Mercury in contaminated sediments and floodplains of the river Elbe - assessment of major species and mobilization behavior
No abstract available.
Authors:Wallschlaeger, D., Desai, M. V. M., Spengler, M., Wilken, R.-D.
In: Heavy Metals in the Environment
Location:Hamburg (D)
Date:September 18-22, 1995
Pages: 52 - 56
ISBN: 0905941551
Cite as: Wallschlaeger, D.; Desai, M. V. M.; Spengler, M.; Wilken, R.-D.: Mercury in contaminated sediments and floodplains of the river Elbe - assessment of major species and mobilization behavior. In: Wilken, R.-D.; Foerstner, U.; Knoechel, A. (Eds.): Heavy Metals in the Environment. Hamburg (D), September 18-22, 1995, 1995. 2, 52 - 56. (ISBN: 0905941551)