Hyperbaric flux cored arc welding in the depth range between 600 msw and 1100 msw
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/16303/
Authors:dos Santos, J. F.,Szelagowski, P.,Schafstall, H.-G.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference WELDING-90: Technology, Material, Fracture
Location:Geesthacht (D)
Date:October 22-24, 1990
Type:conference paper,conference lecture
ISBN: 290766915X
Cite as: dos Santos, J.; Szelagowski, P.; Schafstall, H.: Hyperbaric flux cored arc welding in the depth range between 600 msw and 1100 msw. In: Kocak, M. (Ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference WELDING-90: Technology, Material, Fracture. Geesthacht (D). 1990. 73-87.