Fully lamellar TiAl alloys are increasingly used as structural materials for high temperature,applications e.g. for turbine blades in low-pressure stages of aircraft engines.,These structurally demanding applications necessitate precise knowledge of the materials,thermomechanical behavior to ensure safe operation.,The numerous microstructural interfaces in fully lamellar TiAl alloys give rise to three,concurrently acting Hall-Petch effects which collectively induce their high strength. So,far, their relative contributions could not be separated uniquely in experiments.,The thermomechanically coupled crystal plasticity model, presented in this contribution,,enables to overcome this experimental limitations and helps to separately quantify the,three different Hall-Petch effects using literature experimental results. This micromechanical,model reflects the morphology of the lamellar compound in a single colony, i.e.,on micro scale, and captures its complicated hardening behavior up to 10% plastic strain.,Subsequently, this micro scale model is transferred to a meso scale polycolony RVE in,order to get insight into the complex interrelations between the different microstructural,strengthening effects.,The model nicely captures the micro yield and micro hardening in fully lamellar microstructures,and the extracted Hall-Petch slopes help to explain the spread in reported,experimentally determined values.