A Comparison of Solar Radiation Budgets in the Mackenzie River Basin from Satellite Measurements and a Regional Climate Model
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/18939/
Authors:Feng, J., Leighton, H.G., MacKay, M.D., Bussieres, N., Hollmann, R., Stuhlmann, R.
In: Atmosphere - Ocean
Pages:221 - 232
ISSN: 0705-5900
Cite as: Feng, J.; Leighton, H.G.; MacKay, M.D.; Bussieres, N.; Hollmann, R.; Stuhlmann, R.: A Comparison of Solar Radiation Budgets in the Mackenzie River Basin from Satellite Measurements and a Regional Climate Model. In: Atmosphere - Ocean. Vol. 40 (2002) 2, 221 - 232.