journal article

Surface Wave and Roller Dissipation Observed With Shore-Based Doppler Marine Radar


Surface wave energy and dissipation are observed across the surf zone. Utilizing the concept of surface rollers, a new scaling is introduced to obtain the energy flux and dissipation related to rollers from Doppler velocities measured by a shore-based X-band marine radar. The dissipation of wave energy and hence the transformation of the incoming wave height (or energy) is derived using the coupled wave and roller energy balance equations. Results are compared to in-situ wave measurements obtained from a wave rider buoy and two bottom mounted pressure wave gauges. A good performance in reproducing the significant wave height is found yielding an overall root-mean-square error of 0.22 m and a bias of −0.12 m. This is comparable to the skill of numerical wave models. In contrast to wave models, however, the radar observations of the wave and roller energy flux and dissipation neither require knowledge of the bathymetry nor the incident wave height. Along a 1.5 km long cross-shore transect on a double-barred, sandy beach in the southern North Sea, the highest dissipation rates are observed at the inner bar over a relatively short distance of less than 100 m. During the peak of a medium-severe storm event with significant wave heights over 3 m, about 50% of the incident wave energy flux is dissipated at the outer bar.
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