journal article

Texture Evolution During Hot Compression of CoCuFeMnNi Complex Concentrated Alloy Using Neutron Diffraction and Crystal Plasticity Simulations


CoCuFeMnNi complex concentrated alloy was subjected to hot compression at different temperatures and strain rates. Texture evolution for four representative samples was studied using electron backscatter diffraction, neutron diffraction and viscoplastic self-consistent simulations. EBSD revealed highest low angle grain boundaries and high angle grain boundaries for sample C (1273 K, 1 s−1) indicating deformation and recrystallization, respectively, and highest very low angle grain boundaries for sample D (1273 K, 0.001 s−1) indicating recovery. The bulk texture shows < 110 > compression texture, with dominance of partial slip over octahedral slip. Zener–Hollomon parameter was found to increase in the order D < B < C < A, with sample A (1073 K, 1 s−1) exhibiting lowest crystallite size and sample D (1273 K, 0.001 s−1) with highest crystallite size, consistent with the microstructural data. The texture analysis shows a partial slip-dominated dynamically recovered microstructure for sample A (1073 K, 1 s−1) and discontinuous dynamically recrystallized microstructure for sample D (1273 K, 0.001 s−1).
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