Cold Gas Sprayed TiO2-Based Electrodes for the Photo-Induced Water Oxidation
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Authors:Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Gutzmann, H., Dittrich, T., Emmler, T., just, R., Schieda, M., Gaertner, F., Klassen, T.
In: 224th ECS Meeting, Photoelectrochemistry and Photoassisted Electrocatalysis
Location:San Francisco, CA (USA)
Cite as: Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Gutzmann, H.; Dittrich, T.; Emmler, T.; just, R.; Schieda, M.; Gaertner, F.; Klassen, T.: Cold Gas Sprayed TiO2-Based Electrodes for the Photo-Induced Water Oxidation. In: 224th ECS Meeting, Photoelectrochemistry and Photoassisted Electrocatalysis. San Francisco, CA (USA), 27.10.-01.11.2013, 2013.