Authors:Schubert, B., Schultheiss, G. F., Duelen, G., Kirchhoff, U., Krause, F. L., Rieger, R.
In: The Second Workshop on Manipulators, Sensors and Steps towards Mobility
Location:Salford (GB)
Date:October 24-26, 1988
Pages: 4.1 - 4.12
Cite as: Schubert, B.; Schultheiss, G. F.; Duelen, G.; Kirchhoff, U.; Krause, F. L.; Rieger, R.: Advanced development of automated remote handling. In: The Second Workshop on Manipulators, Sensors and Steps towards Mobility. Salford (GB), October 24-26, 1988, 1988. 4.1 - 4.12.