Discrimination between Particulate and Film Type Contamination on Surfaces by Means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/17053/
Authors:Schwenke, H., Knoth, J.
In: Particles on Surfaces: Fourth Symposium on Particles on Surfaces; The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society
Location:Las Vegas, NV (USA)
Date:July 1992
Pages: 311 - 324
Cite as: Schwenke, H.; Knoth, J.: Discrimination between Particulate and Film Type Contamination on Surfaces by Means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. In: Mittal, K.L. (Ed.): Particles on Surfaces: Fourth Symposium on Particles on Surfaces; The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society. Las Vegas, NV (USA), July 1992, 1994. 311 - 324.