journal article

Deciphering the effects of rolling temperature on the texture development and formability of W1 and WZ10 magnesium alloy


For an improvement in the properties of semi-finished products, the detailed knowledge of the influence of the manufacturing process on the microstructure and texture evolution of the flat products is required. Rolling of sheets has been conducted at various temperatures to study the difference between the two alloys W1 (Mg1Y) and WZ10 (Mg1Y0.5Zn) in terms of microstructure- texture development and their formability at room temperature. For WZ10 it can be shown, that the formability strongly depends on the rolling temperature which can be increased after additional heat treatment. A strongly deformed microstructure is a prerequisite for the as-rolled condition to form the quadrupole type of texture during subsequent annealing, which stands for high formability. Whereas W1 behaves differently and shows the highest formability in the as rolled condition. The research reveals that the high proportion of shear bands, or the internal energy already contained in the material, is responsible for the different deformation behavior of the rolled sheet, leading to a higher activity of non-basal slip systems.
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