Temperature and environment dependent dynamic properties of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/32335/
Authors:Boreham, A., Brodwolf, R., Pfaff, M., Kim, T.-Y., Schlieter, T., Mundhenk, L., Gruber, A.D, Groeger, D., Licha, K., Haag, R., Alexiev, U.
In: 12th International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, PAT 2013
Location:Berlin (D)
University: Freie Universitaet Berlin
Cite as: Boreham, A.; Brodwolf, R.; Pfaff, M.; Kim, T.-Y.; Schlieter, T.; Mundhenk, L.; Gruber, A.D; Groeger, D.; Licha, K.; Haag, R.; Alexiev, U.: Temperature and environment dependent dynamic properties of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate. In: 12th International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, PAT 2013. Berlin (D), 29.09.-02.10.2013, 2013.