SANS investigation of low alloy steels in neutron irradiated, annealed and reirradiated conditions
No abstract available.
Authors:Kampmann, R., Frisius, F., Hackbarth, H., Beaven, P. A., Wagner, R., Hawthorne, J. R.
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems: Water Reactors
Location:Monterey, CA (USA)
Date:August 26-30, 1992
Pages: 679-688
Cite as: Kampmann, R.; Frisius, F.; Hackbarth, H.; Beaven, P. A.; Wagner, R.; Hawthorne, J. R.: SANS investigation of low alloy steels in neutron irradiated, annealed and reirradiated conditions. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems: Water Reactors. Monterey, CA (USA), August 26-30, 1992, 1992. 679-688.