conference lecture

Development and Characterization of a New Mg-Sn-Y Alloy and its Nanocomposite


Magnesium materials are effective for structural/component weight reduction in automotive applications. However, the real time applications of magnesium based materials are restricted because of their relatively low absolute strength, ductility, toughness, thermal stability and creep resistance. Recently, magnesiumtin and magnesium-yttrium based alloys are being researched as they show some beneficial characteristics in terms of absolute strength and potential creep resistance. Hence, an attempt is made in this study to investigate the synergistic effects of tin and yttrium additions on the properties of magnesium. A magnesium-tin-yttrium alloy with 5 wt. % tin and 2 wt. % of yttrium was prepared using disintegrated melt deposition method followed by hot extrusion and tested for its microstructural, mechanical and compression creep properties. In the next stage, the developed Mg-5Sn-2Y alloy was reinforced with 1.5 wt.% zinc oxide nanoparticles and the properties of Mg-5Sn2Y-1.5ZnO nanocomposite were characterized in comparison to that of the Mg-5Sn-2Y alloy. The results indicated better creep resistance alongside strength and ductility retention under compressive loads due to nano zinc oxide particle addition.
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