conference paper

Identification of appropriate autogenous laser welding parameters for Al-Li 2198 alloy


The effect of laser beam welding process parameters on porosity formation and solidification cracking is examined for 5.0 mm thick Al-Li 2198 aluminum alloy specimens. Welding process parameters, like laser power, welding speed and the resulted linear heat-input, play a key role in the quality of laser beam welded joints. Therefore, the main objective of the present work is to identify the process window to produce autogenous (no filler wire used) welded joints with absence of cracks and pores. The effect of the welding parameters on microstructure in the welded zone was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that full penetration was not achieved when welding was performed at resulted linear heat inputs below 50 J/mm. The mechanical behavior of welded butt joints was investigated by hardness measurements and tensile and tests.
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