substrate on microstructure, phase composition, and residual stress state on as-deposited Cr-Al-C coatings
Influence of the deposition process on the Cr2AlC phase formation during heat treatment of Cr-Al-C thin films
Influence of the diamine structure on the nanofiltration performance, surface morphology and surface charge of the composite polyamide membranes
Influence of the extrusion conditions and the neodymium content on the microstructure, the texture and the deformation behaviour of magnesium-manganese alloys
Influence of the feed channel geometry to the mass transfer in diffusion controlled pervaporation processes
Influence of the Flooding in 2002 on the Plankton and the Quality of Water and Sediment of the River Elbe over Its Longitudinal Profile
Influence of the FSW clamping force on the final distortion and residual stress field
Influence of the geometry on the fatigue performance of crenellated fuselage panels
Influence of the Glass Transition Temperature and the Density of Crosslinking Groups on the Reversibility of Diels-Alder Polymer Networks
Influence of the hard segments content on the properties of electrospun aliphatic poly(carbonate-urethane-urea)s
Influence of the Interlayer Film Thickness on the Mechanical Performance of AA2024-T3/CF-PPS Hybrid Joints Produced by Friction Spot Joining - Influencia da Espessura do Filme Polimerico Intermediario na Resistencia Mecanica de Juntas Hibridas de Alumínio 2024-T3 e CF-PPS Produzidas por Uniao Pontual por Friccao
Influence of the Local Chemical Composition on the Mechanical Properties of Laser Beam Welded Al-Li Alloys
Influence of the Local Chemical Composition on the Mechanical Properties of Laser Beam Welded Al-Li Alloys
Influence of the manufacturing process on the formability at room temperature of magnesium flat products
Influence of the Microstructure on the Creep Behaviour of Semi-Solid Processed Magnesium-Zinc Alloys (Dissertation)
Influence of the microstructure and silver content on degradation, cytocompatibility and antibacterial properties of magnesium-silver alloys in vitro
Influence of the Microstructure Evolution on the Properties of Extruded Magnesium Alloys
Influence of the microstructure on effective mechanical properties of carbon nanotube composites
Influence of the microstructure on mechanical properties of an AZ31 magnesium sheet
Influence of the microstructure on mechanical properties of an AZ31 magnesium sheet
Influence of the Microstructure on the Effective Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Composites (Masterarbeit)
Influence of the Molecular Weight and the Presence of Calcium Ions on the Molecular Interaction of Hyaluronan and DPPC
Influence of the Nb2O5 distribution on the electrochemical hydrogenation of nanocrystalline magnesium
Influence of the polydispersity of pH 2 and pH 3.5 beta-lactoglobulin amyloid fibril solutions on analytical methods
Influence of the processing of magnesium alloys AZ31 and ZE10 on the sheet formability at elevated temperature
Influence of the processing of magnesium alloys AZ31 and ZE10 on the sheet formability at elevated temperature
Influence of the residual stress generated by laser shock peening on the fatigue crack propagation (Masterarbeit)
Influence of the River Elbe flood 2002 on the plankton and the quality of water and sediment of the river over its longitudinal profile
Influence of the sample shape on the global-texture determined by neutron diffraction
Influence of the sintering atmosphere on the tensile properties of MIM-processed Ti 45Al 5Nb 0.2B 0.2C
Influence of the surface structure of a multiblock copolymer on the cellular behavior of primary cell cultures of the upper aerodigestive tract in vitro
Influence of the thermomechanical treatment on the microstructure of magnesium alloy AZ31
Influence of the thermomechanical treatment on the microstructure of magnesium alloy AZ31
Influence of the Ti/Al/Nb ratio on the structure and properties on intermetallic layers obtained on titanium by non-vacuum electron beam cladding
Influence of the Tool Material on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of PMMA Lap Joints Welded by Friction Spot
Influence of the Tool Material on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of PMMA Lap Joints Welded by Friction Spot
Influence of the welding sequence on residual stresses in laser welded Al T-joints
Influence of the welding sequence on residual stresses in laser welded T-joints of an airframe aluminium alloy
Influence of thermal cycling on properties of Al based MMC's reinforced by ceramic fibres
Influence of thermal cycling on properties of Al based MMC's reinforced by ceramic fibres
Influence of Thermal Processing on Resoloy Wire Microstructure and Properties
Influence of thermal treatment on the properties and intermolecular interactions of epoxidized natural rubber-salt systems
Influence of Thermomechanical Treatment on Tension–Compression Yield Asymmetry of Extruded Mg–Zn–Ca Alloy
Influence of Third Alloying Element on Dislocation Slip and Twinning Activities in Mg–Nd-Based Alloys
Influence of Ti-6Al-4V material porosities on cell metabolism
Influence of Ti-6Al-4V material porosities on cell metabolism
Influence of Titanium and Nitrogen on the Fracture Properties of Weld Metals
Influence of titanium on HAZ microstructures and toughness of offshore steel welds: literature review; part 1
Influence of Torsion on Precipitation and Hardening Effects during Aging of an Extruded AZ91 Alloy
Influence of Twin-Roll Casting Speed on Microstructural Homogeneity, Centerline Segregation, and Surface Quality of Three Different Mg Alloys
Influence of Tyrosine-Derived Moieties and Drying Conditions on the Formation of Helices in Gelatin
Influence of Ultrasound Microbubble on the kidney oxygen tension
Influence of Ultrasound Microbubbles on kidney oxygen tension
Influence of Ultrasound Microbubbles on kidney oxygen tension
Influence of ultrasound on membrane permeability in organophilic pervaporation
Influence of ultrasound on membrane permeability in organophilic pervaporation
Influence of various polycations on the properties of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Influence of various radiographic contrast media on the buckling of endothelial cells
Influence of various sterilization methods on hardness, grain size and corrosion rate of a Mg6Ag-alloy
Influence of VEGF stimulated human macrophages on the proliferation of dermal microvascular endothelial cells: Coculture experiments
Influence of viral peptides on the structure of model membranes
Influence of water purity on the corrosion behavior of Mg0.5ZnX (X=Ca, Ge) alloys
Influence of water purity on the corrosion behavior of Mg0.5ZnX (X=Ca, Ge) alloys
Influence of water vapor on the permeation behavior of different penetrants in high performance membrane materials (Masterarbeit)
Influence of weld bead on mechanical properties of High Entropy Alloy – CoCrFeNiMn (Diplomarbeit)
Influence of xantinole nicotinic acid on cutaneous microcirculation in patients with coronary artery disease and hyperlipoproteinemia
Influence of Y2O3 nanoparticles on the twinning of single crystalline magnesium
Influence of Yttrium and Zirconium on the microstructure and mechanical properties in ZM21 hydrostatically extruded profiles
Influence of Zn addition on hot tearing behaviour of Mg-0.5Ca-xZn alloys
Influence on three-dimensional tissue growth by scaffold architecture
Influence on three-dimensional tissue growth by scaffold architecture
Influences of Al and high shearing dispersion technique on the microstructure and creep resistance of Mg-2.85Nd-0.92Gd-0.41Zr-0.29Zn alloy
Influences of AlN/Al Nanoparticles on the Creep Properties of Elektron21 Prepared by High Shear Dispersion Technology
Influences of Ca Addition on the Hot Tearing Behaviour of Mg-4Zn-xCa Alloys
Influences of Ca Addition on the Hot Tearing Behaviour of Mg-4Zn-xCa Alloys
Influences of contaminants on selected immune functions of harbour seals
Influences of local polymer-solvent p-p-interaction on dynamics of phenyl ring rotation and its role on photophysics of conjugated polymer
Influences of Methyl-, Phenyl-, Ethylmercury and Mercurychloride on Lymphocyte Proliferation and Cytokine Expression in Harbour Seals
Influences of RVE topology, discretization and boundary conditions in practical multiscaling - A comparison
Influences of RVE topology, discretization and boundary conditions in practical multiscaling - A comparison
Influences of SiC particle additions on the grain refinement of Mg-Zn alloys
Influences of SiC Particle Additions on the Grain Refinement of Mg–Zn Alloys
Influences of the local tidal flat conditions on the surface stabilisation through benthic diatoms
Influences of Y Additions on the Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-1.5wt.%Zn Alloys
Influences of Y Additions on the Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-1.5wt.%Zn Alloys
Influences of Y Additions on the Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-1.5wt.%Zn Alloys
Influences on the natural reproduction of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in Lake Constance
Influencia da espessura do filme polimerico de adiçeo na resistencia mecenica de juntas hibridas de aluminio 2024-T3 e CF-PPS produzidas por Uniao Pontual por Friccao
Influencia da Topografia da Superficie de Atrito do Rebite na Formacao de Juntas de Aluminio 6056-T6 e Composito Pa6-30fv Rebitadas por Friccao
Influencia da Topografia da Superficie de Atrito do Rebite na Formacao de Juntas de Aluminio 6056-T6 e Composito Pa6-30fv Rebitadas por Friccao
Influencia Termomecanica do Processo de Uniao Pontual Por Friccao na Recristalizacao dos Componentes Polimericos de Junta Hibrida CF-PPS/Aluminio com Filme Intermediario de PPS
Influencing of blood compatibility of hollow fiber membranes for the plasmapheresis
Influencing of pore structure in multicomponent membranes
Informal Settlements and Flooding: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses in Local Governance for Water Management
Information about past and plausible future regional climate as a key for adaptation to weather risk and climate change
Information about the work of the Technical Committee 10, Environmentally Assisted Cracking, of the ESIS
Information and fracture behaviour of tial base intermetallic alloys
Information Content of a Simple Water Quality Model: Sensitivity with Respect to Model Structure
Information Content of a Simple Water Quality Model: Sensitivity with Respect to Model Structure
Information on deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline Pd-10 % Au inferred from texture analysis
Informations- und Meldesysteme fuer die Forschungsreaktoren FRG-1 und FRG-2
Informations- und Meldesysteme fuer die Forschungsreaktoren FRG-1 und FRG-2
Informations- und Unterstuetzungsbedarf von Kommunen zur Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels : GERICS - CSC Report
Informationsbedarf von Unternehmen - Eine sektorspezifische Auswertung des CSC-Anfragenservice
Informationsbroschuere des GKSS, Besonderheiten von Forschungsreaktoren
Informationssysteme ELISE und ELBIS - Instrumente fuer Forschung und Praxis: Teil 1 - Das Elbe-Informationssystem ELBIS
Infrared lidar measurement of the diffusion of hydrogen chloride from seaborne waste incineration
Infrared spectroscopy and enclosive flow cooling: concept of an integrated multireflection optics
Infrarot-spektrometrische Untersuchung von binaeren Wasser/Kohlendioxid-Nanopartikeln mit einer Multireflexions-Kuehlzelle (Dissertation)
Infrastrukturen (Energie- und Wasserversorgung)
Infuence of strong South Atlantic Ocean Dipole on the Central African rainfall’s system
Ingenieurmaessige Ermittlung des Bruchparameters CTOD in Biegeplatten mit Oberflaechenriss im duktil sproeden Uebergangsbereich
Inherent and induced anisotropic finite visco-plasticity with applications to the forming of DC06 sheets
Inherent Collapse? Social Dynamics and External Forcing in Early Neolithic and Modern Southwest Germany
Inherent optical properties and particle characteristics of the sea-surface microlayer
Inherent optical properties of dissolved and particulate matter in an Arctic fjord (Storfjorden, Svalbard) in early summer
Inhibition of cellular senescence by polydopamine coating to maintain mesenchymal stem cells
Inhibition of Influenza Virus Activity by Multivalent Glycoarchitectures with Matched Sizes
Inhibition of influenza virus activity by newly designed multivalent glycoarchitectures
Inhibition of ωo phase precipitation in TNM-based TiAl alloys by Cr and Mn
Inhomogeneities and Morphology of Cirrus Clouds on Different Scales
Inhomogeneity and relaxation phenomena in the graphite anode of a lithium-ion battery probed by in situ neutron diffraction
Inhomogeneous plastic flow investigated by X-ray absorption microtomography of an aluminium alloy containing marker particles
Inhomogenitaeten in Cirren und ihre Auswirkungen auf den solaren Strahlungstransport (Dissertation)
Initial investigations on underwater FHPP-overlap-welds in mild steel with different gap sizes (Diplomarbeit)
Initial plasticity stages in Mg alloys containing Long-Period Stacking Ordered phases using High Resolution Digital Image Correlation (HRDIC) and in-situ synchrotron radiation
Initial results on the coupling of sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SdFFF) to inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for the detection and characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles
Initial stages of localized corrosion at cut-edges of adhesively bonded Zn and Zn-Al-Mg galvanized steel
Initialisierung mit realen Daten fuer das Mesoskalige Atmosphaerenmodell Bonn (Diplomarbeit)
Initiation of shape-memory effect by inductive heating of magnetic nanoparticles in thermoplastic polymers
Initiieren von nationalen und internationalen Forschungsverbuenden
Innere Grenzflaechen und Fertigkeitseigenschaften von Titan-Aluminid-Legierungen
Innere Grenzflaechen und Versetzungsstrukturen in TiAl Legierungen
Innere Reibung in TiAl-Legierungen
Innere Reibung in TiAl-Legierungen
Innerer Blitzschutz einer Altanlage
Innovating materials in bridge construction. Contribution to construction with composite fiber-reinforced materials (Dissertation)
Innovationen der GKSS fuer den Einsatz 'Bio-/Medizintechnik'
Innovationen im biotechnischen/biomedizinischen Bereich und deren Auswirkungen auf die Chirurgie
Innovations-Initiative Deutschland: Schoene Worte – Welche Taten
Innovationsnukleus - Polymere fuer die Biomedizin
Innovative Festphase-Punktfuegeverfahren fuer Faserverbundkunststoffe und Metall Polymer Hybriden
Innovative lasttragende Strukturen fuer die Luftfahrt und den Verkehr
Innovative Load-bearing Structures for Aerospace Applications by Laser Processing
Innovative manufacturing and joining concepts for load-bearing titanium-CFRP structures
Innovative manufacturing and joining concepts for load-bearing titanium-CFRP structures
Innovative Medical Devices based on Biomaterial Development
Innovative Sealing for Coatings on Magnesium Alloys Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO)
Innovative Sealing for Coatings on Magnesium Alloys Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO)
Innovative Sensor Carriers for Cost-Effective Global Ocean Samplings - Platforms of opportunity in action: The FerryBox system
Innovatives Fuegeverfahren zum Schweissen von Leichtmetallen
Inorganic chemical fingerprinting of the environment: reference freshwater' - a useful tool for comparison and harmonization of analytical data in freshwater chemistry'
Inorganic chemical investigations in the Forest Biosphere Reserve near Kalinin, Part 2: The distribution of lanthanide elements in the vegetation cover
Inorganic chemical investigations in the Forest Biosphere Reserve near Kalinin, Part I: Mosses and peat profiles as bioindicators for different chemical elements
Inorganic chemical investigations in the Forest Biosphere Reserve near Kalinin, USSR, Part 3: Comparison of the multielement budget with a forest ecosystem in Germany
Inorganic modification of membranes for direct methanol fuel cell
Inorganic modification of membranes for direct methanol fuel cell
Inorganic modification of proton conductive polymer membranes for direct methanol fuel cells
Inorganic Modification of Sulfonated Polymer Membranes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Inside the head of a cybertype – three-dimensional reconstruction of the head muscles of Ommatoiulus avatar (Diplopoda: Juliformia: Julidae) reveals insights into the feeding movements of Juliformia
Insight into chelating agent stimulated in-situ growth of MgAl-LDH films on magnesium alloy AZ31: The effect of initial cationic concentrations
Insight into physical interpretation of high frequency time constant in electrochemical impedance spectra of Mg
Insight into physical interpretation of time constants in electrochemical impedance spectra of Mg
Insight into the behavior of mammalian tissue cells adhering on artificial substrata
Insight into the behavior of mammalian tissue cells adhering on artificial substrata
Insight into the biocompatibility of polymeric and other biomaterials
Insights from crystal-plasticity-based predictions on deformation of an Mg-10Gd extrudate
Insights from crystal-plasticity-based predictions on deformation of an Mg-10Gd extrudate
Insights in the shape-memory mechanism of multiblock copolymers having crystallizable as well as glassy switching segments
Insights into corrosion behaviour of uncoated Mg alloys for biomedical applications in different aqueous media
Insights into creep behavior of Mg–14Gd–1Zn–0.4Zr (wt.%) alloy containing β- and γ-type precipitates
Insights into in-situ synthesis of PEO-LDH composite film on AM50 Mg alloy: The effect of final voltage
Insights into integration challenges in the Baltic Sea Region marine spatial planning: Implications for the HELCOM-VASAB principles
Insights into interactions between 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide and molecular solvents: γ-valerolactone, γ-butyrolactone and propylene carbonate. Volumetric properties and MD simulations
Insights into Nitrogen and Particle Cycling in Marine Oxygen Minimum Zones (Dissertation)
Insights into phase transformations and microstructure development of TiAl alloys by use of advanced characterisation techniques
Insights into Phase Transformations and Microstructure Development of TiAl Alloys by Use of Advanced Characterisation Techniques
Insights into plasma electrolytic oxidation treatment with particle addition
Insights into the Interactions among Surfactin, Betaines, and PAM: Surface Tension, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study
Insights into the Rb–Mg–N–H System: an Ordered Mixed Amide/Imide Phase and a Disordered Amide/Hydride Solid Solution
Insights into the structure and reaction mechanism of alkali and alkaline-earth metal amide-metal hydride composite systems for hydrogen storage (Dissertation)
Insights into the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Insights into the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Insights into the transport mechanism of PEGs through a hydrophobic solvent stable membrane
Inspirations from interface and corrosion science: Strategies toward design of interface-controlled materials
Inspired by material fatigue: On-demand release systems
Instabilities and thermohaline stratification at tidal mixing front: A case study for the German Bight
Instabilities and thermohaline stratification at tidal mixing front: A case study for the German Bight
Instabilities and thermohaline stratification at tidal mixing front: A case study for the German Bight
Instability in Geophysical Flows
Instability of a smooth shear layer through wave interactions
Instability of styrene/polystyrene/polybutadiene/polystyrene-beta-polybutadiene emulsions that emulate styrene polymerization in the presence of polybutadiene
Institut für Aktive Polymere Teltow
Institute description and research activities (experience on concrete modelling)
Institute of Hydrophysics - Seminar, December 5-8, 2000, Weissenhaeuser Strand, Germany
Institute of Polymer Research: Membrane Formation, Characterisation, Application
Instrument- and tree-ring based reconstructions of the Antarctic Oscillation
Instrument- and Tree-Ring-Based Estimates of the Antarctic Oscillation
Instrument- and Tree-Ring-Based Estimates of the Antarctic Oscillation
Instrument- and Tree-Ring-Based Estimates of the Antarctic Oscillation
Instrumental analysis of plants
Instrumental multielement analysis in plant materials – a modern method in environmental chemistry and tropical systems research
Instrumental neutron activation analysis of UNS-SpS glass sand reference material
Instrumente für regionale Sakeholder-Interaktionen
Instrumente für regionale Sakeholder-Interaktionen
Instrumentelle Multielementanalyse von Pflanzenproben
Instrumentelle und chemische Verfahren zur Multielement- und Elementspezies-Analyse in Aquatischen Umweltkompartinenten (Habilitation)
Instrumentenmix im Praxistest: Ein schwacher Emissionshandel, ein starkes EEG und die Konsequenzen fuer die Energiewende in Deutschland
Integral Asymmetrc Block Copolymer Membranes: Formation, Functionalization, and Stumili-Responsiveness
Integral Asymmetrc Block Copolymer Membranes: Formation, Functionalization, and Stumili-Responsiveness
Integral asymmetric block copolymer membranes
Integral Asymmetric Block copolymer Membranes in Flat Sheet and Hollow Fiber Geometry
Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes: Structure Formation and Preparation by Casting, Spinning, and Spraying
Integral Asymmetric Flat Sheet and Hollow Fibre Membranes from Quenched Solutions of Tailor-made Block Copolymers
Integral Asymmetric Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes by Casting, Spinning, and Spraying
Integral Asymmetric Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes for Protein Fractionation
Integral asymmetric isoporous flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes from block copolymers
Integral asymmetric isoporous membrane formation from novel block copolymers
Integral Asymmetric Membrane Based on a Block Copolymer: Different Levels of Order via Controlled Self-Organization
Integral Asymmetric Membranes from Block Copolymer Solutions by Combining Micro- and Macrophase Separation
Integral Asymmetric Membranes from Block Copolymers
Integral Multi-Material Fuselage Element
Integral Structures of the Future: Recommendations from Materials Engineering for the Design
Integralasymmetrische Blockcopolymermembranen mit schaltbaren Eigenschaften
Integrated assessment and future scenarios for the coast
Integrated Assessment of Coastal and Marine Changes Using the Example of Offshore Wind Farms: The Coastal Futures Approach
Integrated bioprocess for enhanced production of natural aroma compounds
Integrated bioprocess for enhanced production of natural flavours and fragrances by Ceratocystis moniliformis
Integrated bioprocess for the production of 2-phenyl ethanol
Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Integrated coastal-zone risk management
Integrated process for preparing porous, surface functionalized polyetherimide microparticles
Integrated Research for Integrated Ocean Management
Integrated stratigraphy of foreland salt-marsh sediments of the south-eastern North Sea region
Integrated, ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning: Design and results of a game-based, quasi-experiment
Integrated, Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning: First Results from an International Simulation-Game Experiment
Integrated, Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning: First Results from an International Simulation-Game Experiment
Integrating Coastal Zone Management and River Basin Management, an Application of GIS for the River Elbe Management
Integrating Data Science and Earth Science: Challenges and Solutions
Integrating economy, ecology and uncertainty in an oil-spill DSS: The Prestige accident in Spain, 2002
Integrating Explainability into Graph Neural Network Models for the Prediction of X-ray Absorption Spectra
Integrating Modes of Transport in a Dynamic Modelling Approach to Evaluate Population Exposure to Ambient NO2 and PM2.5 Pollution in Urban Areas
Integrating Real Time Data on North Sea and Baltic Waters as Web-Services for Monitoring and Risk Assessment
Integrating Research and Practice in emerging Climate Services – Lessons from other transdisciplinary Dialogues
Integrating Science and Practice for the Mitigation of Natural Disasters: Barriers, Bridges, Propositions
Integration der erneuerbaren Energien in den Emissionshandel - Stand und Perspektiven
Integration of chemicals market data with suspect screening using in silico tools to identify potential new and emerging risk chemicals
Integration of climate information into urban climate change adaptation: A case study of municipal processes in Constance
Integration of Design Methods for Membrane-Based Gas Separation into a Modern Process Simulator
Integration of Magnesium Alloys into Light Weight Structures for the Transportation Industries
Integration of materials modelling into business decision: Approaches, Models and Licenses
Integration of Membrane Gas Separation Technology into Energy Production Processes
Integrative anatomical study of the branched annelid Ramisyllis multicaudata (Annelida, Syllidae)
Integrierter Bioprozess zur Gewinnung von 2-Phenylethanol (Diplomarbeit)
Integrin function on artificial substrata
Integrin function on artificial substrata
Integrin β1 activation by micro-scale curvature promotes pro-angiogenic secretion of human mesenchymal stem cells
Integrins and the Compatibility of Biomaterials
Integritaetsueberlegungen beim Aufbau eines komplexen Modellsystems
Integritaetsueberlegungen beim Aufbau eines komplexen Modellsystems
Integrity assessment and development of laser processed metallic components and structures
Intelligent Biomaterials
Intelligent Materials: Shape-Memory Polymers
Intelligente Biomaterialien und deren Anwendungspotential in der Medizin
Intelligente Polymere
Intelligente Polymere
Intelligente Polymere
Intended and Unintended Targeting of Polymeric Nanocarriers: The Case of Modified Poly(glycerol adipate) Nanoparticles
Intensification of catalytic CO2 methanation mediated by in-situ water removal through a high-temperature polymeric thin-film composite membrane
Intensified Southern Hemisphere Westerlies regulated atmospheric CO2 during the last deglaciation
Intensive and extensive nitrogen loss from intertidal permeable sediments of the Wadden Sea
Inter- und transdisziplinaeres Arbeiten im Klimaservice
Inter-comparison of 11-year solar cycle response in mesospheric ozone and temperature obtained by HALOE satellite data and HAMMONIA model
Interaction between anisotropic plastic deformation and damage evolution in Al 2198 sheet metal
Interaction between calcium and dissolved organic carbon: Implications for metal mobilization
Interaction between degradable and permanent metallic implant materials: magnesium and titanium.
Interaction between human umbilical venous endothelial cell and a gelatin-based hydrogel
Interaction between magnesium-based implant and cells of the musculoskeletal system
Interaction between Phases in Co-deforming Two-Phase Materials: The Role of Dislocation Arrangements
Interaction between stem cells and biomaterials
Interaction Between Stem Cells and Biomaterials
Interaction between Stem Cells and Biomaterials
Interaction Between Stem Cells and Biomaterials
Interaction between the Natural Lipopeptide [Glu1, Asp5] Surfactin-C15 and Hemoglobin in Aqueous Solution
Interaction effect between different constituents in silicate containing electrolyte for PEO coatings on Mg alloy
Interaction effect between different constituents in silicate-containing electrolyte on PEO coatings on Mg alloy
Interaction of a biosurfactant, Surfactin with a cationic Gemini surfactant in aqueous solution
Interaction of an Antimicrobial Peptide with Membranes: Experiments and Simulations with NKCS
Interaction of angiogenically stimulated intermediate CD163+ monocytes/macrophages with soft hydrophobic poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with elastic moduli matched to that of human arteries
Interaction of antibacterial polymers with biological model membranes
Interaction of blood with body foreign surfaces - Haemocompatibility
Interaction of bolaamphiphile (carbohydrate headgroups) with SDS and octyl glucoside in aqueous solution
Interaction of bolaamphiphile (carbohydrate headgroups) with SDS and octyl glucoside in aqueous solution
Interaction of cell adhesion, cell-cell contacts and mRNA transfection in a multimodal bioinstructive hydrogel
Interaction of cellulose-based cationic polyelectrolytes with mucin
Interaction of Charged Patchy Protein Models with Like-Charged Polyelectrolyte Brushes
Interaction of chondrocytes and stem cells with lipid covered implant materials
Interaction of chondrocytes and stem cells with lipid covered implant materials
Interaction of Chondrocytes and Stem Cells with Lipid Covered Implant Materials
Interaction of chondrocytes with electrospun polymer scaffolds depending on the fibre orientation
Interaction of chondrocytes with electrospun polymer scaffolds depending on the fibre orientation
Interaction of Hepatocytes with Foreign Substrata
Interaction of human bone derived cells with phospholipid coated porous titanium alloy surfaces of different morphologies
Interaction of human bone derived cells with phospholipid coated porous titanium alloy surfaces of different morphologies
Interaction of human mesenchymal stem cells with soft hydrophobic poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with elastic moduli comparable to arteries
Interaction of Human Plasma Proteins with Thin Gelatin-Based Hydrogel Films: A QCM-D and ToF-SIMS Study
Interaction of human serum albumin with dendritic polyglycerol sulfate: Rationalizing the thermodynamics of binding
Interaction of human serum albumin with short polyelectrolytes: A study by calorimetry and computer simulations
Interaction of human serum albumin with uremic toxins: a thermodynamic study
Interaction of human skin fibroblasts with moderate wettable polyacrylonitrile-copolymer membranes
Interaction of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with platelets in vitro: Influence of platelet concentration and reactivity
Interaction of human venous endothelial cells with platelets in vitro: Influence of platelet concentration
Interaction of Hyaluron and Phospholipids at high hydrostatic pressure
Interaction of magnetic nanoparticles with lysozyme amyloid fibrils
Interaction of magnetic nanoparticles with lysozyme amyloid fibrils
Interaction of mono-carboxylic acids in benzene studied by small-angle neutron scattering
Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid films: the role of symmetry and shape anisotropy
Interaction of NK-2 with POPC
Interaction of platelets with body foreign surfaces
Interaction of poly(ether imide) films with early immune mechanisms
Interaction of poly(ether imide) films with early immune mechanisms
Interaction of primary CD14+ CD163+ VEGF-A165+ monocytes/macrophages with soft hydrophobic poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with elastic moduli matched to human arteries
Interaction of proteins and polymers under pressure and shear
Interaction of skeletal cells with lipid coated titanium alloys
Interaction of the Biosurfactant, Surfactin with Betaines in Aqueous Solution
Interaction of thrombocytes with poly(ether imide): the influence of processing
Interaction of thrombocytes with poly(ether imide): The influence of processing
Interaction of waves, currents and tides, and wave-energy impact on the beach area of Sylt Island
Interaction Structures Analysed from Water-Quality Data
Interaction-diffusion patterns in planktic model systems
Interactions between barotropic tides and mesoscale processes in deep ocean and shelf regions
Interactions between shape-persistent macromolecules as probed by AFM
Interactions between wind and tidally induced currents in coastal and shelf basins
Interactions of antibiotic peptides with model membranes
Interactions of CaO with Pure Mg and Mg-Ca alloys - an in situ synchrotron radiation diffraction study
Interactions of dislocations and deformation twins with interfacial boundaries in titanium aluminides
Interactions of Langmuir monolayers based on boronic acid end-capped oligo(ε-caprolactone) with saccharides as model compounds for diol containing biomolecules
Interactions of organic nanoparticles with proteins in physiological conditions
Interactions of the Antibacterial Peptide NK-2 with Lipid Bilayers: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies
Interactions of the chelating polymeric nanoparticles with LPS–contaminated plasma proteins
Interactive coupling of regional atmosphere with biosphere in the new generation regional climate system model REMO-iMOVE
Interactive effects of temperature and light during deep convection: a case study on growth and condition of the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii
Interactive effects of viral lysis and warming in a coastal ocean identified from an idealized ecosystem model
Interactive exploratory data analysis using MST-based nonlinear mapping
Interactive impacts of meteorological and hydrological conditions on the physical and biogeochemical structure of a coastal system
Interaktion von Thrombozyten mit koerperfremden Oberflaechen - Haemokompatibilitaet
Interaktion zwischen Physik und Biologie
Interaktion zwischen Quecksilber und Humin-Stoffen in kontaminierten Elbauen: Bindung, Transport und Transformationen
Interannual change in mode waters: Case of the Black Sea
Interannual summer air temperature variability over Greece and its connection to the large-scale atmospheric circulation and Mediterranean SSTs 1950-1999
Interannual variability of alongshore spring bloom dynamics in a coastal sea caused by the differential influence of hydrodynamics and light climate
Interannual variability of seasonal succession events in a temperate lake and its relation to temperature variability
Interannual variability of sorted bedforms in the coastal German Bight (SE North Sea)
Interannual variations of the Black Sea Rim Current
Intercalibration studies of 210Po and 210Pb in dissolved and particulate seawater samples
Intercomparing the European and North American transition to farming in a mathematical model of socio-technological adaptation
Intercomparison of cloud boundaries and structure as seen by ground-based radar and airborne lidar
Intercomparison of different measures of cloud liquid water profiles from ground based remote sensing and in situ observation
Intercomparison of Ocean Color Algorithms for Picophytoplankton Carbon in the Ocean
Intercomparison of two Offshore Windfarrn Sites Using SAR Data
Intercomparison Study of Numerical Models for Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Mercury
Interconnected Porous Scaffolds for Bone Augmentation
Intercritical annealing of cold-rolled ferrite-pearlite steel: Microstructure evolutions and phase transformation kinetics
Interdependence between Microstructural Aspects and Macroscopic Material Properties in the Nickel Base Superalloy Allvac 718Plus
Interdiffusion and atomic mobility in hcp Mg–Al–Sn alloys
Interdiffusion in ultraduennen Polymerfilmen: Einfluss der eingeschraenkten Dimension und der Wand
Interdiffusion in ultrathin polystyrene films studied by neutron reflexion
Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives on Current and Future Storm Surges
Interdisziplinaere Grundlagenforschung fuer eine altersgerechte Medizin
Interelement correlations detectable in plant samples based on data from reference materials and highly accurate research samples
Interelement correlations in different reference materials
Interface Elasticity Effects in Polymer-Filled Nanoporous Metals
Interface Elasticity Effects on the Actuation Behaviour of Metal-Polymer Composites
Interface failure analysis of embedded NiTi SMA wires using in situ high-resolution X-ray synchrotron tomography
Interface formation and properties of friction spot welded joints of AA5754 and Ti6Al4V alloys
Interface Formation in Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding of Dissimilar Joint Configuration
Interface Investigation
Interface investigation
Interface Modification in Dissimilar Friction Spot Welds of Al and Mg Alloys
Interface Modification in Dissimilar Friction Spot Welds of Al and Mg Alloys
Interface of a robot with its underwater carrier under specific constraints of underwater applications
Interface related strength phenomena in two-phase titanium aluminides
Interface width of poly(styrene-b-butyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers
Interface-Mediated Twinning-Induced Plasticity in a Fine Hexagonal Microstructure Generated by Additive Manufacturing
Interface-related deformation mechanisms and dislocation mobilities in two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
Interface-related deformation phenomena in intermetallic Gamma-titanium aluminides
Interface-Related Deformation Phenomena in Multi-Phase Assemblies of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Interface-related deformation processes in TiAl
Interface-Related Phenomena of Deformation and Fracture in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
Interfacial and subinterfacial cracks in the copper-ferrite system
Interfacial behavior of oligodepsipeptides at aqueous surfaces
Interfacial Fracture Behaviour of the Diffusion Bonded Ti-Alloys
Interfacial Phenomena between Liquid Ga-Based Alloys and Ni Substrate
Interfacial Phenomena on Membranes
Interfacial properties of morpholine-2,5-dione-based oligodepsipeptides and multiblock copolymers
Interfacial reaction in the short-fiber reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloys
Interfacial reaction in the short-fiber reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloys
Interfacial Reactions in the Bonding Zones of Explosively Welded Tantalum to Stainless Steel Sheets
Interfacial Wetting and Perlocation Threshold in Ultrathin Ni/C Multilayer Films
Interfacing the Zurich FTIR Spectrometer Bruker IFS 120 HR (Prototype) with a Collisonsal Cooling Cell
Interference of magnesium corrosion with tetrazolium-based cytotoxicity assays
Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes
Intergranular corrosion evaluation of friction stir welded AISI 410S ferritic stainless steel
Interlayer intercalation and arrangement of 2-mercaptobenzothiazolate and 1,2,3-benzotriazolate anions in layered double hydroxides: In situ X-ray diffraction study
Intermediate Lipid/Water Structures during a Cubic to Microemulsion (Sponge) Transition
Intermediate phases observed during decomposition of LiBH4
Intermediate temperature deformation behaviour of fine grained AZ61 alloy processed by hydrostatic extrusion
Intermetallic alloys: deformation, mechanical and fracture behaviour
Intermetallic Gamma-titanium-aluminides for applications in stationary gas turbines
Intermetallic phase formation in nanoscale Ni/Al multilayers
Intermetallics in the Magnesium Alloys
Intermetallics in the Magnesium alloys and their effects in improving mechanical properties
Intermetallics in the Magnesium alloys and their effects in improving mechanical properties
Intermetallics: Titanium Aluminides
Intermetallische Gamma-Titan-Aluminide: Von den Grundlagen zur Bauteilanwendung
Intermetallische Gamma-Titanaluminide als Strukturwerkstoffe fuer hohe Temperaturen - Entwicklungen und Anwendungen
Intermetallische Gamma-Titanaluminide: Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen
Intermetallische Legierungen auf der Basis Ti-Al-Si
Intermetallische Tiatanaluminide: Werkstoffe fuer hohe Temperaturen
Intermetallische Titan-Aluminide und -Silizide
Intermetallische Titan-Aluminide und -Silizide
Intermetallische Titanaluminide als Strukturwerkstoffe fuer hohe Temperaturen
Intermetallische Titanbasislegierungen: Inertgaszerstaeubung zur Legierungspulverherstellung und Spruehformen
Intermetallische Verbindungen fuer neue Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe
Intermetallische Verbindungen geringer Dichte auf der Basis Ti(Al,Si)
Intermetallisches Titanaluminium - Ein neuer Leichtbauwerkstoff fuer Hochtemperaturanwendungen
Intermittency in processing explains the diversity and shape of functional grazing responses
Intermolecular Forces between Proteins and Polymer Films with Relevance to Filtration
Internal and external forcing of multidecadal Atlantic climate variability over the past 1,200 years
Internal and external variability in regional simulations of the Iberian Peninsula climate over the last millennium
Internal Bore Evolution across the Shelf near Pt. Sal, California, Interpreted as a Gravity Current
Internal channel structures in trabecular bone
Internal channel structures in trabecular bone
Internal Friction and Creep of Titanium Aluminides with Different Microstructure
Internal friction and microplastic deformation behavior of pure magnesium processed by equal channel angular pressing
Internal Friction of a High Nb Gamma TiAl Based Alloy with Different Microstructures
Internal Friction of a High Nb Gamma TiAl Based Alloy with Different Microstructures
Internal friction of cast magnesium alloy AZ91 and AZ31 magnesium sheet
Internal friction of cast magnesium alloy AZ91 and AZ31 magnesium sheet
Internal friction of cast magnesium alloy AZ91 and AZ31 magnesium sheet
Internal friction of cast magnesium alloy AZ91 and AZ31 magnesium sheet
Internal Model Variability of Ensemble Simulations With a Regional Coupled Wave-Atmosphere Model GCOAST
Internal model variability of the regional coupled system model GCOAST-AHOI
Internal Model Variability of the Regional Coupled System Model GCOAST-AHOI
Internal Porosity and Argon Concentrations in Rapidly Solidified Gamma TiAl Powders and Hot Isostatically Pressed Compacts
Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelf
Internal Strains in Single Grains of Fatigued Polycrystalline Nickel
Internal Strains in Single Grains of Fatigued Polycrystalline Nickel
Internal Stress Evolution and Subsurface Phase Transformation in Titanium Parts Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - An In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Study
Internal Stress Measurements by High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction at Increased Specimen-Detector Distance
Internal Stress Measurements by High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction at Increased Specimen-Detector Distance
Internal structure of stratiform and convective clouds as deduced from cloud radar measurements during the CliwaNet-BBC campaigns
Internal Structuring on Different Length Scales as Powerful Tool for Creating Shape-Memory Functions in Polymer-Based Materials
Internal Structuring on Different Length Scales as Powerful Tool for Creating Shape-Memory Functions in Polymer-Based Materials
Internal tides in the Solomon Sea in contrasted ENSO conditions
International and national efforts in health and safety for underwater operations
International Cirrus Experiment: 1989 Field Phase Plan
International Cooperation Programms of the Helmholtz Association in the field of Regenerative Medicine
International field intercomparison measurements of atmospheric mercury species at Mace Head, Ireland
International field intercomparison measurements of atmospheric mercury species at Mace Head, Ireland
International Policies of Dredged Material in the North Sea
International Water Quality Policies - How They Influence the Management of Dredged Material in the North Sea
International Workshop Molecular Modelling in Membrane Research
International Year of Deltas 2013: A proposal
Interne Grenzschichten ueber einem Land-Wasser-Land Gebiet
Interoperability architecture for bridging computational tools: application to steel corrosion in concrete
Interoperability of experimental and simulation data along production chains on the VIPCOAT Open Innovation Platform
Interoperable web GIS services for marine pollution monitoring and forecasting
Interplay between stiffness and degradation of architectured gelatin hydrogels leads to differential modulation of chondrogenesis in vitro and in vivo
Interplay of Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Effects with Binding of Cationic Gemini Surfactants and a Conjugated Polyanion: Experimental and Molecular Modeling Studies
Interplay of morphology and degredation in two-dimensional Polymer films at the air-water interface
Interplay of Superstructural Ordering and Magnetic Properties of the Sr2FeMoO6–δ Double Perovskite
Interpretation der Struktur des Wellenzahl-Frequenzspektrums von Radar-Bildsequenzen des Seegangs (Dissertation)
Interpretation experimentell auf dem Gebiet der Entmischung in binaeren Legierungen gewonnener Daten mit Hilfe eines clusterdynamischen Modells
Interpretation of climate models results, downscaling methods, uncertainties
Interpretation of climate models results, downscaling methods, uncertainties
Interpretation of climate models results, downscaling needs and options
Interpretation of Data & Refinements of Ecosystem Models
Interpretation of fracture toughness in the ductile to brittle transition region by fractographical observations
Interpretation of the structure of stratiform clouds as seen by a vertical pointing 94 GHz radar
Interpretation of wave model validation statistics
Interpretation of wave model validation statistics
Interprovincial trade driven relocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk in China
Interrupted creep behaviour of Mg alloys developed for powertrain applications
Interrupted creep of newly developed high pressure die cast magnesium alloys
Interrupted creep of newly developed high pressure die cast magnesium alloys
Intertidal regions changing coastal alkalinity: The Wadden Sea‐North Sea tidally coupled bioreactor
Intervention of advanced subsea robotics at a 1000 MSW template manifold
Interventionelle Kardiologie 2019 - Ein Beispiel aus der Praxis
Interview mit Harry van Loon
Interview mit Juergen Suendermann
Interview mit Klaus Hasselmann am 15. Februar 2006
Interview mit Prof. Dr. Hans Hinzpeter, Interviews of eminent scientist
Interview mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Wyrtki - 25 February 1999
Interview mit Reimar Luest 2.Dezember 2002
Interview with Alan Robock
Interview with Andreas Schmidt
Interview with Anke Allner
Interview with Aristita Busuioc
Interview with Benjamin Runkle
Interview with Bette Otto-Bliesner
Interview with Christoph Kottmeier
Interview with Christopher Castro
Interview with Dr. Bjorn Stevens
Interview with Dr. Eduardo Zorita
Interview with Dr. Jin-Song von Storch
Interview with Dr. Mong-Ming Lu
Interview with Gabriele Hegerl
Interview with Heinz Wanner
Interview with Julia Hargreaves
Interview with Michael Brzoska
Interview with Nanne Weber
Interview with Nicole Kruse
Interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Funke
Interview with Prof. Heinke Schluenzen
Interview with Raino Heino
Interview with Rene Laprise
Interview with Roger A. Pielke, Sr.
Interview with Sebastian Sonntag
Interview with Thomas Knutson
Interview with Toshio Yamagata
Interview with Vicky Slonosky
Interview: Dem Klima ausgeliefert?
Interview: Die heutigen Deiche sind unkaputtbar
Interview: Es sind neue Maerkte zu erobern
Interview: Experten fuer den Ernstfall?
Interview: Gering bewohnte Koege fluten
Interview: Interview with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Baehr
Interview: Interview with Prof. Dr. Beate Ratter
Interview: Temos de abrir um canal de comunicacao com os cepticos
Interview: Weihnachten war auch frueher gruen
Interview: Zeitfenster für Klimaforscher
Interviewing German Scientists on Climate Change: A Preliminary Study
Intracardiac Echocardiography in Edge-to-Edge Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair (EETVr)
Intracardiac echocardiography in transcatheter tricuspid-repair with the MitraClip device: Insights from a 3-D printed heart model
Intracardiac echocardiography to enable successful edge-to-edge transcatheter tricuspid valve repair in patients with insufficient TEE quality
Intracardiac Erythropoietin Injection Reveals Antiinflammatory Potential and Improved Cardiac Functions Detected by Forced Swim Test
Intracardiac injection of erythropoietin induces stem cell recruitment and improves cardiac functions in a rat myocardial infarction model
Intracardiac injection of matrigel induces stem cell recruitment and improves cardiac functions in a rat myocardial infarction model
Intramedullary Mg2Ag nails augment callus formation during fracture healing in mice
Intravital microscopy of the capillary perfusion in the corium limbi of the third toe of the minipig
Intrinsic instability of the helix spin structure in MnGe and order-disorder phase transition
Intrinsic Microporosity in Polyimides
Intrinsic Microporosity in Polyimides
Introducing a partitioning mechanism for PAHs into the Community Multiscale Air Quality modelling system and its application to simulating the transport of benzo(a)pyrene over Europe
Introducing an ultralight, high-strength, biodegradable Mg-4Li-1Ca alloy
Introducing Observation-Based Physics Into the WAM Wave Model
Introducing Observation-Based Physics Into the WAM Wave Model
Introducing residual stresses in thin aluminium structures by laser generated temperature fields
Introducing residual stresses in thin aluminium structures by laser generated temperature fields
Introducing Residual Stresses on Sheet Metals by Slide Hardening under Stress Superposition
Introduction and Summary
Introduction in Magnesium Research at Magnesium Innovation Centre
Introduction in Magnesium, Thixomolding and Demands of Automotive Industry
Introduction in membrane technology
Introduction Note
Introduction of an innovative corrosion-protective alkyd steel coating based on a novel layered aluminum tripolyphosphate loaded with 6-amino hexanoic acid (ATP-6-AHA)
Introduction of Delta5 as an operational definition of the CTOD and its practical use
Introduction of hydroxyl and glycidyl ester groups into methyl methacrylate copolymers by polymer analogous reaction
Introduction of Protein Adsorption
Introduction of the EU-network on trace element speciation: preparing for the 21st century
Introduction of the phone concept into pole figure inversion using the iterative series expansion method
Introduction to biodiffusion and instabilities
Introduction to Biomaterial Science - New developments in biomimetic materials
Introduction to Block Copolymers - State of the Art
Introduction to Block Copolymers, morphology and properties
Introduction to cloud and precipitation physics
Introduction to Cloud Physics
Introduction to Cloud Physics
Introduction to Cloud Physics
Introduction to Freva – A Free Evaluation System Framework for Earth System Modeling
Introduction to Helmholtz Association, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and Call for Helmholtz International Labs
Introduction to Magnesium Technology
Introduction to Membrane Technology
Introduction to nanomechanical and microstructural characterization
Introduction to neutron texture analysis
Introduction to nonequilibrium structures in nonlinear systems
Introduction to Peptide Synthesis
Introduction to SANS and SAXS techniques
Introduction to Small angle Scattering
Introduction to special section on Recent Advances in the Study of Optical Variability in the Near-Surface and Upper Ocean
Introduction to the Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones
Introduction to the damage tolerance behaviour of railway rails
Introduction to the damage tolerance behaviour of railway rails
Introduction: Analyzing Coastal and Marine Change in Zukunft Kueste - Coastal Futures
Introduction: Postnormal Science and Climate Research
Introduction: The Future of Coastal Areas: Challenges for Planning Practice and Research
Introductory Article: Engineering Materials for Regenerative Medicine
Inundation of the Ziltendorfer Lowland during the Odra Flood 1997 and its impact on the main river - a nimerical study
Invasive competition with Fokker-Planck diffusion and noise
Inverse Analyse von Bodenfeuchten aus atmosphaerischen Beobachtungen; Einsatzmoeglichkeiten adjungierter Modellierung
Inverse melting in a system with positive heats of formation
Inverse melting in the Ti-Cr system
Inverse melting in the Ti-Cr system
Inverse melting of a metastable Nb45Cr55 solid solution
Inverse melting of metastable Nb-Cr solid solutions
Inverse melting of metastable solid solutions
Inverse melting of metastable Ti-Cr and Nb-Cr solid solutions
Inverse melting of the bcc Cr-Ti phase
Inverse Melting of Transition-Matal Alloys
Inverse modeling for retrieval of ocean color parameters in case II coastal waters - an analysis of the minimum error
Inverse modeling of soil-atmosphere humidity exchange; sensitivities and memory effects
Inverse Modellierung am Beispiel eines Bodenmodells
Inverse Modellierung in der Meteorologie
Inverse Modellierung von Boden/Atmosphaere-Austauschprozessen
Inverses Schmelzen im System Ti-Cr
Inverses Schmelzen metastabiler Mischkristallphasen
Inverses Schmelzen metastabiler Ti-Cr und Nb-Cr Mischkristalle
Inverses Schmelzen metastabiler Ti-Cr und Nb-Cr Mischkristalle
Investigacion de alcali celulosa abtenida de pulpa de bagazo mediante RMN de sodio
Investigating a twinning–detwinning process in wrought Mg alloys by the acoustic emission technique
Investigating environmental changes in the southern North Sea: a combined statistical assessment of climatic and biogeochemical long-term time series (Dissertation)
Investigating hypoxia in aquatic environments: diverse approaches to addressing a complex phenomenon
Investigating Side-reactions During UV-induced Preparation of oligo(E-caprolactone) Based Shape-memory Polymer Networks
Investigating Side-reactions During UV-induced Preparation of oligo(E-caprolactone) Based Shape-memory Polymer Networks
Investigating side-reactions during UV-induced preparation of oligo(epsilon-caprolactone) based shape-memory polymer networks
Investigating swollen micelles with SANS
Investigating the Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter in the North Sea Using a Hydrodynamic Transport Model and Satellite Data Assimilation (Dissertation)
Investigating the Formation of Submesoscale Structures along Mesoscale Fronts and Estimating Kinematic Quantities Using Lagrangian Drifters
Investigating the impact of sustainability in the production of aeronautical subscale components
Investigating the Influence of Anthropogenic Forcing on ObservedMean and Extreme Sea Level Pressure Trends over the Mediterranean Region
Investigating the influence of boundary conditions and representative volume element topologies in multiscaling
Investigating the influence of the pressure distribution in a membrane module on the cascaded membrane system for post-combustion capture
Investigating the Influence of Water Uptake on the Mechanical Properties of Covalently Crosslinked Poly[(L-lactide)-co-glycolide] Polymer Networks
Investigating the interaction of x-ray free electron laser radiation with grating structure
Investigating the Phase-Morphology of PLLA-PCL Multiblock Copolymer / PDLA Blends Cross-linked Using Stereocomplexation
Investigating the Roles of Crystallizable and Glassy Switching Segments within Multiblock Copolymer Shape-Memory Materials
Investigating the Roles of Crystallizable and Glassy Switching Segments within Multiblock Copolymer Shape-Memory Materials
Investigating the thermodynamics and kinetics of thin film reactions by differential scanning calorimetry
Investigating the Uptake and Fate of Poly- and Perfluoroalkylated Substances (PFAS) in Sea Ice Using an Experimental Sea Ice Chamber
Investigation and assessment of the past and future relevance of atmospheric input of PAHs into the ecosystem Wadden Sea
Investigation and Computational Modelling of Antimicrobial Peptides
Investigation and Modelling of the Influence of Cooling Rates on the Microstructure of AZ91 Alloys
Investigation into properties of laser welded similar and dissimilar steel joints
Investigation into the effect of an improved wind model on water levels and currents: Progress Report on the Wadden Sea Project (WASP)
Investigation into the influence of carbon nanotubes addition on residual stresses and mechanical properties in the CNTs@SiCp/Mg-6Zn hybrid composite using neutron diffraction method
Investigation into the microstructure and mechanical properties of diffusion bonded TiAl alloys
Investigation into the P3 Binding Domain of m-Calpain Using Photoswitchable Diazo- and Triazene-dipeptide Aldehydes: New Anticataract Agents
Investigation of (Mg, Al, Li, H)-based hydride and alanate mixtures produced by reactive ball milling
Investigation of bolt load retention behaviour of Mg-alloys (Diplomarbeit)
Investigation of Bonding Mechanisms of Friction Surfacing Coatings by Scanning- and Transmission-Electron-Microscopy
Investigation of carbides in Ti–45Al–5Nb–xC alloys (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) by transmission electron microscopy and high energy-XRD
Investigation of complex solutions under shear and pressure
Investigation of complex titanium based alloys by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction
Investigation of Compression Behavior of Mg-4Zn-2(Nd,Gd)-0.5Zr at 350°C by In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction
Investigation of Compression Behavior of Mg-4Zn-2(Nd,Gd)-0.5Zr at 350°C by In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction
Investigation of correlations between radar deduced bathymetries due to the outer impact of a storm in the area “Salzsand” (Diplomarbeit)
Investigation of crack tip opening angle CTOA of stable growing cracks in laboratory specimens made of thin sheet Al 5083 H 321
Investigation of crack tip opening angle CTOA of stable growing cracks in laboratory specimens made of thin sheet Al 5083 H 321
Investigation of Current and Future Nitrogen Depositions and Their Impact on Sensitive Ecosystems in Europe
Investigation of Current and Future Nitrogen Depositions and Their Impact on Sensitive Ecosystems in Europe
Investigation of different filtration / refiltration modules - Influencing of separation performance
Investigation of Different Membranes on Module Scale in a High-Pressure Gas Separation Unit
Investigation of different thin film composite membranes for the separation of climate-active components from gas mixtures (Masterarbeit)
Investigation of diffusion process at the coagulation of membranes
Investigation of diffusion process at the coagulation of multilayered membranes
Investigation of early stages of metal foam formation by small angle neutron scattering techniques
Investigation of early stages of metal foam formation by small angle neutron scattering techniques
Investigation of electrode distance impact on PEO coating formation assisted by simulation
Investigation of electrode distance impact on PEO coating formation assisted by simulation
Investigation of elemental and isotopic fingerprints in riverine sediments from the German Elbe catchment
Investigation of elemental and isotopic fingerprints in riverine sediments from the German Elbe catchment and possible influences to coastal areas (Masterarbeit)
Investigation of Friction Spot Welding of AA6181-T4 Alloy
Investigation of friction stir welding process applied on astm 572 steel plates cladded with nickel-alloy 625
Investigation of friction stir welding process applied to ASTM 572 steel plate cladded with Inconel®625
Investigation of gas transport and other physical properties in relation to the bromination degree of polymers of intrinsic microporosity
Investigation of Historical Hard Rubber Ornaments of Charles Goodyear
Investigation of historical severe storms and storm tides in the German Bight with century reanalysis data
Investigation of immunmodulatory effects of marine fungi
Investigation of immunmodulatory effects of marine fungi
Investigation of immunmodulatory effects of marine fungi
Investigation of impurity levels of biodegradable Mg-materials and their influence on biocorrosion
Investigation of impurity levels of biodegradable Mg-materials and their influence on biocorrosion
Investigation of impurity levels of biodegradable Mg-materials and their influence on biocorrosion
Investigation of In Situ and Conventional Post-Weld Heat Treatments on Dual-Laser-Beam-Welded Gamma-TiAl-Based Alloy
Investigation of in vitro and in vivo hemocompatibility
Investigation of internal defects and premature fracture of dissimilar refill friction stir spot welds of AA5754 and AA6061
Investigation of Local Conduction Mechanisms in Ca and Ti-Doped BiFeO3 Using Scanning Probe Microscopy Approach
Investigation of local textures in extruded magnesium by synchrotron radiation
Investigation of magnetic mesostructure of (Pd0.984Fe0.016)0.95Mn0.05 alloy by polarized neutrons
Investigation of magnetic mesostructure of (Pd0.984Fe0.016)0.95Mn0.05 alloy by polarized neutrons
Investigation of material expansion of light metal hydrides
Investigation of metal body burdens in Harbour Porpoises of the German and Danish coast
Investigation of metal foam formation by microscopy and ultra small-angle neutron scattering
Investigation of metal foam formation by ultra small angle neutron scattering
Investigation of metal foam formation by ultra small angle neutron scattering
Investigation of Metal Hydrides Used as Hydrogen Storage Materials With SAS Using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation
Investigation of Micellar Structure of Octyl-beta-maltopyranoside and Octyl-glucopyranosie in Aqueous Solution by Small Angel X-Ray Scattering
Investigation of microplastics in the tropical Indian Ocean using Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging and microwave-assisted sample preparation
Investigation of microstructural and mechanical properties in AA2024-T351 multi-layer friction surfacing
Investigation of minimum creep rates and stress exponents calculated from tensile and compressive creep data of magnesium alloy AE42
Investigation of minimum creep rates and stress exponents calculated from tensile and compressive creep data of magnesium alloy AE42
Investigation of mixed micelles of a bolamphiphile and SDS using protonated and deuterated SDS
Investigation of native cellulose under high pressure using microfocused synchrotron radiation
Investigation of neutron irradiated Soviet type reactor pressure vessel steels by small angle neutron scattering
Investigation of nucleation reaction in Cu-0.9at%Ti single crystalline alloys
Investigation of nucleation reactions in Cu-0.9at%Ti single crystal alloys
Investigation of Ocean Surface Streaks With Respect to SAR Wind Retrieval
Investigation of Ocean Surface Wind Streaks Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Investigation of parameters to achieve temperatures required to initiate the shape-memory effect of magnetic nanocomposites by inductive heating
Investigation of past and future Polar Low frequency in the North Atlantic
Investigation of Plasma Protein Adsorption on Functionalized Nanoparticles for Application in Apheresis
Investigation of potential metal emissions from galvanic anodes in offshore wind farms into North Sea sediments
Investigation of prior austenite grain and delta ferrite in CLAM welded joints after different diffusion annealing processes
Investigation of process window for AA7075 considering effects of different wire feed directions in lateral Laser Metal Deposition
Investigation of Ru-based multilayers for synchrotron applications
Investigation of SAR Wind Field Retrieval with Respect to Hurricane Winds
Investigation of shear deformation introduction in friction extrusion from Al-Cu alloy
Investigation of single phase Cu2ZnSnxSb1−xS4 compounds processed by mechanochemical synthesis
Investigation of Swollen Polymer/Gas-Systems: Atomistic Packing Models Based on Experimental Properties
Investigation of Temperature Evolution and Flash Formation at AA5083 Studs during Friction Surfacing
Investigation of Temperature Evolution and Flash Formation at AA5083 Studs during Friction Surfacing
Investigation of texture gradients of semi-finished products by neutrons and photons
Investigation of texture gradients of semi-finished products by neutrons and photons
Investigation of the acute-phase protein Transferrin in blood samples of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)
Investigation of the chiral structure of the Y/Dy multilayer system by the method of the small-angle scattering of polarized neutrons
Investigation of the coarsening behaviour of nanoporous gold based on representative volumes
Investigation of the decomposition of an Fe-30at%Cr-14at%Co alloy by polarized small- and wide-angle neutron scattering
Investigation of the decomposition of an Fe-30at%Cr-14at%Co alloy by polarized small- and wide-angle neutron scattering
Investigation of the Demixing of POPE and POPG multilamellar layers
Investigation of the Dislocation Activity and Texture Development in Magnesium Alloy Sheets Containing Zinc, Neodymium, and Calcium
Investigation of the early stages of the decomposition reaction in Cu-0.9 at% Ti alloy at 350 °C
Investigation of the early stages of the decomposition reaction in Cu-0.9 at% Ti alloy at 350 °C
Investigation of the effect of LSP-generated residual srtesses on fatigue crack propagation in AA2024 C(T)-specimens
Investigation of the Effects of Low-Pressure Carburizing Process Parameters on Microstructural Evolution by Means of In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
Investigation of the evolution of the hydrated zirconia mesostructure at different stages of heat treatment
Investigation of the fatigue crack retardation Caused by laser shock peening induced residual stresses using a multi-step simulation and experiments
Investigation of the formation mechanisms of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on magnesium alloy using particles
Investigation of the formation mechanisms of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy AM50 using particles
Investigation of the friction behavior between dry/infiltrated glass fiber fabric and metal sheet during deep drawing of fiber metal laminates
Investigation of the Gamma-Ti(Cr,Al)2 phase at 800°C and 1000°C
Investigation of the hot deformation behavior in VDM© Alloy 780 by in situ high energy x-ray diffraction
Investigation of the impact of magnesium versus titanium implants on protein composition in osteoblast by label free quantification
Investigation of the influence of CO2 loading on material properties of polystyrene and its derivates (Masterarbeit)
Investigation of the influence of peptides on the monolayer structure of phospholipids
Investigation of the Influence of Reaction Parameters on the Diameter of Copolymer Particles
Investigation of the inverse piezoelectric effect of trabecular bone on a micrometer lengthscale using synchrotron radiation
Investigation of the Lateral Arrangement of Phospholipid Monolayers with Respect to the Adsorption of Hyaluronan
Investigation of the Lateral Arrangement of Phospholipid Monolayers with Respect to the Adsorption of Hyaluronan
Investigation of the Material Shear Layer in Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding
Investigation of the Material Shear Layer in Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding
Investigation of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of New Structural Materials Based on Magnesium by the Acoustic Emission Technique (Dissertation)
Investigation of the mechanical behavior of composite materials consisting of nanoporous gold and polymer using the finite element method (Masterarbeit)
Investigation of the multiple-scattering influence on cloud depolarization-ratio measurements based on polarization-Raman-lidar experiments
Investigation of the nucleation stage in a Cu-0,8at%Co alloy by means of polarised neutron scattering
Investigation of the nucleation stage in a Cu-0,8at%Co alloy by means of polarised neutron scattering
Investigation of the nucleation stage in a Ni-13at%Al alloy by means of polarized neutron scattering
Investigation of the nucleation stage in a Ni-13at%Al alloy by means of polarized neutron scattering
Investigation of the nucleation stage in a Ni-13at%Al alloy by means of polarized neutron scattering
Investigation of the occurrence, distribution and fate of "Technology - Critical Elements" as potential "Emerging Contaminants" in the aquatic environment
Investigation of the occurrence, distribution and fate of „Technology - Critical Elements“ as potential „Emerging Contaminants“ in the aquatic environment
Investigation of the piezoelectric behaviour in bones on a micrometer length scale
Investigation of the piezoelectric behaviour in bones on a micrometer length scale
Investigation of the Potential Influence of Environmental Contaminants on the Thymus and Spleen of Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Investigation of the reactive oxygen species production of gold nanoparticle with controlled size
Investigation of the role of benzimidazole-based model compounds on thermal stability and anhydrous proton conductivity of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)
Investigation of the Side Chain Effect on Gas and Water Vapor Transport Properties of Anthracene-Maleimide Based Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity
Investigation of the structural aspects in the formation of optical properties of the GeO2-Eu2O3-Ag nanosystem
Investigation of the sulfur speciation in petroleum products by capillary gas chromatography with ICP-collision cell-MS detection
Investigation of the supramolecular assemblies of synovial fluid under varying shear conditions
Investigation of the tripoli porous structure by small-angle neutron scattering
Investigation of trace metal patterns in mussels (Mytilus edulis) from North Sea Offshore Wind Farms
Investigation of Tropical Cyclones Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Investigation of typhoons using ERS-2 SAR wave Mode data
Investigation of typhoons using ERS-2 SAR wave Mode data
Investigation of water clusters with FTIR spectroscopy in a flow cooling cell
Investigation of Wave Groups Using Radar-Image Sequences
Investigation on a mass balance for the nonylphenol in the North Sea – the relative importance of air - sea gas exchange
Investigation on Carbon Solubility and Carbide Precipitation in Ti-45Al-5Nb-xC alloys
Investigation on cyclic crack growth behaviour of reactor pressure vessel steels placed and loaded in the core region of an operating boiling water reactor
Investigation on fish gill cell toxicity and haemolytic activity of Nemopilema nomurai (Scyphozoa: Rhizostoma) from the northern Yellow Sea of China
Investigation on Fracture Toughness Behaviour of Laser Beam Welded Steels
Investigation on Fracture Toughness of Laser Beam Welded Superalloys
Investigation on H-modulated mechanical properties with bulk nanoporous palladium (Bachelorarbeit)
Investigation on mechanical properties and creep behavior of stir cast AZ91-SiCp composites
Investigation on numerical solution schemes for describing phase transformations by the Kampmann-Wagner numerical model
Investigation on numerical solution schemes for describing phase transformations by the Kampmann-Wagner numerical model
Investigation on the age-hardening behavior of Al–Si–Cu–Mg cast alloys by mechanical testing; microstructural characterization; and a CNGT based precipitation model
Investigation on the damage tolerance behaviour of curved and stiffened thin walled panels (Magisterarbeit)
Investigation on the Deformation Behaviour and the Texture Evolution in Magnesium Wrought Alloy AZ31(Dissertation)
Investigation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg–Gd–Nd Ternary Alloys
Investigation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg–Gd–Nd Ternary Alloys
Investigation on the proteome response of transplanted blue mussel (Mytilus sp.) during a long term exposure experiment at differently impacted field stations in the German Bight (North Sea)
Investigation on thermal fatigue of metal matrix composites
Investigation on thermal fatigue of metal matrix composites
Investigation the impact of magnesium-implants compared to titanium-implant on protein composition in cultured osteoblast by label free quantification
Investigation the impact of magnesium-implants compared to titanium-implant on protein composition in cultured osteoblast by label free quantification
Investigation the impact of magnesium-implants compared to titanium-implant on protein composition in cultured osteoblast by label free quantification
Investigations in the Magnesium-Tin System
Investigations in the Magnesium-Tin system
Investigations into microstructural and deformation length-scale effects in (metal) plasticity
Investigations into the behaviour of particle bound organomicropollutants and selected heavy metals in the Elbe estuary
Investigations into the behaviour of particle bound organomicropollutants and selected heavy metals in the Elbe estuary
Investigations into the Influence of the Mechanical Conditions at the Crack Tip on SCC Test Results
Investigations of Cell Culture Inserts Engineered from Polystyrene and Poly(ether imide) for B Cell Cultivation
Investigations of cloud layer base and top heights from 95 GHz radar reflectivity data
Investigations of cloud layer base and top heights from 95 GHz radar reflectivity data
Investigations of cloud layer base and top heights from 95 GHz radar reflectivity data
Investigations of early stage precipitation in a tungsten-rich nickel-base superalloy using SAXS and SANS
Investigations of filtration/refiltration hollow fibre module system for processing of solutions
Investigations of hydrogen embrittlement using fracture mechanics techniques
Investigations of Hydrogen Transport in Plastically Deformed Steel Membranes
Investigations of Hydrogen Transport in Plastically Deformed Steel Membranes
Investigations of Interfacial Regions of Amorphous Pervaporation Membranes by MD-Simulation Techniques
Investigations of large x-ray optics for free electron lasers
Investigations of large x-ray optics for free electron lasers
Investigations of microstructural, thermal and local strain phenomena of high speed friction sitr processed Mg AZ31
Investigations of microstructural, thermal and local strain phenomena of high speed friction sitr processed Mg AZ31
Investigations of Nanostructures with Neutrons: What can we do for Spintronics
Investigations of PMMCs laminates with regulatable thickness ratio: Microstructure, mechanical behavior and fractural mechanism
Investigations of rare earth addition into PEO coatings on AM50
Investigations of rare earth elements in quartz from the Bavarian Pfahl, Germany, by means of instrumental neutron activation analysis
Investigations of shear layer morphology alterations using high speed friction stir processing with varying probe geometries
Investigations of structural changes in PVDF by modified X-ray texture methods
Investigations of the interaction of peptides with biological model membranes
Investigations of the interaction of the peptide NK2 with biological model membranes by SAXS
Investigations of the Porosity and corrosion resistance of plasma conversion coatings on magnesium alloys
Investigations of the Structures of Block Copolymers in Solution and in Bulk State by Scattering and Microscopic Techniques
Investigations of trace element variations in the Elbe estuary using TXRF and INAA
Investigations of trace element variations in the Elbe estuary using TXRF and INAA
Investigations on Damage Mechanisms of Al 2024 Alloys
Investigations on extreme sea states and hurricanes using synthetic aperture radar data
Investigations on Failure Behaviour of Flawed Steel Specimens with Electron Beam Welds
Investigations on Failure Behaviour of Flawed Steel Specimens with Electron Beam Welds
Investigations on high spectral resolution lidar for temperature measurements
Investigations on hot tearing of Mg-Al binary alloys by using a new quantitative method
Investigations on hot tearing of Mg-Al binary alloys by using a new quantitative method
Investigations on hot tearing of Mg-Zn-(Al) alloys
Investigations on hot tearing of Mg-Zn-(Al) alloys
Investigations on Hot Tearing Susceptibility and Mechanism of Mg-Zn-(Al) Alloys (Dissertation)
Investigations on Microstructure and Properties of Mg-Sn-Ca alloys with 3% Al additions
Investigations on Microstructure and Properties of Mg-Sn-Ca alloys with 3% Al additions
Investigations on microstructures, mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg-Gd-Zn alloys
Investigations on Railway Components - Some Progress
Investigations on representative volume elements with emphasis on the influences of geometry and mesh topology and boundary conditions in multiscaling
Investigations on supermolecular structure of gel spun/hot drawn high modulus poly(ethylene) fibres
Investigations on suspended matter transport processes in estuaries and coastal waters
Investigations on suspended matter transport processes in estuaries and coastal waters
Investigations on the behaviour of short circuit metal transfer under hyperbaric conditions
Investigations on the Development oF the Health status of harbour Seals in the Year of the PDV-Seal Die-off in 2002
Investigations on the Environmental Chemistry of Atmospheric Mercury on Local, Regional and Global Scales (Habilitation)
Investigations on the supercritical fluid extraction of spiked organic pollutants from wet soils
Investigations on the supermolecular structure of poly(ethylene terephthalate) samples of higher modulus
Investigations on the tensile deformation of pure Mg and Mg–15Gd alloy by in-situ X-ray synchrotron radiation and visco-plastic self-consistent modeling
Investigations on thermal fatigue of aluminium-and magnesium-alloy based composites
Investigations on Ti–6Al–4V with gadolinium addition fabricated by metal injection moulding
Investigations on transport processes in the tidal Elbe river
Investigations on Young’s Modulus and Strengthening Mechanism of Mg–Gd and Mg–Nd alloys (Dissertation)
Investment casting of Gamma-TiAl-based alloys: Microstructure and data base for gas turbine applications
Investments under non-stationarity: economic evaluation of adaptation pathways
Ion beam sputtering techniques for high-resolution concentration depth profiling with glancing-incidence X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Ion beam synthesis of deep buried NiSi2 layers in silicon by 6 MeV Ni implantation
Ion irradiation effects on a magnetic Si/Ni/Si trilayer and lateral magnetic–nonmagnetic multistrip patterning by focused ion beam
Ion irradiation induced phase formation in Al-Ni
Ion irradiation-induced localized stress relaxation in W thin film revealed by cross-sectional X-ray nanodiffraction
Ion release from magnesium materials in physiological solutions under different oxygen tensions
Ion-Irradiated Laterally Graded Ni/C Multilayers: A Combined X-ray Standing Wave and X-ray Reflectivity Analysis
Ionenmischen von Nb/Al Schichtstrukturen: Thermodynamische Vorstellungen zur Phasenbildung
Ionic conductivity in complex hydrides for energy storage applications: A comprehensive review
Ionic liquids supported by isoporous membranes for CO2/N2 gas separation applications
Ionic liquids supported by isoporous membranes for gas separation applications
Ionic liquids supported by porous and isoporous membranes for CO2/N2 gas separation applications
Ionic liquids supported by porous membranes for CO2/N2 gas separation applications
Ionomer-silicates composite membranes: Permeability and conductivity studies
Ionomer/layered silicate proton-conducting composites: analysis of the silicate exfoliation and distribution by SAXS/WAXS
IPCC: cherish it, tweak it or scrap it?
Ipsus Summer School - Proceedings
IR Characterization of Membrane Polymers - Techniques and Applications
IR-Spektrometrie umweltrelevanter Eisaerosole: Untersuchung von Phasenuebergaengen (Diplomarbeit)
IR-Thermographie an akustisch levitierten Tropfen
IR-Thermography of Evaporating Acoustically Levitated Drops
Iridium based selective emitters for thermophotovoltaic applications
Iron complexing agents as new generation of Mg corrosion inhibitors
Iron nanowires embedded in mesoporous silica: Polarized neutron scattering study
Iron(II) Carboxylates and Simple Carboxamides: An Inexpensive and Modular Catalyst System for the Synthesis of PLLA and PLLA-PCL Block Copolymers;
Irradiation induced precipitation in model alloys with systematic variation of Cu, Ni and P content: a small angle neutron scattering (SANS) study
Irradiation induced precipitation in model alloys with systematic variation of Cu, Ni and P content: a small angle neutron scattering (SANS) study
Irradiation programs to establish the safty margins of German licensing rules related to RPV steel embrittlement
Irradiation-induced defects in amorphous Fe40Ni40P20
Irreversibility of regime shifts in the North Sea
Irrigation and hydrometeorological extremes
Is a Pressure Increase Method for Binary Gas Mixtures the Tool of Choise to Investigate Membranes for Air Dehydration
Is Baltic sea-level change accelerating?
Is Baltic sea-level change accelerating?
Is Baltic sea-level change accelerating?
Is coccolithophore calcification coupled to photosynthesis?
Is crosslinked pectin a suitable material for efficient corrosion protective coatings? A study with AZ31 Mg alloy
Is growth of Wadden Sea phytoplankton light or nutrient limited?
Is It Possible to Distinguish Global and Regional Climate Change from Urban Land Cover Induced Signals? A Mid-Latitude City Example
Is it possible to draw conclusions from mean wind statistics on extreme wind statistics? A wind direction analysis for the Baltic Sea region
Is phytoplankton growth in the Wadden Sea light or nutrogen limited?
Is solid always best? Cranial performance in solid and fenestrated caecilian skulls
Is the greenhouse gas forcing a plausible explanation for the observed warming in the Baltic Sea catchment area?
Is the lady dead, was she killed and by whom? - Changing rainfall in the past decades in Europe
Is the mRNA for neutrons a sphere?
Is the oxidative potential of components of fine particulate matter surface-mediated?
Is the winter European climate of the last 500 years conditioned by the variability of solar irradiance and volcanism?
Is there a hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) ? face-centered-cubic (fcc) allotropic transformation in mechanically milled Group IVB elements?
Is there added value of convection-permitting regional climate model simulations for storms over the German Bight and Northern Germany?
Is there any relationship between phytoplankton seasonal dynamics and the carbonate system?
Is there memory in precipitation?
ISCCP-DX cloud products in support of BALTEX
ISCCP-DX cloud products in support of BALTEX
ISO / DIS 7539-Part 9: Experience with a New Standard Draft for SCC Testing
ISO / DIS 7539-Part 9: Experience with a New Standard Draft for SCC Testing
Isobutene Dimerisation by means of a Polymeric Membrane Reactor
Isobutene Dimerisation by means of a Polymeric Membrane Reactor
Isobutene Dimerisation in a Flow-Through Catalytic Membrane Reactor (Dissertation)
Isolation and expansion of human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPV)
Isolation and expansion of human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPV)
Isolation and purification assay of ex vivo photosystem II D1 protein toward integrated biointeraction analysis
Isolation and structural characterization of haptoglobin from harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) for the evaluation of its potential as indicator of marine mammal health
Isolation of a cytotoxic glycoprotein from the Scyphozoa Cyanea lamarckii by lectin affinity chromatography and characterization of molecule interactions by Surface Plasmon Resonance
Isolation of a cytotoxic glycoprotein from the Scyphozoa Cyanea lamarckii by lectin-affinity chromatography and characterization of molecule interactions by surface plasmon resonance
Isolation of a Na-v channel blocking polypeptide from Cyanea capillata medusae - A neurotoxin contained in fishing tentacle isorhizas
Isolation of haptoglobin from harbour seals
Isolation of Haptoglobin from Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina)
Isolation of primary liver cell cultures of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) for identification of novel biomarkers of pollutant influence
Isolation of selenium organic species from antarctic krill after enzymatic hydrolysis
Isolierung und Aufreinigung des Enzyms Glucose-6-phosphat Dehydrogenase aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae mit der Expanded Bed Adsorption (Diplomarbeit)
Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Transferrin-Glykoformen aus Blutproben von Seehunden mittels multidimensionaler chromatographischer Verfahren und molekuel- und element-spezifischer massenspektrometrischer Detektion (Dissertation)
Isolierung von primaeren Hepatozyten aus Seehunden (Phoca vitulina) zur Analyse der schadstoffinduzierten Proteinexpression
Isoporoese Blockcoplymermembranen - Schichtdickenminimierung
Isoporoese Hohlfadenmembranen
Isoporoese Membranen auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Isoporoese Membranen durch gesteuerte Selbstorganisation von Blockcopolymeren: Strukturbildung und Eigenschaften
Isoporous block copolymer hollow fiber membranes: from single layer towards double layer
Isoporous Block Copolymer Hollow Fiber Membranes: from single layer towards double layer
Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Isoporous block copolymer membranes
Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes and Their Formation
Isoporous block copolymer membranes for ultra- and nanofiltration
Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes with Charged Nanochannels
Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes with Tunable Polyelectrolyte Pores
Isoporous block copolymer membranes with tuned pore size and functionality for ultra- and nanofiltration
Isoporous integral-asymmetric block copolymer membranes with high thermal and chemical stability and their post-functionalization
Isoporous membranes by molecular self-assembly of block copolymers
Isoporous Membranes from Novel Polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine)-b-poly(solketal methacrylate) (PS-b-P4VP-b-PSMA) Triblock Terpolymers and Their Post-Modification
Isoporous Surface from Tailor-made and Commercially Accessible Polymers
Isothermal forging of AZ91 reinforced with 10 vol.% silicon carbon particles
Isothermal Forging of Near Gamma Titanium Aluminide on an Industrial Scale
Isothermal Pervaporation Module Approach with Integrated Heat Exchanger
Isotope derived cloud reconstructions; Exploring the regional cloud-temperature feedback
Isotope fractionation and isotope decoupling during anammox and denitrification in marine sediments
Isotope pattern deconvolution of different sources of stable strontium isotopes in natural systems
Isotopen- und Neutronentechnik
Isotopen- und Neutronentechnik
Isotopen- und Neutronentechnik
Isotopen- und Neutronentechnik
Isotopenselektive Ionisationsspektroskopie von Quecksilber fuer analytische Anwendungen
Isotopenselektive Multiphoton-Ionisations-Flugzeitmassenspektrometrie an Quecksilber - Resonante Laserphotonen-Ionisationsspektroskopie mit Flugzeit-Massenanalyse (REMPI TOF) als Instrument zur isotopenaufgeloesten Laserspektroskopie (Diplomarbeit)
Isotopic abundance in natural iron
Isotopic composition of nitrate in five German rivers discharging into the North Sea
Isotopic compositions of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)
Isotopic Effects in Excitation Spectra of Cd and CdAr by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy
Isotopic Tracer Tools for nutrients and pollutants in the Marine Ecosystem of the German Wadden Sea
Isotopieeffekte bei verschiedenen Anregungszustaenden des Quecksilbers
Issues in dynamical downscaling: added value and spatial resolution
Issues in regional atmospheric modelling: large scale control and divergence in phase space
Issues in Regional Atmospheric Modelling: Large Scale Control and Divergence in Phase Space
Issues in regional climate modelling
Issues of Regional Climate Servicing
Ist der Fahrplan der Energiewende noch einzuhalten?
Ist die Seeluft noch sauber? Wie und wo Schiffsemissionen die Luft belasten
Iterative land proxy based reconstruction of SST for the simulation of terrestrial Holocene climate
IundD em technologia subaquatica e robotica
IUPAC Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights - CIAAW


Jahresbericht 1998 der Zentralabteilung Forschungsreaktor
Janus Discs
Janus discs: preparation, size-tunability, visualization, self-assembly
Jet stream dynamics, hydroclimate, and fire in California from 1600 CE to present
JGK: Eine Erweiterung des J-Integrals als lokale Energiefreisetzungsrate bei Rissfortschritt in elastisch-plastischen Werkstoffen
Joining Aluminum Alloys to High Strength Steels by Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding
Joining and local modification of light metals for structural applications
Joining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures: Principles and Applications
Joining of Polymeric and Metal-Polymer Structures by Frictional Heating
Joining of polymers and polymer-metal hybrid structures: Recent developments and trends
Joining stainless steel metal foams
Joining Tube to Tube Sheet for Coil Wound Heat Exchangers by Hybrid Friction Diffusion Bonding
Joining Tube to Tube Sheet for Coil Wound Heat Exchangers by Hybrid Friction Diffusion Bonding
Joining: Mechanical Fastening of Polymers, Composites, and Polymer–Metal Hybrid Structures
Joint Along-Across Track Interferometry of Ocean Waves
Joint analysis of deposition fluxes and atmospheric concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur compounds predicted by six chemistry transport models in the frame of the EURODELTAIII project
Joint DFT and STM/LEED investigation of oxygen adsorption on Ir(100)-1x1
Joint Symposium of the German Rheological Society and the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-29) Fundamental and Applied Rheology
Joint use of double crystal diffractometry, beam broadening and conventional SANS for analysis of creep pore formation in liquid-phase sintered alumina
Joint use of double crystal diffractometry, beam broadening and conventional SANS for analysis of creep pore formation in liquid-phase sintered alumina
Journal of Membrane Science Tracing Membrane Science
JP FCH SP7 Hydrogen Storage SoA in Underground storage; liquid organic hydrogen carriers; compression
Justification Delta5 as an Operational Definition of the CTOD and its Practical Use
Juvenile ecology drives adult morphology in two insect orders


Kalman Filtering with bias estimation for a transport model in the Odra Lagoon
Kalorische Untersuchungen beim mechanischen Legieren von Intermetalliden
Kalte Neutronen in radiobiologischen Fragestellungen: Grundlagen der Bor Neutronen Einfang Therapie
Kaltgasfallen an stehenden Ultraschallfeldern
Kaltgasfallen in stehenden Ultraschallfeldern
Kanamycin-resistente Mikroorganismen ubiquitaer in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Boeden nachgewiesen
Kann Kunst konstruktiv auf den Wissenschaftsprozeß wirken?
Kardiale Zelltherapie - „lost in translation?“ : Cardiac cell therapy - Lost in translation?
Kartierung und Simulation von Überschwemmungsflächen in urbanen Räumen nach Starkregenereignissen
Kaskadeneffekte und kritische Infrastrukturen im Klimawandel
Katalyse mit Membranen
Katalyse mit Membranen
Katalyse mit porenfreien Membranen
Katalyse mit poroesen und porenfreien Polymermembranen
Katalyse und Membran. Vorteile durch Membranverfahren?
Katalytisch aktive Nanofasern fuer die Hydrierung von Speiseoel
Katalytische Membranen fuer die Nitratreduktion in Trinkwasser
Katalytische Polymermembranen. Brauchbar fuer Reaktion und Stofftrennung?
Keiner kann mehr sagen, wir haetten von nichts gewusst - Ein Ueberblick zum Sonderbericht ueber 1,5 °C globale Erwaermung
Kelvin Microprobe Analytics on Iron-Enriched Corroded Magnesium Surface
Kennwertermittlung und Risswiderstandsverhalten bei Kunststoffen mittels R-Kurventechnik
Kernenergie – eine Technik mit Zukunft?
Key Factors for Soft Tissue Tensional Homeostasis Identified by Discrete Fiber Network Modeling and Biaxial Experiments
Key Factors for Soft Tissue Tensional Homeostasis Identified by Discrete Fiber Network Modeling and Biaxial Experiments
Key Issues in the Development of Multifunctional Biomaterials
Keyhole Closure in Aluminium Alloys using Refill Friction Spot Welding
Keyhole closure using friction spot welding in aluminum alloy 6061–T6
Keyhole repair in precipitation hardening aluminum alloys using refill friction stir spot welding
Keyhole repair in precipitation hardening aluminum alloys using refill friction stir spot welding (Dissertation)
Kinematic structure of meso-Gamma-scale cloud systems composing a longitudinal-mode snowband
Kinematics of polycrystal deformation by grain boundary sliding
Kinematik und Kinetik - Technische Mechanik 3
Kinematik und Kinetik - Technische Mechanik 3
Kinetic & Heat Transfer Modeling of Anionic Batch Polymerizations
Kinetic Aerosol Spray Deposition of BiVO4 powder for OER photoelectrodes
Kinetic and motional instabilities in theoretical population dynamics
Kinetic improvement on the CaH2-catalyzed Mg(NH2)2 + 2LiH system
Kinetic improvement on the CaH2-catalyzed Mg(NH2)2 + 2LiH system
Kinetic investigation of para-nitrophenol reduction with photodeposited platinum nanoparticles onto tunicate cellulose
Kinetic investigation of the effect of milling time on the hydrogen sorption reaction of magnesium catalyzed with different Nb2O5 contents
Kinetic Investigations at the Membrane Formation Process
Kinetic investigations at the membranes formation process
Kinetic investigations at the phase inversion process of polyetherimide membranes
Kinetic investigations of enzyme membranes and membrane systems
Kinetic Investigations of Self-Condensing Group Transfer Polymerization
Kinetic Investigations of Self-Condensing Group Transfer Polymerization
Kinetic Measurements at the Membrane Formation
Kinetic Modeling of the Synthesis of Poly(4-Vinylpyridine) Macro-Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Agents for the Preparation of Block Copolymers
Kinetics of Carbon Enrichment in Austenite during Partitioning Stage Studied via In-Situ Synchrotron XRD
Kinetics of enzymatic degradation of polymer monolayers
Kinetics of high pressure metal hydride reactions between ScH2 and MBH4
Kinetics of individual grains during recrystallization of cold-rolled copper
Kinetics of individual grains during recrystallization of cold-rolled copper
Kinetics of interface reactions in polycrystalline thin films
Kinetics of martensite decomposition and microstructure stability of Ti-6246 during rapid heating to service temperatures
Kinetics of polymer analogous reaction of poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) with epichlorhydrin
Kinetics of Precipitation in a Complex Hot-work Tool Steel
Kinetics of Propylene Hydrogenation on Nanostructured Palladium Clusters
Kinetics of the field induced commensurate to ferro-electric phase transition in thiourea
Kinetics of the Field Induced Commensurate to Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Thiourea
Kinetik der Festkoerperreaktion in Ni/Al Vielfachschichten
Kinetik der Keimbildung in einer metastabilen Cu-0,8At.%Co-Legierung: Polarisierte Neutronenstreuung und clusterdynamische Beschreibung (Dissertation)
Kinetik der Membranbildung, Porosimetrie
Kinetische Effekte bei der Kupfer-Huminsaeure-Komplexierung
Kinetische Messungen waehrend der Phaseninversion und Charakterisierung von Polymermembranen
Kinetische Theorie der biologischen Formbildung
Kinetische und thermodynamische Bedingungen fuer die Bildung metastabiler Phasen beim mechanischen Legieren
Kinetische und thermodynamische Bedingungen fuer die Herstellung amorpher Phasen
Kinetische Untersuchungen an Biofilmen auf poroesen gaspermeablen Membranen
Kinetische Untersuchungen bei der Membranforschung mittels Phaseninversion von Polyetherimid Loesungen (Diplomarbeit)
Kinetische Untersuchungen bei der Phaseninversion von Membranen
Kinetische Untersuchungen bei der Phaseninversion von Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Kinetische Untersuchungen der Acrylnitrilloesungspolymerisation in Dimethylformamid mit verschiedenen Initiatoren/Initiatorsystemen bis zu hohen Umsaetzen (Dissertation)
Kinetische Untersuchungen der Loesungscopolymerisation von Acrylaten in g-Butyrolacton mit Hilfe der Drucksensordilatometrie
Kinetische Untersuchungen zur Loesungscopolymerisation von Triethoxyvinylsilan und verschiedenen Metacrylaten mit Hilfe einer verbesserten quecksilberfreien Dilatometrie
Kink formation and concomitant twin nucleation in Mg–Y
„Kipppunkte im Klimasystem – Was kippt da eigentlich?“
Klaer- und Faekalschlammverwertung im noerdlichen Sachsen-Anhalt
Klaerschlammverwertung im Landschaftsbau
Klassifizierung biologischer Varianzen im Elementhaushalt von Pflanzen
Klassifizierung von Geruchstoffen - Ein Ansatz zur wissensbasierten Auswahl von Modellsubstanzen
Klebstoffe fuer die SMD-Technologie und andere Bauelemente; Abschlussbericht fuer das Kombinat VEB Elektronische Bauelemente Teltow: Literatur- und Experimentalstudie
Klein aber H2O – warum brauchen wir Wasser zum Leben?
Kleinrissausbreitung und Lebensdauer von Cu-33,8%Ni-3,4%Cr in unterschiedlichen Umgebungen
Kleinwinkelstreuung, Diffraktion und Simulation an fehlgeordneten Kondensaten in Mesoporen
Kleinwinkelstreuungs-Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung von Polymermembranen
Kleinwinkelstreuungs-Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung von Polymermembranen
Klett forward-backward integration for model-independant determination of the aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratio
Klima & Wirtschaft
Klima in Norddeutschland - Gestern, heute, morgen
Klima inszenierter Angst
Klima und Klimawandel in Nordeuropa
Klima und Wasserkreislaeufe: Drohen uns Wasserkriege?
Klima, Wetter, Mensch
Klimaaenderung, hydrodynamische Auswirkungen und Kuestenschutz
Klimaaenderungen und ihr statistischer Nachweis
Klimaaenderungen und Tourismus in Norddeutschland
Klimaaenderungsszenarien: Regionalisierung fuer Norddeutschland und Auswirkungen auf Sturmfluten und Seegang
Klimaaenderungsszenarien: Regionalisierung fuer Norddeutschland und Auswirkungen auf Sturmfluten und Seegang
Klimaanpassung im Stadtsystem – Der GERICS-Stadtbaukasten als Bruecke zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis
Klimaanpassung im Stadtsystem – Der GERICS-Stadtbaukasten als Bruecke zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis
Klimabedingte Aenderungen in aquatischen Oekosystemen: Elbe, Wattenmeer und Nordsee
Klimabericht fuer die Metropolregion Hamburg
Klimadetektive: Ist das C02 ein Einzeltaeter?
Klimadialog - Die Herausforderung Klimaskeptiker
Klimadialog – Herausforderung Skeptiker und andere Wissensansprueche
Klimadienstleistungen GERICS - Climate services GERICS
Klimadienstleistungen GERICS - Climate services GERICS
Klimadienstleistungen in Deutschland - Eine Analyse der Anbieter und Anwender : CSC Report
Klimafolgenforschung zur Beurteilung der Auswirkungen von konvektiven Extremwetterereignissen auf die Schadenlast in Deutschland : CSC Report
Klimaforschung - und die politische Willensbildung
Klimaforschung - Zwischen akademischer Neugier und kultureller Konditionierung
Klimaforschung - Zwischen akademischer Neugier und kultureller Konditionierung
Klimaforschung - Zwischen Neugier und kultureller Konditionierung
Klimaforschung bei GKSS
Klimaforschung im Institut fuer Kuestenforschung des Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Klimaforschung in der Gesellschaft
Klimaforschung in der Gesellschaft - Die Lage ist postnormal
Klimaforschung in der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Klimaforschung und Politikberatung – Zwischen Bringeschuld und Postnormalitaet
Klimaforschung, vernetzte Arbeitsteilung und politische Willensbildung
Klimaforschung, Vernetzung und politische Willensbildung
Klimaforskningen har brug for samfundsvidenskaberne
Klimagefahren, Klimaaenderungen und Klimawahrnehmung, Media-response
Klimakommunikation und Klimaservice
Klimakommunikation ‐ der lange Weg vom Wissen zur Umsetzung: Einleitung zum Schwerpunkt
Klimamodelle als wissenschaftliches und als gesellschaftliches Problem
Klimamodellierung als wissenschaftliches und als gesellschaftliches Problem
Klimamodellierung und HISTALP: Die Darstellung der Alpen in Klimamodellen
Klimapolitik – Instrumentenmix und Machbarkeit
Klimapolitik: Wind, Wohnen, Verkehr - Climate Policy: Wind, Housing, Transport
Klimaprojektionen fuer das Modellgebiet Lueneburger Heide
Klimaprojektionen fuer die Metropolregion Hamburg
Klimaprojektionen fuer die Metropolregion Hamburg, Berichte aus den KLIMZUG-NORD Modellgebieten
Klimaprojektionen furr das Biosphaerenreservat Niedersaechsische Elbtalaue
Klimaprojektionen und ihre Beruecksichtigung bei der hydrologischen Modellierung – Welchen Sinn hat ein Ensemble-Ansatz?
Klimarelevante Strahlungsforschung
Klimaresiliente Stadt - Was sagen Klimamodell-Projektionen ueber die Zukunft von Staedten aus und wie koennen Staedte diese Zukunft beeinflussen und meistern?
Klimaresiliente Stadt - Was sagen Klimamodell-Projektionen ueber die Zukunft von Staedten aus und wie koennen Staedte diese Zukunft beeinflussen und meistern?
Klimaschutz durch Moorrenaturierung - Ansaetze zur oekonomischen Bewertung
Klimaschutz in Europa: Einschaetzungen von Stakeholdern
Klimaschutz: Beispiel Moorrenaturierung
Klimaservice - Wie gelingt der Transfer von Klimawissen in die Gesellschaft?
Klimaservice: Nachhaltig "vorhersagen"?
Klimasimulationen der letzten 1000 Jahre - Was man daraus lernen kann
Klimaszenarien und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Wasserstaende in der Nordsee
Klimaszenarien und moegliche Entwicklungen in Deutschland
Klimaszenarien und mögliche Entwicklungen in Deutschland
Klimatisierung von Tauchern: Zusammenstellung der Auslegungsgrundlagen fuer die Entwicklung eines Rechenprogrammes
Klimavariabilitaet und Klimawandel
Klimavariabilitaet waehrend des Dalton Minimum in verschiedenen historischen Simulationen mit dem KlimamodellECHO-G
Klimavariabilitaet- und sensitivitaet waehrend des Dalton Minimum in verschiedenen historischen Simulationen mit dem Klimamodell ECHO-G
Klimaveraenderungen und Klimaskepsis
Klimaveraenderungen und Klimaskepsis
Klimaveränderungen und Meeresspiegelanstieg - eine Bestandsaufnahme
Klimawandel - Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Klimawandel - Eine menschengemachte Katastrophe?
Klimawandel - Normalitaet oder Katastrophe?
Klimawandel - Postnormale Wissenschaft
Klimawandel - Realitaet oder Panikmache
Klimawandel als Faktor in der Planung von Zukunft?
Klimawandel an der deutschen Ostseekueste
Klimawandel an der Kueste - Veraenderliche Sturmflutrisiken
Klimawandel an der Kueste - Veraenderliche Sturmflutrisiken
Klimawandel an der Kueste - Veraenderliche Sturmflutrisiken
Klimawandel an der Kueste – Veraenderliche Sturmflutrisiken
Klimawandel an der Ostseeküste : Neues zum Forschungsstand
Klimawandel im Nord- und Ostseeraum - Ergebnisse neuer regionaler Assessments
Klimawandel im Ostseeraum
Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft
Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft
Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft
Klimawandel in der Lüneburger Heide : Kulturlandschaften zukunftsfähig gestalten
Klimawandel in der Metropolregion Hamburg - Bisher und in Zukunft
Klimawandel in der Metropolregion Hamburg - Bisher und in Zukunft
Klimawandel in der Metropolregion Hamburg - Bisher und in Zukunft
Klimawandel in der Nordseeregion – Klimaziele und Klimaschutz
Klimawandel in der Ostseeregion: Detektion, Veraenderungen und Erwartungen
Klimawandel in Deutschland
Klimawandel in Deutschland - Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven
Klimawandel in Deutschland - Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven
Klimawandel in Kuestenregionen
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland - Bisherige Aenderungen und moegliche Klimaszenarien bis 2100: Alles weniger dramatisch?
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland – Bisher und in Zukunft
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland – Bisher und in Zukunft
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland – Womit muessen wir rechnen?
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland – Womit muessen wir rechnen?
Klimawandel und Anpassung in Kommunen
Klimawandel und Biodiversitaet - Folgen fuer Deutschland
Klimawandel und Biodiversitaet - Folgen fuer Deutschland, 2. Auflage
Klimawandel und der gesellschaftliche Umgang damit
Klimawandel und Energie - Was tun?!
Klimawandel und Gesellschaft - Grenzen der Erkenntnis
Klimawandel und hydrodynamische und morphologische Auswirkungen im Kuestenbereich - Teilprojekt im Verbundprojekt "Klimawandel und praeventives Risiko- und Kuestenschutzmanagement an der deutschen Nordseekueste" (KRIM)
Klimawandel und Luftqualitaet im Mittelmeerraum - Das Climate Service Center informiert
Klimawandel und seine möglichen Auswirkungen auf Rheinland-Pfalz
Klimawandel und seine möglichen Auswirkungen auf Rheinland-Pfalz
Klimawandel und Wasser - Bedeutung fuer Gletscher und Wuesten
Klimawandel und Wasser - eine Problemkartierung
Klimawandel und Wasserverfuegbarkeit
Klimawandel und Wasserverfuegbarkeit
Klimawandel und Wasserverfuegbarkeit
Klimawandel und Wasserversorgung: Folgen, Risiken und Anpassungsbedarf
Klimawandel ‐ Wie mit Skeptikern und anderen Wissensanspruechen umgehen?
Klimawandel/Meeresspiegelanstieg an der Deutschen Nordseekueste
Klimawandel: Manifestation - Detektion - Attribution
Klimawandeltaugliche Kompensationsmassnahmen – Ueberpruefung der Funktionstuechtigkeit von Kompensationsmassnahmen unter klimatisch veraenderten Bedingungen am Beispiel der Stadt Kiel : GERICS - CSC Report
Klimawissenschaft und Klimaschutz: Was kann, was weiss die Klimawissenschaft und wie sollte die Gesellschaft sie nutzen?
Klimawissenschaft, das IPCC, Postnormalität und die Vertrauenskrise
Klimawissenschaft: Gekidnappt von der Politik
Klimawissenschaften - Ist das Physik?
KNH2–KH: a metal amide–hydride solid solution
Knowledge Based Process Development of Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding (Dissertation)
Knowledge generation versus decision processes - The issue of regional climate service
Knowledge Management for Environmentally Assisted Cracking Problems
Knowledge management for environmentally-assisted cracking problems
Knowledge-based Approach to Gas Sorption in Glassy Polymers by Combining Experimental and Molecular Simulation Techniques
Knowledge-based Approach to Gas Sorption in Glassy Polymers by Combining Experimental and Molecular Simulation Techniques
Knowledge-Based Approach to Tailorable Gelatin-Based Materials Functionalized with Tyrosine-Derived Moieties
Knowledge-Based Approach towards Hydrolytic Degradation of Polymer-Based Biomaterials
Knowledge-Based Design and Tailoring of Gelatin-Based Hydrogels by Functionalization with Tyrosine-Derived Groups
Knowledge-based Design of Actively Moving Polymer Networks
Knowledge-based design of degradable polymers
Knowledge-Based Multitarget Ship Tracking for HF Surface Wave Radar Systems
Knowledge-Based Tailoring of Gelatin-Based Materials by Functionalization with Tyrosine-Derived Groups
Knudsen–Poiseuille transition by means of Pneumatic Scanning Force Microscopy
Koennen Fernerkundungsverfahren bei der Berechnung der Primaerproduktion der Boddengewaesser helfen?
Koennen Legierungselemente Schutzgase in der Produktion von Magnesium ersetzen?
Koennen sich Kunststoffe bewegen?
Koennen wir uns die nordeuropaeischen Trends der letzten Jahrzehnte erklaeren?
Kohlendioxid-Debatte: Den zusaetzlichen Treibhauseffekt gibt es doch!
Kohlenwasserstoff-Rueckgewinnungsanlagen bei der Verladung von Ottokraftstoffen
Kohlenwasserstoffe aus Gasstroemen abtrennen: Membranen habensich in der chemischen und petrochemischen Industrie bewaehrt
Kolloidchemie: Synthese und Thermodynamik von Blockcopolymeren, Ringvorlesung
Kombination aus Gaspermeation und partieller Kondensation zur Abgasreinigung
Kombination von Al-Kaltgasspritzen und plasmaelektrolytische Oxidation zum Verschleiss- und Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumlegierungen
Kombination von Al-Kaltgasspritzen und plasmaelektrolytische Oxidation zum Verschleiss- und Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumlegierungen
Kombination von Messungen und Modellen zur Vorhersage von hydrodynamischen Prozessen in der Deutschen Bucht
Kombination von Messungen und Modellen zur Vorhersage von hydrodynamischen Prozessen in der Deutschen Bucht
Kombinierte Gefahrenlagen durch den Klimawandel
Kombinierte Messungen mit 95 GHz Radar, Ceilometer und Mikrowellenradiometer fuer eine verbesserte Bestimmung der vertikalen Wolkenerstreckung
Kommunaler Klimanotstand – Eine Kurzübersicht aus rechtlicher Perspektive
Komplexe Bewegungen in Hydrogele
Komplexe Hydride fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung - Von den Materialeigenschaften zum Prototyp-Tank
Komplexe Systeme
Komplexe Systeme
Komplexe Systeme
Kompositmembranen zur Methanol/MTBE-Trennung mittels Pervaporation
Kondensatorbauarten im Vergleich: Einflussfaktoren fuer den Waermeuebergang beim Kondensieren
Konditionierung von Raumluft mittels Membranverfahren
Konferenzbericht Teil 2, 14 International Laser Radar Conference
Konformacija Ribosomnogo Belka S1 iz Thermus Thermophilus v Rastvore pri Raznych Ionnych Uslovijach
Konstitution von Fe3(Al,Si)-Legierungen im Hinblick auf ihre Anwendng als Hochtemperaturwerkstoff
Konstitution von intermetallischen Phasen auf der Basis von Fe3(Al,Si)
Konstitution von Ti-Al Legierungen im Bereich 30-55 At.% Al.
Konstitution von TiAl-Legierungen im Konzentrationsbereich 30-55 At.%Al (Diplomarbeit)
Konstruktion einer Hochspannungskuevette zum Abtoeten von Mikroorganismen (Diplomarbeit)
Konstruktion und Berechnung einer temperierbaren Probenkammer, mit deren Hilfe das thermodynamische Verhalten von Polymermischungen untersucht werden soll (Diplomarbeit)
Konstruktiv, destruktiv - Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Explosivstoffe
Konstruktiv, destruktiv - Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Explosivstoffe
Konstruktive Gestaltung von Schweissverbindungen in nasser Umgebung
Kontaktstelle Meeresforschungstechnik
Kontamination von Grundwasser durch Ruestungsaltlasten: Entwicklung analytischer Methoden und Bewertung der Belastung am Beispiel einer ehemaligen Sprengstoffabrik (Dissertation)
Kontinuierliche Bestimmung des Schwermetallspurengehaltes in Prozessstroemen und Abwaessern
Kontinuumsmechanisches Modell zur Beschreibung von Reibung und Verschleiss an keramischen Bauteilen
Konzentrationspolarisation bei der Gaspermeation
Konzepte der analytischen Qualitaetssicherung fuer den Universitaetsbereich
Konzepte der analytischen Qualitaetssicherung fuer den Universitaetsbereich
Konzepte zur Sanierung und Restaurierung kleinerer Stehgewaesser am Beispiel der Eifelmaare
Konzeptentwicklung fuer eine Sensitivitaetskartierung der Sepetiba-Bucht. Abschlussbericht ueber die Beratungsmission bei der Fundacao Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente (FEEMA) vom 14. Oktober bis 9. November 1996
Konzeption und Realisierung einer WWW-basierten Benutzerfuehrung des Wattenmeerinformationssystems WATIS (Diplomarbeit)
Konzipierung und Konstruktion einer steuerbaren Sedimentfalle auf schlickigem Gewaesserboden bei hohem sohlnahen Transport (Diplomarbeit)
Kooperationen zwischen GEA Tuchenhagen und Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Kooperationsprojekte zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in der Praxis
Koordinierte Feldmessungen zum Einfluss von Leewellen auf Wolkenfeldern in der polaren Stratosphaere
Kopplung der GPC mit IR-Spektroskopie
Korallen aus Bermuda als Proxies fuer die SST der Sargassso See und den Nord-Atlantischen Bodendruck
KORONA: an intense sealed-tube 14 MeV neutron generator
Korrelation von Chemischer Struktur und Mischbarkeit von Polymeren - Ergebnisse von Neutronenreflexionsuntersuchungen
Korrosion metallischer Werkstoffe
Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz von Magnesium
Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumbauteilen
Korrosion und Korrsionsschutz von Magnesium
Korrosion und Verschleiss
Korrosion von Magnesium
Korrosion von Magnesium
Korrosion von Magnesium
Korrosions- und Verschleisseigenschaften von kurzfaserverstaerkter Magnesiumlegierung QE22
Korrosionsschutz für Offshore-Windkraft : Problem für die Umwelt?
Korrosionsschutz und dessen Umweltauswirkung am Beispiel von Offshore Windkraftanlagen
Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumlegierungen durch ZrO2-haltige Schichten
Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumlegierungen durch ZrO2-haltige Schichten
Korrosionssimulationen für automobile Anwendungen
Korrosionsuntersuchungen an abbaubaren Implantatmaterialien - Ist eine Vorhersage ueberhaupt moeglich?
Korrosionsuntersuchungen an abbaubaren Implantatmaterialien - Ist eine Vorhersage ueberhaupt moeglich?
Kosteneinsparungen und Entlastung der Taucher
Kovalente Immobilisierung von Enzymen an poroesen Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Kovalente Immobilisierung von Amylosucrase in unterschiedlich funktionalisierten Membranen
Kovalente Immobilisierung von Enzymen an funktionalisierten Kapillarporenmembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Kreatives Potential der Ungewissheit
Kreislaufverfahren zur Dekontamination quecksilberbelasteter Feststoffe
Kriechverformung in zweiphasigen Titanaluminidlegierungen
Kriechverformung von lamellaren (TiAl / Ti3Al) polysynthetisch verzwillingten (PST) Kristallen
Kriechverhalten und Kriechschaedigung von Si3N4/SiC-Nanocompositen unter Zugbelastung
Kriechverhalten von Si3N4/SiC-Nanocompositen
Kristallitgroessen und Gitterstoerungen in Cellulose mittels WAXS-Reflexprofilanalyse
Kristallitgroessen und Gitterstoerungen von Polymeren: Methoden und Beispiele
Kristallographische Textur und Anisotropie
Kristallographische Texturanalyse industrierelevanter Komponenten
Krytox-Montmorillonite-Nafion nanocomposite membrane for effective methanol crossover reduction in DMFCs
Kuehldecke mit Entfeuchtungseigenschaften
Kuenstliche Polymermembranen; Stofftrennung und Biokatalyse
Kueste als Heimat – regionale Identitaet der Menschen an der trilateralen Wattenmeerkueste
Kueste als naturwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand
Kueste und Meer - Dynamische Natur-, Wirtschafts- und Kuestenraeume
Kuestenbilder, Bilder der Kueste - Interdisziplinaere Ansichten, Ansaetze und Konzepte
Kuestenforschung im Institut fuer Kuestenforschung des Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht
Kuestenforschung im Institut fuer Kuestenforschung des Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht
Kuestenforschung in Deutschland - Gesellschaftliche Beratung im Spannungsfeld divergenter gesellschaftlicher Interessen
Kuestenforschung innerhalb der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Kuestenforschung: Ethnologie einer Wissenslandschaft - Projektbericht
"Kuestenheimat - Heimat Kueste" - Kulturelle Identitaet in der Trilateralen Wattenmeer-Region
Kuestenheimat – Kuesten aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Kuestenheimat – Kuesten aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Kuestenklima, Seegang und Sturmfluten im Nordostatlantik
Kuestenmanagement: Miteinander, nicht gegeneinander
Kuestenschutz und Klimaaenderung
Kultur im Computer - Die Rolle von Migration und Wissenstransfer bei der Neolithisierung Europas
Kultur und Klima
Kunststoffe als Implantatmaterialien - Konzepte fuer (Multi-)funktionale Materialien
Kunststoffe als Implantatmaterialien Konzepte fuer (Multi-)funktionale Materialien
Kunststoffe bewegen
Kunststoffe in der Medizin
Kunststoffe in der Medizin
Kunststoffe in der Medizin
Kunststoffe in der Medizin
Kunststoffe in der Medizin
Kunststoffe in der Medizin - Neue Entwicklungen
Kunststoffe in der Medizin - Neue Entwicklungen
Kunststoffe in der Medizin - Neue Entwicklungen
Kunststoffe in der Medizin - Nicht nur Mikroplastik
Kunststoffe in der Medizin – Neue Entwicklungen
Kunststoffe mit Formgedaechtnis
Kunststoffe mit Formgedaechtnis - Die erstaunlichen Faehigkeiten intelligenter Materialien
Kunststoffe mit Gedaechtnis – Polymere fuer die moderne Medizin
Kunststoffe mit programmiertem Gedaechtnis: Implantate
Kunststoffe sind mehr als nur Mikroplastik - Verwendung in der Medizin
Kunststoffe sind mehr als nur Mikroplastik – Verwendung in der Medizin; Berufe in der Biomaterialforschung
Kunststoffmembranen als Abluftfilter
Kurz kommentiert - Klimaabkommen - Wichtige Schritte fehlen noch
Kurz kommentiert: Klimaverhandlungen: Solide Ergebnisse, neue Dynamik
Kurzfaserverstaerkte Verbundwerkstoffe mit metallischer Matrix
Kurzwellige Roentgenstrahlung und Neutronen - Vergleich der Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten
Kármán vortex and turbulent wake generation by wind park piles
Küste als naturwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand


La / B4C Multilayer mirrors for X-rays below 190eV
La / B4C Multilayer mirrors for X-rays below 190eV
La Jument lighthouse: a real-scale laboratory for the study of giant waves and their loading on marine structures
La Microscopia Neumatica de Barrido. Su Utilizacion en el Estudio de Membranas Nanoporosas.(Dissertation)
La respuesta cientifica ante el vertido del buque Prestige: oceanografia operacional en Enspana y la esperience del IMEDEA
La-B4C Multilayer Mirrors for Improved Boron Detection
Laboratory calibration and field testing of the Chemcatcher-Metal for trace levels of rare earth elements in estuarine waters
Laboratory experiments for inter-comparison of three volume scattering meters to measure angular scattering properties of hydrosols
Laboratory Flux Measurement System to study mercury fluxes over soils
Laboratory Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400–900 nm Range
Laboratory simulation of Hg0 emissions from a snowpack
Laborexperimente zum Aggregations- und Sinkverhalten von Schwebstoffen aus Tonen und Bakterien (Diplomarbeit)
Laborexperimente zur Grabaktivitaet von Lumbricus terrestris (Diplomarbeit)
Laborversuche zur Flockenbildung und Sinkgeschwindigkeit von Elbschwebstoffen
LabVIEW in der Neutronen Reflektographie
β-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layers at the Water/Air Surface: 4. Impact on the Stability of Foam Films and Foams
Ladeluftinertisierung durch Membrantechnik - Eine alternative Technologie fuer IMO III-Schiffsdieselmotoren?
Ladungsdichteanalyse von La0.5Sr1.5MnO4
Laengsprofilbeprobungen der Elbe mit dem Hubschrauber - Empfehlungen fuer Mess- und Untersuchungsprogramme
Laengsprofiluntersuchungen zur Beurteilung von Auswirkungen des Hochwassers vom August 2002 auf die Wasser- und Sedimentequalitaet der Elbe
Laengsprofiluntersuchungen zur Beurteilung von Auswirkungen des Hochwassers vom August 2002 auf die Wasser- und Sedimentequalitaet der Elbe
Lagrangesche Transportrechnungen basierend auf TELEMAC-2d Simulationen archiviert in coastDat: Laufende Projekte
Lagrangesche Transportsimulationen in der Nordsee; Anwendungsbeispiele basierend auf Stroemungsfeldern aus CoastDat
Lagrangian Measurements of Orbital Velocities in the Surf Zone
Lagrangian Methods for Visualizing and Assessing Frontal Dynamics of Floating Marine Litter with a Focus on Tidal Basins
Lagrangian und Eulerian Formulation: Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method (ALE)
Lake Constance: Response of a lake ecosystem to diminished nutrient loading
Lake Constance: the largest german lake
Lake restoration under the economic conditions in the former GDR
Lamellar Diblock Copolymer Films with Embedded Maghemite Nanoparticles
Laminin - dynamic bonds enable multifunctionality in a biological 2D network
Land surface modeling in BALTEX
Land surface processes in atmospheric and hydrologic models
Land surface processes in hydrologic and meteorological models
Land-atmosphere coupling in EURO-CORDEX evaluation experiments
Land-atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX flagship pilot study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models - Part 1: Evaluation of the snow-albedo effect
Land-atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models - Part 2: The role of changing vegetation
LAND: Klimaangepasste Kulturlandschaft – Leistungsfaehiger Naturhaushalt und umweltschonende Landbewirtschaftung
Landfills and waste water treatment plants as sources of polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and synthetic musk fragrances to ambient air (Diplomarbeit)
Landfills as sources of polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and musk fragrances to ambient air
LANDMATE PFT land cover dataset for North America 2015 (Version 1.1)
Landscape, seascape and the sea: What role in shaping coastal identities?
Landwirtschaft und Gewaesserschutz in Osteuropa
Landwirtschaft und Gewaesserschutz in Osteuropa
Landwirtschaft und Gewaesserschutz in Osteuropa
Landwirtschaftliche Abwasserverwertung: ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Wasserbeschaffenheit in den fuenf neuen Bundeslaendern
Landwirtschaftliche Bodennutzung in Trinkwasserschutzgebieten: Regeln und Richtwerte
Landwirtschaftliche Bodennutzung und Gewaesserschutz in den fuenf neuen Bundeslaendern
Landwirtschaftliche Klaerschlammverwertung aus oekologischer Sicht
Landwirtschaftliche Klaerschlammverwertung – Entsorgungssystem ohne Zukunft?
Land–atmosphere feedbacks exacerbate concurrent soil drought and atmospheric aridity
Lange Risswiderstandskurven und ETM-Anwendung bei duennen Aluminiumblechen
Langfristige Aenderungen von Sturmaktivitaet, Wasserstaenden und Seegang in der suedlichen Nordsee
Langfristige Strategie fuer die Polymerforschung
Langmuir blodgett mono- and multilayers from amphiphilic disc-shaped pentaalkynes
Langmuir Film Morphology of Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) and PCL-based Polyesterurethanes
Langmuir monolayers as tool to predict the degradation of architectured macromolecules
Langmuir Monolayers as Tools to Study Biodegradable Polymer Implant Materials
Langmuir monolayers as tools to study molecular degradation of aliphatic polyesters
Langmuir-Blodgett Composite Membranes with Enhanced Mechanical Stability
Langmuir-blodgett monolayers of amphiphilic and bolaamphiphilic aroylazides on polyacrylonitrile surfaces
Langmuir-Blodgett Monoschichten aus Arolazid-Verbindungen
Langmuir-Schaefer films of fibronectin as designed biointerfaces for culturing stem cells
Langmuir-Schaefer films of fibronectin as designed bionterfaces for culturing stem cells
Langmuir–Schaefer films of fibronectin as designed biointerfaces for culturing stem cells
Langweg-FTIR-Spektroskopie von Molekuelclustern und unterkuelten Gasen bei Fluessighelium-Temperaturen
Langwellige Nettostrahlungsfluesse an der Meeresoberflaeche aus Schiffsmessungen und Satellitendaten
Langzeiteinfluss einer Faellmittelapplikation auf die Naehrstoffdynamik und Phytoplanktonsukzession in einem Magdeburger Baggersee
Langzeitige Variabilitaet des Wellenenergiepotenzials in der Nordsee (Masterarbeit)
Langzeitmodellierung zur Abschaetzung von Trends und Risiken von Oelverschmutzungen
Langzeitmodellierung zur Abschaetzung von Trends und Risiken von Oelverschmutzungen
Langzeitstabilitaet von nicht-extrahierbaren PAK-Rückstaenden
Langzeitstabilitaet von nicht-extrahierbaren Schadstoffrueckstaenden bei der Bodensanierung
Langzeitwirkungen ueber den Einfluss einer gestaffelten Mineralduengung auf den Austrag von relevanten Makronaehrstoffen mit dem Sickerwasser bei unterschiedlichen Standort- und Nutzungsbedingungen: Lysimeterversuchsergebnisse von 1985-1993
Langzeitwirkungen ueber den Einfluss einer gestaffelten Mineralduengung auf den Austrag von Stickstoff mit dem Sickerwasser bei unterschiedlichen Standort- und Nutzungsbedingungen: Lysimeterversuchsergebnisse 1985-1993
Lanscape as Ganzfeld, and a possible escape
Lap Shear Test of a Magnesium Friction Spot Joint: Numeric Modeling
Large area Cl 9+ irradiated PET membranes for hydrogen separation
Large differences of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) and low volatile species in secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) formed from ozonolysis of β-pinene and limonene
Large Exchange Bias, High Dielectric Constant, and Outstanding Ionic Conductivity in a Single-Phase Spin Glass
Large influence of soil moisture on long-term terrestrial carbon uptake
Large LAA - Too Big for Closure?: LAA Closure With the World’s Biggest Percutaneous Closure Device
Large scale forging of an advanced Ti-Al-Nb alloy
Large scale hydrological modelling over the Elbe region
Large Scale Numerical Modelling to Study the Dispersion of Persistent Toxic Substances Over Europe
Large Scale Riveted Fuselage Panels: FE Simulation and Validation for a Panel Test with a Two-Bay-Crack
Large X-Ray Optics for Free Electron Lasers (FEL)
Large X-ray Optics: Fabrication and Characterization of Single and Multilayer Mirrors
Large X-ray Optics: Fabrication and Characterization of Single- and Multilayer Mirrors
Large-scale atmospheric influence on the physical and biogeochemical properties of the Benguela upwelling system
Large-Scale Distribution and Transport of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Sea Water of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean
Large-Scale Distribution and Transport of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Sea Water of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean
Large-Scale Distribution of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to Antarctica
Large-scale distribution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the marine environment
Large-scale isolation of proteins of the large subunit from Escherichia coli ribosomes
Large-scale nutrient and carbon dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum
Large-scale synthesis of mixed valence K3[Fe2S4] with high dielectric and ferrimagnetic characteristics
Larger wind turbines as a solution to reduce environmental impacts
Laser ablation for past environmental data records from bivalve shells
Laser and Electron Beam Welding of Al-Alloys: Literature Review
Laser and Electron Beam Welding of Superalloys: Literature Review
Laser and Electron Beam Welding of Ti-Alloys: Literature Review
Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloys: Process-Property-Performance (3P) Relationship
Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloys: Process-Property-Performance (3P) Relationship
Laser Beam Weldability and Fracture Toughness Testing of Structural Steels
Laser beam welded dissimilar joint of aluminium AA6056 and titanium Ti6Al4V for aeronautical applications
Laser beam welded structures for a regional aircraft: weight, cost and carbon footprint savings
Laser beam welding and straightening of titanium T-joints for aircraft structures
Laser beam welding and straightening of titanium T-joints for aircraft structures
Laser beam welding and straightening of titanium T-joints for aircraft structures
Laser beam welding of a CoCrFeNiMn-type high entropy alloy produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
Laser Beam Welding of a Low Density Refractory High Entropy Alloy
Laser Beam Welding of a Ti-15Mo/TiB Metal–Matrix Composite
Laser beam welding of Al-alloys
Laser beam welding of dissimilar AA2024/AA7050 T-joint (Diplomarbeit)
Laser Beam Welding of High Strength Al-Li-Alloys
Laser beam welding of high-alloyed aluminium-zinc alloys (Dissertation)
Laser beam welding process development for AA2198 and AA2139 butt joints (Masterarbeit)
Laser directed energy deposition with wire of magnesium alloys with and without aluminium
Laser Doppler flux measurement for the assessment of cutaneous microcirculation – critical remarks
Laser fluorometer for the detection of Rhodamine-B in estuarine waters
Laser Fusion of Powder and Foil – a Multi Material Approach to Additive Manufacturing
Laser Gas Assisted Nitriding of Ti Alloys
Laser heating as an approach to modify residual stress states in thin-walled aluminium structures
Laser heating as an approach to modify residual stress states in thin-walled aluminium structures
Laser heating as approach to retard fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium structures
Laser heating as approach to retard fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium structures
Laser heating as approach to retard fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium structures
Laser heating as approach to retard fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium structures (Dissertation)
Laser im Umweltschutz: die Lidar-Technik als Methode zur optischen Fernmessung von atmosphaerischen Parametern, Spuren und Schadstoffe
Laser in der Umwelt- und Klimaforschung
Laser in der Umweltmesstechnik
Laser induced plasma shock wave simulation for laser shock peening (Masterarbeit)
Laser ionization for mercury analysis in a REMPI TOF mass spectrometer
Laser Metal Deposition mit Pulver oder Draht und Moeglichkeiten der Charakterisierung
Laser metal deposition of magnesium alloys
Laser metal deposition of magnesium alloys
Laser metal deposition of magnesium alloys
Laser metal deposition of magnesium via wire (Diplomarbeit)
Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: Analysis of the Build Height Dependent Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: Analysis of the Build Height Dependent Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: New Building Strategy for a Decreased Shape Deviation and its Influence on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: New Building Strategy for a Decreased Shape Deviation and its Influence on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: New Building Strategy for a Decreased Shape Deviation and its Influence on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Laser microdissection pressure catapulting (LMPC): a new technique to handle single microplastic particles for number-based validation strategies
Laser nitriding and carburization of materials
Laser nitriding: Investigations on the model system TiN. A review
Laser processes for joining and residual stress design of advanced lightmetal alloys
Laser processing of Nb3Al(Ge,Si)-high field superconductors
Laser processing of Ti-6Al-4V: Material defects, fatigue properties and fatigue life extension approaches
Laser remote sensing of ozone concentration profiles in the troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean
Laser remote sensing of sulfur dioxide and ozone with the mobile differential absorption lidar ARGOS
Laser Remote Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Toluene, Ozone, and Dust in the Industrial Area of Cubatao (Brazil)
Laser remote sensing of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, toluene, ozone, and dust over Cubatao (Brazil) in November 1994 within the international research project „BRA ENV 3 Serra do Mar“
Laser Remote Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Tuloene, Ozone, and Dust in the Industrial Region of Cubatao (Brazil)
Laser scanner displacement measurement at high temperatures
Laser Shock Peening as an effective tool for residual stress design and fatigue life improvement
Laser shock peening on high-strength steels
Laser shock peening process modelling and experimental validation for AA2198-T3 and AA2198-T8
Laser shock peening process modelling and experimental validation for AA2198-T3 and AA2198-T8
Laser shock peening to improve the fatigue resistance of safety critical components
Laser Shock Peening: Modelling across scales
Laser Shock Peening: Modelling across scales
Laser surface cladding of MRI 153M magnesium alloy with (Al+Al2O3)
Laser surface treatment to enhance the adhesive bonding between steel and CFRP: Effect of laser spot overlapping and pulse fluence
Laser weld integrity testing and assessment
Laser Weldability of High-Strength Al-Zn Alloys and Its Improvement by the Use of an Appropriate Filler Material
Laser Weldbability of different Al-Zn alloys and its improvement
Laser Weldbability of different Al-Zn alloys and its improvement
Laser Weldbability of different Al-Zn alloys and its improvement
Laser Welding
Laser welding and microstructural characterization of dissimilar γ-TiAl-Ti6242 joints
Laser Welding and Processing of Aluminium and Titanium Alloys for Aerospace Application (Habilitation)
Laser welding of H-phase strengthened Ni-rich NiTi-20Zr high temperature shape memory alloy
Laser Welding of High-Strength Aluminium Alloys for the Sheet Metal Forming Process
Laser Welding of High-Strength Aluminium Alloys for the Sheet Metal Forming Process
Laser welding of precipitation strengthened Ni-rich NiTiHf high temperature shape memory alloys: Microstructure and mechanical properties
Laser Welding Technology: Trends in industrial applications and quality assessment
Laser-Radar-Konferenz 1988, Bericht 2. Teil
Laser-Resonanzionisation fuer die Sklerochronologie
Laser-zerstaeubte Neutralteilchen aus Seesalz mit nachgeschalteter resonanzverstaerkter Ionisation von TiO
Laseranwendungen in der Atmosphaere von der Prandtl-Schicht bis zur Ozonschicht
Laserauftragschweissen mit Draht - Konventionelles Equipment und innovative Werkstoffe
Laserauftragsschweißen von Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo: Parameterentwicklung und Charakterisierung der Schweißstruktur
Laserfernmessung atmosphaerischer Parameter
Laserfernmessung umwelt- und klimarelevanter Parameter in der Troposphaere
Laserfernmessung von Ozon-Hoehenprofilen ueber dem Atlantik mit dem DAS-Lidarsystem ARGOS im Programm ALBATROSS
Laserfernmessung von Schwefeldioxid und Ozon in der unteren Troposphaere mit Hilfe der differentiellen Absorption und Streuung unter den Bedingungen des mobilen Einsatzes und der besonderen Beruecksichtigung des Einflusses von Grenzschichtaerosolen (Dissertation)
Laserfernmessung von SO2 und O3 im Rahmen von Messkampagnen im Erzgebirge und in Suedbayern
Lasermaterialbearbeitung und Bewertung von Leichtbaustrukturen
Lasermaterialbearbeitung und Bewertung von Leichtbaustrukturen
Laseroptische Fernmessungen im Rahmen des Internationalen Cirrus-Experiments (ICE)
Laserspektroskopische Isotopenanalyse an Krypton-Gasentladungslinien im blauen Spektralbereich (Dissertation)
Laserspektroskopischer Nachweis von Methan in Meerwasser
Laserstrahlgeschweisste T-Stoss-Verbindungen aus der Magnesiumlegierung AZ31 (Bachelorarbeit)
Laserstrahlschweissen von hoch-zinkhaltiger Aluminiumlegierung (Diplomarbeit)
Laserstrahlschweissen von hochfesten Aluminium-Lithium-Legierungen (Diplomarbeit)
Last millennium northern hemisphere summer temperatures from tree rings: Part I: The long term context
Late glacial initiation of Holocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel formation
Late Holocene climate: Natural or anthropogenic?
Late summer northwestward Amazon plume pathway under the action of the North Brazil Current rings
Latent and sensible heat fluxes over a shallow lake
Lateral crystallite size and lattice distortions in cellulose II samples of different origin
Lateral order in Cellulose I and II fibres
Lateral order in microfibrils of native and regenerated cellulose
Lateral structures in thin polymer blend films investigated with diffuse neutron and X-ray scattering
Laterale Kristallitgroessen und Gitterstoerungen in Cellulose II
Laterally graded multilayer optics for x-ray analysis
Latest developments in microtomography and nanotomography at PETRA III
Latest Developments in the Field of Magnesium Alloys and their Application
Latest developments of catalytically active, porous polymer membranes
Latest results from the Inter-Continental Transferability Study (ICTS)
Latest results from the Inter-Continental Transferability Study (ICTS)
Latitudinal gradient of airborne polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the marine atmosphere between Germany and South Africa (53°N-33°S)
Lattice and phase strain evolution during tensile loading of an intermetallic, multi-phase Gamma-TiAl based alloy
Lattice preferred orientation and anisotropy of magnetic suscepttibility in folded itabirites from the Conceicao mine, MInas Gerais, Brazil
Lattice strain during compressive loading of AlCrFeNiTi multi-principal element alloys
Lattice strain evolution during hot forming of a Nb rich gamma TiAl based alloy studied with synchrotron X-ray radiation
Lattice strain evolution during hot forming of gamma TiAl alloys studied with synchrotron X-ray radiation
Laudatio fuer Andreas Hense aus Anlass der Verleihung der Alfred‐Wegener Medaille
Layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes - A versatile tool for the in vivo repair of blood vessels
Layered double hydroxide based active corrosion protective sealing of plasma electrolytic oxidation/sol-gel composite coating on AA2024
Layered Double Hydroxide Clusters as Precursors of Novel Multifunctional Layers: A Bottom-Up Approach
Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) as functional materials for the corrosion protection of aluminum alloys: A review
Laying the experimental foundation for corrosion inhibitor discovery through machine learning
Layout and first results of the nanotomography endstation at the P05 beamline at PETRA III
Layout and first results of the nanotomography endstation at the P05 beamline at PETRA III
LB deposition and structure investigation of discotic multiyne mesogens
LDH has been grown: What is next? Overview on methods of post-treatment of LDH conversion coatings
LDH sealing for PEO coated friction stir welded AZ31/AA5754 materials
Lead budget for the German Bight
Lead Contamination of the Elbe catchment via atmospheric deposition and overland transport over four decades (1958-1995)
Lead in petrol: A reflection on the German experience
Lead-vapor filters for high-spectral-resolution temperature lidar
LEAFlood - Landscape and vEgetAtion-dependent Flood model (Version 1)
Learning Implicit PDE Integration with Linear Implicit Layers
Learning to predict the spatial transformation of tissue during bone healing in MR
Leaving misleading legacies behind in plankton ecosystem modelling
Lectures on Modeling, IMPRS Hamburg - The art and role of climate modeling
Leewave PSCs in northern Scandinavia between 22 and 26 January 1998: Lidar measurements of temperature and optical particle properties above Esrange and mesoscale model analyses
Legacy and emerging organic contaminants in the polar regions
Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in polar regions
Legierungs- und Prozessentwicklung von Magnesium-basierten Werkstoffen fuer neue Anwendungsfelder
Legierungs- und Verfahrensentwicklung fuer Mg-Bauteile im Automobilbau
Legierungs- und Verfahrensentwicklung fuer Mg-Bauteile im Automobilbau
Legierungsentwicklung fuer degradierbare Magnesumimplantate
Legierungskonzepte fuer Beta-erstarrende Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Lehrstuhl Materialien in den Lebenswissenschaften Prof. Dr. Andreas Lendlein
Leichtbauwerkstoff Magnesium
Leistungsfaehigkeit und Grenzen der Randwinkelmessung zur Bewertung der thermodynamischen Adhaesion
Leistungsspektrum der GKSS fuer Apheresetechnologien in der Gegenwart und der Zukunft
Leistungsuntersuchungen an Hohlmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril zur Membranplasmapherese
Leitfaden zur Verwendung des Kohaesivmodells fuer duktile Materialien und Strukturen
Leitfaden zur Verwendung des Kohaesivmodells fuer duktile Materialien und Strukturen
Leitfaehigkeits- und Potentialmessungen an geladenen asymmetrischen Membranen
Leitfaehigkeitsmessungen an geladenen asymmetrischen Membranen
Lektin-Adsorbentien fuer die biospezifische Affinitaetschromatographie
Lektin-Affinitaetstrennung - Eine Leistungsfaehige Trenntechnik zur Fraktionierung und Aufreinigung von Glykoproteinen
Length scales in modeling of ductile fracture by cohesive elements
Lengthscale-dependent modeling of sub-micron sized metallic glasses
Lernen von der Natur - Stofftrennung mit Membranen
Less Noble or More Noble: How Strain Affects the Binding of Oxygen on Gold
Less Nutrients but More Phytoplankton: Long-Term Ecosystem Dynamics of the Southern North Sea
Lessons Learned in the Digital Earth Project
Lethe-DEM: an open-source parallel discrete element solver with load balancing
Leuchtemails und Leuchtglaeser: Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendung
Leukocyte differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells as a novel in vitro model for cellular defence
Leukocyte differentiation in murine embryoid bodies as in vitro model for cellular defence
Levan and new derivatives as highly potent anticancer drugs with immune-modulating properties
Levan and new derivatives as highly potent anticancer drugs with immune-modulating properties
Level-set modeling of galvanic corrosion of magnesium
Level-set modeling of galvanic corrosion of magnesium
Levels and distribution of Dechlorane Plus in coastal sediments of the Yellow Sea, North China
Levels and Transport of PBDES and Alternative Brominated Flame Retardants in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to the Antarctica
Levels and Transport of PBDES and Alternative Brominated Flame Retardants in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to the Antarctica
Levels of Organochlorine Contaminants in Blood Samples of Harbor Seal (Phoca Vitulina) Pups from the German North Sea Coast
Levels of Organochlorine Contaminants in Blood Samples of Harbor Seal (Phoca Vitulina) Pups from the German North Sea Coast
Levels of total mercury and methylmercury compounds in sediments of the polluted Elbe River: influence of seasonally and spatially varying environmental factors
Leveraging Governance Performance to Enhance Climate Resilience
Leveraging public adaptation finance through urban land reclamation: cases from Germany, the Netherlands and the Maldives
Levitation in Ultraschallfeldern - Schwebende Troepfchen
Levy flight is not evolved behavior
LiBH4-MgH2 Composites for Hydrogen Storage (Dissertation)
Lichtinduzierte Formaenderung in Polymeren
Lidar - Range-resolved optical remote sensing of the atmosphere
Lidar inelastic multiple-scattering parameters of cirrus particle ensembles determined with geometric-optics crystal phase functions
Lidar measurements of atmospheric constituents
Lidar measurements of atmospheric constituents
Lidar Measurements: Atmospheric Constituents, Clouds, and Ground Reflectance
Lidar network observations of cirrus morphological and scattering properties during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989: the 18 October 1989 case study and statistical analysis
Lidar observations and modelling of ozone laminae
Lidar Ozone Measurements in the Marine and Terrestrial Atmosphere from the Ground to the Tropopause
Lidar Ozone Measurements in the Marine and Terrestrial Atmosphere from the Ground to the Tropopause
Lidar profiling of sulfur dioxide distributions in the Erzgebirge and Elbe valley
Lidar synergetic cloud remote sensing from space: Simulation of the Earth Care mission
Lidar temperature profiling in the lee of the Scandinavian mountain ridge: Investigation of polar stratospheric cloud formation conditions
Lidar-Profile des troposphaerischen Ozons ueber dem zentralen Atlantischen Ozean im Rahmen des ALBATROSS Projekts
LIDAR: Introduction
Lidarmessungen von Schwefeldioxid an Industrie- und Verbrennungsanlagen in Kehl und Strassburg
Lidars for cloud measurements at GKSS and first radar-liar comparisons
Life Cycle Assessment of Magnesium Components in Vehicle Construction
Lifetime Prediction of Physical Ageing in Glassy Polymer Membranes
LiF−MgB2 System for Reversible Hydrogen Storage
Light and Shape-memory Polymers: Characterization, Preparation, Stimulation, and Application
Light metal hydrides for hydrogen storage in the Zero-emission vehicle
Light-Harvesting Complex II Adopts Different Quaternary Structures in Solution as Observed Using Small-Angle Scattering
Light-induced shape-memory polymers
Lightweight aircraft structures welded by Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding with integral corrosion protection
Lightweight Designs – Focused on Magnesium
Lignin, the lignification process, and advanced, lignin-based materials
Like-charged protein-polyelectrolyte complexation driven by charge patches
Limit load analysis of strength undermatched welded T-joints under bending
Limit load solution for cracked tubular T-joints loaded in tension
Limit Load Solutions for Bilayer Plates with a Thorough Crack Subject to Tension
Limitation of phytoplankton growth - Differences and Similarities along the North European continental coast
Limited potential of irrigation to prevent potato yield losses in Germany under climate change
Limited Shape-dependency of Phagocytosis for Polymer Micronetworks
Limiting Transactivator Amounts Contribute to Transgene Mosaicism in Tet-On All-in-One Systems
Limits of historical reconstructions using indirect evidence
Limits of reproducibility and hydrodynamic noise in atmospheric regional modelling
Limnologie und Bedeutung ausgewaehlter Talsperren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Limnologisches Gutachten Byhleguhrer See
Limnologisches Gutachten fuer das zukuenftige Restloch Tagebau Cospuden
Limnologisches Gutachten Tagebaurestloch Kreis Altenburg
Limnologisches Gutachten zum Haussee Gerswalde
Limnologisches Gutachten zur langfristigen Sicherung der Wasserbeschaffenheit im Stausee Hohenfelden
Limnologisches Gutachten zur Sanierung des Schwielochsees
Limnologisches Gutachten zur Wasserguetesituation im Ammelshainer See
Limnologisches Gutachten zur Wasserguetesituation im Elsterstausee bei Leipzig
Limnologisches Gutachten zur Wasserguetesituation in den Kiesbaggerseen Prettin
Limnology of Eifel maar lakes
Linear and Nonlinear Rheological Behavior of Carboxymethyl Hydroxypropyl Guar Gum
Linear and nonlinear stability analysis of plane poiseuille flow using orthogonal wavelet modes
Linear Schrödinger equation with temporal evolution for front induced transitions
Linear Schrödinger equation with temporal evolution for front-induced indirect transitions in highly dispersive waveguides
Link between the internal variability and the baroclinic instability in the Bohai and Yellow Sea
Linking Catchments and Coastal Seas –New Possibilities Through the Application of Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes and Elemental Fingerprints to Trace Sources and Sinks of Inorganic Contaminants in the Wadden Sea
Linking Meso- and Macroscale Simulations: Crystal Plasticity of HCP Metals & Yield Surface
Linking Meso- and Macroscale Simulations: Crystal Plasticity of hcp Metals and Plastic Potentials
Linking Meso- and Macroscale Simulations: Crystal Plasticity of hcp Metals and Plastic Potentials
Linking meso- and macroscale simulations: crystal plasticity of hcp metals and yield surface
Linking meso- and macroscale simulations: crystal platicity of hcp metals & yield surface
Linking oceanographic processes to contourite features: Numerical modelling of currents influencing a contourite depositional system on the northern South China Sea margin
Lipid and fatty acid composition of Diatoms revisited: Rapid wound activated change of food quality parameters influences herbivore success
Lipid and Protein Structures under shear and pressure Mimicking synovial Fluids conditions
Lipid and Protein Structures under shear and pressure Mimicking synovial Fluids conditions
Lipid coating as a means for excluding implant surface influence on cells
Lipid coating influences cell adhesion and differentiation
Lipid coating influences cell adhesion and differentiation
Lipid coating supports osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Lipid coating supports osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Lipid composition -triggered transition from a vesicle to a sponge self assembled nanostructure revealed by cryo-TEM and SAXS
Lipid covering and cell adhesion on implant materials
Lipid covering of implant material alters cell adhesion and tissue regenerative capacities
Lipid-Iron Nanoparticle with a Cell Stress Release Mechanism Combined with a Local Alternating Magnetic Field Enables Site-Activated Drug Release
Lipidbeschichtung auf metallischen Implantatwerkstoffen unterstuetzt die osteogene Differenzierung humaner mesenchymaler Stammzellen
Lipidbeschichtung auf metallischen Implantatwerkstoffen unterstuetzt die osteogene Differenzierung humaner mesenchymaler Stammzellen
Lipide als biomimetische Beschichtungen, Lipids as biomimetic coatings
Lipide als biomimetische Beschichtungen, Lipids as biomimetic coatings
Lipide als Modifikation von Implantatoberflaechen
Liposomal Treatment of Cancer Cells Modulates Uptake Pathway of Polymeric Nanoparticles by Altering Membrane Stiffness
Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry analysis of estrogenic compounds in coastal surface water of the Baltic Sea
Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures as PEGylated Reservoirs of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Structural Insights toward Delivery Formulations against Neurodegenerative Disorders
Liquid metal dealloying-based nanocomposites: towards a new class of structural materials
Liquid Sorption and Stability of Polystyrene Lattices
Liquid sorption and stability of polystyrene lattices
Liquid-helium temperature long-path infrared spectroscopy of molecular clusters and supercooled molecules
Liquid-helium temperature long-path infrared spectroscopy of molecular clusters and supercooled molecules
Liquid-solid two-phase flow theory and its application
Literaturdatei WESERLIT
Literaturstudie ueber Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Strahlungsbilanz am Erdboden aus Satellitendaten
LITFASS-2003 - A Land Surface / Atmosphere Interaction Experiment: Energy and Water Vapour Fluxes at Different Scales
LITFASS-2003 - A Land Surface / Atmosphere Interaction Experiment: Energy and Water Vapour Fluxes at Different Scales
LITFASS-98 Experiment, 25.5.1998 - 30.6.1998, Experiment Report
Lithiation-driven structural transition of VO2F into disordered rock-salt LixVO2F
Lithium distribution and transfer in high-power 18650-type Li-ion cells at multiple length scales
Lithium Niobate for Fast Cycling in Li-ion Batteries: Review and New Experimental Results
Lithium selectivity of crown ethers: The effect of heteroatoms and cavity size
Lithium-Induced Optimization Mechanism for an Ultrathin-Strut Biodegradable Zn-Based Vascular Scaffold
Livelihood transitions transformed households’ carbon footprint in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China
Liver segmentation using Turbolift learning for CT and cone-beam C-arm perfusion imaging
Living and subfossil Ostracoda from the Lac du Bouchet (France, Auvergne)
Living on the Margin in the Anthropocene: engagement arenas for sustainability research and action at the ocean–land interface
Living ostracods from the nature reserve Hoerdter Rheinaue' (Germany)'
Load partition and microstructural evolution during in situ hot deformation of Ti–6Al–6V–2Sn alloys
Load partition during hot deformation of AlSi12 and AlSi10Cu6Ni2 alloys: a quantitative evaluation of the stiffness of Si networks
Load Partitioning Between Mg17Al12 Precipitates and Mg Phase in the AZ91 Alloy Using In-Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Experiments
Loading of scaffolds with small molecules by integrated processes
Loading of Scaffolds with small molecules by integrated processes
Loading Psoralen into liposomes to enhance its stimulatory effect on the proliferation and differentiation of mouse calvarias osteoblasts
Local Analysis of Inhomogeneous Sea Surfaces in Coastal Waters using Nautical Radar Image Sequences
Local analysis of parameter covariances resulting from the calibration of an overparameterized water quality model
Local analysis of parameter covariances resulting from the calibration of an overparameterized water quality model
Local and areally-averaged surface heat fluxes
Local and remote response of the North Sea dynamics to morphodynamic changes in the Wadden Sea
Local deformation and processing maps of as-cast AZ31 alloy
Local Dirichlet-type absorbing boundary conditions for transient elastic wave propagation problems
Local drug delivery by personalized, intraoperative custom-made implant coating
Local flow stresses in interpenetrating-phase composites based on nanoporous gold — In situ diffraction
Local Fracture Criteria: Lengthscales and Applications
Local Fracture Criteria: Lengthscales and Applications
Local Initiatives in Support of Agenda 21 (sustainable deleopment and local problems - environment and economy)
Local Materials Engineering of Magnesium Alloys
Local Materials Engineering of Magnesium Alloys
Local mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of gamma-TiAl
Local mechanical properties determined by instrumented indentation
Local mechanical properties of the (Beta0+Omega0) composite in multiphase titanium aluminides studied with nanoindentation at room and high temperatures
Local microstructural evolution and the role of residual stresses in the phase stability of a laser powder bed fused cold-work tool steel
Local modification of cast aluminum structures using refill friction stir spot welding
Local pH and Its Evolution Near Mg Alloy Surfaces Exposed to Simulated Body Fluids
Local pH and oxygen concentration at the interface of Zn alloys in Tris-HCl or HEPES buffered Hanks’ balanced salt solution
Local Phase Analysis in the Welded Seam of a FW Welded Al7020/Ti6Al4V Rod
Local Phase Analysis in the Welded Seam of a FW Welded Al7020/Ti6Al4V Rod
Local Reinforcement of Magnesium Components by Friction Processing: Determination of Bonding Mechanisms and Assessment of Joint Properties (Dissertation)
Local Sensitivity Analysis and Adjoint Modelling
Local Strain Distribution in ZnO Microstructures Visualized with Scanning Nano X-Ray Diffraction and Impact on Electrical Properties
Local strain fields and global plastic response of continuous fiber reinforced metal-matrix composites under transverse loading
Local structural modification in metallic micropillars induced by plasma focused ion beam processing
Local structure mapping of gel-spun ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene fibers
Local structure of a phase-separating binary mixture in a mesoporous glass matrix studied by small-angle neutron scattering
Local Structure of Catalytically Active Metal Clusters in Polymer Membranes
Local surface environment and degradation processes of degradable magnesium biomaterials under simulated physiological conditions
Local texture analysis on the ECAPed Mg-Si alloys with x-ray diffraction
Local Texture and Magnetic Levitation Force of YBaCuO Cylinders
Local variations of chemistry in as-cast Gamma-TiAl (TiB2) alloys and its consequence for thermomechanical treatments
Local variations of the chemistry in as-cast gamma-TiAl (TiBx) alloys and its consequence for thermomechanical treatments
Localisation of proteins and tRNA-molecules in the 70S ribosome of the E.coli bacteria with polarized neutron scattering
Localisation of ribosomal components within the 70S ribosome of E. coli
Localisation of ribosomal components within the 70S ribosome of E. coli by means of polarisation dependent neutron scattering
Localisation of the trigger factor bound to the ribosome via Spincontrast Variation
Localization of Amino Groups in Polymer Membranes by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Localization of functionalized MWCNT in SAN/PPE blends and their influence on rheological properties
Localization of global climate change: Storm surge scenarios for Hamburg in 2030 and 2085
Localization of ribosomal proteins and the mRNA within the 70S ribosome of E. coli.
Localization of RNA Ligands : A Structural Model for the Elongating Ribosome
Localization of six proteins in the large ribosomal subunit of the Escherichia coli
Localization of six ribosomal proteins in the large 50S subunit of the Escherichia coli bacterium
Localization of the protein L2 in the 50 S subunit and the 70 S E-coli ribosome
Localization of the trigger factor binding site on the ribosomal 50S subunit
Localized and sustained SDF-1 gene release mediated by fibronectin films: A potential method for recruiting stem cells
Localized corrosion of magnesium alloys potentially applicable for medical implants: fundamental aspects
Localized currents and pH distribution studied during corrosion of MA8 Mg alloy in the cell culture medium
Localized SDF-1alpha gene release mediated by collagen substrate induces CD117+ stem cell homing
Localizing SDG 11.6.2 via Earth Observation, Modelling Applications, and Harmonised City Definitions: Policy Implications on Addressing Air Pollution
Lockdown; Wetter; Chemie der Atmosphäre
Lode Parameter Dependence and Quasi-Unilateral Effects in Continuum Damage Mechanics: Models and Applications in Metal Forming
Lode Parameter Dependence and Quasi-Unilateral Effects in Continuum Damage Mechanics: Models and Applications in Metal Forming
Loesemittelabtrennung durch Membranverfahren aus Tanklagerabluft in einem Chemiebetrieb (Diplomarbeit)
Loesemittelfreie Herstellung von poroesen Membranen durch Schmelzextrusion (Dissertation)
Loesemittelfreie Herstellung von poroesen polymeren Membranen durch Schaumextrusion (Dissertation)
Loesemittelfreie Herstellung von poroesen Polymermembranen durch Schaeumen von Blockcopolymeren mit physikalischen Treibmitteln (Dissertation)
Loesemittelrueckgewinnung mittels Membranen
Loesemittelrueckgewinnung mittels Membranen
Loesemittelrueckgewinnung mittels Membranen
Loesemittelrueckgewinnung mittels Membranen
Loesemittelrueckgewinnung mittels Membranverfahren
Loesemittelrueckgewinnung: Waschen im eigenen Saft
Loesemittelstabile Nanofiltrationsmembranen
Loesung der nichtlinearen Finite-Element-Gleichungen in der Statik insbesondere der statischen Bruchmechanik
Loesung von feldtheoretischen Fragestellungen mit finiten Elementen
Loesung von linearen und nichtlinearen Finite-Element-Gleichungen in der Dynamik
Loesung von nichtlinearen Finite-Element-Gleichungen in der Statik
Loesung von nichtlinearen Finite-Element-Gleichungen in der Statik
Loesungen von nichtlinearen Gleichungen in der Dynamik
LOICZ and the Water Framework Directive in the international Wadden Sea
Lokale mechanische Eigenschaften in Integralbau-Schweissverbindungen
Lokale Phasenanalysen in zweiphasigen (a2 + g)-TiAl-Legierungen
Lokale quantitative Phasenanalyse an zweiphasigen TiAl(Cr)-Legierungen mittels analytischer Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (Dissertation)
Lokalisation der ribosomalen Proteine L2, L14 und L24 des E. coli Ribosoms mit Hilfe der Kernspinkontrastvariation
Lokalisation der ribosomalen Proteine L2, L14 und L24 des E. coli Ribosoms mit Hilfe der Kernspinkontrastvariation (Dissertation)
Lokalisation von 5S-RNA in 70S Ribosomen von E.coli mittels Spinkontrastvariation
Lokalisation von Proteinen im E.coli Ribosom durch Spinkontrast-Variationen
Lokalisierung der Proteine L1, S6 und S10 desE.coli Ribosoms mit spinabhaengiger Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (Dissertation)
Lokalisierung ribosomaler Komponenten mit Hilfe der Kernspinkontrastvariation
Lokalisierung undin situ Strukturbestimmung eines mRNA-Fragments im 70S Ribosom mit Hilfe der Kernspinkontrastvariation (Dissertation)
Lokalisierungsverhalten duktiler Schaedigungsmodelle
Long detailed climate simulations: An opportunity to test methods or Christopherus Columbus and Erik den Roede provide ample realistic data to test methods and hypotheses
Long Living Intermediates during Lamellar-to-Cubic Lipid Phase Transition Studied by SANS, SAXS, and EM
Long memory and the detectability of climate change
Long term eutrophication trends along the NW European continental coast
Long term evolution of wind at the German coasts using newly digitized data of signal stations
Long term mass measurments (ng / m3) of total gaseous mercury, TGM, at Mace Head, on the west coast of Ireland
Long term measurements of total gaseous mercury at Mace Head, Ireland
Long term measurements of total gaseous mercury at Mace Head, Ireland
Long Term Measurements of Total Gaseous Mercury at Mace Head, Ireland
Long term speciated atmospheric mercury measurements at a Central European rural background site
Long Term Stability and Remobilization Potential Non-Extractable Contaminant residues during Bioremediation
Long Term Stability of bound residues formed during Bioremediation
Long Term Stability of Selective Adsorbents for Glycoconjugate Separation
Long Term Stability of Selective Adsorbents for Glycoconjugate Separation
Long-Living Intermediates during a Lamellar to a Diamond-Cubic Lipid Phase Transition: A Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Investigation
Long-range modifications of the wind field by offshore wind parks – results of the project WIPAFF
Long-range transport of mercury over Europe: a new approach for an atmospheric chemistry in a Lagrangean Trajectory model
Long-range transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Europe and their deposition into the Baltic Sea
Long-Range Transport of Trace Metals to North Europoean Marginal Seas
Long-Term Atmospheric Changes in a Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Model Hindcast Simulation over Northern Germany and the German Bight
Long-term changes (1958-2004) in the hydro-climatic environment of the southern North Sea and consequences for the interpretation of observations on the island Helgoland (German Bight)
Long-term changes and potential future developments of the North Sea wave climate
Long-term changes and potential future developments of the North Sea wave climate
Long-term changes in macrofaunal communities off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) in relation to climate variability
Long-term changes in the seasonality of selected diatoms related to grazers and environmental conditions
Long-term changes of Lake Constance with special regard to the climate impact
Long-term changes of Lake Constance with special regard to the climate impact
Long-term changes of water advection from the English Channel to the inner German Bight (Helgoland)
Long-term ferry-based observations of the suspended sediment fluxes through the Marsdiep inlet using acoustic Doppler current profilers
Long-term interannual changes in extreme winds and waves in the Black Sea
Long-term measurements of Atmospheric Mercury at Mace Head, Irish west coast
Long-term measurements of atmospheric mercury at Mace Head, Irish west coast, between 1995 and 2001
Long-term memory in 1000 years simulated temperature records
Long-term memory in 1000 years simulated temperature records
Long-Term Model Simulation of Environmental Conditions to Identify Externally Forced Signals in Biological Time Series
Long-term monitoring and the perspective of detection and attribution of long-term change
Long-term Morphological Evolution of the Tidal Inlet "Norderneyer Seegat"
Long-term Morphological Evolution of the Tidal Inlet "Norderneyer Seegat"
Long-term persistence in climate and the detection problem
Long-term physical variability in the North Atlantic Ocean
Long-Term phytoplankton dynamics in the Northern Wadden Sea
Long-term shifts in marine ecosystem functioning detected by inverse modeling of the Helgoland Roads time-series
Long-term simulation in the Northfrisian Wadden Sea and its applications
Long-term simulation in the Northfrisian Wadden Sea and its applications
Long-term statistics of potentially hazardous sea states in the North Sea 1958–2014
Long-term strategies for handling contaminated sites and large-scale areas
Long-term Surface Temperature (LoST) database as a complement for GCM preindustrial simulations
Long-term trends and seasonal variations of atmospheric mercury concentrations at Mace Head, Ireland (west coast) and Zingst, Germany (Baltic Sea coast)
Long-term trends in Northern European Storminess since 1850
Long-term variability of storm track characteristics (Dissertation)
Long-wave forcing for regional atmospheric modelling
Longitudinal and Lateral Circulation and Tidal Impacts in Salt-Plug Estuaries
Longitudinal and Latitudinal Distribution of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds in the Surface Water of the Atlantic Ocean
Longitudinal Monitoring of Degradation Processes of Bioresorbable Magnesium-Alloy Implants Using Micro-CT In-Vivo: the MgBone Project
Longitudinal performance observations in four divers during a series of five experimental deep dives in three and a half years
Longitudinal variation in lateral trapping of fine sediment in tidal estuaries: observations and a 3D exploratory model
Longterm Satellite Data Sets of the World Climate Research Programme
Longwave irradiance at surface level retrieval in the CM-SAF
Long‐term intercomparison of two pCO2 instruments based on ship‐of‐opportunity measurements in a dynamic shelf sea environment
Looking to the future: Magnesium powder injection moulding
Loss and Damage and limits to adaptation: recent IPCC insights and implications for climate science and policy
Loss and Damage from Climate Change : Concepts; Principles and Policy Options
LOTSE and WATIS: How to Search, Store, and Resue Coastal Research Data
Low cost technologies for water quality management in the former GDR
Low cycle fatigue damage mechanism of the lightweight alloy Al2024
Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Extruded Mg10GdxNd Alloys
Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Extruded Mg10GdxNd Alloys
Low cycle lifetime assessment of Al2024 alloy
Low Cycle Lifetime Assessment of Al2024 alloy
Low Cycle Lifetime Assessment of Al2024 alloy
Low cycle lifetime assessment of Al2024 alloys (Dissertation)
Low Cycle Lifetime Prediction of AL2024 Alloy
Low Cycle Lifetime Prediction of AL2024 Alloy
Low discharge intensifies nitrogen retention in rivers – a case study in the Elbe River
Low flow sensitivity to water withdrawals in Central and Southwestern Europe under 2 K global warming
Low frequency response of the Arctic Oscillation to external forcing in the past millennium
Low interfacial pH discloses the favorable biodegradability of several Mg alloys
Low ionic liquid concentration in water: A green and simple approach to improve activity and selectivity of lipases
Low pressure, high capacity hydrogen storage in a combined metal hydride - heat storage system
Low temperature deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline CoZr and Co39Ni11Zr50 B2-type intermetallic compounds
Low temperature diffusion bonding of gamma-titanium aluminides
Low Temperature Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium Alloys
Low Temperature Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium Alloys
Low temperature superplasticity of hydrostatically extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys
Low temperature superplasticity of hydrostatically extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys
Low-Cost, Multifunctional, and Sustainable Sodium Sulfido Ferrate(II)
Low-frequency evolution of hydrographic variables in the Baltic Sea and its relationship to the atmospheric circulation
Low-frequency noise pollution impairs burrowing activities of marine benthic invertebrates
Low-frequency variability in North Sea and Baltic Sea identified through simulations with the 3-D coupled physical–biogeochemical model ECOSMO
Low-Level Jets Over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Climatology, Variability, and the Relationship with Regional Atmospheric Circulations
Low-T ferroelectricity in antiphase domain boundaries of SrTiO3
Low-T ferroelectricity in antiphase domain boundaries of SrTiO3
Low-temperature superplasticity in ultrafine-grained Ti5Si3–TiAl composites
Low-velocity impact response of friction riveted joints for aircraft application
Lower Weser monitoring and modelling
Lower Weser water quality monitoring and water quality situation
LSP induced residual stresses: Correction of plasticity effect in experimental measurements based on a data-driven modeling approach
Lubrication synergy: Mixture of hyaluronan and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles
LUCAS LUC future land use and land cover change dataset for North America (Version 1.1)
LUCAS LUC historical land use and land cover change dataset for North America (Version 1.1)
Luft und Laerm – Wie steht es um Hamburg?
Luftqualität in Hamburg
Luftschadstoffe aus Schiffsemissionen im Nordseeraum
Luftschadstoffmessungen mit dem mobilen Lidarsystem ARGOS
Luftstripper fuer die Wasserreinigung
Luftverunreinigungen und Waldschäden am Standort Postturm
Luftzerlegung mit Polymermembranen
Luran / PMMA: A neutron study on miscibility
Lurie solution for spherical particle and spring layer model of interphases: Its application in analysis of effective properties of composites
Lyrodus mersinensis sp. nov. (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) another cryptic species in the Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages, 1849) complex
Lysimeter as an essential tool for the estimation of non point pollution
Lysimeter investigations about the influence of agricultural land management on the quantity and quality of percolating water
Lysimeterversuche zur umweltgerechten Verwertung von pelletrierter Guelle auf landwirtschaftlichen Flaechen; Werksvertrag Nr. 8141175 (Abschlussbericht)
Lysimeterversuchsergebnisse ueber die Beeinflussung des Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltes durch Flaechenstillegungs- und Extensivierungsmassnahmen
Lysimeterversuchsergebnisse ueber die Wirkung der Nitrifizide Dicyandiamid' (DCD) und '1-Carbamoyl-3(5)-methylpyrazol' (CMP)'
Lysimeterversuchsergebnisse ueber Moeglichkeiten zur optimierten wasser- und landwirtschaftlichen Bewirtschaftung von Trinkwasserschutzgebieten (TSG)


Machine learning and data mining applications for identification of key dependencies across multiple scales in continuum materials mechanics
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Materials Science
Machine learning denoising of high-resolution X-ray nano­tomography data
Machine Learning in Engineering and Materials Science: On Your Marks; Get Set; ... Go!?
Machine learning models to predict myocardial infarctions from past climatic and environmental conditions
Machine Learning Regression Approaches for Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Retrieval with S2-MSI and S3-OLCI Simulated Data
Machine learning-augmented and microspectroscopy-informed multiparametric MRI for the non-invasive prediction of articular cartilage composition
Machining of Gamma-TiAl - Possibilities and Limitations
Machining of Gamma-Titanium Aluminides
Machining of hybrid reinforced Mg-MMCs using abrasive water jetting
Macro- and micromorphological studies of the vascular structures from the Goettingen® minipig
Macro- and micromorphometric studies of the vascular structures from the Göttingen® minipig
Macroalgal habitats support a sustained flux of floating biomass but limited carbon export beyond a Greenland fjord
Macrochain Configuration, Stucture of Free Volume and Transport Properties of Poly(1-Trimethylsylyl-1-Propyne) and Poly(1-Trimethylgermyl-1-Propyne)
Macrofauna as a major driver of bentho-pelagic exchange in the southern North Sea
Macrofaunal irrigation traits enhance predictability of nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface
Macrophage driven degradation of electrospun PEEU fibers
Macrophage-derived oncostatin M/bone morphogenetic protein 6 in response to Mg-based materials influences pro-osteogenic activity of human umbilical cord perivascular cells
Macroscopic 3D Nanographene with Dynamically Tunable Bulk Properties
Macroscopic and Microscopic Elasticity of Heterogeneous Polymer Gels
Macroscopic characterization and phenomenological modeling of thermally-responsive shape memory polymers
Macroscopic characterization and phenomenological modeling of thermally-responsive shape memory polymers
Macroscopic modeling of distortional hardening in polycrystals: application to magnesium alloys (Dissertation)
Macrostructure evolution in directionally solidified Mg-RE alloys
Macrostructure evolution in directionally solidified Mg-RE alloys
Macrovoid formation at the preparation of Poly (ether imide) hollow fiber membranes using binary dope solvents
Macrozoobenthos including Ostracoda
Magnesium - der Zukunftswerkstoff fuer die Automobilindustrie
Magnesium - der Zukunftswerkstoff fuer die Automobilindustrie
Magnesium - der Zukunftswerkstoff fuer die Automobilindustrie?
Magnesium - Eigenschaften, Anwendungen, Potentiale
Magnesium - ein vergessener Werkstoff macht Furore
Magnesium - More than a load-bearing implant
Magnesium - Probleme, Anwendungen, Potenziale
Magnesium - Properties-Applications-Potential
Magnesium - Vom Rohmaterial zum Gussteil
Magnesium Alloy Containing Silver for Degradable Biomedical Implants
Magnesium Alloy Containing Silver for Degradable Biomedical Implants
Magnesium alloy design for improved corrosion resistance
Magnesium alloy design for improved corrosion resistance
Magnesium alloy design in terms of life cycle prediction by simulation
Magnesium Alloy Development for the Automotive and Aviation Industries: Eco-Balance Issues
Magnesium Alloy Elektron21 Reinforced with ALN: Processing, Microstructure and Compression Creep Response
Magnesium Alloy Elektron21 Reinforced with ALN: Processing, Microstructure and Compression Creep Response
Magnesium Alloys
Magnesium Alloys (Die Casting)
Magnesium alloys - Smart Materials for Dual Use - Aerospace Applications and Degradable Metallic Biomaterials
Magnesium alloys and crashworthiness: material models for finite element modeling and simulation (Masterarbeit)
Magnesium Alloys and Magnesium Based MMCs for Structural Aerospace Applications
Magnesium Alloys and Technologies for Sustainable Light Weight Construction in Transportation Industry
Magnesium alloys and technology
Magnesium Alloys and Technology for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts
Magnesium Alloys and their Application
Magnesium Alloys and their Processing for Use in Structural and Medical Applications
Magnesium Alloys and their Properties
Magnesium Alloys as Implant Materials - Principles of Property Design for Mg-RE Alloys
Magnesium alloys as implant materials – Principles of property design for Mg–RE alloys
Magnesium Alloys Containing Rare Earth
Magnesium Alloys for Biomedical Applications
Magnesium Alloys for Structural Application
Magnesium Alloys for the Design of Implants
Magnesium Alloys for the Design of Implants
Magnesium Alloys for the Transport Sector: Challenges, Potential and Opportunities
Magnesium Alloys in Aerospace
Magnesium Alloys in Transportation: Hidden Champions?
Magnesium Alloys Processed By Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
Magnesium als abbaubarer Implantatwerkstoff – Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen
Magnesium als abbaubares Implantatmaterial
Magnesium als Implantatwerkstoff
Magnesium als Implantatwerkstoff
Magnesium als Werkstoff fuer den Leichtbau
Magnesium and its Alloys
Magnesium and its effect on human osteoclasts and osteoblasts differentiation
Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
Magnesium as biodegradable implant materials: how does the interface react to load?
Magnesium as degradable implant material
Magnesium as Implant Material: The "do and don't" for in vitro testing
Magnesium Based Implant Materials
Magnesium Based Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with C-Fibers
Magnesium based metal matrix nanocomposites - Effects of nanoparticles
Magnesium based MMCs reinforced with C-fibers
Magnesium based nanocomposites - Challenges and Potential
Magnesium based nanocomposites - Challenges and Potential
Magnesium basierte Implantate - Eine Alternative fuer die Zukunft?
Magnesium corrosion in a bioreactor
Magnesium Corrosion in vitro – influence of corrosion media and environment
Magnesium corrosion in vitro – towards physiological environments
Magnesium corrosion in vitro – Where are the obstacles?
Magnesium corrosion under physiological conditions
Magnesium corrosion under physiological conditions
Magnesium corrosion under physiological conditions
Magnesium Corrosion: A Challenging Concept for Degradable Implants
Magnesium degradation as determined by artificial neural networks
Magnesium degradation as seen by artificial neural networks (ANN)
Magnesium degradation in contact with blood
Magnesium degradation influenced by buffering salts in concentrations typical of in vitro and in vivo models
Magnesium Degradation Influenced by Osteoblasts Cell Interaction
Magnesium Degradation Influenced by Osteoblasts Cell Interaction
Magnesium Degradation Influenced by Osteoblasts Cell Interaction
Magnesium degradation observed in situ under flow by synchrotron radiation based microtomography
Magnesium degradation observed in situ under flow by synchrotron radiation based microtomography
Magnesium degradation under physiological conditions – Best practice
Magnesium Druckguss – Technologien, Legierungen und Schutzgase
Magnesium Forgings for Automotive Mass Production
Magnesium Forgings for Automotive Mass Production
Magnesium Global Development: Outcomes from the TMS 2007 Annual Meeting
Magnesium im Flugzeug - Gestern und heute
Magnesium Implant Degradation Influenced by Blood and Cells
Magnesium implant degradation provides immunomodulatory and proangiogenic effects and attenuates peri-implant fibrosis in soft tissues
Magnesium implant demonstrator parts successfully produced by MIM
Magnesium ions regulate mesenchymal stem cells population and osteogenic differentiation: A fuzzy agent-based modeling approach
Magnesium Materials for Transportation Industries
Magnesium Matrix Composites
Magnesium Matrix Composites - Challenges and Opportunities
Magnesium Matrix Composites for Transportation Industries
Magnesium Matrix Composites for Transportation Industries
Magnesium Matrix Composites: State-of the-art and what’s the future
Magnesium Matrix Composites: State-of the-art and what’s the future
Magnesium Matrix Composites: State-of the-art and what’s the future
Magnesium Melt Protection
Magnesium Melt Protection
Magnesium Melt Protection
Magnesium nitride phase formation by means of ion beam implantation technique
Magnesium Permanent Mold Castings Optimization
Magnesium Permanent Mold Castings Optimization
Magnesium Permanent Mold Castings Optimization
Magnesium Pistons in Engines: Fiction or Fact?
Magnesium Pistons in Engines: Fiction or Fact?
Magnesium Powder Injection Moulding (MIM) of Orthopedic Implants for Biomedical Applications
Magnesium Powder Injection Moulding (MIM) of Orthopedic Implants for Biomedical Applications
Magnesium Powder Injection Moulding for biomedical application
Magnesium Powder Injection Moulding for biomedical application
Magnesium powder injection moulding for biomedical application
Magnesium Processing and International Collaboration
Magnesium Recycling Alloy Based on Automotive Post Consumer Scrap
Magnesium recycling system prepared by permanent mould- and high pressure die casting
Magnesium recycling system prepared by permanent mould- and high pressure die casting
Magnesium Recycling: State-of-the-Art Developments, Part I
Magnesium Recycling: State-of-the-Art Developments, Part II
Magnesium Recycling: To the Grave and Beyond
Magnesium Research Activities in Europe
Magnesium secondary alloys: Alloy design for magnesium alloys with improved tolerance limits against impurities
Magnesium Sheet Alloys for Structural Applications
Magnesium Sheet Develpoment: State-of the-art and what’s the Future
Magnesium SiC reinforced composites - Texture and residual strain investigations by simulation and experiments
Magnesium Silver Alloys as Multifunctional Biodegradable Biomaterials
Magnesium silver alloys as multifunctional biodegradable biomaterials
Magnesium stress corrosion cracking
Magnesium supports chondrocyte proliferation and redifferentiation - A new approach for tissue engineering?
Magnesium supports chondrocyte proliferation and redifferentiation – A new approach for tissue engineering?
Magnesium supports chondrocyte proliferation and redifferentiation – a new approach for tissue engineering?
Magnesium Technology 2012, TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Symposium
Magnesium Technology 2013, Proceedings of TMS 2013 Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Magnesium Technology 2014, Proceedings of 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2014
Magnesium und seine Legierungen – Herstellung, Be- und Verarbeitung
Magnesium Wrought Alloys Produced by Spray Forming
Magnesium – Fluch und Segen. Worauf koennen Patienten hoffen?
Magnesium – Science, Technology and Applications, International Conference on Magnesium
Magnesium – Stand der Technik und Potential
Magnesium, 6th International Conference Magnesium Alloys and their Applications
Magnesium, 8th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, Magnesium 2009
Magnesium, der Werkstoff fuer innovative Produkte
Magnesium, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications
Magnesium- and intermetallic alloys-based hydrides for energy storage: modelling, synthesis and properties
Magnesium-based implants: A mini-review
Magnesium-Based Metal Matrix Nanocomposites - Processing and Properties
Magnesium-Based Metal Matrix Nanocomposites - Processing and Properties
Magnesium-based Nanocomposites - Processing, Properties and Potentials
Magnesium-Hydroxyapatite Composites as an Approach to Degradable Biomaterials
Magnesium-Hydroxyapatite Composites as an Approach to Degradable Biomaterials
Magnesium-Knetlegierungen auf dem Weg in die breitere Anwendung?
Magnesium-Knetlegierungen Probleme, Legierungen, Verarbeitung und Eigenschaften
Magnesium-Knetlegierungen – Nationaler und internationaler Stand der Forschung
Magnesium-Legierungen – Werkstoffe fuer eine nachhaltige Verkehrstechnik
Magnesium-lithium thin films for neurological applications – an in vitro investigation of glial cytocompatibility and neuroinflammatory response
Magnesium-Steel Joints Produced by Friction Stir Welding
Magnesium-Werkstoffe - Einfuehrung und Geschichte
Magnesium-Werkstoffe fuer medizinische Anwendungen
Magnesiumlegierungen im Leichtbau
Magnesiumlegierungen im Leichtbau – Anwendungen, Eigenschaften, Vor- und Nachteile
Magnesiumlegierungen und -Matrix Verbundwerkstoffe
Magnesiumm Alloys and Magnesium Based MMCs for Structural Aerospace Applications
Magnesiummatrix - Verbundwerkstoffe
Magnesiumoetvoetek technologiai tulajdonsagai es lehetoesegei
Magnesiumwerkstoffe - Metallische Leichtbauwerkstoffe fuer eine nachhaltige Verkehrstechnik
Magnesiumwerkstoffe: Technologie und Potential
Magnetic excitations in Dy/Y superlattices as seen via inelastic neutron scattering
Magnetic Ferrofluids for Treatment of Brain Cancer
Magnetic field-dependent spin structures of nanocrystalline holmium
Magnetic fluid poly(ethylene glycol) with moderate anticancer activity
Magnetic fluid poly(ethylene glycol) with moderate anticancer activity
Magnetic Fluids: Structural Aspects by Scattering Techniques
Magnetic Fluids: Structural Aspects by Scattering Techniques
Magnetic induction and domain walls in magnetic thin films at remanence
Magnetic Inverted Photonic Crystals: A Polarized Neutron Scattering Study
Magnetic Levitation Force of Bulk YBaCuO Pieces as a Function of Texture
Magnetic Memory Effect of Nanocomposites
Magnetic microgels for drug targeting applications: Physical–chemical properties and cytotoxicity evaluation
Magnetic microgels for drug targeting applications: Physical–chemical properties and cytotoxicity evaluation
Magnetic order and phase transitions in Fe50Pt50-xRhx
Magnetic ordering in bulk MnSi crystals with chemically induced negative pressure
Magnetic Properties and configuration of Fe50Pt50-xRhx films
Magnetic properties and crystallographic textures of Fe 2.6% Si after 90% cold rolling plus different annealing
Magnetic properties of cobalt nanowires: Study by polarized SANS
Magnetic properties of cobalt nanowires: Study by polarized SANS
Magnetic properties of iron nanoparticles in mesoporous silica
Magnetic Properties of La0.9A0.1MnO3 (A: Li, Na, K) Nanopowders and Nanoceramics
Magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed FeCu
Magnetic small-angle neutron scattering
Magnetic structure of Fe1−xCoxSi in a magnetic field studied via small-angle polarized neutron diffraction
Magnetic Structure of La0.54Ho0.11Sr0.35Mn1-XCuxO3 Manganites
Magnetic Structure of La0.54Ho0.11Sr0.35Mn1-XCuxO3 Manganites
Magnetic structure of MnSi under an applied field probed by polarized small-angle neutron scattering
Magnetic structure of the inverse opal-like structures: Small angle neutron diffraction and micromagnetic simulations
Magnetic textures by neutron diffraction
Magnetic topology of Co-based inverse opal-like structures
Magnetic X-ray Reflectivity Study of Fe/Cr Multilayer
Magnetically controlled shape-memory effects of hybrid nanocomposites from oligo(Omega-pentadecalactone) and covalently integrated magnetite nanoparticles
Magnetically induced decomposition in Co-Cr thin-film and bulk alloys
Magnetically induced diredted Cell Migration as a new approach for Therapy of Glioblastoma multiforme (Dissertation)
Magnetically induced Shape-memory Effect of Nanocomposites
Magnetically triggered active Hybrid- Nanocomposites
Magnetically triggered memory-effects of active nanocomposites
Magnetically triggered memory-effects of active nanocomposites
Magnetische Anisotropie gebaenderter Eisenerze und deren Beziehung zu kristallographischen Vorzugsorientierungen (Dissertation)
Magnetische Schichtstrukturen: Von der Grundlagenforschung bis zur Anwendung
Magneto-Mechanical Actuators with Reversible Stretching and Torsional Actuation Capabilities
Magneto-sensitive hybrid nanocomposites based on oligo(omega-pentadecalactone) and covalently integrated magnetic nanoparticles
Magnetocardiography in patients with acute chest pain and bundle branch block
Magnetocardiography scoring system to predict the presence of obstructive coronary artery disease
Magnetocardiography scoring system to predict the presence of obstructive coronary artery disease
Magnetron sputtered freestanding MgAg films with ultra-low corrosion rate
Magnetwerkstoffe im Zellkulturtest
Main functions of MABEL modules and its individual use as seperate scientific tools
Main refurbishment activities on electronic and electrical equipment for the FRG-1 research reactor
Main refurbishment activities on electronic and electrical equipment for the FRG-1 research reactor
Mainstreaming coastally just and equitable marine spatial planning: Planner and stakeholder experiences and perspectives on participation in Latvia
Mainstreaming the nexus approach in climate services will enable coherent local and regional climate policies
Make every species count: fastachar software for rapid determination of molecular diagnostic characters to describe species
Maker Buoy Variants for Water Level Monitoring and Tracking Drifting Objects in Remote Areas of Greenland
Making coastal research useful - Cases from practice
Making coastal research useful – Cases from practice
Making use of climate information for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage: applications to the KERES project
Makro 2: Advanced topics in polymer synthesis
Makrofauna im Eulitoral
Makromolekulare Chemie - Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Makromolekulare Chemie - Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Makromolekulare Chemie - Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Makromolekulare Chemie - Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Makromolekulare Chemie - Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Makromolekulare Chemie funktionalisierter Materialien mit Relevanz in der Medizin
Makromolekulare Chemie- Teilgebiete Polymerphysik und Rheologie
Makrozoobenthon der Elbe
Malthusian Assumptions, Boserupian Response in Transition to Agriculture Models
Man-made climate change - A global phenomeon and a regional challenge
Management and storage of spent research reactor fuel within the Federal Republic of Germany
Management fuer Wissenschaftler
Management of bioengineering research
Managing coastal area resources by stated choice experiments
Managing coastal risks at the Wadden Sea: a societal perspective
Managing marine resources sustainably: A proposed integrated systems analysis approach
Managing Risk Through Marine Spatial Planning
Managing stakeholder perception and engagement for marine energy transitions in a decarbonising world
Manipulating interfaces in nanoporous metals: Towards robust nanostructured materials with novel functionalities
Manipulation and Deposition of Complex, Functional Block Copolymer Nanostructures Using Optical Tweezers
Manipulation of block copolymer nanostructure in membranes prepared by solvent evaporation and non-solvent induced phase separation
Manipulation of polycarbonate urethane bulk properties via incorporated zwitterionic polynorbornene for tissue engineering applications
Manual and mechanized welding methods for hyperbaric application
Manufacture and characterization of brazed joimts in gamma-TiAl
Manufacturing and application of reactive polymer membranes
Manufacturing and Assessment of high strength Mg-Nd-Gd-Zr-Zn alloy implant prototypes and test specimen, using PM (Powder Metallurgy) methods
Manufacturing and Assessment of high strength Mg-Nd-Gd-Zr-Zn alloy implant prototypes and test specimen, using PM (Powder Metallurgy) methods
Manufacturing and Characterization of Controlled Foaming of Single Layers in Bilayer Constructs Differing in Pore Morphology
Manufacturing and Modification of Artificial Membranes for Blood Purification
Manufacturing and performance of membranes from cellulose and cellulose esters
Manufacturing and properties of membranes
Manufacturing of Enzyme Membranes
Manufacturing size effect on the structural and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V microbeams
Mapping intertidal macrophytes in fjords in Southwest Greenland using Sentinel-2 imagery
Mapping mud content and median grain-size of North Sea sediments – A geostatistical approach
Mapping of Climate Service Providers - Thoeretical Foundation and Empirical Results: A German Case Study : CSC Report
Mapping of mesoscale ocean wind fields using RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR
Mapping of Mesoscale wind Fields Using RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Images
Mapping of Northern Adriatic Bora winds using SAR data
Mapping of the 5OS subunit
Mapping Proteins of the 50S subunit from Escherichia coli ribosomes
Mapping strain fields induced in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses during in-situ nanoindentation by X-ray nanodiffraction
Mapping structure heterogeneities and visualizing moisture degradation of perovskite films with nano-focus WAXS
Mapping the geometry of Ti-6Al-4V: From martensite decomposition to localized spheroidization during selective laser melting
Mapping the messenger RNA within the elongating ribosome
Mapping the proteins of the E.coli 50S Subunit
Mapping the vulnerability of European summer tourism under 2 °C global warming
Marine and coastal ecosystem-based risk management handbook
Marine atmospheric corrosion: site data analysis versus experimental results
Marine Climate and Climate Change: Storms, Wind Waves and Storm Surges
Marine litter ensemble transport simulations in the southern North Sea
Marine Parameters from Radar Satellite Data
Marine Pollution Network EUROMAR-MERMAID: Results of the Experimental Operation
Marine spatial planning and Good Environmental Status: A perspective on spatial and temporal dimensions
Marine Spatial Planning and sustainability: Examining the roles of integration - Scale; policies; stakeholders and knowledge
Marine Spatial Planning in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem
Marine X‐Band Radar Currents and Bathymetry: An Argument for a Wave Number‐Dependent Retrieval Method
Marinization concept for a tripod type robot (Diplomarbeit)
Marinization Concept for an ABB Robot for Underwater Application (Diplomarbeit)
Marinization concept for the TRICEPT TR600 robot
Maritime Klimagefahren: Sturmfluten
Maritime Spatial Planning - past, present, future
Maritime Surveillance Using Multiple High-Frequency Surface-Wave Radars
Maritime Surveillance with HF Surface-Wave Radars: Preliminary Experimental Results from the German Bight
Maritime surveillance with multiple over-the-horizon HFSW radars: An overview of recent experimentation
Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning at the Interface of Research and Practice
Market demand for climate services: An assessment of users’ needs
Market Development for Magnesium and Their Alloys
Martensite and nanobainite transformations in a low alloyed steel studied by in situ high energy synchrotron diffraction
Martensite stabilization during superelastic cycling of laser welded NiTi plates
Martensitic transition, structure and magnetic anisotropy of martensite in Ni-Mn-Sn single crystal
Mashare – Climate
Mass transport mechanism of nitrate selective nanofiltration membranes on the basis of the Donnan steric pore model with dielectric exclusion (DSPM-DE)
Mass transport of direct methanol fuel cell species in sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) membranes
Mass Transport of Dye Solutions through Porous Membrane Containing Tannic Acid/Fe3+ Selective Layer
Mass-specific light absorption coefficients of mineral particles in aqueous suspension for the ultraviolet to near-infrared radiation spectral region (200–2500 nm)
Mass-specific light absorption coefficients of natural aquatic particles in the near-infrared spectral region
Massenspektrometrische Analyse und Vorversuche zum automatisierten In-Gel-Verdau von Proteinen aus Seehund-Hepatozyten (Masterarbeit)
Massgeschneiderte Adsorbentien im Anwendungsspektrum Bio-, Medizin- und Umwelttechnik
Massgeschneiderte Polymermembranen fuer die Stofftrennung
Massgeschneiderte Polymermembranen: Von der Herstellung bis zur Anwendung
Massgeschneiderte, intelligente Polymersysteme fuer den Einsatz in der minimalinvasiven Medizin
Massgeschneiderte, intelligente Polymersysteme fuer den Einsatz in der minimalinvasiven Medizin
Massgeschneiderte, intelligente Polymersysteme fuer den Einsatz in der minimalinvasiven Medizin
Massive Left Atrial Thrombus in a Patient With Left Atrial Appendage Closure
Massive Transformation in High Niobium Containing TiAl-Alloys
Massive Transformation in High Niobium Containing TiAl-Alloys
Massnahmen zur Erzielung grosser Abkuehlgeschwindigkeiten und kurzer Erstarrungszeiten in der Pulvermetallurgie
Massschneidern von Eigenschaften und Funktionen von Polymeren fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Master Modul: Ecosystem responses to chemical pollution
Mastering the complex time-scale interaction during Stress Corrosion Cracking phenomena through an advanced coupling scheme
MATALEND, Werkstoff- und Verfahrenstechnik fuer das Metallspritzgiessen von neuen kriechbestaendigen Magnesiumlegierungen
Matching Magnetic Heating and Thermal Actuation for Sequential Coupling in Hybrid Composites by Design
Matching of Coastal and Open Ocean Wave Models in a Mesoscale Application over Lake Erie
Material characterisation of laser beam welded Al-Alloys (AA5083H111, AA6013T6)
Material characterisation of laser beam welded AL-Alloys (AA5083H111; AA6013T6)
Material Design Concepts and Gas Separation Mechanism of CO2 Selective Polyether-based Multiblock Copolymers
Material Flow around a Bobbin Tool for Friction Stir Welding
Material Flow around a Bobbin Tool for Friction Stir Welding
Material flow in friction stir butt welded aluminium alloys
Material flow in friction stir butt welded aluminium alloys
Material modeling of AZ31 Mg sheet considering variation of r-values and asymmetry of the yield locus
Material Modeling Of Sheet Metal Forming Considering The Evolution Of The Material Microstructure
Material Modeling Of Sheet Metal Forming Considering The Evolution Of The Material Microstructure
Material saving and cost reduction with hot forming of U-shaped titanium part - Materialeinsparung und Kostenreduzierung durch Heissumformung von U-foermigen Titanbauteilen
Material systems for metamaterial based selective thermal emitters
Material- und Systementwicklung für die Integration von Metallhydrid basierten Wasserstoffspeichern in Gas-to-Power Systeme
Material-flow behavior during friction-stir welding of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy
Material-Flow Investigations of High Speed Friction Stir Processed Mg Alloy Az31
Materialeigenschaften von stranggepressten Profilen aus Magnesiumspänen
Materiales Polimericos
Materialforschung - Viele Diziplinen zu einem Ziel. Verwendung von Polymeren in der Medizin
Materialforschung bei der GKSS unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Bruchmechanik
Materialforschung fuer Innovationen in der Region Berlin / Brandenburg
Materialforschung mit Neutronen
Materialforschung mit Neutronen und Synchrotronstrahlung bei GKSS: Aktueller Stand und Zukunftsplaene
Materialforschung mit Neutronen- und Synchrotronstrahlung bei GKSS: Aktueller Stand und Zukunftsplaene
Materialforschung mit Neutronen- und Synchrotronstrahlung: Von Schweissnaehten zu Nanomagnetismus
Materialien in den Lebenswissenschaften - Vorlesung fuer Schueler
Materials - Metal Matrix Composites
Materials and Engineering 4 - Eigenschaften wichtiger metallischer Werkstoffe - Stahl und Aluminium
Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Storage
Materials and Systems for Hydrogen storage
Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Storage
Materials based design of structures: computational modeling of the mechanical behavior of gold-polymer nanocomposites
Materials biocompatibility is related to the activity of integrins
Materials biocompatibility is related to the activity of integrins
Materials by design: An experimental and computational investigation on the microanatomy arrangement of porous metallic glasses
Materials characterisation and software tools as key enablers in Industry 5.0 and wider acceptance of new methods and products
Materials Characterization - Testing and/or Modelling?
Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage – past, recent progress and future outlook
Materials for Orthopedic Bioimplants: Modulating Degradation and Surface Modification Using Integrated Nanomaterials
Materials for the Flanges of TESLA Cavity
Materials in Regenerative Medicine
Materials in Regenerative Medicine
Materials modeling code 4C: current capabilities and future
Materials Modelling for Plastics Industries
Materials Processing and Phase Formation Under Highly Non-Equilibrium Conditions
Materials Research at GKSS
Materials Research at GKSS Research Centre
Materials Research at GKSS Research Centre
Materials research at GKSS with special emphasis on fracture mechanics
Materials Science and Engineering at the GKSS Research Center
Materials Science and Engineering, Section Materials Processing and Manufacturing Technologies
Materials Science Applications of Microtomography at the New HARWI-II Beamline at DESY
Materials Science Aspects of Bone Fracture and Regeneration
Materials Science Aspects of Bone Fracture and Regeneration
Materials science at the diffractometer STRESS-SPEC at FRM II
Materials Science Investigations using the Doppler-broadened 480-keV Capture Gamma Ray of the 10B+n -Reaction
Materials Science with Neutrons and X-rays: From Nanomagnetism to Airplane Parts
Materials Science – Game-changing Knowledge for Additive Manufacturing
Materials Sciences
Materials selection for high temperature applications, testing and characterization
Materialwissenschaften weisen Wege in die Zukunft - Visionen und Perspektiven fuer die Gesundheitsforschung
Materialwissenschaftliche Aspekte bei der Mikrostrukturierung von elektronsichen Bauelementen
Materialwissenschaftliche Aspekte bei der Mikrostrukturierung von elektronsichen Bauelementen
Materialwissenschaftliche Aspekte bei der Mikrostrukturierung von elektronsichen Bauelementen
Materialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Wasserstofftechnologie
Material‐Auswahlbox zur Herstellung fortgeschrittener Polymermembranen für die Wasseraufbereitung : Material Selection Box for the Production of Advanced Polymer Membranes for Water Treatment
Maternal transfer of dioxin-like compounds in artificially matured European eels
Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels
Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels
Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels
Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Growth and Remodeling in Load-Bearing Soft Biological Tissues
Mathematical aspects of two-phase flow models
Mathematical modelling of hydrodynamics in the Elbe estuary
Mathematics of downscaling
Mathematik des Downscaling
Mathematik fuer Bauingenieure
Mathematische Methoden der Chemie I
Mathematische Simulation von Sediment- und Bodenaufbereitungsanlagen
Mathematisches Modell fuer eine technische Loesungscopolymerisation von Acrylnitril
Matrigel could recruit stem cells for cardiac regeneration
Matrimid flat-sheet membrane for hydrogen recovery
Matrix Production of Human Fibroblasts on Non-Biological Substrata
Matrix separation of Sr and Pb for isotopic ratio analysis of Ca-rich samples via an automated simultaneous separation procedure
Matter-wave optics in the time domain: Results of a cold-neutron experiment
MAUD (Naturiel Analysis Using Diffraction): A user friendly JAVA program for Rietveld texture analysis and more
Maximum growth rates of aquatic ciliated protozoa: the dependence on body size and temperature reconsidered
Maximum sinking velocities of suspended particulate matter in a coastal transition zone
Maximum Velocities of Surface Near Wind in Control- and Scenario-Runs of PRUDENCE
Maxwell Garnett Effective Medium Model For Dielectric Materials With High Filling Fraction Of Cylindrical Pores
Maxwell Garnett Effective Medium Model For Dielectric Materials With High Filling Fraction Of Cylindrical Pores
MBCO: The Materials-based Business Case Ontology from BPMN-EMMO Integration
MD Simulation of Gas Transport through Polymer / Zeolite Composite Interfaces
MD Simulations of Interfacial Gas Transport in Polymer/Zeolite Composites
MD Simulations of Polymer/Zeolite Composites as Membrane Materials for Gas Separation
MDPI Oceans: A New Publication Channel for Open Access Science Focused on the Ocean
Mean Baltic Sea Level in a changing climate – A review of the observational period
Mean Baltic Sea Level in a changing climate – A review of the observational period
Mean spring conditions at Helgoland Roads, North Sea: Graphical modeling of the influence of hydro-climatic forcing and Elbe River discharge
Measured and modelled water transport in the Odra estuary for the flood period July/August 1997
Measured and modelled water transport in the Odra estuary for the flood period July/August 1997
Measured transfer function for shipmotions in natural seaways
Measurement and Analysis of the Biaxial Loading and Unloading Behavior of AZ31 Mg Alloy Sheet
Measurement and Analysis of the Biaxial Loading and Unloading Behavior of AZ31 Mg Alloy Sheet
Measurement and calculation of the viscosity of metals - A review of the current status and developing trends
Measurement and interpretation of concentration potentials and AC/DC resistances of annealed cellulose acetate membranes
Measurement and modeling of ship-related ultrafine particles and secondary organic aerosols in a Mediterranean port city
Measurement and simulation of extrusion textures in Al-Mg composites
Measurement and simulation of extrusion textures in Al-Mg composites
Measurement and simulation of extrusion textures in Al-Mg composites
Measurement error in μCT‐based three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics introduced by surface generation and landmark data acquisition
Measurement of algal biomass using delayed fluorescence
Measurement of atmospheric aerosol extinction profiles with a Raman lidar
Measurement of biomolecular rate constants ki of the cholinesterase inactivation reaction by 55 insecticides and of the influence of various pyridiniumoximes on ki
Measurement of crack induced damping of cast magnesium alloy AZ91
Measurement of crack induced damping of cast magnesium alloy AZ91
Measurement of displacement by laser scanner in fracture mechanics tests
Measurement of Friction Velocity using Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Measurement of glucose exclusion from the fully hydrated DOPE inverse hexagonal phase
Measurement of heavy metals and calculations of transport rates in the river upstream and downstream of Hamburg harbour
Measurement of Hurricane Winds using Synthetic Aperture Radars
Measurement of light absorption by aquatic particles: improvement of the quantitative filter technique by use of an integrating sphere approach
Measurement of light absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter using a type-II liquid capillary waveguide: assessment of an achievable accuracy
Measurement of microphysical cloud parameters during APEX-E3/ECAV-J2003 field campaign
Measurement of multiple scattering effects with a polarization Raman elastic-backscater lidar
Measurement of Ocean Surface Winds Using Synthetic Aperture Radars
Measurement of plastic rotational factors
Measurement of proton and nitrogen polarization in ammonia and a test of equal spin temperature
Measurement of residual stress fields in FHPP welding: a comparison between DSPI combined with hole-drilling and neutron diffraction
Measurement of residual stress fields in FHPP welding: a comparison between DSPI combined with hole-drilling and neutron diffraction
Measurement of shallow arsenic impurity profiles in semiconductor silicon using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Measurement of Strain Caused by Residual Stress in a Welded Joint Using Neutron Diffraction
Measurement of sulfur dioxide absorption cross section in the solar-blind ultra-violet
Measurement of sulfur dioxide, aerosols, and wind fields over Cubataqo (Brazil) with the remote sensing system ARGOS
Measurement of the absorption cross section of sulfur dioxide between 265 and 298 nanometers
Measurement of the absorption cross section of sulfur dioxide between 265 and 298 nanometers
Measurement of the components of plastic displacement gradients in three dimensions
Measurement of the components of plastic displacement gradients in three dimensions
Measurement of the sea surface wind speed and direction by an airborne microwave radar altimeter
Measurement of the SMC muon beam polarisation using the asymmetry in the elastic scattering off polarised electrons
Measurement of two-dimensional wave energy spectra during SAXON-FPN 90
Measurement of volcanic aerosol in the stratosphere and upper troposphere at Geesthacht (53.5°, 10.5°) between August 1991 and November 1993
Measurement of water vapor and optical properties of cirrus with a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar
Measurement of Wave Groups using Radar-Image Sequences
Measurement of wave groups using radar-image sequences
Measurement of Waves, Wave Groups, and Wind Fields using Nautical Radar-Image Sequences (Dissertation)
Measurement of Wind and Waves using Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Measurement uncertainties in PSICAM and reflective tube absorption meters
Measurements and modelling of sediment dynamics in the Elbe estuary
Measurements of Airside Shear- and Wave-Induced Viscous Stresses over Strongly Forced Wind Waves
Measurements of atmospheric mercury at mace head
Measurements of atmospheric mercury concentrations in Northwestern and Central Europe: Comparison of experimental data and model results
Measurements of atmospheric mercury during the North Sea Experiment 1991: first results from the FS Alkor
Measurements of atmospheric mercury species at a coastal site in the Antarctic and over the south Atlantic during Australian summer
Measurements of atmospheric mercury species at a coastal site in the Antarctic and over the South Atlantic Ocean during polar summer
Measurements of atmospheric mercury species at a German rural background site from 2009 to 2011 - methods and results
Measurements of atmospheric mercury species during an international study of mercury depletion events at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, spring 2003. How reproducible are our present methods?
Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Polar Regions
Measurements of atmospheric mercury species in polar regions
Measurements of atmospheric mercury with high time resolution: Recent applications in environmental research and monitoring
Measurements of cloud parameters and structure with a 3.2 mm radar
Measurements of Ocean Wind and Wave Fields in Hurricanes utilizing Synthetic Aperture Radars
Measurements of Ocean Wind Fields with Synthetic Aperture Radar (Dissertation)
Measurements of optical absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter using a point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter
Measurements of sediment dynamics and estuarine circulation in the turbidity maximum of the Elbe river
Measurements of solid-water contact angles in presence of different vapours
Measurements of SPM Dynamics and Fluxes in Tidal Channels of a Wadden- Sea Area
Measurements of suspended sediments in the Elbe estuary
Measurements of the boundary-layer ozone distribution in a rural and a metropolitan area with ARGOS
Measurements of the oceanic thermal boundary layer at the ocean-air interface and consequences for parameterization of gas exchange through the interface
Measurements of the Spreading of Discharged Fine-Grained Dredge Sediments in the River Elbe Using an ADCP
Measurements of the sulfur dioxide absorption cross section in the solar-blind ultraviolet: a contribution to subproject TESLAS
Measurements of the suspended matter settling velocity in the German Bight (North Sea)
Measurements of thermodynamic quantities by means of solid/water/vapour and solid/water/hexadecane systems
Measurements of tidal currents/transports with a 1.2 MHz ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)
Measurements of tidal flow in the Elbe estuary with a 1.2 MHz ADCP
Measurements of tidal water transport with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and comparison with calculations
Measurements of Total Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed by CARIBIC flights
Measurements of turbulent surface-layer transports in ARKTIS 1988
Measurements on contrails of commercial aircraft
Measurements on plume and wake-vortex dynamics behind airliners in comparison to simple models
Measurements with a ground-based lidar network during ICE 89
Measurements with a lidar network during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989
Measurements with a lidar network during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989
Measurements with lidar systems during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989
Measurements with lidars during ICE 89: results of the experimental investigations
Measurements with lidars during the ICE 89: overview
Measurements with the GKSS combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar during the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE 89)
Measuring and Predicting the Cruising in Natural Seas
Measuring indoor air concentrations of polyfluorinated compounds with Passive Samplers
Measuring ocean waves using a marine radar
Measuring pH variability using an experimental sensor on an underwater glider
Measuring pollutant loads in tidal rivers using a new real time data aquisition system
Measuring strains in grains, sub-grains, glasses and polymers
Measuring Success: Indicators and targets for SDG 14
Measuring Sustainability. Scenarios and Indicators for linking pressures and impacts in the river Elbe catchment
Measuring the critical resolved shear stresses in Mg alloys by instrumented nanoindentation
Measuring the Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Strongly Stratified, Low‐Energy Environments: A Case Study From the Arctic Ocean
Measuring wave directionality and significant wave height with marine radar
Mechanic Studies of Gelatin Crosslinking
Mechanical actuation of nanoporous metal driven by electroactive self-assembled monolayers
Mechanical alloying in the Fe-Cu system
Mechanical alloying: fundamental mechanisms and applications
Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of New Generation Ti-45Nb Porous Alloys Implant Devices
Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of a hydroxyapatite reinforced magnesium alloy WE43
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of As-Cast and Extruded Mg10gd Alloy for Biomedical Application
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of As-Cast and Extruded Mg10gd Alloy for Biomedical Application
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Binary Mg-Dy Alloys for Medical Application
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Binary Mg-Dy Alloys for Medical Application
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Two Precipitation-Hardened Mg-Y-Nd-Gd-Dy Alloys with Small Changes in Chemical Composition
Mechanical and Corrosive Properties of Two Magnesium Wires: Mg4Gd and Mg6Ag
Mechanical and Corrosive Properties of Two Magnesium Wires: Mg4Gd and Mg6Ag
Mechanical and failure behaviour of hybrid polymer–metal staked joints
Mechanical and Failure Behaviour of PA66-FG / AA 2024 ICJ Joints
Mechanical and fatigue behaviour of laser and resistance spot welds in advanced high strength steels
Mechanical and fatigue behaviour of laser and resistance spot welds in advanced high strength steels
Mechanical and fatigue behaviour of laser and resistance spot welds in advanced high strength steels
Mechanical and fracture behaviour of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si alloys
Mechanical and fracture characterization of a bi-material steel plate
Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Laser Beam Welded Joints
Mechanical and fracture toughness testing of intermetallics
Mechanical and functional behavior of a Ni-rich Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 high temperature shape memory alloy
Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Friction-Welded TiC Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V
Mechanical and metallurgical properties of robotic underwater welds performed within a depth range of 100msw to 1100msw.
Mechanical and microstructural investigation of friction spot welded AA6181-T4 aluminium alloy
Mechanical and thermal decomposition of LiAlH4 with metal halides
Mechanical and Toughness Properties of Robotic-FSW Repair Welds in 6061-T6 Aluminium Alloys
Mechanical anisotropy and deep drawing behaviour of AZ31 and ZE10 magnesium alloy sheets
Mechanical Anisotropy of a Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloy after Hot Extrusion
Mechanical Anisotropy of AZ-Magnesium Alloys After Indirect and Hydrostatic Extrusion
Mechanical anisotropy of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet investigated by the acoustic emission technique
Mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of a Mg AZ31 sheet at dynamic strain rates
Mechanical Behavior at Small Scales - Experiments and Modeling, Symposium Proceedings MRS Fall Meeting 2009
Mechanical Behavior of Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloys for Airframes
Mechanical Behavior of Laser Beam and Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloys for Airframes
Mechanical behavior of nanoscale Cu/PdSi multilayers
Mechanical behavior of submicron-grained Gamma-TiAl-based alloys at elevated temperatures
Mechanical behaviors of extruded Mg alloys with high Gd and Nd content
Mechanical behaviors of novel multiple principal elements CuAl10Fe5Ni5Mn1.2 wt% with micro-nano structures
Mechanical Behaviour and Advanced Processing of Nano- and Submicron-Grained Intermetallic Compounds Based on Gamma-TiAl
Mechanical Behaviour and Advanced Processing of Nano- and Submicron-Grained Intermetallic Compounds Based on Gamma-TiAl
Mechanical behaviour and corrosion performance of thin film magnesium WE alloys
Mechanical behaviour and corrosion performance of thin film magnesium WE alloys
Mechanical behaviour and corrosion performance of thin film magnesium WE alloys
Mechanical behaviour and microstructural evolution of magnesium alloy AZ31 in tension at different temperatures
Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminum Alloy 2198 under Different Corrosion Exposure Times
Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminum Alloy 2198 under Different Corrosion Exposure Times
Mechanical behaviour of dissimilar friction stir welded tailor welded blanks in Al–Mg alloys for Marine applications
Mechanical Behaviour of Nano- and Submicron-Grained Intermetallic Compounds Based on gamma-TiAl
Mechanical behaviour of nanoporous gold can be controlled by surface modification
Mechanical characterisation and constitutive modelling of wrought magnesium sheets exhibiting tension-compression asymmetry (Dissertation)
Mechanical Characterisation of Mg Alloys and Model Parameter Identification for Sheet Forming Simulations
Mechanical Characterisation of Mg Alloys and Model Parameter Identification for Sheet Forming Simulations
Mechanical Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of Mg Alloy Sheets
Mechanical characterization of as-cast AA7075/6060 and CuSn6/Cu99.5 compounds using an experimental and numerical push-out test
Mechanical characterization of electrospun polyesteretherurethane (PEEU) meshes by atomic force microscopy
Mechanical characterization of mechanically alloyed ultrafine-grained Ti5Si3+40 vol% Gamma-TiAl composites
Mechanical characterization of oligo(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels by dynamic nanoindentation experiments
Mechanical Characterization of PEG Hydrogels through Nanoindentation (Masterarbeit)
Mechanical degradation estimation of thermosets by peak shift assessment: General approach using infrared spectroscopy
Mechanical Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam-Welded AA2198 Butt Joints and Integral Structures
Mechanical Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam-Welded AA2198 Butt Joints and Integral Structures
Mechanical Homeostasis in Soft Tissues
Mechanical homeostasis in tissue equivalents: a review
Mechanical integrity and corrosion behavior of metal-composite hybrid joints produced with Friction Spot Joining
Mechanical integrity of friction-riveted joints for aircraft applications
Mechanical Interactions in Interpenetrating Composites
Mechanical milling of Ti-based alloys
Mechanical modulation of reaction rates in electrocatalysis
Mechanical performance of Al 2024-T3/CF-PPS friction spot joints produced by position control method
Mechanical performance of Al 2024-T3/CF-PPS hybrid joints produced by Friction Spot Joining
Mechanical performance of aluminum 6181-T4 / carbon Reinforced PPS composite hybrid joints produced by friction spot joining
Mechanical performance of friction spot joints of Al 2024-T3 and CF-PPS with additional PPS film interlayer: static and fatigue behavior
Mechanical performance optimization of similar thin AA 7075‐T6 sheets produced by refill friction stir spot welding : Optimierung der mechanischen Leistungfähigkeit für artgleich produzierte AA 7075-T6-Bleche durch Rühr-Reib-Punkt-Schweißen
Mechanical Performance Prediction for Friction Riveting Joints of Dissimilar Materials via Machine Learning
Mechanical Performance Prediction for Friction Riveting Joints of Dissimilar Materials via Machine Learning
Mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Mg−Gd−Ca−Zr alloys for medical applications
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviors of Alumina Nanoparticles Reinforced Pure Magnesium (Masterarbeit)
Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of freestanding, precipitate-free magnesium WE43 thin films
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Performance of AZ-Mg Alloy Modified with Ca and Sr
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Performance of AZ-Mg Alloy Modified with Ca and Sr
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Performance of AZ-Mg Alloy Modified with Ca and Sr
Mechanical properties and crack growth in high-temperature alloys
Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviour of Nano-and Submicron-Grained Titanium Aluminide / Titanium Silicide Composites
Mechanical properties and degradation behavior of binary magnesium-silver alloy sheets
Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welded AlMgSc alloy
Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welded AlMgSc alloy
Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Nano SiC Reinforced ZE10 Composites Prepared with Ultrasonic Vibration
Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Nano SiC Reinforced ZE10 Composites Prepared with Ultrasonic Vibration
Mechanical properties and microstructures of powder metallurgy and ingot metallurgy intermetallic TiAl alloys
Mechanical properties and Scaling laws of nanoporous metals
Mechanical properties and stress corrosion cracking behaviour of AZ31 magnesium alloy laser weldments
Mechanical properties degradation of (Al-Cu-Li) 2198 alloy due to corrosion exposure
Mechanical properties degradation of (Al-Cu-Li) 2198 alloy due to corrosion exposure
Mechanical properties distribution in Friction Stir Welding determined by spherical indentation testing
Mechanical properties distribution in Friction Stir Welding determined by spherical indentation testing
Mechanical properties of aluminum structures additively manufactured via friction surfacing
Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-, Titanium- and Nickel-based Alloys Determined with Micro-specimens
Mechanical Properties of Architectured Gelatin-Based Hydrogels on Different Hierarchical Levels
Mechanical Properties of Architectured Gelatin-Based Hydrogels on Different Hierarchical Levels
Mechanical properties of cold-sprayed and thermally sprayed copper coatings
Mechanical properties of extruded antimicrobial Mg-Ag alloys
Mechanical properties of extruded antimicrobial Mg-Ag alloys
Mechanical properties of fibre laser welded AZ31B sheets and their dependence on the spot-size
Mechanical Properties of Fibre Laser Welded AZ31B Sheets and their Dependence on the Spot-Size
Mechanical properties of fibre laser welded AZ31B sheets and their dependence on the spot-size
Mechanical Properties of Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys at Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical Properties of Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys at Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical Properties of Heat-Treated Gamma-TiAl Sheet Material
Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Joints
Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Joints
Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Joints
Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys at Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical properties of intermetallic/ceramic composites prepared by high energy milling
Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites Prepared by High Energy Milling
Mechanical properties of laser beam welded similar and dissimilar aluminum alloys
Mechanical properties of Mg-Ag wires with 2; 4 and 6 wt.% Ag
Mechanical properties of nano crystalline intermetallics
Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline silicide dispersion strengthened (SDS) intermetallic TiAl alloys
Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline silicide dispersion strengthened (SDS) intermetallic TiAl alloys
Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline TiAl-based intermetallics
Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Materials – Modeling & Simulations
Mechanical Properties of Niobium Alloyed Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Mechanical Properties of Polymer Blends Having Shape-memory Capability
Mechanical Properties of Polymer Blends Having Shape-memory Capability
Mechanical properties of rolled sheet and extruded rectangular profile of Mg-Zn based alloys
Mechanical Properties of Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Piston Alloys Before and After Dynamic Thermal Cycling
Mechanical Properties of Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Piston Alloys Before and After Dynamic Thermal Cycling
Mechanical Properties of Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Piston Alloys Before and After Dynamic Thermal Cycling
Mechanical Properties of Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Piston Alloys Before and After Dynamic Thermal Cycling
Mechanical properties of submicron-grained TiAl alloys prepared by mechanical alloying
Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru Riser Pipes Joined by Radial Friction Welding
Mechanical properties of TiO2/carboxylic-acid interfaces from first-principles calculations
Mechanical properties of two phase intermetallic (Ti, Nb)3 (Al, Si) + (Ti, Nb)5 (Si, Al)3 sheet material pressed via P/M
Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Titanium Aluminide/Titanium Silicide Composites Prepared by High Energy Milling
Mechanical properties of zircon for varying degree of amorphization predicted by finite element simulations
Mechanical property enhancement of magnesium alloys by reinforcing with nanoparticles: A review
Mechanical response of nanoporous metals: A story of size, surface stress, and severed struts
Mechanical spectroscopy of a high niobium containing gamma TiAl based alloy with near gamma and fully lamellar microstructure
Mechanical Tensioning – An Approach to Control Residual Stresses and Distortions of Laser Welded Aluminium Skin- Stringer Joints
Mechanical Tensioning – An Innovative Method to Improve the Damage Tolerance of Laser Welded Aluminium Skin-Stringer Joints in Airframes
Mechanical Tensioning – An Innovative Method to Improve the Damage Tolerance of Laser Welded Aluminium Skin-Stringer Joints in Airframes
Mechanical Testing of Extruded Magnesium for the Development of Automobile Seat Frame Structures
Mechanical testing of extruded magnesium for the development of automobile seat frame structures
Mechanical Testing of Solid-Solid Interfaces at the Microscale
Mechanical Testing of Thin Sheet Magnesium Alloys in Biaxial Tension and Uniaxial Compression
Mechanical Twins, their development and growth
Mechanically activated metathesis reaction in NaNH2–MgH2 powder mixtures
Mechanically active scaffolds from radio-opaque shape-memory polymer-based composites
Mechanically induced ageing and compaction of porous polymer membranes
Mechanically Induced Ageing of Porous Polymer Membranes
Mechanics and Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Metal
Mechanics and Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Metal
Mechanics of modern test methods and quantitive-accelerated testing for hydrogen embrittlement
Mechanics of the stomach: A review of an emerging field of biomechanics
Mechanische Eigenschaften einiger zweiphasiger Modellverbunde
Mechanische Eigenschaften einiger zweiphasiger Modellverbunde
Mechanische Eigenschaften von intermetallischen Legierungen
Mechanische Eigenschaften von ruehrreibgeschweissten Aluminium Tailored Blanks
Mechanische Pruefung kleinskaliger Grenzflaechen
Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik
Mechanisches Legieren durch Intensivmahlen: ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung von nanostrukturierten Mischkristallphasen
Mechanisches Legieren im System Ti-Al und Ti-Si
Mechanisches Legieren in Systemen mit positiver Mischungsenthalpie
Mechanisches Verhalten des Austenits 316L mod. bei einem vorhandenen Anfangsriss. Abschlussbericht zum Gemeinschaftsvorhaben GKSS-Interatom
Mechanisches Vorspannen (Mechanical Tensioning): Modifikation von schweissinduzierten Verzuegen und Eigenspannungen
Mechanisches Vorspannen – Eine Moeglichkeit zur Modifikation schweissinduzierter Verzuege und Eigenspannungen
Mechanisches Vorspannen – Eine Moeglichkeit zur Modifikation schweissinduzierter Verzuege und Eigenspannungen
Mechanised and fully automated underwater welding: new systems and concepts
Mechanisiertes Schweissen in grossen Wassertiefen
Mechanism and prediction of aging time related thermal conductivity evolution of Mg-Zn alloys
Mechanism and significance of mercury volatilization from contaminated floodplains of the German river Elbe
Mechanism based Modeling of plastic Flow Asymmetry: Application to Magnesium Alloys
Mechanism of Dynamic Recrystallization and Evolution of Texture in the Hot Working Domains of the Processing Map for Mg-4Al-2Ba-2Ca Alloy
Mechanism of Formation of the Thermoelectric Layered Cobaltate Ca3Co4O9 by Annealing of CaO–CoO Thin Films
Mechanism of Grain Refinement in Mg-Al Alloys with Carbon Inoculations
Mechanism of Grain Refinement in Mg-Al Alloys with Carbon Inoculations
Mechanism of grain refinement of Mg–Al alloys by SiC inoculation
Mechanism of LDH Direct Growth on Aluminum Alloy Surface: A Kinetic and Morphological Approach
Mechanism of Mn on inhibiting Fe-caused magnesium corrosion
Mechanism of single-shot damage of Ru thin films irradiated by femtosecond extreme UV free-electron laser
Mechanism-based modelling of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys
Mechanism-based modelling of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys
Mechanism-based modelling of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys
Mechanism-based modelling of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys
Mechanismen der ionenstrahlunterstuetzten Texturbildung in Yttrium-stabilisierten Zirkondioxid-Filmen
Mechanismen der Legierungsbildung beim mechanischen Legieren in Systemen mit positiver Mischungsenthalpie (Dissertation)
Mechanismen der raumzeitlichen Strukturbildung in der nichtlinearen Populationsdynamik
Mechanisms and anisotropy of serrated flow in Mg-Gd single crystals
Mechanisms for Hydrogen Reaction of Nanocrystalline Magnesium Hydride with Oxide Catalysts
Mechanisms of added value of a coupled global ocean-regional atmosphere climate model over Central Equatorial Africa
Mechanisms of crack retardation due to overload in Al-alloy laser welds
Mechanisms of phase formation during milling in the ternary immiscible AG-CU-FE systems
Mechanisms of Rainfall Biases in Two CORDEX-CORE Regional Climate Models at Rainfall Peaks over Central Equatorial Africa
Mechanisms of supramolecular ordering of water-soluble derivatives of fullerenes in aqueous media
Mechanisms of temporal and spatial patterning in nonlinear population dynamics
Mechanisms of variability in decadal sea-level trends in the Baltic Sea over the 20th century
Mechanisms shaping the transition to farming in Europe and the North American Woodland
Mechanismus der Phasenbildung beim Mechanischen Legieren in Systemen mit positiver Mischungsenthalpie
Mechanistic insights into chemical corrosion kinetics of AA1050 in ethanol-blended fuels with water contamination via phase field modelling
Mechanistic insights into the deformation and degradation of a 2D metal organic framework
Mechanistic insights into the deformation and degradation of a 2D metal organic framework
Mechanistic origin of the enhanced strength and ductility in Mg-rare earth alloys
Mechanistic origin of the enhanced strength and ductility in Mg-rare earth alloys
Mechanistic Studies on Pervaporation Membranes by MD-Simulations
Mechanistic study of superlattice-enabled high toughness and hardness in MoN/TaN coatings
Mechanistic Understanding of Creep in Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Mechanistic Understanding of Creep in Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Mechanistic Understanding of Creep in Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Mechanistic Understanding of Creep in Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Mechanistic Understanding of Creep in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
Mechanistic understanding of the corrosion behavior of Mg4Zn0.2Sn alloys: from the perspective view of microstructure
Mechanized hyperbaric welding by robots
Mechanobiological response of encapsulated cells to a gelatin matrix with varied crosslinking density
Mechanochemical synthesis of amorphous silicon nanoparticles
Mechanochemical synthesis of NaBH4 starting from NaHMgB2 reactive hydride composite system
Mechanochemistry breaks with expectations
Medical applications of ballooncatheters
Medical radiography with fast neutrons in radiotherapy patients
Mediterranean physical oceanography and biogeochemical cycles: General circulation and climate variability
Mediterranean tropical like cyclones: Present and future
Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclones in Present and Future Climate
Medium Temperature Hydrides – Overview and Application Perspectives
Medizinisches Magnesium: Ein aktueller Überblick
Medizintechnik: Schwerpunkt Bildgebung - Aus Wissenschaft wird Wirtschaft
MEDUSA I: Entwicklung eines Steuerprogramms fuer ein In-situ-Messsystem zur Echtzeitbestimmung in Meerwasser geloesten Methangases (Diplomarbeit)
MEDUSA: a new device for the in-situ measurement of methane dissolved in seawater
MEDUSA: ein In-situ-Messsystem fuer Methan in Meerwasser
MEDUSA: ein Messsystem fuer Methan in Meerwasser
Meeresroboter fuer die Erschliessung mariner Oel- und Gasfelder
Meeresspiegel und Sturmfluten an der Nordseekueste
Meeresspiegelanstieg an der deutschen Ostseeküste : Küstenentwicklung im Klimawandel
Meeresspiegelanstieg, Gezeiten, Sturmfluten und Seegang
Meeresspiegelveraenderungen und Sturmfluten an der deutschen Nordseekueste
Meeresueberwachung mit der FerryBox - Anwendung und Grenzen
Meereswellen an Küsten besser verstehen
Mehr als 10 Jahre Membranforschung bei GKSS
Mehr als eine Nischenloesung - Energie sparen durch den Einsatz von Membranen
Mehrjaehrige Ergebnisse ueber den Einfluss von Hochbelastungen mit kuenstlich-biologisch gereinigtem kommunalen Abwasser auf die Sickerwasserbeschaffenheit
Mehrkomponentensysteme auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Mehrkomponentensysteme auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Mehrkomponentensysteme auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Mehrkomponentensysteme auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Mehrphasenstroemungen in Pipelines
Mehrphasentransport in der Unterwassertechnik
Mein Beruflicher Werdegang
Melt Extruded Open-cell Microcellular Foams for Membrane Separation: Processing and Cell Morphology Relationship
Melt Extruded Open-Cell Microcellular Foams for Membrane Separation: Processing and Cell Morphology Relationship
Melt-processable hydrophobic acrylonitrile-based copolymer systems with adjustable elastic properties designed for biomedical applications
Melt-Processable Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Self-Healing Ability of High Mechanical Strength
Melting of PSC Particles on Sunrise
Melting temperature of metal polycrystalline nanowires electrochemically deposited into the pores of anodic aluminum oxide
Mem-brain Gas Separation Membranes for Energy-efficient Processes
Mem-brain Gas Separation Membranes for Energy-efficient Processes
Membran Process for VOC-Reduction at Petrol Stations
Membran-Trennverfahren in der Zuckerindustrie
Membran-Trennverfahren in der Zuckerindustrie
Membranas de Poliamidas e Poliimidas Sulfonadas
Membranas de Poliamidas e Poliimidas Sulfonadas
Membranbasierte Bereitstellung von CO2 für die dezentrale Algenproduktion in einer Bioenergiefassade
Membrancharakterisierung mittels Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie
Membrancharakterisierung mittels Raster-Sonden-Techniken
Membranchemie, Membranmodifizierung z. B. Enzymkopplung, Cellulose-Chemie
Membrane Active Molecules: How do they Interact?
Membrane Active Molecules: How do They Interact?
Membrane Activity of Biomimetic Facially Amphiphilic Antibiotics
Membrane and module types with special reference to gas separation
Membrane Applications
Membrane Applications for Dewpointing of Gas Streams
Membrane applications for the removal of organics from gas streams
Membrane applications to control VOC emissions
Membrane applications to control VOC emissions
Membrane Applications to Control VOC Emissions
Membrane Applications to Separate Organic Vapours from Off-Gas Streams
Membrane applications to separate VOCs in the chemical industry
Membrane applications to seperate hydrocarbon vapors in the chemical and petrochemical industry
Membrane association and selectivity of the antimicrobial peptide NK-2: A molecular dynamics simulation study
Membrane based Biomaterials
Membrane Based Emission Reduction at Petrol Stations
Membrane based hybrid systems to treat organic vapor loaded gas streams
Membrane based vapor recovery at petrol stations
Membrane based vapor recovery at petrol stations
Membrane characterization by contact angle technique
Membrane Characterization by means of Contact Angle Measurements and Scanning Force Microscopy
Membrane Characterization by means of Pneumatic Scanning Force Microscopy
Membrane Characterization by means of Pneumatic Scanning Force Microscopy
Membrane Characterization – An Overview on Possibilities and Limits
Membrane Characterization – An Overview on Possibilities and Limits
Membrane configuration for pervaporation under high swelling conditions
Membrane Contactors for Relative Humidity Regulation in Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Storage
Membrane Development
Membrane Development at GKSS
Membrane Development for Biohybrid Organs
Membrane filtration for the recovery of low molecular weight substances
Membrane for natural gas dewpointing
Membrane Formation
Membrane gas separation at elevated pressures
Membrane interaction of synthetic antibacterial peptides analyzed by small angle X-ray scattering
Membrane Interaction of Synthetic Antibacterial Peptides analyzed by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
Membrane interface characterization by contact angle measurements and scanning-force-microscopy
Membrane materials - Membranes in clean production
Membrane Materials: Recent Highlights and Future Needs
Membrane Preparation and Characterisation
Membrane Preparation and Characterisation
Membrane preparation for gas separation
Membrane preparation for gas separation: Tips and tricks
Membrane preparation with multilayer wide slit dies
Membrane Process Development
Membrane processes for H2 recovery in fossil fuelled power plants and related systems
Membrane Processes for VOC Reduction at Petrol Stations
Membrane processes in energy supply - Osmotic power plant
Membrane processes in energy supply - Osmotic power plant
Membrane processes in energy supply for an osmotic power plant
Membrane processes in natural gas conditioning
Membrane processes in natural gas conditioning
Membrane production technologies
Membrane R und D at GKSS
Membrane R und D at GKSS
Membrane reactor for simultaneous concentrating and reacting of organics
Membrane Reactors
Membrane reactors applying polymeric, catalytic membranes: Hydrodechlorination and other applications
Membrane reactors applying polymeric, catalytic membranes: Hydrodechlorination and other applications
Membrane reactors applying polymeric, catalytically reactive membranes
Membrane Reactors with Porousand non-porous Polymeric Membranes
Membrane Research at GKSS
Membrane research with GKSS
Membrane Science and Technology
Membrane Separation in Chemical, Petro Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes
Membrane Separation of Gaseous Hydrocarbons by Semicrystalline Multiblock Copolymers: Role of Cohesive Energy Density and Crystallites of the Polyether Block
Membrane separation process: a highly sophisticated technology
Membrane separation processes for a cleaner production
Membrane separation processes for clean production
Membrane separation processes for clean production
Membrane seperation with liquid crystal systems
Membrane Simulation Tools for Flowsheeting Programmes
Membrane supported metal nano-particles for various applications
Membrane Technology
Membrane Technology
Membrane Technology
Membrane technology for clean production
Membrane technology for emission reduction at petrol stations
Membrane Technology for Natural Gas Processing
Membrane Technology for the CO2 Enrichment from Flue Gas for the Cultivation of Algae in Photobioreactors
Membrane Technology for the CO2 Enrichment from Flue Gas for the Cultivation of Algae in Photobioreactors
Membrane technology for the recovery of VOCs
Membrane technology for the separation of H2 from natural gas
Membrane Technology in Closing Water Cycles of Bottle Washing Machines
Membrane Technology in the Chemical Industry
Membrane Technology, Types, Applications and Membrane Formation
Membrane Technology: Membranes for Energy Conversion
Membrane transport mechanisms with special reference to composite membranes
Membrane-Active Natural and Synthetic Peptides and Peptidomimetics
Membrane-Assisted Methanol Synthesis Processes and the Required Permselectivity
Membrane-controlled reagent-delivery systems - a new approach for the continous production of reagent and standard solutions
Membrane-oxygenerators with extraluminal blood flow
Membranen - Grundlagen, Verfahren und industrielle Anwendungen
Membranen als Biomaterial fuer die Blutreinigung
Membranen aus Polyelektrolyten
Membranen aus Polyelektrolyten
Membranen aus Polyelektrolytkomplexen
Membranen aus Polyelektrolytkomplexen
Membranen aus Polyelektrolytkomplexen
Membranen aus Polyelektrolytkomplexen
Membranen aus Polyelektrolytkomplexen fuer die Pervaporation
Membranen aus Polymersymplexen
Membranen aus Polyphenylen- 1,3,4-Oxadiazol
Membranen fuer Biohybrid Organe
Membranen fuer die Enzymimmobilisierung
Membranen fuer die Gasseparation - Materialien und Technologien fuer die Energiewende
Membranen fuer die Gastrennung
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung - Von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Anwendungsforschung in Netzwerken
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Charakterisierung von Grenzflaechen
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Dynamische Modellierung von Polymermembranen
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Pervaporation mit Polyelektrolytkomplexen
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Polyimidmembranen fuer die Gastrennung
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Polymermembranen, Herstellung und Anwendung
Membranen fuer die Stofftrennung: Reaktivpolymere als Membranmaterial
Membranen fuer moderne Technologien
Membranen fuer Organersatz-Systeme
Membranen fuer Stofftrennung und Energiewandlung
Membranen fuer Umwelt-und Prozesstechnik: Von der Forschungskooperation bis zur Lizenzvergabe und Unternehmensgruendung
Membranen für Brennstoffzelle
Membranen für die Reinigung von Luft und Wasser
Membranen in Abwasser- und Ablufttechnik
Membranen in der Bioprozesstechnik
Membranen in der Biotechnologie
Membranen in der Biotechnologie: Herstellung und Einsatzbeispiele
Membranen in der Lebensmittel und Pharmaindustrie
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik
Membranen in der Medizintechnik I
Membranen in der Medizintechnik II
Membranen in der Umwelttechnik
Membranen und Membrantechnik - Eine terminologische Untersuchung in den Sprachen Deutsch und Englisch (Diplomarbeit)
Membranen und Membrantrennverfahren
Membranen und Membrantrennverfahren
Membranen und Membrantrennverfahren
Membranen und Membranverfahren in der chemischen Technik: Uebersicht ueber die aktuellen Membran-Forschungsaktivitaeten der GKSS
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membranen zur Loesungsmittelrueckgewinnung - Verfahren zur Abtrennung organischer Daempfe aus der Abluft
Membranen zwischen Chemie, Technik und Medizin
Membranen – Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendung
Membranen, Made in Germany
Membranen: Herstellung, Struktur und Eigenschaften
Membranentwicklung fuer Brennstoffzellen
Membranentwicklung fuer Brennstoffzellen
Membranentwicklung fuer Brennstoffzellen
Membranentwicklung in der GKSS ; Moeglichkeiten des Einsatzes der Membrantrenntechnik in KMU
Membranentwicklung und -anwendung
Membranes (Overview)
Membranes and Biohybrid Organ Technology
Membranes and biohybrid organ technology
Membranes and Membrane Processes
Membranes and Separation Processes - Membranen und Membrantrennverfahren
Membranes based on polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes for methanol separation
Membranes Based on Tailor-made Block Copolymers
Membranes by melt Extrusion
Membranes containing heterocyclic groups for fuel cell application
Membranes developed at GKSS for gas/vapor separation or pervaporation
Membranes for Bioartificial Organs
Membranes for Biohybrid Liver Support Systems - Investigations on Hepatocyte Attachement, Morphology and Growth
Membranes for biohybrid liver support: the behaviour of C3A hepatoblastoma cells is dependent on the composition of acrylonitrile copolymers
Membranes for biohybrid organs
Membranes for biohybrid organs
Membranes for Biohybrid Organs
Membranes for carbon dioxide separation based on block copolymers containing poly(ethylene oxide) (Dissertation)
Membranes for dewpointing of gas streams
Membranes for direct methanol fuel cell based on modified heteropolyacids
Membranes for energy
Membranes for Energy
Membranes for fuel cell
Membranes for fuel cells
Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation : Recent Highlight and Future Needs
Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation: New Developments at GKSS
Membranes for gas separation based on poly(1-trimethyl-1-propyne)-silica nanocomposites
Membranes for medicine
Membranes for Medicine
Membranes for natural gas drying and hydrocarbon dewpointing – new developments
Membranes for Osmotic Power Generation by Reverse Electrodialysis
Membranes for portable direct alcohol fuel cells
Membranes for portable direct alcohol fuel cells
Membranes for Power generation by Pressure Retarded Osmosis
Membranes for Recovery of Volatile Organic Compounds
Membranes for separation of higher hydrocarbons from methane
Membranes for Separation Processes
Membranes for Separation Processes - Application in Medicine -
Membranes for the application in Regenerative Medicine
Membranes for the recirculation of CO2 from burner off-gas for the carbonization of metal
Membranes for water treatment-Materials and manufacturing methods
Membranes from Acrylonitrile-Based Polymers for Selective Cultivation of Human Keratinocytes
Membranes from poly(amide-imide) polymers with nanosized catalytically active particles
Membranes from polyacrylonitrile for ultrafiltration
Membranes from polyelectrolyte blends
Membranes from polyelectrolyte complexes
Membranes from polyelectrolyte complexes: preparation and properties
Membranes from surfactants for separation of polar organic liquids
Membranes from water soluble polyelectrolytes: preparation and properties
Membranes in Bioseparations
Membranes in clean production
Membranes in dialysis – performance and hemocompatibility
Membranes in Fuel Cells
Membranes made from polyelectrolytes: Preparation and electrochemical properties
Membranes made from Polyelectrolytes: Preparation, Characterization and Performance
Membranes made of P(AN/AMPS) copolymers for hepatocyte cultivation in bioreactors
Membranes made of P(AN/AMPS) copolymers for hepatocyte cultivation in bioreactors
Membranes of poly(ether imide) and nanodispersed silica
Membranes of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) Modified by Poly(ethylene glycol)
Membranes of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) Modified by Poly(ethylene glycol)
Membranes with constrained thickness exhibit enhanced CO2 separation properties
Membranes with controlled pore size based on block copolymers
Membranes with improved haemocompatibility for application in biohybrid organs
Membranes: Separation of Organic Vapors from Gas Streams
Membranfiltration in der Biotechnologie
Membranforschung im Institut fuer Polymerenchemie
Membranforschung in der Aussenstelle Teltow des GKSS Forschungszentrums Geesthacht
Membranforschung in Teltow
Membranforschung Teltow/Transportvorgaenge
Membrangrenzflaechen in der Technik: Der Einsatz der Rasterkraftmikroskopie
Membranherstellung mittels Mehrkomponentenbreitschlitzduese
Membrankontrollierte kontinuierliche Reagenz-Freisetzung - ein neuer Ansatz zur Herstellung von Kalibrier-Loesungen
Membrankontrollierte kontinuierliche Reagenz-Freisetzung – ein neuer Ansatz zur Herstellung von Kalibrier-Loesungen
Membranmaterialentwicklung fuer CO2- Abtrennungsverfahren
Membranmaterialentwicklung fuer CO2- Abtrennungsverfahren
Membranmaterialien auf Basis aromatischer sulfonierter Polymere und deren Charakterisierung für die Anwendung in Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzellen
Membranmaterialien auf Basis aromatischer sulfonierter Polymere und deren Charakterisierung für die Anwendung in Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzellen
Membranpotentialmessungen an cellulosischen Membranen
Membranprozesse fuer die H2-Rueckgewinnung aus fossil befeuerten Kraftwerken und artverwandten Verfahren
Membrantechnik im Dienst der Umwelt
Membrantechnik und -Anwendung
Membrantechnik, quo vadis?
Membrantechnik: Einfuehrung in die Eigenschaften von Membranen und deren Anwendungen
Membrantechnik: Einfuehrung in die Eigenschaften von Membranen und deren Anwendungen
Membrantechnologie fuer nachhaltige und produktschonende Prozesse
Membrantrenntechnik in der DDR
Membrantrenntechnik in der GKSS
Membrantrenntechnik in der Lebensmittelindustrie
Membrantrenntechnik: Prozesse und Anwendung
Membrantrenntechnik: Stand und Perspektiven fuer eine innovative Technologie
Membrantrennung mit direkter Kondensation als Verfahren zur Loesemittelrueckgewinnung
Membrantrennverfahren - Herstellung von Membranen und Anwendungsbeispiele
Membrantrennverfahren / Biomaterialien
Membrantrennverfahren / Biomaterialien
Membranverfahren - Einfuehrung und Hybride Prozesse
Membranverfahren - Einfuehrung und Hybride Prozesse
Membranverfahren fuer die Analytik
Membranverfahren in der Abgasreinigung von Tanklaegern
Membranverfahren in der Abgasreinigung von Tanklaegern
Membranverfahren in der Biotechnologie
Membranverfahren in der Biotechnologie
Membranverfahren in der chemischen und petrochemischen Industrie
Membranverfahren in der chemischen und petrochemischen Industrie zur Abtrennung organischer Daempfe
Membranverfahren in der Erdgasaufbereitung
Membranverfahren in der Umwelttechnik – prozessintegrierte Abluftaufarbeitung
Membranverfahren mit integrierter Druckwechseladsorption. Eine neue Generation der Kohlenwasserstoffrueckgewinnungsanlagen
Membranverfahren zur Abluftreinigung: Von der Entwicklung bis zur industriellen Nutzung
Membranverfahren zur Abtrennung hoeherer Kohlenwasserstoffe
Membranverfahren zur Abtrennung organischer Daempfe in der chemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie
Membranverfahren zur Abtrennung von organischen Daempfen und Wasserdampf
Membranverfahren zur Abtrennung von organischen Daempfen und Wasserdampf
Membranverfahren zur Aufbereitung des Gemisches Wasser/Essigsaeure
Membranverfahren zur Emissionsreduzierung bei der Pkw-Betankung
Membranverfahren zur Emissionsreduzierung bei der Pkw-Betankung
Membranverfahren zur Emissionsreduzierung bei der Pkw-Betankung
Membranverfahren zur Entfeuchtung von Luft (P)
Membranverfahren zur Ethanol/Wassertrennung
Membranverfahren zur Prozess- und Abgasbehandlung
Membranverfahren zur Trocknung von Druckluft und Prozessgasstroemen
Memory Effect in Polymers and their Potential Applications in Medicine
Memory Effects in Magnetic Nanocomposites
Memory-effects of magnetic nanocomposites
Memory-Effects of Polymers and their Relevance for Biomedical Applications
Menschgemachter Klimawandel schon vor 3000 Jahren? Das fruehe Anthropozaen
Menschgemachter Klimawandel schon vor 3000 Jahren? Das fruehe Anthropozaen
Menschgemachter Klimawandel und die derzeitige oeffentliche Diskussion
Menschgemachter Klimawandel und die derzeitige oeffentliche Diskussion
Menschgemachter Klimawandel und moegliche Folgen fuer Tourismus
Menschliches Arbeiten jenseits normaler Druckverhaeltnisse
Mercury accumulation pathways in a model marine microalgae: sorption, uptake and partition kinetics
Mercury analysis: a special example of species analysis
Mercury and mercury species analysis
Mercury and mercury species analysis: an overview
Mercury and methylmercury in sediments and suspended particles from the river Elbe, North Germany
Mercury and methylmercury in sediments and suspended particles from the river Elbe, North Germany
Mercury and the new gold rush in the South
Mercury contaminated sites - behaviour of mercury and its species in lysimeter experiments
Mercury Contaminated Sites - Characterization, Risk Assessment and Remediation - Environmental Science
Mercury Contaminated Sites Characterization, Risk Assessment and Remediation
Mercury contaminated sites in Germany
Mercury contamination and decontamination
Mercury contamination in the northern Pantanal region Mato Grosso, Brazil
Mercury cycling in surface waters and in the atmosphere: species-analysis for the investigation of transformation- and transport properties of mercury
Mercury cycling in the Arctic – Does enhanced deposition flux mean net-input?
Mercury distribution and speciation in a polluted fluvial system
Mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere according to measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory: 2014–2016
Mercury emissions of a coal fired power plant in Germany
Mercury fluxes from contaminated floodplains to the atmosphere – their determination and mechanism
Mercury from gold and silver mining: A chemical time bomb?
Mercury immune toxicity in harbour seals: links to in vitro toxicity
Mercury in contaminated sediments and floodplains of the river Elbe - assessment of major species and mobilization behavior
Mercury in the atmosphere and in rainwater at Cape Point, South Africa
Mercury in the Atmosphere, Snow and Melt Water Ponds in the North Atlantic Ocean during Arctic Summer
Mercury measurements in marine background atmosphere and over naturally enriched soils
Mercury Modelling : Progress and Problems
Mercury Modelling: Progress and Problems
Mercury Plumes in the Global Upper Troposphere Observed during Flights with the CARIBIC Observatory from May 2005 until June 2013
Mercury problems and the global mercury cycle
Mercury problems in Germany and mercury species analysis
Mercury problems in Germany and the analytical approach
Mercury speciation in contaminated soils by thermal release analysis
Mercury species analysis in contaminated areas
Mercury Species Over Europe. Relative Importance of Depositional Methylmercury Fluxes to Various Ecosystems (MOE)
Mercury vertical profiles, measured in August 2013 over different locations in central Europe
Mercury volatilization from river water
Mercury volatilization from river water: mercury spezies determination in air
Mercury, polychlorobiphenyls and stable isotops in the blood of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from the southern North Sea
Mercury-Containing Tailings of Brazilian Gold-Mining Activities – Is Remediation by Electroleaching Useful?
MERCY v2.0
Merging Plastics, Microbes, and Enzymes: Highlights from an International Workshop
MERMAID (Marine Environmental Remote-controlled Measuring and Integrated Detection): current state and future perspectives
MERMAID und FERRYBOX bei GKSS / HZG : Interview mit Wilhelm Petersen und Friedhelm Schroeder : Mit einem Vorwort von Franciscus Colijn
MERMAID: A remote-controlled measuring system for the determination of contaminants in estuaries and coastal waters
MERMAID: an automatic, remote-controlled measuring and sampling system for environmental monitoring
MERMAID: ein automatisches Messsystem fuer die Nordsee
MERMAID: Ein automatisches Messsystem in der Nordsee
MERMAID: Ein automatisches Messsystem zur Ueberwachung von Kuestengewaessern
MERMAID: Ein automatisches Schadstofferfassungssystem
MERMAID: Ein automatisches, fernsteuerbares Messsystem zur effektiven Ueberwachung europaeischer Kuestengewaesser
MERMAID: Ein automatisches, fernsteuerbares Messsystem zur effektiven Ueberwachung europaeischer Kuestengewaesser
MERMAID: Marine environmental remote controlled measuring and integrated detection system
MERMAID: Neue Ueberwachungstechnik zur Erfassung des dynamischen Verhaltes von Stoffen in Flussmuendungen und Kuestenbereichen
MERMAID: Remote-controlled sampling systems
MERMAID: ueberwacht Kuestengewaesser
Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Oxygen Modulate the Cocultured Endothelial Cells in the Presence of Magnesium Degradation Products
Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs): science and f(r)iction
Mesoporous silica sub-micron spheres as drug dissolution enhancers: Influence of drug and matrix chemistry on functionality and stability
Mesoporous Titania Powders: The Role of Precursors, Ligand Addition and Calcination Rate on Their Morphology, Crystalline Structure and Photocatalytic Activity
Mesoscale Advective and Biological Processes Alter Carbon Uptake Capacity in a Shelf Sea
Mesoscale Modeling of Hydrogen Assisted Crack Growth in Heterogeneous Materials
Mesoscale Modeling of Hydrogen Assisted Crack Growth in Heterogeneous Materials
Mesoscale Modelling of Hydrogen Assisted Cracking
Mesoscale Modelling of Hydrogen Assisted Cracking
Mesoscale modelling of North Sea wind resources with COSMO-CLM: model evaluation and impact assessment of future wind farm characteristics on cluster-scale wake losses
Mesoscale modelling of wind energy over complex terrain
Mesoscale structures, fluxes and the water mass variability of the German Bight as exemplified in the KUSTOS-experiments and numerical models
Mesoscale wind and wave field modelling in the area of the Odra Lagoon
Mesoscale wind and wave field modelling in the area of the Odra Lagoon
Mesoscale Wind Field Retrieval using Space Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Mesoscale wind fields and their variation retrieved from the synthetic aperture radar aboard ERS-1/2
Mesoscale wind fields and their variation retrieved from the synthetic aperture radar aboard ERS-1/2
Mesoscale Wind Fields Extracted from C-band HH-polarized RADARSET -1 ScanSAR Images
Mesoscale Wind Fields Retrieved from ERS SAR Images
Mesoscale Wind Fields Retrieved from RADARSAT-I ScanSAR in View of ENVISAT ASAR
Mesoscale wind measurements using recalibrated ERS SAR images
Mesoscale wind measurements using recalibrated ERS SAR images
Mesoskalige Modellierung des Windenergiepotentials
Mesostructure of Xerogels of Hydrated Zirconium Dioxide
Mesostructure parameters of the dilute alloy (Pd0,984Fe0,016)0,95Mn0,05 observed with neutron polarimetry
Mesoturbulente Fluesse und Flussdivergenzen in der horizontal inhomogenen, neutralen bodennahen Atmosphaere
Mess- und Regelungstechnik
Mess- und Vergleichswellenlaengen zur Elimination von SO2-Querempfindlichkeiten bei der Lidar-Fernmessung troposphaerischen Ozons
Messstrecke zur optimalen Prozessfuehrung einer Bodenaufbereitungsanlage (Diplomarbeit)
Messtechnische Erfassung und Auswertung von Stroemungsgeschwindigkeiten und Wassergueteparametern aus der Tideelbe (Diplomarbeit)
Messung binaerer Diffusionskoeffizienten von Gasen in Wasser mit Hilfe der holographischen Interferometrie (Dissertation)
Messung der Rotations-Raman-Spektren von Stickstoff, Sauerstoff und Wasserdampf unter den Bedingungen eines Temperatur-Feuchte-Lidars (Diplomarbeit)
Messung der Zugaenglichkeit an Celluloseoberflaechen mittels Infrarotspektroskopie
Messung des Absorptionswirkungsquerschnitts von Schwefeldioxid im Wellenlaengenbereich von 265 bis 298 nm (Diplomarbeit)
Messung des statistischen und dynamischen Strukturfaktors der Hochtemperaturphase des Silberselenids (Dissertation)
Messung Polarer Stratosphaerischer Wolken (PSCs) ueber Norddeutschland im Fruehjahr 1996
Messung und Modellierung der Ausbreitung feinkoernigen Baggerguts nach Umlagerungen in der Tide-Elbe unterhalb des Hamburger Hafens
Messung von Arsen- und Selengehalten in Meeressaeugern
Messung von Kontaktwinkeln an Innenflaechen von Cellulosehohlfadenmembranen zur Bestimmung ihrer Hydrophilie
Messung von Parametern der thermischen Aktivierung der plastischen Verformung von intermetallischen Titan-Aluminiden (Diplomarbeit)
Messung von Vulkanstaub in der Stratosphaere mit einem kombinierten Raman-Rueckstreu-Lidar
Messungen der Ionisationsenergie von Quecksilber-Isotopen mit der Resonanzionisations-Massenspektrometrie
Messungen hydrologischer Groessen im Klimasystem von Satelliten aus
Messungen physikalischer Eigenschaften stratiformer Bewoelkung mit einem 94GHz-Wolkenradar (Dissertation)
Messungen von atmosphaerischem Quecksilber im Rahmen von CARIBIC
Messungen von atmosphaerischem Quecksilber im Rahmen von CARIBIC
Messungen von Schwefeldioxid mit dem Schadgasfernmesssystem ARGOS
Messungen zum Schwebstofftransport
Messungen zur Kurzzeitausbreitung des eingebrachten Baggergutes mit dem ADCP- und dem Siltmeter-Verfahren
Meta-Information - Was ist das? Ein Resumee des Workshops Umweltdaten verstehen durch Metainformation' des Arbeitskreises Umweltdatenbanken der Fachgruppe 4.6 - Informatik der GI vom 17. bis 19. Mai 1995 in Lauenburg und am GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthac
Metabarcoding reveals Cryptophyceae and picophytoplankton as key groups of phytoplankton in the Elbe estuary
Metabolic activity testing can underestimate acute drug cytotoxicity as revealed by HepG2 cell clones overexpressing cytochrome P450 2C19 and 3A4
Metabolic alkalinity release from large port facilities (Hamburg, Germany) and impact on coastal carbon storage
Metadata schema to support FAIR data in scanning electron microscopy
Metadata, workflow, and model exchange for consistent processing of modelling and simulation workflows on multiple simulation hubs
Metagenomic evidence for the microbial transformation of carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules: A long-term macrocosm experiment
Metal borohydrides and derivatives - synthesis, structure and properties
Metal concentration in blood in harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina) of the German North Sea
Metal contamination detection in nickel induced crystallized silicon by spectroscopic ellipsometry
Metal content and morphology of nanostructured Ag–Pd co-deposits
Metal content in blood of free ranging harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and their effect on immunological functions
Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples of ATAIR cruise AT261
Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples of Atair cruise AT275
Metal distribution for sediment samples of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20200629
Metal distribution for sediment samples of the Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20160725
Metal exposure and associated effects in mussels: An integrated approach – hyphenated analytical techniques and biomarkers
Metal Hydride Materials for Solid Hydrogen Storage: A Review
Metal Hydride Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Applications - Utilizing the Synergy of Experiment & Theory for Materials Design Challenges
Metal hydrides for concentrating solar thermal power energy storage
Metal hydrides for H storage
Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen and Heat Storage
Metal hydrides for mobile hydrogen storage: Ab- and desorption behavior of TiCrMn at low temperatures and evaluation of compacted TiFeMn
Metal Hydride‐Based Hydrogen Storage Tank Coupled with an Urban Concept Fuel Cell Vehicle: Off Board Tests
Metal impact on lymphocytes of developing seals
Metal impact on lymphocytes of developing seals
Metal Implant Surface Modification by Biological Model Membranes
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) 2 of Mg-Alloys
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) 2 of Mg-Alloys
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) of Magnesium Alloys for Orthopedic Implant Applications
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) of Magnesium and Its Alloys
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) of Magnesium and Its Alloys
Metal injection molding (MIM) of titanium and titanium alloys
Metal injection molding of titanium
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of biodegradable Mg-Ca alloy parts and implant prototypes
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of Ti 45Al 5Nb 0.2B 0.2C (at%)
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of Ti 45Al 5Nb 0.2B 0.2C (at%)
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of Ti-6Al-4V HDH-Powder with high Oxygen Content, achieving high Strength and high Ductility by Addition of Yttrium
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of Ti-6Al-4V HDH-Powder with high Oxygen Content, achieving high Strength and high Ductility by Addition of Yttrium
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of Titanium-Aluminides
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) of Titanium-Aluminides
Metal Injection Moulding - Komplexe Bauteile aus Titanpulver
Metal Injection Moulding of Advanced Titanium Alloys
Metal Injection Moulding of Advanced Titanium Alloys
Metal Injection Moulding of an Advanced Bone Screw 7Nb Alloy Powder
Metal Injection Moulding of an Advanced Bone Screw 7Nb Alloy Powder
Metal Injection Moulding of beta-titanium alloys
Metal Injection Moulding of Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloy Powder
Metal Injection Moulding of Titanium
Metal Injection Moulding of Titanium
Metal Injection Moulding of Titanium
Metal injection moulding of Titanium alloys for medical applications
Metal injection moulding of titanium and titanium aluminides
Metal Injection Moulding of Titanium and Titanium-Aluminides
Metal Injection Moulding of Titanium-Niobium Alloys for Biomedical Applications (Dissertation)
Metal Injection Moulding Using Intermetallic Gamma-TiAl Alloy Powder
Metal Injection Moulding von Titan und Titanlegierungen
Metal Injection Moulding von Titan- und Magnesiumlegierungen
Metal intake with food - metal sensitivity as indicator of immunmodulation in seals
Metal intake with food- Element distribution in blood of free ranging seals
Metal Matrix Composites
Metal Matrix Composites: Custom-made Materials for Automotive and Aerospace Engineering
Metal Matrix Composites: Magnesium
Metal oxides as catalysts for improved hydrogen sorption in nanocrystalline Mg-based materials
Metal Oxides for Improved Hydrogen Sorption of Nanocrystalline Hydrides
Metal Oxides for Improved Hydrogen Sorption of Nanocrystalline Hydrides
Metal Oxides for Improved Hydrogen Sorption of Nanocrystalline Mg
Metal pollution in the tidal Elbe river
Metal pollution in the tidal Elbe river
Metal sensitivity in seals
Metal sensitivity of marine mammals: a case study of a dermally-wounded grey seal
Metal sensitivity of marine mammals: a case study of a gray seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Metal-Induced Impairment of the Cellular Immunity of Newborn Harbor Seals ( Phoca Vitulina )
Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites for Functional Applications
Metallhydride in der Wasserstofftechnologie: Eine alternative Speicherungsform
Metallhydride zur kompakten Wasserstoffspeicherung
Metallhydridspeicherung von Wasserstoff fuer maritime Anwendungen
Metallic biomaterials - Overview
Metallic Light Weight Materials for New Vehicle Concepts
Metallic Light Weight Materials for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts
Metallic Light Weight Materials for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts - Competition, Status and Future
Metallic materials - Alloy development and processing at GKSS
Metallic materials - Alloy development and processing at GKSS
Metallic materials: trends and perspectives
Metallische Leichtbau-Werkstoffe - Beitraege fuer eine nachhaltige Verkehrstechnik
Metallische Leichtbauwerkstoffe
Metallische Verbundwerkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe fuer den Leichtbau
Metallische Werkstoffe fuer den Leichtbau WS 2016/2017
Metallkomplexe als Carrier in Polymermembranen
Metallographische Gefuegeuntersuchungen von Magnesiumlegierungen
Metallographische Untersuchung an den reaktionspulvermetallurgisch hergestellten intermetallischen Legierungen TiAl(Si)
Metallography of Mg Alloys
Metallography of Mg Alloys
Metallomics approach for the identification of the iron transport protein transferrin in the blood of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)
Metallorganyle als Beispiel von Speciation: Plaedoyer fuer eine Anorganische Spurenstoff-Analytik
Metallphysikalische Aspekte des Diffusionsschweissens von Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Metallphysikalische Aspekte intermetallischer Phasen
Metallpulverspritzgiessen (MIM) von TiAl
Metallpulverspritzgiessen (MIM) von Titan
Metallpulverspritzgiessen von Titan- und Magnesiumlegierungen - Technik, Mikrostruktur und Eigenschaften
Metallspurenbestimmung in einer KCl-Matrix nach Anreicherung an EDTrA-Cellulose
Metallurgical and mechanical properties of hyperbaric flux cored weld metals (10 to 71 bar abs.)
Metallurgical and mechanical properties of Radial Friction welded Ti-6Al-4V-0,1Ru risers
Metallurgical and mechanical properties of Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn alloy fabricated by metal injection molding
Metallurgical aspects of joining commercially pure titanium to Ti-6Al-4V alloy in a T-joint configuration by laser beam welding
Metallurgical Characterization of Hot Tearing Curves Recorded during Solidification of Magnesium Alloys
Metallurgical Characterization of Hot Tearing Curves Recorded during Solidification of Magnesium Alloys
Metallurgical Modeling of Solid-State Precipitation and their Integration into Thermomechanical Process Simulations
Metallurgical Reachtions in FSW: Results of In-Situ Experiments
Metallurgical Reachtions in FSW: Results of In-Situ Experiments
Metallurgy and Mechanical Performance of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Friction Spot Welds
Metallurgy of advanced welding processes studied by in-situ experiments with high-energy X-rays
Metamaterial emitter for thermophotovoltaics stable up to 1400 °C
Metastabile Phasen im System Cr-Ti
Metastable phase formation by ion mixing of Nb-Al multilayers
Metastable phase formation in mechanically alloyed and ball milled Ti-Si
Metastable phase formation in undercooled near-eutectic Nb-Al alloys
Metastable phases and microstructures : symposium [during the 1995 MRS Fall Meeting] held November 27-30, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Metastable phases formed by mechanical alloying and ball mining in the Ti-Si system
Meteorological observations of the signal stations - An additional data archive for climate monitoring?
Meteorological observations of the signal stations - An additional data archive for climate monitoring?
Meteorological-Ocean Hindcasts and Results for the North Sea
Meteorologie und Umwelt
Meteorologische Aspekte der Windenergienutzung
Methane in the southern North Sea: Sources, spatial distribution and budgets
Methane Number Control of Associated Gas from Oil Production
Methanolselektive Membranen aus Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplexen
Methanzahlanhebung mittels Gaspermeation bei der Verstromung von Erdoelbegleitgasen (Diplomarbeit)
Method for Preparation, Programming, and Characterization of Miniaturized Particulate Shape-Memory Polymer Matrices
Method of Test for the Determination of Resistance to Stable Crack Extension using Specimens of Low Constraint
Method optimization for the analysis of brominated flame retardants in marine environmental samples using GC-ICP-MS as complementary detection technique
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Methoden und Anwendungen der TRFA
Methoden zur Bestimmung des Maleinsaeureanhydridgehaltes in Acrylnitril-Copolymeren in Gegenwart initialer Carboxylgruppen
Methoden zur Charakterisierung der Molmassenverteilung und der chemischen Zusammensetzung von reaktiven Acrylpolymeren; P 78
Methoden zur Einschaetzung der Druckstabilitaet von Membranen
Methoden zur Porengroessenbestimmung bei Membranen
Methoden zur Porengroessenbestimmung bei Membranen unter Beruecksichtigung verfahrenstechnischer Aspekte (Dissertation)
Methoden zur Schnellbestimmung von Strontium-89, Strontium-90 und Yttrium-90 in Umweltproben
Methoden, Instrumente und Anwendungen der Bildverarbeitung in der Kuestenmeteorologie
Methodenentwicklung und Validierung von neuen Verfahren zur Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung von anthropogenen Nanopartikeln in der aquatischen Umwelt (Dissertation)
Methodenentwicklung zur Analytik natuerlicher und synthetischer Steroidhormone im Kuestengewaesser mittels LC-MS/MS (Masterarbeit)
Methodenentwicklung zur Bestimmung polybromierter Diphenylether im Fettgewebe mariner Saeuger mittels GC/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Methodenvergleich zur Bestimmung des Maleinsaeurehydridgehaltes in Acrylnitril-Copolymeren durch Potentiometrie
Methodenvergleich zur Bestimmung des Reaktiven Gasfoermigen Quecksilbers (RGM) in der Atmosphaere
Methodical aspects of reconstructing non-local historical temperatures
Methodik zur Abschaetzung der Gewaessercontamination mit Radionukiden durch kerntechnische Anlagen (Dissertation in russisch)
Methodische Entwicklung zur Analyse von ausgewaehlten organischen Luftschadstoffen mit Thermodesorption in einem GC/MS (Diplomarbeit)
Methodische Grundlagen des Nachweises und der Bestimmung von insektiziden Phosphorsaeureestern und Carbamaten im Wasser mittels Cholinesterasehemmung (Dissertation)
Methodology for model calculations of the atmospheric input of trace metals into the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Methodology for model calculations of the atmospheric input of trace metals into the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Methodology for prediction of distortion of workpieces manufactured by high speed machining based on an accurate through-the-thickness residual stress determination
Methods and Devices for Reversing Neutron Polarization
Methods for material characterization in the range of high crack growth rates
Methods for Programming Stimuli-sensitivity in Polymer Networks
Methods of Calibration of a Neutron Small Angle Scattering Instrument during Commissioning and Operation
Methods of isotopic and spin contrast variation in biology
Methods of isotopic and spin contrast variation in biology
Methylation and demthylation of mercury in the presence of bacteria
Metrics for the characteristic length scale in the random bicontinuous microstructure of nanoporous gold
Metrology and characterization of two optical delay line mirrors before and after B4C coating at European XFEL
Metrology of MID offset mirrors before and after coating
MEWEB Messprogramm Weser in Bremen: Gutachten zur Beurteilung des Gewaesserguetezustandes der Unterweser
Mg Alloys Systems and Classification
Mg Alloys: Challenges and Achievements in Controlling Performance, and Future Application Perspectives
Mg Alloys: Challenges and Achievements in Controlling Performance, and Future Application Perspectives
Mg and Mg alloys: How comparable are in vitro and in vivo corrosion rates? A review
Mg Biodegradation Mechanism Deduced from the Local Surface Environment under Simulated Physiological Conditions
Mg Sheet: The Effect of Process Parameters and Alloy Composition on Texture and Mechanical Properties
Mg-Ag-Gd alloys as biodegradable implant materials
Mg-Ag-Gd alloys as biodegradable implant materials
Mg-based compounds for hydrogen and energy storage
Mg-based hydrogen storage materials with improved hydrogen sorption by metal oxides
Mg-based materials diminish tumor spreading and cancer metastases
Mg-based materials for hydrogen storage
Mg-based microparticles (beads) as potential therapeutics for Osteoarthritis
Mg-Ca binary alloys as anodes for primary Mg-air batteries
Mg-Feinbleche fuer den Ultraleichtbau in der Verkehrstechnik
Mg-Feinbleche fuer den Ultraleichtbau in der Verkehrstechnik
Mg2Si Nanoparticle Synthesis for High Pressure Hydrogenation
MgAl-V2O7 4- LDHs/(PEI/MXene)10 composite film for magnesium alloy corrosion protection
MgCl2 affects the proliferation, differentiation and function of human osteoclasts derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
MgH2 with Nb2O5 as additive, for hydrogen storage: Chemical, structural and kinetic behavior with heating
MH-compressor II: Simulation and Experimental System Engineering
Micellar structure of a sugar based bolaamphiphile in pure solution and destabilizing effects in mixtures of glycolipids
Micellar structure of amphiphilic poly(2-oxazoline) diblock copolymers
Micellar Structures of Hydrophilic/Lipophilic and Hydrophilic/Fluorophilic Poly(2-oxazoline) Diblock Copolymers in Water
Micelle formation in aqueous solutions of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid studied by small-angle neutron scattering
Micelle Structure of Octyl-Beta-Glucoside in Aqueous Solution
Micelle Structure of Octyl-Beta-Glucoside in Aqueous Solution
Micelle-Vesicle Transition of Oleyldimethylamine Oxide in Water
Micellization Activity of the Natural Lipopeptide [Glu1, Asp5] Surfactin-C15 in Aqueous Solution
Micellization of Aminoterminated Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) in the Presence of Hyaluronic Acid
Micellization of Zonyl FSN-100 fluorosurfactant in aqueous solutions
Micro / Macro and Soft / Hard: Divergence and Converging Issues in the Physical and Social Sciences
Micro Fluidic System for the Investigation of the Synovial Liquid by X-ray Scattering Method
Micro- und Spurenanalyse in akustisch levitierten Tropfen: Verdampfungs- und Kondensationsprozesse
Micro-alloyed Mg-Ca: Corrosion susceptibility to heating history and a plain problem-solving approach
Micro-alloyed Mg-Ca: corrosion susceptibility to heating history and a problem-solving approach
Micro-alloying of Mg-Zn based alloys-Influence on corrosion behaviour
Micro-alloying of Mg-Zn based alloys-Influence on corrosion behaviour
Micro-alloying of Mg-Zn based alloys-Influence on corrosion behaviour
Micro-Mechanical Modelling of Ductile Damage and Tearing - Results of a European Numerical Round Robin
Micro-mechanisms of deformation and strengthening during high pressure torsion of CoCuFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Micro-Strain Induced by Thermal Cycling in the Short Fiber Reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi Piston Alloys and AE42 Magnesium Alloys
Micro-to-nano-scale deformation mechanism of a Ti-based dendritic-ultrafine eutectic alloy exhibiting large tensile ductility
Micro/Macro and Soft/Hard: Diverging and Converging Issues in the Physical and Social Sciences
Micro/nanocontainer-based intelligent coatings: Synthesis, performance and applications – A review
Microanalysis in forensic science: characterization of single textile fibers by total reflection X-ray fluorescence
Microanalysis of inclusion-matrix interfaces in weld metals
Microanalysis of inclusion/matrix interfaces in weld metals
Microbially synthesized Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyhexanoate) with low to moderate hydroxyhexanoate content: Properties and applications
Microbially Synthesized Polymer-Metal Nanoparticles Composites as Promising Wound Dressings to Overcome Methicillin-Resistance Staphylococcus aureus Infections
Microbiogeochemical Traits to Identify Nitrogen Hotspots in Permafrost Regions
Microbiology of the upper mixed layer
Microcapsules with an aqueous core for protein encapsulation
Microcirculation in hypertensive patients
Microcompression as a quantitative technique: a case study on fused silica
Microcompression as a quantitative technique: A case study on fused silica
Microcompression investigation of slip and twinning in pure Mg single crystals
Microcompression study of a twinned magnesium bicrystal
Microcompression study of Mg (0 0 0 1) single crystal
Microcompression Study of Orientation and Alloying Effects in Single Crystalline AZ31
Microcrack growth in Al 2024 and its effect on fatigue life in the LCF-regime
Microdomains in Lipid Vesicles: Structure and Distribution Assessed by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Microemulsion Droplets Decorated by Brij700 Block Copolymer: Phase Behavior and Structural Investigation by SAXS and SANS
Microengineered Hollow Graphene Tube Systems Generate Conductive Hydrogels with Extremely Low Filler Concentration
Microfluidic templating and initiator-free photocrosslinking of protein-loaded PCL microcapsules
Microgels from microfluidic templating and photoinduced crosslinking of cinnamylidene acetic acid modified precursors
Microgels from photocrosslinking of cinnamylidene acetic acid modified polyethylene glycol
Microhardness and In Vitro Corrosion of Heat-Treated Mg–Y–Ag Biodegradable Alloy
Micromechanical based derivation of traction-separation laws for cohesive model simulations
Micromechanical based derivation of traction-separation laws for cohesive model simulations
Micromechanical characterization of nanoporous gold/epoxy composites
Micromechanical Insights into Functional Materials
Micromechanical modeling of advanced hierarchical composites
Micromechanical modeling of advanced hierarchical composites
Micromechanical modeling of advanced hierarchical composites
Micromechanical modeling of deformation and fracture in lamellar Gamma-TiAl alloys
Micromechanical modeling of deformation and fracture in lamellar Gamma-TiAl alloys
Micromechanical modeling of fracture in Gamma-TiAl alloys
Micromechanical Modeling of Fully Lamellar Titanium Aluminides
Micromechanical modeling of size effects in amorphous materials
Micromechanical Modeling of the Deformation of HCP Metals (Dissertation)
Micromechanical Modeling of Ti-Al Crystals
Micromechanical Modeling of Ti-Al Crystals
Micromechanical Modelling of Cyclic Plasticity incorporating Damage
Micromechanical modelling of damage and fracture of ductile materials
Micromechanical Modelling of Damage due to Particle Cracking in Reinforced Metals
Micromechanical Modelling of Ductile Damage and Tearing - Results of a European Round Robin
Micromechanical modelling of the behaviour of ductile materials including particles
Micromechanical modelling of the damage and toughness behaviour of nodular cast iron materials
Micromechanical Modelling of the Damage Evolution in Ductile Metals
Micromechanical models for ductile rupture; Cohesive zone models
Micromechanics Based Approaches to Damage under Cyclic Plastic Loading
Micromechanics Based Approaches to Damage under Cyclic Plastic Loading
Micromechanisms governing plastic inhomogeneity in an Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Zr alloy
Micromechanisms governing plastic inhomogeneity in an Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Zr alloy
Micromechanisms governing plastic inhomogeneity in an Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Zr alloy
Micromechanisms governing plastic instability in Al-Li based alloys
Micromechanisms governing plastic instability in Al-Li based alloys
Micromechanisms governing plastic instability in Al-Li based alloys (Dissertation)
Micromechanisms of Creep in Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminides
Micromechanisms of Creep in Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminides
Micromechanisms of Deformation and Damage - Identification and Modelling
Micromechanisms of deformation of polysynthetically twinned (PST) TiAl crystals
Micromorphology of pineal gland calcification in age-related neurodegenerative diseases
Microparticles as carriers for phagocytosis and modulation of immune cells
Microparticles from glycidylmethacrylated gelatin as cell carriers prepared in an aqueous two-phase system
Microparticles from Photocrosslinked Polyesters
Microparticles prepared from degradable copolyetherester urethanes via electrospraying
Microparticulate carriers for modulating immune responses
Micropatterning of Ag and Au Nanoparticles by Microcontact Printing and Block Copolymer Micelles
Microplastic analysis in filtration samples from complex fjord systems in Tunu (Greenland)
Microplastic analysis of complex marine water and sediment samples
Microplastic Compendium
Microplasticity and macroplasticity behavior of additively manufactured Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloys: In-situ experiment and modeling
Microplastics as a Trojan horse for trace metals
Microplastics in Coastal North Sea Sediments – Analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Microplastics in coastal North Sea sediments – Analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Microplastics in the Indian Ocean - Analyzed by Quantum Cascade laser- based infrared imaging
Microporous Membranes from Blends of Polysulfone and Sulfonated Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide)
Microporous Membranes Prepared from Blends of Polysulfone and Sulfonated Poly (2,6-dimethyl-1,4phenylene Oxide)
Microporous titanium fabricated by liquid metal dealloying
Microporus membranes / dynamic membranes
Microprocesses of plasticity in two-phase titanium aluminides
Microroughness of polycarbonate surface promotes osteogenesis of stem cells via regulating cell density related laminin-5 secretion
Microscale Damage Evolution and Failure Behavior of Metal–Composite Friction Spot Joints: Modelling and Experimental Analyses
Microscale roughness regulates laminin-5 secretion of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Microscopic analysis of shape-shiftable oligo (ε-caprolactone) — based particles
Microscopic characterisation of Gamma TiAl diffusion bonded joint interfaces
Microscopic characterisation of gamma-TiAl diffusion bonded joint interfaces
Microscopic characterization of particulate SMP matrices
Microscopic deformation compatibility during biaxial tension in AZ31 Mg alloy rolled sheet at room temperature
Microscopic mechanisms of metastable phase formation during ball milling of intermetallic TiAl phases
Microscopic stresses in carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites determined by in-situ neutron diffraction
Microscopic temperature field prediction during adiabatic loading using gradient extended crystal plasticity
Microscopy Escorting the Process from Polymer Synthesis to Membranes Fabrication
Microstrain in Nanocrystalline Metals: A Comparison of X-Ray Analysis and Local Strain Analysis in MD Samples
Microstructural analyses of intermetallic TiAl(Nb)-compounds prepared by arc melting and by powder metallurgy (Dissertation)
Microstructural analysis of hydrogen absorption in 2NaH + MgB2
Microstructural analysis of lignocellulosic fiber networks
Microstructural analysis of lignocellulosic fiber networks
Microstructural analysis of rapidly solidified powders of intermetallics based on (Ti, Nb)3(Al, Si) and (Ti, Nb)5(Si, Al)3
Microstructural analysis of rapidly solidified powders of intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3 eutectic composites
Microstructural Analysis of Stainless Steel Dissimilar Joints by "Friction Stir Welding"
Microstructural and Chemical Changes of a Ti-Stabilized Austenitic Stainless Steel After Exposure to Liquid Sodium at Temperatures Between 500 °C and 650 °C
Microstructural and electrochemical characterization of a thin-section dissimilar stainless steel weld joint
Microstructural and mechanical aspects of reinforcement welds for lightweight components produced by friction hydro pillar processing
Microstructural and mechanical aspects of reinforcement welds for lightweight components produced by friction hydro pillar processing
Microstructural and Mechanical Aspects of Reinforcement Welds for Lightweight Components produced by Friction Hydro Pillar Processing
Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Welds in a High Creep Resistance Magnesium Alloy
Microstructural and Mechanical Characterisation of a Ti6Al4V/TiC710p Composite Processed by the BE-CHIP Method
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of diffusion bonded hybrid joints
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of electron beam welded Al-alloy 7020
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of laser beam welded AA6056 Al-alloy
Microstructural and micromechanical characterisation of TiAl alloys using atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation
Microstructural and notch effects on fatigue of high-pressure nitrided Ti 6Al 40
Microstructural and Phase Composition Differences Across the Interfaces in Al/Ti/Al Explosively Welded Clads
Microstructural aspects of creep in a TiAl-based alloy: held at the International Metallographic Society Meeting, June 1992 in Denver, USA
Microstructural aspects of diffusion bonding of high Niobium containing Gamma TiAl-based alloys
Microstructural aspects of diffusion bonding of high Niobium containing Gamma TiAl-based alloys
Microstructural aspects of diffusion bonding of high Niobium containing Gamma TiAl-based alloys
Microstructural aspects of diffusion bonding of high Niobium containing Gamma TiAl-based alloys
Microstructural Change Induced by Slow Strain Rate Tensile for Friction Stir Welded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Microstructural Change Induced by Slow Strain Rate Tensile for Friction Stir Welded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Microstructural Changes During Long-Term Tension Creep of Two-Phase Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructural changes in an extruded Mg-Zn-Y alloy reinforced by quasicrystalline I-phase by small additions of calcium, manganese and cerium-rich mischmetal
Microstructural Changes of a Gamma-TiAl Based Alloy with a Fully Lamellar Microstructure Due to Annealing at Elevated Temperatures
Microstructural Changes of a Gamma-TiAl Based Alloy with a Fully Lamellar Microstructure Due to Annealing at Elevated Temperatures
Microstructural Changes of an Extruded WE33 Alloy during Precipitation Hardening
Microstructural Changes of an Extruded WE33 Alloy during Precipitation Hardening
Microstructural Characterisation and Mechanical Behavior of Nano- and Submicron-grained Titanium Aluminide / Titanuim Silicide Composites Prepared by High Energy Milling
Microstructural Characterisation and Mechanical Behavior of Nano- and Submicron-grained Titanium Aluminide / Titanuim Silicide Composites Prepared by High Energy Milling
Microstructural Characteristics of Short Distance LB Welded Clip-Skin Joints of Aluminium Alooys 6013, 6156 and 2139
Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welded Aluminum Alloy AA6181-Ti6Al4V Dissimilar Joint
Microstructural characterization and ways for fatigue life improvement of LBW Ti-6Al-4V butt-joints with Grade 5 filler wire (Masterarbeit)
Microstructural characterization of friction welded TiAl-Ti6Al4V hybrid joints
Microstructural characterization of friction welded TiAl-Ti6Al4V hybrid joints
Microstructural Characterization of Mg-RE Alloys in as-cast and crept conditions using Interference Layer Metallographie
Microstructural Characterization of Mg-RE Alloys in as-cast and crept conditions using Interference Layer Metallographie
Microstructural characterization of NiTi shape memory alloy produced by rotary hot forging
Microstructural characterization of NiTi shape memory alloy produced by rotary hot forging
Microstructural correlation with tensile and creep properties of AZ91 alloy in three casting techniques
Microstructural Design Criteria of Fully Lamellar TiAl Alloys for Improved Creep Strength
Microstructural development during diffusion bonding of Gamma-TiAl
Microstructural development in extruded Mg-Al and Mg-Zn-alloys
Microstructural Development in Tension and Compression Creep of Magnesium Alloy AE42
Microstructural development in tension and compression creep of magnesium alloy AE42
Microstructural development of as-cast AM50 during Constrained Friction Processing: grain refinement and influence of process parameters
Microstructural Evaluation and Mechanical Properties of a Friction Stir Spot Welded TRIP 800 Steel - Avaliacao Microestrutural e Propriedades Mecanicas de um Aço TRIP Soldado a Ponto por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica
Microstructural evolution and delayed hydride cracking of FSW-AZ31 magnesium alloy during SSRT
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Mg–11Gd–4.5Y–1Nd–1.5Zn–0.5Zr alloy prepared via pre-ageing and hot extrusion
Microstructural Evolution and Microhardness of Direct Laser Clad TiC Dispersed Titanium Aluminide (Ti45Al5Nb0.5Si) Alloy
Microstructural evolution and thermal stability of AlCr(Si)N hard coatings revealed by in-situ high-temperature high-energy grazing incidence transmission X-ray diffraction
Microstructural Evolution During Friction Surfacing of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys
Microstructural Evolution during Hot-Working of Ti Aluminide Alloys: Influence of Phase Constitution and Initial Casting Texture
Microstructural evolution during post heat treatment of the Ti–6Al–4V alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Microstructural evolution during recrystallisation of magnesium alloys
Microstructural evolution during recrystallization of magnesium alloys
Microstructural evolution during recrystallization of magnesium alloys
Microstructural evolution during the annealing of an extruded AZ31 magnesium alloy
Microstructural Evolution in Gamma Titanium Aluminides During Severe Hot-Working
Microstructural Evolution of Friction Stir Spot Welded Trip Steel Joints - Evolucao Microestrutural em Juntas de Aco Trip Soldado a Ponto por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica
Microstructural evolution of Mg–14Gd–0.4Zr alloy during compressive creep
Microstructural evolution of nanoporous gold during coarsening
Microstructural Evolution of Nanoporous Gold During Coarsening
Microstructural evolution of Ti-6Al-4V/glass-fiber-reinforced polyester friction-riveted joints
Microstructural features and fracture behaviour of laser welded similar and dissimilar steel joints
Microstructural Features of Dynamic Recrystallization in Alloy 625 Friction Surfacing Coatings
Microstructural Features of Dynamic Recrystallization in Alloy 625 Friction Surfacing Coatings
Microstructural influence of the thermal behavior of arc deposited TiAlN coatings with high aluminum content
Microstructural influence on corrosion behavior of MgZnGe alloy in NaCl solution
Microstructural influences on inhomogeneous plastic flow in AA2198
Microstructural influences on strengthening in a naturally aged and overaged Al-Cu-Li-Mg based alloy
Microstructural investigation of LixNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (x ≤ 1) and its aged products via magnetic and diffraction study
Microstructural investigation, using polarized neutron scattering, of a martensitic steel for fusion reactors
Microstructural investigations of interfaces in short fiber reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi composites
Microstructural Investigations of Mg-Al Alloys Containing Small Amount of SiC Nucleants
Microstructural Investigations of Mg-Al Alloys Containing Small Amount of SiC Nucleants
Microstructural Investigations of the Mg-Sn and Mg-Sn-Al Alloy Systems
Microstructural Investigations of the Mg-Sn and Mg-Sn-Al Alloy Systems
Microstructural Investigations of the Mg-Sn-xCa System
Microstructural mapping of friction stir welded AA 7075-T6 and AlMgSc alloys using electrical conductivity
Microstructural Material Modelling in Metal Forming
Microstructural refinement of boron-containing Beta-solidifying Gamma-titanium aluminide alloys through heat treatments in the Beta phase field
Microstructural Refinement of Cast Beta-solidifying Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructural Response to Hot Working of Mg-4Al-2Ba-1Ca (ABaX421) as Revealed by Processing Map
Microstructural Response to Hot Working of Mg-4Al-2Ba-1Ca (ABaX421) as Revealed by Processing Map
Microstructural Stability Analysis of Mg-3Al-1Zn Sheets Deformed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Microstructural stability and creep behavior of a lamellar Gamma-TiAl based alloy with extremely fine lamellar spacing
Microstructural Stability and Creep Cracking in Ti6242 Alloys
Microstructural studies of irradiated iron alloys and RPV steels – composition and dose rate effects
Microstructural study of hydrogen desorption in 2NaBH4 + MgH2 reactive hydride composite
Microstructural Study of MgB2 in the LiBH4-MgH2 Composite by Using TEM
Microstructural study of the LiBH4–MgH2 reactive hydride composite with and without Ti-isopropoxide additive
Microstructural, mechanical and corrosion characterization of an as-cast Mg–3Zn–0.4Ca alloy for biomedical applications
Microstructural, texture development and mechanical properties of a twin-roll cast Mg AZ31 sheets processed by equal and differential speed rolling
Microstructure Analysis and Bulk Texture Study in Wide Magnesium Alloy Sheets Processed by Twin-Roll Casting
Microstructure and AEM studies of shelf-shielded flux-cored arc steel weldments
Microstructure and Chemical Homogeneity of High Nb Gamma Based TiAl Alloys in Different Conditions of Processing
Microstructure and Chemical Homogeneity of High Nb Gamma Based TiAl Alloys in Different Conditions of Processing
Microstructure and Compression Creep Strength of the Newly Developed Magnesium Alloy DieMag422
Microstructure and Compression Creep Strength of the Newly Developed Magnesium Alloy DieMag422
Microstructure and corrosion behavior of Ca/P coatings prepared on magnesium by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Microstructure and corrosion behavior of Mg-Sn-Ca alloys after extrusion
Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Shielded Metal Arc-Welded Dissimilar Joints Comprising Duplex Stainless Steel and Low Alloy Steel
Microstructure and Corrosion Characterization of a MgO/Hydroxyapatite Bilayer Coating by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coupled with Flame Spraying on a Mg Alloy
Microstructure and corrosion of AZ91 with small amounts of cerium
Microstructure and corrosion of AZ91 with small amounts of cerium
Microstructure and crack growth in the titanium alloy Ti-2.5Cu
Microstructure and crack propagation in Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr
Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Magnesium Alloys containing Calcium and Yttrium
Microstructure and creep behaviour of magnesium hybrid composites
Microstructure and Creep Properties of MEZ Magnesium Alloy Processed by Thixocasting
Microstructure and Creep Properties of MEZ Magnesium Alloy Processed by Thixocasting
Microstructure and creep strength of different Gamma/Gamma′-strengthened Co-base superalloy variants
Microstructure and Defects in Gamma-TiAl Based Vacuum Arc Remelted Ingot Materials
Microstructure and Defects in Gamma-TiAl Based Vacuum Arc Remelted Ingot Materials
Microstructure and deformation behaviour of TiAl-based alloys
Microstructure and deformation of two-phase Gamma-titanium aluminides
Microstructure and degradation performance of biodegradable Mg-Si-Sr implant alloys
Microstructure and degradation properties of Mg-Gd-Ag-Ca alloys as biodegradable implant materials
Microstructure and degradation properties of Mg-Gd-Ag-Ca alloys as biodegradable implant materials
Microstructure and elastic properties in Ti-42Al-8.5Nb after long-term annealing at 550°C
Microstructure and fracture toughness of the aged ss-Ti alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3A1
Microstructure and hardness evolution of laser metal deposited AA5087 wall-structures
Microstructure and hardness evolution of laser metal depositioned AA5087 wall structures
Microstructure and high temperature tensile deformation of TiAl(Si) alloys made from elemental powders
Microstructure and in-situ tensile behavior of CNTs reinforced Mg composites using neutron diffraction
Microstructure and interface characterization of dissimilar friction stir welded lap joints between Ti–6Al–4V and AISI 304
Microstructure and kinetics of intermetallic phase growth of three-layered A1050/AZ31/A1050 clads prepared by explosive welding combined with subsequent annealing
Microstructure and lattice parameters of suction-cast Ti–Nb alloys in a wide range of Nb concentrations
Microstructure and magnetic behavior of compounds in the solid solution system Li [Ni1 − xMnx] O2 (x = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7)
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of friction spot welded AA6181-T4/Ti6Al4V dissimilar joints
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of hierarchical nanoporous gold-polypyrrole electrochemical actuators
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of metal injection molded Ti–Nb binary alloys as biomedical material
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of Mg-5Zn matrix influenced by particle deformation zone
Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of an Isothermally Forged Near-Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Microstructure and mechanical characterization of cast Mg-Ca-Si alloys
Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Additively Manufactured Aluminum 2024-T3/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Hybrid Joints Using an AddJoining Technique
Microstructure and mechanical performance of autogenously fibre laser beam welded Ti-6242 butt joints
Microstructure and mechanical performance of metal-composite hybrid joints produced by FricRiveting
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Boron Containing Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloy in Different Hot Working Stages
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Boron Containing Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloy in Different Hot Working Stages
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a forged Beta-solidifying Gamma TiAl alloy in different heat treatment conditions
Microstructure and Mechanical properties of AlSi9Cu3 Alloy Based Hybrid Composites
Microstructure and Mechanical properties of AlSi9Cu3 Alloy Based Hybrid Composites
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an AA6181-T4 Aluminium Alloy to HC340LA High Strength Steel Friction Stir Overlap Weld
Microstructure and mechanical properties of an advanced Ag-microalloyed aluminum crossover alloy tailored for wire-arc directed energy deposition
Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast and heat treated Mg-Ca-Y-Zr alloys
Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg–Sn–Ca alloys and effect of alloying elements
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ca containing AZX310 alloy sheets produced via twin roll casting technology
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ca containing AZX310 alloy sheets produced via twin roll casting technology
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-bearing MMA-C-Mn weld metal
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-bearing shielded metal Arc C-Mn weld metal
Microstructure and mechanical properties of dual phase alloys consisting of the intermetallic phases Ti3 (Al, Si) and Ti5 (Si, Al)3
Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction spot welds of dissimilar AA5754 Al and AZ31 Mg alloys
Microstructure and mechanical properties of gamma base titanium aluninide produced from extruded elemental powders
Microstructure and mechanical properties of gas metal arc welded CoCrFeMnNi joints using a 308 stainless steel filler metal
Microstructure and mechanical properties of gas metal arc welded CoCrFeMnNi joints using a 410 stainless steel filler metal
Microstructure and mechanical properties of high niobium containing TiAl alloys elaborated by spark plasma sintering
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Pressure Die Cast Am50 Magnesium Alloy Containing Ce
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Pressure Die Cast Am50 Magnesium Alloy Containing Ce
Microstructure and mechanical properties of keyhole repair welds in AA 7075-T651 using refill friction stir spot welding
Microstructure and mechanical properties of large-scale Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn alloys prepared through semi-continuous casting
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Beam Welded Joints between Fine-Grained and Standard Ti-6Al-4V Sheets Subjected to Superplastic Forming
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser beam-welded AA2198 using Al-Si filler wire under post-weld heat treatment
Microstructure and mechanical properties of M40/AZ91 composites fabricated by pressure infiltration method
Microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy AZ31B laser beam welds
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-2Gd-x(Ag, Ca) Ternary Alloys Developed for Biomedical Applications
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-2Gd-x(Ag, Ca) Ternary Alloys Developed for Biomedical Applications
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-3Sn-1Ca reinforced with AlN nano-particles
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Gd Alloys as Biodegradable Implant Materials
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Gd Alloys as Biodegradable Implant Materials
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nb-Containing TiAl Alloys Processed by SPS
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Nd:YAG laser beam welded similar and dissimilar Ti-6Al-4V joints
Microstructure and mechanical properties of open-cell Ni-foams with hollow struts and NiO oxide layers
Microstructure and mechanical properties of reactive hot isostatic pressed TiAl powder materials
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding of AM50 Cast Magnesium Alloy
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Si and YN doped powder metallurgical tantalum
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti 45Al 5Nb + (0–0.5C) sheets
Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiAl alloys containing refractory elements sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering
Microstructure and mechanical property of the ECAPed Mg2Si/Mg composite
Microstructure and microhardness of wire-based laser metal deposited AA5087 using an Ytterbium fibre laser
Microstructure and Micromechanical Properties of as-cast Mg-Sn-Ca and Mg-Sn-Mn Alloys
Microstructure and Micromechanical Properties of as-cast Mg-Sn-Ca and Mg-Sn-Mn Alloys
Microstructure and morphology evolution of probeless friction stir spot welded joints of aluminum alloy
Microstructure and phase relationships in a rapidly solidified dual-phase alloy based on Ti3(Al,Si) + Ti5(Si,Al)3
Microstructure and phase transformation behavior of NiTiCu shape memory alloys produced using twin-wire arc additive manufacturing
Microstructure and phase transformations of ωo-Ti4Al3Nb based alloys after quenching and subsequent aging at intermediate temperatures
Microstructure and Properties of Beta-solidifying GAMMA-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructure and properties of dual-phase intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3 (Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(SI,Al)3
Microstructure and properties of dual-phase intermetallics based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3
Microstructure and properties of eutectic composites based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3
Microstructure and Properties of Friction Spot Welds in a 2-mm Thick Alclad AA2024 T3 Alloy
Microstructure and properties of FSW joints
Microstructure and Properties of Gamma-TiAl
Microstructure and properties of investment-cast Gamma-titanium aluminides
Microstructure and Properties of Magnesium Alloy Mg-1Zn-1Ca (ZX11)
Microstructure and Properties of Magnesium Alloy Mg-1Zn-1Ca (ZX11)
Microstructure and Properties of selected Magnesium alloys
Microstructure and Properties of Technical Alloys
Microstructure and Properties of Technical Alloys
Microstructure and properties of two-phase alloys based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3
Microstructure and property relationship controllable by thermomechanical processing of Mg-Al-Zn-Y-Ca alloy sheets
Microstructure and property relationship controllable by thermomechanical processing of Mg-Al-Zn-Y-Ca alloy sheets
Microstructure and Residual Stress in Rotary Friction Welded Dissimilar Metals of AA7020 Aluminium Alloy with 316L Steel
Microstructure and Residual Stresses in Dissimilar Mg-Al-Zn-alloy Single Overlap Laser Beam Welds
Microstructure and tensile mechanical behavior of laser beam welded AA2198 joints - Effect of process parameters and post-weld heat treatment
Microstructure and tensile properties of some gamma-TiAl alloys made from elemental powders
Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Spray Formed Gamma Ti48.9at%Al
Microstructure and tensile property of the ECAPed pure magnesium
Microstructure and texture control of Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloys manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Microstructure and Texture Design in Cost-effective Magnesium Sheets for Automotive Application
Microstructure and texture development during hydrostatic extrusion of magnesium alloy AZ31
Microstructure and texture development during rolling of ternary Mg-Zn alloys with rare earth elements
Microstructure and texture development during rolling of ternary Mg-Zn alloys with rare earth elements
Microstructure and Texture Development in Binary Magnesium Alloys during Rolling
Microstructure and Texture Development in Binary Magnesium Alloys during Rolling
Microstructure and texture development in hydrostatically extruded MgAlZn alloys during tensile testing at intermediate temperatures
Microstructure and Texture Effects on the Cyclic Plasticity of an Extruded Magnesium Alloy
Microstructure and Texture Effects on the Cyclic Plasticity of an Extruded Magnesium Alloy
Microstructure and Texture Evolution During the Heat Treatment of 0.6Zn–0.6Ca–Mg Alloy Sheet Manufactured via Twin Roll Casting
Microstructure and Texture Evolution in an Intermetallic Beta-Stabilized TiAl Alloy During Forging and Subsequent Isothermal Annealing
Microstructure and texture evolution in cryorolled Al 7075 alloy
Microstructure and texture evolution of the magnesium alloy ZMX210 during rolling and annealing
Microstructure and texture evolution of the magnesium alloy ZMX210 during rolling and annealing
Microstructure and Texture Formation during Hot Rolling of Niobium-Rich Gamma TiAl Alloys with Different Carbon Contents
Microstructure and Texture Formation During Near Conventional Forging of an Intermetallic Ti-45Al-5Nb Alloy
Microstructure and texture formation in extruded lead sulfide
Microstructure and texture in Ni50Mn29Ga21 deformed by high-pressure torsion
Microstructure and texture of cold rolled and subsequently annealed pure Mg, Mg-Nd and Mg-Y alloys sheets (Masterarbeit)
Microstructure and Texture of MX20 after Conventional Rolling and Rolling from Twin Rolled Cast Strip
Microstructure and texture of MX20 after conventional rolling and rolling from twin rolled cast strip
Microstructure and Texture of MX20 after Conventional Rolling and Rolling from Twin Rolled Cast Strip
Microstructure and Thermal Response of Mg-Sn Alloys
Microstructure and Thermal Response of Mg-Sn Alloys
Microstructure and weld metal matching effects on heat affected zone thoughness
Microstructure by design: An approach of grain refinement and isotropy improvement in multi-layer wire-based laser metal deposition
Microstructure Characterisation and creep properties of AE42 based hybrid composites prepared by squeeze casting process
Microstructure Damage Observation of Al2 O3p / AA6061 after Cold Working
Microstructure Damage Observation of Al2 O3p / AA6061 after Cold Working
Microstructure development and hardness of a powder metallurgical multi phase Gamma-TiAl based alloy
Microstructure development and related mechanical behavior of the ZEW200 Mg alloy processed by differential speed rolling and equal channel angular pressing
Microstructure development and related mechanical behavior of the ZEW200 Mg alloy processed by differential speed rolling and equal channel angular pressing
Microstructure development and related mechanical behavior of the ZEW200 Mg alloy processed by differential speed rolling and equal channel angular pressing
Microstructure development during rapid solidification of highly supersaturated Cu-Co alloys
Microstructure Development of Magnesium Alloys AZ31 and AZ80 Due to Temperature Evolution during Direct Extrusion
Microstructure evaluation and mechanical properties of a friction stir spot welded TRIP 800 steel
Microstructure evolution and corrosion behaviour of the biodegradable EZK1110 alloy
Microstructure evolution and corrosion behaviour of the biodegradable EZK1110 alloy
Microstructure evolution and enhanced creep property of a high Nb containing TiAl alloy with carbon addition
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in a gas tungsten arc welded Fe42Mn28Co10Cr15Si5 metastable high entropy alloy
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of aluminum wires produced via friction extrusion
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Keyhole Repair Welds in AA 2219-T851 using Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Keyhole Repair Welds in AA 2219-T851 using Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of nano-SiCp/AZ91 composite processed by extrusion and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP)
Microstructure evolution and stress corrosion cracking behavior in short-term thermomechanically processed Al-Cu-Li alloys (Dissertation)
Microstructure evolution and tensile properties of friction-stir-welded AM50 magnesium alloy
Microstructure evolution and texture development during production of homogeneous fine-grained aluminum wire by friction extrusion
Microstructure evolution during high pressure torsion of AZ80 magnesium alloy
Microstructure evolution during laser-directed energy deposition of tool steel by in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction
Microstructure evolution during long term high temperature exposure and its impact on mechanical properties
Microstructure Evolution During Recrystallisation of Magnesium Alloys
Microstructure evolution during solid-state reactions in polycrystalline Nb/Al and Ti/Al multilayer thin films
Microstructure evolution in L12 hardened Co-base superalloys during creep
Microstructure evolution in refill friction stir spot weld of a dissimilar Al–Mg alloy to Zn-coated steel
Microstructure evolution in the hypo-eutectic alloy Al0.75CrFeNi2.1 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion and subsequent annealing
Microstructure Evolution in the Nickel Base Superalloy Allvac 718Plus
Microstructure evolution induced by the intrinsic heat treatment occurring during wire-arc additive manufacturing of an Al-Mg-Zn-Cu crossover alloy
Microstructure Evolution of Different Magnesium Alloys during Twin Roll Casting
Microstructure evolution of Mg–11Gd–4.5Y–1Nd–1.5Zn–0.5Zr (wt%) alloy during deformation and its effect on strengthening
Microstructure evolution of nanoporous gold during dealloying: Insights from atomistic modeling
Microstructure evolution simulation of magnesium/aluminium alloys
Microstructure Features and Mechanical Properties of Double-Sided Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA2050-T84 Thick Plates
Microstructure formation during solidification in multicomponent Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructure Formation during solidification of GAMMA-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructure Formation in Cast Beta-Solidifying Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructure Formation in Cast Beta-Solidifying Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Microstructure gradients across the white etching and transition layers of a heavy haul pearlitic steel
Microstructure in Dissimilar Friction Spot Weld of Al to Mg Alloys Observed by Stop-Action Technique
Microstructure in Dissimilar Friction Spot Weld of Al to Mg Alloys Observed by Stop-Action Technique
Microstructure investigation of Mg-10Gd-1La containing alloy subjected to fatigue deformation
Microstructure investigation of Mg-10Gd-1La containing alloy subjected to fatigue deformation
Microstructure matters: why smaller is often (but not always) stronger
Microstructure of a Si contaminated Mg-Zn-Ca alloy and the corrosion behaviour observation via an in-situ approach
Microstructure of a Si contaminated Mg-Zn-Ca alloy and the corrosion behaviour observation via an in-situ approach
Microstructure of AISI 410S Ferritic Stainless Steel and AISI 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel Dissimilar Weld Joined by FSW Process - Microestrutura de uma Solda Dissimilar entre o Aço Inoxidável Ferrítico AISI 410S e o Aço Inoxidável Austenítico AISI 304L Soldado pelo Processo FSW
Microstructure of an additively manufactured Ti-Ta-Al alloy using novel pre-alloyed powder feedstock material
Microstructure of as-cast and T4 heat-treated Mg2Gd-x(Ag,Ca) ternary alloys
Microstructure of as-cast and T4 heat-treated Mg2Gd-x(Ag,Ca) ternary alloys
Microstructure of as-cast and T4 heat-treated Mg2Gd-x(Ag,Ca) ternary alloys
Microstructure of calcite deformed by high-pressure torsion: An X-ray line profile study
Microstructure of copper-bearing C-Mn weld metal: as welded and stress-relieved states
Microstructure of die-cast alloys Mg–Zn–Al(–Ca): a study by electron microscopy and small-angle neutron scattering : Mikrostruktur von Druckgusslegierungen Mg–Zn–Al(–Ca): Eine Untersuchung mittels Elektronenmikroskopie und Kleinwinkel-Neutronenstreuung
Microstructure of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering
Microstructure of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering
Microstructure of friction stir welding of aluminium alloy to magnesium alloy
Microstructure of gas atomised Gamma-TiAl based alloy powders
Microstructure of gas atomised Gamma-TiAl based alloy powders
Microstructure of magnetite doped elastomers investigated by SAXS and SANS
Microstructure of the novel biomedical Mg–4Y–3Nd alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering
Microstructure of Ti-45Al-5Nb and Ti-45Al-10Nb powders
Microstructure of Ti-45Al-5Nb and Ti-45Al-10Nb powders
Microstructure of Ti3Al-based alloys containing Nb and Si
Microstructure refinement by a novel friction-based processing on Mg-Zn-Ca alloy
Microstructure refinement by a novel friction-based processing on Mg-Zn-Ca alloy
Microstructure refinement mechanisms in high strength -TiAl alloys
Microstructure sensitive modeling of temperature dependent yield behavior of fully lamellar TiAl
Microstructure sensitive modeling of temperature dependent yield behavior of fully lamellar TiAl
Microstructure stability of Gamma-TiAl produced by selective laser melting
Microstructure Tracking of Ti-6Al-4V by In-Situ Synchrotron Diffraction During Thermomechanical Process in Beta Field
Microstructure Tracking of Ti-6Al-4V by In-Situ Synchrotron Diffraction During Thermomechanical Process in Beta Field
Microstructure, composition and formation mechanism of ultra-black surfaces on the electrodeposited nickel-phosphorous coatings
Microstructure, Corrosion and Creep of As-Cast Magnesium Alloys Mg-2Sn-2Ca and Mg-4Sn-2Ca
Microstructure, Corrosion and Creep of As-Cast Magnesium Alloys Mg-2Sn-2Ca and Mg-4Sn-2Ca
Microstructure, Creep and Dilatometric Behavior of Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composites
Microstructure, Creep and Dilatometric Behavior of Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composites
Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Mg-Gd-Zn Alloys
Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Mg-Gd-Zn Alloys
Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Mg-Gd-Zn Alloys
Microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg–Dy–Gd–Zr alloys for medical applications
Microstructure, Mechanical and Creep Properties of Elektron21 Reinforced with AlN Nanoparticles by Intensive Melt Shearing
Microstructure, Mechanical and Creep Properties of Elektron21 Reinforced with AlN Nanoparticles by Intensive Melt Shearing
Microstructure, mechanical and functional properties of refill friction stir spot welds on multilayered aluminum foils for battery application
Microstructure, mechanical properties and creep of magnesium alloy Elektron21 reinforced with AlN nanoparticles by ultrasound-assisted stirring
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviour of Extruded Magnesium Alloys
Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture behaviors of large-scale sand-cast Mg-3Y-2Gd-1Nd-0.4Zr alloy
Microstructure, phase stability and element partitioning of γ-γ′ Co-9Al-9W-2X alloys in different annealing conditions
Microstructure, Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Spray Formed Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Microstructure, texture and hardness of a metastable β-titanium alloy after bar-rolling and annealing
Microstructure, wear and corrosion performance of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings formed on D16T Al alloy
Microstructure-based characterization of the corrosion behavior of the creep resistant Mg–Al–Ba–Ca alloy DieMag422
Microstructure-corrosion behaviour relationship of micro-alloyed Mg-0.5Zn alloy with the addition of Ca, Sr, Ag, In and Cu
Microstructured stubstrates modulate interleukin-6 secretion in human mesenchymal stem cells
Microstructures and mechanical properties of a hot-extruded Mg−8Gd−3Yb−1.2Zn−0.5Zr (wt%) alloy
Microstructures and mechanical properties of pure Mg processed by rotary swaging
Microstructures and mechanical properties of SiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix nanocomposites processed by multidirectional forging
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Spray Formed Magnesium Alloys
Microstructures and Properties of Nanocrystalline Composite Coatings
Microstructures and Properties of Nanostructured Thermal Sprayed Coatings Using High-Energy Milled Cermet Powders
Microstructures and Properties of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidized Ti Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) for Bio-implant Application
Microstructures in arc-welded Al10Co25Cr8Fe15Ni36Ti6 and Al10.87Co21.74Cr21.74Cu2.17Fe21.74Ni21.74 multi-principal element alloys: Comparison between experimental data and thermodynamic predictions
Microstructures, corrosion and mechanical properties of Mg-Si alloys as biodegradable implant materials
Microstructures, Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of Mg–Si Alloys as Biodegradable Implant Materials
Microstructures, decomposition kinetics and age hardening in some Cu-based alloys
Microstructures, textures and deformation mechanisms in hematite
Microstructure–Mechanical Properties and Application of Magnesium Alloys
Microstruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr
Microtexture and Chitin/Calcite Orientation Relationship in the Mineralized Exoskeleton of the American Lobster
Microtomography for Materials Science at HASYLAB
Microtomography of Magnesium Implants in Bone and their Degradation
Microtomography of Magnesium Implants in Bone and their Degradation
Microtomography of new materials for lightweight construction
Microtomography of new Materials for lightweight construction
Microtomography of the human tooth-alveolar bone complex
Microtomography of the human tooth-alveolar bone complex
Microtomography on Biomaterials using the HARWI-2 beamline at DESY
Microtomography on Biomatirials using the HARWI-2 Beamline at DESY
Microtomography Study of Crack Propagation within Laser Welded Al-Alloy T-Joints
Microtomography using synchrotron radiation at DESY: current status and future developments
Microtomography using synchrotron radiation at DESY: current status and future developments
Microwave Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic Acid on Poly(ethyleneterephthalate) Track-Etched Membranes
Microwave Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic Acid on Polyethyleneterephthalate Track-Etched Membranes
Microwave plasma surface modification of silicon biomaterial (Dissertation)
Microwave plasma surface modification of silicone elastomer with allylamine for improvement of biocompatibility
Microwave remote sensing of cloud liquid water during ICE 89
Microwell Geometry Modulates Interleukin-6 Secretion in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Micro‐arc oxidation of magnesium alloys: A review
Mid-deep Circulation in the Western South China Sea and the Impacts of the Central Depression Belt and Complex Topography
Mid-Holocene regional reorganization of climate variability
Mid-Holocene regional reorganization of climate variability
Mid-Holocene regional reorganization of climate variability: Analyses of proxy data in the frequency domain
Mid-Holocene reorganization of climate variability
Mid-term secretion profile of angiogenically stimulated CD14+ type II monocytes/macrophages
Mid-twenty-first century global wave climate projections: Results from a dynamic CMIP5 based ensemble
MiKlip – von einem wissenschaftlichen Konzept zu einem prä-operationellen System für dekadische Klimavorhersagen
Mikotomographie an poroesen Calciumphosphat-Keramiken
Mikro-, Nanoplastik und Metalle – Wie hängt das zusammen? : Ringvorlesung "Ausgewählte Kapitel der Toxikologie und Umweltmedizin
Mikro-Computertomographie an bioresorbierbaren Schaedelimplantaten mit poroeser Struktur
Mikrobielle in situ-Neutralisierung von schwefelsauren Bergbaurestseen
Mikrobielle in situ-Neutralisierung von schwefelsauren Bergbaurestseen
Mikrobieller Abbau von zinnorganischen Verbindungen durch Mischkulturen aus Belebtschlammbakterien (Diplomarbeit)
Mikrofiltrationsmembranen mit Photopfropfcopolymer-Oberflaechen als neue Materialien fuer Enzymmembranen-Reaktoren
Mikrogalvanische Korrosion am Magnesium-Aluminium System Detaillierte elektrochemische Einblicke mittels FEM-Simulationen - Microgalvanic Corrosion of the Magnesium-Aluminum System – Detailed Electrochemical Insights by FEM Simulations
Mikrogefuege und Eigenschaften intermetallischer eutektischer Legierungen auf der Basis (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) und (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3
Mikrogefuege und Eigenschaften von schnell erstarrtem und gesintertem Pulver zweiphasiger Legierungen auf der Basis (Ti, Nb)3(al, Si) und (Ti, Nb)5(Si, Al)3
Mikrokosmos-Studien zu Verbleib und Auswirkungen gentechnisch veraenderter Pseudomonas syringae pathovar syringae (Dissertation)
Mikromechanische Modellierung des temperaturabhaengigen Fliessverhaltens polysynthetisch verzwillingter TiAl Kristalle
Mikromechanische Modellierung des Verformungs- und Bruchverhaltens von lamellarem TiAl
Mikromechanische Modellierung des Verformungs- und Bruchverhaltens von lamellarem TiAl (Dissertation)
Mikromechanismen der Kriechverformung in zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Mikromechanismen der Kriechverformung zweiphasiger TiAl-Legierungen
Mikromechanismen der plastischen Verformung von zweiphasigen Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Mikromechanismen der plastischen Verformung von zweiphasigen Titanaluminid-Legierungen
Mikromechanismen der Raumtemperaturverformung von zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Mikrometeorologische Messungen im Wattenmeer
Mikrometeorologische Messungen im Wattenmeer
Mikropartikel fuer die Bindung von Endotoxin aus Dialysat und Plasma
Mikrophysik und Turbulenzstruktur in Cirruswolken: gemessen waehrend ICE 87
Mikroplastik als Trojanisches Pferd für Spurenmetalle
Mikroplastik als Vektor fuer anorganische Schadstoffe? Untersuchung der Metallsorption und -desorption an Mikroplastikpartikeln verschiedener Polymertypen (Bachelorarbeit)
Mikroplastikpartikel als Sorbens für Metall- und Halbmetallionen
Mikroprozesse der Plastizitaet an Rissspitzen in zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Mikrorissbildung und makroskopisches Versagen in intermetallischen Titaniumaluminiden (Dissertation)
Mikrostruktur und Eigenschaften intermetallischer Verbindungen
Mikrostruktur und Eigenschaften intermetallischer y-Titan-Aluminide
Mikrostruktur und Ermuedungsverhalten von Magnesium Stent-Roehrchen in Luft und koerperaehnlichem Serum
Mikrostruktur und Ermuedungsverhalten von Magnesium Stent-Roehrchen in Luft und koerperaehnlichem Serum
Mikrostruktur und Festigkeit von SiC- und Si3N4-Keramiken
Mikrostruktur und Festigkeitseigenschaften einer Bor-dotierten Gamma-TiAl-Legierung fuer gusstechnische Anwendungen
Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften der reibgeschweißten -TiAl-Feingusslegierung Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) / Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction welded Gamma-TiAl based alloy Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) in investment cast condition.
Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften intermetallischer Verbindungen auf der Basis von Ti 3 Al und Ti 5 Si 3
Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Inertgas-verduestem und nachfolgend kompaktiertem TiAl(X)-Pulver
Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von mikroporoesem Titan hergestellt mit Liquid Metal Dealloying (Bachelorarbeit)
Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Si3N4- und SiC-Keramiken
Mikrostrukturbasiertes Konstitutivgesetz fuer biologische Materialien: Modell, Parameteridentifikation, Validierung
Mikrostrukturelle Aenderungen in einer zweiphasigen Titanaluminidlegierung nach Zeitstandversuchen bei 700 °C
Mikrostrukturelle Aenderungen in einer zweiphasigen Titanaluminidlegierung nach Zeitstandversuchen bei 700 °C
Mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung und Gebrauchseigenschaften von Gamma-TiAl-Basislegierungen
Mikrostrukturelle und mechanische Eigenschaften von lasergeschweisstem Magnesiumfeinblech AZ31-HP mit und ohne Zusatzwerkstoffe - Microstructural and mechanical properties of laser welded sheets of magnesiumAZ31-HP with and without filler wires
Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchung reibauftraggeschweisster Schichten aus einer Eisenbasislegierung am Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskop
Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen an reibgeschweissten Leichtmetallen (AA6020-T6; Ti6Al4V)
Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen von lasergeschweisstem AA5083-H111 mit AA6013-T6
Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen von lasergeschweisstem AA5083-H111 mit AA6013-T6
Mikrostrukturentwicklung während des TLP-Lötprozesses in γ-TiAl-Legierungen : In situ Experimente mit hochenergetischer Röntgenbeugung
Mikrotomographie mit Synchrotronstrahlung am DESY
Mikrowellen-Plasmabehandlung von Polyethylenterephthalat-Membranen
Mikrowellen-Plasmapolymerisation von Acrylsaeure auf Kapillarporenmembranen aus Polyethylenterephthalat
Mikrowellen-Plasmapolymerisation von Acrylsaeure auf Kapillarporenmembranen aus Polyethylenterephthalat
Mikrowellen-Plasmapolymerisation von Acrylsaeure zur Herstellung von carboxylhaltigen Schichten
Milestones in Membrane Development - Past Highlights and Future Directions
Miljoebelastning med anthropogene stoffer. Eksempel "bly", emissioner og deponering i Europa, 1958 - 1995
Miljoebelastning med anthropogene stoffer. Eksempel "bly": konsekvenser, iagtutagelser og helbred
Miljoebelastning med anthropogene stoffer: Eksempel "bly", emissioner og dedonering i Europa, 1958-1995
Millennial-scale temperature trends in transient coupled climate simulations for the mid-to-late Holocene
Millimeterwellen - Radargeraete in der Wolkenfernerkundung
Millimeterwellen-Radargeraete zur Wolkenfernerkundung
Milling time effect of Reactive Hydride Composites of NaF-NaH-MgB2 investigated by in situ powder diffraction
MIM fabrication and mechanical properties of pure titanium and Ti-Nb alloys as implant material
MIM fabrication and mechanical properties of pure titanium and Ti-Nb alloys as implant material
MIM fabrication of porous Ti-6Al-4V components for biomedical application
MIM fabrication of porous Ti-6Al-4V components for biomedical application
MIM of Ti-6Al-4V – How to get the best out of it
MIM Processing of Complex Mg-Alloys
MIM Processing of Complex Mg-Alloys
MIM Processing of Titanium Alloys - Success, Limitations and Further Research
MIM Processing of Titanium Alloys – Achievements, Setbacks and Current Research
MIM Processing of Titanium Alloys – Achievements, Setbacks and Current Research
MIM von Magnesium
MIM von Titan fuer die Medizintechnik
MIM von Titan fuer die Medizintechnik
Mineral distribution in highly fluorotic and in normal teeth: A synchrotron microcomputer tomographic study - Mineralverteilung in hoch fluorotischen und normalen Zaehnen: Eine Synchrotron-Mikrocomputertomographie-Studie
Mineral elements and essential trace elements in blood of seals of the North Sea measured by Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
Mineral preferred orientation and magnetic properties as indicators of varying strain conditions in naturally deformed iron ore
Mineral preferred orientation and magnetic properties as indicators of varying strain conditions in naturally deformed iron ore
Mineral preferred orientation and magnetic properties as indicators of varying strain conditions in naturally deformed iron ore
Miniaturized polymeric micro-cuboids prepared from crystallizable copolymer networks investigated on the nano- and micro-level
Minimization of Waste by Sludge Treatment - Applying the Steam Stripping Process
Minimum creep rates and calculated stress exponents compared in tensile and compressive creep of Saffil short fiber reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Minimum creep rates and calculated stress exponents compared in tensile and compressive creep of Saffil short fiber reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Mining and metals in the environment
Minutes of the 29th Meeting of the BALTEX Science Steering Group
Minutes of the 30th BALTEX Science Steering Group
Miocene pinhole borer ambrosia beetles: new species of Diapus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae)
Mirror-attenuator-mosaic diffuser performance
Mis-Match-Einfluss auf die Festigkeit von Schweissverbindungen
Mis-matched welded joints, testing and structural assessment
Mischkristall- und Ausscheidungshaertung von Gamma-TiAl-Basislegierungen
Mischkristall- und Ausscheidungshaertung zweiphasiger Gamma-Titanaluminidlegierungen (Dissertation)
Mischungen von PMMA und P(Alpha MS-CO-AN)
Mismatch effect on plastic yield loads in idealised weldments: Part I - Weld centre cracks
Mismatch effect on plastic yield loads in idealised weldments: Part II - Heat affected zone cracks
Mismatched welded joints: Some considerations of structural behaviour
Mit einfachen Rechenmodellen erreichbare Genauigkeit der geographischen Zuordnung eines Bildelementes der NOAA-Satelliten
Mitigating the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion of alloy 625 by friction-stir welding
Mitigation, Adaptation or Climate Engineering?
Mitochondrial Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 1–Hexokinase-II Complex-Targeted Strategy for Melanoma Inhibition Using Designed Multiblock Peptide Amphiphiles
Mittlerer Meeresspiegelanstieg und Sturmfluten
Mixed conductive blends of SPEEK/PANI
Mixed conductive membrane: Aniline polymerization in an acid SPEEK matrix
Mixed Layers of Nonionic Dendritic Amphiphiles and DPPC at the Water Surface
Mixed Matrix Membraens for separation of higher hydrocarbons from methane
Mixed Matrix Membranen fuer die Gasseparation
Mixed Matrix Membranen fuer die Gasseparation
Mixed matrix membranes by blending of polymers with metal organic frameworks (MOFs): Extreme increase of gas permeability accompanied by increasing or maintaining selectivity
Mixed matrix membranes for hydrocarbon separation: preparation, characterization, modelling
Mixed matrix membranes for hydrocarbon separation: preparation, characterization, modelling
Mixed matrix membranes made of the Polyethylene glycol based polymers Pebax® and Polyactive™ and different zeolites
Mixed Matrix Membranes of Boron Icosahedron and Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) for Gas Separation
Mixed Metal Amide-Hydride Solid Solutions for Potential Energy Storage Applications
Mixed Micelles Formed by SDS and a Bolaamphiphile with Carbohydrate Headgroups
Mixed micelles obtained by co-assembling comb-like and grafting copolymers as gene carriers for efficient gene delivery and expression in endothelial cells
Mixed Micelles of Fluorocarbon and Hydrocarbon Surfactants. A Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study
Mixed-Matrix-Membranen fuer die Gasseparation
Mixed-Matrix-Membranen fuer die Gasseparation
Mixed-Mode Deformation and Failure of a Magnesium Sheet Quantified using a Modified Arcan Fixture
Mixed-mode deformation and failure of magnesium sheets
Mixed-mode deformation and failure of magnesium sheets
Mixing in the Black Sea detected from the temporal and spatial variability of oxygen and sulfide – Argo float observations and numerical modelling
Mixture of Nonionic/Ionic Surfactants for the Formulation of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers: Effects on Physical Properties
MMP-Inhibitors in a Total-Etch-Adhesive-Bonding-System: MMP-Activity, Odontoblast Survival, Immune-Competence and MMP-Expression
Mobilisierung von Schwermetallen aus anoxischen Sediment durch Resuspendierung im oxischen Milieu (Diplomarbeit)
Mode of action of the NK-lysin derived antimicrobial peptide NK-2 on the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria
Model development and tests at ECMWF
Model for a technical acrylonitrile-solution polymerization
Model inversion by parameter fit using NN emulating the forward model - Evaluation of indirect measurements
Model Inversion by Parameter Fit Using NN Emulating the Forward Model - Evaluation of Indirect Measurements
Model Inversion by Parameter Fit Using NN Emulating the Forward Model - Evaluation of Indirect Measurements
Model of Fractal Particles of Hydrated Zirconium Dioxide, Based on Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data
Model predicted low-level cloud parameters: Part I: Comparison with observations from the Baltex Bridge Campaigns
Model predicted low-level cloud parameters: Part II: Comparison with satellite remote sensing observations during the BALTEX Bridge Campaigns
Model simulation and comparison with observations of the single layer cirrus case, EUCREX108
Model simulation of atmospheric input of load and cadmium into the North Sea
Model Simulation of Temporal Variability of Suspended Matter in the North Sea
Model studies on the atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury
Model study on the variability of ecosystem parameters in the Skagerrak-Kattegat area, effect of load reduction in the North Sea and possible effect of BSAP on Skagerrak-Kattegat area : Technical Report - SMHI
Model-Assisted Optimization of RAFT Polymerization in Micro-Scale Reactors - A Fast Screening Approach
Model-Based Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Inland Flood Risk at the German North Sea Coast Caused by Compounding Storm Tide and Precipitation Events
Model-based data analysis of the effect of winter mixing on primary production in a lake under reoligotrophication
Model-based long-term reconstruction of weather-driven variations in chronic oil pollution along the German North Sea coast
Model-data comparison challenges in paleo-climate analyses: Towards an evaluation toolbox for transient climate model simulations
Model-Observations Synergy in the Coastal Ocean
Modeled deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in Europe estimated by 14 air quality model systems: evaluation, effects of changes in emissions and implications for habitat protection
Modeling and evaluating the effects of irrigation on land–atmosphere interaction in southwestern Europe with the regional climate model REMO2020–iMOVE using a newly developed parameterization
Modeling and parameterization of a pem fuel cell stack for a system integration into a metal hydride based hydrogen storage system
Modeling and parameterization of a pem fuel cell stack for a system integration into a metal hydride based hydrogen storage system
Modeling and parameterization of a PEM fuel cell stack for system integration into a metal hydride based hydrogen storage system
Modeling and process simulation of a metal hydride tank coupled with a PEM Electrolyzer
Modeling and process simulation of a metal hydride tank coupled with a PEM Electrolyzer
Modeling and process simulation of a metal hydride-based hydrogen storage coupled to a PEM electrolyzer
Modeling and Process Simulation of a Proton-Exchange Membrane (PEM) - Water Electrolyzer coupled with a Metal Hydride-Hydrogen Storage System
Modeling and Process Simulation of an Anion-Exchange Membrane - Water Electrolyzer coupled with a Room-Temperature Metal Hydride Storage
Modeling and Simulation of c-axis oriented Magnesium Single Crystal under Compression
Modeling and Simulation of c-axis oriented Magnesium Single Crystal under Compression
Modeling and simulation of deformation and fracture behavior of components made of fully lamellar gammaTiAl (Dissertation)
Modeling and simulation of heterogeneous material behavior in technological processes
Modeling and simulation of interphase properties of a metal-polymer composite at the nano scale
Modeling and simulation of interphase properties of a metal-polymer composite at the nano scale
Modeling and simulation of material behavior in technological processes with experimental comparisons
Modeling and simulation of size effects in metallic glasses with a non-local continuum mechanics theory
Modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of hierarchical bovine enamel
Modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of hierarchical bovine enamel
Modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of solids
Modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of solids
Modeling and simulation of thermal and mechanical waves
Modeling and simulation of unlubricated oscillating sliding wear of DLC-coatings
Modeling and simulation of unlubricated oscillating sliding wear of DLC-coatings
Modeling and simulation of wear in a pin on disc tribometer
Modeling and simulation of wear in a tribometer
Modeling and Simulation of Wear in Micro Gears
Modeling and Simulation of Wear in Micro Gears
Modeling atmosphere–land interactions at a rainforest site – a case study using Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) measurements and reanalysis data
Modeling atmospheric mesoscale flows
Modeling Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding (Diplomarbeit)
Modeling Bolt Load Retention of Ca Modified AS41 Using Compliance-Creep Method
Modeling Bolt Load Retention of Ca Modified AS41 Using Compliance-Creep Method
Modeling Bolt Load Retention of Ca Modified AS41 Using Compliance-Creep Method
Modeling Charge Redistribution at Magnetite Interfaces in Empirical Force Fields
Modeling concepts for intermetallic titanium aluminides
Modeling Crack Growth in Thin Sheet Aluminum Alloys
Modeling emissions for three-dimensional atmospheric chemistry transport models
Modeling flocculation processes: Intercomparison of a size class-based model and a distribution-based model
Modeling large-scale land-use changes 9000 to 5000 years ago - an adaptive dynamics approach
Modeling long-term socio-environmental transformations
Modeling nanoporous gold: on the influence of nodal shifting and ligament size distribution
Modeling of backscattering by non-spherical ice particles for the interpretation of cloud radar signals at 94 GHZ. An error analysis
Modeling of coupled deformation-induced twinning and dislocation slip using incremental energy minimization
Modeling of coupled deformation-induced twinning and dislocation slip using incremental energy minimization
Modeling of crack growth in round bars and plane strain specimens
Modeling of Crack Growth in Sheet Metal
Modeling of Crack Growth in Sheet Metal
Modeling of Crack Growth in Thin Sheet Aluminum
Modeling of crystalline sub-micron gold with a gradient extended theory
Modeling of damage evolution in hierarchically structured composite
Modeling of Damage Evolution in Hierarchically Structured Composite
Modeling of Damage Evolution in Hierarchically Structured Composite
Modeling of damage evolution in metallic aerospace structures
Modeling of damage evolution in metallic aerospace structures
Modeling of Damage Evolution in Porous Anisotropic Materials under Thermal Loading
Modeling of deformation properties of nanoporous materials
Modeling of deformation-induced twinning and dislocation slip in Magnesium using a variationally consistent approach (Dissertation)
Modeling of excess vacancy annihilation at different types of sinks
Modeling of fiber-reinforced PMMA at different scales
Modeling of fiber-reinforced PMMA at different scales
Modeling of finite strain viscoplasticity based on the logarithmic corotational description
Modeling of fracture in small punch tests for small- and large-scale yielding conditions at various temperatures
Modeling of Free Radical Polymerization of Azobenzene-based Linear Polymers
Modeling of Free Radical Polymerization of Azobenzene-based Linear Polymers
Modeling of material failure by combining the advantages of embedded strong discontinuity approaches and classical interface elements
Modeling of material failure by combining the advantages of embedded strong discontinuity approaches and classical interface elements
Modeling of material instabilities at different scales
Modeling of Micromechanical Deformation Systems of Magnesium based on Incremental Energy Minimization
Modeling of microstructural pattern formation in crystal plasticity
Modeling of microstructural pattern formation in crystal plasticity
Modeling of microstructural pattern formation in crystal plasticity
Modeling of microstructural pattern formation in finite-deformation crystal plasticity
Modeling of Microstructures and Material Instabilities
Modeling of Microstructures and Material Instabilities
Modeling of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration: A Study of the Parameters which Affect Permeation Properties (Dissertation)
Modeling of plane strain ductile rupture
Modeling of PLLA near glass transition temperature
Modeling of PLLA near glass transition temperature
Modeling of Sediment Transport in Synergy with Ocean Colour Data
Modeling of size effects in metallic glasses
Modeling of Size-Dependent Hardening using a Gradient Crystal Plasticity Approach
Modeling of size-effects in sub-micron sized metallic glasses
Modeling of slant and cup-cone fracture of metals
Modeling of stress relaxation of a semi-crystalline multiblock copolymer and its deformation behavior
Modeling of Stress Relaxation of a Semi-Crystalline Multiblock Copolymer and its Deformation Behavior
Modeling of strong discontinuities ar finite strain: A comparison of different approaches without enforcing crack path continuity
Modeling of strong discontinuities ar finite strain: A comparison of different approaches without enforcing crack path continuity
Modeling of suspended sediment distribution in coastal areas
Modeling of temperature- and strain-driven intermetallic compound evolution in an Al–Mg system via a multiphase-field approach with application to refill friction stir spot welding
Modeling of texture development in magnesium by means of incremental energy minimization
Modeling of the Concentrations of Ultrafine Particles in the Plumes of Ships in the Vicinity of Major Harbors
Modeling of the hydrogen sorption kinetics in an AB2 laves type metal hydride alloy
Modeling of the mechanical alloying process in binary alloy systems
Modeling of the work hardening in magnesium alloy sheets
Modeling of thermomechanical behavior of lamellar TiAl alloys
Modeling of thermomechanical behavior of lamellar TiAl alloys
Modeling of time-dependent mechanical behavior of oleic acid nanocomposites using nanoindentation
Modeling paleogeographic scenarios of the last glacial cycle as a base for source-to-sink studies: An example from the northwestern shelf of the South China Sea
Modeling Plastic Anisotropy in Sheet Metal Forming
Modeling precipitation kinetics for multi-phase and multi-component systems using particle size distributions via a moving grid technique
Modeling Solubility of Gases in Polyimides
Modeling tension-compression asymmetry and failure anisotropy in bending operations of a magnesium alloy
Modeling tension-compression asymmetry and failure anisotropy in bending operations of a magnesium alloy
Modeling the Behavior and Formability of High Mn Steel
Modeling the Behavior and Formability of High Mn Steel
Modeling the behavior of suspended matter and contaminants in the North Sea
Modeling the deformation behavior of small-scaled single crystals
Modeling the distribution of suspended matter and of lead in the North Sea
Modeling the evolution of the microstructure in magnesium by means of incremental energy minimization
Modeling the heat transfer behavior of magnetosensitive shape-polymer nanocomposites with changing surface area to volume ratios
Modeling the heat transfer in magneto-sensitive shape-memory polymer nanocomposites with dynamically changing surface area to volume ratios
Modeling the Holocene-tools and their limits
Modeling the Holocene-tools and their limits
Modeling the Influence of Eutrophication and Redox Conditions on Mercury Cycling at the Sediment-Water Interface in the Berre Lagoon
Modeling the kinetic behavior of the Li-RHC system for energy-hydrogen storage: (I) absorption
Modeling the kinetic behavior of the Li-RHC system for hydrogen storage under absorption conditions
Modeling the kinetic behavior of the Li-RHC system for hydrogen storage under desorption conditions
Modeling the kinetic behavior of the Li-RHC system for hydrogen storage under desorption conditions
Modeling the surface oxidation and the subsequent hydrogenation of TiFe intermetallic compound
Modeling the texture development of two-phase composites by considering intra-crystalline misorientation
Modeling the thermodynamics of the FeTi hydrogenation under para-equilibrium: An ab-initio and experimental study
Modeling the water resources of the Black and Mediterranean Sea river basins and their impact on regional mass changes
Modeling twinning-induced lattice reorientation and slip-in-twin deformation
Modeling water and energy budgets over the Baltic Sea catchment area
Modeling Yield Surfaces of Nanoporous Metals in Multiaxial Stress Space using Machine Learning Approaches
Modelizacion del desarollo de texturas compuestos bifasicos Al-Cu
Modell fuer eine technische Acrylnitril-Loesungspolymerisation
Modell fuer eine technische Acrylnitril-Loesungspolymerisation
Modell fuer eine technische Acrylnitril-Loesungspolymerisation
Modellanwendung fuer eine Acrylnitrilloesungspolymerisation
Modelle des Werkstoffverhaltens
Modelle in der Umwelt
Modelle: Naturwissenschaftlich/mathematische Konstrukte der Kueste
Modelle: naturwissenschaftlich/mathematische Konstrukte der Kueste
Modelled effectiveness of NbS in reducing disaster risk: evidence from the OPERANDUM project
Modellgestuetzte verfahrenstechnische Berechnung eines Metallhydridspeichers auf Natriumalanatbasis im Technikumsmassstab
Modellgestuetztes Scale-up eines integrierten Bioprozesses zur Produktion natuerlicher Aromastoffe
Modellgestütze Untersuchungen zum Einfluss großräumiger Faktoren auf die Tidedynamik in der Deutschen Bucht
Modellierung biochemischer Wechselwirkungen in aquatischen Oekosystemen
Modellierung der Atmosphaerischen Deposition von partikulaer gebundenem Stickstoff und Schwefel in deutschen Kuestenregionen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Schiffsemissionen
Modellierung der bodennahen Luftstroemung ueber inhomogenen Oberflaechen
Modellierung der Brackwasserdynamik eines Tideaestuars am Beispiel der Unterelbe (Dissertation)
Modellierung der Kompaktierung poroeser Polymermembranen
Modellierung der optischen Eigenschaften von Cirruswolken (Dissertation)
Modellierung der Schwebstoffdynamik in einer Wattenmeerbucht (Koenigshafen/Sylt) (Dissertation)
Modellierung der Stofffluesse im Elbeeinzugsgebiet ueber dem Kreislauf
Modellierung der Winterverhaeltnisse mit dem Landoberflaechenschema SEWAB
Modellierung des Abflusses auf kleinen und grossen Raumskalen
Modellierung des Abflusses im Oberlauf der Oder mit einem gekoppelten atmosphaerischen / hydrologischen Modell
Modellierung des Deformationsverhaltens von Magnesium-Einkristallen unter Druckbelastung entlang der kristallographischen c-Achse
Modellierung des Hochtemperaturverhaltens einer technisch relevanten TiAl-Legierung
Modellierung des Hochtemperaturverhaltens metallischer Werkstoffe (Dissertation)
Modellierung des Sauerstoff- und Naehrsoffhaushaltes in der Tideweser
Modellierung des Schwebstofftransportes – Validierungen und Kalibrierung durch Labor- und Feldmessungen
Modellierung des soziotechnologischen Wandels: Praehistorischer Ackerbau, Waldrodung und CO2-Emissionen
Modellierung des Transportes von Wasserinhaltsstoffen in Fliessgewaessern unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Schwebstoffs
Modellierung des Ueberlandtransportes von Blei im Elbe-Einzugsgebiet ueber vier Dekaden (1958 - 1995) (Diplomarbeit)
Modellierung des Wasserhaushalts unter Gruenland und Wald - eine Lysimeterstudie
Modellierung in meso- bis makroskaligen Flusseinzugsgebieten
Modellierung mesoskaliger atmosphaerischer Zirkulationssysteme
Modellierung mesoskaliger Zirkulationssysteme der Atmosphaere
Modellierung technischer Systeme
Modellierung technischer Systeme
Modellierung technischer Systeme
Modellierung Technischer Systeme
Modellierung technischer Systeme
Modellierung technischer Systeme
Modellierung Technischer Systeme
Modellierung technischer Systeme
Modellierung und Auslegung eines neuen Membranmoduls fuer die Pervaporation
Modellierung und Bewertung der Gewaesserguete von Fluessen
Modellierung und Simulation der Membranverfahren Gaspermeation, Dampfpermeation und Pervaporation
Modellierung und Simulation von diamantaehnlichen Kohlenstoffschichten unter oszilierendem Schwinverschleiss (Dissertation)
Modellierung und Simulation von Korrosionsprozessen fuer Schadensvorhersagen
Modellierung und Simulation von Korrosionsprozessen für Schadensvorhersagen
Modellierung und Ueberwachung des Transportes geloester Stoffe in Tidegewaessern (Dissertation)
Modellierung von anormaler Diffusion in Polymeren
Modellierung von duktilem Risswachstum in Blechen
Modellierung von duktilem Risswachstum in Blechen
Modellierung von Kriechverformungen und -schaedigung mit Hilfe viskoplastischer Stoffgesetze - Parameteridentifikation und Vergleich
Modellierung von Membrantrennverfahren mit Flowsheeting-Programmen
Modellierung von Membrantrennverfahren mit Flowsheeting-Programmen
Modellierung von Rissausbreitung in duennen Aluminiumblechen
Modellierung von Rissfortschritt durch Materialseparation in verschiedenen Laengenskalen und Belastungskonfigurationen
Modellierung von Schwebstofftransporten in Nordsee und Ostsee
Modellierung von Seegang in der Bucht von Saronikos in Griechenland (Diplomarbeit)
Modellierung von Seegang in extremen Flachwasser (Dissertation)
Modellierung von Stroemung und Schwebstoff im Elbaestuar
Modellierung von Stroemung und Stofftransport in der oberen Tideelbe
Modellierung von Transportphaenomenen in Gas- und Dampfpermeationsmodulen (Dissertation)
Modellierung von Verformung und Bruch zweiphasiger Werkstoffe
Modellierung von Wind- und Temperaturfeldern ueber inhomogenem Gelaende
Modellierungskonzept fuer die Versagensbewertung von Laserschweissverbindungen
Modelling actors’ influence on land use change: a dynamic systems approach
Modelling actors’ influence on land use change: a dynamic systems approach
Modelling Alkoxide Corrosion Initiation of Pure-aluminum in Ethanol with Integrated Simulation-based Experimental Methods
Modelling and Comparing the Impact of three Sea Salt Emission Parameterizations on Atmospheric Nitrate Concentrations in the North-Western European Region
Modelling and measurements of urban aerosol processes on the neighborhood scale in Rotterdam, Oslo and Helsinki
Modelling and parameterization of atmospheric boundary layers for use in atmospheric models: Part 1. Non-local heat and mass transfer in the convective surface layer
Modelling and parameterization of atmospheric boundary layers for use in atmospheric models: Part 2. Advanced similarity theory model for stable-static-stability boundary layers.
Modelling and parameterization of atmospheric boundary layers for use in atmospheric models: Part 3. A new concept of the third-order transport and the hierarchy of non-local turbulance closure for convective boundary layers
Modelling and parameterization of the stable-static-stability boundary layers in the atmosphere and the sea (an engineering approach for use in meso-scale, pollution-dispersion, wind-engineering and sediment-transport models)
Modelling and Simulation of Dry Sliding Wear
Modelling and Simulation of Extrusion of Magnesium Alloys
Modelling and Simulation of Extrusion of Magnesium Alloys
Modelling and Simulation of Transient Transport Processes Using Axial Dispersion Model
Modelling and Simulation of Wear in Micro-machines
Modelling and Simulation of Wear in Micro-machines
Modelling benthic macrofauna and seagrass distribution patterns in a North Sea tidal basin in response to 2050 climatic and environmental scenarios
Modelling black carbon absorption of solar radiation: combining external and internal mixing assumptions
Modelling carbon overconsumption and the formation of extracellular particulate organic carbon
Modelling Climate and Societal Resilience in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Last Millennium
Modelling Climate over Baltic Sea and North Sea Regions Using a Coupled Regional Ocean-Atmospheric Model
Modelling crack externsion in biaxially loaded panels
Modelling crack externsion in biaxially loaded panels
Modelling direction-dependent hardening in magnesium sheet forming simulations
Modelling Ductile-Brittle Transition in Small Punch Test
Modelling Electromechanical Coupling in Polymer-Filled Nanoporous Metals
Modelling Electromechanical Coupling on Interfaces in Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites
Modelling feedbacks between human and natural processes in the land system
Modelling flood regulation ecosystem services dynamics based on climate and land use information
Modelling for Social Science
Modelling Fracture in Small Punch Test at Various Temperatures
Modelling in environmental sciences specifically: Climate modelling
Modelling in the Social Sciences
Modelling mechanically induced failure of PEO coated extruded Mg
Modelling Nonlinear Near-Bed Orbital Velocity in theShallow Water
Modelling od sediment dynamics in the harbour area of Bremen
Modelling of atmospheric deposition of trace metals into the North Sea and the Baltic Sea: Methods and findings
Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) depositions over North Sea coastal areas: Impact of emissions from local and remote areas
Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene Concentrations in North Sea Coastal Areas: Contribution of Ship Emissions
Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene Concentrations in North Sea Coastal Areas: Contribution of Ship Emissions
Modelling of Catalytic Pervaporation Membrane Reactor
Modelling of Crack Growth in High Strenght Aluminium Sheets
Modelling of crack growth in sheet metal
Modelling of Deformation and Fracture of lamellar TiAl
Modelling of direct methanol fuel cell (Dissertation)
Modelling of Interface Elasticity Effects in Metal-Polymer Actuators
Modelling of Magnesium Materials: The Link between Physics and industrial Application
Modelling of Magnesium Materials: The Link between Physics and industrial Application
Modelling of Magnesium Sheet Forming Operations
Modelling of Magnesium Sheet Forming Operations
Modelling of material interfaces at different length scales
Modelling of Medium-Term (Decadal) Coastal Foredune Morphodynamics- Historical Hindcast and Future Scenarios of the Świna Gate Barrier Coast (Southern Baltic Sea)
Modelling of microstructure-dependent localized alcoholate corrosion of Al by phase-field method
Modelling of multiphysically coupled mass transport in polymers
Modelling of Nanoporous Gold by randomized Representative Volume Elements
Modelling of Non-Classical Diffusion and Solvent-Induced Swelling in Polymeric Glasses
Modelling of Non-Fickian Diffusion in Polymeric Glasses
Modelling of PAH Elimination by Adiabatic Steam Stripping and Intraparticle Desorption
Modelling of Plastic Deformation in HCP Polycrystals
Modelling of Plastic Deformation in Magnesium
Modelling of Plastic Deformation in Magnesium
Modelling of Plastic Deformation in Polycrystals - A Concept for Bridging Length Scales
Modelling of suspended matter transport in the North Sea
Modelling of suspended matter transport in tidal rivers
Modelling of suspended sediment dispersion and related transport of lead in the North Sea
Modelling of suspended sediment transport in coastal areas
Modelling of the damage behaviour of fibre reinforced metal matrix composites using a representative unit cell
Modelling of the damage behaviour of fibre reinforced metal matrix composites using a representative unit cell
Modelling of the ecosystem Sylt-Romo bight
Modelling of the ecosystem Sylt-Romo bight
Modelling of the ecosystem Sylt-Romo bight: open boundary treatment and first results
Modelling of thermo-mechanical Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys during Indirect Extrusion
Modelling of thermo-mechanical Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys during Indirect Extrusion
Modelling of total precipitation by means of two versions of Regional Model REMO
Modelling of unlubricated oscillating sliding wear of DLC-coatings considering surface topography, oxidation and graphitisation
Modelling of wet scavenging of heavy metals in the marine environment
Modelling optical turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer over sea
Modelling precipitation hardening with Kampmann-Wagner approach for age hardened aluminium alloys
Modelling quasi-brittle rupture behaviour using statistically distributed local strengths
Modelling quasi-brittle rupture behaviour using statistically distributed local strengths
Modelling recipes for high-throughput ab-initio screening of metal hydrides
Modelling road transport emissions in Germany – Current day situation and scenarios for 2040
Modelling temperature and material flow in Friction Riveting of polymeric materials
Modelling the atmospheric transport and deposition of heavy metals: a review of results from models applied in Europe
Modelling the Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Mercury Species: Results from the MOE Project
Modelling the atmospheric transport of trace metals from Europe to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Modelling the atmospheric transport of trace metals from Europe to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Modelling the atmospheric transport of trace metals including the role of precipitating clouds
Modelling the atmospheric transport of trace metals including the role of precipitating clouds
Modelling the atmospheric transport of trace metals including the role of precipitationg clouds
Modelling the atmospheric transport, chemical transformations and deposition of mercury
Modelling the climate of the last millennium: what causes the differences between simulations?
Modelling the Development of Sandwaves by Integrating the Shallow Water Equations Together with Stachastic Extensions of Sediment Transport Parameterizations
Modelling the dispersion of particle numbers in five European cities
Modelling the ductile fracture of thin high strength aluminium sheet
Modelling the ductile fracture of thin high strength aluminium sheet
Modelling the effect of hydrogen on ductile tearing resistance of steels
Modelling the effect of intrinsic radiation damage on mechanical properties: The crystalline-to-amorphous transition in zircon
Modelling the heterogeneity of rain in an urban neighbourhood with an obstacle-resolving model
Modelling the high resolved three dimensional tide and wind induced motion in parts of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean
Modelling the hydrogenation of Mg/Al based waste alloys for scaled-up energy storage systems
Modelling the hydrogenation of Mg/Al based waste alloys for scaled-up energy storage systems
Modelling the interactive effects of viral presence and global warming on Baltic Sea ecosystem dynamics
Modelling the Late Maunder Minimum with a 3-dimensional OAGCM
Modelling the Late Maunder Minimum with a 3-dimensional OAGCM
Modelling the long range transport, transformation and deposition of mercury
Modelling the long range transport, transformation and deposition of mercury
Modelling the long range transport, transformation and deposition of mercury in a comprehensive Eulerian framework
Modelling the long-range transport of trace metals over Europe. Model calculations and comparison with observations for lead, cadmium, zinc, arsenic and mercury
Modelling the plankton groups of the deep, peri-alpine Lake Bourget
Modelling the Public Perception of Global Warming
Modelling the thermal stratification in the North Sea
Modelling the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Magnesium Alloys during Indirect Extrusion
Modelling the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Magnesium Alloys during Indirect Extrusion
Modelling the transport of suspended matter in the Sylt Koenigshafen Bight
Modelling the variability of midlatitude storm activity on decadal to century time scales
Modelling the variability of midlatitude storm activity on decadal to century time scales
Modelling the Variability of Midlatitude Storm Activity on Decadal to Century Time Scales
Modelling thermal effects in a single crystal, gradient plasticity framework
Modelling und Synthese von peptidomimetischen Wirkstoffen -HIV-Entry-Inhibitoren und Calpain Inhibitoren
Modelling wind-generated surface gravity waves using similarity in a coupled discrete wave model
Modelling with LM at GKSS
Modelling-assisted description of anisotropic edge failure in magnesium sheet alloy under mixed-mode loading
Modellreaktionen zum photochemischen Verhalten der insektiziden Carbamate Propoxur, Pirimicarb, Ethiofencarb auf Pflanzenoberflaechen (Dissertation)
Modellrechnungen zum Schwebstofftransport: Vergleich der Ergebnisse eines zweidimensionalen Modells mit Feldmessungen im Elbaestuar
Modellvorstellungen zur uebermolekularen Struktur in HDPE-Blasfolien auf der Basis roentgenografischer Texturuntersuchungen und Kristallitgroessenbestimmungen
Models between Academia and Applications
Models between Academia and Applications
Models in Environmental Resarch
Models in the Mechanics of Materials
Models in the Mechanics of Materials
Models of eddy viscosity for numerical simulation of horizontally inhomogeneous surface layer flow
Models of global and regional climate
Models of science and society: transcending the antagonism
Models, manifestation and attribution of climate change
Modern approaches to shipborne ocean color remote sensing
Modern Magnesium Sheets - Possible Deformation Behaviour and Mechanical Properties
Moderne Entwicklungen von Legierungen fuer den Leichtbau
Moderne Physik und ihre didaktische Umsetzung: Physik in (marinen) Oekosystemen
Moderne statistische Auswertungsmethoden von Fliessgewaesserdaten - dargestellt am Beispiel der Saale und der Elbe
Moderne Wege der Informationsbeschaffung
Moderne Werkstoffe fuer die nachhaltige Energietechnik
Moderne Werkstoffe fuer eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung
Moderne Werkstoffentwicklung
Moderne Werkstoffentwicklung
Moderne Werkstoffentwicklung
Moderne Werkstoffentwicklung
Modernizing Persistence-Bioaccumulation-Toxicity (PBT) Assessment with High Throughput Animal-free Methods
Modes of TAL effector-mediated repression
Modes of winter precipitation variability in the North Atlantic
ModGra - a Graphical representation of physical process models
Modification and functionalization of magnesium based materials by the addition of nanoparticles – an overview
Modification concept for an underwater friction welding system (Studienarbeit)
Modification of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) surface with sodium dodecyl sulphate for mitigation of cathodic activity
Modification of Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes prepared in Alkali Metals - Organic Solvent Systems
Modification of membrane properties due to chemical attack
Modification of membrane properties due to chemical attack
Modification of membrane surfaces
Modification of Microstructure and Texture in Highly Non-Flammable Mg-Al-Zn-Y-Ca Alloy Sheets by Controlled Thermomechanical Processes
Modification of Microstructure and Texture in Highly Non-Flammable Mg-Al-Zn-Y-Ca AlloySheets by Controlled Thermomechanical Processes
Modification of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes by grafting from Controlled Polymerization and their Dispersion in a Block Copolymer Matrix (Dissertation)
Modification of multiwall carbon nanotubes by grafting from controlled polymerization of styrene: Effect of the characteristics of the nanotubes
Modification of Poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) in the Supercritical Fluid Medium for Selective Membrane Separation of CO2 from Various Gas Mixtures
Modification of poly(ether imide) membranes with brominated polyvinylpyrrolidone
Modification of poly(ether urethane) elastometers by incorporation of poly(isobutylene)glycol. Relation between polymer properties and thrombogenicity
Modification of Poly-(ethyleneterephthalate) Particle Track Membranes for Immobilisation of Enzymes
Modification of Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membranes to Enhance the Adsorption of Cations and Anions
Modification of Polycarbonate and Glycol Modified Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by Addition of Silica-Nanoparticles Grafted with SAN Copolymer Using “Classical” and ARGET ATRP
Modification of polycarbonateurethane surface with poly (ethylene glycol) monoacrylate and phosphorylcholine glyceraldehyde for anti-platelet adhesion
Modification of polyisoprene-block-poly(vinyl trimethylsilane) block copolymers and their gas transport properties
Modification of Polyisoprene-block-Poly(vinyl trimethylsilane) Block Copolymers and Their Gas Transport Properties
Modification of Polyisoprene-block-Poly(vinyl trimethylsilane) Block Copolymers and Their Gas Transport Properties
Modification of Polymeric Surfaces for the Improvement of Thermoplastic Composites
Modification of polymeric surfaces for the improvement of thermoplastic composites
Modification of polyurethane elastomers by incorporation of polyisobutylene into the soft segment
Modification of Porous Titania Templates for Uniform Metal Electrodeposition from Deep Eutectic Solvent
Modification of proton conductive polymer membranes with phosphonated polysilsesquioxanes
Modification of Proton Conductive Polymer Membranes with Phosphonated Polysilsesquioxanes
Modification of standard AZ and AM based magnesium alloys for recycling applications
Modification of storm tracks in the Baltic Sea region
Modification of the Spin Density Wave of Cr in Fe/Cr Multilayers by Insertion of Sn Examined by Neutron Diffraction and Structure Calculations
Modification of the supermolecular structure of PETP by uniaxial drawing
Modification of Ultrafiltration Membranes to Enhance the Adsorption of Cations and Anions
Modifications of ASTM E 813-81 standard test method for an improved definition of Jic using new blunting-line equation
Modifications of the Beremin Model for Cleavage Fracture in the Transition Region of a Ferritic Steel
Modifications of the spin density wave of Cr in Fe/Cr multilayers by insertion of Sn studied by neutron diffraction
Modifications of the spin density wave of Cr in Fe/Cr multilayers by insertion of Sn studied by neutron diffraction
Modified cellulose membranes as biomaterials
Modified hydroxyethyl starch protects cells from oxidative damage
Modified J, JM, resistance curves under plane stress conditions
Modified nanoparticles for the adsorption of endotoxin from dialysate and plasma
Modified reactive nanodisperse polystyrene: Surface properties and ET binding in different media
Modified SPEEK membranes for direct ethanol fuel cell
Modifikation eines inkrementalen Drehgebers fuer den Unterwassereinsatz von Robotern bis zu Wassertiefen von 1200m
Modifikation technischer Thermoplaste mit polymerfunktionalisierten Silica-Nanopartikeln (Dissertation)
Modifikation von Membranoberflaechen durch photoinduzierte Pfropfcopolymerisation
Modifikation von Membranoberflaechen durch photoinduzierte Pfropfcopolymerisation zur Anwendung bei der Aromaten/Aliphaten-Trennung
Modifizierte poroese Polymermembranen als Katalysatoren fuer Hydrierungsreaktionen
Modifizierter Industrieroboter geht in die Unterwasser-Erprobung
Modifizierung der Cellulose zur Verbesserung der Blutvertraeglichkeit
Modifizierung keramischer Filter
Modifizierung von carboxylgruppenhaltigen MMA-Polymeren mit Epoxidharz-Komponenten sowie Charakterisierung der Grenzschicht im Metall-Polymer-Verbund durch mechanische Spektrometrie
Modifizierung von carboxylgruppenhaltigen MMA-Polymeren mit Melaminharz-Komponenten sowie Suche und Testung neuer Einsatzgebiete fuer das HV-Polymer
Modifizierung von Cellulosemembranen zur Erhoehung der Blutvertraeglichkeit
Modifizierung von Cellulosemembranen zur Erhoehung der Blutvertraeglichkeit
Modifizierung von Cellulosemembranen zur Erhoehung der Blutvertraeglichkeit (Abschlussbericht)
Modifizierung von Cellulosemembranen zur Erhoehung der Blutvertraeglichkeit (Zwischenbericht)
Modifizierung von PAN-Membranen
Modifizierung von Polyacrylnitriloberflaechen mit amphiphilen Verbindungen (Dissertation)
Modifizierung von Polymermembranen
Modifizierung von Polymermembranen zur Einstellung einer definierten Porenstruktur
Modifizierung von segmentierten Polyurethan-Elastomeren durch Einfuehrung von Polyisobutylen-Weichsegmenten und deren Eignung als Biomaterialien
Modifizierung von SiO2-Nanopartikeln mit Polymethylmethacrylat und Polystyrol unter Anwednung der Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (Diplomarbeit)
Modifying the structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes
Modular Abyssal Benthic Laboratory (MABEL): Economic and technical feasibility study for long-term experiments
Modular Coupling of a Fortran-Model to a GIS
Modular GTAW and GMAW orbital welding system for mechanized underwater welding
Modular System for Shelves and Coasts (MOSSCO v1.0) – a flexible and multi-component framework for coupled coastal ocean ecosystem modelling
Modulares CAN-Bus-System in einer heterogenen Rechnerumgebung (Diplomarbeit)
Modulares Orbitalschweisssystem fuer atmosphaerische und hyperbare Einsaetze
Modulated Nanoscale Microstructures – A Novel Approach for the design of TiAl Alloys
Modulating dendritic cell responses by particulate carriers loaded with NOD receptor agonits
Modulating enzymatic degradation of poly(å-caprolactone) monolayer at the air-water interface by two dimensional cross-linking
Modulating Enzymatic Degradation of Poly(ε-caprolactone) Monolayer at Air-water interface by Two Dimensional Crosslinking
Modulating human mesenchymal stem cells using poly(Eta-butyl acrylate) networks in vitro with elasticity matching human arteries
Modulating human mesenchymal stem cells using poly(Eta-butyl acrylate) networks in vitro with elasticity matching human arteries
Modulating immune responses of human cells by adjuvant loaded particulate carriers
Modulating the biocompatibility of polymer surfaces with poly(ethylene glycol)-effect of fibronectin
Modulation of Hybridoma cell growth and antibody production by coating cell culture materials with extracellular matrix proteins
Modulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration using Programmable Polymer Sheet Actuators
Modulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration using Programmable Polymer Sheet Actuators
Modulation of Nanochannels Hydration in Lipid Cubic Phases Studied by SANS and SAXS
Modulation of Nanochannels Hydration in Lipid Cubic Phases Studied by SANS and SAXS
Modulation of the mesenchymal stem cell migration capacity via preconditioning with topographic microstructure
Modulation of the mesenchymal stem cell migration capacity via preconditioning with topographic microstructure
Module and process design in organophilic pervaporation
Module Design and Hybrid Processes
Modulierte Mikrostrukturen in mehrphasigen Titanaluminidlegierungen
Moegliche Folgen eines Meeresspiegelanstiegs im nordeuropaeische Raum. Ein Ausblick auf numerische Rechnungen
Moegliche Klimatrends in Oesterreich in der ersten Haelfte des 21 Jahrhunderts
Moegliche Schwerpunkte kuenftiger Polymermembranentwicklungen
Moegliche Schwerpunkte kuenftiger Polymermembranentwicklungen
Moeglichkeiten der Anwendung von Membrantrennanlagen an Tankstellen
Moeglichkeiten der Beeinflussung von Enzymaktivitaet und Produktreinheit in Membrantrennprozessen
Moeglichkeiten der GUSI fuer die Meeresumwelttechnik
Moeglichkeiten der Leistungsuntersuchung an Hohlmembranen zur Plasmapherese
Moeglichkeiten der Modellierung von Bruch metallischer Werkstoffe mit Kohaesivelementen in ABAQUS/Standard
Moeglichkeiten der Modellierung von Bruch metallischer Werkstoffe mit Kohaesivelementen in ABAQUS/Standard
Moeglichkeiten der Oberflaechenmodifizierung von Cellulosemembranen
Moeglichkeiten der praechromatographischen Derivatisierung von Metall-Ionen in der Elementspezies-Analytik
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Kontaktwinkelmessung und der Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie fuer die Charakterisierung von Grenzflaechen an synthetischen Flach- und Hohlfadenmembranen
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Membrancharakterisierung - Physikalische und physiko-chemische Methoden
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Membrancharakterisierung mit Methoden der Rasterelektronenmikroskopie
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Seesanierung
Moeglichkeiten zur affinitaetschromatografischen Abtrennung von Glykolipiden mit Membranen
Moeglichkeiten zur Beeinflussung der enzymatischen Polysaccharid-Synthese in Enzymmembranen
Moeglichkeiten zur Duktilisierung von intermetallischen Verbindungen
Moessbauer and SANS study of Fe-powder mechanically alloyed with carbon
Moessbauer and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Fe-Powder Mechanically Alloyed in Nitrogen and Argon GuS Environment
Moessbauer Effect and Neutron Scattering in Austenitic High Nitrogen Steel Fe-19Cr-19Mn-0.9N
Moessbauer Effect and SANS in F.C.C. Fe–Ni–C Alloys after Ultrasonic Impact Treatment
Moessbauer investigations of mechanical alloying in the Fe-Cu system
Moessbauer studies of sediments and suspended matter from the river Elbe
Molecuar self-assembly as formation tool for artificial membranes
Molecuar self-assembly as formation tool for artificial membranes
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymeric Pervaporation Membranes
Molecular and crystal structure of the bola-amphiphile N-[8-(D-gluconamido)octyl]-D-gluconamide
Molecular base of the membrane selectivity of a potent peptide antibiotic derived from NK-lysin
Molecular basis for membrane selectivity of NK-2, a potent peptide antibiotic derived from NK-lysin
Molecular Characterisation of Lungworms from Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena) and Harbour Seal (Phoca Vitulina) from German Waters: First Results
Molecular characterization of polar organic aerosol constituents in off-road engine emissions using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS): implications for source apportionment
Molecular chirality of biosynthesized PHB translates into uniformly curved single crystals in Langmuir films
Molecular clouds and star formation in irregular galaxies (Dissertation)
Molecular clouds in irregular galaxies: I. An ultramassive GMC in NGC 3077
Molecular Design, Synthesis, and Properties of Surface-Active Comb-Like PEG-Containing Polymers and Derived Supramolecular Structures for Drug Delivery
Molecular Dynamics Characterization of n-Octyl-beta-D-Glucopyranoside Micelle Structure in Aqueous Solution
Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Quantum Mechanical Studies of the Hydrolytic Degradation of Aliphatic Polyesters
Molecular dynamics simulation of high-temperature deformation in fully lamellar Gamma-titanium aluminides
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Included b-Cyclodextrins in a Dense Poly(etehr-ether-ketone) Membrane
Molecular dynamics simulation of PAA and PAANa in aqueous solutions
Molecular dynamics simulation of the pervaporation of water/ethanol mixtures through polydimethylsiloxane membranes
Molecular dynamics simulation of the pervaporation through polysiloxane membranes
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Shape-Memory Properties of Dry and Water Swollen Poly (L-lactide) and Poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] based Polyesterurethanes (Dissertation)
Molecular dynamics simulations and neutron scattering data of bulk water and water absorbed to cellulose
Molecular dynamics simulations of pea (Pisum sativum) lectin structure with octyl glucoside detergents: The ligand interactions and dynamics
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Penetrant Transport in Organic/Inorganic Composite Membrane Materials
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymer-Membrane/Solvent Interfaces
Molecular dynamics simulations of solvent evaporation from fully flexible polymer solutions
Molecular dynamics simulations of the transport of water-ethanol mixtures through polydimethylsiloxane membranes
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Titanium Dioxide as Model System for Size Effects in Aerosol Deposition.
Molecular dynamics study of nanoporous gold deformation
Molecular Dynamics Study of Penetrant Transport and Interface Properties in Polymer/Zeolite Composite Membrane Materials
Molecular Insights into the Physical Adsorption of Amphiphilic Protein PhaF onto Copolyester Surfaces
Molecular Modeling and experimental investigation of hydrolytically degradable polymeric biomaterials
Molecular Modeling and experimental investigation of hydrolytically degradable polymeric biomaterials
Molecular modeling as a tool for prediction and better understanding of small molecule separation in membrane materials
Molecular modeling as a tool for prediction and better understanding of small molecule separation in membrane materials
Molecular Modeling der Struktur thermotroper Co-Poly(ester) und Co-Poly(ester Carbonate)
Molecular Modeling Investigation of Free Volume Distributions in stiff chain polymers with conventional and ultra-high free volume: Comparison between Molecular Modeling and Positron Lifetime Studies
Molecular Modeling investigations of dry and first water-swollen states of biodegradable polymers
Molecular Modeling Investigations of Dry and Two Water-Swollen States of Biodegradable Polymers
Molecular Modeling Investigations on Hydrolytically Degradable Polyesters
Molecular modeling of amorphous polymer membranes
Molecular Modeling of Biodegradable Polymeric Materials
Molecular modeling of biomaterial degradation in two dimensions
Molecular Modeling of diffusion and solution processes in dense amorphous membrane polymers
Molecular Modeling of diffusion and solution processes in dense amorphous membrane polymers
Molecular Modeling of Free Volume Distributions of Amorphous Membrane Polymers
Molecular Modeling of Free Volume Distributions of Amorphous Membrane Polymers
Molecular Modeling of Gas Separation with Polyimide Membranes
Molecular Modeling of Gas Transport in Polyimide Membranes
Molecular Modeling of Hydrolytically Degradable Polyesters
Molecular Modeling of Membrane Solvent Interfaces
Molecular modeling of pervaporation and gas separation processes
Molecular modeling of pervaporation separation of binary mixtures with polymeric membranes
Molecular Modeling of polymer membrane materials for pervaporation separation of aliphatic-aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures
Molecular Modeling of polymer membrane materials for pervaporation separation of aliphatic-aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures
Molecular modeling of polymer membrane processes
Molecular modeling of selected structure and transport properties of membrane polymers
Molecular modeling of small molecule diffusion and solution in dense amorphous membrane polymers
Molecular Modeling of Small Molecule Separation in Membrane Materials
Molecular Modeling of Small-Molecule Permeation in Polyimides and Its Correlation to Free-Volume Distributions
Molecular Modeling of Small-Molekule Permeation in Polyimides and its Correlation to Free-Volume Distributions
Molecular modeling of the conformation and packing of copoly(HBA/HNA)
Molecular modeling of the structure of a thermotropic copolyester
Molecular modeling of the structure of assemblies of thermotropic co-poly(ester) chains
Molecular modeling of the structure of assemblies of thermotropic copolyester chains
Molecular Modeling von Transportprozessen in Polymermembranen
Molecular Modeling, A Tool for the Knowledge-Based Design of Polymer-Based Membrane Materials
Molecular Modeling, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Macrocyclic Calpain Inhibitors
Molecular Modelling der Struktur eines thermotropen Co-Polyesters
Molecular Modelling des Freien Volumens in dichten amorphen Polymeren
Molecular Modelling for Rigid Polymer Systems
Molecular Modelling for Rigid Polymer Systems
Molecular Modelling in Membrane Science
Molecular Modelling in Membrane Science
Molecular Modelling in Membrane Science
'Molecular Modelling in Membrane Science'
Molecular Modelling of Gas Permeation in 6FDA-Polyimides and its Correlation to Free Volume Distributions
Molecular modelling of gas separation in polyimide membrans
Molecular Modelling of gas separation of polyimide membranes
Molecular Modelling of Gas Transport in Polyimide Membranes
Molecular modelling of gas-transport in amorphous poly(amide imide) membranes
Molecular modelling of gas-transport in amorphous poly(amide imide) membranes
Molecular Modelling of Membrane Polymers
Molecular Modelling of Membrane Polymers
Molecular modelling of molecular transport processes in polymer-based materials
Molecular modelling of molecular transport processes in polymer-based materials
Molecular modelling of O2/N2 separation in polyimide membrans
Molecular modelling of polyimide membranes for gas separation
Molecular modelling of polymer based (bio)materials and of biomolecules
Molecular Modelling of polymer-based (bio)materials and of biomolecules
Molecular Modelling of polymer-based (bio)materials and of biomolecules
Molecular Modelling of Polymer-based Biomaterials and Surface Activities of Bioactive Molecules
Molecular Modelling of Small Molecule Transport Processes in Polymer-based Materials
Molecular Modelling of Small Molecule Transports in Polymers
Molecular Modelling of the free volume in special membrane polymers and comparison with related PALS data
Molecular Modelling of the structure and dynamic behaviour of dense amorphous membrane polymers
Molecular modelling of the structure of a wholly aromatic thermotropic copolyester
Molecular Modelling organischer Werkstoffe
Molecular modelling simulation of gas transport in amorphous poly(imide) and poly(amide imide)
Molecular modelling simulation of gas transport in amorphous polyimide and poly(amide imide) membrane materials
Molecular modelling to understand transport in polymer membranes
Molecular Modelling von Membranmaterialien - Polymer-'bulk'- und Interfacemodelle
Molecular Modelling von Membranpolymeren - Analyse und Voraussage ihrer Eigenschaften
Molecular Modelling von Polymerstrukturen
Molecular Modelling von Polymerwerkstoffen und organischen Langmuir-Blodgett Multischichten fuer die Membranforschung (Habilitation)
Molecular Modelling von Transport und Loeslichkeit kleiner Molekuele in amorphen Polymermembranen
'Molecular Modelling' zur detailliert atomistischen Untersuchung von Pervaporationsmembranen
Molecular organisation of amphiphilic disc-shaped penta-alkyness in LB-mono- and multilayers
Molecular Origin and Electrochemical Influence of Capacitive Surface States on Iron Oxide Photoanodes
Molecular pathways involved in the immune response on magnesium alloys
Molecular pathways involved in the immune response on magnesium alloys
Molecular pathways involved in the immune response on magnesium alloys
Molecular properties of hybrid macromolecular antioxidants: Dextran hydrophobically modified by sterically hindered phenols
Molecular self-assembly as formation tool for artificial membranes
Molecular sieve effect of the zeolithe-filled silicone rubber membranes in gas separation
Molecular sieving effect of the zeolite-filled silicone rubber membranes in gas permeation
Molecular Simulation for Structure/Property Relations in Glassy Polymers
Molecular Simulation of Gas Permeability in Poly(ether-ether-ketone) Membrane
Molecular Simulation of n-heptane / benzene pervaporation through amorphous polymers
Molecular simulation of small molecule diffusion and solution in dense amorphous polysiloxanes and polyimides
Molecular Simulation of Thermosetting Polymer Hardening: Reactive Events Enabled by Controlled Topology Transfer
Molecular Simulation study on sorption and diffusion processes in polymeric pervaporation membrane materials
Molecular-Level Insights into the Relationship between Volatility of Organic Aerosol Constituents and PM2.5 Air Pollution Levels: A Study with Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Molekuel-Interaktions-Analyse eines Glykoproteins aus dem Nesselgift der Feuerqualle Cyanea spec. mit Hilfe von Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) (Diplomarbeit)
Molekulardynamische Simulation von Sorptions- und Diffusionsvorgaengen in Pervaporationsmembranen (Dissertation)
Molekulardynamische Simulationen zur Pervaporation von Aromaten-Aliphaten-Gemischen durch dichte amorphe Polymermembranen
Molekulardynamische Untersuchungen zur Permeation organischer Daempfe durch dicke Elastomermembranen (Dissertation)
Molekulare Modellierung des Transports kleiner Molekuele in polymerbasierten Materialien
Molekulare Modellierung von Polymerstrukturen fuer die Membranforschung
Molekulare Modellierung von Struktur und Transportmechanismen von Membranmaterialien
Molekulargewichtsbestimmung mittels eines Kapillarmembranosmometers auf Basis von Polyacrylnitrilmembranen
Molybdate intercalated hydrotalcite/graphene oxide composite as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel
Moments from space captured by MSG SEVIRI
Momentum flux measurements in the airflow over wind-generated surface waves
Monitoring and Forecasting the Ocean State and Biogeochemical Processes in the Black Sea: Recent Developments in the Copernicus Marine Service
Monitoring Intense Oceanic Fronts Using Sea Surface Roughness: Satellite, Airplane, and In Situ Comparison
Monitoring of an rDNA Bacillus subtilis in environmental samples
Monitoring of Emerging Organic Pollutants in the Atmospheric and Marine Environment
Monitoring of Heat Treatment Processes by High Energy Synchrotron Radiation
Monitoring of Heat Treatment Processes by High Energy Synchrotron Radiation
Monitoring of heat treatment processes with high energy X-rays
Monitoring of radioactivity in the Elbe estuary
Monitoring of water quality: seasonel variations of heavy metals in sediments, suspended particulate matter and tubificids of the Elbe river
Monitoring Shipping Emissions with In-situ Measurements of Trace Gases
Monitoring the induced shear alignment in block copolymer solutions by insitu rheo-SAXS and rheo-optical birefringence
Monitoring the Meteorological and Hydrological Droughts in the Largest River Basin (Mahaweli River) in Sri Lanka
Monitoring the precipitation of the hardening phase in the new VDM® Alloy 780 by in-situ high-temperature small-angle neutron scattering, neutron diffraction and complementary microscopy techniques
Monitoring, Detecting and Modelling Coastal Change
Monitoring, Detecting and Modelling Coastal Change
Monolayer degradation experiments of polyester-based (co)polymers
Monolayer Degradation Kinetics of Polymer Implant Materials
Monolayer Degradation Kinetics of Polymer Implant Materials
Monolayer formation and shear-resistance of human umbilical vein endothelial cells on gelatin-based hydrogels with tailorable elsticity and degradability
Monolayer formation and shear-resistance of human umbilical vein endothelial cells on gelatin-based hydrogels with tailorable elsticity and degradability
Monolayer formation and shear-resistance of human vein endothelial cells on gelatin-based hydrogels with tailorable elasticity and degradability
Monolayer studies as tool to predict the degradation behavior of (co)polyester matrices
Monolayer Studies on the Interplay between Cross-Linking and the Degradation Kinetics of Biomaterials
Monoschichtverhalten aroylazidhaltiger Amphiphile auf Polyacrylnitril-Oberflaechen
Monte Carlo code for the study of the dynamic light field at the wavy atmosphere-ocean interface
Monte Carlo Simulations of Enhanced Visible Radiance in Clear-Air Satellite Fields of View Near Clouds
Monte Carlo simulations – A new strategy for the design of novel antibiotic peptides
MOPS - A Morphodynamical Prediction System on Cluster Computers
MOPS - A Morphodynamical Prediction System on Cluster Computers
More than just SIDS: local solutions for global problems on small islands
More than trace elements – New Applications for ICP-MS to investigate the chemical anthropocene
Morfologia de bagazo tratado con sosa
Morpho-acoustic variability of cold seeps on the continental slope offshore Nicaragua: Result of fluid flow interaction with sedimentary processes
Morphodynamic in the Elbe Estuary as Seen by ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar
Morphodynamic in the Elbe Estuary as Seen by ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar
Morphodynamic processes of the Elbe River estuary, Germany: the Coriolis effect, tidal asymmetry and human dredging
Morphodynamics and Morphological Development of Shelf Mud Depocenters : Morphodynamik und Morphologische Entwicklung von Schlammdepozentren auf dem Schelf
Morphogenese aus physikalischer Sicht
Morphogenesis of a late Pleistocene delta off the south-western Hainan Island unraveled by numerical modeling
Morpholine-2,5-diones with hexyl side chains as monomers for oligodepsipeptides with decreased glass transition temperature
Morphological analysis of cerium oxide stabilized nanoporous gold catalysts by soft X-ray ASAXS
Morphological analysis of differently sized highly porous poly(ether imide) microparticles by mercury porosimetry
Morphological analysis of porous poly(ether imide) microparticles
Morphological analysis of porous poly(ether imide) microparticles by mercury porosimetry
Morphological and thermal properties of semicrystalline block copolymers in bulk andsolution
Morphological Aspects of Crystallizable Triblock Terpolymers: PB-b-PS-b-PEO and PE-b-PS-b-PEO
Morphological characterization and in vitro biocompatibility of a porous nickel–titanium alloy
Morphological Characterization of Polymer Membranes Using Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Scanning Force Microscopy, and Optical Microscopy
Morphological Control of Helical Structures of an ABC-Type Triblock Terpolymer by Distribution Control of a Blending Homopolymer in a Block Copolymer Microdomain
Morphological Control Over Three- and Four-Phase Superstructures in Blends of Asymmetric ABC and BAC Triblock Terpolymers
Morphological Design of Block Copolymers via Controlled Self-Assembly
Morphological Engineering by Blending of Block Copolymers
Morphological evidence for a different fibronectin receptor organization and function during fibroblast adhesion on hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrata
Morphological Properties and Crystallization Behaviour of Triblock Terpolymers with one or two Crystalline End Blocks
Morphological properties of block copolymers under mechanical stress and in films
Morphological structure of Gluconacetobacter xylinus cellulose and cellulose-based organic-inorganic composite materials
Morphological structure of Gluconacetobacter xylinus cellulose and cellulose-based organic-inorganic composite materials
Morphological studies on the culture of kidney epithelial cells in a fiber-in-fiber bioreactor design with hollow fiber membranes
Morphological Investigation of Oligo[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide]-based Polyesterurethanes at the Water-Air Interface via Brewster Angle Microscopy and Ellipsometry
Morphologie Synthetischer Membranen
Morphologie und Infraciliatur von Dileptus orientalis sp. n., einem Bodenciliaten aus Qingdao, China
Morphologie von Blockcopolymeren
Morphologies and Degradation Behaviour of Biodegradable Polymers at the Ai-Water Interface
Morphologies in Block Copolymers
Morphologies of Block Copolymers in th Bulk and in Blends
Morphologische Eigenschaften von Blockcopolymeren und Blockcopolymerblends
Morphologische Untersuchungen von Composite-Membranen auf PAN-UF-Membranen als Traeger (in russ.)
Morphologische Untersuchungen von PAN-Membranen
Morphology and Confinement Effects on Crystallization Kinetics in Polyethylene Containing Block Copolymers
Morphology and Crystallization Kinetics of Triblock terpolymers with one or two crystallizable blocks
Morphology and crystallization within triblock terpolymers PB-b-PS-b-PEO and PE-b-PS-b-PEO
Morphology and elasticity of polystyrene-block-polyisoprene diblock copolymers in the melt
Morphology and mechanical properties of bisphenol A polycarbonate/poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile) blends based clay nanocomposites
Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposites based on Block Copolymers
Morphology and Properties of Polymers with nanostructured Fillers
Morphology and stability of orthorhombic and hexagonal phases in a lamellar g-Ti-42Al-8.5Nb alloy – a transmission electron microscopy study
Morphology and stability of orthorhombic and hexagonal phases in a lamellar Gamma-Ti-42Al-8.5Nb alloy-A transmission electron microscopy study
Morphology and Thermal Properties of semi-crystalline Triblock terpolymers
Morphology and Thermal Properties of semicrystalline block copolymers
Morphology at Different Levels of Order in a Block Copolymer via Controlled Self-Organization
Morphology control in Ni/Ti multilayer neutron mirrors by ion-assisted interface engineering and B4C incorporation
Morphology evolution of Ti3AlC carbide precipitates in high Nb containing TiAl alloys
Morphology Generation of (Thin) Film Block Copolymers on Various Substrates
Morphology of bony tissues and implants uncovered by high-resolution tomographic imaging
Morphology of crosslinked poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) microparticles
Morphology of crosslinked poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) particles
Morphology of membranes made by phase inversion from solutions of polyacrylonitriles having different molecular weights
Morphology of primary human venous endothelial cell cultures before and after culture medium exchange
Morphology of Spin-coated Films from Copolyetheresterurethanes Containing Different Aliphatic Diisocyanate Linkers
Morphology of the Micelles Formed by a Comb-Like PEG-Containing Copolymer Loaded with Antitumor Substances with Different Water Solubilities
Morphology Study of Polyoxadiazole and Polytriazole Polymers by ASAXS and DMTA
Morphology Tuning of ZnO/P3HT/P3HT-b-PEO Hybrid Films Deposited via Spray or Spin Coating
Morphology–Ionic Conductivity Relationship in Polymer–Titania Hybrid Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
MOSES: A Novel Observation System to Monitor Dynamic Events Across Earth Compartments
MOSSCO Southern North Sea coastal gradient bentho-pelagic ecosystem simulation 2000-2012
MOSSCO Southern North Sea Long-term bentho-pelagic ecosystem simulation 1961-2012
Motion of buoyant point vortices
Motivation: Weshalb Kuestenforschung?
Movement analysis of primate molar teeth under load using synchrotron X-ray microtomography
Moving Geometry Process Model for Bobbin Tool FSW
Moving Geometry Process Model for Bobbin Tool FSW
Moving Geometry Process Model for Bobbin-Tool FSW
Moving Geometry Process Model for Bobbin-Tool FSW
mRNA Transfection-Induced Activation of Primary Human Monocytes and Macrophages: Dependence on Carrier System and Nucleotide Modification
MRS Symposium Proceedings, Multifunctional Polymer-Based Materials, 2011 MRS Fall Meeting
Mue-Tomography of Engineering Materials
(Mulfi)funktionalisierte Polymere fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Multi Model Study on the Impact of Emissions on CTMs
Multi time scale simulations for wear prediction in micro-gears
(Multi)functional Polymers and Scaffold Systems for Regenerative Medicine
(Multi)functional Polymers and Scaffold Systems for Regenerative Medicine
(Multi)functional structured hydrogels inspired by ECM
(Multi)funktionale Polymere und deren Anwendungspotenzial in der Regenerativen Medizin
(Multi-) Funktional Materials
(Multi-) Funktionale Materialien und deren Innovationsmaterial in der Medizin
(Multi-) Funktionale Materialsysteme fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
(Multi-) funktionale Polymere
Multi-adaptive coupling of finite element meshes with peridynamic grids: robust implementation and potential applications
Multi-adaptive spatial discretization of bond-based peridynamics
Multi-agent negotiation in the Prestige oil spill response scenario: a conflict resolution mechanism design and simulations
Multi-agent negotiation in the Prestige oil spill response scenario: a conflict resolution mechanism design and simulations
Multi-compartment Chemistry Transport Models
Multi-decadal Atmospheric Modeling for Europe Yields Multi-purpose Data
Multi-decadal changes in the marine ecosystem of Helgoland Island, German Bight, North Sea
Multi-decadal climatology of Polar Lows over the North Pacific by regional climate model (Dissertation)
Multi-decadal decline of mercury in the North Atlantic atmosphere explained by changing subsurface seawater concentrations
Multi-decadal dynamical downscaling of tropical cyclones in East Asia using spectrally nudged regional climate models
Multi-decadal regional modelling of typhoons
Multi-Domain Design Structure Matrix Approach Applied to Urban System Modeling
Multi-element analysis in ecosystems: Basic conditions for representative sampling of plant materials
Multi-element analysis in plant material
Multi-element analysis of an english peat bog soil
Multi-element determination of trace elements in whole blood and blood serum by TXRF
Multi-elemental characterization of anode materials used for cathodic corrosion protection of offshore structures using ICP-MS/MS
Multi-elements analysis in plants: Analytical tools and biological questions
Multi-frequency scatterometer measurements on water surfaces agitated by artificieal and natural rain
Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in river catchment systems: Selected application examples using B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS
Multi-laboratory characterization of ecological samples
Multi-model Assessment of Air Pollution-Related Premature Mortality in Europe and U.S.: Domestic Versus Foreign Contributions
Multi-model evaluation of catchment- and global-scale hydrological model simulations of drought characteristics across eight large river catchments
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: Atmospheric processes and model evaluation
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: Vertical distribution of mercury species
Multi-objective calibration of the land surface model SEWAB
Multi-objective calibration of the land surface scheme TERRA/LM using LITFASS-2003 data
Multi-risk, multi-scale and multi-stakeholder – The contribution of a bow-tie analysis for risk management in the trilateral Wadden Sea Region
Multi-scale Modeling of Metal Hydride Materials: Computational Methods and Use Cases for Hydrogen Storage Application
Multi-scale modelling of the mechanical properties of interfaces
Multi-Scale Modelling of TiFe-based hydrides for room temperature hydrogen storage
Multi-scale phase analyses of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile iron (ADI) using neutron diffraction and transmission techniques
Multi-targeting peptides for gene carriers with high transfection efficiency
Multi-trait diversification in marine diatoms in constant and warmed environments
Multi-Use of the Sea as a Sustainable Development Instrument in Five EU Sea Basins
Multi-User Lab at the Institute of Biomaterial Science
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) mixed polyacrylonitrile (PAN) ultrafiltration membranes
Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Mixed Matrix Membranes (Dissertation)
Multiblock copolymers containing polyether segments for separation of C4 hydrocarbons
Multiblock copolymers type PDC- a family of multifunctional biomaterials for regenerative medicine
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations - A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations - A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations - A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations - A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations - A laboratory to tet the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations – A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations – A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods
Multicentury GCM simulations – A laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods in reconstructing historical climate
Multicolor Histochemical Staining for Identification of Mineralized and Non-Mineralized Musculoskeletal Tissue: Immunohistochemical and Radiological Validation in Decalcified Bone Samples
Multicomponent "smart" membrane structures
Multicomponent Materials based on Block Copolymers
Multicomponent Network Formation in Selective Layer of Composite Membrane for CO2 Separation
Multicomponent protein patterning of material surfaces
Multicomponent Systems based on Block Copolymers
Multicomponent Systems based on Block Copolymers
Multicomponent Systems Based on Block Copolymers
Multicyclic Poly(ether sulfone)s of Phloroglucinol Forming Branched and Cross-linked Architectures
Multidecadal climatological investigations of storms in the Northeast North Atlantic and in the North Sea
Multidimensional Chromatographic Analysis of Polylactides and Their Copolymers
Multidimensional Food Security Nexus in Drylands under the Slow Onset Effects of Climate Change
Multielement analysis in a forest ecosystem: Variations in chemical composition of trees and ground flora
Multielement analysis of archaic Chinese bronze and antique coins by fast neutron activation analysis
Multielement analysis of tropical lakes
Multielement determination in sediments from the German Wadden Sea
Multielement determination in sediments from the German Wadden Sea
Multielement determination in wadden sea sediments
Multielement determination of trace elements in estuarine waters by TXRF and INAA
Multielement investigation of human bile by means of instrumental neutron activation analysis
Multielement investigations of fertilizer phosphates by means of instrumental neutron activationanalysis (INAA)
Multielement-Charakterisierung von Anodenmaterial fuer den kathodischen Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Strukturen mittels ICP-MS/MS (Bacherlorarbeit)
Multielementanalyse mit der Kopplung Plasma-Fackel/Massenspektrometrie
Multielementanalyse mit Hilfe der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse
Multielementanalytik in Oekosystemen
Multielementbestimmungen in Sediment-Tiefenprofilen und radiometrische Datierung zur Ermittlung zeitlicher Belastungsentwicklungen von Elbesedimenten (Diplomarbeit)
Multielementbestimmungen in Umweltproben mit Hilfe der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse
Multifunctional Bio-based Polymers
Multifunctional Bio-based Polymers in Medicine and Technology
Multifunctional Bio-based Polymers in Technology and Medicine
Multifunctional Bio-based Polymers in Technology and Medicine
Multifunctional bio-based Polymers in Technology and Medicine
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials
Multifunctional Biomaterials and Devices
Multifunctional biomaterials containing amino acid based segments for tissue regeneration and efficient transfection of primary human cells
Multifunctional biomaterials for directing and orchestrating behavior and functions of stem cells via mechanical cues
Multifunctional Biomaterials for Medicine
Multifunctional Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Multifunctional Gelatin Hydrogels for Stem Cell Differentiation and Bone Regeneration
Multifunctional heterogeneous Polymer Systems
Multifunctional Hybrid Nanocomposites With Magnetically Controlled Reversible Shape-Memory Effect
Multifunctional Hybrid Nanocomposites with Magnetically Controlled Reversible Shape–Memory Effect
Multifunctional Materials
Multifunctional Materials for Membranes and Scaffolds
Multifunctional matrix and carrier materials
Multifunctional Ni3X nanoparticles intended for biomedical applications
Multifunctional Polymer Networks and their Application Potential in Medicine
Multifunctional Polymer Networks from Poly(rac-lactide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(rac-lactide) dimethacrylates
Multifunctional Polymer Networks from Poly(rac-lactide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(rac-lactide) dimethacrylates
Multifunctional polymer particles for detoxification purposes
Multifunctional Polymer Systems Designed for Biomedical Applications
Multifunctional polymer systems for controlled drug release and transport
Multifunctional Polymer-Based Biomaterials
Multifunctional Polymer-based Carrier Systems
Multifunctional Polymer-based Drug Delivery Systems
Multifunctional Polymeric Biomaterials
Multifunctional polymers combining shape-memory, drug release, and biodegradability
Multifunctional Polymers combining Shape-Memory, Drug-Release and Biodegradability
Multifunctional Polymers for biomedical applications
Multifunctional Polymers for Cardiovascular Implants
Multifunctional Shape-Memory Polymer
Multifunctional Shape-Memory Polymers
Multifunctional Shape-memory Polymers
Multifunctional Shape-Memory Polymers
Multifunctional Shape-Memory Polymers
Multifunctional system for treatment of wastewaters from adhesive-producing industries: separation of solids and oxidation of dissolved pollutants using doted microfiltration membranes
Multifunctional-Shape Memory Polymers
Multifunctional; degradable polymers for health technologies
Multifunctionality as design principle for contact lens materials
Multifunctionality by Core/Shell Design of PLLA/PDLA Nanofibres
Multifunctionality in Biomaterials – going beyond compromises
Multifunctionality in Polymer Networks by Dynamic of Coordination Bonds
Multifunktionale Biomaterialien
Multifunktionale Biomaterialien
Multifunktionale Biomaterialien in Technologie und Medizin
Multifunktionale Materialien fuer die Biotechnologie
Multifunktionale Materialien fuer Technologie und Medizin
Multifunktionale Materialien für die Biomedizin
Multifunktionale Materialien für die Biomedizin - Vorstellung
Multifunktionale Materialien für die Biotechnologie
Multifunktionale Polymere - Zukunftsperspektiven fuer Materialien in der Medizin
Multifunktionale Polymernetzwerke und deren Anwendungspotenzial in der Medizin
Multifunktionale Polymersysteme fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Multifunktionale Polymersysteme fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Multifunktionale Polymersysteme fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin, Ringvorlesung
Multifunktionale Polymersysteme fuer medizinische Anwendungen
Multifunktionale Polymersysteme fuer medizinische Anwendungen
Multikomponentensysteme auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Multilayer als Analysatorkristalle zur Detektion leichter Elemente
Multilayer composite membranes for gas separation based on crosslinked PTMSP gutter layer and partially crosslinked Matrimid® 5218 selective layer
Multilayer fuer XRD und XRF
Multilayer Membranes - Preparation and Application
Multilayer mirror for X-rays below 190eV
Multilayer polymeric membranes for advanced gas separation processes
Multilayer thin film composite membranes with an incorporated network embedded in the polymer matrix of the selective layer
Multilayered refill friction stir spot welding of AA2024 and aluminum foils for electric vehicle battery application
Multilevel topographical changes of polymeric surfaces control their aerophobic behavior
Multimodal analgesia and early post-operative weight bearing in a rat femur fracture model with external fixation: Experience from Kiel in a pilot study.
Multimodal analysis and comparison of stoichiometric and structural characteristics of parosteal and conventional osteosarcoma with massive sclerosis in human bone
Multimodal Analysis of Microstructural Evolution of Metallic Alloys under Shear Deformation
Multimodal analysis of spatially heterogeneous microstructural refinement and softening mechanisms in three-pass friction stir processed Al-4Si alloy
Multimodal assessment of biodegradable Magnesium-based implants in bone
Multimodal ex vivo methods reveal that Gd-rich corrosion byproducts remain at the implant site of biodegradable Mg-Gd screws
Multiphase langmuir-blodgett films formed by deposition of fatty acid monolayers from polyelectrolyte subphases
Multiphase magnetism in Yb2Ti2O7
Multiphase Polymer Networks with Shape-Memory
Multiphase Polymer Networks with Shape-Memory
Multiphase pumps according to twin screw: design for high gas fractions and differential pressure
Multiphase Systems based on Block Copolymers
Multiphase Systems based on Block Copolymers
Multiphase Systems based on Block Copolymers
Multiphase-Field Approach to Simulate the Formation and Evolution of Intermetallic Compounds During Solid-State Joining Process of an Al-Mg Alloy
Multiphase-field modeling of temperature-driven intermetallic compound evolution in an Al–Mg system for application to solid-state joining processes
Multiphase-flow in the Federal Republic of Germany
Multiphysically Coupled Modelling of Polymer-based Materials (Dissertation)
Multiple Cytokine and Acute-Phase Protein Gene Transcription in West Greenland Sledge Dogs (Canis familiaris) Dietary Exposed to Organic Environmental Pollutants
Multiple Mechanical Gradients are Responsible for the Strong Adhesion of Spider Attachment Hair
Multiple Oceanographic HF Surface-Wave Radars Applied to Maritime Surveillance
Multiple Oceanographic HF Surface-Wave Radars Applied to Maritime Surveillance
Multiple sediment sources and topographic changes controlled the depositional architecture of a palaeoslope-parallel canyon in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
Multiple Time Scale Analysis of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Wadden Sea
Multiple Time Scale Analysis of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Wadden Sea
Multiprobe surface characterization of cellulose dialysis material
Multireflection flow-cooling cell for IR spectroscopy of supercooled gases
Multireflexionszelle zur infrarotspektroskopischen Untersuchung von Gasen unter Einsatz der Huellstromkuehltechnik
Multiscale analysis on otolith structural features reveals differences in ontogenesis and sex in Merluccius merluccius in the western Adriatic Sea
Multiscale Experimental and Computational Investigation of Nature’s Design Principle of Hierarchies in Dental Enamel
Multiscale in-situ observations of the micro- and nanostructure of a PH 13-8 Mo maraging steel during austenitization
Multiscale modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of hierarchical bovine enamel
Multiscale modeling of damage and failure in a biological hierarchical material
Multiscale modeling of damage and failure in hierarchical materials
Multiscale Modeling of Failure in Multilayered Composites
Multiscale Modeling of Failure in Multilayered Composites
Multiscale Modeling of Laser Shock Peening Process involving Laser Induced Plasma Shock Wave Simulation
Multiscale Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Hierarchical Bovine Enamel
Multiscale Modeling Strategy of 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks Confined at an Air–Water Interface
Multiscale modeling to investigate intrinsic properties in porous metallic glasses
Multiscale modelling of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures - The LORCENIS approach
Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Failure in a Biological Hierarchical Material
Multiscale modelling of damage and failure in a biological hierarchical material
Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Failure in a Biological Hierarchical Material
Multiscale morphological analysis of bone microarchitecture around Mg-10Gd implants
Multiscale Observations of Deep Convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea During Winter 2012-2013 Using Multiple Platforms
Multiscale process simulation of residual stress fields of laser beam welded precipitation hardened AA6082
Multiscale Simulation of Damage Process in Dental Enamel
Multiscale system dynamics of humans and nature in The Bahamas: perturbation, knowledge, panarchy and resilience
Multispectral and multisensor satellite data analysis of the North Sea
Multispektrales In-situ-Laserfluorometer zum Nachweis von Gelbstoff und Chlorophyl
Multitargeting Gene Delivery Systems for Enhancing the Transfection of Endothelial Cells
Multivalent anchored and crosslinked hyperbranched polyglycerol monolayers as antifouling coating for titanium oxide surfaces
Multivalent Anchoring and Cross-Linking of Mussel-Inspired Antifouling Surface Coatings
Multivalent grafting of hyperbranched oligo- and polyglycerols shielding rough membranes to mediate hemocompatibility
Multivalent, biodegradable polyglycerol hydrogels
Multivariate analysis of cellular uptake characteristics for a (co)polymer particle library
Multivariate statistical analysis of drug concentrations measured in the river Saale
Multivariate trait analysis reveals diatom plasticity constrained to a reduced set of biological axes
Mussel-Inspired Dendritic Polymers as Universal Multifunctional Coatings
Mussel-Inspired Polyglycerol Coatings with Controlled Wettability: From Superhydrophilic to Superhydrophobic Surface Coatings
Muster zinnorganischer Verbindungen in der Elbe
Mustererkennung organischer Zinn-Verbindungen in der Elbe
Mutual Dependence Between Sedimentary Organic Carbon and Infaunal Macrobenthos Resolved by Mechanistic Modeling
Mutual interplay of ZnO micro- and nanowires and methylene blue during cyclic photocatalysis process
Mutually Beneficial Combination of Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations and Scattering Experiments
MW-Plasmapolymerisation von Acrylsaeure auf Polyethylenterephthalat-Membranen
Myoanatomy of the velvet worm leg revealed by laboratory-based nanofocus X-ray source tomography
Mögliche Beiträge geologischer und mariner Kohlenstoffspeicher zur Dekarbonisierung


N-/P-pesticides in the Czech and German part of the river Elbe - Analytical methods and trends of pollution
N-cycling and balancing of the N-deficit generated in the oxygen minimum zone over the Namibian shelf - An isotope-based approach
N-Isotope fractionation of nitrification in the tidal influenced Elbe River estuary, Germany
N2O (CO2) particles in a collisional cooling cell between 4 and 120 K
N2O-Gehalte in Wasser- und Luftproben aus den Bereichen der Tideelbe und der Deutschen Bucht
NaAlH4 production from waste aluminum by reactive ball milling
Nabelschnurstammzellen als Zellquelle fuer regenerative Therapien
Nachbehandlung kontaminierter Schlaemme im Dampfstripp-Prozesss (Diplomarbeit)
Nachleuchtende Glaeser
Nachleuchtende Glaeser und Betone fuer dauerhafte und feuersichere Fluchtleitsysteme
Nachleuchtender Beton: schuetzende Glaseinbettung fuer phosphoreszierende Leuchtpigmente
Nachleuchtendes Glas fuer die Bauindustrie
Nachruestung von Adsorptionsanlagen durch Membrantechnik zur Wirkungsgradverbesserung und Erhoehung der Anlagenkapazitaet
Nachruestung von Forschungsreaktoren: Beispiel FRG-1 und FRG-2
Nachweis neuer SI-Polymerstrukturen durch die Kopplung der SEC mit der MALDI-TOF-MS
Nachweis von posttranslatorisch veraenderten Proteinen mit Hilfe von Kapillar-LC und Kollisionszellen ICP-MS
Nachweis von schwebstoffgebundenen Chlorkohlenwasserstoffen im aeusseren Aestuarbereich von Weser und Elbe
Nachweis von Superschweren Elementen mit der Synchroton-Strahlung
Nacre-inspired laminates of laser-perforated zirconia
Naehrstoffausfaellung an einem Magdeburger Badesee zur Verbesserung der Wasserbeschaffenheit und Erhoehung des Erholungswertes
Naehrstoffbelastung und Stoffkreislaeufe in der Tide-Elbe
Naehrstoffdynamik im ostfriesischen Wattenmeer
Naehrstoffeintraege in und Reduktionsszenarien fuer die Ostsee, Stickstoffverbindungen
Naehrstoffeintrag aus der Luft - Beitrag zur Eutrophierung
Nafion/polypyrrole and Nafion/DMSO organic coatings for magnesium protection
Nanistructured Light-Weight Hydrides for Mobile Hydrogen Storage
Nano carriers and structured hydrogels containing amino acids
Nano galaxy - A novel electrospun nanofibrous membrane that’s out of this world
Nano- and Microplastics Analysis via LDIR and ICP-MS
Nano- and microsize affinity beads and flat sheet membranes for remove endotoxin
Nano- und Mikroplastik-Analytik mittels ICP-MS/MS und LDIR Imaging - Zwei Anwendungsbeispiele
Nano-; microplastics and metals - how are they related?
Nano-; microplastics and metals - how are they related?
Nano-engineered membranes for a better life
Nano-Scale design of TiAl Alloys Based on beta-Phase Decomposition
Nano-Scale Design of TiAl Alloys Based on beta-phase Decomposition
Nano-Scale design of TiAl Alloys Based on beta-Phase Decomposition
Nano-Scale Morphology of Melanosomes Revealed by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
Nano-structured and Nano-sized Shape-memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Nanocarriers for drug delivery into and through the skin - Do existing technologies match clinical challenges?
Nanochemie II
Nanochemie II
Nanochemie: Aspekte und Trends
Nanochemistry : Aspects and Trends
Nanochemistry : Aspects and Trends
Nanochemistry: From Synthesis to Nanodevices and Bionanotechnology
Nanocomposite Electrospun Nanofiber Membranes for Environmental Remediation
Nanocomposites based on cellulose whiskers and (semi)conducting conjugated polymers
Nanocomposites of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Crystallizable Matrices as Platform Technology for Actively Moving Polymers
Nanocomposites of Polystyrene-b-Poly(isoprene)-b-Polystyrene Triblock Copolymer with Clay-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Nanoadditives
Nanoconfined 2LiBH4–MgH2 for reversible hydrogen storages: Reaction mechanisms, kinetics and thermodynamics
Nanoconfined 2LiBH4–MgH2 Prepared by Direct Melt Infiltration into Nanoporous Materials
Nanoconfined 2LiBH4–MgH2–TiCl3 in carbon aerogel scaffold for reversible hydrogen storage
Nanoconfinement effects on hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 and LiBH4
Nanocrysstalline Mg-based Hydrides: Hydrogen Storage for the Zero-Emission Vehicle
Nanocrysstalline Mg-based Hydrides: Hydrogen Storage for the Zero-Emission Vehicle
Nanocrystalline alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and ball milling
Nanocrystalline alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and ball milling
Nanocrystalline Composites for Thermal Spray Applications
Nanocrystalline Composites for Thermal Spray Applications
Nanocrystalline Intermetallic Compounds and Composites for Structural Applications
Nanocrystalline Intermetallic Compounds and Composites for Structural Applications
Nanocrystalline Intermetallic Mg2Ni Produced in a Batch Scale Mill
Nanocrystalline Light Metal Hydrides For Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline Materials: Mechanisms, Properties and Potential Applications (Habilitation)
Nanocrystalline Metal Hybrids for Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline metastable alloys and intermetallic compounds prepared by mechanical alloying and ball milling
Nanocrystalline Mg-based Alloys for Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-based for Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-based Hybrids for Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-Based Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-based Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-based hydrides for hydrogen storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-based hydrides for hydrogen storage
Nanocrystalline Mg-based Hydrides: Hydrogen Storage for the Zero-Emission Vehicle
Nanocrystalline Mg-based Hydrides: Hydrogen Storage for the Zero-Emission Vehicle
Nanocrystalline Mg-based Hydrides: Hydrogen Storage for the Zero-Emission Vehicle
Nanocrystalline Mg-Based Hydrogen Storage
Nanoengineering multifunctional biomaterials
Nanofabrication of membranes
Nanofasern als Traegerstrukturen fuer Katalysatoren
Nanofiber Formation and Polymerization of Bolalipids with Diacetylene-Modified Single Alkyl Chains
Nanofibres of ABC triblock terpolymers obtained by electrospinning
Nanofibres with high catalytical activity tested in the hydrogenation of methyl-cis-9-octadecenoate
Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis in non-aqueous solutions
Nanofiltration for Homogeneous Catalysis Separation: Soluble polymer-supported Pd-catalysts for Heck, Sonogashira- and Suzuki Coupling of Aryl Chlorides and Bromides
Nanofiltration for the separation of edible oil
Nanofiltration membranes for non-aqueous applications
Nanofiltration organisch hoch kontaminierter Prozessloesungen
Nanofiltration with modified polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes
Nanofiltrationsmembranen aus Celluloseetherderivaten zum Einsatz in mit organischen Loesemitteln kontaminierten waessrigen Loesungen
Nanofluid Filtration using Electrospun Nanofibers
Nanoindentation and XRD investigations of single crystalline Ni-Ge brazed nickel-base superalloys PWA 1483 and René N5
Nanoindentation based investigations of PLC-type plastic instability
Nanoindentation study of the temperature dependence of plastic instability in Al alloys
Nanoindentation versus microcompression: How loading geometry affects size effects
Nanoindentation-based investigations of PLC-type plastic instability
Nanoindentation-based techniques for nanomechanical testing
Nanokristalline Hochtemperaturhydride als Energiespeicher
Nanokristalline Hydride fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung - Auf dem Weg zum emissionsfreien Automobil
Nanokristalline Hydride fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung - Auf dem Weg zum emissionsfreien Automobil
Nanokristalline Leichtmetallhydride als Wasserstoffspeicher für das emissionsfreie Automobil
Nanokristalline Leichtmetallhydride zur Wasserstoffspeicherung
Nanokristalline Leichtmetallhydride zur Wasserstoffspeicherung fuer das emissionsfreie Automobil
Nanokristalline Metallhydride zur Wasserstoffspeicherung
Nanokristalline Mg-Hydride fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung
Nanomaterialien auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Nanomaterialien auf der Basis von Blockpolymeren
Nanomaterialien auf der Basis von Blockpolymeren
Nanomaterials based on Block Copolymers
Nanomaterials based on Block Copolymers
Nanomaterials based on Block Copolymers
Nanometer-scaled lamellar microstructures in Ti–45Al–7.5Nb–(0; 0.5)C alloys and their influence on hardness
Nanometric thin film membranes manufactured on square meter scale: ultra-thin films for CO2 capture
Nanoparticle functionalization for structuration in block copolymers
Nanoparticle Reinforced Magnesium
Nanoparticle-mediated delivery of nucleic acids in primary human endothelial cells
Nanoparticles Complexed with Gene Vectors to Promote Proliferation of Human Vascular Endothelial Cells
Nanoparticles for the Adsorption of Endotoxin and Proteins
Nanoparticles of the poly([N-(2-hydroxypropyl)]methacrylamide)-b-poly[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate] diblock copolymer for pH-triggered release of paclitaxel
Nanopartikel fuer die Bindung von Endotoxin aus Plasma und Dialysat
Nanopartikel und ihre Herstellung mittels Membranen
Nanopartikelverstaerkte Magnesiumlegierungen – Herstellung und Eigenschaften
Nanoporous gold - exploiting microstructural length-scales for novel hybrid; multifunctional materials
Nanoporous Gold - Testing Macro-scale Samples to Probe Small-scale Mechanical Behavior
Nanoporous Gold by Alloy Corrosion: Method-Structure-Property Relationships
Nanoporous Gold supported Polypyrrole: Electrochemically Modulated Elasticity
Nanoporous gold-polypyrrole hybrid electrochemical actuators with tunable elasticity
Nanoporous gold: 3D structural analyses of representative volumes and their implications on scaling relations of mechanical behaviour
Nanoporous gold: a hierarchical and multiscale 3D test pattern for characterizing X-ray nano-tomography systems
Nanoporous Gold: From Structure Evolution to Functional Properties in Catalysis and Electrochemistry
Nanoporous High-Entropy Alloy by Liquid Metal Dealloying
Nanoporous magnesium
Nanoporous Metals with Structural Hierarchy: A Review
Nanoporous metals: Tailor-made nanostructures with bulk properties controlled by interfaces
Nanoporous-gold-based composites: toward tensile ductility
Nanoprobes for Multimodal Visualization of Bone Mineral Phase in Magnetic Resonance and Near-Infrared Optical Imaging
Nanoscale dark-field imaging in full-field transmission X-ray microscopy
Nanoscale Mechanical Behavior: Role of Capillarity
Nanosized colloidal particles from thermosensitive poly(methoxydiethyleneglycol methacrylate)s in aqueous media
Nanostructural changes in crystallizable controlling units determine the temperature-memory of polymers
Nanostructural Changes of Temperature-Memory Polymers With Crystallizable Controlling Units Explored by SAXS/WAXS
Nanostructure and gas transport in polyether-block-polyamide copolymer membranes
Nanostructure of carious tooth enamel lesion
Nanostructure of Free Volume in Glassy Polymers as Studied by Probe Methods and Computer Simulation
Nanostructure of Free Volume in Glassy Polymers as Studied by Probe Methods and Computer Simulation
Nanostructure of Free Volume in Glassy Polymers as Studied by Probe Methods and Computer Simulation
Nanostructure of Nafion membrane material as a function of mechanical load studied by SAXS
Nanostructured CO2-selective membranes with extremely high performance
Nanostructured corrosion sensing coatings for aeronautical applications
Nanostructured corrosion sensing coatings for aeronautical applications
Nanostructured Low Carbon Steels Obtained from the Martensitic State via Severe Plastic Deformation, Precipitation, Recovery, and Recrystallization
Nanostructured Magnesium Alloys
Nanostructured Magnesium Alloys
Nanostructured Materials for Solid State Hydrogen Storage
Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage: A review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103
Nanostructured Materials: Block Copolymers and Nanocomposites
Nanostructured membrane material designed for carbon dioxide separation
Nanostructured membranes and electrodes with sulfonic acid functionalized carbon nanotubes
Nanostructured membranes for CO2 Capture: Small concepts for big challenges
Nanostructured metal hydrides for hydrogen storage
Nanostructured Multi-Layers for Applications in X-ray Optics
Nanostructured MWCNT/Polypyrrole Actuators with Anisotropic Strain Response
Nanostructured Polymer-based Shape-Memory Materials
Nanostructured Reactive Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage
Nanostructured silica-based poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) membranes for gas separation
Nanostructures by self-assembly of polyglycidol-derivatized lipids
Nanostrukturierte intermetallische Phasen: Mechanische Eigenschaften und Umformverhalten
Nanostrukturierte Materialien auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren
Nanostrukturierte Materialien auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren fuer Membranen und Leichtbauwerkstoffe
Nanostrukturierte Materialien auf der Basis von Blockcopolymeren fuer Membranen und Leichtbauwerkstoffe
Nanostrukturierte Werkstoffe
Nanostrukturierte Werkstoffe: Herstellung und Anwendungspotenzial
Nanostrukturierung durch Selbstorganisation
Nanostrukturierung durch Selbstorganisation von Blockcopolymeren
Nanostrukturierung durch Selbstorganisation von Blockcopolymeren
Nanotomographic evaluation of precipitate structure evolution in a Mg–Zn–Zr alloy during plastic deformation
Nanotomography endstation at the P05 beamline: Status and perspectives
Nanotomography endstation at the P05 beamline: Status and perspectives
NAO signature in a Bermuda coral Sr/Ca record
Nass- und Trockendeposition von Luftschadstoffen in einem Waldoekosystem (Standort „Postturm“)
Nasses Schweissen als moegliches Reparaturverfahren bis 50 m Wassertiefe
Nasses Schweissen von Unterwasserstrukturen: Stand der Technik und Massnahmen in der Qualitaetssicherung
Nasses Schweissen zur Reparatur von Unterwasserstrukturen
Nassschweissen zur Instandsetzung von Rohrkonstruktionen unter Wasser: Verfahren und Festigkeitspruefung
Nassschweissen: ein qualifiziertes Fuegeverfahren?
Nassspinnen von Polyurethanloesungen: Literaturbericht
Natuerliche und kuenstliche Radioaktivitaet in der Nahrung
Natuerliche und vom Menschen verursachte Klimaveraenderungen: Sind wir vollstaendig machtlos?
Natuerliche „Klebstoffe“ in Kuestengewaessern - Modellierung des Einflusses biologischer Prozesse auf die Schwebstoffdynamik
Natur- und umweltvertraegliche Behandlungs- und Verwertungsmethoden fuer marines Baggergut
Natur- und umweltvertraegliche Behandlungs- und Verwertungsmethoden fuer marines Baggergut
Natural and anthropogenic influences on the development of mud depocenters in the southwestern Baltic Sea
Natural and anthropogenic mercury sources and their impact on the air-surface exchange of mercury on regional and global scales
Natural and anthropogenic modes of surface temperature variations in the last thousand years
Natural Assurance Scheme: A level playing field framework for Green-Grey infrastructure development
Natural background concentrations of lanthanides in a forest ecosystem
Natural Formation of Chloro- and Bromoacetone in Salt Lakes of Western Australia
Natural Gas clean-Up by means of Membranes
Natural Gas Clean-Up by Means of Membranes
Natural Gas Clean-up by means of Membranes
Natural Gas Clean-Up by Means of Membranes
Natural gas cleanup: A comparison of new membranes suitable for the removal of CO2 and H2S
Natural storm related sea level varaitions and anthropogenic change along the North Sea coats
Natural Substances of Marine Origin with Toxic Properties
Natural variability and anthropogenic change of storm related sea level variations along the North Sea coast
Natural variability of turbulence and stratification in a tidal shelf sea and the possible impact of offshore wind farms (Dissertation)
Nature-based solutions efficiency evaluation against natural hazards: Modelling methods, advantages and limitations
Nature-inspired material binding peptides with versatile polyester affinities and binding strengths
Naturkatastrophen aus der Sicht der Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Naturwissenschaftliche Aspekte eines diffusiven Strohaufschlusses mit verduennter Alkalilauge
Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Klimawandel - Ihre Bedeutung fuer Deutschland heute und morgen
Naturwissenschaftlicher Hintergrund der Erderwärmung: Wo stehen wir zurzeit?
Nautical X-band radar image processing: monitoring of morphodynamic processes in coastal waters
Naval ocean systems center
Navigation of satellite measurements without ground control points
Nb doping of TiO2 nanotubes for an enhanced efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells
Nb2O5 “Pathway Effect” on Hydrogen Sorption in Mg
NCT-ART: a neutron computer tomography code based on the algebraic reconstruction technique
NE Atlantic storm climate and related marine hazards in the last decades and in the foreseeable future
NEA Ulmen (Naehrstoff-Eliminierungsanlage am Ulmener Maar); Sanierung eines eutrophen Maarsees
Near Ambient Condition Hydrogen Storage in a Synergized Tricomponent Hydride System
Near Ice Edge Estimation of the Sea Surface Winds Using Radarsat ScanSAR
Near surface residual stress in a TiAl alloys before and after high temperature exposure
Near surface wind speed extremes over Europe in PRUDENCE control and scenario simulations of eight RCMs
Near-global mapping of TGM based on aircraft measurements from intercontinental flights
Near-infrared dye-loaded PLGA nanoparticles prepared by spray drying for photoacoustic applications
Near-Net-Shape Manufacturing of Medical Devices by Powder Metallurgy
Near-Surface and Bulk Dissolution Behavior of γ′ Precipitates in Nickel-Based VDM® Alloy 780 Studied with In-Situ Lab-Source and Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Near-Surface Current Mapping by Shipboard Marine X-Band Radar: A Validation
Near-surface residual stress in TiAl after high temperature exposure
Need for a common typology of climate services
Needle imprints and nanoindentation on pads over active area
Needs for Regional Responses to Risks of Climate Change
Negotiation of knowledge for coastal management? Reflections from a transdisciplinary experiment in South Africa
Nemo-Nordic 1.0: A NEMO based ocean model for Baltic & North Seas, research and operational applications
Nesting strategies with finite differences
Net heterotrophy and carbonate dissolution in two subtropical seagrass meadows
Net-Zero CO2 Germany - A Retrospect From the Year 2050
Networks from Chemically or Physically Thermoreversible Binding Polymers
Neuartige Duennfilm-Kompositmembranen fuer die Nanofiltration organischer Loesemittel
Neuartige Fertigungstechnik fuer komplexe und hochfeste medizintechnische Bauteile aus Titanlegierungen
Neuartige Nb- und Ti-metallverstaerkte Al2O3-Verbundwerkstoffe: Herstellung, Eigenschaften und potentielle Anwendungen
Neuartige per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen in europäischen Fluss-Meer-Systemen
Neuartige Problemstoffe in der kuestennahen und marinen Umwelt
Neuartige Prozesskombinationen zur Entwaesserung von Loesungsmitteln
Neuartige Synchrotron-Messmethoden bei der Untersuchung von TiAl-Legierungen
Neuartige Verbundwerkstoffe aus keramischem Al2O3 und intermetallischen Nb/Fe/Ni/Ta-Aluminiden
Neue analytische Methoden zur Hg-Speziesbestimmung
Neue Ansaetze im Bereich der Regenerativen Medizin
Neue Atemgasgemische ermoeglichen Tiefenrekorde der Tauchtechnik
Neue Chemische Netzwerke in Berlin und Brandenburg
Neue Einblicke durch Plankton-Observatorien
Neue Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der membrankontrollierten Reagenzfreisetzung zur automatisierten Herstellung von Kalibrierloesungen
Neue Entwicklungen bei der Abtrennung organischer Daempfe mittels Membranverfahren
Neue Entwicklungen bei der Anwendung von Magnesiumlegierungen
Neue Entwicklungen bei Magnesiumlegierungen
Neue Entwicklungen der Meeresforschungstechnik
Neue Entwicklungen in der Elementspeziesanalytik und ihre Anwendung in Umwelt- und Lebenswissenschaften
Neue Ergebnisse zur Strukturbildung hochfester/hochmoduliger flexibelkettiger Polymere
Neue experimentelle Ergebnisse ueber die Bodenbehandlung von klaertechnisch unterschiedlich aufbereiteten kommunalen Abwaessern
Neue Filtrationsmembranen
Neue Geodateninfrastruktur beim GKSS Institut fuer Kuestenforschung (CODM)
Neue Geodateninfrastruktur beim GKSS Institut fuer Kuestenforschung (CODM)
Neue Handhabungssysteme in der Unterwassertechnik
Neue Informationswege bei der Elbeueberwachung: ELBIS, das Geo-Informationssystem im Internet
Neue kriechbestaendige Magnesiumdruckgusslegierungen frei von Seltenen Erden
Neue Legierungskonzepte fuer die Entwicklung von hochfesten Titanaluminiden
Neue Magnesium-Sekundaerlegierungen
Neue Maleimid-Copolymere mit unterschiedlichen Gastrenneigenschaften
Neue Materialien fuer die Stofftrennung
Neue Materialien fuer Gastrenn-Membranen
Neue Materialien und Fertigungsverfahren in der Medizintechnik
Neue Materialien – Realistische Visionen fuer das 21. Jahrhundert
Neue Membranen fuer die Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzelle
Neue Membranen und Prozesse fuer die Trennung von Gasen und Daempfen
Neue Membranentwicklungen bei GKSS fuer Gastrennung, Daempferpermeation und Nanofiltration in organischen Systemen
Neue methodische Ansaetze in der Mikro- und Spurenanalyse
Neue Notstromanlage fuer die Forschungsreaktoren der GKSS
Neue Notstromanlage fuer die Forschungsreaktoren der GKSS
Neue Planungsinstrumente fuer das Kuestenzonenmanagement - Die Zukunft von Meeren und Kuesten
Neue Polyimide und Poly(etherimide): Synthese, Charakterisierung und Gaspermeabilitaet (Dissertation)
Neue Polymere fuer Biohybridsysteme
Neue Quellkoerper zur progradienten Stenosierung von Gefaessen
Neue Texturuntersuchungen an TEX-2
Neue Trennapparate fuer die organophile Pervaporation
Neue Verfahren fuer metallische Hochleistungswerkstoffe
Neue wellenlaengendispersive Analysatoren fuer den Nachweis leichter Elemente mit der Roentgenfluoreszenzspektrometrie
Neuentwicklungen im Bereich der Magnesiumlegierungen und Magnesiumkomposite
Neuer Therapieansatz in der Glaukombehandlung - Drainagesystem als Grundlage fuer das trabekelwerk-Tissue-Engineering
Neuere Entwicklungen bei der experimentellen Ermittlung von Kennwerten der Fliessbruchmechanik
Neuere Entwicklungen bei der Standardisierung von Bruchmechanik-Versuchen
Neuere Entwicklungen bei Magnesiumlegierungen und magnesiumbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen
Neuere Entwicklungen in der experimentellen Texturanalytik
Neuere Entwicklungen zur bruchmechanischen Bewertung von Schweissverbindungen
Neuere Entwicklunngen auf dem Gebiet der Pulvermetallurgie
Neuere Verfahren zur Analytik von Quecksilber in Luft
Neues Infromations- und Meldesystem und Neugestaltung des Leitstandes fuer die Forschungsreaktoren FRG-1 und FRG-2
Neues Kompetenzzentrum fuer ATMP-Development am Berlin-Brandenburg Center fuer Regenerative Therapien
Neues Plattenmodul fuer die Pervaporation
Neues Programm der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft im Bereich Regenerative Medizin
Neues Verfahren verkuerzt die Pruefzeiten bei der Spannungsrisskorrosion
Neues Verfahren zur Berechnung der Sielabfluesse in Ostfriesland aus dem Binnenpegel der Sielbecken
Neues Verfahren zur Untersuchung der Spannungsrisskorrosion
Neues zur Korrosion von AZ 91 B
Neural differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells on the structured surface
Neural interpretation of European summer climate ensemble predictions
Neural interpretation of European summer climate ensemble predictions
Neural Net Architectures for Scope Check and Monitoring
Neural network for emulation of an inverse model – operational derivation of case II water properties from imaging spectrometer data
Neural network for emulation of an inverse model – operational derivation of case II water properties from MERIS data
Neural Network for Retrieval of Concentrations of Water Constituents with the Possibility of Detecting Exceptional out of Scope Spectra
Neural network parameterisation of the mapping of wave spectra onto nonlinear four-wave interactions
Neural network surgery: Combining training with topology optimization
Neural Networks
Neural networks for Determination of Stress-strain behavior from indentation tests
Neuronal Network for Simulation of an Inverse Model
Neurotoxic polypeptides from the northern Scyphozoa Cyanea capillata affecting voltage-gated sodium channels
Neutral poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in air and seawater of the North Sea
Neutral Poly-/perfluoroalkyl Substances in Air and Snow from the Arctic
Neutral Poly/Per-Fluoroalkyl Substances in Air from the Atlantic to the Southern Ocean and in Antarctic Snow
Neutral polyfluoroalkyl substances in the atmosphere over the northern South China Sea
Neutral surface-layer flow over isolated roughness strips
Neutralisation schwefelsaurer Seen in der Lausitz am Beispiel des RL 111
Neutralisation schwefelsaurer Seen in der Lausitz: Vom Enclosure zum in situ-Bio-Reaktor
Neutralisation schwefelsaurer Seen in der Lausitz: Vom Enclosure zum in situ-Reaktor
Neutralisation schwefelsaurer Seen in der Lausitz: Vom Enclosure zum in situ-Reaktor
Neutron activation analysis of liquid inclusions exemplified by a quartz sample from the Ramsbeck Mine, FRG
Neutron activation cross-sections at (14.6 ± 0.3) MeV
Neutron and Photon Research for Texture and Stress Characterisation of Advanced Materials
Neutron and Photon Research for Texture and Stress Characterisation of Advanced Materials
Neutron and Synchroton Scattering Techniques used to Investigate a Peptide Incorporated in a Phospholipid Membrane
Neutron and Synchrotron Activities at GKSS Research Center
Neutron and synchrotron probes in the development of Co-Re-based alloys for next generation gas turbines with an emphasis on the influence of boron additives
Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation Scattering by Nonpolar Magnetic Fluids
Neutron and synchrotron radiation tomography: new tools for materials science at the GKSS-Research Center
Neutron and synchrotron radiation tomography: new tools for materials science at the GKSS-Research Center
Neutron and synchrotron scattering techniques used to investigate a peptide incorporated in a phospholipid membrane
Neutron contrast from pulsed proton spin polarisation
Neutron contrast variation and dynamic nuclear polarization
Neutron contrast variation and dynamic nuclear polarization
Neutron detectors for the ESS diffractometers
Neutron diffraction analysis of Preferred orientation of naturally and experimentally deformed ores
Neutron Diffraction and Sans in High-Nitrogen Fe-19Cr-19Mn-0.9N Austenite
Neutron diffraction determination of texture development in two-phase alloys
Neutron diffraction from holographic gratings in PMMA
Neutron diffraction from holographic gratings in PMMA
Neutron diffraction from holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals
Neutron diffraction from holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals
Neutron diffraction in biology
Neutron diffraction measured preferred orientation of natural chalcopyrite samples before and after experimental deformation
Neutron diffraction measurement of residual stresses in an ITER-like tungsten-monoblock type plasma-facing component
Neutron diffraction measurements of residual stress in a shrink-fit ring and plug
Neutron diffraction measurements on residual stresses in a weldment
Neutron diffraction study of texture development during hot working of different gamma-titanium aluminide alloys
Neutron diffraction study of the crystalline texture in a martensitic steel for fusion reactor technology
Neutron diffraction study on the texture development during extrusion of Mg-AZ31
Neutron diffraction texture analysis
Neutron diffraction texture analysis
Neutron diffraction texture analysis at the GKSS Research Centre
Neutron diffraction texture analysis for industrial application
Neutron diffraction texture analysis for industrial application
Neutron diffraction texture analysis for industrial application
Neutron diffraction texture analysis in extruded Al-Pb composites
Neutron diffraction texture analysis of 1 Vol.% Cu in aluminium
Neutron diffraction texture analysis of multi-phase systems
Neutron diffraction texture analysis; standard project (preliminary results)
Neutron optics concept for the materials engineering diffractometer at the ESS
Neutron optics concept for the materials engineering diffractometer at the ESS
Neutron reflectivity measurements of different nickel mirrors
Neutron reflectometry for polymer blend and interfacial investigations
Neutron Reflectometry Studies on the Interfacial Width between Polystyrene and Various Poly(Alkylmethacrylates)
Neutron Reflectometry Studies on the Interfacial Width between Polystyrene and Various Polyalkylmethacrylates
Neutron scattering and electrophoresis of dodecyldimethylamine oxide micelles
Neutron scattering and modeling of dipole-field-induced spin disorder in Nanoperm
Neutron scattering from dynamically polarized protons close to paramagnetic centers
Neutron scattering from polarised proton domains
Neutron scattering in materials science
Neutron scattering in materials science and engineering
Neutron scattering measurements of magnetic excitations in Gd/Y superlattices
Neutron scattering study of the magnetic microstructure of nanocrystalline gadolinium
Neutron scattering techniques in materials science
Neutron sources
Neutron strain radiography
Neutron study of phospholipids 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-ethanolamine spray coating on titanium implants
Neutron Texture Analysis
Neutron texture analysis of bulk YBaCuO cylinders
Neutron texture investigations on natural Mt.Isa chalcopyrite ore. Part I: Preferred orientation of one and the same chalcopyrite sample before and after experimental deformation
Neutron texture investigations on natural Mt.Isa chalcopyrite ore. Part II: Preferred orientation of chalcopyrite after different experimental deformation conditions
Neutron texture measurement on solid YBaCuO specimen with a view to manufactoring a superconducting magnetic bearing
Neutron Texture Measurement with Applied Magnetic Field
Neutron-diffraction investigation of structural changes during inverse melting of Ti45Cr55
Neutron-Small-Angle Scattering on the Porous Structure of Fuel Cell Electrodes
Neutronen in der Materialforschung und -entwicklung
Neutronen- und Roentgendiffraktometrie zur Phasen- und Texturanalyse von intermetallischen Ti-Al-Verbindungen (Diplomarbeit)
Neutronen- und Roentgenstreuung an magnetischen Schichtstrukturen: Struktur und Dynamik
Neutronen- und Roentgenstreuung an magnetischen Schichtstrukturen: Struktur und Dynamik
Neutronen- und Roentgenstrteuung an magnetischen Schichtstrukturen: Von der Grundlagenforschung bis zur Magnetelektronik
Neutronen-KWS, Diffraktion und reverse Monte-Carlo Simulation an Mesoporen
Neutronenbeugung an geordneten a-Fe-Si-Mischkristallen
Neutronenbeugung an hoeheren Harmonischen lichtinduzierter Volumenphasengitter in Polymethacrylat
Neutronenbeugung an holographisch erzeugten Gittern in PMMA
Neutronendetektoren fuer das Fourier-Spannungs-Spektrometer FSS: Auswahl, Aufbau und Test am Forschungsreaktor FRG-1 (Diplomarbeit)
Neutronendiffraktrometrie als Beitrag zur Loesung anwendungsorientierter Fragestellungen
Neutroneneigenspannungsmessungen an mehrlagig geschweissten ferritischen Blechen
Neutronengraphische Texturmessungen in der Geologie
Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung zur Analyse von Kriechporen in einer glasphasehaltigen Al2O3-Keramik
Neutronenlupe fuer Biomolekuele
Neutronenradiographie – Theorie und Praxis
Neutronenradiographische Pruefverfahren
Neutronenreflexion zur Untersuchung der Interdiffusion in Polystyrolfilmen mit eingeschraenkter Geometrie
Neutronenreflexion zur Untersuchung von Polymergrenzflaechen
Neutronenreflexionsuntersuchungen an Blockcopolymeren
Neutronenstreuexperimente am Forschungsreaktor FRG
Neutronenstreuexperimente am FRG-1
Neutronenstreuexperimente zur Bestimmung der Ordnungszustaende in a-Fe-Si-Einkristallen (Dissertation)
Neutronenstreuung an magnetischen Nanostrukturen: Was koennen Neutronen zur Spintronik beitragen?
Neutronenstreuung an magnetischen Schichtstrukturen: Wo liegt die Zukunft?
Neutronenstreuung an magnetischen Schichtstrukturen: Wo sind die Grenzen?
Neutronenstreuung I
Neutronenstrukturuntersuchungen an biologischen makromolekularen Komplexen
Neutronentexturanalyse fuer industrielle Anwendungen
Neutronentexturanalytik zur Beschreibung anisotroper Materialeigenschaften
Neutronentexturdiffraktometrie am FRG-1 in Geesthacht
Neutronentexturdiffraktometrie zur Texturanalyse mineralogischer Proben
Neutronographic texture analysis of KTB-samples (ARGE 5)
Neutronographische Spannungsanalysen innerhalb eines warmgewalzten, sandwichfoermigen Schichtverbundwerkstoffes X5CrNi189-Ck45-X5CrNi18
Neutronographische Texturanalyse an YBCO-Massivproben sowie Ansaetze fuer eine roentgenographische Eigenspannungsanalyse (Dissertation)
Neutronographische Texturanalyse mittels winkeldispersiver Messmethoden
Neutronographische Texturanalysen und Mikrostrukturuntersuchungen natuerlicher und triaxial verformter Halite (Dissertation)
Neutronographische Texturmessungen
Neutronographische Untersuchungen des Einflusses von plastischer Verformung und Textur auf die roentgenographischen Elastizitaetskonstanten (REK) an einem Grd 450 TMCP-Stahl fuer Offshore-Anwendungen
Neutronographische Untersuchungen zur magnetischen Textur von Magnetiterz mit appliziertem Magnetfeld
Neutrons meet Biology: Strukturuntersuchungen an Ribosomen mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelsreuung
Nevada STORMS project: Measurement of mercury emissions from naturally enriched surfaces
New Adsorption Beads for the Elimination of Antibodies from Human Plasma
New Application of Membranes
New Applications for the Separation of Organic Vapors - Gas/Vapour Separation and Pervaporation
New Applications of ICP-MS/MS and MC ICP-MS to study the chemical anthropocene
New Approach on Solid State Joining of Stainless Steel Tube to Tube Sheet Joints
New Approach on Solid State Joining of Stainless Steel Tube to Tube Sheet Joints
New approaches for degradation characterization
New approaches for surface modifications: Bio-membrane inspired coatings
New approaches to designing of alloys based on gamma-TiAl+alpha2-Ti3Al
New approaches to integral asymmetric isoporous flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes
New approaches to the thermomechanical treatment of cast intermetallic alloys based on aluminides (gamma-TiAl + alpha2-Ti3Al
New aspects in blood-material interactions – Closing remarks
New aspects of globularization crystallography and dynamic phase evolution during thermomechanical processing of Ti–6Al–4V alloy
New bioreactor membranes for bioartificial organs
New Boron and Silicon Free SX-Diffusion Brazing Alloys
New Boron and Silicon Free SX-Diffusion Brazing Alloys
New Cerebral Microbleeds After Catheter‐Based Structural Heart Interventions: An Exploratory Analysis
New CO and H alpha observations of Magellanic-type irregular galaxies
New combined ESI and ICP-MS approach for the quantification of bio-molecules using phosphorus as element tag
New composite hollow fiber membrane for nanofiltration
New concepts of extrusion dies to reduce the anisotropy of extruded profiles by means of additive manufacturing
New conceptual insights through high frequency observations: Covering temporal and spatial scales
New Contrast Variation Techniques in Small-Angle Scattering
New dateset of highly resolved atmospheric forcing fields for 1850-2009
New dateset of highly resolved atmospheric forcing fields for 1850-2009
New Design Philosophy for Improvement of Damage Tolerance of Welded Airframe Structure
New Design Philosophy for Improvement of Damage Tolerance of Welded Airframe Structure
New developements for the removal of hydrocarbon vapors from air
New Development Activities in the Field of Wet Welding
New Development in Magnesium Sheets for Automotive Applications
New Development in Magnesium Technology for Light Weight Structures in Transportation Industries
New Development in Magnesium Technology for Light Weight Structures in Transportation Industries
New Development in Magnesium Technology for Transportation Industries
New Development in Magnesium Technology for Transportation Industries
New developments for synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography at DESY
New developments for synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography at DESY
New developments in creep resistant magnesium alloys and composites
New developments in direct shape determination from small-angle scattering. 2. Uniqueness
New developments in direct shape determination from small-angle scattering: theory and model calculations
New Developments In Extruded Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
New Developments In Extruded Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
New Developments In Extruded Magnesium Alloys for Structural Applications
New Developments in the Field of Wrought Magnesium Alloys
New Developments of the Materials Science Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC
New developments on polymeric membranes for fuel cell
New Emerging Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Rivers Rhine and Elbe
New fluorinated diamond microelectrodes for localized detection of dissolved oxygen
New generation EU directives, sustainability, and the role of transnational coordination in Baltic Sea maritime spatial planning
New guidelines for hemorheological laboratory techniques
New insight into deformation induced α variant selection in a metastable β titanium alloy during isothermal compression at 600 ​°C
New insight into the stringent response of bacteria
New Insight on the Hydrogen Absorption Evolution of the Mg–Fe–H System under Equilibrium Conditions
New insights in nanoporous gold: Understanding deformation mechanisms by simplifying complexity
New insights in sources of the sub-micrometre aerosol at Mt. Zeppelin observatory (Spitsbergen) in the year 2015
New Insights in the Membrane Destruction Mechanism of the Peptide Antibiotic NK-2
New insights in the membrane destruction mechanism of the peptide antibiotic NK-2
New insights into heat fluxes through double-diffusive staircases
New insights into high-temperature deformation and phase transformation mechanisms of lamellar structures in high Nb-containing TiAl alloys
New insights into perovskite-Ti3AlC precipitate splitting in a Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.75C alloy by transmission electron microscopy
New insights into plastic instability in precipitation strengthened Al–Li alloys
New Insights into the Control of Self-Assembly of Block Copolymer Membranes
New insights into the inhibition mechanism of carboxylate species on magnesium surface
New Insights into the Intermartensitic Transformation and Over 11% Magnetic Field-Induced Strain in 14 m Ni−Mn−Ga Martensite
New insights into the microstructural evolution of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr alloy during hot working
New insights into the reconstructed temperature in Portugal over the last 400 years
New insights into the thermal desorption of the 2LiNH2 + KBH4 + LiH mixture
New Instrument Concept for Local Texture Measurements at the Materials Science Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC at FRM-II
New instrumentation and novel neutron guides for materials research at the FRG-1 research reactor
New joining technologies for metal-polymer hybrid structures in transportation: Breaking paradigms and seeking sustainability
New maleimide copolymers with varying gas separation properties
New maleimide copolymers with varying gas separation properties
New membrane material based on inorganic/organic composites
New membrane materials used in ecological technology (Dissertation)
New membranes with high bioaffinity
New methods for in vivo degradation testing of future stent materials
New methods for marine research and monitoring – A chance for science and industry
New methods in structural biophysics
New methylpyridinium ionic liquids – Influence of the position of –CH3 group on physicochemical and structural properties
New Multilayer for the Improved Detection of Boron by XRF
New Multilayer for the Improved Detection of Boron by XRF
New Participant on the iTheus Project
New Perspectives for Mg Wrought Alloys
New perspectives in laser analytics: resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization in a Paul Ion Trap combined with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
New Perspectives in Multi-Component Hydrides
New Perspectives on Hydrogen-Metal Interactions and Applications
New Perspectives on Hydrogen-Metal Interactions and Applications
New POLDI-project of reincarnation of a polarized neutron diffractometer at the reactor PIK
New POLDI-project of reincarnation of a polarized neutron diffractometer at the reactor PIK
New Polyimides for Gas Separation, 2. Polyimides Derived from Substituted Catechol Bis(etherphthalic anhydride)s
New Polymer Membranes - Preparation, analysis and permeability measurements (Studienarbeit)
New polymer multilayer pervaporation membrane
New polymer syntheses 58., Alkylation of aromatic Poly(pyridine ether)s and their application as membranes
New polymeric membranes for gas dehydration
New Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity: Synthesis, Reactions, and Gas Separation Properties
New Polymides for Gas Separation I: Polymides Derived from Substituted Terphenylenes and 4,4´-(Hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphthalic anhydride
New possibilities for quantitative analysis in environmental and life sciences using (hetero)element tags and ICP-MS detection
New Possibilities of the Combination of Reaction and Separation Processes
New post modification route for styrene butadiene copolymers leading to supramolecular hydrogen bonded networks - Synthesis and thermodynamic analysis of complexation
New Preparation Method for Cellulose Composite Membranes
New procedure for the determination of reactive Fe(III) and Fe(II) minerals in sediments
New receptors for the detection of organic contaminants in sea water
New receptors for the detection of organic contaminants in sea water
New Records of Marine Wood Borers (Bivalvia: Teredinidae and Isopoda: Limnoriidae) from Sao Miguel, Azores - With A Discussion of some Aspects of their Biogeography
New relations between modification degree, swelling and impedance in anticorrosion chitosan-derivative coatings on magnesium alloy AZ31
New results in the Luran polymer miscibility project
New results of GKSS solvent and acid resistant membranes
New sample environments for in-situ materials science synchrotron radiation studies
New Strategies for the Chemical Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and their Derivatives
New strategy to solve the ambient strength-ductility dilemma in precipitation-strengthened Mg-Gd alloys via Li addition
New Substances and Criteria to Watch - River Sediments and Dredged Material -
New synthesis route for ternary transition metal amides as well as ultrafast amide–hydride hydrogen storage materials
New techniques of soft X-ray diffraction
New Technology for Emission Reduction at Petrol Stations
New Technology for Emission Reduction at Petrol Stations
New Technology for Emission Reduction at Petrol Stations
New Tools for Measuering Acute-Phase Proteins in Blood and Liver Samples of Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina)
New transparent conductive metal based on polymer composite
New Tree-Ring Evidence from the Pyrenees Reveals Western Mediterranean Climate Variability since Medieval Times
New Trends in Research on Magnesium Alloys and their Processing
New types of hollow fibres
New types of hollow fibres. Membranes from cellulose and cellulose esters
New, automated sample preparation techniques for the analysis of non-traditional stable isotopes in environmental samples
Newly Developed Techniques for Separation of PAH and Metall-Organic Compounds (e.g. TBT) from Soils and Sludges
Newly Digitized Historical Climate Data of the German Bight and the Southern Baltic Sea Coasts
News from the COSMO-CLM Model System
News from the stringent response
News: Invited guests weigh in on Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, posted by Jeff Tollefson
Newsletter: Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
Newsletter: EGO: Towards a Global Glider Infrastructure for the Benefit of Marine Research and Operational Oceanography
Newsletter: Free Volume in Polymeric Membranes: Experiment and Simulation
Newsletter: Promotion im Blick
Newsletter: The Inter-CSE Transferability Study
NEXAFS study of 2LiF–MgB2 composite
NEXAFS study of 2LiF–MgB2 composite
Next Generation Membrane Materials
Next-generation coastal risk models
Next-to-leading order QCD analysis of the spin structure function g(1)
Nicht-waessrige Nanofiltration
Nichtgleichgewichtsstrukturen in der Planktondynamik
Nichtgleichgewichtsstrukturen in der Planktondynamik
Nichtisotherme Reaktionsfuehrung der Wolprylapolymerisation mit dem Ziel einer maximal moeglichen Raum-Zeit-Ausbeute
Nichtisotherme Reaktionsfuehrung einer technischen Acrylnitrilloesungspolymerisation
Nichtkonservative Versetzungsprozesse bei der plastischen Verformung von Titanaluminiden
Nichtlineare Dynamik und Selbstorganisation in biogeophysikalisch-chemischen Systemen
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analyse zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung und der Mehrachsigkeit des Spannungszustandes bei einer geschweissten T-foermigen Rohrverzweigung fuer Mehrphasen-Transport-Systeme
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen bei Waermeleitungsproblemen
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung von Schweissverbindungen
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung von Schweissverbindungen im Hinblick auf Schadensanalysen
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung von Schweissverbindungen: spezielle Fragen zur Generierung von Einbrandkerben
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung eines T-Stosses mit Doppelkehlnaht
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen zur Beurteilung eines T-Stosses mit Doppelkehlnaht
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Analysen zur Bewertung von Schaeden an Schweissverbindungen und Bauteilen
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Gleichungen in der Dynamik
Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Modellierungen von Sickerstroemungen und Schadstofftransporten in ungesaettigten und gesaettigten oberflaechennahen Zonen von Deichregionen bei extremen Ereignissen (Dissertation)
Nichtlineare Wechselwirkungen, Diffusion und Instabilitaeten in Nichtgleichgewichtssystemen
Nichtlokale Modifikation des GURSON-Modells (Dissertation)
Nichtsymmetrische Impulsfluesse in der Thermodynamik turbulenter Systeme
Nickel species analysis of human colonic tissue using liquid chromatography, gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
Nickelspeziation im Cytosol humaner Gewebeproben mit Hilfe der Kapillarelektrophorese / induktiv gekoppelten Plasma Massenspektrometrie
Niederdruckumkehrosmose mit chemisch modifizierten PAN-UF-Membranen
Niederdruckumkehrosmose mit modifizierten Polyacrylnitril-Ultrafiltrationsmembranen
Niederumkehrosmose Membranen aus chemisch modifiziertem PAN
Nile red-staining for rapid screening of plastic-suspect particles in edible seafood tissues
Niobium segregation and O-phase formation in a Gamma-TiAl alloy
Niobium Texture of an extruded Al-Nb bar after different annealing
Niobium Texture of an extruded Al-Nb bar after different annealing
Nitrate consumption in sediments of the German Bight (North Sea)
Nitrate drawdown and its unexpected isotope effect in the Danube estuarine transition zone
Nitrate Regeneration and Loss in the Central Yellow Sea Bottom Water Revealed by Nitrogen Isotopes
Nitrate removal by electrodialysis for brewing water
Nitrate removal from drinking water with catalytically active membranes
Nitrate removal from drinking water with catalytically active membranes
Nitrate removal of drinking water by means of catalytically active membranes
Nitrate sources and the effect of land cover on the isotopic composition of nitrate in the catchment of the Rhône River
Nitratentfernung aus Brunnenwasser: Betrieb einer Elektrodialyse-Pilotanlage
Nitratentfernung aus Trinkwasser: Biotechnische und chemische Verfahren
Nitrifying community in permafrost-affected soils on Samoylov Island in the Lena River Delta, Siberia
Nitrite consumption and associated isotope changes during a river flood event
Nitrogen absorption during hyperbaric TIG-welding
Nitrogen and oxygen processes in sediments of the Elbe estuary
Nitrogen availability, turnover and limitation in permafrost affected soils of Samoylov Island in Lena Delta, Northeast Siberia
Nitrogen cycling in the Elbe estuary from a joint 3D-modelling and observational perspective
Nitrogen fluxes in the German Bight
Nitrogen fluxes in the German Bight
Nitrogen isotope dynamics and fractionation during sedimentary denitrification in Boknis Eck, Baltic Sea
Nitrogen isotope investigations in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Nitrogen isotopes reveal a particulate-matter-driven biogeochemical reactor in a temperate estuary
Nitrogen removal in coastal sediments of the German Wadden Sea
Nitrogen transport through thermally grown chromia scales
NK-2, an antimicrobial peptide derived from mamamlian NK-lysin, promotes a negative membrane curvature strain in bacterial mimetic membranes
NK-CS and its analogues – Investigation of peptide-membrane interactions
NKCS, a Mutant of the NK-2 Peptide, Causes Severe Distortions and Perforations in Bacterial, But Not Human Model Lipid Membranes
NKWS zur Analyse von Kriechporen in einer fluessig-phasen-gesinterten Aluminiumoxid-Keramik
No evidence for reduced growth in resident fish species in the era of de-eutrophication in a coastal area in NW Europe
No microzooplankton grazing during a Mediopyxis helysia dominated diatom bloom
Noble and nonferrous Metal Matrix Composite Materials
Noise in Climate Dynamics Ubiquitous, Constitutive and Concealing
Noise in the climate system
“Noise” in climatologically driven ocean models with different grid resolution
(Non-) Applicability of some concepts in the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation regime
Non-aqueous applications of NF
Non-bulk superconductivity induced by neutron irradiation in multiphase YBa2Cu3O7 and Tl2Ca1Ba2Cu2O8
Non-Centrosymmetric Lamellar Structures in the Associating Blends of Tri- and Diblock Copolymers
Non-Classical Diffsuion and Solvent-Induced Swelling in Amorphous Polymers
Non-Classical Diffsuion and Solvent-Induced Swelling in Amorphous Polymers
Non-contact activation of triple-shape effect in magneto-sensitive polymer network composites
Non-contact actuation of triple-shape effect in magnetic polymer network nanocomposites
Non-contact actuation of triple-shape effect in multiphase polymer network nanocomposites in alternating magnetic field
Non-continuously responding polymeric actuators
Non-destructive analysis of micro texture and grain boundary character from X-ray diffraction contrast tomography
Non-Destructive Characterization of Magnesium-Based Metal Matrix Composites Subjected to Thermal Cycling
Non-Destructive Characterization of Magnesium-Based Metal Matrix Composites Subjected to Thermal Cycling
Non-destructive characterization of tube segments by means of neutron diffraction
Non-destructive determination of materials parameters by neutron diffraction
Non-destructive mechanical testing of freestanding 2D MOF by interfacial rheology
Non-destructive Neutron Surface Residual Stress Analysis
Non-destructive testing of cast magnesium alloys by computerized tomography
Non-destructive testing of cast magnesium alloys by computerized tomography
Non-destructive testing with eddy current: development and application to FSW - Ensaios Nao Destrutivos por Correntes Induzidas: Desenvolvimento e Aplicacao a Soldadura por Friccao Linear (Dissertation)
Non-Destructive Texture Analysis of a Co-Extruded Cu-Nb Tube
Non-Destructive Texture Analysis of a Co-Extruded Cu-Nb Tube
Non-destructive texture measurement
Non-destructive texture measurement
Non-equilibrium plankton community structures in coastal ecosystems
Non-equilibrium surface reactions - A factor in determining steady state diffusion flux
Non-Fickian Diffusion and Solvent-Induced Swelling in Polymers
Non-Fickian Diffusion in Amorphous Polymers
Non-Fickian Diffusion in Polymeric Glasses
Non-flammable magnesium sheet alloys with an excellent age-hardenability
Non-ignitable dilute Mg–0.36Al–1CaO (wt.%) alloy with high compressive strength
Non-linear deformation properties of discrete-fibers reinforced materials with anisotropic components
Non-linear deformation properties of materials with stochastically distributed anisotropic inclusions
Non-local heat/mass transfer in the shear-free convective surface layer
Non-local modeling of size effects in amorphous metal
Non-local modeling of size effects in amorphous metals
Non-local vertical transport in the shear-free convective surface layer: new theory and improved parameterization of turbulent fluxes
Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in air and seawater of the Arctic
Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the Arctic
Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the Arctic
Non-PBDE halogenated and non-halogenated flame retardants: Replacements following the track of the banned PBDEs through the global oceans toward the Polar Regions
Non-porous membranes for catalysis
Non-Redfieldian Dynamics Explain Seasonal pCO2 Drawdown in the Gulf of Bothnia
Non-specular polarized neutron scattering from rough interfaces in periodic multilayered magnetic structures
Non-stationarity in electrochemical impedance measurement of Mg-based materials in aqueous media
“Non-Traditional” Stable Isotope Analysis as Tracer so Identify Sources and Sinks of Inorganic Contaminants in Riverine Environments
Non-uniform scaling in phytoplankton growth rate due to intracellular light and CO2 decline
Non-Viral Gene Delivery Methods
Non-woven shape-memory polymer blend actuators
Noncontinuously Responding Polymeric Actuators
Noncontinuously Responding Polymeric Actuators
Nondestructive resolution of higher harmonics of light-induced volume gratings in PMMA with Cold Neutrons
Nonequilibrium plankton community structures in an ecohydrodynamic model system
Nonequilibrium Processes in Polymer Membrane Formation: Theory and Experiment
Nonequilibrium structures in aquatic communities
Nonequilibrium structures in aquatic communities
Nonequilibrium structures in ecosystem modelling
Nonequilibrium structures in marine population dynamics
Nonequilibrium structures in plankton dynamics
Nonequilibrium structures in plankton dynamics
Nonideal Mixed Micelles of Fluorinated and Hydrogenous Surfactants in Aqueous Solution. NMR and SANS Studies of Anionic and Nonionic Systems
Nonionic UCST–LCST Diblock Copolymers with Tunable Thermoresponsiveness Synthesized via PhotoRAFT Polymerization
Nonlinear dynamics and transport of interacting species in a model estuary
Nonlinear Dynamics of Deep Open-Ocean Convection: An Analytical Approach
Nonlinear electrodiffusion in continuous and compartmental biochemical reaction systems
Nonlinear finite element modelings of seepage flows and pollutant transports in unsaturated or saturated stratums near the surface of dike regions
Nonlinear interactions, biodiffusion and spatio-temporal structures in model ecosystems
Nonlinear ionic reactions and rapid diffusion in a strong applied electric field
Nonlinear model analysis of plankton growth and calcification of the PeECE-1 mesocosm experiment
Nonlinear plankton dynamics and pattern formation in an ecohydrodynamic model system
Nonlinear proinflammatory effect of short-term PM2.5 exposure: A potential role of lipopolysaccharide
Nonlinear reaction-electrodiffusion systems
Nonlinear wave interactions computed by Neural Net and forecasts of two extreme Storms in the North Sea
Nonlocal modeling of deformation and damage behavior of an inhomogeneous interphase in nano-particle supercrystals
Nonporous composite membranes for ultrafiltration
Nonstationary 3-d simulation of air-flow and pollutant transport in the coastal region of Northern Germany and the Oresund
Nonwoven Carboxylated Agarose-Based Fiber Meshes with Antimicrobial Properties
Norddeutsches Klimabuero nimmt Stellung: Maximaltemperatur bis zu 50 Grad Celsius auch im Hamburger Raum?
Norddeutschland im Klimawandel : Was wissen wir über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Norddeutschland?
Nordseesturmfluten im Klimawandel
Nordseesturmfluten im Klimawandel
Nordseesturmfluten im Klimawandel - Perspektiven der Küstenentwicklung
Nordseesturmfluten im Klimwandel
Normal form of synchronization and resonance between vorticity waves in shear flow instability
Normalisation involving mechanistic models: Benefits compared to purely statistical approaches
Normalisation involving mechanistic models: Case study of water quality normalisation
Normalisation involving mechanistic models: Theoretical framework
Normalization and calculation of lanthanide element concentrations in environmental samples
Normierung spezifischer Schwermetallkonzentrationen in Schwebstoffen und Sedimenten der Fraktion <20µm der Elbe
Normungsaktivitaeten bei ASTM und ISO auf dem Gebiet der bruchmechanischen Kennwertermittlung an Proben mit geringer Dehnungsbehinderung
North Atlantic circulation and atmospheric forcing
North Atlantic Ocean decadal variability over the past millennium from climate model simulations and proxy based reconstructions (Dissertation)
North Atlantic summer storm tracks over Europe dominated by internal variability over the past millennium
North Atlantic Winter Storm Activity in Modern Reanalyses and Pressure-Based Observations
North Sea climate from 1948 - 2006
North Sea Ecosystem-Scale Model-Based Quantification of Net Primary Productivity Changes by the Benthic Filter Feeder Mytilus edulis
North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment
North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment – NOSCCA
North Sea response to the impact of large-scale tidal dynamics
North Sea storm surge statistics based on a series of climate change projections
North Sea storm surge statistics based on projections in a warmer climate: How important are the driving GCM and the chosen emission scenario?
North Sea storminess from a novel storm surge record since AD 1843
North Sea vs Baltic Sea- Comparison of Immunesystem Parameters in Harbour Seals
North Sea wave and storm surge conditions for an ensemble of climate change scenarios: An integrated analysis
North Sea wave climate projections for anthropogenic future climate change: an ensemble study
North Sea wave climate projections for anthropogenic future climate change: an ensemble study
North Sea wave conditions under climate change scenarios
North Sea wave conditions: an analysis of four transient future climate realizations
Northeast Atlantic and North Sea storminess as simulated by a regional climate model 1958-2001 and comparison with observations.
Northeast Atlantic Storm Activity and Its Uncertainty from the Late Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century
Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate variability over the past twelve centuries
Northern Hemisphere SLP Patterns Recorded in Bermuda Corals
Northern high-latitude cirrus properties: The 16 January 1997 case study
Northwestern Mediterranean Heavy Precipitation Events in a warmer climate: robust versus uncertain changes with a large convection-permitting model ensemble
(Not concluded) process of BACC - Challenges and perspectives for the future
Notch fatigue behavior in aged Ti-38-644 after mechanical surface treatments
Notes in plastic reloading zone in the asymptotic analysis on elastic-plastic crack extension
Novel approach for the treatment of cyclic loading using a potential-based cohesive zone model
Novel approach for the treatment of cyclic loading using a potential-based cohesive zone model
Novel Approaches to Thermomechanical Processing of Ingot-Metallurgy gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Novel Approaches to Thermomechanical Processing of Ingot-Metallurgy gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Novel bacterial taxa in a minimal lignocellulolytic consortium and their potential for lignin and plastics transformation
Novel brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in sediments from the German Bight
Novel ceramic–polymer composites synthesized by compaction of polymer-encapsulated TiO2-nanoparticles
Novel compaction resistant and ductile nanocomposite nanofibrous microfiltration membranes
Novel Corrosion Protection Layers Using Microcrystalline Mg Alloys
Novel Corrosion Protection Layers Using Microcrystalline Mg Alloys
Novel Design Concepts for Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Novel Design Concepts for Gamma-Base Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Novel developments in ceramic-free gas atomization of TiAl
Novel electrochemical method of fast and reproducible fabrication of metallic nanoelectrodes
Novel emergency gas-to-power mh-storage and fuel cell system: Modeling and experimental validation
Novel Emergency Gas-to-power System Based on Efficient and Long-lasting Solid-state Hydride Storage System: Modeling and Experimental Validation
Novel enzyme-membrane reactor for polysaccharide synthesis
Novel enzyme-membrane reactor for polysaccharide synthesis
Novel flame retardants (N-FRs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in fish, penguin, and skua from King George Island, Antarctica
Novel Fluorinated Aromatic Polymers for Gas Separation Membranes
Novel forging route for large TiAl-parts
Novel functional materials based on nanoporous metal
Novel hierarchical ceramic-polymer composites with small amounts of polymers
Novel High Performance Photo Graft Copolymer Composite Membranes for Pervaporation Separation of Organic Mixtures
Novel highly permselective 6F-poly(amide-imide)s as membrane host for nano-sized catalysts
Novel highly permselective 6F-poly(amide-imide)s suitable as membrane host for nano-sized catalytically active particles
Novel Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage
Novel Hydride Composites with Tailored Thermodynamics for Mobile Hydrogen Storage
Novel hydrogen storage materials and systems based thereon
Novel imaging techniques to connect performance and assessment of Mg-based implants in vivo
Novel insights into the corrosion mechanism of magnesium
Novel intermetallic-reinforced near-α Ti alloys manufactured by spark plasma sintering
Novel ionomeric membranes with layered silicates
Novel Joining Technique for Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer and Titanium
Novel light-weight hydrides composites with improved hydrogen storage performance
Novel Magnesium Based Materials: Are They Reliable Drone Construction Materials? A Mini Review
Novel Magnesium Nanocomposite for Wire Arc Directed Energy Deposition
Novel Magnesium Nanocomposite for Wire-Arc Directed Energy Deposition
Novel map for polymer miscibility as revealed by neutron reflectometry
Novel Map on Polymer Miscibility as Revealed Neutron Reflectometry
Novel Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Production and Solid State Storage
Novel Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Production and Solid State Storage
Novel Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Production and Solid State Storage
Novel Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Production and Solid State Storage
Novel Mg-based Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage (Dissertation)
Novel Mg-based Reactive Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage
Novel multilayer for the improved detection of boron by XRF
Novel nanocrystalline TiO2-coatings with high photocatalytic activity for environmental technology
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Cars
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Cars
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Cars
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Mobile Applications
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Mobile Applications
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for the Zero-Emission Car
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for the Zero-Emission Car
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Car
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Car
Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Car
Novel nanostructured hydride composites: hydrogen storage materials for zero-emission cars
Novel Nanostructured Mg-based Reactive Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage
Novel Nanostructured Mg-based Reactive Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage
Novel Nox inhibitor VAS2870 attenuates PDGF-dependent smooth muscle cell chemotaxis, but not proliferation
Novel organic nanocomposite membrane for pervaporation
Novel Pervaporation Technology Using Absorption Refrigeration for Vapor Removal
Novel Poly(amide-imide)s as Membrane Polymers for Gas Separation
Novel poly(ester-urethane)s based on polylactide: From reactive extrusion to crystallization and thermal properties
Novel Polyamide Composite Membranes for Gas Separation Prepared by Interfacial Polycondensation
Novel Polymer Blends for the Preparation of Membranes for Biohybrid Liver Systems
Novel polymer membranes for biohybrid organ technology
Novel Polymeric Thin-Film Composite Membranes for High-Temperature Gas Separations
Novel Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity
Novel Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs): Towards An Understanding of Structure-Property Relationships
Novel post treatment approaches to tailor the pore size and hydrophilicity of PS-b-PHEMA isoporous membranes
Novel post treatment approaches to tailor the pore size and hydrophilicity of PS-b-PHEMA isoporous membranes
Novel Post-Treatment Approaches to Tailor the Pore Size of PS-Beta-PHEMA Isoporous Membranes
Novel Processing Techniques for Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Novel Processing Techniques for Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Novel Processing Techniques for Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Novel Proton Conductive Membranes containing Sulfonated Silica
Novel Proton Conductive Membranes containing Sulfonated Silica
Novel scheme for graphical representation of mean-field interaction parameters in statistical copolymer blends
Novel scheme for graphical representation of positive mean - field interaction parameters in statistical copolymer blends
Novel scheme for graphical representation of positive mean-field interaction parameters in statistical copolymer blends
Novel scheme for graphical representation of positive mean-field interaction parameters in statistical copolymer blends
Novel simulation tools for the design of multicomponent gas permeation processes
Novel Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Sodium Alanate
Novel Technique for Investigations od Spatially Ordered Magnetic Nanowires
Novel Techniques for Nanomechanical Characterization
NOVEL TFCM for high Temperature Gas Separations
Novel Type of Biomedical Titanium-Manganese-Niobium Alloy Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding
Novel Type of Biomedical Titanium-Manganese-Niobium Alloy Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding
Novel type of high temperature heat exchanger for metal hydride stores; heat storage and Solid Oxide cells
Novel Ways to Generate Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat Sheet Geometry
Novelty Detection - Recognition and Evaluation of Exceptional Water Reflectance Spectra
Novelty Detection – Recognition and Evaluation of Exceptional Water Reflectance Spectra
„Nowcasting“ von Seegangsfeldern mit Radar
Nuclear and magnetic structures of non-polar ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering
Nuclear Spin Contrast in Hydrogenous Material
Nuclear spin contrast variation studies on macromolecular complexes
Nucleation and growth of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina investigated by small angle neutron scattering
Nucleation and growth of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina investigated by small angle neutron scattering
Nucleation and growth of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina investigated by small angle neutron scattering
Nucleation and growth of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina investigated by small angle neutron scattering
Nucleation and growth of the first phase in sputter-deposited Nb/Al mutilayer thin films
Nucleation and growth of Ti2AlN thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering onto MgO(111)
Nucleation and Isothermal Crystallization of the Polyethylene Block within Diblock Copolymers Containing Polystyrene and Poly(ethylene-alt-propylene)
Nucleation and thermal stability of carbide precipitates in high Nb containing TiAl alloys
Nucleation in a Cu-0,8at%Co alloy: polarised neutron scattering investigation and clusterdynamic description
Nucleation in a Cu-0,8at%Co alloy: polarised neutron scattering investigation and clusterdynamic description
Nucleation in a Ni-13at% Al Alloy - Polarized Neutron Scattering Studies and Clusterdynamic Modelling
Nucleation in a Ni-13at% Al Alloy – Polarized Neutron Scattering Studies and Clusterdynamic Modeling
Nucleation in a Ni-13at% Al Alloy – Polarized Neutron Scattering Studies and Clusterdynamic Modelling
Nucleation Kinetics of the Gamma-Phase in a Binary Mg-Al Alloy
Nucleation Kinetics of the Gamma-Phase in a Binary Mg-Al Alloy
Nucleation mechanism of Mg17Al12-precipitates in binary Mg–7 wt.% Al alloy
Nucleation of Ice Particles in Confined Ultrasonic Fields
Nucleic acid co-delivery: How to modulate protein co-expression by formulation of payload
Nuevas poliimidas aromaticas sulfonadas con heterociclos de imidazol. Síntesis, caracterizacion y evaluacion como materiales de intercambio protonico (Dissertation)
Numerical analyses of strength mis-match effect on local stresses for ideally plastic materials
Numerical Analysis / Scientific computing, Noise in Climate Dynamics - Ubiquitous, Constitutive and Concealing
Numerical analysis of ductile failure of undermatched interleaf in tension
Numerical Analysis of Laser Welded Skin-Clip Joints: Effect of Joint Design
Numerical analysis of mechanical response of crystalline sub-micron gold
Numerical analysis of micropillar compression behaviour and stress-strain curve estimation verified on glass fused silica
Numerical analysis of stratification and destratification processes in a tidally energetic inlet with an ebb tidal delta
Numerical analysis of workpiece thermal behaviour during dry hyperbaric gas tungsten arc welding
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Self‐Protection in Reinforced Concrete due to Application of Mg–Al–NO2 Layered Double Hydroxides
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Joints Obtained Through Friction Based Process (Diplomarbeit)
Numerical and experimental investigation of the unexpected thickening effect during PolyActive™ coating of TFC membranes
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Corrosion and Self-Protection Processes in Reinforced Concrete
Numerical comparison of finite strain inelastic constitutive laws based on different internal dissipation inequalities
Numerical comparison of finite strain inelastic constitutive laws based on different internal dissipation inequalities
Numerical Determination of Heat Distribution and Castability Simulations of as Cast Mg - Al Alloys
Numerical Determination of Heat Distribution and Castability Simulations of as-cast Mg-Al alloys
Numerical Determination of Heat Distribution and Castability Simulations of as-cast Mg-Al alloys
Numerical eddy-resolving modeling of the ocean: Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale examples
Numerical evaluation of a 2-Stage MH-Compressor based on AB2 Alloys for Electrolyser coupling
Numerical evidence for reduced drag coefficient during the North Sea storm Anatol
Numerical evidence of anomalous energy dissipation in incompressible Euler flows: towards grid-converged results for the inviscid Taylor-Green problem
Numerical experiments on the formation of contrails as measured during ICE 206
Numerical experiments with the adjoint of a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model
Numerical homogenization incorporating multiple damage mechanisms for multiscale simulation of dental enamel
Numerical investigation of crack growth behaviour using a cohesive zone model (Dissertation)
Numerical Investigation of Creep Damage Development in the Ni-Based Superalloy IN738 LC at 850°C
Numerical investigation of dissimilar friction stir welding of AISI 304L and 410S stainless steels
Numerical investigation of ductile crack growth in aluminium alloy 2024-FC by using Cohesive Zone Model
Numerical Investigation of Influence of Spot Geometry in Laser Peen Forming of Thin-Walled Ti-6Al-4V Specimens
Numerical investigation of influence of spot geometry in laser peen forming of thin-walled Ti-6Al-4V specimens
Numerical investigation of laser beam-welded AA2198 joints under different artificial ageing conditions
Numerical Investigation of Polymer Coated Nanoporous Gold
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Rolling on the Localized Stress and Strain Induction for Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Structures
Numerical investigation of the influence of FSW parameters on the heat and mass transfer of austenitic stainless steels
Numerical investigation of the tool contact condition during friction stir welding of aerospace aluminium alloy
Numerical methods for modeling of non-hydrostatic atmospheric flow
Numerical model for dieless wire drawing of selected magnesium alloys
Numerical Modeling of Airborne Trace Metals
Numerical Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials in Technological Processes with Experimental Validation
Numerical modeling of precipitation
Numerical modeling of regional transport, chemical transformations and deposition fluxes of airborne mercury species
Numerical modeling of SPM circulation patterns in the Caribbean Sea in synergy with remote sensing
Numerical modeling of suspended matter transport in the North Sea
Numerical Modelling in Paleoclimatology
Numerical modelling of airborne mercury species
Numerical modelling of airborne mercury species
Numerical modelling of airborne mercury species
Numerical modelling of airborne mercury species
Numerical Modelling of Airborne Toxic Trace Substances
Numerical modelling of alcoholate pitting corrosion of AA1050 in ethanol-blended fuels
Numerical Modelling of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Europe: An Overview
Numerical modelling of atmospheric transport and deposition of heavy metals. A review from models applied in Europe
Numerical modelling of atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury species
Numerical Modelling of Kinking in Lamellar gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Numerical modelling of long-rang transport and chemical transformations of atmospheric mercury
Numerical Modelling of Reinforcement Corrosion in Concrete at Microscale in a Multiscale Framework
Numerical modelling of the atmospheric flux of anthropogenic and natural substances from land to regional seas
Numerical modelling of the atmospheric transport, chemical transformations and deposition of mercury
Numerical Modelling of “Self-Protection” Processes in Concrete and its application within a multiscale framework
Numerical models for current and wave interactions in shallow water
Numerical Prediction of Sheet Forming Limits for Mg Alloys at 200°C
Numerical Prediction of the Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient for Permanent Mold Casting of Mg-Al Alloys
Numerical Prediction of the Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient for Permanent Mold Casting of Mg-Al Alloys
Numerical prediction of the stress–strain response of a lamellar GammaTiAl polycrystal using a two-scale modelling approach
Numerical Reconstructions of Meteo-Marine Conditions and Projections of Future Changes
Numerical Residual Strength Prediction of Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welded (SSFSW) Structures
Numerical Residual Strength Prediction of Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welded (SSFSW) Structures
Numerical residual strength prediction of stationary shoulder friction stir welding structures
Numerical Residual Strength Prediction of Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding Structures
Numerical Residual Strength Prediction of Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding Structures
Numerical round robin on micro-mechanical models: Conclusions of part A (ductile tearing) and first results of part B (cleavage fracture)
Numerical round robin on micromechanical models
Numerical simulation and prediction of implosion phenomena
Numerical simulation and satellite observations of suspended matter in the North Sea
Numerical simulation in bobbin tool FSW process development
Numerical Simulation Models for Airborne Heavy Metals in Europe: A Review
Numerical Simulation of Case II Diffusion in Polymeric Glasses
Numerical simulation of contrails applying different primary ice nucleation schemes
Numerical simulation of crack extension in aluminium welds
Numerical Simulation of Ductile Crack Growth in Laser Welds
Numerical simulation of forming limit test for AZ31 at 200°C
Numerical simulation of forming limit test for AZ31 at 200°C
Numerical simulation of friction extrusion: process characteristics and material deformation due to friction
Numerical Simulation of Material Separation Using Cohesive Zone Models
Numerical simulation of plastic deformation and Fracture in polysynthetically twinned (PST) crystals of TiAl
Numerical Simulation of Plasticity and Damage of Lamellar Tial
Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior of Polymer-Metal Joints
Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior of Polymer-Metal Joints
Numerical simulation of thermally induced residual stresses in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 at different welding speeds
Numerical simulations of ductile crack growth in thin specimens based on a cohesive zone model
Numerical Simulations of Gas Sorption Experiments in Polymers: Influence of Aspect Ratio and Pressure Increase Rate on the Determination of Diffusion Coefficient
Numerical simulations of surface wave refraction in the North Sea, Part 2: Dynamics
Numerical simulations of surface wave refraction in the North Sea; Part 1: Kinematics
Numerical study of a coupled lithium reactive hydride composite (Li RHC) hydrogen storage system with CaO/Ca(OH)2 as a thermochemical storage material (TCSM)
Numerical study of rolling process on the plastic strain distribution in wire + arc additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Numerical study of rolling process on the plastic strain distribution in wire + arc additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Numerical study of the effect of strength mis-match on the crack growth behaviour
Numerical wave prediction models and the third generation WAM model
Numerische Bestimmung der Restfestigkeit komplexer duennwandiger Strukturen mit dem Kohaesivmodell
Numerische Bestimmung der Restfestigkeit komplexer duennwandiger Strukturen mit dem Kohaesivmodell
Numerische Experimente mit dem Adjungierten eines Mesoskalen-Modells
Numerische Loesung der Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen fuer geschichtete Stroemungen
Numerische Modellierung atmosphaerischer Zirkulationsysteme zur Berechnung von Stoff-Transporten
Numerische Modellierung des atmosphaerischen Eintrags von Spurenmetallen in Nord- und Ostsee
Numerische Modellierung des atmosphaerischen Spurenmetalleintrags in die Nordsee
Numerische Modellierung des hyperbaren Trockenschweissens: eine Erweiterung des Rechenprogramms HEATING5
Numerische Modellierung des Lebenszyklus von Kondensstreifen und Cirrusbewoelkung (Dissertation)
Numerische Modellierung des Schwebstofftransports in der Deutschen Bucht
Numerische Modellierung des Transports und der chemischen Umwandlung von Quecksilber ueber Europa (Dissertation)
Numerische Modellierung mesoskaliger Stroemungssysteme II
Numerische Modellierung von Seegang in extremem Flachwasser
Numerische Seegangssimulation fuer Schiffsroutenberatung
Numerische Simulation der Feedstroemung in einem Membrantaschenmodul
Numerische Simulation der Restfestigkeit von ruehrreibgeschweissten Strukturen
Numerische Simulation der Restfestigkeit von ruehrreibgeschweissten Strukturen
Numerische Simulation der Wolkenbildung in einer Land-Seewind-Zirkulation (Dissertation)
Numerische Simulation des Rissauswanderns in Strahlschweissverbindungen
Numerische Simulation des Rissauswanderns in Strahlschweissverbindungen
Numerische Simulation des Schwebstofftransports
Numerische Simulation des Windenergiepotentials ueber komplexem Gelaende
Numerische Simulation des Windpotentials in komplexem Gelaende
Numerische Simulation duktilen Risswachstums mittels Kohaesivzonemodell an duennen Aluminium CT-Proben
Numerische Simulationsmodelle in der Umweltforschung am Beispiel Belastung der Nordsee ueber die Atmosphaere
Numerische Untersuchung zum Verhalten von Risswiderstandskurven: Simulation mit dem Kohaesivmodell
NUMISHEET 2011 Benchmark Reloaded: Umformung von Magnesiumblechen
Nutrient and trace metal data distribution from water samples of ALKOR cruise AL557
Nutrient distribution and nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositionof nitrate in water masses of the subtropical southern Indian Ocean
Nutrient dynamics in a back barrier tidal basin of the Southern North Sea: Time-series, model simulations, and budget estimates
Nutrient dynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Nutrient fluxes and kinetics of nitrate reduction and nitification in sediments of the Elbe estuary
Nutrient Gradients in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Nutrient loads of the Weser Estuary to the North Sea and their seasonal variations
Nutrient pathways and their susceptibility to past and future change in the Eurasian Arctic Ocean
Nutritional Limitation Travels up the Food Chain
Nutzung eines HF-Radarsystems zur Beobachtung und Vorhersage von Stroemungen in der Deutschen Bucht im Rahmen von COSYNA
Nutzung und Perzeptionen von Kueste - Wissenschaft fuer den Umgang mit der Kueste
Nutzung von ERS-1 Seegangsmessungen
Nutzung von Membranprozessen zur Strukturcharakterisierung
Nutzung von Streumethoden in der Werkstoffforschung
Nutzung von Streumethoden in der Werkstofforschung
Nutzungen im Meer und ihr Konfliktpotential
Nutzungsumstellungen landwirtschaftlicher Kulturboeden im Elbeeinzugsgebiet: Feld- und Lysimeterversuche
NWP model specific humidities compared with CHAMP / GPS and TERRA / MODIS data


O Uso do Processo de Deposicao por Friccao para Recuperacao de Componentes em Aco Alto Carbono
O-phase formation and elastic modulus in the alloy Ti-42Al-8.5Nb
O-phase in a lamellar TiAlNb alloy produced by powder metallurgy
O-phase precipitates in different Gamma-TiAl alloys
o3o3: A Variant of Spectral Elements with a Regular Collocation Grid
Oberflaechenfunktionalisierung mittels Diazotierung sowie Charakterisierung von mehrwandigen Kohlenstoffnanoroehren (Dissertation)
Oberflaechenmodifizierung von Biomaterialien - Anpassung von Polymeren an Blut- und Gewebekontakt
Oberflaechenmodifizierung von Poly-(ethylenterephthalat)-Kernspurfiltermembranen zur gezielten Beeinflussung der Permeationseigenschaften (Dissertation)
Oberflaechenmodifizierung von Polyetherimid mit Kohlenhydraten (Diplomarbeit)
Oberflaechenselektive Funktionalgruppencharakterisierung mittels Stroemungspotentialmessungen - Methodische Aspekte
Oberflaechentechnische Aktivitaeten am GKSS-Forschungszentrum
Oberflächenmorphologie und Facettierung der Ligamente in nanoporösem Gold in Abhängigkeit des Sauerstoffgehalts der Atmosphäre beim Anlassen
Obituary: In memory of Prof. Dr. Holger Schmid-Schoenbein
Obituary: In memory of Prof. Dr. Sandro Forconi
Object-oriented representation of depictions on the basis of cell matrices
Objective and subjective calibration of an atmospheric/hydrological model system for the Odra watershed
Objective and subjective calibration of an atmospheric/hydrological model system for the Odra watershed
Objective calibration of the hydrological model SEROS for the Odra watershed
Objective calibration of the hydrological model SEROS for the Odra watershed
Objective Calibration of the Land Surface Model SEWAB
Objective Calibration of the Land Surface Model SEWAB
Objective Calibration of the Land Surface Model SEWAB
Objektive Kalibrierung des Landoberflaechenmodells SEWAB
Observation of a Chirality-Induced Exchange-Bias Effect
Observation of an atomic exchange bias effect in DyCo4 film
Observation of an orthorhombic phase formation in an advanced powder processed high niobium containing Gamma- TiAl alloy
Observation of an orthorhombic phase formation in an advanced powder processed high niobium containing Gamma- TiAl alloy
Observation of chiral ordering of moments in the magnetic mesostucture of the (Pd0.984Fe0.016)0.95Mn0.05 alloy by means of polarized neutrons
Observation of compact ferrimagnetic skyrmions in DyCo3 film
Observation of ferromagnetic clusters in Bi0.125Ca0.875MnO3
Observation of Hurricane Winds using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Observation of internal relaxation modes during early state of spinodal decomposition in the isotopic polymer mixture d-PS/PS with SANS
Observation of iron diffusion in the near-surface region of magnetite at 470 K
Observation of littoral hydrodynamics by ground based Dopplerized X-band Radar
Observation of non-basal slip in ductile deformed MgY alloys
Observation of non-basal slip in ductile deformed MgY alloys
Observation of non-basal slip in Mg-Y by in situ three-dimensional X-ray diffraction
Observation of spin-lattice coupling in the critical region of Fe65Ni35
Observation of Spinwaves in a Magnetic Superlattice by Inelastic Neutron Scattering
Observational data sets for model development
Observational evidence for estuarine circulation in the German Wadden Sea
Observational evidence for estuarine circulation in the German Wadden Sea
Observational evidence for the general presence of estuarine circulation in the Wadden Sea
Observational evidence for the general presence of estuarine circulation in the Wadden Sea
Observational evidence for the inward transport of suspended matter by estuarine circulation in the Wadden Sea
Observational evidence of estuarine circulation in the Wadden Sea - current velocity, salinity, turbulence (Bachelorarbeit)
Observations of asymmetric turbulent stirring in inner and marginal seas using satellite imagery
Observations of Bora Events over the Adriatic Sea and Black Sea by Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Observations of Bora Events using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Observations of cloud structure with a 3.2 mm wave radar
Observations of Microstructure-Oriented Crack Growth in a Cast Mg-Al-Ba-Ca Alloy under Tension, Compression and Fatigue
Observations of Mount-Pinatubo aerosol with Raman elastic-backscatter lidar over Northern Germany at 53,5°N
Observations of shoaling and breaking waves in shallow water with different coherent X-band radars
Observations of turbulence in cirrus clouds
Observations of Turbulence in Cirrus Clouds of Mid-Latitudes
Observations of warm and cold clouds using the airborne backscattering lidar LEANDRE 1 during CLARE, part 3 : synergism with radar measurements
Observations on a stress based model for estimating the upper end of the fracture transition regime of the rotor steel 1CrMoV
Observations on the microvasculature of bone defects filled with biodegradable nanoparticulate hydroxyapatite
Observations on the Ripple Loading Effect''
Observed and modeled extremes in extratropical cyclone, wind, and wave statistics in the Northern Hemisphere
Observed changes and variability of mean sea-level in the Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years – A review
Observed changes and variability of mean sea-level in the Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years – A review
Observed Changes in Long-Term Climatic Conditions and Inner-Regional Differences in Urban Regions of the Baltic Sea Coast
Observed mean sea level changes around the North Sea coastline from 1800 to present
Observed Storm Surge Morphodynamics and Implications to Numerical Modelling Schemes
Observed storm surge morphodynamics and implications to numerical modelling schemes
Observed warming over northern South America has an anthropogenic origin
Observing boundary layer and cirrus clouds with a 94 GHz radar
Observing litteral waves by doppler waves
Observing litteral waves by doppler waves
Observing structures and vertical motions within stratiform clouds using a vertical pointing 94 GHz cloud radar
Observing System Evaluation Based on Ocean Data Assimilation and Prediction Systems: On-Going Challenges and a Future Vision for Designing and Supporting Ocean Observational Networks
Observing wave propagation in coastal areas
Obtaining Phytoplankton Diversity from Ocean Color: A Scientific Roadmap for Future Development
Obtenção e avaliação das propriedades físico-químicas de membranas poliméricas SPEEK/PANI de condução mista (Dissertation)
Occurence and air/sea-exchange of novel organic pollutants in the marine environment
Occurrence and Air-Sea Exchange of Phthalates in the Arctic
Occurrence and air-seawater exchange of brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in the North Sea
Occurrence and distribution of legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and fluorinated alternatives in coastal waters of the German North and Baltic Seas
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Seas
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Seas
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of rivers distributed over Europe
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German Bight
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German Bight
Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and transformation products in ambient air in two European agricultural areas
Occurrence and distribution of synthetic musks and organic UV filters from riverine and coastal sediments in the Pearl River estuary of China
Occurrence and distribution of triclosan in the German Bight (North Sea)
Occurrence and dry deposition of organophosphate esters in atmospheric particles over the northern South China Sea
Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of neonicotinoids and related insecticides in the Bohai Sea and its surrounding rivers, China
Occurrence and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the Mondego River (Portugal)
Occurrence and Fate of Organophosphorus Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in Coastal and Marine Surface Waters
Occurrence and latitudinal distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from the North Sea to the Arctic
Occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in 40 rivers draining into the Bohai Sea, north China
Occurrence and spatial distribution of phthalate esters in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow seas
Occurrence and Temporal Variation of Technology-Critical Elements in North Sea Sediments - A Determination of Preliminary Reference Values
Occurrence and trends in concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in surface waters of eastern China
Occurrence of carbazoles in dust and air samples from different locations in Germany
Occurrence of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in snow at Dome C in the Antarctic
Occurrence of organophosphorous flame retardants and plasticizer in the River Elbe during the summer flood event 2013 – A case study at the barrage Geesthacht
Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl compounds in surface waters from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean
Occurrence of phthalate esters in water and sediment of urban lakes in a subtropical city, Guangzhou, South China
Occurrence of technical Nonylphenol in the Atmosphere and Surface Seawater in the Southeastern North Sea and in the Baltic Sea/Wismar Bight
Occurrence of the antidiabetic drug Metformin and its ultimate transformation product Guanylurea in several compartments of the aquatic cycle
Occurrence, distribution and fluxes of benzotriazoles along the German large river basins into the North Sea
Occurrence, distributions and fluxes of Benzotriazoles along the Germany large rivers basins into the open North Sea(Diplomarbeit)
Occurrences and distribution characteristics of organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in the sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China
Occurrences of organophosphorus esters and phthalates in the microplastics from the coastal beaches in north China
Ocean carbon from space: current status and priorities for the next decade
Ocean color atmospheric correction methods in view of usability for different optical water types
Ocean Colour at Low Sun and High Waves
Ocean Colour at Low Sun and High Waves
Ocean Colour at Low Sun and High Waves
Ocean Colour Remote Sensing in the Laptev Sea
Ocean colour remote sensing in the southern Laptev Sea: evaluation and applications
Ocean Colour Remote Sensing of Extreme Case-2 Waters
Ocean Colour Remote Sensing of Extreme Case-2 Waters
Ocean forecasting for the German Bight: from regional to coastal scales
Ocean Glider Flight in the Presence of Surface Waves
Ocean In Situ Sensors: New Developments in Biological Sensors - Plankton Needs and Methods
Ocean Mesoscale Variability: A Case Study on the Mediterranean Sea From a Re-Analysis Perspective
Ocean parameters retrieved from X-band Radar-Image Sequences
Ocean Response to Successive Typhoons Sarika and Haima (2016) Based on Data Acquired via Multiple Satellites and Moored Array
Ocean Surface Determination from X-band Radar-Image Sequences
Ocean Surface Wind Field Retrieval using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Ocean Surface Wind Field Retrieval using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Ocean Surface Wind Field Retrieval using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Ocean Surface Winds Retrieved from Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Ocean Surface Winds Retrieved from Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Ocean wave and wind measurements using ENVISAT ASAR data
Ocean Waves and Winds from Complex ERS SAR imagettes
Ocean Wind Field Retrieval using ENVISAT ASAR Data
Ocean wind fields and their variablity derived from SAR
Ocean wind fields retrieved from radar‐image sequences
Ocean Wind Fields Retrieved from the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Aboard ENVISAT
Ocean winds from RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR
Ocean Winds Retrieved from X-Band Radar Image Sequences
Oceanic influence on the precipitation in Venezuela under current and future climate
Oceanic surface skin and bulk temperatures from satellite data
Oceanic surface skin and bulk temperatures from satellite data
Oceanographic HF Surface-Wave Radars for Maritime Surveillance in the German Bight
Oceanographic parameters for the sample stations of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20160725
Oceanographic parameters for the sample stations of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20200629
Oceanographic parameters for the sample stations of the cruise AT275
Ochana podsemnich vod sa stschet snischenia vlijanija istotschnikov sagrjasnenija (Schutz des Grundwassers durch Verringerung des diffusen Stoffaustrages)
Odds and ends of atmospheric mercury in Europe and over the North Atlantic Ocean: temporal trends of 25 years of measurements
ODF analysis of galfan and galvanized hot dipped coatings of low carbon steel sheets
ODF calculation by series expansion from incompletly measured pole figures using the positivity condition, part II: all crystal symmetries
ODF calculation of single and polyphase materials using superposed pole figures
ODRAFLOOD - a flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD - A flood forecasting system for the Odra drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD - a flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD - A Flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD - A Flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD - A Flood Forecasting System for the ODRA Watershed
Odraflood - a hydrological model for the Odra watershed
ODRAFLOOD – A flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD – A flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD: A flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD: A flood forecasting system for the ODRA drainage basin
ODRAFLOOD: A Hydrological Model System for the Odra Watershed
Oekogeographie der deutschen Nordseekueste - Wattenmeer und Aestuare
Oekogeographie der deutschen Nordseekueste - Wattenmeer und Aestuare
Oekologisch vorteilhafte Getraenkeverpackungen verlieren weiter an Bedeutung
Oekologische Kartierung des Deutschen Wattenmeeres
Oekologische Untersuchungen: Grundlage fuer Entscheidungen des Naturschutzes und der Landschaftsplanung
Oekologisches Freilandpraktikum
Oekosystemforschung im Wattenmeer
Oekosystemleistungen von Kuesten und Meeren
Oekotechnologien zur Standgewaesser-Sanierung
Oekotechnologien zur Verbesserung der Wasserbeschaffenheit
Oekotechnologien zur Verbesserung der Wasserbeschaffenheit und ihre Einsatzgrenzen
Oekotoxikologisch relevante Pestizide im Elbeeinzugsgebiet
Oekotoxikologisches Seminar
Oekotoxikologisches Seminar
Oekotoxikologisches Seminar
Off-gas cleaning with membrane systems
Off-gas purification by means of membrane vapor separation systems
Off-gas purification by means of membrane vapor separation systems
Offenporige Mikrozellulaere Schaeume
Offenporige Mikrozellulaere Schaeume
Offline-Programmierung und Grafische Simulation als Planungsinstrument fuer den Robotereinsatz unter Wasser
Offshore Wind Constructions: Corrosion Protection as a New Potential Source of Inorganic Contaminants into the Marine Environment?
Offshore wind farm wake recovery: Airborne measurements and its representation in engineering models
Offshore wind farming on Germany's North Sea coast: Tracing regime shifts across scales
Offshore wind farms are projected to impact primary production and bottom water deoxygenation in the North Sea
Offshore wind power development as affected by seascape values on the German North Sea coast
Offshore Windfarms als potentielle Punktquellen für Schadstoffe in der Marinen Umwelt
Offshore-Windkraftanlagen verwirbeln Wasser und Luft
Oganesson: A Noble Gas Element That Is Neither Noble Nor a Gas
Oil Pollution from Land-based Sources and Monitoring Needs
Oil Pollution in Marine Ecosystems - Policy, Fate, Effects and Response
Oil spill impact minimization under uncertainty: Evaluating contingency simulations of the Prestige accident
Okavango Basin - Climate
Olefin separation by fixed carrier membranes
Oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone)-based polymer networks prepared by photocrosslinking in solution
Oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone)-based polymer networks prepared by photocrosslinking in solution
Oligo(Omega-pentadecalactone) decorated magnetic nanoparticles
Oligodepsipeptide (nano)carriers: Computational design and analysis of enhanced drug loading
Oligodepsipeptide synthesis and formation of submicron particles thereof
Oligodepsipeptide- and Oligoester-based Copolymers
Oligotetrahydrofurane Based Shape-memory Hydrogels
Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs Are Not Suited as Natural Archives To Investigate the Historical Atmospheric Deposition of Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Omnidirectional Shape Memory Effect via Lyophilization of PEG Hydrogels
On a finite strain viscoplastic theory based on a new internal dissipation inequality
On a finite-strain viscoplastic law coupled with anisotropic damage: theoretical formulations and numerical applications
On a novel strain indicator based on uncorrelated misorientation angles for correlating dislocation density to local strength
On a novel strain indicator based on uncorrelated misorientation angles for correlating dislocation density to local strength
On a specific state of C60 fullerene in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solution: Mass spectrometric study
On adaptation. An essay about our perceptions and responses to the concern of anthropogenic climate change
On adaptation: An essay about our perceptions and responses to the concern of anthropogenic climate change
On air pressure and past storm activity - An assessment of the informational value of proxies for past storm activity
On anisotropic tensile mechanical behavior of Al-Cu-Li AA2198 alloy under different ageing conditions
On characterisation of local stress–strain properties in friction stir welded aluminium AA 5083 sheets using micro-tensile specimen testing and instrumented indentation technique
On Demand Sequential Release of (Sub)Micron Particles Controlled by Size and Temperature
On Die Forging of Magnesium Alloys
On Die Forging of Magnesium Alloys
On Different Time Scales of Suspended Matter Dynamics in the Weser Estuary
On Different Time Scales of Suspended Matter Dynamics in the Weser Estuary
On Energy and Entropy Influxes in the Green-Naghdi Type III Theory of Heat Conduction
On Experimental J Estimation Based on CMOD for SE(B) Specimens
On factors defining the mechanical behavior of nanoporous gold
On frequently used terms related to climate change
On Gurtin-Murdoch Model of Material Surface
On Incremental Minimization Principles for Non-Associative Plasticity Theory at Finite Strains
On Incremental Minimization Principles for Non-Associative Plasticity Theory at Finite Strains
On internal dissipation inequalities and finite strain inelastic constitutive laws: Theoretical and numerical comparisons
On latent hardening relations in strain-gradient viscoplasticity
On measuring the independent mechanical response of the polymer phase from nanoporous gold polymer composites
On modeling of pulsed-laser heating in crystalline media
On possibility of study nano-structure of free volume in polymers by positron annihilation method
On radiation damage in FIB-prepared softwood samples measured by scanning X-ray diffraction
On radiation damage in FIB-prepared softwood samples measured by scanning X-ray diffraction
On regional climate servicing
On some aspects of in situ measurements of microphysical cloud parameters
On SPM dynamiks in the turbidity maximum zone of the Weser estuary
On the accuracy of independent pixel approximation in 3D radiative transfer calculations
On the accuracy of independent pixel approximation in 3D radiative transfer calculations
On the Accuracy of the Independent Column Approximation in calculating the downward Fluxes in the UVA, UVB and PAR spectral Ranges
On the added value of the regional climate model REMO in the assessment of climate change signal over Central Africa
On the adsorption of magnetite nanoparticles on lysozyme amyloid fibrils
On the age hardening response of aluminum containing magnesium sheets with zinc or manganese (AZ- and AM series alloys)
On the age hardening response of aluminum containing magnesium sheets with zinc or manganese (AZ- and AM series alloys)
On the analysis of plasticity induced crack closure in welded specimens: A mechanism controlled by the stress intensity factor resulting from residual stresses
On the anisotropy of dynamic strain aging (DSA) mediated serrated flow
On the application of laser shock peening as an advanced residual stress engineering technique for retardation of surface fatigue cracks
On the application of laser shock peening for retardation of surface fatigue cracks in laser beam‐welded AA6056
On the application of the weakest link model in the lower shelf and transition regime
On the atomic structure of cocaine in solution
On the Bauschinger Effect in TiAl Alloys
On the Bauschinger Effect in TiAl Alloys
On the Behavior of a TiAl Alloy under Quasistatic and Dynamic Compression Testing
On the bulk-skin temperature difference and its impact on satellite remote sensing of sea surface temperature
On the calculation of geometrically necessary dislocation densities in gradient-extended crystal plasticity
On the characterization of ultra-precise X-ray optical components: advances and challenges in ex situ metrology
On the chemical state and distribution of Zr- and V-based additives in reactive hydride composites
On the Circulation in the East Frisian Wadden Sea: Numerical Modeling and Data Analysis
On the comparability of knowledge transfer activities – a case study at the German Baltic Sea Coast focusing regional climate services
On the comparability of knowledge transfer activities – a case study at the German Baltic Sea Coast focusing regional climate services
On the computation of debonding properties in ceramic-polymer-composites
On the concept of exergy and available potential energy
On the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic size effects on the mechanical response of nanoporous Au
On the construction of an efficient finite-element solver for phase-field simulations of many-particle solid-state-sintering processes
On the coupling of plastic slip and deformation-induced twinning in magnesium: A variationally consistent approach based on energy minimization
On the crack driving force and constraint state in a mis-matched welded plate under tension
On the creep behavior of alpa2/gamma - PST crystals at 1150 K
On the CTOD toughness testing of the local brittle zones of welds
On the degradation mechanism of corrosion protective poly(ether imide) coatings on magnesium AZ31 alloy
On the deposition of selected organochlorine compounds into the sea. Convention on long-range transport transboundary air pollution
On the derivation of separation laws in the course of ductile fracture
On the determination of crack tip opening angle, CTOA, using light microscopy and Delta5 measurement technique
On the Determination of Magnesium Degradation Rates under Physiological Conditions
On the determination of nucleation and growth kinetics by calorimetry
On the determination of the cohesive zone parameters for the modeling of micro-ductile crack growth in thick specimens
On the development of grain growth resistant tantalum alloys
On the Development of Instruments for in situ Erosion Measurements
On the difffractive determination of single-crystal elastic constants using polycrystalline samples
On the Direct Extrusion of Magnesium Wires from Mg-Al-Zn Series Alloys
On the discrimination between oceanic and atmospheric fronts on SAR images of the sea surface
On the diurnal cycle and variability of winds in the lower planetary boundary layer: evaluation of regional reanalyses and hindcasts
On the edge of death: Rates of decline and lower thresholds of biochemical condition in food-deprived fish larvae and juveniles
On the effect of a general residual stress state on indentation and hardness testing
On the Effect of Interferences on X-Band Radar Wave Measurements
On the effect of reactive oxidized nitrogen emissions from natural sources on air concentrations and deposition of nitrogen compounds in European coastal areas (Dissertation)
On the Effect of Testing Frequency on High and Very High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of AA2024-T3; Ti-6Al-4V; and Inconel 718
On the Effect of the Extrusion Speed on Microstructure and Plastic Deformation of ZE10 and ZEK100 Magnesium Alloys - An Acoustic Emission Study
On the effect of the extrusion speed on microstructure and plastic deformation of ZE10 and ZEK100 magnesium alloys – An acoustic emission study
On the eigenvalues of the cost functions Hessian when fitting linear hyperbolic equations to data
On the energy output estimation of wind turbines
On the estimation of thermal activation parameters for Portevin-Le Chatelier effect from nanoindentation data
On the Estimation of Thermal Activation Parameters for Portevin–Le Chatelier Effect from Nanoindentation Data
On the Evolution of Austenite During Tempering in High-Carbon High-Silicon Bearing Steel by High Energy X-Ray Diffraction
On the factors impacting the mechanical behaviour of nanoporous gold-polymer composites
On the factors impacting the mechanical behaviour of nanoporousgold-polymer composites
On the factors impacting the mechanical response of nanoporous gold-polymer composites
On the fatigue behaviour and modelling of fatigue life for laser-welded Ti-6Al-4V
On the fatigue behaviour of magnesium alloys
On the fatigue behaviour of magnesium alloys
On the feasibility of a friction-based staking joining method for polymer–metal hybrid structures
On the Feasibility of a New Mechanical Joining Technology for Polymer-Metal Joints
On the feasibility of friction spot joining in magnesium/fiber-reinforced polymer composite hybrid structures
On the Feasibility of Joining Polymer and Metal with the New Friction Spot Joining Technique (Bachelorarbeit)
On the fitness of small specimen testing for fracture mechanics evaluation of a tubular T-joint
On the formability of friction stir welded aluminum Tailored Welded Blanks
On the formability of friction stir welded aluminum Tailored Welded Blanks
On the formation of block copolymer membranes
On the Formation of Ordered Omega-phase in High Nb Containing Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
On the formation of temperature-induced defects at the surface of TEM specimens prepared from TiAl using high-energy Gallium and low-energy Argon ions
On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array
On the Heterogeneity of the Economic Value of Electricity Distribution Networks: An Application to Germany : Working Paper Series in Economics
On the Hydrogenation of a NaH/AlB2 Mixture
On the impact of capillarity for strength at the nanoscale
On the impact of capillarity for strength at the nanoscale
On the impact of capillarity for strength at the nanoscale
On the impact of nanometric γ’ precipitates on the tensile deformation of superelastic Co49Ni21Ga30
On the impact of salinity observations on state estimates in Ems Estuary
On the impact of surfactant type on the structure of aqueous ferrofluids
On the implementation of rate-independent standard dissipative solids at finite strain – Variational constitutive updates
On the implementation of variational constitutive updates at finite strains
On the implementation of variational constitutive updates at finite strains
On the influence of a weak preferred orientation on the strength of aluminium oxide ceramic
On the influence of laser beam welding parameters for autogenous AA2198 welded joints
On the Influence of Nb and C on the Phase Transition Temperatures in Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
On the Influence of Nb and C on the Phase Transition Temperatures in Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
On the Influence of Nb on the Transition Temperatures of Titanium Aluminides
On the Influence of Nb on the Transition Temperatures of Titanium Aluminides
On the influence of precipitation on the dynamic strain aging in Mg-2%Nd
On the influence of settling of (ZrB2)p inoculants on grain refinement of magnesium alloys: experiment and theoretical calculation
On the influence of settling of (ZrB2)p inoculants on grain refinement of magnesium alloys: experiment and theoretical calculation
On the influence of sorbents on the static stiffness of Air Springs
On the influence of the grain size and solute content on the AE response of magnesium alloys tested in tension and compression
On the influence of the grain size and solute content on the AE response of magnesium alloys tested in tension and compression
On the Influence of Twinning and Detwinning on the Deformation of Mg at the Micron Scale
On the Influence of Twinning and Detwinning on the Deformation of Mg at the Micron Scale
On the influence of wind and waves on underwater irradiance fluctuations
On the inner-layer scale height of boundary-layer flow over low hills
On the integration of jet ejectors into hybrid dehydration processes
On the interaction between different size effects in fibre reinforced PMMA: Towards composites with optimised fracture behaviour
On the Interpretation of Coherent Marine Radar Backscatter From Surf Zone Waves
On the intersection of dislocations on obligue slip systems
On the J-integral concept for elastic-plastic extension
On the macroscopic description of yield surface evolution by means of distortional hardening models: Application to magnesium
On the magnetic structure of magnetite/oleic acid/benzene ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering
On the maintenance of processing stability and consistency in laser-directed energy deposition via machine learning
On the material dependency of peri-implant morphology and stability in healing bone
On the maximum stresses in the constrained ductile layer under small scale yielding
On the Mechanical Property Determination from Small Punch Tests
On the mechanism of electrochemical modulation of plasmonic resonances
On the mechanisms for martensite formation in YAG laser welded austenitic NiTi
On the mechanistic origin of the improved strength and ductility in Mg-Gd alloys
On the micro-scale characterization of nanoporous gold
On the Microstructural and Cyclic Mechanical Properties of Pure Iron Processed by Electron Beam Melting
On the Microstructural Evolution and Phase Transformations in a High Niobium Containing Gamma-TiAl Alloy
On the microstructural factors affecting creep resistance of die-cast Mg–La-rare earth (Nd, Y or Gd) alloys
On the Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Friction Spot Joining with Additional Film Interlayer
On the Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Friction Spot Joining with Additional Film Interlayer
On the microstructure and texture development of magnesium alloy ZEK100 during
On the microstructure and texture development of magnesium alloy ZEK100 during
On the Modeling of Extrusion of Magnesium Alloys
On the modeling of grain size-dependent hardening in polycrystalline metals
On the Modeling of Plastic Deformation of Magnesium Alloys
On the Modeling of Plastic Deformation of Magnesium Alloys
On the morphological long-term development of dumped material in a low-energetic environment close to the German Baltic coast
On the morphological long-term development of dumped material in a low-energetic environment close to the German Baltic coast
On the Multifunctional Response of Bicontinuous Metal/Polymer Nanocomposites
On the nanoparticle synthesis in microemulsions : Detailed characterization of an applied reaction mixture
On the Numerical Implementation of Variational Constitutive Updates
On the Numerical Implementation of Variational Constitutive Updates
On the numerical integration of a class of pressure-dependent plasticity models including kinematic hardening
On the opposing roles of the Boussinesq and non‐Boussinesq baroclinic torques in surface gravity wave propagation
On the optimal process window for powder-based laser-directed energy deposition of AA7050 under different robot programs and scanning strategies
On the optimization of laser shock peening induced residual stresses (Dissertation)
On the orientation-dependent mechanical properties of interstitial solute strengthened Fe49.5Mn30Co10Cr10C0.5 high entropy alloy produced by directed energy deposition
On the origin of the anomalous compliance of dealloying-derived nanoporous gold
On the oscillating course of dhkl−sin2ψ plots for plastically deformed, cold-rolled ferritic and duplex stainless steel sheets
On the overaging behaviour of tool steel X38 CrMoV 5-3
On the parameterrisation of evaporation and sensible heat exchange for shallow lakes
On the path to net-zero: Establishing a multi-level system to support the complex endeavor of reaching national carbon neutrality
On the pervaporation mechanism of polyelectrolyte complex membranes during dehydration
On the phase formation during ion beam mixing of Al-Ti
On the physical mechanisms of the two-way coupling between a surface wave field and a circulation consisting of a roll and streak
On the possibility of using short chain length mono-carboxylic acids for stabilization of magnetic fluids
On the Practical Application of Cohesive Models
On the practical application of the cohesive model
On the prediction of fatigue crack growth based on weight functions in residual stress fields induced by laser shock peening and laser heating
On the prismatic precipitate plates in Mg–Ca–In alloys
On the probability of underwater glider loss due to collision with a ship
On the Process-Related Rivet Microstructural Evolution, Material Flow and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V/GFRP Friction-Riveted Joints
On the relation between anisotropic stiffness and anisotropic volumetric growth in soft biological tissues
On the relation between microscale and macroscale in volumetric growth of soft biological tissues
On the relationship between lattice parameters and composition of the Gamma-TiAl phase
On the relationship between microstructure and residual stress in laser-shock-peened Ti-6Al-4V
On the Representation of Clouds in the regional atmospheric Model HRM
On the Representation of Mediterranean Overflow Waters in Global Climate Models
On the resonant post-ionization of laser ablated, neutral isotopes from terrestrial zircon in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
On the response of Black Sea level to external forcing: altimeter data and numerical modelling
On the response of surface waves to accelerating the wind forcing
On the reversibility of flow stresses and work hardening rates of two-phase titanium aluninides
On the reversibility of the α2/ωo phase transformation in a high Nb containing TiAl alloy during high temperature deformation
On the Role of Biogeochemical Coupling Between Sympagic and Pelagic Ecosystem Compartments for Primary and Secondary Production in the Barents Sea
On the role of eutectics during recrystallization in a single crystal nickel-base superalloy – CMSX-4
On the role of horizontal resolution over the Tibetan Plateau in the REMO regional climate model
On the role of natural scientists in conveying the 'Climate Problem' into public and poliey
On the role of non-basal deformation mechanisms for the ductility of Mg and Mg–Y alloys
On the role of physical processes on the surface chlorophyll variability in the Northern Mozambique Channel
On the Role of Residual Ag in Nanoporous Au Catalysts for CO Oxidation: A Combined Microreactor and TAP Reactor Study
On the role of residual stresses in indentation testing - An example for knowledge generation using computer methods and brain
On the role of residual stresses in indentation testing – An example for knowledge generation using computer methods and brain
On the role of soil moisture in the generation of heavy rainfall during the Oder flood event in July 1997
On the Role of Statistics in Climate Research
On the role of statistics in dynamical modelling
On the Role of Statistics in Dynamocal Downscaling
On the Role of Turbulent Mixing Produced by Vertical Shear Between the Brazil Current and the Intermediate Western Boundary Current
On the role of twinning during room temperature deformation of Gamma-TiAl based alloys
On the role of twinning in NiMnGa magnetic shape memory alloys
On the sensitivity of a least-squares fit of discretized linear hyperbolic equations to data
On the Sensitivity of J Estimation to Material´s Stress-Strain Curves in Fracture Toughness Testing Using the Finite Element Method
On the sensitivity of the simulated European Neolithic transition to climate extremes
On the separation between inorganic and organic fractions of suspended matter in a marine coastal environment
On the shape of the diffraction peaks measured by Fourier reverse time-of-flight spectrometry
On the significance of elastic-plastic crack propagation velocity in asymptotic solutions
On the size-dependent damage behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
On the stability of the passive Ti-6Al-4V film of friction stir welds with stainless steel: Effect of not native metal species
On the Steadiness and Instability of the Intermediate Western Boundary Current between 24° and 18°S
On the structure and evolution of ENSO-related climate variability in the tropical Pacific: Lessons from TOGA
On the structure and homogeneity of solid solutions: the limits of conventional X-ray diffraction
On the structure of epitaxial YHx films
On the superposition principle of stress intensity factors in residual stress fields
On the surface energy budget of coastal zon
On the temperature-induced equilibration of phase distribution and microstructure in a gas-atomized titanium aluminide powder
On the texture and superstructure formation in Ti–TiAl3–Al MIL composites
On the texture of spray formed gamma titanium aluminide
On the Thermal Stability of a Fully Lamellar Gamma-TiAl Based Alloy
On the Thermodynamical and Variational Consistency of Cohesize Zone Models at Finite Strains
On the Thermodynamical and Variational Consistency of Cohesize Zone Models at Finite Strains
On the thermodynamically consistent modeling of distortional hardening: A novel generalized framework
On the thermomechanical coupling in finite strain plasticity theory with non-linear kinematic hardening by means of incremental energy minimization
On the tissue compatibility of poly(ether imide) membranes: An in vitro study on their interaction with human dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes
On the topological; morphological; and microstructural characterization of nanoporous metals
On the use of 'Inflation' in Statistical Downscaling
On the use of graphical models for merging statistical analyses and causal concepts for management purposes
On the use of machine learning and genetic algorithm to predict the region processed by laser peen forming
On the use of mechanistic models for supporting the interpretation of data
On the validation of cloud parametrization schemes in numerical atmospheric models with satellite data form ISCCP
On the Validation of the Atmospheric Model REMO with ISCCP Data and Precipitation Measurements Using Simple Statistics
On the Validation of the Cloud Paramerization Scheme in a regional atmospheric Model (HRM) with ISCCP-Satellite Data
On the Validation of the Cloud Parametrization Scheme in the Regional Atmospheric Model HRM using ISCCP-DX Data
On the variationally consistent modeling of material failure
On the variationally consistent modeling of material failure
On the viscosity of moderately concentrated solutions of poly (ether imide) in a mixed solvent of marginal quality
On the wave field propagating over an uneven sea bottom observed by ground based radar (Dissertation)
On the way to a protective coating ontology
On thermodynamics evolution criteria with radiation effects of the global climate systems
On Using Lagrangian Drift Simulations to Aid Interpretation of in situ Monitoring Data
On utility of coastal research
On utility of coastal research
On variational constitutive updates for nonlinear kinematic hardening models
On variational updates for non-associative kinematic hardening of Armstrong-Frederick-type
On-demand release with a multifunctional implant system
On-line Coupling of Capillary Electrophoresis with HR-ICP-MS: A Powerful Hyphenated Technique for Metal Speciation
On-line determination of total mercury in the Baltic Sea
On-Line Dialysis of Organic Acids from a Propionibacterium freudenreichii Fermentation
On-line Kopplung von Kapillarelektrophorese mit ICP-MS zur Metallspeziesanalyse
On-line Kopplung von Kapillarelektrophorese und Induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma - Massenspektrometrie (CE / ICP-MS)
On-line matrix removal and preconcentration using the ESI seaFAST system coupled to ICP-MS/MS for the ultra-trace analysis of undiluted seawater
On-line Messung von Quecksilber in der Messstation Schnackenburg/Elbe
On-line plasmapheresis by duomodule
On-line plasmapheresis by duomodule
Onboard trials for wave spectra of encounter: Predicting the forcing function for a vessel in natural seas on different courses and speeds
One face to the customer - Vom funktionalen System zum Referenten-System
One sided fibre laser beam welding of AA2198/AA2196 T-joint (Diplomarbeit)
One step creation of multifunctional 3D architectured hydrogels inducing bone regeneration
One Step Creation of Multifunctional 3D Architectured Hydrogels Inducing Bone Regeneration
One-dimensional CCA and SVD, and their relationship to regression maps
One-pot synthesis of high molecular weight sulfonated poly(oxadiazole-triazole) copolymers for proton conductive membranes
One-sided Nd:YAG laser beam welding for the manufacture of T-joints made of aluminium alloys for aircraft construction
One-step affinity purification of fetuin from fetal bovine serum
One-Step Process for Creating Triple-Shape Capability of AB Polymer Networks
One-step synthesis and growth mechanism of nitrate intercalated ZnAl LDH conversion coatings on zinc
One-way and reversible dual-shape effect of polymer networks based on polypentadecalactone segments
One-year observation of Mount-Pinatubo aerosol with an advanced Raman lidar over Germany at 53,5°N
Online matrix separation coupled to inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for the ultra-trace analysis of seawater
Online SAXS Investigations of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes
Online SAXS Investigations of Polymeric Hollow Fibre Membranes
Online SAXS Measurements of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes
Online SAXS Measurements of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes
Online SAXS Measurements of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes
Onset of a skyrmion phase by chemical substitution in MnGe-based chiral magnets
Ontologies In Computational Engineering
Ontologies in Computational Engineering / Part 1
Ontologies in Computational Engineering Part 2
Ontology Assistant Damage Modelling For Construction Sector
Ontology Assisted Modelling of Galvanic Corrosion of Magnesium
Open Access in der HGF
Open porous dealloying-based biomaterials as a novel biomaterial platform
Open Porous α + β Titanium Alloy by Liquid Metal Dealloying for Biomedical Applications
Open questions in the reduction of enrichment of research reactors
Open-Celled Foams Based on Diblock Copolymers: Influence of Melt Elongational Properties on Foam Morphology
Open-celled foams based on polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers
Open-Celled Foams Based on Polystyrene-block-Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Diblock Copolymers
Open-Celled Foams from Polyethersulfone/Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Blends Using Foam Extrusion
Open-Celled Foams of Polyethersulfone/Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) Blends for Ultrafiltration Applications
Open-channel measurement of denitrification in a large lowland river
Operando reaction cell for high energy surface sensitive x-ray diffraction and reflectometry
Operando spatial and temporal tracking of axial stresses and interfaces in solid state batteries
Operating Cabled Underwater Observatories in Rough Shelf-Sea Environments: A Technological Challenge
Operating experience with membrane systems in gasoline tanks farms
Operating experience with membrane systems in gasoline tanks farms
Operation of the FRG-Research Reactors at Geesthacht
Operation tests with manipulator TITAN 7F
Operation tests with TITAN 7F
Operational Aspects of Implementing Regulatory Frameworks to Manage Deep-Sea Mining Activities
Operational Estimation of Coastal Wind Vectors from RADARSAT SAR Imagery
Operational model evaluation for particulate matter in Europe and North America in the context of AQMEII
Operational Modeling Capacity in European Seas—An EuroGOOS Perspective and Recommendations for Improvement
Operational oceanography - Status, achievements and perspectives
Operational oceanography of the North Sea/Skagerrak and Norwegian Sea by Ferrbox systems: from one line to a coordinated network of Ferryboxes
Operational wave prediction of extreme storms in Northern Europe
Operational wave prediction of extreme storms in Northern Europe
Operational Wind Field Retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Operational Wind Field Retrieval using C-band Synthetic Aperture Radars
Operationalizing risk-based cumulative effect assessments in the marine environment
Operationelle Messsysteme und Monitoring der Kuestenmeere
Operators beware converting to LEU fuel seriously degrades your reactors performance and earns you little credit
Opioid Receptors
Opportunities and challenges for digital morphology
Opportunities and challenges for integrating the development of sustainable polymer materials within an international circular (bio)economy concept
Opportunities and Challenges of Switchable Materials for Pharmaceutical Use
Opportunities for the materials research community to support the development of the H2 economy
Optical and Geometrical Properties of Northern Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds Observed with a UV Raman Lidar
Optical and Geometrical Properties of Northern Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds Observed with a UV Raman Lidar
Optical closure for case II water
Optical closure in marine waters from in situ inherent optical property measurements
Optical emission spectroscopy of various materials irradiated by soft x-ray free-electron laser
Optical emission spectroscopy of various materials irradiated by soft x-ray free-electron laser
Optical Image Sequence Analysis and Interpretation of the Water Surface in a Multidirectional Wave Tank and its Application in Coastal Engineering
Optical Image Sequence Analysis and Interpretation of Stationary and Instationary Wave Fields
Optical Image Sequence and Interpretation of the Water Surface in a Multidirectional Wave Tank and its Application in Coastal Engineering
Optical Image Sequence Measurements of Surface Waves at the Multidirectional Wave Facility CEPYC/CEDEX
Optical Properties and Biochemical Indices of Marine Particles in the Open Mediterranean Sea: The R/V Maria S. Merian Cruise, March 2018
Optical properties of fractal aerosols
Optical properties of PSC Ia-enhanced at UV and visible wavelengths: Model and observations
Optical Properties of the Refractory Metals at High Temperatures
Optical push broom in a silicon waveguide
Optical reflection from a free carrier-induced front in a slow light waveguide
Optical remote sensing (Sentinel 3 OLCI) used to monitor dissolved organic carbon in the Lena River, Russia
Optical remote sensing of microphytobenthic biomass: a method to monitor tidal flat erodibility
Optical remote sensing of microphytobenthic biomass: a method to monitor tidal flat erodibility
Optical Underwater Communication: The Potential of Using Converted Green LEDs in Coastal Waters
Optical, structural, and electrical properties of Mg2NiH4 thin films in situ grown by activated reactive evaporation
Optimal operation of heat exchanger networks under uncertainty
Optimal Spectral Nudging for Global Dynamical Downscaling
Optimality-based modeling of planktonic organisms
Optimality-based modeling of planktonic organisms
Optimierung der Anfangs- und Randwerte fuer ein raeumlich begrenztes Modell
Optimierung der kapillarelektrophoretischen Trennung von proteingebundenen Schwermetallen (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung der pH-Regelung und CO2 Zugabe/Adsorption in einem geschlossenen Sedimentsystem: Rueckschluesse auf den Kohlenstoffkreislauf (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung der RTOF-Methode
Optimierung der Stahlvorbehandlung zur Beschichtung mit Aluminium per IVD-Verfahren
Optimierung der Ultraspurenanalytik fuer Quecksilber im Meerwasser
Optimierung des kontinuirlich arbeitenden Dampfstripp-Prozess in der Bodenreinigung durch chemische Oxidation und Variation von Temperatur und Druck (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung des Zusammenwirkens von Trennprozess und Stoffumwandlung bei Enzym-Ultrafiltrations-Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung einer Anlage zur Trennung von Perchlorethylen aus Abluft mittels Membranen (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung einer laserauftragsgeschweißten AlMg-Struktur mit Hilfe der Metallographie
Optimierung einer laserauftragsgeschweißten AlMg-Struktur mit Hilfe der Metallographie
Optimierung einer laserauftragsgeschweißten AlMg-Struktur mit Hilfe der Metallographie
Optimierung eines Flachmembranmoduls und Entwicklung einer Versuchsanlage in der Ultrafiltration (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung eines Fluzeitspektrometers am Beispiel des Fourier-Spannungs-Spektrometers FSS
Optimierung eines Membraneinlasses fuer die Messung am Membran Inlet Massenspektrometer (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung eines Membranverfahrens zur Druckluftentfeuchtung (Diplomarbeit)
Optimierung und Anwendung eines LC-ICP-MS basierten Ansatzes für die Quantifizierung von Glyphosat und AMPA in matrixreichen Umweltproben
Optimierung und Einsatz massanalytischer Bestimmungsverfahren zur Untersuchung des anorganischen Kohlenstoffhaushalts im Wasserlauf der Elbe (Diplomarbeit)
Optimisation of an extraction/leaching procedure for the characterisation and quantification of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles in aquatic environments using SdFFF-ICP-MS and SEM-EDX analyses
Optimisation of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in of large inserts into the AAVS1 safe harbor locus
Optimisation of Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Components Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding (Dissertation)
Optimisation of Parameters in a German Bight Circulation Model by 4DVAR Assimilation of Current and Water Level Observations
Optimisation of solvent/non-solvent composition of Matrimid membranes for hydrogen separation
Optimisation of the sintering atmosphere for metal injection moulding of gamma TiAl alloy powder
Optimisation of the sintering atmosphere for metal injection moulding of gamma TiAl alloy powder
Optimised fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy components fabricated by MIM
Optimised fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy components fabricated by MIM
Optimised fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy components fabricated by MIM
Optimising Parameters of an Elbe Nutrient Model
Optimising volumetric hydrogen density of sodium alanate material by compaction
Optimization and application of centrifugal field-flow-fractionation hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (CFFF-ICP-MS/MS) for the analysis of titanium dioxide nano particles in marine environmental samples
Optimization and Application of ICP-MS/MS for the Analysis of Elements and Element Species of Growing Concern
Optimization and comprehensive characterization of metal hydride based hydrogen storage systems using in-situ Neutron Radiography
Optimization and Energy-Saving Design of Hybrid Distillation/Membrane Separation Processes
Optimization and Energy-Saving Design of Hybrid Distillation/Membrane Separation Processes
Optimization of a macro-scale hydrological model for flood forcasting in the Odra watershed
Optimization of a macroscale hydrological model for flood forecasting in the Odra watershed
Optimization of a microplastic sample preparation protocol for Laser Direct Infrared Imaging (LDIR) measurements to analyze microplastic occurence and distribution along a transect in the Indian Ocean
Optimization of a new fully automated sample preparation system for the isotopic analysis of Sr, Pb and Nd in sediment digests via MC ICP-MS
Optimization of a new fully-automated sample preparation system for isotopic analysis of sediment digests via MC ICP-MS
Optimization of autogenously laser beam welded AA 2198 alloy joints
Optimization of capillary electrophoresis–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for species analysis of metallothionein-like proteins extracted from liver tissues of Elbe-bream and Roe deer
Optimization of Cell Adhesion on Mg Based Implant Materials by Pre-Incubation under Cell Culture Conditions
Optimization of Centrifugal-FFF coupled to ICP-MS-MS for the detection of nanoparticles in marine samples
Optimization of Centrifugal-FFF coupled to ICP-MS-MS for the detection of nanoparticles in marine samples
Optimization of classical force fields in MD simulations of H2O by means of quasi-elastic neutron scattering data
Optimization of CO2 emissions using coupled integral climate response and Simplified cost models. A sensitivity study
Optimization of Coastal High-Accuracy Bathymetry Monitoring Campaigns by the Analysis of Continual Radar Observations
Optimization of Curved X-Ray Multilayer Mirrors for Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Optimization of detectors in time-focussing geometry for RTOF neutron diffractometers
Optimization of Friction Spot Welding Process Parameters in AA6181 and Ti6Al4V Dissimilar Joints Using Response Surface Methodology
Optimization of high-energy microtomography using synchrotron radiation at PETRA III
Optimization of hydrogen storage tanks: The case of sodium alanate
Optimization of hydrogen storage tubular tanks based on light weight hydrides
Optimization of in vitro corrosion of magnesium and its alloys
Optimization of Mechanical Performance of Friction Spot Welded Joints in 2198-T8 Aluminium Alloy Sheets
Optimization of Mechanical Performance of Friction Spot Welded Joints in 2198-T8 Aluminium Alloy Sheets
Optimization of novel automated sample preparation systems for elemental and isotopic analysis of environmental samples via (MC) ICP-MS
Optimization of PIM-membranes for separation of CO2
Optimization of PIM–membranes for Separation of CO2
Optimization of process parameters for deposition of Stellite on X45CrSi93 steel by plasma transferred arc technique
Optimization of texture of X8Cr17 steel sheet by means of ODF analysis
Optimization of the cranellation pattern for maximum FCP life improvement
Optimization of the in-situ determination of Rhodamine-B in estuarine waters
Optimization of Thermo-Mechanical Processing for Forging of Newly Developed Creep-Resistant Magnesium Alloy ABaX633
Optimization of TXRF measurements by variable incident angles
Optimization of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process for the Production of Mechanical Components Using a CNC Machine
Optimized analysis of Pu-239 and Pu-240 in geological samples via ICP–MS/MS for use as a tracer for soil erosion rates
Optimized Crenellation Design for Fatigue Life Improvement of Metallic Airframe Structures (Dissertation)
Optimized method avoiding solvent-induced response enhancement in the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile polyfluorinated alkylated compounds using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Optimized methods for diffusive greenhouse gas flux analyses in inland waters
Optimized strategies for the characterization of TiO2-nanoparticles in complex environmental matrices like sediments and water samples using centrifugal-FFF hyphenated to ICP-MS/MS
Optimized tensile and fatigue properties of Ti-6Al-4V processed by Metal Injection Moulding
Optimizing an Osteosarcoma-Fibroblast Coculture Model to Study Antitumoral Activity of Magnesium-Based Biomaterials
Optimizing Cell-Surface Interaction by Photo-Grafting of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) (PEG)
Optimizing GC-ICP-MS for ultra-trace quantification of PBDEs in natural water samples using species-specific isotope dilution
Optimizing the Spectral Parameters of a Lidar Receiver for Rotational Raman Temperature Measurements
Optimum parameters and rate-controlling mechanisms for hot working of extruded Mg-3Sn-1Ca alloy
Options for decompression from tunnel work at pressures greater than 3 bars (30 metres of sea water)
Optische Fernmessung von Ozon in Zirruswolken (Dissertation)
Optische Phaenomene in der Atmosphaere – Vom Regenbogen bis zur Fata Morgana
Optische Qualitaetskontrolle fuer einen Bestueckungsautomaten (Diplomarbeit)
Orbital forcing of tree-ring data
Orbital perturbations due to the Albedo effect
Orbital-Robot-Schweissungen in grossen Wassertiefen
Order in commercial grain-oriented iron-silicon sheets
Order in commercial grain-oriented iron-silicon sheets
Order in iron - 30 at. % aluminium investigated by neutron scattering
Order in the bilayers of gel-phase sodium sulfopropyl octadecyl maleate. Wide-angle X-ray scattering and molecular modelling
Ordered arrays of Ni magnetic nanowires: Synthesis and investigation
Ordering and disordering of Beta/Beta o-phase in Gamma-TiAl based alloys investigated by neutron diffraction
Ordering and disordering of β/βo-phase in γ-TiAl based alloys investigated by neutron diffraction
Ordering in a-iron-silicon single crystals investigated by neutron-scattering
Organic matter accumulation and degradation in subsurface coastal sediments: a model-based comparison of rapid sedimentation and aquifer transport
Organic matter characteristics of a rapidly eroding permafrost cliff in NE Siberia (Lena Delta, Laptev Sea region)
Organic Matter Composition of Biomineral Flocs and Its Influence on Suspended Particulate Matter Dynamics Along a Nearshore to Offshore Transect
Organic modification of layered silicates: Structural and thermal Characterisation
Organic modification of layered silicates: structural and thermal characterizations
Organic pollutants in soils of the river Elbe wetlands - investigations applying a supercritical fluid extraction methodology
Organic Solvent Nanofiltration
Organic UV filters in the Mondego River, Portugal
Organic UV filters in the Mondego River, Portugal
Organic UV stabilizers in the coastal and marine environment - European North and Baltic Seas compared to Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas (Dissertation)
Organic UV stabilizers in the coastal and marine environment of Europe and China
Organic vapor recovery in the chain of gasoline distribution
Organic vapor recovery in the chain of gasoline distribution
Organic Vapor Separation by Means of Membranes
Organic Vapor Separation in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries
Organic Vapor Separation: Process Design with regards to high-flux membranes and the Dependence on real gas behaviour at high pressure applications
Organic-Inorganic CO2 Selective Membranes Prepared by the Sol-Gel Process
Organic-Inorganic hybrid membranes with heteropolyacids for DMFC applications (Dissertation)
Organic-Inorganic Membranes
Organic-inorganic membranes for direct methanol fuel cell
Organic-inorganic membranes for direct methanol fuel cell
Organic-inorganic membranes for direct methanol fuel cell
Organic-Inorganic Membranes for Fuel Cell Application
Organic-inorganic membranes for gas separation
Organic-inorganic membranes prepared from polyether diamine and epoxy silane
Organic-inorganic Membranes Prepared from Polyetherdiamine and Epoxy-containing Inorganic Precursors
Organic-inorganic nanocomposites for membranes
Organic-Inorganic Polymer Hybrids for Membranes: Silicone/SiO2 and Nafion/SiO2
Organic-Inorganic Polymer Hybrids – Membrane Applications
Organic-solvent-free Fabrication of Ultrafiltration Membranes using Polymer Foaming and Extrusion
Organic/inorganic composite membranes for application in DMFC
Organic/inorganic composite membranes for application in DMFC
Organic/inorganic hybrid nanocomposite membrane on the basis of poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) and TiO2
Organically linked iron oxide nanoparticle supercrystals with exceptional isotropic mechanical properties
Organisation of Integrin Receptors in Response to the Surface Wettability
Organisation und Analyse grosser Mengen stochastischer Daten
Organisch/anorganische Polymer Hybride fuer die Membranentwicklung
Organisch/anorganische Polymerhybrid fuer die Entwicklung von Membranen
Organische Chemie fuer Biologen
Organische Chemie fuer Biologen
Organische Chemie für Biologen
Organische Mono- und Multischichten an der Wasser/Luft- Grenzflaeche Aufbau, Uebertragung, Charakterisierung (Dissertation)
Organische Schadstoffe in Bodenproben der mittleren Elbauen
Organische Schadstoffe in den Auen der Elbe: Untersuchungen zur Verteilung
Organische Schadstoffe in der Meeresumwelt
Organometal Halide Perovskite-Based Photoelectrochemical Module Systems for Scalable Unassisted Solar Water Splitting
Organometallic species of the element tin, mercury and lead in sediments of the longitudinal profile of the river Elbe
Organometallverbindungen als Beispiele fuer definierbare Industrieeinleitungen
Organophile Pervaporation: Ein Membranverfahren zur Aufarbeitung verduennter waessrig-organischer Loesungen (Dissertation)
Organophilic nanofiltration: fundamentals and applications
Organophilic Pervaporation (with emphasis on biotechnology)
Organophilic pervaporation membranes for environmental applications
Organophilic Pervaporation: Functional Membranes and Modules for Organic/Organic Separation
Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in Ocean Sediments from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean
Organophosphate ester pollution in the oceans
Organophosphate esters in air and seawater of the South China Sea: Spatial distribution, transport, and air-sea exchange
Organophosphate Esters in Air, Snow, and Seawater in the North Atlantic and the Arctic
Organophosphor-Flammschutzmittel im Oberflaechenwasser der kuestennahen Umwelt
Organophosphor-Flammschutzmittel und -Weichmacher in der kuestennahen und marinen Umwelt: Vorkommen und Verhalten in der Deutschen Bucht (Nordsee) und ihren Zufluessen (Diplomarbeit)
Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in airborne particles over the Northern Pacific and Indian Ocean toward the Polar Regions: Evidence for global occurrence
Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the aquatic environment: A case study of the Elbe River, Germany
Organophosphorus Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in the Atmosphere of the North Sea
Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the atmosphere of the North Sea
Organotin compounds in sediments of Elbe and Mulde river
Organotins: their analysis and assessment in the Elbe river system
Organotypic soft-tissue co-cultures: Morphological changes in microvascular endothelial tubes after incubation with iodinated contrast media
Organotypic soft-tissue co-cultures: Morphological changes in microvascular endothelial tubes after incubation with iodinated contrast media
Organozinnverbindungen in Elbsedimenten: Nachweis und Bewertung
Orientation dependent tensile deformation behaviour of two-phase lamitate composites: model analysis and finite element results
Orientation Distribution of Vertically Aligned Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Orientation effects on acoustic emission during tensile deformation of hot rolled magnesium alloy AZ31
Orientation effects on acoustic emission during tensile deformation of hot rolled magnesium alloy AZ31
Orientation effects on bipolar and other asymmetric membranes as observed by concentration potentials
Orientation of purple membrane in an ionotropic gel
Oriented concentration potentials of separation and bipolar membranes
Orientierung von Bacteriorhodopsin in einer Polymermatrix
Orienting Block Copolymer Thin Films via Entropy
Orienting Silicon-Containing Block Copolymer Films with Perpendicular Cylinders via Entropy and Surface Plasma Treatment
Origami hand for soft robotics driven by thermally controlled polymeric fiber actuators
Origami hand for soft robotics driven by thermally controlled polymeric fiber actuators
Origin and pathways of the central water masses in the Benguela upwelling system and the impact of the Agulhas leakage
Origin of the reversed yield asymmetry in Mg-rare earth alloys at high temperature
Orthorhombic phase formation in a Nb-rich Gamma-TiAl based alloy – An in situ synchrotron radiation investigation
Orthorhombic phase formation in a powder processed Ti-Al-Nb alloy with a nano scale modulated microstructure
Orthorhombic phases in Ti-42Al-8.5Nb produced by powder metallurgy
Ortsaufgeloeste Fernmessung atmosphaerischer Parameter fuer Umweltschutz und Klimaforschung
Ortsaufgeloeste Fernmessung von Schadstoffimmissionen mit Lidar
Ortsaufgeloeste Fernmessung von Schadstoffimmissionen mit Lidar
Ortsaufgeloeste Fernmessung von Schadstoffimmissionen mit Lidar
Ortsaufgeloeste Laserfernmessung troposphaerischer Parameter fuer den Umweltschutz und die Wetter- und Klimaforschung
Ortsaufgeloeste optische Fernmessung von Konstitutenten der Atmosphaere
Ortsaufgeloeste Schadstoffernmessung nach dem Lidar-Prinzip
Ortsaufloesende Fernmessung atmosphaerischer Gase
Ortsaufloesende optische Fernmessung gasfoermiger Luftschadstoffe
Ortsaufloesende optische Fernmessung gasfoermiger Luftschadstoffe
Ortsaufloesende optische Fernmessung von Luftschadstoffen
OSIRIS - offshore integrated robotic inspection system
Osmotic measurements based on membranes from polyacrylonitrile
Osmotic pressure modulates single cell cycle dynamics inducing reversible growth arrest and reactivation of human metastatic cells
Osmotic Transport at the Aqueous Graphene and hBN Interfaces: Scaling Laws from a Unified, First-Principles Description
Osseointegration of resorbable magnesium screws – A SRMueCT Study
Osseointegration of resorbable magnesium screws – A SRMueCT Study
Osteoclasts differentiated from iPS cells as a test system for gene therapeutic approaches for CLCN7-related autosomal recessive osteopetrosis
Osteoconductive Modifications of Ti-Implants in a Goat Defect Model: Characterization of Bone Growth with SR µCT and Histology
Osteoklastaere Resorption osteologischer Biomaterialien - Osteoclastic resorption of bone substitute biomaterials
Osteonal mineralization patterns in cortical bone studied by synchrotron radiation-based computed microtomography and scanning acoustic microscopy
Osteonal mineralization patterns in cortical bone studied by synchrotron radiation-based computed microtomography and scanning acoustic microscopy
Ostracoda (Crustacea) and trichoptera (Insecta) from late- and post-glacial sediments of some European maar lakes
Ostracoda (Crustacea) from eutrophic and oligotrophic maar lakes of the Eifel (Germany) in the Late and Post Glacial
Ostseekueste im Klimawandel - Ein Handbuch zum Forschungsstand
Out-of-equilibrium formation of Ni3Ti η-phase in Inconel X-750 produced via laser powder bed fusion and spark plasma sintering
Outstanding past decadal-scale climate events in the Greater Alpine Region analysed by 250 years data and model runs
Over 2% magnetic-field-induced strain in a polycrystalline Ni50Mn28.5Ga21.5 alloy prepared by directional solidification
Overall comparison and source identification of PAHs in the sediments of European Baltic and North Seas, Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas
Overall view on the subprojects of the Sonderforschungsbereich 327 „Interaction between Non-biologic and Biotic Processes in the Elbe Estuary System“
Overcome of the Nyquist limit in Frequency in nautical radar measurement of wave fields
Overcoming drug resistance with on-demand charged thermoresponsive dendritic nanogels
Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modeling
Overcoming the problems of interferences in the determination of sulphur and phosphorus by ICP-MS with an Octopole Reaction System
Overcoming water diffusion limitations in hydrogels via microtubular graphene networks for soft actuators
Overstated Potential for Seagrass Meadows to Mitigate Coastal Ocean Acidification
Overview about the potential of collision cell ICP-MS and ICP-MS/MS for sensitive and interference free element and elemental speciation analysis of environmental samples
Overview of Available Observations and Future Plans
Overview of climate change in the Baltic Sea region based on the upcoming BACCII book
Overview of hydrogen storage in metal hydrides and industrial application perspectives
Overview of mercury measurements in the Antarctic troposphere
Overview of Shape-memory Polymers
Overview of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Overview of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Overview on current research activities in Materials Mechanics and Research Platform ACE
Overview on current research activities in Materials Mechanics and Research Platform ACE
Overview on current research activities in Materials Mechanics and Research Platform ACE
Overview polymeric gas separation membranes
Overview: Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments (iCUPE) – concept and initial results
Overview: The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEAR)
Oxadiazole telechelics immobilizied on silica for proton conductive membranes
Oxazole-based Polymers for Fuel Cell Applications Analyzed by Anomalous Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
Oxazole-based Polymers for Fuel Cell Applications Analyzed by Anomalous Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
Oxidation behavior of a cathodic arc evaporated Cr0.69Ta0.20B0.11N coating
Oxidation behavior of arc evaporated TiSiN coatings investigated by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and HR-STEM
Oxidation Effects in Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites
Oxidation kinetics and inverse isotope effect of marine nitrite-oxidizing isolates
Oxidation organischer Abwasserinhaltsstoffe mit Ozon/Wasserstoffperoxid: Ergebnisse mit reinen Substanzen und mit realen Abwaessern
Oxidation protection of TNM alloys with Al-rich γ-TiAl-based coatings
Oxidation resistance of cathodic arc evaporated Cr0.74Ta0.26N coatings
Oxidation State and Local Structure of Ti-Based Additives in the Reactive Hydride Composite 2LiBH4 + MgH2
Oxide coatings with immobilized Ce-ZSM5 as visible light photocatalysts
Oxidized Mild Steel S235: An Efficient Anode for Electrocatalytically Initiated Water Splitting
Oxygen Adsorption and Low-Temperature CO Oxidation on a Nanoporous Au Catalyst: Reaction Mechanism and Foreign Metal Effects
Oxygen and Nutrient Trapping in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System
Oxygen Budget and Nutrients in the Elbe Estuary - Statistical Data Analysis and Process Modeling
Oxygen consumption and production rates and associated fluxes in sediment-water systems: A combination of microelectrode, incubation and modelling techniques
Oxygen Consumption of Resuspended Sediments of the Upper Elbe Estuary: Process Identification and Prognosis
Oxygen dynamics in the Black Sea as seen by Argo profiling floats
Oxygen nonstoichiometry and magnetic properties of doped manganites La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.95Fe0.05O3-δ
Oxygen Uptake at the Sediment-water Interface Simultaneously Measured Using a Flux Chamber Method and Microelectrodes: Must a Diffusive Boundary Layer Exist?
Oxygen-sensitive nanoparticles reveal the spatiotemporal dynamics of oxygen reduction during magnesium implant biodegradation
Ozon-Hoehenprofilmessungen in einem mobilen Lidar
Ozon-Konferenz Goettingen
Ozon-Lidar bei GKSS
Ozone and PSC measurements with the GKSS Raman lidar at Esrange, Kiruna, and comparison with measurements from other instruments
Ozone Height-profile Measurements over the Atlantic Ocean along the 30° W Meridian within the Albatross Project
Ozone Height-profile Measurements over the Atlantic Ocean along the 30° W Meridian within the Albatross Project
Ozone measurements above Geesthacht (53.4 °N, 10.4 °E) during Spring 1995 with a Raman DIAL
Ozone Measurements at Geesthacht (53.4° N, 10.4° E) with an Advanced Raman Lidar
Ozone Measurements at Geesthacht in Spring 1996 with the GKSS Raman DIAL
Ozone Measurements in the Presence of Cirrus Clouds
Ozone Pollution Lidar and SF6 Tracer Dispersion Measurements in a Field Experiment
Öl im Meer - Katastrophen und langfristige Belastungen


P(S(D)-block-nBMA) Diblock Copolymer Structures in Thin Films Revealed by a Combined Unique Analysis of Macroscopic Turbid Films and Neutron Reflectometry
P/M Magnesium Alloys
P/M of titanium and titanium aluminides – Challenges and opportunities
P05 imaging beamline at PETRA III: first results
P05 imaging beamline at PETRA III: first results
PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data
PAES and PAHs in the surface sediments of the East China Sea: Occurrence, distribution and influence factors
PAGES 2k Network community survey
PAK Abbau im Boden
PAK im Boden: Bewertung der Schadstoffverfuegbarkeit unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Bound Residues
Palaeoklimatologie und Klimaprojektionen: Aus Vergangenem fuer die Zukunft lernen
Paleoclimate Modelling Strategies using Free, Forced, and Data-Assimilated Runs
Paleoclimate reconstructions from proxy data and numerical models
Palladium Modified Porous Polymeric Membranes and their Performance in Selective Hydrogenation of Propyne
Palladium-Catalyzed Phosphonation of Polyphenylsulfone
Palladium-modified porous polymer membranes as catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of propyne in propene
Palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE) coating improves titanium implants osteointegration in vitro
PalphaMS/ PMMA Blends - A Neutron reflectometry and small angle scattering study
PAN - hollow fiber membranes for blood plasma separation
PAN – Bikomponentenmembranen
PAN – hollow fiber membranes for blood plasma separation
PAN-Membranen fuer die Fluessigphasentrennung
PAN-Membranen fuer die Ultrafiltration
PAN-Membranen fuer die Ultrafiltration und als Traegerschicht fuer Composite-Membranen
Papers on Aerosols and Clouds - Relevance of mountain wave cooling for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds over Scandinavia: Mesoscale dynamics and observations for January 1997
Parabolic capillary optics with less than 50 m focus and large focal distance for synchrotron radiation scattering
Parabolic capillary optics with less than 50 m focus and large focal distance for synchrotron radiation scattering
Parallel evolution of direct development in frogs ‐ Skin and thyroid gland development in African Squeaker Frogs (Anura: Arthroleptidae: Arthroleptis)
Parallel hybrid Monte Carlo / Molecular Statics for Simulation of Solute Segregation in Solids
Parallel simulation of the Poisson–Nernst–Planck corrosion model with an algebraic flux correction method
Parallelization of the GESIMA mesoscale atmospheric model
Parameter Dependences Arising from Calibration of a Riverine Diatom Model - Representation in Terms of Posterior Conditional Distributions
Parameter development and characterization of laser metal deposited high-temperature Ti alloy powders
Parameter development and characterization of laser metal deposited high-temperature Ti alloy powders
Parameter development of wire-based laser metal deposition and characterization of Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo
Parameter Estimation of the SVAT Schemes TERRA/LM and REMO/ECHAM Using a Multi-Criteria Method
Parameter Estimation of the SVAT Schemes TERRA/LM and REMO/ECHAM Using a Multi-Criteria Method
Parameter Identification for Crystal Plasticity of HCP-Metals (Diplomarbeit)
Parameter Investigation for the In-Situ Hybridization Process by Deep Drawing of Dry Fiber-Metal-Laminates
Parameter study into the friction welding of the intermetallic TiAl and the alloy Ti6Al4V
Parameterabhaengige Varianz im mittleren Bereich der Ermuedungsrissausbreitung einer Al-Legierung AA6056-T6 - Parametric (non)-variance of the mid-regime fatigue crack propagation in an aluminium alloy AA6056-T6
Parameterization of evapotranspiration in an atmospheric mesoscale model
Parameterization of ice clouds and their radiative transfer properties for climate models
Parameterization of turbidity in the German Bight
Parameterizing Air‐Water Gas Exchange in the Shallow, Microtidal New River Estuary
Parameterizing bubble-mediated air-sea gas exchange and its effect on ocean ventilation
Parameterizing the vertical downward dispersion of ship exhaust gas in the near field
Parameters affecting the damage tolerance behaviour of railway axles
Parameters of Mixed Micelles by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Parameters optimization for friction spot welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy by Taguchi method - Otimizacao dos parametros de soldagem por friccao por ponto da liga de magnesio AZ31 pelo metodo de Taguchi
Parameterstudie an einer 'Friction Hydro Pillar Processing' Versuchsanlage (Diplomarbeit)
Parameterstudie fuer das Hochgeschwindigkeitsruehrreibbearbeiten der Magnesiumlegierung AZ31 (Diplomarbeit)
Parameterstudie zum Reibschweissungen der intermetallischen LegierungenTiAl und Ti6Al4V
Parameterstudie zur Temperaturverteilung im Werkstueck beim hyperbaren WIG-Schweissen in trockener Umgebung
Parameterstudie: Das Drahterodieren von Magnesium (Bacherlorarbeit)
Parametric optimization of complex hydride hydrogen storage systems
Parametrisierung von Eis- und Wasserwolken und ihrer Strahlungstransporteigenschaften fuer grossraeumige Atmosphaerenmodelle
Parametrizing Ductile Tearing Resistance by Four Parameters
Parasitic hump-backed flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from Miocene ambers
Parceiro economico: revista das cameras de comercio e industria Brasil-Alemanha - Deutsch-Brasilianische Zusammenarbeit in Umweltforschung und -technologie aus der Sicht eines Deutschen
Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, water temperature, salinity and other variables collected from surface underway observations during the FerryBox ship Lysbris Seaways ships of opportunity (SOOP) cruises in the North Sea and North Atlantic Ocean from 2013 to 2021 (NCEI Accession 0246054)
Partial Recovery of Macro-Epibenthic Assemblages on the North-West Shelf of the Black Sea
Partially pyrolized gas-separation membranes made from blends of copolyetherimides and polyimides
Particle imaging is the solution to long-term Particulate Organic Carbon monitoring at high temporal resolutions
Particle Measurements and Radiative Transfer Calculations in Cirrus Clouds
Particle Properties of Enhanced Type Ia PSC at UV and Visible Wavelengths: Determination of Wavelength Dependencies Based on T-Matrix Computations and Comparison with Observations
Particle properties of PSC observed on January 19, 1997 above Andoya and Esrange
Particle reinforced magnesium alloys
Particle Tracking in the German Bight, Comparing Drift Climatologies from Different Numerical Models
Particle tracking in the vicinity of Helgoland, North Sea: A model comparison
Particle transport model sensitivity on wave-induced processes in the forecasting, coupled model system
Particle-size distribution of airborne poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances
Particles, Fibres and short Fibres for the reinforcement of metal materials
Particulate organic matter in the Lena River and its Delta: From the permafrost catchment to the Arctic Ocean
Partikel, Fasern und Kurzfasern fuer eine Verstaerkung von metallischen Werkstoffen
Partikel, Fasern und Kurzfasern für die Verstaerkung metallischer Werkstoffe
Partikel, Fasern und Kurzfasern zur Verstaerkung von metallischen Werkstoffen
Partikelverstaerkte Magnesiumlegierungen
Partikelzertruemmerung im abrasiven Hochdruckwasserstrahl
Partitioning Behavior of Nb, Ta, and Zr in Fully Lamellar γ/α2 Titanium Aluminides and Its Effect on the Lattice Misfit and Creep Behavior
Partitioning Behavior of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds between Pore Water and Sediment in Two Sediment Cores from Tokyo Bay, Japan
Partitioning of trace metals in suspended matter from the Elbe Estuary fractioned by a sedimentation method
Passive and Active Corrosion Protection of Magnesium and Multi Material Mix
Passive dispersive transport modelling: comparison with experimental rhodamine data in the Elbe estuary
Passive sampling as a tool for time-integrated analysis of metals in marine waters using ICP-MS-MS
Passive Sampling in Regulatory Chemical Monitoring of Nonpolar Organic Compounds in the Aquatic Environment
Passive und aktive Korrosionsschutzschichten fuer galvanisch gekoppelte Multi-Material-Systeme
Passive und aktive Korrosionsschutzschichten fuer galvanisch gekoppelte Multi-Material-Systeme
Past abrupt changes, tipping points and cascading impacts in the Earth system
Past and future challenges in managing European seas
Past and Future Changes in Extreme Sea Levels and Waves
Past and future changes of wind storms - latest achievements and current activities at HZG
Past and future changes of wind storms - latest achievements and current activities at HZG
Past and Possible Future for Magnesium Alloys in Aerospace Industries
Past climate variability in the Last Millennium
Past millennium climate simulations and reconstructions: comparison and combination
Path length distributions for solar photons under cloudy skies: Comparison of measured first and second moments with predictions from classical and anomalous diffusion theories
Pathophysiology of the contrast media-induced nephropathy (CIN) in patients undergoing coronary interventions
Pattern formation by nonlinear reactions and diffusion in electrochemical systems
Pattern formation by nonlinear reactions and diffusion in electrochemical systems
Pattern formation by nonlinear reactions and diffusion in ionic systems
Pattern formation in reaction-electrodiffusion systems
Pattern formation in reaction-electrodiffusion systems with variable diffusivities and reaction rates
Pattern formation in reaction-electrodiffusion systems with variable diffusivities and reaction rates
Patterned Carbon Nanotubes Fabricated by the Combination of Microcontact Printing and DiblockCopolymer Micelles
Patterned immobilization of biomolecules by using ion irradiation-induced graft polymerization
Patterning human stem cells and endothelial cells with laser printing for cardiac regeneration
Patterning with polymers – Functionalized materials for nanotechnologies
Patterns of CO2 concentration and inorganic carbon limitation of phytoplankton biomass in agriculturally eutrophic lakes
Pb texture of Pb-Al composites determined by the iterative series espansion method and the component method
Pd und Pt Katalysatoren in der selektiven Hydrierung von Speiseoel im Membranreaktor
Pd-Catalyzed Hydrodechlorination of Chlorinated Aromatics in Contaminated Waters - Effects of Surfactants, Organic Matter and Catalyst Protection by Silicone Coating
Pebax/polyethylene glycol blend thin film composite membranes for CO2 separation: Performance with mixed gases
PEBAX® with PEG functionalized POSS as nanocomposite membranes for CO2 separation
Peculiarities of standardization efforts for lidar measurements
Peculiarities of the Crystal Structure Evolution of BiFeO3–BaTiO3 Ceramics across Structural Phase Transitions
Peculiarity of hydrogen absorption in duplex steels: Phase-selective lattice swelling and stress evolution
Peeling instability in Cosserat-like media
PEEU fiber mesh elasticity and its regulatory effects on human endothelial cells
PEG Functionalized POSS Incorporated PEBAX Nanocomposite Membranes
PEG functionalized POSS incorporated PEBAX® nanocomposite membranes
PEG modified poly(amide-b-ethylene oxide) membranes for CO2 separation
PEI modified biodegradable complex micelles as gene transfer vector for proliferation of ECs
PEI modified biodegradable complex micelles as gene transfer vector for proliferation of ECs
Pelagic ciliates in Lake Constance: comparison of epilimnion and hypolimnion
Pelagic effects of offshore wind farm foundations in the stratified North Sea
Pelagic functional group modeling: Progress, challenges and prospects
Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease: morphological analysis of the vestibulo-cochlear system
Penetration of normal, damaged and diseased skin - An in vitro study on dendritic core-multishell nanotransporters
Penetration von Behaelter- und Schiffswaenden: Versuch und rechnerische Simulation
Penetration von Behaelter- und Schiffswaenden: Versuch und rechnerische Simulation
PEO coated aluminum alloys with good thermal conductivity for TES applications
PEO coatings design for Mg-Ca alloy for cardiovascular stent and bone regeneration applications
PEO Coatings with Active Protection Based on In-Situ Formed LDH-Nanocontainers
PEO Cross-linked Poly(acrylic acid) as a New Material for CO2-Selective Membranes
PEO Cross-linked Poly(acrylic acid) as a New Material for CO2-Selective Membranes
PEO Cross-linked Poly(acrylic acid) as a New Material for CO2-Selective Polymeric Membranes
PEO Cross-linked Poly(acrylic acid) as a New Material for CO2-Selective Polymeric Membranes in CCS Technologies
PEO of pre-anodized Al–Si alloys: Corrosion properties and influence of sealings
PEO of rheocast A356 Al alloy: Energy efficiency and Corrosion properties
PEO of rheocast A356 Al alloy: Energy efficiency and Corrosion properties
PEO processing of AZ91Nd/Al2O3 MMC-the role of alumina fibers
PEO processing of magnesium alloys using particle containing electrolytes
PEO Processing of Mg - Fundamentals and Problems
PEO processing of Mg alloys
PEO processing of Mg alloys - How to Improve Corrosion and Wear Resistance
People-powered Local Energy Transition: Mitigating Climate Change with Community-based Renewable Energy in North Frisia (Dissertation)
People’s perception of relocation due to natural hazards on the German North Sea coast
Peptidantibiotika: Wirkweise und Nutzung zur Modifikation von Implantatoberflaechen
Peptidchemische Umsetzungen auf der Oberflaeche von Poly-(ethylenterephthalat)-Kernspurfiltermembranen
Peptide antibiotics: insights in membrane selectivity and interaction
Peptide Membrane Interaction
Peptide Membrane Interaction
Peptide Membrane Interaction
Peptides derived from NK-2 selective for phosphatidylserine as novel cancer agents
Peptides derived from NK-2 selective for phosphatidylserine as novel cancer agents
Pep‐Lipid Cubosomes and Vesicles Compartmentalized by Micelles from Self‐Assembly of Multiple Neuroprotective Building Blocks Including a Large Peptide Hormone PACAP‐DHA
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the urban, industrial, and background atmosphere of Northeastern China coast around the Bohai Sea: Occurrence, partitioning, and seasonal variation
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Chinese and German river water – Point source- and country-specific fingerprints including unknown precursors
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in snow, lake, surface runoff water and coastal seawater in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment-Shifting toward Fluorinated Alternatives? (Dissertation)
Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen entlang der europäischen Westküste - Verteilungsmuster und Trends für den Ersatzstoff HFPO-DA
Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen im Rheinverlauf - Vorkommen und Verteilung in Wasser und Sedimenten
Perceptions of an endangered Baltic Sea
Perceptions of and Resilience to Coastal Climate Risks
Perceptions of coasts in Germany
Percolation transitions in pyrochlore: Radiation-damage and thermally induced structural reorganization
Percutaneous Edge-to-Edge Tricuspid Valve Repair in a Patient with Cor Triatriatum Dexter: A Case Report
Percutaneous left atrial appendage closure with a novel self-modelizing device: A pre-clinical feasibility study
Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Transcatheter Occlusion (PLAATO) for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: 2-Year Outcome
Perfluorierte Substanzen in der marinen Umwelt
Perfluorierte Substanzen in Sterntauchern aus dem Ostseeraum - Methodenoptimierung, -validierung und multivariat-statistische Auswertungen (Diplomarbeit)
Perfluorinated alkyl substances in serum of the southern Chinese general population and potential impact on thyroid hormones
Perfluorinated Compounds as Test Media for Porous Membranes
Perfluorinated Compounds as Test Media for Porous Membranes
Perfluorinated compounds as test media for porous membranes
Perfluorinated compounds in marine surface waters: data from the Baltic Sea and methodological challenges for future studies
Perfluorinated compounds in red-throated divers from the German Baltic Sea: new findings from their distribution in 10 different tissues
Perfluorinated Compounds, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a High Alpine Ice Core (Diplomarbeit)
Perfluorinated organic compounds in liver tissues of North Sea seals
Perfluorinated organic compounds in liver tissues of North Sea seals
Perfluorinated organic compounds in the atmospheric environment
Perfluorinated organic compounds in the atmospheric environment
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in riverine and coastal sediments of Laizhou Bay, North China
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the lower atmosphere and surface waters of the Chinese Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and Yangtze River estuary
Perfluorophenyl azide functionalization of electrospun poly(para-dioxanone)
Performance and efficiency of a DMFC using non-fluorinated compositemembranes operating at low/medium temperatures
Performance and Selected Application Examples of Kinetic Spray Coatings
Performance boost for primary magnesium cells using iron complexing agents as electrolyte additives
Performance Evaluation of 2-mm thick alclad AA2024 T3 Aluminium Alloy Friction Spot Welding
Performance Evaluation of 2-mm thick alclad AA2024 T3 Aluminium Alloy Friction Spot Welding
Performance evaluation of Eta/HadGEM2-ES and Eta/MIROC5 precipitation simulations over Brazil
Performance Evaluation of Friction Spot Welding for AA5042 Aluminum Alloy
Performance evaluation of global hydrological models in six large Pan-Arctic watersheds
Performance evaluation of nitrogen isotope ratio determination in marine and lacustrine sediments: An inter-laboratory comparison
Performance of a Double Crystal Diffractometer with Different Perfect Si Channel-Cut Crystals
Performance of a high-tech neutron velocity
Performance of a Matrix Type High Speed Steel after Deep Cryogenic and Low Tempering Temperature
Performance of a Matrix Type High Speed Steel after Deep Cryogenic and Low Tempering Temperature
Performance of absorption coefficient measurements for the in situ determination of chlorophyll-a and total suspended matter
Performance of an ensemble of RCMs over the BALTEX area from the Inter-Continental Transferability Study (ICTS)
Performance of atmospheric long-range transport models for mercury species: Results from a model intercomparison study
Performance of atmospheric long-range transport models for mercury species: Results from a model intercomparison study
Performance of copper azole treated softwoods exposed to marine borers
Performance of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded tailor Welded Blanks in Al-Mg Alloys for Marine Applications
Performance of ENVISAT ASAR for Operational Ocean Wind Field Retrieval
Performance of friction stir welded tailor welded blanks in AA5059 and AA6082 alloys for marine applications
Performance of friction stir welded tailor welded blanks in AA5059 and AA6082 alloys for marine applications
Performance of polyelectrolyte complex membranes in the pervaporation process
Performance of pulsed constant current silicate-based PEO coating on pure magnesium in simulated body fluid
Performance of strength mis-match welded joints: comparison of experimental and numerical results
Performance study of isoporous membranes with tailored pore sizes
Performance und Anforderungen von Stents aus Sicht des Ingenieurs
Performance-based evaluation of NMME and C3S models in forecasting the June–August Central African rainfall under the influence of the South Atlantic Ocean Dipole
Performing RVE calculations under constant stress triaxiality for monotonous and cyclic loading
Peri-implant gas accumulation in response to magnesium-based musculoskeletal biomaterials: reframing current evidence for preclinical research and clinical evaluation.
Peridynamic elastic waves in two-dimensional unbounded domains: Construction of nonlocal Dirichlet-type absorbing boundary conditions
Periodic and branching reaction-diffusion structures
Periodic thermomechanical modulation of toll-like receptor expression and distribution in mesenchymal stromal cells
Peripheral opioid receptor blockade increases postoperative morphine demands—A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Peritectic titanium alloys for 3D printing
Permanent measurement stations in estuaries and determination of suspended particulate matter
Permeabilitaetseigenschaften geladener Membranen
Permeabilitaetseigenschaften geladener Membranen
Permeability and conductivity studies on ionomer-polysilsesquioxane hybrid materials
Permeability Characteristics of Poly(amide imide)s/TiO2 Nano-Composite Membranes
Permeability of technical and biological tissues
Permeable Zukunft
Permeance of Condensable Gases in Rubbery Polymer Membranes at High Pressure
Permeanzverhalten kondensierbarer Gase in Mehrschichkompositmembranen bei höheren Drucken
Permeation hochverdichteter Gas-Dampf-Gemische durch selektive Membranen
Permeation of vapor and liquid mixtures through thin film maleimide copolymer membranes
Permeationsverhalten von Mixed-Matrix-Membranen zur Abtrennung gasfoermiger hoeherer Kohlenwasserstoffe (Masterarbeit)
Permselectivities of Poly(amide imide)s and Similar Poly(ester imide)s as Dense Films and Thin-film Composite Membranes
Permselectivities of poly(amide imide)s and similar poly(ester imide)s as membrane film and thin-film composite membranes
Perovskite Ti3AlC Carbide Splitting in High Nb Containing TiAl Alloys
Perovskite Ti3AlC Carbide Splitting in High Nb Containing TiAl Alloys
Peroxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Persistent Pollution – Past, Present and Future
Persistente Schadstoffe in der marinen Umwelt: Welche Rolle hat Microplastik bei Eintrag, Transport und Verbleib
Persistente synthetische organische Schadstoffe im Wattenmeer
Persitant Organic Pollutants Emission model (POPE)
Perspectives for Polarized Reflectometry at the Novel Reflectometer REFSANS at FRM-II in Munich / Germany
Perspectives for Polarized Reflectometry at the Novel Reflectometer REFSANS at FRM-II in Munich / Germany
Perspectives in Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation: Review of the Conference of the German Society for Clinical Microcirculation and Hemorheology 2010
Perspectives in Light-Weight Materials Research
Perspectives in Modelling Climate–Hydrology Interactions
Perspectives in research und development of metallic materials
Perspectives of climate scientists on global change
Perspectives of Marine Research
Perspectives of regional paleoclimate modeling
Perspectives on Coastal Zone Management
Perspectives on Regional Modelling, Reconstructions and Scenarios
Perspectives on Regional Modelling, Reconstructions and Scenarios
Perspectives on shipping emissions and their impacts on the surface ocean and lower atmosphere: an environmental-social-economic dimension
Perspektiven des Spruehformens und des Metallpulverspritzgiessens von Titanaluminiden
Perspektiven fuer deutsche Kuestenregionen aus Sicht von Verwaltung und regionalen Interessenvertretern
Perspektiven fuer die Meeresumwelttechnik
Perspektiven fuer die Unterwassertechnik
Perspektiven für die Klimaforschung 2015 bis 2025
Perspektiven für die Regenerative Medizin in Deutschland - Langfassung
Persulfate-based degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in aqueous solution: Review on influences, mechanisms and prospective
Pertraction of carbonic acids through ion exchange polymeric membranes
Pervaporation - A powerful tool for In-situ-Product-Recovery
Pervaporation / Biotechnology
Pervaporation and its applications
Pervaporation and membrane distillation through membranes made of poly(2,6-dimetyl-1,4-phenylene oxide)
Pervaporation and membrane distillation through membranes made of poly(2,6-dimetyl-1,4-phenylene oxide)
Pervaporation at the vapor pressure limit: Vanillin
Pervaporation aus Sicht der Molekularen Modellierung
Pervaporation deodorizes polymer dispersions
Pervaporation durch eine Polymermembran geringer Shore-Haerte (Diplomarbeit)
Pervaporation membranes made from cellulosic materials
Pervaporation of a high boiling lactone from a life fermenter
Pervaporation of alkane/alcohol mixtures using high flux thin film composite membranes of maleimide vinylether copolymers
Pervaporation of aqueous-organic and organic-organic mixtures using elastomeric polymer membranes
Pervaporation of high boilers using heated membranes
Pervaporation of isomeric butanols
Pervaporation of isomeric butanols
Pervaporation of low volatile organics from water
Pervaporation of low volatiles from water
Pervaporation of low volatility aromatics from water
Pervaporation of low volatility organics from water
Pervaporation of water-carboxylic acids solutions with ion exchange membranes
Pervaporation on polyelectrolyte membranes
Pervaporation properties of symplex membranes
Pervaporation separation of aromatic/aliphatic mixtures
Pervaporation technology in the seaparation of azeotropic mixture
Pervaporation von Hochsiedern bei hoher Membranquellung
Pervaporation von Vanillin aus waessrigen Loesungen (Diplomarbeit)
Pervaporation with Polyelectrolyte Complexes
Pervaporation with vapor compression of low boiling VOCs
Pervaporation – Dream and Reality
Pervaporation, Trennung von fluessigen Stoffgemischen mit Membranen
Pervaporation: Ein Membranverfahren zur Trennung von Fluessigkeitsgemischen
Pervaporation: History, Fundamentals and Industrial Applications
Pervaporationsmembranen aus Polysacchariden
Pervaporative Enrichment of 'Green Note' Components from Dilute Aqueous Solutions
Pervaporative enrichment of „green note“ components from dilute aqueous solutions
Pesquisa e desenvolvimento na engenharia da GKSS e possibilidades da cooperaçao
Pesticide contamination of the river Elbe - quality criteria and priority compounds
Pesticide contamination of the river Elbe - quality criteria and priority compounds
Pestizidbelastung der Elbe
Pestizide am Fallbeispiel Elbe - Analytische Verfahren, Ermittlung der Belastung und Bewertung im Hinblick auf Qualitaetsziele und -kriterien (Dissertation)
Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of linar meteorite Say al Uhaymir 300
Pettifor maps of complex ternary two-dimensional transition metal sulfides
PFAS explorer
Pflanzenschutzmittel als Beispiel fuer organische Schadstoffe im Elbwasser
PFOA vs. its replacement substance HFPO-DA: Their current environmental releases and fates in coastal rivers of Germany and China
PFOA vs. its replacement substance HFPO-DA: Their current environmental releases and fates in the rivers and coastal environment of Germany and China
pH Changes of Aqueous Media Caused by Degradation of Suture Materials
pH Responsiveness of Hexosomes and Cubosomes for Combined Delivery of Brucea javanica Oil and Doxorubicin
PH value in simulated occluded corrosion cell for magnesium alloys
pH-responsive size- and charge-selective block copolymer membrane for the separation of small proteins
pH-sensitivity and Conformation Change of the N-terminal Methacrylated Peptide VK20
Phagocytosis of spherical and ellipsoidal micronetwork colloids from crosslinked poly(ε-caprolactone)
Pharmaceuticals in a coastal region of the Baltic Sea
Pharmaceuticals in the river Elbe and its tributaries
Pharmacokinetics of Auranofin: a single dose study in man
Phase 4 of the PAGES 2k Network: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
Phase behavior and dynamics of Pluronic®-based additives in semidilute solutions of poly(ethersulfone) and poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone): rheological and dynamic light scattering experiments
Phase Behavior of Binary Blends of Chemically Different, Symmetric Diblock Copolymers
Phase behaviour and mechanical properties of poly(styrene-b-butylmethacrylate) diblock copolymers
Phase Behaviour and Morphologies of Block Copolymers
Phase behaviour of poly(styrene-b-butylmethacrylate) diblock copolymers
Phase decomposition in nanoporous Au-Pt
Phase diagram, superlattices and antiphase domains of Fe3 Alx, 0.75 = x = 1.3, investigated by neutron scattering
Phase diagrams of the system tetrahydrofuran/gamma-butyrolactone/poly(etherimide) and determination of interaction parameters
Phase Diagrams: Which information you can get from them for alloy and process design?
Phase Diagrams: Which information you can get from them for alloy and process design?
Phase Diagrams: Which information you can get from them for alloy and process design?
Phase distribution of friction welded Ti6Al4V/Gamma-TAB
Phase distribution of friction welded Ti6Al4V/Gamma-TAB
Phase Equilibria and Phase Transformations in Molybdenum-Containing TiAl Alloys
Phase Equilibria and Phase Transformations in Molybdenum-Containing TiAl Alloys
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Rich Part of the Ti-Al-Nb System—Part I: Low-Temperature Phase Equilibria Between 700 and 900 °C
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Rich Part of the Ti-Al-Nb System—Part II: High-Temperature Phase Equilibria Between 1000 and 1300 °C
Phase equilibria involving the t -Ll2 and TiAl2 phases in the Ti-Al-Cr system
Phase equilibria, thermodynamics and solidification microstructures of Mg–Sn–Ca alloys, Part 2: Prediction of phase formation in Mg-rich Mg–Sn–Ca cast alloys
Phase errors and their influence on the RTOF-Fourier-Method
Phase evolution and carbon redistribution during continuous tempering of martensite studied with high resolution techniques
Phase Evolution and Transformations During long-term Creep of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
Phase evolution of Al–Mg metal matrix composites during low temperature annealing at 200 °C and 250 °C
Phase evolution of radio frequency magnetron sputtered Cr-rich (Cr,Zr)2O3 coatings studied by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction during annealing in air or vacuum
Phase Field Simulation of Al2Mg3 and Al12Mg17 Intermetallic Compound formation in FSpW of AA5754 Alloy to AZ31 Alloy
Phase field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidification in terms of simulation based degrading alloy design
Phase formation and microstructural development during solid-state reactions in Ti-Al multilayer films
Phase formation and thermodynamics of unstable Cu-Cr alloys
Phase formation during annealing of cold-extruded elemental powder mixtures Ti-48at% Al-2at%Cr
Phase formation during ball milling and subsequent thermal decomposition of Ti-Al-Si powder blends
Phase Formation during Solidification of Mg-Nd-Zn Alloys: An In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Study
Phase formation in mechanically alloyed Nb-Al powders
Phase formation kinetics of titanium aluminides produced from elemental powder mixtures
Phase formation kinetics of titanium aluminides produced from elemental powder mixtures
Phase formation, microstructure and deformation behavior of heavily alloyed TiNb- and TiV-based titanium alloys
Phase inversion with gel/sol/gel-treatment - A new technology for the formation of hollow-fiber membranes at a wet spinning process
Phase morphology in a lamellar Ti-42Al-8.5Nb alloy with orthorhombic constituents
Phase Morphology of Multiblock Copolymers Differing in Sequence of Blocks
Phase reactions under highly non-equilibrium conditions
Phase reactions under highly non-equilibrium conditions
Phase relationships of the Gamma-TiAl and L12 phases in the Ti-Al-Cr system at 800°C and 1000°C
Phase retrieval framework for direct reconstruction of the projected refractive index applied to ptychography and holography
Phase selection by competitive growth in Ti/Al thin film diffusion couples
Phase selection during interdiffusion in Ti-Fe multilayered films
Phase selection governed by different growth velocities in the early stages of the Ti/Al phase reaction
Phase separation and up-hill diffusion in the ordered Alpha2 compound of Gamma-TiAl alloy
Phase separation and up-hill diffusion in the ordered α2 compound of a γ- Ti-Al-Nb alloy
Phase separation and up-hill diffusion in the ordered α2 compound of a γ- Ti-Al-Nb alloy
Phase separation in amorphous Zr-Co and Zr-Fe Alloys
Phase separation kinetics in binary alloys with positive or negative pair exchange energies: a cluster-dynamics model applied to Cu-Co, Cu-Ti and Ni-Al
Phase Separation Kinetics in Cu-0.9 at% Ti by Neutron Small Angle Scattering Experiments (Dissertation)
Phase stability of the C14 laves phase in the Ti-Al-Cr ternary sytem
Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution of CuS Electrodes in Solid-State Batteries Probed by In Situ 3D X-Ray Tomography
Phase Transformation and Residual Stress in a Laser Beam Spot-Welded TiAl-Based Alloy
Phase transformation induced by high pressure torsion in the high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
Phase transformation kinetics during continuous heating of a Beta-quenched Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy
Phase transformation of the Ti-5553 titanium alloy subjected to rapid heating
Phase transformations and microstructural development in TiAl alloys
Phase transformations and microstructural development in TiAl alloys
Phase transformations and phase stability in the Ti–44 at.%Al–(0–7 at.%)Mo system
Phase Transformations and Recrystallization During Creep of a Nanostructured Intermatallic TiAl Alloy
Phase Transformations and Recrystallization Processes during Synthesis, Processing and Service of TiAl Alloys
Phase transformations and stress evolution during laser beam welding and post heat treatment of TiAl-alloys (Dissertation)
Phase transformations and transition phases in an intermetallic beta-solidifying TiAl-Mo alloy
Phase transformations during creep of a multiphase TiAl-based alloy with a modulated microstructure
Phase Transformations During Solidification of a Laser-Beam-Welded TiAl Alloy—An In Situ Synchrotron Study
Phase Transformations in Engineering Materials
Phase transformations in high niobium and carbon containing gamma TiAl based alloys
Phase transformations in high niobium and carbon containing gamma-TiAl based alloys
Phase Transformations in the Brazing Joint during Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of a Gamma-TiAl Alloy Studied with In Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
Phase Transformations in the Brazing Joint during Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of a Gamma-TiAl Alloy Studied with In Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
Phase Transformations in the Brazing Joint during Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of a Gamma-TiAl Alloy Studied with In Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
Phase transformations in TiAl alloys
Phase transformations of stoichiometric mixtures of hematite and iron under FAST conditions
Phase transformations of supersaturated sputtered NbCo films
Phase Transition Behavior of Main Chain Nematic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers Based on 2-methyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone and 2-tert-butyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone
Phase Transition Behavior of Main Chain Nematic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers Based on 2-methyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone and 2-tert-butyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone
Phase Transition Behavior of Main Chain Nematic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers Based on 2-methyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone and 2-tert-butyl-1,4-bis[4-(4-pentenyloxy)benzoyl]hydroquinone
Phase Transition Kinetics of Doubly Thermoresponsive Poly(sulfobetaine)-Based Diblock Copolymer Thin Films
Phase-field modeling of precipitation in Al alloys
Phase-field modelling for fatigue crack growth under laser shock peening-induced residual stresses
Phase-field modelling of fatigue crack groth under residual stresses
Phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy dendritic solidification
Phase-field study of interfacial and elastic energy effects on microstructure evolution in Al alloys
Phase-field study of solid-state phase transformations in technologically significant materials
Phase-mixture modeling of nanocrytalline materials including gradient effects of higher order
Phasenanalyse mit Hilfe der Neutronendiffraktometrie
Phasenauslese waehrend der Fruehstadien der Festkoerperreaktionen im System Ti-Al
Phasenbildung beim Intensivmahlen von Pulvern im System Ti-Si
Phasenbildung beim mechanischen Legieren in den Systemen Cu-Co und Cu-Fe (Diplomarbeit)
Phasenbildung und Gefuegeaenderung der elementpulvermetallurgisch hergestellten intermetallischen Legierung Ti50Al48Cr2
Phasenbildungsmechanismen beim mechanischen Legieren und beim Mahlen intermetallischer Phasen in den Systemen Ti-Al und Ti-Cr (Dissertation)
Phasengrenzflaechen in Legierungen: Oberseminar
Phasengrenzflaechen und Festigkeitsverhalten von zweiphasigen gamma Titan-Aluminid-Legierungen
Phasentransformation intermetallischer Phasen durch Intensivmahlen
Phasentransformationen in Legierungen
Phasentransformationen unter extremen Nicht-Gleichgewichtsbedingungen
Phasenumwandlungen in Ti-48At.% Al Basis Legierungen
Phasenverhalten und mechanische Eigenschaften von Poly(styrol-b-butylmethacrylat) Diblockcopolymeren
Phasin interactome reveals the interplay of PhaF with the polyhydroxyalkanoate transcriptional regulatory protein PhaD in Pseudomonas putida
Phasing of X-ray diffraction from trypsin by anomalous dispersion of sulfur
Phenolanreicherung durch Pervaporation
Phenological shifts of three interacting zooplankton groups in relation to climate change
Phenomenological analysis of constrained in-plane compression of paperboard using micro-computed tomography Imaging
Phenomenological and Micromechanical Models for Simulating Ductile Crack Extension in Sheet Metal
Phenomenological and Micromechanical Models for Simulating Ductile Crack Extension in Sheet Metal
Phenomenon and implications of contribution of cognitive criteria to EEG-theta generation in deep experimental diving
Phenylene bolaamphiphiles: Influence of the substitution pattern on the aggregation behavior and the miscibility with classical phospholipids
Phosphatidylethanolamine as implant bio-mimicking coating
Phosphatidylethanolamine as implant coating
Phosphatidylethanolamine biomimetic coating increases mesenchymal stem cell osteoblastogenesis
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-dependent Membrane Recruitment of Rac-1 and p47phox Is Critical for {alpha}-Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor-induced Production of Reactive Oxygen Species
Phospholipide als Implantatbeschichtungen
Phospholipide als Implantatbeschichtungen
Phospholipids as implant coatings
Phospholipids as implant coatings
Phospholipids as implant coatings
Phosphonated and sulfonated polyphenylsulfone membranes
Phosphorescent glass
Phosphorus input by nordic geese to the eutrophic Lake Arendsee, Germany
Phosphorylated PVA coatings for corrosion protection of Mg AZ31 alloy
Photo graft polymer surface modified ultrafiltration membranes
Photo – Pfropfpolymerisation zur Oberflaechenmodifizierung von Membranen
Photo-driven Super Absorber as an Active Metamaterial with a Tunable Molecular-Plasmonic Coupling
Photo-elektrischer Aitkenkernzaehler fuer stationaeren Dauereinsatz: Konstruktion, Kalibration und Dauerregistrierung (Diplomarbeit)
Photo-graft copolymerization functionalizations of polymeric films and membranes
Photo-graft copolymerization surface functionalizations of polymeric films and membranes
Photo-induced graft polymerization surface modifications for the preparation of hydrophilic and low-protein-adsorbing ultrafiltration membranes
Photo-initiated generation of a selective layer on PAN composite membranes
Photo-initiated generation of a selective layer on PAN composite membranes for separation of aliphatic/aromatic mixtures
Photo-initiated generation of a selective layer on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) composite membranes
Photo-Reversibility of Cinnamylidene Acetic Acid Derived Crosslinks in Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Networks
Photo-Reversibility of Cinnamylidene Acetic Acid Derived Crosslinks in Poly(ε-caprolactone) Networks
Photoactive Diazoketo-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayer for Biomolecular Patterning
Photochemical grafting of poly(ethylene glycol)s yielding low-protein-adsorbing ultrafiltration membranes
Photochemical Grafting of Poly(ethylene oxide)s yielding Low-Protein-Adsorbing UF Membranes
Photochemical Surface Functionalization of Polymer Membranes
Photochemically induced surface modifications of UF membranes for reduced protein fouling
Photochemisch induzierte Gasphasenpfropfung von Acrylmonomeren auf Ultrafiltrations-Membranen aus Polyacrylnitril
Photochemisch induzierte Modifizierung von PAN-UF-Membranen
Photochemisch induzierte Modifizierung von PAN-UF-Membranen
Photochemisch induzierte Oberflaechenmodifizierungen mit amphiphilen Verbindungen an Filmen und Flachmembranen aus PAN
Photochemische Obeflaechenfunktionalisierungen von Polymermembranen - Wege zu leistungsfaehigeren Trennmaterialien
Photochemische Oberflaechenfunktionalisierung von polymeren Filmen und Membranen
Photochemische Oberflaechenfunktionalisierungen von Polymermembranen
Photochemische Oberflaechenmodifizierungen von Polymermembranen: Wege zu verbesserten oder neuen Trennmaterialien
Photochemische Pfropfcopolymerisation: ein neuer Weg zur Modifizierung von Keramikmembranen
Photochemistry of the carbamate insecticide pirimicarb
Photochemistry of the carbamate insecticide propoxur
Photocontrolled Release of Chemicals from Nano- and Microparticle Containers
Photocrosslinked Co-Networks from Glycidylmethacrylated Gelatin and Poly(ethylene glycol) (Di)Methacrylates
Photocrosslinked Co-Networks from Glycidylmethacrylated Gelatin and Poly(ethylene glycol) Methacrylates
Photodegradation of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and 1,2,3-benzotriazole corrosion inhibitors in aqueous solutions and organic solvents
Photofunktionalisierte Mikrofiltrationsmembranen als Materialien fuer Enzymmembran-Reaktoren
Photografting functionalizations of porous polymer membranes
Photoinduced graft polymerisation surface modifications of ultrafiltration membranes
Photoinduced synthesis of polyester networks from methacrylate functionalized precursors: analysis of side reactions
Photoinduzierte Oberflaechenmodifizierung von Ultrafiltrations-Membranen
Photoinduzierte Pfropfcopolymerisation auf PAN UF Membranen und ihre Anwendung in der Pervaporation
Photoinduzierte Pfropfcopolymerisation auf PAN UF Membranen und ihre Anwendung in der Pervaporation
Photoionization and photodissociation of allene clusters in a supersonic molecular beam
Photoluminescence recovery upon anealing of fergusonite
Photometric enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of C3a-des Arg in human-plasma incubated with polymeric biomaterials
Photometric enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of C3a-des Arg in human-plasma incubated with polymeric biomaterials
Photomodifizierung von Ultrafiltrationsmembranen 1: Photochemische Modifizierungen von Polyacrylnitril-Ultrafiltrationsmembranen mit Arylaziden
Photomodifizierung von Ultrafiltrationsmembranen 2: Ultrafiltrationseigenschaften von mit Arylaziden photochemisch modifizierten Polyacrylnitril-Membranen
Photonic glass based structural color
Photonic materials for high-temperature applications: Synthesis and characterization by X-ray ptychographic tomography
Photoresponsive Transparent Conductive Metal with a Photobleaching Nose
Photosynthesis/irradiance parameters of microphytobenthic algae from tidal flats in the German Wadden Sea
Physic of High Temperature Creep
Physical ageing and life-time prediction of polymer membranes for gas separation processes
Physical ageing and lifetime prediction of polymer membranes for gas separation processes
Physical and chemical characteristics
Physical aspects of hot-working gamma-based titanium aluminides
Physical characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles in magnetoferritin
Physical Crosslinking of Gelatin: A Supramolecular approach to Biomaterials
Physical Crosslinking of Gelatin: A Supramolecular Approach to Biomaterials
Physical Crosslinking of Gelatin: A Supramolecular Approach to Biomaterials (Dissertation)
Physical mechanisms of the linear stabilization of convection by rotation
Physical mechanisms, dynamics and interconnections of multiple estuarine turbidity maximum in the Pearl River estuary
Physical Metallurgy of high Nb-containing TiAl
Physical processes controlling mud depocenter development on continental shelves – Geological, oceanographic, and modeling concepts
Physical processes in the transition zone between North Sea and Baltic Sea. Numerical simulations and observations
Physical-chemical changes of polyetherimide (PEI) in a hybrid joint produced by Friction-based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ) - Alteracoes fisico-quimicas da polieterimida (PEI) em uma junta hibrida unida por rebitagem por injecao baseada em energia friccional (F-ICJ)
Physically crosslinked gelatins functionalized with tyrosine moieties do not induce angiogenesis or thrombus formation in the developing vasculature in the avian chorioallantoic membrane
Physico-chemical characterization of cold gas sprayed samples for water splitting devices
Physics of High Temperature Strength
Physics of High Temperature Strength
Physics of High Temperature Strength
Physics or biology? Persistent chlorophyll accumulation in a shallow coastal sea explained by pathogens and carnivorous grazing
Physics-based machine learning via correcting analytical model predictions towards high-fidelity simulation solutions – a hybrid modelling approach
Physik 1 - Verfahrenstechnik
Physik 1 - Verfahrenstechnik
Physik der mittleren Atmosphaere
Physik der Polymere
Physik der Polymere
Physik der Polymere
Physik der Polymere (CHE 118.2)
Physik polymerbasierter Trennmembranen
Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe (organisch)
Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe (organisch)
Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe (organisch)
Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe Polymere, PEW (organisch)
Physikalisch-chemische Vorgaenge an schwebenden Tropfen
Physikalische Chemie I
Physikalische Chemie II
Physikalische Chemie und Mathematik
Physikalische Methoden in der Umweltforschung
Physikalische Methoden in der Umweltforschung und im Umweltschutz
Physiological corrosion – Towards in vitro setups for degradable metals
Physiologie der Biomaterial-Zell-Grenzflaeche
Physiologische Adaptationsprozesse von Scyphozoa - Lebensstadien gegenueber physikalischen und biologischen Parametern auf der Basis von Cnidom- und Venomanalysen (Dissertation)
Phytoplankton and particle size spectra indicate intense mixotrophic dinoflagellates grazing from summer to winter
Phytoplankton dynamics in the North Sea: Influence of fronts and tidal stirring on phytoplankton production (Dissertation)
Phytoplankton Group Identification Using Simulated and In situ Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Reflectance
Phytoplankton optical fingerprint libraries for development of phytoplankton ocean color satellite products
Phytoplankton, protozooplankton and nutrient dynamics in the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) in 2002–2003 during the German GLOBEC Project
Picosecond Dynamics of Liquid Glycerol Above Tg
Picosecond time-resolved x-ray refectivity of a laser-heated amorphous carbon film
Piezoelectric Gold: Strong Charge-Load Response in a Metal-Based Hybrid Nanomaterial
Piezoresistive behavior of epoxy matrix-carbon fiber composites with different reinforcement arrangements
Pig specific vascular anatomy allows acute infrarenal aortic occlusion without hind limb ischemia and stepwise occlusion without clinical signs
PIGA 1/300: eine Pulververduesungsanlage zur Herstellung intermetallischer Titan-Basislegierungspulver
Pigment characterisation of suspended matter in association with particulate heavy metal loadings in the German Bight and Elbe estuary
Pigment index, sediment and gelbstoff retrieval from directional water leaving radiance reflectances using inverse modelling technique
Pigment patterns in suspended matter from Elbe and associated waters as determined using high performance liquid chromatography
Pigments in estuarine particulate matter environments: their use and versatility as a classification tool and association with pollutants
Pigments in suspended matter from the Elbe estuary and the German Bight used as a marker compounds for the characterisation of suspended matter and an interpretation of its heavy metal loading
Pilot Scale Investigatons of the Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Hydrocarbon Gas Streams Using Polyethylene – Polybutyleneteraphtalate (POLYACTIVE®) Thin Film Composite Membranes
Pilot Scale Separation of CO2 from Power Plant Flue Gases
Pilot scale separation of CO2 from power plant flue gases by membrane technology
Pilot Tests in Organophilic Pervaporation: Membrane, Module and Simulation – An Overall Concept
Pilot Tests in Organophilic Pervaporation: Membrane, Module and Simulation – An Overall Concept
Pilotversuche in der organophilen Pervaporation: Membran, Modul und SimulationEin Gesamtkonzept - Pilot Tests in Organophilic Pervaporation: Membrane, Module and Simulation – An Overall Concept
Pilotversuche mit CO2-selektiven Polymermembranen
Pilotversuche zur Methylenchloridabtrennung durch Gaspermeation und Druckwechseladsorption
PIM at Euro PM2014: Advances in the Metal Injection Moulding of titanium
PIM at Euro PM2014: Advances in the Metal Injection Moulding of titanium
PIM at Euro PM2014: Magnesium powder injection moulding for biomedical application
Pinatubo aerosol and stratospheric ozone reduction: Observations over central Europe
Pioneering the preparation of porous PIM-1 membranes for enhanced water vapor flow
Pitting-induced hydrogen embrittlement of magnesium-aluminium alloy
Plaene am GKSS zur Nutzung von COSMO-CLM als meteorologischer Antrieb fuer das Chemietransportmodell CMAQ
Planetary and synoptic scale adjustment of the Arctic atmosphere to sea ice cover changes
Planet‐Like Nanostructures Formed by an ABC Triblock Terpolymer
Planning at Sea: Shifting planning practices at the German North Sea coast
Plants as biomonitors: Indicators for heavy metals in the terrestrial environment
Planung und Programmierung von Unterwasserhandhabungsaufgaben
Planung und Spezifikation eines Versuchsaufbaus zur Aufbereitung belasteter Suspensionen von Bodenmaterialien Diplomarbeit)
Plasma Amino Functionalisation of Surfaces to Increase Biocompatibility
Plasma aminofunctionalisation of polymeric membrane surfaces for tissue engineering applications (Dissertation)
Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of Metals and Alloys
Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy with addition of SiO2 particles
Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings with particle additions – A review
Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings with particle additions – A review
Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of light alloys for corrosion protection and surface functionalization
Plasma electrolytic oxidation of zinc alloy in a phosphate-aluminate electrolyte
Plasma electrolytic oxidation technology for producing protective coatings of aluminum alloys
Plasma electrolytic oxidation treatments of magnesium alloys
Plasma electrolytic oxidation treatments with additives to the processing electrolytes
Plasma electrolytic oxidation/Microarc oxidation of magnesium and its alloys
Plasma electrolyticoxidation treatment of magnesium alloys
Plasma immersion ion implantation surface engineering of austenitic, ferritic and duplex stainless steels
Plasma immersion ion implantation surface engineering of austenitic, ferritic and duplex stainless steels
Plasma protein adsorption on polymer membranes
Plasma protein adsorption on polymer membranes
Plasma treatment of LCE affects thermal properties of shape-changing materials
Plasma-electrolytic oxidation of AZ31 and AZ91 magnesium alloys: comparison of coatings formation mechanism
Plasmabehandlung asymetrischer PAN-Membranen
Plasmachemical modification of pervaporation membranes
Plasmamodifizierung von Membranen
Plasmamodifizierung von PAN-Membranen
Plasmapolymerisation von Acrylsaeure
Plasmon-Mediated Embedding of Nanoparticles in a Polymer Matrix: Nanocomposites Patterning, Writing, and Defect Healing
Plasmonic nanocomposites
Plasmonic tunable metamaterial absorber as ultraviolet protection film
Plastic anisotropy and texture evolution of reolled AZ31 magnesium alloys
Plastic anisotropy and texture evolution of reolled AZ31 magnesium alloys
Plastic anisotropy of ultrafine grained Al alloy AA6016 produced by accumulative roll bonding
Plastic anisotropy of ultrafine grained Al alloy AA6016 produced by accumulative roll bonding
Plastic anisotropy of ultrafine grained aluminium alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding
Plastic Cavitation in a Constrained Thin Ductile Layer
Plastic Deformation and Damage in Al 2198 T8 Sheet Metal
Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Al2198 T8 Sheet Metal
Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Aluminium Sheet Metal
Plastic Deformation in Structural Materials, investigated in-situ by Neutrons and Positrons
Plastic Deformation in Structural Materials, investigated in-situ by Neutrons and Positrons
Plastic Deformation Induced Microstructure Evolution Through Gradient Enhanced Crystal Plasticity Based on Non-Convex Helmholtz Energies
Plastic deformation mechanisms in a crept L12 hardened Co-base superalloy
Plastic deformation of two-phase titanium aluminide alloys containing carbon
Plastic instability and texture modification in extruded Mg-Mn-Nd alloy
Plastic Poisson’s Ratio of Nanoporous Metals: A Macroscopic Signature of Tension–Compression Asymmetry at the Nanoscale
Plastic strain measurements: from 2D to 3D
Plastic stress-strain fields and limit loads of a plane strain cracked tensile panel with a mismatched welded joint
Plastic zones in cracked austenitic-ferrite bi-material
Plastic, water & the sun – Characterization of chemicals leaching from plastic under UV light treatment
Plasticity analysis by synchrotron radiation in a Mg97Y2Zn1 alloy with bimodal grain structure and containing LPSO phase
Plasticity and Fracture of Intermetallic TiAl
Plasticity and Strength
Plasticity and Strength
Plasticity and Strength
Plasticity and Strength
Plasticity of nanoporous gold: implications from molecular dynamics simulation
Plasticization in glassy Polymer/Gas-Systems - Experimental Results and Detailed Atomistic Modelling
Plastics in view of sustainability – an international initiative towards education and training of young scientists
Plastisches Verhalten und Ordnungskinetik in intermetallischen Phasen auf der Basis Fe(Al,Si): Abschlussbericht zum DFG-Vorhaben (Az. Me,428): Teilvorhaben - Konstitution von Fe3(Al,Si)-Basislegierungen und Mikrostruktur von Einkristallen nach plastischer
Plastisches Verhalten und Ordnungskinetik in intermetallischen Verbindungen auf der Basis Fe 3 (Al, Si)
Platelet adhesion and activation on polymer-based biomaterials - A comparative pilot study of platelets from patients with coronary artery disease and apparently healthy donors
Platelet morphology and function during storage up to 24 hours
Platelets and coronary artery disease: Interactions with the blood vessel wall and cardiovascular devices
Plausibility assessment methodology
Playing Analytical LEGO for the Elucidation of POlymer Nanostructures
Playing the ACE - Assessment, Computing and Engineering
PLGA/SF blend scaffolds modified with plasmid complexes for enhancing proliferation of endothelial cells
PLS Regression for River Monitoring
Plutonium im Hausstaub bei Kruemmel
PM emissions from ships and their influence on air quality
PM Processing Routes for Titanium Alloys
PM Processing Routes for Titanium Alloys
PM Processing Routes for Titanium Alloys Properties and Uses
PM Processing Routes for Titanium Aluminides and Ti-Alloys
PM-Processing of an Advanced Gamma-TiAl Alloy: Technologies, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties
PM-Processing of an Advanced Gamma-TiAl Alloy: Technologies, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties
PMIP contributions to understanding the deep ocean circulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
Pneumatic Force Microscopy on Modified Membranes
Pneumatic Multiprobe Force microscopy on Ceramic Membranes
Pneumatic Multiprobe Force microscopy on Ceramic Membranes
Pneumatic scanning force microscopy - A methodic approach of membrane characterization
PNR: a novel neutron reflectometer with spin analysis of the reflected neutrons
PNR: a novel neutron reflectometer with spin analysis of the reflected neutrons
Podiumsdiskussion “Expertentalk“
Podnebje in druzba - Climate and Society
Point corrosion defects of FRG-2 fuel elements
Point Defect Mechanisms in Deformation and Phase Transformation of Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Point Defect Mechanisms in Deformation and Phase Transformation of Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Polar Amplification Projected by Energy Balance Model with Nonlinear Parametrization of Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Polar and antipolar polymorphs of metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3
Polar Low genesis over the North Pacific under different global warming scenarios
Polar organisation of MDCK cells on asymmetric membranes
Polarisation of valence and non-strange sea quarks in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin asymmetries
Polarisation of valence and nonstrange sea quarks in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin asymmetries
Polarised Neutron Reflectivity Study of Proximity Effects and Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Fe1-XCrX/Cr-Superlattices
Polarised neutron scattering from dynamic polarised targets in biology
Polarised neutron scattering from very dilute paramagnets
Polarised quark distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin asymmetries
Polarisierte Neutronenreflektometrie an Cu-Co-Schichtsystemen (Dissertation)
Polarization measurements with rotating disk electrode for characterization of the degradation of Mg-Gd and Mg-Ag binary alloys
Polarization transfer in Rayleigh scattering of hard x-rays
Polarization-sensitive Raman elastic-backscatter lidar
Polarized neutron methods and instrumentation for pulsed sources
Polarized Neutron Opportunities at the GKSS research center
Polarized neutron reflectivity studies of magnetic hetero structures
Polarized neutron reflectivity studies on thin CuCo-multi-layer films
Polarized neutron reflectivity studies on thin CuCo-multilayer films
Polarized Neutron reflectometry Studies on Co/CoO Exchange Biased Multilayers
Polarized Neutron reflectometry Study on Co/CoO Exchange-Biased Multilayers
Polarized neutron scattering by polarized protons of bovine serum albumin in deuterated solvent
Polarized neutron scattering from selective polarized proton spin domains
Polarized neutron scattering from selectively polarized proton spins near paramagnetic centers
Polarized neutron scattering from selectively polarized proton spins near paramagnetic centers
Polarized neutrons in biology
Polarized proton spin density images the tyrosyl radical locations in bovine liver catalase
Polarized reflectance and transmittance distribution functions of the ocean surface
Polarized SANS study of spatially ordered magnetic nanowires
Polarized SANS: Critical Scattering in Invar
Polarized SANS: critical scattering in invars
Polarized small-angle neutron scattering study of two-dimensional spatially ordered systems of nickel nanowires
Polarized small-angle neutron scattering study of two-dimensional spatially ordered systems of nickel nanowires
Poleward range expansion without a southern contraction in the ground beetle Agonum viridicupreum (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Poleward range expansion without a southern contraction in the ground beetle Agonum viridicupreum (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Polfigur oder inverse Polfigur
Policy Brief: Closing the gap between science and practice at local levels to accelerate disaster risk reduction
Policy relevant progress in scientific knowledge about regional climate risks and regional climate service
Poliimidas Aromaticas Sulfonadas con Unidades Imidazol como Materiales de Intercambio Protonico (Aromatic Sulfonated Polyimides with Imidazole Units as Proton Exchange Materials)
Pollutant dispersion over the coastal zone of Northern Germany
Pollutant transport in tidal rivers
Pollutant transport monitoring and prediction by mathematical modelling: North Sea and adjacent estuaries
Pollutant transport monitoring and prediction by mathematical modelling: North Sea and adjacent estuaries
Pollution in the Arctic Ocean: An overview of multiple pressures and implications for ecosystem services
Poly (alpha-Methyl Styrene-CO-Acrylonitrile)/PMMA Blends - A Neutron and Cloud Point Study
Poly(1-trimethylgermyl-1-propyne): synthesis, characterisation and transport properties of pure polymers and nanocomposites
Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne)-ORMOSIL nanocomposite membranes for gas separation
Poly(9‐undecyl‐9‐methyl‐fluorene) and poly(9‐pentadecyl‐9‐methyl‐fluorene): Synthesis, solution structure, and effect of side chain asymmetry on aggregation behavior
Poly(acrylic acid-co-4-vinylimidazole)/Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) blend membranes: A role of polymer chain with proton acceptor and donor for enhancing proton transfer in anhydrous system
Poly(acrylic acid-co-4-vinylimidazole)/Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) blend membranes: A role of polymer chain with proton acceptor and donor for enhancing proton transfer in anhydrous system
Poly(amide -imides) tailored for membrane applications
Poly(amide -imides) tailored for membrane applications
Poly(amide-imide)/TiO2 nano-composite gas separation membranes: Fabrication and characterization
Poly(carbonate-urea-urethane) networks exhibiting high-strain shape memory effect
Poly(carbonate‐urea‐urethane) networks exhibiting high‐strain shape‐memory effect
Poly(diphenylsulfone-oxadiazole)s as materials for fuel cells
Poly(diphenylsulfone-oxadiazole)s for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Poly(ether imide) membranes as a matrix for cell-polymer interactions
Poly(ether imide) Membranes Modified with Poly(ethylene imine) as Potential Carriers for Epidermal Substitutes
Poly(ether imide) membranes: studies on the effect of surface modification and protein pre-adsorption on endothelial cell adhesion, growth and function
Poly(ether imide) scaffolds as multifunctional materials for potential applications in Regenerative Medicine
Poly(etherimide) membranes obtained from solution in cosolvent mixtures
Poly(ether–amide) vs. poly(ether–imide) copolymers for post-combustion membrane separation processes
Poly(ethylene glycol) Grafting to Poly(ether imide) Membranes: Influence on Protein Adsorption and Thrombocyte Adhesion
Poly(ethylene oxide)-Poly(butylene terephthalate) Multiblock Copolymer Membranes for CO2 Separation
Poly(glycidyl ether) Networks as a Versatile Platform for Potential Biomaterial Applications
Poly(I:C) coated PLGA microparticles induce dendritic cell maturation
Poly(lactones) 9. Polymerization Mechanism of Metal Alkoxide Initiated Polymerization of Lactide and Various Lactones
Poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with tailored mechanical properties designed as model substrates for mechano-responsive cells
Poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with tailored mechanical properties designed as model substrates for mechano-responsive cells
Poly(n-butylcyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles as Carriers for Adenosine triphosphate
Poly(n-butylcyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles as Carriers for Adenosine triphosphate
Poly(styrene co-maleic anhydride) and Polystyrene Grafted with Poly(ether amines): Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Separation Performance (Dissertation)
Poly(vinyl trimethylsilane) and block copolymers of vinyl trimethylsilane with isoprene: Anionic polymerization, morphology and gas transport properties
Poly(Vinyl Trimethylsilane) and Block Copolymers with Isoprene: Anionic Polymerization, Morphology and Gas Transport Properties
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in surface water along the River Rhine
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Membranes for Ultra- and Microfiltration
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Membranes for Ultra- and Microfiltration
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Membranes for Ultra- and Microfiltration
Polyacrylonitrile capillary membranes for membrane osmometry
Polyacrylonitrile enzyme ultrafiltration membranes prepared by adsorption, cross-linking, and covalent binding
Polyacrylonitrile Membranes for Ultra- and Microfiltration
Polyacrylonitrile membranes for ultrafiltration
Polyacrylonitrile membranes with a reactive surface for coupling of various components
Polyacrylonitrile-MWCNT hybrids obtained by free radical polymerization in miniemulsions
PolyActiveTM block copolymer nanocomposites as membrane materials for post combustion carbon capture technology
Polyalkylcyanoacrylates as in situ formed diffusion barriers in multimaterial drug carriers
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and alternative brominated flame retardants (aBFRs) in sediments from four bays of the Yellow Sea, North China
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and alternative brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the European Arctic
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers vs Alternate Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes from East Asia to the Arctic
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers vs. alternate brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes from East Asia to the Arctic
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, alternate brominated flame retardents and Dechloranes in sediments from German Bight and Laizhou Bay, China
Polycaprolactone/oligomer compound scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering
Polycarbonate hollow fiber membranes by melt extrusion
Polycationic Particles Based on Polyethyleneimine and Poly(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Oligoester
Polychromator for the measurement of atmospheric water vapor and carbon dioxide by Raman lidar
Polycondensation of New Diamines Containing Phosphonic Acid Groups
Polycrystalline and amorphous MgZnCa thin films
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ocean sediments from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean
Polydepsipeptide Block-Stabilized Polyplexes for Efficient Transfection of Primary Human Cells
Polydopamine-based biofunctional substrate coating promotes mesenchymal stem cell migration
Polydopamine-mediated Surface Modification Promotes the Adhesion and Proliferation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Polydopamine-mediated Surface Modification Promotes the Adhesion and Proliferation of HumanInduced Pluripotent Stem Cell
Polyelectrolyte complex membranes - Surface and permeability properties
Polyelectrolyte complex membranes - Surface and permeability properties
Polyelectrolyte complex membranes characterized by electrochemical methods
Polyelectrolyte complex membranes for enzyme immobilization
Polyelectrolyte complex membranes obtained by interfacial reaction: preparation and properties
Polyelectrolyte Complexes of a Cationic All Conjugated Fluorene–Thiophene Diblock Copolymer with Aqueous DNA
Polyelectrolyte membranes for aromatic-aliphatic hydrocarbon separation by pervaporation
Polyelectrolyte membranes in pervaporation
Polyelectrolyte membranes realized by surface modification, dynamic and complex formation
Polyelectrolyte-modified layered double hydroxide nanocontainers as vehicles for combined inhibitors
Polyelectrolytes and Ionic Surfactants – Basis of High-Performance Membranes
Polyelektrolyt- und Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplexe in der Stofftrennung
Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplexe in der Stofftrennung
Polyelektrolyte als Membranmaterial in der Pervaporation
Polyelektrolyte und Polyelektrolytkomplexe in der Membrantrenntechnik
Polyelektrolytkomplexe als Membranwerkstoff
Polyelektrolytmembranen auf Polysaccharidbasis
Polyelektrolytmembranen aus Chitosan
Polyester urethane functionalizable through maleimide side-chains and cross-linkable by polylactide stereocomplexes
Polyester urethanes with multiblock sequence structure and alkynyl-functionalized side chains
Polyetheresterurethane Based Porous Scaffolds with Tailorable Architectures by Supercritical CO2 Foaming
Polyetherimid-Oeffnung durch Amine: Experiment und Simulation
Polyetherimide - A new membrane-forming polymer for biomedical applications
Polyetherimide Particles - Functionalizable Polymeric Particles with High Inner Porosity for Biomedical Applications
Polyetherimides with 3-methoxy-1,2-propanediol moieties
Polyetherketones for fuel cell application
Polyethers on Porous Polymer Surfaces: Relevant Models to Study Protein Adsorption and Hemocompatibility
Polyethersulfone electrospun nanofibrous composite membrane for liquid filtration
Polyethersulfone ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes fabrication prepared via extrusion
Polyethersulfone- and polyetherimide membranes with high selectivities for gas separation
Polyethyleneimine and Poly(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Oligoester Based Polycationic Particles
Polyethylenimine-mediated gene delivery into human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells from patients
Polyflouroalkyl Compounds in the Marine Environment - Investigations on their Distribution in Surface Water and Temporal Trends in Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) (Dissertation)
Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Marine Atmosphere – Investigations on Their Occurrence and Distribution in Coastal Regions (Dissertation)
Polyfluorinated Componds in Air Samples of the German Bight and Hamburg
Polyfluorinated Componds in Air Samples of the German Bight and Hamburg
Polyfluorinated compounds in ambient air from ship- and land-based measurements in northern Germany
Polyfluorinated Compounds in Residential and Nonresidential Indoor Air
Polyfluorinated compounds in the air and surface water in the coastal environment
Polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere along a cruise pathway from the Japan Sea to the Arctic Ocean
Polyfluorinated Compounds in the Atmosphere of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans: Evidence for a Global Distribution
Polyfluorinated compounds in waste water treatment plant effluents and surface waters along the River Elbe, Germany
Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in biles of common dabs (Limanda limanda) collected at the coasts of Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Iceland and in the central North Sea
Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in landfill leachates in Northern Germany
Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in landfill leachates in northern Germany
Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in municipal waste water effluents and water samples along the river Elbe, Germany
Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in municipal waste water effluents and water samples along the river Elbe, Germany
Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the East Greenland Arctic Ocean
Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in the East Greenland Arctic Ocean
Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in the East Greenland Arctic Ocean
Polyglycerol nanogels: highly functional scaffolds for biomedical applications
Polyglycerol-based polymer network films for potential biomedical applications
Polyglycerol-opioid conjugate produces analgesia devoid of side effects
Polyimide asymmetric membranes for hydrogen separation: influence of formation conditions on gas transport properties
Polyimide Membranes for Gas Separation
Polyimides Based on New Diamines Having Pendant Imide Groups
Polykristalldiffraktometrie als Werkzeug des Materialkundlers
Polylactic acid nanocomposites containing functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes as antimicrobial packaging materials
Polylactones 17. Anionic Polymerization of ss-D, L-Butyrolactone
Polymer / Metall-Nanocomposite fuer katalytische Reaktionen
Polymer architecture versus chemical structure as adjusting tools for the enzymatic degradation of oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) based films at the air-water interface
Polymer based biomaterials
Polymer based degradable coatings for metallic biomaterials
Polymer based materials for tissue culture and bioimplants
Polymer blend and interfacial investigations utilizing neutron reflectometry
Polymer blend and mixed matrix membranes for carbon dioxide capture and storage
Polymer blends and interfaces
Polymer Blends with Block Copolymers
Polymer compound refractive lenses for hard X-ray nanofocusing
Polymer compound refractive lenses for hard X-ray nanofocusing
Polymer Functionalization
Polymer hollow fiber membranes for removal of toxic substances from blood
Polymer Hollow Fibre Membranes for CO2 Separation
Polymer Hollow Fibre Membranes for CO2 Separation
Polymer Hollow Fibre Membranes for CO2 Separation
Polymer Hollow Fibre Membranes for CO2 Separation
Polymer liquid crystals in solution
Polymer Material for the Construction of the Membrane with the Various Pore Sizes (a Critical Comparison of Various Synthesis Mechanisms) (Dissertation)
Polymer mediated nucleic acid delivery and its application in primary human stem cells
POLYmer membrane CHARacterisation by microscopy, scattering, and thermal methods
Polymer Membranes
Polymer Membranes and Palladium Composite Membranes useful for Membrane Reactors
Polymer Membranes for Membrane Reactors
Polymer Membranes for Separation of CO2 - An Overview
Polymer Membranes for Ultrafiltration and Gas Separation as a Contribution to a Sustainable Society
Polymer Membranes for Water Treatment and Gas Separation developed at GKSS Research Center
Polymer Membranes: Fundamental Aspects and Industrial Application
Polymer Micronetworks with Shape-Memory as Future Platform to Explore Shape-Dependent Biological Effects
Polymer Molar Mass and Composition Elucidation Applying GPC/SEC and Multidimensional LC
Polymer nanoblend membrane materials for carbon dioxide separation
Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for DMFC application
Polymer Nanocomposite membranes for DMFC application:Preparation and Characterization (Dissertation)
Polymer Nanofiltrationsmembranen fuer den Einsatz in organischen Loesemitteln
Polymer network carriers that switch their shape
Polymer networks capable of reversible shape-memory effects
Polymer Networks Combining Controlled Drug Release, Biodegradation, and Shape Memory Capability
Polymer networks combining three functionalities – shape-memory, biodegradability, and drug release
Polymer Networks Exhibiting a Reversible Temperature-Memory Effect
Polymer research for membranes
Polymer Scaffolds for Regenerative Therapies – Design of Hierarchically Organized Structures and their Morphological Characterization
Polymer Systems based on Classical (Co-)Monomers
Polymer Technology Activities Overview & An Alumni Talk
Polymer Technology, An Overview About Research Work
Polymer-based cardiac patch
Polymer-based glaucoma implants
Polymer-based multicomponent membranes for gas separation
Polymer-based Scaffolds
Polymer-based soft actuators for robotics and medicine
Polymer-dependent endocytosis kinetics of nanoparticles and relevance of environmental conditions
Polymer-filled Ceramic Membrane: Preparation of dense Composite Systems and the Effect of Pyrolysis
Polymer-grafted 3D-printed Material for Enzyme Immobilization – Designing a Smart Enzyme Carrier
Polymer-Kompositmembranen fuer die Nanofiltration
Polymer-stabilized Metal Nano Clusters
Polymerabbau im Zeitraffer
Polymeranalytik von Membranwerkstoffen
Polymerbasierte Biomaterialien
Polymerbasierte Materialien fuer Technologie und Medizin
Polymerbeschichtung als Schutzschicht gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen von zyklisiertem Metallhydrid
Polymercharakterisierung mit Hilfe der GPC/FTIR-Kopplung
Polymerchemie in Teltow-Seehof - Interdisziplinaere Forschung mit Tradition und Zukunft
Polymere - Auf dem Weg zu künstlichen Muskeln
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Biomaterialien
Polymere als Membranmaterial
Polymere fuer biomedizinische Anwendungen
Polymere fuer die Biomedizin
Polymere fuer die Biomedizin
Polymere fuer die Biomedizin - Das Zusammenspiel von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendungsentwicklung
Polymere fuer die Biomedizin - Das Zusammenspiel von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendungsentwicklung
Polymere fuer die Biomedizin – Ueber das Zusammenspiel von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendungsentwicklung
Polymere fuer die Medizin
Polymere fuer die Medizin
Polymere fuer die Membrantechnik
Polymere fuer Membranen
Polymere in der Medizin
Polymere in der Medizin
Polymere in der Medizin
Polymere in der Medizin – Neue Entwicklungen bei Kunststoffen
Polymere Mehrkomponentensysteme auf der Basis von Blockcolymeren
Polymere mit intrinsischer Mikroporositaet - Membranmaterialien mit Zukunft? (Dissertation)
Polymere mit schaltbaren Eigenschaften – Auf dem Weg zu „intelligenten Materialien“?
Polymere Nanopartikel fuer die Bindung von Endotoxin aus Plasma und Dialysat
Polymere Nanopartikel zur Adsorption von Proteinen aus Plasma
Polymere oder Kunststoffe - Biologisch abbaubar und verwendbar in Medizin und Forschung
Polymere Shape-Memory Netzwerke in der Medizin
Polymere stark wie Stahl
Polymere und hybride Werkstoffe: Interdisziplinär weiter entwickeln - DGM-Fachausschuesse fördern Vernetzung
Polymerere Biomaterialien in der Kopf-Hals-Chirurgie: Erste Ergebnisse der Biokompatibilitaetstestung eines abbaubaren Polymers im Tiermodell
Polymerforschung mit Neutronen – Grenzflaechen und Mischbarkeit
Polymeric and Low-Molecular Stabilizers for Au Nanoparticles in a Diblock Copolymer Matrix
Polymeric Biomaterials for Long-Term Implantation
Polymeric Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
Polymeric Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
Polymeric Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
Polymeric Composite Membranes for Non-aqueous Applications
Polymeric composite nanofiltration membranes for non-aqueous applications
Polymeric Fixed-Site-Carrier Membranes for CO2 Separation
Polymeric hollow fibre membranes for extracorporal blood purification
Polymeric inserts differing in their chemical composition as substrates for dendritic cell cultivation
Polymeric inserts differing in their chemical composition as substrates for dendritic cell cultivation
Polymeric inserts differing in their chemical composition as substrates for dendritic cell cultivation
Polymeric Membrane Reactors: Bring into play low cost polymer membranes
Polymeric membranes - Materials and processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric Membranes - Materials and Processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric Membranes - Materials and Processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric Membranes - Materials and Processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric Membranes - Materials and Processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric Membranes - Materials and Processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric Membranes - Materials and Processes in gas- and liquid-phase separations
Polymeric membranes and their use in membrane reactors
Polymeric membranes for CO2 separation
Polymeric membranes for dehydrating organic solutions by vapour permeation
Polymeric membranes for dehydrating organic solutions by vapour permeation
Polymeric membranes for natural gas treatment with high selectivities for condensable vapors
Polymeric membranes for separation of hydrocarbons from organic mixtures
Polymeric membranes for the hydroformylation in a membrane reactor
Polymeric membranes with ultra high performance for CO2 capture
Polymeric Microcuboids Exhibiting Micro- and Nano-Level Shape Changes
Polymeric Microcuboids Programmable for Temperature‐Memory
Polymeric microparticles as vaccine carriers (Dissertation)
Polymeric mixed matrix membrane material designed for carbon dioxide separation
Polymeric Nanocapsules from Well-Defined Zwitanionic Vesicles as a Template
Polymeric nanofiltration membranes for the separation of organic mixtures
Polymeric sheet actuators with programmable bioinstructivity
Polymeric triple-shape materials
Polymeric Vector Mediated Gene Delivery
Polymerization of Glucans by Enzymatically Active Membranes
Polymerizations by RAFT: Developments of the Technique and Its Application in the Synthesis of Tailored (Co)polymers
Polymermembranen fuer den Einsatz im Membranreaktor
Polymermembranen fuer die Abtrennung hoeherer Kohlenwasserstoffe von Methan (Dissertation)
Polymermembranen fuer die CO2-Abtrennung aus den Rauchgasen fossil befeuerter Kraftwerke (Dissertation)
Polymermembranen fuer die Stofftrennung
Polymermembranen in der Stofftrenntechnik
Polymermembranen und Membrantrennprozesse, Herstellung – Eigenschaften – Anwendung
Polymermembranen: Herstellung – Eigenschaften – Anwendung
Polymermembranen: Herstellung, Morphologie und Eigenschaften
Polymernetzwerke als Grundlage molekularer Architekturen fuer multifunktionale Materialien
Polymerphysik III
Polymerphysik III, Ausgewaehlte Aspekte der Anwendung, Theorie und Simulation amorpher Polymere
Polymerphysik III, Ausgewaehlte Aspekte der Anwendung, Theorie und Simulation amorpher Polymere
Polymerphysik III, Ausgewaehlte Aspekte der Anwendung, Theorie und Simulation amorpher Polymere
Polymers and drugs suitable for the development of a drug delivery drainage system in glaucoma surgery
Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Polymers for Biomedicine
Polymers for Biomedicine – The Interrelation between Fundamental Research and Product Development
Polymers for fuel cell
Polymers for Life – From biomaterial design to biomedical applications
Polymers for Tissue Engineering
Polymers in Biomedicine and Electronics
Polymers in Medicine
Polymers in membranes for organ assist devices: aspects of bio- and hemocompatibility
Polymers in the Berlin–Brandenburg Region: A Brief Review on the History on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the German Reunification
Polymers meet Medicine
Polymers Move in Response to Light
Polymers of High Free Volume and Properties in Nanofiltration
Polymers of High Free Volume and Properties in Nanofiltration
Polymers of High Free Volume: Results, applications, and perspective
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs): a new type of polymer for membrane separations
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs): Bridging the Void between Microporous and Polymeric Materials
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs): High Free Volume Polymers for Membrane Applications
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs): Polymeric Materials for Gas Separation and Heterogeneous Catalysis (Dissertation)
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity and their Application in Organic Solvent Nanofiltration
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity Derived from Bis(phenazyl) Monomers
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity in the application of organic solvent nanofiltration
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity Postmodified by Vinyl Groups for Membrane Applications
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity(PIM): Polymeric Materials for Gas Separation Membranes (Dissertation)
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity: Copolymers, improved Synthesis and Applications as Membrane Separation Material
Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity: Copolymers, improved Synthesis and Applications as Membrane Separation Material
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity: New copolymers, syntheses, properties and applications
Polymers Resistance in Space Environment Analysed by SAXS/USAXS
Polymers with controlled structures from Geesthacht: particles, membranes and composites
Polymersysteme fuer Anwendungen in der Medizin
Polymethacrylamide—An underrated and easily accessible upper critical solution temperature polymer: Green synthesis via photoiniferter reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization and analysis of solution behavior in water/ethanol mixtures
Polynya impacts on water properties in a Northeast Greenland fjord
Polyolefin-based membranes for hydrogen storage applications
Polyolefin-Magnesium Interactions Performing Powder Injection Molding Process
Polyoxadiazole-based coating for corrosion protection of magnesium alloy
Polyoxadiazoles/Carbon Black Composites via in situ Polymerization in Mild Poly(phosphoric acid)Mechanical Properties and Morphology
Polyoxadiazoles/Carbon Black Composites via in situ Polymerization in Mild Poly(phosphoric acid)Synthesis, Structural and Thermal Properties
Polyphenols and NOX inhibitors suppressed invasion of cancer cell in confrontation cultures with embryonic stem cells
Polyphenols as inhibitors of tumor cell growth, migration and adherence
Polyphenols prevent cell shedding from mouse mammary cancer spheroids and inhibit cancer cell invasion in confrontation cultures derived from embryonic stem cells
Polypropylen-Nanokomposite auf Basis von MWCNT-dekorierten Polymerpulverpartikeln: Verarbeitung und Charakterisierung (Masterarbeit)
Polysaccharides and derivates; Cellulose: Structure, properties, derivates and application
Poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)] nanoparticles – Composition-dependent skin penetration enhancement of a dye probe and biocompatibility
Pondering Heretical Notions about the Global Mercury Cycle: The Roles of the Poles
Population dynamics, social resilience strategies, and Adaptive Cycles in early farming societies of SW Central Europe
Population Exposure to Emissions from Industry, Traffic, Shipping and Residential Heating in the Urban Area of Hamburg
Pore characterization of PM Mg–0.6Ca alloy and its degradation behavior under physiological conditions
Pore formation and melt pool analysis of laser welded Al-Cu joints using synchrotron radiation
Pore formation during reactive sintering of extruded titanium-aluminium powder mixtures
Pore Size Distribution as Structural Parameter to Tailor the Shape-Memory Effect of Polyurethane Foams
Pore structures in shungites as revealed by small-angle neutron scattering
Pore water nutrient concentrations from sediments sampled during RV Alkor cruise AL557
Pore-Size Distribution Controls Shape-Memory Properties on the Macro- and Microscale of Polymeric Foams
Porengroesse und Substratsteifigkeit beeinflussen die dreidimensionale Gewebeentstehung in vitro
Poroese Membranen aus Polyvinylchlorid
Poroese Membranen mit funktionellen Pfropfcopolymeroberflaechen fuer Enzymmembran-Reaktoren
Poroese Polymermembranen
Porositaeten und Gaskonzentrationen in Argon und Helium verduesten TiAl Legierungspulvern
Porositaeten von pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten TiAl-Halbzeugen (Diplomarbeit)
Porosities and Gas Concentrations in Argon and Helium Gas Atomized TiAl Alloy Powders
Porosity and argon concentration in gas atomized Gamma-TiAl powder and hot isostatically pressed compacts
Porosity and Corrosion Properties of Electrolite Plasma Coatings on Magnesium Alloys
Porosity and Corrosion Resistance of Plasma Conversion Coatings on Magnesium Alloys
Porosity and E-Modulus control und measurement on Mg alloy parts, produced by PM (Powder Metallurgy) and MIM (Metal Injection Moulding)
Porosity and Young´s-modulus control und measurement on Mg alloy parts, produced by PM (Powder Metallurgy) and MIM (Metal Injection Moulding)
Porosity-induced spin disorder in nanocrystalline inert-gas–condensed iron
Porous formed bodies for the cell settlement - produced through melting extrusion
Porous Gold with a Nested-Network Architecture and Ultrafine Structure
Porous polymeric membranes with graft-copolymer surfaces and covalently immobilized enzymes as enzyme-membrane reactor
Porous polymeric particles for elimination of antibodies from human plasma
Porous UHMWPE Membranes and Composites Filled with Carbon Nanotubes: Permeability, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties
Position Paper: Open Innovation in Horizon Europe
Position sensitive detectors in neutron diffraction texture analysis
Position-dependent shear-induced austenite-martensite transformation in double-notched TRIP and dual-phase steel samples
Positively Charged Thermoresponsive Nanogels for Anticancer Drug Delivery
Possibilities for Minimizing Fire Risk in Hyperbaric Chamber Systems
Possibilities for the formation and characterization of solid-state structures in aromatic polyoxadiazoles
Possibilities for the formation and characterization of solid-state-structures in aromatic polyoxadiazoles
Possibilities of using the high-pressure water jet for the manufacture of microcomponents
Possibilities to improve the blood compatibility of membranes for plasma separation
Possible impacts of anthropogenic climate change to the upwelling in the South Brazil Bight
Possible Polarization Measurements in Elastic Scattering at the Gamma Factory Utilizing a 2D Sensitive Strip Detector as Dedicated Compton Polarimeter
Post-combustion processes employing polymeric membranes
Post-Mortem Analysis of a Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Device (PLAATO TM) in a Patient with Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
Post-normal Practices between Climate Service and Local Knowledge
Postfunctionalisation of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Membranes
Postfunctionalisation of Self–assembled Block Copolymer Membranes
Postfunctionalization of Nanoporous Block Copolymer Membranes via Click Reaction on Polydopamine for Liquid Phase Separation
Postmodification of PS-b-P4VP Diblock Copolymer Membranes by ARGET ATRP
Potato Protein Nanofibrils Produced from a Starch Industry Sidestream
Potential Applications for Nanocrystalline Materials
Potential Applications of Advanced Nanostructured Materials
Potential Applications of Nanocrystalline Materials
Potential bio-available phosphorus in sediments of the river Elbe in nothern Germany
Potential contamination of shipboard air samples by diffusive emissions of PCBs and other organic pollutants: Implications and solutions
Potential drop in the center-cracked panel with asymmetric crack extension
Potential Effects of Nonadherent on Adherent Human Umbilical Venous Endothelial Cells in Cell Culture
Potential environmental risks of an alpha-amylase production with a genetically engineered Bacillus subtilis strain
Potential Hydrodynamic Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy on Nantucket Shoals Regional Ecology: An Evaluation from Wind to Whales
Potential impact of 1.5, 2 and 3 °C global warming levels on heat and discomfort indices changes over Central Africa
Potential impact of shipping on air pollution in the Mediterranean region – a multimodel evaluation: comparison of photooxidants NO2 and O3
Potential impacts of climate change on the primary production of regional seas: A comparative analysis of five European seas
Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms on North Sea Stratification
Potential nitrogen mobilisation from the Yedoma permafrost domain
Potential Numerical Techniques and Challenges for Atmospheric Modeling
Potential of discontinuously reinforced alloys for automotive application
Potential of discontinuously reinforced alloys for automotive application
Potential of ICP-MS/MS to study the impact of trace metals released from offshore wind farm corrosion protection on marine biota
Potential of Magnesium Alloys for Use in Structural and Medical Applications
Potential of Magnesium MMC’s for Automotive Application
Potential of NOD Ligands as Immune Modulators in Particulate Vaccine Carriers
Potential of NOD receptor ligands as immunomodulators in particulate vaccine carriers
Potential of the TerraSAR-X Mission for oceanography
Potential of the TerraSAR-X Mission for Oceanography
Potential of the TerraSAR-X Mission for oceanography
Potential of Total Reflection and Grazing Incidence XRF for Contamination and Process Control in Semiconductor Fabrication
Potential reference measurement procedures for PBDE in surface water at levels required by the EU Water Frame Directive
Potential Role of The 5-Lipoxygenase (5-LO) Pathway in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC)-derived Embryoid Body (EB) Differentiation and Angiogenesis
Potential sources of variability in mesocosm experiments on the response of phytoplankton to ocean acidification
Potential thermal problems in diving habitats and possible technical solutions to eleminate these problems
Potential von metallischen Verbundwerkstoffen fuer den Einsatz als Leichtbauwerkstoff in der Verkehrstechnik
Potential-strain coupling during hydrogen electroabsorption
Potentiale der angewandten Anpassungsforschung
Potentiale und Hemmnisse beim Einsatz von Magnesium als Konstruktionswerkstoff im Spannungsfeld von Ökonomie und Ökologie
Potentials and limitations of chlorophyll a concentration as an index of sediment surface stabilisation
Potentials of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assessing ecosystem services
Potentiometric and spectroscopic characterization of reactive acrylonitrile copolymer membranes
Potenzial fuer die Anwendung von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen fuer die Anwendung in der Verkehrstechnik und Biomedizintechnik
Potenzial neuer Magnesiumlegierungen fuer den Leichtbau in der Verkehrstechnik
Potenzial neuer Magnesiumlegierungen fuer den Leichtbau in der Verkehrstechnik
Potenzial von Magnesium-Verbundwerkstoffen fuer den Einsatz in der Verkehrstechnik
Potenzial von Magnesium-Verbundwerkstoffen fuer den Einsatz in der Verkehrstechnik
Potenzial von Magnesium-Werkstoffen fuer den nachhaltigen Leichtbau
Powder diffraction computed tomography: a combined synchrotron and neutron study
Powder metal injection moulding and heat treatment of AZ81 Mg alloy
Powder Metallurgical Synthesis of Biodegradable Mg-Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Applications
Powder Metallurgical Synthesis of Biodegradable Mg-Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Applications
Powder Metallurgical Synthesis of Biodegradable Mg-Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Applications
Powder Metallurgical Synthesis of Biodegradable Mg-Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Applications
Powder Metallurgical Synthesis of Biodegradable Mg-Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Applications
Powder metallurgical TiAlNb alloy with modulated gamma/alpha2/B19 microstructure
Powder Metallurgically manufactured Metal Matrix Composites
Powder Metallurgy
Powder metallurgy of intermetallics – description of the state of the art with special emphasis on titanium aluminides
Powder Metallurgy Processing of Magnesium Alloys Challenges and Potential Contributions for Light Weight Structures
Powder Metallurgy Strategies to Improve Properties and Processing of Titanium Alloys: A Review
Powder Production Techniques and PM Processing Routes for Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Powder Production Techniques and PM Processing Routes for Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Power Metallurgical Processing of Intermetallic Gamma Titanium Aluminides
PPAR Delta activation inhibits angiotensin II induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy by suppressing intracellular Ca2+ signaling pathway
PPAR Delta ligand L-165041 ameliorates Western diet-induced hepatic lipid accumulation and inflammation in LDLR−/− mice
Practical aspects of calculating elastic properties of textured hexagonal polycrystals
Practical exercises: Demonstration of texture measurement and evaluation at TEX-2
Practical experience in operating a pilot plant for the treatment of diving gas by means of membranes
Practical insights on the relevance of climate change for cascading effects in critical infrastructure networks
Practical test of a point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter (PSICAM): the performance of different collector assemblies
Praediktive in Vitro Tests - Mythos oder Wahrheit?
Praediktorsensitives Downscaling gekoppelt mit Wettergeneratoren: saisonale und taegliche CC-Szenarien in komplex strukturiertem Gelaende
Praeparation und Abbildung fein strukturierter Polymermaterialien im Rasterelektronenmikroskop
Praeparation von Polymermembranen fuer die hochaufloesende Rasterelektronenmikroskopie
Praeparationsverfahren und Untersuchung von synthetischen Membranen an einem Feldemissions-Rasterelektronenmikroskop
Praesentation Institut für Polymerforschung
Praesentation ueber das Arbeitsgebiet
Praezise und zuverlaessig - Der CompactMAX CPU6 an Bord der Ludwig Prandtl
Pragmatic Interoperability and Translation of Industrial Engineering Problems into Modelling and Simulation Solutions
Praktikum Proteinchemie
Praktikum Proteinchemie III
Praseodymium compound formation in silicon by ion beam synthesis
Pre-clinical rodent models in translational research of intelligent biomaterials for treating musculoskeletal diseases: A literature review to improve rational study design and 3D methods to assist surgical planning and implant preparation.
Pre-EUCREX intercomparison of airborne humidity measuring instruments
Pre-exposure embrittlement and stress corrosion failure in AZ31 magnesium alloy
Pre-exposure embrittlement and stress corrosion failure in AZ31 magnesium alloy
Pre-treatment and organic coating of Al free Mg alloy for controlling degradation rates
Pre-treatment and organic coating of Al free Mg alloy for controlling degradation rates
Pre-treatment and organic coating of Al free Mg alloy for controlling degradation rates
Pre-treatment Effect on the Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone) Membrane Transport Properties and Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Performance
Pre-treatment Effect on the Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone) Membrane Transport Properties and Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Performance
Pre-treatment effect on the transport properties of sPEEK membranes for DMFC application
Precipitate formation during creep of Mg10Gd(2-6)Zn alloys
Precipitate formation during creep of Mg10Gd(2-6)Zn alloys
Precipitates in a Fe-Co-Mo alloy characterised by complementary methods
Precipitates in laser beam welded aluminium alloy AA6056 butt joints studied by small-angle neutron scattering
Precipitation - Induced Nano-Twinning
Precipitation - Induced Nano-Twinning
Precipitation Behavior of Fe-25 At. Pct Co-9 At. Pct Mo Investigated by In-Situ Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Complementary Methods
Precipitation behavior of intermetallic NiAl particles in Fe-6 at.%Al-4 at.%Ni analyzed by SANS and 3DAP
Precipitation Climatology in an Ensemble of CORDEX-Africa Regional Climate Simulations
Precipitation Evolution in the Heat-Affected Zone and Coating Material of AA2024 Processed by Friction Surfacing
Precipitation hardening on hardness, grain size and corrosion of WE32
Precipitation hardening on hardness, grain size and corrosion of WE32
Precipitation hardening on hardness, grain size and corrosion of WE32
Precipitation Hardening on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Extruded Mg10Gd Modified with Nd and La
Precipitation Hardening on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Extruded Mg10Gd Modified with Nd and La
Precipitation in an aged Fe-0.84 at. % Cu alloy observed by muon spin rotation spectroscopy
Precipitation in an aged Fe-0.84at % Cu alloy observed by muon spin rotation spectroscopy
Precipitation in the EURO-CORDEX 0.11° and 0.44° simulations: high resolution, high benefits?
Precipitation kinetics of AA 6082 – An experimental und numerical investigation
Precipitation kinetics of AA 6082 – An experimental und numerical investigation
Precipitation Kinetics of AA6082: An Experimental and Numerical Investigation
Precipitation Phenomena and Strain Hardening of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Precipitation Phenomena in AA7449 Friction Stir Welds: an in-situ Study
Precipitation Phenomena in AA7449 Friction Stir Welds: an insitu Study
Precipitation Phenomena in AA7449 Friction Stir Welds: an insitu Study
Precipitation Processes in Mg-Y-Nd-Ag Alloys Suitable for Biodegradable Implants
Precipitation Processes in Mg-Y-Nd-Ag Alloys Suitable for Biodegradable Implants
Precipitation Twinning
Precipitation variability in the north fringe of East Asian Summer Monsoon during the past millennium and its possible driving factors
Precipitation variability over the South Asian monsoon heat low and associated teleconnections
Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and recrystallization processes of massively transformed TiAl scrutinized by ex- an in-situ high energy x-rax diffraction
Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and recrystallization processes of massively transformed TiAl scrutinized by ex- and in-situ high energy x-ray diffraction
Precipitation-based grain boundary design alters Inter- to Trans-granular Fracture in AlCrN Thin Films
Precise measurements of spin-wave parameters in ferromagnets by polarized neutrons
Precise prediction of photothermally induced irreversible bending deformation based on non-uniform thermal expansion of layer-structure films
Precise Tensile Creep Measurement with Refractory Ceramics
Precise titanium isotope ratio measurements using MC ICP-MS: Method validation and characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles
Preclinical assessment of a modified Occlutech left atrial appendage closure device in a porcine model
Preclinical in vivo research of magnesium-based implants for fracture treatment: A systematic review of animal model selection and study design
Preconditioning with topographic microstructure of materials promotes the migration capacity of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells
Precration of fields campaigns, satellite and lidar data; Interpretation and cloud microphysical processes in 3D
Predation risk triggers copepod small-scale behavior in the Baltic Sea
Predator-Prey Dynamics Driven by Feedback between Functionally Diverse Trophic Levels
Predici as a Polymer Engineers’ Tool for the Synthesis of Polymers via Anionic Polymerization
Predict the solubility of medium-sized molecules in polymers from detailed atomistic modelling
Predictability of Arctic sea ice on weather time scales
Predictability of Coastal Boundary Layer Jets in South China Using Atmosphere–Ocean Coupling
Predictability of German Bight Storm Activity
Predictable Electronic Tuning of FeII and RuII Complexes via Choice of Azine: Correlation of Ligand pKa with Epa(MIII/II) of Complex
Predicting and understanding arterial elasticity from key microstructural features by bidirectional deep learning
Predicting corrosion inhibition efficiencies of small organic molecules using data-driven techniques
Predicting Crack Growth Resistance of Aluminium Sheets
Predicting Crack Growth Resistance of Aluminium Sheets
Predicting Equilibrium Pressure for Hydrogen Storage: A Cheminformatics Approach Using Deep Neural Networks
Predicting NMR relaxation of proteins from molecular dynamics simulations with accurate methyl rotation barriers
Predicting polymer degradation by combining Monte Carlo Simulations and analytical models
Predicting polymer degradation: current methods and challenges
Predicting residential electricity consumption using aerial and street view images
Predicting residual strength and crack paths for ductile tearing of structures by the cohesive model
Predicting residual strength and crack paths for ductile tearing of structures by the cohesive model
Predicting spatial kelp abundance in shallow coastal waters using the acoustic ground discrimination system RoxAnn
Predicting the Corrosion Inhibition Efficiencies of Magnesium Dissolution Modulators
Predicting the Corrosion Inhibition Efficiencies of Magnesium Dissolution Modulators using Computational Techniques
Predicting the inhibition efficiencies of magnesium dissolution modulators using sparse machine learning models
Predicting the interfacial heat transfer coefficient of cast Mg-Al alloys using Beck's inverse analysis
Predicting the interfacial heat transfer coefficient of cast Mg-Al alloys using Beck's inverse analysis
Predicting the Yield Surface of Nanoporous Metals using Data-Driven Modeling based on Machine Learning techniques
Predicting vapor solubilities in polymers - a new tool from the PERMOD project
Prediction and modification of deformation in thin Ti6Al4V sheets using artificial neural networks
Prediction of benthic community structure from environmental variables in a soft-sediment tidal basin (North Sea)
Prediction of crack growth resistance of aluminium alloys using a cohesive zone model
Prediction of Crack Path Bifurcation under Quasi-Static Loading by the Cohesive Model
Prediction of crack path deviation in overmatched laser welded joints
Prediction of Crashworthiness for extruded Magnesium Materials
Prediction of Crashworthiness for extruded Magnesium Materials
Prediction of Deformation and Failure Anisotropy for Magnesium Sheets Under Mixed-Mode Loading
Prediction of Deformation and Failure Anisotropy for Magnesium Sheets Under Mixed-Mode Loading
Prediction of deformation and failure anisotropy for thin magnesium sheets under mixed-mode loading
Prediction of elastic-plastic deformation of nanoporous metals by FEM beam modeling: A bottom-up approach from ligaments to real microstructures
Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Laser Shock Peening Induced Residual Stress Fields with Experimental Validation
Prediction of fatigue crack propagation rates in compressive residual stress fields
Prediction of fatigue crack propagation rates in metallic structures containing residual stresses
Prediction of fatigue crack propagation rates in metallic structures containing residual stresses
Prediction of hot tearing tendency for binary Mg-Y alloys
Prediction of load point displacement and J-integral using ETM-Progress report on elastic-plastic flaw assessment methods
Prediction of mechanical performances in Solid-State Joining Processes via Machine Learning
Prediction of neutron irradiation induced transition temperature shift using a simple stress based model
Prediction of Residual Strength of Panels and Shells
Prediction of Residual Strength of Panels and Shells
Prediction of the crack growth resistance curves using a cohesive zone model
Prediction of the epichlorohydrin derived cytotoxic substances from the eluent of poly(glycerol glycidyl ether) films
Prediction of the internal corrosion rate for oil and gas pipeline: Implementation of ensemble learning techniques
Prediction of the mechanical and failure behavior of metal-composite hybrid joints using cohesive surfaces
Prediction of the work of separation and implications to modeling
Prediction of transport properties for polymeric membranes used to separate organic solvent mixtures by pervaporation
Prediction of transport properties for polymeric membranes used to separate organic solvent mixtures by pervaporation
Prediction of transport-properties in polymeric materials - How to get quantitative values for solubility from a MD-simulation
Predictive computational magnesium alloy design in terms of service life
Predictive constitutive modelling of arteries by deep learning
Predictive Modeling of long-Time Crevice Evolution at E-coat defects under Climate Chamber test Conditions
Predictive modeling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminum oxide
Predictive modelling the solubility of gases and vapours in polymeric material
Predictive modelling the solubility of gases and vapours in polymeric material
Predictive modelling the solubility of gases and vapours in polymeric material
Predictive Shapes of Ellipsoid PPDL-PTHF Copolymer Particles Prepared by the Phantom Stretching Technique
Predictive Skill Assessment for Land Water Storage in CMIP5 Decadal Hindcasts by a Global Reconstruction of GRACE Satellite Data
Predictive topography impact model for Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of metal surfaces
Predition of the Maximum Load of Pre-cracked Welded Plates Using Charpy Data According to the Default Level of the European SINTAP Procedure
Prefabrication and free transfer of a Tissue Engineered Composite Flap – An experimental model in the rat
Prefabrication and free transfer of a Tissue Engineered Composite Flap – An experimental model in the rat
Preface - “Biogeochemistry–ecosystem interaction on changing continental margins in the Anthropocene”
Preface to the special section on materials for chemical and electrochemical energy storage
Preface: Advanced Functional Polymers in Medicine
Preface: Advances in paleoclimate data synthesis and analysis of associated uncertainty: towards data–model integration to understand the climate
Preface: In Focus Issue on Blood–Biomaterial Interactions
Preface: Multifunctional Polymeric and Hybrid Materials
Preferred orientation of a naturally and experimentally deformed phyrrhotite ore by X-ray and neutron diffraction texture anaylsis
Preferred orientation of coarse grained geological samples (paragneisses, amphibolites, cataclastic rocks) from the continental deep drilling site of the Federal Republik of Germany (KTB), NE Bavaria
Preferred orientation of experimentally deformed Mt. Isa Calkopyrite Ore
Preferred orientation of lherzolithe
Preferred orientation of lherzolithe
Prehistoric land use and Neolithisation in Europe in the context of regional climate events
Preincubation increases in vitro cell adhesion to magnesium and its alloys
Preincubation increases in vitro cell adhesion to magnesium and its alloys
Preliminary Analytical Modeling of Heat Input in Friction Riveting
Preliminary Analytical Modeling of Heat Input in Friction Riveting
Preliminary Investigation of the Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of 2024 Aluminium Alloy Friction Spot Welds
Preliminary Investigation on Friction Spot Welding of alclad 2024-T4 Aluminum Alloy
Preliminary Investigation on Friction Spot Welding of alclad 2024-T4 Aluminum Alloy
Preliminary Investigation on Friction Spot Welding of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Preliminary Investigation on Friction Spot Welding of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
Preliminary Investigation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminium Friction Spot Welds
Preliminary Investigation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminium Friction Spot Welds
Preliminary investigations on microstructural features and mechanical performance of friction spot welding of aluminum alloys
Preliminary investigations on microstructural features and mechanical performance of friction spot welding of aluminum alloys
Preliminary investigations on the effect of short circuit variables on metal transfer above 60bar abs.
Preliminary microstructural investigation of Mg cubes produced by SLM
Preliminary microstructural investigation of Mg cubes produced by SLM
Preliminary results from the pilot phase of the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE)
Preliminary Results of New Calibration Approach and Uncertainty Assessment for PSICAM
Preliminary Study of Friction Stir Welding Applied on Structural Steels S235 And S355
Preliminary Study of Friction Stir Welding Applied on Structural Steels S235 And S355
Preliminary Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties fo Dissimilar Friction Stir Welds in 6056-T4 and 2024-T351 Alloys
Preliminary study on the feasibility of friction spot welding in PMMA
Preliminary Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Friction Spot Welds
Preliminary Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Friction Spot Welds
Preliminary Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Friction Spot Welds - Estudo Preliminar do Comportamento Mecanico de Soldas a Ponto por Friccao
Preliminary study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welds in aircraft aluminium alloys 2024-T351 and 6056-T4
Preliminary Study on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welds in Aluminium Alloys
Preliminary Surface characterization of welded joints made by Friction Stir Welding and Metal Inert Gas Welding
Prenormalisation research in environment assisted cracking
Preparacion, estudio y optimizacion de hidruros complejos para almacenamiento de hidrogeno (Dissertation)
Preparación de membranas a partir de polipropileno sindiotáctico para la separación de gases
Preparation and Biological Evaluation of Multifunctional PLGA-Nanoparticles designed for Photoacoustic Imaging
Preparation and characterisation of magnetic nanostructured samples for inelastic neutron scattering experiments (Dissertation)
Preparation and characterisation of membranes for water treatment
Preparation and characterisation of open-celled foams using polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) and poly(4-methylstyrene)-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers
Preparation and characterization of 4-dedimethylamino sancycline (CMT-3) loaded nanostructured lipid carrier (CMT-3/NLC) formulations
Preparation and characterization of a nanostructured lipid carrier for a poorly soluble drug
Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Solvent-Resistant and Autoclavable Polymer Membrane
Preparation and characterization of a pH-responsive mesoporous silica nanoparticle dual-modified with biopolymers
Preparation and characterization of B4C coatings for advanced research light sources
Preparation and characterization of B4C coatings for advanced research light sources
Preparation and characterization of bilayer carbon/polymer membranes
Preparation and Characterization of Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) / SPEEK bilayer Membranes and SPEEK / Polyimide (PI) Blend Membranes for Direct Alcohols Fuel Cell (DAFC) performance (Dissertation)
Preparation and Characterization of Double Layer Porous Structure by Injection Molding
Preparation and characterization of gas separation membranes
Preparation and Characterization of Mixed-Matrix-Membranes for the separation of higher hydrocarbons from methane
Preparation and Characterization of Mixed-Matrix-Membranes for the Separation of Higher Hydrocarbons from Methane
Preparation and characterization of PEGyated Concanavalin A for affinity chromatography with improved stability
Preparation and characterization of phosphorylcholine glyceraldehyde grafted polycarbonateurethane films
Preparation and characterization of Polyetherimide/PDMS hollow fiber composite membranes for humidity control of indoor air
Preparation and characterization of polymer-based cubic micro actuators
Preparation and characterization of selective porous layer in multilayer structure
Preparation and Characterization of Silsesquioxanes and their use in Membrane Science
Preparation and characterization of thin-film zeolithe-PDMS composite membranes
Preparation and characterization of thin-film zeolithe-PDMS composite membranes
Preparation and characterization of X-ray mirrors with three single layers of a-C, B4C and Ni onto two 820 mm long Si substrate
Preparation and characterization of X-ray mirrors with three single layers of a-C, B4C and Ni onto two 820 mm long Si substrate
Preparation and Characterization of Zeolite type 4A using Kaolin from Ajebo; Nigeria
Preparation and Degradation Analysis of Multifunctional 3D-architectured Gelatin-based Hydrogels
Preparation and Evaluation of Ricinus Communis Agglutinin Affinity Adsorbents Using Polymeric Supports
Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Novel Intermetallic – Ceramic Nanocomposites
Preparation and mechanical properties of TiAl alloys with submicron grain size
Preparation and plasmonic properties of polymer-based composites containing Ag–Au alloy nanoparticles produced by vapor phase co-deposition
Preparation and properties of composite membranes
Preparation and properties of composite membranes
Preparation and properties of high purity Mg–Y biomaterials
Preparation and properties of highly selective inorganic/organic blend membranes for separation of reactive gases
Preparation and properties of integral asymmetric block copolymer membranes
Preparation and Properties of novel Nb- and Ti-based metal reinforced Alumina Composites with interpenetrating Microstructure
Preparation and Test of Inorganic Modified Porous Polymer Membranes in Gas Phase Catalysis
Preparation of a beheaded derivative of the 30S ribosomal subunit and its neutron scattering studies
Preparation of aminated microfiltration membranes by degradable functionalization using plain PEI membranes with various morphologies
Preparation of an Environmentally Friendly Formulation of the Insecticide Nicotine Hydrochloride through Encapsulation in Chitosan/Tripolyphosphate Nanoparticles
Preparation of Bioconjugates and Covalent Binding to Polymers
Preparation of Bioconjugates and Covalent Binding to Polymers
Preparation of biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles by a membrane based process
Preparation of biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles by a membrane based process
Preparation of Biospecific Adsorbents for the Purification of Bioactive Glycoproteins and Glycolipids
Preparation of electrically conductive polyetherimide membranes: Processing, rheology and properties
Preparation of filling-polymerized membranes by photo-induced graft polymerization
Preparation of Freestanding Conjugated Microporous Polymer Nanomembranes for Gas Separation
Preparation of functional ribosomal complexes and the effect of buffer conditions on tRNA positions observed by Cryo-EM
Preparation of Gamma-TiAl high temperature alloys using reaction sintering method
Preparation of high-flux hollow fibre membranes for gas drying
Preparation of high-flux hollow fibre membranes for gas drying
Preparation of highly asymmetric hollow fiber membranes from poly(ether imide) by a modified dry-wet phase inversion technique using a triple spinneret
Preparation of hollow fiber membranes from polyetherimide for gas separation
Preparation of magneto-sensitive nanocomposite microparticles from copolyesterurethanes via electrospraying
Preparation of Magneto-Sensitive Polymer Nanocomposite Microparticles from Copolyesterurethanes via Electrospraying
Preparation of Membranes for Pervaporation and Vapor Separation
Preparation of membranes from reactive polymers
Preparation of membranes with and without catalytic activity. A) Polymeric membranes
Preparation of metal oxides in inorganic membranes for catalytic processes by means of Ion Layer Gas Reaction (ILGAR)
Preparation of novel composite membranes: Reactive coating on microporous poly(ether imide) support membranes
Preparation of polymer membranes for high resolution scanning electron microscopy
Preparation of polymer/POSS nanocomposites by radiation processing
Preparation of polymer/POSS nanocomposites by radiation processing
Preparation of porous bilayer hollow fiber membranes
Preparation of Silicalite Membranes for Pervaporation
Preparation of Three-Dimensional Scaffolds from Degradable Poly(Ether)Esterurethane by Thermally Induced Phase Separation Technique
Preparation of two-dimensional materials and their application in thin film composite membranes
Preparation of Two-Layered Magnetic Nanoparticles via a Two Step Surface-Initiated Ring-Opening Polymerization of Omega-Pentadecalactone and Epsilon-Caprolactone
Preparing for Uncertain Futures : Co-created scenarios for the Russian Arctic
Presence and future of a coastal forecasting system in the Balearic Sea
Presence and significance of naturally occuring chemical elements of the periodic system in the plant organism
Present and Future of Magnesium Alloys
Present and Future of Magnesium Alloys in our Civilization
Present and Future Upgrading and Refurbishment of Research Reactors in Germany
Present Climate Evaluation and Added Value Analysis of Dynamically Downscaled Simulations of CORDEX - East Asia
Present situation on reprocessing and storage of spent fuel from research reactors
Presentation of the EURODELTA III intercomparison exercise – evaluation of the chemistry transport models' performance on criteria pollutants and joint analysis with meteorology
Presentation of the newly published book "Clima si Societatea"
Pressure and Temperature Influence on the Desorption Pathway of the LiBH4−MgH2 Composite System
Pressure Effect on the 2NaH + MgB2 Hydrogen Absorption Reaction
Pressure effect on Total Gaseous Mercury measurements during flight experiments
Pressure effects on past regional sea level trends and variability in the German Bight
Pressure effects on regional mean sea level trends in the German Bight in the twenty-first century
Pressure Fields in the Airflow over Wind-Generated Surface Waves
Pressure-dependent permeation of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) through thin membranes of oriented polypropylene (OPP) studied by mass spectrometry
Pressure-Force Transformation for Transient Wear Simulation in Two-Dimensional Sliding Contacts
Preventing Hydrogen Embrittlement: The Role of Barrier Coatings for the Hydrogen Economy
Primary cell wall inspired micro containers as a step towards a synthetic plant cell
Primary Hepatocyte Preparation and Characterisation for Toxicoproteomic Studies on Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina)
Primary Hepatocyte Preparation and Characterisation for Toxicoproteomic Studies on Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina)
Priming a DNA barcode library for marine Gastropoda of the continental Portuguese coast and Azores Islands
Priming a DNA barcode library for marine Gastropoda of the continental Portuguese coast and Azores Islands
Principal interactions in the magnetic system Fe1−xCoxSi: Magnetic structure and critical temperature by neutron diffraction and SQUID measurements
Principle of flow cytometry
Principles and applications of TXRF for trace element analysis: State of the art
Principles for the rationale design of biomaterials
Principles of encapsulating hydrophobic drugs in PLA/PLGA microparticles
Prinzip und Anwendungen der analytischen Feldionenmikroskopie
Prinzip und Anwendungen der TRFA
Prinzipien und Modellierung der Funktionsweise von Biosensoren
Prioritisation Method for Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Water Sector : CSC Report
Prioritised pharmaceuticals in German estuaries and coastal waters: Occurrence and environmental risk assessment
Prioritization of consumer plastics for further testing based on artificial weathering combined with bioanalytical and chemical screening
Priority Programme of the German Research Foundation: 'Extending the Range of Applications for Magnesium Alloys'p905
Pro-angiogenic CD14++ CD16+ CD163+ monocytes accelerate the in vitro endothelialization of soft hydrophobic poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks
Probabilistic fatigue-life assessment model for laser-welded Ti-6Al-4V butt joints in the high-cycle fatigue regime
Probabilistic Precipitation Forecasting over East Asia Using Bayesian Model Averaging
Probabilistic reliability assessment of a component in the presence of internal defects
Probabilistic reliability assessment of a component in the presence of internal defects
Probabilistic Reliability Assessment of a Component in the Presence of Internal Defects
Probabilistic reliability assessment of a component in the presence of internal defects
Probabilistic reliability assessment of a laser-based additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V component in the presence of internal defects
Probabilistic reliability assessment of laser beam welded Ti-6Al-4V components in the presence of internal defects
Probendicken- und Ligamenteinschnuerung: zwei Groessen zur Erfassung der Constraintabhaengigkeit von R-Kurven
Probengroesseneinfluss bei der Ermittlung von R-Kurven an seitengekerbten CT-Proben
Probenvorbereitung fuer die TRFA-Anforderungen und Perspektiven
Probing Clouds over the East China Sea in support for the planned ESA-JAXA EarthCare Mission
Probing matter with neutrons
Probing underlying mechanisms for pcBN tool decay during friction stir welding of nickel-based alloys
Probleme bei der Ermittlung und Bilanzierung von Stofffrachten an der oberen und mittleren Elbe
Probleme der Dekompression von Tauchern und Caissonarbeitern
Probleme der Projektierung, des Baus und des Betriebes von Kernkraftwerken
Probleme des Bottom Tracking / Interpretation der Echostaerke (Kurzfassung)
Probleme des bottom tracking eines schiffsgetragenen akustischen Doppler-Stroemungsmessers in der Tideelbe
Probleme und Loesungen mit dem Einsatz von zwei ZfP-Verfahren im Unterwasserbereich
Problems related to thermodynamical and dynamical measurements during the ICE pilot project
Procedural influences on compression and injection moulded cellulose fibre-reinforced polylactide (PLA) composites: Influence of fibre loading, fibre length, fibre orientation and voids
Procedural success of transcatheter annuloplasty in ventricular and atrial functional tricuspid regurgitation
Procedure development for mechanised pipeline welding: an application to underwater repairs
Procedure development for mechanised pipeline welding: an application to underwater repairs
Procedure for the determination of true stress-strain-curves from tensile tests with rectangular cross section specimens
Procedures for safe working at high pressure in a TBM chamber using special breathing gas mixtures
Proceedings - Workshop on Synergy of Active Instruments in the Earth Radiation Mission
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 1991 (OMAE 1991)
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 1993) Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Modeling the Behavior and Formability of High Mn Steel
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Underwater Technology
Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Titanium San Diego
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, MG 2012
Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, SXNS-8 (Conference Co-Chairs)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Light Metals Technology Conference 2011
Proceedings of the International Conference WELDING-90: Technology, Material, Fracture
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Management of Ageing of Research Reactors
Proceedings of the Workshop on New Generation of Radiation Budget Measurements from Space and Their Use in Climate Modelling and Diagnostic Studies at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
Proceedings on Symposium H Nano-Structured and Intelligent Bioactive Materials, EMRS 2005 Spring Conference
Process and alloy development for extrusion of magnesium
Process and alloy development for hydrostatic extrusion of magnesium: The European Community research project MAGNEXTRUSCO
Process and alloy development for hydrostatic extrusion of magnesium: The European Community research project MAGNEXTRUSCO
Process characteristics of constrained friction processing of AM50 magnesium alloy
Process characteristics of constrained friction processing of AM50 magnesium alloy
Process Development and Metallurgical Characterization of Wire-based Direct Energy Deposition for Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys
Process development for wire-based laser metal deposition of 5087 aluminium alloy by using fibre laser
Process Development in Affinity Separation
Process development in affinity separation of glycoconjugates with lectins as ligands
Process for separation of volatile pollutants from contaminated materials, soil, wood, sludge and sediments
Process for the preparation of polymeric nanoparticles by means of porous membranes
Process identification by principal component analysis of river water-quality data
Process identification by statistical analysis of water-quality data
Process integrated membrane systems to separate organic vapors from cyclic streams
Process Modelling for Liquid Metal Gas Atomization by Coupled Calculations of Particle Loaden Flow Field and Disintegration Process
Process of BACC - Challenges and perspectives for the future
Process Optimization and Microstructure Analysis in Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding of 3-mm-thick Al-Mg-Si Aluminum Alloy
Process Optimization of Dual-Laser Beam Welding of Advanced Al-Li Alloys Through Hot Cracking Susceptibility Modeling
Process optimization of friction spot joining for AA2024-T3 / CF-PPS joints through design of experiments and statistical analysis
Process parameter assessment on the dissimilar deposition of AA2024-T351 on AA7475-T761 by Friction Surfacing
Process parameter optimization in friction spot welding of AA5754 and Ti6Al4V dissimilar joints using response surface methodology
Process simulation of friction extrusion of aluminum alloys
Process simulation of friction extrusion of aluminum alloys
Process Stability and Reproducibility of the Dieless Drawing Process for AZ31 Magnesium Wires
Process Stability and Reproducibility of the Dieless Drawing Process for AZ31 Magnesium Wires
Process Transferability of Friction Riveting of AA2024-T351/Polyetherimide (PEI) Joints Using Hand-Driven, Low-Cost Drilling Equipment
Process window and mechanical properties for thin magnesium- and zinc-wires in dieless wire drawing
Process window for thin magnesium wires in dieless wire drawing
Process-based climate change assessment for European winds using EURO-CORDEX and global models
Process-level improvements in CMIP5 models and their impact on tropical variability, the Southern Ocean, and monsoons
Process-oriented assessment of RCA4 regional climate model projections over the Congo Basin under 1.5 °C and 2 °Cglobal warming levels: influence of regional moisture fluxes
Process-oriented evaluation of the West African Monsoon system in CORDEX-CORE regional climate models
Process-Related Changes in Polyetherimide Joined by Friction-Based Injection Clinching Joining (F-ICJ)
Processability of different magnesium alloys by wire-based laser metal deposition
Processability of Mg-Gd alloys via friction extrusion
Processability of Mg-Gd Powder via Friction Extrusion
Processes behind the decrease in Congo Basin precipitation during the rainy seasons inferred from ERA-5 reanalysis
Processes of Stratification and Destratification During An Extreme River Discharge Event in the German Bight ROFI
Processing advanced materials by Metal Injection Molding
Processing advanced materials by Metal Injection Molding
Processing and Analysis of a New Joining Method for Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures
Processing and Analysis of a New Joining Method for Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures
Processing and Application of Engineering Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Processing and Application of Engineering Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Processing and Applications of Intermetallic Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Processing and Characterization of Magnesium-Based Materials
Processing and Characterization of Novel Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites
Processing and Characterization of Novel Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites
Processing and compression creep response of AlN reinforced magnesium alloy Elektron21
Processing and Deformation Behaviour of Gamma TiAl Alloys with Fine-Grained Equiaxed Microstructures
Processing and mechanical properties of Gamma-titanium aluminides
Processing and properties of Gamma Titanium Aluminides and their Potential for Aerospace Applications
Processing and properties of Gamma Titanium Aluminides and their Potential for Aerospace Applications
Processing and Properties of Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites with Interpenetrating Microstructure
Processing and properties of nanoparticle reinforced magnesium alloys
Processing and Properties of Novel Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Processing and Properties of Novel High Strength Gamma-TiAl
Processing and yield strength increase of an AM60-based metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC)
Processing and yield strength increase of an AM60-based metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC)
Processing effects on the formability of extruded flat products of magnesium alloys
Processing Effects on the Formability of Magnesium Alloy Sheets
Processing Individual Orientation Data to Calculate Odf´s
Processing of Al–12Si–TNM composites by selective laser melting and evaluation of compressive and wear properties
Processing of Biomaterials
Processing of Carbon Containing Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Processing of coal mine gas with low methane concentrations for use in high temperature fuel cells
Processing of coal mine gas with low methane concentrations for use in high temperature fuel cells
Processing of coal mine gas with low methane concentrations for use in high temperature fuel cells
Processing of Engineering Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Processing of Gamma-Based TiAl Alloys by Torsional Deformation
Processing of Gamma-Based TiAl Alloys by Torsional Deformation
Processing of Highly Filled Polymer–Metal Feedstocks for Fused Filament Fabrication and the Production of Metallic Implants
Processing of Magnesium Porous Structures by Infiltration Casting for Biomedical Applications
Processing of Magnesium-Based Metal Matrix Nanocomposites by Ultrasound-Assisted Particle Dispersion: A Review
Processing of Ti-15V-3Al-3Sn-3Cr by Metal Injection Moulding
Processing of Ti-15V-3Al-3Sn-3Cr by Metal Injection Moulding
Processing of TiAl structural parts by reaction HIP of precompacted elemental powders
Processing of TXRF data for depth profiling and surface analysis
Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel mg matrix composites reinforced with urchin-like CNTs@SiCp
Processo de Deposicao por Friccao e Suas Aplicacoes
Processo de Rebitagem por Friccao de Juntas Hibridas de Policarbonato e Aluminio 2024-T351
Processo de Rebitagem por Friccao de Juntas Hibridas de Policarbonato e Aluminio 2024-T351
Producing thin magnesium wires for biomedical applications by dieless wire drawing
Product recovery in surfactant-based separation processes: Pervaporation of toluene from concentrated surfactant solutions
Production and characterization of functionally graded NiTi shape memory alloys by Joule effect
Production and export of organic matter
Production and Properties of Light Metal Matrix Nanocomposites
Production of a Fine-grained Mg Alloy AZ31 with SiC Particles
Production of a Fine-grained Mg Alloy AZ31 with SiC Particles
Production of Al/NiTi composites by friction stir welding assisted by electrical current
Production of aluminum AA7075/6060 compounds by die casting and hot extrusion
Production of biodegradable Mg-0.9Ca implants by Powder Injection Moulding (PIM)
Production of biodegradable Mg-0.9Ca implants by Powder Injection Moulding (PIM)
Production of dense Ti-6Al-4V parts by CEM with excellent mechanical properties identical to MIM
Production of intermetallic alloys from heavily cold worked elemental powders
Production of intermetallic phases by solid state reaction of cold extruded elemental powders
Production of intermetallic TiAl by solid state reaction of extruded elemental powders
Production of Mg-Mg2Si Composites
Production of Mg-Mg2Si Composites
Production of Nanocrystalline Cermet Thermal Spray Powders for Wear Resistant Coatings by High-Energy Milling
Production of Nanoparticle-Reinforced Magnesium Alloys Using Hybrid Processes
Production of porous as well as nearly dense Mg-alloy parts using powder metallurgy
Production of titanium aluminide valves for automotive engines by reactive sintering
Production of Titanium-Aluminide Powder by Gas atomization and its processing by Metal Injection Moulding
Production of Titanium-Aluminide Powder by Gas atomization and its processing by Metal Injection Moulding
Production, characterisation, and cytocompatibility of porous titanium-based particulate scaffolds
Produktion natuerlicher Duft- und Aromastoffe mittels integriertem Bioprozess
Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution
Profiling of water vapor concentration and cloud parameters by Raman lidar
Program Regenerative Medicine
Programm zur Messwerterfassung und Messwertanalyse von Schweissprozessgroessen (Diplomarbeit)
Programmable microscale stiffness pattern of flat polymeric substrates by temperature-memory technology
Programmable, Semi-crystalline Shape-memory Polymers
Programming biomaterials - Design and Strategies
Programming shape changes of shape-memory microparticles towards increased surface areas by elastic recovery of a phantom matrix
Programming structural functions in phase-segregated polymers by implementing a defined thermomechanical history
Progress and Challenge for Magnesium Alloys as Biomaterials
Progress and Pain with RERTR - 20 years on
Progress and possible applications of miniaturised separation techniques and elemental mass spectrometry for quantitative, heteroatom-tagged proteomics
Progress in 3D mesoscale modeling of Cirrus clouds with the GKSS Cloud-Radiation Scheme
Progress in atomizing high melting intermetallic titanium based alloys by means of a novel plasma melting induction guiding gas atomization facility (PIGA)
Progress in biopolymer-based biomaterials and their application in controlled drug delivery
Progress in Depsipeptide-Based Biomaterials
Progress in friction stir welding of Ni alloys
Progress in joining of advanced materials
Progress in joining of advanced materials (JAM) - overview
Progress in joining of advanced materials. Part 1: Solid state joining, fusion joining, and joining of intermetallics
Progress in joining of advanced materials. Part 2: Joining of metal matrix composites and joining of other advanced materials
Progress in Paleoclimate Modeling
Progress in regional downscaling of west African precipitation
Progress in single-shot neutron transmission diffraction
Progress in superplasticity of intermetallics
Progress in the Development of Magnesium Sheets for the Transportation Industry
Progress in the use of membrane technology to separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Progress in Usage of Magnesium Alloys for Light Weight Structures in Transportation Industries
Progresses in the CMEMS BS-MFC for improving forecasting capabilities and monitoring the Black Sea region through high quality modelling systems
Progressing from Outside to Inner Side: Inside-Out Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membranes
Progressive decoupling between phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing during an iron induced phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean (EIFEX)
Project SUNSAT: Statistics of global radiation over Southern Europe and Africa computed from data of satellite METEOSAT-2
Project: Development of a Magnesium Recycling alloy
Projected Change - North Sea
Projected changes in extreme rainfall and temperature events and possible implications for Cameroon's socio-economic sectors
Projected future changes in rainfall in Southeast Asia based on CORDEX–SEA multi-model simulations
Projected Impact of Increased Global Warming on Heat Stress and Exposed Population Over Africa
Projecting Exposure to Extreme Climate Impact Events Across Six Event Categories and Three Spatial Scales
Projection of Global Wave Climate Change toward the End of the Twenty-First Century
Projections of future changes in wind, wave and storm surge climate
Projekt im Juli: Erforschung der Gelenkfluessigkeit im Projekt JOINT
Projektionen fuer Meere und Kuesten
Projektionen und Stereotype – Heimat und regionale Identitaet
Projektorientiertes foederatives Datenmanagement. Das WATIS-Konzept. Realisierung und Entwicklung
Projektseminar: Membranverfahrenstechnik – Stofftrennung mit Membranen
Projizierte Veränderungen des regionalen Klimas im Raum Hamburg
Proliferation and migration of human vascular endothelial cells mediated by ZNF580 gene complexed with mPEG-b-P(MMD-co-GA)-g-PEI microparticles
Promoting Effect of the Residual Silver on the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol and Its Intermediates on Nanoporous Gold
Promoting involvement of early-career scientists from the Asia-Pacific region in regional integrated and sustainable development through active participation and networking
Promoting osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells via cell density related laminin-5 secretion using microscale roughness
Promotion of mixed protonic–electronic transport in La5.4WO11.1−δ membranes under H2S atmospheres
Promovieren - Projektarbeit an einem Forschungsinstitut
Prompt gamma-ray neutron activation analysis for multi-element determination in sediment samples
Prompt Gamma-ray neutron activation analysis of river sediments
Prompte Neutronen-EinfanGamma-Gamma-Analyse der Zusammensetzung von Werkstoffen (insbesondere Wasserstoffanteil) (Diplomarbeit)
Propagation-Based Phase Contrast Computed Tomography as a Suitable Tool for the Characterization of Spatial 3D Cell Distribution in Biomaterials
Propagation-based phase-contrast tomography of a guinea pig inner ear with cochlear implant using a model-based iterative reconstruction algorithm
Properties and Applications of Cold Sprayed Coatings
Properties and evolution of a submesoscale cyclonic spiral
Properties and Fracture Analysis of Diffusion Bonded TiC-Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Matrix Composite
Properties and Fracture Analysis of Diffusion Bonded TiC-Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Matrix Composite
Properties and processing of magnesium-tin-calcium alloys
Properties and Processing of New Magnesium-Tin-Calcium Alloys for Powertrain and Hand Tool Applications
Properties and Processing of New Magnesium-Tin-Calcium Alloys for Powertrain and Hand Tool Applications
Properties of a double-cavity etalon
Properties of additionally charged cellulose acetate membranes
Properties of binary Mg-(Gd, Ag, Ca) alloys developed for biomedical applications
Properties of cellulose membranes for blood purification
Properties of deep stratiform ice cloud revealed by 95 GHz GKSS cloud radar - a case study
Properties of Diffusion Bonded TiC Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V Metal Matrix Composite
Properties of Diffusion Bonded TiC Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V Metal Matrix Composite
Properties of Friction Welded TiC Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V+ 10% TiC Metal Matrix Composite
Properties of Friction Welded TiC Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V+ 10% TiC Metal Matrix Composite
Properties of hyperbaric flux cored arc welds: weld metal chemistry
Properties of individual contrails: a compilation of observations and some comparisons
Properties of Laser Beam Welded Butt-Joints of Airframe Aluminium Alloys AA6056 and AA6013
Properties of Laser Beam Welded Superalloys Inconel 625 and 718; Eigenschaften von lasergeschweissten Superlegierungen Inconel 625 und 718
Properties of magnesium alloys reinforced with nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes: a review
Properties of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy sheets processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Properties of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy sheets processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Properties of Mg-based Metal Matrix Nanocomposites Processed by High Shear Dispersion Technique (HSDT) - A Review
Properties of poly(sebacic acid) monolayers at the air-water interface
Properties of Power Beam Welded Steels, Al-and Ti-Alloys: Significance of Strength Mismatch
Properties of pure Mg and low-concentrated binary Mg-(Gd, Ag, Ca) alloys
Properties of Shape-Memory Polymer Nanocompounds Responsive to Alternating Magnetic Fields
Properties of sintered Mg alloys for biomedical applications
Properties of sintered Mg alloys for biomedical applications
Properties of sintered Mg alloys for biomedical applications
Properties of spray formed and forged Gamma Titanium Aluminide alloys
Properties of Spray Formed Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Properties of stratiform clouds observed by a 95 GHz radar
Properties of titanium-based intermetallic alloy powders produced by inert gas atomization
Properties of two-phase intermetallic (Ti,Nb)3 (Al,Si) + (Ti,Nb)5 (Si,Al)3 P/M bulk and sheet material
Properties of underwater wet welds
Properties of wet welded joints
Properties of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 composite PEO coatings on zinc alloy Z1
Property design of extruded magnesium-gadolinium alloys through machine learning
Property optimization of porous metallic glasses via structural design
Property prediction of polymeric membranes using COSMO-RS
Property profile development during wire extrusion and wire drawing of magnesium alloys AZ31 and ZX10
Property Variation of Extruded Mg-Gd Alloys by Mn Addition and Processing
Propiedades de uniones soldadas bajo al agua
Proposed extension of the SINTAP/FITNET thin wall option based on a simple method for reference load determination
Propriedades Mecanicas de Juntas Soldadas com Diferenca de Espessura Pelo Processo de Soldagem por Atrito Linear com Mistura em Ligas de Al-Mg Para Aplicacao na Construcao Naval (Masterarbeit)
Propylene hydrogenation in a continuous polymeric catalytic membrane reactor
Propyne Hydrogenation Kinetics over Surfactant-Stabilized Palladium Nanoclusters
Prospects for Assessment and Confirmation of Marine Ecosystem Models
Prospects for metal injection moulding using a gamma titanium aluminide based alloy powder
Prospects of laser beam welding and friction stir welding processes for aluminum airframe structural applications
Prospects of research reactor usage in Germany on modernization, redesign, new projects
Prospects of research reactor usage in Germany on modernization, redesign, new projects
Prospects of the New Science and Outreach Network Baltic Earth with Results of the Second Climate Change Assessment for the Baltic Sea Region (BACC II)
Prospettive dell´ immersione subacquea ad alti fondali
Protagonists on the Market of Climate Change Knowledge
Protecting molten Magnesium and its alloys
Protecting molten Magnesium and its alloys
Protection of multimaterial assemblies
Protective coatings for reactively synthesized TiAl sheet material
Protective Coatings for TiAl-alloys – Powder Production and Thermal Spraying
Protein Adsorption Behaviour of Functionalized Nanoparticles
Protein Adsorption Behaviour of Functionalized Nanoparticles
Protein adsorption on phospholipid-coated titanium alloy
Protein Adsorption to Gelatin-based Biomaterials
Protein Adsorption to Synthetic Polymers
Protein Adsorptionen on Polymeric Nanoparticles
Protein Analysis using capillary LC hyphenated with collision cell ICP-MS and on-line micro fraction collection for MALDI-TOF-TOF analysis
Protein Corona Formation on Colloidal Polymeric Nanoparticles and Polymeric Nanogels: Impact on Cellular Uptake, Toxicity, Immunogenicity, and Drug Release Properties
Protein crystallography using anomalous dispersion of phosphorus and sulphur
Protein entrapment in PEGylated lipid nanoparticles
Protein Fouling Studies with Chemically Defined UF Membrane Surfaces Prepared by Photo-Initiated Graft Polymerization
Protein Interactions with Polymer Coatings and Biomaterials
Protein Separation Performance of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Membranes
Protein separation performance of self-assembled block copolymer membranes
Protein-Material Interactions
Protein-polymer interaction in Langmuir monolayers: the study of a polyhydroxyalkanoate-associated protein
Proteinadsorption an chemisch modifizierten Cellulosemembranen
Proteins and Amino Acids in Fine Particulate Matter in Rural Guangzhou, Southern China: Seasonal Cycles, Sources, and Atmospheric Processes
Proteins and flow conditions: how they influence the degradation of Mg
Proteins and medium-flow conditions: how they influence the degradation of magnesium
Proteom analysis of Blue Mussel tissue by two dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI – MS
Proteomanalyse von primaeren Seehund-Hepatozyten (Phoca vitulina) nach Exposition mit PCBs zur Identifizierung potenzieller Biomarker
Proteomanalyse von schadstoffinkubierten Primaerzellkulturen aus dem Seehund (Phoca vitulina) (Diplomarbeit)
Proteomanalysen aus Plasmaproben frei lebender Seehund-Jungtiere (Phoca vitulina) durch 2D-Gelelektrophorese und MALDI-TOF-MS (Diplomarbeit)
Proteome analysis of human mesenchymal stem cells undergoing chondrogenesis when exposed to the products of various magnesium-based materials degradation
Proteomic Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Monocyte Co-Cultures Exposed to a Bioactive Silica-Based Sol-Gel Coating
Proteomic approaches for studying bone tissue sections
Proteomic approaches for studying bone tissue sections
Proteomic profile of mouse fibroblasts exposed to pure magnesium extract
Protokoll der ersten deutsch/deutschen Messfahrt auf der Mittelelbe am 16./17. Mai 1990. Wasserwirtschaftsdirektion Untere Elbe Magdeburg, Wasserguetestelle Elbe
Protokoll der zweiten deutsch/deutschen Messfahrt auf der Mittelelbe am 13./14. Mai 1991. StAU Magdeburg, Wasserguetestelle Elbe
Proton Conducting Membranes Based on Benzimidazole Sulfonic Acid Doped Sulfonated Poly(Oxadiazole-Triazole) Copolymer for Low Humidity Operation
Proton Conducting Membranes Based on Benzimidazole Sulfonic Acid Doped Sulfonated Poly(Oxadiazole-Triazole) Copolymer for Low Humidity Operation
Proton conductive membranes based on doped sulfonated polytriazole
Proton conductive membranes based on fluorinated polytriazoles
Proton conductive membranes based on polyoxazoles
Proton Conductive Membranes Based on Polytriazole and Polyoxadiazole
Proton conductive membranes from polymer composites and heteropolyacisd with and without anion structure modified
Proton conductive membranes of sulfonated poly(ether ketone ketone)
Proton Conductive Polyimide Membranes with Pendant Heterocycles
Proton electrolyte membrane properties and direct methanol fuel cell performance - I. Characterization of hybrid sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/zirconium oxide membranes
Proton electrolyte membrane properties and direct methanol fuel cell performance - II. Fuel cell performance and membrane properties effects
Proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cells: Properties critical study concerning methanol crossover and proton conductivity
Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells Based on Sulfonated Polyoxadiazoles
Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells Based on Sulfonated Polyoxadiazoles
Proton- and deuteron spin targets in biological structure research
Proton-conductive membranes of sulfonated polyphenylsulfone
Protonation of Sulfonated Poly(4,4’-diphenylether-1,3,4-oxadiazole) Membranes
Protonation-Induced Unilamelar Vesicle Formation in Solutions of di-n-Decylmethylamine Oxide Surfactant
Prototyping of a continuous dieless wire drawing machine and definition of a process window for dieless drawn AZ31 magnesium wire
Prototypische Entwicklung eines Sensibilisierungs- und Analyseansatzes zur unternehmerischen Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels
Provenance of sediments and the suspended matter of the Elbe estuary
Provenancing of Fruit Raw Products using Elemental and Strontium Isotopic Fingerprints
Providing AI expertise as an infrastructure in academia
Providing Information - Enabling Knowledge: Sustainable Stakeholder Dialogues in the Northern German Climate Office
Proxy surrogate reconstructions for Europe and the estimation of their uncertainties
Prozessalternativen durch den Einsatz organisch-anorganischer Kompositmembranen fuer die Dampfpermeation
Prozesseinsaetze des Gas/Dampf-Permeationsverfahrens in der chemischen Industrie
Prozesseinsaetze des Gas/Dampf-Permeationsverfahrens in der chemischen Industrie
Prozessentwicklung und energetische Optimierung von mehrstufigen Membrananlagen fuer die Entwaesserung von Loesungsmitteln
Prozessentwicklung zum Rotationsreibschweißen der Gamma-TiAl-Feingusslegierung Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) mit Ti6Al4V: Teil: 1 - The Development of the Rotational Friction Welding Process for the Welding of Gamma-TiAl-Casting Alloy Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) to Ti6Al4V: Part: 1
Prozessentwicklung zum Rotationsreibschweißen der Gamma-TiAl-Feingusslegierung Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) mit Ti6Al4V: Teil: 2 - The Development of the Rotational Friction Welding Process for the Welding of Gamma-TiAl-Casting Alloy Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) to Ti6Al4V: Part: 2
Prozessgastrocknung mit Hilfe der Gaspermeation
Prozessidentifikation durch Anpassung graphischer Modelle an Wasserguetedaten der Elbe
Prozessoptimierung durch Kopplung von Bioreaktor und Pervaporations-Membranmodul bei der Produktion natuerlicher Duftt- und Aromastoffe (Diplomarbeit)
Prozessoptimierung fuer das Laserschweissen des korrosions-bestaendigen Stahls 1.4529
Prozessoptimierung fuer das Laserschweissen des korrosionsbestaendigen Stahls 1.4529 (Bachelorarbeit)
Prozessoptimierung fuer das Laserstrahlschweissen von hochfesten Aluminium-Lithium-Legierungen
Prädiktoren der Inanspruchnahme von kardiovaskulären und respiratorischen Notfallaufnahmen – welchen Einfluss hat die Umwelt?
Pseudo-proxy evaluation of Climate Field Reconstruction methods of North Atlantic climate based on an annually resolved marine proxy network
Pseudo-proxy experiments using an annually resolved marine proxy network over the North Atlantic
PTBox; a toolbox to facilitate palaeoclimate model-data analyses
PtBS-b-P4VP and PTMSS-b-P4VP Isoporous Integral-Asymmetric Membranes with High Thermal and Chemical Stability
PtBS-b-P4VP and PTMSS-b-P4VP isoporous integral-asymmetric membranes with high thermal and chemical stability
PTD-hFOXP3 protein acts as an immune regulator to convert human CD4+CD25− T cells to regulatory T-like cells
Pulse time reversal and stopping by a refractive index front
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) - A Versatile Thin Film Technique
Pulverherstellung und pulvermetallurgische Verarbeitung von Titan und titanbasierten Werkstoffen
Pulverherstellung und pulvermetallurgische Verarbeitung von Titan und titanbasierten Werkstoffen
Pulverherstellung und Spruehformen von intermetallischen Titanbasislegierungen
Pulvermatallurgisch hergestellte Metall-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffe
Pulvermetallurgie von Ti-Aluminiden und -Siliziden
Pulvermetallurgisch hergestellte Titanaluminide und ihre potentiellen Anwendungen
Pulvermetallurgisch hergestellte Titanaluminide und ihre potentiellen Anwendungen
Pulvermetallurgisch hergestellte Verbundwerkstoffe
Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung von metallischen Verbundwerkstoffen
Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung von Natriumalanat-Legierungen fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung (Diplomarbeit)
Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung von Titanaluminiden durch Intensivmahlen und Heiss-isostatisch-Pressen
Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung von verschleissbestaendigen SiC–Al–Verbundpulvern durch Hochenergiemahlen (Diplomarbeit)
Pulvermetallurgische Verarbeitung von Hochtemperatur-Leichtbauwerkstoffen aus TiAl
Pulverspritzgiessen in der Mikrotechnik (Dissertation)
Punch Test for the Simulation of Ship Hull Damage
Punch Test for the Simulation of Ship's Hull Damage
Punch Test for the Simulation of Ship's Hull Damage
Punch Test for the Simulation of Ships Hull Damage
Punch Test for the Simulation of Ships Hull Damage
Punch Test for the Simulation of Ships Hull Damage - Experiment and Simulation
Pure Components and Mixture Diffusion of Liquids and Vapors in Polymers using ATR-FTIR-Spectroscopy
Purification of Nanoparticles by Diafiltration with Polysulfone/Hydrophilic Polymer Blend Membranes
Purification of Polymeric Nanoparticles by Diafiltration with Hydrophilic Polysulfone blend Membranes
Purity of mushroom tyrosinase as a biocatalyst for biomaterial synthesis affects the stability of therapeutic peptides
Purity of mushroom tyrosinase as a biocatalyst for biomaterial synthesis affects the stability of therapeutic peptides
Purity of tyrosinase as biocatalyst for hydrogels affects the stability of therapeutic peptides
Pushing the temporal resolution in absorption and Zernike phase contrast nanotomography: enabling fast in situ experiments
PUSSY: Ein Programm fuer die Offline-Programmierung und grafische Simulation von Robotereinsaetzen
Putative spin-nematic phase in BaCdVO(PO4)2
Putting on a bow-tie to sort out who does what and why in the complex arena of marine policy and management
Pyrene-POSS nanohybrid as a dispersant for carbon nanotubes in solvents of various polarities: its synthesis and application in the preparation of a composite membrane


Q&A with Dr. Roland Cormier
QA Aspects for the Academic World
QA/QC in research networks – The Global Mercury Observation System as an example
QMS-Controlled Production of Nanocrystalline Metals by Inert Gas Condensation in a Flow System
Quadruple-shape hydrogels
Qualification of high density fuel
Qualification trials of the MOSS' Modular Orbital Welding System'
Qualifizierte Kennziffern zur wasser- und landwirtschaftlichen Bewirtschaftung von Trinkwasserschutzgebieten (TSG)
Qualifiziertes Unterwasser-Nassschweissen
Qualifizierung einer Beta-Durchflussionisationskammer zur Ueberwachung der Ableitung radioaktiver Edelgase fuer Stoerfaelle
Qualitaetsstandards fuer anthropogene Nutzungen bei stehenden Gewaessern
Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Sulfur-Containing Compound Types in Heavy Crude Oil and Its Fractions
Qualitative und quantitative Beschreibung der Verfestigung von Armco-Eisen im Zugversuch
Quality assessment of friction stir welded joints via an analytical thermal model, iSTIR
Quality assessment of laser beam welded AA2198 integral structures
Quality assessment of laser beam welded AA2198 integral structures
Quality assessment of laser beam welded AA2198 integral structures
Quality assessment of laser beam welded AA2198 integral structures
Quality assurance good practice for research and development and non-routine analysis
Quality assurance measures at the Geesthacht research reactor FRG-1
Quality Assurance of Qualitative Analysis in the Framework of the European Project "Mequalan"
Quality Control and Homogeneity of Precipitation Data in the Southwest of Europe
Quality control of ultra-pure reagents: a challenge for TXRF
Quality in Chemical Measurements - Training Concepts and Teaching Materials
Quality in underwater technology: An international development programme at GUSI
Quality in underwater technology: an international development programme at GUSI
Quantification and characterization of microplastics in filtration samples from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Quantification and characterization of microplastics in surface water samples from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean using Laser Direct Infrared Imaging
Quantification and mitigation of bottom-trawling impacts on sedimentary organic carbon stocks in the North Sea
Quantification of adherent platelet densities on different substrates by lactate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase assays in comparison to an image-based analysis
Quantification of adherent platelets on biomaterials. Comparison of colorimetric and microscopic assessment
Quantification of adherent platelets on biomaterials. Comparison of colorimetric and microscopic assessment
Quantification of adherent platelets on polymer-based biomaterials. Comparison of colorimetric and microscopic assessment
Quantification of adherent platelets on polymer-based biomaterials. Comparison of colorimetric and microscopic assessment
Quantification of constraint effects in elastic-plastic crack front fields
Quantification of crack constraint effects in an austenitic steel
Quantification of lightning-induced nitrogen oxide emissions over Europe
Quantification of Protein Adsorption on Polyglycerol-based Polymer Network Films
Quantification of Protein Adsorption on Polyglycerol-based Polymer Network Films
Quantification of Residual Stress Relief by Heat Treatments in Austenitic Cladded Layers
Quantification of Shape Memory Nano/microfibers by Atomic Force Microscopy
Quantification of Transferrin Isoforms in seal blood samples
Quantifizierbare Abbildung der Oberflaeche von Polymermembranen
Quantifizierung des Stickstoffaustrages aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Trinkwasserschutzgebieten auf der Grundlage von Lysimeteruntersuchungen
Quantifizierung morphologischer Veraenderungen verklappter Sedimente vor der Kueste Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns (Diplomarbeit)
Quantifying adsorption-induced deformation of nanoporous materials on different length scales
Quantifying and Predicting the Contribution of Sea-Level Rise to Shoreline Change in Ghana: Information for Coastal Adaptation Strategies
Quantifying Importance of Macrobenthos for Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in a Temperate Coastal Shelf Sea
Quantifying Protein Adsorption to Physically Crosslinked Gelatin-Based Networks
Quantifying Protein Adsorption to Physically Crosslinked Gelatin-Based Networks
Quantifying Protein Adsorption to Physically Crosslinked Gelatin-Based Networks
Quantifying Submesoscale Features Captured in the Coastal Region of the Southern California Bight
Quantifying the contribution of shipping NOx emissions to the marine nitrogen inventory – a case study for the western Baltic Sea
Quantifying the High-Temperature Separation Behavior of Lamellar Interfaces in γ-Titanium Aluminide Under Tensile Loading by Molecular Dynamics
Quantifying the kinetic and potential energy of a submesoscale eddy from in situ and aerial observations
Quantifying the past and future impact of climate on outbreak patterns of bank voles (Myodes glareolus)
Quantifying the Shape-Memory Effect of Polymers by Cyclic Thermomechanical Tests
Quantifying welding residual stress redistribution and its effect on fatigue crack propagation behavior of high strength steel welded joint
Quantitation of angiogenesis in vitro induced~by VEGF-A and FGF-2 in two different human endothelial cultures – An all-in-one assay
Quantitative Analyse der Texturentwicklung in kubischen Metallen beim Kaltwalzen im Kaliber (Dissertation)
Quantitative Analyse von Phasen und Segregationen in Gamma-TiAl-Legierungen
Quantitative analysis of bio-molecules using (hetero)element tags and ICP-MS detection
Quantitative and Chemically Intuitive Evaluation of the Nature of M−L Bonds in Paramagnetic Compounds: Application of EDA‐NOCV Theory to Spin Crossover Complexes
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of three classes of sulfur compounds in crude oil
Quantitative Assessment of Ligand Substituent Effects on σ- and π-Contributions to Fe−N Bonds in Spin Crossover FeII Complexes
Quantitative characterization of degradation processes in situ by means of a bioreactor coupled flow chamber under physiological conditions using time-lapse SRMueCT
Quantitative characterization of degradation processes in situ by means of a bioreactor coupled flow chamber using time-lapse SRuCT
Quantitative characterization of degradation processes in situ by means of a bioreactor coupled flow chamber using time-lapse SRuCT
Quantitative characterization of physiological degradation processes in situ by means of a bioreactor coupled flow chamber using timelapse SRMueCT
Quantitative description of element concentration in longitudinal river profiles by multiway PLS models
Quantitative determination of ultra-trace carbazoles in sediments in the coastal environment
Quantitative Determination on Hot Tearing in Mg-Al Binary Alloys
Quantitative Determination on Hot Tearing in Mg-Al Binary Alloys
Quantitative Elemental Speciation at Trace Levels Using Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled with High-Resolution ICP-MS
Quantitative enhancement of the properties of TR polymers
Quantitative environmental risk assessments in the context of marine spatial management: current approaches and some perspectives
Quantitative Evaluation of Adhesion of Osteosarcoma Cells to Hydrophobic Polymer Substrate with Tunable Elasticity
Quantitative filter technique measurements of spectral light absorption by aquatic particles using a portable integrating cavity absorption meter (QFT-ICAM)
Quantitative methods for the analysis of synchrotron-µCT datasets of metallic foams
Quantitative Model and Thin Film Studies Relating Molecular Architecture and Degradation of Multifunctional Materials
Quantitative observation of cyanobacteria and diatoms from space using PhytoDOAS on SCIAMACHY data
Quantitative phase analysis of highly textured materials by a complete pole figure measurement
Quantitative phase analysis of textured materials
Quantitative phase analysis of textured materials
Quantitative phase analysis of textured materials
Quantitative phase-contrast micro CT for biomedical samples
Quantitative Phase-Contrast Micro Tomography at PETRA III; DESY
Quantitative phase-contrast tomography of a liquid phantom using a conventional x-ray tube source
Quantitative phase-contrast x-ray micro CT for visualization of mouse lymph nodes
Quantitative phase-contrast x-ray micro CT for visualization of mouse lymph nodes
Quantitative Phasenanalyse stark texturierter Proben
Quantitative speciation of volatile sulphur compounds from human cadavers by GC-ICP-MS
Quantitative TEM characterizations of La/B4C and Mo/B4C ultrathin multilayer gratings by geometric phase method
Quantitative TEM-Charakterisierung komplexer Schichtsysteme mit Hilfe der geometrischen Phasenmethode
Quantitative Texturanalyse
Quantitative texture analysis in multiphase materials with overlapping Bragg reflections
Quantitative texture Analysis of deformed natural quartz vein from the Torridon area of NW Scotland with neutron diffraction data
Quantitative texture analysis of quartz using neutron diffraction
Quantitative Tiefenprofilanalyse durch Kombination von Sputtertechniken mit Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszensanalyse
Quantitative Tiefenprofilanalyse mit der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszensanalyse
Quantitative trace analysis of polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in ambient air samples from Mace Head (Ireland): A method intercomparison
Quantitative X-ray Microtomography with Synchrotron Radiation (Dissertation)
Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography at 82 keV
Quasi-brittle Fracture of Lamellar GammaTiAl: Simulation using a Cohesive Model with Stochastic Approach
Quasi-brittle Fracture of Lamellar GammaTiAl: Simulation using a Cohesive Model with Stochastic Approach
Quasi-in-situ observation of microstructure at the friction interface: shear deformation; dynamic recrystallization and mechanical responses during friction welding process
Quasi-simultaneous mapping of local current density, pH and dissolved O2
Quasi-stationarity of centennial Northern Hemisphere midlatitude winter storm tracks
Quaternary ammonium membrane materials for CO2 separation
Quaternization of a Polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) Isoporous Membrane: An Approach to Tune the Pore Size and the Charge Density
Quaternization of a Polystyrene‐block‐poly(4‐vinylpyridine) Isoporous Membrane: An Approach to Tune the Pore Size and the Charge Density
Quecksilber und Quecksilberspezies in der Atmosphaere
Quecksilber, ein spezielles Beispiel fuer Speciationsanalytik
Quecksilber- und Quecksilberspecies-Verhalten in belasteten und unbelasteten Gebieten der Erde
Quecksilberaltlast Marktredwitz: Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential
Quecksilberspezies im Boden
Quecksilberspezies, dynamische Prozesse in Sediment und Wasser, atmosphaerisches Transportverhalten
Quecksilberspurenanalytik in der Atmosphaere - Untersuchungen zum regionalen und globalen Kreislauf
Quecksilberverfluechtigung aus Elbewasser
Quecksilberverhalten in den Goldgewinnungsgebieten Brasiliens
Quellfunktionen in statistischen Seegangsmodellen
Quench rate sensitivity of age-hardenable Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys with respect to the Zn/Mg ratio: An in situ SAXS and HEXRD study
Quenching and Partitioning - An in-situ approach to characterize the process kinetics and the final microstructure
Quenching and Partitioning - An in-situ approach to characterize the process kinetics and the final microstructure
Querstrukturen technischer Membranen: Vergleichende Studie an Kryobruechen und Kryoultramikrotomanschnitten (blockface) mit dem FE-REM
Questions surrounding the 'Hockey stick' temperature studies: implications for climate change assessments
Questions Surrounding the ‘Hockey Stick’ Temperature Studies: Implications for Climate Change Assessments, Comments by Hans von Storch
Quo Vadis, Macromolecular Science? Reflections by the IUPAC Polymer Division on the Occasion of the Staudinger Centenary


R&D Activities in Europe
R&D Activities in Europe
R&D on Laser Processing in HZG
R&D on Laser Processing in HZG and Expectations for Laser Peening
R&D on Laser Processing in HZG and Expectations for Laser Peening
R&D on Laser Welding and Processing in HZG
R&D on Magnesium Sheets
R-curve characterization of polymer materials
R-curve testing and its relevance to structural assessment
R-Kurven-Untersuchungen an einem austenitischen Stahl
Radar based remote sensing of cloud liquid water – application of various techniques – a case study
Radar Image Sequence Analysis of Inhomogeneous Water Surfaces
Radar imaging of bottom topography
Radar Mesurements during the BBC/4D-Clouds Campaign: An Overview
Radar Observations of Ocean Surface Features Resulting from Underwater Topography Changes
Radar observations of stratocumulus compared with in situ aircraft data and simulations
Radar observations of stratocumulus compared with in situ aircraft data and simulations
Radar signatures of ship wakes
Radar signatures of the sea bed in coastal waters
Radarscannig als Methode zur Detektion von Oelverschmutzung und ihrer Ausbreitung an der Wasseroberflaeche
Radarscannig als Methode zur Detektion von Oelverschmutzung und ihrer Ausbreitung an der Wasseroberflaeche
Radarscanning in der Hydrographie (Diplomarbeit)
Radial friction welding of titanium risers - Process and properties
Radiale Elektronendichteverteilungsfunktionen fuer konzentrierte Oxadiazolloesungen
Radiation and clouds in general circulation models
Radiation and Water in the Climate System - Remote Measurements; Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Science Institute Remote Sensing of Processes Governing Energy and Water Cycles in the Climate System'
Radiation budget components inferred from satellite data for the baltic sea
Radiation Budget for BALTEX
Radiation damage to amorphous carbon thin films irradiated by multiple 46.9 nm laser shots below the single-shot damage threshold
Radiation damage to amorphous-carbon optical coatings
Radiation damage to amorphous-carbon optical coatings
Radiation enhanced phase separation in amorphous Fe40Ni40P20
Radiation induced phase separation in Fe-based copper containing alloys
Radiation-induced defects in steels-effects of Cu, Ni and P
Radiative processed and non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Radiative properties of cirrus clouds
Radioactive Flux Divergence Profils from MSG
Radioactive Flux Divergence Profils from MSG
Radiobiology of BNCT with Cold Neutrons in Different Geometries
Radiofrequency induced heating of biodegradable orthopaedic screw implants during magnetic resonance imaging
Radiographic contrast media alterate the localization of actin/band4.9 in the membrane cytoskeleton of human erythrocytes
Radiographic contrast media alterate the localization of actin/band4.9 in the membrane cytoskeleton of human erythrocytes
Radiolabelling of parenteral O/W emulsions by means of neutron activation
Radiometric Calibration of the GERB Instrument
Raeumlich hochaufgeloeste Strahlungsbilanz ueber Europa : Ableitung aus Satellitendaten,Validation eines regionalen Modells (Dissertation)
Raeumlich hochaufgeloeste Strahlungsbilanz ueber Europa: Ableitung aus Satellitendaten und Validation eines regionalen Modells
Raeumliche Analyse der Diffraction von Wellenfeldern anhand von Bildsequenzen und Simulationen (Diplomarbeit)
Raeumliche und raumzeitliche Reaktions-Diffusionsstrukturen in heterogenen Medien
Raeumliche und raumzeitliche Strukturbildung in nichtlinearen biologischen Systemen
Raeumlicher Vergleich von Risikopotenzialen fuer die Umwelt bei angenommenen Oelunfaellen in der Deutschen Bucht
RAFT Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene Using a Poly((N,N-dimethyl acrylamide)-co-(N-isopropyl acrylamide)) mCTA: Synthesis and Thermosensitivity
Rafting of Gamma′ precipitates in a Co-9Al-9W superalloy during compressive creep
Rahmenempfehlungen fuer die landwirtschaftliche Bodennutzung in Wasserschutzgebieten der Bundeslaender Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen und Thueringen
Rainfall variability in Northern Tanzania in the March-May season (long rains) and its links to large-scale climate forcing
Raised ferrite: yet another austenite decomposition product in microalloyed steel
Raised water temperature enhances benthopelagic links via intensified bioturbation and benthos-mediated nutrient cycling
Raising the Digital Maturity of Material Communities in European Projects
Raman lidar for vertical moisture profiling
Raman lidar for vertical water vapor profiling
Raman lidar measurement of atmospheric aerosol extinction profiles
Raman lidar measurement of the atmospheric aerosol extinction profile
Raman-DIAL measurements in the upper troposphere and stratosphere: The effect of high-altitude ice clouds on ozone
Raman-lidar measurements of particle surface-area concentration in the stratosphere after the Mount-Pinatubo eruption
Raman-Lidar zur Fernmessung von Wasserdampf- und Kohlendioxid-Hoehenprofilen in der Troposphaere (Dissertation)
Raman-shifted KrF laser radiation with low amplified spontaneous emission for a rotational Raman daytime-temperature lidar
Raman-shifted KrF laser radiation with low amplified spontaneous emission for remote daytime measurement of temperature via rotational Raman scattering
Raman-shifted laser sources suitable for differential-absorption lidar measurements of ozone in the troposphere
RAMSES: Registrierung, Analyse, Modellierung von Seegang und Stroemung
RAMSES: Registrierung, Analyse, Modellierung von Seegang und Stroemung
RAMSES: Registrierung, Analyse, Modellierung von Seegang und Stroemung. Abschlussbericht des KFKI-Projektes Seegang und Bemessung auf Seegang im Kuestenvorfeld und in den Aestuarien; Teilprojekt Entwicklung eines Kuestenmodells
Rapid aggregation of biofilm-covered microplastics with marine biogenic particles
Rapid depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) thin films by a dual-enzyme system and its impact on material properties
Rapid environmental responses to climate-induced hydrographic changes in the Baltic Sea entrance
Rapid grain refinement and compositional homogenization in a cast binary Cu50Ni alloy achieved by friction stir processing
Rapid invasion of Crassostrea gigas into the German Wadden Sea dominated by larval supply
Rapid measurement of volumetric texture using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
Rapid methods for determining 90-Sr, 89-Sr und 90-Y in environmental samples: a survey
Rapid restratification processes control mixed layer turbulence and phytoplankton growth in a deep convection region
Rapid solidification and special processes for processing magnesium alloys
Rapid solidification processing of Ti-Al-Si eutectic alloys: Microstructures and AEM studies
Rapid wavelet-based bathymetry inversion method for nearshore X-band radars
Rare earth element cytotoxicity and their use for magnesium alloying
Rasche Erstarrung und Sonderverfahren fuer die Verarbeitung von Magnesiumlegierungen
Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie - Vergleich von Sonden
Raster-Kraft-Mikroskopie an polymeren Materialien – speziell Membranen
Rastersondenmikroskopie: Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen fuer die Untersuchungen von Membranen
Rate controlling deformation mechanisms in SS316L stainless steel manufactured using laser powder bed fusion technique
Rates of Sorption and Partitioning of Contaminants in Elbe River Biofilm
Rational Design of Effective Mg Degradation Modulators
Rational Design of Microporous Polymer Containing Anthracene Maleimide based Derivatives for Gas Separation Membrane
Rational Designed Hybrid Peptides Show up to a 6-Fold Increase in Antimicrobial Activity and Demonstrate Different Ultrastructural Changes as the Parental Peptides Measured by BioSAXS
Rational Optimization of the Binding Affinity of CD4 Targeting Peptidomimetics With Potential Anti HIV Activity
Rationelle Modellierung der Rissausbreitung in geschweissten Strukturen
Rationelle Modellierung der Rissausbreitung in geschweissten Strukturen
Raumluftkonditionierung mittels entfeuchtender Kaeltedecke
Raumluftkonditionierung mittels entfeuchtender Kaeltedecke
Raumluftkonditionierung mittels Membranabsorption
Raumnutzungskonflikte in der Kuestenzone: Informelle Loesungsansaetze am Beispiel der naturschutzrechtlichen Kompensation des JadeWeserPorts
Raumstrukturierung von Reaktions-Elektrodiffusionssystemen
Raumzeitliche Selbstorganisation in nichtlinearen biogeochemischen Reaktions-Diffusions-Advektionssystemen
Raumzeitliche Strukturen in der nichtlinearen Dynamik von Reaktions-Diffusions-Advektionsprozessen
RCP8.5-projected changes in German Bight storm surge characteristics from regionalized ensemble simulations for the end of the twenty-first century
RDF investigations on concentrated solutions of poly(p-phenylene-1,3,4-oxadiazole) in sulphuric acid
RDF-Untersuchungen an Loesungen von Polyoxadiazol in Schwefelsaeure
Re-Distribution of Elements in Alpha2/O-Phase Lamellae of Ti-42Al-8.5 Nb
Re-programmable shape-memory polymer actuators
Reaction behaviour of peptide-based single thiol-thioesters exchange reaction substrate in the presence of externally added thiols
Reaction HIP process for titanium aluminide alloys
Reaction kinetic behaviour with relation to crystallite/grain size dependency in the Mg–Si–H system
Reaction Kinetics and Microstructure of Reactive Hydride Composites
Reaction Kinetics of Doped Light Weight Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites
Reaction mechanism and kinetics of MgH2 + (Ca, Na, Li) borohydride RHCs
Reaction mechanism and kinetics of MgH2/borohydride based Reactive Hydride Composites
Reaction mechanism and kinetics of MgH2/borohydride based reactive hydride composites
Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of MgH2/borohydride based Reactive Hydride Composites
Reaction mechanism and kinetics of MgH2/borohydrides based Reactive Hydride Composites
Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of Reactive Hydride Composites
Reaction Mechanism in Reactive Hydride Composites for Hydrogen Storage
Reaction of arterial endothelial cells to stent impression: In vitro study using a model of the human artery wall
Reaction sintering of cold extruded elemental powder mixture Ti-48Al
Reaction-diffusion patterns in electrochemical and ecosystem dynamics
Reaction-diffusion patterns in heterogeneous media
Reaction-diffusion patterns in heterogeneous media
Reactions of primary amines and alcoholes with 4-Toluolyl Azide
Reactions with catalytically active polymer membranes at low temperature
Reactive acrylic copolymers for tailored ion exchange membranes
Reactive and rigid monolayers of bisaroyl azide diamide bolaamphiphiles on polyacrylonitrile surfaces
Reactive Hydride Composite Confined in a Polymer Matrix: New Insights into the Desorption and Absorption of Hydrogen in a Storage Material with High Cycling Stability
Reactive Hydride Composite of Mg2NiH4 with Borohydrides Eutectic Mixtures
Reactive membrane polymers
Reactive membrane polymers for enzyme immobilization
Reactive membrane polymers for fixation of biocatalytic agents
Reactive Multifunctional Polymer Films Using Thermally Stimulated Cascade-like Reactions: Potential Strategy Employing Modified ortho-Allylation in Polyimides
Reactive Oxygen Species as Signaling Molecules in Cardiovascular Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells and Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis
Reactive oxygen species stimulate cardiomyogenesis of mouse embryonic stem cells
Reactive oxygen species-dependent stimulation of cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells by ascorbic acid
Reactive oxygen species-linked regulation of the multidrug resistance transporter P-glycoprotein in Nox-1 overexpressing prostate tumor spheroids
Reactive Pervaporation: Performing Separation by Pervaporation and Hydrogenation Simultaneously
Reactive phase formation in sputter-deposited Ni/Al multilayer thin films
Reactive phase formation in sputter-deposited Ni/Al thin films
Reactive phase formation in thin films: Evolution of grain structure
Reactive polymers as membrane materials
Reactive Polymers as Membrane Materials
Reactive polymers as membrane materials
Reactive powder processing of intermetallic alloys based on Gamma-TiAl
Reactive processing of Ti-A8at%Al sheets
Reactive sintering of titanium aluminides
Reactive synthesis of gamma-base titanium-aluminides
Reactivity and Microstructure of Al2O3-Reinforced Magnesium-Matrix Composites
Ready for the future: 70 years operation of the FRG-Research Reactors
Reaffirming climate science
Reagent delivery system and solid diluted calibrants - new concept for calibration
Reagenzfreisetzung durch Kernspurfilter-Transportmechanismen und Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten (Dissertation)
Reaktionen des Quecksilbers und seiner Spezies in bodennahen Luftschichten der Antarktis (Dissertation)
Reaktionen in und an duennen Polymerfilmen
Reaktionsfreudig - Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumwerkstoffen
Reaktionsintern von Titan-Aluminium-Legierungen
Reaktionspulvermetallurgie: ein Weg zur Herstellung von Halbzeugen aus intermetallischen Phasen
Reaktionsvarianten des Kuestenschutzes zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Reaktionsverhalten des Natriumallylsulfonates in der Loesungspolymerisation des Acrylnitrils in Dimethylformamid
Reaktive Acrylpolymere fuer Membrananwendungen
Reaktive Acrylpolymere fuer spezielle Membrananwendungen
Reaktive Membrancopolymere auf Acrylbasis
Reaktive Pervaporation mit Palladium-haltigen Polymermembranen
Reaktivpolymere zur Modifizierung von Polymeroberflaechen
Real-time Characterization of the Degradation and Chemi-crystallization Phenomenon in NaturalbasedPolymers at the Air-Water Interface: the Story of Bacterial Polyesters
Real-time in-situ measurement of methane in seawater
Real-Time Investigation of Recovery, Recrystallization and Austenite Transformation during Annealing of a Cold-Rolled Steel Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction (HEXRD)
Real-Time Ocean Wind Vector Retrieval from Marine Radar Image Sequences Acquired at Grazing Angle
Real-time stress evolution during laser surface line hardening at varying maximum surface temperatures using synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Real-time verification of the WAM model using NOAA buoys
Real-World Emission Factors of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Marine Fishing Boats and Their Total Emissions in China
Realistic modelling of the exceptional inflows into the central Baltic Sea in 2003 using terrain-following coordinates
Realverhalten von Mischungen
Rearrangements of dislocations during continuous heating of deformed β-TiNb alloy observed by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Reassessing Past European Gasoline Lead Policies
Rebitagem por Friccao de Aluminio 2024-T351 em Policarbonato (Masterarbeit)
Recapitulating epithelial tumor microenvironment in vitro using three dimensional tri-culture of human epithelial, endothelial, and mesenchymal cells
Recent advances in degradable lactide-based shape-memory polymers
Recent Advances in Development and Processing of Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent Advances in Development and Processing of Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent advances in energy efficient PEO processing of aluminium alloys
Recent advances in friction-based joining of polymer and polymer-metal hybrid structures
Recent advances in friction-based joining of polymer and polymermetal hybrid structures
Recent Advances in Joining of Polymer and Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures by Friction-Based Spot Welding Techniques
Recent Advances in Joining of Polymer and Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures by Friction-Based Spot Welding Techniques
Recent Advances in Magnesium Alloys and Technology
Recent Advances in Magnesium Alloys for Aerospace Applications
Recent advances in mesenchymal stem cell therapy for myocardial infarction
Recent advances in studies of the effects of clouds on the planetary radiation budget and climate
Recent advances in the controlled formation of pores in membranes
Recent Advances in Wave modeling for the North Sea and German Bight - Neueste Fortschritte in der Wellenmodellierung für die Nordsee und die Deutsche Bucht
Recent Advances of Titanium Alloy Powder Production by Ceramic-free Inert Gas Atomization
Recent Advances of Titanium Alloy Powder Production by Ceramic-free Inert Gas Atomization
Recent Advances on the Application of Layered Double Hydroxides in Concrete—A Review
Recent benthic foraminiferal distribution in the Elbe Estuary (North Sea, Germany): A response to environmental stressors
Recent Change - North Sea
Recent changes in extreme wave events in the south-western South Atlantic
Recent changes of seasonal snow cover in Siberia derived by a regional climate model
Recent changing coastal climate: storminess and impacts for the North Sea
Recent climate change in the Baltic Sea region - manifestation, detection and attribution
Recent contributions from the scientific community to the field of LSP
Recent developments and goals in texture research of geological materials
Recent Developments and Trends in Magnesium Technology
Recent Developments for Shallow Water Wave Prediction
Recent developments in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics with particular reference to heterogenous structures
Recent developments in fluorescent aptasensors for detection of antibiotics
Recent developments in fracture testing and assessment of structural weldments
Recent Developments in High Speed Friction Stir Processing of Mg AZ31
Recent Developments in High Speed Friction Stir Processing of Mg AZ31
Recent developments in Holocene climate modelling
Recent developments in hyperbaric welding beyond 600 msw
Recent developments in magnesium die casting
Recent Developments in Shape-Memory and Triple-Shape Materials
Recent Developments in the Application of the Interdependence Model of Grain Formation and Refinement
Recent Developments in the Application of the Interdependence Model of Grain Formation and Refinement
Recent Developments in the Design and Processing of Gamma-based TiAl
Recent Developments in the Design and Processing of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent Developments in the Design and Processing of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent Developments in the Design and Processing of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent Developments in the Design and Processing of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent Developments in the GEOS-Chem Mercury Model and Application to Future Emission and Climate Scenarios
Recent Developments in the Manufacturing of Components from Aluminium-, Magnesium- and Titanium-Based Alloys
Recent Developments of Magnesium Alloys and Trends in Magnesium Technology
Recent developments of TiAl alloys towards improved high-temperature capability
Recent developments of TiAl alloys towards improved high-temperature capability
Recent developments on solvent stable and fuel cell membranes
Recent European drought extremes beyond Common Era background variability
Recent Improvements in gamma-TiAl Ingot Metallurgy
Recent inorganic carbon increase in a temperate estuary driven by water quality improvement and enhanced by droughts
Recent insights on Mg corrosion and its inhibition – Neueste Einblicke in die Mg-Korrosion sowie dessen Inhibierung
Recent insights on Mg corrosion and its inhibition – Neueste Einblicke in die Mg-Korrosion sowie dessen Inhibierung
Recent patterns in potential phytoplankton limitation along the Northwest European continental coast
Recent Progress in the Design and Processing of TiAl Alloys with Enhanced High-Temperature Capability
Recent Progress in the Development of Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Recent progress of magnetorheological elastomers: a review
Recent progress on control strategies for inherent issues in friction stir welding
Recent Regional Climate State and Change - Derived through Downscaling Homogeneous Large-scale Components of Re-analyses
Recent research and developments on wrought magnesium alloys
Recent results of tropospheric ozone measurements with ARGOS
Recent results on the structure formation of HDPE-blown films
Recent sea-level change in the Baltic, comparison with the North Sea
Recent stratospheric aerosol measurements with combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar
Recent Trends in Shape-Memory Polymer Research - Multistimuli-sensitivity, Multishape Capability and Reversible Effects
Recent trends in shape-memory polymers
Recent Trends in the Chemistry of Shape-Memory Polymers
Recent trends on studies of nanostructured metals
Receptor and transport properties of imprinted polymer membranes - a review
Rechnerische Bestimmung der Vorwaermetemperatur beim Schweissen zum Vermeiden von Kaltrissen
Rechtliche Regelungen beim Umgang mit Silagesickersaeften
Rechtlicher Rahmen der Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels im urbanen Raum
Reckalterungsphaenomene in Titanaluminiden und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Verformungs- und Bruchverhalten
Recognition of aquatic vegetation above water using shortwave infrared baseline and phenological features
Recommendations for a modification of ASTME 1457 ti include creep-brittle materials
Recommendations for creep crack growth testing
Recommendations for Future Research Priorities for Climate Modeling and Climate Services
Recommendations for Marine Governance in the EU
Recommendations for stress corrosion testing using pre-cracked specimens: ESIS P4-92 D
Recommendations for stress corrosion testing using precracked specimens (ESIS P4-92D)
Reconfigurable and Actuating Microbowls with Variable Steps
Reconsidering the Quality and Utility of Downscaling
Reconstructing Atlantic Multidecadal Variability over the Common Era with Gaussian Process Regression
Reconstructing European forest management from 1600 to 2010
Reconstructing geophysical changes in the coastal environment in recent decades, and constructing scenarios of possible future change: The CoastDat philosophy
Reconstructing Large-Scale Climate Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
Reconstructing Large-Scale Climate Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
Reconstructing Large-Scale Climate Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
Reconstructing Large-Scale Climate Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
Reconstructing Large-Scale Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
Reconstructing past and envisaging futures with regional aspects
Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data
Reconstructing past climate from noisy data: Implications for climate change detection
Reconstructing past climate with dynamical models
Reconstructing socially relevant Holocene climate using proxy records and a climate model
Reconstructing storminess and storm surge conditions for Northern Europe since 1850 using the Analog method as nonlinear statistical upscaling tool
Reconstructing the anterior part of the nervous system of Gordius aquaticus (Nematomorpha, cycloneuralia) by a multimethodological approach
Reconstructing the global climate between 8-0 ky BP from paleoclimate records and transient GCM integrations
Reconstructing the Global Climate from the mid-Holocene until Present from Paleoclimate Records and Transient GCM Integrations
Reconstruction of Baltic Sea data
Reconstruction of climate fields using machine-learning methods
Reconstruction of Early 20th Century Climate from Atmospheric Data at Signal Stations along the German Baltic Coastline
Reconstruction of high resolution atmospheric fields for Northern Europe using analog-upscaling
Reconstruction of historical temperatures during the last millennium - analysis of methods - significance for detection of anthropogenic climate change
Reconstruction of lead (Pb) fluxes in Europe during 1955-1995 and evaluation of gasoline lead-content regulations
Reconstruction of Past and Prediction of Future Benzo[a]pyrene Concentrations Over Europe
Reconstruction of Past and Prediction of Future Benzo[a]pyrene Concentrations Over Europe
Reconstruction of the 1906 Storm Tide in the German Bright using TRIM-NP, FES2004, and DWD weather data
Reconstruction of the 1906 Storm Tide in the German Bright using TRIM-NP, FES2004, and ECMWF ERA-20C and CERA-20C reanalyses data
Reconstruction of the 1906 Storm Tide in the German Bright using TRIM-NP, FES2004, and NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) version 2c and 3
Reconstruction of the Basin‐Wide Sea‐Level Variability in the North Sea Using Coastal Data and Generative Adversarial Networks
Reconstruction of the wave climate in the Proper Baltic Basin, April 1947 - March 1988
Reconstruction of wind and surge of the 1906 storm tide at the German North Sea coast
Reconstructions of large-scale atmospheric circulation and data assimilation in palaeoclimatology
Reconstructions of marine environmental conditions and scenarios for future changes
Recovery of 6-pentyl-alpha-pyrone from Trichoderma viride culture medium by pervaporation
Recovery of ABE fermentation products by integrated pervaporation
Recovery of Aroma Compounds from a Wine-Must Fermentation by Organophilic Pervaporation
Recovery of Fatigue Life of Laser Welded AA6056 Butt Joints with Surface Fatigue Cracks through Laser Shock Peening
Recovery of natural aroma species by pervaporation
Recovery of organic vapors from air
Recovery of severely deformed ferrite studied by in situ high energy X-ray diffraction
Recovery of volatile bioproducts by pervaporation
Recovery of volatile bioproducts by pervaporation
Recovery, Recrystallization and Phase Transformations During Thermomechanical Processing and Tratment of TiAl-Alloys
Recrystallization and phase transitions in a Gamma-TiAl-based alloy as observed by ex situ and in situ high-energy X-ray diffraction
Recrystallization behavior and its relationship with deformation mechanisms of a hot rolled Mg-Zn-Ca-Zr alloy
Recrystallization effects on the forming behaviour of magnesium alloy sheets with varied calcium concentration
Recrystallization Effects on the Forming Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy Sheets with Varied Calcium Concentration
Recrystallization og high-purity aluminium during equal channel angular pressing
Recrystallization texture evolution of cold-rolled Cu foils governed by microstructural and sample geometrical factors during heating
Recycled titanium chips as initial product for the atomisation process of powders for additive manufacturing to increase resource efficiency
Recycled Titanium Chips as Initial Product for the Atomisation Process of Powders for Additive Manufacturing to Increase Resource Efficiency
Recycling as the key for developing sustainable hydrogen storage materials
Recycling of Abrasives and Process Water in the Abrasive Water Jet Technique
Recycling of Magnesium Alloys - State of the Art
Recycling of magnesium drive train components
Recycling of washing waters from bottle cleaning machines by membranes
Recycling of washing waters from bottle cleaning machines by membranes
Recycling von Abrasivmittel und Prozesswasser in der Wasserabrasivstrahl-Technik
Recycling von Magnesium - Stand der Technik, Probleme, Loesungsansaetze
Recycling von Magnesium: Stand der Technik, Probleme und Loesungen
REDD + Chances for biodiversity, potential risks and possible remedies : CSC Report
Redesign of an approved condensation nucleus counter for stationary use
Reduced diagnostic value of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the presence of radiographic contrast media
Reduced diagnostic value of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the presence of radiographic contrast media
Reduced enzymatic degradation of poly( -caprolactone) based Langmuir films at the air- water interface by introduction of urethane linkers in the polymer backbone
Reduced Incidence of Thromboembolic Events After Surgical Closure of Left Atrial Appendage in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
Reduced Ocean Carbon Sink in the South and Central North Sea (2014–2018) Revealed From FerryBox Observations
Reduced yield asymmetry and excellent strength-ductility synergy in Mg-Y-Sm-Zn-Zr alloy via ultra-grain refinement using simple hot extrusion
Reducing risk from natural hazard, pollution and climat change in megacities and associated networks
Reducing the aerosol forcing uncertainty using observational constraints on warm rain processes
Reducing the Endotoxin Burden of Desaminotyrosine- and Desaminotyrosyl tyrosine-Functionalized Gelatin
Reducing Uncertainty on Global Precipitation Projections
Reduction effects and cluster size in catalytically active polymer membranes
Reduction of Atmospheric Transboundary Fluxes of Heavy Metals in Europe: Scientific Support for European Environmental Protection Conventions (Habilitation)
Reduction of impurity effects on the corrosion resistance of AZ and AM based magnesium alloys
Reduction of Methanol Permeability in Polyetherketone-Heteropolyacid Membranes
Reduction of New Zealand sands containing ilmenite
Reduction of the embrittlement effect of binder contamination in MIM processing of Ti-alloys
Reduction of the embrittlement effect of binder contamination in MIM processing of Ti-alloys
Reduktion der breitbandigen Emission eines KrF-Lasers fuer ein solarblindes Temperatur-Lidar (Diplomarbeit)
Reduktion der Oberflaechenspannung von atmospaerischen Troepfchen durch wasserloesliche organische Verbindungen (WSOC)
Reduzierung der Quecksilbereintraege durch die Spol-Chemie AG, Ustì n.L.; CR (Abschlussbericht)
Reduzierung von TBT (Tributylzinn) in feinkoernigem Baggergut mit einem Dampfstripp-Verfahren (Diplomarbeit)
REDV Peptide Conjugated Nanoparticles/pZNF580 Complexes for Actively Targeting Human Vascular Endothelial Cells
REDV-linked biodegradable polymeric micelles as the transfer vector of ZNF580 for the proliferation of endothelial cells
REDV-linked biodegradable polymeric micelles as the transfer vector of ZNF580 for the proliferation of endothelial cells
REDV–polyethyleneimine complexes for selectively enhancing gene delivery in endothelial cells
Reefs and islands of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean: why it is the world’s largest no-take marine protected area
Reentrant structural phase transition in amphiphilic self-assembly
Refactoring a research code for multi-physics simulations: the 4C experience
Reference range and variability of Laser-Doppler-Fluxmetry
Reference range and variability of Laser-Doppler-Fluxmetry
Reference range and variability of Laser-Doppler-Fluxmetry
Refill friction stir spot welded AA5754-H22/Ti-6Al-4V joints: Microstructural characterization and electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum surfaces
Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding for Automotive Industry: Welding Materials in Similar to Dissimilar Joint Combinations, Two Sheets to Multilayer materials
Refill friction stir spot welding of AA6082-T6 alloy: Hook defect formation and its influence on the mechanical properties and fracture behavior
Refill friction stir spot welding of AM50 cast magnesium alloy
Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding of Dissimilar Alloys
Refill friction stir spot welding of thermoplastic composites: Case study on Carbon-fiber-reinforced polyphenylene sulfide
Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding: Welding Materials in Similar and Dissimilar Joint Configurations
Refilling termination hole in AA 2198–T851 by refill friction stir spot welding
Refinement of Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Scattering Data
Refining Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Neutron and X-ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy Data
Reflectance and transmittance properties of sea surfaces as function of sea state and wind speed
Reflectance and transmittance properties of sea surfaces – Aspects of polarized ray tracing
Reflectance and transmittance properties of sea surfaces – Aspects of polarized ray tracing
Reflectivity characterization of ion irradiated exchange bias FeMn-FeNi films
Reflectivity characterization of ion irradiated exchange bias FeMn-FeNi films
Reflectometry with Polarized Neutrons on In Situ Grown Thin Films
Reflektions-Absorptions FT-IR Spektroskopie zur Charakterisierung monoschichtiger Oberflaechenmodifizierungen von Polymerfilmen
Refractory absorber/emitter using monolayer of ceramic microparticles
Refractory absorber/emitter using monolayer of ceramic microparticles
Reframing climate services to support municipal and regional planning
REFSANS: A Novel Reflectometer for Analyses of Liquid and Soft Surfaces at the New Research Reactor FRM-II in Munich/Germany
REFSANS: Ein neuartiges Reflektometer am FRM-II fuer die Analyse von fluessigen und weichen Grenz- und Oberflaechen
Regeln und Steuerung einer Reparaturschweissanlage mit Lab VIEW RT 6.i
Regeneration der Betriebsfluessigkeit von Fluessigkeitsringpumpen durch Pervaporation
Regenerative Energie: Strom aus Osmose-Kraftwerken
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine - Introduction to a Research Program of the Helmholtz Association (HGF)
Regenerative medicine - Membranes and scaffolds
Regenerative Medicine in the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Regenerative Medicine: Reconstruction of Tracheal and Pharyngeal Mucosal Defects in Head and Neck Surgery
Regenerative Medizin
Regenerative Medizin
Regenerative Medizin
Regenerative Medizin - Vorwort
Regenerative Medizin -Vorstellung der Aktivitaeten im HGF-Vorprogramm
Regenerative Medizin in Berlin-Brandenburg - ein bundesweiter Vergleich
Regenerative Medizin in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Regenerative Medizin, derzeitige Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Vorschlaege fuer die Konzeption des Programms Regenerative Medizin fuer die zweite Programmperiode
Regenerative Therapien
Regenerative Therapien - Vorstellung BCRT
Regenerative Therapies in Germany - Present Status and Perspectives of Regenerative Medicine in Germany
Regime-dependent validation of simulated surface wind speed in coastal areas of the North Sea
Regime-dependent validation of simulated surface wind speed in coastal areas of the North Sea
Region of interest synchrotron nanotomography and nanodiffraction with FIB/SEM characterisation on engineering materials (Dissertation)
Regional and global cycling of atmospheric mercury - new insights from land-, ship- and aircraft-based measurements
Regional and global distribution of mercury and halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric and marine environment
Regional and global distribution of mercury and halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric and marine environment
Regional and local wind climatologies over heterogenous terrain
Regional and Long-Term Patterns of Lead Concentrations in Fluvial Marine and Terrestrial Systems and Humans in Europe
Regional and Long-Term Patterns of Lead Concentrations in Riverine, Marine and Terrestrial Systems and Humans in Northwest Europe
Regional but not global temperature variability underestimated by climate models at supradecadal timescales
Regional Changes in Wind Energy Potential over Europe Using Regional Climate Model Ensemble Projections
Regional characteristics of climate change altering effects of afforestation
Regional characteristics of Siberian snow cover changes derived by COSMO-CLM
Regional Climate Assessment Reports for Northeren Europe
Regional Climate Change: What is Unknown and Unknowable?
Regional Climate Change: What is Unknown and Unknowable?
Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community
Regional climate hindcast simulations within EURO-CORDEX: evaluation of a WRF multi-physics ensemble
Regional Climate Information - Evaluation and Projections
Regional climate knowledge for society
Regional climate knowledge for society
Regional climate model sensitivities to parametrizations of convection and non-precipitating subgrid-scale clouds over South America
Regional climate model simulations for Europe at 6 and 0.2 k BP: sensitivity to changes in anthropogenic deforestation
Regional Climate Modeling and Air-Sea Coupling
Regional climate modeling on European scales: a joint standard evaluation of the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble
Regional climate modelling in CLARIS-LPB: A concerted approach towards twentyfirst century projections of regional temperature and precipitation over South America
Regional climate models - added value and utillity
Regional Climate Models add Value to Global Model Data
Regional Climate Models add Value to Global Model Data – A Review and selected Examples
Regional Climate Models Add Value to Global Model Data: A Review and Selected Examples
Regional climate offices and regional assessment reports needed
Regional climate service in a postnormal context
Regional Climate Service – Experience from the North German Climate Office
Regional climate services
Regional climate services The case of Hamburg and the Elbe estuary
Regional Climate Services illustrated with experiences from Northern Europe
Regional climate services: A case study
Regional consistency of transient simulations and proxy data
Regional decision-makers as potential users of Extreme Weather Event Attribution - Case studies from the German Baltic Sea coast and the Greater Paris area
Regional differences in winter sea level variations in the Baltic Sea for the past 200 years
Regional differences in winter sea-level in the Baltic for the past 200 years
Regional differences in winter sea-level in the Baltic for the past 200 years
Regional Dynamic Simulation Modelling
Regional earth system model for CORDEX-South Asia: A comparative assessment of RESM and ESM over the tropical Indian Ocean
Regional earth system modelling framework for CORDEX-SA: an integrated model assessment for Indian summer monsoon rainfall
Regional effects of global warming
Regional effects on global warming
Regional Futures: A demonstration of integrated dynamic simulation modelling for policy decisions
Regional impacts of offshore wind farms on the North Sea hydrodynamics
Regional issues of changing storm surges and sea level
Regional Mean Sea Level Changes in the German Bight in the 20th Century
Regional meteo-marine reanalyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal, offshore and terrestrial applications
Regional Meteorological–Marine Reanalyses and Climate Change Projections - Results for Northern Europe and Potential for Coastal and Offshore Applications
Regional modelling of the western Pacific typhoon season 2004
Regional Modelling over Complex Terrain
Regional ocean colour remote sensing algorithm for the Baltic Sea
Regional ocean colour remote sensing algorithm for the Baltic Sea
Regional paleoclimate in the EMME and the Nile basin based on COSMO-CLM with orbital and volcanic forcing at the different spatial resolution
Regional pathways of substances – where do we need to go?
Regional Patterns and Long-Term Lead Concentrations in Europe
Regional pollution -The case of gasoline lead
Regional projections of North Indian climate for adaptation studies
Regional re-analysis without regional data
Regional re-analysis without regional data
Regional reanalysis without local data: Exploiting the downscaling paradigm
Regional scale atmospheric and hydrological modelling: Results and validation for the Baltic Sea and Weser catchments
Regional scale hydrology, Part 1: Formulation of the VIC-2L model coupled to a routing model
Regional scale hydrology, Part 2: Application of the VIC-2L model to the Weser River, Germany
Regional Sea level change along the North Sea coasts
Regional Sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea and the German Bight
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the last decades
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the NE Atlantic
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the Northeast Atlantic
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards: Model reconstructions and scenarios
Regional storm climate and related marize hazards in the North Sea
Regional variations of organophosphorus flame retardants - Fingerprint of large river basin estuaries/deltas in Europe compared with China
Regional wave climate simulations at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geestacht, Institute for Coastal Research
Regional wave climate simulations at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geestacht, Institute for Coastal Research
Regionale Helmholtz-Klimabueros bilden bundesweites Netz
Regionale hydrologische Modellierung – Anwendungen im Wesereinzugsgebiet
Regionale Klimainformationen für Bremen : Überprüfung; Erweiterung; Anwendung : City Series 02 : GERICS City Series
Regionale Klimainformationen für Bremerhaven : Überprüfung; Erweiterung; Anwendung : City Series 01 : GERICS City Series
Regionale Klimainformationen für Rostock : City Series 03 : GERICS City Series
Regionale Klimamodellierung
Regionale Klimamodellierung
Regionale Klimaprojektionen fuer Europa und Deutschland: Ensemble-Simulationen fuer die Klimafolgenforschung : CSC Report
Regionale Klimaszenarien Entwicklung - Szenarien - Anpassung
Regionale Meeresspiegelaenderungen in der Deutschen Bucht
Regionale Meeresspiegelaenderungen in der Deutschen Bucht
Regionale meteo-marine Reanalysen und ihr Anwendungspotenzial für die Planung von Offshore Windparks
Regionale meteo-marine Reanalysen und ihr Anwendungspotenzial für die Planung von Offshore Windparks
Regionale Strahlungsbilanz mit dem Scanner for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB)
Regionale Strahlungsbilanz mit dem Scanner for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB)
Regionale und geogene Hintergrundwerte im Elbeverlauf
Regionaler Klimaatlas Deutschland der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft informiert im Internet ueber moeglichen kuenftigen Klimawandel
Regionaler Klimaservice
Regionaler Klimawandel in Norddeutschland
Regionaler Klimawandel in Norddeutschland
Regionalisierung von Windklima
Regionalisierung von Windklima
Regionalisierung von Windklimatologien fuer Zwecke der Windkraftnutzung
Regionalization of Climate Model Results for the North Sea
Regionalization of Climate Model Results for the North Sea (Dissertation)
Regionalization of global climate change scenarios: An ensemble study of possible changes in the North Sea storm surge statistics (Dissertation)
Regionally coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-marine biogeochemistry model ROM: 1. Description and validation
Regionally Coupled Atmosphere‐Ocean‐Marine Biogeochemistry Model ROM: 2. Studying the Climate Change Signal in the North Atlantic and Europe
Regions where the application of dispersants can be expected to be beneficial - an assessment based on drift modelling
Regions where the application of dispersants can be expected to be beneficial - an assessment based on drift modelling
Regulated flame retardants and polyfluorinated compounds vs. their non-regulated replacement substances – Good or only less bad for the environment?
Regulated flame retardants and polyfluorinated compounds vs. their non-regulated replacement substances – good or only less bad for the marine environment?
Regulating anode self-discharge for boosting energy density of aqueous Mg batteries
Regulating the self-discharge of primary aqueous mg batteries via anode design
Regulation der myokardialen Mikrozirkulation
Regulation of benthic oxygen fluxes in permeable sediments of the coastal ocean
Regulation of cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) expression during mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation by the intracellular redox state
Regulation of cardiotrophin-1 expression in mouse embryonic stem cells by HIF-1{alpha} and intracellular reactive oxygen species
Regulation of mesenchymal stem cell behavior and secretion via microscale surface roughness
Regulation of the Biosynthesis of Extracellular Matrix Components by Biomaterials of Different Geometry and Stiffness
Regulation of the endothelialization by human vascular endothelial cells by ZNF580 gene complexed with biodegradable microparticles
Regulation of the myocardial microcirculation
Reib-Ruehrschweissen – Ein neuartiges Verfahren zum Fuegen von Bauteilen
Reibauftragschweissen von NiAl-Bronze - Materialeigenschaften unter Kavitation
Reibauftragschweissen von NiAl-Bronze - Verfahren und Materialeigenschaften unter Kavitation
Reibauftragschweissen von Ti-6Al-4V Prozessverhalten
Reibpunktschweissen/ -fuegen von thermoplastischem Polymer und Aluminium mit Nanokompositen basierend auf oberflaechenfunktionalisierten Nanopartikeln fuer Leichtbauanwendungen (Dissertation)
Reibruehrschweissen und Reibpunktschweissen von Al-Legierungen im Fahrzeug- und Flugzeugbau
Reibruehrschweissen und Reibpunktschweissen von Al-Legierungen im Fahrzeug- und Flugzeugbau
Reibruehrschweissen und Reibpunktschweissen von Al-Legierungen im Fahrzeug- und Flugzeugbau
Reibruehrschweissen: Verfahren und Anwendungen
Reibschweissen der Gamma-TiAl-Feingusslegierung Ti-47Al-3.5(Mn+Cr+Nb)-0.8(B+Si) und der Titanlegierung Ti6Al4V - Prozessentwicklung und Charakterisierung der mikrostrukturellen und mechanischen Eigenschaften (Dissertation)
Reibschweissen im Bereich Offshore Anwendungen
Reichweite- und Empfindlichkeitsoptimierung beim DAS-Lidar
Reinforcement of Block Copolymer by Nanofibers - Synthesis, Morphology and Mechanical Properties
Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser (Teil 1 )
Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser (Teil 2)
Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser (Teil 2)
Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser (Teil 2)
Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser (Teil I)
Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser (Teil I)
Reinheitsbestimmung und Aufstellung von T1x-Phasendiagrammen durch Vergleich simulierter mitgemessenen dynamisch-kalorimetrischen Kurven
Reinigung anorganisch und organisch belasteter Abwaesser
Reinigung anorganisch und organisch belasteter industrieller Abwaesser
Reinigung loesungsmittelhaltiger Abluft durch Adsorption (Diplomarbeit)
Reinigung oelkontaminierter Schlaemme aus der Rohstoffgewinnung und Abfallbehandlung
Reinigung von Abwaessern aus der Tierhaeuteverwertung mit Hilfe von Membranfiltration (Diplomarbeit)
Rekonstruktion der Belastung der Deutschen Bucht mit polyfluorierten organischen Substanzen anhand von Robbengewebeproben
Rekonstruktion des 3D-Wolkenfeldes - Am Beispiel des 23.9.2001 (BBC1)
Rekonstruktion Nordatlantischer Klimamuster aus Korallen von Bermuda
Rekonstruktion vergangener Zustaende und die Erzeugung von Szenarien zukuenftiger Entwicklungen mithilfe von operationellen Monitoring Daten und Downscaling
Rekristallisation von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen im Warm-Stauchversuch (Bachelorarbeit)
Rekristallisationseffekte bei der Umformung von Magnesiumblechlegierungen mit verschiedenen Calciumkonzentrationen (Bachelorarbeit)
Rektifikation und Dampfpermeation fuer die Aufbereitung komplexer Loesungsmittelgemische
Relating erosion shear stress to tidal flat surface colour
Relating structure to function in marine ecosystem models
Relation -between Nanostructural Changes and Macroscopic Effects during Reversible Temperature-Memory Effect under Stress-Free Conditions in Semicrystalline Polymer Networks
Relation -between Nanostructural Changes and Macroscopic Effects during Reversible Temperature-Memory Effect under Stress-Free Conditions in Semicrystalline Polymer Networks
Relation between Surface Area and Surface Potential Change during (co)Polyesters Degradation as Langmuir Monolayer
Relations among the components of autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton during the seasonal cycle 1987 in Lake Constance
Relations between free volume distributions and transport properties of membrane polymers
Relations between kinetic model investigations during the membrane preparation and characteristic membrane parameters of corresponding prepared membranes
Relationship between Circulation Types and Extreme Precipitation over Scandinavia is stable under Climate Change
Relationship between global mean sea-level and global mean temperature in a climate simulation of the past millennium
Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties in magnesium wrought alloy AZ 31
Relationship between SAR-Derived Wind Vectors and Wind at 10-m Height Represented by a Mesoscale Model
Relationship between spectral reflected irradiance at the sea surface and optical properties of marine phytoplankton
Relationship of structure and permeability of poly(amide imide)s
Relationship of structure and permeability of poly(amide imide)s
Relationships between Doppler spectral moments within large-scale cirro- and altostratus cloud fields observed by a ground-based 95 GHz cloud radar
Relationships between Processing and Properties of Magnesium-Based Alloys
Relationships between rainfall variability in Northern Tanzania and climate anomalies in the Indian Ocean-African sector
Relationships between the surface concentration of particulate organic carbon and optical properties in the eastern South Pacific and eastern Atlantic Oceans
Relative dispersion and relative diffusivities in an ocean-wave coupled model of the North Sea
Relative Dispersion of Surface Drifters in the North Sea: The Effect of Tides on Mesoscale Diffusivity
Relativistic Effects Stabilize Unusual Gold(II) Sulfate Structure via Aurophilic Interactions
Relaxation based modeling of tunable shape recovery kinetics observed under isothermal conditions for amorphous shape-memory polymers
Release and turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and metals under oxic and suboxic conditions in long-term incubations of Skagerrak sediments
Release of Ammunition-Related Compounds from a Dutch Marine Dump Site
Release of halocarbons from an industrial estuary
Release of plastic additives and microplastic particles from different consumer products into water under accelerated UV weathering conditions
Release of trace contaminants during reoxidation of anoxic sediment slurries in oxic water
Release of Uremic Retention Solutes from Protein Binding by Hypertonic Predilution Hemodiafiltration
Relevance of long term observatories such as the tide gauge in Swinoujscie
Relevant Questions for Integrated Assessment Modelling and Methodology of Integrated Assessment Modelling and Process
Reliability analysis of weldings considering defects
Reliability of LEU Fuel
Reliable J-Values - Numerical Aspects of the Path-Dependence of the J-Integral in Incremental Plasticity
Reliable Sea Level Data on Ghana
Remarkable Infrared Nonlinear Optical, Dielectric, and Strong Diamagnetic Characteristics of Semiconducting K3[BiS3]
Remarks on the Green–Naghdi theory of heat conduction
Remarks on the transportation of spent fuel elements
Remarks on the use of wave scatterometer data in conjunction with the wind-scatterometer
Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils by Acid Leaching and Electrolytic Separation
Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soils and Sludges by Steam Distillation
Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soils by Electroleaching
Remediation of Sediment Fractions by the ASRA(r)-DEMI-Process: A New Mechanical Physical Treatment Technology for Contaminated Silt
Remediation Techniques for Hg-Contaminated Sites
Remediation Techniques for Mercury Contaminated Soils and Sludges: Steam Distillation and Electrochemical Leaching
REMO Cloud Modeling: Improvements and Validation with ISCCP DX Data
Remobilization events involving Zn and Cd from intertidal flat sediments in the Elbe Estuary during a tidal cycle
Remobilization of trace elements from polluted anoxic sediments after resuspension in oxic water
Remodeling of fibrinogen by endothelial cells in dependence on fibronectin matrix assembly - Effect of substratum wettability
Remodeling of fibronectin and fibrinogen matrix by endothelial cells in response to the material surface wettability and integrin functioning
Remote daytime measurements of tropospheric temperature profiles with a rotational Raman lidar
Remote ischemic preconditioning of the heart: Combining lower limb ischemia and electronic stimulation of the gastrocnemius muscle
Remote ischemic preconditioning of the heart: Combining lower limb ischemia and electronic stimulation oft he gastrocnemius muscle
Remote measurement of aerosols
Remote Quantification of Nearshore Wave Energy Dissipation Rates from Coherent X-Band Radar Backscatter
Remote Quantification of Nearshore Wave Energy Dissipation Rates from Coherent X-band Radar Backscatter
Remote sensing of chlorophyll in the Baltic Sea at basin scale from 1997 to 2012 using merged multi-sensor data
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Radiative Parameters during EUCREX 94. Case Study of 17 April 1994. Part 1: Observations
Remote sensing of cloud liquid water
Remote sensing of cloud liquid water during ICE 89
Remote Sensing of Clouds
Remote sensing of clouds and surface radiation budget over Polar
Remote sensing of gaseous pollutants with ARGOS
Remote Sensing of Primary Production Variables in Coastal Waters
Remote sensing of sunlight induced phytoplankton flourescence
Remote sensing of suspended matter phytoplankton, and yellow substances over coastal waters. Part 2: satellite measurements
Remote Sensing of the Neva bight
Removal of 180° ambiguity in SAR images of ocean waves
Removal of 180° ambiguity in SAR images of ocean waves
Removal of contaminants from coacervate phase by pervaporation
Removal of Contaminants from Coacervate Phase by Pervaporation
Removal of heavy metals by microalgae - compare with macroalgae
Removal of organic pollutants from gaseous and liquid effluent streams by membranes
Removal of organic pollutants from gaseous and liquid effluent streams by membranes
Removing inhibitory acids from bioreactors by Donnan dialysis
Renal and Hormonal Responses to Exercise in Man at 46 and 37 Atmospheres Absolute Pressure
Renewable Energy and Marine Spatial Planning: Scientific and Legal Implications
Renewable Energy and Marine Spatial Planning: Scientific and Legal Implications
Renewable materials based on vitrimers from small and large molecules
Reorganization of fibronectin by fibroblasts and signaling via integrins are related to the biocompatibility of materials
Reorganization of substratum bound fibronectin and tyrosine phosphorylation in focal contacts of fibroblasts adhering on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces is related to the biocompatibility of materials
Reorganization of the Cluster State in a C60/NMethylpyrrolidone/Water Solution: Comparative Characteristics of Dynamic Light Scattering and SmallAngle Neutron Scattering Data
Reparatur von Unterwasserstrukturen
Reparaturschweissungen an Unterwasser-Pipelines
Repeatability and Reproducibility of Data from Different Groups and Locations in Ny-Alesund during the Hg-Campaign 2003
Repeatability and Reproducibility of Data from Different Groups and Locations in Ny-Alesund During the HG-Campaign 2003
Repeated MitraClip procedure in patients with recurrent MR after a successful first procedure: Limitations and outcome
Reply to 'Limited Late Antique cooling'
Reply to comments on “composite structure of α phase in metastable β Ti alloys induced by lattice strain during β to α phase transformation” by prof. D. Banerjee
Reply to the comment limits to the maximum attainable modulus of poly(ethylene terephthalate) by A. R. Postema and P. Smith
Reply to: Comment on Molecular organization of amphiphilic disc-shaped penta-alkynes in LB-mono- and multilayers''
Reply to: Revisiting life history and morphological proxies for early mammaliaform metabolic rates
Report of Round Robin Exercise on Effect of EDM Notching and Fatigue Precracking Methods on CTOD Fracture Toughness Values of Welds
Report on EC MundT project „Fracture toughness of steel in the ductile to brittle transition regime“
Report on the EU SMundT-Project „Fracture Toughness of Steel in the Ductile to Brittle Transition Regime“
Report on Translation case studies describing the gained experience (Version 1)
Representation of conditional random distribution as a problem of 'spatial' interpolation
Representation of Extreme Precipitation Events Leading to Opposite Climate Change Signals over the Congo Basin
Representation of internal boundary layers in a mesoscale model
Representative volume elements in homogenization - Generation, discretization and design evaluation
Representativity of near surface wind measurements from coastal stations at the German Bight
Reprocessable Vanillin-based Schiff Base Vitrimers: Tuning Mechanical and Thermomechanical Properties by Network Design
Reproduction of historical gypsum mortar
Reprogrammable recovery and actuation behaviour of shape-memory polymers
Reprogrammable Shape-Memory Polymer Actuators for Robotics
Reprogrammable soft shape-memory actuators with the option of degradability and self-healing
Reprogrammable, magnetically controlled polymeric nanocomposite actuators
Reprogrammed quiescent B cells provide an effective cellular therapy against chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Requirements and programmes for training and retraining of personnel involved in the operation of the FRG-1 research reactor
Research Activities at the Magnesium Innovation Centre - MagIC
Research Activities at the Magnesium Innovation Centre - MagIC
Research Activities at the Magnesium Innovation Centre - MagIC
Research and Cooperation Opportunities at Helmut Schmidt University and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage
Research and Development on Laser Processing in Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Research and development trends in underwater technology: cost reduction in offshore oil and gas production
Research and Development Trends of Magnesium in the World
Research and development: cooperation with Brazil in the area of underwater technology
RESEARCH ARTICLES - Reconstruction of potential evaporation for water balance studies
Research hotspots and trends of biodegradable magnesium and its alloys
Research Management in a competitive environment
Research of Magnesium in Europe
Research on clouds and radiation at GKSS
Research priorities for sustainability science
Research priorities for sustainability science
Research with Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation on Aerospace and Automotive Materials and Components
Reservoir management in a hydrological routing scheme for large river systems
Reservoir management in a hydrological routing scheme for the purpose of long-term simulations in large river systems
Residence times in shallow waters help explain regional differences in Wadden Sea eutrophication
Residual strain in as-welded and artificial strain-aged weldments
Residual strain measurements with synchotron X-rays
Residual strains in Al-Mg composites deformed by extrusion. Experimental data and simulations
Residual strains in Al-Mg composites deformed by extrusion. Experimental data and simulations
Residual Strains in Al-Mg Powder Composites. Simulations by self-consistent models
Residual Strength Analysis of AA2198 Laser Beam Welded Integral Structures (Masterarbeit)
Residual Strength Analysis of Laser and Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Panels
Residual strength analysis of laser beam and friction stir welded aluminium panels for aerospace applications (Dissertation)
Residual strength and crack path predictions by the cohesive model
Residual strength and crack path predictions by the cohesive model
Residual Strength of the Aerospace Al-Alloy Panels with Laser Beam Welded Stringers and Clips
Residual strength prediction of a complex structure using crack extension analyses
Residual strength prediction of a stiffened panel using the cohesive model
Residual strength prediction of a stiffened panel using the cohesive model
Residual strength prediction of integral structures using numerical crack extension analyses
Residual strength prediction of integral structures using numerical crack extension analyses
Residual Stress Analysis and Fatigue Behavior of Mechanically Surface Treated Titanium Alloys (Dissertation)
Residual Stress Analysis at GKSS: Recent Results and Future Possibilities
Residual stress analysis by neutron time-of-flight at a reactor source
Residual stress analysis in laser welded NiTi sheets using synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Residual Stress Analysis of Short Distance Laser Beam Welds Using Neutron Diffraction
Residual stress analysis of laser spot welding of steel sheets
Residual Stress Analysis of Laser Welded Aluminium T-Joints Using Neutron Diffraction
Residual Stress Analysis of Laser Welded Aluminium T-Joints Using Neutron Diffraction
Residual stress analysis with neutrons and high-energy X-rays
Residual Stress and Fatigue Analyses of Laser Spot Welded Joints
Residual Stress and Fatigue Analyses of Laser Spot Welded Joints
Residual stress and microstructural features of friction-stir-welded GL E36 shipbuilding steel
Residual stress and microstructure depth gradients in nitrided iron-based alloys revealed by dynamical cross-sectional transmission X-ray microdiffraction
Residual stress and microstructure evolution in steel tubes for different cooling conditions – Simulation and verification
Residual Stress Characterization by Fourier-RTOF Neutron Diffractometry
Residual stress characterization in friction stir welds of alloy 625
Residual stress characterization of ferritic weldments
Residual stress correction of indentation experiments
Residual stress distribution in two-layer strip cladding and its influence on corrosion resistance
Residual stress distribution in two-layer strip cladding and its influence on corrosion resistance
Residual stress distribution of a locally and inductively quenched and tempered 50CrMo4 steel analysed by synchrotron transmission techniques
Residual stress distributions in friction stir welded Al sheets determined by neutron strain scanning
Residual stress distributions in friction stir welded Al sheets determined by neutron strain scanning
Residual stress effects and damage tolerance behaviour of integral lightweight structures manufactured by FSW and HSM(Dissertation)
Residual Stress Engineering using LSP for Damage Tolerance Improvement of Load-bearing Metallic Structures
Residual Stress Evaluation in Friction Stir Welds of Inconel 625 - Avaliacao das Tensoes Residuais em Juntas Soldadas de Inconel 625 Obtidas Atraves da Soldagem por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica
Residual stress evolution during heat treatment and machining of forged Ti-6Al-4V turbine engine parts - Computational simulation in comparison to experimental investigations
Residual stress evolution during heat treatment and machining of forged Ti-6Al-4V turbine engine parts - Computational simulation in comparison to experimental investigations
Residual stress in friction stir welded Al sheets
Residual stress in friction stir welded Al sheets
Residual stress investigations in an inertia friction welded sample
Residual stress investigations on a hot-rolled plane sandwich-type composite X5 Cr Ni 18 9-C45-X5 Cr Ni 18 9 by means of neutron diffraction
Residual stress mapping of laser welded aluminium alloy T-joints
Residual stress measurements in an inertia welded sample by means of different neutron diffraction techniques
Residual stresses and fatigue crack growth in friction surfacing coated Ti-6Al-4V sheets
Residual stresses in a multipass ferritic weldment
Residual stresses in forged IN718 turbine discs
Residual stresses in forged IN718 turbine discs
Residual stresses in friction stir welded Al sheets
Residual stresses in friction stir welded Al sheets
Residual stresses in laser beam welded aluminium sheets
Residual stresses in laser beam welded butt joints of the airframe aluminium alloy AA6056
Residual stresses in laser beam welded butt joints of the airframe aluminium alloy AA6056
Residual Stresses in the Hot Sprues of as-cast Mg-Zn Alloys Investigated by STRESS-SPEC Neutron Diffractometer
Residual stresses induced by Laser Shock Peening: Design of Experiment and stress correction methodology
Residual stresses near a multipass ferritic weldment
Residual stresses near the hot sprues of as-cast Mg-Zn alloys investigated by STRESS-SPEC neutron diffractometer
Residual stresses of the as-cast Mg-xCa alloys with hot sprues by neutron diffraction
Residual Stresses of the As-Cast Mg-xCa Alloys with Hot Sprues by Neutron Diffraction
Resilience and coastal governance: knowledge and navigation between stability and transformation
Resilience of North Sea phytoplankton spring bloom dynamics: An analysis of long-term data at Helgoland Roads
Resilience through climate services
Resilient agriculture: Water management for climate change adaptation in Lower Saxony
Resilienz komplexer Regionalsysteme - Brunsbuettel zwischen Lock-in und Lernprozessen (Dissertation)
Resistance of polymeric ultrafiltration membranes exposed to ozone produced by diamond electrodes
Resolution functions and unsharpness in neutron radiography
Resolving physically and biologically driven suspended particulate matter dynamics in a tidal basin with a distribution-based model
Resolving the bloom dynamics and ecological role of Noctiluca scintillans in the southern North Sea
Resolving the bloom dynamics and ecological role of Noctiluca scintillans in the southern North Sea
Resonant magnetic X-ray scattering at the lanthanide M-5 edges
Resonant X-ray scattering in biological structure research
Resonante Mehr-Photonen-Ionisations-Flugzeitspektrometrie (REMPI TOF) an Quecksilber - Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Geraetes zur Spurenstoffanalytik (Dissertation)
Resonanzionisation von Cadmium in einem Lasermassenspektrometer
Resonanzionisations-Massenspektrometrie hochangeregter Rydbergzustaende des Quecksilbers
Resonanzionisations-Massenspektrometrie hochangeregter Rydbergzustaende des Quecksilbers
Resorbierbare Formgedaechtniskunststoffe fuer medizinische Anwendungen
Resorption of magnesium materials and its effect on human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
Resorption of magnesium materials and its effect on human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
Resorption of magnesium materials and its effect on human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
Response of Elbe estuary ecosystem to changed riverine nitrogen loads
Response of encapsulated cells to a gelatin matrix with varied bulk and microenvironmental elastic properties
Response of encapsulated cells to a gelatin matrix with varied bulk and microenvironmental elastic properties
Response of Endothelial Cells to Gelatin-Based Hydrogels
Response of ferrite, bainite, martensite, and retained austenite to a fire cycle in a fire-resistant steel
Response of Karakoram-Himalayan glaciers to climate variability and climatic change: A regional climate model assessment
Response of the turbidity maximum in the Weser estuary to pulses of freshwater runoff and to storms
Response patterns of phytoplankton growth to variations in resuspension in the German Bight revealed by daily MERIS data in 2003 and 2004
Response Process of Coastal Hypoxia to a Passing Typhoon in the East China Sea
Response to "Testing climate reconstructions" (Letters)
Response to comment on "In situ airwater and particlewater partitioning of perfluorocarboxylic acids, perfluorosulfonic acids and perfluorooctyl sulfonamide at a wastewater treatment plant"
Response to comment on "Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury Species at a Coastal Site in the Antarctic and over the South Atlantic Ocean during Polar Summer"
Response to Comment on "Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data" (Technical Comment Abstracts)
Responses to single and multiple temperature-, medium-, and pH-stimuli triggering reversible shape shifts in hydrogel actuators
Responsive Nanogels for Anti-cancer Therapy
Ressourcenverbrauch im Fokus - Zum Rohstoffbedarf von Smartphones und deren Recyclingfaehigkeit liegen neue Daten vor
Restaurierung des Pulvermares
Restfestigkeit von Flugzeugrumpfschalen: Finite Element Analyse und Experiment
Restfestigkeit von Flugzeugrumpfschalen: Finite Element Analyse und Experiment
Restfestigkeitsanalyse einer Flugzeugrumpfschale mit Hilfe von benutzerdefinierten Kohaesivelementen
Restfestigkeitsanalyse einer Flugzeugrumpfschale mit Hilfe von benutzerdefinierten Kohaesivelementen
Resting Magnetocardiography Predicts 3-Year Mortality in Patients Presenting with Acute Chest Pain without ST Segment Elevation
Restoration Mechanisms at Moderate Temperatures for As-Cast ZK40 Magnesium Alloys Modified with Individual Ca and Gd Additions
Results from long-term measurementsof atmospheric mercury at Mace Head, on the west coast of Ireland
Results from one-year continuous operation of a large aperture scintillometer over a heterogeneous land surface
Results from PCM: Spain hindcast project
Results from simulations with the CLM for PRUDENCE
Results from single shot grazing incidence hard x-ray damage measurements conducted at the SACLA FEL
Results from single shot grazing incidence hard x-ray damage measurements conducted at the SACLA FEL
Results from the Baltic Sea Experiment BALTEX
Results of a round robin on stretch zone width determination
Results of Biocompatibility Testing of Novel, Multifunctional Polymeric Implant Materials In-Vitro and In-Vivo
Results of Biocompatibility Testing of Novel, Multifunctional Polymeric Implant Materials In-Vitro and In-Vivo
Results of intercomparision flight ICE 211 -dynamical and thermodynamical measurements
Results of microphysical measurements obtained from FALCON aircraft during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989
Results of the application of a seam tracking system in robotic hyperbaric root pass welding
Results of the European Project COINS, International Workshop on Cost Effective Integral Metallic Structures
Results of the WASA wave hindcast
Results of thermodynamical and dynamical measurements during the Intercomparison Flight ICE 211
Results of time series measurements in the turbidity zone of the Weser estuary
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium alloys via laser heating - Experimental proof of concept
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium alloys via laser heating – Numerical prediction of fatigue crack growth
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium alloys via laser heating – Simulation based design optimisation
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium structures via heating induced residual stresses – Experiments, numerical prediction and design optimisation
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in aircraft aluminium structures via heating induced residual stresses – Experiments, numerical prediction and design optimisation
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in thin AA2024 sheets by laser heating
Retardation of fatigue crack growth in thin AA2024 sheets by laser heating
Retardation of fatigue cracks in welded structures through laser shock peening
Retention of sulfidated nZVI (S-nZVI) in porous media visualized by X-ray μ-CT – the relevance of pore space geometry
Rethinking the colour of precipitation
Retraction of the dissolution front in natural porous media
Retrieval of chlorophyll, suspended matter and gelbstoff from CZCS data
Retrieval of coloured dissolved organic matter with machine learing methods
Retrieval of coloured dissolved organic matter with machine learing methods
Retrieval of Ocean Surface Wave Fields using Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Retrieval of Ocean Surface Wave Fields using Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Retrieval of Phytoplankton Pigments from Underway Spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait
Retrieval of polar stratospheric cloud microphysical properties from lidar measurements: Dependence on particle shape assumptions
Retrieval of Surface-Current Fields and Bathymetries using Radar-Image Sequences
Retrieval of Water Constituents from Hyperspectral In-Situ Measurements under Variable Cloud Cover—A Case Study at Lake Stechlin (Germany)
Retrievals of surface radiation from satellite data and aircraft measurements over polar regions
Retrieving hurricane wind speeds using cross-polarization C-band measurements
Retrospective analysis of NE Atlantic weather (especially storms)
Retrospective Investigation of chronic oil pollution in the southern North Sea
Retrospective simulation and analysis of changing SE Asian high-resolution typhoon wind and wave statistics
Revascularization and limb salvage following critical limb ischemia by nanoceria-induced Ref-1/APE1-dependent angiogenesis
Revealing dynamic processes in laser powder bed fusion with in situ X-ray diffraction at PETRA III
Revealing joining mechanism in refill friction stir spot welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy to galvanized DP600 steel
Revealing microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded NiTi-stainless steel with Ni or Nb interlayer
Revealing physical interpretation of time constants in electrochemical impedance spectra of Mg via Tribo-EIS measurements
Revealing the complex spatiotemporal nature of crystal growth in a steel pipe: Initiation, expansion, and densification
Revealing the Dynamic Transformation of Austenite to Bainite during Uniaxial Warm Compression through In-Situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Revealing the impact of second phase morphology on discharge properties of binary Mg-Ca anodes for primary Mg-air batteries
Revealing the interfacial nanostructure of a deep eutectic solvent at a solid electrode
Revealing the role of Al in the microstructural evolution and creep properties of Mg-2.85Nd-0.92Gd-0.41Zr-0.29Zn alloy
Revealing the structure of composite nanodiamond–graphene oxide aqueous dispersions by small-angle scattering
Reverse Engineering of Chemically Similar Bimodal High Density Polyethylenes: A Comprehensive Study Using Advanced Chromatographic Techniques
Reverse tension/compression asymmetry of a Mg–Y–Zn alloys containing LPSO phases
Reversibility of Complex Borohydride Hydride Systems
Reversibility of echinocyte formation after contact of erythrocytes with various radiographic contrast media
Reversible 2D networks of oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) at the air–water interface
Reversible Actuation of Polymer Networks by Directed Crystallization
Reversible Actuation of Thermoplastic Multiblock Copolymers with Overlapping Thermal Transitions of Crystalline and Glassy Domains
Reversible Bidirectional Shape-Memory Effect at Physiological Temperature from Oligo(epsilon-caprolactone) and n-Butyl Acrylate
Reversible Bidirectional Shape-Memory Polymers
Reversible bidirectional shape-memory properties of electrospun fibrous meshes
Reversible changes of excess volume in amorphous alloys with consequences for ductile behaviour
Reversible changes of excess volume in amorphous alloys with consequences for ductile behaviour
Reversible hydrogen storage in NaF–Al composites
Reversible Modulation of Elasticity in Fluoroazobenzene-Containing Hydrogels Using Green and Blue Light
Reversible self-assembly of analyte-selective bis-benzamidine monolayers on thiol modified gold wafers
Reversible self-assembly of bis-benzamidine monolayers on thiol modified gold wafers: Characterization of new molecular recognition elements for biosensors
Reversible Shape- Memory- Effects in Polymer Networks
Reversible Shape-Memory Actuation of Individual Micro-/Nanofibers
Reversible shape-memory effect of crosslinked thermoplastic polymer blends
Reversible shape-memory properties of surface functionalizable, crystallizable crosslinked terpolymers
Reversible Triple-Shape Effect of Polymer Networks Containing Polypentadecalactone- and Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)-Segments
Reversible Wasserstoffspeicherung in Metallhydriden – Ueberblick zum aktuellen Forschungsstand
Reversible, Bidirectional Shape-memory Polymers by Directed Crystallization
Review article: A European perspective on wind and storm damage – from the meteorological background to index-based approaches to assess impacts
Review article: How does glacier discharge affect marine biogeochemistry and primary production in the Arctic?
Review of empirical downscaling techniques
Review of magnesium hydride-based materials: development and optimisation
Review of Plasmonic Nanocomposite Metamaterial Absorber
Review of Residual Stress Modification Techniques for Extending the Fatigue Life of Metallic Aircraft Components
Review on Hot Working Behavior and Strength of Calcium-Containing Magnesium Alloys
Review: A global problem - Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet under Pressure
Review: Cotton, W.R.; Pielke, R.A. Sr.: Human Impacts on Weather and Climate
Review: Dirk Meier: "Schleswig-Holsteins Kuesten im Wandel - von der Eiszeit zur globalen Klimaerwaermung"
Review: From Beaufort to Bjerknes and Beyond
Review: Gutachten zu dem Artikel "Synoptic and Dynamic Climatology" von Roger G. Barry and Andrew M. Carleton
Review: Is the Temperature Rising? The uncertain science of global warming by Philander S.G.
Review: Senckenbergiana maritima, Baende 33 und 34
Review: Taking the heat out of global warming. A critical assessment of a majority view by a couple of 'mainstream skeptics'
Review: Textiles come to life
Review: The Lysenko Effect: The Politics of Science
Review: Umfassender Ueberblick
Revision des Fe-reichen Teils des Fe-Si-Phasendiagramms
Revision of recluse spiders (Araneae: Sicariidae: Loxosceles) preserved in Dominican amber and a total-evidence phylogeny of Scytodoidea reveal the first fossil Drymusidae
Revision of the Fe-Si-phase diagram: NO B2-phase for 7.6 At.% cSI 10.2 At.%
Revisiting Bolgiano–Obukhov scaling for moderately stably stratified turbulence
Revisiting Hansen & Sutera’s suggestion of bimodality in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude circulation
Revisiting the Estimate of the North Sea Air-Sea Flux of CO2 in 2001/2002: The Dominant Role of Different Wind Data Products
Revisiting the tolerance limit of Fe impurity in biodegradable magnesium
Revival of transcatheter PFO closure: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - impact of shunt size and age
Rezensionen, Alles ueber Membranen - Heinrich Strathmann: Introduction to Membrane Science and Technology (Buchbesprechung)
Rezenter und erwarteter Klimawandel im Ostseebereich - Was wissen wir, was wissen wir nicht?
RF nitriding of serverely deformed Armco iron and St2K50
RGD constructs with physical anchor groups as polymer co-electrospinnable cell adhesives
RGDSP functionalized carboxylated agarose as extrudable carriers for chondrocyte delivery
Rheological and Dielectric Properties of Styrene-Isoprene Triblock Copolymers: Influence of Block Sequence and Molecular Weight
Rheological and dynamical light scattering experiments on solutions of PESU and PVP with Pluronic®-based additives
Rheological and dynamical light scattering experiments on solutions of PESU and PVP with Pluronic®-based additives
Rheological and hemostasiological aspects of thrombus formation in the left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation? A new strategy for prevention of cardioembolic stroke
Rheological and Morphological Properties of Composites of PS-PMMA Block Copolymers and Silica Nanoparticles
Rheological Behaviour of Semi-Solid Mg-Y Alloys
Rheological Behaviour of Semi-Solid Mg-Y Alloys
Rheological properties of composites of polycarbonate and CNT: Influence of agglomeration on elastic and electrical properties
Rheological properties of low molecular weight PS-b-PI block copolymers and their polystyrene precursors
Rheological properties of polymer solutions and melts for membrane fabrication
Rheologie und Herstellung von Schaeumen aus PS-PMMA-Blockcopolymeren
Rheologische Charakterisierung von hochverzweigten Methacrylaten fuer Dentalkomposite (Masterarbeit)
Rheology in shear and elongation and dielectric spectroscopy of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers
Rheology of Diblock Copolymers
Rheology of micro- and nanostructured polymers: Structure formation on the micro and on the nano scale - Fundamentals and experimental methods
Rhodamine-loaded TiO2 particles for detection of polymer coating UV degradation
Ribosomal Elongation Cycle
Ribosomal Protection from Tetracycline Mediated by Tet(O): Tet(O) Interaction with Ribosomes is GTP-Dependent
Ribosomal structure research with polarized neutron scattering
Ribosomal structure research with polarized neutron scattering
Ribosomal structure research with spin contrast variation
Ribosomal tRNA Binding Sites: Three-Site Models of Translation
Ribosomale Strukturforschung mittels Neutronenstreuung
Richtige Auswahl spart Kosten: Kriterien fuer Verdampfer-Bauformen
Rigorous and Customizable 1D Simulation Framework for Membrane Reactors to, in Principle, Enhance Synthetic Methanol Production
Ring-opening polymerisation of biomaterials
Ring-Opening polymerization of morpholine-2,5-diones by iron(II) acetate and metal alkoxides
Ringvorlesung "HiTec auf atomarer Skala": Morphologische Eigenschaften von Blockcopolymeren und Blockcopolymerblends
RIS of mercury for analytical applications
Risiko im Kontext von Offshore-Windkraft und systemischem Risikodiskurs
Risiko-Management in der Badewanne
Risikoraum Heimat – Die Wattenmeerregion und eine ortsbezogene Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Risikoraum Heimat – Die Wattenmeerregion und eine ortsbezogene Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Risikoregion hinter den Deichen: Umgang mit Extremereignisbündeln als transdisziplinäre Herausforderung an der Küste
Risikostudie bezueglich der Oelverschmutzung in der Deutschen Bucht
Rising Displacement Stress Corrosion Cracking Testing
Rising Displacement Test – An Accelerated Test Technique for KIEAC Determination
Rising Displacement Testing of Hydrogen Embrittlement
Rising Displacement Testing of Hydrogen Embrittlement
Rising Load/Rising Displacement SCC Testing
Risk analysis of assumed nearshore oil spills: Drift simulations using model based long-term reconstructions of meteo-marine conditions
Risk and Management of Current and Future Storm Surges
Risk assessment for deep sea mining: An overview of risk
Risk Assessment in the Context of the Life Cycle of Advanced Materials: View of Researchers
Risk assessment of estuaries under climate change: Lessons from Western Europe
Risk assessment on mercury contaminated sites – Behaviour of mercury and its species in lysimeter experiments
Risk assessment on mercury contaminated sites – toxicity of organic mercury compounds
Risk Management and Adaptation for Extremes and Abrupt Changes in Climate and Oceans: Current Knowledge Gaps
Risk Management in a containerized metal hydride storage system
Risk of oil contamination of fish eggs and larvae under different oceanic and weather conditions
Risk perception
Risk Perception in the Wadden Sea Region - a survey in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands
Risk reduction partnerships in railway transport infrastructure in an alpine environment
Rissabstumpfung Spaltbruch im Uebergangsbereich und stabiles Risswachstum: untersucht mit den Methoden der nichtlinearen Bruchmechanik
Rissabstumpfung Spaltbruch im Uebergangsbereich und stabiles Risswachstum: untersucht mit den Methoden der nichtlinearen Bruchmechanik (Dissertation)
Rissausbreitung bei Kurzzeitermuedung
Rissausbreitung in lamellaren Gamma-Titanaluminiden
Rissausbreitung in Titanlegierungen in waessriger 3,5%NaCl-Loesung
Rissausbreitung unter Schwingbeanspruchung
Rissausbreitungsmechanismen in Gamma-Titanaluminiden
Rissausbreitungsmechanismen und Bruchzaehigkeiten von zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden mit unterschiedlichen Mikrostrukturen
Rissausbreitungsmechanismen und Bruchzaehigkeiten von zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden mit unterschiedlichen Mikrostrukturen
Rissfortschrittsanalysen mit benutzerdefinierten Interface-Elementen
Risslaengenmessung mit digitaler Bildverarbeitung
Risssicherheit von Schweissnaehten an Pipelines der Offshore-Industrie aus supermartensitischem Stahl
Risssicherheit von Schweissnaehten an Pipelines der Offshore-Industrie aus supermartensitischem Stahl
River discharge related changes of the turbidity maximum sediment inventory in the Weser Estuary
River discharge related changes of the Weser ETM
River Sediments and Related Dredged Material in Europe - River Sediments and Dredged Material as Part of the System Catchment-Coastal Sea: Policy and Regulatory Aspects
River Sediments and Related Dredged Material in Europe - Scientific Background from the Viewpoints of Chemistry, Ecotoxicology and Regulations
River-Sea Systems: Spatial and temporal occurrence of Neonicotinoids, Glyphosate and related transformation products in the Chinese Bohai Sea and 36 surrounding Rivers
Riverine Transport and Sources of Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds (PFCs) along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine
RNA Delivery
Roadmap for Sail Transport: Engineering
Roadmap on soft robotics: multifunctionality, adaptability and growth without borders
Robot Assisted Polyurethane Chain Extension of Dihydroxy Telechelic Depsipeptides
Robot Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Polyester-based Polyurethanes
Robot Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Polyester-based Polyurethanes
Robot Assisted Synthesis of Alternating Multiblock Copolymers Based on Oligo(ε-caprolactone)/Oligotetrahydrofuran
Robot guided water jet cleaning for subsea application
Robot-Assisted Synthesis of Alternating and Random Multiblock Copolymers Based on Oligo(ε-caprolactone)/Oligotetrahydrofurane and Their Phase Morphology
Roboter fuer Arbeiten unter Wasser
Roboter fuer den Einsatz in grossen Wassertiefen
Robotereinsatz fuer abrasives Hochdruck-Wasserstrahlschneiden von Stahl in druckfuehrender Inertgasatmosphaere
Robotereinsatz fuer die Automatisierung von Arbeiten in grossen Wassertiefen
Robotereinsatz in Inertgasatmosphaere bis 110 bar
Robotereinsatz zur Herstellung von Schweissproben mit HV-Naht in druckfuehrender Atmosphaere
Roboterentwicklung fuer Arbeiten bis 1100 m Wassertiefe
Roboterentwicklung fuer den Unterwassereinsatz
Robotergestuetztes Ruehrreibschweissen
Robotergestuetztes Ruehrreibschweissen
Robotersteuerung fuer den Unterwassereinsatz
Robotersteuerung fuer den Unterwassereinsatz verfuegbar
Robotertechnik in extremer Umgebung: F+E-Arbeiten der GKSS zur Handhabungstechnik
Robotic friction stir welding - Tool technology and applications
Robotic Synthesis of Polyester- and Depsipeptide- based Polyurethanes
Robotik und Robotersimulation
Robust detection of marine life with label-free image feature learning and probability calibration
Robust metastable skyrmions with tunable size in the chiral magnet FePtMo3N
Robustness and uncertainties in global multivariate wind-wave climate projections
Robustness of climate indices relevant for agriculture in Africa deduced from GCMs and RCMs against reanalysis and gridded observations
Robustness of Ensemble Climate Projections Analyzed with Climate Signal Maps: Seasonal and Extreme Precipitation for Germany
Roentgendiffraktometrische und chemische Untersuchungen an Schwebstoffen aus der Unterelbe (Dissertation)
Roentgendiffraktrometrische und analytische Untersuchungen an Schwebstoffen aus der Unterelbe
Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse zur Bestimmung von Schwermetallspuren in Wasser
Roentgenreflektometrie: Grundlagen und Anwendungen
Roentgenspiegel - Nanooptiken fuer harte und weiche Roentgenstrahlung
Roentgenspiegel - Nanooptiken fuer harte und weiche Roentgenstrahlung
Roentgenspiegel: atomar scharfe Metall/Nichtmetall-Grenzflaechen
Roentgenstrukturanalyse von Kristallen biologischer Makromolekuele mit Hilfe der anomalen Dispersion an natuerlichen Markierungen (Dissertation)
Roentgenstrukturcharakterisierung von Langmuir-Blodgett-Schichten
Roentgenstrukturuntersuchungen an Bariumstearat-Multischichten
Roentgenstrukturuntersuchungen an Bariumstearat-Multischichten
Roentgenweitwinkeluntersuchungen zur uebermolekularen Struktur von nativer Cellulose und Celluloseregenerat-Fasern
Roentgenweitwinkeluntersuchungen zur uebermolekularen Struktur von nativer Cellulose und Celluloseregenerat-Fasern
Rogue Waves
Rogue waves in the southern North Sea : Extremwellen in der südlichen Nordsee
Rogue Waves in the Southern North Sea-The Role of Modulational Instability
Rogue waves: Rare but damaging
Rohstoffe - Beruehrungslos Verformen, Nanokomposite aendern ihre Form im Magnetfeld
Role of Additives in LiBH4-MgH2 Reactive Hydride Composite sorption reactions
Role of alloyed Nd in the microstructure and atmospheric corrosion of as-cast magnesium alloy AZ91
Role of Borides on Microstructure Evolution in Cast Beta-solidifying Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Role of Ca on the corrosion resistance of Mg–9Al and Mg–9Al–0.5Mn alloys
Role of CaO and Cover Gases on Protecting the Cast Surface of Mg
Role of CaO and Cover Gases on Protecting the Cast Surface of Mg
Role of cobalt additive on formation and anticorrosion properties of PEO coatings on AA2024 alloy in alkali-silicate electrolyte
Role of colloids in speciation
Role of deformation mechanisms and grain growth in microstructure evolution during recrystallization of Mg-Nd based alloys
Role of derivative functionality and inhibitor concentration on the corrosion inhibition of Al-CFRP system by synergistic mixes
Role of extrinsic and intrinsic toughening mechanisms in graphene nanosheets reinforced magnesium matrix layered composites
Role of glycerine on formation & corrosion characteristic of PEO layer formed over Mg alloy in a high-concentrated mixed silicate-phosphate-based electrolyte
Role of intermetallics in corrosion of aluminum alloys. Smart corrosion protection
Role of layered structure in ductility improvement of layered Ti-Al metal composite
Role of multi-microalloying by rare earth elements in ductilization of magnesium alloys
Role of non-basal slip systems on the microstructure and texture development of ZXK-Mg alloy deformed in Plane Strain Compression at elevated temperature
Role of Oxidation–Reduction Dynamics in the Application of Cu/ZnO-Based Catalysts
Role of Phase Composition of PEO Coatings on AA2024 for In-Situ LDH Growth
Role of phosphate, silicate and aluminate in the electrolytes on PEO coating formation and properties of coated Ti6Al4V alloy
Role of polymorph microstructure of Ti6Al4V alloy on PEO coating formation in phosphate electrolyte
Role of post-heat treatment on hardness, bending strength and corrosion of Mg4Gd wire compared to pure Mg wire
Role of post-heat treatment on hardness, bending strength and corrosion of Mg4Gd wire compared to pure Mg wire
Role of SiC in Grain Refinement of Aluminum-Free Mg-Zn Alloys
Role of SiC in Grain Refinement of Aluminum-Free Mg-Zn Alloys
Role of sintering and clay particle additions on coating formation during PEO processing of AM50 magnesium alloy
Role of slice thickness quantification in the 3D reconstruction of FIB tomography data of nanoporous materials
Role of solute in stress development of nanocrystalline films during heating: An in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study
Role of Solute in the Texture Modification During Hot Deformation of Mg-Rare Earth Alloys
Role of Statistics in Climate Sciences
Role of statistics in dynamical modelling
Role of steel and zinc coating thickness in cut edge corrosion of coil coated materials in atmospheric weathering conditions; Part 1: Laboratory study
Role of the CSC at the implementation of decision support systems for regional transboundary flood management
Role of the CSC at the implementation of decision support systems for regional transboundary flood management
Role of the substrate on the growth of Ni–Ti sputtered thin films
Role of TiB2 inoculation particles during welding of a AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Role of Vacancies in Work Hardening and Fatigue of TiAl alloys
Roles of Nd and Mn in a new creep-resistant magnesium alloy
Rolling of AM50 Magnesium Cast Alloy
Rolling of AM50 Magnesium Cast Alloy
Rolling of magnesium alloys
Rolling Twin Roll Cast Magnesium Strips with Varied Temperature and Degree of DeformatioN
Rolling twin roll cast magnesium strips with varied temperature and degree of deformation
Room Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Silicon-doped TiAl alloys with Grain Sizes in the Nano-and Submicron-Range
ROSIS: an advanced imaging spectrometer for the monitoring of water colour and chlorophyll fluorescence
Rotary barrel finishing for magnesium sample preparation
Rotatable multifunctional load frames for neutron diffractometers at FRM II—design, specifications and applications
Rotation of the magnetic vortex lattice in Ru7B3 driven by the effects of broken time-reversal and inversion symmetry
Rotational Friction Welding of High Creep Resistance Magnesium Alloy
Rotational Friction Welding of High Creep Resistance Magnesium Alloy
Rotational Raman Lidar for Remote Daytime Measurements of Tropospheric Temperature Profiles
Rotational Vibrational-Rotational (RVR) Raman DIAL for Ozone Measurments in Clouds: Methodology and Experiment
Rotational vibrational-rotational (RVR) Raman Dial: a novel lidar technique for atmospheric ozone measurements
Rotational vibrational-rotational Raman differential absorption lidar for atmospheric ozone measurements: Methodology and experiment
Rotations-Ramanspektrum von Wasserdampf
Rotationsreibschweissen einer kriechfesten Magnesiumlegierung
Rotationsreibschweissen einer kriechfesten Magnesiumlegierung
Roughness correlations in ultra-thin polymer blend films
Rovibrational Overtone Spectroscopy at 150 K: The CF-stretching polyads of CHCl2F
Rovibrational Overtone Spectroscopy at 150 K: The CF-stretching polyads (v = 1, 2, 3) of CHCl2F
Ruderflusskrebse (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) im Wattenmeer
Rueckgewinnung von Kohlenwasserstoffen aus Abluft mit Hilfe von Membranen
Rueckgewinnung von Loesemitteln aus Abluft mit Hilfe von Membranen
Rueckgewinnung von Organika aus Abluft durch Daempfepermeation (Diplomarbeit)
Rueckhaltung homogener Katalysatoren mittels nicht-waessriger Nanofiltration
Rueckkehr des Klimadeterminismus?
Rueckkopplungen und Rueckwirkungen in der hydrologischen Modellierung am Beispiel von kontinuirlichen Niederschlag-Abfluss-Simulationen und Hochwasservorhersagen (Dissertation)
Rueckwirkungen von Feldberegnung und Waldumbau auf das regionale Klima – eine Modellrechnung
Rueckwirkungen von Landnutzung und Bewaesserung auf das simulierte lokale und regionale Klima der Metropolregion Hamburg : CSC Report
Rueckwirkungen von Waldumbau und Beregnung auf das simulierte regionale Klima
Ruehrreibgeschweisste Mischverbindung fuer die Anwendung im Automobilbau
Ruehrreibgeschweisste Tailored Blanks
Ruehrreibschweissen (FSW) - Stand der Technik
Ruehrreibschweissen und Hybridverfahren
Ruehrreibschweissen von artungleichen Aluminiumknet- und Aluminiumdruckgusslegierungen
Ruehrreibschweissen von Stahl
Ruehrreibschweissen von Stahl fuer den Schiffbau und die Oel- und Gas Industrie
RundD for telepresence at GKSS
RundD problems for underwater technology
Runoff parameterization in a SVAT scheme: sensitivity tests with the model SEWAB
Runoff parameterization in a SVAT scheme: sensitivity tests with the model SEWAB
Runoff simulation in the upper Oder catchment during the flooding event 1997 with a coupled atmospheric / hydrological model
Runoff simulation in the upper Odra catchment during the flooding event 1997 with a coupled atmospheric/hydrologic model
Runoff Simulation in the Upper Warta Catchment During 1992 and 1993
Runoff Simulation on local and regional Scales
Runoff Simulation on local and regional Scales
Runoff simulations in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer Models


Sacrificial protection of Mg-based resorbable implant alloy by magnetron sputtered Mg5Gd alloy coating: A short-term study
Safeguarding against climate change impacts
Safety Against Fracture of Block Joints Welded With Large Gaps in Shipbuilding
Safety Against Fracture of Block Joints Welded With Large Gaps in Shipbuilding
Safety of wet welding with increased open circuit voltages up to 150 V d.c.
Sailing into an Uncertain Future - Connecting Sailors and Scientists to Monitor the Pulse of the Changing Arctic
Salinity power: Clean energy of the future
Salinity power: Clean energy of the future
Salinity variability in the German Bight in relation to climate variability
Salt-Dependent Phase Transition Behavior of Doubly Thermoresponsive Poly(sulfobetaine)-Based Diblock Copolymer Thin Films
Salt-Induced Shape-Memory Effect in Gelatin-Based Hydrogels
Sample based water quality monitoring of coastal seas: How significant is the information loss in patchy time series compared to continuous ones?
Sample environments for an engineering diffractometer at ESS: from robotic texture analysis to in situ friction stir welding
Sample Introduction in ICP-MS: Capillary Electrophoresis
Sample preparation (cleaning, drying, homogenization) for trace element analysis in plant matrices
Sample preparation methods for TXRF-analysis of blood, blood serum and urine
Sample pretreatment for the bioassay-directed chemical analysis of river sediments
Sample treatment for TXRF: requirements and prospects
Sampling strategies for ground-based and airborne 94/95 GHz radars
Sampling the Cu–Fe–Co phase diagram by severe plastic deformation for enhanced soft magnetic properties
Samplingstudien zu Satellitenmessungen der Strahlungsbilanz der Erde
Sanierung und Restaurierung von Seen
Sanierung von Gebinden der Landessammelstelle in Geesthacht
Sanierung von Standgewaessern: Forschungsergebnisse und Anwendungsfaelle
Sanierungskonzepte fuer Gewaessersysteme
SANS analysis of Gundremmingen RPV materials and of several laboratory melts after irradiation: final report
SANS analysis of neutron-irradiated Fe model alloys containing Cu, Ni and P
SANS analysis of opal structures made by the capillary deposition method
SANS analysis of the precipitation behaviour in a maraging steel
SANS analysis of the precipitation behaviour in a maraging steel
SANS and DENS study of irradiation damage in a reactor pressure vessel material with a systematic variation of irradiation dose and heat treatments
SANS contrast variation study of magnetoferritin structure at various iron loading
SANS investigation of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina
SANS investigation of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina
SANS investigation of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina
SANS investigation of irradiated A-533-B steels doped with phosphorus
SANS investigation of low alloy steels in neutron irradiated, annealed and reirradiated conditions
SANS investigation on precipitation hardening of two-phase Gamma-TiAl-alloys
SANS investigation on precipitation hardening of two-phase Gamma-TiAl-alloys
SANS studies of critical phenomena in ternary mixtures
SANS study of carbon addition in Ti–45Al–5Nb
SANS study of carbon addition in Ti–45Al–5Nb
SANS study of concentration effect in magnetite/oleic acid/benzene ferrofluid
SANS study of micelle formation in aqueous mixed solutions of sodium and magnesium dodecylsufates with added salts
SANS study of micelle formation in aqueous mixed solutions of sodium and magnesium dodecylsulfates.Part I
SANS study of micelle formation in aqueous mixed solutions of sodium and magnesium dodecylsulfates: Part II
SANS study of new magnetic nanocomposites embedded into the mesoporous silica
SANS study of poly(ethylene glycol) solutions in D2O
SANS with polarized neutrons
SANS-1 - Experimental Reports of 2000
SANS-1: A new Small Angle Scattering Instrument @ MLZ
SANS-Untersuchung zur Ausscheidungshaertung von zweiphasigen Gamma-TiAl-Legierungen
SANS-Untersuchung zur Ausscheidungshaertung von zweiphasigen Gamma-TiAl-Legierungen
SANS/SAXS-Untersuchungen von Koagulationsprozessen in Kolloidalen Huminstoff-Loesungen
SANS/SAXS-Untersuchungen von Koagulationsprozessen in Kolloidalen Huminstoff-Loesungen
SANS/USANS investigations of nanocrystalline MgH2 for reversible hydrogen storage
SANS/USANS investigations of nanocrystalline MgH2 for reversible hydrogen storage
SANS/USANS investigations of nanocrystalline MgH2 for reversible storage of hydrogen
SANS/USANS investigations of SiO2 nanoclusters in different organic solutions
SANSPOL study of organic magnetic fluids stabilized by different monocarboxylic acids
SANSPOL study of organic magnetic fluids stabilized by different monocarboxylic acids
SAR Measurements of Ocean Wind and Wave Fields in Hurricanes
SAR Observations of Offshore Windfarm Wakes
SAR Ocean Wave Inversion - A Hierarchic Approach
SAR Ocean Wind and Waves projects: developments and validations results
SAR wind fields for offshore wind farming
SAR wind fields for offshore wind farming
SAR Wind Measurements during the FETCH Experiment
SAR Wind Measurements during the FETCH Experiment
SAR Wind Retrieval with Respect to Extreme Winds
SAS studies on the Interaction of DPPC and Hyaluronan
Satellite Applications for Energy Budgets and the Hydrological Cycle
Satellite based estimation of atmospheric wakes downstream offhore windparks using a new objective filter technique
Satellite estimates of global and diffuse radiation
Satellite measurements and earlier studies of the planetary radiation budget
Satellite measurements of radiation budget parameters
Satellite Ocean Colour: Current Status and Future Perspective
Satellite Retrieved Clouds and Radiation Budget in Support of BALTEX Regional Studies
Satellite retrieved clouds and radiation budget in support of BALTEX regional studies
Satellite-derived low-level atmospheric water vapour content from synergy of AVHRR with HIRS
Satellite-Driven Estimates of Water Mass Formation and Their Spatio-Temporal Evolution
Satelliten messen die planetare Strahlungsbilanz und Bewoelkung
Satellitendaten zur Kartierung von Sedimenttypen
Satellitengestuetzte Bestimmung der Strahlungsbilanz des Klimasystemes Erde – Atmosphaere
Satellitenmessungen vom Niederschlag in den Tropen: Projekt TRMM
Saturation of the Internal Tide over the Inner Continental Shelf. Part I: Observations
Saturation of the Internal Tide over the Inner Continental Shelf. Part II: Parameterization
Sauerstoff und Naehrstoffgehalte in Ober- und Mittelweser
Sauerstoff- und Naehrstoffgehalte in Ober- und Mittelweser, Salzgehalt der Weser
Sauerstoff- und Naehrstoffgehalte in Ober- und Mittelweser, Salzgehalt der Weser
Sauerstoffempfindlichkeit der RAFT-Polymerisation – Eine Modellierungsstudie
SAXS investigation of a cubic to a sponge (L3) phase transition in self-assembled lipid nanocarriers
SAXS Investigations of Aquatic Humic Substances
SAXS Investigations of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes
SAXS Investigations of Polymeric Hollow Fibre Membranes
SAXS Investigations of Very Large Polyoxomolybdate Clusters in Solution
SAXS Studies on Sulfonated Block Co-Polyimdes
SAXS/WAXS characterization of proton-conducting polymer membranes containing phosphomolybdic acid
sbi: A toolkit for simulation-based inference
Scaffold Roughness Regulates the Endothelial Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Scalable application of thin film coating techniques for supported liquid membranes for gas separation made from ionic liquids
Scale-up of milling in a 100 L device for processing of TiFeMn alloy for hydrogen storage applications: Procedure and characterization
Scale-Up synthesis of thermoresponsive polymer particles from poly(N;N-dimethylacrylamide-co-N-isopropylacrylamide)-b-polystyrene via RAFT emulsion polymerization
Scaled up LiBH4 / MgH2 Composite Storage System as new Promising Hydrogen Storage
Scaled-up Materials Synthesis and Testing of Hydrogen Storage Tanks based on Nanostructured Hydrides
Scaled-up Production of Li-RHC for Hydrogen Tank Applications
Scaling behavior of stiffness and strength of hierarchical network nanomaterials
Scaling between elasticity and topological genus for random network nanomaterials
Scaling laws of nanoporous gold under uniaxial compression: Effects of structural disorder on the solid fraction, elastic Poisson's ratio, Young's modulus and yield strength
Scaling laws of nanoporous metals under uniaxial compression
Scaling the U-net: segmentation of biodegradable bone implants in high-resolution synchrotron radiation microtomograms
Scaling, downscaling and regional modelling
Scaling, downscaling and regional modelling
ScanFish Observations in the Shallow Waters of the German Bight
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy investigations of defect arrangements in a two-phase Gamma-TiAl alloy
Scanning force microscopy and wetting study of the surface modification of a polypropylene membrane by means of langmuir-blodgett film deposition
Scanning force microscopy studies of membranes
ScaRaB as a Valuable Tool for BALTEX and MAGS
ScaRaB and its subsystems
ScaRaB Solar Ground Calibration Plan - ScaRaB FM 1
ScaRaB Solar Ground Calibration Plan - ScaRaB FM2 and Spare Model
ScaRaB – scanner for radiation budget
ScaRaB-Scanner for radiation budget
ScaRaB: Ein Radiometer zur Messung der Strahlungsbilanz
ScaRaB: Scanner for radiation budget calibration
Scatter of a ferritic steel in the transition region analysed by charpy tests and dynamic tensile tests
Scattering from Polymer like Micelles of TDAO in Salt/Water Solutions at Semidilute Concentrations
Scattering from polymer-like micelles of TDAO in salt/water solutions at semi-dilute concentrations
Scattering from polymer-like micelles of TDAO in salt/water solutions of semi-dilute concentrations
Scattering from short stiff cylindrical micelles formed by full-ionized TDAO in NaCl/water solutions
Scattering from Stiff Cylindrical Micelles formed by Full-ionized TDAO in NaCl/Water Solutions
Scattering influences in quantitative fission neutron radiography for the in situ analysis of hydrogen distribution in metal hydrides
Scattering of irregular shaped ice particles at 3.2MM wavelengths
Scattering of light by fractal ice particles: a qualitative estimate exemplary for two-dimensional triadic Koch-islands
Scattering of light by polyhedral ice crystals
Scattering of light by semi-regular ice particles
Scattering of light by two-dimensional fractals
Scattering of light by two-dimensional triadic Koch-islands
Scattering of soft X-rays, techniques in small-angle scattering and in single crystal diffraction
Scattering properties of ice crystals in the MM-wavelength region
SCC of High Strength Aluminium Alloys
Scenario Building in Climate Science
Scenario Building in climate science
Scenario Construction for Regional Sustainability Using Scenario Studio
Scenarios and Indicators: A link for pressures and impacts in the Elbe catchment, following the DPSIR approach
Scenarios and Indicators: A link for pressures and impacts in the Elbe catchment, following the DPSIR approach
Scenarios for changing Storminess, Storm Surges and Wave Conditions in the North Sea
Scenarios for Future Shipping emissions in the North Sea
Scenarios of effects of climate change on hydrography and water quality of the Weser Estuary
Scenarios of shipping emissions in the North Sea region in 2030: Impact on air quality
Schadensanalyse an austenitischen Staehlen
Schadensanalyse einer Schiffskollision mittels Finite-Elemente-Methode (Bachelorarbeit)
Schadgasmessungen in einem Waldoekosystem
Schadstoffbelastungen der Elbsedimente: Ursachen und Auswirkungen
Schadstoffbelastungen der Organismen im Kuestenbereich
Schadstoffdesorption aus feinkoernigen Boeden durch Dampfstrippen
Schadstoffe aus der Atmosphaere
Schadstoffe in Sedimenten des Wattenmeeres (Band 1)
Schadstoffeintrag in die Nordsee
Schadstoffeintrag in Nord- und Ostsee ueber die Atmosphaere
Schadstoffen-Desorption von feinteiligen Partikeln
Schadstoffentfernung von feinteiligen Partikeln
Schadstoffkartierung in Sedimenten des deutschen Wattenmeeres Juni 1989 - Juni 1992: UBA-FuE-Vorhaben 109 03 377; Abschlussbericht Januar 1993
Schadstoffminimierung beim Tanken
Schadstofftransfer in der Grenzschicht Atmosphaere - Vegetation
Schaedigungen in kurzfaserverstaerktem AlSi12CuMgNi hervorgerufen durch thermisches Zyklieren
Schaedigungen in kurzfaserverstaerktem AlSi12CuMgNi hervorgerufen durch thermisches Zyklieren
Schaedigungslokalisierung beim Gurson- und Rousselier-Modell
Schaffung enantioselektiver Membransysteme
Schmelzmetallurgische Herstellung von Metallmatrixverbundwerkstoffen
Schneelast an Stromleitungen - Heute und in Zukunft (Masterarbeit)
Schubspannungscharakteristik des EROMES-Systems - Messungen zur Hydrodynamik und Erosionsversuche mit Kaolinit
Schuetzende Glasummantelung fuer phosphoreszierende Leuchtpigmente
Schutz der Schweisser vor Schaeden der Atmungsorgane und Augen-Ergebnisse einer Umfrage
Schutz der Wasserressourcen vor diffusen Stoffbelastungen aus der landwirtschaftlichen Bodennutzung
Schutz der Wasserressourcen vor Naehrstoffeintraegen aus der landwirtschaftlichen Bodennutzung
Schutz von Magnesiumschmelzen
Schwankende Eingaenge, schwankende Ausgaenge - Wie kann das Dampfstripp-Verfahren flexibel gestaltet werden, ohne an Effektivitaet zu verlieren?
Schweb- und Schadstofftransporte
Schwebstoff-Konzentrationen in der Elbe bei Geesthacht und Bunthaus waehrend der erhoehten Oberwasserfuehrung im Zeitraum Dezember 1989 bis Januar 1990
Schwebstoff-Sinkgeschwindigkeitsmessungen in der Ems: Vergleich mit Messungen in der Elbe
Schwebstoffbezogene Arbeiten in den Instituten fuer Physik und Anlagentechnik des GKSS-Forschungszentrums Geesthacht
Schwebstoffkonzentrationen und -frachten: Experimentelle Erfassung und Interpretation
Schwebstofftransport im Lister Tidebecken: Messung und Modellierung
Schwebstofftransport im Lister Tidebecken: Messung und Modellierung
Schwebstofftransport in der Nordsee
Schwebstoffverfolgung mit Hilfe einer ADCPs auf der Unterelbe
Schweissen unter Wasser
Schweisstechnik - Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Stahlwerkstoffen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffkundliche Grundlagen
Schweisstechnik - Werkstoffwissenschaftliche Grundlagen
Schwerfluechtige chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe in Sedimenten des Elbeeinzugsgebietes: Analytische Methoden und Trends der Belastung
Schwerfluechtige Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe an Schwebstoffen im Flussmuendungsgebiet von Weser und Elbe
Schwerfluechtige Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe in Elbe, Weser und der Deutschen Bucht
Schwerfluechtige Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe in Elbe, Weser und der Deutschen Bucht
Schwerfluechtige Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe in Elbe, Weser und der Deutschen Bucht
Schwerfluechtige Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe und ausgewaehlte Schwermetalle im Elbeaestuar
Schwermetallbeladung an fraktioniertem Schwebstoff der Elbe im Raum Hamburger Hafen
Schwermetallbelastung von Boden und Wasser im Bereich der Magdeburger Rieselfelder und Auswirkungen auf deren kuenftige Nutzung
Schwermetallbelastung von Boden und Wasser im Bereich der Magdeburger Rieselfelder und Auswirkungen auf deren kuenftige Nutzung
Schwermetalle im Meerwasser: Probeaufnahme und chemische Analysen fuer das Experiment IOC/GIPME Open Ocean Baseline Survey for Trace Metals in the Atlantic
Schwermetalle in der Elbe und ihre Bilanzierung
Schwermetalle, Naehrstoffe und organische Spurenstoffe in der Elbe: Eintrag, Umsetzung, Transport und Verbleib
Schwermetalle, organische Schadstoffe und Radioaktivitaet in der Elbe: chemisch-analytische Arbeiten in einem der belastesten Gewaesser Europas
Schwermetalleintrag ueber die Atmosphaere in die Nord- und Ostsee
Schwermetallmessungen an Schwebstoffen der Tideelbe
Schwermetallmessungen und Transportrechnungen vor und hinter dem Hamburger Hafen
Schwermetalluntersuchungen an datierten Salzwassersedimenten
Schwerpunkte der F+E-Arbeiten in der Unterwasser-Simulationsanlage GUSI
Schwingungsrisskorrosion von Stahl in synthetischem Meerwasser (ASTM-Standard) ohne und mit kathodischer Polarisation
Science Advice
Science and susceptibility - a historical comparative analysis of the years of cholera and the years of climate change in Hamburg (Dissertation)
Science in Society Programme
Science in Society: Climate Change and Policies
Science in support of coastal ocean forecasting - part 1
Science policy, climate belief models
Science, policy decision making and public participation -The challenge of climate change at the coast
Scientific and Human Errors in a Snow Model Intercomparison
Scientific assessment of knowledge about regional climate change and impacts - Process and results of BACC
Scientific evidence on climate change in the Baltic Sea Region
Scientific Interview: Tom Crowley (1948-2014)
Scientific management of Mediterranean coastal zone: A hybrid ocean forecasting system for oil spill and search and rescue operations
Scientific tools for coastal zone management
Scientific tools for coastal zone management
Scientific tools for coastal zone management
Scientometric Overview of Coffee By-Products and Their Applications
Scope of magnesium ceria nanocomposites for mandibular reconstruction: Degradation and biomechanical evaluation using a 3-dimensional finite element analysis approach
Screening for bioactive Glycolipids in Sponges from the Orkney Islands
Screening for bioactive Glycolipids in Sponges from the Orkney Islands
Screening for O phase in advanced γ–TiAl alloys
Screening of mercury-contaminated sites: The relationship between mercury concentration in soil and soil gas
Screening of Pesticide and Biocide Patterns As Risk Drivers in Sediments of Major European River Mouths: Ubiquitous or River Basin-Specific Contamination?
Screening the release of chemicals and microplastic particles from diverse plastic consumer products into water under accelerated UV weathering conditions
Screw pumps for multiphase pumping
Sea Level and Climate
Sea level dynamics and coastal erosion in the Baltic Sea region
Sea level rise and changes in Arctic sea ice
Sea level rise and changing erosion
Sea level trends and variability in the Baltic Sea
Sea level trends and variability in the Baltic Sea
Sea level, sea surface temperature and SWH extreme percentiles: combined analysis from model results and in situ observations
Sea State and Tides
Sea state projections for the North Sea: Impact of climate change on very high waves?
Sea state projections for the North Sea: Impact of climate change on very high waves?
Sea surface current deduced from Doppler-shift of high-frequency radar backscatter, 2010-10-29 to 2016-12-31
Sea surface current response patterns to tropical cyclones
Sea Surface Imaging With an Across-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar: The SINEWAVE Experiment
Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric water vapour structures from NOAA satellites infrared measurements
Sea Surface Wind Structure in the Outer Region of Tropical Cyclones Observed by Wave Gliders
Sea surface winds using Radarsat ScanSAR in the Greenland Ice Service
Sea truth and model data for surface waves compared with ERS-1 SAR
Sea-Level trends and variability in the Baltic Sea
Sea-state contributions to sea-level variability in the European Seas
Sea-Surface Current Features Observed by Doppler-Radar
Sea-surface current measurements with an X band radar
Seagrass recovery trajectories and recovery potential in relation to nutrient reduction
Sealing of tartaric sulfuric (TSA) anodized AA2024 with nanostructured LDH layers
SeaMag - Hereon : Verbesserte Mg-Meerwasserbatterie: Optimierung von Elektrolyt und Anode : Teilvorhaben im Verbund SeaMag, Förderkennzeichen: 03SX457B MarTERA - gefördert durch die deutsche Bundesregierung, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK, auf Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages : Schlussbericht
Seamless cross-scale modeling with SCHISM
Seamless Integration of the Coastal Ocean in Global Marine Carbon Cycle Modeling
Searching the Chemical Space for Effective Magnesium Dissolution Modulators: A Deep Learning Approach using Sparse Features
Seasonal accumulation of persistent organic pollutants on a high altitude glacier in the Eastern Alps
Seasonal and annual variations in physiological and biochemical responses from transplanted marine bioindicator species Mytilus spp. during a long term field exposure experiment
Seasonal and annual variations of BOD and nutrient fluxes with respect to transformation processes and retention times
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the North-Western Black Sea Ecosystem
Seasonal and spatial variation in suspended matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, and nutrient concentrations of the Senegal River in West Africa
Seasonal Behavior of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Polar Regions
Seasonal Behavior of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Polar Regions
Seasonal climate predictions for marine risk assessment in the Barents Sea
Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the Mackenzie Delta, Canadian Arctic waters: Implications for ocean colour remote sensing
Seasonal marine carbon system processes in an Arctic coastal landfast sea ice environment observed with an innovative underwater sensor platform
Seasonal nitrogen fluxes of the Lena River Delta
Seasonal ozone vertical profiles over North America using the AQMEII3 group of air quality models: model inter-comparison and stratospheric intrusions
Seasonal Prediction of Arabian Sea Marine Heatwaves
Seasonal Prediction of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures by Neural Networks
Seasonal predictions of sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic using artificial neural networks
Seasonal Stratification and Biogeochemical Turnover in the Freshwater Reach of a Partially Mixed Dredged Estuary
Seasonal temperature response over the Indochina Peninsula to a worst-case high-emission forcing: a study with the regionally coupled model ROM
Seasonal variability of nitrous oxide concentrations and emissions in a temperate estuary
Seasonal variability of the embryonic developement time of three planktonic crustaceans: dependence on temperature, adult size and egg weight
Seasonal variability of the turbidity maxima in the Elbe and Weser estuaries and the importance of storms
Seasonal Variability of the Water Residence Time in the Madura Strait, East Java, Indonesia
Seasonal variability of trace metals in the Lena River and the southeastern Laptev Sea: Impact of the spring freshet
Seasonal variation and deposition of atmospheric organophosphate esters in the coastal region of Shanghai, China
Seasonal variation in the structure of the microbial community capable of nitrate respiration in an intertidal mud flat sediment from the Elbe-Estuary
Seasonal variations and spatial distributions of perfluoroalkyl substances in the rivers Elbe and lower Weser and the North Sea
Seasonal variations in gaseous elemental mercury concentrations at two altitudes in the atmospheric boundary layer at a coastal site (Cabauw, Netherlands)
Seasonal variations in nitrate isotope composition of three rivers draining into the North Sea
Seasonal variations of biochemical and optical properties, physical dynamics and N stable isotopic composition in three northeastern Mediterranean basins (Aegean, Cretan and Ionian Seas)
Seasonal variations of mineralogical composition and heavy metal contamination of suspended matter in the river Elbe estuary
Seasonality and drivers of water column optical properties on the northwestern Barents Sea shelf
Seasonality combined with the orientation of surfaces influences the microbial community structure of biofilms in the deep Mediterranean Sea
Seasonality, rather than estuarine gradient or particle suspension/sinking dynamics, determines estuarine carbon distributions
Seasonally dependent nutrient dynamics in the east frisian wadden sea
SEASTAR: A Mission to Study Ocean Submesoscale Dynamics and Small-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Processes in Coastal, Shelf and Polar Seas
SEC absolute molar mass detection by online membrane osmometry
SEC Polymer Characterization with Light Scattering and Viscometer Detection, Hyphenated with FTIR Spectroscopy
Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin
Second BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change
Second GKSS School on Environmental Research 'Models in Environmental Research'
Second sound waves in solids
Secondary Circulation Asymmetry in a Meandering, Partially Stratified Estuary
Secondary circulation in shallow ocean straits: Observations and numerical modeling of the Danish Straits
Secondary circulation in shallow ocean straits: Observations and numerical modeling of the Danish Straits
Secondary Structure of Decorin-Derived Peptides in Solution
Sediment core and pore water data for AL557
Sediment core and pore water data for HE586
Sediment dynamics driven by contour currents and mesoscale eddies along continental slope: A case study of the northern South China Sea
Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: numerical modelling and remote sensing observations
Sediment Dynamics in Tidal Basins: From Individual Processes to State Estimates
Sediment transport by tropical cyclones recorded in a submarine canyon off Bangladesh
Sediment Transport in a Tidal Lagoon Subject to Varying Winds Evaluated with a Coupled Current-Wave Model
Sediment trap-derived particulate matter fluxes in the oligotrophic subtropical gyre of the South Indian Ocean
Sediment Verteilung und Benthosverbreitung in den Watten der Dithmarscher Bucht als Indikator fuer morphodynamische Veraenderungen
Sediment-water interaction
Sediment-water interaction
Sedimentary denitrification: Isotope fractionation and its impact on water column nitrate isotopes
Sedimentary mud and phaeophytin-a are reliable predictors of oxygen consumption and nitrogen turnover in the southern North Sea
Sedimentary regime of the ‘Lister Tief’ between Sylt and Rømø, South-eastern North Sea, based on shallow seismic subbottom profiles and Multibeam data
Sedimentation and erosion of the Elbe mud flats in the Boeschruecken area, mineralogy of suspended matter and sediments from the Elbe and Shannon
Sedimente als Lebensraum
Sedimenttransportgeschehen in der tidebeeinflussten Elbe, der Deutschen Bucht und in der Nordsee
See-breeze simulations with a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model
Seegangsklima: Recherchen mit Bojen und Schiffen
Seegangsstatistik fuer die Offshore-Industrie
Seegangsvorhersage beim Deutschen Wetterdienst
Seegangsvorhersage beim Deutschen Wetterdienst
Seehundsterben 2002: Krisenmanagement des Nationalparkamtes Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer. Eine organisationssoziologische Analyse (Diplomarbeit)
Seeverbrennung chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe: ein umweltschaedigendes Verfahren?
Selected current-use pesticides (CUPs) in coastal and offshore sediments of Bohai and Yellow seas
Selected current‐use and historic‐use pesticides in air and seawater of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China
Selecting medium for corrosion testing of bioabsorbable magnesium and other metals – A critical review
Selection of effective additives for advanced engineering materials using quantitative structure-activity/property relationship models
Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium Alloys based on Data-Driven Techniques
Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium Alloys based on Data-Driven Techniques
Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium based on Data-Driven Techniques
Selection of microporous hydrophobic membranes for use in gas/liquid contactors: An experimental approach
Selection of systems for catalyst recovery by micellar enhanced ultrafiltration
Selective Adsorbents for Improved Removal of Malodorous Compounds
Selective Adsorbents for Improved Removal of Malodorous Compounds
Selective cell targeting and lineage tracing of human induced pluripotent stem cells using recombinant avian retroviruses
Selective enzymatic degradation of poly (Epsilon-caprolactone) containing multiblock copolymers
Selective laser melting additive manufacturing of 7xxx series Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy: Cracking elimination by co-incorporation of Si and TiB2
Selective laser melting enabled additive manufacturing of Ti–22Al–25Nb intermetallic: Excellent combination of strength and ductility, and unique microstructural features associated
Selective laser melting of a beta-solidifying TNM-B1 titanium aluminide alloy
Selective laser melting of an Mg/Metallic Glass hybrid for significantly improving chemical and mechanical performances
Selective laser melting of titanium aluminide with different pre-heating techniques
Selective laser melting under the reactive atmosphere: A convenient and efficient approach to fabricate ultrahigh strength commercially pure titanium without sacrificing ductility
Selective pervaporation of organics from water
Selective pervaporation of organics from water
Selective surface aging in the high-strength beta titanium alloy Beta C
Selective surface aging to improve fatigue behaviour in a high-strength beta titanium alloy
Selective Swelling and Functionalization of Integral Asymmetric Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Selective toxin–lipid membrane interactions of natural, haemolytic Scyphozoan toxins analyzed by surface plasmon resonance
Selektive Hydrierung mit poroesen, katalytischen Polymermembranen
Selektive Separation von Schwersiedern aus Wasser durch Pervaporation
Selektive Wertstoffseparation zur Gewinnung von Glycoconjugaten
Self Assembly in Blockcopolymer Films
Self-aggregating and Solubilisation properties of amphiphilic triblock copolymers in aqueous solution
Self-Alignment of Cylinder-Forming Silicon-Containing Block Copolymer Films
Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Membranes
Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Membranes
Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Membranes from Quenched Solutions
Self-assembled layers for the temporary corrosion protection of magnesium-AZ31 alloy
Self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols strengthen nanoporous metal
Self-assembled monolayers with different terminating groups as model substrates for cell adhesion studies
Self-assembled stable sponge-type nanocarries for Brucea javanica oil delivery
Self-Assembled Ultra High Strength; Ultra Stiff Mechanical Metamaterials Based on Inverse Opals
Self-assembly and fundamental aspects of affinity adsorption of glycoconjugates (Dissertation)
Self-Assembly at Different Length Scales: Polyphilic Star-Branched Liquid Crystals and Miktoarm Star Copolymers
Self-Assembly of Block Copolymer Blends
Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers
Self-assembly of block copolymers during hollow fiber spinning: an in situ small-angle X-ray scattering study
Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers in Integral-Asymmetric Structures
Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers in Integral-Asymmetric Structures
Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers in Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membranes
Self-assembly of block copolymers in isoporous hollow fiber membranes
Self-assembly of block copolymers in solutions and films
Self-assembly of block copolymers in solutions and films
Self-assembly of block copolymers in solutions and films
Self-assembly of block copolymers synthesized via RAFT emulsion and dispersion polymerization
Self-assembly of gradient copolymers in a selective solvent. New structures and comparison with diblock and statistical copolymers
Self-Assembly of Janus Cylinders into Hierarchical Superstructures
Self-assembly of mitochondria-specific peptide amphiphiles amplifying lung cancer cell death through targeting the VDAC1–hexokinase-II complex
Self-Assembly of Polyethylenimine-Modified Biodegradable Complex Micelles as Gene Transfer Vector for Proliferation of Endothelial Cells
Self-Assembly Properties of Alkyloxyethyl Beta-Glycosides with Different Types of Carbohydrate Headgroups
Self-cleaning property of AZ31 Mg alloy during plasma electrolytic oxidation process
Self-Condensing Vinyl Polymerization
Self-Detachment and Subsurface Densification of Dealloyed Nanoporous Thin Films
Self-Diffusion in 57Fe/natFe Multilayers by In Situ Neutron Reflectometry
Self-diffusion in core-shell composite 12CO2/13CO2 nanoparticles
Self-Diffusion in Core-Shell Composite 12CO2/13CO2 Nanoparticles
Self-diffusion in germanium isotope multilayers at low temperatures
Self-Nucleation Behavior of the Polyethylene Block as Function of the Confinement Degree in Polyethylene-Block-Polystyrene Diblock Copolymers
Self-organization and spatio-temporal pattern formation in nonlinear systems
Self-organized isoporous membranes with tailored pore sizes
Self-organizing criticality in cloud formation?
Self-Organizing Maps Identify Windows of Opportunity for Seasonal European Summer Predictions
Self-stabilized fibronectin films at the air/water interface
SELFMEM and HARCANA: Development of Membrane Materials based on Block Copolymers and Polymer Nanocomposites
Self‐Assembled Ultra High Strength, Ultra Stiff Mechanical Metamaterials Based on Inverse Opals
Self–assembled Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes: Structure Formation and Properties
Self–assembled Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes: Structure Formation and Properties
SEM observation of insulating biological specimen
SEM-Microanalysis of compressive failure in UD-CFRP (Diplomarbeit)
Semi-interpenetrated, dendritic, dual-responsive nanogels with cytochrome c corona induce controlled apoptosis in HeLa cells
Semi-Stationary Shoulder Bobbin Tool (S3BT): A New Approach in High Speed Friction Stir Welding (Dissertation)
Semi-stationary shoulder bobbin tool friction stir welding of AA2198-T851
Semi-stationary shoulder BT-FSW in different Al-Li alloys
Semiautomatic assignment of high resolution wind directions in SAR images
Semiconducting properties of surface-treated titanium and their effect on peel resistance: Experimental and modelling studies
Semiconductor coatings for the photo-induced water oxidation
Seminar Biochemie und Molekularbiologie
Seminar Tauchtechnik
Seminar ueber Umweltphysik
Seminar Unterwasser-Schweisstechnik
Seminar zur strukturellen Biochemie
Seminar zur strukturellen Biochemie
Seminar zur strukturellen Biochemie
Seminar zur strukturellen Biochemie
Seminar zur strukturellen Biochemie
Seminar zur Vorlesung Organische Chemie fuer Biologen
Seminar zur Vorlesung Organische Chemie fuer Biologen
Semiordered Hierarchical Metallic Network for Fast and Large Charge-Induced Strain
Sensible Meerjungfrau kontrolliert die Wasserqualitaet
Sensitive dependence of trajectories on tracer seeding positions – coherent structures in German Bight backward drift simulations
Sensitive, simultaneous determination of P, S, Cl, Br and I containing pesticides in environmental samples by GC hyphenated with collision-cell ICP-MS
Sensitivitaetskartierung im deutschen Wattenmeer (Band 2)
Sensitivitaetskartierung zur Oelbekaempfung an den Unterlaeufen von Eider, Elbe, Weser und Ems
Sensitivitaetsraster Deutsche Nordseekueste II - Aktualisierung und Erstellung eines operationellen Modells zur Vorsorgeplanung bei der Oelbekaempfung
Sensitivitaetsraster im deutschen Wattenmeer (Band 1)
Sensitivitaetsstudien einiger mikrophysikalischer Parameter in einem mesoskaligen Modell
Sensitivitaetsstudien zum Einfluss von Landnutzungsaenderungen in hochaufloesenden Klimasimulationen mit COSMO-CLM fuer Norddeutschland
Sensitivitaetsstudien zum Einfluss von Landnutzungsaenderungen in hochaufloesenden Klimasimulationen mit COSMO-CLM fuer Norddeutschland
Sensitivities and memory effects in inverse modeling of soil-atmosphere humidity exchange
Sensitivities and memory effects in soil-atmosphere interaction modules – Variational assimilation of soil moisture
Sensitivities of high-flux 14 MeV neutron activation analysis
Sensitivities of high-flux 14 MeV neutron activation analysis
Sensitivity analysis in calibration and reduction of environmental models: eutrophication case studies
Sensitivity analysis in calibration and reduction of environmental models: eutrophication case studies
Sensitivity analysis in model calibration: A case study in environmental modelling
Sensitivity analysis in model calibration: A case study in environmental modelling
Sensitivity analysis of nitrogen and carbon cycling in marine sediments
Sensitivity comparison of absorption and grating-based phase tomography of paraffin-embedded human brain tissue
Sensitivity experiments with the adjoint of a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model
Sensitivity mapping of particular vulnerable sensitive areas
Sensitivity model study of regional mercury dispersion in the atmosphere
Sensitivity of a 3D Shelf Sea Ecosystem Model to Parameterizations of the Underwater Light Field
Sensitivity of a coupled wave-atmosphere model to different formulations in the air-sea momentum flux using ensemble calculations
Sensitivity of a lake ecosystem to inter-annual climate variability
Sensitivity of a Regional Atmospheric Model to a Sea State-Dependent Roughness and the Need for Ensemble Calculations
Sensitivity of a single column model to parameterizations of cloud physics
Sensitivity of Bed Morphology within a 3-D Numerical Model
Sensitivity of Large- to Meso-Scale Atmospheric Relationship to Orbital Forcing: A Model Based Study (Dissertation)
Sensitivity of latent heat flux from PILPS land-surface schemes to perturbations of surface air temperature
Sensitivity of low-alloy steel coupling-bolts to stress corrosion cracking under cathodic protection
Sensitivity of low-alloy steel coupling-bolts to stress corrosion cracking under cathodic protection
Sensitivity of modeled atmospheric nitrogen species and nitrogen deposition to variations in sea salt emissions in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions
Sensitivity of ocean waves to speed changes of the weather stream
Sensitivity of Regional Climate Model CLM in term of varying parameters for spectral nudging technique
Sensitivity of temperature teleconnections to orbital changes in AO-GCM simulations
Sensitivity of the atmospheric water cycle to corrections of the sea surface temperature bias over southern Africa in a regional climate model
Sensitivity of the fish community to different prey fields and importance of spatial-seasonal patterns
Sensitivity of the MM5 mesoscale model to physical parameterizations for regional climate studies: Annual cycle
Sensitivity Studies for a Hybrid Numerical–Statistical Short-Term Wind and Gust Forecast at Three Locations in the Basque Country (Spain)
Sensitivity Studies Using a Nutrient Model for the River Elbe
Sensitivity studies with a cloud-radiation model for climate models including water and ice phase of clouds
Sensitivity Study of Optimal CO2 Emission Paths Using a Simplified Structural Integrated Assessment Model (SIAM)
Sensitivity study of simulated wind profiles to model resolution, land cover and climate forcing data
Sensitizacao em Juntas Soldadas de Inconel® 625 Produzidas Atraves da Soldagem por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica
Sensor technologies related to automated measurement of chemical parameters
Sensoren, automatische Probenahme- und Analysegeraete
Separating the Hall-Petch strengthening effect of different coexisting microstructural boundaries in fully lamellar TiAl
Separation and analysis of different types of nematocysts from Cyanea capillata (L.) medusae
Separation and detection of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from marine sediments samples using centrifugal-Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS-MS
Separation and Identification of Metallothioneines in Biomedical Samples Using Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to a Metalspecific Detector
Separation of 1-hexene/n-hexane mixtures using a facilitated pervaporation membrane system
Separation of 1-hexene/n-hexane mixtures using a hybrid membrane/extraction system
Separation of acetylene from ethylene and ethane using facilitated transport membranes
Separation of alcohol-water-mixture by pervaporation
Separation of aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbons by photo-modified poly(acrylonitrile) membranes
Separation of binary liquid mixtures by pervaporation with polyelectrolyte membranes
Separation of Carbon Dioxide from Real Power Plant Flue Gases by Gas Permeation Using a Supported Ionic Liquid Membrane: An Investigation of Membrane Stability
Separation of chain scission kinetics and water diffusion involved in polymer hydrolytic / enzymatic degradation based on monolayer experiments
Separation of CO2 from Biogas by Gas Permeation
Separation of CO2 from Biogas by Gas Permeation
Separation of CO2 from Biogas by Gas Permeation: a Comparison with Competing Technologies
Separation of edible oil from solvents by polymeric nanofiltration membranes
Separation of higher hydrocarbons from gas streams by means of membranes
Separation of higher hydrocarbons from gas streams by means of membranes
Separation of hydrocarbon vapors from air
Separation of organic product streams from reactive distillation columns: Membrane material selection and process integration studies
Separation of organic vapors by means of membranes
Separation of organic vapors by means of membranes - From end of pipe installations to integrated systems
Separation of organic vapors by means of membranes - From end of pipe installations to integrated systems
Separation of organic vapors by means of membranes - From end of pipe installations to integrated systems
Separation of organic vapors from air with membranes
Separation of organic vapors from air: membrane requirements
Separation of particulate matter from the feed water for reverse osmosis plants
Separation of surface and bulk stress in a model lithium alloy electrode reveals grain boundary alloying at high electric potentials vs. Li/Li+
Separation of tocopherols from deodorizer condensates by counter current extraction with carbon dioxide
Separation of VOC's from Gaser by Membranes
Separation of water vapor from process streams by means of membranes
Separation of water-alcohol mixtures through high flux polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Separation Performance of Membranes Containing Ultrathin Surface Coating of Metal-Polyphenol Network
Separation properties and surface morphology of polyacrylonitrile membranes
Seperation of higher hydrocarbons from methane
Seperation of Methanol and Methyl acetate by vapour permeation: Process investigation using a mini plant (Diplomarbeit)
Septal Reduction Using Transvenous Intramyocardial Cerclage Radiofrequency Ablation: Preclinical Feasibility
Sequence Control as a Powerful Tool for Improving the Selectivity of Antimicrobial Polymers
Sequence of Phase Formation in the Reaction of Ni/Al Multilayer Films
Sequential Alkyne-Azide Cycloadditions for Functionalized Gelatin Hydrogel Formation
Sequential alkyne-azide cycloadditions for functionalized gelatin hydrogel formation
Sequential coupling of functions in hydrogels enables shape-memory hydrogels with pH; enzyme- or an inverse temperature sensitivity
Sequential injection standard addition (SISA) for on-line measurement of mercury in the river Elbe
Sequential negotiation in multiagent systems for oil spill response decision-making
Sequential Tilted Interference Filter Polychromator as a Lidar Receiver for Rotational Raman Temperature Measurements in the Troposphere and Stratosphere
Series expansion and positivity
Seronga - Climate
Service fuer Anpassungsprojekte
Service life prediction of building components in the times of climate change
Session Understanding Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Multi-disciplinary Approaches for Addressing Sustainability of the Marine Environment, Utility of coastal sea science
Setting the Stage for Fabrication of Self-Assembled Structures in Compact Geometries: Inside-Out Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membranes
Settling velocities of flocs in the Elbe estuary
Settling velocity determination using the BIGDAN settling tube and the OWEN settling tube
Settling velocity of mud flocs: result of field measurements in the Elbe and the Weser estuary
Setup and optimization of a PLS regression model for predicting element contents in river sediments
Seventy Years of Exploration in Oceanography
Severe climate-induced water shortage and extremes in Crete
Severe Plastic Deformation by Equal Channel Angular Pressing and Rolling: The Influence of the Deformation Path on Strain Distribution
SEWAB - a parameterization of the surface energy and water balance for atmospheric and hydrologic models
SEWAB: A soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer scheme for atmospheric and hydrological models
SEWAB: A svat model with variable infiltration capacity and explicit runoff formulation
Sewage water treatment by means of vacuum rotation membrane technology
SFM an unterschiedlichen LB-Schichten auf poroesen Substraten
Shallow water wave modeling with nonlinear dissipation
Shallow water wave modeling with nonlinear dissipation: application to small scale tidal systems
Shallowness may be a major factor generating nutrient gradients in the Wadden Sea
Shape determination from solution scattering of biopolymers
Shape matters: the relationship between cell geometry and diversity in phytoplankton
Shape Memory
Shape Memory Effect in Polymer Compounds - Magnetizable Nanoparticles
Shape memory effect of laser welded NiTi plates
Shape memory nanocomposite fibers for untethered high-energy microengines
Shape memory polymer nanocomposites responsive to alternating magnetic fields
Shape Memory Polymere - Grundlagen der Technologie und Potential für biomedizinsche Anwendungen
Shape Memory Polymers
Shape Memory Polymers
Shape Memory Polymers
Shape Recovery of Polymeric Nanocomposite Foams by Direct and Inductive Heating
Shape Recovery of Polymeric Nanocomposite Foams by Direct and Inductive Heating
Shape- Memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Actuation of Individual Micro-/Nanofibers
Shape-memory actuator blends by stereocomplexation of PLA
Shape-memory actuator blends by stereocomplexation of PLA
Shape-Memory and Reversible Dual-Shape Effect of Polymer Networks Based on Polypentadecalactone Segments
Shape-memory capability of binary multiblock copolymer blends with hard and switching domains provided by different components
Shape-Memory Capability of Copolyetheresterurethane Microparticles Prepared via Electrospraying
Shape-memory cryogels based on conformational transition of peptides
Shape-Memory Effect by Sequential Coupling of Functions over Different Length Scales in an Architectured Hydrogel
Shape-Memory Effect in Polymers
Shape-Memory Effect of Micro-/Nanoparticles from Thermoplastic Multiblock Copolymers
Shape-Memory Effect of Polymeric Nanocomposite Polyether Urethane Foams with Magnetic Nanoparticles
Shape-memory effects - soft materials and polymers in small scale
Shape-memory effects in polymer networks
Shape-memory effects in polymer networks for medical application
Shape-Memory Effects in Polymers - Programmed Shape Shifts on Demand
Shape-memory Effects in Polymers Applied to Medical Devices
Shape-memory effects of polymers
Shape-memory hydrogels as a technology platform for soft actuators
Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Crystallizable Oligotetrahydrofuran Side Chains
Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Crystallizable Oligotetrahydrofuran Side Chains
Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Crystallizable Oligotetrahydrofurane Side Chains
Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Switching Segments Based on Oligo(Omega-pentadecalactone)
Shape-Memory Hydrogels with Switching Segments Based on Oligo(ω-pentadecalactone)
Shape-Memory Hydrogels: Evolution of Structural Principles To Enable Shape Switching of Hydrophilic Polymer Networks
Shape-Memory Nanocomposites with Magnetically Adjustable Apparent Switching Temperatures
Shape-Memory Polymer
Shape-memory polymer actuators
Shape-memory polymer actuators
Shape-memory polymer actuators for soft robotics
Shape-memory polymer based active scaffolds with adjustable self-sufficiently moving capability
Shape-Memory Polymer Composites
Shape-memory polymer medical devices
Shape-Memory Polymer Nanocomposites Responsive to Alternating Magnetic Fields
Shape-memory Polymer Networks from Oligo(e-caprolactone)dimethacrylates
Shape-memory Polymer Networks from Oligo[(epsilon-hydroxycaproate)-co-glycolate]-dimethacrylates and Butylacrylate with Adjustable Hydrolytic Degradation Rate
Shape-Memory Polymer Networks Prepared from Star-Shaped Poly[(L-lactide)-co-glycolide] Precursors
Shape-memory polymer systems
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-memory Polymers
Shape-memory polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-memory Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers
Shape-memory polymers and actuators
Shape-Memory Polymers and Actuators in Health Technologies
Shape-Memory Polymers and Shape-Changing Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers and their Application Potential as Biomaterials
Shape-memory polymers as a technology platform for biomedical applications
Shape-Memory Polymers as Drug Carrier – Points to be considered
Shape-Memory Polymers as Drug Carriers—A Multifunctional System
Shape-memory Polymers as Platform Technology for Multifunctional Materials
Shape-memory polymers as stimuli-sensitive implant materials
Shape-Memory Polymers as Stimuli-sensitive Implant Materials
Shape-Memory Polymers as Stimuli-sensitive Implant Materials
Shape-Memory Polymers as Stimuli-sensitive Implant Materials
Shape-Memory Polymers as Stimuli-sensitive Implant Materials
Shape-Memory Polymers as Stimuli-Sensitive Materials
Shape-memory Polymers Based on Biodegradable Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers Designed in View of Thermomechanical Energy Storage and Conversion Systems
Shape-Memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Shape-Memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Shape-memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Shape-memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Shape-memory polymers with multiple transitions: Complex actively moving polymers
Shape-memory Polymers – from one time shape shifters to soft actuator
Shape-Memory Polymers – From One Way Effects to Programmable Actuators
Shape-memory Polymers – from one way shape recovery to reversible actuation
Shape-memory properties and degradation behavior of multifunctional electro-spun scaffolds
Shape-Memory Properties of Copolymer Networks Containing a Poly(ε-caprolactone) Crosslinker in an Aqueous Environment
Shape-memory properties of degradable electrospun scaffolds based on hollow microfibers
Shape-memory properties of degradable electrospun scaffolds based on hollow microfibers
Shape-memory properties of electrospun non-woven fabrics prepared from degradable polyesterurethanes containing poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) hard segments
Shape-Memory Properties of Electrospun Non-Wovens
Shape-Memory Properties of Electrospun Non-wovens Prepared from Amorphous Polyetherurethanes Under Stress-free and Constant Strain Conditions
Shape-Memory Properties of Electrospun Non-wovens Prepared from Amorphous Polyetherurethanes Under Stress-free and Constant Strain Conditions
Shape-memory properties of hydrogels having a poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) crosslinker and switching segment in an aqueous environment
Shape-memory properties of magnetically active triple-shape nanocomposites based on a grafted polymer network with two crystallizable switching segments
Shape-memory Properties of Multiblock Copolymers Consisting of Poly(?-pentadecalactone) Hard Segments and Crystallisable Poly(e-caprolactone) Switching Segments
Shape-memory Properties of Multiblock Copolymers Consisting of Poly(?-pentadecalactone) Hard Segments and Crystallisable Poly(e-caprolactone) Switching Segments
Shape-Memory Properties of Nanocomposites based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Shape-Memory Properties of Nanocomposites based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Shape-Memory Properties of Nanocomposites based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Shape-Memory Properties of Polyetherurethane Foams Prepared by Thermally Induced Phase Separation
Shape-Memory Properties of Radiopaque Micro-Composites from Amorphous Polyether Urethanes Designed for Medical Application
Shape-Memory Properties of Radiopaque Micro-Composites from Amorphous Polyether Urethanes Designed for Medical Application
Shape‐Programmable Architectured Hydrogels Sensitive to Ultrasound
Sharing our experience using wave theories inversion for the determination of the local depth
Sharing our experience using wave theories inversion for the determination of the local depth
Shear Instability and Turbulence Within a Submesoscale Front Following a Storm
Shear layer modelling for bobbin tool friction stir welding
Shear Localization and Cracking during Hot-Working of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
Shear Localization and Cracking during Hot-Working of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
Shear Localization and Cracking during Hot-Working of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
Shear Localization in Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
Shear resistance of endothelial cells in a pathological environment
Shear resistance of endothelial cells in a pathological environment
Shear resistance of human umbilical endothelial cells on different materials covered with or without extracellular matrix: Controlled in-vitro study
Shear-induced platelet adherence and activation in a dynamic multiwell-plate system
Shear-induced platelet adherence and activation in an in-vitro dynamic multiwell-plate system
Shear-induced platelet adherence and activation in an in-vitro dynamic multiwell-plate system
Shear-induces platelet adherence and activation in a dynamic multiwell-plate system
Sheet metal forming analysis using a microstructurally motivated material model
Shielding AZ91D-1%Ca from corrosion through ultrasound melt treatment: A study for stent design
Ship Based Radar Mapping Of Sea Surfaces Covered By Substances
Ship Based Radar Mapping Of Sea Surfaces Covered By Substances
Ship-of-Opportunity Monitoring of the Chilean Fjords Using the Pocket FerryBox
Ship-of-Opportunity, FerryBox-integrated, membrane-based sensor pCO2, temperature and salinity measurements in the surface North Sea since 2013
Shipborne nutrient dynamics and impact on the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea
Shipment of Research Reactor Spent Fuel to US-Operators Experience
Shipping Emissions in the North Sea Area: Scenarios for 2030
Shipping in the Baltic Sea: Assessment of Current and Future Air Quality Implications
Shore-based profile measurements during HEXMAX
Short Chain Carbohydrate Surfactant with Ethyl Spacer as “Super Hydrogelator”
Short Chain Carbohydrate Surfactant with Ethyl Spacer as “Super Hydrogelator”
Short presentation on a new EU Project SFINCS (Surface Fluxes in Climate System)
Short term effects of magnesium alloy elements on human cells
Short wave measurement and bottom-induced surface signature
Short-Fibre Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites
Short-Term Dynamics of North Sea Bacterioplankton-Dissolved Organic Matter Coherence on Molecular Level
Short-wave Radiation Flux Divergence in Arctic Cirrus - A Case Study
SIAM CM 09 – A procedure for applying the cohesive model to the damage behaviour of engineering materials and structures
SIAM CM 09 – A procedure for applying the cohesive model to the damage behaviour of engineering materials and structures
SIAM CM 09 – The SIAM method for applying cohesive models to the damage behaviour of engineering materials and structures
SiC Particle Size Related Properties in Alumina Matrix Nanocomposites
SiC Particle Size Related Properties in Alumina Matrix Nanocomposites
Sich auf den Klimawandel vorbereiten
Sicheres und unsicheres Wissen ueber erwartete Klimaaenderungen
Sicherheit und Zuverlaessigkeit beim Saettigungstauchen in einer Tauchsimulationsanlage
Sicherheit und Zuverlaessigkeit von Schnellen Brutreaktoren
Sicherheit, Arbeitsschutz und Fortbildung in der Unterwassertechnik
Sicherheitsfragen bei Forschungsreaktoren
Sicherheitskonzept für Laborräume und –anlagen zur Untersuchung von Metallhydriden und Tanksystemen zur Wasserstoffspeicherung
Sicherheitstechnische Randbedingungen beim Unterwasserschweissen und -schneiden
Sicherung der rationellen Wasserverwendung bei der landwirtschatlichen Bewaesserung
version of charging-induced variation of electrical resistance of nanoporous platinum
verted response of aluminum work function to tangential strain
Signal Stations: Newly Digitized Historical Climate Data of the German Bight and the Southern Baltic Sea Coast
Signaling via the MyD88 Adaptor Protein in B Cells Suppresses Protective Immunity during Salmonella typhimurium Infection
Signaling, extracellular matrix formation, and the tissue compatibility of biomaterials
Signals of Holocene climate transition amplified by anthropogenic land-use changes in the westerly–Indian monsoon realm
Signature of changing wave climate in the North Sea
Significance of creep crack initiation for defect assessment
Significance of strength mis-matched in welds: summary of a round table discussion
Significant enhancement of the age-hardening response in Mg–10Sn–3Al–1Zn alloy by Na microalloying
Significant shifts in inorganic carbon and ecosystem state in a temperate estuary (1985-2018)
Significant wave height estimation from nautical radar data sets
Significant Wave Height Measured by Coherent X-Band Radar
Significant Wave Height Retrieved from Coherent X-Band Radar: A Physics Based Approach
Silencing science: partisanship and the career of a publication disputing the dangers of secondhand smoke
Silica with amphoteric functionalization for proton conductive membranes
Silica- and Polymer-based Lectin Adsorbents for Glycoconjugate Separation
Silica-Rubber Nanocomposite: The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding Interaction on Dynamic Mechanical Properties
Silicate-based Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) coatings with incorporated CeO2 particles on AM50 magnesium alloy
Silicone Membranes with Silica Nanoparticles
Silicone/non-silicone grafted blend composite membranes for air/vapor separation
Silikatlimitiertes Algenwachstum in der Elbe? Sensitivitaets- und Unsicherheitsanalyse eines einfachen Modellansatzes
Silikon Crystal Cavities in Backscattering Geometry: The 8-Beam Condition of Si 888
Silizidausscheidungen in Simodifizierten Ti3Al-Nb-Legierungen
Silver Nanoparticles at Charged Membranes
Silver particles growth by pulse electrolysis in acetonitrile solutions
Silver-rich clusters in nanoporous gold
Similar and Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of AA2024/AA7050 Butt and T-Joints for Aeronautical Applications (Dissertation)
Similar Joining of Ferritic and Austenitic Steinless steel with “Friction Stir Welding” - Soldagem Similar de Acos Inoxidaveis Ferriticos e Austeniticos Pelo Processo “Friction Stir Welding” (Masterarbeit)
Simple measures of ozone depletion in the polar stratosphere
Simple measures of polar ozone depletion
Simple measures of polar ozone depletion
Simple noise estimates and pseudoproxies for the last 21 000 years
Simple seagrass modelling in the Sylt-Romo-Bight ecosystem model
Simplified J-estimations based on the Engineering Treatment Model for homogeneous and mismatched structures
Simulacion de texturas de extrusion mediante metodos auticonsistentes y codigos hibridos FEM-micromecanicos
Simulated and reconstructed temperature in China since 1550AD
Simulated and reconstructed temperature in China since 1550AD
Simulated and reconstructed winter temperature in the eastern China during the last millennium
Simulated annealing framework for generating representative volume elements of materials with complex ligamentous microstructures
Simulated changes in wind extremes during the last millennium over northern Europe
Simulated changes in wind extremes during the last millennium over northern Europe
Simulated net primary productivity (NPP) in the southern North Sea 2003-2013 forced by epistructural and epibenthic reconstructed blue mussel filtration
Simulated Relationships between Regional Temperatures and Large-Scale Circulation: 125 kyr BP (Eemian) and the Preindustrial Period
Simulated response of volcanic eruptions in the 1st millennium AD – The importance of the ensemble approach
Simulated teleconnections during the Eemian, the last intception and the preindustrial period
Simulating damage for wind storms in the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN (revision 4262)
Simulating extreme wind speeds over sea in a spectrally nudged regional climate model
Simulating Humanitarian Crises and Socio-Economic Vulnerability: Application of Agent-Based Models
Simulating Humanitarian Crises and Socio-Economic Vulnerability: Application of Agent-Based Models
Simulating Morphodynamical Processes on a Parallel System
Simulating storm flooding maps over HafenCity under present and sea level rise scenarios
Simulating the atmospheric transport and deposition of Benzo(a)Pyrene over Europe in 2000 with different time-variant emission scenarios
Simulating the benzo(a)pyrene distribution over Europe for 2000 and 2001
Simulating the benzo(a)pyrene distribution over Europe for 2000 and 2001
Simulating the climate of the last Millennium
Simulating the climate of the last Millennium
Simulating the climate since 1000 A.D. with the AOGCM ECHOO-G
Simulating the climate since 1000 A.D. with the AOGCM ECHOO-G
Simulating the Common Era: The Past2K working group of PMIP
Simulating the Influence of Corrosion on the Mechanical Properties of a Magnesium Alloy for Bone Implants
Simulating the last 1000 years with a 3d coupled model
Simulating the last 1000 years with a 3d coupled model
Simulating the Shape-Memory Behavior of Amorphous Switching Domains of Poly(L-lactide) by Molecular Dynamics
Simulating the variability of eastern boundary upwelling over the past millennium
Simulation and analysis of the densification of nanoporous gold after nanoindentation
Simulation and inversion of borehole temperature profiles in surrogate climates: Spatial distribution and surface coupling
Simulation and observation of runoff on a local scale
Simulation and observation of runoff on a local scale
Simulation and observation of runoff on a local scale
Simulation assisted investigation of substrate geometry impact on PEO coating formation
Simulation based design of Mg/Al hybrid components regarding corrosion protection
Simulation based hybrid design in terms of corrosion prevention - Challenges, possibilities and limits
Simulation based hybrid design in terms of corrosion prevention - Challenges, possibilities and limits
Simulation chain from laser shock peening process to fatigue crack growth prediction
Simulation des Abflusses auf kleinen und grossen Raumskalen
Simulation des Bruchverhaltens quasi-sproeder Werkstoffe bei einachsiger Zugbelastung unter Verwendung eines lokalen statistischen Ansatzes und einfacher statistischer Modelle (Dissertation)
Simulation framework SYRIS tested for microtomography applications at the imaging beamline P05/PETRA III
Simulation nicht-homogener Grenzschichten – Beispiel: die Eisrandzone
Simulation of 3D ductile crack growth by the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model
Simulation of a Polar Low Case in the North Atlantic with Different Regional Numerical Models
Simulation of Anisotropic Creep Damage in Engineering Components
Simulation of calorimetric melting processes: A useful tool for enantiomeric purity determination
Simulation of chemical transport model estimates by means of a neural network using meteorological data
Simulation of Corrosion Product Deposit Layer Growth on Bare Magnesium Galvanically Coupled to Aluminum
Simulation of crack extension in shell structures and prediction of residual strength
Simulation of crack growth due to hydrogen-induced stress-corrosion cracking on a high-strength steel FeE690T
Simulation of crack growth due to hydrogen-induced stress-corrosion cracking on a high-strength steel FeE690T
Simulation of crack growth in Al panels under biaxial loading
Simulation of crack propagation and failure in shell structures using the cohesive model
Simulation of crack propagation and failure in shell structures using the cohesive model
Simulation of crack propagation and failure in thin walled structures using the cohesive model
Simulation of crack propagation and failure in thin walled structures using the cohesive model
Simulation of Cup-Cone Fracture in Round Bars using the Cohesive Zone Model
Simulation of cupcone fracture using the cohesive model
Simulation of Damage and Fracture in a Hierarchical Biomaterial using a Continuum Damage Model
Simulation of dynamic crack growth using rate and triaxiality dependent cohesive elements
Simulation of dynamic crack growth using rate and triaxiality dependent cohesive elements
Simulation of dynamic ductile crack growth using strain-rate and triaxiality-dependent cohesive elements
Simulation of experimentally observed dilation phenomena during integral gas sorption in glassy polymers
Simulation of failure under cyclic plastic loading by damage models
Simulation of fatigue crack growth in residual-stress-afflicted specimen with a phase-field model
Simulation of friction and wear in DLC/steel contacts for different loading histories and geometries: Ball-on-plate configuration and piston–cylinder-contacts
Simulation of high-latitude hydrological processes in the Torne-Kalix basin: PILPS Phase 2(e) - 1: Experiment description and summary intercomparisons
Simulation of high-latitude hydrological processes in the Torne-Kalix basin: PILPS Phase 2(e) - 2: Comparison of model results with observations
Simulation of hydrogen assisted stress corrosion cracking using a time dependent cohesive model
Simulation of hydrogen assisted stress corrosion cracking using a time dependent cohesive model
Simulation of hydrogen assisted stress corrosion cracking using the cohesive model
Simulation of Hydrogen Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking by Cohesive Modeling
Simulation of hydrogen transport in ultra-high strength martenistic steels with zinc-nickel coating
Simulation of hydrological processes with the atmospheric land-surface scheme SEWAB
Simulation of Kinetics and Heat Balance of Anionic Polymerization in Batch Reactors
Simulation of medicanes over the Mediterranean Sea in a regional climate model ensemble: impact of ocean–atmosphere coupling and increased resolution
Simulation of morphodynamic activities due to density effects in case of dredged matter disposal
Simulation of morphodynamic activities due to density effects in case of dredged matter disposal
Simulation of neck growth and shrinkage for realistic temperature profiles – Determination of diffusion coefficients in a practical oriented procedure
Simulation of non-classical diffusion in polymers
Simulation of Non-classical Diffusion in Polymers
Simulation of nonlinear interactions and rapid diffusion in external electrical and ecological fields
Simulation of Quasi-brittle Fracture Behavior of Lamellar gTiAl Using a Cohesive Model
Simulation of quasi-brittle fracture of lamellar GammaTiAl using the cohesive model and a stochastic approach
Simulation of quasi-brittle fracture of Lamellar gTiAl using the Cohesive Model
Simulation of quasi-brittle fracture of Lamellar gTiAl using the Cohesive Model
Simulation of rainfall anomalies leading to the 2005 drought in Amazonia using the CLARIS LPB regional climate models
Simulation of residual stresses during forming
Simulation of residual stresses during forming
Simulation of Runoff and Streamflow on Local and Regional Scales
Simulation of runoff and streamflow on local and regional scales
Simulation of runoff and streamflow on local and regional scales
Simulation of runoff and streamflow on local and regional scales
Simulation of runoff at plot and catchment scale
Simulation of runoff for the Odra flood event in 1997
Simulation of runoff on local and catchment scale
Simulation of Solvent Evaporation from a Diblock Copolymer Film: Orientation of the Cylindrical Mesophase
Simulation of Stress-Corrosion Cracking by the Cohesive Model
Simulation of Stress-Corrosion Cracking by the Cohesive Model
Simulation of Stresses during Casting of Binary Magnesium-Aluminum Alloys
Simulation of Stresses During Casting of Binary Magnesium-Aluminum Alloys
Simulation of Stresses During Casting of Binary Magnesium-Aluminum Alloys
Simulation of suspended sediment dispersion in the North Sea
Simulation of the 'Late Maunder Minimum'
Simulation of the climate of the last five centuries
Simulation of the evaporation from bare soils during drying conditions
Simulation of the last millennium with the OAGCM ECHO-G
Simulation of the Late Maunder Minimum with global and regional climate models
Simulation of the role of solar and orbital forcing on climate
Simulation of the role of vibration on Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique measurements close to a disc in plane
Simulation of the soil drying process
Simulation of the Transport of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Rio de la Plata (Dissertation)
Simulation of the water cycle over the Elbe region - a grid related model for river routing and overland flow
Simulation of the θ′ Precipitation Process with Interfacial Anisotropy Effects in Al-Cu Alloys
Simulation of volumetric swelling of degradable poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] based polyesterurethanes containing different urethane-linkers
Simulation of wind and wave fields in a small inner lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Simulation study of coupled membrane/pressure swing adsorption processes for voc removal from air
Simulation und Stabilitaetsuntersuchung der Fuzzy-Regelung einer Implant-Schweissanlage (Diplomarbeit)
Simulation von Gaspermeationsverfahren fuer komplexe Anlagenauslegungen
Simulation von Kontakt und Verschleiss an keramischen Mikrosystembauteilen
Simulation von Risswiderstandskurven mit dem Kohaesivmodell: Large Scale Yielding
Simulation von Risswiderstandskurven mit dem Kohaesivmodell: Large Scale Yielding
Simulation von Wasserstoffdiffusion und Risswachstum infolge wasserstoffinduzierter Spannungsrisskorrosion mit einer Analyse der Kopplungsphaenomenologie (Dissertation)
Simulation workflow for the optimization of corrosion performance of aluminium reinforced concrete
Simulation workflow for the optimization of protective interface layer formation in novel aluminium reinforced concrete
Simulation workflow for the optimization of protective interface layer formation in novel aluminium reinforced concrete
Simulations of a Cold Front by Cloud-Resolving, Limited-Area and Large-Scale Models, and a Model Evaluation Using In Situ and Satellite Observations
Simulations of ocean deoxygenation in the historical era: insights from forced and coupled models
Simulations over South Asia using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem): set-up and meteorological evaluation
Simulationsmodelle zur Bestimmung des Windenergiepotentials ueber komplexem Gelaende
Simulationsstudie zum Vergleich der Verfahren Dampfpermeation und Druckwechseladsorption fuer die Absolutierung von Ethanol
Simulationssystem zur Planung von automatisierten Unterwasserhanhabungsaufgaben
Simulators for manned and unmanned mission training
Simultane Bestimmung von Arsen-, Selen- und Antimonspezies mit der HPLC/ICP-MS
Simultane Bestimmung von Arsen-, Selen-, Antimon-, und Tellur-Spezies mit einer neu entwickelten HPLC/ICP-MS-Kopplung sowie vergleichende Untersuchungen mittels CE/ICP-MS (Dissertation)
Simultane Funktionalisierung und Porenoeffnung von Polyetherimid-Membranen zur Entwicklung neuer Traegermaterialien fuer die Apherese
Simultane Funktionalisierung und Porenoeffnung von Polyetherimid-Membranen zur Entwicklung neuer Traegermaterialien fuer die Apherese
Simultaneous acquisition of X-ray spectra using a multi-wire, position-sensitive gas flow detector
Simultaneous acquisition of X-ray spectra using a multiwire position-sensitive gas flow detector
Simultaneous Crosslinking of Acrylic Copolymers during the Process of Membrane Formation
Simultaneous desorption behavior of M borohydrides and Mg2FeH6 reactive hydride composites (M = Mg, then Li, Na, K, Ca)
Simultaneous determination of alkylphenol ethoxylates and their biotransformation products by liquid chromatography / electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry
Simultaneous determination of arsenic, selenium and antimony species using HPLC/ICP-MS
Simultaneous Determination of Arsenic, Selenium, Antimony and Tellurium Species in Urine and Extracts of Fish and Soil by HPLC / ICP-MS
Simultaneous illumination method: application in a two-channel emission fluorometer with multi-wavelength excitation
Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at four coastal stations and in the Central Baltic Sea
Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at four European sites on a 800 km south-to-north transect in summer 95 and winter 97
Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at four sites on a 800 km south to north transect between Berlin and Stockholm
Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at GAW Stations Mace Head, Ireland and Cape Point, South Africa
Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at GAW Stations Mace Head, Ireland and Cape Point, South Africa
Simultaneous measurements of mercury in air and precipitation, ozone and aerosol black carbon
Simultaneous Measurements of Total Gaseous Mercury at Four Sites on a 800 km Transect: Spatial Distribution and Short Time Variability of Total Gaseous Mercury over Central Europe
Simultaneous multi-element and isotope ratio imaging of fish otoliths by laser ablation split stream ICP-MS/MC ICP-MS
Simultaneous Radar and Lidar Cloud Measurements at Geesthacht (53.5°N, 10.5°E)
Simultaneous regional detection of land‐use changes and elevated GHG levels: the case of spring precipitation in tropical South America
Simultaneously enhancing mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of aluminum by using graphene as the reinforcement
Single and competitive protein adsorption on polymeric surfaces
Single and competitive protein adsorption on polymeric surfaces
Single beam bathymetry transects at the West coast of Sylt from Sep 22-26 2016
Single crystal gradient thermoplasticity: A computational investigation
Single Ice Cores from Greenland: What do Accumulation Records Represent?
Single Layer Mirrors for Advanced Research Light Sources
Single Layer Mirrors for Advanced Research Light Sources
Single Protein Adsorption to Hydrogels Obtained from Gelatin and a Diisocyanate
Single scattering by non-spherical ice particles
Single scattering properties of atmospheric ice crystals
Single specimen test analysis to determine lower bound toughness in the transition
Single-dose-Kinetik und biliaere Exkretion des Antirheumatikums Triethylphosphin-Gold (Auranofin) beim Menschen
Single-exposure X-ray phase imaging microscopy with a grating interferometer
Single-grating interferometer for high-resolution phase-contrast imaging at synchrotron radiation sources
Single-grating interferometer for high-resolution phase-contrast imaging at synchrotron radiation sources
Single-Laser Raman Differential Absorption Lidar for Atmospheric Ozone Measurements: The Rotational Vibrational-Rotational (RVR) Raman DIAL
Single-layer and multilayer mirrors for current and next-generation light sources
Single-layer and multilayer mirrors for current and next-generation light sources
Single-phase friction riveting: metallic rivet deformation, temperature evolution, and joint mechanical performance
Single-short neutron transmission diffraction
Single-shot femtosecond laser processing of Al-alloy surface: An interplay between Mbar shock waves, enhanced microhardness, residual stresses, and chemical modification
Single-sided laser beam welding of a dissimilar AA2024–AA7050 T-joint
Single-sided laser beam welding of dissimilar T-joints for the aircraft industry
Single-Step Synthesis of Sulfonated Polyoxadiazoles and their Use as Proton Conducting Membranes
Sink and Source Reactions of N2O within Sediment-Water Interface Formed by Settling Seston from the Elbe Estuary
Sinking Organic Particles in the Ocean—Flux Estimates From in situ Optical Devices
Sino-German Joint Laboratory for Materials in Regenerative Medicine
SINTAP - Entwurf einer vereinheitlichten europaeischen Prozedur zur bruchmechanischen Bauteilbewertung
SINTAP - Entwurf einer vereinheitlichten europaeischen Prozedur zur bruchmechanischen Bauteilbewertung
SINTAP: Bewertung von Schweissverbindungen mit Festigkeits-Mismatch
SINTAP: Entwurf einer vereinheitlichten europaeischen Fehlerbewertungsprozedur. Eine Einfuehrung
Sintered Magnesium Alloy for the Production of Biodegradable Implants
Sintered magnesium-calcium-alloy as material for biodegradable orthopaedic implants
Sintering behavior and mechanical properties of a metal injection molded Ti–Nb binary alloy as biomaterial
Sintering Behavior and Microstructure Formation of Titanium Aluminide Alloys Processed by Metal Injection Molding
Sintering behaviour of titanium aluminides
Sintering behaviour of Ti–45Al–5Nb–0.2B–0.2C alloy modifications by additions of elemental titanium and aluminium
Sintering of electrically conductive polyetherimide membranes using multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Sintering of Magnesium
Sintering Of Mg And Its Alloys Under Hydrogen Atmospheres
Sintering of Mg and MgCa alloys for biomedical applications
Sintering of Mg and MgCa alloys for biomedical applications
Sintering of porous components from ternary Mg-Y-Ca alloys for orthopedic applications
Sintering of porous components from ternary Mg-Y-Ca alloys for orthopedic applications
Sintern von Titan - Modell und Experiment (Masterarbeit)
Sintesis y Caracterizacion de Terpolimeros en Bloque con Uno y Dos Bloques Cristalizables
SiO2–TiO2 Binary Aerogels: A Small-Angle Scattering Study
Site occupancy of alloying elements in the L12 structure determined by channeling enhanced microanalysis in γ/γ’ Co-9Al-9W-2X alloys
Site occupation behaviour of Nb, V, Mn and Cr in Gamma TiAl
Site-specific chromosomal gene insertion: Flp recombinase versus Cas9 nuclease
Situating climate change: Psychological distances as tool to understand the multifaceted dimensions of climate change meanings
Six percent hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 impacts differently on blood glucose than 4% gelatine in a swine model of mixed acidaemia
Six-years development in subsea robotics
Size affected dislocation activity in crystals: Advanced surface and grain boundary conditions
Size and Structure of Palladium Clusters Determined by XRD and HREM
Size control of shape switchable micronetworks by fast two-step microfluidic templating
Size distribution of organic compounds in tropospheric aerosol particles - A Preliminary study in Hamburg (Germany) during spring 1999
Size effect in the damage behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
Size effect in the damage behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
Size effect in the damage behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
Size effect in the damage behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
Size Effect in the Damage Behaviour of Short Fibre Reinforced Composites – Insights in the Interface Design of Materials
Size Effects in Metal Plasticity
Size effects in metal plasticity
Size Effects in Metal Plasticity
Size effects in nanoporous materials and polymerinfiltrated nanocomposites: A numerical study
Size Effects in Plasticity
Size effects in short fibre reinforced composites
Size effects in the damage behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
Size Effects of Brittle Particles in Aerosol Deposition—Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Size effects on hydrogen electrosorption in nanoporous Pd-Cu alloys
Size effects on residual stress and fatigue crack growth in friction stir welded 2195-T8 aluminium – Part I: Experiments
Size effects on residual stress and fatigue crack growth in friction stir welded 2195-T8 aluminium – Part II: Modelling
Size effects on the thermal emission properties of fractal dust
Size matters - Modulation of the cnidom and the toxic potential of Cyanea capillata
Size matters - Modulation of the cnidom and the toxic potential of Cyanea capillata
Size, thickness and geometry effects on transition fracture
Size-dependent and -independent prey selection of dinoflagellates
Size-segregated characteristics of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and organic matter in particulate matter (PM) emitted from different types of ships in China
SI‐ATRP Polymer‐Functionalized Graphene Oxide for Water Vapor Separation
Skeletonization, Geometrical Analysis, and Finite Element Modeling of Nanoporous Gold Based on 3D Tomography Data
Skeletonization; Geometrical Analysis and Finite Element Modeling of Nanoporous Gold Based on 3D Tomography Data
Skilful decadal-scale prediction of fish habitat and distribution shifts
Skilful prediction of cod stocks in the North and Barents Sea a decade in advance
Skill Assessment of an Atmosphere–Wave Regional Coupled Model over the East China Sea with a Focus on Typhoons
Skillful decadal prediction of German Bight storm activity
Skillful decadal prediction of unforced southern European summer temperature variations
Skillful Dynamical-Statistical Predictions of European Summer Temperature
Skin barrier disruptions in tape stripped and allergic dermatitis models have no effect on dermal penetration and systemic distribution of AHAPS-functionalized silica nanoparticles
Skin-side Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding (SSFSW) of dissimilar T-joints: Challenges and Results
Sleeping beauty transposon system for GDNF overexpression of entrapped stem cells in fibrin hydrogel in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
Sliding wear behaviour of a Cr-base alloy after microstructure alterations induced by friction surfacing
Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Cr-base Alloy after Microstructure Alterations Induced by Friction Surfacing
Sliding wear of Si-rich Al-base alloys in wrought state after Friction Surfacing
Slight phenotypic variation in predators and prey causes complex predator-prey oscillations
Slip and twinning in Mg single crystals
Slip-Twin Interactions in Gamma-Titanium Aluminides
Slow degrading Mg-based materials induce tumor cell dormancy on an osteosarcoma-fibroblast coculture model
Slow Loading J/CTOD test method for estimating KIscc
Slow loading J/CTOD test method for evaluating K-lSCC
Slow strain rate SCC testing
Slow strain rate stress corrosion cracking behaviour of as-welded and plasma electrolytic oxidation treated AZ31HP magnesium alloy autogenous laser beam weldment
Small angle neutron and X-ray scattering
Small Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering from Amphiphilic Stimuli Responsive Diamond Type Bicontinuous Cubic Phase
Small angle neutron scattering as sensitive tool to detect ligand-dependent shape changes in a plant lectin with β-trefoil folding and their dependence on the nature of the solvent
Small angle neutron scattering experiments at the FRG-1 research reactor
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Demixing in Micellar Solutions Containing CTAC and a Partially Fluorinated Cationic Surfactant
Small Angle Scattering in Ribosomal Structure Research: Localization of the Messenger RNA within Ribosomal Elongation States
Small angle X-ray scattering as a high-throughput method to classify antimicrobial modes of action
Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Magnetic Nanofluid Exposed to an Electric Field
Small crystals in cirriform clouds: A case study of residue size distribution, cloud water contenet and related cloud properties
Small scale applications to separate organic vapors by means of membranes
Small scale investigation of slip and twinning in Mg single crystal (Dissertation)
Small scale patches of suspended matter and phytoplankton in the Elbe river estuary: German bight and tidal flats
Small scale patches of suspended matter and phytoplankton in the Elbe river estuary: German bight and tidal flats
Small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering
Small-Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering from Amphiphilic Stimuli-Responsive Diamond-Type Bicontinuous Cubic Phase
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) characterization of 13.5 Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel for fusion applications
Small-angle neutron scattering analysis of a waterbased magnetic fluid with charge stabilization: contrast variation and scattering of polarized neutrons
Small-angle neutron scattering analysis of phase separation processes in amorphous alloys
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and the Moessbauer Effect in Nitrogen Austenite
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Contrast Variation on Magnetite–Myristic Acid–Benzene Magnetic Fluid
Small-angle neutron scattering experiments on nanostructured matter using contrast variation
Small-angle neutron scattering for the analysis of nano-particles
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from Micelles
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering in Austenitic Fe-18Cr-10Mn-16Ni-0.SN and Fe-21Cr-10Mn-17Ni-0.SC Steels
Small-angle neutron scattering in f.c.c. Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-C alloys
Small-angle neutron scattering in Invar Fe-Ni-C alloys in magnetic field
Small-angle neutron scattering in iron-based austenite - 1. The effect of nitrogen on structure of inhomogeneities in austenitic Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni-N steel
Small-angle neutron scattering in iron-based austenite - 2. The Effect of Carbon on SANS in F.C.C. Fe-Ni Alloy
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering of Nanocrystalline Terbium with Random Paramagnetic Susceptibility
Small-angle neutron scattering study of neutron-irradiated iron and an iron–nickel alloy
Small-angle scattering and its interplay with crystallography, contrast variation in SAXS and SANS
Small-angle scattering from polydisperse particles with a diffusive surface
Small-angle scattering investigations of magnesium hydride used as a hydrogen storage material
Small-Angle Scattering Investigations of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Materials Using Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons
Small-angle scattering of polarized neutrons in HTSC ceramics
Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Polymeric Membranes
Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Polymeric Membranes
Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Polymeric Membranes
Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Polymeric Membranes
Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Polymeric Membranes
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Investigations of Biomolecular Confinement, Loading, and Release from Liquid-Crystalline Nanochannel Assemblies
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Microanalysis of Carbon Nanotube Orientation Distribution
Small-scale benthic faunal activities may lead to large-scale morphological change- A model based assessment
Small-scale benthos distribution modelling in a North Sea tidal basin in response to climatic and environmental changes (1970s-2009)
Small-scale structures of arctic stratus clouds during summertime
Small-sized magnesium cylinders influence subchondral bone quality in osteoarthritic rabbits - an in vivo pilot study
SmallAngle Neutron Scattering By Fractal Clusters in Aqueous Dispersions of Nanodiamonds
Small‐Angle Neutron Scattering and Magnetically Heterogeneous State in Sr2FeMoO6–δ
SMARCOAT - Entwicklung smarter nano- und mikro-gekapselter Sensoren fuer Beschichtungen zur Verbesserung der Lebensdauer von Materialien
Smart Biomaterials
Smart Fibres and Textiles based on Shape-memory Polymers
Smart Fibres Based on Shape-memory Polymers
Smart Implant Materials - Capabilities and applications of new biodegradable shape-memory elastomers
Smart Materials
Smart Metal–Polymer Bionanocomposites as Omnidirectional Plasmonic Black Absorber Formed by Nanofluid Filtration
Smart Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Smart Silica-rubber Nanocomposites in virtue of the Competition and Symbiosis of Hydrogen Bonding Interactions
"Smart" micro/nano container-based self-healing coatings on magnesium alloys: A review
Smarter Routes to “Smart” Polymers:Application of Experimental Design in Polymer Chemistry
‘‘Smart’’ silica-rubber nanocomposites in virtue of hydrogen bonding interaction
SMOKE for Europe – adaptation, modification and evaluation of a comprehensive emission model for Europe
Smooth muscle and endothelial cell behaviour on degradable copolyetheresterurethane films
Smooth muscle and endothelial cell behaviour on polymeric films with different chemical compositions
SNG based energy storage systems with subsurface CO2 storage
Snow cover duration trends observed at sites and predicted by multiple models
Snow-to-air exchanges of mercury in an Arctic seasonal snow pack in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, spring 2003
SO2 and BrO observation in the plume of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano 2010: CARIBIC and GOME-2 retrievals
Social Innovation in Community Energy in Europe: A Review of the Evidence
Social innovation that connects people to coasts in the Anthropocene
Social science - A must for climate research
Social Science and Coastal Management, Mechanisms and Models
Social Science Scenarios: Some insights into possible futures
Social Sciences for Coastal Management
Social Sciences for Coastal Management: International MSc in Coastal Management
Social tipping dynamics for stabilizing Earth’s climate by 2050
Societal local and regional resiliency spurred by contextualized climate services: The role of culture in co-production
Socio-ecological vulnerability to tipping points: A review of empirical approaches and their use for marine management
Socio-economic benefits of integrated coastal zone management
Socio-technological revolutions and migration waves: re-examining early world history with a mathematical model
Socio-technological revolutions and migration waves: re-examining early world history with a mathematical model
Socioeconomics, Policy, or Climate Change: What is Driving Vulnerability in Southern Portugal?
Soft (Nano-) Matter
Soft Matter / Biology Research and Neutrons (SANS)
Soft Matter / Biology Research and Neutrons (SANS)
Soft poly(Eta-butyl acrylate) networks with tailored mechanical properties designed as substrates for in vitro models
Soft Tissue Tensional-Homeostasis in Experiment and Simulation
Soft X-ray diffraction up to wavelengths of 6.0 A becomes feasable at ID1 of ESFR
Soft, Formstable (Co)Polyester Blend Elastomers
Softer and soft X-rays in macromolecular crystallography
Software fuer die Hochtemperaturpruefung
Software fuer die Vereinfachung aufwendiger numerischer Berechnungen
Soil control on runoff response to climate change in regional climate model simulations
Soil moisture analysis by assimilating atmospheric observations
Soil moisture analysis by assimilating atmospheric observations
Soil moisture–atmosphere feedbacks mitigate declining water availability in drylands
Soil pollutions and its mitigation: Impact of land use changes on soil storage of pollutants
Sol-Gel Coatings with Nanocontainers of Corrosion Inhibitors for Active Corrosion Protection of Metallic Materials
Sol-gel template synthesis of mesoporous carbon-doped TiO2 with photocatalytic activity under visible light
Sol-gel template synthesis of mesoporous titania powder with photocatalytic activity under visible light
Solar cycle signal in a general circulation and chemistry model with internally generated quasi-biennial oscillation
Solar ground calibration of ScaRaB: preliminary results
Solar radiation and clouds – An overview on processes, interactions and trends
Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa
Solar radiation atlas of Africa
Solar radiation budget for MAGS and BALTEX
Solar radiation budgets for MAGS and BALTEX
Solar radiation fluxes at the Baltic Sea surface
Solar radiation fluxes at the surface of the Baltic Proper. Part 1: Mean annual cycle and influencing factors
Solar radiation fluxes at the surface of the Baltic Proper. Part 2: Uncertainties and comparison to simple bulk parameterisations
Solar radiative transfer across the dynamic air-sea interface
Solar- und Windenergie
Solar-Blind Raman Lidar Measurements of Tropospheric Water Vapor Profiles
Solarer Strahlungstransport in arktischem Cirrus (Dissertation)
Soldadura hiperbarica con procedimiento FCAW
Soldagem a Ponto Por Friccao e Mistura Mecanica de um Aco Trip 800: Processo, Microestrutura E Propriedades - Friction spot welding of a TRIP 800 steel: Process microstructure and properties (Dissertation)
Soldagem e uniao de estruturas hibridas metal-composito leves: quebrando paradigmas atraves da inovacao
Soldagem Hibrida Por Difusao Atraves de Friccao (HFDB) Para a Uniao de Tubos e Flanges de Aluminio (Masterarbeit)
Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (Fspw) de Poliamida 6 E Laminado de Poliamida 66 com Fibra de Carbono: Avaliacao dos Parametros de Processo e Otimizacao da Ferramenta (Diplomarbeit)
Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (Fspw) de Poliamida 6 E Laminado de Poliamida-66 com Fibra de Carbono
Soldagem Pontual por Friccao (Fspw) de Poliamida 6 E Laminado de Poliamida-66 com Fibra de Carbono
Soldagem Pontual por Friccao de Poliamida 6: Avaliacao da Extensao da Degradacao do Polimero
Soldagem por Friccao de Junta Dissimilar em Ligas de Aluminio AA 2024 e AA 6056: Microestrutura e propriedades - Friction Stir Welding of a Dissimilar Joint on AA 2024 and AA 6056 Aluminium Alloys: Structures and Properties (Diplomarbeit)
Soldagem por Friccao em Ligas de Aluminio aplicadas na Industria Automobilistica - Friction Welding in Aluminium Alloys Applied in Automotive Industry
Soldagem por Friccao em Ligas de Aluminio aplicadas na Industria Automobilistica - Friction Welding in Aluminium Alloys Applied in Automotive Industry
Solid diluted calibrants: a new concept for the preparation of standard solutions. Part I: Principles and application to Cr (VI)
Solid Hydrogen Storage Systems for Transport Applications
Solid Solution and Precipitation Hardening of Gamma TiAl Base Alloys
Solid solution strengthening in Mg-Gd alloys
Solid solution strengthening in Mg-Gd alloys
Solid solution treatment on strength and corrosion of biodegradable Mg6Ag wires
Solid State EPR Studies on Bis(1,2-dithiosquarato) cuprates(II): a Structure – Spectroscopy Relationship
Solid state Hydrogen Storage for automotive applications (Bachelorarbeit)
Solid State Hydrogen Storage Research at the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht: Review and Future Trends
Solid State Joining at HZG
Solid State Joining Processes / WMP Research on FSW and Related Processes at HZG
Solid State Materials Processing
Solid State Materials Processing@Hereon & the ERC Project “MA.D.AM”
Solid state physics research on modern photon sources
Solid State Spot Welding of Lightweight Alloys - Soldagem por Ponto no Estado Solido de Ligas Leves
Solid Water clusters in the size range of tens-thousands of H2O: a combined computational / spectroscopic outlook
Solid-Solid Phase Transformations and Their Kinetics in Ti-Al-Nb Alloys
Solid-state diffusion bonding of gamma-TiAl alloys using Ti/Al thin films as interlayers
Solid-State Hydrogen Storage for a Decarbonized Society
Solid-State Hydrogen Storage for a Decarbonized Society
Solid-State Hydrogen Storage for a Decarbonized Society
Solid-state joining of polymer-metal hybrid structures: new developments in Germany
Solid-State NMR Characterization of Biodegradable Shape-Memory Polymer Networks
Solid-state reaction of Zr-Fe multilayered films investigated by Moessbauer spectroscopy
Solidification Behavior of Recyclable Mg Alloys - AZ91 and AZC1231
Solidification Behavior of Recyclable Mg Alloys - AZ91 and AZC1231
Solubility behaviour of random and gradient copolymers of di- and oligo(ethylene oxide) methacrylate in water: effect of various additives
Solubility of arsenic, cadmium and cobalt in aerobic and anaerobic sediment and seston suspensions
Solubility of Hydrogen in single-sized Clusters of Palladium
Solubility-prediction of aprotic solvents in polymeric membrane material
Solubility-prediction of aprotic solvents in polymeric membrane material
Solubilization of Polyelectrolytic Hairy-Rod Polyfluorene in Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic Surfactant
Soluble complexes in aqueous mixtures of low charge density comb polyelectrolytes and oppositely charged surfactants probed by scattering and NMR
Soluble complexes in aqueous mixtures of low charge density comb polyelectrolytes and oppositely charged surfactants probed by scattering and NMR
Solute drag-controlled grain growth in magnesium investigated by quasi in-situ orientation mapping and level-set simulations
Solution and Melt Rheology of Diblock Copolymers for Membrane Applications and Polymer Foaming
Solution and Precipitation Hardening in Carbon-Doped Two-Phase Gamma-Titanium Aluminides
Solution Behaviour of the Surfactant Aldehyde in Heavy Water
Solution Behaviour of the Surfactant Aldehyde in Heavy Water
Solution blow spinning of poly(vinylidene fluoride) at different temperatures
Solution of incompressible navier stokes equations
Solution properties of dodecyldimethylamine oxide solutions as examined by SANS
Solution Properties of Stimuli-responsive Homo- and Copolymers
Solution scattering from biological macromolecules
Solution scattering structural analysis of the 70S Escherichia coli ribosome by contrast variation: I. Invariants and validation of electron microscopic models
Solution scattering structural analysis of the 70S Escherichia coli ribosome by contrast variation: II. A model of the ribosome and its RNA at 3.5 nm resolution
Solution structure and excitation energy transfer in phycobiliproteins of Acaryochloris marina investigated by small angle scattering
Solution Structure from Small to Wide Angle X-ray Scattering of Surface Functionalized Polyethylene Imines
Solution Structure of Metal Particles Prepared in Unimolecular Reactors of Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Macromolecules
Solution structure of monomeric and trimeric photosystem I of Thermosynechococcus elongatus investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering
Solution Structure of the Detergent–Photosystem II Core Complex Investigated by Small-Angle Scattering Techniques
Solvatochromism and Fullerene Cluster Formation in C60/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Solvent controlled 2D structures of bottom-up fabricated nanoparticle superlattices
Solvent Dependent Assembly of a Polyfluorene−Polythiophene “Rod−Rod” Block Copolyelectrolyte: Influence on Photophysical Properties
Solvent reactivity depending on the electrolyte species at Mg-based alloy anodes interface
Solvent resistant nanofiltration of enlarged (NHC)Pd(allyl)Cl-Complexes for cross coupling reactions
Solvent stable membranes developed at GKSS
Solvent Uptake in Polymeric Glasses: Modelling Anomalous Diffusion and Solvent-Induced Swelling
Solvent- and Thermally-Induced Shape-Memory Effect of Polymer Networks Based on Poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide]
Solvent-based Fabrication Method for Magnetic, Shape-Memory Nanocomposite Foams
Solvent-free Formation of Porous Hollow Fiber Membranes with Carbon Dioxide as Blowing Agent
Solvent-Free Preparation of Electrically Conductive Polyetherimide Membranes Using Carbon Nanotubes
Solvent-Free Production of Electrically Conductive Polyetherimide Membranes
Solvent-Free Production of Electrically Conductive Polymer Membranes via Sintering
Solvent-Induced Crystallization of Poly(phenylene sulfone)
Solvent-Induced Swelling and Anomalous Diffusion in Polymeric Glasses
Solving a problem with a single parameter: a smooth bcc to fcc phase transition for metallic lithium
Solvothermal synthesis and analysis of Bi1−xSbx nanoparticles
Sol–Gel Transition in Nanodiamond Aqueous Dispersions by Small-Angle Scattering
Some applications of molecular modelling in membrane science
Some aspects of element distribution in Betula alba: A contribution to representative sampling of terrestrial plants for multi-element analysis
Some aspects of lateral chain order in cellulosics from X-ray scattering
Some aspects of lateral chain order in cellulosics from X-ray scattering
Some comments about the wide spectrum for potential applications of Polytriazoles
Some considerations on the integrity analysis of the structures with mismatched weldment
Some Developments in Residual Strength Determination of Thin-walled Structures
Some effects of ice nucleation modes on the development of contrails
Some like it hot and stratified: Influence of hydrographic features on seabird distribution in the German Bight in summer
Some Neural Network Applications in Environmental Sciences, Part 1: Forward and Inverse Problems in Geophysical Remote Measurements
Some patterns of interaction between science and policy: Germany and climate change
Some peculiarities of the electronic structure of the BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite
Some Peculiarities of the Electronic Structure of the BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 Perovskite
Some Peculiarities of the Electronic Structure of the BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 Perovskite
Some peculiarities of the electronic structure of the BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite
Some potential developments for trace element and surface analysis using a grazing incident X-ray beam
Some potential developments for trace element and surface analysis using a grazing incident X-ray beam
Some Practical Results for Calculating Elastic Properties of Textured Cubic Polycrystals
Some practical results for calculating the elastic properties of cubic polycrystals with texture measured by neutron diffraction
Some Research on Clouds in BALTEX
Some studies in discontinuous ceramic phases reinforced magnesium/aluminium based metal matrix cast composites (Dissertation)
Some studies on Mg alloy reinforced with Ceramic discontinuous phases
Some studies on Mg alloy reinforced with ceramic discontinuous phases
Some Studies on the Thermal-Expansion Behaviour of C-Fiber, SiCp, and In-Situ Mg2Si-Reinforced AZ31 Mg Alloy-Based Hybrid Composites
Some thermodynamic considerations concerning the usual interpretation of wetting on solids
Sometimes coastal research is useful - Cases from practice
Sondergebiete der Werkstofftechnik I: Bruchmechanik
Sondergebiete der Werkstofftechnik II: Schwingfestigkeit
Sophisticated magnesium alloys and composites as implant materials
Sophisticated magnesium alloys and composites as implant materials
Sorption and desorption properties of a CaH2/MgB2/CaF2 reactive hydride composite as potential hydrogen storage material
Sorption and Heat Management Behaviour of Complex Hydride-based Hydrogen Storage Tank
Sorption and Spatial Distribution of Protein Globules in Charged Hydrogel Particles
Sorption and transport of CO2 in copolymers containing soft (PEO, PPO) and hard (BKDA-ODA and BPDA-ODA) segments at different temperatures: Experimental data and modeling
Sorption behavior of the MgH2–Mg2FeH6 hydride storage system synthesized by mechanical milling followed by sintering
Sorption kinetics of tributyltin on Elbe river biofilms
Sorption Properties and Reaction Mechanism of Reactiv Hydride Composites
Sorption properties and reversibility of Ti(IV) and Nb(V)-fluoride doped-Ca(BH4)2–MgH2 system
Sorption properties of NaBH4/MH2 (M = Mg, Ti) powder systems
Sorption properties of NaBH4/MH2 (M = Mg, Ti) powder systems
Sorption und Desorption von Bisphenol(A) an Poly(ether-amid)-Block-Copolymer (Diplomarbeit)
Sorption von Tributylzinn an Biofilmen aus der Elbe
Sorptionseigenschaften von nanokristallinen Metallhydriden fuer die Wasserstoffspeicherung (Dissertation)
Sorptionsselektive Mixed-Matrix-Membranen zur Abtrennung hoeherer Kohlenwasserstoffe aus Gasstroemen
Source and Distribution of Emerging and Legacy Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean
Source and Exent of Land-based Oil Pollution and Oil Industry Related Wastes in the North Sea Region (Europe)
Source apportionment of atmospheric mercury in the remote marine atmosphere: Mace Head GAW station, Irish western coast
Source attribution and process analysis for atmospheric mercury in eastern China simulated by CMAQ-Hg
Source attribution of carbon monoxide in India and surrounding regions during wintertime
Source attribution of particulate sulfate concentrations at chosen measurement stations in Europe by the use of the CMAQ chemistry transport model
Sources and sinks of reactive Nitrogen in the German Bight (Dissertation)
Sources of contamination of sediments/dredged material with PAHs and PCBs and scenarios in the Rhine catchment area
Sources of PAHs and PCBs in the Rhine catchment area - Models and scenarios for estimating their impact on sediments/dredged material quality
Sources of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Norwegian Sea: Evidence from their spatial distribution in surface water
Sources of Scatter in Creep/Fatigue Crack Growth Testing and Their Impact on Plant Assessments
Sources of Scatter in Creep/Fatigue Crack Growth Testing and Their Impact on Plant Assessments
Sources, pathways, and abatement strategies of macroplastic pollution: an interdisciplinary approach for the southern North Sea
Southern Africa Climate Over the Recent Decades: Description, Variability and Trends
Southwestern United States drought of the 21st century presages drier conditions into the future
Soziale Naturwissenschaft. Oder: Die Zukunft der Wissenschaftskulturen
Sozialwissenschaftliche Kontextualisierung der Klimaforschung
Space-borne cloud and aerosol information for climate research
Spannungs- und Schwingungsrisskorrosion des hoeherfesten Baustahls FeE 690 in synthetischem Meerwasser
Spannungsanalyse und Festigkeitsberechung, Eisenbahnbundesamt Bonn
Spannungsfeld zwischen Forschung und Gesellschaft/Politik/Wirtschaft
Spannungsrisskorrosion durch Polyurethan-Isolierschaum
Spannungsrisskorrosion durch PUR-Isolationsmaterial
Spannungsrisskorrosion von Leichtmetallen
Spannungsrisskorrosions-Untersuchungen an Bruchmechanik-Proben
Spannungsrisskorrosionsuntersuchungen mit bruchmechanischen Methoden
Spark plasma sintered Mg-4Y-3Nd with exceptional tensile performance
Sparse Annotations with Random Walks for U-Net Segmentation of Biodegradable Bone Implants in Synchrotron Microtomograms
Spatial and seasonal variations of organic corrosion inhibitors in the Pearl River, South China: Contributions of sewage discharge and urban rainfall runoff
Spatial and spatio-temporal pattern formation in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion systems
Spatial and spatio-temporal pattern formation in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion systems
Spatial and spatio-temporal reaction-diffusion patterns in heterogeneous media
Spatial and spatio-temporal reaction-diffusion patterns in heterogeneous media
Spatial and temporal distribution analysis of dominant algae in Lake Taihu based on ocean and land color instrument data
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric Hg in North-Western and Central Europe - Observations on Different Time Scale
Spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric mercury concentrations in northwestern and central Europe
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric Mercury in Central and Northern Europe – Observations on Different Time-Scales
Spatial and tidal distributions of suspended particulate matter along the lower Elbe river - first results from a joint venture including airborne remote sensing, helicopter and shipborne investigations: BILEX 93
Spatial coverage and temporal trends of land-based atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Spatial coverage and temporal trends of land-based atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Organophosphate Esters in Air above the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China
Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Organophosphate Esters in Air above the Bohai and Yellow Seas; China
Spatial distribution of microplastics in sediments and surface waters of the southern North Sea
Spatial distribution of microplastics in the tropical Indian Ocean based on laser direct infrared imaging and microwave-assisted matrix digestion
Spatial distribution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds in coastal waters from the East to South China Sea
Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in surface sediments of the German Bight, North Sea
Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in the Pearl River of Southern China
Spatial distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in dab (Limanda limanda) bile fluids from Iceland and the North Sea
Spatial distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in seawater of the German Bight
Spatial distribution, source identification and flux estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean
Spatial glyphosate and AMPA redistribution on the soil surface driven by sediment transport processes – A flume experiment
Spatial Heterogeneity - Challenge and Opportunity for Net-Zero Germany
Spatial Inhomogeneities if Cirrus Clouds as Derived from In Situ Ice Particle Measurements
Spatial pattern formation in compartmental reaction-electrodiffusion systems with concentration-dependent diffusivities
Spatial pattern formation in heterogeneous reaction media
Spatial pattern formation of interacting and dispersing populations
Spatial pattern formation of interacting and dispersing populations
Spatial patterning in a Volterra system with commensal interactions and nonlinear diffusion
Spatial patterning of electrochemical and ecological reaction-diffusion systems
Spatial patterning of heterogeneous electrochemical and ecological reaction-diffusion systems
Spatial patterning of interacting and dispersing populations
Spatial patterning of interacting and dispersing populations
Spatial patterns in electrochemical and ecological reaction-diffusion systems with state-dependent parameters
Spatial patterns in reaction-electrodiffusion systems with state-dependent parameters
Spatial patterns of interacting and dispersing populations
Spatial patterns of multi–centennial surface air temperature trends in Antarctica over 1–1000 CE: Insights from ice core records and modeling
Spatial performance of four climate field reconstruction methods targeting the Common Era
Spatial Scale Separation in Regional Climate Modelling (Dissertation)
Spatial Signature of Solar Forcing over the North Atlantic Summer Climate in the Past Millennium
Spatial variability of the Arctic Ocean's double-diffusive staircase
Spatial variability of two dimensional SAR Spectra within the Norwegian CAL/VAL Area of ERS-1
Spatial variations in CO2 fluxes in the Saguenay Fjord (Quebec, Canada) and results of a water mixing model
Spatial variations in sedimentary N-transformation rates in the North Sea (German Bight)
Spatially gradient, polar, and symmetric reaction-diffusion patterns in morphogenesis
Spatially Resolved Decadal Prediction of European Summer Temperatures by North Atlantic Ocean Variability
Spatio-temporal pattern formation in nonlinear nonequilibrium plankton dynamics
Spatio-temporal pattern formation in plankton population models
Spatio-temporal patterns in a planktic population model
Spatio-temporal patterns in a planktic population model
Spatio-temporal patterns of C : N : P ratios in the northern Benguela upwelling system
Spatio-Temporal Reconstructions
Spatio-temporal self-organization in population dynamics
Spatio-temporal self-organization in population-dynamical models
Spatio-temporal structures in a planktic population model
Spatio-temporal variability in a model plankton community
Spatiotemporal climate variations in the Baltic Sea since 1850
Spatiotemporal climate variations in the Baltic Sea since 1850
Spatiotemporal variation of vertical particle fluxes and modelled chlorophyll a standing stocks in the Benguela Upwelling System
Speaking Truth to Power Revisited: Science, Policy and Climate Change
Speaking Truth to Power Revisited: Science, Policy and Climate Change
Special aspects of turbulance in the free atmosphere and its relation to cirrus clouds
Special features of large Lidar telescopes
Special issue “Biodegradable magnesium as implant material”
Special scale spearation of limited area models in the context of spectral nudging and isotropic discrete filtering
Special Section “Light Materials − Science and Technology”
Speciated mercury measurements in ambient air from 2009 to 2011 at a Central European rural background monitoring site
Speciated mercury measurements in ambient air from 2009 to 2011 at a Central European rural background monitoring site
Speciation and genotoxicity of butyltin compounds
Speciation and genotoxicity of butyltin compounds
Speciation and mobility of zinc in anaerobic suspensions
Species analysis of metallothionein isoforms in human brain cytosols by use of capillary electrophoresis hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma - sector field mass spectrometry
Species analysis of metallothionein isoforms in human brain cytosols by use of capillary electrophoresis hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry
Species Analysis of Metallothioneines in Human Brain Cytosols by Capillary Electrophoresis with Metalspecific Detection
Species analytics for the future by laser spectroscopy using multiphoton ionization in a new hybrid mass spectrometer
Species Favourability Shift in Europe due to Climate Change: A Case Study for Fagus sylvatica L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. Based on an Ensemble of Climate Models
Species-Analytik in Gewaesserproben: neue Ansaetze, neue Ergebnisse, neue Ziele
Specific and unspecific photoinitiated radical crosslinking reactions of methacrylate functionalized oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone)
Specific features of the mesostructure of amorphous iron(III) hydroxide xerogels synthesized in an ultrasonic field
Specific features of the mesostructure of amorphous iron(III) hydroxide xerogels synthesized in an ultrasonic field
Specific uptake mechanisms of well-tolerated thermoresponsive polyglycerol-based nanogels in antigen-presenting cells of the skin
Specifications of the novel plasma melting inert gas atomization facility PIGA 1/300 for the production of intermetallic titanium-based alloy powders
Specifics of C60 Fullerene Cluster Formation in a Solvent Mixture of Toluene and N-Methyl-2-Pyrollidone
Specimen size effect in the ductile to brittle transition regime using CT-specimens
Spectral absorption coefficient measured in situ in the North Sea with a marine radiometric spectrometer system
Spectral Analysis in Regionalisation: Retaining the Large Scales but Adding Detail
Spectral band adaptation of ocean color sensors for applicability of the multi-water biogeo-optical algorithm ONNS
Spectral behaviour of model wind data and a comparison to windprofiler observations
Spectral nudging in regional climate modelling: Does it induce additional gravity waves?
Spectral signatures of the tropical Pacific dynamics from model and altimetry: a focus on the meso-/submesoscale range
Spectral simplification by enclosive flow cooling I - FTR-IR spectroscopy of supercooled gases at 100 K
Spectral simplification by enclosive flow cooling I – FTR-IR spectroscopy of supercooled gases at 100 K
Spectral simplification by enclosive flow cooling II - diode laser spectroscopy of complex molecules
Spectral variability of light scattering by atmospheric ice crystals
Spectral variability of light scattering by hexagonal ice crystals
Spectral wave modelling with non-linear dissipation: validation and applications in a coastal tidal environment
Spectral Wave Modelling with Nonlinear Dissipation (Dissertation)
Spectrally Selective Emitters Stable up to 1400°C for Thermophotovoltaic Applications
Spectrophotometric high-precision seawater pH determination for use in underway measuring systems
Spectroscopic characterization of N2O aggregates: From clusters to the particulate state
Spectroscopic detection of a ubiquitous dissolved pigment degradation product in subsurface waters of the global ocean
Spectroscopic investigation of the solvent polarity of different supercritical fluids
Spectroscopic Investigations of (Block) Copolymers: A Key to Understand Their Properties
SPEEK Membranes Containing Phosphotungstic Acid: Analysis of the Effect of the Inorganic Filler on the Distribution of the Heteropolyacid
SPEEK/Polyimide Blends for Proton Conductive
SPEEK/Polyimide Blends for Proton Conductive
Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen
Speichertechnologie und weitere Ausblicke auf die Zukunft des EEG - Kommentar zum Beitrag von Thomas Schomerus
Speicherung erneuerbarer Energien mittels Wasserstoff in Metallhydriden
Speicherung erneuerbarer Energien mittels Wasserstoff in Metallhydriden
Speicherung und Kompression von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Metallhydriden
Speicherung von Sonnen- und anderer Energie als Wasserstoff
Spektroskopische Charakterisierung modifizierter Celluloseoberflaechen
Spektroskopische Methoden der Umweltanalytik
Spektroskopische Verfahren der Umweltanalytik
Spent fuel management plans for research and test reactor within the Federal Republic of Germany
Spetial and temporal variability of atmospheric mercury concentrations in northwestern and central Europe
Spezialvorlesung ueber Aspekte der theoretischen Biophysik fuer Studenten der Physik
Spezialvorlesung ueber Aspekte der theoretischen Biophysik fuer Studenten der Physik
Speziation von Arsen, Selen, Antimon und Tellur mittels HPLC/ICP-MS
Spezielle Methoden der Oberflaechenanalytik
Spezielle Probleme der CALPHAD-Methode: Oberseminar
Spezielle Probleme der CALPHAD-Methode: Oberseminar
Spezielle Probleme der CALPHAD-Methode: Oberseminar
Spezielle Probleme der CALPHAD-Methode: Oberseminar
Spezielle Probleme der CALPHAD-Methode: Oberseminar
Speziesanalyse mit gekoppelten Systemen: das Beispiel CE/ICP-MS
Speziesanalyse von Metellothioneinen in menschlichen Cytosolen mit Hilfe chromatographischer und massenspektrometrischer Methoden
Speziesanalytik von organischen Quecksilberverbindungen zur Aufklaerung ihrer Biopfade an kontaminierten Standorten (Dissertation)
Speziesanalytik von zinnorganischen Verbindungen zur Aufklaerung ihrere Biopfade in der aquatischen Umwelt (Dissertation)
Speziesanalytische Untersuchungen zur Abschaetzung des Remobilisierungspotentials von Quecksilber aus kontaminierten Elbauen
Speziesanalytische Untersuchungen zur Abschaetzung des Remobilisierungspotentials von Quecksilber aus kontaminierten Elbauen (Dissertation)
Spezifikationen der Pulververduesungsanlage zur Herstellung von intermetallischen Titan-Basislegierungen
Spherical Grid Creation and Modeling Using the Galerkin Compiler GC_Sphere
Spherical indentation of metals having arbitrary residual stress states
Spheroid formation of human keratinocyte: Balancing between cell-substrate and cell-cell interaction
Spheroid formation of human keratinocyte: balancing between cell-substrate and cell-cell interaction
Spike-Forging of As-Cast TX32 Magnesium Alloy
Spike-Forging of As-Cast TX32 Magnesium Alloy
Spin asymmetries A(1) and structure functions g(1) of the proton and the deuteron from polarized high energy muon scattering
Spin asymmetries A(1) of the proton and the deuteron in the low x and low Q(2) region from polarized high energy muon scattering
Spin chirality of polycrystalline MnSi, or, difficult way from rumours to the solid ground
Spin chirality of polycrystalline MnSi, or, difficult way from rumours to the solid ground
Spin coating as a method for polymer molecular weight determination
Spin coating as a method for polymer molecular weight determination
Spin coating from a molecular point of view: its concentration regimes, influence of molar mass and distribution
Spin excitations in Dy/Y and Gd/Y superlattices
Spin structure of nanocrystalline gadolinium
Spin wave dynamics in two- and three-dimensional superlattices of nanosized ferromagnetic spheres
Spin wave dynamics of Fe65Ni35 invar studied by polarized SANS
Spin waves in full-polarized state of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnets: Small-angle neutron scattering study
Spin-Chirality in Y/Dy Multilayer Studied by Polarized SANS
Spin-resolved off-specular neutron scattering maps from magnetic multilayers using a polarized 3He gas spin filter
Spin-wave dynamics in Invar Fe65Ni35 alloy studied by small-angle polarized neutron scattering
Spin-wave stiffness in the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnet with ferrimagnetic ordering Cu2OSeO3
Spin-wave stiffness of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnet compounds Fe1−xCoxSi studied by small-angle neutron scattering
Spinodal decomposition in Fe-25 at%Co-9 at%Mo
Spinodal decomposition in off-stoichiometric Zr0.5Hf0.5Co1-yIrySb1-zSnz half-Heusler phases
Spinodal decomposition in off-stoichiometric Zr0.5Hf0.5Co1-yIrySb1-zSnz half-Heusler phases
Spinodal decomposition of cubic Ti1–xAlxN: Comparison between experiments and modeling
Spitzenmedizin in NRW
SPM concentrations in the German Bight: comparison between a model simulation and measurements
SPM-Untersuchung an poroesen, gasdurchstroemten Polymermembranen: Eine neue methodische Entwicklung
SPM-Untersuchung an poroesen, gasdurchstroemten Polymermembranen: Eine neue methodische Entwicklung
Sponge budding is a spatiotemporal morphological patterning process: Insights from synchrotron radiation-based x-ray microtomography into the asexual reproduction of Tethya wilhelma
Spontaneous and induced platelet aggregation in apparently healthy subjects in relation to age
Spontaneous and induced platelet aggregation in apparently healthy subjects in relation to age
Spot size characterization of focused non-Gaussian X-ray laser beams
Spray forming and subsequent forging of gamma titanium aluminide alloys
Spray forming and subsequent forging of gamma-titanium aluminide alloys
Spray Forming of Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Spray forming of Ti 48.9 Al (at %) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing and forging
Spray forming of Ti 48.9Al (at.%) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing and forging
Spray- and laser-assisted biomaterial processing for fast and efficient autologous cell-plus-matrix tissue engineering
Spraying of Ultrathin Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes—A Story about Challenges and Limitations
Spring-neap tidal cycles are major drivers for biogeochemical variability in two large outer estuaries
Spring-neap variations of suspended sediment concentration and transport in the turbidity maximum of the Elbe estuary
Springtime Accumulation of Atmospheric Mercury in Polar Ecosystems
Spritzgiessverfahren am Beispiel des Metal Injection Moulding: Anwendungen fuer die Dentalbranche
Spurenanalytik im meeresbiologischen Bereich: Von der Element zur Proteinanalytik
Spurenelementanalyse von nach Sinkgeschwindigkeit fraktionierten Elbeschwebstoffen
Spurenstoffe und ihr Transport durch das Elbe-Aestuar
Squeeze-casting and thixo-casting of magnesium alloys
Squeeze-Casting und Thixo-Casting von Magnesiumlegierungen
SR Mue CT in Materials Science at the Beamline HARWI II
SR Mue CT study of crack propagation within laser-welded aluminum-alloy T-joints
SR Mue CT study of crack propagation within laser-welded aluminum-alloy T-joints
Sr-90 und Cs-137 in der Elbe vor und nach dem Tschernobyl-Unfall
Sr-90 und Cs-137 in der Elbe vor und nach dem Tschernobyl-Unfall
SR-micro-CT Study of Crack Growth in Laser Welded Al-Alloy T-Joints
Sr-Nd-Pb isotope fingerprint analysis of sediment from the river Weser (Germany) and its implication to trace human and climate-induced impacts
Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systems as fingerprinting tools to trace anthropogenic controls on the Weser river system (Germany)
SR-TXRF Analysis of Contamination on Wafer Surfaces - Energy-dispersive vs. Wavelength-dispersive Systems
SRET Evaluation of the Corrosion Behavior of Thixocast AZ91 Magnesium Alloy in Dilute NaCl Solution at Room Temperature
SRET Evaluation of the Corrosion Behavior of Thixocast AZ91 Magnesium Alloy in Dilute NaCl Solution at Room Temperature
SRET Evaluation of the Corrosion Behavior of Thixocast AZ91 Magnesium Alloy in Dilute NaCl Solution at Room Temperature
SST in polynias: A case study
Stabiles Michelson-Interferometer zur Temperaturfernmessung
Stabilitaet von Anionenaustauschermaterialien unter den relevanten Bedingungen (Vertraulicher Bericht!)
Stability and Failure Mechanisms of Al2O3|Al Bilayer Coatings Exposed to 300 Bar Hydrogen at 673 K
Stability and physical properties of the L12-γ′ phase in the CoNiAlTi-system
Stability limits of the perovskite structure in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system
Stability of blended polymeric materials for CO2 separation
Stability of blended polymeric materials for CO2 separation
Stability of human serum albumin structure upon toxin uptake explored by small angle neutron scattering
Stability of LB-films on polymeric membranes with applied gas stream
Stability of Ordered B2-βO and Disordered BCC-β Phases in Tial - A First Principles Study
Stability of PEBAX® or Polyactive® blended with low molecular weight PEG as materials for CO2 selective membranes
Stability of PEBAX® or Polyactive® blended with low molecular weight PEG as materials for CO2 selective membranes
Stability of phase transformation models for Ti-6Al-4V under cyclic thermal loading imposed during laser metal deposition
Stability of phase transformation models for Ti-6Al-4V under cyclic thermal loading imposed during laser metal deposition
Stability of sulfonated polytriazole and polyoxadiazole membranes
Stability of TaC precipitates in a Co–Re-based alloy being developed for ultra-high-temperature applications
Stability of the L12 phase at 800 °C in the Ti-Al-Cr system
Stability of the Ti(Cr,Al)2 phase
Stability studies of arsenic, selenium, antimony and tellurium species in water, urine and soil extracts using HPLC/ICP-MS
Stabilization of aqueous dispersions of poly(methacrylic acid)-coated iron oxide nanoparticles by double hydrophilic block polyelectrolyte poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(N-methyl-2-vinylpyridinium iodide)
Stabilization of Gold Nanospheres and Nanorods in Diblock Copolymers of Styrene and Vinylpyridine
Stabilized switchable “black state” in Mg2NiH4 /Ti/Pd thin films for optical hydrogen sensing
Stable isotope composition and turnover of nitrate in the German Bight
Stable Isotopes and Mercury in Blood of Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina) Caught on a German Sandbank
Stable Ordered Layers of Bisbenzamidines. Possible Support for Lipid Bilayers
Stacking fault formation in perovskite Ti3AlC carbides in a TiAl based alloy during creep at 800°C
Staedte im Klimawandel – Was kommt auf Bebauung und Infrastruktur zu?
Staehle im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich - Normungsaktivitaeten bei der ESIS und der ASTM zur bruchmechanischen Charakterisierung
Stage-parallel fully implicit Runge-Kutta implementations with optimal multilevel preconditioners at the scaling limit
Stainless steel reveals an anomaly in thermal expansion behavior of severely deformed materials
Stakeholder-based evaluation categories for regional climate services – A case study at the German Baltic Sea coast
Stakeholder-based evaluation categories for regional climate services – A case study at the German Baltic Sea coast
Stammzellen aus Nabelschnurgewebe (Wharton-Sulze): Einblicke in die aktuelle Grundlagenforschung
Stammzellforschung - Grenzen und Moeglichkeiten
Stand der Arbeiten zur Membranentwicklung im Institut fuer Polymerenchemie Teltow
Stand der Arbeitsmedizin beim tiefen Saettigungstauchen
Stand der Ausbildung zum nassen Schweissen
Stand der Entwicklung von Biohybrid-Organen
Stand der Entwicklung von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen fuer die Verkehrstechnik
Stand der ETM-Prozedur zur bruchmechanischen Fehlerbewertung
Stand der landwirtschaftlichen Klaerschlammverwertung im noerdlichen Sachsen-Anhalt
Stand der Membranentwicklung für Trennaufgaben bei molekular dispersen Systemen - Stand der Entwicklung von Polymer-Membranen
Stand der Technik des Unterwasserschweissens bis in grosse Wassertiefen
Stand der Technik und Entwicklungspotentiale fuer Magnesiumanwendungen
Stand der Technik und Potenziale
Stand und Entwicklung der Membrantrenntechnik in der DDR
Stand und Perspektiven der automatischen Beschaffenheitsueberwachung im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe von Schmilka bis Boizenburg
Stand und Perspektiven der Verwertung von Abwaessern und Abfaellen auf landwirtschaftlich genutzten Boeden
Stand und Perspektiven in der Entwicklung metallischer Werkstoffe
Stand und Perspektiven in der Entwicklung metallischer Werkstoffe
Stand und Potenziale der Integration des Oekosystemleistungskonzeptes in bestehende Planungs-, Regelungs- und Anreizmechanismen
Stand und Zukunft der Klimaaenderung fuer die Metropolregion Hamburg
Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report)
Standard elution protocols are insufficient to determine the endotoxin burden of biomaterials
Standardisation activities for diver welder training and certification in Europe
Standardisation activities of ISO and ASTM in the area of fracture mechanics tests on specimens with low constraint
Standardisation of Accelerated Stress Corrosion Testing
Standardisation of Rising Load / Rising Displacement SCC Testing
Standardisierung auf dem Gebiet der optischen Fernmessverfahren in Deutschland
Standardization of DAS lidar measurements
Standardization of differential-absorption lidar measurements in Germany
Standardization of fracture mechanics based SCC testing
Standardization of specifications and inspection procedures for LEU plate-type research reactor fuels
Standardization on specifications and inspectation procedures for LEU plate-type research reactor fuels
Standortbestimmung der rechtzeitigen Prospektuebergabe
Standpunkte: Sollten wir am Zwei-Grad-Ziel festhalten?
Star-shaped copolymer grafted PEI and REDV as a gene carrier to improve migration of endothelial cells
Star-shaped Oligo(Ethylene Glycols) Functionalized with Desaminotyrosine and Desamino Tyrosyl Tyrosine
Starch-reinforced Vinylogous Urethane Vitrimer Composites: An Approach to Biobased; Reprocessable and Biodegradable Materials
Starforming regions and molecular clouds in Magellanic-type Irr galaxies
Starkregen und Sturzfluten – Anwendung des GERICS-Stadtbaukasten in Bleckede – Report 34 : GERICS - CSC Report
Starting a DNA barcode reference library for shallow water polychaetes from the southern European Atlantic coast
Startup experiments with reduced enrichment fuels
State of the Art and Practice of Underwater Hyperbaric Dry Welding
State of the Art for Cast Magnesium – A Material for the Future
State of the art in marine geological science
State of the art in underwater technology
State of the Art of Cast Magnesium Alloys
State of the Art of RundD Work on Intermetallic Gamma-Titanium Aluminides
State-of-play in addressing urban environmental pressures: Mind the gaps
State-of-the-art overview of empirical regionalization
State-of-the-art Thin Film X-ray Optics For Conventional Synchrotrons And FEL Sources
State-of-the-art Thin Film X-ray Optics For Conventional Synchrotrons And FEL Sources
State-of-the-art thin film X-ray optics for synchrotrons and FEL sources
State-of-the-art thin film X-ray optics for synchrotrons and FEL sources
Static and dynamic hemocompatibility testing of body foreign surfaces
Static and dynamic strain ageing in two-phase Gamma Titanium
Static and Dynamic Strain Ageing in Two-Phase Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Static and Dynamic Strain Ageing in Two-Phase Gamma-Titanium Aluminides
Static and Dynamic Strain Agering in Two-Phase Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Static and Dynamic Strain Agering in Two-Phase Gamma Titanium Aluminides
Static in vitro hemocompatibility testing of hydrophobic poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks with high crosslink densities
Static recrystallization behavior of cold-rolled Mg-Y(-Zn) magnesium alloys
Static recrystallization behaviour of cold rolled Mg-Zn-Y alloy and role of solute segregation in microstructure evolution
Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of HEINCKE cruise HE331, Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven, 2010-07-13 to 2010-07-20
Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of HEINCKE cruise HE371, Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven, 2012-02-13 to 2012-02-24
Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of HEINCKE cruise HE407
Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of HEINCKE cruise HE445, Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven, 2015-05-19 to 2015-05-31
Stationary shoulder Bobbin Tool Friction Stir welding of Al-Li alloys as approach to higher demisability in propellant tanks
Stationary shoulder Bobbin Tool Friction Stir welding of Al-Li alloys as approach to higher demisability in propellant tanks
Stationary solution patterns of nonlinear ionic reaction-diffusion systems
Stationary super-sonic fields in micro and trace analysis
Stationary supersonic Fields in Micro- and Trace Analysis
Statische und dynamische Reckalterung in Titanaluminidlegierungen
Statische und dynamische Simulationsmethoden in der Polymerphysik
Statische und dynamische Simulationstechniken in der Polymerphysik
Statisches Versagen von Blechen mit der CTOA Methode in ANSYS
Statistical Analysis in Climate Research
Statistical analysis of AA-1050 localized corrosion in anhydrous ethanol
Statistical analysis of fatigue data (S-N) for hyperbaric welds
Statistical Analysis of the Acceleration of Baltic Mean Sea-Level Rise, 1900–2012
Statistical Analysis of the relationship between Baltic Sea level and meteorological forcing in the present climate and paleoclimate proxy data
Statistical Analysis of the relationship between Baltic Sea-level and meteorological forcing in the present climate and paleoclimate proxy data
Statistical Analysis of the Tensile Strength in Aluminium 2024-T351 / Polycarbonate FricRiveting Joints
Statistical analysis techniques for dominant patterns of variability and correlation in observations or numerical model output
Statistical assessment of ocean observing networks – A study of water level measurements in the German Bight
Statistical Damage Model for Materials with Randomly Distributed Anisotropic Inclusions
Statistical damage model for materials with randomly distributed anisotropic inclusions
Statistical Downscaling
Statistical Downscaling of climate drivers of decadal winter Baltic Sea level variability in 1800-2100
Statistical Downscaling of daily extreme Sea Level with Random Forest: Examples from South-East Asia and the Baltic Sea
Statistical downscaling of European monthly mean air temperature to the beginning of the flowering of snowdrops in Northern Germany
Statistical downscaling of monthly mean air temperature to the beginning of the flowering of Galanthus nivalis L. in Northern Germany
Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation at the Dome of Greenland
Statistical Downscaling: High percentiles as predictands
Statistical methods to determine sample size for the estimation of species richness and species abundances in benthic commumities
Statistical modeling for numerical modelers
Statistical modeling of damage in materials with randomly distributed anisotropic inclusions
Statistical modeling of damage in materials with randomly distributed anisotropic inclusions
Statistical modelling of algae concentrations in the Elbe River in the years 1985-2001 using observations of daily dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH
Statistical Modelling of Crack Growth due to Hydrogen Embrittlement
Statistical Modelling of Fracture in Quasi-Brittle Materials
Statistical Modelling of Microcrack Formation and Macroscopic Failure in Disordered Heterogeneous Materials
Statistical Modelling of Microcrack Formation and Macroscopic Failure in Heterogeneous Materials with Stochastic Microstructure
Statistical Modelling of the Distribution of Salinity and Suspended Particulate Matter in the Elbe and Weser Estuaries
Statistical Modelling of the Turbidity Maxima and Mixing Regions in the Elbe and Weser Eatuaries
Statistical precipitation bias correction of gridded model data using point measurements
Statistical precipitation downscaling over the Northwestern United States using numerically simulated precipitation as a predictor
Statistical prediction of 20th century European summer temperatures based on ERA20c reanalysis data
Statistical Seasonal Prediction of European Summer Mean Temperature Using Observational, Reanalysis, and Satellite Data
Statistical short-term wind forecast at a buoy in the Bay of Biscay
Statistical Simulation of Small Fatigue Crack Nucleation and Coalescence in a Lamellar TiAl Alloy
Statistical treatment of fracture toughness data of Ti-Al-Si-Nb alloys
Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind climatologies
Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind climatologies
Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind climatologies
Statistics - An indispensable tool in dynamical modelling
Statistics - An indispensable tool in dynamical modelling
Statistics as a means to construct knowledge in climate and related sciences - a discourse
Statistics as a means to construct knowledge in climate and related sciences - A discourse
Statistics of extreme winds; Storm surges and ocean waves along the North Sea coastline, 1960 until today
Statistics of extreme winds; Storm surges and ocean waves along the North Sea coastline, 1960 until today, and scenarios
Statistics of extreme winds; storm surges and ocean waves along the North Sea coastline, 1960 until today, and scenarios
Statistics of global radiation and its diffuse component over Europe and Africa
Statistics of global radiation over Europe and Africa
Statistics of Non-Precipitating Daytime Clouds, based on 95GHz Cloud Radar Measurements during the BBC Campaign
Statistics of Non-Precipitating Daytime Clouds, based on 95GHz Cloud Radar Measurements during the BBC Campaign
Statistics of Synoptic Circulation Weather in the North Sea as Derived from a Multi-Annual OGCM Simulation
Statistische Bruchmodelle
Statistische Bruchmodelle
Statistische Generierung von Tageswerten der Chlorophyll-Konzentration ausgehend von taeglichen Beobachtungen anderer Variablen
Statistische Generierung von Tageswerten der Chlorophyll-Konzentration ausgehend von taeglichen Beobachtungen anderer Variablen
Statistische Klassifizierung in der Spurenelementanalytik
Statistische Modelling von Mikrorissbildung und Versagen in ungeordneten heterogenen Werkstoffen
Statistische und dynamische Simulationstechniken in der Polymerphysik
Statistische Verfahren zur Auswertung von Klimadaten aus Modell und Beobachtung - eingesetzt in Projekten und Institutionen, die sich mit Klimafolgen und Anpassung befassen : CSC Report
Status and design of the HEMS Beamline at PETRA III
Status and Future of Metallic Light Weight Materials for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts
Status and perspectives of FRG-1 after conversion to LEU - Experiences made, future plans, lessons learned especially in spent fuel management
Status and Potential of Metal Matrix Composites
Status der Entwicklung von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Status of spent research reactor fuel within the Federal Republic of Germany
Status of the back end of the fuel cycle for research reactors in Germany
Status of the back end of the fuel cycle for research reactors within Germany
Status of the Development of Creep Resistant Magnesium Materials for Automotive Applications
Status of the Development of Creep Resistant Magnesium Materials for Automotive Applications
Status of the Development of New Wrought Magnesium Alloys for Transportation Industries
Status of the Engineering Treatment Model for Mis-matched Welds (ETM-MM) Handbook
Status of the GKSS Outstation at DESY
Status of the modernization of the FRG research reactors
Status of upgrading and utilization of research reactors in Germany exp. FRG-1
Status quo and future of the IPCC
Status quo fuer Norddeutschland
Stauhydrometer: ein Messgeraet zur Ermittlung des Wasserbedarfes fuer die Staubewaesserung
Steady state creep behaviour of (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) + (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3 eutectic composites
Steam Stripping - Influence of Process Parameters on the Decontamination of Fine-grained Particles
Steel-copper functionally graded material produced by twin-wire and arc additive manufacturing (T-WAAM)
Stehende Ultraschallfelder als Kaltgasfallen
Stehende Ultraschallfelder als Kaltgasfallen - eine Theoretische Beschreibung
Stehende Ultraschallfelder als Kaltgasfallen fuer die Gas- und Aerosolanalytik
Stellungnahme der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft e.V. zum Klimawandel
Stellungnahme zur Bewirtschaftung der Flussklaeranlage' Laubusch'
Stem Cell and Material Interaction
Stem Cell-Biomaterial Interactions
Stenurus Minor: Intraspecific Variation in Nematodes from the Tympanic Bullae of Harbour Porpoises
Step-scheme heterojunction photocatalysts for solar energy, water splitting, CO2 conversion, and bacterial inactivation: a review
Steps Toward Modelling the Past and Future North Sea Ecosystem With a Focus on Light Climate
Stereochemical heterogeneity analysis of polylactides by multidimensional liquid chromatography
Steric Sea Level Changes from Ocean Reanalyses at Global and Regional Scales
Sterically stabilized spongosomes for multidrug delivery of anticancer nanomedicines
Sterically stabilized water based magnetic fluids: Synthesis, structure and properties
Sterilisation von Polymeren
Steuerung der Erstarrungsmorphologie austenitisch-Ferritischer Superduplex-Staehle
Steuerung der Phosphordynamik und der Phytoplanktonabundanz durch Aufspuelung seeinternen Kalzits
Steuerung einer Implant Schweissanlage unter LabVIEW Mac
Steuerung und Datenerfassung einer Daempfe-Permeationsanlage mit Profibus
Steuerung und Datenerfassung einer Daempfe-Permeationsanlage mit Profibus und LabVIEW
Steuerung und Datenerfassung eines Membranpruefstandes mit LabVIEW(r)
Steuerung und Datenerfassung eines Membranpruefstandes mit LabVIEW®
Steuerung und Messdatenerfassung im Berich eines Forschungsreaktors am Beispiel einer Kleinwinkel-Streuanlage
Stick or Dye: Evaluating a Solid Standard Calibration Approach for Point-Source Integrating Cavity Absorption Meters (PSICAM)
Stickstoff-/Phosphor-Pestizide in der Elbe von der tschechischen Grenze bis zur Muendung
Stiffening of human keratinocytes in response to cyclic temperature changes
Stiffness of metals, alloys and components
Stiffness of metals, alloys and components
Still normal? Near-real-time evaluation of storm surge events in the context of climate change
Stillegung landwirtschaftlicher Flaechen in den neuen Bundeslaendern: Konsequenzen aus Lysimeterversuchen in Falkenberg
Stimulated Raman scattering of KrF laser radiation in H2, D2 and CO2
Stimulated Raman scattering of krypton fluoride laser radiation as a source for a tropospheric ozone differential absorption lidar: Contribution to the EUROTRAC subproject TESLAS
Stimulation of ES-cell-derived cardiomyogenesis and neonatal cardiac cell proliferation by reactive oxygen species and NADPH oxidase
Stimulation of monocytes and macrophages: Possible influence of surface roughness
Stimulation of prostate cancer cell proliferation by osmotic stress-induced ATP release
Stimulation of vasculogenesis and cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells by mechanical strain
Stimuli Responsive and Multifunctional Polymers: Progress in Materials and Applications
Stimuli responsive membranes for medical devices
Stimuli Responsiveness of Block Copolymer Membranes
Stimuli-induced, directed actuation of micro/nanaoparticles from a multiblock copolyester urethane
Stimuli-responsive (Co)polymers: Aggregation Behaviour in Aqueous Solvents
Stimuli-responsive nanogel composites and their application in nanomedicine
Stimuli-responsive Polymers in Membranes and Solutions
Stimuli-Responsiveness in Hydrogels by Translating Processes from the Molecular Level via Porous Microstructures to the Macroscopic Scale
Stimuli-Sensitive Biomaterial System for Regenerative Medicine
Stimuli-sensitive Biomaterials
Stimuli-sensitive Mikrogele als Modellsysteme für Molecular Imprinting – Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Makrogelen gleicher Komposition
Stimulierte Ramanstreuung mit einem Kryptonfluorid-Laser
Stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Holocene copal and Defaunation resin from Eastern Africa indicate Recent biodiversity change
Stirred, shaken, or stagnant: What goes on at the blood-biomaterial interface
Stochastic Daily Precipitation Generation
Stochastic secular trends in sea level rise
Stochastic-Dynamic Modelling of Morphodynamics
Stochastically forced variability in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Stoffeintrag in Nord- und Ostsee ueber die Atmosphaere: Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministeriums fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit - Luftreinhaltung -10402572
Stofffluesse ueber den Wasserkreislauf innerhalb eines Oekosystems
Stofftransport durch eine hydrophile Polymermembran am Beispiel der Dampfpermeation (Dissertation)
Stofftransport durch eine wasserdampfselektive Membran (Diplomarbeit)
Stofftrennung mit massgeschneiderten Membranen
Stofftrennung mit Membranen
Stofftrennung mit Membranen
Stofftrennung mit Membranen
Stofftrennung mit Membranen, Status Report 1999-2000
Stofftrennung mit porenfreien Kunststoff-Filmen
Stoffumsaetze beim Fuellprozess von Tagebaurestseen
Stoffwechseleinstellung bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung und begleitenden Diabetes mellitus im Saarland
Stoichiometry effects in TiAl and TiAlCr alloys
Stoichiometry effects in TiAl and TiAlCr alloys
Storage technologies for spent fuels from research reactors
Storm and Surge Climate in the North Sea Area: Changes in the past Century
Storm events alter marine snow fluxes in stratified marine environments
Storm Impact on the Coastal Geomorphology and Current Field by Wave Field Image sequences
Storm Simulations using Global Spectral Nudging
Storm Simulations using Global Spectral Nudging
Storm surge case
Storm Surge Case Studies
Storm surge resilience and the Sendai Framework: Risk perception, intention to prepare and enhanced collaboration along the German North Sea coast
Storm surge risk perception and resilience: A pilot study in the German North Sea coast
Storm surges - An option for Hamburg, Germany, to mitigate expected future aggravation of risk
Storm surges - The case of Hamburg, Germany
Storm Surges and Extreme Sea Levels: Review, Establishment of Model Intercomparison and Coordination of Surge Climate Projection Efforts (SurgeMIP)
Storm surges: Perspectives and options
Storm Surges: Phenomena, Modelling and Scenarios
Storm, Wave and Surge Climate in the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea: Changes in the Past Century and a Scenario for the Future
Storm-driven bottom sediment transport on a high-energy narrow shelf (NW Iberia) and development of mud depocenters
Storm-related sea level variations along the Nort Sea Coast: natural variability and anthropogenic change
Storm-related Sea Level Variations along the North Sea Coast as Simulated by a High-resolution Model 1958-2002
Stormen van de toekomst
Storminess in northern Italy and the Adriatic Sea reaching back to 1760
Storminess over the North Atlantic and northwestern Europe - A review
Storminess over the North Atlantic and northwestern Europe – A Review
Storminess over the North Atlantic and Northwestern Europe – A Review
Storminess: Examples from Norhern America and Europe
Storms - Analysis, statistics and changes
Storms as Forming and Threatening Factors for Coasts
Storms in Northern Europe - Changes, Perspectives and Impacts
Storms of the Future: Untangling the known unknown in climate change attribution using high resolution modelling
Stormvloeden in de Noordzee en klimaatverandering
Storm‐induced turbulence alters shelf sea vertical fluxes
Strahlenschutzaspekte beim Umbau der Kalten Neutronenquelle des FRG
Strahlung und Bewoelkung in Klimaprozessen
Strahlung und Irreversibilitaet
Strahlung und Wolken: Teilprogramm im Treibhausforschungsprogramm des BMFT; Kurzberichte zur Begutachtung am 17./18 und 19. Februar 1992 in Leipzig
Strahlungsenergieuebertragung in der Atmosphaere: Modellierung und Messung
Strahlungsinduzierte strukturelle Defekte und mechanische Eigenschaften in strahlenschaedigender Umgebung
Strahlungstransport (Eiskristalle, Radar)
Strahlungsuebertragung in der Atmosphaere
Strahlungsuebertragung in der Atmosphaere
Strain age embrittlement of C-Mn steel MMA all-weld metal
Strain ageing in Alpha 2(Ti3Al)- and Gamma(TiAl)-based Titanium Aluminides
Strain ageing in Alpha 2(Ti3Al)- and Gamma(TiAl)-based Titanium Aluminides
Strain ageing in Gamma (TiAl)-based titanium aluminides due to antisite atoms
Strain Ageing in Gamma(TiAl)-Based and Alpha2(Ti3Al) Titanium Aluminides
Strain ageing phenomena and fracture behaviour of two-phase gamma-titanium aluminides
Strain and phase evolution in TiAlN coatings during high-speed metal cutting: An in operando high-energy x-ray diffraction study
Strain and stress analyses on thermally annealed Ti-Al-N/Mo-Si-B multilayer coatings by synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Strain determination in a friction welded sample using non-destructive neutron diffraction
Strain energy contributions on the bainitic phase transformation in a CrMoV steel during continuous cooling
Strain fields in histological slices of brain tissue determined by synchrotron radiation-based micro computed tomography
Strain induced GdH2 precipitate in Mg-Gd based alloys
Strain Induced Martensitic Transformation in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)
Strain rate dependence of the deformation mechanisms in a fully lamellar Gamma-TiAl-based alloy
Strain recovery and stress relaxation behaviour of multiblock copolymer blends physically cross-linked with PLA stereocomplexation
Strain tensor determination in a T-Butt weldment: comparison of neutron and X-ray diffraction
Strain tensor determination using neutron diffraction
Strain tensor determination using neutron diffraction
Strain-dependent fractional molecular diffusion in humid spider silk fibres
Strain-Induced Martensitic Transformation Kinetic in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)
Strain-induced selective grain growth in AZ31 Mg alloy sheet deformed by equal channel angular pressing
Strain-softening of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers in melt elongation for foam processing
Strategien zur Modifizierung der Zug-Druck-Anisotropie bei Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Strategien zur Optimierung des Eigenschaftsprofils von Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Strategien zur Untersuchung und Modellierung des Kohlenstoffhaushaltes in terrestrischen und aquatischen Oekosystemen
Strategies and measures for determining the skill of dynamical downscaling
Strategies and measures for determining the skill of dynamical downscaling
Strategies for assessing natural variability
Strategies for Creating Functions in Polymer-based Materials by Combining Different Components
Strategies for development and testing of degradable magnesium alloys
Strategies for Implementing (Multi)functionality in Polymer-based Materials
Strategies for simultaneous and successive delivery of RNA
Strategies for the assessmant of sediment quality - Identification of culprit chemicals
Strategies for the immunological evaluation of polymeric biomaterials
Strategies to deliver information on regional climate changes to communities
Strategies to Extend the Use of Magnesium
Strategy for characterizing fracture toughness in the ductile to brittle transition regime
Strategy for characterizing fracture toughness in the ductile to brittle transitions regime
Strategy for sustainability of the Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories - JERICO
Strategy for sustainability of the Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories - JERICO
Strategy for the Computer-assisted Design of Collagen Binding Peptides and their Application in Biomaterial Design
Strategy for the hemocompatibility testing of microparticles
Strategy for the hemocompatibility testing of microparticles
Strategy for the hemocompatibility testing of polymer based microparticles
Stratification and mixing in the Limfjorden in relation to Mussel culture
Stratification of stakeholders for participation in the governance of coastal social-ecological systems
Stratosphaerische Aerosolmessungen mit dem Raman-Rueckstreulidar nach dem Ausbruch des Vulkans Pinatubo im Sommer 1991
Stratospheric aerosol measurements with a combined Raman elastic backscatter lidar
Stratospheric aerosol measurements with Raman lidar
Stratospheric backscatter, extinction and lidar ratio profiling after the Mt. Pinatubo eruptions
Stratospheric ozone loss in the winter 96/97 determined by Match
Streaming potential investigations of polymer membranes developed for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell application
Streaming potential of polymeric membranes
Strength and Ductility Loss of Magnesium-Gadolinium due to Corrosion in Physiological Environment
Strength and Ductility Loss of Magnesium-Gadolinium due to Corrosion in Physiological Environment: Experiments and Modeling
Strength and Fatigue Resistance of Laser-MIG Hybrid Butt Welds of an Airframe Aluminium Alloy AA6013
Strength and Fatigue Resistance of Laser-MIG Hybrid Butt-Welds of High Strength Aluminium Alloy AA6013
Strength mis-match effect on R-curve behaviour of austenitic steel welds
Strength Properties of a precipitation high Niobium Containing Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Strength Properties of a precipitation high Niobium Containing Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Strengthening effects in an extruded AlN nanoparticle-reinforced magnesium alloy AM60
Strengthening Mechanisms and Strain Hardening Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion
Streptamer versus tetramer-based selection of functional cytomegalovirus-specific T cells
Stress Analysis by Angle Dispersive Neutron Diffraction
Stress and Local Texture Measurements at the Materials Science Diffractometer Stress-Spec at FRM-II
Stress and Local Texture Measurements at the Materials Science Diffractometer Stress-Spec at FRM-II
Stress concentration phenomena in the vicinity of composite plate-doubler junctions by a layerwise analysis approach
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) in Mg-Al Alloys Studied using Compact Specimens
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of aluminium alloys
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of magnesium alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSC) of Magnesium (Mg) Alloys
Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen diffusion in magnesium
Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
Stress corrosion cracking behavior of Nd:YAG laser butt welded AZ31 Mg sheet
Stress corrosion cracking behaviour of a surface-modified magnesium alloy
Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Chromated AA2024-T351 Alloy in Chloride Solution
Stress corrosion cracking in magnesium alloys: Characterization and prevention
Stress Corrosion Cracking in Metals: Mechanics
Stress Corrosion Cracking in Metals: Mechanics
Stress corrosion cracking of a cathodically charged structural steel
Stress Corrosion Cracking of AZ61 Magnesium Alloy Friction Stir Weldments in ASTM D1384 Solution
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Magnesium and Titanium Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking of new Mg-Zn-Mn wrought alloys containing Si
Stress corrosion cracking of rare-earth-containing magnesium alloys ZE41, QE22 and Elektron 21 (EV31A) compared with AZ80
Stress Corrosion Cracking Studies of MIM Ti-Al6-V4
Stress Corrosion Cracking Studies of MIM Ti-Al6-V4
Stress corrosion cracking studies using rising displacement tests
Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Friction Stir Welded AA7075 – AA6056 Dissimilar Joint
Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests of Aerospace Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests of Aerospace Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests of Aerospace Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests of Engineering Steels with Account for the Retarded Yielding Phenomenon
Stress Corrosion Cracking: A new approach to test methods
Stress Corrosion Test Methods and Standardization
Stress Cracking Behaviour of a Dissimilar Friction Stir Weldment in Chloride Solution – Dissolution Assisted or Hydrogen Induced ?
Stress distribution in mechanically surface treated Ti-2.5Cu determined by combining energy-dispersive synchrotron and neutron diffraction
Stress Driven Phase Transformations and Recrystallization Processes During Creep of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Stress Driven Phase Transformations and Recrystallization Processes During Creep of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Stress Driven Phase Transformations and Recrystallization Processes in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Stress Driven Phase Transformations and Recrystallization Processes in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Stress Induced Structural Changes of Interphase Boundaries and Mechanical Twins in Two-Phase Gamma-Titanium Aluminides
Stress Relaxation in AX41 Magnesium Alloy Studied at Elevated Temperatures
Stress relaxation through thermal crack formation in CVD TiCN coatings grown on WC-Co with different Co contents
Stress Spec: Advanced Materials Science at the FRM-II
Stress State Dependent Cohesive Zone Model for Thin Walled Structures
Stress State Dependent Cohesive Zone Model for Thin Walled Structures
Stress-controlled decomposition routes in cubic AlCrN films assessed by in-situ high-temperature high-energy grazing incidence transmission X-ray diffraction
Stress-strain in the Vicinity of a Crack Tip in a Strength Mis-match Welded Joint
Stretched Poly(acrylonitrile) as a Scalable Alignment Medium for DMSO
Streulichtmessungen (RKWS, LS) an Loesungen von fluessigkristallinen Polymethacrylaten
Streumethoden in der Werkstoffforschung
Streumethoden in der Werkstofforschung
Streuung elektromagnetischer Strahlung an atmosphaerischen Eiskristallen (Diplomarbeit)
Strides Made in Reconstructing Past Weather and Climate
Stroemungen in der Deutschen Bucht - Zur Bedeutung mariner Transporte
Stroemungskuehlung: Konzept einer neuen Methode zur Vereinfachung komplexer Molekuelspektren
Stroemungsmessungen in der Tide-Elbe mit einem akustischen Fernmesser (ADCP)
Stromnetzausbau: Mehr als nur Uebertragungsnetze
Stromspeicherung: Gesetzliche Regelungen notwendig
Strong increase in convective precipitation in response to higher temperatures
Strong Margin Influence on the Arctic Ocean Barium Cycle Revealed by Pan-Arctic Synthesis
Strontium-90 and Cesium-137 in the Elbe river (Germany) before and after the Chernobyl accident
Strontium-90 und Caesium-137 in der Elbe vor und nach dem Tschernobyl-Unfall
Structural analysis of calcium reactive hydride composite for solid state hydrogen storage
Structural analysis of nanoparticulate carriers for encapsulation of macromolecular drugs
Structural analysis of refractory organic substances by small-angle neutron scattering
Structural analysis of refractory organic substances by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and X-ray microscopy
Structural analysis of the NK-lysin-derived peptide NK-2 upon interaction with bacterial membrane mimetics consisting of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol
Structural and dynamical properties of guest molecules confined in mesoporous silica materials revealed by NMR
Structural and kinetic investigation of the hydride composite Ca(BH4)2 + MgH2 system doped with NbF5 for solid-state hydrogen storage
Structural and magnetic properties of EuSe/PbSe, EuSe/PbTe and EuSe/EuTe superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Structural and magnetic properties of EuSe/PbTe and EuSe/EuTe superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Structural and magnetic properties of inverse opal photonic crystals studied by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and small-angle neutron scattering
Structural and magnetic properties of Mn-implanted Si
Structural and magnetic properties of the nanocomposite materials based on a mesoporous silicon dioxide matrix
Structural and molecular response in cyclodextrin-based pH-sensitive hydrogels by the joint use of Brillouin, UV Raman and Small Angle Neutron Scattering techniques
Structural arrangement of hyaluron and DPPC bilayer under high hydrostatic pressure
Structural arrangement of hyaluronan and DPPC bilayer
Structural Arrangement of Hyaluronan and DPPC Bilayer under High Hydrostatic Pressure
Structural aspects of stabilization of magnetic fluids by mono-carboxylic acids
Structural Assessment of Heterogeneous Joints
Structural Assessment under Elastic-Plastic Conditions with Particular Reference to Mechanically Heterogeneous Structures
Structural Behavior of AA2024-T3 Weld Produced by Friction Spot Welding for Aircraft Application during Loading
Structural Behaviour of Friction Spot Welds in Aircraft Panels
Structural behaviour of mixed cationic surfactant micelles: A small-angle neutron scattering study
Structural behaviour of refill Friction Stir Spot Welding in aircraft application
Structural changes and pseudo-piezoelectric behaviour of field assisted sintered calcium titanate
Structural changes at solid surfaces irradiated with femtosecond, intense XUV pulses generated by TTF-FEL
Structural characterisation and degradation of Mg–Li thin flms for biodegradable implants
Structural characterisation of nanocrystalline MgH2 for reversible storage of hydrogen using small-angle scattering (with neutron and synchrotron radiation)
Structural characterisation of nanocrystalline MgH_2 for reversible storage of hydrogen using SAXS/USAXS
Structural Characterization and Tensile Properties of a High Niobium Containing Gamma TiAl Sheet Obtained by Powder Metallurgical Processing
Structural Characterization by X-Ray Diffraction of Laser Welded Shape Memory Alloys
Structural characterization by x-ray diffraction of laser welded shape memory alloys
Structural Characterization by X-Ray Diffraction of Laser Welded Shape Memory Alloys
Structural characterization by x-ray diffraction of laser welded shape memory alloys
Structural characterization of aluminium foams by means micro computed tomography
Structural characterization of aluminium foams by means micro computed tomography
Structural characterization of catalytically active metal clusters in polymer membranes
Structural characterization of catalytically active metal nanoclusters in poly(amide imide) films with high metal loading
Structural Characterization of Graphene Oxide: Surface Functional Groups and Fractionated Oxidative Debris
Structural Characterization of Graphene Oxide: Surface Functional Groups and Fractionated Oxidative Debris
Structural Characterization of Hydride Composite Systems for Hydrogen Storage using Synchrotron- and Neutron Radiation Facilities (Dissertation)
Structural Characterization of Lecithin-Stabilized Tetracosane Lipid Nanoparticles - Part I: Emulsions
Structural Characterization of Lecithin-Stabilized Tetracosane Lipid Nanoparticles - Part II: Suspensions
Structural characterization of magnetoferritin
Structural degradation of tungsten sandwiched in hafnia layers determined by in-situ XRD up to 1520 °C
Structural Evidence given by Neutron Diffraction for the Membrane Destabilisation Mechanism of the Peptide NK-2
Structural evolution of BaCe0.65Zr0.20Y0.15O3-δ-Ce0.85Gd0.15O2-δ composite MPEC membrane by in-situ synchrotron XRD analyses
Structural evolution of magnetron sputtered shape memory alloy Ni–Ti films
Structural evolution upon decomposition of the LiAlH4 + LiBH4 system
Structural evolution upon decomposition of the LiAlH4 + LiBH4 system
Structural features of molecular-colloidal solutions of C60 fullerenes in water by small-angle neutron scattering
Structural Integrity Analysis of an Airplane Fuselage Section (Diplomarbeit)
Structural Integrity Assessment by Models of Ductile Crack Extension in Sheet Metal
Structural Integrity Assessment of Thin-Walled Structures
Structural integrity of friction stir welds: fracture and damage mechanics analyses
Structural Intermetallics 2001, 3rd International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics, ISSI 3
Structural investigations of the interaction of the synthetic peptide NK2 with model membranes
Structural Investigations of the Membrane-Destruction Mechanism of the Peptide Antibiotic NK-2
Structural investigations on catalytically active metal clusters in polymer membranes
Structural Materials I
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural Metallic Materials
Structural organization of water-based ferrofluids with sterical stabilization as revealed by SANS
Structural performance of a climbing cactus: making the most of softness
Structural Polymorphism Exhibited by Polyglycidol-Based Analogues to Pluronic Copolymers in Aqueous Solution
Structural polymorphism of hydrated ether-linked dimyristyl maltoside and melibioside
Structural Properties of Beta-Dodecylmaltoside and C12E6 Mixed Micelles
Structural properties of Ti/Al clads manufactured by explosive welding and annealing
Structural Rearrangement as Reason for Bacterial Membrane Destruction by the Peptide Antibiotic NK–2Natural antimicrobial peptides as candidates for new antibiotics
Structural Rearrangement of Model Membranes by the Peptide Antibiotic NK-2
Structural reorganization of fullerene C70 in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone/toluene mixtures
Structural requirements for antibacterial and endotoxin-neutralizing peptides
Structural sensitivity of the electromechanical coupling at Si surfaces
Structural stability and thermal expansion of TiTaNbMoZr refractory high entropy alloy
Structural studies of a carbonizate obtained from solid cellulose-containing waste by sulfuric acid carbonization
Structural studies of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering
Structural study of a new B-rich phase obtained by partial hydrogenation of 2NaH + MgB2
Structural study of amorphous Zr-Fe-B and Zr-Fe-Si alloys by 57Fe-Moessbauer and magnetization measurements
Structural, Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline FeNbCrCuB Alloy
Structural, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of barium ferromolybdate
Structural-mechanical property correlation in hierarchical nanoporous gold
Structural-mechanical property correlation in hierarchical nanoporous gold.
Structure and Compatibility in Thin Films of Statistical and Block Copolymers
Structure and Corrosion of Magnetron Sputtered Pure Mg Films on Silicon Substrates
Structure and corrosion properties of magnetron sputtered pure Mg-films on silicon substrates
Structure and decomposition of Cu-Co thin films
Structure and Dynamics of Biological Materials
Structure and Dynamics of Biological Materials
Structure and Dynamics of Biological Molecules
Structure and dynamics of physisorbed thin film architectures: LBK-multilayers and polyelectrolyte supported membranes (Dissertation)
Structure and in Vitro Biological Testing of Water-Based Ferrofluids Stabilized by Monocarboxylic Acids
Structure and Interaction of Poly(ethylene glycol) in Aqueous Solutions. Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data
Structure and Interaction of Poly(ethylene glycol) in Aqueous Solutions. Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data
Structure and Interactions in Large Compound Particles Formed by Polyglycidol-Based Analogues to Pluronic Copolymers in Aqueous Solution
Structure and Interactions of Block Copolymer Micelles of Brij 700 Studied by Combining Small-Angle X-ray and Neutron Scattering
Structure and Intermolecular Interactions in Aqueous Solutions of Polyethylene Glycol
Structure and length scales of a stratocumulus field developing under continental influence: The BBC case 23.09.01
Structure and phase transformations of sputtered Nb-Fe and Nb-Co films
Structure and Properties of Clay Nanocomposites Based on a Polycarbonate/Poly(Styrene-co-Acrylonitrile) Blend
Structure and Properties of Membranes from Self-assembled Block Copolymers
Structure and Properties of Ti-Al-Ta and Ti-Al-Cr Cladding Layers Fabricated on Titanium
Structure and stability of langmuir monolayer and langmuir-blodgett films of bisaroyl azide bolaamphiphiles
Structure and stability of langmuir monolayers and langmuir-blodgett films of bisaroyl azide bolaamphiphiles
Structure and stability of langmuir monolayers and langmuir-blodgett films of bisaroyl azide bolaamphiphiles
Structure and thermodynamics of amorphous Ti-Si produced by solid-state interdiffusion
Structure and “Surfactochromic” Properties of Conjugated Polyelectrolyte (CPE): Surfactant Complexes between a Cationic Polythiophene and SDS in Water
Structure characterization of the magnetosome solutions for hyperthermia study
Structure Damage Simulations
Structure evolutions in a Ti–6Al–4V matrix composite reinforced with TiB, characterised using high energy X-ray diffraction
Structure formation by active brownian particles
Structure Formation in Isoporous Hollow Fiber Membranes: An In Situ SAXS study
Structure Formation in Membranes Obtained from Block Copolymer Solutions
Structure Formation of Binary Blends of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Solution and in Bulk
Structure Formation of Block Copolymer Membranes
Structure Formation of Block Copolymer Membranes
Structure formation of Block Copolymer Membranes with Narrow Pore Size Distribution
Structure Formation of Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes
Structure Formation of Integral Asymmetric Composite Membranes of Polystyrene-block-Poly(2-vinylpyridine) on a Nonwoven
Structure Formation of Integral Asymmetric Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Structure formation of integral asymmetric isoporous block copolymer membranes in flat and hollow fibre geometries
Structure formation of integral-asymmetric membranes of polystyrene-block-Poly(ethylene oxide)
Structure formation of integral-asymmetric membranes of Polystyrene-block-Poly(ethylene oxide)
Structure Formation of Integral-Asymmetric Membranes of Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide)
Structure Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Structure Formation of Pure and Binary Blends of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Solution, in Membrane and in Bulk
Structure formation of pure and binary blends of block copolymers in solution, in membrane, and in bulk
Structure investigation of nano-aggregates formed by glycolipids
Structure investigation of nano-aggregates formed by glycolipids
Structure Investigations of Micellar Solutions of Glycolipids
Structure Investigations of Micellar Solutions of Glycolipids
Structure investigations on drawn high-density blown PE-Films
Structure of a Beheaded 30 S Ribosomal Subunit from Thermus thermophilus
Structure of amyloid aggregates of lysozyme from small-angle X-ray scattering data
Structure of Ca(BD4)(2) Beta-Phase from Combined Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction Data and Density Functional Calculations
Structure of cationic starch-surfactant complexes in aqueous solutions and at interfaces
Structure of Complexes Formed by PDADMAC and Sodium Palmitate
Structure of Complexes Formed by PDADMAC and Sodium Palmitate
Structure of Complexes Formed by PDADMAC and Sodium Palmitate
Structure of Complexes Formed by PDADMAC and Sodium Palmitate
Structure of Complexes Formed by PDADMAC and Sodium Palmitate
Structure of diblock copolymers close to the surface
Structure of DPPC–hyaluronan interfacial layers – effects of molecular weight and ion composition
Structure of induced chiral-nematic Iyotropic liquid crystals by SANS
Structure of induced chiral-nematic Iyotropic liquid crystals by SANS
Structure of Induced Chiral-Nematic Lyotropic Liquid Crystals by SANS
Structure of Induced Chiral-Nematic Lyotropic Liquid Crystals by SANS
Structure of micelles formed by alkyl glycosides with unsaturated alkyl chain
Structure of microphysical cloud parameters in Cu and StCu clouds during the BBC/4D-Clouds field campaign at Cabauw in September 2001
Structure of Nonsolvent‐Quenched Block Copolymer Solutions after Exposure to Electric Fields during Solvent Evaporation
Structure of polymeric nanoparticles in surfactant-stabilized aqueous dispersions of high-molar-mass hydrophobic graft copolymers
Structure of the Airflow above Surface Waves
Structure of the elongating ribosome: Arrangement of the two tRNAs before and after translocation
Structure of the Orthorhombic Gamma-Phase and Phase Transitions of Ca(BD4)2
Structure of the Turbidity Maxima in the Elbe and Weser Estuaries
Structure of water-based ferrofluids with sodium oleate and polyethylene glycol stabilization by small-angle neutron scattering: contrast-variation experiments
Structure, hydration, and chloride ingress in C-S-H: Insight from DFT calculations
Structure, mechanical properties and degradation behavior of electrospun PEEU fiber meshes and films
Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report). Part 1: characterizing molecular weight
Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report). Part 2: crystallinity and supra molecular structure
Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report). Part 3: deformation, wear and fracture
Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report). Part 4: sporadic fatigue crack propagation
Structure-activity relationships in carbohydrates revealed by their hydration
Structure-property investigations on a laser beam welded dissimilar joint of aluminium AA6056 and titanium Ti6Al4V for aeronautical applications, Part I: Local gradients in microstructure, hardness and strength
Structure-property investigations on a laser beam welded dissimilar joint of aluminium AA6056 and titanium Ti6Al4V for aeronautical applications, Part II: Resistance to fatigue crack propagation and fracture
Structure-property relations between silicon-containing polyimides and their carbon-containing counterparts
Structure-property relations in Mg-Nd-Zn alloys
Structure-property relations in Mg-Nd-Zn alloys
Structure-Property Relationship in Stimulus-Responsive Bolaamphiphile Hydrogels
Structure-Property Relationships connecting Topology and Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Open-Pore Materials
Structure-property relationships in linear oxadiazole copolymer membranes for fuel cells
Structure-property relationships in nanoporous metallic glasses
Structure-Property Relationships in Solid Phase Processing and Emerging Applications
Structure-Property-Relationships connecting Topology and Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Open-Pore Materials
Structure-Tunable Bidirectional Hybrid Nanowires via Multicompartment Cylinders
Structures and gas separation properties of asymmetric polyetherimide membranes made by dry/wet phase separation
Structures and properties of hot isotatic pressed cold extruded titanium-aluminium powder mixtures
Structures and Superstructures of Block Copolymers
Structures and Superstructures of Block Copolymers
Structures and Superstructures of Block Copolymers
Structures and Superstructures of Block Copolymers
Structures and Superstructures of Block Copolymers
Structures of micelles formed by synthetic alkyl glycosides with unsaturated alkyl chains
Structures of P(S(D)-block-nBMA) diblock copolymers in thin films
Structures of P(S-block-BMA) Diblock Copolymers in Thin Films
Structuring Climate Service Co-Creation Using a Business Model Approach
Struktur / Eigenschaftsbeziehungen bei nassgesponnenen Hohlmembranen aus Acrylnitrilpolymeren
Struktur der Gel-Phase des Tensids: Natriumsulfopropyloctadeclymaleat. Roentgenweitwinkelstreuung und Molecular Modelling
Struktur und Defekte in nichtkristallinen Festkoerpern
Struktur und Dynamik fluessiger Mischungen in mesoporoesen Glaesern: Untersuchungen mit Neutronenstreuverfahren (Dissertation)
Struktur und Dynamik von stratiformen Wolken aus Messungen mit Millimeterradargeraeten
Struktur und Funktion von Mikroporoesen Membranen – Grenzschichtphaenomene
Struktur und Funktionsanalysen von membranolytischen Peptiden (Peptidantibiotika)
Struktur- und hydromechanische Untersuchungen an unter Wasser geschweissten Bauteilen
Struktur-Funktions-Analyse von Makromolekülen
Struktur-Funktions-Analyse von Makromolekülen; Einführung in SAXS
Strukturanalyse mit Neutronen
Strukturanalyse mit Neutronen
Strukturbildung in duennen Filmen aus Mischungen statistischer Copolymere (Dissertation)
Strukturbildung in ionischen Reaktions-Diffusionssystemen
Strukturbildung in konzentrierten Polyoxadiazolloesungen
Strukturbildung in konzentrierten Polyoxadiazolloesungen
Strukturbildung in Reaktions-Diffusionssystemen mit zustandsabhaengigen Parametern
Strukturbiochemie I
Strukturbiochemie I
Strukturbiochemie I
Strukturbiochemie II
Strukturbiochemie II
Strukturcharakterierung von neuen Materialien
Strukturforschung am Ribosom (Dissertation)
Strukturierte Biomaterialien
Strukturrechnungen zur Spindichtewelle von Cr in Fe/Cr/Sn/Cr
Strukturspezifische Trennung von Mono- und Disacchariden mittels High-Performance Liquid Affinity Chromatography (HPLAC)
Strukturspezifische Trennung von Mono- und Disacchariden mittels High-Performance Liquid Affinity Chromatography (HPLAC)
Strukturuntersuchung von Gradientenmultilayern mittels Roentgenstreuung
Strukturuntersuchung von Nucleoproteinen in Loesung ueber die anomale Roentgenstreuung des Schwefels (Dissertation)
Strukturuntersuchungen am 70S-Ribosom von E.coli unter Anwendung von Neutronenstreuung (Dissertation)
Strukturuntersuchungen an Ribosomen: Die Verbindung von Struktur und Funktion (Habilitation)
Strukturuntersuchungen an weicher Materie: Neutronenstreuung an Kolloiden, Polymeren und Biomolekuelen
Strukturuntersuchungen von refraktaeren organischen Saeuren mit Hilfe der Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Strömung und Sedimentationsdynamik im Hafengebiet Bremen
Studies for River Beds associated with Embankment Breaches
Studies in multiphase pumping with screw pumps
Studies of a coupling between radiative, dynamical and microphysical processes in a three-dimensional cirrus ensemble model
Studies of regular nanostructures for solar water splitting
Studies of SCC and Hydrogen Embrittlement of High Strength Alloys Using Fracture Mechanics Methods
Studies of self-organization processes in nanoporous alumina membranes by small-angle neutron scattering
Studies of the aerosol scattering problem for a Rayleigh temperature lidar based on Michelson interferrometry
Studies on Meso- and Microscale Structure and Dynamics of Layer Clouds with a 3.2-mm wave Radar
Studies on the adsorption and desorption of mitoxantrone to lauric acid/albumin coated iron oxide nanoparticles
Studies on the adsorption of cadmium on hydrous iron(III) oxides in oxic sediments
Studies on the behaviour of heavy metals in anoxic sediments from the Elbe estuary: suspension/oxidation effects in early diagenesis and dredging
Studies on the biocompatibility of materials: fibroblast reorganization of substratum-bound fibronectin on surfaces varying in wettability
Studies on the biocompatibility of materials: Role of tyrosine phosphorylation during fibroblasts spreading on surfaces varying in wettability
Studies on the distribution of oxygen and nutrients in the Weser estuary
Studies on the grafting from polymerization reactions on multiwall carbon nanotubes
Studies on the interactions of tiny amounts of common ionic surfactants with unsaturated phosphocholine lipid model membranes
Studies on transport times and water quality in the Weser Estuary (Germany)
Studies on transport times and water quality situation in the Weser Estuary
Studies on transport times and water quality situation in the Weser Estuary
Studies on water quality of the Weser estuary (Germany) in relation to transport times
Study of pervaporation to recover 2-Phenyl ethanol from a life Bioreactor
Study of a novel Heat Integrated Hybrid Pervaporation Distillation Process: Simulation and Experiments
Study of a novel Heat Integrated Hybrid Pervaporation Distillation Process: Simulation and Experiments
Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget in Support of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget in Support of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget with Satellite Data
Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget with Satellite Data
Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget with Satellite Data
Study of Aerosol Impact on the Earth Radiation Budget with Satellite Data
Study of Coastal Effects Relevant for Offshore Wind Energy Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Study of diffusion coefficient of water and homologous series of primary alcohols in PEBA membranes by NMR
Study of endothelial cell adhesion and function on shape - memory polymers for needs of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Study of gas transport through composite membranes with a stabilized Langmuir-Blodgett skin layer
Study of graded Ni-Ti shape memory alloy film growth on Si(100) substrate
Study of grain boundary strength in AA2198 using notched micro-beam bending
Study of hot forging behavior of as-cast Mg–3Al–1Zn–2Ca alloy towards optimization of its hot workability
Study of interface electrolyte conditions during discharge of aqueous mg-air battery with electrolyte additives
Study of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Size Effects on Shear Bands in Metallic Glasses
Study of laser deposited metallic thin films by a combination of high-resolution ex-situ and time-resolved in-situ experiments
Study of laser deposited metallic thin films by a combination of high-resolution ex-situ and time-resolved in-situ experiments
Study of lead fulvic acid interactions by voltammetric methods
Study of Lipid Coatings on Titanium Surfaces by X-ray and Neutron Scattering Techniques (Dissertation)
Study of lipid modified implant surfaces
Study of Microstructural Development of Bainitic Steel using Eddy Current and Synchrotron XRD in-situ Measurement Techniques during Thermomechanical Treatment
Study of process/structure/property relationships in probeless friction stir spot welded AA2198 Al-Li alloy
Study of slip activity in a Mg-Y alloy by in situ high energy X-ray diffraction microscopy and elastic viscoplastic self-consistent modeling
Study of solid state reactions in Nb/Al multilayer thin films - Differential scanning calorimetry
Study of solid state reactions in Nb/Al multilayer thin films - Differential scanning calorimetry
Study of solid state transformations and their effect on mechanical response in the stoichiometric Ni2Cr using in-situ synchrotron radiation diffraction experiments
Study of spin waves in amorphous ferromagnet Fe30Ni22Cr10P18 by small angle polarized neutron scattering
Study of spin-wave dynamics in Fe65Ni35 ferromagnetic via small-angle polarized-neutron scattering
Study of structure/property relationships of diffusion bonded TiAl4V + 10wt-%TiC particulate composite
Study of tensile and compressive behavior of ECO-Mg97Gd2Zn1 alloys containing long-period stacking ordered phase with lamellar structure
Study of the deformation behavior of lamellar Gamma-TiAl by numeric modeling
Study of the deformation behavior of lamellar Gamma-TiAl by numeric modeling
Study Of the Development of Extreme Events over Permafrost areas - SODEEP
Study of the effect of different type of aerosols on UV-B radiation from measurements during EARLINET
Study of the Effect of Inorganic Particles on the Gas Transport Properties of Glassy Polyimides for Selective CO2 and H2O Separation
Study of the Heavy-Fermion Compound CeRu2Si2 by the Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Method
Study of the inorganic particles effect on the permselectivity of mixed matrix membranes for the CO2/CH4 mixture separation (Masterarbeit)
Study of the interraction between the current field and structures in the bathymetry in a tidal inlet (Diplomarbeit)
Study of the load-separation principle and a procedure to estimate hp-factor for structures with different geometries
Study of the origin of atmospheric mercury depletion events recorded in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, spring 2003
Study of the piezo-electric effect in bone by high-resolution synchrotron diffraction
Study of the Solidification of AS Alloys Combining in situ Synchrotron Diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Study of the Solidification of AS Alloys Combining in situ Synchrotron Diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Study of the Solidification of AS Alloys Combining in situ Synchrotron Diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Study of the spin dynamics in invars by small angle polarised neutron scattering
Study of the structure and corrosion behavior of PEO coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Study of viscoelastic properties of nanoporous gold using dynamic mechanical analysis
Study of viscoelastic properties of nanoporous gold using dynamic mechanical analysis
Study on bidirectional reflection functions for broken cloud fields over oceans
Study on bidirectional reflection functions for broken cloud fields over oceans
Study on Diameter Estimation in Interconnected Structures: Accuracy; Deviations and Correction Approaches
Study on Dissimilar Friction Spot Welding of thin Al to Mg Alloys
Study on Radiation Budget Mission Scenarios
Study on the interface of PVDF coatings and HF-treated AZ31 magnesium alloy: Determination of interfacial interactions and reactions with self-healing properties
Studying climate change in the Baltic Sea Region
Studying Hydrogen Embrittlement by Fracture Mechanics Based SCC Testing and Mesoscale Modeling
Studying Hydrogen Embrittlement by Fracture Mechanics Based SCC Testing and Mesoscale Modeling
Studying Hydrogen Embrittlement of Metals by Elastic-plastic Methods
Studying Hydrogen Embrittlement of Metals by Elastic-plastic Methods
Studying physiological degradation processes in situ by means of a bioreactor coupled flow chamber using SRMueCT.
Studying solutions at high shear rates: a dedicated microfluidics setup
Studying the behavior of a polymeric membrane in a membrane reactor for hydroformylation
Studying the effects of Nb on high-temperature deformation in TiAl alloys using atomistic simulations
Studying the sorption of 60 different metals to virgin and UV exposed small PE and PET microplastic using ICP-MS/MS
Stuerme in der Region - Vergangenheit und moegliche Zukuenfte
Stuerme in der Region - Vergangenheit und moegliche Zukuenfte
Stuerme ueber dem Nordatlantik und Nordeuropa
Stuerme und Sturmfluten an der Westkueste
Stuermischer Norden - Wandel und Perspektiven des Kuestenklimas
Sturmfluten - In Zukunft eine noch groeßere Gefahr?
Sturmfluten an der Deutschen Nordseekueste: Kann sich '1962' wiederholen?
Sturmfluten laengs der deutschen Nordseekueste
Sturmfluten laengs der Deutschen Nordseekueste – Aenderungen und Perspektiven
Sturmfluten laengs der Deutschen Nordseekueste – Aenderungen und Perspektiven. Oder: Das Kind in der Badewanne - Perspektiven fuer die Sturmflutgefahr laengs der deutschen Nordseekueste
Sturmfluten und Kuestenschutz an der schleswig-holsteinischen Nordseekueste - Eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Wahrnehmung von Bevoelkerung und Experten
Sturmfluten und Kuestenschutz an der schleswig-holsteinischen Nordseekueste - Eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Wahrnehmung von Bevoelkerung und Experten
Sturmfluten und Seegang
Sturmflutwasserstaende und Seegang: Moegliche Extremereignisse und Klimaaenderungen
Sturmflutwasserstaende und Seegang: Moegliche Extremereignisse und Klimaaenderungen
Styrene-vinyl pyridine diblock copolymers: Achieving high molecular weights by the combination of anionic and reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerizations
Styrene–vinyl pyridine diblock copolymers: Synthesis by RAFT polymerization and self-assembly in solution and in the bulk
Städte im Klimawandel - zwischen Klimaschutz und Anpassung
Städtische Luftqualität im Klimawandel
Sub 50nm Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TDK) of a TiAlNb TEM lamella using modern FE-SEM and EBSD system
Sub 50nm Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) of a TiAlNb TEM lamella using a commercial FE-SEM and EBSD system
Sub-10 nm isoporous membranes obtained by two post treatmentapproaches and their performance study on protein separation
Sub-basin scale operational system in the Balearic Sea
Sub-micrometre holotomographic characterisation of the effects of solution heat treatment on an AlMg7.3Si3.5 alloy
Subgrid-parameterization in helical flow
Subgrid-scale fluxes and flux divergences in a neutrally stratified, horizontally inhomogeneous surface layer
Subinterfacial fracture in bimaterial joints
Sublingual application of liquid nitrendipine does not result in critical hypotension in healthy volunteers under phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition
Submerged marine towed instrument array: A theoretical investigation using Lagrange mechanics
Submesoscale Coherent Vortices in the South Atlantic Ocean: A Pathway for Energy Dissipation
Submesoscale dispersion of surface drifters in a coastal sea near offshore wind farms
Submesoscale dynamics in the coastal ocean
Submesoscale Impacts on Mesoscale Agulhas Dynamics
Submesoscale kinematic properties in summer and winter surface flows in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Submesoscale Phenomena Due to the Brazil Current Crossing of the Vitória‐Trindade Ridge
Submicron-Grained Multiphase TiAlSi Alloys: Processing, Characterization and Microstructural Design
Subsea Robotic Friction-Welding-Repair System
Subsea work with robots in hyperbaric environment
Substantial improvement of fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy processed by MIM using boron microalloying
Substantial improvement of fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy processed by MIM using boron microalloying
Substituting HF by HBF4 – an optimized digestion method for multi-elemental sediment analysis via ICP-MS/MS
Substitution of Rare Earth Elements in Magnesium Alloys for the Sheet Production via Twin Roll Casting
Substitution of Rare Earth Elements in Magnesium Alloys for the Sheet Production via Twin Roll Casting
Substitution of Rare Earths in Magnesium Alloys
Substitution of Rare Earths in Magnesium Alloys
Substrate-Controlled Succession of Marine Bacterioplankton Populations Induced by a Phytoplankton Bloom
Substrate-enzyme affinity-based surface modification strategy for endothelial cell-specific binding under shear stress
Substratspezifitaet der Eisen- und Manganatmung in Wattsedimenten des Elbe-Aestuars
Substructure determination of Riboflavin Binding Protein (RfBP) using anomalous Dispersion of Sulphur (Dissertation)
Subtidal secondary circulation induced by eddy viscosity-velocity shear covariance in a predominantly well-mixed tidal inlet
Subtle influence of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) on seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) hindcast skill in the North Atlantic
Subtraction-XTM as a Sensitive Method for Detecting Rare Earth Elements in Magnesium Implants
Success and failures of the nonlinear approach in climate studies
Successful user-science interaction to co-develop the new urban climate model PALM-4U
Suesswassercladoceren und -ostracoden (Crustacea) auf den niedersaechsischen Nordseeinseln Mellum und Memmert
Suitability of as extruded Mg-Gd-0.5Mn for biomedical applications
Suitability of as extruded Mg-Gd-0.5Mn for biomedical applications
Suitability of as extruded Mg-Gd-0.5Mn for biomedical applications
Sulfonated MMT/sulfonated PEEK composite membrane for DMFCs
Sulfonated montmorillonite/sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SMMT/SPEEK) nanocomposite membrane for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs)
Sulfonated polynaphthalimides with benzimidazole pendant groups
Sulfonated polyoxadiazole composites containing carbon nanotubes prepared via in situ polymerization
Sulfonated Polyoxazoles Membranes for Fuel Cell Application: Acid Protonation Effect on Conduction Properties
Sulfonated Silica-based Electrolyte Composite Membranes
Sulfur dioxide absorption cross-section measurements between 265 and 298 nanometers
Sulfur dioxide absorption cross-section measurements in the wavelength range from 265 to 298 nanometers and implications for uv-DIAL ozone profiling
Sulphate, dissolved organic carbon, nutrients and terminal metabolic products in deep pore waters of an intertidal flat
Summary - SAR amendments for testing prototype fuel elements in the FRG-2 Reactor
Summary of BACC II results
Summary of BACC results
Summary of contributions by participants of the NATO-ASI on energy and water cycles in the climate system
Summary of paleolimnological investigations with special reference to Late Quaternary trophic variations
Summary report: first international Arctic Atmospheric Mercury Research Workshop
Summertime precipitation extremes in a EURO-CORDEX 0.11° ensemble at an hourly resolution
Sun-stimulated chlorophyll flourescence - 1: Influence of oceanic properties
Sun-stimulated chlorophyll flourescence - 2: Impact of atmospheric properties
Superconducting properties of powder-metallurgically produced Cu-Nb3Sn composites wires
Superconductivity in Germany
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as Reaction Medium for the Synthesis of the Biodegradable Polymer Polyglycolide
Superelasticity preservation in dissimilar joint of NiTi shape memory alloy to biomedical PtIr
Superior elevated-temperature strength of Mg–Y–Sn alloys with thermostable multi-scale precipitates and grain structure
Superior fatigue endurance exempt from high processing cleanliness of Metal-Injection-Molded β Ti-Nb-Zr for bio-tolerant applications
Superior Hydrogen Sorption Kinetics using Nanocrystalline Mg with Catalysts
Superlattices in iron-rich iron-aluminium alloys
Superlattices in iron-rich iron-aluminium alloys
Supermolecular structure of high modulus/strength flexible chain polymer fibres
Supermolecular structure of high modulus/strength gel spun/hot drawn PE-fibres
Supermolecular structure of high modulus/strength gel spun/hot drawn PE-fibres
Supermolecular structure of high modulus/strength poly(ethylene) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres
Supermolecular structure of oriented semicrystalline polymers
Superpixel spectral unmixing framework for the volumetric assessment of tissue chromophores: A photoacoustic data-driven approach
Superplasticity at Intermediate Temperatures of ZK60 Magnesium Alloy Processed by Indirect Extrusion
Superplastische Umformung von Titanwerkstoffen bei niedrigen Temperaturen
Superplastische Umformung von Titanwerkstoffen bei niedrigen Temperaturen : CoolTiTech, Schlussbericht - Luftfahrtforschungsprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie – Verbundprojekt
Superstructures of lipid bilayers by complexation with helical biopolymers
Supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for extreme summer temperature prediction
Support of HUVEC proliferation by pro-angiogenic intermediate CD163+ monocytes/macrophages: A co-culture experiment
Support of HUVEC proliferation by pro-angiogenic intermediate CD163+ monocytes/macrophages: A co-culture experiment
Support of Offshore Wind Parks with Synthetic Aperture Radar Wind Measurements
Supporting the European Green and Digital Transition by Digitalizing Innovative Advanced Materials: VIPCOAT, DigiPass and IAM4EU
Suppression and Recovery of Martensitic Transformation and Magnetism in Mechanically and Thermally Treated Magnetic Shape-Memory Ni−Mn−Ga Melt-Spun Ribbons
Suppression of Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic Electrolytes by Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Suppression of undesired losses in organometal halide perovskite-based photoanodes for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting
Supramolecular Gelatin Networks Based on Inclusion Complexes
Supramolecular hydrogel networks formed by molecular recognition of collagen and a peptide grafted to hyaluronic acid
Supramolecular Networks formed by Biological Rcognition of Collagen and a Peptide Grafted to Hyaluronic Acid
Supramolecular Networks Formed by Biological Recognition of Collagen and a Peptide Grafted to Hyaluronic Acid
Supramolecular Networks from Block Copolymers Based on Styrene and Isoprene Using Hydrogen Bonding Motifs - Part 1: Synthesis and Characterization
Supramolecular Networks from Block Copolymers Based on Styrene and Isoprene Using Hydrogen Bonding Motifs - Part 2: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
Supramolecular Polymers as Surface Coatings: Rapid Fabrication of Healable Superhydrophobic and Slippery Surface
SurBACC 2010 : A survey of the perspectives of climate scientists concerning climate change and climate science in the Baltic Sea basin
Surface analysis for Si-Wafers using total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
Surface analysis of cold gas sprayed TiO2 photoelectrodes for the water oxidation reaction
Surface analysis using total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Surface and permeability properties of membranes from polyelectrolyte complexes and polyelectrolyte surfactant complexes
Surface and Tropospheric Response of North Atlantic Summer Climate from Paleoclimate Simulations of the Past Millennium
Surface aspects of solgel derived hematite films for the photoelectrochemical oxidation of water
Surface characteristics and pervaporation properties of polyelectrolyte complex membranes
Surface Characteristics and Properties of Polymer Membranes
Surface characterization and biocompatibility of titanium alloys implanted with nitrogen by Hardion+ technology
Surface characterization and protein interaction of a series of model poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)] nanocarriers for drug targeting
Surface characterization of polyelectrolyte complex membranes based on sodium cellulose sulfate and poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride)
Surface cleaning and pre-conditioning surface treatments to improve the corrosion resistance of magnesium (Mg) alloys
Surface Current Measurements Using Marine Radars
Surface Current Measurements Using Marine Radars
Surface Current Measurements Using X-Band Marine Radar With Vertical Polarization
Surface distortion of Fe dot-decorated TiO2 nanotubular templates using time-of-flight grazing incidence small angle scattering
Surface drifter data from Meteor cruise M160
Surface drifters in the German Bight: model validation considering windage and Stokes drift
Surface effects for strength and stiffness at the nanoscale
Surface effects on crystal defects
Surface energy balance in an ensemble of simulations of the past centuries
Surface Engineering of Photoelectrodes
Surface excess elasticity in nanostructures: Fact or fiction?
Surface excess elasticity of gold: Ab initio coefficients and impact on the effective elastic response of nanowires
Surface free energy density, surface tension and surface stress of solid-fluid interfaces
Surface Functionalization of Biomedical Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy by Liquid Metal Dealloying
Surface Functionalization of Poly(ether imide) Membranes with Linear, Methylated Oligoglycerols for Reducing Thrombogenicity
Surface Functionalization of Poly(ether imide) with Linear, Methylated Oligoglycerols to Increase the Hemocompatibility
Surface Functionalization of Prefunctionalized Carbon Nanoparticles by Controlled Polymerization
Surface functionalized microfiltration membranes for affinity separation
Surface functionalized microfiltration membranes for affinity separation
Surface functionalized nanoparticles for endotoxin removal
Surface functionalized polymeric particles for endotoxin removal
Surface functionalized polymeric particles for endotoxin removal
Surface functionalized polypropylene membranes for affinity filtration separation
Surface functionalized polypropylene membranes for affinity filtration separation
Surface geometry of poly(ether imide) boosts mouse pluripotent stem cell spontaneous cardiomyogenesis via modulating the embryoid body formation process
Surface geometry of poly(ether imide) boosts mouse pluripotent stem cell spontaneous cardiomyogenesis via modulating the embryoid body formation process
Surface Grafted N-Oxides have Low-Fouling and Antibacterial Properties
Surface hydrophilization of highly porous poly(ether imide) microparticles by covalent attachment of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)
Surface immobilization strategies for tyrosinase as biocatalyst applicable to polymer network synthesis
Surface immobilization strategies for tyrosinase as biocatalyst applicable to polymer network synthesis
Surface Initiated Controlled Radical Polymerisation From Silica Nanoparticles of High Initiator Density
Surface modification and bulk mechanics: Tailoring the strength of nanoporous gold by self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols
Surface modification and endothelialization of biomaterials as potential scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering applications
Surface modification methods for fatigue properties improvement of laser welded Ti64 butt joints
Surface modification methods for fatigue properties improvement of laser welded Ti64 butt joints
Surface modification methods for fatigue properties improvement of laser welded Ti64 butt joints
Surface Modification of 304 Stainless Steel by Electro-Spark Deposition
Surface modification of biomedical Mg-Ca and Mg-Zn-Ca alloys using selective laser melting: Corrosion behaviour, microhardness and biocompatibility
Surface modification of magnesium alloy AZ31 by hydrofluoric acid treatment and its effect on the corrosion behaviour
Surface modification of Nafion 117 membranes with polyelectrolyte complexes
Surface modification of Nafion 117 membranes with polyelectrolyte complexes
Surface modification of PAN-membranes and characterization by contact angle technique and scanning force microscopy
Surface modification of polyacrylonitrile membranes by photo-graft-polymerisation
Surface Modification of Polyaramide Fibers via Controlled Radical Polymerization (Masterarbeit)
Surface modification of polycarbonate urethane by covalent linkage of heparin with a PEG spacer
Surface Modification of Polycarbonate Urethane with Zwitterionic Polynorbornene via Thiol-ene Click-Reaction to Facilitate Cell Growth and Proliferation
Surface modification of polymer membranes by means of langmuir-Blodgett deposition
Surface modification of porous polyetherimide microparticles prepared via a spraying/coagulation process
Surface Modification of Titanium Alloys by Phospholipid Membrane Systems
Surface Modification of Titanium Alloys by Phospholipid Membrane Systems
Surface Modifications for Improved Hemocompatibility and Wear Resistance of Titanium Alloys Used in Artificial Heart Valves
Surface modified spherical adsorbent for removal of endotoxin
Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Database Version 2023 (SOCATv2023) (NCEI Accession 0278913)
Surface Ocean Dispersion Observations From the Ship-Tethered Aerostat Remote Sensing System
Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy over Wide Time Domains for Semiconductors with Ultrawide Bandgap: Example of Gallium Oxide
Surface pressure-induced isothermal 2D- to 3D-transitions in Langmuir films of poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)s and oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) based polyesterurethanes
Surface Properties and Cell Adhesion onto NH3-Plasma Modified Polyethylenterephtalat
Surface Properties and Cell Adhesion onto NH3-Plasma Modified Polyethylenterephtalat
Surface properties and permeability of polyglycerol films
Surface Properties and Tissue Compatibility of NH3-plasma Modified Polyethylenterephtalat Membranes
Surface Properties of and Cell Ahhesion onto Allylamine-plasma-coated Polyethylenterephtalat Membranes
Surface Radiation Budget within the SAF on Climate monitoring
Surface Recrystallization in a Co-Based Superalloy During High Temperature Exposure
Surface segregation of sulfur and silicon in an Fe-6 at % Si alloy
Surface sensitive characterization of functional groups by means of zeta potential investigations
Surface tailoring for selective endothelialization and platelet inhibition via a combination of SI-ATRP and click chemistry using Cys–Ala–Gly-peptide
Surface templated inverse photonic glass for saturated blue structural color
Surface topography and cytocompatibility of metal injection molded Ti–22Nb alloy as biomaterial
Surface treatment against environment induced failure and damage: modelling; characterization and ontology aspects
Surface viscous stress over wind-driven waves with intermittent airflow separation
Surface Wave and Roller Dissipation Observed With Shore-Based Doppler Marine Radar
Surface wave effects on water temperature in the Baltic Sea: simulations with the coupled NEMO-WAM model
Surface-controlled mechanical properties of bulk nanoporous gold
Surface-Current Field and Bathymetry Retrieval using a Marine Radar
Surface-driven actuation: Sign reversal under load and surface load-memory effect
Surface-layer scaling for the convection-induced stress regime
Surface-sensitive elastic behavior of nanoporous gold
Surface-to-Volume Ratio Drives Photoelelectron Injection from Nanoscale Gold into Electrolyte
Surfactant free preparation of biodegradable dendritic polyglycerol nanogels by inverse nanoprecipitation for encapsulation and release of pharmaceutical biomacromolecules
Surfactant-Free RAFT Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene Using Thermoresponsive macroRAFT Agents: Towards Smart Well-Defined Block Copolymers with High Molecular Weights
Surfactant-free water-based reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) emulsion polymerization of styrene in the presence of poly(vinylpyridine) macroRAFT agents (Masterarbeit)
Surgical Classification for Preclinical Rat Femoral Bone Defect Model: Standardization Based on Systematic Review, Anatomical Analysis and Virtual Surgery
Surrogate-Enhanced Parameter Inference for Function-Valued Models
Survey explores views of 400 climate scientists / Lopinion de 400 climatologues a letude
Survey of bathymetry and current fields by radar image series acquired by shore based x-band radar
Survey of bathymetry and current fields by radar image series acquired by shore based x-band radar
Survey of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Survey of the incident solar radiation in Brazil by use of METEOSAT satellite data
Susceptibility of Two Supermartensitic Stainless Steel Grades to Hydrogen-Assisted Stress Cracking at 20 oC
Susceptibility of Two Supermartensitic Stainless Steel Grades to Hydrogen-Assisted Stress Cracking at 20 oC
Suspect screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in German and Chinese river water affected by point sources
Suspect- und Non-Target-Screening von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in Oberbodenproben
Suspended matter and heavy metal transport in the lower Elbe river under different flow conditions
Suspended matter concentrations in coastal waters: Methodological improvements to quantify individual measurement uncertainty
Suspended matter fluxes in the turbidity maximum of the Weser Estuary
Suspended matter in the North Sea: Comparison of observations and model results
Suspended matter measurements over lakes with CZCS and TM data
Suspended matter regimes in the German Bight and the German Wadden Sea
Suspended matter transports in a tidal estuary on time scales from minutes to months
Suspended particulate matter budget for the German Bight
Suspended particulate matter concentrations and organic matter fractions from water samples
Suspended particulate matter drives the spatial segregation of nitrogen turnover along the hyper-turbid Ems estuary
Suspended Particulate Matter in the Southern North Sea: Application of a Numerical Model to Extent NERC North Sea Project Data Interpretation
Sustainability Assessment of Thermocatalytic Conversion of CO2 to Transportation Fuels, Methanol, and 1-Propanol
Sustainable and green trends in using plant extracts for the synthesis of biogenic metal nanoparticles toward environmental and pharmaceutical advances: A review
Sustainable aqueous metal-air batteries: An insight into electrolyte system
Sustainable climate science
Sustainable NaAlH4 production from recycled automotive Al alloy
Sustainable smart coatings of chitosan and LDH loaded with natural inhibitors for corrosion protection of Mg AZ31 alloy
Sustainable ways of adapting to climate change
Sustained release carrier for adenosine triphosphate as signaling molecule
Sustained release carrier for adenosine triphosphate as signaling molecule
Sustained release hydrogels by in situ polymerized coating with polyalkylcyanoacrylates
Sustained release hydrogels by in situ polymerized polyalkylcyanoacrylate coating
Sustaining Europe’s seas as coupled social-ecological systems
SWEEP, Viren-& Macroschutz in MIME e-mail
Sweet meets salty
Swelling and Exchange Behavior of Poly(sulfobetaine)-Based Block Copolymer Thin Films
Swelling and Plasticization in Glassy Polymer/Gas-Systems -Combined Examination of Experimental and Modelling Results
Swelling of a Sponge Lipid Phase via Incorporation of a Nonionic Amphiphile: SANS and SAXS Studies
Switchable Assembly of Stable, Ordered Molecular Layers
Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold
Switching microobjects from low to high aspect ratios using a shape-memory effect
Symplex membranes for pervaporation
Symplex-Kompositmembranen: Herstellung und Eigenschaften
Symplexkompositmembranen zur Stofftrennung
Symplexmembranen fuer Biosensoren
Symplexmembranen fuer die Pervaporation
Symptom free cooling after breathing cooled gas at 46 bar
Synchronism of biocatalysis and product separation in a model reactor
Synchrotron Diffraction Studies of Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption on CaH2 + MgB2 Reactive Hydride Composite Mixed With Fluorinated Compounds
Synchrotron Radiation Investigation of Twinning in Extruded Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Synchrotron Radiation Investigation of Twinning in Extruded Magnesium Alloy AZ31
Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Scattering Techniques for Studying the Micro- and Nanostructure of Wood and their Relation to the Mechanical Properties
Synchrotron radiation-based microtomography of alveolar support tissues
Synchrotron radiation-based phase-contrast microtomography of human dental calculus allows nondestructive analysis of inclusions: implications for archeological samples
Synchrotron radiation-based techniques applied to the study of dinosaur fossils from the collection of the museum of Lourinhae
Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Tomography
Synchrotron x-ray analysis of the influence of the magnesium content on the absorptance during full-penetration laser welding of aluminum
Synchrotron X-ray computer microtomographic and light optical microscopic investigation of strength and microstructure of polymer-metal joints produced by FricRiveting
Synchrotron X-ray computer microtomographic and light optical microscopic investigation of strength and microstructure of polymer-metal joints produced by FricRiveting
Synchrotron X-ray imaging of a dichasium cupule of Castanopsis from Eocene Baltic amber
Synchrotron-Based Capabilities for Studying Engineering Materials at PETRA-III
Synchrotron-basierte Analysemethoden zur hochauflösenden Prüfung additiv gefertigter metallischer Werkstoffe
Synchrotron-radiation based microtomography of new materials for lightweight construction
Synchrotron-radiation based microtomography of new materials for lightweight construction
Synchrotron-radiation computed tomography uncovers ecosystem functions of fly larvae in an Eocene forest
Synchrotron–microcomputed tomography studies of normal and pathological cranial sutures: further insight
Syndiotactic polypropylene copolymer membranes and their performance for oxygen separation
Synergetic active corrosion protection of AA2024-T3 by 2D- anionic and 3D-cationic nanocontainers loaded with Ce and mercaptobenzothiazole
Synergetic effect of Ti6Al4V porosities and POPE-based biointerface on cell metabolism
Synergie von Fernerkundung und mathematischen Tidemodellen zur Optimierung divergierender Nutzungsansprueche in Aestuaren
Synergie von Satellitendaten am Beispiel der Modellierung des Tagesganges der planetaren Strahlungsbilanz (Dissertation)
Synergies and trade-offs in the assessment of plausible climate futures
Synergies in Operational Oceanography: The Intrinsic Need for Sustained Ocean Observations
Synergistic effects of Monel 400 filler wire in gas metal arc welding of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Synergistic Macromolecular Interactions in Synovial Fluids
Synergistic Mixture of Electrolyte Additives: A Route to a High-Efficiency Mg–Air Battery
Synergistic Theoretical-Experimental Approaches in Metal Hydride Research for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage
Synergistic use of Ferrybox and ENVISAT data with the aid of a hydrodynamic transport model
Synergy between CMEMS products and newly available data from SENTINEL
Synergy of Numerical Modeling and ENVISAT MERIS for an Operational Suspended Particulate Matter Transport Model
Synergy of Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling for Suspended Matter Transport
Synergy of Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling of Suspended Particulate Matter
Synergy of remote sensing and numerical modelling for monitoring of suspended particulate matter
Synergy of Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling for Monitoring of Suspended Particulate Matter
Synergy of satellite remote sensing and numerical modeling for monitoring of suspended particulate matter
Synergy of wind wave model simulations and satellite observations during extreme events
Synopsis Backend Module for the River Plume Workflow
Synoptic monitoring of littoral processes based on radar observations
Synoptische Beobachtung der Wechselwirkungen von Hydro- und Morphodynamik (Dissertation)
Synthese eines unverzweigten Polyglucans katalysiert durch in Polymermembranen immobilisierte Enzyme (Diplomarbeit)
Synthese und Charakterisierung von neuen, sterisch gehinderten Polyetherimiden als Membran zur Gastrennung
Synthese und Eigenschaften von bioabbaubaren Formgedaechtnispolymeren
Synthese und Eigenschaften von Multifunktionalen Polymerstrukturen
Synthese und Strukturbildung aus Loesungen von Acrylnitrilpolymeren
Synthese und Untersuchung neuer grenzflaechenpolymerisierter Polyamidkompositmembranen fuer die Gasseparation (Dissertation)
Synthese von Biokonjugaten und deren kovalente Bindung an Polymeroberflaechen (Dissertation)
Synthese von Biokonjugaten und ihre kovalente Bindung auf Polymeroberflaechen
Synthese von Blockcopolymeren zur Darstellung integral asymmetrischer Membranen (Dissertation)
Synthese von definierten Polysaccharidmolekuelen in Enzymmembranen
Synthese von Poly(ethylenglycol)-basierten Hydrogelen durch enzymatische Vernetzung (Bacherlorarbeit)
Synthese.und Modifizierung von Polymeren als Membranmaterial
Syntheses and Functionalization of Poly(ether sulfone)s based on 1,1,1-Tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane
Syntheses and Functionalization of Poly(ether sulfone)s based on 1,1,1-Tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane
Syntheses of Poly(butylene succinate) by Means of Non-Toxic Catalysts
Synthesis and biological evaluation of oligoethylene glycol materials functionalized with desaminotyrosine and desaminotyrosyltyrosine
Synthesis and Characterisation of Block Copolymer Membranes for Ultrafiltration and Gas Separation
Synthesis and characterization of 2,3,6,7-tetrahydroxy 9,10-dibutylanthracene maleimide (DBAM) derivatives: precursors for Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity
Synthesis and Characterization of 2,3,6,7-Tetrahydroxy 9,10-Dibutylanthracene Maleimide (DBAM) Derivatives: Precursors for Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity
Synthesis and Characterization of a new Poly(ether imide) Based on 3-Methoxy-1,2-propandiol
Synthesis and Characterization of a Telechelic Peptide as a Precursor for Supramolecular Networks
Synthesis and characterization of Alpha, Omega-dihydroxy-telechelic oligo(p-dioxanone)
Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable macroporous cryogels crosslinked by chitosan oligosaccharide-graft-acrylic acid
Synthesis and characterization of efficient TiO2 mesoporous photocatalysts
Synthesis and characterization of efficient TiO2 mesoporous photocatalysts
Synthesis and Characterization of Flexible Polyoxadiazole Films through Cyclodehydration of Polyhydrazides
Synthesis and Characterization of Gelatin Fragments Obtained by Controlled Degradation
Synthesis and Characterization of Gelatin Fragments Obtained by Controlled Degradation
Synthesis and Characterization of Gelatin Fragments Obtained by Controlled Degradation
Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxy-telechelic Four-arm Star-shaped Oligo(tetrahydrofuran), Their Crosslinking, and Thermomechanical Investigation of the Poymer Network
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxylated Poly(ether imide)s by polymer-analogous reaction with aminic modifiers in homogeneous phase
Synthesis and Characterization of Multiblock Poly(Ester-Amide-Urethane)s
Synthesis and Characterization of new Polymers of intrinsic microporosity
Synthesis and characterization of new sulfonated poly(arylene ether 1,3,4-oxadiazole)s
Synthesis and characterization of novel linear PB-b-PS-b-PEO and PE-b-PS-b-PEO triblock terpolymers
Synthesis and characterization of oligo(ethylene glycol)s functionalized with desaminotyrosine or desaminotyrosyltyrosine
Synthesis and characterization of oligo(ethylene glycol)s functionalized with desaminotyrosine or desaminotyrosyltyrosine
Synthesis and characterization of oligo(ethylene glycol)s functionalized with desaminotyrosine or desaminotyrosyltyrosine
Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(arylene ether oxadiazole) Telechelic
Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(p-phenylene ethynylene)s with nitroxyl radical endgroups
Synthesis and Characterization of Polyetherimides with 3-Methoxy-1,2-propanediol Moieties
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Networks Based on Glycidylmethacrylated Gelatin
Synthesis and characterization of polymers made for bipolar membranes
Synthesis and characterization of polymers with high free volume
Synthesis and Characterization of Polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) Triblock Terpolymers (Diplomarbeit)
Synthesis and characterization of star-shaped oligo(ethylene glycol) with tyrosine derived moieties under variation of their molecular weight
Synthesis and characterization of star-shaped oligo(ethylene glycol) with tyrosine derived moieties under variation of their molecular weight
Synthesis and Characterization of Telechelic Oligoethers with Terminal Cinnamyliden Acetic Acid Moieties
Synthesis and Characterization of Telechelic Oligoethers with Terminal Cinnamyliden Acetic Acid Moieties
Synthesis and characterization of telechelic oligoethers with terminal cinnamylidene acetic acid moieties
Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoreversible Polymer Networks
Synthesis and Characterization of Triblock Terpolymers with three Potentially Crystallisable Blocks: Polyethylene-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)
Synthesis and Crosslinking of Polyether-Based Main Chain Benzoxazine Polymers and Their Gas Separation Performance
Synthesis and degradation behaviour of Zn-modified coating on Mg alloy
Synthesis and Gas Permeation Properties of Spirobischromane-Based Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity
Synthesis and Gas Permselectivities of New Sterical Hindered Polyimides with Terphenyl Building Blocks
Synthesis and Gas transport Properties of New Aromatic 3F-Polymers
Synthesis and mesogenic properties of an Y-shaped glyco glycero lipid
Synthesis and microstructure of nanostructured Al/Al2O3(H)-composite
Synthesis and Optical Properties of New Hyperbranched Poly(p-Phenylene Ethynylene)s Prepared via Different A2 + B3 Approaches
Synthesis and properties of highly gas permeable poly(amide imide)s
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Polyimides Bearing Sulfonated Benzimidazole Pendant Groups
Synthesis and properties of poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) containing methyl- and ethyl-substituted quaternary ammonium salts
Synthesis and Properties of Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) Containing Quaternary Ammonium Salts with Methyl and Ethyl Substituents
Synthesis and Properties of Poly(p-phenylene ethynylene)s with Oxidation- and Reduction-Sensitive Moieties
Synthesis and Properties of Stimuli-responsive Copolymers
Synthesis and self-assembly of biobased poly(limonene carbonate)-block-poly(cyclohexene carbonate) diblock copolymers prepared by sequential ring-opening copolymerization
Synthesis and self-assembly of high molecular weight polystyrene-block-poly[2-(N-morpholino)ethyl methacrylate]: A story about microphase separation, amphiphilicity, and stimuli-responsivity
Synthesis and Solution Properties of Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers with a Stimuli-responsive Block
Synthesis and Solution Properties of Stimuli-responsive Block Copolymers
Synthesis for bisaroyl azide bolaamphiphiles for coupling onto polymer surfaces
Synthesis of a Block Copolymer Exhibiting Two Different Levels of Order
Synthesis of a Degradable Hydrogel Based on a Graft Copolymer with Unexpected Thermoresponsiveness
Synthesis of amorphous Mg(BH4)2 from MgB2 and H2 at room temperature
Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers via the Combination of Anionic and RAFT Polymerization and their Structural Characterization
Synthesis of bulk reactive Ni–Al composites using high pressure torsion
Synthesis of Ca(Bh4)2 as a Potential Material for Hydrogen Storage
Synthesis of high molecular weight polyglycolide in supercritical carbon dioxide
Synthesis of Homo- and Mixed-functionalized Octa-, Deca- and Dodeca-Silisesquioxanes by Cage-rearrangement and Their Characterization
Synthesis of metal-intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites with modified Al3Ti structure and in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis of sintering process
Synthesis of Mg2FeD6 under low pressure conditions for Mg2FeH6 hydrogen storage studies
Synthesis of Multiresponsive Gold@Polymer-Nanohybrid Materials Using Polymer Precursors Obtained by Photoiniferter RAFT Polymerization
Synthesis of NaAlH4-based hydrogen storage material using milling under low pressure hydrogen atmosphere
Synthesis of nanoporous gold for electrochemical actuators
Synthesis of Novel PB-b-PS-b-PEO and PE-b-PS-b-PEO Triblock Terpolymers, their Morphological Characterization and Crystallization Kinetics of the Corresponding Crystallizable Blocks (Dissertation)
Synthesis of o-phenylenediamine functionalized graphite
Synthesis of Oxide-Ceramic Coatings on Magnesium Alloys and their Corrosion Properties
Synthesis of oxide-ceramic coatings on magnesium alloys and their corrosion properties
Synthesis of P3VP-b-PS diblock copolymers via surfactant-free RAFT emulsion polymerization
Synthesis of Peptides onto the Surface of Poly-(ethylenterephthalate) Particle Track Membranes
Synthesis of pH-Cleavable dPG-Amines for Gene Delivery Application
Synthesis of photoreactive a-4-azidobenzoyl w-methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)s and their end-on photo-grafting onto polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes
Synthesis of Poly(3-vinylpyridine)-Block-Polystyrene Diblock Copolymers via Surfactant-Free RAFT Emulsion Polymerization
Synthesis of Poly(methacrylic acid)-block-Polystyrene Diblock Copolymers at High Solid Contents via RAFT Emulsion Polymerization
Synthesis of poly(thiophene-alt-pyrrole) from a difunctionalized thienylpyrrole by Kumada polycondensation
Synthesis of Poly(Vinyl Trimethylsilane) and Block Copolymers of Vinyl Trimethylsilane with Isoprene, their Functionalization and Gas Transport Properties
Synthesis of Polyhedral Hexa-, Octa-, Deca- and Dodeca-Silsesquioxanes Separation by NP-HPLC, SEC and LAC, Characterization by MALDI-TOF-MS
Synthesis of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) with Poly(ethylene glycol) for Membrane Application
Synthesis of Polymers Suitable for Membranes
Synthesis of Polymers Suitable for Membranes
Synthesis of Polystyrene-b-poly(solketal methacrylate) (PS-b-PSMA) Polystyrene-b-poly(glyceryl methacrylate) (PS-b-PGMA) Block Copolymers for Isoporous Membranes
Synthesis of Polystyrene-b-poly(solketal methacrylate) Polystyrene-b-poly(glyceryl methacrylate) Block Copolymers for Isoporous Membranes
Synthesis of Shape-Memory Polyurethanes: Combined Experimental and Simulation Studies
Synthesis of the STOWASUS-2100 project: Regional storm, wave and surge scenarios for the 2100 century
Synthesis of uniform bulk nanoporous palladium with tunable structure
Synthesis of Well-Defined Dihydroxy Telechelics by (Co)polymerization of Morpholine-2,5-Diones Catalyzed by Sn(IV) Alkoxide
Synthesis of zeolite-A using kaolin samples from Darazo, Bauchi state and Ajebo, Ogun state in Nigeria
Synthesis of ZnO mesoporous powders and their application in dye photodegradation
Synthesis of ZnO mesoporous powders and their application in dye photodegradation
Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modeling of N-heterocyclic dipeptide aldehydes as selective calpain inhibitors
Synthesis, characterization (molecular–morphological) and theoretical morphology predictions of linear triblock terpolymers containing poly(cyclohexadiene)
Synthesis, characterization and gas permeation properties of anthracene maleimide-based polymers of intrinsic microporosity
Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of well-defined linear heptablock quaterpolymers
Synthesis, Characterization, and Gas Permeation Properties of a Novel Group of Polymers with Intrinsic Microporosity: PIM-Polyimides
Synthesis, Characterization, and Membrane Properties of Poly(1-trimethylgermyl-1-propyne) and Its Nanocomposite with TiO2
Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne)-block-poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) Block Copolymers
Synthesis, chemical modification and rheological properties of low molecular weight Polystyrene-block-Polyisoprene diblock copolymers
Synthesis, molecular characterization and self-assembly of (PS-b-PDMS)n type linear (n = 1, 2) and star (n = 3, 4) block copolymers
Synthesis, Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposites based on Block Copolymers
Synthesis, photomodification and characterization of homo- and copolymers with 2,5-bisaryltetrazolyl pendant groups
Synthesis, Reductive Cleavage, and Cellular Interaction Studies of Biodegradable, Polyglycerol Nanogels
Synthesis, Rheological and Dielectrical Characterisation of PS-b-P4VP Diblock Copolymers (Masterarbeit)
Synthesis, Shape-Memory Functionality and Hydrolytical Degradation Studies on Polymer Networks from Poly(rac-lactide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(rac-lactide) dimethacrylates
Synthesis, structures and thermal decomposition of ammine MxB12H12 complexes (M = Li, Na, Ca)
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of multiwall carbon nanotube/Polyoxadiazole nanocomposites
Synthesis, Transfer, and Gas Separation Characteristics of MOF-Templated Polymer Membranes
Synthesizing gamma-TiAl alloys by reactive powder processing
Synthetic microparticles with pseudobiological ligands for endotoxin removal
Synthetic Peptides Derived from Decorin as Building Blocks for Biomaterials Based on Supramolecular Interactions (Dissertation)
Synthetic Polymer-Network Based Materials in Stem Cell Research
Synthetische 2D-Verteilung von Schwebstoff in der Unterelbe
Synthetische Kristalle fuer die Roentgenoptik
Synthetische Membranen - Stofftrennung und selektiver Transport
Synthetische Modelle für refraktaere organische Substanzen (Huminsaeuren und Fulvinsaeuren)
Sysnthesis and characterizations of curable acrylic copolymers for membrane applications
Systemanalyse des Kohlenstoff-Flusses im Pelagial des Bodensees
Systematic analysis of EU-based climate service providers
Systematic approval of NDT method magfoil using GUSI capabilities
Systematic studies on the apparent activation energy for mercury emission fluxes (MEFs) from soils
Systematic studies on the apparent activation energy for mercury emission fluxes (MEFs) from soils
Systematically Designed Periodic Electrophoretic Deposition for Decorating 3D Carbon-Based Scaffolds with Bioactive Nanoparticles
Systeme zur kontrollierten Wirkstofffreisetzung
Systemic modulation of skeletal mineralization by magnesium implant promoting fracture healing: Radiological exploration enhanced with machine learning in a rat femoral model.
Systemintegrierte Umweltbiotechnologie zur Sanierung von organisch und anorganisch belasteten Grund- und Oberflaechenwässern - Zwischenbericht für den Zeitraum: 01.01.-31.12.2000
Systemoekologische Analyse mariner Pelagialsysteme auf der Basis von mikrobiologisch / planktologischen Variablen und pDNA-Messungen (Dissertation)
Systems and Dynamic Simulation Modelling in the Social Sciences
Systemsimulation und Versuchsdurchführung eines auf PEM Brennstoffzellen basierten Gas-to-Power-Systems mit integrierten Metallhydridspeichern
Systemvergleich unterschiedlicher Verfahren zur Herstellung poroeser Formkoerper aus Kunststoffen
Szenarien kuenftiger Schiffsemissionen auf der Nordsee
Szenarien zukuenftiger, klimatisch bedingter Entwicklung der Nordsee


TaC Precipitation Kinetics During Cooling of Co−Re-Based Alloys
Tacrolimus-resistant SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell products to prevent and treat severe COVID-19 in immunosuppressed patients
Taetigkeitsbericht des Teilprojektes A3: Austauschvorgaenge im Sediment des Gewaessers und im Boden des Vordeichlandes
Taetigkeitsbericht des Teilprojektes A3: Austauschvorgaenge im Sediment des Gewaessers und im Boden des Vordeichlandes
Tagungsbericht: Management of ageing of research reactors - GKSS- und IAEO-Seminar vom 7. bis 12.5.95 in Geesthacht
Tailor made POSS incorporated PEBAX nanocomposite membranes for CO2 separation
Tailor made POSS incorporated PEBAX® nanocomposite membranes for CO2 separation
Tailor-made polymer membranes
Tailor-made polymer membranes: Manufacturing, properties and application
Tailor-made Polymeric Membranes based on Segmented Block Copolymers for CO2 Separation
Tailor-made Shape-memory Polymer Networks
Tailor-Made Vinylogous Urethane Vitrimers Based on Binary and Ternary Block and Random Copolymers: An Approach toward Reprocessable Materials
Tailor-made, Degradable Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Tailored Copolymers for Innovated Membrane Applications
Tailored Pore Sizes in Integral Asymmetric Membranes Formed by Blends of Block Copolymers
Tailored Scaffolds from a Gelatin-based Polymer System: Influence of the Molecular Architecture on Material Properties
Tailoring corrosion and discharge performance of Mg anode by corrosion inhibitor
Tailoring Crosslinked Polyether Networks for Separation of CO2 from Light Gases
Tailoring Degradable Polymer Networks – From Design of Molecular Architecture to Multifunctional Degradable Biomaterials
Tailoring Degradable Polymers for Biofunctional Implants Inducing Tissue Regeneration
Tailoring Disorder and Quality of Photonic Glass Templates for Structural Coloration by Particle Charge Interactions
Tailoring electrolyte additives for controlled Mg-Ca anode activity in aqueous Mg-air batteries
Tailoring established polymers for medical applications
Tailoring fluorinated polymer membranes for biogas and natural gas purification applications
Tailoring grain refinement through thickness in magnesium alloy via stationary shoulder friction stir processing and copper backing plate
Tailoring hierarchical nanoporous gold on dual length scales
Tailoring Hydrogen Storage Materials Towards Application
Tailoring laser shock peening induced anisotropic residual stress fields
Tailoring LSP-induced residual stresses to retard fatigue crack growth
Tailoring microporous surface of biomedical Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy by liquid metal dealloying
Tailoring nanocrystalline materials towards potential applications
Tailoring of material properties of Mg-Gd alloys for biomedical applications
Tailoring of material properties of Mg-Gd alloys for biomedical applications
Tailoring of Mechanical Properties of Diisocyanate Crosslinked Gelatin-Based Hydrogels
Tailoring of membranes
Tailoring of residual stresses by specific use of defined prestress during laser shock peening
Tailoring Polymer Networks for Biomedical Applications
Tailoring Pore Size in Integral Asymmetric Membranes by Blending Block Copolymers
Tailoring powder strengths for enhanced quality of cold sprayed Al6061 deposits
Tailoring Properties and Functions of Bio-based Polymers
Tailoring properties of borohydrides for hydrogen storage: A review
Tailoring properties of cast Mg10Gd by alloying Nd and heat treatment
Tailoring Reaction Enthalpies of Hydrides
Tailoring the elastic properties and protein adsorption of gelatin-based networks by crosslinking with diisocyanates of differing reactivity and solubility in water
Tailoring the interfaces of implants to human body
Tailoring the Mg-air primary battery performance using strong complexing agents as electrolyte additives
Tailoring the Morphology of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Hollow Fiber Membranes
Tailoring the recovery force in magnetic shape-memory nanocomposites
Tailoring the Strength of Nanoporous Gold by Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols
Tailoring the Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Degradable Copolyetherester Urethanes Comprising Oligo(p-dioxanone) and Oligo(e-caprolactone) segments
Tailormade polymers for membrane applications
Tank design and Up-scaling of Material Production for Solid Hydrogen Storage
Tank design challenges and optimization for metal hydride based hydrogen storage
Tanks for Complex Hydrides
Tapping Mode SPM an gasdurchstroemten Membranen
Target- und Analysenkammer fuer die Oberflaechenanalyse von Si-Wafern mit Laser-Plasma-induzierter Roentgenstrahlung
Targeted Delivery of Human VEGF Gene via Complexes of Magnetic Nanoparticle-Adenoviral Vectors Enhanced Cardiac Regeneration
Targeting carrier/gene complexes to promote the proliferation of endothelial cells
Targeting delta opioid receptors for pain treatment: drugs in phase I and II clinical development
Targeting REDV peptide functionalized polycationic gene carrier for enhancing the transfection and migration capability of human endothelial cells
Tasks of contemporary coastal research: The PIONEER project as an example of operational analysis
Tauchen mit Mischgas: Theorie, Technik, Anwendung
Taucherarbeiten bis 600 m Wassertiefe
Taucherunterstuetzte F+E-Arbeiten in der Unterwassersimulationsanlage GUSI
Taxonomische Studien ueber die Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) der Eifelmaare
Technical and Economic Evaluation of Hydrogen Storage Systems based on Light Metal Hydrides
Technical and Economic Evaluation of Hydrogen Storage Systems based on Light Metal Hydrides (Dissertation)
Technical Assessment of 2-Stage MH-Compressor Designs for Sector Coupling
Technical note on the determination of degradation rates of biodegradable magnesium implants
Technical note: Considerations on using uncertain proxies in the analogue method for spatiotemporal reconstructions of millennial-scale climate
Technik der in-situ Versuche im Experimentalgewaesser RL 111
Technik fuer die Umwelt: Reinigung kontaminierter Boeden und Sedimente
Technische Abwasserreinigung
Technische Anwendungen von Membranen
Technische Physik
Technische Prinzipien zur Verminderung staub- und gasfoermiger Emissionen
Technische Prozesse im Umweltschutz
Technische Prozesse im Umweltschutz
Technische Prozesse im Umweltschutz (Teil 1)
Technische Prozesse im Umweltschutz (Teil 2)
Techno-economic assessment of H2 extraction from natural gas distribution grids: A novel simulation-based optimization framework for pressure swing adsorption processes
Technological Advances for Ocean Surface Measurements by the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbons in the Environment (CARTHE)
Technological and social networks of a pastoralist artificial society: agent-based modeling of mobility patterns
Technologie und Medizin
Technologie und Medizin
Technologie und Medizin
Technologie-kritische Elemente - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer ICP-MS/MS basierten Methode zur Messung ihrer zeitlichen Variationen in Nordsee Sedimenten
Technologien zur Verbesserung der Wasserbeschaffenheit eutrophierter Seen (Kurzreferat)
Technologies in environmental monitoring and assessment
Technologische Eigenschaften und Potential von Magnesium und Magnesiumlegierungen
Technologische Eigenschaften und Potential von Magnesiumlegierungen
Technology-critical elements in Rhine sediments - A case study on occurrence and spatial distribution
Tecnologias atuais de uniao de compositos polimericos
Tectonic fabric in weakly clay sediments: the origin of the magnetic lineation deduced from AMS and neutron diffraction analysis
Tehe role of paramagnetic minerals in clay sediments magnetic anisotropy: Correlation between magnetic fabric and chlorite prefered orientation
Teilbericht: Ergebnisse des Weserexperimentes 1987: Messung der Schwebstoff-Sinkgeschwindigkeit
Teilbericht: Simulation des Transports und der Deposition atmosphaerischen Bleis in der norddeutschen Kuestenregion
Teilvorhaben 2: Bioprozessoptimierung Schwerpunkt Pervaporation
Telechelic Poly(Epsilon-Caprolactone)s: Synthesis and Applications
Teleconnections and upscaling relationships for the Eemian
Teleconnections between ENSO and North Atlantic in an ECHO-G simulation of the 1000–1990 period
Teleconnections between proxy sites of Arctica Islandica in simulated and observed sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic Ocean
Teleproctoring for Training in Structural Heart Interventions: Initial Real‐World Experience During the COVID‐19 Pandemic
TEM and Synchrotron X-ray Study of the Evolution of Phases Formed During Bonding of IN718/Al/IN718 Couples by TLPB
TEM characterization of La/B4C multilayer systems by geometric phase method
TEM investigation of high temperature deformation structures in Ti-49 at.% Al
TEM studies of modulated alpha2/B19 phases in ternary TiAl alloys
Temperatur-Lidar mit Michelson-Interferometrie
Temperatur-Lidar unter Ausnutzung des Rotations-Raman-Effekts
Temperature and environment dependent dynamic properties of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate
Temperature and environment dependent dynamic properties of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate
Temperature and salinity correction coefficients for light absorption by water in the visible to infrared spectral region
Temperature and strain rate dependence of the mechanical properties of the EPM alloy Ti-35wt.%Al
Temperature and Texture Development during High Speed Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium AZ31
Temperature dependence of dipole-field scattering in Nanoperm
Temperature Dependence of Element Partitioning in Rhenium and Ruthenium Bearing Nickel-Base Superalloys
Temperature Dependence of Hall–Petch Parameters Using In Situ Diffraction Experiments in AZ31 Alloy
Temperature dependence of misfit in different Co–Al–W ternary alloys measured by synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Temperature dependence of plastic instability in Al alloys: A nanoindentation study
Temperature dependence of plastic instability in Al alloys: A nanoindentation study
Temperature dependent morphology of symmetric diblock copolymers
Temperature dependent partitioning mechanisms and its associated microstructural evolution in a CMnSiAl quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel
Temperature Effects on Supported Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Bilayers: Structure and Lubrication Performance
Temperature evolution and mechanical properties of dissimilar fricztion stir weldments when joining AA2024 and AA7075 with an AA6056 alloy
Temperature Field Simulation during Laser Metal Deposition of Aluminium Alloys based on the Finite Element Method (Masterarbeit)
Temperature Induced Porosity in Hot Isostatically Pressed Gamma Titanium Aliminide Alloy Powders
Temperature profiles from rotational Raman lidar: parameter for the interpretation of PSC composition
Temperature Profiling with Rotational Raman Lidar: Recent Achievements at GKSS Research Center
Temperature stable, polymeric thin-film composite membrane for hydrogen separation
Temperature stratification in the Guanabara Bay and its relationship with wind-induced coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio; Brazil
Temperature-controlled reversible pore size change of electrospun fibrous shape-memory polymer actuator based meshes
Temperature-dependent mechanical behavior of aluminum AM structures generated via multi-layer friction surfacing
Temperature-Dependent Self-Assembly and Mixing Behavior of Symmetrical Single-Chain Bolaamphiphiles
Temperature-induced evolution of microstructures on poly[ethylene-co-(vinyl acetate)] substrates switches their underwater wettability
Temperature-Memory Effect of Copolyesterurethanes and their Application Potential in Minimally Invasive Medical Technologies
Temperature-memory polymer actuators
Temperature-Memory Polymer Networks with Crystallizable Controlling Units
Temperature-Memory Polymers
Temperature-Memory Polymers as Active Substrates for Printable Biology on 3D Structures
Temperatures at the last interglacial simulated by a coupled ocean atmosphere climate model
Temperaturmanagement des Reibauftragschweissens (Diplomarbeit)
Temperaturregelung einer Kuevettenheizung mit Fuzzy-Logic (Diplomarbeit)
Temperaturstabile, polymer-basierte Dünnfilmkompositmembran für Wasserstoffabtrennung
Temperaturstabilitaet Bi-substituierter Eisen-Granat-Epitaxieschichten in Abhaengigkeit von der Fehlanpassung zum Substratkristall
Temporal and spatial circulation patterns in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
Temporal and spatial satellite data analysis of the Denmark Strait
Temporal and spatial scaling impacts on extreme precipitation
Temporal and spatial statistics of travelling eddy variability in the South China Sea
Temporal and Spatial Trends of Polyfluorinated Compounds in Common Seals (Phoca vitulina) from the North and Baltic Sea
Temporal and Spatial Variability of Chlorophyll a, Suspended Solids and Yellow substance in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea Using Ocean Color Sensor
Temporal and spatial variations of biodeposits - a preliminary investigation of the role of fecal pellets in the Sylt-Romo tidal area
Temporal Development of the Turbidity Maximum and the Mixing Zone in the Weser Estuary Within the Past 15 Years
Temporal Pattern of the Atmospheric Concentration of a Central German Monitoring Station measured between the Years 1995 to 1999
Temporal Trends and Pattern of Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds in Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) Eggs from Norway, 1986−2009
Temporal trends of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German Bight
Temporal Variability in the Nutrient Biogeochemistry of the Surface North Atlantic: 15 Years of Ship of Opportunity Data
Temporal variations of mercury and its organic mercury species at the sites of three former caustic soda plants
Temporal variations of perfluoroalkyl substances and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in alpine snow
Temporary material deposits revealed by time series measurement of suspended matter concentration in a tidal estuary
Ten new insights in climate science 2020 – a horizon scan
Ten new insights in climate science 2021: a horizon scan
Ten new insights in climate science 2022
Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024
Ten principles to integrate the water-energy-land nexus with climate services for co-producing local and regional integrated assessments
Ten years experience in neutron texture measurements of geological materials at the FRG-1, Geesthacht Germany
Ten years of implementing regional climate service - Practice and lessons
Tensile and compressive creep behavior of Al2O3 (Saffil)-short fiber reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Tensile and compressive creep behaviour of Al2O3 (Saffil) short fiber reinforced magnesium alloy AE42
Tensile and microstructural properties of annealed Mg10Gd-alloy wires
Tensile and microstructural properties of annealed Mg10Gd-alloy wires
Tensile and microstructural properties of annealed Mg10Gd-alloy wires
Tensile decohesion by local failure criteria
Tensile properties and deformation mechanisms in two-phase titanium aluminide sheet material
Tensile properties and fracture behaviour of Ti52Al48 and Ti50Al48Cr2 prepared from elemental powders
Tensile Properties and Strain Rate Sensitivity of Ti-47Al-2Cr-0.2Si Sheet Material With Different Microstructures
Tensile properties of Al–12Si matrix composites reinforced with Ti–Al-based particles
Tensile properties of hot rolled AZ31 Mg alloy sheets at elevated temperatures
Tensile Strength and fatigue properties of laser beam welded ti-6Al-4V sheets subjected to superplastic forming
Tensile Strength and fatigue properties of laser beam welded ti-6Al-4V sheets subjected to superplastic forming
Tensile toughening of powder-injection-molded β Ti-Nb-Zr biomaterials by adjusting TiC particle distribution from aligned to dispersed pattern
Tension and Compression Creep Asymmetry in Magnesium Alloy AE42
Tension-compression asymmetry of metastable austenitic stainless steel studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction
Terminology for electrodialysis
Terminology in pervaporation
Ternary Amides Containing Transition Metals for Hydrogen Storage: A Case Study with Alkali Metal Amidozincates
Ternary Nanoswitches Realized with Multiresponsive PMMA-b-PNIPMAM Films in Mixed Water/Acetone Vapor Atmospheres
Ternary triblock terpolymers of polystyrene–b–polybutadiene–b–poly(methyl methacrylate) type: Influence of composition on the stress-strain behavior
Teroligomers from Morpholine-2;5-Diones providing a large variety of repeating unit sequences
TerraSAR-X for Oceanography – Mission Overview
TerraSAR-X for Oceanography – Mission Overview
Terrestrial Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter Input to the Coral Reef Ecosystem via Submarine Springs
Test and validation of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer scheme SEWAB
Test and validation of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer scheme SEWAB
Test and validation of the surface-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer scheme SEWAB
Test Methods for Evaluation of Techniques for Assessing Corrosion Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Weldments
Test Methods for Stress Corrosion Cracking
Test of a cubic spline interface for physical processes with a 1-D third-order spectral element model
Test of a parameterization scheme for cloud microphysical processes in a 3-d mesoscale model
Test of a parameterization scheme for cloud microphysical processes in a 3-d mesoscale model
Test of a SVAT scheme for drying conditions and rainfall events
Test of an analogue technique for parameterising macroturbulence in middle latitudes
Test of ENVISAT ASAR wind measurement techniques using complex ERS-2 wave mode data
Test results of subsea robot development
Test system for evaluating the influence of polymer properties on primary human keratinocytes and fibroblasts in mono- and coculture
Test-facility for two-phase-flow pump tests, electrotechnics
Test-Methoden an Stents
Testen einer Wärmetauschanlage für Feststoffoxid-Brennstoffzellen und Hochtemperaturmetallhydridtanks
Testing a retrospective simulation strategy of typhoon seasons in SE Asia
Testing a retrospective simulation strategy of typhoon sesons in SE Asia
Testing a statistical method of global mean palotemperature estimations in a long climate simulation
Testing and Characterization of Service Exposed P22 Welded Steel
Testing and Characterization of Service Exposed P22 Welded Steel
Testing and development of underwater equipment
Testing and evaluation methods for stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in metals
Testing and Mesoscale Modelling of Hydrogen Assisted Cracking of Magnesium
Testing and Modelling of Hydrogen Assisted Cracking
Testing and Modelling of Hydrogen Assisted Cracking
Testing and properties of titanium alloys
Testing damage to various optical materials using VUV FEL
Testing empirical methods for reconstructing temperatur and sea level for times with insufficient instrumental coverage
Testing ensembles of climate change scenarios for “statistical significance”
Testing Gaussian Process Regression for the reconstruction of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability over the Common Era
Testing of General and Localized Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys: A critical review
Testing of Mg Alloys for SCC and Hydrogen Embrittlement
Testing of modelling of hydrogen embrittlement (Plenary Lecture)
Testing of nanostructured gas separation membranes in the flue gas of a post-combustion power plant
Testing of SCC/Hydrogen Embrittlement of High Strength Steels
Testing of SCC/Hydrogen Embrittlement of High Strength SteelsStudies of SCC and Hydrogen Embrittlement of High Strength Alloys Using Fracture Mechanics Methods
Testing of strength mis-matched welded joints
Testing Reanalyses in Constraining Dynamical Downscaling
Testing Reanalyses in Constraining Dynamical Downscaling
Testing statistical downscaling methods in simulated climates
Testing the analog method for reconstructing climate over the last 15000 years
Testing the cytotoxicity of metal alloys used as magnetic prosthetic devices
Testing the Mann et al. (1998) Approach to Paleoclimate Reconstructions in the Context of a 1000-Yr Control Simulation with the ECHO-G Coupled Climate Model
Testing the validity of a statistical downscaling method in simulations with global climate models
Testing the validity of regional detail in global analyses of sea surface temperature – the case of Chinese coastal waters
Testing with C++
Tests with TITAN 7F manipulator
Tetrahydroborates: Development and Potential as Hydrogen Storage Medium
TEX-2 - Experimental Reports 1995
TEX-2 - Experimental Reports 1996
TEX-2 Experimental Reports 1996
TEX-2 the Texture Diffractometer at GKSS Research Centre
TEX-2, Texture Analysis at GKSS Research Center (Instrumentation and Application)
TEX-2: Texturdiffraktometer am FRG-1, Texturanalytik am GKSS-Forschungszentrum
Texas beetle larvae (Brachypsectridae) – the last 100 million years reviewed
Textile fiber from bagasse pulp
Textile fibers from bagasse pulp
Textile polymer Scaffolds for das tissue engineering
Textur drahtgezogener Cu-Fe Proben, Experiment und Simulation
Textur- und Gefuegeentwicklung bei der thermomechanischen Umformung Nb-reicher Gamma-TiAl-Basislegierungen (Dissertation)
Textur- und Phasenanalyse in reibgeschweisstem Ti64/-TAB
Textur- und Spannungsanalyse am neuen Materialwissenschaftlichen Diffraktometer STRESS-SPEC des FRM-2
Textural Modifications during Recovery in Ti-Rich Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Low Level of Cold Work Reduction
Texturanalyse an zweiphasigen Proben mit ueberlagerten Braggreflexen (Studienarbeit)
Texturanalyse mittels winkeldispersiver neutronographischer Kernstreuung (Habilitation)
Texture analyses by neutron and high-energy synchrotron radiation
Texture Analyses by Synchrotron X-rays and Neutrons
Texture Analyses in Titanium Aluminide Alloys by Neutron Diffraction
Texture Analyses in Titanium Aluminide Alloys by Neutron Diffraction
Texture Analyses in Titanium Aluminide Alloys by Neutron Diffraction
Texture analyses of Sauropod dinosaur bones from Tendaguru
Texture analysis at neutron diffractometer STRESS-SPEC
Texture analysis by neutron diffraction
Texture Analysis by Neutron Diffraction - State of the Art
Texture analysis by neutron diffraction at Chalk River Laboratories, Canada
Texture analysis in the monoclinic martensitic phase of a CuZnAl shape memory alloy
Texture analysis of a zinc layer on a steel substrate using neutron diffraction
Texture Analysis of Gamma-TiAl Bulk Material Produced by Spray Forming
Texture analysis of laser beam welded Al-alloys (AA5083H111; AA6013T6)
Texture analysis of laser beam welded Al-alloys (AA5083H111; AA6013T6)
Texture Analysis of Mg-Alloys
Texture analysis of multi-phase materials by neutron diffraction
Texture analysis of multi-phase materials by neutron diffraction
Texture Analysis of Quarzite by Whole Pattern Deconvolution
Texture analysis of surface layers by neutron diffraction
Texture analysis of surface layers by neutron diffraction
Texture analysis using synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques
Texture and lattice strain evolution during hot forming of gamma TiAl alloys studied with synchrotron X-ray radiation
Texture and Lattice Strain Evolution during Tensile Loading of Mg–Zn Alloys Measured by Synchrotron Diffraction
Texture and magnetic levitation force of melt-textured YBaCuO-cylinders
Texture and mechanical behaviour of wrought magnesium alloys: extruded profiles and rolled sheets
Texture and microstructure evolution in ultrafine-grained AZ31 processed by EX-ECAP
Texture and microstructure of HPT-processed Fe-based shape memory alloys
Texture and microstructure of HPT-processed Fe-based shape memory alloys
Texture and phase development in Al-40 at%Ni composites
Texture and Quantitative Phase Analysis of Aged Ni-Rich NiTi using X-Ray and Neutron Diffractions
Texture and Quantitative Phase Analysis of Aged Ni-Rich NiTi using X-Ray and Neutron Diffractions
Texture and residual strains of ceramic reinforced magnesium composites. Experiments and simulations
Texture and shape fabric
Texture and Texture Analysis in Engineering Materials
Texture based formability enhancement of Mg AZ31 using high speed friction stir processing (Dissertation)
Texture Characterization of Stainless Steel Cladded Layers of Process Vessels
Texture control through shear layer morphology alterations using high speed friction stir processing with varying probe geometries
Texture determination of thin Cu-Wires by Synchrotron Radiation
Texture development and dislocation activities in Mg-Nd and Mg-Ca alloy sheets
Texture Development and Material Flow Behavior During Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding of AlMgSc
Texture Development and Phase Transformation Behavior of Sputtered Ni-Ti Films
Texture Development and Texture Influence on the Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Alloy AZ31
Texture Development and Texture Influence on the Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Alloy AZ31
Texture development during hot extrusion of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy
Texture development during hot extrusion of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy
Texture development during static recrystallization of Mg-Sn-Al-Zn alloys sheets
Texture Development in Different Routes ECAP Processed Mg-Si Alloys by Neutron Diffraction
Texture Development in Different Routes ECAP Processed Mg-Si Alloys by Neutron Diffraction
Texture development in extruded Al-Cu composites
Texture development in extruded Al-Cu composites
Texture development in metal-metal composites
Texture development in Ni-Ti thin films
Texture development in tetragonal materials
Texture development of a Ti-Al plate composite during annealing
Texture development of AM20 tensile samples under load
Texture development of AM20 tensile samples under load
Texture development of clay-rich sediments across the Costa Rica subduction zone
Texture development of wire drawn Cu-Fe composites
Texture development of wire drawn Cu-Fe composites
Texture development, microstructure and phase transformation characteristics of sputtered Ni–Ti Shape Memory Alloy films grown on TiN<111>
Texture effects on the formability of AZ31 and ZE10 magnesium sheet
Texture Evolution During Hot Compression of CoCuFeMnNi Complex Concentrated Alloy Using Neutron Diffraction and Crystal Plasticity Simulations
Texture Evolution During Hot Deformation Processing of Mg-3sn-2ca-0.4Al Alloy
Texture Evolution During Hot Deformation Processing of Mg-3sn-2ca-0.4Al Alloy
Texture Evolution in Multiphase Titanium Aluminide Alloys During Hot-Forming – An in Situ Synchrotron Radiation Study
Texture evolution of a Fe3Al alloy during thermomechanical treatment
Texture evolution of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet at high strain rates
Texture evolution of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet at high strain rates
Texture evolution of the gamma- and the alpha/alpha2-phase during hot rolling of gamma-TiAl based alloys
Texture formation and phase transformations during diffusion bonding of Gamma-TiAl aluminides
Texture Formation and Texture Modelling of AZ31 magnesium wrought alloy
Texture Formation and Texture Modelling of AZ31 magnesium wrought alloy
Texture Formation during Forging of High Nb Containing Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Texture Formation during Hot Rolling of Nb-Rich Gamma TiAl Alloys
Texture Formation during Hot-Deformation of High-Nb Containing Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Texture Formation during Hot-Rolling of Gamma-TiAl
Texture Formation during Hot-Rolling of Gamma-TiAl
Texture Formation in Gamma-TiAl Sheets
Texture Formation in Gamma-TiAl Sheets
Texture Formation in High Niobium Containing Gamma-TiAl Alloys during Hot Rolling
Texture Formation in High Niobium Containing Gamma-TiAl Alloys during Hot Rolling
Texture Formation in High Niobium Containing TiAl Alloys
Texture Formation in High Niobium Containing TiAl Alloys
Texture Formation of Alpha2-Ti3Al during Hot Forming of Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Texture Formation of Alpha2-Ti3Al during Hot Forming of Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Texture gradient in a bonelike extrusion profile of Mg Ze10
Texture gradient in a bonelike extrusion profile of Mg Ze10
Texture Gradient in a Rectangular Extruded Al60Mg40 Metal Matrix Composite
Texture gradient in dissimilar laser welded Al-alloys (AA5083-H111 with AA6013-T6)
Texture gradient in FCC metals deformed by equal channel angular pressing as a function of stacking fault energy
Texture gradient in FCC metals deformed by equal channel angular pressing as a function of stacking fault energy
Texture gradient studies of a Cu-tube by the robot at STRESS-SPEC
Texture Gradients in Shot Peened Ti-2.5Cu
Texture Gradients in Shot Peened Ti-2.5Cu
Texture Hardening Observed in Mg–Zn–Nd Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)
Texture in Superconducting Magnet Constituent Materials and Its Effect on Elastic Anisotropy
Texture investigation in the system Al-Nb during phase transition
Texture investigations on AZ31
Texture measurement by neutron diffraction
Texture measurement of metal-metal composites by neutron diffraction
Texture nalysis of g/a2 Titanium Aluminide: Comparison of the Component and the Positivity Method
Texture of a 1h 800 °C treated TiAl composite
Texture of ceramic reinforced magnesium composites
Texture of extruded Al-Cu fibre composite
Texture of Superconducting YBaCuO-Cylinders and their Levitation Force Repulsing an Inducting Permanent Magnet
Texture of uniaxial compressed two-phase titanium-aluminides
Texture stability of nickel during cyclic deformation at room temperature
Texture transition in friction stir processed Al powder compact
Texture transition in steel at high temperature measured by high-energy X-rays
Texture Variations and Cyclic Softening Mechanisms on ZRY-4 at Room Temperature. Part II: Texture Evolution and Simulation
Texture Weakening Effects in Ce-Containing Mg Alloys
Texture-Based Formability Prediction for Mg Wrought Alloys ZE10 and AZ31
Texture-Based Formability Prediction for Mg Wrought Alloys ZE10 and AZ31
Texture-based Formability Prediction for Mg Wrought Alloys ZE10 and AZ31
Texture-based forming limit prediction for Mg sheet alloys ZE10 and AZ31
Texture-Based Optimization of Crystal Plasticity Parameters: Application to Zinc and Its Alloy
Textures and mechanical properties of lamellar microstructures in Ti-48Al-2-Cr
Textures and plastic anisotropy in gamma-TiAl
Textures at deformation region of an ECAP processed Mg by synchrotron diffraction
Textures at deformation region of an ECAP processed Mg by synchrotron diffraction
Textures in extruded Lead Sulfide
Textures in multi-directional forged Mg by neutron diffraction
Textures in multi-directional forged Mg by neutron diffraction
Textures in pure shear deformed rock salt
Textures in superplastic Al 5% Ca 5% Zn alloy
Textures of paragneisses from the KTB drilling site, NE Bavaria (FRG)
Textures of silver-halide infrared fibres
Texturmessung von Faserverbundwerkstoffen: Testmessungen an Al-5 Vol% C
Texturmessungen am FRG-1
Texturuntersuchungen an gepressten Proben von Graphitgemischen mit Hilfe der Neutronenbeugung (Diplomarbeit)
Texturuntersuchungen an lasergeschweissten Al-Legierungen (AA5083-H111 mit AA6013-T6)
Texturuntersuchungen an pulverfoermigen Mineralgemischen mit Hilfe der Neutronenbeugung (Diplomarbeit)
Texturuntersuchungen an simple shear verformten Steinsalzen
Texturuntersuchungen im System Al-Cu
Texturuntersuchungen mit Hilfe der Neutronenbeugung
Texturvererbung an Ti-Al-Verbundwerkstoffen bei diffuser Phasenumwandlung (Studienarbeit)
Texturvererbung im System Al-Nb
The 10 micro-m feature of aggregates in comets
The 10 micron-feature of olivine aggregates in comets
The 11th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2019) in Wuxi, China, on June 17–20, 2019
The 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2022) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA on June 28–July 1, 2022
The 2-way online coupled Regional Model for climate simulation over Baltic Sea and North Sea Regions
The 2002 Flood Disaster in the Elbe Region, Germany: A Lack of Context-Sensitive Knowledge
The 2017 Mission Arctic Citizen Science Sailing Expedition Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth Profiles in Western Greenland and Baffin Bay
The 3-dimensional sponge skeleton: Synchrotron x-ray computed microtomography enables new insights into functional morphology
The 3D biogeochemical marine mercury cycling model MERCY v2.0 – linking atmospheric Hg to methylmercury in fish
The 4D-Clouds Project: Cloud Structure Measurements with a Scanning Microwave Radiometer and a Scanning Cloud Radar
The 5th International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS5) – ‘Innovation in Climate Services and Capacity Building’
The 87Sr/86Sr river water isoscape of the Danube catchment
The abrasive water jet - a fettling tool
The acclimative biogeochemical model of the southern North Sea
The accuracy of laser flash analysis explored by finite element method and numerical fitting
The acute phase protein alpha-2 macroglobulin induces hypertrophy in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes
The acute phase protein Alpha2-macroglobullin induces rat ventricular cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via ERK1,2 and PI3-kinase/Akt pathways
The acyl chain composition of phosphatidylethanolamine lipids mediates the activity of antibacterial peptides
The Added Value of Large-eddy and Storm-resolving Models for Simulating Clouds and Precipitation
The added value of simulated near-surface wind speed over the Alps from a km-scale multimodel ensemble
The advent of societal relevance of climate science
The aerosol distribution in Europe derived with the CMAQ model: Comparison to near surface in situ and sunphotometer measurements
The aerosol distribution in Europe derived with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model: Comparison to near surface in situ and sunphotometer measurements
The Agulhas Current System as an important driver for oceanic and terrestrial climate
The analog method as a simple statistical downscaling technique: comparison with more complicated methods
The Analysis of Nautical Radar Signatures Generated by the Submarine Topography
The analysis of organic mercury compounds using liquid chromatography with on-line atomic flourescence detection
The analytical procedure of important pollutants of the Elbe river
The Angola Gyre is a hotspot of dinitrogen fixation in the South Atlantic Ocean
The Antarctic Springtime Depletion of Atmospheric Mercury - Are the Polar Regions a Sink in the Global Mercury Cycle?
The anti-aging effects of polydopamine particles in human skin epithelial keratinocytes
The antibacterial peptide NKCS and derivatives thereof change the inverse hexagonal phase transition temperature of phosphatidylethanolamine membranes
The antimicrobial peptide NK-2 enhances the negative curvature strain in phosphatidylethanolamine model membranes
The appendicularian Oikopleura dioica can enhance carbon export in a high CO2 ocean
The application of a laboratory apparatus for the study of nutrient fluxes between sediment and water
The application of a laboratory apparatus for the study of nutrient fluxes between sediment and water
The application of element concentration cadasters to different ecological and ecophysiological problems
The application of In-situ' post weld heat treatment to wet welds'
The application of In-situ' post weld heat treatment to wet welds'
The application of the new IFS convection scheme in COSMO-CLM
The application of TXRF in instrumental multielement analysis of plants, demonstrated with species of moss
The Arctic Water Cycle in ECHO-G scenarios
The Arctic Water Cycle in ECHO-G scenarios
The Art and Role of Climate Modeling
The ash dispersion over Europe during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption – Comparison of CMAQ simulations to remote sensing and air-borne in-situ observations
The Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Processors for MERIS Based on In-Situ Measurements - Updates in OC-CCI Round Robin
The Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Processors for MERIS Based on In-Situ Measurements - Updates in OC-CCI Round Robin
The Assessment of Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation Simulated by Regional Climate Model REMO over China
The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation in comprehensive Earth System Model Simulations in the 1st millennium AD
The atmospheric mesoscale model GESIMA
The Ba 4d-4f giant dipole resonance in complex Ba/Si compounds
The BACC effort
The BACC process - What is the scientific knowledge about climate, climate change and impact in the Baltic Sea region?
The BACC-II Report - Process and Summary of results
The ballast effect of lithogenic matter and its influences on the carbon fluxes in the Indian Ocean
The BALTEX Box Revisited: The Energy Budget of the Baltic Sea in the Coupled Regional Climate Model REMO-BSIOM
The BALTEX Box Revisited: The Energy Budget of the Baltic Sea in the Coupled Regional Climate Model REMO-BSIOM
The BALTEX Bridge Campaign (BBC) - An integrated approach for a better understanding of clouds
The BALTEX/Baltic Earth program: Excursions and returns
The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports: From BACC to BEAR
The Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX): An European Contribution to the Investigation of the Energy and Water Cycle over a Large Drainage Basin
The Baltic Sea Experiment BALTEX: A brief overview and some selected results
The Baltic Sea Experiment BALTEX: A Brief Overview and Some Selected Results of the Authors
The Bear Trap: Reinvestigation of a unique stone structure on the northwest tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula, Greenland
The BILEX Concept: Research supporting public water quality surveillance in estuaries
The biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) with a membrane biofilm reactor - kinetic and scale-up
The Biological System of the Elements (BSE) for terrestrial plants (glycophytes)
The bivalve Lembulus bicuspidatus may enhance denitrification in shelf sediment at the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone
The Bray and von Storch 5th International Survey of Climate Scientists 2015/2016
The broadcast spawning Caribbean shipworm, Teredothyra dominicensis (Bivalvia, Teredinidae), has invaded and become established in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
The Budget of Macrobenthic Reworked Organic Carbon: A Modeling Case Study of the North Sea
The calculation of the surface energy by means of the advancing and receding contact angels
The calculation of the surface energy by means of the advancing and receding contact angles
The calculation of thermodynamic quantities by means of wetting experiments on different polymeric surfaces
The carbon solubility and carbide precipitation in high Nb containing TiAl alloys
The Carbonate System Variability of the Western Black Sea – The First 1.5 Years of Observations from a Coastal Biogeochemical Station
The case of Eduard Brueckner - a lesson for the contemporary debate about cimate change?
The case of Eduard Brueckner - a lesson for the contemporary debate about climate change
The case of Eduard Brueckner - solid climate research but unexpected social and technological developments
The case of Eduard Brueckner – solid climate research but unexpected social and technological developments
The case of polar lows
The catalytic effect of Nb2O5 on hydrogen sorption of nanocrystalline Mg
The catalytic effect of Nb2O5 on the electrochemical hydrogenation of nanocrystalline magnesium
The Ceiling Cooler - Application of Membrane Absorption for Control of Air Huminity and Temperature
The challange of Baltic Sea level change
The Challenge of Anomalous Diffraction Experiments at the Mv Edge of Uranium
The challenge of service life prediction related corrosion modelling
The challenge of service life prediction related corrosion modelling
The Changing Climate: Past, Present and Future
The Characterization of the dimensions of Hyperbranched Polymers
The choise of spectral channels for the detection of gelbstoff from space
The CIRCE Simulations: Regional Climate Change Projections with Realistic Representation of the Mediterranean Sea
The climate change issue: Perspectives and interpretations
The Climate in Historical Times - Towards a Synthesis of Holocene Proxy Data and Climate Models
The climate of the past millennium and online public engagement in a scientific debate
The cnidom of Cyanea capillata: Preliminary results of changes with life cycle and growth conditions
The Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas (COSYNA)
The Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas - Continuing Improvement of Data Collection and Dissemination
The CoastDat project at GKSS - Assessing ongoing change and projecting possible future changes in marine weather - winds, surges, waves and currents
The CoastDat project at GKSS - Assessing ongoing change and projecting possible future changes in marine weather and related phenomena
The combination of ionic surfactants with polyelectrolytes: A new material for membranes?
The combination of ionic surfactants with polyelectrolytes: A new material for membranes?
The Comparability of In Vitro and In Vivo Experiments for Degradable Mg Implants
The Comparability of In Vitro and In Vivo Experiments for Degradable Mg Implants
The comparability of in vitro and in vivo experiments for degradable Mg-implants: basis for a digital twin of implant degradation
The Comparative Evaluation of the Different Methods for SCC Tests
The complex PFAS world - Recent discoveries and novel HRMS-based screening tools
The complex ‘PFAS world’ - how recent discoveries and novel screening tools reinforce existing concerns
The compression behaviour of niobium alloyed gamma-titanium aluminides
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
The concept of Downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
The concept of ecosystem services in environmental education. Exemplary approaches at schools, universities and in the further education scene for planners : Das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen in der Umweltbildung. Exemplarische Ansätze an Schulen, Hochschulen und in der Fortbildungslandschaft für Planungsakteure
The Concept of Large-Scale Conditioning of Climate Model Simulations of Atmospheric Coastal Dynamics: Current State and Perspectives
The concept of the GKSS for the utilization of molecular modeling in the field of membrane research
The concept of “representative tides” in morphodynamic numerical modelling
The concepts of Detection and Attribution
The Conformation of the Mammalian Translation Elongation Factor eEF1A in Solution
The consideration of irradiation embrittlement of RPV steels in German licensing rules as compared to recent results of irradiation experiments
The contemporary role of Epsilon-caprolactone chemistry to create advanced polymer architectures
The contractile sponge epithelium sensu lato – body contraction of the demosponge Tethya wilhelma is mediated by the pinacoderm
The contribution of Benzo(a)pyrene ship emissions to air pollution in North Sea coastal areas
The contribution of dipole mechanisms to the flow stress and work hardening
The Contribution of High-Energy X-Rays and Neutrons to Characterization and Development of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
The contribution of ocean dynamics on the variability of European winter temperatures in a long coupled model simulation
The contribution of ship emissions to air pollution in the North Sea regions
The Contribution of Ship Emissions to Enhanced Nitrogen Aerosol Concentration and Deposition in the North Sea Region
The contribution of ship exhaust to air pollution in North Sea coastal areas
The contribution of ship exhaust to air pollution in North Sea coastal areas
The contribution of shipping to air pollution in the Mediterranean region – a model evaluation study
The cool skin of the ocean and its relevance for the remote sensing of sea surface temperatures
The Cooling Gradient and Microstructure Control In Laser Beam Welded TiAl Alloy Assisted by Temperature Field Simulation
The Cooling Gradient and Microstructure Control In Laser Beam Welded TiAl Alloy Assisted by Temperature Field Simulation
The coordinated buckling of carbon nanotube turfs under uniform compression
The Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service: Main Scientific Achievements and Future Prospects : Special Issue Mercator Océan Journal
The Copernicus Marine Service from 2015 to 2021: six years of achievements
The CORDEX-Australasia ensemble: evaluation and future projections
The CORDEX-CORE EXP-I Initiative: Description and Highlight Results from the Initial Analysis
The Corrib Gas Field
The Corrosion Performance and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zn Based Alloys - A Review
The COSMO-CLM 4.8 regional climate model coupled to regional ocean, land surface and global earth system models using OASIS3-MCT: description and performance
The coupling of microbial respiration processes within the two dimensional spatial structure of an intertidal mud flat sediment from the Elbe-Estuary
The crack tip opening displacement and J Integral under strain control and fully plastic conditions estimated by the engineering treatment model for plane stress tension
The CRCES Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability
The Creep Behaviour of TiAl Alloys with a Modulated Microstructure
The Creep Module of the European FITNET FFS Procedure
The Cryolander: A new method for fine-scale in situ sampling of intertidal surface sediments
The CTOA and delta5 Standards for Low-Constraint Fracture Specimens
The CTOA-Approach - A Method for Simulation of stable Crack Extension in Thin-Walled Structures under Multiaxial Loading
The CTOA-Approach - A Method for Simulation of stable Crack Extension in Thin-Walled Structures under Multiaxial Loading
The current state and future direction of numerical models in simulating atmospheric long-range transport of heavy metals over Europe: a review
The current state of technology and potential for further development of magnesium applications
The Damage Mechanics Analysis of a Tubular Joint
The deal.II library, Version 9.2
The deal.II library, Version 9.3
The deal.II Library, Version 9.4
The deal.II Library, Version 9.5
The deformation behaviour of Fe3(Al,Si) compounds
The Degradation Interface of Magnesium Based Alloys in Direct Contact with Human Primary Osteoblast Cells
The DEKLIM Reserach Project EVA-GRIPS
The dependence of model resolution on spatial co-variance patterns – Implications for pseudo proxy experiments
The dependence of the nanostructure of magnetron sputtered Cu–Ag alloy films on composition and temperature
The Design and Characterization of Polymer-Metal Feedstocks for Use in Fused Filament Fabrication
The design of an algorithm for the control of redundant kinematics chains
The determination of algal biomass (as chlorophyll) in suspended matter from the Elbe estuary and the German Bight: a comparison of HPLC, delayed fluorescence and prompt fluorescence methods
The determination of integrated intensities from polycrystalline samples with preferred orientation
The determination of the insitu structure by nuclear spin contrast variation
The Development of a Damage Tolerance Concept for Railway Components and its Demonstration for a Railway Axle
The Development of an Engineering Flaw Assessment Method of GKSS: The ETM
The Development of Sheet Gamma TiAl Technology Under the Enabling Propulsion Materials/High Speed Civil Transport (EPM/HSCT) Program
The Development of Sheet Gamma TiAl Technology Under the Enabling Propulsion Materials/High Speed Civil Transport (EPM/HSCT) Program
The development of the intertidal macrofauna species assemblage 1993-1996 in the area of the Europipe construction activities
The development of the intertidal microphytobenthic species assemblage 1993-1996 in the area of the EUROPIPE construction activities
The development of ultrafine grain structure in an additively manufactured titanium alloy via high-temperature microscopy
The Diffusion of Humans and Cultures in the Course of the Spread of Farming
The Diffusion of People and Cultures in the Course of the Spread of Farming
The Digital Earth Project: Focus and Agenda
The discrete dipole approximation for assessing the feasibility of polarimetric 95 GHZ radar measurements
The distribution and fate of surface-active substances in the sea-surface microlayer and water column
The distribution of sediment and water column nitrification potential in the hyper-turbid Ems estuary
The distribution of some chemical elements in different herds of Vaccinium vitis-idaea (red whortleberry): A contribution to the representative sampling procedure of terrestrial plants for multielement analysis
The distribution of the unoccupied volume in glassy polymers
The distribution of turbulent kinetic energy over a land-water-land area
The distribution of whole blood viscosity, its determinants and relationship with arterial blood pressure in the community: cross-sectional analysis from the Gutenberg Health Study
The duomodule - a membrane module system for the separation of middle molecules from solute mixtures
The duomodule - A new equipment for plasma apheresis
The duomodule. Part 1: Hydrodynamic investigations
The Duomodule. Part 2: Separation ability and efficiency using aqueous solutions
The Dynamic Equilibrium Shore Model for the Reconstruction and Future Projection of Coastal Morphodynamics
The dynamics of cooling water discharge in a shallow, non-tidal embayment
The dynamics of PEG-coated nanoparticles in concentrated protein solutions up to the molecular crowding range
The early history of membrane science selected papers celebrating vol. 100
The early stages of phase formation during mechanical alloying of Ti-Al
The early stages of solid-state reaction in Ti/Al multilayer films
The early stages of solid-state reactions in Ni/Al multilayer films
The Earth Radiation Budget from GERB on MSG
The ECCO‐Darwin Data‐Assimilative Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Model: Estimates of Seasonal to Multidecadal Surface Ocean pCO2 and Air‐Sea CO2 Flux
The Economic Productivity at the German Coast
The economy of oil spills: Direct and indirect costs as a function of spill size
The Ecosystem Approach in Marine Management
The Effect of a Grain Boundary Pinning B2 Phase on Polycrystalline Co-Based Superalloys with Reduced Density
The effect of an MgO intermediate layer on a nanostructured HA coating fabricated by HVOF on an Mg alloy
The effect of antimicrobial peptides on the structure of phosphatidylethanolamine model membranes as investigated by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
The effect of artificial ageing heat treatments on the tensile and fracture properties of laser beam-welded AA2198 joints (Diplomarbeit)
The effect of bathymetric modification on water age in the Elbe Estuary
The effect of bedform (Crest and Trough system) on sediment erodibility on a back barrier tidal flat of the East Frisian Wadden Sea
The effect of bedforms (crest and trough systems) on sediment erodibility on a back-barrier tidal flat of the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany
The Effect of CaO on Magnesium and Magnesium Calcium Alloys (Dissertation)
The effect of carbon addition to a Beta-solidifying Ti-43.5Al-4Nb-1Mo-0.1B alloy
The effect of carboxylate compounds on Volta potential and corrosion inhibition of Mg containing different levels of iron
The Effect of Chemistry and 3D Microstructural Architecture on Corrosion of Biodegradable Mg–Ca–Zn Alloys
The Effect of Cold Deformation and Surface Treatment on Fatigue Behaviours of Al2O3-Al6061 Composite Material
The Effect of Cold Deformation and Surface Treatment on Fatigue Behaviours of Al2O3-Al6061 Composite Material
The effect of deformation rates on hydrogen embrittlement
The effect of different sea-state-dependent roughness parameterizations on the sensitivity of the atmospheric circulation in a regional model
The Effect of Electro Mobility on Air Quality in Hamburg
The Effect of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Biodegradation Behavior of Magnesium Alloyed with Silver and Gadolinium
The Effect of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing on the Microstructure, the Mechanical and Corrosion Properties and the Anti-Tumor Activity of Magnesium Alloyed with Silver
The Effect of Fixation Temperature on Crystallization Behaviors and Shape-Memory Properties of a Semi-Crystalline Multiblock Copolymer
The effect of gelatine-based scaffold formulation and structure on in vitro mesenchymal stem cells viability and osteogenic differentiation
The effect of grain boundary precipitates on stress corrosion cracking in a bobbin tool friction stir welded Al-Cu-Li alloy
The Effect of Grain Refinement on Hot Tearing in AZ91D Magnesium Alloy
The Effect of Grain Refinement on Hot Tearing in AZ91D Magnesium Alloy
The Effect of Grain Size on the Deformation Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique
The effect of HAc etching on the degradation behaviour of Mg-5Gd
The Effect of Hafnium Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminide Alloys
The effect of heat treatment on crack control and grain refinement in laser beam welded Beta-solidifying TiAl-based alloy
The effect of heat treatment on the precipitation hardening in FeNiCoAlTa single crystals
The effect of humidity on the CO2/N2 separation performance of copolymers based on hard polyimide segments and soft polyether chains: Experimental and modeling
The effect of intermediate annealing between cold rolled steps on crystallographic texture and magnetic properties of Fe–2.6% Si
The Effect of iron re-deposition on corrosion of impurity-containing magnesium
The Effect of LSP on the Structure Evolution and Self-Heating of ARMCO Iron under Cyclic Loading
The effect of microphytobenthos and benthic macrofauna communities on the small-scale and large-scale variation of sediment surface erodability
The effect of microstructure on the oxidation behaviour of Ti-46.5 Al-4(Cr,Nb,Ta,B) and Ti-47 Al-4(Cr,Nb,Mo,B)
The Effect of Nd on the Tension and Compression Deformation Behavior of Extruded Mg-1Mn (wt pct) at Temperatures Between 298 K and 523 K (25 °C and 250 °C)
The effect of osteoblasts on the surface oxidation processes of biodegradable Mg and Mg-Ag alloys studied by synchrotron IR microspectroscopy
The effect of porosity on drug release kinetics from vancomycin microsphere/calcium phosphate cement composites
The effect of prior adhesive bonding on the corrosion behavior of AA2024 FSWed single lap joints
The effect of process parameters and tool geometry on thermal field development and weld formation in friction stir welding of the alloys AZ31 and AZ61
The effect of process parameters and tool geometry on thermal field development and weld formation in friction stir welding of the alloys AZ31 and AZ61
The effect of pulse waveforms on surface morphology, composition and corrosion behavior of Al2O3 and Al2O3/TiO2 nano-composite PEO coatings on 7075 aluminum alloy
The effect of radiographic contrast media on the morphology of human erythrocytes
The effect of radiographic contrast media on the morphology of human venous endothelial cells
The effect of rapid heating and quenching cycles on phase formation and phase evolution in advanced γ-TiAl based alloys
The effect of rapid heating and quenching cycles on phase formation and phase evolution in advanced γ-TiAl based alloys
The effect of residual stresses and strain reversal on the fracture toughness of TiAl alloys
The effect of reversed loading conditions on the mechanical behavior of extruded magnesium alloy AZ31– an acoustic emission study
The Effect of Reversed Loading Conditions on the Mechanical Behaviour of Extruded Magnesium Alloy AZ31
The effect of reversed loading conditions on the mechanical behaviour of extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 - Vplyv striedaveho zaazovania na mechanicke vlastnosti pretlacovanej horcíkovej zliatiny AZ31
The effect of rotation on double diffusive convection: perspectives from linear stability analysis
The effect of sediments on the nitrogen budget of the Elbe estuary
The effect of semi-solid processing on the corrosion behaviour of Mg-Zn-RE alloys
The effect of semi-solid processing on the corrosion behaviour of Mg-Zn-RE alloys
The effect of silicon content on the microstructure and creep behavior in die-cast magnesium AS alloys
The effect of simulated hypervelocity space debris on polymers
The effect of size, thickness and geometry on fracture toughness in the transition
The effect of small-molecule bio-relevant organic components at low concentration on the corrosion of commercially pure Mg and Mg-0.8Ca alloy: An overall perspective
The effect of soil moisture on the emission of mercury from soils
The effect of soil moisture on the emission of mercury from soils
The Effect of Solid Solute and Precipitate Phase on Young's Modulus of Binary Mg–RE Alloys
The effect of solution pH on the structural stability of magnetoferritin
The effect of Sr(OH)2 on the hydrogen storage properties of the Mg(NH2)2–2LiH system
The effect of stiffness variation of electrospun fiber meshes of multiblock copolymers on the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
The effect of strength mis-match on mechanical performance of weld joints
The effect of sulfonation level and molecular weight on the tensile properties of polyoxadiazoles
The Effect of Sulfonation Level and Molecular Weight on the Tensile Properties of Polyoxadiazoles
The Effect of Surface Residual Stressess on the Fatigue Performance of Multiphase Titanium Aluminide Alloys
The Effect of Surface Treatments on the Degradation of Biomedical Mg Alloys - A Review Paper
The effect of temperature on deformation in ZKQX6000 and pure Mg (Masterarbeit)
The effect of temperature on load partitioning evolution in magnesium metal matrix composite reinforced with Ti particles using in-situ synchrotron radiation diffraction experiments
The effect of temperature on supported dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers: Structure and lubrication performance
The effect of temporal resolution of PAH emission data on transport and deposition patterns simulated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)
The effect of temporal resolution of PAH emission data on transport and deposition patterns simulated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)
The effect of temporal resolution of PAH emission data on transport and deposition patterns simulated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality modelling system (CMAQ)
The Effect of the Connectivity of Rigid Phases on Strength of Al-Si Alloys
The effect of the magnetic field on the spiral spin structure in MnSi studied by polarized SANS
The effect of the traction separation law on the results of cohesive zone crack propagation analyses
The effect of the traction separation law on the results of cohesive zone crack propagation analyses
The effect of the traction separation law on the results of cohesive zone crack propagation analyses
The effect of three extreme land-use scenarios on regional climate change
The effect of tidal action on the transformations of nitrogen in freshwater tidal flat sediments
The effect of tides on internal variability in the Bohai and Yellow Sea
The effect of tungsten content on the properties of L12-hardened Co–Al–W alloys
The effect of ultrafine grained microstructures on the hot-workability of intermetallic/ceramic composites based on Gamma-TiAl
The effect of variable sub-grid deposition factors on the results of the lagrangian long-range transport model of EMEP
The effect of various processing conditions on the texture development in extruded Al-Cu composites
The effect of volcanic eruptions on the North Atlantic ocean temperatures over the past millennium (800–2000 AD)
The effect of Y addition on recrystallization and mechanical properties of Mg–6Zn–xY–0.5Ce–0.4Zr alloys
The effect of yield strength mis-match on the fracture analysis of welded joints: Solution for pure bending
The effect of yield surface curvature change by cross hardening on forming limit diagrams of sheets
The effect of yttrium addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Ca alloys
The effect of zirconium addition on sintering behaviour, microstructure and creep resistance of the powder metallurgy processed alloy Ti–45Al–5Nb–0.2B–0.2C
The effect of zirconium addition on sintering, microstructure and primary creep resistance of TNB-V5 (Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C)
The effect of zirconium on the Ti-(42-46 at.%)Al system
The Effect of Zn Content on the Mechanical Properties of Mg-4Nd-xZn Alloys (x = 0, 3, 5 and 8 wt.%)
The effect of Zr addition on microstructure and sintering behaviour of TNB-V5 (Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C)
The effects of 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warming on Africa in the CORDEX ensemble
The effects of climate change on water systems in hard rock areas - Challenges and strategies
The effects of climate change on water systems in hard rock areas - Challenges and strategies
The effects of elevated temperature deformation on nanocrystalline titanium-aluminum
The Effects of HAc Etching on the Degradation Behavior of Mg-5Gd
The effects of oscillatory temperature on HaCaT keratinocyte behaviors
The effects of oscillatory temperature on HaCaT keratinocytes behaviors
The Effects of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of MIM Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy
The Effects of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of MIM Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy
The Effects of Powder Loading and Binder Composition in Feedstocks for the Use of 3D Printing
The effects of surface waves on the variability of solar radiation in the upper ocean
The Elbe river flooding 2002 as seen by an extended regional climate model
The Elbe river: a special example for a European river contaminated heavily with mercury
The Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Lithium Alloy Electrodes (Dissertation)
The Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Lithium Alloy Electrodes and Its Origins
The electrocapillary coupling in aprotic lithium electrolytes
The electron-spin–nuclear-spin interaction studied by polarized neutron scattering
The energy budget of two sympatric Daphnia species in Lake Constance: productivity and energy residence times
The engineering flaw assessment method (EFAM)
The Engineering Flaw Assessment Method (EFAM): Document EFAM 96
The Engineering Flaw Assessment Method EFAM
The Engineering Treatment Model
The engineering treatment model (ETM) and its practical application
The Engineering Treatment Model (ETM) for creep crack driving force estimation
The engineering treatment model (ETM) for pure power law and non-power law hardening materials
The engineering treatment model (ETM) for structural assessments
The engineering treatment model (ETM): a simple method for estimating the driving force under elastic-plastic and plane stress conditions
The enigma of multidecadal to centennial global vs. local temperature variability in models and proxies
The EnMAP Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission for Earth Observation
The environmental sensivity index for intertidal areas of the German North Sea Coast
The enzyme membrane reactor with an optimized membrane
The erodibility of sediment with different benthic macrofauna communities on a tidal flat: Spatial and temporal variation
The erosive power of the Malvinas Current: Influence of bottom currents on morpho-sedimentary features along the northern Argentine margin (SW Atlantic Ocean)
The ESA EarthCARE Algorithm Validation Project ECAV-J2003
The establishment of element concentration cadasters for ecosystems (ECCE) in the different vegetation zones of the earth
The estuarine turbidity maximum as an obstacle to land-sea suspended matter fluxes
The ETM method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in engineering structures
The ETM method for assessing the significance of crack-like flaws
The EU network on trace element spediation in full swing
The Eulerian urban dispersion model EPISODE – Part 2: Extensions to the source dispersion and photochemistry for EPISODE–CityChem v1.2 and its application to the city of Hamburg
The Euro Fracture Toughness Dataset - generated and analysed in the SM&T-Project "Fracture Toughness of Steel in the Ductile to Brittle Transition Regime"
The European climate under a 2 °C global warming
The European Cloud and Radiation Experiment (EUCREX) – Research on Cirrus (1988-1995)
The European Floods Directive and Opportunities offered by Land Use Planning : CSC Report
The European Radar Ocean Sensing Project EuroROSE
The EuroROSE Project
The evolution of near-surface temperatures of last 2,000 years in a fully coupled Earth System Model – Comparison with PAGES2k reconstructions
The evolution of sub-monsoon systems in the Afro-Asian monsoon region during the Holocene– comparison of different transient climate model simulations
The existential risk space of climate change
The ExoMet Project: EU/ESA Research on High-Performance Light-Metal Alloys and Nanocomposites
The expectation of future precipitation change over the Mediterranean region is different from what we observe
The experimental cloud lidar pilot study (ECLIPS) for cloud-radiation research
The extremely hot and dry 2018 summer in central and northern Europe from a multi-faceted weather and climate perspective
The Fate of Marine Litter in Semi-Enclosed Seas: A Case Study of the Black Sea
The feasibility of using a Fourier RTOF spectrometer at a low-power research reactor
The Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) mutation p.R206H in ACVR1 confers an altered ligand response
The first adult mantis lacewing from Baltic amber, with an evaluation of the post-Cretaceous loss of morphological diversity of raptorial appendages in Mantispidae
The first Climateurope Festival: climate information at your service
The first fossil free-living late instar larva of Strepsiptera (Insecta)
The first fossil immature of Elmidae: an unusual riffle beetle larva preserved in Baltic amber
The first fossil of the pseudoscorpion family Ideoroncidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones): A new taxon from the mid-Cretaceous of northern Myanmar
The first fossils of the most basal pseudoscorpion family (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Pseudotyrannochthoniidae): evidence for major biogeographical shifts in the European paleofauna
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation
The formability of friction stir welded tailored blanks with different thickness combinations
The Formation Mechanisms and Improvement Measures for Penetrating Cracks in QAl9-4/Q345B Welded Joint
The formation of metastable Ti-Al solid solutions by mechanical alloying and ball milling
The formation of N2O nanoparticles in a collisional cooling cell between 4 and 110 K
The formation of Sr6.33Mg16.67Si13 in magnesium alloy AM50 and its effect on mechanical properties
The formation of thermodynamically unstable solid solutions in the Co-Co system by mechanical alloying
The fractionation of phosphorus in sediments of the river Elbe
The fractionation of phosphorus in sediments of the river Elbe under anaerobic conditions
The fracture behaviour of a welded tubular joint - An ESIS TC1-3 round robin on failure assessment methods. Part I: Experimental data base and brief summary of the results
The fracture behaviour of a welded tubular joint - An ESIS TC1-3 round robin on failure assessment methods. Part IV: Application of the ETM 97/1
The fracture behaviour of a welded tubular joint - An ESIS TC1-3 round robin on failure assessment methods. Part VI: Application of WES 2805-1997
The Fracture behaviour of diffusion-bonded duplex Gamma TiAl
The Fracture Mechanics Approach to Stress Corrosion Cracking
The Fracture Mechanics Approach to Stress Corrosion Cracking
The fracture of a wobbler in a heavy plate mill
The freshwater budget of mid-latitude tidelands
The fusion behaviour of mixed crystals - A comparison between experimental and calculated calorimetric curves
The Future Management of Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Selected Results of Port II in the Year 2000
The Future Management of Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Selected Results of Port II in the Year 2000
The Future of Biomaterials and How to Spot Market Potential Early in Academic Research
The Future Role of Image Sequence Analysis in Oceanography
The Future Role of Image Sequence Analysis in Oceanography
The GCS method for constructing the entropy solution of hyperbolic conservation laws and applications
The Geesthacht Neutron Facility GeNF
The genus Plecia (Diptera: Bibionidae) in middle Miocene Dominican amber
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017
The German North Sea coast as a Place of Identity/"Heimat"
The German Operational Monitoring Network: Present State and New Technology
The German Operational Monitoring System in the North Sea: Sensors, Methods and Example Data
The German-Brazilian underwater technology cooperative programm
The GKSS 95 GHz cloud radar during CLARE 98: System performance and data products
The GKSS 95-GHz cloud radar: experimental and theoretical studies in support of a spaceborne cloud radar mission
The GKSS CNS: The possibility of natural convection of the gaseous hydrogen moderator
The GKSS CNS: The possibility of natural convection of the gaseous hydrogen moderator
The GKSS Cold Neutron Source
The GKSS cold neutron source
The GKSS lead project
The GKSS lead Project
The GKSS procedure for determining the fracture behaviour of materials
The GKSS Raman lidar: capabilities and limitations for use in the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE) cooperation
The GKSS test procedure for determining the fracture behaviour of materials: a unified test method
The GKSS test procedure for determining the fracture behaviour of materials: EFAM GTP 94
The GKSS-polarized target
The glass transition in metallic liquids
The Global and Regional Climate System
The Global and Regional Climate System
The GLOWA-Danube Climate Trends
The grain boundary pinning effect of the Mue phase in an advanced polycrystalline Gamma/Gamma′ Co-base superalloy
The grain refinement effect of gadolinium in magnesium at modified extrusion ratio
The growth of micelles, and the transition to bilayers, in mixtures of a single-chain and a double-chain cationic surfactant investigated with small-angle neutron scattering
The Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model for rate and temperature dependent materials with isotropic and kinematic hardening
The Headgroup (A)Symmetry Strongly Determines the Aggregation Behavior of Single-Chain Phenylene-Modified Bolalipids and Their Miscibility with Classical Phospholipids
The Helmholtz Initiative FuncHy
The Helmholtz Regional Climate Initiative REKLIM from a Polar Perspective – A Preface
The herbicide Glyphosate affects nitrification in the Elbe estuary, Germany
The HI properties of bright southern galaxies
The high energy materials science beamline (HEMS) at PETRA III
The High Energy Materials Science Beamline (HEMS) at PETRA III
The high energy materials science beamline (HEMS) at PETRA III
The High Energy Materials Science Beamline (HEMS) at PETRA III
The high energy materials science beamline at PETRA III
The high energy materials science beamline at PETRA III
The high temperature oxidation behaviour of high and low alloyed TiAl-based intermetallics
The History of Ideas of Downscaling—From Synoptic Dynamics and Spatial Interpolation
The history of limnological investigations
The homogeneity study of the sea surface temperature data along the coast of the China Seas
The human imperative of stabilizing global climate change at 1.5°C
The hybrid concept for realization of an ultra-thin plasmonic metamaterial antireflection coating and plasmonic rainbow
The Hybridized Application of Crenellation and Laser Heating Techniques in Improving the Fatigue Performance of Airframe Structures
The Hybridized Application of Crenellation and Laser Heating Techniques in Improving the Fatigue Performance of Airframe Structures
The hydrographic measuring system HYDRA
The ICON Earth System Model version 1.0
The IfM and its partners in Hamburg: Cooperation with GKSS
The Imaging Beamline at PETRA III
The Impact of a Reduced High-Wind Charnock Parameter on Wave Growth With Application to the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the Arctic Ocean
The impact of agricultural landmanagement in Germany (East) on the water quality
The impact of Agulhas leakage on the central water masses in the Benguela upwelling system from a high-resolution ocean simulation
The impact of brain cell metabolism and extracellular matrix on magnesium degradation
The impact of BVOC emissions from urban forests on ozone production in urban areas under heat period condition
The impact of BVOC emissions from urban green insfrastructure on ozone production in urban areas under heat period conditions
The Impact of BVOC Emissions from Urban Trees on O3 Production in Urban Areas Under Heat-Period Conditions
The impact of changes in anthropogenic aerosol load on climate trends in Europe during the last decades and its sensitivity to aerosol optical properties
The impact of climate change on photovoltaic power generation in Europe
The impact of cloud and radiation parameterization changes in January and July simulations with the ECMWF T21 model
The impact of clouds on the radiative heating of the earth surface-atmosphere system determined from satellite data
The Impact of Currents on Waves
The impact of different momentum flux parameterizations on the atmospheric circulation in a regional coupled atmosphere-wave model
The Impact of Eddy and Roughness Coefficients in Tsunami Modeling
The Impact of Emissions from Ships in Ports on Regional and Urban Scale Air Quality
The impact of ERS-1 altimeter on the wave analysis and forecast
The impact of high magnesium salt concentrations on tissue engineered cartilage
The impact of intertidal areas on the carbonate system of the southern North Sea
The impact of meltwater discharge from the Greenland ice sheet on the Atlantic nutrient supply to the northwest European shelf
The impact of moderate aortic valve disease in patients undergoing MitraClip for severe MR
The impact of nitrogen and sulfur emissions from shipping on the exceedance of critical loads in the Baltic Sea region
The Impact of Nonbreaking Waves on Wind‐Driven Ocean Surface Turbulence
The Impact of Offshore Wind Farms on Sea State Demonstrated by Airborne LiDAR Measurements
The Impact of Redox, Hydrolysis and Dehydration Chemistry on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Magnetoferritin Prepared in Variable Thermal Conditions
The impact of sea salt emissions on the air quality in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions (Dissertation)
The Impact of Sea State on HF Surface-Wave Radar Ship Detection and Tracking Performance
The Impact of Sea State on HF Surface-Wave Radar Ship Detection and Tracking Performance
The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part 1: 2012 emissions
The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part II: Scenarios for 2040
The impact of shipping emissions on air pollution in the greater North Sea region – Part 1: Current emissions and concentrations
The impact of shipping emissions on air pollution in the greater North Sea region – Part 2: Scenarios for 2030
The Impact of Spectral Nudging on Cloud Simulation with a Regional Atmospheric Model
The impact of stress on cytokine and haptoglobin mRNA expression in blood samples from harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
The impact of the Agulhas Current system on precipitation in southern Africa in regional climate simulations covering the recent past and future
The Impact of the Two-Way Coupling between Wind Wave and Atmospheric Models on the Lower Atmosphere over the North Sea
The impact of twin boundary migration on the mechanical performance of Mg
The IMPACT2C web-atlas
The IMPACT2C web-atlas
The IMPACT2C Web-Atlas - A Strategy for Disseminating Results of "Integrated Research in the Danube Basin"
The IMPACT2C web-atlas – Conception, organization and aim of a web-based climate service product
The importance of angiogenesis in the interaction between polymeric biomaterials and surrounding tissue
The Importance of Detailed Roughness Description in Tsunami Inundation Modelling
The importance of external climate forcing for the variability and trends of coastal upwelling in past and future climate
The importance of interfacial stress-affected zone in evading the strength-ductility trade-off of heterogeneous multi-layered composites
The in situ structure of ribosomal proteins from polarized neutron scattering
The in situ structure of ribosomal proteins from polarized neutron scattering
The inflated balloon – A possible cause of microvascular obstructions
The influence of a different sea ice and snow albedo on the northern hemisphere on sea ice cover and atmospheric circulation: A model study
The influence of a graduated fertilization on the washout of nitrogen
The influence of a multifunctional, polymeric biomaterial on the concentration of acute phase proteins in an animal model
The Influence of a Seed Crystal on the Texture of a Bulk YbaCuO Specimen
The Influence of a Small Boron Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding
The influence of administrative measures of laying up and extensivation in agriculture on the improvement of the nitrogen water quality of the river Elbe
The influence of age, sex, body-condition, and region on the levels of PBDEs and toxaphene in harbour porpoises from European waters
The influence of alloying elements and process parameters on the mechanical properties of magnesium sheets
The influence of alloying elements and processing parameters on the mechanical properties of extruded magnesium alloys
The influence of alloying elements and processing parameters on the mechanical properties of extruded magnesium alloys
The influence of Alpha-phase field heat treatment on the tensile and primary creep resistance of a powder metallurgical processed Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C titanium aluminide alloy
The influence of atmospheric processes and model complexity on the dry deposition of nitrogen in coastal waters
The Influence of Azo-Initiator Substituents on the Acrylonitrile Polymerization kinetics
The Influence of Benthic Diatoms and Invertebrates on the Erodibility of an Intertidal Mudflat, the Danish Wadden Sea
The influence of C/Ta ratio on TaC precipitates in Co-Re base alloys investigated by small-angle neutron scattering
The influence of calcium and cerium mischmetal on the microstructural evolution of Mg–3Al–1Zn during extrusion and resulting mechanical properties
The influence of channel deepening on estuarine turbidity levels and dynamics, as exemplified by the Ems estuary
The Influence of Chemical Composition of Cell Culture Material on Growth and Antibody Production of Hybridoma Cells
The Influence of Clamping Pressure on Joint Formation and Mechanical Performance of Ti6Al4V/CF-PEEK Friction-Riveted Joints
The influence of climate on air and precipitation chemistry over Europe and downscaling applications to future acidic deposition
The influence of cold work on mechanical properties of aged tinetal CCB
The influence of crack face contact on the prediction of fatigue crack propagation in residual stress fields
The Influence of De-Icing Salts on Corrosion of Mg-Alloys
The Influence of De-Icing Salts on Corrosion of Mg-Alloys
The influence of diagenetic processes on the exchage of trace contaminants at the sediment water interface
The influence of diagenetic processes on the exchange of trace contaminants at the sediment-water interface
The influence of different rewetting procedures on the thrombogenicity of nanoporous poly(ether imide) microparticles
The Influence of different rewetting procedures on the thrombogenicity of nanoporous poly(ether imide) microparticles
The influence of dissolved organic matter on the marine production of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) and carbon disulfide (CS2) in the Peruvian upwelling
The influence of elevated pressures on the permeation of multicomponent gas mixtures in elastomeric membranes
The influence of emerging atmospheric organophosphorus flame retardants from land source emissions on the East China Sea
The influence of FIB preparation technique on microcompression investigations: lathe vs. annular milling
The influence of FIB preparation technique on single crystalline deformation as studied with in situ microcompression testing
The Influence of Floodplains on Mercury Availability
The influence of focused-ion beam preparation technique on microcompression investigations: Lathe vs. annular milling
The influence of functionalized silica nanoparticles on the thermal and rheological properties of PS-PMMA block copolymers
The Influence of Geometrically Patterned Polymer Surfaces on the Development of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
The influence of heat treatment processing on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn alloy by powder metallurgy
The influence of heat treatments on the damping behaviour of magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys (Dissertation)
The influence of hyaluronan on the structure of a DPPC—bilayer under high pressures
The Influence of In Situ Anatase Particle Addition on the Formation and Properties of Multifunctional Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings on AA2024 Aluminum Alloy
The influence of in-situ alloying of electro-spark deposited coatings on the multiscale morphological and mechanical properties of laser welded Al–Si coated 22MnB5
The influence of incompatibility and dielectric contrast on the electric field-induced orientation of lamellar block copolymers
The influence of lamellar interfaces on deformation and fracture of (a2+g)TiAl
The influence of lamellar interfaces on the mechanical properties of (a2 + g) titanium aluminides
The influence of land use changing in a catchment area of the water quality
The influence of large offshore wind farms on the North Sea and Baltic Sea - A comprehensive literature review
The Influence of Laser Shock Peening on Fatigue Properties of AA2024-T3 Alloy with a Fastener Hole
The influence of laser shock peening on fatigue properties of AA2024-T3 specimens with a fastener hole
The Influence of Magnesium Acetate on the Structure Formation of Polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine)-Based Integral-Asymmetric Membranes
The influence of manganese on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 gravity die cast alloys
The Influence of Metal Pollution on the Immune System: A Potential Stressor for Marine Mammals in the North Sea
The influence of meteorological variation on the upwelling system off eastern Hainan during summer 2007–2008
The Influence of Micro-Alloying Elements Al and Si on Properties of the Alloy Mg-3Sn-2Ca
The Influence of Micro-Alloying Elements Al and Si on Properties of the Alloy Mg-3Sn-2Ca
The influence of microphytobenthos on oxigen and nutrient fluxes between eulittoral sediments and associated water phases in the Elbe Estuary
The influence of n-hexanol on the morphology and composition of CTAB micelles
The influence of neutron irradiation on the soft magnetic and mechanical properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloys
The influence of niobium, tantalum and zirconium on the microstructure and creep strength of fully lamellar γ/α2 titanium aluminides
The influence of NK-2 on the inverted hexagonal phase transition of phosphatidylethanolamine model membranes investigated by SAXS and DSC
The Influence of NK-2 on the Lamellar Structure of POPE and POPG
The influence of oceanographic processes on contourite features: A multidisciplinary study of the northern South China Sea
The influence of oxigen content in the shielding gas on hydrogen pick-up with special regard to wet welding
The influence of pH on the molecular degradation mechanism of PLGA
The influence of pH on the molecular degradation mechanism of PLGA
The influence of photosynthetic oxygen production by microphytobenthos on the oxygen and nutrient status of sediment water systems in the Elbe estuary
The Influence of Plastic Strain on Hydrogen Diffusion: Simulation of Effective Diffusion Coefficients and Hydrogen Assisted Crack Growth
The influence of poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks on viability and function of smooth muscle cells and vascular fibroblasts
The influence of poly(n-butyl acrylate) networks on viability and function of smooth muscle cells and vascular fibroblasts
The influence of polymer scaffolds on cellular behaviour of bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells
The influence of polymeric materials on cellular behaviors of bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells
The influence of polymeric materials on mesenchymal stem cells cellular behaviors
The influence of polymeric substrates differing in their chemical structure on survival, proliferation, and activation of primary human B cells
The influence of polystyrene and poly(ether imide) inserts with different roughness, on the activation of dendritic cells
The influence of prescribed soil type distribution on the representation of present climate in a regional climate model
The Influence of Programming Conditions on the Triple-Shape Effect of Copolymer Networks with Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) as Switching Segments
The Influence of Programming Conditions on Triple-Shape Materials Based on Copolymer Networks With Two Crystallizable Switching Segments of Poly(w-pentadecalactone) and Poly(ε-caprolactone)
The Influence of PSA Pre-Anodization of AA2024 on PEO Coating Formation: Composition, Microstructure, Corrosion, and Wear Behaviors
The influence of quartz textures on the seismic anisotropy in lower crustal granulites
The influence of refill FSSW parameters on the microstructure and shear strength of 5042 aluminium welds
The influence of rolling conditions on deformation behavior of magnesium alloy sheets
The influence of rolling conditions on deformation behavior of magnesium alloy sheets
The Influence of Ruthenium and Rhenium on the Local Properties of the Gamma- and Gamma’-Phase in Nickel-Base Superalloys and Their Consequences for Alloy Behavior
The Influence of Ruthenium and Rhenium on the Local Properties of the Gamma- and Gamma’-Phase in Nickel-Base Superalloys and Their Consequences for Alloy Behavior
The influence of spectral nudging on typhoon formation in regional climate models
The influence of spin-misalignment scattering on the SANS data evaluation of martensitic age-hardening steels
The influence of structural similarity on phase transformations between BCC and the laves compounds
The influence of subgrid scale meteorological parameterisation schemes on PM10 deposition fields in North Sea coastal areas
The influence of subpixel patchiness on the classification of Wadden Sea areas using satellite data
The influence of surface defects on the degradation hehaviour of magnesium alloys for medical applications (Dissertation)
The influence of surface stresses on the mechanical properties of nanoporous gold
The influence of surface treatments on the degradation behaviour of Mg-5Gd
The influence of texture and microstructure on corrosion fatigue in Ti-6Al-4V
The influence of texture and microstructure on corrosion-fatigue in Ti-6Al-4V
The influence of the adjustment on the bulk texture of a copper rod
The influence of the adjustment on the bulk texture of a copper rod
The Influence of the Casting Process on the Creep Properties of Different AZ-Based Magnesium Alloys
The influence of the clamping pressure on the joint formation and mechanical performance of friction-riveted woven-reinforced polymer composite joints
The influence of the co-monomer ratio of poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinylpyrrolidone)]s on primary human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
The influence of the co-monomer ratio of poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinylpyrrolidone)]s on primary human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
The influence of the combination of alloying elements on the microstructure and texture development during rolling and annealing of magnesium
The influence of the combination of alloying elements on the microstructure and texture development during rolling and annealing of magnesium
The Influence of the Composite Features on the Mechanical Performance of Hybrid Thermoset Composite-Metal Friction Riveted Joints
The influence of the cooling rate in the microstructural, physicalchemical and quasi-static mechanical performance of Friction Spot Joints
The influence of the crosslinking degree on the corrosion protection properties of chitosan coatings in simulated body fluid
The influence of the degree of saturation of the feed vapor on the permeability in hybrid processes
The influence of the degree of saturation of the feed vapor on the permeability in hybrid processes
The influence of the dry deposition on the lead concentration in aerosols dependent on the particle size over the Baltic Sea
The influence of the form of the traction separation law on the results of crack propagation analyses
The Influence of the Inverted Sea Wave Theories on the Derivation of Coastal Bathymetry
The influence of the measurement mesh on pole figure measurement by neutron diffraction
The influence of the preparation process on the ultrafiltration properties of polyacrylonitrile membranes
The influence of the recrystallization mechanisms and grain growth on the texture of a hot rolled AZ31 sheet during subsequent isochronal annealing
The Influence of the Texture on the Creep behavior of Gamma-TiAl Sheet Material
The Influence of the Tool Profile in Friction Stir Spot Welding of the Aluminum Alloy AA6181-T4
The Influence of the Tool Profile in Friction Stir Spot Welding of the Aluminum Alloy AA6181-T4
The influence of thermal treatment on the morphology in differently prepared films of a oligodepsipeptide based multiblock copolymer
The influence of topography on sidescan sonar images
The influence of variable surface roughness in the waddensea on the local windfield
The influence of various catalysts on the kinetics of the acrylonitrile polymerization in dimethylformamide
The influence of volcanic, solar and CO2 forcing on the temperatures in the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830):a model study
The influence of waves and water levels on the local wind field in the wadden sea area
The Influence of Weld Microstructure on Mechanical Properties od Alclad AA2024-T3 Friction Spot Welded
The Influence of Weld Microstructure on Mechanical Properties od Alclad AA2024-T3 Friction Spot Welded
The Influence of weld Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of Refill Friction Spot Welding of 5042 Aluminium Alloy
The Influence of weld Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of Refill Friction Spot Welding of 5042 Aluminium Alloy
The influence on membrane performance in reverse osmosis
The Informational Value of Pressure-Based Proxies for Past Storm Activity (Dissertation)
The informational value of pressure-based single-station proxies for storm activity
The initial Data Management Plan for PalMod II - FAIR simulation and paleo data from the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene
The Institute of Polymer Research of the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht GmbH
The Institute of Polymer Research of the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht GmbH
The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source
The Integrated Approach in Zukunft Kueste – Coastal Futures
The integrated coastal observation and model system COSYNA
The integrated coastal observation and model system COSYNA
The interaction of adipose-derived human mesenchymal stem cells and polyether ether ketone
The interaction of adipose-derived human mesenchymal stem cells and polyether ether ketone
The interaction of deformation processes with interfacial boundaries in two-phase Titanium Aluminide alloys
The interaction of DPPC and hyaluronan (Dissertation)
The interaction of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and polyether ether ketone
The interaction of human macrophage subsets with silicone as a biomaterial
The interaction of human macrophage subsets with silicone as a biomaterial
The interaction of human macrophage subsets with silicone as a biomaterial
The interaction of precipitation and deformation in a binary Mg–Ca alloy at elevated temperatures
The interaction of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre and the AMOC during DO-like climate variability
The interaction of the peptide antibiotic NK2 with biological model membranes investigated by neutron diffraction
The Interaction of the Peptide NK-2 with Model Membranes: Insights by Neutron Diffraction and X-ray Scattering
The Interaction of the Peptide NK-2 with Model Membranes: Insights by Neutron Diffraction and X-ray Scattering
The interaction of the peptide NK2 with model membranes
The Interaction of the Synthetic Peptide NK2 with Modell Membranes
The Interaction of the synthetic Peptide NK2 with Modell Membranes
The Interaction of the synthetic Peptide NK2 with Modell Membranes
The Interface between biodegradable Mg and cells: material-cell "communication"
The Interface Between Degradable Mg and Tissue
The Interface width of poly(styrene-b-butylmethacrylate) diblock copolymers
The interfacial diffusion zone in magnetron sputtered Ni-Ti thin films deposited on different Si substrates studied by HR-TEM
The internal structure of the pallets of Nototeredo norvagica and Psiloteredo megotara (Bivalvia: Teredinidae): implications for subfamilial allocations
The International Cirrus Experiment (ICE): Results from the pilot experiment 1987
The International North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA) - An analysis of the scientific legitimate knowledge for science and decision making
The international North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA) - An analysis of the scientific legitimate knowledge for science and decision making
The interplay between biodegradable Mg implants and cells and tissues
The interplay between network morphology and degradation kinetics of polymers: Theoretical and experimental analysis by means of a 2D model system
The interplay of temperature and algal enrichment intensifies bioturbation of the intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator
The invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi: a threat to fish recruitment in the North Sea?
The isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold from the ring perspective - an application of graph theory
The Issue with Magnesium Materials: Why this Materials Class Still Is Waiting for the Breakthrough
The iterative series expansion method for quantitative texture analysis - Part II: Applications
The iterative series expansion method for quantitative texture analysis: Part I: General Outline
The Kalman Filter as Post-Processor for Analog Data–Model Assimilation in Paleoclimate Reconstruction
The kinetics behaviour of various functionalized azo-initiators in the solution polymerization of acrylonitrile
The kinetics of solid-state reactions in multilayer films
The KOE/Uni Oldenburg Proxy Database
The large-scale impact of anthropogenic mixing by offshore wind turbine foundations in the shallow North Sea
The large-scale impact of offshore wind farm structures on pelagic primary productivity in the southern North Sea
The LDL Apolipoprotein B-to-LDL Cholesterol Ratio: Association with Cardiovascular Mortality and a Biomarker of Small, Dense LDLs
The life science x-ray scattering beamline at NSLS-II
The life science x-ray scattering beamline at NSLS-II
The LITFASS-98 Experiment: Fluxes over a Heterogeneous Land Surface
The lower bound toughness procedure applied to the EuroFracture Toughness Dataset
The magic of the magnesium-bone interface
The magnetic spin structure of Fe50Pt50-xRhx films: A neutron diffraction study (Dissertation)
The magnetic structure of MnSi under an applied field
The magnetic structure of MnSi under applied field by polarized SANS
The MAGNEXTRUSCO Project: European Community Research on Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium
The MAGNEXTRUSCO Project: European Community Research on Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium
The MAGNEXTRUSCO Project: Process and Alloy Development for Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium
The MAGNEXTRUSCO Project: Process and Alloy Development for Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium
The manufacture of highly-ductile and geometrically complex MIM-parts based on TiAl6V4
The manufacture of highly-ductile and geometrically complex MIM-parts based on TiAl6V4
The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Plankton Workshops: Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting - Research Requirements and Applications
The marine carbonate system variability in high meltwater season (Spitsbergen Fjords, Svalbard)
The massive transformation in a quaternary Ti-Al-Nb-Ta alloy
The measurement of contact angles on polymer surfaces
The mechanical behavior of gold-polymer nanocomposites: a numerical study
The mechanical stability of retained austenite in low-alloyed TRIP steel under shear loading
The Medieval Climate Anomaly and Byzantium: A review of the evidence on climatic fluctuations, economic performance and societal change
The medieval Moon unveils volcanic secrets
The membrane composition mediates the activity of antibacterial peptides
The Membrane Destruction Mechanism of the Peptide Antibiotic NK-2: A Structural Explanation
The MERIS Case 2 Water Algorithm
The metallurgical texture of gold artefacts found at the Bronze Age rampart of Bernstorf (Bavaria) studied by neutron diffraction
The metastable state of metallic glasses
The microbial carbon pump and climate change
The microstructure and texture development during twin-roll casting and rolling of magnesium alloy AZ31
The microstructure and texture development during twin-roll casting and rolling of magnesium alloy AZ31
The microstructure and texture of cerium-containing magnesium-zinc sheets
The microstructure of neutron-irradiated Fe–Cr alloys: A small-angle neutron scattering study
The microstructure of neutron-irradiated Fe–Cr alloys: A small-angle neutron scattering study
The microstructure of sputtered Co-Cr magnetic recording media
The mid-Cretaceous †Lepiceratus Gen. nov. and the Evolution of the Relict Beetle Family Lepiceridae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Myxophaga)
The MitraClip Procedure in Patients With Moderate Resting but Severe Exercise-Induced Mitral Regurgitation
The monsoon, carbon fluxes, and the organic carbon pump in the northern Indian Ocean
The morphology of anisotropic 3D-printed hydroxyapatite scaffolds
The MOSES Sternfahrt Expeditions of the Research Vessels ALBIS, LITTORINA, LUDWIG PRANDTL, MYA II and UTHÖRN to the Elbe River, Elbe Estuary and German Bight in 2020
The MOSES Sternfahrt Expeditions of the Research Vessels ALBIS, LITTORINA, LUDWIG PRANDTL, MYA II and UTHÖRN to the Elbe River, Elbe Estuary and German Bight in 2021
The MOSES Sternfahrt Expeditions of the Research Vessels LITTORINA, LUDWIG PRANDTL, MYA II, UTHÖRN to the inner German Bight in 2019
The nanotomography endstation at the PETRA III Imaging Beamline
The nanotomography endstation at the PETRA III Imaging Beamline
The NAO-temperature signal in two interglacial periods - the Eemian and present day
The Nature of the Thermal Transition influences the Shape-memory Behavior of Polymer Networks
The Nature of the Thermal Transition Influences the Shape-Memory Behavior of Polymer Networks
The nautical radar as a tool to measure two dimensional ocean wave spectra
The Near-Surface Current Velocity Determined from Image Sequences of the Sea Surface
The need of spaceborne observations for meteorology and climatology
The Needles in the Haystack: An Active Design of Experiments for Accelerated Discovery of Magnesium Corrosion Inhibitors
The Needles in the Haystack: An Active Design of Experiments for Accelerated Discovery of Magnesium Corrosion Inhibitors
The negative difference effect and unipositive Mg+
The neutron texture diffractometer TEX-2 at Research Reactor FRG-1 in Geesthacht
The new Diffractometer ARES for the Analysis of Residual Stresses
The new Diffractometer ARES for the Analysis of Residual Stresses
The new Fourier-time-of-flight spectrometer „FSS“ at Geesthacht
The New GKSS Materials Science Beamlines at DESY: Recent Results and Future Options
The New GKSS Materials Science Beamlines at DESY: Recent Results and Future Options
The new loading device for texture measurements on the neutron diffractometer TEX-2
The New Materials Science Beamline HARWI-II at DESY
The New Materials Science Beamline HARWI-II at DESY
The Next 100 Years of Polymer Science
The non-destructive look into matter: Neutrons and high-energy synchrotron X-rays for materials research
The non-destructive look into matter: Scattering techniques for engineering materials research
The non-hierarchical, non-uniformly branching topology of a leuconoid sponge aquiferous system revealed by 3D reconstruction and morphometrics using corrosion casting and X-ray microtomography
The non-hydrostatic mesoscale model GESIMA. Part I: Dynamical equations and tests
The non-hydrostatic mesoscale model GESIMA. Part II: Parameterizations and applications
The nonlinear equation of state of sea water and the global water mass distribution
The nonthermal radio component in the large Magellanic cloud
The Normative Orientations of Climate Scientists
The North German Climate Office - An interface between science and practice
The North German Climate Office - An interface between science and practice
The North Sea - A shelf sea in the Anthropocene
The North Sea Light Climate: Analysis of Observations and Numerical Simulations
The North Sea pollution: an example of problems with an international shallow water area
The North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment
The North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA): What happens in the south west of BACC?
The North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA): What happens in the south west of BACC?
The Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative: I. A methodology for assessing atmospheric correction processors based on in-situ measurements
The Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative: II. Spatial and temporal homogeneity of satellite data retrieval due to systematic effects in atmospheric correction processors
The Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative: III. A round-robin comparison on in-water bio-optical algorithms
The Ocean Perspective
The OLCI Neural Network Swarm (ONNS): A Bio-Geo-Optical Algorithm for Open Ocean and Coastal Waters
The oldest short-tailed whipscorpion (Schizomida): a new genus and species from the Upper Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar
The ongoing race between emerging contaminants and analytical chemistry: New approaches in ICP-MS/MS and determination of technology-critical elements in marine biota reference materials
The operational CMEMS wind wave forecasting system of the Black Sea
The Opposing Effects of Reforestation and Afforestation on the Diurnal Temperature Cycle at the Surface and in the Lowest Atmospheric Model Level in the European Summer
The optimization of friction spot welding process parameters in AA6181-T4 and Ti6Al4V dissimilar joints
The orientation dependent elastic constants of textured TMCP steel for offshore applications, investigated by neutron diffraction
The origin of striation in the metastable β phase of titanium alloys observed by transmission electron microscopy
The origin of tectonic fabrics in "undeformed" clays: The early stages of deformation in extensional sedimentary basins
The OROMA Project
The ORPHEUS Dark Matter Experiment
The osteogenetic activities of mesenchymal stem cells in response to Mg2+ ions and inflammatory cytokines: a numerical approach using fuzzy logic controllers
The Otto Hahn Nuclear Ship and the German-Brazilian Deals on Nuclear Energy - a Case Study in Big Science
The OTW-method: an objective test procedure to measure and describe the static and dynamic characteristic of a welding power source
The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Introduction, Goals and Call for Participation
The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Introduction, Goals and Call for Participation
The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Introduction, Goals and Call for Participation
The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Themes and Call for Participation
The Pages 2k Network, Phase 3: Themes and Call for Participation
The PAGES 2k Network: Overview; Progress and Vision
The PAGES 2k Network: Status update on Phase Three projects
The PAGES 2k Network: Understanding the climate of the Common Era (past 2000 years)
The PAGES 2k Network: Understanding the climate of the past 2,000 years
The PALEOLINK working project: The missing link in the Past – Downscaling paleoclimatic Earth System Models
The partitioning of emulsifiers in o/w emulsions: A comparative study of SANS, ultrafiltration and dialysis
The passage of the 97 flood wave on the lower Odra
The pathology of the foreign body reaction against biomaterials
The peptide antibiotic NK-2 influences the inverted hexagonal phase transition of phosphatidylethanolamine model membranes
The Peptide Antibiotic NK-2: New Insights in the Membrane Destruction Mechanism
The peptide NK-2 strongly influences the monolayer structure of the phospholipid DPPE
The perceptions of Baltic region climate scientists pertaining to climate change in the Baltic region: Results of the survey SurBAAC 2010
The perceptions of Baltic region climate scientists pertaining to climate change in the Baltic region: Results of the survey SurBAAC 2010
The performance of single and multi-collector ICP-MS instruments for fast and reliable 34S/32S isotope ratio measurements
The performance of the regional climate model CLM in different climate regions, based on the example of precipitation
The performance of thermally conductive tree-like cast aluminum structures in PCM-based storage units
The permeatin of organic vapors through thin film composite membranes
The PERMOD project
The Perspectives of Climate Scientists on Global Climate Change
The Physical Metallurgy of TiAl Alloys: Hot Working and Diffusion Bonding
The Physical Sciences and Climate Politics
The PIONEER Project as an Example of Operational Coastal Analysis
The PIONEER-Project in the Odra Lagoon - Modelling the Ecosystem with ERSEM
The plastic yield and flow behavior in metallic glasses
The Pneumatic Scanning Force Microscopy -a Technique for the Characterization of Open Porous Materials
The polarized double cell target of the SMC
The polarized target station at GKSS
The potential effect of offshore windfarm fundaments on primary production in the German Bight of the North Sea
The potential for dispersant use as a maritime oil spill response measure in German waters
The Potential of Current- and Wind-Driven Transport for Environmental Management of the Baltic Sea
The potential of Gamma-titanium aluminides for gas-turbine applications
The potential of isotopically enriched magnesium to study bone implant degradation in vivo
The potential of nature-based flood defences to leverage public investment in coastal adaptation: Cases from the Netherlands, Indonesia and Georgia
The potential of polarization measurements from space at mm and sub-mm wavelengths for determining cirrus cloud parameters
The potential of TXRF as a primary method in chemical metrology
The predictability of a chaotic system investigated with the adjoint method
The predictive value of a modified Carpentier classification in patients with coincidental mitral regurgitation undergoing TAVI for severe aortic valve stenosis
The Preparation and Corrosion Performance of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Stearic Acid and MgO Layer on Pure Magnesium
The Preparation of Microporous Membranes from Blends of Poly(2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Oxide) and Sulfonated Poly(2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Oxide)
The Preparation of Microporous Membranes from Blends of Poly(2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Oxide) and Sulfonated Poly(2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Oxide)
The problem of adequate yield load solutions in the context of proof tests on a damaged subsea umbilical
The program for enrichment reduction of research and test reactors
The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin experiment: 1. Experiment description and summary intercomparisons
The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) phase2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin experiment: 2. Spatial and temporal analysis of energy fluxes
The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) phase2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin experiment: 3. Spatial and temporal analysis of water fluxes
The PROMISE / Sylt-Roemoe data set - a comprehensive bench-mark data set to test and evaluate numerical models for suspended sediment transport in shallow tidal lagoons
The Puzzling Difference between Radar Observations of Stratocumulus and Airborne in Situ Data
The Raman-DIAL technique: Lidar measurements of ozone in the presence of atmospheric particles
The recent state and variability of the carbonate system of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and adjacent basins in the context of ocean acidification
The recrystallization behavior of extruded Mg-Zn alloys with Rare earths addition
The recrystallization behavior of extruded Mg-Zn alloys with Rare earths addition
The Reduction of Dissolved Oxygen During Magnesium Corrosion
The regional aerosol-climate model REMO-HAM
The regional climate model REMO (v2015) coupled with the 1-D freshwater lake model FLake (v1): Fenno-Scandinavian climate and lakes
The Regional Downscaling Approach: a Brief History and Recent Advances
The regional issue of detection and attribution
The regional MiKlip decadal prediction system for Europe: Hindcast skill for extremes and user‐oriented variables
The regularization Behaviour of a nonlocal gurson-type model
The regularization Behaviour of a nonlocal gurson-type model
The relation between ductility and stacking fault energies in Mg and Mg–Y alloys
The relation between shear banding, microstructure and mechanical properties in Mg and Mg-Y alloys
The relation between shear banding, microstructure and mechanical properties in Mg and Mg-Y alloys
The relation between shear banding, microstructure and mechanical properties in Mg and Mg-Y alloys
The relation between structural relaxation and the spin dynamics in amorphous Fe40Ni40B20
The relation between youngs equilibrium contact angle and the hysteresis on rough paraffin wax surfaces
The relation of the planetary boundary layer height to the vertical aerosol distribution in chemistry transport models
The relation of the planetary boundary layer height to the vertical aerosol distribution in chemistry transport models
The relationship between Arabian Sea upwelling and Indian monsoon revisited
The relationship between Arabian Sea upwelling and Indian Monsoon revisited
The relationship between Arabian Sea upwelling and Indian monsoon revisited
The relationship between Arabian Sea upwelling and Indian Monsoon revisited in a high resolution ocean simulation
The relationship between crystallographic texture and salt water cracking susceptibility in Ti-6Al-4V
The relationship between fronto-central theta activity and task load in deep saturation diving
The relevance of cascading effects for adapting critical infrastructures to climate change
The relevance of hydrophobic segments in multiblock copolyesterurethanes for their enzymatic degradation at the air-water interface
The relevancy of image sequence analysis in oceanography
The report on 1.5°C global warming-relevant aspects for climate services
The representation of recent Siberian snow cover in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM
The representation of recent Siberian snow cover in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM
The research reactor FRG-1 in a changing environment
The residual of the energy balance closure and its influence on the results of three SVAT models
The response of human induced pluripotent stem cells to cyclic cold shock
The response of human induced pluripotent stem cells to cyclic temperature changes explored by BIO-AFM
The Ribosomal Elongation Cycle and the Movement of tRNAs across the Ribosome
The Rio Grande Rise circulation: Dynamics of an internal tide conversion hotspot in the Southwestern Atlantic
The road weather model RoadSurf (v6.60b) driven by the regional climate model HCLIM38: evaluation over Finland
The role of statistical analysis in dynamical modelling
The role of alternating current electric field for cell adhesion on 2D and 3D biomimetic scaffolds based on polymer materials and adhesive proteins
The role of anions in the formation and corrosion resistance of the plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings
The role of biosurfactants in adhesion and abhesion of microorganisms
The Role of Climate Services in Adapting to Climate Variability and Change
The Role of Clouds in Climate and Environment
The role of clouds in climate and environment
The Role of Clouds in Climate and Environment
The role of clouds in the climate system
The Role of Clouds in the Climate System
The role of clouds in the climate system
The Role of Clouds in the Climate System
The Role of Cohesive Strength and Separation Energy for Modeling of Ductile Fracture
The role of cohesive strength and separation energy for modeling of ductile fracture
The role of coupling in reducing biases of atmosphere, ocean and sea-ice simulations
The Role of Cu-Based Intermetallic on the Direct Growth of a ZnAl LDH Film on AA2024
The role of density gradients on tidal asymmetries in the German Bight
The role of different forcings on the historical climate variability, with special consideration of the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830): A model study (Dissertation)
The Role of Diffusion in the Bonding of an Alloy 625 Coating applied on AISI4140 Steel Substrate by Friction Surfacing
The role of dipole—dipole interactions in the formation of the structure of amorphous Teflon AF2400 and complexation of acetone with perfluorodioxolane rings
The role of emission reductions and the meteorological situation for air quality improvements during the COVID-19 lockdown period in central Europe
The Role of Forests in Mitigating Climate Change – A Case Study for Europe
The Role of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in Cantilever Beam Bending Experiments of Single Crystals
The role of heat wave events in the occurrence and persistence of thermal stratification in the southern North Sea
The role of humic substances in the aqueous mobilization of mercury from contaminated floodplain soils
The Role of Ice Particle Shape and Size Distributions in Polarimetric Radar Measurands at 95 GHz
The role of individual components of simulated body fluid on the corrosion behavior of commercially pure Mg
The role of interfacial behavior on the mechanical response of NPG-polymer composites
The role of lattice defects, element partitioning and intrinsic heat effects on the microstructure in selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V
The role of light and nutrient limitation for the growth of phytoplanktion: long term developments in the Northern German Wadden Sea
The Role of Lipids in Hepatitis B Infection
The role of mass spectrometry in environmental research: From Trace elements to Environmental proteomics
The Role of Northern Hemispheric Cryospheric Albedo Changes: A Model Study of the Arctic’s Impact on the Global Climate (Dissertation)
The Role of Ordered Phases in Enhanced Ductility of RE-Based Mg Alloys
The role of oxygen during Mg corrosion in HBSS
The Role of Oxygen in the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Processed by Metal Injection Moulding
The role of process temperature and rotational speed in the microstructure evolution of Ti-6Al-4V friction surfacing coatings
The Role of Second Phases on the Creep Behavior of As-Cast and Hot-Extruded Mg-Ca-Zr Alloys
The role of simulation in the planning of underwater handling tasks
The role of small angle scattering in structure determination
The role of socio-economic scenarios in establishing a link for pressures and impacts in the Elbe Catchment (Czech republic-Germany)
The Role of solutes for Grain Refinement by (SiC)p: Experiment and Theoritical Calculation
The Role of solutes for Grain Refinement by (SiC)p: Experiment and Theoritical Calculation
The Role of Stakeholders in Creating Societal Value From Coastal and Ocean Observations
The role of superdislocations for modeling plastic deformation of lamellar TiAl
The Role of Surface Wettability on Hepatocyte Adhesive Interactions and Function
The role of surface zeta potential and substratum chemistry for regulation of dermal fibroblasts interaction
The Role of Synchrotron and Neutron Methods in the Development of Mg Based Alloys
The Role of Texture Design in the Development of Cost-effective Magnesium Sheets
The role of the simulation setup in a long-term high-resolution climate change projection for the southern African region
The role of turbulence in cirrus clouds
The Role of Turbulence in Fueling the Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in Tidally Dominated Shelf Seas
The role of xray microdiffraction in the study of deformation size effects
The Role of Zn Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg–Nd–Zn Alloys
The Role of Zn on the Elevated Temperature Compression Behavior of Mg5Nd: An In Situ Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Study
The Roles of Climate Risk Dynamics and Adaptation Limits in Adaptation Assessment
The Rule of Cloud-Inhomogeneity on UV-A, UV-B and PAR
The SASE1 X-ray beam transport system
The satellite application facility on climate monitoring
The satellite application facility on climate monitoring
The Satellite derived surface radiation budget for BALTEX
The satellite derived surface radiation budget for BALTEX
The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) for Automatic Quadtree/Octree Based Meshing
The scaled boundary finite element method for computational homogenization of heterogeneous media
The Scanner for Radiation Budget Experiment
The ScaRaB - Resurs Earth radiation budget dataset and first results
The ScaRaB Earth Radiation Budget Dataset
The ScaRaB project: Earth radiation budget observations from the METEOR satellites
The science-policy interface of risk-based freshwater and marine management systems: From concepts to practical tools
The scientific consensus of climate change revisited
The scientific programm of the Helmholtz Zentrum, Institut of Coastal Research
The Search for Exceptional Water Reflectance Spectra
The seasonal change of PAHs in Svalbard surface snow
The second chthonioid pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber: a new genus with unique morphological features and potential Gondwanan affinities
The second parameter in J-R curves: Constraint or triaxiality?
The Sense of Coastline: Coastsl Inhabitant's Emotional Construction of "Heimat" on the German Island of Pellworm
The separation of higher hydrocarbons from refinery gas streams
The separation of hydrocarbon vapors with membranes
The separation of hydrocarbons from waste vapor streams
The Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds by Means of Membranes
The separation of volatile organic compounds with a hybrid system of membrane separation and pressure swing adsorption
The Sheet Gamma TiAl Technology Developed under the Enabling Propulsion Materials/High Speed Civil Transport (EPM/HSCT) Program: Sheet Production and Component Fabrication
The Sheet Gamma TiAl Technology Developed under the Enabling Propulsion Materials/High Speed Civil Transport (EPM/HSCT) Program: Sheet Production and Component Fabrication
The shortwave radiation budget at the bound-aries of the earth-atmosphere system derived from satellite data
The shortwave surface netflux from the Scanner for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB)
The simulation of European heat waves from an ensemble of regional climate models within the EURO-CORDEX project
The simulation of medicanes in a high-resolution regional climate model
The SINTAP failure assessment method and its application to strength mismatched welded joints
The skeleton and pharyngeal teeth of zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model of biomineralization in vertebrates
The slip activity during the transition from elastic to plastic tensile deformation of the Mg-Al-Mn sheet
The social construction of the coast: conflicting images and perceptions of the coast, and their implications for coastal science
The Social Simulation of the Public Perception of Weather Events and their Effect upon the Development of Belief in Anthropogenic Climate Change
The softening of the magnetic structure of MnSi under applied field
The solar radiation budget at the wavy air-sea interface
The Solution-Diffusion with Imperfections Model as a Method to Understand Organic Solvent Nanofiltration of Multicomponent Systems
The solvent induced interfiber adhesion and its influence on the mechanical and filtration properties of polyethersulfone electrospun nanofibrous microfiltration membranes
The South Atlantic Anticyclone as a key player for the representation of the tropical Atlantic climate in coupled climate models
The spacial structure of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic and the re-entrant spin glass phase of FeNiMn
The Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Erodibility of an Intertidal Flat in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany (Dissertation)
The spatial diamond-graphite transition in detonation nanodiamond as revealed by small-angle neutron scattering
The spatial distribution of organochlorine pesticides and halogenated flame retardants in the surface sediments of an Arctic fjord: The influence of ocean currents vs. glacial runoff
The spatial distribution of trace metals in North Sea and Baltic Sea - defining a baseline to study effects of potential ocean alkalinity enhancement activities
The spatial resolution of marine meteorological and marine biological parameter fields in coastal areas with ERS SAR - SARPAK final report
The spatial structure of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic and the re-entrant spin glass phase of FeNiMn
The spectral wave model, WAM, adapted for applications with high spatial resolution
The spin chirality in MnSi single crystal probed by small angle scattering with polarized neutrons
The spread amongst ENSEMBLES regional scenarios: regional climate models, driving general circulation models and interannual variability
The Stability and Chloride Entrapping Capacity of ZnAl-NO2 LDH in High-Alkaline/Cementitious Environment
The standardized Micro- and Nanoplastic Planet: Degradation; Fragmentation and Leaching
The state of order of grain-oriented iron-silicon transformer sheets investigated by neutron scattering
The state of the art of marine sensor techniques: Appendix 5
The states of order and the phase diagram of Fe1-xSix, 0.06 = x = 0.20, investigated by neutron scattering
The static contact angle hysteresis and Young`s equlibrium contact angel
The static contact angle hysteresis, Young`s angle of equlibrium and the calculation of solid surfaces energies
The Steam Stripping Process: A Remediation Technique for TBT- and PAH-Contaminated Dredged Sediments and Soils
The stiffness and strength of metamaterials based on the inverse opal architecture
The Stochastic climate model helps reveal the role of memory in internal variability in the Bohai and Yellow Sea
The storm tide in March 1906
The StormSurgeMonitor for the German Coast
The story of storminess in northwest Europe
The story of storminess in northwest Europe
The story of storminess in NW Europe
The stress corrosion cracking behaviour of biomedical Mg-1Zn alloy in synthetic or natural biological media
The stress of wind waves on the boundary layer
The Structure and Stress State of Lamellar Interfaces in Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
The structure of liquid water beyond the first hydration shell
The Structure of Micelles of Mixed Anionic Surfactants and Their Complexes with Cationic Starch Studied by SANS
The Structure of Micelles of Mixed Anionic Surfactants and Their Complexes with Cationic Starch Studied by SANS
The Structure of Micelles of Mixed Anionic Surfactants and Their Complexes with Cationic Starch Studied by SANS
The Structure of Mid- and Low Level Cloud Fields Observed Simultaneously by Groundbased and Airborne Cloud Radar
The structure of Phosphatidylethanolamine model membranes is Influenced by antimicrobial peptides
The Structure of the Mixed Micelles of Rosinates and Alkanoates and their Complexes with Cationic Starch
The Structure of the Mixed Micelles of Rosinates and Alkanoates and their Complexes with Cationic Starch
The structure of turbulence in cirrus clouds
The Structures of Complexes between Polyethylene Imine and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in D2O: A Scattering Study
The struggle with translation
The studies of nanoparticles formed in silicate glasses doped by cerium and titanium oxides by means of small angle neutron scattering
The studies of nanoparticles formed in silicate glasses doped by cerium and titanium oxides by means of small angle neutron scattering
The Studies of Structural Aspects of the Cluster Formation in Silicate Glasses Doped with Cerium and Titanium Oxides by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep sea
The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep sea
The Submesoscale Kinetic Energy Cascade: Mesoscale Absorption of Submesoscale Mixed Layer Eddies and Frontal Downscale Fluxes
The subpolar gyre as a key element in millennial scale AMOC oscillations
The Suitability of Polyethers to Reduce Protein Adsorption and to Improve Hemocompatibility
The surface longwave radiation budget for Europe
The surface radiation budget over South America in a set of regional climate models from the CLARIS-LPB project
The surface shortwave net flux from the scanner for radiation budget (SCARAB)
The surface shortwave net flux from the scanner for radiation budget (SCARAB)
The surface shortwave radiation budget within the SAF on Climate Monitoring
The surface shortwave radiation budget within the SAF on Climate Monitoring
The Surface tension of aqueous solutions of some atmospheric water-soluble organic compounds
The Sylt-Roemoe Bight Ecosystem Model (SRB Model) - an Introduction
The Sylt-Romo-Bight experiment
The Synergy of Data From Profiling Floats, Machine Learning and Numerical Modeling: Case of the Black Sea Euphotic Zone
The Synthesis of Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) Containing Polymers via Step-Growth Click Coupling Reaction for CO2 Separation
The temperature effect on the plastic deformation of the Mg88Zn7Y5 alloy with LPSO phase studied by in-situ synchrotron radiation diffraction
The temperature stratification and related characteristics of Chilean lakes in midsummer
The temporal variability of the suspended matter regime in the North Sea
The temporal variation of flocs and fecal pellets in a tidal channel
The Texture and Anisotropy of Magnesium-Zinc-Rare Earth Alloy Sheets
The thermal cycle during the dissimilar friction spot welding of aluminum and magnesium alloy
The thermal stability of irradiation-induced excess volume in amorphous Fe40Ni40P20 and its influence on ductile behaviour
The thermodynamics and wetting of real surfaces and their relationship to adhesion
The thermodynamics of amorphous phases in immiscible systems: the example of sputter-deposited Nb-Cu alloys
The third generation wave model at ECMWF
The third phase of the PAGES 2k Network
The Ti3(Al, Si) + Ti5(Si, Al)3 eutectic reaction in the Ti-Al-Si system
The tidal asymmetries and residual flows in Ems Estuary
The Tissue Compatibility of Biomaterials
The tracheal system of scutigeromorph centipedes and the evolution of respiratory systems of myriapods
The Transformation Mechanism of Beta Phase to Omega-Related Phases in Nb-Rich Gamma-TiAl Alloys Studied by In Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction
The transformation mechanism of beta phase to omega-related phases in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction
The transformation mechanism of beta phase to omega-related phases in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction
The transformation mechanism of beta phase to omega-related phases in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction
The transformation mechanism of beta phase to omega-related phases in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction
The transient liquid phase bonding process of a γ-TiAl alloy with brazing solders containing Fe or Ni
The transition to farming in western Eurasia
The transition to farming in Western Eurasia - Space time distribution
The Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation - A model for transnational cooperation in MSP and MSFD?
The Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation - A model for transnational cooperation in MSP and MSFD?
The TUBES algorithm for the exact representation of advective transport in a two-dimensional discretized flow field
The turbulent airflow over wind generated surface waves
The UNESCO - programme HELP and its relation to WCRP research
The urban dispersion model EPISODE v10.0 – Part 1: An Eulerian and sub-grid-scale air quality model and its application in Nordic winter conditions
The UrbEm Hybrid Method to Derive High-Resolution Emissions for City-Scale Air Quality Modeling
The use of crack tip opening displacement for testing of hydrogen embrittlement of high-strength steels
The use of ERBE data for climate studies
The use of ferritic electrodes in wet welding of high stregth steels
The use of hydrogen in future manned diving technology
The Use of Long-Term Observations in Combination with Modeling and Their Effect on the Estimation of the North Sea Storm Surge Climate (Dissertation)
The Use of Magnesium Alloys: Past, Present and Future
The Use of Magnesium Alloys: Past, Present and Future
The use of membrane technology in bulk chemicals manufacturing-the past, present and future
The use of membrane technology in bulk chemicals manufacturing-the past, present and future
The use of neutron transmission for materials analysis
The use of satellite data for climatological applications: The SAF on Climate Monitoring
The use of SPM in the manufacturing of membranes
The use of stable isotopes to trace soil erosion
The Use of Surface-Modified Capillaries in the Separation and Characterization of Metallothionein Isoforms by Capillary Electrophoresis Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
The use of the AC potential drop method for measuring the growth of surface cracks during fatigue
The use of the positivity condition in pole figure inversion
The use of the thematic mappers internal calibration sytem
The use of thematic mapper on Landsat 5 as an instrument for measuring ocean turbidity
The use of titanium alloys for dynamic risers: a literature review
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate models
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate models
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate models
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate/earth system models
The value of Trimix 5 to control HPNS
The variability of mean wind and extreme wind directions over the Baltic Sea region
The variability of western and south - Western wind extremes over the Baltic Sea
The variability of western and south - Western wind extremes over the Baltic Sea
The variability of wind speed and wind direction of mean and extreme winds over the Baltic Sea
The variability of wind speed and wind direction of mean and extreme winds over the Baltic Sea
The Variability of Winds and Fluxes Observed Near Submesoscale Fronts
The velvet worm brain unveils homologies and evolutionary novelties across panarthropods
The vertical distribution of aerosol over Europe - synthesis of one year of EARLINET aerosol lidar measurements and aerosol transport modeling with LMDzT-INCA
The vertical distribution of zooplankton (Crustacea, Rotatoria, Ciliata) and their grazing over the diurnal and the seasonal cycle in Lake Constance
The viability and function of primary rat hepatocytes cultured on polymeric membranes developed for hybrid artificial liver devices
The violent mid latitude storm hitting Northern Germany and Denmark, 28 October 2013
The violent mid latitude storm hitting Northern Germany and Denmark, 28 October 2013
The violent mid latitude storm hitting Northern Germany and Denmark, 28 October 2013
The Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board (VIACS AB v1.0) contribution to CMIP6
The WAM model and ERS-1
The WAM model and ERS-1
The WAM model cycle 4.0 user manual
The WAM model hindcast for the Labrador Extreme Waves Experiment (LEWEX)
The WAM wave model and operational wave forecasting at ECMWF
The WASA project: Changing Storm and Wave Climate in the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent seas?
The WASA project: Changing Storm and Wave Climate in the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent seas?
The wave climate of the Northeast Atlantic over the period 1955-1994: the WASA wave hindcast
The wave forecast system at the Deutscher Wetterdienst and the Bundesamt fuer Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie: A verification using ERS-1 altimeter and scatterometer data
The Wave Hinddast Project HIPOCAS
The wave-induced stress
The Way Forward in Developing and Integrating Ferrybox Technologies
The wear characteristics of CeO2 containing nanocomposite coating made by aluminate-based PEO on AM 50 magnesium alloy
The weld interface for friction spot welded 5052 aluminium alloy
The wettability of biomaterials determines the protein adsorption and the cellular responses (Dissertation)
The Work Hardening Behaviour of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminide Alloys Containing Boride and Carbide Precipitates
The Worldwide C3S CORDEX Grand Ensemble: A Major Contribution to Assess Regional Climate Change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas
The X-ray diffraction elastic constants (XEC) of a textured steel, investigated by means of neutron time-of-flight diffration
The year-long unprecedented European heat and drought of 1540 – a worst case
The year-long unprecedented European heat and drought of 1540 – a worst case
The ‘last mile’ for climate data supporting local adaptation
Thematic mapping and sensitivity study of mud-flat areas in the German Wadden Sea
Thematic mapping and sensitivity study of mud-flat areas in the German Wadden Sea
Thematische Kartierung und Sensitivitaetsraster im deutschen Wattenmeer: Juni 1987-1993; UBA-Forschungsbericht 94-077
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Flat Sheet Membrane Module Types for High Capacity Gas Separation Applications
Theoretical and experimental investigations of flat sheet membrane module types for high capacity gas separtion applications
Theoretical and experimental investigations of flat sheet membrane module types for high capacity gas separtion applications
Theoretical Studies on Biospecific Adsorption for Large-scale Affinity Separations
Theoretische Aspekte der Polymerphysik
Theoretische Aspekte der Polymerphysik
Theoretische und experimentelle Studien zur Messung stratosphaerischen Aerosols sowie zum Einfluss der Mehrfachstreuung auf Wolkenmessungen mit einem Polarisations-Raman-Lidar (Dissertation)
Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Ableitung mikrophysikalischer Parameter von Eiswolken aus polarimetrischen Radarmessungen bei 95GHz (Dissertation)
Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des kavitationsfreien Primaerdurchsatzes nach Kernkompaktierung des Reaktors FRG-1
Theoretisches Verfahren zur Fehlerbestimmung bei nicht-isokinetischer Probenahme aus Suspensionen - Teil 1:Entwicklungskonzept, mathematische Erfassung des Stroemungsfeldes und der Partikelbahnen, Bestimmung des Messfehlers
Theorie der Blockcopolymere
Theorizing Social Sustainability and Justice in Marine Spatial Planning: Democracy, Diversity, and Equity
Therapeutic potential of menstrual blood-derived endometrial stem cells in cardiac diseases
Therapeutical doses of temozolomide do not impair the function of dendritic cells and CD8+ T cells
Thermal Analysis and Production of As-Cast Al 7075/6060 Bilayer Billets
Thermal Analysis of Laser Additive Manufacturing of Aluminium Alloys: Experiment and Simulation
Thermal Analysis of Laser Additive Manufacturing of Aluminium Alloys: Experiment and Simulation
Thermal analysis of wire-based direct energy deposition of Al-Mg using different laser irradiances
Thermal and mechanical stability of wurtzite-ZrAlN/cubic-TiN and wurtzite-ZrAlN/cubic-ZrN multilayers
Thermal and mechanically activated decomposition of LiAlH4
Thermal and Stress Induced Formation of Ordered omega-phase in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Thermal and Stress Induced Formation of Ordered omega-phase in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
Thermal balance and operational aspects of 3 hour lock-outs at 37 bar during a simulated dive
Thermal balance during deep diving
Thermal balance in a simulated diving situation during physical activity: dependence of body surface and respiratory gas heating
Thermal behavior of AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloy with and without short fiber reinforced
Thermal behavior of AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloy with and without short fiber reinforced
Thermal behavior of short fiber reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloys
Thermal Cross Linking of Novel Azide Modified Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity—Effect of Distribution and the Gas Separation Performance
Thermal cycling and creep studies of AM50+Nd magnesium alloy based carbon fiber, SiC particulate and in-situ Mg2Si reinforced habrid composites
Thermal Cycling and Creep Studies of AM50+Nd Magnesium Alloy Based Carbon Fiber, SiC Particulate and IN-SITU Mg2Si Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Thermal Cycling and Creep Studies of AM50+Nd Magnesium Alloy Based Carbon Fiber, SiC Particulate and IN-SITU Mg2Si Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Thermal cycling behaviour of short fiber reinforced AE42 Magnesium alloy
Thermal cycling behaviour of short fiber reinforced AE42 Magnesium alloy
Thermal cycling behaviour of the magnesium alloy based hybrid composite in transverse direction
Thermal cycling of hybrid reinforced Magnesium based metal matrix composites
Thermal Cycling of Light Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with Ceremic Short-Fibres
Thermal Cycling of Mg-MMC's
Thermal degradation of polyetherimide joined by friction riveting (FricRiveting). Part I: Influence of rotation speed
Thermal emission feature of dust grains in the far-infrared and submillimeter wavelengths region
Thermal expansion and dimensional stability oF short fiber reinforced AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloys
Thermal expansion behaviour of Long-Period Stacking Ordered (LPSO) phase
Thermal expansion of a multiphase intermetallic Ti-Al-Nb-Mo alloy studied by high-energy X-ray diffraction
Thermal Fatigue of Magnesium Matrix Composites
Thermal Gelation and Stability of Pectin and Chondroitin Sulfate Grafted with Poly(ethylene glycol-b-propylene glycol-b-ethylene glycol)
Thermal Gelation and Stability of Pectin Grafted with PEPE
Thermal Gelation and Stability of Pectin Grafted with PEPE
Thermal Models for Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding
Thermal Monitoring of Morphology in Triblock Terpolymers with Crystallizable Blocks
Thermal optimisation of metal hydride reactors for thermal energy storage applications
Thermal Properties and Crystallinity of Grafted Copolymer Networks containing a Crystallizable Poly(ε-caprolactone) Crosslinker in an aqueous environment
Thermal Properties and Morphology of Compatible Poly(ethylene oxide)/Natural Rubber-graft-poly(methyl methacrylate) Blends
Thermal Properties and Morphology of Compatible Poly(ethylene oxide)/Natural Rubber-graft-poly(methyl methacrylate) Blends
Thermal properties, rheology and foams of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymers
Thermal rearrangement of ortho-allyloxypolyimide membranes and the effect of the degree of functionalization
Thermal spraying in wet environment
Thermal spraying of Magnesium alloys for corrosion and wear protection
Thermal spraying: recent developments for underwater application
Thermal stability of a cathodic arc evaporated Cr0.74Ta0.26N coating
Thermal Stability of Catalyzed Nanocrystalline MgH2 for Hydrogen Storage
Thermal stability of epitaxial cubic-TiN/(Al,Sc)N metal/semiconductor superlattices
Thermal stability of Gamma′ phase in long-term aged Co-Al-W alloys
Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline Magnesium for Hydrogen Storage
Thermal stability of the unstable fcc-Fe50Cu50 phase prepared by mechanical alloying
Thermal stability of tungsten based metamaterial emitter under medium vacuum and inert gas conditions
Thermal stability of wurtzite Zr1−xAlxN coatings studied by in situ high-energy x-ray diffraction during annealing
Thermally activated deformation mechanisms in micro-alloyed two-phase titanium aluminide alloys
Thermally activated microstructural refinement in g-TiAl alloyed with Nb
Thermally activated processes and dislocation mobilities
Thermally activated processes and dislocation mobilities in two-phase Gamma-titanium aluminides
Thermally and Chemically Stable Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Thermally Controlled Shape-Memory Investigations of Nanocomposites Based on Oligo(ω-pentadecalactone) and Magnetic Nanoparticles Acting as Crosslinks
Thermally Controlled Shape-Memory Investigations of Nanocomposites Based on Oligo(ω-pentadecalactone) and Magnetic Nanoparticles Acting as Crosslinks
Thermally Driven Ag–Au Compositional Changes at the Ligament Surface in Nanoporous Gold: Implications for Electrocatalytic Applications
Thermally equilibrated water particles in the size range of tens of molecules up to snowflakes
Thermally induced restoration of the ductility of brittle amorphous alloys
Thermally induced shape-memory effects in polymers: Quantification and related modeling approaches
Thermally rearranged polybenzoxazoles made from poly(ortho-hydroxyamide)s. Characterization and evaluation as gas separation membranes
Thermally- induced Triple-shape Hydrogels
Thermally-Induced Actuation of Magnetic Nanocomposites Based on Oligo(Omega-Pentadecalactone) and Covalently Integrated Magnetic Nanoparticles
Thermally-Induced Actuation of Magnetic Nanocomposites Based on Oligo(Omega-Pentadecalactone) and Covalently Integrated Magnetic Nanoparticles
Thermally-induced reversible bidirectional shape-memory effect of hybrid nanocomposites
Thermally-Induced Shape-Memory Behavior of Degradable Gelatin-Based Networks
Thermally-Induced Triple-Shape Hydrogels: Soft Materials Enabling Complex Movements
Thermally-triggered actuators based on oligo(ω-pentadecalactone) hybrid nanocomposites
Thermisch aktivierte Verformungsvorgaenge in polysynthetisch verzwillingten zweiphasigen TiAl-Einkristallen
Thermisch aktivierte Verformungsvorgaenge in zweiphasigen TiAl-Legierungen mit orientierten Lamellen bei erhoehten Temperaturen
Thermische Analyse in der Membranentwicklung
Thermische Ausdehnung in kurzfaserverstaerkten AlSi12CuMgNi- und AE42-Legierungen
Thermische Ausdehnung in kurzfaserverstaerkten AlSi12CuMgNi- und AE42-Legierungen
Thermische Stabilitaet nanokristalliner Leichtmetallhydride fuer die Wasserstoffsorption im emissionsfreien Automobil (Diplomarbeit)
Thermo-mechanical Characterization of Nanocomposites based on Oligo(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Magnetite Nanoparticles
Thermo-mechanical characterization of NiTi orthodontic archwires with graded actuating forces
Thermo-mechanical Modelling and Simulation of Magnesium Alloys during Extrusion Process (Dissertation)
Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of Indirect Extrusion Process for Magnesium Alloys
Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of Indirect Extrusion Process for Magnesium Alloys
Thermo-mechanical Processing of EZK Alloys in a Synchrotron Radiation Beam
Thermo-mechanical treatments of TiAl alloys studied in situ by high-energy X-ray diffraction
Thermo-mechanically coupled modeling of Mg sheet forming
Thermo-mechanically coupled modeling of Mg sheet forming
Thermo-physical properties of coatings in the Ti(B,N) system grown by chemical vapor deposition
Thermo-Plasmonics for Localized Graphitization and Welding of Polymeric Nanofibers
Thermodynamic analysis of alkali metal complex formation of polymer-bonded crown ether
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Hydriding Process of Mg-Ni Alloys
Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects in metastable phase formation
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Reactive Hydride Composites
Thermodynamic and kinetic requirements for inverse melting
Thermodynamic approach to describe the martensite phase transformation kinetics via the stabilization of austenite
Thermodynamic aspects of amorphous phase formation by mechanical alloying
Thermodynamic assessment and experimental study of MgGd alloys
Thermodynamic assessment of the Ce-H and CeNi5-H system
Thermodynamic calculation and experimental studies of phase relations in the Mg-Si-Ca-Sr system for degradable biomaterials
Thermodynamic calculation and experimental studies of phase relations in the Mg-Si-Ca-Sr system for degradable biomaterials
Thermodynamic Description of Interfaces
Thermodynamic Description of Reactions between Mg and CaO
Thermodynamic Description of Reactions between Mg and CaO
Thermodynamic description of reactions between Mg and CaO
Thermodynamic destabilisation of MgH2 and NaMgH3 using Group IV elements Si, Ge or Sn
Thermodynamic Formulation of Models for Multiscale Crystal Plasticity at Large Deformation
Thermodynamic Glide Parameters and Internal Stresses of TiAl Alloys
Thermodynamic instability of a nanocrystalline, single-phase TiZrNbHfTa alloy and its impact on the mechanical properties
Thermodynamic investigations on grain refining mechanisms of Mg-Al alloys inoculated by SiC particles
Thermodynamic investigations on grain refining mechanisms of Mg-Al alloys inoculated by SiC particles
Thermodynamic properties and absorption-desorption kinetics of Mg87Ni10Al3 alloy synthesised by reactive ball milling under H2 atmosphere
Thermodynamic Properties and Reversible Hydrogenation of LiBH4–Mg2FeH6 Composite Materials
Thermodynamic properties of oxide superconductors
Thermodynamic properties of oxide superconductors
Thermodynamic properties of oxide superconductors
Thermodynamic stability of nanocrystalline palladium
Thermodynamic study of crown ether-lithium/magnesium complexes based on benz-1,4-dioxane and its homologues
Thermodynamic variability and change in the North Sea (1948–2007) derived from a multidecadal hindcast
Thermodynamically and variationally consistent cohesive zone models for large deformation
Thermodynamically and variationally consistent cohesive zone models for large deformation
Thermodynamically and variationally consistent modeling of distortional hardening: application to magnesium
Thermodynamically and variationally consistent modeling of distortional hardening: application to magnesium
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of MgH2-Borohydride Composites
Thermodynamics and membrane formation
Thermodynamics of amorphous alloys
Thermodynamics of Metal Hydrides: Tailoring Reaction Enthalpies of Hydrogen Storage Materials
Thermodynamics of stable and metastable phases in the Ni-Ti system and its application to amorphous phase formation
Thermodynamics of stable and metastable phases in the Ni-Zr and the Co-Zr system and their applicaton to amorphous phase formation
Thermodynamics of the Binding of Lysozyme to a Dendritic Polyelectrolyte: Electrostatics Versus Hydration
Thermodynamics of the Ni-H system
Thermodynamics of undercoolded liquids: experiments, calculation of thermodynamic functions and metastable phase diagrams
Thermodynamics of undercooled liquids and its application to amorphous phase formation
Thermodynamik der Phasengrenze - Bestimmung der Oberflaechenenergie von Polymeren aus Benetzungsuntersuchungen
Thermodynamik der unterkuehlten Schmelze und des amorphen Zustandes
Thermodynamik metallischer Glaeser: physikalisches Kolloquium
Thermodynamik metastabiler Phasen
Thermodynamik metastabiler Phasen (Dissertation)
Thermodynamik supraleitender Keramiken
Thermodynamik und Bildung metastabiler Phasen im System Ti-Al
Thermodynamik und Rheologie von Polymeren unter Gasbeladung und Druckbeaufschlagung
Thermodynamik und Stroemungslehre
Thermodynamik unterkuehlter Legierungsschmelzen und des amorphen Zustandes
Thermodynamik unterkuehlter Schmelzen
Thermodynamische Behandlung von Turbulenz in helizitaerer Grundstroemung
Thermodynamische und kinetische Bedingungen fuer die Bildung amorpher Phasen
Thermodynamische und kinetische Bedingungen fuer die Herstellung metastabiler Phasen
Thermodynamische und kinetische Voraussetzungen fuer die In-situ Herstellung von HTSL-Filmen: Seminar ueber Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter
Thermoelastic modelling of the skin at finite deformations
Thermomechanical and tensile properties of sulfonated polyoxadiazoles/Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (POD/MWCNT) composites
Thermomechanical Behaviour of Biodegradable Shape-memory Polymer Foams
Thermomechanical Behaviour of Biodegradable Shape-memory Polymer Foams
Thermomechanical Characterization of a Series of Crosslinked Poly[ethylene-co-(vinyl acetate)] (PEVA) Copolymers
Thermomechanical Characterization of a Series of Crosslinked Poly[ethylene-co-(vinyl acetate)] (PEVA) Copolymers
Thermomechanical Characterizations of Shape-Memory Polymers (Dual/Triple-Shape) and Modeling Approaches
Thermomechanical Degradation of Polyetherimide (PEI) by Friction-Based Joining and the Effects on Quasi-Static Mechanical Strength of Hybrid Joints
Thermomechanical formulation of ductile damage coupled to nonlinear isotropic hardening and multiplicative viscoplasticity
Thermomechanical modeling of polysynthetically twinned TiAl crystals
Thermomechanical modulation of Toll-like receptor internalization and expression profile in mesenchymal stromal cells
Thermomechanical processing of Al Alloys by Friction Extrusion
Thermomechanical processing routes for the production of turbine blades
Thermomechanical Properties and Shape-Memory Capability of Drug Loaded Semi-Crystalline Polyestermethacrylate Networks
Thermomechanical Properties and Shape-Memory Capability of Drug Loaded Semi-Crystalline Polyestermethacrylate Networks
Thermomechanical Simulation of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum 2024 Using an Adaptive Element-Free Galerkin Method
Thermomechanical Simulation of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum 2024 Using an Adaptive Element-Free Galerkin Method
Thermomechanical surface treatment of titanium alloys
Thermomechanical surface treatment of titanium alloys
Thermomechanically coupled crystal plasticity modeling of fully lamellar TiAl with emphasis on Hall-Petch effects
Thermomechanically coupled crystal plasticity modeling of fully lamellar TiAl with emphasis on Hall-Petch effects
Thermomechanically coupled crystal plasticity modeling of plastic deformation evolution in fully lamellar TiAl microstructures
Thermomechanische Behandlung von mikrolegierten Magnesiumlegierungen
Thermomechanische Behandlung von mikrolegierten Magnesiumlegierungen
Thermoresponsive behavior of poly(Nue-isopropylacrylamide)s with dodecyl and carboxyl terminal groups in aqueous solution: pH-dependent cloud point temperature
Thermoresponsive Nanodevices in Biomedical Applications
Thermoreversible Polymer Networks
Thermosensitive Polymer Networks with Two Different Shapes in Memory (Dissertation)
Thermotropic and lyotropic phase behaviour of glycolipids
Thermotropic and lytropic properties of long chain alkyl glycopyranosides. Part II. Disaccharide headgroups
Thermozyklische Behandlung von Aluminium-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffen
Thermozyklische Behandlung von Aluminium-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffen
Thick-shelled, grazer-protected diatoms decouple ocean carbon and silicon cycles in the iron-limited Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Thickness Contraction and Ligament Contraction - Two Quantities to Analyse constraint Effects on Ductile Fracture Toughness
Thin film composite membrane with Pebax® MH 1657 selective layer with improved gas transport properties
Thin film membrane for CO2 capture
Thin Film Morphology in Triblock Terpolymers with One and Two Crystallizable Blocks
Thin Film Structures of Block Copolymers
Thin Film Structures of Block Copolymers
Thin film transition metal dichalcogenide photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen evolution: a review
Thin hydrogel coatings by enzyme-catalyzed mechanism
Thin hydrogel coatings formation catalyzed by immobilized enzyme horseradish peroxidase
Thin Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes: It Is All about the Process
Thin-Copper-Layer-Induced Early Fracture in Graphene-Nanosheets (GNSs)-Reinforced Copper-Matrix-Laminated Composites
Thin-film composite hollow fiber membranes: an optimized manufacturing method
Thin-film composite membranes by defect-free coating of porous substrates
Thin-film composite membranes of maleimide copolymers: permeabilities and selectivities to vapors
Thin-layer studies on surface functionalization of polyetherimide: Hydrolysis versus amidation
Thinking about climate change and climate change research on Capitol Hill
Thinking in Systems, Thinking in Nature: Evaluating the long-term performance of Nature Based Solutions
Thinking outside the Box: FerryBox- automatic monitoring of water quality from ferryboats
Thiol functionalised gold nanoparticles loaded with methotrexate for cancer treatment: From synthesis to in vitro studies on neuroblastoma cell lines
Thiol Michael-Type Reactions of Optically Active Mercapto-Acids in Aqueous Medium
Thiol-Michael reactions of optically active mercapto-acids in aqueous medium
Thiol-Michael reactions of optically-active mercapto-acids in aqueous medium
Thiol–Thioester Exchange Reactions in Precursors Enable pH-Triggered Hydrogel Formation
Third-order sparse grid generalized spectral elements on hexagonal cells for uniform-speed advection in a plane
Third-order Transport and Nonlocal Turbulence Closures for Convective Boundary Layers
Thirty Year Climate Simulations With The Climate Version Of The LM (CLM2)
Thixomolded AZ91D and MRI153M magnesium alloys and their enhanced corrosion resistance
Three aircraft intercomparision of dynamical and thermodynamical measurements during the Pre-EUCREX campaign
Three aircraft wind and turbulence intercomparision during the PRE-EUCREX campain
Three chamber reactor for growth of cells with polar organisation of organellae
Three Dimensional Micro-Structure of Scaffolds for Tissue Replacement
Three Dimensional Micro-Structure of Scaffolds for Tissue Replacement
Three scenarios for the greater Hamburg region
Three Ways Forward to Improve Regional Information for Extreme Events: An Early Career Perspective
Three years after Chernobyl: a consideration of the „ecological half lives“ of Sr-90 and Cs-137 in the environment
Three-aircraft intercomparision of dynamical and thermodynamical measurements during the Pre-EUCREX campaign
Three-dimensional analyses of vascular network morphology in a murine lymph node by X-ray phase-contrast tomography with a 2D Talbot array
Three-dimensional artificial spin ice in nanostructured Co on an inverse opal-like lattice
Three-dimensional characterisation of micropores and graphite nodules in ductile cast iron
Three-Dimensional Characterization of a Coastal Mode-Water Eddy from Multiplatform Observations and a Data Reconstruction Method
Three-dimensional distribution of water and air in soil pores: Comparison of two-phase two-relaxation-times lattice-Boltzmann and morphological model outputs with synchrotron X-ray computed tomography data
Three-dimensional finite element simulation of crack extension in aluminium alloy 2024FC
Three-dimensional imaging of human hippocampal tissue using synchrotron radiation- and grating-based micro computed tomography
Three-dimensional imaging of human hippocampal tissue using synchrotron radiation- and grating-based micro computed tomography
Three-dimensional imaging of xylem at cell wall level through near field nano holotomography
Three-dimensional microstructural analysis of Mg–Al–Zn alloys by synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography
Three-dimensional modeling of cirrus clouds in GESIMA
Three-dimensional modeling of ductile crack growth: Cohesive zone parameters and crack tip triaxiality
Three-dimensional modeling of size effects in small-scale mechanical testing
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of pollutant transport and acid rain formation in a mesoscale field of concective clouds
Three-Dimensional Quantification of Intra-Aggregate Pore-Space Features using Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Microtomography
Three-dimensional size-dependent crystal plasticity: Application to mechanical testing of small-scale samples
Three-dimensional structure of the dentoalveolar process studied with synchrotron radiation-based microtomography
Three-dimensional structure of the dentoalveolar process studied with synchrotron radiation-based microtomography
Three-dimensional tissue growth in polymer scaffolds with different stiffness and in-vitro influence of BMP-2 on tissue formation in hydroxyapatite scaffolds
Three-dimensional tissue growth in polymer scaffolds with different stiffness and in-vitro influence of BMP-2 on tissue formation in hydroxyapatite scaffolds
Three-dimensional visualization of phase transition in polystyrene-block-polydimethylsiloxane thin film
Three-signal method for accurate measurements of depolarization ratio with lidar
Threedimensional modelling of transport processes in a tidal estuary and its implications for water quality management
Threshold Stress during Tensile and Compressive Creep in AE42 Magnesium Alloy
Threshold Stress during Tensile and Compressive Creep in AE42 Magnesium Alloy
Thrombogenicity and Hemocompability of Biomaterials
Thrombogenicity and hemocompatibility of biomaterials
Thrombogenicity and hemocompatibility of polymer-based biomaterials
Thrombogenicity and hemocompatibility of polymer-based biomaterials
Thrombogenicity of Poly(n-butylacrylat) networks
Thrombogenicity testing of polymers: round-robin study to assess inter-center variability
Thrombogenicity testing of polymers: Round-robin study to assess inter-center variability
Thrombogenicity testing of polymers: round-robin study to assess inter-center variability
Thrombogenität und Hämokompatibilität von Biomaterialien
Through-thickness fracture properties of a Ti-V-N steel
Ti Al sheets by hot pressing of cold-extruded and rolled elemental powder mixtures
Ti-6Al-4V-0.5B – A modified alloy for implants produced by Metal Injection Moulding
Ti-Al alloys prepared by ball milling and hot isostatic pressing
Ti-Al alloys prepared by ball milling and hot isostatic pressing
Ti-Al3Ti metal-intermetallic laminate (MIL) composite with a cubic titanium trialuminide stabilized with silver: Selection of fabrication regimes, structure, and properties
Ti-Based Alloy Powder Production by Crucible- and Ceramic-Free Melting and Atomization
Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk metallic glass as oral implant material
TiAl Legierungs- und Prozessentwicklung fr ein neues Hochtemperaturmaterial
TiAl - Zukunftswerkstoff fuer Verkehrs- und Energietechnik
TiAl alloys design towards improved high temperature capability
TiAl component strength - Influence of work hardening stability
TiAl Intermetallics
TiAl powder based composite extrusion modeling (CEM)
TiAl Research with photon and neutron sources – Present and future
TiAl-based high temperature materials made from extremly deformed elemental powders
TiAl-New Opportunity in the Aerospace Industry
TiAl-New Opportunity in the Aerospace Industry
TiAl6V4-based components produced by an optimized metal injection moulding process
TiAlNb-alloy with a modulated B19 containing constituent produced by powder metallurgy
TiAlNb-alloy with a modulated B19/ constituent produced by powder metallurgy
TiC-based cermet coatings: Advanced wear performance by nanocrystalline microstructure
Tidal and subtidal exchange flows at an inlet of the Wadden Sea
Tidal and wind-driven surface currents in the German Bight: HFR observations versus model simulations
Tidal impacts on primary production in the North Sea
Tidal mitigation of offshore wind wake effects in coastal seas
Tidal wave transformations in the German Bight
Tide Dependent Dispersion of Dumped Material in the Outer Weser Estuary
Tide Dependent Dispersion of Dumped Material in the Outer Weser Estuary
Tide Dependent Propagation of Dumped Material in the Outer Weser Estuary
Tide-Elbe – Der Hamburger Hafen aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Tide-Elbe – Der Hamburger Hafen aus Sicht der Bevoelkerung
Tidengemittelte Bilanzierung des Wasser- und Schwebstofftransportes an einem Querschnitt in der Unterelbe bei Brunsbuettel
Tides of Change
Tiefenaufgeloeste Konzentrationsmessung mit der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenanalyse (TRFA) durch sputtergestuetzte Uebertragungstechnik
Tiefenaufgeloeste Konzentrationsmessung mit der Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenanalyse durch eine sputtergestuetzte Uebertragungstechnik (Diplomarbeit)
Tiefenveraenderungen im Arendsee 1895 - 1990
Tiefziehfaehigkeit von AZ31-Magnesiumblechen (Bachelorarbeit)
Tierische Besiedlung der Elbuferzone
TiFe0.85Mn0.05 alloy produced at industrial level for a hydrogen storage plant
TiFeMn alloy for solid state hydrogen storage for mobile applications
Tilting of c-axes and twists around the c-axes in a melt-textured YBaCuO-cylinder
Time and space resolved HEXRD study during transient liquid phase bonding of a Gamma-TiAl alloy with a Ti-29Fe solder
Time and space resolved HEXRD study during transient liquid phase bonding of a Gamma-TiAl alloy with a Ti-29Fe solder
Time evolution of electron structure in femtosecond heated warm dense molybdenum
Time invariant data preprocessor for the climate version of the COSMO model (COSMO-CLM)
Time resolved insights into abnormal grain growth by in situ synchrotron measurements
Time resolved X-ray diffraction effects on sound- and laser-excited crystals
Time Resolved X-ray Diffraction Study on Laser Shocked Single Crystals
Time separation technique using prior knowledge for dynamic liver perfusion imaging
Time separation technique using prior knowledge for dynamic liver perfusion imaging
Time series analysis of long-term data sets of atmospheric mercury concentrations
Time series of ozone vertical profiles in a rural and an urban environment
Time-Dependent Damage Evolution of Short-fibers Composites with Limited Rupture-Stress Function
Time-of-flight grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering on Gd nanowires
Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy for Characterization of Dendritic Polymer Nanoparticles and Applications in Nanomedicine
Time-resolved nuclear spin-dependent small-angle neutron scattering from polarised proton domains in deuterated solutions
Time-resolved small-angle polarized neutron scattering from selectively polarized proton domains
Time-sequential corrosion behaviour observation of micro-alloyed Mg-0.5Zn-0.2Ca alloy via a quasi-in situ approach
Tipping from the Holocene to the Anthropocene: How threatened are major world deltas?
Tipping points for delta social-ecological systems
Tipping the balance between the bcc and fcc phase within the alkali and coinage metal groups
Tissue Engineering of Articular Cartilage - Scaffold Concepts, Stimulation by Drug Release and Tissue Characterization by Synchrotron Mu-CT
Tissue Integration of Two Different Shape-Memory Polymers with Poly(e-Caprolactone) Switching Segment in Rats
Tissue Integration of Two Different Shape-Memory Polymers with Poly(e-Caprolactone) Switching Segment in Rats
Tissue oxygen partial pressure in the tibialis anterior muscle in patients with claudication before, during and after a two-stage treadmill stress test
Tissue reaction induced by implanted venous access ports in adult patients after infection of the implantation site
Tissue responses after implantation of biodegradable Mg alloys evaluated by multimodality 3D micro-bioimaging in vivo
Titan in der Medizin - Ueberblick und aktuelle Entwicklungen
Titan in der Meerestechnik
Titanaluminide – Hochtemperatur-Leichtbauwerkstoffe fuer die Luft- und Raumfahrt
Titanaluminide: Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven
Titanium alloy with small boron addition - Mechanical properties and osteoblast reaction
Titanium aluminide foils by elemental powder processing
Titanium Aluminides for Automotive and Gas Turbine Applications
Titanium Aluminides for Automotive and Gas Turbine Applications
Titanium Aluminides for Automotive Applications
Titanium Aluminides for Automotive Applications
Titanium aluminides from cold-extruded elemental powders with Al-contents of 25-75 at.%Al
Titanium and titanium alloys for medical applications: opportunities and challenges
Titanium Carbide Based Cermets for Thermal Spray Applications
Titanium carbide precipitation in Ti-22Nb alloy fabricated by metal injection moulding
Titanium carbide precipitation in Ti-22Nb alloy fabricated by metal injection moulding
Titanium carbide precipitation in Ti–22Nb alloy fabricated by metal injection moulding
Titanium MIM at Euro PM2012: Commercial considerations, materials, processing and applications
Titanium MIM for manufacturing of medical implants and devices
Titanium phosphate glass microcarriers induce enhanced osteogenic cell proliferation and human mesenchymal stem cell protein expression
Titanium Phosphate Glass Microspheres as Microcarriers for In Vitro Bone Cell Tissue Engineering
Titanium PM Processing and Properties
Titanium-Aluminides by hot isostatic pressing of cold extruded titanium-aluminium powder mixtures
Titaniumaluminide - Status und Perspektiven
Titanlegierungen fuer die Meerestechnik
Ti–6Al–4V–0.5B—A Modified Alloy for Implants Produced by Metal Injection Molding
TNB-V5 Alloy Modification Through Elemental Powder Metallurgy
TNB-V5 Alloy Modification Through Elemental Powder Metallurgy
To disrupt or not to disrupt –The activity of antimicrobial peptides is mediated by the membrane composition
To Fail or Not to Fail
To the brave scientists: Aren't we strong enough to stand (and profit from) uncertainty in Earth system measurement and modelling?
TOF-GISANS investigation of polymer infiltration in mesoporous TiO2 films for photovoltaic applications
Tomographic Analysis and FE-Simulations of MMC-Microstructures under Load
Tomographic Analysis and FE-Simulations of MMC-Microstructures under Load
Tomographical Imaging and Mathematical Description of Porous Media Used for the Prediction of Fluid Distribution
Tomography of Biological Cells on Polymer Scaffolds
Tool wear mechanisms and effects on refill friction stir spot welding of AA2198-T8 sheets
Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling
Topological Analysis of the Experimental Electron Density in Multiferroic Antiferromagnet Ba2MnGe2O7
Topological Paths and Transient Morphologies during Formation of Mesoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
Topology constrained magnetic structure of Ni inverted photonic crystals
Topology constrained magnetic structure of Ni photonic crystals
Topology evolution during coarsening of nanoscale metal network structures
Topology-Based Construction of Business-Integrated Material Modelling Workflows
Topology-Based Construction of Business-Integrated Material Modelling Workflows
Topotaxial growht of Ti2AlN by solid state reaction in AlN/Ti(0001) multilayer thin films
Torsional Fiber Actuators from Shape-memory Polymer
Torsional Fiber Actuators from Shape-memory Polymer
Tortoise beetle-inspired sustainable films with tunable properties based on on-demand embedding and release of functional microspheres
Total body burden and tissue distribution of polyfluorinated compounds in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German Bight
Total gaseous mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW station and their seasonality
Total reflection amorphous carbon mirrors for VUV Free Electron Lasers
Total Reflection and Grazing Emission X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry: Assessment of the size of Contaminant Particles on Silicon Wafer Surfaces
Total Reflection and Grazing Emission X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry: Assessment of the size of contaminant particles on silicon wafer surfaces
Total reflection mirrors for the VUV FEL at TTF
Total reflection mirrors for VUV Free Electron Lasers
Total reflection mirrors for VUV Free Electron Lasers
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for quantitative surface and layer analysis
Total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometry, a new technique for quantitative surface analysis
Total reflection X-ray spectrometry: method and applications
Total reflection XRF
Total reflexion X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for surface analysis
Total-Reflection X-Ray Flourescence Spectrometry: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Total-Reflection X-Ray Flourescence (TXRF); May 12-15, 1992 in Geesthacht
Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence: Sample preparation and applications
Total-reflection X-ray spectrometry: an X-ray fluorescence techniques for analytical atomic spectroscopists
Total-Reflexion X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Totalreflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of ultrapure reagents at the sub ng/ml level
Totalreflexions Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse - Eine Primaermethode?
Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse (TRFA): Prinzip und Anwendungen zur Analyse hochreiner Fluessigkeiten
Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse: Prinzip und Anwendungen
Totalreflexions-Roentgenfluoreszenzanalyse: Stand und Entwicklungen
Toughening of immiscible PPE/SAN blends by triblock terpolymers
Toward a Harmonization for Using in situ Nutrient Sensors in the Marine Environment
Toward a Multi-Decadal Climatology of North Pacific Polar Lows Employing Dynamical Downscaling
Toward a Sustainable Adaptation Plausibility Framework
Toward autonomous measurements of photosynthetic electron transport rates: An evaluation of active fluorescence-based measurements of photochemistry
Toward downscaling oceanic hydrodynamics – suitability of a high-resolution OGCM for describing regional ocean variability in the South China Sea
Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury
Towards 3D-Printing of Biodegradable Mg-Alloy Implants
Towards 3D-Printing of Biodegradable Mg-Alloy Implants
Towards a Common Spatial Vision: Implications of the international and national policy context for Baltic Sea space and MSP
Towards a Data-Driven Approach to Model Mechanics of Hierarchichal Nanoporous Metals
Towards a digital twin for degradable Mg-implants
Towards a digital twin for nanoporous metals: On the importance of microstructural details
Towards a digital twin for nanoporous metals: On the importance of microstructural details
Towards a European Marine Ecosystem Observatory (EMECO)
Towards a fair, reliable, and practical verification framework for Blue Carbon-based CDR
Towards a History of Ideas on Anthropogenic Climate Change
Towards a homogeneous 50 year climatology of typhoons in SE Asia
Towards a homogeneous 50 year climatology of typhoons in SE Asia
Towards a Ladder of Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning Participation
Towards a more integrated role for early career researchers in the IPCC process
Towards a new membrane for CO2 separations: laboratory scale and process simulation investigations
Towards a new membrane for CO2 separations: laboratory scale and process simulation investigations
Towards a new wave prediction system
Towards a new wave prediction system
Towards a prediction of polymer degradation with Langmuir monolayer degradation experiments
Towards a prediction of polymer degradation with quantitative analysis of Langmuir monolayer degradation experiments
Towards a seamless connection between the open and coastal ocean
Towards a unified framework for extreme sea waves from spectral models: rationale and applications
Towards Active Corrosion Protection of Mg Alloys Using Corrosion Inhibition Approaches
Towards Active Corrosion Protection of Mg Alloys Using Corrosion Inhibition Approaches
Towards an agri-environment index for biodiversity conservation payment schemes
Towards an assessment of adaptive capacity of the European agricultural sector to droughts
Towards an effective EU climate disclosure strategy? : An ex-ante evaluation and derivation of an analytical framework, of criteria and indicators regarding the EU Commission’s 2018 Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth and the 2018 Non-Financial Reporting Directive
Towards an improved estimation of cloud bounaries and structure from combined 95 GHz radar, ceilometer, and microwave radiometer measurements
Towards an integrative approach in phytoplankton and microbial ecology
Towards an Open Translation Environment for Supporting Translators in the Materials Domain
Towards an Open Translation Environment for Supporting Translators in the Materials Domain
Towards an Understanding of the Challenges in Laser Beam Welding of Copper – Observation of the Laser-Matter Interaction Zone in Laser Beam Welding of Copper and Steel Using in Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging
Towards bio-inspired engineering materials: Modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of hierarchical bovine dental structure
Towards Comprehensive Observing and Modeling Systems for Monitoring and Predicting Regional to Coastal Sea Level
Towards Cost-Effective Operational Monitoring Systems for Complex Waters: Analyzing Small-Scale Coastal Processes with Optical Transmissometry
Towards coupled atmospheric and hydrological models
Towards coupled atmospheric and hydrological models
Towards downscaling changes of oceanic dynamics
Towards Downscaling Small Scale Coastal Dynamics
Towards end-to-end (E2E) modelling in a consistent NPZD-F modelling framework (ECOSMO E2E_v1.0): application to the North Sea and Baltic Sea
Towards Enhancing Open Innovation Efficiency: A Method for Ontological Integration of BPMN and EMMO
Towards Enhancing Open Innovation Efficiency: A Method for Ontological Integration of BPMN and EMMO
Towards fully coupled simulation of Mg-corrosion and related mechanical property changes
Towards Hierarchical Modeling: Machine Learning for Describing Elastic-Plastic Behaviour in Nanoporous metals
Towards Imaging-based Digital Design of Complex Functional Composites
Towards improved European summer climate predictions with neural networks
Towards increased interoperability of paleoenvironmental observation data
Towards integral aeronautical laser beam welded structures from innovative Al-Li aluminium alloys; The trade-offs between manufacturing costs and the environmental footprint
Towards microstructure-cytocompatibility relationship in ultralight Mg-4Li-1Ca (LX41) alloy for degradable implant applications
Towards model-data comparison of the deglacial temperature evolution in space and time
Towards neural Earth system modelling by integrating artificial intelligence in Earth system science
Towards predictive maintenance
Towards process-informed bias correction of climate change simulations
Towards producing biodegradable magnesium inplants by powder metal injection moulding (MIM)
Towards Producing Magnesium Parts by Powder Metal Injection Moulding (MIM)
Towards Producing Magnesium Parts by Powder Metal Injection Moulding (MIM)
Towards simultaneous measurements of electronic and structural properties in ultra-fast x-ray free electron laser absorption spectroscopy experiments
Towards spatio-temporal comparison of simulated and reconstructed sea surface temperatures for the last deglaciation
Towards spatio-temporal comparison of transient simulations and temperature reconstructions for the last deglaciation
Towards sustainability of marine governance: Challenges and enablers for stakeholder integration in transboundary marine spatial planning in the Baltic Sea
Towards the detection of a human induced climate change in northern Europe
Towards the detection of a human induced climate change in northern Europe
Towards the detection of a human induced climate change in northern Europe
Towards the influence of clouds on the shortwave radiation budget of the earth/atmosphere system - estimated from satellite data
Towards the role of cellular senescence on cell mechanics and ECM formation
Towards the structure determination of proteins from the near edge anomalous dispersion of sulphur: a comparison of first results from trypsin with the known structure
Towards variance-conserving reconstructions of climate indices with Gaussian Process Regression in an embedding space
Towards variational constitutive updates for finite strain plasticity models based on non-associative evolution equations
Towards variational constitutive updates for finite strain plasticity models based on non-associative evolution equations
Towards variational constitutive updates for non-associative plasticity models at finite strain: Models based on a volumetric-deviatoric split
Towards water vapor profiling with BELINDA
Toxicity of organomercury compounds: Bioassay results as a basis for risk assessment
Toxicological and biochemical characterization of northern scyphozoan species
Toxine und Endotoxine
Toxizitaet von moeglichen Legierungselementen fuer biodegradierbare Magnesiumlegierungen
Trace analysis of geological and environmental samples
Trace analysis of geological and environmental samples by total-reflection X-ray flourescence spectrometry
Trace analytical chemistry at the GKSS Research Center
Trace and surface analysis by total reflection XRF
Trace Carbon in Biomedical Beta-Titanium Alloys: Recent Progress
Trace determination of the flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A in the atmosphere by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Trace element analysis
Trace element analysis using Total Reflection X-ray Flourescence Spectrometry
Trace element analysis using Total Reflection X-ray Flourescence Spectrometry
Trace element concentrations in blood of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Wadden Sea
Trace element concentrations in suspended particulate matter fractionated according to the settling velocity
Trace element diagenesis in polluted sediments of the Elbe estuary
Trace element distribution in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and their immunological impact
Trace element signatures of Chilean upwelling sediments at ~ 36°S
Trace elements in body fluids measured by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF)
Trace metal dynamics in the water column and pore waters in a temperate tidal system: Response to the fate of algae derived organic matter
Trace- and microchemical applications of TXRF
Traceable measurements in clinical laboratories (comment on M. Buzoianu, H. Y. Aboul-Enein)
Tracer Diffusion in Heterogeneous Polymer Networks
Tracing of Nutrients and Pollutants in the German Wadden Sea Catchment via the Establishment of Aquatic Isoscapes
Track of GPS-Drifters from HEINCKE cruise HE490
Track of GPS-Drifters from HEINCKE cruise HE496
Tracking Polar Lows in CLM
Traegheitsfaktor Natur - Anpassung statt Klimapolitik: Was New Orleans lehrt
Traffic Emissions 2040 - Impact on Air Quality in Germany
Training a neutral network to detect jet contrails in satellite images
Training deep neural density estimators to identify mechanistic models of neural dynamics
Training Deep Neural Networks to Reconstruct Nanoporous Structures From FIB Tomography Images Using Synthetic Training Data
Trait-based modeling of socio-environmental systems with NetLogo
Trajectories in oceanography
Tranport von Schwermetallen in der Tideelbe in den Kuestenbereich: Bewertung der das Transportverhalten beeinflussenden Prozesse
Trans-Science and Consensus in Climate Science
Transboundery transport of atmospheric mercury over central Europe
Transcatheter Caval Valve Implantation for Tricuspid Regurgitation After Single Leaflet Device Attachment
Transdisziplinäres Risikomanagement im Umgang mit extremen Nordsee-Sturmfluten – Vom Modell zur Wissenschafts-Praxis-Kooperation
Transfer hydration using microporous membranes
Transfer model to determine the above-water remote-sensing reflectance from the underwater remote-sensing ratio
Transfer of atmospheric pollutants into a forest ecosystem
Transferability intercomparison: An opportunity for new insight on the global water cycle and energy budget
Transferability Studies With The Climate Version Of The LM (CLM)
Transferability Study With AN Ensemble OF RCMs
Transformation Kinetics of LiBH4–MgH2 for Hydrogen Storage
Transformation of CTOD Delta5 to CTOD DeltaBS and J-integral for 3PB- and CT-Specimens
Transformation of dissolved organic matter and its diverse effect on higher trophic level
Transformation of dissolved organic matter and its diverse effect on higher trophic level
Transformation of elemental mercury to organic mercury species at sites of former caustic soda plants in East Germany
Transformation of reverted austenite in a maraging steel under external loading: an in-situ X-ray diffraction study using high-energy synchrotron radiation
Transformation textures in Ni rich NiTi shape memory alloy
Transformations and hydrogen storage in ball-milled Fe-Ti
Transformations of mercury species in the environment
Transformations of mercury species in the presence of Elbe river bacteria
Transformative Klimakommunikation: Veränderungsprozesse in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft anstoßen
Transient flow of polycrystalline ice with evolving anisotropy including a phenomenological grain-to-grain interaction law
Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) Bonding of TiAl Using Various Insert Foils
Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) Bonding of TiAl/Ti6242 with Ti-Cu foil
Transient simulation of the climate of the last 500 years with the climate model ECHAM HOPE
Transient simulation of the climate of the last five centuries with a coupled OAGCM
Transient simulation of wear in a lobe pump using the wear processor
Transient simulation of wear in a lobe pump using the wear processor
Transient simulations of the Mid-Holocene with a coupled GCM and comparison with climate proxy data
Transient simulations, empirical reconstructions and forcing mechanisms for the Mid-holocene hydrological climate in southern Patagonia
Transient Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy of (NH4)2Mo3S13/WSe2 Thin-Film Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution
Transient Wear Simulation in Sliding Contacts of Spur Gear Teeth
Transition and Alkali Metal Complex Ternary Amides for Ammonia Synthesis and Decomposition
Transition metal dichalcogenide thin films for solar hydrogen production
Transitions Between Different Estuarine States in a Low-inflow Estuary of Arid Coasts (Mond Estuary, Persian Gulf) with a Focus on Freshwater Lenses
Transitions in polycrystalline diamond probed by steady state, modulated and transient surface photovoltage spectroscopy
Translating Novel Scientific Findings into Regenerative Therapies
Translating Novel Scientific Findings into Regenerative Therapies
Translating processes on the molecular level to macroscopic functions in polymer networks
Translation in Materials Modelling – Process and Progress (Version 1)
Translation of Atherosclerotic Plaque Phase-Contrast CT Imaging from Synchrotron Radiation to a Conventional Lab-Based X-Ray Source
Translation of industrial problems into materials models
Translation of Materials Modelling: Benefits for Industry and Moda Concept
Translation Ontology of optimal Decision Making along a Distributed Production Chain by Example
Translation Ontology of optimal Decision Making along a Distributed Production Chain by Example
Translationale Biomaterialforschung
Translocation and release of von Willebrand factor in platelets adherent on polymer-based biomaterial surfaces
Translocation and release of von Willebrand factor in the adherent and activated platelet
Translocation and release of Von Willebrand factor in the adherent platelet
Transmission electron microscopy studies of solid state reactions in sputter-deposited Nb/Al multilayer thin films
Transmission electron microtomography of multicomponent block copolymer systems
Transmission electron microtomography of multicomponent block copolymer systems
Transmittance data of cloud fields for solar radiation from METEOSAT-measurements
Transparency induced in opals via nanometer thick conformal coating
Transparent Substrates Prepared From Different Amorphous Polymers Can Directly Modulate Primary Human B cell functions
Transparente Exopolymere Partikel (TEP) und ihre Bedeutung fuer die biogeochemische Modellierung
Transport and fate of hexachlorocyclohexanes in the oceanic air and surface seawater
Transport geloester und suspendierter Stoffe in der Nordsee
Transport in Membranes
Transport Model for Organophilic Nanofiltration through Composite Membranes
Transport modelling of Marine Litter in the North Sea
Transport monitoring by ADCP of material dredged up in the Port of Hamburg after its down-river disposal
Transport monitoring by ADCP of material dredged up in the Port of Hamburg after its down-river disposal
Transport numbers of hydroxonium ions in cation-exchange membranes for fuel cells
Transport of Legacy Perfluoroalkyl Substances and the Replacement Compound HFPO-DA through the Atlantic Gateway to the Arctic Ocean—Is the Arctic a Sink or a Source?
Transport of mercury over Europe: Results from a Lagrangean trajectory model
Transport of mercury over Europe: Results from a Lagrangean Trajectory Model
Transport of rhodamine-B following a slug release into the river Elbe above the port of Hamburg
Transport of Suspended Matter in the Sylt-Romo Tidal Basin
Transport of suspended particulate matter in the Elbe estuary: Findings from the BILEX-Campaign of Spring 1990
Transport Phenomena in Membranes for DMFC application
Transport phenomena versus intrinsic kinetics: Hydrogen sorption limiting sub-process in metal hydride beds
Transport processes in the horizontally inhomogeneous, neutrally stratified surface layer
Transport processes of suspended matter derived from time series in a tidal estuary
Transport processes of suspended matter derived from time series in a tidal river
Transport processes of suspended matter derived from time series measurements in a tidal estuary
Transport processes through track-etch membrane filters in a reagent delivery cell
Transport property predictions from atomistic modelling
Transport resistances in organophilic pervaporation
Transport und Verteilung von Schadstoffen in Aestuarien und Kuestengewaessern
Transport und Verteilung von Schadstoffen in Aestuarien und Kuestengewaessern
Transport von Schweb- und Spurenstoffen: Ergebnisse und Perspektiven
Transportbilanz Wattenmeer-Nordsee/Wattenmeer-Atmosphaere
Transportmechanismus der membrankontrollierten Reagenzfreisetzung unter Verwendung von Kernspurfiltern
Transportmodell fuer die organophile Pervaporation aus waessriger Loesung
Transportmodell fuer die Pervaporation
Transposon-mediated glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor overexpression in human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells: A potential approach for neuroregenerative medicine?
Trapping of Heavy Gases in Stationary Ultrasonic Fields
Treating synthetic polymer dispersions by organophilic pervaporation
Treatment of Contaminated Silt Fractions by the DEMI - Process
Treatment of Dissimilar Weld Joints (Mg/Al) by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Treatment of Dissimilar Weld Joints (Mg/Al) by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Treatment of frozen soil and snow cover in the land surface model SEWAB
Treatment of osteoarthritis by implantation of Mg- and WE43-cylinders - a preclinical study on bone and cartilage changes and their influence on pain sensation in rabbits
Treatment of roughness and concentration gradients in total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of surfaces
Treatment of Structural Welds using Fitnet Fitness-for-Service Assesment Procedure
Treatments of Structural Welds using FITNET Fitness for Service Assessment Procedure
Treatments of Structural Welds using FITNET Fitness for Service Assessment Procedure
Treibhauseffekt : Quo vadis Erde ?
Trend analysis of weekly temperatures and oxygen concentrations during summer stratification in Lake Plussee: A long-term study
Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South Africa
Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South Africa
Trend of atmospheric mercury concentrations at Cape Point for 1995–2004 and since 2007
Trend, seasonal and multivariatenext term analysis study of total gaseous mercury data from the Canadian atmospheric mercury measurement network (CAMNet)
Trends and Variability of North Pacific Polar Lows
Trends for magnesium implants
Trends for magnesium implants
Trends for magnesium implants
Trends in Air Concentrations and Depostition of Mercury in the Coastal Environment of the North Sea Area
Trends in der Entwicklung von fortschrittlichen Magnesium-Gusslegierungen fuer die Verkehrstechnik
Trends in development of new magnesium wrought alloys
Trends in Gas Separation Membranes II: Membrane Based Gas Separation-past, presence and future
Trends in Laser Beam Welding Technology and Fracture Assessment of the Latest Results
Trends in laser beam welding technology and fracture assessment of weld joints
Trends in the amplitude of Baltic Sea level annual cycle
Trends in the amplitude of Baltic Sea level annual cycle
Trends in the amplitude of Baltic sea-level annual cycle in the 20th century
Trends of Cyclone Characteristics in the Arctic and Their Patterns From Different Reanalysis Data
Trends of Ocean Acidification and pCO2 in the Northern North Sea, 2003–2015
Trends of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in marine biota and in humans
Trenn- und Umwelttechnik
Trenneigenschaften eines neuen Types von polymeren Mehrschicht-Pervaporationsmembranen (russisch)
Trenneigenschaften und Porositaet von Hohlmembranen
Trennmedium Polymermembranen
Trenntechnik mit Membranen
Trennung gasfoermiger Gemische mit Hilfe von Membranen (Dissertation)
Trennung von waessrig-organischen Loesungen durch Membranpervaporation
Trennung von Wasserproben in Schwebstoff und Wasser zur Bestimmung organischer Spurenstoffe in Oberflaechengewaessern
Trennung von Wasserproben in Schwebstoff und Wasser zur Bestimmung organischer Spurenstoffe in Oberflaechengewaessern
Trennung von Xenon und Sauerstoff mittels Membrantechnik (Diplomarbeit)
Trennverfahren in der Biotechnologie und im Umweltschutz
Triaxial residual stresses in thermomechanically rolled seamless tubes characterized by high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Triaxial residual stresses in thermomechanically rolled seamless tubes characterized by high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Triblock terpolymer micelles: A personal outlook
Triblock terpolymers PB-b-PS-b-PEO and PE-b-PS-b-PEO: Microphase morphology and crystallization
Tribological characterization and numerical wear simulation of microcomponents under sliding and rolling conditions
Tribologische Modelluntersuchungen und numerische Verschleisssimulation von Mikrokomponenten unter Gleit- und Waelzbeanspruchung
Tribologische Modelluntersuchungen und numerische Verschleisssimulation von Mikrokomponenten unter Gleit- und Waelzbeanspruchung
Trimethoxy Silyl End-Capped Hyperbranched Polyglycidol/ Polycaprolactone Particle Gels for Cell Delivery and Tissue Repair: Mechanical Properties, Biocompatibility, and Biodegradability Studies
Trimethoxysilyl end-capped hyperbranched polyglycidol/polycaprolactone copolymers for cell delivery and tissue repair: synthesis, characterisation and aqueous solution properties
TRIMPP - Ein hydro-numerisches Modell auf einem Workstation-Cluster
Triple-Functional Polymer Networks Combining Controlled Drug Release, Biodegradation, and Shape Memory Capability
Triple-Functional Polymer Networks Combining Controlled Drug Release, Biodegradation, and Shape Memory Capability
Triple-functional polymer-based biomaterials combining controlled drug release, degradability and shape-memory capability
Triple-Shape Capability of Thermo-Sensitive Nanocomposites from Multiphase Polymer Networks and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Triple-Shape Capability of Thermo-Sensitive Nanocomposites from Multiphase Polymer Networks and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Triple-Shape Effect in Polymer-Based Composites by Cleverly Matching Geometry of Active Component with Heating Method
Triple-Shape Effect of Copolymer Networks
Triple-Shape Effect of Copolymer Networks Based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Segments Applying a Programming Procedure with an Adjusted Temperature Profile
Triple-Shape Effect of Copolymer Networks Based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Segments Applying a Programming Procedure with an Adjusted Temperature Profile
Triple-Shape Effect of Copolymer Networks Based on Poly(Omega-pentadecalactone) and Poly(Epsilon-caprolactone) Segments Applying a Programming Procedure with an Adjusted Temperature Profile
Triple-shape effect of copolymer networks based on polypentadecalactone- and poly(Epsilon-caprolactone)-segments
Triple-Shape Effect with Adjustable Switching Temperatures in Crosslinked Poly[ethylene-co-(vinyl acetate)]
Triple-shape Nanocomposites with Adaptable Apparent Switching Temperatures
Triple-Shape Polymers
Triple-shape polymers
TrixiParticles.jl: an accessible numerical framework for particle-based simulations in Julia
Trocknen von Prozessgasstroemen mit Hilfe der Gaspermeation unter Verwendung von Unterdruck auf der Permeatseite
Trophy-balanced turnover velocities in a two-species systems of competing daphnids: a test of the Energy Residence Time concept
Tropical and Subtropical Cloud Transitions in Weather and Climate Prediction Models: The GCSS/WGNE Pacific Cross-Section Intercomparison (GPCI)
Tropical Beaches Attenuate Groundwater Nitrogen Pollution Flowing to the Ocean
Tropical Cyclone Winds Retrieved From C-Band Cross-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar
Tropical Cyclone Winds Retrieved from Synthetic Aperture Radar
Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation Appearing in Operational Analyses and in a Family of General Circulation Models
Troposphaerische Temperatur- und Wasserdampffelder aus Satelliten-Infrarotmessungen
Tropospheric and stratospheric temperature measurements by lidar above Esrange in January and February 1999
Tropospheric and Stratospheric Temperature Profiling with Rotational Raman Lidar: Design of a Highly Efficient Receiver and Measurement Results
Tropospheric mercury vertical profiles between 500 and 10 000 m in central Europe
Tropospheric ozone measurements with the mobile differential absorption lidar ARGOS
Tropospheric water vapor measurements by Raman lidar: atmospheric extinction correction
TroSt - Tropical Storylines: Event-based insights into marine heatwaves under different background conditions
Truncated incomplete factorizations for conjugate-gradient methods in two and three dimensions
Tsunami inundation modelling based on detailed roughness maps of densely populated areas
Tube Drawing with Tilted Die: Texture, Dislocation Density and Mechanical Properties
Tumor targeting with pH-responsive poly(2-oxazoline)-based nanogels for metronomic doxorubicin treatment
Tunable broadband plasmonic perfect absorber at visible frequency
Tunable elasticity of nanoporous palladium by hydrogen insertion
Tunable exciting energies for total reflection X-ray flourescence spectrometry using a tungsten anode and bandpass filtering
Tunable Hydrogels with Improved Viscoelastic Properties from Hybrid Polypeptides
Tunable morphologies of rhenium complex-containing polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) aggregates
Tunable Pseudo-Piezoelectric Effect in Doped Calcium Titanate for Bone Tissue Engineering
Tunable viscosity modification with diluted particles: when particles decrease the viscosity of complex fluids
Tune in on 11.57 µHz and listen to primary production
Tungsten band edge absorber/emitter based on a monolayer of ceramic microspheres
Tungsten Ka-radiation for texture analysis of coarse-grained rock-salt
Tuning Aerosol Deposition of BiVO4 Films for Effective Sunlight Harvesting
Tuning polymer elasticity to regulate human mesenchymal stem cells: a potential strategy for tissue-engineering of blood vessels
Tuning size and functionality of pores in block copolymer membranes
Tuning the aggregation behaviour of single-chain bolaamphiphiles in aqueous suspension by changes in headgroup asymmetry
Tuning the reaction mechanism and hydrogenation/dehydrogenation properties of 6Mg(NH2)2single bond9LiH system by adding LiBH4
Tuning the size selectivity of isoporous membranes for protein fractionation via two scalable post treatment approaches
Turbine-colonizing mussels (Mytilus edulis) as an indicator for environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the North Sea
Turbulance measurements in the free atmosphere during the International Cirrus Experiment
Turbulence and Mixing in a Shallow Shelf Sea From Underwater Gliders
Turbulence and Mixing in the Arctic Ocean’s Amundsen Gulf
Turbulence and structure in cirrus clouds: measurements during the ICE 89
Turbulence and structure in cirrus clouds: measurements during the ICE 89
Turbulence Asymmetries in Bottom Boundary Layer Velocity Pulses Associated with Onshore-Propagating Nonlinear Internal Waves
Turbulence characteristics for different types of cirrus clouds
Turbulence in Cirrus Clouds: A Review of Observational Results
Turbulence in Cirrus Clouds: A Review of Observational Results
Turbulence in cirrus clouds: results from mission ICE 207
Turbulence in cirrus clouds: what can models gain from observations?
Turbulence in the free atmosphere: observations and implications for cirrus cloud modelling
Turbulence measurements in a contrail segment
Turbulence modelling
Turbulence models and their application in implosion analyses with two-phase flows
Turbulence structure and length scales in the vicinity of cirrus clouds: Observations during ICE and EUCREX
Turbulent and wave kinetic energy budgets in the airflow over wind-generated surface waves
Turbulent diffusion as a damping mechanism
Turbulent kinetic energy over large offshore wind farms observed and simulated by the mesoscale model WRF (3.8.1)
Turbulent Mixing due to Surface Waves Indicated by Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter and Its Implementation into Coupled Modeling of Waves, Turbulence, and Circulation
Turbulente Fluesse in der atmosphaerischen Grenzschicht ueber einem Waldgebiet
Turbulenz in Cirruswolken der mittleren Breiten
Turbulenzmodellierung fuer Stroemungen und Helizitaet (Dissertation)
Turbulenzmodellierung mit Anwendungen auf thermische Deckschichten im Meer und Stroemungen in Wattengebieten (Dissertation)
Turning fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes: technological review of cardiac transdifferentiation strategies
Turnover of combined dissolved organic nitrogen and ammonium in the Elbe estuary/NW Europe: Results of nitrogen isotope investigations
Tutorial H - Biodegradation of Polymers
Tutorial Workskop: A Practical Approach To Ontology-Based Semantic Interoperability In Scientific Computing
Tutorial: Soft Actuators and robotic systems for living machines
Twenty-First-Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modeling
Twin Roll Casting and Rolling of an Aluminium Free Magnesium Strip
Twin Roll Casting and rolling of New Al-free Mg-Wrought Alloys
Twin Roll Casting and rolling of New Al-free Mg-Wrought Alloys
Twin Roll Casting and Rolling of New Mg-Wrought Alloys for Body Protective Safety Equipment
Twin Roll Casting and rolling of New Mg-Wrought Alloys for Body Protective Safety Equipment
Twin Roll Casting and rolling of New Mg-Wrought Alloys for Body Protective Safety Equipment
Twin Roll Casting of Aluminum-Free Magnesium Alloys
Twin Roll Casting of High Strength and Ductile Rare Earth Free Sheet Material
Twin Roll Casting of High Strength and Ductile Rare Earth Free Sheet Material
Twin-roll Casting after Intensive Melt Shearing and Subsequent Rolling of an AM30 Magnesium Alloy with Addition of CaO and SiC
Twin-roll Casting after Intensive Melt Shearing and Subsequent Rolling of an AM30 Magnesium Alloy with Addition of CaO and SiC
Twin-roll Casting after Intensive Melt Shearing and Subsequent Rolling of an AM30 Magnesium Alloy with Addition of CaO and SiC
Twining and slip activity in magnesium <11-20> single crystal
Twining and slip activity in magnesium <11-20> single crystal
Twinning and grain subdivision during dynamic deformation of a Mg AZ31 sheet alloy at room temperature
Twinning Assisted Crack Propagation of Magnesium-Rare Earth Casting and Wrought Alloys under Bending
Twinning Assisted Crack Propagation of Magnesium-Rare Earth Casting and Wrought Alloys under Bending
Twinning Assisted Crack Propagation of Magnesium-Rare Earth Casting and Wrought Alloys under Bending
Twinning behaviour of textured polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga alloy after hot extrusion
Twinning behaviour of textured polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga alloy after hot extrusion
Twinning in Crack Tip Plasticity of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
Twinning in Crack Tip Plasticity of Two-Phase Titanium Aluminides
Twinning-Detwinning in Pre-Compressed and Thermally Treated ZX10 and ZN10 Alloys
Twinning-related microstructural evolution during hot rolling and subsequent annealing of pure magnesium
Two aspects in multiscale modeling: Heterogeneous material layers and microscopic boundary conditions
Two Aspects of Cohesive Models for Ductile Fracture: The Effect of the Traction-Separation Law and Influence of Mesh Structure on Crack Propagation
Two calculations concerning the critical aluminium content in Fe-20Cr-5Al alloys
Two calculations concerning the critical aluminium content in Fe20Cr5Al alloys
Two calculations concerning the critical aluminium content in Fe20Cr5Al alloys
Two centuries of mean Baltic Sea level variability - An overview
Two Level Shape Changes of Programmed Micro-cuboids
Two models for the climate change related development of sea levels in the North Sea - a comparison
Two models of ductile fracture in contest: porous metal plasticity and cohesive elements
Two phase microfluidics with inviscid drops: Effects of total flow rate and delayed surfactant addition
Two stages in three-dimensional in vitro growth of tissue generated by osteoblastlike cells
Two Systems One Strategy – Digital Twins of RAFT Polymerizations
Two years of mercury atmospheric chemistry study in Ny Alesund, Svalbard. Air to Snow interaction. Seasonal evolution of mercury deposited onto Kongsvegen Glacier
Two-body Abrasive Wear of Nano- and Microcrystalline TiC-Ni-based Thermal spray Coatings
Two-Color Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Mercury: Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structure at 253.7 NM
Two-dimensional modeling of dewatering in a belt filter press
Two-dimensional nanoporous crosslinked polymer networks as emerging candidates for gas adsorption
Two-Dimensional Position-Sensitive Detectors for High Resolution Diffraction with Neutrons and High Energy Synchrotron Radiation
Two-Dimensional Position-Sensitive Gaseous Detectors for High Resolution Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction
Two-Dimensional Position-Sensitive Gaseous Detectors for High-Resolution Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction
Two-dimensional wave field measurements as sea truth for ERS-1 SAR
Two-level shape changes of polymeric microcuboids prepared from crystallizable copolymer networks
Two-Level Shape Changes of Polymeric Microcuboids Prepared from Crystallizable Copolymer Networks
Two-parameter characterization of crack front fields in thin ductile centre-cracked geometries
Two-Pass Friction Stir Welding of Cladded API X65
Two-Phase Flow Simulations of Surface Waves in Wind-Forced Conditions
Two-Phase Microfluidics with Inviscid Drops: Effects of Total Flow Rate and Delayed Surfactant Addition
Two-scale finite element modelling of lamellar microstructures
Two-scale finite element modelling of lamellar microstructures
Two-scale finite element modelling of microstructures
Two-scale finite element modelling of microstructures
Two-scale multi-model ensemble: is a hybrid ensemble of opportunity telling us more?
Two-stage embrittlement of amorphous Fe40Ni40P20 resulting from a loss of free volume and phase separation
Two-stage post-combustion separation of CO2 from power plant flue gas
Two-Step Friction Stir Welding of Cladded API X65
Two-step simulation approach for laser shock peening
Two-term Reynolds–McCormick phase function parameterization better describes light scattering by microalgae and mineral hydrosols
Two-way shape-memory networks with large reversible changes
Two-way shape-memory properties of crystallizable, covalently crosslinked terpolymer networks
Two-way shape-memory properties of surface functionalizable crosslinked crystallizable Terpolymers
TXRF Layer Analysis for Advanced Micro-Electronic Applications: Two Case Studies- HfO2 on Si and Si on Ge
Typhoon winds retrieved from Synthetic Aperture Radar DATA
Typhoons in regional climate model simulations
Typhoons in regional climate model simulations
Tyrosinase als Biokatalysator: Synthese von Hydrogelen und Oberflaechenfunktionalisierung
Tyrosinase als Biokatalysator: Synthese von Hydrogelen und Oberflaechenfunktionalisierung
Tyrosinase as biocatalyst for hydrogel synthesis: side reactions affecting bioactive molecules
Tätigkeitsbericht des Teilprojektes A3: Austauschvorgaenge im Sediment des Gewässers und im Boden des Vordeichlandes


U-Joining of Metal-Composite Hybrid Joints
UAS current mapping: A wave-based heading and position correction
Udfordringer for fremtidens Klimaforskning
Ueber das Ermuedungsverhalten der Magnesiumknetlegierungen - On the Fatigue Behaviour of Wrought Magnesium Alloys
Ueber den Einfluss der Bruchwegrauhigkeit auf den Bruchwiderstand sproeder Materialien
Ueber den Gastransport durch gesinterte Stahlmembranen, Scepter-Testmodule, bei Temperaturen um 1000°C
Ueber die Eigenschaften von Poly(p-phenylen-1,3,4-oxadiazol)-Loesungen in konzentrierter Schwefelsaeure
Ueber die in der Kuesten- und Klimaforschung wahrgenommene Nuetzlichkeit der Ethnologie
Ueber die Moeglichkeiten zum Nachweis von superschweren Elementen (SHE) in dre Erdkruste mit der hochenergetischen Synchrotron-Strahlung und mit der Massenspektrometrie
Ueber die Synthese von rationaler Mechanik und Materialwissenschaft am Beispiel von Grenzflaechen
Ueber die Vertikalverteilung und Aktivitaet der Bakterien im Zentralen Arabischen Meer in Relation zum Phytoplankton (Diplomarbeit)
Ueberblick der GKSS-Foeschung zum Thema: Lebensraum Kueste
Ueberblick Institut fuer Kuestenforschung des HZG und der Klima Campus Hamburg
Ueberblick ueber Forschungsaktivitaeten in der Regenerativen Medizin und im Institut fuer Polymerforschung
Ueberleben trotz zusaetzlicher Treibhausgase ?
Ueberpruefung der Praxistauglichkeit eines neuen Stadtklimamodells: 1 Anforderungserhebung als Basis : GERICS - CSC Report
Uebersicht ueber Probleme des Stoffhaushaltes in der Elbe
Uebertragbarkeit bruchmechanischer Kennwerte auf einen angerissenen Rohrknoten bei Versagen durch Spaltbruch
Uebertragbarkeit bruchmechanischer Werkstoffkennwerte bei duktilem Bruchverhalten
Uebertragbarkeit bruchmechanischer Werkstoffkennwerte im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich. A: Grundlagen, Ansaetze zur statischen Beschreibung
Uebertragbarkeit bruchmechanischer Werkstoffkennwerte im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich: Anwendung auf die Bewertung geschweisster Rohrknoten
Uebertragbarkeit von CTOD(delta5)-Risswiderstandskurven an Laborproben auf duennwandige idealisierte bauteilnahe Strukturen unter elastisch-plastischen Beanspruchungsbedingungen
Uebertragungsfunktionen fuer Schiffsbewegungen im Seegang
Ueberwachung anthropogener Schadstoffeintraege - Beispiel: Nordostatlantik
Ueberwachung der Bathymetrie durch Invertierung der Propagation von Schwerewellen
Ueberwachung der Bathymetrie durch Invertierung der Propagation von Schwerewellen
Ueberwachung der Sr-89/Sr-90 Aktivitaet von Kuhmilch
Ueberwachungsmodul fuer multiprozessorgestuetzte Messeinrichtungen (Diplomarbeit)
Uebung zur Technischen Mechanik 3: Kinematik und Kinetik
Uebungen zur Neutronenstreuung I (Diffraktometrie, Phasenanalyse)
Ultra thin film composite membrane for CO2 separation
Ultra- und Nanofiltration mit Polymermembranen in organischen Loesungen
Ultra-lightweight compositionally complex alloys with large ambient-temperature hydrogen storage capacity
Ultra-precision fabrication of 500 mm long and laterally graded Ru/C multilayer mirrors for X-ray light sources
Ultra-small angle neutron scattering and X-ray tomography studies of caseinate–hydroxyapatite microporous materials
Ultra-Sonication of ZIF-67 Crystals Results in ZIF-67 Nano-Flakes
Ultra-strong and ductile precipitation-strengthened high entropy alloy with 0.5% Nb addition produced by laser additive manufacturing
Ultra-thin and ultra-strong organic interphase in nanocomposites with supercrystalline particle arrangement: Mechanical behavior identification via multiscale numerical modeling
Ultrafast PhotoRAFT Block Copolymerization of Isoprene and Styrene Facilitated through Continuous‐Flow Operation
Ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes in latex purification by diafiltration with suction
Ultrafiltration in der Milchindustrie
Ultrafiltration membrane surfaces with grafted polymer tentacles: Preparation, Characterization and Application for Covalent Protein Binding
Ultrafiltration membranes from poly(ether sulfonamide) poly(ether imide) blends
Ultrafiltration membranes from PVDF/PMMA blends
Ultrafiltration mit PAN-Membranen
Ultrafiltrationsmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril
Ultrafiltrationsmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril mit niedriger Fouling-Neigung
Ultrafine eutectic Ti-Fe-based alloys processed by additive manufacturing – A new candidate for high temperature applications
Ultrafine Sanding Paper: A Simple Tool for Creating Small Particles
Ultrahigh-resolution neutron spectroscopy of low-energy spin dynamics in UGe2
Ultrahigh-strength low carbon steel obtained from the martensitic state via high pressure torsion
Ultraschall-Levitation - eine neue Technik fuer die Mikro- und Spurenanalyse
Ultraschall-Levitation – eine neue mikro- und spurenanalytische Methode: auch fuer biologische Proben?
Ultraschall-Levitations-Apparatur zur Probenvorbereitung in der Mikroanalyse
Ultrasonic Cavitation Induced Shape-Memory Effect in Porous Polymer Networks
Ultrasonic Cavitation Induced Shape-Memory Effect in Porous Polymer Networks
Ultrasonic Joining of MIM Surface-Structured Metal/Composite Hybrid Structures
Ultrasonic joining of through-the-thickness reinforced metal-composite hybrid structures (Dissertation)
Ultrasonic Joining of Through-The-Thickness Reinforced Ti-4Al-6V and Polyetherimide Hybrid Joints
Ultrasonic Joining of Through-The-Thickness Reinforced Ti-4Al-6V and Polyetherimide Hybrid Joints
Ultrasonic Joining: A new approach for direct assembling of metal-composite hybrid structures
Ultrasonic joining: A novel direct-assembly technique for metal-composite hybrid structures
Ultrasonic Stirring as a Production Process for Nanoparticle Reinforced Magnesium Alloys and the Compression Creep Response of Ze10 Reinforced with Ceria Nanoparticles
Ultrasonic Stirring as a Production Process for Nanoparticle Reinforced Magnesium Alloys and the Compression Creep Response of Ze10 Reinforced with Ceria Nanoparticles
Ultrasonic trapping of gases
Ultrasound Assisted Casting of an AM60 Based Metal Matrix Nanocomposite, Its Properties, and Recyclability
Ultrasound-induced changes in mesostructure of amorphous iron (III) hydroxide xerogels: A small-angle neutron scattering study
Ultrasound-sensitive microparticles based on poly[(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-(vinyl imidazole)]
Ultrastrong nanocomposites with interphases: Nonlocal deformation and damage behavior
Ultrathin collagen type I films formed at the air-water interface
Ultrathin multicomponent poly-(ether sulfone) membranes for gas separation made by dry/wet phase inversion
Ultrathin Polymer-zeolite Membranes prepared via the Langmuir Blodgett Technique
Umbau und Betrieb einer Anlage zur Membrantrennung von Gas/Dampfgemischen unter Anwendung von Massenspektrometrie und Gaschromatographie (Diplomarbeit)
Umformeigenschaften nonoskaliger intermetallischer Phasen
Umformsimulation einer massgeschneiderten Platine (Bachelorarbeit)
Umkehrosmose mit Polymermembranen: Transportmechanismus und Trenneffektivitaet
Umsetzung von Malik Management - Fokus: Fuehrung und Organisation
Umsetzung von Malik Management - Fuehrungskraefteentwicklung in der Wissenschaft
Umsetzung von Malik Management am Beispiel der Forschungsplattform ACE
Umsetzung von Malik Management beim Aufbau der Forschungsplattform ACE
Umsetzungen und Austauschvorgaenge in Sedimenten der Tideelbe
Umstellung des Forschungsreaktors FRG-1 auf Brennelemente mit einer Anreicherung <20 % U-235
Umstellung des FRG-1 auf Brennelemente mit niedriger Anreicherung
Umwelt: Bestandsaufnahme und Moeglichkeiten der Sanierung
Umweltanalytik an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert
Umweltbeobachtung im Wattenmeer
Umweltchemie I: Analytik organischer Spurenstoffe
Umweltchemie II, Atmosphaerische Spurenstoffe
Umweltdaten verstehen durch Metainformation - Praxis der Umwelt-Informatik
Umweltforschung aktuell: Schadstoffeintrag aus der Atmosphaere in Nord- und Ostsee
Umweltforschung aktuell: Schadstofftransport in der Elbe
Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von Silagesickersaeften
Umweltgerechte Mobilitaet „Ultra-Leichtbaulegierungen und zugehoerige Verarbeitungstechnologien“
Umweltmonitoring von neuartigen Problemstoffen am Beispiel der Polyfluorierten Organischen Verbindungen (PFCs)
Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Teil 1
Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Teil 1
Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Teil 2
Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Teil 2
Umweltverhalten von Xenobiotica
Umweltverhalten von Xenobiotika
Umweltverhalten von Xenobiotika
Umweltvertraeglichkeit bei der Bewirtschaftung stehender Gewaesser
Uncertainties associated with in situ high-frequency long-term observations of suspended particulate matter concentration using optical and acoustic sensors
Uncertainties in modelling the climate impact of irrigation
Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing
Uncertainties of modeling gross primary productivity over Europe: A systematic study on the effects of using different drivers and terrestrial biosphere models
Uncertainty budgets for liquid waveguide CDOM absorption measurements
Uncertainty: Lessons Learned for Climate Services
Uncommon Sulfonated and Phosphonated Polymers Developed for Fuel Cell Membranes
Uncommon Sulfonated and Phosphonated Polymers Developed for Fuel Cell Membranes
Unconventional twin deformation of Ni-Mn-Ga 7M martensite under tension mediated by the collective lattice reorientation from a-c twin to b-c twin
Uncovering the intricacies of microbial community dynamics at Helgoland Roads at the end of a spring bloom using automated sampling and 18S meta-barcoding
Understanding Biodegradable Plastics with the Help of Computers
Understanding creep in TiAl alloys on the nanosecond scale by molecular dynamics simulations
Understanding each other's models: an introduction and a standard representation of 16 global water models to support intercomparison, improvement, and communication
Understanding effects of microstructural inhomogeneity on creep response – New approaches to improve the creep resistance in magnesium alloys
Understanding epistemic uncertainty in large-scale coastal flood risk assessment for present and future climates
Understanding instability and rupture of polyalkyl 2-cyanoacrylate capsules
Understanding physiological magnesium corrosion – an in vitro approach
Understanding precipitate evolution during friction stir welding of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy through in-situ measurement coupled with simulation
Understanding precipitation processes in magnesium alloys
Understanding Protein Networks Using Vester's Sensitivity Model
Understanding protein-polymer biointerfaces to modulate cell responses
Understanding solid solution strengthening at elevated temperatures in a creep-resistant Mg–Gd–Ca alloy
Understanding the (dis)-assembly of in situ forming hydrogel coatings in a 2D model system
Understanding the Biogeochemical Impacts of Fish Farms Using a Benthic-Pelagic Model
Understanding the circulation in the deep, micro-tidal and strongly stratified Congo River estuary
Understanding the climate change impact on health
Understanding the climate of the past 2000 years: Phase 3 of the PAGES 2k Network
Understanding the corrosion of Mg alloys in in vitro urinary tract conditions: a step forward towards a biodegradable metallic ureteral stent
Understanding the diversity of the West African monsoon system change projected by CORDEX-CORE regional climate models
Understanding the Dynamics of the Oxic-Anoxic Interface in the Black Sea
Understanding the elusive protein corona of thermoresponsive nanogels
Understanding the environmental conditions of the extreme precipitation event on June 20, 2015, in the city of Douala, Cameroon
Understanding the failure behavior of bio-composites as a prototype for composites with brittle fibers
Understanding the fatigue resistance of Gamma-titanium aluminide
Understanding the function of polyester-binding proteins: from bacteria to the air-water interface
Understanding the Impact of Bathymetric Changes in the German Bight on Coastal Hydrodynamics: One Step Toward Realistic Morphodynamic Modeling
Understanding the impact of crystal lamellae organization on small molecule diffusion using a Monte Carlo approach
Understanding the mechanics of nanoporous Gold by combining modelling and experimental approaches
Understanding the Role of Organic Matter Cycling for the Spatio-Temporal Structure of PCBs in the North Sea
Understanding the role of the atmosphere around the Arctic Ocean during atmospheric mercury depletion events
Understanding the science-policy interface in urban climate governance from a co-production perspective: Insights from the cases of Hamburg and São Paulo
Underwater bottom topography signature extracted from ship radar data
Underwater operation of a 6-axes robot based on offline programming and graphical simulation
Underwater thermal spraying: a viable alternative to conservative corrosion protection systems
Underwater thermal spraying: a viable alternative to conservative corrosion protection systems
Underwater welding and cutting
Underwater welding: in quest of the permanent repair
Underway spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait (European Arctic Ocean): a highly resolved chlorophyll a data source for complementing satellite ocean color
Unexpected cytotoxicity of TiO2-coated magnesium alloys
Unexpected Expansion Behavior of Mg-Al Alloys During Isothermal Ageing
Unexpected formation of hydrides in heavy rare earth containing magnesium alloys
Unexpected Formation of Previously Unknown Cyclohex-2-enone Dreivative via Carbonyl -ene-Synthesis at Room Temperature
Unexpected kinetic effect of MgB2 in reactive hydride composites containing complex borohydrides
Unexpected temperature profile of 2-components dust aggregates
Unexpectedly low ozone concentration in midlatitude tropospheric ice clouds: A case study
Uniform hierarchical nanoporous Pd by dealloying - Synthesis and hydrogen driven actuation performance
Uniform hierarchical nanoporous Pd by dealloying - synthesis and hydrogen driven actuation performance
Uniformly Gold Nanoparticles Derived from P2VP-b-PCHMA Block Copolymer Templates with Different Reduction Methods
Unique Aspects of Neutron Scattering for the Study of Biological Systems
Unit Operations for Biorelated Systems, Gas Permeation, Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation for Biorelated Systems
Universal polymer coatings and their representative biomedical applications
Universal relations in linear thermoelastic theories of thermally-responsive shape memory polymers
Universelles Kommunikationsinterface fuer das GKSS TM Modul (Diplomarbeit)
Unleashing the microstructural evolutions during hot deformation of as-cast AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy alloy
Unleashing the Power of Remote Sensing Data in Aquatic Research: Guidelines for Optimal Utilization
Unloading behaviors of the rare-earth magnesium alloy ZE10 sheet
Unordnung und Bruch
Unphysiologically high magnesium concentrations support chondrocyte proliferation and redifferentiation
Unphysiologically high magnesium concentrations support chondrocyte proliferation and redifferentiation
Unphysiologically high magnesium concentrations support chondrocyte proliferation and redifferentiation
Unprecedented Strong Lewis Bases - Synthesis and Methyl Cation Affinities of Dimethylamino-Substituted Terpyridines†
Unprecedented Thermal Stability of Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Films up to 1400 °C
Unraveling Recrystallization Mechanisms Governing Texture Development from Rare-Earth Element Additions to Magnesium
Unraveling the choice of the north Atlantic subpolar gyre index
Unraveling the effects of low protein-phenol binding affinity on the structural properties of beta-lactoglobulin
Unraveling the Interplay between Abiotic Hydrolytic Degradation and Crystallization of Bacterial Polyesters Comprising Short and Medium Side-Chain-Length Polyhydroxyalkanoates
Unraveling the Local Relation Between Tissue Composition and Human Brain Mechanics Through Machine Learning
Unraveling the Micromechanical Foundations of Soft Tissue Mechanobiology
Unraveling the Principles of Mechano-Regulated Growth and Remodeling in the Vasculature Across the Scales
Unraveling the role of shell thickness and pore size on the mechanical properties of ceramic-based macroporous structures
Unravelling the immunomodulatory potential of a fibrinogen and magnesium combination through the macrophages-mesenchymal stem/stromal cells crosstalk.
Unregelmaessige Anordnung fester Teilchen in elastisch-plastischer Matrix: Lokales und globales Fliessverhalten (Diplomarbeit)
Unsaturated fatty acid content in seston and tropho-dynamic coupling in lakes
Unsteady texture components in two-phase materials as a result of strain inhomogeneity
Unsteady texture components in two-phase materials as a result of strain inhomogeneity
Unstructured-grid model for the North Sea and Baltic Sea: Validation against observations
Unsupervised Multi-spectral Photoacoustic Framework for the Detection and Quantification of Tissue Chromophores
Unsupervised Multi-spectral Photoacoustic Framework for the Detection and Quantification of Tissue Chromophores
Unternehmerische Klimawandelrisiken – Eine Sektor uebergreifende Analyse auf der Grundlage von CDP Klima-Berichterstattungen
Unterschiede von technischen und biologischen Membranen
Unterstuetzung der EMEP-Modellrechnungen: Europaweite Deposition schwefel- und stickstoffhaltiger Verbindungen als Folge der Emissionen von Schwefel, Stickoxiden und Ammoniak (UBA-FB-104 02 637)
Unterstuetzung der Gefaesszellbesiedlung eines elastischen Biomaterials durch Immunzellen
Unterstuetzung fuer IKZM - Netzwerke und Forschungsverbuende in Nord- und Ostsee
Untersuchen und Optimieren von Verfahrensparametern der Dampfpermeation (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung der Adsorption von Cadmium an Eisenoxidhydrat-Coatings mittels Voltammetrie (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung der Austauschprozesse von Spurenelementen zwischen Sediment und Wasserkoerper in ueberstroemten Sedimentkernen der Elbe
Untersuchung der Bildungskinetik von Kriechporen in glasphasehaltigem Aluminiumoxid mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (NKWS)
Untersuchung der Eignung von Triazin- und Boronsaeureliganden fuer affinitaetsbasierte Verfahren (Dissertation)
Untersuchung der Einflussgroessen auf die Zeitkonstante einer Methan-Unterwassersonde (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung der Einflussparameter bei der Dekontamination eines organisch belasteten Bodenwaescherueckstandes in einem kontinuierlichen Dampfstripp-Verfahren (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung der Elementverteilung in Oberflaechensedimenten aus dem Umfeld ausgewaehlter Offshore Windparks im Kuestennahen Bereich der Nordsee (Bachelorarbeit)
Untersuchung der Entmischungskinetik einer Fe-30at%Cr-14at%Co Legierung mittels Streuung polarisierter Neutronen (Dissertation)
Untersuchung der Entmischungskinetik einer Fe-30at.%Cr-14at.%Co-Legierung mittels polarisierter Neutronenstreuung
Untersuchung der Entmischungsreaktion in einer einkristallinen Cu-0,9 At.% Ti Legierung mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Untersuchung der Fruehstadien der Entmischung in einer einkristallinen Cu-0,9at%Ti – Legierung mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Untersuchung der Fruehstadien der Entmischung in einer Ni-13at%Al-Legierung mittels polarisierter Neutronenstreuung
Untersuchung der Keimbildung einer Cu-0,8at%Co-Legierung mittels polarisierter Neutronenstreuung
Untersuchung der Kinetik lichtinduzierter Gitter in PMMA mit Licht- und Neutronenbeugung
Untersuchung der Kinetik lichtinduzierter Gitter in PMMA mit Licht- und Neutronenbeugung
Untersuchung der Knochenregeneration mittels 18F-Fluorid und 18F-FDG mittels Inveon PET/CT im kritischen Knochendefektmodell bei der Ratte
Untersuchung der Kopplung chemischer, biologischer und hydrometeorologischer Parameter mittels statistischer Analyse langzeitiger Datenreihen zum Bodensee
Untersuchung der mikrobiellen Prozesse bei der Freisetzung von Spurenelementen waehrend der Oxidation anoxischer Sedimente (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung der Partikelexpansion und Kraftentwicklung von Metallhydriden
Untersuchung der Reichweite des Onsager-Koeffizienten und der internen Relaxationsprozesse an hochmolekularen Polymermischungen
Untersuchung der Repraesentativitaet der ARGE-Weser-Messstationen: Weserexperiment 1987
Untersuchung der Ueberstruktur in Fe-Si-Legierungen mittels Neutronenbeugung
Untersuchung der Verarbeitbarkeit einer hochfesten Al-Zn-Legierung durch das drahtbasierte Laserauftragschweißen für die Anwendung im Leichtbau
Untersuchung der Volumenausdehnung von Metallhydriden
Untersuchung der Wachstumskinetik duenner in Cu eingebetteter Co-Schichten mittels der Polarisierten Neutronenreflektometrie
Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Schweisslichtbogen und fokussiertem Laserstrahl und der Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten kombinierter Laser-Lichtbogentechnik (Dissertation)
Untersuchung des Einflusses eines erhoehten Mn-Gehaltes in AZ80 hinsichtlich des Schmiedeverhaltens (Bachelorarbeit)
Untersuchung des Einflusses von Verunreinigungen auf das Bioabbauverhalten metallischer Mg-Ca basierter Implantate
Untersuchung des Einflusses von Verunreinigungen auf das Bioabbauverhalten metallischer Mg-Ca basierter Implantate
Untersuchung des Fliessverhaltens einer Fest-Fluessig-Suspension in horizontalen Rohrleitungen mit und ohne Rohreinbauten (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung des Gastransports in amorphen Polyimid- und Polyamid-Membranen mittels Molecular Modeling
Untersuchung des Seegangs an der Suedspitze der Nordseeinsel Sylt mit Hilfe des radargestuetzen Wellenbeobachtungssystems WaMoS II (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung des Stofftransports durch eine Duennfilm-Kompositmembran zur Erdgas Konditionierung im Bereich hoher Druecke (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung des Stofftransports durch eine Silikonmembran unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Polarisationseffekten (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung des Stromquelleneinflusses auf das Prozessverhalten beim hyperbaren Kurzlichtbogenschweissen (Druckbereich 1-26 bar) (Dissertation)
Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen den Formierungsbedingungen von Flachmembranen aus Polyacrylnitril und den daraus resultierenden Trenneigenschaften (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung eines Membranmodulsystems fuer die Abtrennung von Kohlenwasserstoffen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung eines Membranmodulsystems fuer die Anreicherung von Methan aus Grubengas (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung frueher Entmischungsstadien in einer einkristalliner Cu-0,9 At.% Ti Legierung mittels Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Untersuchung lichtinduzierter Strukturen in PMMA mit holographischen Methoden und Neutronenbeugung (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung neuer Membranmaterialien fuer Erd- und Raffinieriegasanwendungen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung organischer Schadstoffe in Auen der mittleren Elbe unter Anwendung der Supercritical Fluid Extraction (Dissertation)
Untersuchung schwerfluechtiger Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe und ausgewaehlter Schwermetalle in der Weser und an der Klaeranlage Bremen-Seehausen im Rahmen der Gewaesserueberwachung: Ein im Rahmen eines Auftrags des Wasserwirtschaftsamtes Bremen erstellter Erge
Untersuchung ternaerer Systeme bei der Dampfpermeation als Trenntechnik (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung ueber die Rolle der Bakterien im Kohlenstoffkreislauf eines nordatlantischen Hochseeareals: Auswertung von Ergebnissen der 10. Meteorexpedition JGOFS : Abschlussbericht fuer das DFG-Projekt Nr. Ho 715/5-1
Untersuchung und Anwendung eines neuartigen Trennverfahrens fuer die Bestimmung von Elementspuren in salzhaltigen Matrizes (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung und Bewertung des Schadstoffeintrags ueber die Atmosphaere im Rahmen von PARCOM (Nordsee) und HELCOM (Ostsee) - Teilvorhaben: Modellierung des Grossraeumigen Transports von Spurenmetallen; Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers fuer Umwelt,
Untersuchung und Bewertung des Stoffeintrags in die Atmosphaere im Rahmen von PARCOM (Nordsee) und HELCOM (Ostsee): Teilbericht - Eintrag von organischen Spurenstoffen; UBA-FuE-Vorhaben 104 02 583
Untersuchung und Verbesserung der mechanischen Stabilitaet einer Duennfilm-Komposit-Membran zur Konditionierung von Raffinerie- und Erdgas (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung und Vorhersage des Abbaus von Polymeren mit Hilfe von 2D Systemen
Untersuchung von ausgewaehlten leichtfluechtigen polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAKs) in der Atmosphaere mittels Mikrowellendesorption im quantitativen Massstab (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung von Borisotopenfraktionierung in verschiedenen Flusssystemen als potenzieller neuer Tracer fuer anthropogene Kontaminationsquellen (Masterarbeit)
Untersuchung von faserverstaerktem Porenbeton mit Computertomographie Vt
Untersuchung von faserverstaerktem Porenbeton mit Computertomographie Vt
Untersuchung von in situ hergestellten Polyurethanschäumen zur Stressreduktion in Metallhydriden zur Wasserstoffspeicherung
Untersuchung von Isotopensignaturen in Oberflächensedimenten aus Nordsee-Offshore Windparks sowie deren Umfeld : Investigation of isotope signatures in surface sediments from North Sea offshore wind farms and their surroundings
Untersuchung von magnetischen Schichtstrukturen mit Neutronen und Roentgenstrahlung
Untersuchung von Multielementmustern und Gadoliniumspezies in Wasserproben aus dem Rhein mittels (HPLC)-ICP-MS/MS (Bachelorarbeit)
Untersuchung von nanokristallinen Metallhydrid-Wasserstoffspeichermaterialien mit Hilfe der Neutronen- und Roentgenkleinwinkelstreuung
Untersuchung von Schwarzkoerpern fuer den Einsatz in der Kalibrationseinrichtung fuer das Scanner for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB)-Instrument
Untersuchung von Schwebstoff in Gewaessern mit video-optischen Verfahren und digitaler Bildverarbeitung
Untersuchung von Schwermetallen und nicht-traditionellen stabilen Isotopensystemen in Sedimentkernen der Nordsee
Untersuchung von Traufenwasser und Bodenloesung auf Naehr- und Schadelemente: Versuch einer Bilanz (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung zum Einsatz von unterschiedlichen Polymermembranen in der Dampfpermeation (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung zum Resuspensionsverhalten von Elbe-Schwebstoff bei zeitlich ansteigender Stroemungsgeschwindigkeit (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung zum Rissspitzenoeffnungswinkel CTOA bei stabilem Rissfortschritt in duennen Proben aus Al 5083 H 321
Untersuchung zum Verhalten der Zeitreihen eines Messsystems fuer turbulente Fluesse von Impuls, Feuchte und fuehlbarer Waerme (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Fuehrungskompetenzen in wissenschaftlichen Organisationen am Beispiel der Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Masterarbeit)
Untersuchung zur Remobilisierung von humifizierten 14C-PAK-Rueckstaenden durch Regenwürmer (Lumbricidae) in Altlastboeden
Untersuchung zur Trocknung von PAN-UF-Membranen
Untersuchung zur Windgeschwindigkeitsbestimmung aus dem Radar mit synthetischer Apertur an Bord der ERS-1/2 Satelliten (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen an einem Filtrations/Refiltrations Modulsystem zur Aufkonzentrierung und Fraktionierung von Loesungsinhaltsstoffen
Untersuchungen an einem kontrastreichen Michelson-Interferometer als Komponente eines potentiellen Rayleigh-Temperatur-Lidars (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen an mit Concanavalin A modifizierten Traegermaterialien fuer die Affinitaetschromatographie (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen an Polyetherimidmembranen fuer den Einsatz als Adsorbermatrix
Untersuchungen an Radialreibschweissverbindungen in dynamischen Titan 'Risern' (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen der Austauschvorgaenge an der Wasser-Sediment-Kontaktzone im Elbe-Aestuar unter dem Einfluss biologischer Prozesse
Untersuchungen der intermetallischen Legierung Ti51Al49 aus kalt stranggepressten Elementpulvern
Untersuchungen der Isotopenhaeufigkeiten von Hg mit der Resonanzionisationsmassenspektroskopie
Untersuchungen der Konstitution und zum Verformungsverhalten von intermetallischen Phasen auf der Basis von Fe3(AlSi) (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen der Membranselektivitaet in Abhaengigkeit von der Stroemungsgeschwindigkeit in einem Membranmodul zur Benzindampfabtrennung (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen der Mischbarkeit und des Umesterungsverhaltens an Mischungen von Polyethylennaphthalin-2-6-dicarboxylat (PEN) und deuteriertem Polyethylenterephthalat (PET d8)
Untersuchungen der Sedimente eines Wattgebietes der fluvatilen Zone des Elbe-Aestuars (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen der Struktur duenner Polymerschichten mit Roentgenbeugungs-Methoden
Untersuchungen der Textur und der Anomalie des Elastizitaetsmoduls in Eisen-Kupfer-Verbunddraehten (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen der Trenneigenschaften der einzelnen Stufen eines Membran-Adsorptions-Prozesses zur Rueckgewinnung von Benzindaempfen
Untersuchungen der Veraenderungen der Bathymetrie einer experimentellen Verklappungsstelle mittels Faecherecholotmessungen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen der vertikalen Struktur stratiformer Bewoelkung mit einem 95 GHz Wolkenradar
Untersuchungen der vertikalen Struktur stratiformer Bewoelkung mit einem 95 GHz Wolkenradar
Untersuchungen fuer die Auslegung eines Membranverfahrens zur Abtrennung hoeherer Kohlenwasserstoffe aus verdichteten Gasstroemen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen morphologischer Veraenderungen in tidearmen und tidedominierten Kuestengewaessern mittels Faecherecholottechnik
Untersuchungen morphologischer Veraenderungen in tidearmen und tidedominierten Kuestengewaessern mittels Faecherecholottechnik
Untersuchungen ueber den Eigenspannungszustand in reibgeschweissten Rohren von Superlegierungen mit Hilfe hochaufloesender Neutronendiffraktometrie (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen und Bewertung des Schadstoffeintrags ueber die Atmosphaere im Rahmen von PARCOM (Nordsee) und HELCOM (Ostsee) - Teilvorhaben: Messungen von Spurenmetallen; Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherh
Untersuchungen von Moos, Reet und Staub eines 150 Jahre alten Hauses in der Elbmarsch
Untersuchungen zu den Polymerisationsmechanismen von ss-D,L-Butyrolacton und ss-Propiolacton sowie zu den Strukturen und Eigenschaften der Polymere (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zu einem elektrochemischen Verfahren fuer die Dekontamination von quecksilberbelastetem Boden (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zu einem Temperatur-Lidar mit Atomdampf-Filtern
Untersuchungen zu einem Thallium-Atomdampffilter fuer ein Raman-Temperatur-Lidar
Untersuchungen zu einem Thallium-Atomdampffilter fuer ein Raman-Temperatur-Lidar (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zum Abbauverhalten von Kern/Schale-Latices mittels GPC/FTIR-Kopplung
Untersuchungen zum Bestrahlungsverhalten von U3Si2-Testbrennstoffplatten mit niedriger Anreicherung
Untersuchungen zum Diffusionsprozess bei der Koagulation von Mehrschichtmembranen
Untersuchungen zum diodenlaserspektroskopischen Nachweis von Molekuelen mit komplexen Infrarotspektren durch Einsatz der Huellstromkuehltechnik (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum dynamischen Verhalten eines Unterwasser-Roboters unter Stroemungseinfluss (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des Gefueges auf die Eigenschaften von Magnesiumlegierungen hergestellt ueber Semi-Solid- Verfahren (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des Mikrophytobenthos auf den Naehrstoffaustausch zwischen Sediment und Wasser in der Tide-Elbe (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Photoreaktionen auf die Eigenschaften von PAN-UF-Membranen
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Schwebstoffbakterien auf Spezies-Umwandlungen des Quecksilbers
Untersuchungen zum Einsatz einer neuen Magnesium-Sekundaerlegierung in der industriellen Praxis
Untersuchungen zum feedseitigen Stofftransport in Pervaporationsmodulen (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum floristischen und pflanzensoziologischen Potential emslaendischer Gewaesser am Beispiel der TK 50: 3308
Untersuchungen zum Korrosions- und Kriechverhalten von Mg-Sn-Ca-Legierungen fuer den Hochtemperatureinsatz
Untersuchungen zum langjaehrigen Verlauf von Schwermetalldepositionen in ausgewaehlten schleswig-holsteinischen Salzmarschen auf der Basis von Radionuklidmessungen (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Lichtbogenwirkungsgrad beim WIG-Schweissen fuer Druecke bis 6,0 MPa
Untersuchungen zum nichtlinearen Aufzeichnungsprozess holographischer Gitter in PMMA mittels Neutronenbeugung
Untersuchungen zum Resuspensionsverhalten von Aestuarschwebstoff (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zum Schadenstoleranz-Verhalten von Eisenbahnschienen
Untersuchungen zum Schadenstoleranz-Verhalten von Eisenbahnschienen
Untersuchungen zum Schwebstofftransport in der Wesermuendung
Untersuchungen zum Schweissverhalten acht verschiedener Wolfram-Elektroden beim vollmechanisierten WIG-Schweissen bis 450 m Wassertiefe (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Sproedbruchverhalten intermetallischer Ti-Al-Si-Nb-Legierungen (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Spurenmetalleintrag in Nord- und Ostsee ueber die Atmosphaere
Untersuchungen zum Stofftransport im Sylter Wattenmeer
Untersuchungen zum Texturverhalten stranggepresster Al-Cu-Verbundwerkstoffe in Abhaengigkeit vom pulvermetallurgischen Herstellungsprozess (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zum Waermetransport beim WIG-Schweissen in trockener, hyperbarer Umgebung (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Aminosaeure-Aufarbeitung mittels Metall-Chelat-Chromatographie (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Anlagendynamik von natriumgekuehlten Schnellen Brutreaktoren: Verifikation eines Anlagenmodells (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Anwendung der Gradientenmethode auf luftgetragene Partikel
Untersuchungen zur Anwendung der Gradientenmethode auf luftgetragene Partikel (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Aufbereitung von Abwasserteilstroemen aus der Flaschenwaschanlage einer Brauerei (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Baggergutausbreitung und Wasserguete nach Umlagerung vor dem westlichen Nesssand (Kurzzeitausbreitung). Gutachten fuer Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Wirtschaftsbehoerde, Strom- und Hafenbau
Untersuchungen zur Baggergutausbreitung und Wasserguete nach Umlagerung vor Wittenbergen (Kurzzeitausbreitung). Gutachten fuer Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Wirtschaftsbehoerde, Strom- und Hafenbau
Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der oberflaechennahen Stroemungsgeschwindigkeit mit einem nautischen Radar (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Biologie, zur Verbreitung und zum Fang von Graskarpfen
Untersuchungen zur Butadienpolymerisation mit dem Katalysatorsystem Nickelnaphthenat/ AIEt3-nFn
Untersuchungen zur diodenlaserspektroskopischen Bestimmung des Kohlenstoff-Isotopenverhaeltnisses (13C/12C) von Methan (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Entstehung von Monomethylquecksilber(II) in der Elbe
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Tidedynamik an derdeutschen Nordseeküste (ALADYN)
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines Bindersystems fuer die MIM-technische Verarbeitung von Magnesiumpulver (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der statischen Festigkeit von geschweissten pneumatischen Antrieben und Optimierung der Schweissnaehte: Bauteilpruefung von Antrieb CD, Phase I
Untersuchungen zur Fluoreszenz von Rhodamin B in Elbwasserproben (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Fruehdiagenese und deren Bedeutung fuer die Schadstoffbelastung der Elbe
Untersuchungen zur Geometrieunabhaengigkeit von bruchmechanischen Kennwerten polymerer Werkstoffe
Untersuchungen zur Herstellung enantioselektiver Polymermembranen mit Hilfe von Cyclodextrinen und ihren Derivaten
Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von Membranen mit Hilfe einer Bikomponentenbreitschlitzduese
Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von Membranen mit Hilfe einer Bikomponentenbreitschlitzduese
Untersuchungen zur Kalman-Filterung bei der DGPS-Ortung bewegter Plattformen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Kinetik der Copolymerisation von Acrylaten in Gamma-Butyrolacton mit Hilfe der Drucksensordilatometrie
Untersuchungen zur Korrelation des spektralen Rauschhintergrundes eines nautischen Radars mit dem Wingeschwindigkeitsvektor (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur laserinduzierten Fluoreszenz von Gelbstoffen und Chlorophyll in einem Tidegewaesser (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Membranpermeation von Essigsaeure aus verduennten waessrigen Loesungen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Methan/Wasserstoff-Trennung und zur Stabilisierung der Traegerschicht einer Kompositmembran (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Methanbildung im Sediment der unteren Mittelelbe sowie der Unterelbe (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Mischbarkeit von Polymeren
Untersuchungen zur Molekuelkonformation im isotropen und im nematisch-fluessigkristallinen Zustand an Copolyestern unterschiedlicher Steifigkeit
Untersuchungen zur Molekuelkonformation und zum Umesterungsverhalten an fluessigkristallinen Copolyestern mittels der Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Untersuchungen zur multispektralen Fluoreszenz an Wasserproben
Untersuchungen zur N-Auswaschung aus Boeden im Einzugsbereich der Elbe in den neuen Bundeslaendern
Untersuchungen zur Pervaporation mit elektrisch beheizten Polymermembranen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Quecksilberausbreitung ueber den Luftpfad
Untersuchungen zur Reinheitsbestimmung mit Hilfe Dynamischer Kalorimetrie (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Repraesentanz singulaerer Messstellen auf der Elbe
Untersuchungen zur Resuspendierung und Tiefenschichtung natuerlicher Sedimente mit dem Mikrokosmos (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Schadstoffsituation am trockenen Unterwasser-Schweissarbeitsplatz
Untersuchungen zur Seenrestaurierung durch Nahrungsketten-Manipulation. 02-WT 8523
Untersuchungen zur simultanen Aminierung und Porenoeffnung von Polyetherimid-Membranen (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Spannungsrißkorrosionsbestaendigkeit von AA 2024 Grundwerkstoff und reibruehrgeschweißt (FSW)
Untersuchungen zur Strukturbildung bei der Membranherstellung mit einer Bikomponentenbreitschlitzduese (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Strukturbildung bei Gelspinnverfahren des PE
Untersuchungen zur Temperaturabhaengigkeit der FTIR-Spektren von CHF3-Clustern unter Einsatz der Stroemungskuehltechnik
Untersuchungen zur Temperaturfernmessung durch Analyse der Rayleigh-Rueckstreuung mit Atomdampffiltern
Untersuchungen zur Temperaturfernmessung durch Analyse der Rayleigh-Rueckstreuung mit Atomdampffiltern (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Trennschaerfe von Doppelfiltermodulen bei der on-line Fraktionierung von Substanzgemischen (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur uebermolekularen Struktur gelgesponnener/heiss gereckter hochmoduliger Polyethylen-Fasern
Untersuchungen zur Uebertragbarkeit bruchmechanischer Kennwerte im duktil-sproeden Uebergangsbereich: Bauteilversuche an geschweissten Rohrenden
Untersuchungen zur Verfahrenskombination aus Pervaporationsmodul und Fluessigkeitsring-Vakuumpumpe zur Abtrennung von leichtfluechtigen organischen Komponenten aus Betriebsfluessigkeiten (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur Verfahrenskombination aus Pervaporationsmodul und Flüssigkeitsring-Vakuumpumpe zur Abtrennung von leichtflüchtigen organischen Komponenten aus Betriebsflüssigkeiten (Dissertation)
Untersuchungen zur zeitverzoegerten Fluoreszenz von Phytoplankton und ihre Anwendung zur Bestimmung der Algenbiomasse (Diplomarbeit)
Untersuchungen zur Zyto-und Haemokompatibilitaet einer Beschichtungslsung (PERMANON) fuer Biomaterialien
Untersuchungsergebnisse ueber die Auswirkungen der Brachlegung intensiv ackerbaulich genutzter Boeden auf die Verlagerung von Nitrat mit dem Sickerwasserstrom
Unterwasserkonservierung: Korrosionsschutz im Stahlwasserbau
Unterwasserschweissen - Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen
Unterwasserschweissen: Einflussgroessen und Grenzarbeitstiefen beim Metall-Aktivgas- und Lichtbogenhandschweissen
Unterwassertechnik I
Unterwassertechnik I und II
Unterwassertechnik, Transport, Tauchtechnik
Unterwassertechnik: ein High-Tech-Markt mit Zukunft
Unusual Temperature Dependence of Positron Lifetime in a Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity
Unusual temperature dependence of the positron lifetime in a polymer of intrinsic microporosity
Unusual wave conditions in the northern Baltic Sea during windstorm Gudrun in January 2005
Unveiling nano-scale chemical inhomogeneity in surface oxide films formed on V- and N-containing martensite stainless steel by synchrotron X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy/microscopy and microscopic X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Unveiling Synergies between Theory and Experiment for an Enhanced Understanding of Solid-State Hydrogen Storage
Unveiling the dynamic softening mechanism via micromechanical behavior for a near-β titanium alloy deformed at a high strain rate
Unveiling the interplay of deformation mechanism in wrought Mg–Sc alloy with different content of manganese
Unveiling the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in a gas tungsten arc-welded Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy
Unvertraegliche Polymere: Phasendiagramme und Grenzflaechenbreiten mit Neutronenreflektometrie bestimmen
Unvertraegliche Polymermischungen: Neutronenreflektometrie als Methode der Wahl
Unwrapping differential x-ray phase-contrast images through phase estimation from multiple energy data
Up-scaling -TiAl Component size – a Novel Solution
Up-scaling of Nanostructured Powder Production
Up-scaling the size of TiAl components made via ingot metallurgy
Update of solvent resistant nanofiltration membranes developed at GKSS
Upgrading and refurbishing experience of German research reactors
Upgrading and refurbishing of research reactors in Germany, exp. FRG-1
Upgrading of the PETRA-2 Beamline at HASYLAB for Materials Science Analyses
Upscaling the synthesis of biodegradable multiblock copolymers capable of a shape-memory effect
Uranium recovery from seawater by adsorption
Urban Areas and Urban–Rural Contrasts under Climate Change: What Does the EURO-CORDEX Ensemble Tell Us?—Investigating near Surface Humidity in Berlin and Its Surroundings
Urban Atmospheric Chemistry with the EPISODE-CityChem Model
Urban climate
Urban Climate and Climate Change
Urban Climate Under Change [UC]2 – A National Research Programme for Developing a Building-Resolving Atmospheric Model for Entire City Regions
Urban ecosystems and heavy rainfall – A Flood Regulating Ecosystem Service modelling approach for extreme events on the local scale
Urban flood regulating ecosystem services under climate change: How can Nature-based Solutions contribute?
Urban Mining Riches: Unveiling the Economic Value in Electronic Scrap Material for Enhanced Recycling Strategies
Urban planning of coastal adaptation under sea-level rise: an agent-based model in the VIABLE framework
Urban Population Exposure to Air Pollution Under COVID-19 Lockdown Conditions - Combined Effects of Emissions and Population Activity
Urban Population Exposure to Air Pollution Under COVID-19 Lockdown Conditions—Combined Effects of Emissions and Population Activity
Urban population exposure to NOx emissions from local shipping in three Baltic Sea harbour cities – A generic approach
Urban resilience to environmental stressors via EO-based smart solutions
Urban trees under climate change - Potential impacts of dry spells and heat waves in three German regions in the 2050s : GERICS - CSC Report
Urban versus remote air concentrations of fluorotelomer alcohols and other polyfluorinated alkyl substances in Germany
Usability of best track data in climate statistics in the western North Pacific
Usage of Synchrotorn micro CT for the investigation of biomaterials
USANS investigation of early stages of metal foam formation
Use of an X-ray imaging plate for texture measurements
Use of an X-ray imaging plate for texture measurements
Use of AVHRR data to study relations between clouds and meteorology during EUCREX 93
Use of AVHRR data to study relations between clouds and meteorology during EUCREX 93
Use of Biochar from Rice Husk Pyrolysis: Part A: Recovery as an Adsorbent in the Removal of Emerging Compounds
Use of Cellulose for the Production of Photocatalytic Films for Hydrogen Evolution Along the Lines of Paper Production
Use of cohesive elements for the simulation of ductile tearing
Use of equivalent spheres to model the relation between radar reflectivity and optical extinction of ice cloud particles
Use of Erythrocyte Ghosts for Preconcentration in Element Speciation
Use of FerryBox surface temperature and salinity measurements to improve model based state estimates for the German Bight
Use of FerryBox surface temperature and salinity measurements to improve model based state estimates for the German Bight
Use of Fitness-for-Service Analyses Procedure FITNET for Fracture Analyses of Al-Alloy Laser Welds in Thin-Walled Edge Cracked Tensile Panels
Use of Fracture Mechanics in the US Industry
Use of Fracture Mechanics in the US Industry
Use of Gurtin-Murdoch model in predicting effective properties of nano-composites with application to nanoporous gold
Use of Gurtin-Murdoch model in predicting effective properties of nano-composites with application to nanoporous gold
Use of ISCCP data to assess the short-wave atmospheric absorption
Use of NaAlO2 additions to extend the corrosion resistance of PEO layer on EV31 magnesium alloy
Use of neural networks for automated analysis and modeling of elasto-plastic material properties of metallic tensile specimens : Verwendung Neuronaler Netze zur automatisierten Analyse und Modellierung elasto-plastischer Materialeigenschaften von metallischen Zugproben
Use of neutron diffraction for describing texture of isostatically pressed molybdite powders
Use of nonvolatile chlorinated hydrocarbons as anthropogenic tracers for estimating the contribution of the rivers Weser and Elbe to the pollution of the German Bight
Use of Polytrichum formosum (moss) as a passive biomonitor for heavy metal pollution: Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn
Use of SAR cross spectra for wind retrieval from ENVISAT ASAR wave mode data
Use of ships-of-opportunity for monitoring and eutrophication of the Wadden Sea
Use of small angle neutron scattering to study the interaction of angiotensin II with model membranes
Use of small-angle X-ray scattering to resolve intracellular structure changes of Escherichia coli cells induced by antibiotic treatment
Use of spherical indentation technique for measurement of property variations of GammaTiAl
Use of synergistic mixture of chelating agents for in situ LDH growth on the surface of PEO-treated AZ91
Use of synthetic aperture radar wind measurements for the design, construction and operation of off-shore wind farms
Use of synthetic aperture radar wind measurements to support Off-Shore Wind farming
Use of TerraSAR-X for Oceanography
Use of ZnAl-Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) to Extend the Service Life of Reinforced Concrete
User requirements and case studies to evaluate the practicability and usability of the urban climate model PALM-4U
User tailored results of a regional climate model ensemble to plan adaption to the changing climate in Germany
User tailored results of a regional climate model ensemble to plan adaption to the changing climate in Germany
User-friendly Software for SANS - Data Reduction and Analysis
User-friendly software for SANS data reduction
User-friendly software for SANS data reduction
Using 226Ra and 228Ra isotopes to distinguish water mass distribution in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Using a Bayesian Network to Summarize Variability in Numerical Long-Term Simulations of a Meteorological–Marine System: Drift Climatology of Assumed Oil Spills in the North Sea
Using a system thinking approach to assess the contribution of nature based solutions to sustainable development goals
Using CMAQ for modelling the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon distribution over coastal Europe: status and prospects
Using COMSOL Multiphysics for the development of metal hydride-based hydrogen systems for the energy transition
Using economic change for adaptation to climatic risks - A modeling study
Using empirical orthogonal functions derived from remote-sensing reflectance for the prediction of phytoplankton pigment concentrations
Using ERS-2 Wave Mode Cross Spectra to simulate ENVISAT ASAR Ocean Wave Retrieval
Using ESA Globsnow in the added value assessment of model-based reconstruction of snow water equivalent over Siberia
Using ESA Globsnow in the added value assessment of model-based reconstruction of snow water equivalent over Siberia
Using Green’s Functions to initialize and adjust a global, eddying ocean biogeochemistry general circulation model
Using ICP-MS/MS in complex environments - spatial distribution and possible sources of technology-critical elements
Using ICP-MS/MS to study the impact of offshore wind farms on the marine environment.
Using In Situ Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Microtomography to Investigate 3D Structure-Dependent Material Properties of Tension Wood
Using Mass Spectrometry to Investigate the Structural Features of Photocrosslinked Co-Networks based on Gelatin and Poly(ethylene glycol) Methacrylates
Using Mass Spectrometry to Investigate the Structural Features of Photocrosslinked Co-Networks based on Gelatin and Poly(ethylene glycol) Methacrylates
Using MgO to improve the (de)hydriding properties of magnesium
Using Models to Assess Climate Change Impacts
Using modern analytical ecogeochemical methods to study and protect sturgeon populations
Using Neural Network NO2-Predictions to Understand Air Quality Changes in Urban Areas—A Case Study in Hamburg
Using neutron methods SANS and PGAA to study evolution of structure and composition of alkali-doped polybenzimidazole membranes
Using object-oriented features of fortran 90 in high-performance computing
Using QuikSCAT in the added value assessment of dynamically downscaled wind speed
Using reactive site polymers in membrane application
Using SANS to study the solubilisation of model adjuvants by Pluronic block copolymers
Using sequential injection analysis for fast determination of phosphate in coastal waters
Using sequential injection analysis to improve system and data reliability of on-line methods: Determination of ammonium and phosphate in coastal waters
Using sets of individual orientations for ODF determination
Using small swarm-capable AUVs for submesoscale eddy measurements in the Baltic Sea
Using Solid-Phase Extraction Cartridges for Sampling of Volatile Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Indoor Air
Using Solid-Phase Extraction Cartridges for Sampling of Volatile Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Indoor Air
Using Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systems to trace sources of sediment and trace metals to the Weser River system (Germany) and assessment of input to the North Sea
Using synchroton radiation-based micro-computer tomography (SR Mue-CT) for the measurement of fibre orientations in cellulose fibre-reinforced polylactide (PLA) composites
Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Wind Measurements to Support Offshore Wind Parks
Using the adaptive cycle in climate-risk insurance to design resilient futures
Using the Assembly Time as a Tool to Control the Surface Morphology and Separation Performance of Membranes With a Tannic Acid–Fe3+ Selective Layer
Using the Multicomponent Aerosol FORmation Model (MAFOR) to Determine Improved VOC Emission Factors in Ship Plumes
Using the regional climat model COSMO-CLM over Siberia
Using thin film stress for nanoscaled sensors
Using thin film stress for nanoscaled sensors
Using windprofiler data in time and frequency domain for the evaluation of meteorological drivers employed in chemistry transport modelling
Utility of coastal science
Utility of Coastal Sciences
Utility of multi-century AOGCM runs - formulating hypotheses about past climates and testing methods
Utilization of GOCI data to evaluate the diurnal vertical migration of Microcystis aeruginosa and the underlying driving factors
Utilization of the FRG research reactors
Utilizing computational modelling to bridge the gap between in vivo and in vitro degradation rates for Mg-xGd implants
Utilizing Synchrotron Radiation for the Characterization of Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys—From Alloy Development to the Application as Implant Material
Utilizing x-ray diffraction tomography to study the effect of biodegradable magnesium implants on the bone ultrastructure
UV-controlled (poly)dopamine coating on Mg disks
UVU zur Anpassung der Fahrrinne der Unter- und Aussenelbe an die Containerschiffahrt


VACONOCORE-Anlage zur Dampfrueckgewinnung in Tanklaegern und Verladestationen
Vaconovent - Ein System zur verbesserten Gasrueckfuehrung bei der Fahrzeugbetankung
Vaconovent - Ein System zur verbesserten Gasrueckfuehrung bei der Fahrzeugbetankung
VACONOVENT-ein System zur Emissionsreduzierung bei der Fahrzeugbetankung
Validated Particulate Sampling Workflow Applied to Offshore Wind Farm Areas in the North Sea
Validating Computer Simulations with Neutron Scattering Experiments Picosecond Dynamics of Liquid Glycerol
Validating Precipitation Estimates Simulated by the Numerical Weather Forecast Models ETA and MM5 for Use in Flood Forecasting
Validating Precipitation Estimates Simulated by the Numerical Weather Forecast Models ETA and MM5 for Use in Flood Forecasting
Validating the early corrosion sensing functionality in poly (ether imide) coatings for enhanced protection of magnesium alloy AZ31
Validation and Intercomparison of Ocean Color Algorithms for Estimating Particulate Organic Carbon in the Oceans
Validation and intercomparison of ocean wave spectra inversion schemes using ASAR wave mode data
Validation and intercomparisons of wave measurements and models during the EuroROSE experiments
Validation of a Reaction Kinetic and Heat Balance Model for Anionic Polymerization in Batch Reactors
Validation of a regional weather forecast model with GPS data
Validation of a regional atmospheric model within Baltex using synoptical observations
Validation of a statistical-dynamical downscaling approach for wind statistics
Validation of an ocean shelf model for the prediction of mixed-layer properties in the Mediterranean Sea west of Sardinia
Validation of coastal ecosystem models with time series and remote sensing data in the German Bight
Validation of coastal ecosystem models with time series and remote sensing data in the German Bight
Validation of continuum simulations of materials at the mesoscopic level with X-ray and neutron diffraction with a focus on hydrogen storage materials
Validation of EGF P1-90 by an European round robin
Validation of ERS-1 synthetic aperature radar for imaging ocean waves: first results
Validation of flood risk models: Current practice and possible improvements
Validation of marker material flow in 4 mm thick friction stir welded Al2024-T351 as reported by computed microtomography using standard metallographic techniques
Validation of marker material flow in 4mm thick friction stir welded Al 2024-T351 through computer microtomography and dedicated metallographic techniques
Validation of REMO using synoptical observations
Validation of SEWAB – a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer scheme for atmospheric and hydrologic models
Validation of SINTAP defect assessment procedure for strenght mis-matched structures
Validation of the fracture mechanics test method EGF P1-87D (ESIS P1-90/ESIS P1-92)
Validation of the NWP model HRM with groundbased GPS data
Validation of the three-dimensional ECOHAM model in the German Bight for 2004 including population dynamics of Pseudocalanus elongatus
Validierung der Wolkenparametrisierung eines regionalen Atmosphaerenmodells mit ISCCP-Satellitendaten - Vergleich von Wolkeneigenschaften
Validierung der Wolkenparametrisierung eines regionalen Atmosphaerenmodells mit ISCCP-Satellitendaten - Vergleich von Wolkeneigenschaften
Valorization of CO2 to DME using a membrane reactor: A theoretical comparative assessment from the equipment to flowsheet level
Valuation of Climate Services for Viticulturists: Tackling fungal diseases
Vanillin: Pervaporation at the vapor pressure limit
Vapor Phase Deposition, Structure, and Plasmonic Properties of Polymer-Based Composites Containing Ag–Cu Bimetallic Nanoparticles
Vapor recovery membrane plants
Vapor recovery membrane system
Vapor recovery with membranes
Vapor Separation with Membrane Technology
Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation
Vapour Permeation and Pervaporation
Variability and trends of coastal upwelling regimes and external drivers of the Benguela upwelling system
Variability and trends of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific for the last decades (Dissertation)
Variability in specific-absorption properties and their use in a semi-analytical ocean colour algorithm for MERIS in North Sea and Western English Channel Coastal Waters
Variability of daily winter wind speed distribution over Northern Europe during the past millennium in regional and global climate simulations
Variability of daily winter wind speed distribution over Northern Europe during the past millennium in regional and global climate simulations
Variability of daily winter wind speed distribution over Northern Europe during the past millennium in regional and global climate simulations
Variability of decadal sea-level trends in the Baltic Sea
Variability of decadal sea-level trends in the Baltic Sea
Variability of extreme events in the Colombian Pacific and Caribbean catchment basins
Variability of nutrient concentrations in the Elbe estuary and in the German Bight: Detection of wind-induced events and chemical-biological processes by quasi-continuous measurements
Variability of SPM Concentrations and Fluxes in the ETM of the Elbe River
Variability of the Antarctic Oscillation during the Twentieth Century
Variability of the Antarctic Oscillation during the twentieth century
Variability of the atmospheric moisture transports over the Mediterranean during winter
Variability of the mixing zones and estuarine turbidity maxima in the Elbe and Weser estuaries
Variability of the turbidity regime in the Weser Estuary over two decades
Variability of wind direction statistics of mean and extreme wind events over the Baltic Sea region
Variability on time scales of decades up to a century in a AOGCM simulation with realistic time-variable forcing
Variability on time scales of decades up to a century in a AOGCM simulation with realistic time-variable forcing
Variability within marine ecosystems of northwestern Europe
Variable amplitude load-interaction and its consequences on fatigue crack growth
Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Ship Tracking Using HF Surface Wave Radar Data
Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Ship Tracking Using HF Surface Wave Radar Data
Variable Synthesis of Alcohols and Ketones Using the Grignard Method as a Form of MPVO Reaction
Variable X-ray excitation for total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy using an Mo/W alloy anode and a tunable double multilayer monochromator
Varianten des Ruehrreibschweissens
Variants of Lemaitre's Damage Model and Their Use in Formability Prediction of Metallic Materials
Variants of Lemaitre’s damage model and their use in formability prediction of metallic materials
Variation in particulate C and N isotope composition following iron fertilization in two successive phytoplankton communities in the Southern Ocean
Variation of Extrusion Process Parameter for the Magnesium Alloy ME21
Variation of Extrusion Process Parameter for the Magnesium Alloy ME21
Variation of Hydrodynamics and Water Constituents in the Mouth of the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Variation of Rare Earth Elements in the Magnesium Alloy ME21 for the Sheet Production
Variation of Rare Earth Elements in the Magnesium Alloy ME21 for the Sheet Production
Variation that can be expected when using particle tracking models in connectivity studies
Variation von Struktur und Funktion polymerer Porenmembranen durch gezielte chemische Oberflaechenmodifizierungen (Habilitation)
Variational analysis of effective soil moisture from screen-level atmospheric parameters: application to a short-range weather forecast model
Variational constitutive updates for microstructure evolution in hcp metals
Variational data assimilation into a shallow water model
Variational Mesh Adaption in Elasticity Imaging of Soft Tissue
Variational Mesh Adaption in Elasticity Imaging of Soft Tissue
Variationally consistent modeling of finite strain plasticity theory with non-linear kinematic hardening
Variationen der Ozonverteilung in der marinen und polaren Troposphaere
Variationen des troposphaerischen Ozons. Atmosphaerisches Ozon: Prozesse und Wirkungen
Variations and characteristics of carbonaceous substances emitted from a heavy fuel oil ship engine under different operating loads
Variations in the elemental composition of plants and computer aided sampling in ecosystems
Variations in the Structural and Colloidal Stability of Magnetoferritin under the Impact of Technological Process Modulations
Variations of Cytokine Expression and the Impact of Stress and Infection in Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina) of the North Sea
Variations of the Organic Matter Composition in the Sea Surface Microlayer: A Comparison between Open Ocean, Coastal, and Upwelling Sites Off the Peruvian Coast
Variations of trace element content in suspended particulate matter in the Elbe estuary
Variations of trace element content in suspended particulate matter in the Elbe estuary
Vascular gene expression in normal and tumour-induced angiogenesis
Vascularization and gene regulation of human endothelial cells growing on porous polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber membranes
VASCUPLUG - Bioreactive composite scaffold design for improved vascular connexion of tissue-engineered products
VASCUPLUG - Entwicklung einer implantierbaren, bioabbaubaren Gerueststruktur fuer die Gewebezuechtung mit verbesserter Blutgefaessanbindung
VBC Curable Acrylic Copolymers for Membrane Applications
Vegetative multiplication and spatial genetic structure in patches of Convallaria majalis L. (Ruscaceae)
Vehicles of inverted hexagonal liquid crystalline lipid phases self-assembled at room temperature
Venous and Arterial Endothelial Cells from Human Umbilical Cords: Potential Cell Sources for Cardiovascular Research
Veraenderliches Kuestenklima - Die vergangenen und zukuenftigen 100 Jahre
Veraenderliches Kuestenklima - Die vergangenen und zukuenftigen 100 Jahre
Veraenderliches Kuestenklima - die vergangenen und zukuenftigen 100 Jahre
Verbesserte Ausscheidungscharakterisierung von Fe-Legierungen (Dissertation)
Verbesserte Hydrophilie von Hohlfasermembranen mittels funktionalisierter Trennschicht für die Ultrafiltration
Verbesserte Hydrophilie von Hohlfasermembranen mittels funktionalisierter Trennschicht für die Ultrafiltration : Dual Layer Hollow Fiber Membranes with Functionalized Separation Layer for Improved Hydrophilicity
Verbesserung der Schweissgutqualitaet beim nassen Unterwasserschweissen
Verbesserung der Wasserbeschaffenheit durch Nutzung des Phytobenthos und Sedimentkonditionierung
Verbesserung der Wasserstoffspeichereigenschaften eines reaktiven Hydridkomposits durch Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses (Bachelorarbeit)
Verbindungsschweissungen in hyperbarer Gasatmosphaere zwischen 600 und 1100m WT
Verborgene Polymer/Polymer Grenzflaechen – eine Herausforderung an die Neutronenreflexion
Verbreitung des Graskarpfens (Ctenopharyngodon idella, Val.) und oekologische Auswirkungen in Rheinland-Pfalz
Verbreitung von Makrofauna-Arten im Wattenmeer (Band 1)
Verbundwerkstoffe mit Buntmetallmatrix
Verdampfungs- und Kondensationsprozesse von levitierten Tropfen in stehenden Ultraschallfeldern
Verdampfungsprozesse an akustisch levitierten Tropfen - Einfluss von Monolayern
Verdunstung sowie Komponenten des Energiehaushaltes an der Oberflaeche der zentralen Ostsee 1964-1993
Verdunstung ueber heterogenem Gelaende - Vergleich zwischen Modellen und Experiment
Verdunstung ueber heterogenen Landoberflaechen: Das EVA-GRIPS Projekt
Vereinfachung komplexer Molekuelspektren durch Huellstromkuehlung: Grundzuege einer neuen Methode
Verfahren zur Bestimmung der optimalen Kenndaten der Hauptprimaerumwaelzungspumpe nach Kernkompaktierung des Reaktors FRG-1. Teil 1: Entwicklungskonzept, Optimierungskriterien und allgemeine logische Struktur des Verfahrens
Verfahren zur Bestimmung der optimalen Kenndaten der Hauptprimaerumwaelzungspumpe nach Kernkompaktierung des Reaktors FRG-1. Teil 2: Teilstrukturen des Verfahrens
Verfahrenskombination aus Gaspermeation und Kondensation zur Abtrennung und Rueckgewinnung organischer Daempfe aus Abgasstroemen (Dissertation)
Verfahrenskombination aus Gaspermeation und Konsdensation zur Abtrennung und Rueckgewinnung organischer Daempfe aus Abgasstroemen
Verfahrensoptimierte Legierungsentwicklungen
Verfahrenstechnische Entwicklung zur Herstellung konzentrierter anthocyanhaltiger Holundersaftzubereitungen mittels Membranfiltration (Diplomarbeit)
Verformung und Bruch in lamellarem TiAl
Verformung und Risswachstum der Gamma-TiAl Legierungen bei hohen Temperaturen
Verformungs- und Versagensmechanismen in zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Verformungsmechanismen in zweiphasigen Titan-Aluminid-Legierungen
Verformungsmechanismen in zweiphasigen Titanaluminiden
Verformungsverhalten zweiphasiger metallischer Verbundwerkstoffe (Dissertation)
Vergleich der Interaktion verschiedener Zelltypen mit modifizierten metallischen Implantatoberflaechen, Comparison of the interaction of different cell types with modified metal implant surfaces
Vergleich der Interaktion verschiedener Zelltypen mit modifizierten metallischen Implantatoberflaechen, Comparison of the interaction of different cell types with modified metal implant surfaces
Vergleich der Messungen von Temperatur und sensiblem Waermefluss mit einem Ultraschall-Anemometer-Thermometer und einem zeitlich hochaufloesenden Platindraht-Widerstandsthermometer (Diplomarbeit)
Vergleich der Trennleistung von Ultrafiltrationsmembranen
Vergleich gemessener und berechneter Fahrtverluste eines Schiffes im Seegang
Vergleich signifikanter Wellenhoehen aus ERS-1 Radar Altimeterdaten mit Ergebnissen des WAM-Modells
Vergleich unterschiedlicher bruchmechanischer Bewertungsverfahren am Beispiel zweier innendruckbelasteter Hohlzylinder
Vergleich unterschiedlicher Immobilisierungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Enzymmembranen
Vergleich verschiedener Polymermaterialien fuer die Enzymbindung an Membranen
Vergleich von Modellen fuer den Eintrag von Spurenstoffen aus der Atmosphaere in die Nordsee - Beispiel Blei (Dissertation)
Vergleich von R-Kurven-Konzepten fuer Flugzeugrumpfstrukturen
Vergleich von R-Kurven-Konzepten fuer Flugzeugrumpfstrukturen
Vergleich zweier Aufreinigungsverfahren mit normal phase'-HPLC und GPC von Sedimentextrakten zur Bestimmung von chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen'
Vergleich zweier Membranmodultypen fuer die Gaspermeation (Diplomarbeit)
Vergleich zwischen akuter Toxizitaet und den Ergebnissen eines nontarget Screenings von Elbesedimenten
Vergleichende Abschaetzung von Effektivitaet und Nebenwirkungen verschiedener Reaktionsvarianten des Kuestenschutzes an der Unterweser gegenueber einer Klimaaenderung
Vergleichende Abtrennung ausgewaehlter polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe aus einer Bodenreal- und kunstkontamination mittels Wasserdampfdestillation und Desorption (Diplomarbeit)
Vergleichende Dekontamination PAK-haltiger Bodenmaterialien durch einen Dampfstripp-Prozess in einer Labor- und Technikumsanlage (Diplomarbeit)
Vergleichende pH-Wertmessungen in Laub- und Nadelwald
Vergleichende Studie ueber Prozesscharakteristika und Schichteigenschaften von ausscheidungs- und mischkristallverfestigenden Al-Legierungen beim Reibauftragschweissen (Bachelorarbeit)
Vergleichende Untersuchung von Multi-Elementfingerprints zweier Flusssysteme (Weser und Ems) unter besondererBeruecksichtigung der Metalle der Seltenen Erden (Bachelorarbeit)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Biosorption von Schwermetallen unter Verwendung von Makro- und Mikroalgen
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum Zug- und Druckkriechverhalten der verstärkten und unverstärkten Magnesiumlegierung AE42 (Dissertation)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Mukosarekonstruktion im Tiermodell durch ein neuartiges Formgedaechtnis­polymer und Poly(L-lactid)
Vergleichendes Lexikon - Wichtige Definitionen, Schwellenwerte und Indices aus den Bereichen Klima, Klimafolgenforschung und Naturgefahren : CSC Bericht
Vergleichendes Lexikon - Wichtige Definitionen, Schwellenwerte, Kenndaten und Indices fuer Fragestellungen rund um das Thema "Klimawandel und seine Folgen" : CSC Bericht
Vergleichsmessungen von Ozon-Vertikalprofilen zwischen vier Lidar- und drei In-situ-Messsystemen
Verhalten verschiedener Membranmaterialien fuer die Aufbreitung organischer Produktstroeme aus Reaktivrektifikationskolonnen
Verhalten verschiedener Membranmaterialien fuer die Aufbreitung organischer Produktstroeme aus Reaktivrektifikationskolonnen
Verhalten von kurzfasegestaerkten Magnesiumlegierungen bei thermomechanischer Beanspruchung
Verhalten von kurzfasegestaerkten Magnesiumlegierungen bei thermomechanischer Beanspruchung
Verhalten von Magnesium-Verbundwerkstoffen bei erhoehten Temperaturen
Verhalten von schwerfluechtigen Chlorkohlenwasserstoffen an Schwebstoffen des Elbe-Aestuars
Verification measurement of a polarization Raman elastic-backscatter lidar
Verification measurement of the ARGOS system, June 1992
Verification of a cohesive zone model for ductile fracture
Verification of a Commercial CALPHAD Database for Re and Ru Containing Nickel-Base Superalloys
Verification of a Commercial CALPHAD Database for Re and Ru Containing Nickel-Base Superalloys
Verification of a long-range atmospheric transport model for mercury using data from the Nordic Air and Precipitation Network
Verification of GCM-Generated Regional Seasonal Precipitation for Current Climate and of Statistical Downscaling Estimates under Changing Climate Conditions
Verification of micromechanical models for ductile fracture by cell model calculations
Verification of the pollutant transport model MODIS using EPRI plains site data from a tall stack
Verification of the transferability of micromechanical parameters by cell model calculations for visco-plastic materials
Verifizierung eines Parametrisierungsansatzes von Cirren fuer Klimamodelle anhand von Messergebnissen des ICE87
Verifizierung mesoskaliger Windfelder
Verifying a strain reference sample
Verifying a strain reference sample
Verifying Larché-Cahn elasticity, a milestone of 20th-century thermodynamics
Verifying Larché-Cahn theory by measuring open-system elasticity of nanoporous palladium(-gold)-hydrogen
Verifying Larché-Cahn theory by measuring open-system elasticity of nanoporous palladium(-gold)-hydrogen
VERITAS: a high-flux neutron reflectometer with vertical sample geometry for a long pulse spallation source
VERITAS: a high-flux neutron reflectometer with vertical sample geometry for a long pulse spallation source
Verkippungen der c-Achsen und Verdrehungen um die c-Achsen in einem schmelztexturierten YBaCuO-Zylinder d Tiefenwirkung eines Saatkristalles
Vermeidung und Minimierung von Umweltbelastungen durch Membranen im industriellen Einsatz
Vermeidung von Bimetallkorrosion – Systematische Entwicklung eines Magnesium Karosseriebauteils - Preventing galvanic corrosion – Systematic development of a magnesium car body component
Verminderung der Nitratbelastung am Beispiel des Grundwassergewinnungsgebietes Querfurter Platte' in Sachsen-Anhalt'
Verminderung von Emissionen mittels Membranverfahren
Vermittlung modellgestuetzter Analysen: Trends chronischer Oelverschmutzung
Vernetzte hydrophile Celluloseether als Trennschichten von Polymer-Kompositmembranen
Vernetzte hydrophile Celluloseether als Trennschichten von Polymer-Kompositmembranen (Dissertation)
Vernetzte Umweltinformation
Vernetzungsfaehige Reaktivpolymere fuer loesemittelstabile Membrananwendungen
Vernetzungsfaehige Reaktivpolymere fuer loesemittelstabile Membrananwendungen
Versagensvorhersagen - Schaedigungsmechanik mit ANSYS
Verschleisssimulation tribologisch beanspruchter Systeme, Wear Simulation of Tribosystems
Verschleisssimulation tribologisch beanspruchter Systeme, Wear Simulation of Tribosystems
Verschmutzung der Pole mit Quecksilber
Versetzungsdynamik und plastische Verformung in einphasigen und 3D20 zweiphasigen 3D20 Ti-Al-Werkstoffen
Versetzungsdynamik und plastische Verformung in einphasigen und zweiphasigen Ti-Al-Werkstoffen
Versetzungsprozesse in ausscheidungsgehaerteten Legierungen
Versuchsergebnisse ueber den Einfluss differenzierter Intensitaetsstufen der Landnutzung auf den sickerwassergebundenen Stickstoffaustrag
Versuchsergebnisse zum Stickstoffaustrag bei Flaechenstillegung und Extensivierung
Versuchsmoeglichkeiten und Forschung in der GKSS-Unterwassersimulationsanlage GUSI
Verteilung einiger chemischer Elemente in Molinia caerulea und Eriophorum vaginatum waehrend der Renaturierung des Leegmoores (Kreis Emsland)
Verteilung und Mobilitaet organischer Schadstoffe in Elbauen – Untersuchungsstrategien und erste Ergebnisse
Verteilung und Transport des Wassers in der Atmosphaere
Verteilung und Transport des Wassers in der Atmosphaere
Verteilung von Benzothiazolen und Benzotriazolen entlang des Estuarbereichs der Elbe und Weser
Vertical aerosol distribution over Europe: Statistical analysis of Raman lidar data from 10 European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) stations
Vertical direct chill (VDC) casting of a novel magnesium wrought alloy with Zr and RE additions (ZK10): alloying issues
Vertical direct chill (VDC) casting of a novel magnesium wrought alloy with Zr and RE additions (ZK10): alloying issues
Vertical distribution and activity of bacteria in the Central Arabian Sea
Vertical distribution and activity of bacteria in the Central Arabian Sea
Vertical distribution of Chernobyl isotopes and their correlation with heavy metals and organic carbon in sediment cores of the Elbe estuary
Vertical distribution of Chernobyl isotopes and their correlation with heavy metals and organic carbon in sediment cores of the Elbe estuary
Vertical emission profiles for Europe based on plume rise calculations
Vertical migration by bulk phytoplankton sustains biodiversity and nutrient input to the surface ocean
Vertical positioning as a key functional trait of macrobenthic communities
Vertical positioning as a key functional trait of macrobenthic communities
Vertical profiles of radiation divergence from MSG data
Vertical suspended sediment uxes observed from a formation of underwater gliders
Vertically migrating phytoplankton fuel high oceanic primary production
Vertiefungslaboratorium Umweltanalytik
Vertikale turbulente Fluesse und trockene Deposition ueber einem Wald
Vertikale turbulente Fluesse und trockene Deposition ueber einem Wald
Verwendung der Theorie verduennter Elektrolyte in radikalischen Polymerisationsmechanismen
Verwendung Neuronaler Netze zur automatisierten Analyse und Modellierung elasto-plastischer Materialeigenschaften von metallischen Zugproben
Verwertung von Abwaessern und Abfaellen auf landwirtschaftlich genutzten Boeden
Very hard synchrotron x-ray radiation as an advanced characterization method exemplarily applied to advanced high-strength steel
Very hard synchrotron x-ray radiation as an advanced characterization method exemplarily applied to advanced high-strength steels
Very High Resolution Simulations of African Climate with the Regional Climate Model REMO
Very High Resolution Simulations of African Climate with the Regional Climate Model REMO
Very high-resolution modelling of submesoscale turbulent patterns and processes in the Baltic Sea
Viability and function of primary human endothelial cells on smooth poly(ether imide) films
Viability and function of primary human endothelial cells on smooth poly(ether imide) films
Viability of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Seeded on Crosslinked Entropy-Elastic Gelatin-Based Hydrogels
Viability, adhesion and differentiated phenotype of articular chondrocytes on degradable polymers and electro-spun structures thereof
Viability, adhesion and differentiated phenotype of articular chondrocytes on degradable polymers and electro-spun structures thereof
Viability, Morphology and Function of Primary Endothelial Cells on Poly(Eta-Butyl Acrylate) Networks Having Elastic Moduli Comparable to Arteries
Viability, proliferation and adhesion of smooth muscle cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells on electrospun polymer scaffolds
Viability, proliferation, apoptosis and adhesion of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and endothelial cells (HUVECs) on degradable electro-spun structures
Viable North Sea (ViNoS): A NetLogo Agent-based Model of German North Sea Small-scale fisheries
Video-Based Estimation of Surface Currents Using a Low-Cost Quadcopter
Vines inference
Virtual diffraction as a tool to investigate nanostructured materials
Virtual diffraction as a tool to investigate nanostructured materials
Virtual diffraction as a tool to investigate nanostructured materials
Virtual Institute Ipsus: Results from insitu experiments on AL7449
Virtual Materials Design – Prospects for using 4C/BACI at the HZG
Virtueller Zwilling: von der Laser-Peening-Prozesssimulation zur Ermüdungsrisswachstumsvorhersage
Virtuelles Institut - Schluesselwerkstoffe fuer den Leichtbau
Visco-Plasticity with Inherent and Induced Anisotropy: Theory, Implementation and Applications to Metal Forming
Visco-Plasticity with Inherent and Induced Anisotropy: Theory, Implementation and Applications to Metal Forming
Viscoelastic and dielectric properties of composites of poly(vinyl butyral) and alumina particles with a high filling degree
Viscoelastic and dielectric properties of composites of poly(vinyl butyral) and alumina particles with a high filling degree
Viscoelastic and dielectric properties of highly filled composites of poly(vinyl butyral) and aluminum oxide particles
Viscoelastic properties of composites of poly(vinyl butyral) and aluminum oxide particles near the maximum packing fraction
Viscoelastic properties of solutions of polystyrene melts and carbon dioxide: Analysis of a transient shear rheology approach
Viscosity and Elasticity of Microphase-Separated Block Copolymers: Melt and Solution Rheology
Visioning event horizons: Where do we go from here?
Visualization of Implant Failure by Synchrotron Tomography
Visualization of Implant Failure by Synchrotron Tomography
Visualization of inhomogeneous; biodegradable polymeric Langmuir AClayers by imaging ellipsometry and mapping technique
Visualization of inhomogeneous; biodegradable polymeric Langmuir layers by imaging ellipsometry and mapping technique
Visualization of streams through membranes by means of pneumatic SFM
Visualization of subcutaneous insulin injections by x-ray computed tomography
Visualization of uncertainty in climate projections imposed by volcanic activity
Visualizing Oxidative Cellular Stress Induced by Nanoparticles in the Subcytotoxic Range Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
Visualizing the complex morphology of fatigue cracks in voxel-based 3D datasets
Vitrimers based on block copolymers with diverse block sequences
VOC (volatile organic compounds) removal by vapor separation
Voice from the Field: The dykes are safe - surely?
Void formation in metal matrix composites by solidification and shrinkage of an AlSi7 matrix between densely packed particles
Volatile organic compound control technology by means of membranes
Volatile polyfluorierte Verbindungen in Innenraumluft
Volatilization of dimethylmercury and elemental mercury from river Elbe floodplain soils
Volcanic ash over Europe during the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull on Iceland, April–May 2010
Volcanic Eruption Triggers a Rare Meteotsunami in the Indian Ocean
Vollmechanisiertes Metallaktivgasschweissen der Fuell- und Decklagen abnahmepflichtiger Rohrrundnaehte in hyperbarer Umgebung (Dissertation)
Voltammetrische Untersuchungen der Adsorption von Cadmium an Elbsedimenten (Diplomarbeit)
Volume shrinkage and crack formation during dealloying of Au25Cu75
Vom bare-metal Stent zum Polymerstent: Status und Ausblick Entwicklung
Vom Braunkohlentagebau zum Seengebiet
Vom Funktionsmaterial zu Megabubbles
Vom Laserstrahlschweissen zur laseradditiven Fertigung von Gamma-TiAl
Vom Pulver zum Bauteil
Vom Pulver zum Bauteil
Vom Pulver zum Bauteil
Vom Regenmachen zur Klimaintervention - Ein Blick auf die Ideen- und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Climate Engineering
Vom Titanpulver zum belastbaren Bauteil
Vom Titanpulver zum belastbaren Bauteil
Von der Festkoerperphysik zur Materialforschung – Trends und Perspektiven
Von der Kueste ins Labor - Untersuchungen an primaeren Hepatozyten zum Einfluss von Schadstoffen auf Seehunde
Von der Macht des Klimas. Ist der Klimadeterminismus nur noch Ideengeschichte oder relevanter Faktor gegenwaertiger Klimapolitik?
Von der Mikrosystemtechnik zum Extrem-Leichtbau - Neue Dimensionen der Werkstoffmechanik
Von der Natur lernen - Membranen für die Stofftrennung
Von der Summenbestimmung eines Schadstoffes zur Analytik der Bindungsform. Beispiele aus der aquatischen Umwelt
Von der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis zum politischen Handeln
Von der Zelle bis zum Bauteil: Neutronen in der Materialforschung
Von Mulchfolien bis zu Nahtmaterialien - Biologisch abbaubare Polymere
Von Peptidantibiotika zu Implantatoberflaechen: Auf die Grenzflaeche kommt es an
Von Wasserdampf und Ozon, von PSCs, Zirren und anderen Wolken: neuere Messungen mit dem GKSS-Ramanlidar
Von WATiS bis ELBiS - Uebertragung eines Informationssystems fuer Forschung und Verwaltung von der Kueste auf die Elbe
Vorbehandlung von Magnesiumoberflaechen - Ein Ueberblick zur Reinigung und Aktivierung
Vorbereitende Schritte zur Einbindung der Entwicklungs- und Fertigungsabteilungen eines Forschungszentrums in das bestehende QM-System entsprechend DIN EN ISO 9001 (Diplomarbeit)
Vorgehensweise beim Outsourcing: Vorhaben der Personalabrechnung am Beispiel eines Grossforschungszentrums (Diplomarbeit)
Vorhersage der Schichtdicke von duennen Polymerfilmen beim Spincoating Verfahren unter Beruecksichtigung der spezifischen Geraeteparametern des Spincoaters (Diplomarbeit)
Vorhersage von Elementkonzentrationen in Filtraten aus denen von Schwebstoffen und umgekehrt - Eine Moeglichkeit zur Vereinfachung von Gewaessergueteuntersuchungen?
Vorhersage von Schraegbruch und Teller-Tassen-Bruch mit Hilfe duktiler Schaedigungdmodelle
Vorkommen organischer Umweltchemikalien im Elbeaestuar : Abschlussbericht Umweltbundesamt-FuE-Vorhaben 102 04 363
Vorkommen und Verbreitung von perfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in eeuropaeischen und chinesischen Fluss-Aestuar Systemen
Vorkommen und Verbreitung von perfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFASs) in europaeischen und chinesischen Fluss-Aestuar Systemen
Vorkommen und Verhalten organischer und anorganischer Mikroverunreinigungen in der mittleren und unteren Elbe; UBA-FB-10204363
Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Atmosphaerenchemie
Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Atmosphaerische Spurenstoffe
Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Meereschemie
Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Meereschemie
Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Meereschemie
Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Terrestrische und aquatische Oekosysteme
Vorkommen und Verteilung organischer UV-Stabilisatoren und UV-Filter in Sedimenten europaeischer Flussmuendungen
Vorlesung 'Chemieanlagen und Umweltschutz'
Vorlesung 'Chemieanlagen und Umweltschutz'
Vorlesung (Elektrodynamik) und Seminare ueber theoretische Physik fuer Mathematik/Physik-Lehramtsanwaerter
Vorlesung (Elektrodynamik) und Seminare ueber theoretische Physik fuer Mathematik/Physik-Lehramtsanwaerter
Vorlesung (Elektrodynamik) und Seminare ueber theoretische Physik fuer Mathematik/Physik-Lehramtsanwaerter
Vorlesungs-Intensivkurs "Physikalische Chemie fuer Biologen"
Vorschlag der ESIS fuer ein beschleunigtes Verfahren zur Spannungsrisskorrosionspruefung
Vorschlag fuer den Aufbau eines Kontrollsystems zur landwirtschaftlichen Verwertung von kommunalen Klaerschlaemmen (KS)
Vorstellung der „Kontaktstelle Meeresforschungstechnik“
Vorstellung des EU-Projektes INNOMEM
Vorstellung des Institutes und eigene Arbeiten im Projektlabor der Uni Potsdam
Vorstellung des Instituts für Kuestenforschung der GKSS
Vorstellung des Zentrums fuer Biomaterialentwicklung
Vorueberlegungen zur depiktionalen Repraesentation raeumlichen Wissens
Vorzugsorientierung in Bleiglanz vor und nach der experimentellen Deformation bei 25-400°C und einer Verformungsrate von 5•10¯5s¯1
VueBox® perfusion analysis of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) examinations in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism for preoperative detection of parathyroid gland adenoma
VueBox® perfusion analysis of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) examinations in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism for preoperative detection of parathyroid gland adenoma
Vulnerability of informal settlements in the context of rapid urbanization and climate change
Vulnerability of the Nile Delta to Recent and Future Climate Change
Vulnerability of the Nile Delta to Recent and Future Climate Change


Wadden Sea Eutrophication: Long-Term Trends and Regional Differences
Wadden Sea Research in general and specifically in Germany
Waermeabfuhr aus gedrosselten Pumpen
Waermeabfuhr aus gedrosselten Pumpen
Waermeuebergang nach der Siedekrise bei erzwungener Konvektion
Waermeuebergangszahlen bei der Kondensation
Wahlpflicht Polymerchemie – Anwendungen in der Medizin Resorbierbare Polymere
Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels in der Metropolregion Hamburg
Waldschadensforschung: neue Ergebnisse zur Wechselwirkung Atmosphaere-Vegetation
Walzen von im DSC-Verfahren hergestellten Magnesiumband
WAM model implementation at ECMWF
WAMS applied to a Ness storm
Warmfeste Mg-Werkstoffe
Warmschmieden von Magnesium: Status und Potenzial
Warnsignal Klima: Extremereignisse
Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?
Was birgt die Wolke? - Die Rolle der Wolken in Wetter, Klima und Umwelt
Was leisten Klimamodelle?
Was sind Modelle, und was macht man damit?
Was the “failure” of the Copenhagen climate summit key to expected “success” in Paris?
Was weiss schon der Wetterfrosch?
WASA Project
Wasser an den Küsten Ostfrieslands (WAKOS): maßgeschneiderte Klimaservices für die Anpassung
Wasser und Klima
Wasser und Klima - Ein Beziehungsgeflecht
Wasser – Das aussergewoehnliche Molekuel in Klima und Umwelt
Wasser- und Abwasseraufbereitung durch Membranen
Wasseranalytik II
Wasserbereitstellung und Wasserbeschaffenheit fuer Bewaesserungszwecke in den neuen Bundeslaendern
Wasserbilder in der Atmosphaere
Wasserdampfmessungen mit einem Ramanlidar
Wasserkreislaeufe im Klimasystem: ein Forschungsproblem mit Zukunft
Wasserkreislauf und Klimawandel
Wasserstoff als zukuenftiger Energietraeger
Wasserstoff in der Tauchtechnik
Wasserstoff in Pd-Clustern
Wasserstoff in stationären Anwendungen: Kopplung von Strom-; Gas- und Mobilitätssektor
Wasserstoff und mechanische Eigenschaften von Metallen
Wasserstoff-Gewinnung mit Sonnenlicht und -Speicherung in Metallhydriden
Wasserstoff-Speicherung in nanostrukturierten Werkstoffen
Wasserstoffdiffusion in einem hoeherfesten Stahl unter mechanischer Beanspruchung
Wasserstoffinduzierte Effekte bei der Ermuedungsrisskorrosion von Stahl
Wasserstoffkorrosion mittels L-DED-wire gefertigter Duplexstähle
Wasserstoffspeicherung in Alanaten
Wasserstoffspeicherung in Leichtmetallhydriden
Wasserstoffspeicherung in Metallhydriden - Herausforderungen und Chancen für einen Einsatz in Güterlokomotiven
Wasserstoffspeicherung in nanokristallingen Leichtmetallhydriden
Wasserstofftechnolgie II
Wasserstoffversproedung eines verzinkten Verguetungsstahls
Wasserstoffversproedung von Leichtmetallen
Wasserwirtschaftliches Gutachten zu den Auswirkungen der Forellenmastanlage Sietower Bucht auf die Wasserbeschaffenheit der Mueritz
Waste Mg-Al based alloys for hydrogen storage
Waste water treatment plants as sources of polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and musk fragrances to ambient air
Water and sediment Quality of the Elbe river profile during and after the flood of August 2002
Water and sediment Quality of the Elbe river profile during and after the flood of August 2002
Water budget of an intense cyclone in the BALTEX area
Water budget of cyclones and their contribution to the freshwater supply in the Baltic Sea catchment area: A case study
Water Budget of Cyclones over the BALTEX and Adjacent Areas
Water budget of intense cyclones in the BALTEX region
Water Constituents in Case II Waters: Estimates of Concentrations and their Covariances from Meris Data
Water contact angles as a characteristic for bloodcompatibility of cellulose membranes
Water Cycles in the Climate System
Water cycles over continental surfaces
Water exchange in the Dardanelles: variations on synoptic to interannual time scales
Water flow through bone: Neutron tomography reveals differences in water permeability between osteocytic and anosteocytic bone material
Water in the Earth´s Atmosphere
Water Insecurity and Climate Risk: Investment Impact of Floods and Droughts
Water intrusions and particle signatures in the Black Sea: A Biogeochemical-Argo float investigation
Water level influence on refracted waves in shallow water
Water mass analysis of the Benguela upwelling system referring to the oxygen minimum zone
Water mass variation in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Water nanoparticles in thermal equilibrium - the size range of ten to 10to23 molecules per particle
Water Oxidation with cold gas sprayed photoelectrodes
Water Oxygen Consumption Rather Than Sediment Oxygen Consumption Drives the Variation of Hypoxia on the East China Sea Shelf
Water purification with catalytically active membranes
Water purification with catalytically active membranes
Water Purification with catalytically active membranes
Water quality in the Elbe estuary: Significance of different processes for the oxygen deficit at Hamburg
Water quality modeling: prediction of the transport of transport of water constitutions in the Weser estuary (Germany)
Water quality of the river Elbe
Water Quality Time-series Data of the Lower Brantas River, East Java, Indonesia: Results from an Automated Water Quality Monitoring Station
Water supply patterns over Germany under climate change conditions
Water temperature control on CO2 flux and evaporation over a subtropical seagrass meadow revealed by atmospheric eddy covariance
Water transport through dense membranes from polyelectrolyte complexes
Water treatment by organophilic pervaporation
Water vapor over Europe obtained from remote sensors and compared with a hydrostatic NWP model
Water vapor profiling using the Raman lidar techniques
Water vapor profiling with BELINDA
Water vapor profiling with Raman lidar and BELINDA
Water vapor vertical sounding with Raman lidar
Water-Blown Polyurethane Foams Showing a Reversible Shape-Memory Effect
WATiS - Das Informationssystem zur oekologischen Beobachtung des Wattenmeeres im Verbund von Forschung und Verwaltung
WATiS - The Wadden Sea Information System - Experience from an operational system
WATiS – an ecologically orientated information system for the German Wadden Sea
WATiS – an information system for the German Wadden Sea
WATiS – an information system for the German Wadden Sea
WATiS – an information system for the German Wadden Sea
WATiS, ELBiS, ODiS - Informationssysteme fuer Wattenmeer, Elbe und Ostseekueste
WATiS: A Sensivity Scheme for the German Wadden Sea
WATiS: an information system for wadden sea research and management
Wattenmeersedimente: Sedimentinventar nordfriesisches Wattenmeer
Watthydrodynamik: Die hydrodynamische Belastung von Wattgebieten
Wave and Current Observations in European Waters by Ground-Based X-Band Radar
Wave climate and long-term changes for the Southern North Sea obtained from a high-resolution hindcast 1958-2002
Wave Climate Change in the North Sea and Baltic Sea
Wave climate in the Arkona Basin, the Baltic Sea
Wave climatology and extreme value analysis for the Baltic Sea area off the Warnemuende harbour entrance
Wave conditions in the Baltic Proper and in the Gulf of Finland during windstorm Gudrun
Wave Development in an Environment with Variable Depths and Currents
Wave effects on coastal upwelling and water level
Wave Energy Dissipation in a Shallow Coral Reef Lagoon Using Marine X-Band Radar Data
Wave forecast performed with the WAM model at ECMWF: statistical analysis of a one month period; November 1988
Wave Glider Observations of Surface Waves During Three Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea
Wave growth in slanting fetch cases
Wave growth in slanting fetch conditions
Wave heave spectra from radar Doppler velocities at extreme low grazing angles
Wave heave spectra from radar Doppler velocities at extreme low grazing angles
Wave interactions in neutrally stable shear layers: Regular and singular modes, and non-modal growth
Wave modelling in coastal and inner seas
Wave modelling in coastal waters with strong water level variations by tides and atmospheric forcing
Wave Monitoring System (WaMoS)
Wave shadowing effects on the light transfer at the ocean surface
Wave simulations for Helgoland
Wave spectral data from numerical wave models: A comparison of wave model results for the Baltic Sea, obtained by a second- and a third-generation wave model
Wave-current interactions in the southern North Sea: The impact on salinity
Wave-induced irradiance variability in the upper ocean from modeling and observations
Wave-induced irradiance variability in the upper ocean from modeling and observations
Wavelength-Dispersive Detection Channels Based on Novel Combinations of Double Multilayer Optical Elements and Gas-Filled Detectors
Wavelet analysis of turbulence in cirrus clouds
Wavelet-Based 2-D Sea Surface Reconstruction Method From Nearshore X-Band Radar Image Sequences
Wave‐Driven Flow Along a Compact Marginal Ice Zone
WAXS investigations of the supermolecular structure of high modulus gel spun/hot drawn polyethylene fibres
Ways to membrane material design by molecular modelling
WCRP COordinated Regional Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX): a diagnostic MIP for CMIP6
Weak adhesion detection - Enhancing the analysis of vibroacoustic modulation by machine learning
Weak-beam TEM study on planar fault energies of Al-lean TiAl-base alloys
Wear and corrosion behavior of clay containing coating on AM 50 magnesium alloy produced by aluminate-based plasma electrolytic oxidation
Wear and Corrosion Resistant PVD-Coatings for Magnesium Alloys: Development Characterisation and Experimental Results
Wear behavior of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) and hybrid coatings of PEO and laser on MRI 230D magnesium alloy
Wear Behavior of Spray Coatings based on Nanocrystalline Cermet Powders
Wear mechanisms of nano- and microcrystalline TiC-Ni based thermal spray coatings (Dissertation)
Wear protective diamond-like carbon coatings for components of high-pressure diesel injection systems
Wear protective diamond-like carbon coatings for components of high-pressure diesel injection systems
Wear Resistant Coatings and Parts Produced by Nanostructured Precursor Powders
Wear Resistant Coatings by VPS- and HVOF-Spraying of Nanostructured TiC-Ni-based Cermet Powders
Weather and Climate Services to Support a Risk-Sharing Mechanism for Adaptation of the Agricultural Sector. A Theoretical Example for Drought-Prone Areas
Weather extremes over Europe under 1.5 and 2.0 °C global warming from HAPPI regional climate ensemble simulations
Weather patterns and selected precipitation records in the PIDCAD period, August to November 1995: A preliminary overview
Web Services as Building Blocks for an Open Coastal Observing System
Wechselwirkung von Chondrozyten und lipidbeschichteten Titanlegierungen
Wechselwirkung von Chondrozyten und lipidbeschichteten Titanlegierungen
Wechselwirkung von Fibroblasten mit Fremdoberflaechen
Wechselwirkung von humanen Chondrozyten und Stammzellen mit lipidbeschichteten Titanlegierungen
Wechselwirkung von Kunststoffen und anderen Materialien mit Proteinen und Zellen - Implikationen für biomedizinische und biotechnologische Anwendungen
Wechselwirkung zwischen Luftschadstoffen und Vegetation
Wechselwirkung zwischen suspendierten Partikeln und biologischer Produktion in der Deutschen Bucht oder - Natuerliche „Klebstoffe“ in Kuestengewaessern
Wechselwirkungen von Immunzellen mit synthetischen und biomimetischen Oberflaechen (Dissertation)
Wechselwirkungen von Klima und Hydrologie
Wechselwirkungen von Proteinen mit Polymerbeschichtungen und Biomaterialien
Wechselwirkungsparameter zwischen statistischen Copolymeren, Homopolymeren und Blockpolymeren im Vergleich
Wege vom (Titan-)Pulver zum belasteten Bauteil
Wege zur Druckberechnung in nicht-hydroststischen Modellen
Wege zur Optimierung von fortschrittlichen Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Weiche Materie
Weine nicht, wenn der Regen fällt.
Weiterbildungsseminar Gewaesserreinhaltung: I. Aufgaben und Probleme bei industriellen Abwaessern; II. Reinigung anorganisch und organisch belasteter industrieller Abwaesser
Weiterentwicklung des Strangpressens von AZ Magnesiumlegierungen im Hinblick auf eine Optimierung der Mikrostruktur, des Gefueges und der mechanischen Eigenschaften (Dissertation)
Weiterentwicklung eines hybriden Reib-Diffusions-Schweissprozesses fuer Waermeuebertrager aus Aluminium (Bachelorarbeit)
Weiterentwicklung und Betriebserfahrungen mit einer Spaltrohrmotorpumpe unter Druckwasser- reaktorbedingungen
Welche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels lassen sich aus Klimaprojektionen fuer Grundhochwaesser in Deutschland ableiten?
Welche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels lassen sich aus Klimaprojektionen fuer Grundhochwaesser in Deutschland ableiten?
Welche Forschung braucht das Kuestenmanagement?
Welche klimapolitischen Kooperationswege sollen beschritten werden? - Regionaler Klimaservice in Norddeutschland
Welche Rolle koennen Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften in der Klimaforschung spielen?
Welche Rolle wird Wasserstoff in der Energieversorgung der Zukunft spielen?
Welchen Gewinn erwarten wir von Lidar- und Wolkenradarmessungen im Weltraum?
Welcome to HZG Campus Teltow
Welcome to HZG Campus Teltow - Centre of Biomaterial Development
Welcome to HZG Campus Teltow, Institute for Biomaterial Science
Welcome to the Campus Teltow of the GKSS Research Center
Welcome to the Campus Teltow of the GKSS Research Center Centre for Biomaterial Development
Weld Flaw Analysis of High Speed Friction Stir Processed Magnesium AZ31
Weld Strength Mis-Match: Why does it Matter for the Fracture?
Weldability and Toughness Assessment of Ti-Microalloyed Offshore Steel
Welded joints with non-matching weld metal-crack driving force considerations on the basis of the engineering treatment model (ETM)
Welding and joining of composites and composite-metal structures by frictional heating
Welding and joining of composites and composite-metal structures by frictional heating
Welding and joining of dissimilar materials by solid-state joining processes
Welding beyond 600 m: present status and R+D requirements
Welding Multilayer Materials by Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding
Welding Multilayer Materials by Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding
Welding pollution within the atmosphere of an underwater simulator
Well-defined block copolymers via RAFT aqueous-alcoholic dispersion polymerization. Synthesis and isoporous thin films.
Well-defined polyvinylpyridine-block-polystyrene diblock copolymers via RAFT aqueous-alcoholic dispersion polymerization: synthesis and isoporous thin film morphology
Well-defined Telechelic Oliogodepsipeptides as Precursor Materials for Nanoparticulate Gene Carrier Systems
Wellenmessungen per Computer
Weltklimarat: Politische Entscheidungen gefragt
Wenn der Bergbau endet, fangen die Wasserprobleme an
Wenn Kunststoffe auf ihre Umwelt reagieren - Chemische Stimuli und intelligente Kunststoffe
Wer keine Deiche baut, muß weichen
Werkstoff- und kostensparende Titanverarbeitungsverfahren und Neugestaltung der Fuegezone CFK-Ti als Hybridstruktur zur Verbesserung von Lastuebertragung und Lebensdauer : Abschlussbericht zum Projekt OPTiSTRUCT, Foerderkennzeichen 03CL05C
Werkstoffe mit Gedaechtnis - Neue Wege fuer die Medizin
Werkstoffforschung mit Neutronen und Synchrotronstrahlung: Aktuelle Beispiele und zukuenftige Moeglichkeiten
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie - A
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie - B
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie I
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie II
Werkstoffkunde und Chemie II
Werkstoffmechanik - Was will sie - Was kann sie - Aus Geesthachter Perspektive
Werkstoffschaedigung und Schadensvermeidung, Bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung: Werkstofftechnik III
Werkstoffverbunde fuer den strukturellen Leichtbau
Werkstoffverhalten unter zyklischer Belastung - Pruefmethoden zur Charakterisierung des Risswachstums
Wertigkeitsspezifische Bestimmung von Chrom im Meerwasser mit Hilfe der Totalreflexions- Roentgen- fluoreszensanalyse (Dissertation)
West African Monsoon System's Responses to Global Ocean-Regional Atmosphere Coupling
West African sea level variability under a changing climate - What can we learn from the observational period?
Wet deposition of poly- and perfluorinated compounds in Northern Germany
Wet Welding as a Serious' Repair Procedure?'
Wet welding for platform repair
Wet welding qualification trials at 35 msw
Wet welding: a new challenge
Wet welding: a viable alternative for platform repair
Wettability, surface morphology, and stability of long-chain ester multilayers obtained by different langmuir-blodgett deposition types
Wetter ist vor allem Meinungssache - Die Meinungssache namens Wetter
Wetter, Klima, Mensch
Wetting and scanning force microscopy on rough polymer surfaces: Wenzel`s roughness factor and the thermodynamic contact angle
Wetting of Sn-Zn-Ga and Sn-Zn-Na Alloys on Al and Ni Substrate
Whale lice (Isocyamus delphinii) on a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from German waters
What are the key mechanical mechanisms governing integrin mediated cell migration in three dimensional fiber networks?
What are the mesoscopic magnetic inhomogeneities in dilute PdFeMn alloys? A polarized neutron study
What are the mesoscopic magnetic inhomogeneities in the dilute PdFeMn alloy? Polarized neutron study
What Determines the Change of Coastlines in the Baltic Sea?
What determines the change of coastlines in the Baltic Sea?
What determines the change of coastlines in the Baltic Sea?
What determines the sign of the evapotranspiration response to afforestation in European summer?
What do accumulation records of single ice cores in Greenland represent?
What do cells regulate in soft tissues on short time scales?
What do interested audiences think about climate change, the role of science and the Baltic Sea?
What do we know about decadal sea level change in the Baltic?
What do we know about sea-level change in the Baltic Sea?
What do we know about sea-level change in the Baltic Sea?
What do we know about the interface between biodegradable Mg alloys and cells or tissue?
What drove tuna catches between 1525 and 1756 in southern Europe?
What even is 'Climate'?
What Even Is 'Climate'?
What is happening to storms: Are they getting more or less violent?
What Is the Contribution of Urban Trees to Mitigate Pluvial Flooding?
What makes anthropogenic climate change a social problem
What's in the water? – Target and suspect screening of contaminants of emerging concern in raw water and drinking water from Europe and Asia
Wheat Yield Estimation from NDVI and Regional Climate Models in Latvia
When Culture Materializes: Societal Dynamics in Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems in the Case of Conch Management on Abaco, The Bahamas
When does weather become climate?
When soft organic layers can govern the mechanics of stiff metallic scaffolds
When ultrathin organic layers can govern the mechanics of stiff metallic scaffolds
Where could you use a Slocum glider?
Where Does the Lithium Go? – A Study of the Precipitates in the Stir Zone of a Friction Stir Weld in a Li-containing 2xxx Series Al Alloy
Which factor determines the optical losses in refractory tungsten thin films at high temperatures?
Which Isotope Effects Can Be Observed in Heavy Rydberg Atoms Using Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy ?
Which Isotope Effects Can Be Observed in Heavy Rydberg Atoms Using Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy ?
Which systems can undergo inverse melting?
White-Light Supercontinuum Laser-Based Multiple Wavelength Excitation for TCSPC-FLIM of Cutaneous Nanocarrier Uptake
Who is eating whom? Morphology and feeding type determine the size relation between planktonic predators and their ideal prey
Whole body elimination routes of gold in humans after a single-dose application of the antirheumatic Auranofin
Whole body elimination routes of gold in humans after a single-dose application of the antirheumatic Auranofin
Why are so few degradable polymeric biomaterials currently established in clinical applications?
Why climate change adaptation in cities needs customised and flexible climate services
Why is the Baltic Sea special in coastal morphodynamics? A comparative study
Why is the model-based explanation of variability in multivariate observations so difficult?
Why There Is More to Adaptation Than Creating a Strategy
Wide Range Mechanical Customization of Mg-Gd Alloys With Low Degradation Rates by Extrusion
Wide-Plate- und CTOD-Versuche an stickstoffhaltigen MMA-Schweissverbindungen
Widerstandsmodell fuer die Pervaporation organischer Stoffe aus waessriger Loesung
Wie aendert sich das Klima und welche Folgen hat das fuer Norddeutschland?
Wie gelangt das Wasser in den Fluss?
Wie haben sich die Wahrscheinlichkeiten fuer Sturmfluten geaendert, und wie koennen Sie sich in Zukunft ändern?
Wie ist das Leben auf der Erde entstanden? Das Henne oder Ei Problem
Wie koennen mittelstaendische Unternehmen in Schleswig-Holstein Forschung und Technologie besser nutzen
Wie kommt der Schlick ins Watt?
Wie Polymernetzwerkarchitekturen die aktive Bewegung von Polymeren beeinflussen
Wie richtig sind Lidarmessungen der Ozonverteilung?
Wie schätzt die deutsche Exekutive die Gefahr eines globalen Klimawandels ein?
Wie sieht eine Wolke von innen aus? - Von der Beobachtung zum Wetterbericht
Wiederherstellung der Ermuedungsfestigkeit von lasergeschweissten AA6056 Stumpfstossnaehten mit Ermuedungsrissen durch Laser-Schock-Peening-Behandlung
Wiederherstellung der Ermüdungsfestigkeit von lasergeschweißten AA6056 Stumpfstoßnähten mit initialen Ermüdungsrissen durch Laser-Schock-Peening
Wiederherstellung der Ermüdungsfestigkeit von lasergeschweißten AA6056 Stumpfstoßnähten mit initialen Ermüdungsrissen durch Laser-Schock-Peening
Wiederherstellung der Verformbarkeit von thermisch versproedeten amorphen Legierungen
Wieviel Sinn macht naturwissenschaftliche Klimaforschung ohne sozialwissenschaftliche Kontextualisierung?
Wilhelmy-Force Auto-oscillation in Water/Diethyl Phthalate/Vapour Systems
Will the southern African west coast fog be affected by future climate change? Results of an initial fog projection using a regional climate model
Willingness to pay among households to prevent coastal resources from polluting by oil spills: A pilot survey
Willkommen am HZG Campus Teltow - Institut für Biomaterialforschung
Willkommen am HZG Campus Teltow, Institut fuer Biomaterialforschung
Willkommen auf dem HZG Campus Teltow - Institut für Biomaterialforschung
Wind and topography influence on an upwelling system at the eastern Hainan coast
Wind and Wave Measurements from Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars
Wind and wave measurements using complex ERS-2 SAR wave mode data
Wind Climate Simulation over Complex Terrain and Wind Turbine Energy Output Estimation
Wind climate simulation over complex terrain and wind turbine energy output estimation
Wind Field Measurements at FINO-I using Marine Radar-Image Sequences
Wind field retrieval from SAR
Wind field retrieval over the ocean surface using synthetic aperture radars
Wind Field Retrieval Using Satellite Based Sythetic aperture radars
Wind fields from ERS SAR compared with a mesoscale atmospheric model near to the coast
Wind fields from ERS SAR over the Ocean
Wind Fields Retrieved from Nautical Radar-Image Sequences
Wind Fields retrieved from Radar-Images Sequences
Wind fields retrieved from SAR in comparison to numerical models
Wind from satellite borne synthetic aperture radars
Wind generated polar stratospheric clouds: The case of January 16, 1997, above Northern Scandinavia
Wind induced algal migration manipulates sediment denitrification N-loss patterns in shallow Taihu Lake, China
Wind measurements for optimal siting, construction and operation of offshore wind farms with synthetic aperture radar
Wind measurements using ERS-1 SAR
Wind parameter analysis of two offshore wind park sites
Wind parameter analysis of two offshore wind park sites
Wind power estimation over complex terrain
Wind resource assessment from C-band SAR
Wind retrieval at C-band Cross Polarization
Wind Retrieval of Tropical Cyclones using C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar
Wind Retrieval over the Ocean using Synthetic Aperture Radar with C-band HH Polarization
Wind speed deficits downstream offshore wind parks – A new automised estimation technique based on satellite synthetic aperture radar data
Wind Speed From ERS SAR Images Compared With Ground Truth From the Fetch Experiment
Wind Speed Retrieval from RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR
Wind und Seegangsbestimmung in Kuestennaehe mit Radarsytemen
Wind und seine Nutzungsmoeglichkeiten
Wind, wave and storm surge hindcasts and scenarios and related coastal and offshore applications: the coastDat data set at the GKSS Institute for Coastal Research
Wind, Wave and Storm Surge Reanalyses and Projections at the GKSS Institute for Coastal Research and their Use in Practial Application
Wind, Wave and Storm Surge Reanalyses and Projections at the GKSS Institute for Coastal Research and their Use in Practial Application
Wind, Wave, and Current Retrieval Utilizing X-Band Marine Radars
Wind- and Sea State Retrieval by Multilook Algorithms
Wind- and wave-field measurements using marine X-band radar-image sequences
Wind- und Seegangsklimatologie 1958-2001 fuer die suedliche Nordsee basierend auf Modellrechnungen
Wind- und Temperaturfelder in der bodennahen Grenzschicht der Atmosphaere
Wind-wave modelling at the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF)
Windböen kurzfristig vorhersagen
Windkraftnutzung im Raum Osnabrueck: eine Beurteilung aus meteorologischer Sicht
Winter weather controls net influx of atmospheric CO2 on the north-west European shelf
Wir - In Hamburg
Wir muessen die Herausforderung durch die Skeptiker annehmen
Wird es demnaechst mehr oder weniger regnen in Europa?
Wire and arc additive manufacturing of 316L stainless steel/Inconel 625 functionally graded material: development and characterization
Wire and arc additive manufacturing of a Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties
Wire and arc additive manufacturing of Fe-based shape memory alloys: Microstructure; mechanical and functional behavior
Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Wire-based laser directed energy deposition of AA7075: effect of process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties
Wirkstoffdesign und Freisetzungssysteme
Wirkstoffdesign und Freisetzungssysteme
Wirkung von Zytochrom P-450-abhaengigen Eikosanoid-Analoga auf die Ristozetin-induzierte Thrombozytenaggregation
Wirkungen einer erhoehten Phosphatduengung auf Boden und Gewaesser
Wirkungsbezogene Charakterisierung von Toxinen der Mikroalge Prymnesium parvum (Diplomarbeit)
Wirkungsspezifische Analytik: Identifizierung toxikologisch relevanter organischer Schadstoffe in Sedimenten aus Kanada und Deutschland
Wirtschaftliche Betrachtung von Metallhydridspeichertanks
WiSAR a Tool for Operational Wind Field Retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
WiSAR a Tool for Operational Wind Field Retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
WiSAR – Operational Wind Retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Wissenachftliche Konzepte fuer ein Monitoring des oekologischen Zustands des deutschen Kuestenmeeres
Wissens- und Sprachverarbeitung
Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Klimawandel: Ein Update
Wissensmanagement an der Schnittstelle von Klimawissenschaft und Entscheidern
With a little help from DNA barcoding: Investigating the diversity of Gastropoda from the Portuguese coast
Witterungsextreme im Klimawandel – Ursachen und Perspektiven
Wo bleibt der Stickstoff? Bilanz fuer ein Suesswasserwattsediment des Elbe-Aestuars
Wohlfuehlklima fuer die Haut
Wolken - Ihre Bedeutung fuer Wetter, Klima und Umwelt
Wolken im Bereich der Uebergangszone Eis/Wasser in der Arktis
Wolken im Visier bei GKSS: Von der Radar-Messung bis zum Strahlungsbilanzsatelliten
Wolken und Klima
Wolken und Wasser als Klimafaktor
Wolken – Strahlungswechselwirkung eine wesentliche Komponente des Energiekreislaufes im Klimasytem Erde – Atmosphaere
Wolken – Strahlungswechselwirkung eine wesentliche Komponente des Energiekreislaufes im Klimasytem Erde – Atmosphaere
Wolkenbildung in der Land-Seewind-Zirkulation
Wolkenklassifikation und Bestimmung von Strahlungskomponenten aus Satellitendaten
Wood and Silk: Hierarchically Structured Biomaterials Investigated In Situ With X-Ray and Neutron Scattering
Work capacity in saturation diving: evaluation of the GUSI POWER-BIKE Program (27.5, 37.0 and 46.0 bar)
Work hardening and recovery behavior of fully lamellar TiAl alloys investigated by a defect density based crystal plasticity model
Work hardening and recovery in fully lamellar TiAl: relative activity of deformation systems
Work Hardening and Recovery Mechanisms in Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
Work Hardening and Recovery of Gamma Base Titanium Aluminides
Work hardening and softening behavior of pure Mg influenced by Zn addition investigated via in-situ neutron diffraction
Work Hardening Characteristics and Recovery of Gamma Base Titanium Aluminides
Work Hardening Characteristics of Gamma based Titanium Aluminides
Work Hardening Characteristics of Gamma based Titanium Aluminides
Work hardening Characteristics of Gamma Based Titanium Aluminides
Work Hardening Characteristics of Gamma-based Titanium Aluminides
Work of the IEA Task 32 on Hydrogen Storage Systems for Mobile and Stationary Applications
Workflow for the prediction of corrosion induced failure in 6082 aluminum reinforced concrete
Workshop in Charlottesville Focuses on Reconstructing the Climate of the Late Holocene
Workshop in Charlottesville Focuses on Reconstructing the Climate of the Late Holocene
World climate research programme sea-ice and climate: Report of a Workshop on Polar Radiation Fluxes and Sea-Ice Modelling
World distribution of land cover changes during Pre- and Protohistoric times and estimation of induced carbon releases
World distribution of land cover changes during Pre- and Protohistoric times and estimation of induced carbon releases
Worldwide Evaluation of CAMS-EGG4 CO2 Data Re-Analysis at the Surface Level
Worldwide trend of atmospheric mercury since 1977
Worldwide trend of atmospheric mercury since 1995
Worldwide trends of atmospheric mercury concentration
Wormlike core–shell nanoparticles formed by co-assembly of double hydrophilic block polyelectrolyte with oppositely charged fluorosurfactant
Wozu braucht die Klimaforschung Geisteswissenschaften?
Wozu braucht die Klimaforschung Geisteswissenschaften?
Wozu taugen Klimamodelle?
WRF-Chem simulations of a typical pre-monsoon dust storm in northern India: influences on aerosol optical properties and radiation budget
Wrinkling of Atomic Planes in Ultrathin Au Nanowires
Wrought magnesium alloys for structural applications
Wrought Magnesium Materials - Potential and Challenges
Wrought magnesium materials: State-of the-art and what’s the future
Wrought Magnsium Alloys for Structural Applications
Wrought Magnsium Alloys for Structural Applications
Wrought Processing of Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Wärmemanagementsysteme für Leichtmetallhydrid-Wasserstoffspeicher : Entwicklung, Analyse und Vergleich unter Berücksichtigung der Wasserstoffspeicherdynamik


X-ray analysis and molecular modeling of the structure of thermotropic copolyesters and copolyester carbonates
X-ray analysis and molecular modelling of the structure of wholly aromatic thermotropic copolyesters
X-ray and neutron diffraction measurement of textures of two-phase materials
X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of NiFeGaO4 and ZnFeGaO4
X-ray and neutron investigation of self-assembled lipid layers on a titanium surface
X-ray and neutron powder diffraction studies of NiFeGaO4 and ZnFeGaO4
X-ray diffraction studies during magnetron co-sputtering of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy films
X-ray Full Field Microscopy at 30 keV
X-ray Full Field Microscopy at 30 keV
X-ray grating interferometer for imaging at a second-generation synchrotron radiation source
X-ray grating interferometer for imaging at a second-generation synchrotron radiation source
X-ray grating interferometer for materials-science imaging at a low-coherent wiggler source
X-ray induced fluorescence spectrometry at grazing incidence for quantitative surface layer analysis
X-ray induced fluorescence spectrometry at grazing incidence for quantitative surface layer analysis
X-ray investigations on annealed fibres of poly(p-phenylene-1,3,4- oxadiazole)
X-ray microtomography investigation of damage fields ahead of cracks in CT and SENT C-Mn steel samples
X-ray Optical Devices for Diffraction and Reflection
X-ray phase-contrast imaging of the breast—advances towards clinical implementation
X-ray reflectivity study of Radio Frequency Sputtered Silicon Oxide on Silicon
X-ray scattering from etched and coated multilayer gratings
X-ray Scattering Studies to Investigate Triple-shape Capability of Polymer Networks Based on poly(?-caprolactone) and poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) Segments
X-ray Scattering Studies to Investigate Triple-shape Capability of Polymer Networks Based on poly(?-caprolactone) and poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) Segments
X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction at wavelengths near the K-absorption edge of phosphorus
X-ray Structural Study of Functionalized Polyethylene Imines
X-ray structure investigation and computer modelling of Langmuir-Blodgett filmes formed from disc-shaped pentaalkines
X-Ray Studies of Large Crystals with Small Holes: The Case of Virtual Nanoporous Gold
X-Ray Studies of Nanoporous Gold: Powder Diffraction by Large Crystals with Small Holes
X-ray Zernike phase contrast tomography: 3D ROI visualization of mm-sized mice organ tissues down to sub-cellular components
XPS analysis of the interface between AA2024-T3 / CF-PPS friction spot joints
XPS analysis of the interface between AA2024-T3 / CF-PPS friction spot joints
XPS and TEM Study of the Oxygen Passivation Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Mg and MgH2
XPS studies of magnesium surfaces after exposure to Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, Hank's Buffered Salt Solution and Simulated Body Fluid
XPS studies of magnesium surfaces after exposure to Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, Hank's Buffered Salt Solution, Simulated Body Fluid
XRD phase analysis on roman bronze artefacts from Bedaium-Seebruck Potential and limitations using Lab XRD
XRD profile analysis characterization of ultrafine grained Al–Mg alloys
XRD Studies of Corroded Magnesium Surfaces after Incubation under Cell Culture Conditions
XRR studies of the interaction of DPPC and  Hyaluronan at high hydrostatic pressure
XRR studies of the interaction of DPPC and  Hyaluronan at high hydrostatic pressure


Yellow Sea Reanalysis
Yielding and work hardening behaviour of two-phase (a2 + g) titanium aluminides
Yielding of HCP Metals: From Single Crystal to Polycrystalline Metals
Yielding of HCP Metals: From Single Crystal to Polycrystalline Metals
Yielding of HCP Metals: From Single Crystal to Polycrystalline Metals
Yielding of Magnesium: From Single Crystal to Polycrystalline Aggregates
Yielding of Magnesium: from Single Crystal to Structural Behavior
Yielding of Magnesium: from Single Crystal to Structural Behavior
YOUNGs equilibrium contact angle on rough solid surfaces


Zeitgespraech - Ist der Fahrplan der Energiewende noch einzuhalten? - Mehr als eine kurzfristige Diskussion von Strompreisen und EEG-Umlage
Zeitliche Entwicklung technologie-kritischer Elemente in Nordseesediment in Hinblick auf potenzielle Emissionen aus Offshore-Windparks
Zell – Materialinteraktionen und Zelldifferenzierung auf Lipid-beschichteten Titan-Legierungen
Zellinteraktionen mit Polymeren fuer die regenerative Medizin
Zellinteraktionen mit Polymeren für die regenerative Medizin
Zellmodelle zur Beschreibung von Hohlraumentstehung und Hohlraumwachstum in duktilen Metallen
Zellrezeptoren und Biokompatibilitaet - Strategien zur Entwicklung biomedizinischer Polymere
Zellstrukturen im Ladungskontrast
Zentrum fuer Biomaterialentwicklung
Zentrum fuer Biomaterialentwicklung
Zeolite films prepared via the Langmuir Blodgett technique
Zeolite-containing photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Zero Time Space: How quantum tunnelling broke the light speed barrier
Zero-Discharge Process for Recycling of Tetrahydrofuran–Water Mixtures
Zersetzung von 1.1.1-Trichlor-2-methyl-2-propanol (TCMP) mit Ozon/Wasserstoffperoxid in reinen waessrigen Loesungen und im Abwasserteilstrom eines pharmazeutischen Industriebetriebes
Zerstoerungsfreie Bestimmung der kriechdehnungsabhaengigen Werkstoffschaedigung durch Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung
Zerstoerungsfreie Bestimmung von Materialeigenschaften und Neutronenbeugung
Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung mit Neutronenradiographie
Zerstoerungsfreie Texturanalyse von Matrix und Ausscheidungen einer AlCaZn Legierung
Zessionen von prozessualen und materiellen “Verbraucherrechten”
ZfP mit Neutronenradiographie
ZfP-Verfahren im Unterwasserbereich
Zielsetzung, Nutzen und Risiken der Praeparation von Proben für die Rasterelektronenmikroskopie
ZIF-8 based bifunctional coatings with anticorrosive and antibacterial properties: a new design strategy for more efficiency
Zinc isotopic variation of water and surface sediments from the German Elbe River
Zinnorganische Verbindungen in der Umwelt
Zinnorganische Verbindungen in Hafensedimenten: Analytik und Beurteilung
Zinnorganyle in der Elbe
Zirconium oxide hybrid membranes for direct methanol fuel cells- Evaluation of transport properties
Zn-Al LDH growth on AA2024 and zinc and their intercalation with chloride: Comparison of crystal structure and kinetics
ZnAl-LDH@MXene modified by inhibitor as a nanofiller applied on Mg alloys coating protection
Zone coulometry and ion-release analysis of degradable magnesium alloys
Zooming in on the atomic level with Molecular Dynamics simulations
Zu-Druck-Anisotropie bei Magnesium-Knetlegierungen
Zuckerrohrbagasse als Rohstoffquelle
Zug- und Druckkriechverhalten von Magnesiumwerkstoffen - Vergleichende Untersuchung der minimalen Kriechraten der verstaerkten und unverstaerkten Magnesiumlegierung AE42
Zugriff auf Umweltdatenbanken des WATiS mit Hilfe eines kontext-sensitiven 4-dimensionalen Suchraumes
Zukuenftige Bedeutung von Tieftaucheinrichtungen bis 2000 m Wassertiefe fuer den Offshore Bereich
Zukuenftige Herausforderungen fuer die Bewirtschaftung von Wasserressourcen in Festgesteinsregionen
Zukuenftige Herausforderungen fuer die Bewirtschaftung von Wasserressourcen in Festgesteinsregionen
Zukunft Küste – Coastal Futures: Offshore-Windkraft in der deutschen Nordsee
Zukunftsbilder: wie koennten zukuenftige Veraenderungen die Klimasensitivitaet des Natur-, Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraumes Unterweserresgion beeinflussen?
Zukunftsperspektiven in der Biomaterialforschung
Zum Anisotropieverhalten der gewalzten Magnesiumknetlegierung AZ31 (Dissertation)
Zum Einfluss des Loesungsgluehens und Aushaertens auf die Mikrostruktur von ZK40-Legierungen, modifiziert durch Zugaben von Ca, Gd, Nd und Y - On the Influence of Solution and Ageing Treatments on the Microstructure of ZK40 Alloys Modified with Ca, Gd, Nd and Y
Zum Einfluss wasserbaulicher Massnahmen auf den Naturhaushalt der Elbe und ihrer Aue
Zum Einsatz eines Image-Plates zur Texturmessung
Zum Einsatz von Membrantrennverfahren in der chemischen Reaktionstechnik
Zum Kaltreckverhalten von gelgesponnenen PE-Fasern
Zum Klimawandel in Staedten
Zum Potential elektrochemischer Charakterisierungsmethoden fuer Polymermembranen
Zum Schadstofftransport in der Elbe
Zum Schwebstoffhaushalt der mittleren Elbe: Erkenntnisstand und offene Fragen
Zum Stand der Windenergiemeteorologie
Zum Vergleich von DF-konst.- und DK-konst.-Versuchen an Staehlen in synthetischen Meerwasser
Zum Verhalten der Kupfer-Nickellegierung Marinel unter Zugbelastung in korrosiven Medien (Dissertation)
Zum Waermeuebergang in der Siedekrise
Zunahme der Katastrophen durch den Klimawandel?
Zur Anwendung bruchmechanischer Methoden bei der Untersuchung des Umgebungseinflusses auf die Rissausbreitung bei zuegiger Beanspruchung (Dissertation)
Zur Anwendung bruchmechanischer Methoden in der Spannungsrisskorrosionspruefung
Zur Aussagefaehigkeit von Benetzungsexperimenten cellulosischer Membranen hinsichtlich der Blutvertraeglichkeit ihrer Oberflaechen
Zur Bedeutung der Kondensationsstufe bei der Loesemittelrueckgewinnung mit Membranen
Zur Beeinflussung der Trennleistung von Umkehrosmose-Membranen
Zur Belastung des Weseraestuars und der suedlichen Deutschen Bucht mit chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen und ausgewaehlten Schwermetallen: Ein im Rahmen des Messprogramms Weser in Bremen (MEWEB) erstelltes Teilgutachten Beurteilung des Guetezustandes des We
Zur Bestimmung der Fliesslast im Rahmen der bruchmechanischen Bauteilbewertung
Zur Bestimmung der Fliesslast im Rahmen der bruchmechanischen Bauteilbewertung
Zur Bestimmung der Reibungseigenschaften von Suspensionen ueber Drehzahl und Leistungsaufnahme einer Verdraengerpumpe (Theoretische Vorueberlegungen zur Realisierbarkeit)
Zur Bestimmung der Reibungseigenschaften von Suspensionen ueber Drehzahl und Leistungsaufnahme einer Verdraengerpumpe: Versuche zur Realisierbarkeit
Zur Charakterisierung von Grenzflaechen an polymeren Festkoerpern
Zur Charakterisierung von Si-Polymeren durch fluessigchromatographische Verfahren in Kopplung mit der MALDI-TOF-MS
Zur Dynamik und Herkunft der Schwebstoffe in der Elbe
Zur Dynamik und Herkunft der Schwebstoffe in der Elbe
Zur Einleitung: Kuestenbilder interdisziplinaer
Zur Festigkeitsueberwachung von Offshore-Strukturen durch Beobachtungen ihrer natuerlichen Schwingungen
Zur Festigkeitsueberwachung von Offshore-Strukturen durch Beobachtungen ihrer natuerlichen Schwingungen (Dissertation)
Zur Fibrillarstruktur nativer Cellulose
Zur Gewaesserguete des Weseraestuars
Zur grenzflaechenenergetischen Charakterisierung modifizierter Cellulosemembranen
Zur Integration von Wissenschaft und Praxis als Forschungsmodus - Ein Literaturueberblick : CSC Report
Zur Limnologie der Maarseen am Beispiel des Laacher Sees
Zur Loesungspolymerisation des Acrylnitrils: Grundlagen fuer Verbesserungen eines technischen Verfahrens (Dissertation)
Zur Methode der nichtisothermen Dilatometrie
Zur Methodik der Wassergueteprognose fuer Tagebaurestloecher
Zur Nutzung des Thematic Mapper fuer die Ozeanographie
Zur Nutzung des Thematic Mapper fuer die Ozeanographie (Dissertation)
Zur Phasenkinetik in einer binaeren Legierung nach dem Isingmodell
Zur Phasenumwandlung pulvermetallurgisch hergestellter Ti-Aluminide
Zur Problematik der Trendermittlung in der Elbe
Zur Qualitaet des Bewaesserungswassers: Grundlagen und Anforderungen
Zur Repraesentativitaet ufernahe Messungen der Gewaesserguete fuer die Querschnittsmittelwerte in der Tideelbe
Zur Richtigkeit von Lidarmessungen bei GKSS
Zur Schadstoffbelastung von Fliess- und Stillgewaessern in ausgewaehlten Regionen der neuen Bundeslaender
Zur Schlussreinigung konzentrierter Zuckerfabriksabwaesser
Zur Schwebstoffdynamik im Weser-Aestuar
Zur Schwermetallsituation in der Unterelbe
Zur Sicherheit von Schnellen Brutreaktoren
Zur Theorie dissipativer Strukturbildung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung eindimensionaler zeitkonstanter Raumstrukturen in nichtlinearen elektrochemischen und oekologischen Reaktions-Diffusionssystemen mit Neumann-Randbedingungen (Dissertation )
Zur uebermolekularen Struktur hochfester Polymerfasern
Zur uebermolekularen Struktur hochmoduliger scherkristallisierter Polyethylen-Faeden
Zur Uebertragbarkeit von Risswiderstandskennwerten auf der Grundlage der Dissipationsrate
Zur Validierung der Wolkenparametrisierung des Regionalmodells HRM mit Satellitendaten des ISCCP - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode
Zur Validierung der Wolkenparametrisierung des Regionalmodells HRM mit Satellitendaten des ISCCP - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode (Dissertation)
Zur Verbreitung der Cladoceren und Ostracoden auf den Ostseeinseln Ruegen und Hiddensee
Zur Verifikation von Windfeldsimulationen
Zur Vorhersage des Ermüdungsrisswachstums auf der Grundlage von Gewichtsfunktionen in Eigenspannungsfeldern; die durch Laser-Shock-Peening und Lasererwärmung induziert sind
Zusammenfassende Aus- und Bewertung
Zusammenfassung ueber Hydrographie, Morphologie, Waermehaushalt, Sauerstoffhauhalt und Eutrophierung der Unterweser
Zusammenhang zwischen strukturellen Defekten und mechanischen Eigenschaften amorpher Legierungen
Zusammenstellung, Auswertung und Bewertung des vorhandenen Datenmaterials ueber die stoffliche Belastung der Gewaesserguete der Mittelelbe nach einheitlichen gemeinsamen Kriterien (Vorstudie): Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers fuer Umwelt, Natursch
Zusammenwirken von Naturgefahren im Klimawandel ist für die Nordseeküste zunehmend eine Herausforderung
Zustand der Ober- und Mittelelbe
Zuverlaessigkeitsparameter zur Gas-Eigenversorgung einer mobilen Taucherdruckkammer
Zweidimensionale Polymerfilme an der Wasser-Luft Grenzflaeche - Chancen zur Untersuchung der Morphologie und des Abbauverhaltens von Biomaterialoberflaechen
Zweifel am anthropogenen Treibhauseffekt?? - Eine Stellungnahme
Zwitterionic surface modification of polyethylene via atmospheric plasma-induced polymerization of (vinylbenzyl-)sulfobetaine and evaluation of antifouling properties
Zytotoxizitaet von Biomaterialien: Begriffsbestimmungen und Methoden
Zytotoxizitaet von Biomaterialien: Begriffsbestimmungen und Methoden