Influence of physical and chemical properties of aerosols on clouds in mesoscale models
No abstract available.
Authors:Levkov, L., Jacob, D., Eppel, D. P., Grassl, H.
In: Atmospheric aerosols and nucleation: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation
Location:Vienna (A)
Date:August 22-27, 1988
Pages: 614 - 615
Cite as: Levkov, L.; Jacob, D.; Eppel, D. P.; Grassl, H.: Influence of physical and chemical properties of aerosols on clouds in mesoscale models. In: Wagner, P.E.; Araki, H.; Ohlers, J. (Eds.): Atmospheric aerosols and nucleation: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation. Vienna (A), August 22-27, 1988, 1988. 614 - 615.