journal article

Precipitation Behavior of Fe-25 At. Pct Co-9 At. Pct Mo Investigated by In-Situ Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Complementary Methods


The precipitation behavior of a nanoscaled intermetallic phase in a martensitic Fe-25 at. pct Co-9 at. pct Mo alloy was investigated by in-situ small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). Solution-annealed samples were heated to 700 °C using different heating rates while successively measuring the scattered intensity. The ratio R of nuclear and magnetic scattering intensity, sensitive to change in the chemical composition of the developing precipitates, was analyzed. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed using identical heating rates to gain knowledge of the kinetics of the precipitation reaction. Complementarily, three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) measurements were conducted to characterize the chemical composition of the precipitates. A good correlation of the evolution of R and the peaks occurring in the DSC curves was found. The onset temperature of the precipitation reaction was determined to be 420 °C.
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