Perspectives for Polarized Reflectometry at the Novel Reflectometer REFSANS at FRM-II in Munich / Germany
No abstract available.
Authors:Kampmann, R., Haese-Seiller, M., Kudryashov, V., Deriglazov, V., Syromiatnikov, V., Tristl, M., Toperverg, B., Okorokov, A., Schreyer, A., Sackmann, E.
In: International Workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2002
Location:Juelich (D)
Pages:B 29
Cite as: Kampmann, R.; Haese-Seiller, M.; Kudryashov, V.; Deriglazov, V.; Syromiatnikov, V.; Tristl, M.; Toperverg, B.; Okorokov, A.; Schreyer, A.; Sackmann, E.: Perspectives for Polarized Reflectometry at the Novel Reflectometer REFSANS at FRM-II in Munich / Germany. In: International Workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2002. Juelich (D), 15.-19.09.2002, 2002. B 29.