Statistical analysis of fatigue data (S-N) for hyperbaric welds
No abstract available.
Authors:Yeni, C., Erim, S., Kocak, M.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 1993)
Location:Glasgow (GB)
Date:June 20-24, 1993
Pages: 503 - 512
Cite as: Yeni, C.; Erim, S.; Kocak, M.: Statistical analysis of fatigue data (S-N) for hyperbaric welds. In: Salama, M.M.; Toyoda, M.; Liu, S.; dos Santos, J.F.; Kocak, M.; Williams, J. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 1993). Glasgow (GB), June 20-24, 1993, 1993. 503 - 512.