The interaction of deformation processes with interfacial boundaries in two-phase Titanium Aluminide alloys
No abstract available.
Authors:Appel, F., Christoph, U., Beaven, P. A., Wagner, R.
In: Proceedings of the 7th JIM International Symposium: Aspects of high temperature deformation and fracture in crystalline materials
Location:Sendai (J)
Pages: 349
Cite as: Appel, F.; Christoph, U.; Beaven, P. A.; Wagner, R.: The interaction of deformation processes with interfacial boundaries in two-phase Titanium Aluminide alloys. In: Hosoi, Y.; Yoshinga, H.; Oikawa, H.; Maruyama, K. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 7th JIM International Symposium: Aspects of high temperature deformation and fracture in crystalline materials. Sendai (J), 28.-31.07.1993, 1993. 349.