Effect of Local Laser Surfacing on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate of Al-alloy 6056 and its Laser beam Weld
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/32249/
Authors:Qi, F., Staron, P., Ventzke, V.
In: 20th European Conference on Fracture 2014
Location:Trondheim (N)
Cite as: Qi, F.; Staron, P.; Ventzke, V.: Effect of Local Laser Surfacing on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate of Al-alloy 6056 and its Laser beam Weld. In: 20th European Conference on Fracture 2014. Trondheim (N), 30.06.-04.07.2014, 2014.