journal article

Joining of polymers and polymer-metal hybrid structures: Recent developments and trends


The development of new materials and fabrication techniques has become a matter of success for industrial sectors such as transportation. Polymers, polymeric,composites, and polymer–metal structures are being increasingly employed in several products mainly,due to the associated weight savings. The main joining methods for polymer and polymeric composites are mechanical fastening, adhesive bonding, and welding.,On the other hand, polymer–metal structures are more difficult to join by traditional joining methods, mostly due to their strong dissimilar physical–chemical features. Constant efforts on developing improved alternative joining techniques for these hybrid structures, such as the FricRiveting and injection over molding, have contributed to the dissemination of such structures,in industrial applications. This work shows that the field of joining of polymers, polymeric composites,,and polymer–metal hybrid structures for industrial applications is still a growing research and development,area. This is due to the increasing aspirations for more environmental-friendly technologies and lightweight,materials.
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