Isolation and structural characterization of haptoglobin from harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) for the evaluation of its potential as indicator of marine mammal health
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Authors:Hellwig, V., Erbsloeh, H.-B., Siebert, U., Prange, A.
In: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria
Location:Bremen (D)
Cite as: Hellwig, V.; Erbsloeh, H.-B.; Siebert, U.; Prange, A.: Isolation and structural characterization of haptoglobin from harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) for the evaluation of its potential as indicator of marine mammal health. In: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Bremen (D), 11.-15.09.2006, 2006.