Authors:Apel, U., Lohse, H., Mengelkamp, H.-T., Mueller, A., Siewers, H.
In: Symposium on Lower Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, a symposium to critically review and evaluate scientific needs and access current and projected technologies; extended abstracts
Location:Boulder, CO (USA)
Pages:65 - 67
Cite as: Apel, U.; Lohse, H.; Mengelkamp, H.-T.; Mueller, A.; Siewers, H.: A multi tethersonde/radiosonde receiving system. In: Symposium on Lower Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, a symposium to critically review and evaluate scientific needs and access current and projected technologies; extended abstracts. Boulder, CO (USA), 31.05.-03.06.1988, 1988. 65 - 67.