Additive processing of titanium and magnesium powders by binder-based sintering technologies
Alternative to selective laser melting or electron beam melting there is a number of additive technologies based on using a binder-powder mixture. This mixture can be shaped by a variety of different techniques like filament printing, injection moulding, extrusion or even screen printing. Each technique is optimized for a typical kind of geometrical features and number of parts to be produced. However, the combination of these techniques is quite easily done and attractive, because in all cases the processing after shaping is the same, namely debinding and sintering. Thus, independent of shaping the microstructure and the properties are the same. Compared to SLM and EBM some advantages arise, e.g. no need to handle loose powders, homogeneous microstructure and stress-free parts and lower investments. On the other hand, size limitations related to the debinding process and shrinkage during sintering as well as change in mechanical properties have to be discussed. This talk gives an overview on available techniques and achievable properties, focused on the processing of titanium and magnesium alloys. Both materials are rather sensitive to changes in impurities and processing parameters, thus, some ideas for improvement of robustness will be presented, too.
Authors:Ebel, T.
In: Additive manufacturing of metals: current issues and way forward (AMM-2019)
Location:Jamshedpur (IND)
Date:04.02.2019 - 06.02.2019
Type:conference lecture (invited)
Cite as: Ebel, T.: Additive processing of titanium and magnesium powders by binder-based sintering technologies. Additive manufacturing of metals: current issues and way forward (AMM-2019). Jamshedpur (IND), 2019.