journal article

A new maritime spatial plan for the German EEZ: Navigating multiple aspirations and spatial developments


A new maritime spatial plan for the German EEZ has come into force in 2021, replacing the first plans for the North Sea and Baltic Sea dating back to 2009. This paper discusses key changes in the new plan, highlighting how it has adapted to changing circumstances and demands within the existing framework of spatial planning legislation. While the regulatory instruments available to MSP have remained unchanged, we find that the understanding of MSP has become more complex, not least in response to the EU MSPD. More uses and activities have been allocated priority and reservation areas and there is innovation in the use of overlapping, temporary and conditional priority areas. Changes are also apparent in the planning process which has become closely interlinked with the SEA process. Nonetheless, we also highlight challenges MSP in the EEZ still needs to navigate. These relate to the rapid expansion of offshore wind farming, the inclusion of climate change in MSP, application of the ecosystem approach, as well as transparency in the final stages of the MSP process.
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