conference paper

Deformation and Recrystallization Mechanisms and Their Influence on the Microstructure Development of Rare Earth Containing Magnesium Sheets


Many studies have shown that textures with less distinct alignment of basal planes and the related improvement of formability are found in alloys that contain rare-earth (RE) elements and zinc. However, the effect of the combination of these additional elements on the texture modification has not been yet clearly understood. In this work, sheet samples from Mg–Zn–RE alloys rolled at 400 °C were used for in situ synchrotron X-rays diffraction measurements under tensile loading at different temperatures, in order to track the development of diffraction profiles and textures during deformation. In Mg–Zn–RE alloys, a significantly retardation of recovery and dynamic recrystallization during the high temperature deformation is observed in comparison to the RE-free Mg–Zn alloy. The differences in the active deformation mechanisms as well as the dynamic recrystallization mechanisms are reviewed with respect to the texture alteration. For discussion of the impact of different mechanisms, EBSD observations reveal the microstructure development.
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