Investigation of early stages of metal foam formation by small angle neutron scattering techniques
No abstract available.
Authors:Bellmann, D., Clemens, H., Matijasevic, B., Heinemann, A., Banhart, J.
In: Cellular Metals: Manufacture, Properties, Applications, 3rd International Conference on Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology, MetFoam 2003
Location:Berlin (D)
Pages:113 - 118
Cite as: Bellmann, D.; Clemens, H.; Matijasevic, B.; Heinemann, A.; Banhart, J.: Investigation of early stages of metal foam formation by small angle neutron scattering techniques. In: Banhart, J.; Fleck, N.A.; Mortensen, A. (Eds.): Cellular Metals: Manufacture, Properties, Applications, 3rd International Conference on Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology, MetFoam 2003. Berlin (D), 23.-25.06.2003, 2003. 113 - 118.