Fracture Integrity Assessment of Gap Filling Welds for Ship Structures using the European FFS Procedure FITNET
No abstract available.
Authors:Eren, S.,Zacke, S.,Kocak, M.,Fricke, W.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance in Welding Science & Technology for Construction, Energy & Transportation, AWST-2010: 63th Annual Assembly and International Conference of the International Institute of Welding, IIW 2010
Location:Istanbul (TR)
Type:conference paper
ISBN: 978-605-61419-1-1
Cite as: Eren, S.; Zacke, S.; Kocak, M.; Fricke, W.: Fracture Integrity Assessment of Gap Filling Welds for Ship Structures using the European FFS Procedure FITNET. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance in Welding Science & Technology for Construction, Energy & Transportation, AWST-2010: 63th Annual Assembly and International Conference of the International Institute of Welding, IIW 2010. Istanbul (TR). 2010. 105-118.