Extreme Winds, Storm Surges and Ocean Waves - The Example of the North Sea Coast 1960-2000 and 1970-2100
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/22782/
Authors:Storch, H.v., Aspelien, T., Feser, F., Rockel, B., Weisse, R., Woth, K.
In: CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum, International Symposium on Extreme Weather and Climate Events, Their Dynamics and Predictions
Location:Beijing (VRC)
Cite as: Storch, H.v.; Aspelien, T.; Feser, F.; Rockel, B.; Weisse, R.; Woth, K.: Extreme Winds, Storm Surges and Ocean Waves - The Example of the North Sea Coast 1960-2000 and 1970-2100. In: CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum, International Symposium on Extreme Weather and Climate Events, Their Dynamics and Predictions. Beijing (VRC), 12.-16.10.2004, 2004.