ODRAFLOOD - A Flood Forecasting System for the ODRA Watershed
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/20433/
Authors:Mengelkamp, H.-T., Messal, H., Klein, M., Rosenthal, W., Bockhaus, J., Wissen, M., Duticki, A., Wozniak, Z.
In: 27th General Assembly, European Geophysical Society
Location:Nizza (F)
Cite as: Mengelkamp, H.-T.; Messal, H.; Klein, M.; Rosenthal, W.; Bockhaus, J.; Wissen, M.; Duticki, A.; Wozniak, Z.: ODRAFLOOD - A Flood Forecasting System for the ODRA Watershed. In: 27th General Assembly, European Geophysical Society. Nizza (F), 21.-26.04.2002, 2002.