Function and mechansim of additives in Reactive Hydride Composites
No abstract available.
Authors:Boesenberg, U., Vainio, U., Pranzas, K., Kim, J.W., Cho, Y.W., Kim, D.H., Oh, K.H., Bellosta von Colbe, J., Dornheim, M., Bormann, R.
In: Gordon Research Conference on Hydrogen Metal Systems
Location:Lucca (I)
Cite as: Boesenberg, U.; Vainio, U.; Pranzas, K.; Kim, J.W.; Cho, Y.W.; Kim, D.H.; Oh, K.H.; Bellosta von Colbe, J.; Dornheim, M.; Bormann, R.: Function and mechansim of additives in Reactive Hydride Composites. In: Gordon Research Conference on Hydrogen Metal Systems. Lucca (I), 12.-17.07.2009, 2009.