journal article

Stability of Ordered B2-βO and Disordered BCC-β Phases in Tial - A First Principles Study


Either at higher temperatures or when a certain alloying element content is exceeded, γ-TiAl alloys contain the β phase (bcc) or its ordered derivate βo (B2). The relatively soft β phase can facilitate hot deformation, but βo is detrimental for creep strength and ductility. Thus, knowledge about βo→β phase transformation is desirable. Surprisingly, even for the binary Ti-Al system it is under discussion whether the ordered βo phase exists. Also, the effect of alloying elements on the β phase ordering is still unclear. In the present work the ordering of the β phase in binary Ti-(39,42,45)Al and ternary Ti-42Al-2X alloys (X=Fe, Cr, Nb, Ta, Mo) which was experimentally investigated by neutron and high energy X-ray diffraction is compared with the results of first principles calculations using density functional theory. Except for Cr the experimentally determined and the predicted behavior correspond.
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