Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour of Laser Welded Skin-Clip Joints
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/25618/
Authors:Bayraktar, F.S., Kocak, M., Horstmann, M., Riekehr, S.
In: European Workshop on Short Distance Welding Concepts for Airframes, WEL-AIR
Location:Geesthacht (D)
Cite as: Bayraktar, F.S.; Kocak, M.; Horstmann, M.; Riekehr, S.: Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour of Laser Welded Skin-Clip Joints. In: European Workshop on Short Distance Welding Concepts for Airframes, WEL-AIR. Geesthacht (D), 13.-15.06.2007, 2007.