Hydrogen Storage using light metal hydrides: Testing, Scale-up and System Integration
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/27854/
Authors:Lozano, G.,Metz, O.,Jepsen, J.,Dorn, S.,Meyer, D.,Dornheim, M.
In: International Conference on Synthesis, Characterization, Consolidation and Modelling of Nanomaterials, ICON 2010
Location:Coimbatore (IND)
Type:conference lecture (invited)
Cite as: Lozano, G.; Metz, O.; Jepsen, J.; Dorn, S.; Meyer, D.; Dornheim, M.: Hydrogen Storage using light metal hydrides: Testing, Scale-up and System Integration. International Conference on Synthesis, Characterization, Consolidation and Modelling of Nanomaterials, ICON 2010. Coimbatore (IND), 2010.