Novel Emergency Gas-to-power System Based on Efficient and Long-lasting Solid-state Hydride Storage System: Modeling and Experimental Validation
No abstract available.
Authors:Dreistadt, D.,Puszkiel, J.,Bellosta von Colbe, J.,Capurso, G.,Steinebach, G.,Meilinger, S.,Le, T.,Covarrubias Guarneros, M.,Klassen, T.,Jepsen, J.
In: 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2022)
Location:Istanbul (TUR)
Date:26.06.2022 - 30.06.2022
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Dreistadt, D.; Puszkiel, J.; Bellosta von Colbe, J.; Capurso, G.; Steinebach, G.; Meilinger, S.; Le, T.; Covarrubias Guarneros, M.; Klassen, T.; Jepsen, J.: Novel Emergency Gas-to-power System Based on Efficient and Long-lasting Solid-state Hydride Storage System: Modeling and Experimental Validation. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2022). Istanbul (TUR), 2022.