Optimization and application of centrifugal field-flow-fractionation hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (CFFF-ICP-MS/MS) for the analysis of titanium dioxide nano particles in marine environmental samples
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/33899/
Authors:Dutschke, F., Proefrock, D.
In: 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2016
Location:Hamburg (D)
Cite as: Dutschke, F.; Proefrock, D.: Optimization and application of centrifugal field-flow-fractionation hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (CFFF-ICP-MS/MS) for the analysis of titanium dioxide nano particles in marine environmental samples. In: 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2016. Hamburg (D), 28.02.-02.03.2016, 2016.