Tensile and microstructural properties of annealed Mg10Gd-alloy wires
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/33429/
Authors:Bartosch, M., Peters, H., Schmitt, B., Berger, F., Hort, N., Witte, F.
In: European Cells and Materials
Issue:S 3
Publisher:University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales
ISSN: 1473-2262
Cite as: Bartosch, M.; Peters, H.; Schmitt, B.; Berger, F.; Hort, N.; Witte, F.: Tensile and microstructural properties of annealed Mg10Gd-alloy wires. In: European Cells and Materials. Vol. 30 Aberystwyth, Wales: University of Wales, 2015. S 3, 30.