Substitution of Rare Earth Elements in Magnesium Alloys for the Sheet Production via Twin Roll Casting
No abstract available.
Authors:Kurz, G., Petersen, T., Portugal Gonzales, I., Hoppe, R., Bohlen, J, Letzig, D.
In: 145th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, TMS 2016
Location:Nashville, TN (USA)
Cite as: Kurz, G.; Petersen, T.; Portugal Gonzales, I.; Hoppe, R.; Bohlen, J; Letzig, D.: Substitution of Rare Earth Elements in Magnesium Alloys for the Sheet Production via Twin Roll Casting. In: 145th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, TMS 2016. Nashville, TN (USA), 14.-18.02.2016, 2016.