A basis for mapping the erodibility of tidal flats by optical remote sensing
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/20729/
Authors:Hakvoort, J. H. M.,Heineke, M.,Heymann, K.,Kuehl, H.,Riethmueller, R.,Witte, G.
In: Symposium on Ecology of Estuary and Soft Sediment Habitats
Location:Sydney (AUS)
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Hakvoort, J.; Heineke, M.; Heymann, K.; Kuehl, H.; Riethmueller, R.; Witte, G.: A basis for mapping the erodibility of tidal flats by optical remote sensing. Symposium on Ecology of Estuary and Soft Sediment Habitats. Sydney (AUS), 1997.