journal article

Baltic Earth – Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea region


After 20 years of intensive scientific and outreach activities,,the Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX , 1993-2013), one of the original continental-scale experiments of the Global Energy,and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX ) within the World,Climate Research Program (WCRP), recently came to its,scheduled end. As BALTEX was among scientists regarded,as a very successful research programme, the science,steering group agreed to launch a successor programme,with the new name “Baltic Earth”, with a revised focus,on Earth system science. The programme is led by a,renewed and younger steering group to continue the,interdisciplinary and international collaboration in the Baltic,Sea region. Although Baltic Earth will face new challenges,,it inherits the BALTEX network (people and institutions),,infrastructure (secretariat, study conferences, workshops,,and publications) and scientific legacy, symbolized by a,somewhat modified logo (compare the logos on both covers,of this issue). Like BALTEX, the new programme aims to be,embedded into international, global-scale programmes like,GEWEX/WCRP and Future Earth.
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