On the Influence of Nb and C on the Phase Transition Temperatures in Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/26296/
Authors:Chladil, H., Clemens, H., Walfram, W., Kremmer, S., Bartels, A., Gerling, R., Kozeschnik, E.
In: TMS Annual Meeting 2008
Location:New Orleans, LA (USA)
Cite as: Chladil, H.; Clemens, H.; Walfram, W.; Kremmer, S.; Bartels, A.; Gerling, R.; Kozeschnik, E.: On the Influence of Nb and C on the Phase Transition Temperatures in Gamma-TiAl Based Alloys. In: TMS Annual Meeting 2008. New Orleans, LA (USA), 09.-13.03.2008, 2008.