journal article

Synthesis of Mg2FeD6 under low pressure conditions for Mg2FeH6 hydrogen storage studies


Mg2FeD6 is successfully synthesised with various degrees of purity using reactive ball milling and annealing under low pressure deuterium conditions to a maximum of 10 bar. The deuteride of the low cost ternary metal hydride Mg2FeH6, is synthesised to enable further characterisation studies such as isotopic exchange behaviour. Both on laboratory and industrial scales, keeping the pressure low reduces the need for expensive compression systems and also minimises the quantity of gas necessary for use; therefore it is important to assess synthesis under these cost effective conditions. This is especially the case when using a specialised gas such as high purity deuterium. The maximum pressure chosen is 10 bar, to comply with the High Pressure Safety Act in Japan. This Safety Act limits the use of any gas including hydrogen and deuterium to 10 bar eliminating the use of traditional synthesis methods for Mg2FeH6 or Mg2FeD6 synthesis at high pressure (120 bar). Ball milling parameters such as milling times, ball to powder ratios as well as sintering times were altered to achieve improved Mg2FeD6 yields under these low pressure conditions.
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