Hydrogen storage in complex hydride tanks: Upscaling and testing
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/28605/
Authors:Bellosta von Colbe, J.,Lozano, G.,Metz, O.,Jepsen, J.,Dornheim, M.
In: 9th International Conference Medical Applications of Novel Biomaterials and Nano-Biotechnology, CIMTEC 2010
Location:Montecatini Terme (I)
Type:conference lecture (invited)
Cite as: Bellosta von Colbe, J.; Lozano, G.; Metz, O.; Jepsen, J.; Dornheim, M.: Hydrogen storage in complex hydride tanks: Upscaling and testing. 9th International Conference Medical Applications of Novel Biomaterials and Nano-Biotechnology, CIMTEC 2010. Montecatini Terme (I), 2010.