Quality assessment of laser beam welded AA2198 integral structures
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/30754/
Authors:Kashaev, N.,Enz, J.,Horstmann, M.,Groth, A.,Ventzke, V.,Riekehr, S.,Huber, N.
In: 27th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, ICAF 2013
Location:Jerusalem (IL)
Type:conference poster
Cite as: Kashaev, N.; Enz, J.; Horstmann, M.; Groth, A.; Ventzke, V.; Riekehr, S.; Huber, N.: Quality assessment of laser beam welded AA2198 integral structures. In: 27th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, ICAF 2013. Jerusalem (IL). 2013.