journal article

Crystallographic texture and lattice strain evolution during tensile load of swaged brass


Evolutions of texture and lattice strain of swaged brass samples were investigated by neutron diffraction at STRESS-SPEC under tensile deformation using a unique tension/compression rig. The two phased sample BS1 (61% α-brass and 39% β-brass) became 100% α-brass after 400 °C annealing (sample BS2). The starting texture of the as-received material BS1 was the typical <111>, <200> double fiber. This texture develops firstly by in-situ tension to a moderate strengthening. After annealing (BS2) the <111> fiber survives with surprisingly high strength and develops by in-situ tension a very strong <111> fiber of 39 mrd. Line broadening and lattice strain behaviour shows the development of the elastic strain and plastic strain.
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