EFAM ETM-MM 96 - the ETM Method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in joints with mechanical heterogeneity (strength mismatch)
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/17563/
Authors:Schwalbe, K.-H., Kim, Y.-J., Hao, S., Cornec, A., Kocak, M.
In: 50th Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding
Location:San Francisco, CA (USA)
Date:July 13-19, 1997
Cite as: Schwalbe, K.-H.; Kim, Y.-J.; Hao, S.; Cornec, A.; Kocak, M.: EFAM ETM-MM 96 - the ETM Method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in joints with mechanical heterogeneity (strength mismatch). In: 50th Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding. San Francisco, CA (USA), July 13-19, 1997, 1997.