Species analytics for the future by laser spectroscopy using multiphoton ionization in a new hybrid mass spectrometer
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/16148/
Authors:Bisling, P., Heger, H. J., Weitkamp, C., Zobel, H.
In: The Future of Spectroscopy: From Astronomy to Biology
Location:Saint-Adele (CDN)
Date:September 25-28, 1994
Pages: 124
Cite as: Bisling, P.; Heger, H. J.; Weitkamp, C.; Zobel, H.: Species analytics for the future by laser spectroscopy using multiphoton ionization in a new hybrid mass spectrometer. In: McKellar, A.R.W.; Oka, T.; Saykally, R.J. (Eds.): The Future of Spectroscopy: From Astronomy to Biology. Saint-Adele (CDN), September 25-28, 1994, 1994. 124.