Screening of mercury-contaminated sites: The relationship between mercury concentration in soil and soil gas
No abstract available.
Authors:Steubing, S., Spengler, M., Hempel, M.
In: First International Conference Field Screening Europe
Location:Karlsruhe (D)
Date:September 29-October 1, 1997
Pages: 17 - 20
Cite as: Steubing, S.; Spengler, M.; Hempel, M.: Screening of mercury-contaminated sites: The relationship between mercury concentration in soil and soil gas. In: Gottlieb, J.; Hoetzl, H.; Huck, K.; Niessner, R. (Hrsg.): First International Conference Field Screening Europe. Karlsruhe (D), September 29-October 1, 1997, 1997. 17 - 20.