Modification of the Spin Density Wave of Cr in Fe/Cr Multilayers by Insertion of Sn Examined by Neutron Diffraction and Structure Calculations
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Authors:Lott, D., Gruenwald, A., Solina, D., Almokhtar, M., Mibu, K., Schmidt, W., Schreyer, A.
In: International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS 2005
Location:Sydney (AUS)
Cite as: Lott, D.; Gruenwald, A.; Solina, D.; Almokhtar, M.; Mibu, K.; Schmidt, W.; Schreyer, A.: Modification of the Spin Density Wave of Cr in Fe/Cr Multilayers by Insertion of Sn Examined by Neutron Diffraction and Structure Calculations. In: International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS 2005. Sydney (AUS), 27.11.-02.12.2005, 2005.